Page created by Dustin Fuller

For further information contact:
Paul Cruse
Strategy Directorate
Meridian Energy
PO Box 10 840
+64-4 381-1200

Disclaimer Meridian Energy developed the materials in this report for internal use and has sought to ensure the accuracy and validity of the facts, assumptions, models and analysis in the report as at the date of publica-
tion. Some of those facts assumptions, models and analysis may not be correct. This report is intended as a starting point for informed debate and discussion of issues facing the wholesale electricity sector, and you must
form your own view on the subject matter of this report. Meridian Energy will not be held responsible for any reliance on either the content of this report or on any errors or omissions it may contain, or for any changes in
Meridian Energy’s views on these matters.


Energy is essential to New Zealanders’ way of life. It is a critical factor for
maintaining and raising our standard of living and driving the country’s economic
growth. Electricity is a key form of energy. Last year, electricity represented around
30 percent of New Zealanders’ overall energy consumption. We take the supply
of electricity for granted until it is not there. However, it is undeniably central to
the functioning of our modern society.

Although there have been considerable improvements in the efficient        We have endeavoured to provide an objective perspective on the issues
use of energy, our demand for electricity continues to grow. Year on      facing the industry and possible futures for the New Zealand electricity
year, electricity consumption is increasing by around two percent.        market. We have sourced our analysis of the wholesale electricity
This growth is being led by New Zealand’s expanding economy and           sector from in-house expertise and experience and from a range of
growing population. The government’s economic growth objectives           external sources.
mean that this demand growth should continue in the future.               We have attempted to crystallise the key factors influencing the market
In recent years, New Zealand’s broader energy sector has been affected    in the years ahead and particularly the uncertainties that will shape
by significant uncertainty. The world oil market has been buffeted         the sector. We have sought to identify the actions that can be followed
by geopolitical instability, climatic events and large increases in       to resolve these unknowns.
demand. New Zealand has been directly affected, given our reliance        I encourage other industry participants to contribute with their own
on international oil markets. Closer to home, the reduction in Maui       analysis and data so that the issues shaping the sector are better
gas reserves, coupled with uncertainty regarding future gas supplies,     debated and understood.
has resulted in sharp increases in the price of gas. This gas market
                                                                          I hope that this report will form a valuable input into everyone’s
shock has affected New Zealand’s wholesale electricity sector, given
                                                                          understanding of the issues facing New Zealand’s wholesale
the growth of gas-fired electricity generation over the last five years.
                                                                          electricity sector.
Regulatory changes in the electricity sector have added to the
This report is Meridian Energy’s contribution to providing quality
information needed for making good decisions.
Government and its policy advisors require accurate information so
that they can make informed policy decisions. Regulatory bodies and
advisors need a thorough understanding of issues in the sector in order
to develop appropriate regulatory structures. Industry participants       Keith Turner
require quality information to base generation investment decisions       Chief Executive
on, so that industry costs are minimised and electricity security of      Meridian Energy
supply is ensured. And, electricity consumers need to understand the
various issues in the industry so they are able to make well-informed
consumer choices.

     Table of Contents

     Part A

                                                                          7   What are the Generation Opportunities
     1   Strategic Overview Introduction                             4
                                                                              for Meeting Demand?                                    12
     2   Electricity is Essential to our Modern Economy              5
                                                                              7.1   Determining the Mix of New Generation            12
     3   The New Zealand Electricity Industry – Background           5
                                                                              7.2   Economics of New Generation                      12
     4   Electricity Demand Growth in New Zealand                    6
                                                                              7.3   Implications of Project Economics on the
         4.1   Electricity Demand Growth to Date                     6              Future Generation Mix                            14

         4.2   Historic Response to Meeting Demand Growth            6        7.4   Other Factors Affecting New Generation Options   16

         4.3   Recent Response to Meeting Demand Growth              6        7.5   Summary                                          16

         4.4   Future Electricity Demand Growth                      7

         4.5   Generation Options Currently Under Investigation      9

     5   A Framework for Electricity Decisions                       9

         5.1   The Economics of Investment Decisions                 9

         5.2   Good Decision Making Requires Good Information       10

         5.3   Future Uncertainties that Affect Investment Decisions 10

     6   What is the Demand Side Potential
         for Meeting Future Demand?                                 11

page 2
Part B

                                                         13   Wind                                          49
8    Review of Options                              19
                                                              13.1 Introduction                             49
9    Hydro Power                                    21

     9.1   Introduction                             21        13.2 The Role of Wind Generation              49

     9.2   The Role of Hydroelectric Generation     21        13.3 Issues                                   50

     9.3   Issues                                   22        13.4 Economics                                52

     9.4   Economics                                23   14   Other Technologies                            57

                                                              14.1 Marine                                   57
10   Gas                                            27

     10.1 Introduction                              27        14.2 Biomass                                  58

     10.2 Gas Availability                          27        14.3 Cogeneration / Combined Heat and Power   59

     10.3 Combined Cycle Gas Turbines               30        14.4 Nuclear                                  59

     10.4 Issues                                    30   15   Demand Side Management Initiatives            63

                                                              15.1 Introduction                             63
     10.5 Economics                                 31
                                                              15.2 High-level Review of Demand
11   Coal Generation                                35
                                                                   Side Management Initiatives              64
     11.1 Introduction                              35
                                                              15.3 Summary                                  66
     11.2 The Role of Coal Generation               35
     11.3 Issues                                    35
                                                         Economics of the New Zealand
     11.4 Economics                                 36   Wholesale Electricity Market                       68

                                                         Bibliography                                       70
12   Geothermal                                     41
                                                         Glossary                                           72
     12.1 Introduction                              41

     12.2 The Role of Geothermal Power Generation   42

     12.3 Issues                                    42

     12.4 Economics                                 44

                                                                                                                 page 3


         Part A — Strategic Overview

         New Zealand’s demand for electricity is expected to
         continue to grow strongly over the next 20 years. Demand
         side initiatives will meet or reduce some of this demand.
         A range of new generation investment will also be required.

         This section of “Choices” examines the strategic      meeting New Zealand’s future electricity
         issues facing New Zealand’s wholesale                 needs, but they are only part of the
         electricity sector.                                   solution given the likely size of future
         We begin by briefly reviewing the changes in           electricity demand.
         New Zealand’s electricity industry over the last   2. New large scale electricity generation
         20 years. This is followed by an analysis of the      projects will be required to meet
         likely growth in electricity demand over the          New Zealand’s future energy needs
         next 20 years.                                        and are likely to include a mix of
         Two broad categories of response to this              generation technologies including
         demand growth are reviewed:                           renewables, gas and coal.
            • Demand side initiatives. These are               Further large-scale electricity generation
              initiatives that influence the amount of          projects will be required over the next
              energy used by consumers. Our definition          20 years to meet New Zealand’s growing
              of demand side initiatives includes              energy needs. Some current generation
              any opportunity to reduce demand at              plant will also need to be replaced.
              a distribution network level – either            Economic project cost is a key factor in
              by improving energy efficiency, using             determining which projects get built. In
              alternative energy sources or through            general, the economic cost variation
              distributed generation alternatives.             between various projects of the same
            • Supply side options. These are large-scale       generation technology, whether a coal,
              generation project options. Our analysis         gas or renewable generation project, is
              focuses on the economic cost of various          greater than the cost variation between
              generation forms and how New Zealand’s           technologies. From an economic
              generation mix may alter in the future           perspective, this implies that
              under various scenarios.                         New Zealand’s future electricity
         Our key findings follow:                               production is likely to come from a
                                                               range of generation plant.
           1. Demand side options can help address
              some, but not all, of New Zealand’s           3. If significant volumes of low-cost gas
              future electricity needs.                        are discovered in New Zealand there is
                                                               likely to be more gas-fired plant in the
               Some demand side options, in particular         future. However, this is unlikely in the
               electricity efficiency initiatives, are an       short to medium term.
               economic and environmentally
               sustainable approach to meeting                 The future share of each generation type
               New Zealand’s demand for electricity.           will depend on a number of factors,
                                                               some of which are currently unknowable.
               These will form part of the solution to

