Optomechanical design of multiscale gigapixel digital camera
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Optomechanical design of multiscale gigapixel digital camera Hui S. Son,1 Adam Johnson,2 Ronald A. Stack,2 Jeffrey M. Shaw,3 Paul McLaughlin,3 Daniel L. Marks,1 David J. Brady,1 and Jungsang Kim1,* 1 Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Duke University, Duke–129 Hudson Hall, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA 2 Distant Focus Corporation, Distant Focus–4114B Fieldstone Road, Champaign, Illinois 61822, USA 3 RPC Photonics, Inc., RPC–330 Clay Road, Rochester, New York 14623, USA *Corresponding author: jungsang@duke.edu Received 6 December 2012; revised 25 January 2013; accepted 27 January 2013; posted 28 January 2013 (Doc. ID 179787); published 4 March 2013 Recent developments in multiscale imaging systems have opened up the possibility for commercially viable wide-field gigapixel cameras. While multiscale design principles allow tremendous simplification of the optical design, they place increased emphasis on optomechanics and system level integration of the camera as a whole. In this paper we present the optomechanical design of a prototype two-gigapixel system (AWARE-2) that has been constructed and tested. © 2013 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 120.4880, 110.0110. 1. Introduction for surveillance instruments and astronomical tele- In traditional single aperture imaging systems, the scopes [2,3], but to date an economical ground-based maximum attainable resolution is determined by camera that can be scaled beyond a few gigapixels either the geometric aberrations or the diffraction has not been feasible. The availability of such a cam- limit of the optics. An efficiently designed camera era would have a significant impact on our ability to matches this resolution to the pixel-limited resolu- acquire visual data on both astronomical and terres- tion of the sensor. A multigigapixel camera therefore trial objects. requires optics that can effectively resolve billions of A multiscale camera circumvents these difficulties image points with corresponding sensors capable of by splitting the work of imaging the field over several acquiring these image points. However, in conven- small-scale optics and using digital image processing tional imaging systems, increasing the resolution to form the composite image [4,5]. Figure 1 illus- typically necessitates an increase in the size of the trates the basic elements of a multiscale design. A optics, in turn increasing geometric aberrations, main objective lens, shown as a sphere, captures the which scale with system size. Traditional approaches total field and produces an intermediate image. This to correct these aberrations across the entire field image is then further corrected and relayed through require a large number of optical elements, leading a set of smaller optics (called “microcamera” optics) to excessive levels of complexity, weight, and size to produce partial images at corresponding focal [1]. In addition, individual digital sensors with pixel planes. These partial images are designed to contain counts numbering in the billions are currently the total field of interest and can be manipulated in unavailable. A limited number of highly specialized postprocessing to produce a continuous image. The gigapixel imagers have been developed, specifically array of the microcamera effectively behaves as a curved focal surface to capture the image produced by the main objective. An appropriately designed 1559-128X/13/081541-09$15.00/0 shared objective lens can correct a large portion of © 2013 Optical Society of America the aberrations and increase the aperture size for 10 March 2013 / Vol. 52, No. 8 / APPLIED OPTICS 1541
thermal simulations and their predicted effects on AWARE-2 are presented in Section 4, and the conclu- sions are summarized in Section 5. 2. Design of AWARE-2 Camera In this work, we will investigate a monocentric multi- scale design. Monocentricity refers to the spherical symmetry of the objective lens, in this case a ball lens, which allows identical microcameras to be arrayed radially from the center of the objective. A more complex, nonspherical structure can be de- Fig. 1. (Color online) Schematic illustration of a multiscale ima- signed if needed, but for most applications like wide- ging system. field imaging a spherical distribution is preferred. For a monocentric camera, the main support struc- ture is a spherical dome which precisely places each each set of microcamera optics. Thus the microca- microcamera in the correct position. A microcamera mera optics need only correct the residual aberra- is essentially a finite conjugate relay lens. Because tions over a small field, which can readily be the objective is monocentric, its aberrations are field achieved using optical components with manageable independent and thus the same microcamera can be levels of