Ontario County 2022 Directory

Ontario County

           John F. Marren, Chairman
     Todd D. Campbell, Vice-Chairman
                Kris n A. Mueller, Clerk
             Diane R. Foster, Deputy Clerk

          Ontario County Municipal Building
                  1st Floor, Mezzanine
                    20 Ontario Street
            Canandaigua, New York 14424

            Ontario County Board of Supervisors
Federal, State, County, City, Village, Town, & School Officials
Ontario County Board of Supervisors
                                                               GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS AND INSURANCE
              John F. Marren, Chairman
                                                         Legisla ve Board, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, County Administrator,
           Todd D. Campbell, Vice-Chairman
                                                      County A orney, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Real Property Tax Services, Board of
                Kris n A. Mueller, Clerk
                                                      Elec ons, Records and Archives, County Historian, Board of Ethics, Dog Control,
             Diane R. Foster, Deputy Clerk
                                                      Humane Society, Informa on Technology, Regulatory Compliance, County Insur-
                                                                ance Programs, Risk Management, Workers’ Compensa on.
         2022 Regular Board Mee ng Loca on
                        74 Ontario St.
                                                                         HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
          2nd Floor, Board of Supervisors Chambers
                   Canandaigua, NY 14424              Mental Health, Public Health, Coroners, Ontario ARC, Department of Social Ser-
                                                      vices, PINS, STOP-DWI Program, Traffic Safety Board, Youth Bureau, Workforce
                   Organiza onal Mee ng                       Development/Workforce Investment Board, Office for the Aging,
                 January 6, 2022@ 4:30 PM                                       Veterans Services Agency
                     Mee ng Dates
                 Thursday, January 27, 2022
                                                                  PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY
                                                        Planning, County Planning Board, Agriculture, Coopera ve Extension Liaison,
                 Thursday, February 17, 2022
                                                       Soil and Water Conserva on District, Economic Development, Tourism Promo-
                  Thursday, March 10, 2022              on, Monitoring & Management of Landfill Lease, Sustainability & Solid Waste
                  Thursday, March 31, 2022                  Management, Solid Waste Management Plan & Environmental Issues.

                   Thursday, April 21, 2022
                                                                                    PUBLIC SAFETY
                   Thursday, May 12, 2022
                                                      District A orney, Sheriff, Correc onal Facility, Proba on and Community Correc-
                   Thursday, June 2, 2022                  ons, Emergency Management Office, Public Defender, Conflict Defender,
                   Thursday, June 23, 2022                         Assigned Counsel, NYS Office of Court Administra on.
                   Thursday, July 14, 2022
                  Thursday, August 4, 2022
                                                                                   PUBLIC WORKS
                                                       Department of Public Works, Capital Improvement Plan, Parks and Recrea on,
                  Thursday, August 25, 2022
                                                        Engineering, Building and Grounds, Highways and Bridges, County Sewer Dis-
                Thursday, September 15, 2022          tricts, Fleet Management, Weights and Measures, Courier Services, Finger Lakes
                  Thursday, October 6, 2022                                     Community College Projects.
                 Thursday, October 27, 2022
                                                                                 WAYS AND MEANS
                Thursday, November 17, 2022
                                                      County Treasurer, Department of Finance, County Budget, Capital Improvement
                 Thursday, December 8, 2022           Financing, County Purchasing, Fixed Assets Inventory, Finger Lakes Community
                Thursday, December 22, 2022              College Financing, Department of Human Resources and Labor Rela ons.

Geneva City     *D      Louis H. Guard           70 Maxwell Avenue
                         2022 SUPERVISORS                                                                                    Geneva, NY 14456
                                                                                                                             Cell: 315-694-2782
Bristol       R          Robert A. Green, Jr.     6557 County Road 32
                                                  Canandaigua, NY 14424     Geneva City     *D      James G. Petropoulos     506 Exchange St.
                                                  Res.: 585-229-5244                                                         Geneva, NY 14456
                                                  T.H.: 585-229-2400                                                         Cell: 347-229-4030