page 4
       The biggest uncertainty is gas availability                     may be required for these projects to be           owned and operated the local lines
       and price. A future scenario where                              viable economically, particularly if large         networks, and small amounts of
       significant amounts of low-cost indigenous                       amounts of low cost gas are found. For             generation and electricity retail functions.
       gas are found, for example, another Maui                        instance, a policy environment where the           In 1998, these companies were required
       sized field is discovered, has significant                        cost of carbon is properly reflected is an          to split out their retail businesses.
       implications for the industry. Under this                       important avenue for supporting these              In the nineties, ECNZ was split into
       scenario it is likely there will be a greater                   projects.                                          Contact Energy (1996) and then
       proportion of new generation that is gas-                                                                          in 1999, into Meridian Energy, Genesis
       fired with some renewable generation.                    2       Electricity is Essential to
                                                                                                                          Energy and Mighty River Power. Contact
       However, this outcome is unlikely in the                        our Modern Economy                                 Energy was privatised in the same year.
       short to medium term.                                           The electricity system, from generation to         The other three companies remain
    4. In the absence of a major gas                                   local distribution, is infrastructure critical     SOEs today.
       discovery renewable generation is                               to the New Zealand economy. Over more              A key outcome of the restructuring
       likely to fill a larger part of total new                        than a hundred years, electricity has              process was the separation of the natural
       generation capacity.                                            shaped how New Zealanders live and                 monopoly elements of transmission and
                                                                       work. Electricity has become so central to         distribution from the contestable
       Renewable generation is likely to fill a
                                                                       modern life that there are often no                elements of electricity generation and
       larger part of total new generation
                                                                       substitutes.                                       retailing. The formation of several
       capacity if a large, low cost gas discovery
                                                                       Reliable and cost effective access to              electricity generation companies enabled
       is not made. Under these scenarios, the
                                                                       electricity is fundamental to the ongoing          the development of a competitive
       best new generation projects will be wind
                                                                       progress of New Zealand. It is a key               wholesale electricity market.
       farms in prime locations, hydro generation
       in prime locations and geothermal                               element in delivering New Zealanders’              Regulatory processes have also
       expansion projects. These projects have                         standard of living. Electricity is an              developed in parallel with these
       the advantage of being environmentally                          essential ingredient for all parts of the          structural changes. Industry self-
       sustainable. However, there are only a                          economy and society.                               governance processes were successfully
       limited number of prime, “consentable”1                         The future electricity outlook is                  established for the wholesale electricity
       renewable projects available.                                   determined by growth in demand and                 market, which began operation in 1996.
                                                                       supply, and the design of the policy and           After several years of operation,
    5. Project economics are an important                                                                                 it became apparent that an overarching
                                                                       regulatory framework. It is these topics
       factor driving the mix of generation                                                                               regulatory framework was required to
                                                                       we turn to next.
       projects. However, there are other                                                                                 monitor the market and to enable
       considerations that determine the                       3       The New Zealand Electricity                        transmission investment decisions.
       selection of projects.                                          Industry – Background                              Attempts by the industry to develop a
       Although the cost of various generation                                                                            self-regulatory framework failed and the
                                                                       Over the past 20 years, New Zealand’s
       project options is a key factor in                                                                                 government acted to establish the
                                                                       electricity industry has undergone
       determining project selection there are                                                                            Electricity Commission, an industry-
                                                                       substantial structural change. In the mid
       also other important considerations.                                                                               specific regulator, in 2003. The
                                                                       eighties, the Ministry of Energy
       For instance, the ability of a generation                                                                          Commission is responsible for overseeing
                                                                       was restructured, with the generation
       company to gain access to land and to                                                                              transmission activities, administering the
                                                                       and transmission assets of the Ministry
       obtain appropriate resource consents is                                                                            operation and development of the
                                                                       being transferred to the Electricity
       another key factor that affects the                                                                                wholesale electricity market and
                                                                       Corporation of New Zealand (ECNZ).
       viability of a project.                                                                                            ensuring electricity security of supply.
                                                                       ECNZ was set up as a company under
                                                                       the State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Act              The main players within the current
    6. Not all renewable projects are created
                                                                       1986. Transpower was subsequently                  industry delivery chain include:
       equal; there are a limited number of
       “prime” projects. Projects that are                             split out of ECNZ as a separate SOE to           • Electricity generation companies.
       defined as “good” may require some form                          perform the functions of transmission              There are six major generation
       of incentive or favourable regulatory                           asset owner and system operator. ECNZ              organisations. Three of these companies
       environment to get across the line.                             became the owner and operator of all               are SOEs: Genesis Energy, Meridian
                                                                       large-scale generation facilities.                 Energy and Mighty River Power. Contact
       There are only a small number of wind,                                                                             Energy, TrustPower and Todd Energy are
                                                                       Over the same time period, local
       hydro and geothermal projects that fit into                                                                         privately owned.
                                                                       Electricity Supply Authorities (ESAs)
       the “prime” category. Many are defined as
                                                                       were corporatised. Prior to this ESAs
       projects in “good” locations. Incentives

     We use this term to describe the ability of a project to obtain an appropriate Resouce Consent.