complexity. Here “multiscale” refers to the used for all field angles. The main objective lens is use of a large objective lens combined with smaller held in place by either a passively or actively aligned micro-optics to achieve both small-scale aberrations mechanical frame, depending on the level of accuracy and increased clear aperture diameter. required. Using an array of lenses to relay an image is a well- The designs illustrated in the following sections known technique for applications such as document are for the AWARE-2 wide-field camera. AWARE-2 copying and three-dimensional imaging [6,7], and was designed to realize a platform capable of captur- arrays of individual cameras have been used for a ing up to 120° field of view (FOV) in all directions variety of interesting applications such as synthetic with diffraction-limited resolution of over two giga- apertures and high-speed photography [8]. The key pixels and the ability to focus from infinity to 30 m difference between these systems and a multiscale in object space, achieving an instantaneous FOV design lies in the use of optical components of differ- (iFOV) of 40 μrad with 1.4 μm pixel pitch CMOS ent scales. sensors. This is the first of our full-scale gigapixel The division of the imaging work in multiscale systems and serves as a testbed for optimization of systems allows each set of microcamera optics to future cameras. be much simpler than a single monolithic design A ZEMAX [9] optical design of AWARE-2 is shown and creates the potential for massively parallelizable in Fig. 2. The main objective lens is a two-layer glass image acquisition. However, precisely holding and ball and the micro-optics consist of three plastic aligning each of these microcameras to form proper optical groups. This design has a focal length of images and overlap requires an innovative optome- 34.2 mm and an f -number of 2.2 at infinity focus. chanical approach. Furthermore, this increase in Table 1 shows the alignment tolerance budget dic- array density is only possible if the physical compo- tated by the optical design to achieve the target nents can be tightly packed, thus presenting a signif- image quality of above 20% modulation transfer icant engineering challenge not present in previous function at the Nyquist frequency (357 cycles∕mm). systems. The tolerance budget is split into two groups, the The overall goal of our optomechanical design is micro-optics and the subassembly. Micro-optics toler- the same as that of traditional optical systems: build ance specifies the alignment required between the a stable platform to position the optical components components of the microcamera with respect to each according to the optical design in a way that can be other in order to maintain image quality at the readily manufactured and assembled. However, the sensor. Subassembly tolerance specifies the align- details unique to multiscale design require the reso- ment required between the main objective and the lution of several mechanical design, assembly, and microcamera assembly. As shown, the subassembly tolerancing issues to successfully construct a multi- scale gigapixel scale digital camera. We address these issues here via descriptions of the designs we implemented in our first prototype. Section 2 de- scribes the general design considerations and compo- nent design through an example of a two-gigapixel prototype system called AWARE-2 (here 2 refers to the resolution capability of the camera in gigapixels). Section 3 describes assembly and alignment issues in Fig. 2. (Color online) ZEMAX optical design of AWARE-2. The building AWARE-2. Results from mechanical and chief ray and two marginal rays of 0° field angle are shown. 1542 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 52, No. 8 / 10 March 2013
Table 1. Tolerance Budget for AWARE-2a (a) Microcamera (b) Subassembly Surface decenter 25 μm Lateral 300 μm Surface tilt 0.05° Axial 150 μm Thickness 25 μm Tilt 0.12° a (a) Optical alignment tolerances of micro-optics with respect to one another. (b) Optical alignment tolerances between objective lens and microcamera assembly. Fig. 3. (Color online) Illustration of how having an image that tolerances are much looser in comparison to those slightly underfills the sensor requires careful alignment to prevent of the micro-optics due to the fact that the working loss of important image areas. f -number of the main objective is large (∼3.5) com- pared to that of the microcamera (∼2.2). maximize light collection when close packed. Optical A. Micro-Camera Design components for each microcamera are assembled In a monocentric camera, the logistics of system as- into machined aluminum lens barrels as shown in sembly and repair become straightforward if the mi- Fig. 4(b). The plastic optics are positioned and crocameras are designed to be mass produced and aligned in machined seats in the barrels and cemen- interchangeable. These criteria influenced the