Canadice      *R         Christopher R. Vastola   5480 County Road 36
                                                  Honeoye, NY 14471         Gorham          R       Frederick S. Ligh oote   3090 DePew Road
                                                  Cell:585-367-2904                                                          Stanley, NY 14561
                                                  T.H.: 585-367-2050                                                         Cell: 575-526-6246
Canandaigua   *R         Jared J. Simpson         2735 Cooley Road                                                           T.H.: 585-526-5231
Town                                              Canandaigua, NY 14424     Hopewell        R,C     William B. Namestnik     4365 County Road 46
                                                  Cell: 585-749-7527                                                         Canandaigua, NY 14424
                                                  T.H.: 585-394-1120                                                         Cell: 585-703-4227
                                                                                                                             T.H.: 585-957-6226
Canandaigua   D          David B. Baker           197 North Main Street
City                                              Canandaigua, NY 14424     Manchester      R       David W. Phillips        3906 Route 96
                                                  Res.: 585-394-0465                                                         Shortsville, NY 14548
                                                                                                                             Cell: 315-945-3991
Canandaigua   R,C        Richard S. Russell       121 Holiday Harbour                                                        T.H.:585-289-3010, 315-462-6224
City                                              Canandaigua, NY 14424     Naples          R       Tamara L. Hicks          6362 Edson Road
                                                  Cell: 721-4698                                                             Naples, NY 14512
                                                                                                                             Cell: 585-329-6078
East Bloomfield *R        Frederick A. Wille       2585 Wheeler Sta on Rd.                                                    T.H.:585-374-2111
                                                  Bloomfield, NY 14469       Phelps          *R      Norman L. Teed           1540 Gifford Road
                                                  Cell: 585-230-8435                                                         Phelps, NY 14532
                                                  T.H.:585-657-7700                                                          Cell: 315-548-9535
Farmington    *R         Peter V. Ingalsbe        151 Gavin Court                                                            T.H.: 315-548-5691
                                                  Farmington, NY 14425      Richmond        R       Daryl Marshall           3999 County Road 40
                                                  Cell: 585-749-3390                                                         Bloomfield, NY 14469
                                                  T.H.: 315-986-8193                                                         Cell: 585-704-7411
Geneva Town   *D,WF,GF   Mark A. Venu             329 White Springs Road                                                     T.H.: 585-229-5757
                                                  Geneva, NY 14456          Seneca          *R, C   Andrew R. Wickham        3619 Flint Road
                                                  Res.: 315-781-2855                                                         Stanley, NY 14561
                                                  Office: 375-789-4549                                                         Cell: 585-729-1478
                                                  T.H.: 315-789-7341                                                         T.H.: 585-526-5595
Geneva City   *D, WF     Dominick T. Vedora       144 South West Street     South Bristol   R,C,I   Daniel Q. Marshall       6774 County Road 12
                                                  Geneva, NY 14456                                                           Naples, NY 14512
                                                  Res.: 315-789-6839                                                         Res.: 585-374-5797

                                      5                                                                               6
Victor             *R,C,I   John F. (Jack) Marren       87 Church Street
                                                        Victor, NY 14564                         2022 RULES AND ORDER OF BUSINESS
                                                        Res.: 585-924-3444                     ONTARIO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