                                                                                                                                                                     page 5
• Transpower, an SOE transmission                   Economists refer to this as “demand             especially during dry years.
           owner and system operator.                        inelasticity”. There are three main             The strong base of hydro generation
         • Electricity lines companies. These                reasons for this:                               has been supplemented by geothermal
           organisations provide local distribution       • Price has been historically low by world         and more flexible ”hydro-firming”
           services between Transpower and                  standards. Until the last few years,             thermal generation from Meremere,
           consumers. Vector is the largest lines           changes in price have been modest.               Marsden A (both now decommissioned),
           company in New Zealand.                        • Residential consumers are on fixed-price          New Plymouth, Huntly and more
         • Electricity retailers. These companies           contracts; these are usually reviewed            recently combined cycle gas turbine
           have the supply relationship with most           annually. This lack of price information         stations in Auckland and Taranaki.
           electricity consumers. Currently, most of        limits demand responses.                         Thermal generation has provided the
           New Zealand’s retail activities are owned                                                         New Zealand power system with the
                                                          • There are no energy substitutes in many
           by the six largest generation companies.                                                          flexibility required to provide the
                                                                                                             ongoing balancing of supply and
         • Major industrial organisations and                However, wholesale electricity prices           demand across a broad range of
           end consumers.                                    have increased significantly over the last       hydrological sequences. In the past,
           Apart from the Electricity Commission,            few years. There are two main reasons           these sequences have varied as much as
           the Commerce Commission currently                 for this. First, the gas contracted under       25 percent above or below average.
           manages information disclosure and                the Maui Gas Contract is running out.
                                                                                                         4.3 Recent Response to Meeting
           price setting regulations over all lines          The period of low gas prices driven by
                                                             this contract is ending and gas-fired            Demand Growth
           companies, including Transpower.
           The Commerce Commission also sets                 generation is using gas supplied at             Recently there has been debate over the
           quality thresholds.                               a higher market price. Secondly,                effectiveness of the wholesale electricity
                                                             New Zealand’s cheapest generation               market to deliver timely investment.
     4     Electricity Demand Growth                         options have been exercised. New                While this debate is likely to continue,
           in New Zealand                                    generation plant will inevitably be             the fact is that significant generation
                                                             more costly.                                    capacity has been added to the system
     4.1 Electricity Demand Growth to Date                                                                   since the market began operation in
                                                             Information presented later on the cost
           New Zealand‘s demand for electricity              of new generation shows that there will         1996. Figure 2 sets out annual and
           has grown consistently over the last              continue to be upward pressure on the           cumulative new generation capacity
           20 years. Electricity consumption has             wholesale electricity price in the medium       (including decommissioned generation
           increased from approximately 27.7 TWh             term, unless a significant, low-cost             capacity) versus new cumulative demand
           in 1985 to 41.5 TWh in 2005,                      indigenous gas discovery is made.               growth since 1996.
           an average growth rate of 2.2 percent                                                             This graph shows that the wholesale
                                                             As the wholesale electricity price
           per annum.                                                                                        market has operated so that additional
                                                             increases, we expect it to have a
           Over the last 20 years, the growth in             greater impact on electricity demand.           capacity has been commissioned in
           electricity consumption has been driven           Amongst other things, higher prices             response to demand growth. Generation
           primarily by a combination of two factors:        should encourage improvements in                in the first few years was already
         • Population growth.                                energy efficiency.                               committed prior to the establishment of
                                                                                                             the market. However, the market has
         • Economic growth measured by Gross            4.2 Historic Response to Meeting
                                                                                                             operated since this time to ensure
           Domestic Product (GDP). Electricity is           Demand Growth                                    electricity security of supply through the
           an important factor of production in
                                                             Historically, electricity demand growth         provision of additional capacity.
           energy-intensive industries such as dairy
                                                             has been met from a diverse range of            As expected, the margin between
           farming, forestry, metal smelting and
                                                             fuel sources with a heavy emphasis on           additional capacity and additional
           agricultural-based products. In addition,
                                                             renewables – particularly hydro energy.         demand tightened in the early 2000s
           income is an important driver of
                                                             Around 60 percent of New Zealand’s              in response to a period of capacity
           electricity demand; GDP is one measure
                                                             electricity is produced from renewable          over-supply. However, the projected
           of income.
                                                             resources. This result is a positive            margin of capacity over demand in
           The relationship between electricity              outcome from an environmental                   2007 is expected to be similar to
           demand and GDP is shown in Figure 1.              sustainability and climate change               the margin experienced in the late
           Overseas, electricity price is also an            perspective. However, from time to time         1990s. This fluctuation is a natural
           important factor affecting electricity            it has led to New Zealand being                 consequence of the lumpy nature of
           demand. To date, price has not had a              susceptible to climate-related risk,            new generation plant.
           significant impact in New Zealand.

page 6
FIG 1:                                                                                    NEW ZEALAND ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND REAL GDP, 1946-2005

                                                               40,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                               140,000

                                                               35,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                               120,000
                                                                                                   Total Industrial and
                                                                                                   Commercial Demand
     Annual Demand for Electricity (GWh)

                                                               30,000                              Residential Demand
                                                                                                   Real GDP $95/96

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GDP ($M 95/96)


                                                                5,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                               20,000

                                                                    –                                                                                                                                                                                                                               –


























                                                                                                                                                                            Year Ending March

    FIG 2:                                                                                    NEW GENERATION CAPACITY AND DEMAND GROWTH, 1996-2007

                                                               15,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                              15,000
                                                                                             Committed Gen.
      Incremental Generation & Demand (total cumulative GWh)

                                                                                             Cumulative Gen. Growth
                                                               13,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13,000
                                                                                             Gen Decommissioned p.a.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Annuual Generation & Demand (GWh per annum)
                                                                                             Gen Commissioned p.a.
                                                                                             Avg Demand p.a.
                                                               11,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                              11,000
                                                                                             Cumulative Demand Growth
                                                                                             Forecast Demand
                                                               9,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9,000

                                                                7,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7,000

                                                               5,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5,000

                                                               3,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3,000

                                                                1,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1,000

                                                                               1996                    1997            1998            1999               2000            2001                2002           2003                 2004            2005             2006              2007
                                                               -1,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -1,000
                                                                                                                                                                           Commission Date

  Other related observations on the                                                                                                     4.4 Future Electricity Demand Growth                                                                      However, it is likely there will be some
  market include:                                                                                                                                  We expect that electricity demand will                                                         “decoupling” of GDP and electricity
• new generation capacity has exceeded                                                                                                             continue to grow in response to GDP                                                            growth over time as:
  demand growth since 1996                                                                                                                         growth and population increases. The                                                    • the New Zealand economy matures and
• generation has been developed utilising                                                                                                          government’s broad economic objective                                                     there is an increased focus on value-
  a range of technologies and “fuelled” by                                                                                                         is to return New Zealand’s per capita                                                     added products
  a range of energy sources including gas,                                                                                                         income to the top half of the OECD. This                                                • electricity prices rise
  wind, hydro and geothermal                                                                                                                       objective will require New Zealand’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • there is an increased focus on energy
                                                                                                                                                   economic growth rate to be consistently
• generation investments have been                                                                                                                                                                                                           efficiency.
                                                                                                                                                   above the OECD average growth rate for
  implemented by all of the five major
                                                                                                                                                   a number of years.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            page 7
FIG 3:                                            ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND GENERATION PRODUCTION. 1969-2028

                                    65,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                65,000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Oil Peaking
                                    60,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                60,000

                                    55,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                55,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         New Plymouth

                                    50,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                50,000         CCGTs

                                    45,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                45,000
          Annual Generation (GWh)

                                    40,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                40,000
                                    35,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                35,000

                                    30,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                30,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Other Gen.