de- ted down, which hold axial and lateral misalign- sign of the system toward making each microcamera ments to within 13 μm of the design, well within the an independent unit that can be easily installed and micro-optics tolerance indicated in Table 1. The outer replaced. This strategy allows us to take advantage diameter of the barrel serves as a datum for center- of economies of scale, similar to the use of modular ing, and a flange serves as a datum for tip/tilt and integral field spectrograph units planned for use in alignment along the axis. the VIRUS integral spectrometer array [10]. In addi- One of the most powerful features of the multiscale tion, as was seen in Table 1, the micro-optics align- design is the ability to provide each microcamera ment tolerance is much tighter than the subassembly with an independent focus. This is especially challen- tolerance. This further justifies independently build- ging in AWARE-2 due to the limited lateral space ing each microcamera to ensure the micro-optics are available in a close-packed configuration, and most aligned precisely in each barrel. Each microcamera focus adjusting technologies, such as voice coils consists of a barrel containing the optics for imaging and deformable optics, proved inadequate for this and a sensor module containing the digital CMOS application. Focus in AWARE-2 is thus achieved by sensor. Optical design principles for the micro-optics translating the CMOS sensor with respect to the are described in detail by Marks et al. [11]. The mi- image plane. The sensor module, shown in Fig. 5, crocamera design process is a complex interplay be- consists of the sensor and the associated circuit tween optical properties (e.g., demagnification, FOV, boards for receiving and transmitting data. The sen- and associated tolerances), mechanical constraints sor package itself is mounted to a flexible circuit (e.g., physical size of the cameras, manufacturability, board, which can be translated along the optical axis and assembly), and the impact of the electronics (e.g., thermal management and cabling). Microcamera designs require special considera- tions uncommon to most imaging systems. Due to the need to tightly pack the microcameras side by side in the array, the optics and mechanical supports must be laterally compact. This forces the cameras to be long along the optical axis to fit necessary compo- nents and take advantage of the divergence between cameras. Typical single aperture cameras tend to overfill the sensor so that all the pixels are utilized in forming an image. In contrast, the image in our system tends to underfill the sensor in the microca- mera to ensure that most of the usable field points are captured while ensuring sufficient overlap be- tween adjacent cameras. This requires careful align- ment of the sensor to each microcamera barrel so that overlap regions are not clipped off, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The micro-optics for the AWARE-2 camera are Fig. 4. (Color online) (a) Solid drawing of micro-optics for shown in Fig. 4 and consist of three groups of plastic AWARE-2. (b) Solid drawing of micro-optics assembled into a elements. The front optic has a hexagonal profile to cutout barrel. 10 March 2013 / Vol. 52, No. 8 / APPLIED OPTICS 1543
array. Determining this envelope is discussed in detail by Marks et al. [11]. B. Dome Structure Naturally, once the microcameras are independently assembled and tested, a structure is needed to posi- tion them correctly relative to the main objective lens in order to form an array of cohesive images. Active alignment of each micro-camera to the objective is impractical, both in terms of cost and complexity, and Fig. 5. (Color online) Solid drawing of complete sensor module unnecessary since small lateral and longitudinal assembly. misalignments can be compensated for by shifting the image in postprocessing and adjusting focus, re- spectively. We concluded that for the AWARE-2 sys- via a fine-pitched screw for focus. Sensor position can tem, a passive alignment method based on using a be set by manual rotation of the focal screw or by structure machined on a five-axis mill is sufficient. an automated servo motor. To achieve the object side Specialty machine shops can easily obtain tolerances focal range of infinity to 30 m, 100 μm of sensor travel on the order of 25–50 μm and 0.05°, which are well were required. Alignment of the sensor face to the within the subassembly tolerances in Table 1. barrel axis is achieved via adjustable pin and dog- For the monocentric case, the passive alignment bone bushings, which line up with pins on the barrel structure follows a spherical dome. This dome fixture face. More details on the alignment procedure be- must be able to hold each microcamera within a cer- tween the barrel and the sensor module are given tain tolerance dictated by either image quality or im- in Section 4. age overlap. The dome should also have mechanisms