Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald

Page created by Harold Parks
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald

          Gardens                                  2019

          W W W. H O S P I C E I N T H E W E A L D . O R G . U K

                       01892 820533
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald

                                                                                      Welcome to Hospice in the Weald’s
    We insure it.                                                                     Open Gardens 2019 scheme

    You enjoy it.
                                                                                                  elcome to another summer of the Hospice in the Weald Open
                                                                                                  Gardens scheme, bringing a rare chance to take a look around
                                                                                                  some of the finest gardens in our area. Grateful thanks go to all
                                                                                      the owners for their hard work and kindness in opening up the secrets of their
    Bespoke insurance now in your local area.                                         private gardens.

                                                                                      This year’s brochure introduces some new gardens for you to enjoy. Cottage
                                                                                      gardens, wildlife havens, village walkabouts … there’s something here for
                                                                                      everyone. From those hoping to be inspired by fresh and exciting creative
                                                                                      gardens, to those seeking somewhere lovely to wander before enjoying a cup
                                                                                      of tea at the end.

                                                                                      Here at the Hospice we support over 6,000 people each year and strive to
                                                                                      offer compassionate, individualised, holistic and supportive care to patients,
                                                                                      families and their carers.

                                                                                      We are your local Hospice, independent from the NHS and rely on our
                                                                                      supporters in the local community to help us raise the £7 million needed
                                                                                      each year to provide vital hospice care in our community. When you donate
                                                                                      to Hospice in the Weald you can be confident that 90p of every £1 raised is
                                                                                      spent directly on patient care.

                                                                                      Open Gardens raised over £25,000 last year. Thanks to everyone who
                                                                                      contributed to last year’s success. With the exciting new destinations in
                                                                                      this brochure, we hope that many more of you will be encouraged to come
                                                                                      along with your family and friends to help us reach more and more patients
    For more information on our Bespoke Collection of Insurances, please pop into     in our community. A special thank you to NFU Mutual Tunbridge Wells,
    our Tunbridge Wells branch or call us now on 01892 599 720 and we’ll put you in
                                                                                      Chilstone, Hilden Park Accountants and Berry & Lamberts Solicitors for their
    contact with your personal NFU Mutual Agent.

    NFU Mutual, 55 High Street,
    Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1XU

                                                                                         For more details about Hospice in the Weald’s Open Gardens please contact:
                                                                                         Kathryn Cracknell | 01892 820533
    Agent of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited.
2                                                                                                                                                                      3
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald
                                                                             1   Smugglers                                     10   Tunbridge Wells Town                  18   Mary’s Garden
                                                                                 S MU GGLER S , H O A DL E YS L AN E ,              Flowers                                    61 L AV E N D E R HI L L ,
                                                                                 CR O W B O R O U GH , EAST SUSSE X,                                                           TON BRI D GE ,TN 9 2AU
                                                                                                                                    TUN BRI D GE WE L L S TOWN
                                                                                 TN6 1TH                                                                                       SATURD AY 13 TH JULY
                                                                                                                                    FL OWE RS, FI E L D , BAYHAM
                                                                                 S U N D AY 1 2 TH MAY                              ROAD , TUN BRI D GE WE L L S,
                                                                                                                                    TN 2 5HU
                         20                                                  2                                                                                            19   Villa Elisabetta
                                                      21                         Honnington Farm Gardens                            SUN D AY 9 TH JUN E
                                                                                                                                                                               N E WBURY L AN E , COUSL E Y
                                                                                 H O N N I N GT O N FA RM GARD E N S,                                                          WOOD , WAD HURST, E AST
                                                                                 VA U XH A LL LA N E, SOUTHBOROUGH             11   Long Barn                                  SUSSE X, TN 5 6HA
                                                                                 T N 4 0 XD                                         L ON G BARN , WE AL D ,                    SATURD AY 13 TH JULY
                                                                                 W ED N ES D AY 1 5 TH MAY                          SE V E N OAKS. TN 14 6N H
                                                                                                                                    TUE SD AY 11 TH JUN E
                                                                             3   Stroods                                                                                  20   Sevenoaks Allotments
                                                                                                                                                                               SE V E N OAKS AL L OTME N TS,
                                                                                 S T R O O D S , H ER O N ’ S GHYL L ,         12   Hospice Open Garden                        AL L OTME N T L AN E , SE V E N OAKS,

                                                Open Gardens
                                                                                 U CKF I ELD , T N 2 2 4 DB
                                                                                                                                    HOSP I CE I N THE WE AL D ,                TN 13 3UZ
                                                                                 W ED N ES D AY 1 5 TH MAY                          MAI D STON E ROAD , P E MBURY.             SUN D AY 14 TH JULY
                                                                                                                                    TN 2 4TA