                                    25,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                25,000         SI Hydro Total

                                    20,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                20,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NI Hydro Total
                                    15,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Total Geothermal
                                    10,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10,000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Forecast: 1.2%-1.9% pa
                                     5,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5,000

                                         –                                                                                                                                                                                                                                –              MED History: 3.3% pa





























                                                                                                                                                    Year Beginning April

                                                                                                                              TABLE 1:                        POTENTIAL NEW GENERATION OPTION

                                                                                                                                                    Wind                                          Geothermal                                     Hydro                                      Other
                                                                                                                                  Gumfields                                         Ngawha extension                              Mohaka                                           e3p
                                                                                                                                  Pouto                                            Kawerau                                       Toronui Mini Hydro                               Rodney PS
                                                                                                                                  Te Uku                                           Rotokawa extension                            Mokau                                            Rodney PS Stage 2
                                                                                                                                  Taharoa                                          Mangakino                                     Kaituna                                          Marsden B
                                                                                                                                  Taumatatotara                                    McLachlan PS                                  North Bank Tunnel                                Southdown Extension
                                                                                                                                  Mokairau                                         Te Mihi Drilling                              Hawea Gates                                      Atiamuri Landfill
                                                                                                                                  Titiokura (Unison)                               Ohaaki Drilling                               Lake Rochfort                                    Horotiu Landfill
                                                                                                                                  Te Waka                                          South Tauhara                                 Gowan                                            Whareroa Cogen.
                                                                                                                                  Titiokura (HBWF)                                                                               Mokihinui                                        Greymouth 4xGT
                                                                                                                                  Tararua 3 (T3)                                                                                 Coleridge Upgrade                                Buller Coal
                                                                                                                                  Te Rere Hau Stage 1                                                                            Wairau                                           Burwood Landfill
                                                                                                                                  Te Rere Hau Stage 2                                                                            Dobson                                           Nelson Landfill
                                                                                                                                  Turitea                                                                                        Waipori Deep Stream                              Otahuhu C
                                                                                                                                  Motorimu                                                                                       Rangitata Diversion
                                                                                                                                  West Wind                                                                                      Manapouri Refurbishment
                                                                                                                                  Stoney Creek
                                                                                                                                  Lake Mahinerangi
                                                                                                                                  Rock & Pillar
                                                                                                                                  Cairnmuir Hill
                                                                                                                                  White Hill
                                                                                                                                                    9,935                                           2,475                                       3,360                                      12,130

                                                                                                                                           Total GWh p.a.                                                                                                                                  27,900

page 8
The key area of uncertainty regarding                Many of these projects are unlikely to            Because of the critical role that electricity
     demand growth is the rate of growth                  proceed, at least in the short to medium          plays in society, governments typically
     and how specific regions will vary in                 term. However, the total potential                have other, broader, policy objectives for
     response to local economic conditions.               electricity production of this list is far        the sector such as particular social
     At a national level, our view is that                greater than likely growth in demand of           outcomes. For instance, the New Zealand
     electricity demand growth will continue              around 500-900 GWh p.a.                           government has social equity objectives
     to be significant. The rate of growth will            The volume of new generation projects             such as the availability of electricity to
     require new base load generation to be               publicly known to be under investigation          all classes of consumer and fairness
     installed in the order of 500-900 GWh                suggests a number of points:                      considerations.
     per annum.                                                                                             These broad objectives are espoused
                                                        • committed projects should meet demand
     We expect electricity demand in 2030                 growth until 2009                                 in a number of government policy
     to lie somewhere between 55,000                                                                        documents, including the government’s
                                                        • market signals to investigate and build
     and 65,000 GWh. This equates to                                                                        Sustainable Development: Programme
                                                          new generation are being acted upon
     an increase of 30-60 percent in                                                                        of Action and its Government Policy
                                                          – in all parts of the country, from diverse
     generation capacity.                                                                                   Statement on Electricity Governance.
                                                          sources of generation, and from multiple
     Figure 3 illustrates New Zealand’s                   companies                                         The framework for meeting these
     historical generation output across all                                                                objectives is discussed in the following
                                                        • although it is uncertain which of the
     major sources against demand growth.                                                                   sections.
                                                          projects listed in Table 1 will proceed,
     The demand growth is forecast from                                                                 5.1 The Economics of Investment
                                                          appropriate levels of electricity security
     2006 as a potential range. Even with
                                                          of supply are likely to continue well into        Decisions
     the most conservative demand growth
                                                          the next decade                                   Under the wholesale electricity market
     assumptions, which include a high
     degree of demand side initiatives such               It would appear that New Zealand                  structure, market signals should lead to
     as energy efficiency programmes (see                  should be well served in terms of:                efficient investment in new generation
     section 6), there is a significant gap              • available and diverse generation options          plant or demand side initiatives,
     between supply and demand. The need                                                                    including energy efficiency. The market
                                                        • a wide range of companies willing to
     for additional generation capacity is                                                                  provides signals for generation plant
                                                          commit significant resources in the
     clear.                                                                                                 investment or additional demand side
                                                          electricity industry.
                                                                                                            initiatives as the underlying demand
4.5 Generation Options Currently                                                                            for electricity grows.
                                                    5     A Framework for
    Under Investigation
                                                          Electricity Decisions                             The mechanism for this investment
     A range of new generation proposals                                                                    signal is discussed fully in the appendix
     have been put forward by both                        It is generally acknowledged that an              “Economics of the New Zealand
     established participants and new                     electricity system should be managed in           Wholesale Electricity Market”.
     entrants to the industry as market                   a manner that encourages efficient                 Generation or demand side decisions
     conditions have tightened. These                     production and energy use. The system             are based on the marginal cost of
     proposals are at various stages, from                should provide a security of supply               various options; the marginal cost is
     initial pre-feasibility proposals through to         outcome that is consistent with                   the cost of producing an incremental
     committed projects.                                  consumers’ willingness to pay. These              unit of output.
     There have been public announcements                 economic objectives are necessary for a
     relating to 22 wind farm proposals at                well-functioning electricity sector.
     different stages of evaluation, planning             An electricity system should also be
     or construction. There are also 15 hydro,            managed to meet the government’s
     8 geothermal and 13 natural gas, coal,               environmental sustainability objectives.
     cogeneration or landfill gas options at               In New Zealand, this outcome is
     various stages. These projects have a                delivered through the Resource
     combined production of around                        Management Act. It is also realised
     27,900 GWh. These projects are listed in             through other frameworks such as the
     Table 1. Projects highlighted in red are             Crown’s climate change policy.
     committed. In addition to these projects,
     there are others that are not in the
     public arena.