Attachment of the two components was accom- in place for easily installing and replacing any micro- plished by flexible wire clips, which provide compres- camera without disturbing others. sion of the sensor face against the barrel. A fully The AWARE-2 support dome was machined out of assembled microcamera is shown in Fig. 6. aluminum, as shown in Fig. 7. Each microcamera has Having one microcamera design to cover the entire a corresponding hole in the dome. The microcameras field is desirable from a design, assembly, and cost sit in counterbore holes and are locked down with perspective. The conical envelope inside which the press fit pins on the sides. For a wide-field applica- microcameras must fit in order to pack them in tion where the dome needs to cover a large section the array must be determined to prevent physical interference during assembly. There is currently no known way of packing an arbitrary number of equal circles on the surface of a sphere while eliminating the variation in nearest-neighbor distances between circles. Therefore, if only one microcamera design can be used, it must fit within the envelope determined by the smallest nearest-neighbor distance in the Fig. 6. (Color online) (a) Solid drawing of microcamera assembly. (b) Photo of actual microcamera with a US quarter coin for size Fig. 7. (Color online) (a) Solid drawing of dome. (b) Photo of comparison. actual machined aluminum dome. 1544 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 52, No. 8 / 10 March 2013
of a sphere, it is typically difficult to tightly pack the cameras while maintaining low variations in interca- mera distances. A packing strategy based on a dis- torted icosahedral geodesic was developed for this purpose [12]. Son et al. concluded that a spatial pack- ing density of around 0.85, which is near the theore- tical maximum of a geodesic configuration, can be achieved by using hexagonal and pentagonal shaped front micro-optics,. This arrangement was used for AWARE-2, where the 120° FOV is covered by 226 mi- crocameras. The packing geometry of the dome can be adjusted for different applications. For example, for a wide, rectangular FOV, simpler schemes based on slightly perturbed hexagonal packing can be applied. C. Objective Lens Mount Depending on the tolerances of the optical design, active alignment of the main objective lens could be required in order to obtain acceptable image qual- ity and overlap. For the monocentric case where the objective is spherically symmetric, rotational align- ments (tip/tilt) are unnecessary and only transla- tional positioning is needed. Traditional precision machining can readily align an objective lens to Fig. 8. (Color online) (a) Solid drawing of flexure mount for main around 100 μm relative to the center of the dome objective lens. (b) Photo of machined flexure. using passive alignment features. This assumes that parts are machined to 25 μm and several components connect the objective to the microcameras, resulting the axis of the barrel [Fig. 9(a)]. The sensor module in a tolerance stack-up. If higher accuracy is re- has corresponding bushings on its matching side quired, an active alignment scheme utilizing a flex- [Fig. 9(b)], which control the lateral and rotational ure structure can be used to position the objective. position of the sensor. The alignment range should reflect the machining Alignment is achieved by adjusting the position of tolerances it needs to compensate. the bushings so that they will center the active area An aluminum flexure frame capable of translating of the sensor to the axis of the barrel. The schematic the position of the objective lens in all three directions for this method is illustrated in Fig. 10. A shadow was constructed in case passive alignment strategies mask is back illuminated and displays a precision proved inadequate (Fig. 8). The flexure is actuated by precision set screws that are able to translate the lens with a resolution of tens of micrometers. Lateral actuation is achieved via two set screws and a third screw to lock the position. Axial translation is actu- ated by three screws placed directly over the lateral actuation screws. For AWARE-2, we found passive alignment to be sufficient, but for future applications where higher precision is required the proposed flex- ure mount is a likely option. 3. Assembly and Alignment of AWARE-2 Most of the components in AWARE-2 were designed to be passively aligned using machined features for ease of assembly and low assembly costs. However, an active alignment step was required to center the sensor to the microcamera barrel axis in order to en- sure proper image overlap. This alignment procedure and the subsequent installation of the microcameras into the dome are described below. A. Sensor-to-Barrel Alignment The sensor is aligned to the barrel by adjustable bushings. The back of the optics barrel has two align- Fig. 9. (Color online) (a) Back of optics barrel showing alignment ment pins, which are precisely positioned relative to pins. (b) Front of sensor module showing pin and dogbone bushings. 10 March 2013 / Vol. 52, No. 8 / APPLIED OPTICS 1545