                                                           2019 MAP
                                                                             4   Stone Cross House                                  SUN D AY 16 TH JUN E
                                                                                 S T O N E CR O S S H O USE , AL I CE                                                     21   Ightham Open Gardens
                    11   23                                                      B R I GH T LA N E, CR O WBOROUGH.             13   Great Dixter                               WARRE N COTTAGE , TN 15 9P E
                                                                                 TN6 3SH                                                                                       BOUN D ARY COTTAGE , TN 15 9JF
                                                                                                                                    GRE AT D I XTE R, N ORTHI AM, RYE ,
                                                                                 S U N D AY 1 9 TH MAY                                                                         SUN D AY 14 TH JULY
                                                                                                                                    TN 31 6P H
                                                                                                                                    FRI D AY 21 ST JUN E
                                                                             5   Knockholt Horticultural                                                                  22   St Clere
                                                                                                                                                                               ST CL E RE , KE MSI N G,
                                                                                 Society                                       14   Bidborough Open                            SE V E N OAKS, TN 15 6N L
                                                                                 PO GLES PLA CE, PARK CORN E R,                     Gardens                                    THURSD AY 18 TH JULY
                                                                                 KN O CKH O LT, T N 1 4 7JF
                                                                                 S U N D AY 1 9 TH MAY                              SUN D AY 23 RD JUN E

                                                                                                                                                                               Long Barn
                                                18                      6    7   Balmoral Cottage                                   Sherborne Close & Flats
                                                                                                                                                                               L ON G BARN , WE AL D ,
                                                                                 B A LMO R A L CO T TA GE , BE N E N D E N ,        TUN BRI D GE WE L L S, TN 2 5AS            SE V E N OAKS. TN 14 6N H
                                                                                 TN17 4DL                                           SUN D AY 30 TH JUN E                       SATURD AY 14 TH SE P TE MBE R
                                   14                                            S AT U R D AY 1 ST – S UN D AY 2N D JUN E
                                                                                 S AT U R D AY 8 TH – S UN D AY 9TH JUN E
                                            2                                                                                                                                  Flower Demonstration
                                                                                                                               16   Goudhurst Garden                      24

                                                                             8   Tunbridge Wells in Bloom                           Safari                                     L A N G T O N G R E E N V IL L A G E H A L L ,
                                                                                                                                                                               TN3 0JJ
                                                                                 S U N D AY 9 TH J U N E 2019                       SUN D AY 30 TH JUN E
                                                                                                                                                                               THURSD AY 28 TH N OV E MBE R

                                                                             9   Willicombe Park                               17
                                                                                                                                    Hole Park
                                                                                 W I LLI CO MB E PA R K, TUN BRI D GE               HOL E PARK, BE N E N D E N PARK,
                                                                                 W ELLS , T N 2 3 U U                               ROLV E N D E N , TN 17 4JA
                              24                      9                          S U N D AY 9 TH J U N E                            WE D N E SD AY 3 RD JULY

                                        8        15



                                                                                                                                                                               Ticket Only Event

                                                                                                                                                 17                            Group of Open

                                                                                                                                                                               Dogs welcome

4                                                                                                                                   13                                                                                          5
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald

                                              1.            CROWBOROUGH

                                                   SU N DAY 1 2 TH M AY, 2PM T O 6PM

                                              Smugglers garden has a wonderful view towards
                                              Ashdown Forest. It is very much a spring garden
                                              with an array of colourful rhododendrons and
                                              azaleas. If the season is late, the camellias may
                                              still be out.
             Xero is online accounting
             software that helps you                                DOGS

             to save time on your
             paperwork and get paid                                               Tickets can be purchased
                                              £5 per person
             faster. Log in online                                                on the Day at the garden

             anytime, anywhere on                   S M U G G LE R S , H O A D L E YS L A N E , C RO W B O RO U G H ,
             your Mac, PC, tablet or                EAST SUSSEX, TN6 1TH

             phone and see up-to-date
             financials. It’s accounting
             software with all the time-
             saving tools you need to
             grow your business.
             Here at Hilden Park –
             your local accountants in
             Hildenborough – we’ve
             recently been awarded                          Honnington Farm Gardens
                                                                                                                        The seven acres of mixed formal and
             Xero Gold Partner status.        2.            SOUTHBOROUGH
                                                                                                                        also wilder, more natural areas have been
                                                                                                                        developed through a plantswoman’s love
                                                                                                                        of colour and a determination to preserve
                                                                                                                        and encourage wildlife. The garden contains
                                                WE DN E SDAY 1 5 TH MAY
                                                                                                                        a variety of habitats including dry gravel
                                                1 2 P M TO 1 : 3 0 P M            (Ticketed Open Garden & Lunch)
                                                                                                                        areas, woodland walks, several pools,
                                                2 : 3 0 P M TO 4 : 3 0PM (Open Garden with Tea & Cake)
                                                                                                                        rosebeds, vegetable plots and greenhouses.