                                                                                                                                                        page 9
that prices the externality of carbon           making by the industry requires
           Short run marginal cost
                                                           emissions. Other environmental objectives       uncertainty to be minimised. In recent
           For current electricity supply the short        are largely addressed through the               times, New Zealand’s electricity industry
           run marginal cost (SRMC) of plant               application of the Resource Management          environment has been affected by a
           tends to drive the market price and             Act. Social and other objectives may be         range of uncertainties, that have
           plant operation. This marginal cost                                                             threatened the viability of new
                                                           incorporated through appropriate
           comprises fuel (including the option                                                            generation initiatives. These include
                                                           regulatory design – for example, the
           value of fuel such as the value of                                                              uncertainty about gas availability and
                                                           requirement for retailers to provide low
           water storage and coal stockpiles)                                                              regulatory settings.
                                                           fixed-charge user tariffs.
           and other variable operating costs
                                                       5.2 Good Decision Making Requires Good              Gas availability has been a major
           – costs that can be avoided in the
                                                           Information                                     uncertainty over the last several years
           short term.
                                                                                                           following the redetermination of Maui
           Long run marginal cost                          In order for good outcomes to occur, a
                                                                                                           gas reserves. As a result, Contact Energy
                                                           necessary requirement is that parties
           For future supply, where further                                                                is reconsidering its development of
                                                           involved in decision making have access
           generation investment or demand                                                                 Otahuhu C, a proposed CCGT
                                                           to appropriate information and that
           side options are necessary to meet                                                              (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) plant
           growth in demand, the long run                  uncertainty is minimised. These parties
                                                                                                           with a generation capacity of up to 400
           marginal cost (LRMC) is more                    include generators, the transmission
                                                                                                           MW. Genesis Energy is proceeding with
           relevant. The LRMC of a new power               provider, policy makers, regulators and
                                                                                                           e3p, another CCGT, but only on the back
           station is the total marginal cost of           consumers. There should be clear signals
                                                                                                           of a government guarantee that shares
           producing electricity from the plant.           for investment and policy should be
                                                                                                           this fuel availability risk.
           It includes SRMC plus fixed costs, in            made on a well-informed basis.
                                                                                                           Little can be done to reduce this fuel
           particular the capital investment cost          These signals are important irrespective
                                                                                                           uncertainty except by finding the gas or
           of the station. In this report we have          of the industry structure. For instance, in
                                                                                                           proceeding with alternative generation
           taken the LRMC of a plant to be                 the centrally planned era of the
                                                                                                           options such as wind. For instance, the
           equal to its (levelised) unit cost. Refer       New Zealand Electricity Department,
                                                                                                           government is attempting to stimulate
           also to the glossary for a definition of         understanding of the costs of various
                                                                                                           further petroleum exploration through a
           these terms.                                    generation and transmission plant was
                                                                                                           number of initiatives. As discussed
                                                           required so that planners could make            earlier, a number of renewable
          From an economics perspective, the next          appropriate investment decisions. In the        generation options are being developed.
          initiative required to meet incremental          current wholesale market structure,             This form of risk is intrinsic to the energy
          demand should be the lowest-cost                 information is required so that generation      sector and industry participants are in
          option from the portfolio of potential           companies can make efficient, least cost         the best position to deal with it.
          generation and demand side projects              investment decisions and so a robust
                                                                                                           The other major uncertainty facing the
          available. The relevant measure of cost is       transmission network can be developed
                                                                                                           industry is regulatory uncertainty. Since
          long run marginal cost (LRMC). The               in a way that delivers security of supply
                                                                                                           the 1980s, the electricity sector has been
          LRMCs of potential demand side and               and facilitates competition.
                                                                                                           the subject of extensive regulatory
          generation initiatives are discussed in          The difference in the two regimes               reform. The latest major reform was the
          the following sections.                          lies not in the information required,           establishment of the Electricity
          As New Zealand’s electricity demand              but rather on how effectively this              Commission in 2003. Particular issues
          continues to grow, least-cost generation         information is translated into rational         affecting generation decisions include:
          and demand side investment will be               decision making. Economists argue
                                                                                                         • Uncertainty over climate change policy.
          critical to maintaining downward                 that centrally oriented structures tend
                                                                                                           The government reversed its decision
          pressure on prices. Consideration of the         to lead to muted signals with inefficient
                                                                                                           to introduce a carbon tax last year.
          cost of various options is a key part of         outcomes. In contrast, a well-designed
                                                                                                           It is currently working on alternative
          achieving the broader outcomes for the           market structure should lead to
                                                                                                           policy options. A decision to introduce
          sector as detailed in various government         more efficient outcomes, provided
                                                                                                           a price on greenhouse gas emissions
          policy documents.                                there is good information and
                                                                                                           will fundamentally affect the economics
                                                           regulatory certainty.
          These broader outcomes can be                                                                    of various generation forms. Certainty
          achieved by building on the LRMC                 5.3 Future Uncertainties that Affect            in this area is required for parties to
          investment signal. For instance, the             Investment Decisions                            commit to new generation projects.
          government’s climate change policy may           Electricity generation projects are capital   • Transmission issues. A robust
          be incorporated through a mechanism              intensive and costly. High-quality decision     transmission grid is fundamental to the

page 10
FIG 4:                                                 HIGH-LEVEL DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT INITIATIVES LRMC COMPARISON

                        100                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1,000

                                                            Variable Retail LRMC
                        80                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    800

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LRMC (2006 $/MWh)
                                                            Wholesale LRMC
    LRMC (2006 c/kWh)

                        60                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    600

                        40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    400

                        20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    200

                          –                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   –
                              Compact Fluorescent Lights

                                                            Efficiency Initiatives*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Photo voltaic 5kW
                                                                     Other Energy

                                                                                           Solar Hot Water
                                                                                                (New Build)
                                                                                      High Eff. Low Capital

                                                                                                                   Solar Hot Water
                                                                                                                        (New Build)
                                                                                                              Low Eff. High Capital

                                                                                                                                            Solar Hot Water
                                                                                                                                       High Eff. Low Capital

                                                                                                                                                                    Solar Hot Water
                                                                                                                                                               Low Eff. High Capital

                                                                                                                                                                                       Micro Wind 20 kW

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Micro Wind 10 kW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Low Capital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Micro Wind 10 kW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   High Capital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Micro Wind 1 kW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Low Capital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Micro Wind 1 kW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           High Capital
    * Note – other energy efficiency initiatives include household insulation and motor efficiency improvements.
    Unit costs were sourced from the Electricity Commission’s pilot programme publications.