Fig. 11. (Color online) (a) View from behind dome of arrangement Fig. 10. (Color online) Steps for aligning bushings on the sensor. of microcameras in AWARE-2 system. (b) View from inside dome of (a) Align bushings relative to a known shadow mask. (b) Illuminate stacked micro-optics. mask to cast shadow on sensor. (c) Move sensor into position and power on to capture shadow position. Adjust position and angle until mask pattern is aligned with predetermined position. (d) Photo of actual setup. pattern on the sensor face. The shadow mask is held in a jig that holds the bushings in a known position relative to the mask. Alignment of the sensor to the bushings is performed by powering up the sensor and adjusting the lateral and rotational position until the mask pattern is in the proper position. Once they are in place, the bushings are bonded to the sensor head with UV cure epoxy. A small sample group of sensors were checked after the epoxy was cured to ensure shrinkage did not shift the sensor more than 50 μm. B. Camera Assembly Once the microcameras have been assembled, they can be used to populate the dome to cover the tar- geted FOV. For a ground-based camera, it is reason- able to only populate the cameras along a horizontal strip where most of the interesting features are located. This type of arrangement was initially used for AWARE-2 and is shown in Fig. 11. Ninety-eight microcameras capture a 1 gigapixel image with a FOV of approximately 120° × 40°. Insertion of the microcamera into the dome is illu- strated in Fig. 12. A clocking pin is used to properly Fig. 12. (Color online) (a) View from sensor perspective of micro- align the orientation of the sensor face for maximum camera retention and clocking mechanisms. (b) Cross-sectional overlap. The microcameras are held in the dome by view of microcamera in dome showing how the camera seats into press fit roll pins. The face of the counterbore hole in the counterbore. (c) Photo of assembly step. 1546 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 52, No. 8 / 10 March 2013
Fig. 14. (Color online) (a) Change in BFL as a function of uniform temperature of dome. (b) Change in spot size at edge of field as a function of uniform temperature of dome. Fig. 13. (Color online) (a) Photo of assembly of camera to front faceplate of enclosure. (b) Full camera in enclosure with electronics. this rigidity is achieved due to the inherently sturdy nature of the honeycomb-like, hexagonally distribu- the dome serves as the datum that sets the pointing ted holes employed in the design. angle and axial position of each microcamera, while B. Thermal Simulations the sidewalls of the body of the hole set the lateral position. The faces of the counterbore holes were The optical performance of a complex and large machined to within 0.05° tip/tilt tolerance, which optical system such as AWARE-2 can be highly is well within the 0.12° subassembly tolerance speci- susceptible to temperature variations and gradients. fied in Table 1, by a five-axis mill. Thermal loads can come from external sources, Figure 13 shows the assembly process of the such as ambient temperature changes, or internal AWARE-2 camera system. Figure 13(a) shows the sources, such as the heat generated from the sensor front plate of the camera enclosure that holds and other electronic components within the system. the dome that houses the microcameras and some Internal thermal effects on system performance can of the electronics. Figure 13(b) shows the full enclo- be significant with each microcamera producing up sure completely assembled. to 1 W of heat at full frame rate. To investigate changes in environmental tempera- ture, a first-order thermal analysis was performed 4. Mechanical Stress and Thermal Considerations where the system temperature was varied as a A. Mechanical Simulations To ensure that the weight of the microcameras does not excessively deform the dome, load simulations were performed in SolidWorks [13]. Each microca- mera was modeled as a 41 g weight evenly distribu- ted on the inside surface of the counterbore holes in the dome. This ignores any moments or uneven weight concentrations, but the results should provide a good estimate of the mechanical strain applied to the system. The direction of gravity was varied to simulate the camera facing up, down, and to the side. Material displacements of less than 1 μm are pre- Fig. 15. (Color online) Temperature gradient induced in dome dicted, indicating that the dome is structurally very by internally generated heat from microcameras. 1 W of heat per rigid. Even though most of the dome is hollowed out, microcamera at 20°C room temperature. 10 March 2013 / Vol. 52, No. 8 / APPLIED OPTICS 1547