    Quote “Hospice” to receive a               Open garden and lunch: The garden will be open
                                                                                                                                 SOME AREAS HAVE LIMITED
                                                                                                                                 WHEELCHAIR ACCES

    free annual Xero subscription*             from 12.00, and lunches will be served from 12.30
                                               – 1.30. Buffet lunch will be cold meats, quiches,
    *New client offer only                                                                                              £20 per person                      Ticket can be purchased
                                               salads, roll and butter, a variety of desserts, a                                                            via our website
                                                                                                                        (Open Garden & Lunch)
    For more information please visit our      glass of wine and soft drinks.
                                                                                                                        £5 per person                       Tickets can be
    website    Open garden and Tea: Tea & homemade cake                                 (Open Garden with                   purchased on the day
                                                                                                                        Tea & Cake)
                                               will be served between 2:30pm to 4:30pm
    Contact us on 01732 838877
         @HildenPark                               REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE                                                   H O N N I N G T O N FA RM G A RD E N S , VA U X H A L L L A N E ,
                                                                                                                            S O U T H B O RO U G H T N 4 0 X D
6                                                                                                                                                                                               7
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald
Stroods                                                                  Knockholt
                                                                       3.          UCKFIELD
                                                                                                                                               5.           Horticultural Society

                                                                         WEDNES DAY 1 5 TH MAY, 1 2 TO 4 P M                                     SU N DAY 1 9 TH M AY 12 T O 5PM

                                                                       A peaceful and large garden in a beautiful                              We have some beautiful gardens opening
                                                                       setting on a hill with lovely views. During the                         for visitors to wander around, enjoy a cup
                                                                       past six years, and still work-in-progress, the                         of tea and some homemade cake. Families
                                                                       gardens have been completely replanted with                             are welcome. The £7 admission covers all
                                                                       a focus particularly on those that are good for                         the gardens and you can start from Pogles
                                                                       bees, butterflies and birds. A variety of roses,                        Place, Park Corner.
                                                                       salvias, peonies and wild flowers please the eye.
                                                                                                                                                                    LIMITED WHEELCHAIR
                                                                       The kitchen garden is filled with a broad                                                    ACCESS
                                                                       selection of vegetables and flowers. Families are
                                                                       welcome and tea and cakes are available.
                                                                                                                                               £7 per adult (children free)                   Tickets can
                                                                                          TICKET ONLY            Tickets can be purchased                                                     be purchased
                                                                                          EVENT                  through our website                                                          on the Day at
                                                                                                                  REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE                    the garden

                                                                                                                  TICKET PRICE TO INCLUDE
                                                                       £10 per person                             TEA AND A SLICE OF CAKE           P O G LE S P LA C E , PA RK C O RN E R,
                                                                                                                                                    K N O C K H O LT, T N 1 4 7 J F

                                                                            STR O O DS, H E R O N ’ S G H Y LL, U C K F I E LD , T N 22 4D B

                                                                                                                                                             Balmoral Cottage                                        For more details please visit:
                Stone Cross House
    4.          CROWBOROUGH                                                                                                                    6.                 SATU RDAY 1 ST – S UN DAY 2N D JUN E, 10AM – 1PM

         S U N D AY 1 9 TH M AY, 2 TO 5PM
                                                                                                                                               7.                 SATU RDAY 8 TH – S UN DAY 9T H JUN E, 10AM – 1PM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Donation Admission
    Beautiful 9 acre country property (not open) with gardens
    containing a delightful array of azaleas, acers, rhododendrons and                                                                         Art in a Topiary Garden: Balmoral Cottage’s garden is based                REFRESHMENTS
    camellias, interplanted with an abundance of spring bulbs. The                                                                             around topiary created 36 years ago by the owners with
    very pretty cottage garden has interesting examples of topiary                                                                             herbaceous borders, vegetable garden, wild areas and a pond.
    and unusual plants. Jacob sheep graze the surrounding pastures.                                                                            There will be a exhibition of pottery, sculpture and paintings on           B A L M O RA L C O T TA G E ,

    Tours of the gardens are available from the resident gardener.                                                                             sale as well as tea, coffee and cakes.                                      BENENDEN, TN17 4DL

             TICKET ONLY
            MAINLY FLAT                   DOGS             NO WC
            AND NO STEPS                  WELCOME          AVAILABLE

                                Tickets can be purchased
    £5 per person               on the Day at the garden

          CR OWB OROUGH. TN6 3SH

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald
Halliwell Care Home
       8.        Tunbridge Wells in Bloom                                                                                               Elegant grounds presenting a wisteria covered arbour, a relaxing rose
                                                                                                                                        garden and a newly planted orchard. The courtyard is brimming with
                                                                                                                                        flowers and hanging baskets. Soon there will be a beehive so that
       SU N D AY 9 T H JUNE 2 0 1 9 1 1 - 5 PM
                                                                                                                                        residents can produce their own Halliwell Honey.