  operation of the electricity sector.                                                                                            • General regulatory uncertainty.                                                                               • small scale distributed generation
  A variety of transmission issues are                                                                                              The industry has gone through a                                                                                 (DG) options including micro wind
  uncertain, particularly given issues                                                                                              protracted period of change, including                                                                          turbines and photovoltaic generation.
  over the accountability and roles of                                                                                              major changes in the regulatory                                                                                 As with supply side initiatives, the
  Transpower, the Electricity Commission                                                                                            environment. The introduction of an                                                                             net economic benefits and market
  and the Commerce Commission.                                                                                                      industry regulator has been a useful step                                                                       potential of DSM initiatives vary with
  Certainty on these issues is required                                                                                             towards getting clarity on some issues.                                                                         the specific application. There are a
  for some new generation projects to                                                                                               However, the regulatory environment                                                                             number of DSM initiatives that are
  proceed. The government’s recent policy                                                                                           needs to be more stable with an                                                                                 economic when compared with the unit
  statements are a good start in this                                                                                               emphasis on clear communication                                                                                 cost of electricity supply from large-scale
  area, though further direction may                                                                                                between regulatory bodies and industry                                                                          power plants. Some DSM options also
  be required.                                                                                                                      participants and a focus on “no                                                                                 enable management of the daily
• Lack of consistency in RMA issues across                                                                                          surprises”.                                                                                                     electricity demand profile.
  local body areas. Decision making on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In general terms, energy efficiency
  the management of resources is                                                                                      6               What is the Demand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    measures provide the highest degree of
  devolved to territorial and regional                                                                                                Side Management Potential                                                                                     national benefit as many projects can
  authorities. The rationale for this                                                                                                 for Meeting Future Demand?                                                                                    be delivered below the unit cost of
  approach is that these authorities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    supply. Micro-generation is viable in
  are better placed to make decisions                                                                                                 There are clear opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    isolated cases, although it is heavily
  about the use and development of                                                                                                    demand side management (DSM)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    dependent upon site resources and
  local natural resources. However, these                                                                                             initiatives to form part of New Zealand’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    overcoming resource consent barriers.
  authorities take different approaches                                                                                               energy future.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Figure 4 summarises the high-level unit
  to various issues. There also tends                                                                                                 Our definition of DSM includes measures                                                                        cost comparison of the demand side
  to be a focus on local issues rather                                                                                                such as:                                                                                                      management initiatives investigated
  than the national interest, although
                                                                                                                                  • energy efficiency initiatives (resulting in                                                                      in this report.
  national policy statements may be
                                                                                                                                    demand reduction)                                                                                               Section 15 has more detailed
  used to address this point. This lack of
  consistency creates uncertainties for                                                                                           • the use of other energy sources such as                                                                         information on the costs modelled
  generation investors.                                                                                                             solar hot water heating                                                                                         in this graph.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          page 11
There are several DSM options that            • How does climate change policy                   inherent in each form. As discussed, the
            appear to be viable options when                affect the economics of individual               most obvious example of such a risk is
            compared with current retail tariffs.           projects? Climate change objectives              hydrology variability associated with
            However, these tariffs include variable         may be incorporated through some                 hydro generation. Thermal generation
            price components that are actually              form of carbon price or appropriate              can mitigate at least some of the risk of
            related to fixed transmission and                regulatory regime.                               uncertain hydrology by operating harder
            distribution costs. If there is significant    • Given these considerations, what                 when water inflows are low and easing
            uptake of DSM options, these tariffs            forms of generation make the best                off when they are high.
            would need to be rebalanced so that             economic return?                                 Over the next 20 years, new renewable
            network costs were recouped. In this            Other broader objectives, such as social         generation projects will be dominated by
            situation, a smaller proportion of the          policy outcomes, may influence                    forms currently under consideration: wind,
            retail tariff would be avoided by               generation investment decisions through          hydro and geothermal. Other emerging
            investing in DSM options. Accordingly,          the regulatory environment.                      technologies are likely to take at least
            comparison with the wholesale price is
                                                            In order to understand the economics             20 years to mature before they become
            more relevant. There are fewer DSM
                                                            of new generation investment over the            part of New Zealand’s electricity
            options that are viable when measured
                                                            long term, it is important to first               generation mix. Similarly, thermal options
            against this yardstick.
                                                            understand the dynamics of various               over this timeframe will be dominated by
            Although there are some DSM options             generation forms. As discussed, the              current coal and gas technologies.
            that appear economic, the effect on             New Zealand electricity system has               Renewables generation will play a key
            demand is relatively modest. The gap            some relatively unique characteristics.          role in meeting New Zealand’s future
            is illustrated in Figure 23 in section 15.      In particular, the sector is dominated by        electricity demand. However, the portfolio
            The Electricity Commission has                  renewable generation, particularly hydro         benefits of having a diverse mix of
            provisionally estimated that DSM                generation. This form of generation              generation forms coupled with the
            options are likely to contribute the            utilises New Zealand’s abundant natural          relative economics of various specific
            equivalent of around 1,800 GWh by               resources to deliver comparatively               projects means that further thermal
            2026 (Electricity Commission, 2006c).           low-cost, low-carbon emission electricity.       generation is likely. The proportions in the
            The remaining energy balance “gap”              Because it has high capital and low              mix will depend on the relative economics
            (estimated to be over 13,000 GWh in             operating costs, it is ideally suited to
                                                                                                             of the individual generation forms and
            2026) will need to be met from medium-          operating as baseload plant. However,
                                                                                                             their ability to meet the wider policy
            to large-scale power generation sources.        at various times, the role of hydro
                                                                                                             objectives for the industry. As discussed
                                                            generation may shift depending on
     7      What are the Generation                         hydrology.
                                                                                                             earlier, gas availability and price are
            Opportunities for Meeting                                                                        major uncertainties facing the industry
                                                            The rest of production is sourced from           at the moment. How these uncertainties
            Demand?                                         thermal plant – mainly coal and gas-fired         unfold will affect New Zealand’s
            New generation plant will be required           plant. This plant has lower capital costs        electricity generation mix over the
            to meet consumers’ growing demand for           and higher operating costs. Recently,            medium term. Other factors such as
            electricity. Generation options that are        as the gap between demand and                    the nature of the future regulatory
            proposed in the short term were listed in       generation capacity has shrunk, much             environment and environmental issues
            section 4. The factors that will affect the     of New Zealand’s coal and gas plant has
                                                                                                             will also influence this mix.
            mix of generation in the longer term are        operated as base-load plant. In addition,
                                                            this plant operates as base-load             7.2 Economics of New Generation
            discussed below.
                                                            generation when hydrology conditions             The range of viable generation options
     7.1 Determining the Mix of
                                                            become tight. However, coal-fired plant           will be limited by companies’ ability to
         New Generation                                     in particular is physically more suited to       consent particular projects. Of the
            The mix of investment in electricity            being operated as a mid-merit or hydro-          projects that can be consented, from an
            generation plant is determined by               firming plant.                                    economic perspective the projects that
            several factors. It is driven primarily by      A mix of diverse generation forms is             should proceed are those with the lowest
            economic considerations:                        essential to the proper functioning of           LRMC. We identified earlier the potential
          • How do environmental factors affect             the New Zealand electricity wholesale            for other criteria also to affect final
            the economics of particular projects?           sector. The various forms of generation          investment decisions. Even if there are
            For instance, resource consent conditions       have different attributes and perform            such factors, project LRMC is a necessary
            may alter the economics of a project            complementary roles. A diverse range of          starting point for considering other
            or prevent it from proceeding.                  generation types helps to limit the risks        objectives.

page 12
FIG 5:                                HIGH-LEVEL GENERATION LRMC COMPARISON

                                                                          Gas                                                                                          Coal                                                                                     Wind                                                                             Hydro                                                                                 Geothermal


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CO2 $25
                                    60                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CO2 $15

           LRMC (2006 $/MWh)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Geothermal Expansion

                                                                                                                        Patea Coal: 2x350MW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Marsden Coal: 320MW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      New Geothermal: Binary

                                                                                                                                              New Ply. Coal: 2x350MW

                                                                          CCGT Gas@$7.0: 385MW
                                                                                                 CCGT Gas@$4.5: 385MW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hydro: Large (excl. HVDC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wind Good Tier 1:100MW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wind Good Tier 2:300MW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           New Geothermal: Standard

                                                  CCGT Gas@$10.5: 385MW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hydro: Difficult (excl. HVDC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hydro: Medium (excl. HVDC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Wind Average Tier 2:100MW

                                                                                                                                                                              SI Lignite: 3x350MW (excl. HVDC)
                               This figure shows LRMC or unit cost estimates of various generic project types: respectively, gas (combined cycle gas turbines), coal (supercritical pulverised coal stations), wind, hydro and geothermal. The generic projects presented
                               illustrate how LRMC varies within and between each generation form.
                               The bottom part of each bar represents the fixed cost portion of LRMC (i.e. capital costs); the coloured parts above this represent the variable cost potion (i.e. fuel and operations and maintenance costs). The remaining transparent
                               portions on the gas, coal and geothermal bars identify the impact on LRMC of various carbon regime scenarios (specifically $15 and $25 /t CO2e carbon price scenarios as proxies for the impact of possible carbon policies).
                               These cost estimates are discussed in detail in Part B of this report.
                               The selected generic projects for each generation form show the variability between a “prime” project at one extreme (which has a lower LRMC) and an “average” project (which has a higher LRMC) at the other extreme. This vari-
                               ability is driven by location-specific issues for the various generation options and, in the case of thermal projects, fuel costs.
                               We have not included the impact of an HVDC charge in these LRMC estimates. Under the current transmission pricing methodology this charge adds up to $10/MWh to the LRMC of South Island renewable opportunities and up
                               to $5/MWh for a lignite coal-fired power station in the South Island.