Table 2. Change in Pointing Angles and Positions of Microcameras due actual AWARE-2 system the microcameras are air to Thermal Deformations cooled via several fans so that significant amounts N T Pointing Angle of heat are pumped out through forced convection Camera Displacement Displacement Displacement rather than conductively through the dome, so these No. (μm) (μm) (degrees) simulations should represent a worst-case scenario. 1 89.9 0.3 0.010 5. Conclusion 2 85.4 0.5 0.018 3 78.5 0.8 0.026 In this work, we have presented general mechanical 4 69.3 1.5 0.033 guidelines for designing a multiscale, gigapixel cam- 5 58.0 2.6 0.040 era and details on a working prototype based on 6 45.1 4.1 0.044 these principles. Although this first system design 7 31.5 5.4 0.046 and construction effort leaves room for further design 8 18.8 5.6 0.040 improvements, we believe that this work has laid a 9 9.8 4.2 0.022 solid foundation for future development of gigapixel systems. Some key points that are currently being in- vestigated for next-generation cameras are the mechanisms for installation and assembly of the mi- crocameras, microcamera focus, and thermal manage- ment. The current method of using roll pins to provide lateral compression that holds the microcameras in the dome does not fully utilize the alignment face on the counterbores and could result in pointing er- rors. In addition, the alignment of the bushings and assembly of the sensors to the barrels are labor-intensive procedures and should be simplified in order to make manufacturing more scalable. We have also found that while moving the sensor face for focus was possible, the design could be simplified uniform thermal bath between 0 °C and 40 °C from if the focus was adjusted by moving the optics instead. an initial temperature of 20 °C. With its spherical A focal mechanism that translates an optical compo- symmetry and uniform use of T6061 aluminum nent is currently being developed. Thermal loads for throughout the structural components, all the micro- the first-generation system were easily managed by cameras in AWARE-2 expand or contract about the forced convection. However, as we scale up the resolu- center of the dome under uniform temperature var- tion by incorporating a larger number of microca- iation. An optical analysis through ZEMAX shows meras, internal heat generation will scale roughly that these types of uniform temperature variations with the square of the radius of the dome, while heat can be compensated for by an adjustment in the back dissipation by conduction through the dome only focal length (BFL) of the microcameras. The change scales with the radius of the dome. This indicates that in BFL for various temperature values and changes heat sinking through the dome will eventually be in optimized image spot size near the edge of the field inadequate and extracting the heat directly out of for AWARE-2 are shown in Fig. 14. the back of the microcameras will be necessary in or- Internally generated heat from the microcameras der to make this a truly scalable system. While these can cause significant temperature gradients in the challenges remain for higher pixel-count systems, the dome. Figure 15 shows the simulated temperature current 1 gigapixel AWARE-2 is fully operational and distribution of a symmetric section of the dome in has been collecting images at various sites [14]. SolidWorks when each microcamera dumps 1 W of We gratefully acknowledge David Kittle and heat directly into each hole of the dome. The front Andrew Holmgren for their assistance and the of the dome is constrained to be at room temperature Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (20 °C). for financial support via award HR-0011-10-C-007. This temperature gradient generates thermal de- formations of the dome and leads to changes in point- References ing angle and position of each microcamera. The 1. A. W. Lohmann, “Scaling laws for lens systems,” Appl. Opt. 28, changes in a sample set of nine microcameras from 4996–4998 (1989). 2. K. W. Hodapp, U. Laux, W. A. Siegmund, N. Kaiser, K. C. the center of the dome to the outer perimeter were Chambers, U. Laux, J. Morgan, and E. Mannery, “Optical tracked and the results are shown in Table 2. Point- design of the Pan-STARRS telescopes,” Proc. SPIE 5249, ing angle deviations of less than 0.05°, lateral displa- 165–174 (2004). cements (T direction) of less than 6 μm, and axial 3. B. Leininger, J. Edwards, J. Antoniades, D. Chester, D. Haas, E. Liu, M. Stevens, C. Gershfield, M. Braun, J. D. Targove, S. displacements (N direction) of less than 100 μm Wein, P. Brewer, D. G. Madden, and K. H. Shafique, “Auton- are observed, all of which are within the tolerances omous real-time ground ubiquitous surveillance—imaging listed in Table 1 to maintain image quality. In the system (ARGUS-IS),” Proc. SPIE 6981, 69810H (2008). 1548 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 52, No. 8 / 10 March 2013
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