                                                                                                                                            CREAM TEAS SERVED BETWEEN 3-5PM FOR A DONATION
     This year there are eight gardens and grounds for you to visit in the Hospice Open Gardens
     scheme Royal Tunbridge Wells Gardens Tour. Working along side the Hospice the tour has been
     organised and arranged by the Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom team to help raise funds for both                                         H A L L I W E L L C A RE H O M E , K I N G S W O O D RO A D ,
                                                                                                                                            T U N B RI D G E W E L L S T N 2 4 U N
     organisations. As well as the gardens to view there will be a plant sale, refreshments and cream teas
     to enjoy as you make your way around the various gardens in the tour.

            LIMITED AT SOME                      7 DIFFERENT
            GARDENS                              GARDENS
                                                                                                                                        90 Sherborne Close
                                                                                                                                        A small patio garden and grass lawn with herbaceous borders and
                                                                                    Advanced ticket purchase is available.
     £5 per person (children free)                                                                                                      a lovely selection of climbers, shrubs and perennials. The patio is
                                                                                    Call Helen Timms on 01892 554036 to book tickets.
                                                                                                                                        ablaze with colour in the summer months with a selection of pots
                                                                                                                                        and planters displaying an assortment of annuals.

                                        9 Royal Chase                                                                                       9 0 S H E RB O RN E C L O S E , T U N B RI D G E W E L L S T N 2 5 A S

                                        A comparatively small town garden designed for all-year round interest.
                                        Containing a wide variety of plants and a cottage-style herbaceous
                                        border, this garden is a gorgeous arrangement within a limited space.

                                                                                                                                        5 Dukes Drive
                                             9 R OYAL CH ASE, TUNBR I DG E W EL L S TN 4 8A X
                                                                                                                                        Located on a modern estate using organic methods, this attractive
                                                                                                                                        plot includes a small pond, fruit trees and modest vegetable areas.
                                                                                                                                        It boasts a ‘hot border’ of grasses featuring late summer colours
                                                                                                                                        contrasted with cooler blues and whites from spring and early
                                        10 Birch Close                                                                                  summer.
                                        Situated in a cul-de-sac, this space is a small but beautifully and
                                        lovingly tended front garden with an array of pots, planters and baskets
                                                                                                                                            5 D U K E S D RI V E , T U N B RI D G E W E L L S T N 2 5 FA
                                        containing a wide variety of annuals.

                                             1 0 BI R CH CL O SE, TUNBR I DG E W EL L S TN 2 3T J

                                                                                                                                        36 Dornden Drive
                                                                                                                                        A mature garden of 1/3 acre featuring lovely trimmed and
                                        Ivy Chimneys                                                                                    designed hedges. Also includes a pond providing a sanctuary for
                                                                                                                                        fish, frogs, dragonflies and a range of different birds.
                                        A large Town Centre garden with herbaceous borders and masses of
                                        roses set on three layers of lawn enclosed in an old walled garden. This                            COLD REFRESHMENTS AND CAKE AVAILABLE FOR A DONATION
                                        property also boasts a large vegetable garden with flowers for cutting.

                                                                                                                                            3 6 D O RN D E N D RI V E , L A N G T O N G RE E N ,
                                             I V Y CH I MNEY S, 2 8 MOUNT SI O N, TUNB R I D G E W E LLS T N 1 1T W                         T U N B RI D G E W E L L S T N 3 0 A F

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald

                                                                                                                                                                       Your Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           C 88
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           M 35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Y 38

                   Willicombe Park                                                                                          DISABLED ACCESS IS

     9.            TUNBRIDGE WELLS
                                                              S U NDAY 9 TH JU NE                                           LIMITED AT SOME GARDENS
                                                                                                                                                                                                Your Job

     Set in four acres of gardens in Royal Tunbridge Wells is                                                       £5 per person
     Audley Willicombe Park retirement village with a collection                                                    Advanced ticket purchase is
     of mature trees in a historic landscape. At the heart of the                                                   available. Call Helen Timms on                                      Your Family
     village is Willicombe House, a refurbished Victorian villa                                                     01892 554036 to book tickets.