page 13
In the discussion that follows, we               significantly by variable fuel costs.           A new CCGT plant running on LNG gas
             consider the LRMC of various generic             In contrast, the costs of all the              at delivered prices of $10-11/GJ is
             generation projects to understand the            renewables options are weighted much           uneconomic, at least in the medium
             possible mix of future electricity               more towards fixed capital costs,               term. Importation of LNG in this price
             generation in New Zealand.                       typically 80-95 percent of LRMC.               range only appears to be economic for
             The estimated LRMC of various generic                                                           re-firing existing gas-fired plant where
                                                           3. The relative economics of various              the capital cost is already sunk.
             generation projects is summarised in
                                                              potential generation projects is
             Figure 5. In this report we use the                                                             Coal
                                                              dependent on individual project
             (levelised) unit cost of a project as the
                                                              characteristics and fuel costs.                The economics of new coal generation
             proxy for the project’s LRMC. A 9 percent
                                                                                                             plant are much more site specific than
             post-tax nominal discount rate has been          The LRMCs of various generation forms
                                                                                                             CCGT gas plant – even when running on
             used. See the glossary for an explanation        are driven by the characteristics of
                                                                                                             imported coal. The key difference is the
             of these terms.                                  individual projects. Even within each
                                                                                                             specific infrastructure that needs to be
                                                              generation technology, the LRMC range
     7.3 Implications of Project Economics on                                                                developed to service particular coal plant
                                                              is relatively wide, reflecting the
         the Future Generation Mix                                                                           options. Section 11 discusses coal
                                                              characteristics of individual projects.
             A number of conclusions follow from                                                             generation in detail.
                                                              Factors that affect each form of
             Figure 5.                                        generation are detailed below.                 The cheapest greenfields coal generation
                                                                                                             option in New Zealand appears to be a
          1. The LRMC spread within generation                Gas
                                                                                                             large Southland lignite plant located
             forms is generally greater than the              The economics of a combined cycle gas          next to the lignite coal fields at
             variation among most forms.                      turbine (CCGT) plant are primarily driven      approximately $70/MWh, excluding the
             For each type of generation, there are           by the gas price as delivered to the           cost of carbon. However, this would
             a range of possible LRMCs depending on           plant. Over time, this price will be set by    require significant transmission upgrades
             the characteristics of individual projects.      the nature of future gas discoveries or        to transport electricity to consumers.
             There are favourable, or “prime”, projects       the price of imported gas. Section 10          Other coal options are significantly more
             with relatively low marginal costs at one        discusses gas generation issues in detail.     expensive than this. New North Island
             end of the spectrum. At the other end,           If a large gas discovery is made in a          coal generation using imported coal is
             there are projects with higher marginal          location with supporting infrastructure,       likely to sit somewhere between $85-
             costs. The LRMCs of various generation           for example on the west coast of the           100/MWh – mostly depending on the
             technologies tend to overlap each other.         North Island, the wholesale gas price          proximity to an existing large port.
             This overlap implies that there is the           could be at the lower end of the scale –       Coal is likely to be particularly affected
             potential for a mix of new generation            perhaps $4.50/GJ, depending on field            by the introduction of a carbon regime.
             forms in the future. The proportions of          economics. At this price, gas-fired new         In a scenario where there is a price on
             the various generation technologies will         generation would dominate most other           carbon emissions most new coal-fired
             depend on various factors. The factors           generation options. New generation             generation projects are uneconomic.
             with the greatest influence include gas           would tend to be gas-fired, though there
                                                              would be some renewable investment.            Wind
             availability and price. The nature of the
             regulatory environment, including the            There would be no new coal-fired                The relative economics of specific wind
             carbon regime, is another key factor.            stations. A price on carbon or other           farm projects are driven by the local
                                                              changes in regulatory settings alters this     wind resource, the scale of the
          2. The make-up of LRMC differs between                                                             development, complexity of the site and
                                                              conclusion. The implications of
             thermal and renewable projects.                  introducing a carbon regime are                supporting roading and transmission
             The LRMC of thermal projects is                  discussed later.                               infrastructure. As such, the LRMC of
             primarily driven by operating costs              Alternatively, if current gas contract price   wind projects are highly site specific.
             – particularly the costs of fuel. This is        expectations persist, at around $6-7/GJ,       Section 13 discusses wind generation
             especially true for gas-fired generation.         then the CCGT LRMC would be                    issues in detail.
             For example, the LRMC of new CCGT                approximately $70/MWh, excluding               A site with an excellent wind resource
             plant is driven largely by the delivered         any carbon price. A greater range of           (above 10 m/s) could have an LRMC
             gas price, with capital costs having a           renewable projects is economic under           between $60 and $70/MWh depending
             much smaller contribution, around                this scenario, as well as some coal            on the above factors – however there
             20-35 percent. New coal generation               options. There would be a mix of new           are only a handful of these sites
             has a larger capital component, around           generation forms. Again, a carbon              nationwide with a potential of around
             45-60 percent, but is still affected             regime potentially alters this conclusion.     2,000 GWh.