     that was originally built by William Willicombe in the 1870’s.
     The site was formerly the St Christopher’s Nursery Training                                                        AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Your Property
     College until it closed in 1976. There is a signposted walk
     around the site which includes a woodland walk. Visitor
                                                                                                                         W I LLI C O M B E PA R K ,
     parking on site, please follow the signs.
                                                                                                                         T U N B R I D G E W E LLS , T N 2 3U U
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Your Life

                 Tunbridge Wells Town Flowers
     10.         TUNBRIDGE WELLS
                                                                                                                                                                  We’re right by you
          S U N D AY 9 T H JUNE 1 1 - 5 P M
                                                                                                                                                                  We work as a team with our clients on a full range of business and individual
     An unique opportunity to visit a British cut flower market garden.                                                                                           legal matters. Our specialist knowledge is an absolute given (you should accept
     Town Flowers Tunbridge Wells grows high quality seasonal flowers for                                                                                         nothing less) and we pride ourselves in working alongside clients to help them
     bouquets and events using sustainable natural methods. Take a tour
     around the cut flower beds and observe the daily activity of a working                                                                                       achieve the results they seek in their professional and personal lives.
     market garden. Plants for sale and a raffle for a bouquet of blooms.
                                                                                                                                                                  Head office: 01892 526344
              SERVICE DOGS
                                              ADVANCE TICKET PURCHASE IS ADVISABLE. CALL
                                              HELEN TIMMS ON 01892 554036 TO BOOK TICKETS.

     £5.00 per person (children are free)

           TU NBR IDGE WE L L S TOWN FL O W ER S, FI EL D,    L I M I T E D PA R KI N G O N S I T E . S T R E E T

           BAY HA M ROAD, TUNB RIDGE W EL L S. TN2 5 H U
                                                              PA R KI N G I N N E L S O N R O A D , D O R S E T                                                   TUNBRIDGE WELLS             TONBRIDGE            SEVENOAKS      PADDOCK WOOD     KINGS HILL
                                                              ROAD, FOREST ROAD AND NAPIER ROAD.
                                                                                                                                                                  01892 526344                01732 355911         01732 460565   01892 833456     01732 897925
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald
13.       Great Dixter                                                  F R IDAY 21 ST JUN E 6PM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This will be an exclusive ticket
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   only event for 100 guests.
                                                                                                                                            Great Dixter is a 15th Century historic house, set in beautiful
                                                                                                                                            grounds and was the family home of gardener and gardening writer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TICKET ONLY
                                                                                                                                            Christopher Lloyd. It was the focus of his energy and enthusiasm                           EVENT
                                                                                                                                            and fuelled over 40 years of books and articles. Now under the
                                                                                                                                            stewardship of the Great Dixter Charitable Trust and Christopher’s
                                                                                                              TICKET ONLY
     Long Barn            11.        T U ES DAY 11 TH JU NE 2PM T O 4 PM                                      EVENT                         friend and head gardener, Fergus Garrett, Great Dixter is a historic   £25 per person
     SEVENOAKS                                                                                                                              house, a garden, a centre of education, and a place of pilgrimage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tickets can be purchased via our
                                                                                                                          DOGS              for horticulturists from across the world. The evening will be held
                         23.         S AT U RDAY 1 4 TH S EPT EMBER 2PM TO 4 P M                                          WELCOME
                                                                                                                                            with the amazing backdrop of the 15th Century house with a drinks
                                                                                                                                            reception and canapes. Head gardener Fergus Garrett will give an
                                                                                                                                            introductory talk followed by guided tours of the house.                    G RE AT D I X T E R, N O RT H I A M ,
     Against the backdrop of a beautiful house dating from the 14th century                            £15 per person                                                                                                   RYE , T N 3 1 6 P H
     and with wonderful views across the Weald, the three acres of garden
                                                                                                       Tickets can be purchased
     at Long Barn were laid out by Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson,                            via our website
     who lived here from 1915-1930 before moving to Sissinghurst Castle.                     

     At Long Barn they developed the style they were to perfect at the                                     TICKET INCLUDES
     world-famous gardens of Sissinghurst, transforming the sloping site into                              TEA AND CAKE

     terraces, secret gardens with delightful planting schemes, rose arbours
     and classical groves. The origins of Sissinghurst are clearly present. A
                                                                                                           LO N G B A R N , W E A LD ,
     more recent addition is the very attractive vegetable garden.                                         S E VE N O A K S . T N 14 6N H

                                                         Hospice Open Garden
                                             12.         P E M B U RY

                                                 S U NDAY 1 6 TH JU NE 2 P M TO 5 P M

                                               Welcome to the Hospice in the Weald garden. Our
                                               dedicated team of volunteer gardeners will be on hand
                                               to talk you through any projects that they are working on
                                               and lead you around the mixed borders. Hanging baskets,
                                               scented roses and summer bedding combine to provide the
                                               essence of an English country garden. There will be a garden
                                               plant stall, plus the chance for you to enjoy some well
                                               deserved tea and a variety of cakes in our café.


                                               Donation Admission                                   AVAILABLE

                                                   H O SPI CE O PEN G AR DE N , M A I D S T O N E
                                                   R OAD, PEMBURY. TN2 4 TA
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              15
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald
14.        Bidborough Open Gardens                                                                                                          15.       Sherborne Close & Flats
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Advance ticket purchase is available. Call Helen
                                                                                                                                                 SU N DAY 3 0 TH JUN E 11-3PM       £5 per person          Timms on 01892 554036 to book tickets
     S UN D AY 23 RD J UNE 1 2 TO 5 P M       £5 per person             Tickets can be purchased on the day at the gate

                                                                                                                                                             11 DIFFERENT GARDENS            ADVANCE TICKET                  TUNBRIDGE W ELLS, TN2 5AS
                                                                                                                                                                                             PURCHASE IS ADVISABLE
         LIMITED WHEELCHAIR ACCESS              3 DIFFERENT GARDENS                      DOGS WELCOME

                                                                                                                                               Making their first appearance in the Hospice Open Gardens scheme are 11 gardens and the
                                                                                                                                               grounds of Sherborne Close in Hawkenbury. Working alongside the Hospice and the residents
                                                                                                                                               of Sherborne Close the tour has been organised and arranged by the Royal Tunbridge Wells in
                                                                                                                                               Bloom team to help raise funds for both organisations. As well as the gardens and grounds to
                                                                                                                                               view there will be (for a donation) refreshments and cake for you to enjoy in the John Newman
                                                                                                                                               Hall. The Sherborne Close site was awarded a Silver award in the Tunbridge Wells in Bloom
                                                                                                                                               competition in 2018. Most of the gardens taking part in this tour are long standing entrants in the
                                                                                                                                               Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom competition.

                                                                                                                                               Advance ticket purchase is advisable. Call Helen Timms on 01892 554036 to book tickets.

                                                                                                                                                        1 Sherborne Close                                    35 Sherborne Close

                                                                                                                                                          5 Sherborne Close                                  49 Sherborne Close
     Boundes End                    HOMEMADE TEAS        BO UNDES END, 2 S T LAW R E N C E AVE N U E . T N 4 0X B

                                                                                                                                                         12 Sherborne Close                                  55 Sherborne Close
     Boundes End offers both formal and informal areas with herbaceous borders with interesting plants,
     specimen trees, places to sit and pebbled areas, pergolas, a ‘dry stream’ and a fire circle. Plenty of
     places to sit and enjoy. Weather permitting, local watercolour artist Julie King will be in the gardens
                                                                                                                                                         13 Sherborne Close                                  74 Sherborne Close
     sketching and painting. Her beautiful cards will be on sale.
                                                                                                                                                         14 Sherborne Close                                  90 Sherborne Close

     21a Bidborough Ridge                                                                  21A B I D B O R O U G H R I D G E , T N 4 0U T
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Limited parking on site. Street parking in Nelson
                                                                                                                                                         34 Sherborne Close
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Road, Dorset Road, Forest Road and Napier Road.

     The front garden had a range of rhododendrons and azaleas on the right and alpines on the left. The
     rear garden comprises of a range of annuals for colour and large perennial beds. There is a small
     pond, Japanese in style. Please note on arrival, there are steps leading up to the front garden.

     Sheerdrop                                                                     S H E E R D R O P, P E N S H U R S T R O A D . T N 3 0X J

     A terraced garden designed and planted by Roger Platts (Chelsea Gold Medallist). There is a cottage
     garden mix of plants and shrubs, and although it is a ‘young’ garden it is already looking well
     established. Walk through the moon gate and down to a small pond. There are wonderful views from
     the garden across the Bidborough countryside towards the village church.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17
Open Gardens 2019 46 - Hospice in the Weald
                                                                                                                                                             R ABTRIINTAG

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                                                                                                                                                       D N BREI

                                                                                      LIMITED ACCESS

     16.         Goudhurst Garden Safari
                                                                              £5 per person
         S U N D AY 3 0 T H JUNE , 1 1 AM T O 4 .30 PM
                                                                              (children free)

                                                                              Tickets can be purchased at
     Goudhurst Garden Safari is lucky to have a number of gardens             Goudhurst ex-Servicemens Club

     opening this year in and around the village.