page 14
A site with a good wind resource                 and most successful type of geothermal           Accordingly, transmission investment
(over 8 m/s), reasonable scale and a             project. The Mokai extension project is          should be considered as an enabler of
location situated close infrastructure           an example of a brownfields expansion.            least-cost electricity generation. Parties
could have an LRMC between $75 and               These brownfields sites are possibly the          developing the transmission investment
$85/MWh. There are likely to be a                cheapest of all of the new generation            process should consider how efficient
number of such sites throughout                  options with an LRMC estimated to be             transmission investments can be
New Zealand, with combined potential             around $50-70/MWh. However such                  implemented ahead of certainty over
of around 6,000 GWh.                             developments are limited largely to the          generation developments.
Sites with an average wind resource that         eight key existing geothermal generation      5. A carbon regime enables more
are distant from infrastructure or are           fields – up to about 2,500 GWh                    renewables generation.
small scale could have an LRMC in                potential. Section 12 discusses
excess of $90/MWh. These sites are                                                                Figure 5 shows the impact of pricing
                                                 geothermal generation issues in detail.
likely to be more plentiful.                                                                      the carbon emissions created from
                                                 A new geothermal project on top of               thermal generation, with the cost of
Apart from site characteristics, wind            a good reliable resource could have an           thermal generation plant increasing
farm economics are also affected by              LRMC in the range of $75- 85/MWh                 against other options. The effect on
economic conditions at the time of               depending on the technology selected.            the LRMCs of thermal projects under
committal. Key factors include exchange          Beyond this, if the geothermal resource is       the two carbon scenarios analysed is
rates, steel prices and international            either not ideal or deteriorates over time,      summarised in Table 2.
turbine demand.
                                                 then the unit cost can climb rapidly.            A carbon charge increases the cost of
Hydro                                                                                             thermal generation, with the size of the
                                              4. A robust transmission grid is required
Similar to wind, the costs of hydro are          in order for the lowest cost generation          increase related to the efficiency of an
driven by the local resource and the ease        options to proceed.                              individual station and the characteristics
or difficulty of particular sites. As such,                                                        of the fuel consumed.
the LRMC of hydro is highly project              The location of new renewable and
                                                                                                  As Figure 5 shows, the carbon charge
specific. Section 9 discusses hydro               thermal generation is determined at
                                                                                                  results in more renewables projects
generation issues in detail.                     least partly by the location of renewable
                                                                                                  becoming economic relative to thermal
                                                 resources and thermal fuel. Renewable
Hydro projects are capital intensive                                                              alternatives. This is not to say that no
and take a number of years to                    generation is very site specific, with            renewables projects would be built if a
develop. As such, economies of scale             project economics hinging on the                 charge was not introduced. The figure
are important for project economics.             resources of individual locations.               highlights that prime renewables should
The LRMC of possible “economic” hydro            Thermal generation is also affected by           be economic even if there is no carbon
generation options ranges from $65 to            location issues, with the cost of                regime. However, the number of “prime”
$100/MWh.                                        developing fuel supply chains and                renewable projects is small; there are only
                                                 resource consent issues limiting practical       a handful of such projects in New Zealand.
The bulk of remaining hydro
opportunities are located in the South           location options.                                A carbon regime would enable the middle
Island and are therefore impacted by             In many cases, generation projects under         tier of renewables projects to be economic.
HVDC charges that add up to $10/                 investigation are remote from centres of         There is a far larger number of generation
MWh to the LRMC. There is about 3,500            demand, for example Southland lignite            projects in this category.
GWh of potential hydro at less than              station options, North Island geothermal      6. Under an LNG option, only
$80/MWh but nearly two-thirds of this            generation options and lower South               existing gas-fired plant would be
is located in constrained parts of the           Island wind farms. These generation              economically viable.
transmission grid.                               projects are reliant on a robust
                                                                                                  It is expected that LNG imported
Geothermal                                       transmission system to enable the
                                                                                                  into New Zealand would cost more
                                                 transport of electricity to consumers.
While the geothermal fuel resource is                                                             than $9/GJ. As LNG prices are indirectly
“free”, finding and maintaining the               The key transmission issue facing new            indexed to oil prices and world energy
resource for the life-time of the plant can      generation projects is whether                   demand is growing rapidly, it is
be difficult and expensive. Sites and             transmission infrastructure will be built        possible that the LNG price could be
fields that have a proven track record are        in a timely manner to enable electricity         substantially higher than this figure.
therefore more attractive than                   to be transported to consumers. New              Figure 5 shows that at this level of price,
completely untested resources. Given             generation projects can often be                 new gas-fired generation stations would
this, a brownfields expansion of an               developed in as little as half the time it       not be economic, especially under a
existing project is typically the cheapest       takes to build new transmission lines.           carbon regime.

                                                                                                                                            page 15

                                            $15/t CO2e carbon price                    $25 /t CO2e carbon price
                                          ΔLRMC              Adj. LRMC              ΔLRMC                Adj. LRMC
              Coal                   $13–16/MWh             $88–118/MWh            $23–27/MWh           $99–128/MWh
              Gas                           $6 /MWh         $58–116/MWh               $10/MWh           $62–126/MWh
            Gas price range is $4-12/GJ

            Existing gas-fired plant would be                               include transmission lines, canals, or       found, for example another Maui sized
            economic, as their capital costs are                           gas pipelines. Land may be required          field is discovered, then there will be a
            sunk. However, the change in cost                              to provide access to the power station,      greater proportion of new generation
            structure of this plant would mean they                        or be affected as part of a hydro            that is gas-fired with some renewable
            may have to operate differently, possibly                      development. Depending on the number         generation.
            as mid-merit plant. It is also possible that                   of parties that are affected and the         Under other gas scenarios, renewable
            the rigid take-or-pay price structure                          nature of their existing land use, the       generation will form a significant part of
            common in LNG supply contracts could                           process of negotiating the sale of land or   total new generation capacity and
            distort plant behaviour.                                       obtaining easements can be protracted        production. In these scenarios, the best
            A decision to import LNG would                                 and costly, perhaps even impossible.         new generation projects will be wind
            radically alter New Zealand’s electricity                    • Resource consents. Obtaining the right       farms in “prime” locations, hydro
            generation sector. The whole industry                          to develop a site for generation under       generation in “prime” locations and
            would be linked to international energy                        the Resource Management Act is a             geothermal expansion projects. These
            patterns given the role of gas-fired                            significant hurdle that must be faced         projects have the advantage of being
            generation in the sector. The long length                      by all projects. Every type of generation    environmentally sustainable.
            of LNG contracts, typically 20 years or                        and individual project will have its own     However, there are only a small number
            more, means there would be little ability                      environmental issues that need to be         of wind and hydro projects that fit into
            to “opt out” of such an arrangement if                         addressed as part of this process. For       this “prime” category. Many are defined
            New Zealand’s fuel situation changed                           instance, some generation types will be      as projects in “good” locations.
            – for example if there was a major                             a permitted activity in some authorities     Depending on the nature of the gas
            domestic gas discovery during this time.                       and prohibited in others. Sometimes a        environment, which will affect the price
     7.4 Other Factors Affecting New                                       district plan change is required before      of wholesale gas, incentives may be
                                                                           a resource consent can be lodged.            required for these projects to be viable
         Generation Options
                                                                           Outcomes from the resource consent           economically. A policy environment
            The previous discussion compared the                                                                        where the cost of carbon is properly
                                                                           process are uncertain.
            relative economics of generation options                                                                    reflected is one important avenue for
            as a key factor influencing the future                          The delays, commercial arrangements
                                                                           and imposed conditions that stem from        encouraging these projects.
            generation mix. Other factors are also
                                                                           the above two processes can change a         Although the cost of various generation
            important in project selection. For
                                                                           project’s economics considerably or even     project options is a key factor in
            instance, a project will not proceed
                                                                           prevent a project from going ahead.          determining project selection, there are
            unless the site is secured, technical
                                                                                                                        also other important considerations. The
            feasibility has been completed, the                       7.5 Summary
                                                                                                                        ability of a generation company to gain
            proposed development is consented                              In general, the economic variation           access to land and to obtain appropriate
            and plant items and works have                                 among various projects of the same           resource consents is a critical factor that
            been tendered.                                                 generation technology (whether this is       affects the viability of a project.
            There are two key factors that                                 coal, gas or renewable generation) is
            greatly impact on the timing and                               greater than the variation among
            viability of projects:                                         technologies. From an economic
          • Land access. Many generation                                   perspective, New Zealand’s future
            opportunities require access to or use                         electricity production is likely to come
            of land belonging to landowners or                             from a range of generation plant.
            used by leaseholders who are not                               The share that each generation type
            necessarily the developer. The land                            will have depends on a number of
            may be required to site plant or other                         factors. In particular, if significant
            infrastructure. This infrastructure may                        amounts of low-cost indigenous gas are

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