     Goudhurst is a delight, with its village high street tumbling
                                                                                  TEA AND CAKES ON
     down the steep hill from the church to the village pond. This
                                                                                  SALE ALL DAY
     winding hill played host (or is that havoc?!) to the Tour de
     France in 2007.                                                         PLANT SALE AND RAFFLE
                                                                             AVAILABLE FROM THE GOUDHURST
     The village and, in particular the historic 14th century tower at       EX-SERVICEMENS CLUB

     St Mary’s Church, commands wonderful views over the Kent

     Take a moment to stop and drink in the beautiful gardens and
     the lovely views across the valley.                                          G O U D H U R S T, K E N T

               Bank House, High Street
                                                                   Goudhurst Village Pre-School,
                                                                    Church Rooms, Back Lane
                                                                                                               For Gardens of Distinction
             Spring Cottage, North Road                              Forge House, The Plain                    01892 740866

                        7 North Road                                Whites, Bedgebury Road

18                                                                                                                                                                                19
Villa Elisabetta
                                                                                                                                                                                               19.              WADHURST

                                                                                                                                                                                                       S AT UR DAY 13 TH JULY 12PM T O 5PM

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Villa Elisabetta has a one and a half acre tardis-like garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                   divided into areas, comprising of herbaceous, mixed
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and shrub borders. There is an azalea bed, a woodland
                                                                                                                                                                                                   garden, a blue and yellow themed garden surrounding the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   summer house and an area known as “the four seasons
                                                                                                                                                                                                   lawn”. There are a couple of vegetable plots and an
                                                                            Adults £7.50 per person                                                                                                orchard. Surprises are always “just around the corner”!
               Hole Park
     17.       R O LV E N D E N
                                     WEDNES DAY 3 RD JU LY, 11 A M - 6 PM
                                                                            Groups £7 per person                                                                                                   Lawn areas abound and there are plenty of places to sit
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and contemplate the garden. The views from the back
                                                                            Children £1
                                                                                                                                                                                                   gate across the weald towards Hawkenbury are fantastic.
                                                                            Tickets can be purchased
     Delightful private gardens in a beautiful parkland setting             on the day at the gate
     reflecting four generations and over 100 years of the Barham
                                                                                REFRESHMENTS AND
     family’s ownership. Renowned for yew topiary they feature                  LIGHT LUNCHES SERVED                                                                                               £5 per person (children are free)
                                                                                IN THE COACH HOUSE
     formal, walled, meadow and woodland gardens, alongside one
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tickets can be purchased on the day at the gate
     of the very best Bluebell woods in England.
                                                                                 H O LE PA R K , B E N E N D E N PA R K ,
     Visit                                                      R O LVE N D E N . T N 17 4J A
                                                                                                                                                                                                         N E W B U RY L A N E , C O U S L E Y W O O D , WA D H U RS T, E A S T S U S S E X , T N 5 6 H A

              Mary’s Garden, 61 Lavender Hill                                                    DOGS
     18.                                                                                         WELCOME
                                                                                                                                          Sevenoaks Allotments
                                                                                                                            20.           SEVENOAKS
                                                                            £5 per person
       SAT U RD AY 1 3 TH J ULY 1 P M T O 5PM                               (Under 12s go free)
                                                                                                                               SU N DAY 1 4 TH J ULY 10AM T O 4PM
                                                                            Tickets can be purchased on the
     This unexpected family garden behind a row of semis and                day at the gate

     terraces in south Tonbridge has been a work in progress for
     over 160 years. The current custodians took ownership in 2011
                                                                                 REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE                     Quaker’s Hall Allotments is a green lung right in the middle of
     and consider themselves privileged to have such a remarkable                                                           Sevenoaks, with nearly 11.5 acres of plots with stunning views
     space. Being professional garden makers, they are fortunate                                                            of the North Downs. Come along and meet some of the plot
     enough to have the space to indulge their ideas, experimenting                                                         holders; discover the different styles of gardening; take a stroll
     with structures, planting, and themes. This will be the fifth time                                                     around the beautiful site and enjoy tea and homemade cake.
     this garden has been opened, and each year it has offered yet                                                          There will be a plant and produce stall, gardening bric-a-brac,
     more surprises.                                                                                                        scarecrows, activities for children and other stalls. Visit the
                                                                                                                                    TICKET ONLY
                                                                                                                            for more details.
     The garden’s long history becomes apparent in the mature
     specimens, evolving layout and quirky corners. There is plentiful
     seating from which to enjoy the many different aspects of the                                                                                             Tickets can be purchased
     garden, including a ‘Forget-Me-Not Garden’ for contemplation                                                           £5 per person                      on the day at the gate
     and memories. The old vegetable garden and chicken run has                  M A RY ’ S G A R D E N , 61
     been given creative attention and boasts imaginative space for              LAVE N D E R H I LL, T O N B R I D G E
                                                                                                                                  S E VE N O A K S A LLO T M E N T S , A L L O T M E N T L A N E , S E V E N O A K S , T N 1 3 3 U Z
     social gatherings.                                                          T N 9 2A U

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         21
21.        Ightham Open Gardens
     £5 per person          Tickets can be purchased at Warren Cottage                         LIMITED ACCESS
                                                                                                                                                St Clere
                                                                                                                                  22.           KEMSING
                                                                                                                                                                   T H UR S DAY 18 TH JULY 12PM T O 4PM

                                                                                                                                      St Clere has a small team of gardeners who are extremely proud of their
                                                                                                                                      private gardens. This is a wonderful opportunity to view the delightful                               £13 per person
      Warren Cottage                                                                                                                  formal terraces, herbaceous and shrub borders, productive kitchen and                                 Tickets can be purchased
                                                                                                                                      herb garden, lawns, rare trees and wonderful views across the fields and                              via our website
        SU N D AY 1 4 T H J ULY 1 0 . 3 0 A M T O 5 PM                                                                                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                                      lake. The orangery is at the heart of the formal gardens and has recently
                                                                                                                                      been restored back to its original design.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  INCLUDES TEA,
      Located down a quiet country lane, Warren                                                                                       Tours of the estate grounds will be available throughout the afternoon                                      CAKE AND TOUR

      Cottage was a five year project that has taken                                                                                  led by head gardener and estate foreman Martin Platt. He’s a great story
      seven years to complete. Previously scruffy                                                                                     teller and will entertain you with tales of his 26 years of experience of
      woodland has been landscaped to include                                                                                         working at St Clere. The tours are very informative and interesting which
      three ponds and numerous areas to enjoy the                                                                                     proved to be very popular last year. Teas are served on the terrace
      fantastic views of Bourne Valley and beyond.                                                                                    and in the orangery overlooking the fabulous views across the Kent                                          S T C L E RE , K E M S I N G ,
      Meandering pathways take you through the                                                                                        countryside. A truly perfect way to relax and unwind on a sunny day.                                        SEVENOAKS, TN15 6NL
      two acre garden - everything from stunning
      roses to quirky sculptures. A must see!

                                                                                                                                23.            SATU R DAY 14 TH S EPT EMBER 2PM T O 4PM                                 LONG BARN   F I N D D E ATA I L S O N PA G E 1 4

          I GHTHAM, TN15 9P E .

                                                                                                                                                                             Flower Demonstration
                                                                                                                                                                24.          LANGTON GREEN

                                                                    Boundary Cottage                                                                                  T H UR S DAY 28 TH N OVEMBER , 2.30PM - 5.30PM

                                                                         JU LY 1 4 TH 1 2 P M TO 5 P M
                                                                                                                                                                   Gill Smaggasgale is a demonstrator with the National Association
                                                                                                                                                                   of Flower Arrangers (NAFAS) and a keen competitor who just loves
                                                                    The garden at Boundary Cottage combines                                                        working with flowers. Interested in both traditional and contemporary
                                                                    open grassland and mature trees with                                                           styles of flower arranging, Gill brings both to her demonstrations while
                                                                    cultivated herbaceous borders. It’s significant                                                injecting a sense of fun and providing an entertaining afternoon.
                                                                    features are the large flower beds surrounding
                                                                                                                                                                   To buy your tickets and for further information please contact Daphne
                                                                    the house with popular perennials such as
                                                                                                                                                                   Streeter on 01892 863753.
                                                                    lupins, delphiniums and geraniums and a rose
                                                                    covered pergola linking a tranquil seating                                                                          PLEASE BOOK EARLY TO
                                                                    area amongst beds of delphiniums and                                                                                AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT

                                                                    penstemons with a large feature koi pond.
                                                                                                                                                                   £10 per person                                AFTERNOON TEA

                                                                          BOUNDARY C O T TA G E , I G H T H A M , T N 15 9P E                                         L A N G T O N G RE E N V I L L A G E H A L L T N 3 0 J J

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 23
Why not open your
     Garden for Hospice in
     the Weald in 2020 ?

                      Next Spring and Summer, why not
               make space in your diary to open your garden
             for Hospice in the Weald. Cottage gardens; wildlife
         havens; village walkabouts – there’s something for everyone.

                           C O N TA C T K AT H RY N C R A C K N E L L

              01892 820533 |

                              Registered Charity No. 280276
                              Hospice in the Weald, Maidstone Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 4TA
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