West               *R,C     Todd D. Campbell            PO Box 54
Bloomfield                                               West Bloomfield, NY 14585      RESOLVED, that the following be the rules and order of business of this
                                                        Res.: 585-624-7766         Board:
                                                        Cell: 585-820-3406
                                                        T.H.: 585-24-2461          1. Organization, Date:
                                                                                        The Organization Meeting of the Board of Supervisors shall be held on or
                   * Four –year terms—All others are two –year terms               before January 8 of each year.
                            WEIGHTED VOTE
                                                                                   2. Organization Meeting:
                   OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (4496)
   Town/City                Supervisor           Simple Majority    2/3 Majority         The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall serve upon each member a
                                                                                   notice stating the date, time, and place of such meeting to organize the Board
   Bristol                  Green                96                 95             and that a Chair will then be selected. The notice shall be served electronically
   Canadice                 Vastola              69                 69             or by mail addressed to each member at his or her last known post office ad-
                                                                                   dress at least 48 hours before the date of the meeting. The Clerk shall call the
   Canandaigua              Simpson              444                464            members to order and they, by a majority of the weighted vote, shall select the
   Canandaigua City         Baker                225                226            Temporary Chair who shall preside at such meeting until a Permanent Chair is
                                                                                   elected by a majority of the Weighted Vote. Rules of Procedure shall be adopt-
   Canandaigua City         Russell              213                214            ed by a majority of the weighted vote, and, following the Organizational Meet-
   East Bloomfield           Wille                152                151            ing, shall not be waived, amended, or modified without unanimous consent.
   Farmington               Ingalsbe             550                601
                                                                                   3. Committees, Standing:
   Geneva                   Venu                 146                144
                                                                                         The Chair of the Board, for the purpose of aiding and assisting the Board
   Geneva City              Vedora               216                217
                                                                                   in the transaction of its business, shall appoint the following Standing Commit-
   Geneva City              Guard                163                163            tees who shall provide general supervision through the County Administrator
   Geneva City              Petropoulos          153                159            for the County Departments, Agencies, and activities set opposite them:
   Gorham                   Ligh oote            170                171
                                                                                            GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS AND INSURANCE
   Hopewell                 Namestnik            163.               163             Legislative Board, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, County Administrator,
   Manchester               Phillips             381                394              County Attorney, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Real Property Tax Services,
                                                                                   Board of Elections, Records and Archives, County Historian, Board of Ethics,
   Naples                   Hicks                100                100
                                                                                   Dog Control, Humane Society, Information Technology, Regulatory Compli-
   Phelps                   Teed                 273                277             ance, County Insurance Programs, Risk Management, Workers’ Compensa-
   Richmond                 Daryl Marshall       142                140                                                tion.
   Seneca                   Wickham              110                110
   South Bristol            Dan Marshall         68                 68
   Victor                   Marren               602                711
   West Bloomfield           Campbell             114                114
                                             7                                                                            8
HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES                                            The Chair and Vice Chair of the Board shall be members ex-officio of each
 Mental Health, Public Health, Coroners, Ontario ARC, Department of Social           of the Committees of the Board.
  Services, PINS, STOP-DWI Program, Traffic Safety Board, Youth Bureau,
 Workforce Development/Workforce Investment Board, Office for the Aging,                 It shall be the duty of the Standing Committees to consider, advise, and
                         Veterans Service Agency                                     report to the Board on matters relating to the departments, agencies, and activi-
                                                                                     ties, and they shall have the power to decide governmental matters relating to
             PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY                                      the several departments subject to final approval or disapproval by the Board.
  Planning, County Planning Board, Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Liai-
                                                                                        A member of any Standing Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the
 son, Soil and Water Conservation District, Economic Development, Sustaina-
bility & Solid Waste Management, Tourism Promotion, Monitoring & Manage-
ment of Landfill Lease, Solid Waste Management Plan & Environmental Issues
                                                                                         The Committees are authorized and encouraged to accept advice and coun-
                                                                                     sel from citizens who are not members of the Board of Supervisors.
                               PUBLIC SAFETY
  District Attorney, Sheriff, Correctional Facility, Probation and Community            Each Standing Committee shall maintain minutes and file same regularly
        Corrections, Emergency Management Office, Public Defender,                   with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
  Conflict Defender, Assigned Counsel, NYS Office of Court Administration.
                                                                                     4. Committees, Special:
                               PUBLIC WORKS
  Department of Public Works, Capital Improvement Plan, Parks and Recrea-                The Board may from time to time create and abolish special committees.
tion, Engineering, Building and Grounds, Highways and Bridges, County Sew-           Any resolution creating a special committee shall specify the powers and duties
er Districts, Fleet Management, Weights and Measures, Courier Services, Fin-         of the committees and the number of its members. The Chair shall appoint the
                     ger Lakes Community College Projects.                           members of all special committees.

                          WAYS AND MEANS                                             5. Order of Business:
 County Treasurer, Department of Finance, County Budget, Capital Improve-               At each session the Order of Business shall be:
  ment Financing, County Purchasing, Fixed Assets Inventory, Finger Lakes                1. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.
 Community College Financing, Department of Human Resources and Labor                    2. Reading of the Minutes
                                Relations.                                               3. Public Hearing (s) if applicable
                                                                                         4. Reports of County Officials
  Four (4) committees shall consist of seven (7) members and two (2) shall consist       5. Privilege of the Floor.
of six (6) members and designation of which committees will have seven (7) or six        6. Presentation of petitions and communications.
(6) members shall be at the discretion of the Board Chair; each Supervisor shall         7. Report of Special Committees.
serve on at least 2 standing committees.                                                 8. Report of Standing Committees.
                                                                                         9. Resolutions, motions, and notices.
   A quorum of each of the seven (7) member committees shall consist of four (4)        10. Unfinished business.
members and that a quorum of each of the six (6) member committees shall consist        11. Special Order of the day.
of three (3) members, and no committee shall act upon any matter unless a quorum
is present.                                                                              The Order of Business shall be incorporated in an Agenda for each meeting,
                                                                                     said Agenda to be prepared by the Chair, subject to his or her discretion, except
                                                                                     as otherwise provided herein.

                                        9                                                                                   10
Upon the members being called to order, the minutes of the preceding ses-           8. Chair, Right to Vote:
sion shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called
for by a member of the Board.                                                              The Chair shall in all cases have the right to vote.

6. Meetings; Vice Chair; Meeting Schedule:                                              9. Members, Speaking:

    Meeting Schedule: A regular session of the Board of Supervisors shall be                Every member, previous to his or her speaking, shall rise if able from his or
held every third Thursday of the year commencing with January 27, 2022, except          her seat and address himself or herself to the Chair. A member in attendance
that the first meeting of the year shall be the organizational session, and the last    via video conferencing shall press the raise the hand button or show in the cam-
meeting of the year shall occur on the second Thursday following the previous           era their hand is raised to be recognized by the Chair to speak in turn with the
meeting. All meetings except the organizational meeting shall be held in the            members in the room.
evening. The Chair shall take the chair at 6:30 P.M. at each evening session, un-
less otherwise ordered.                                                                 10. Order, Speaking:

     Board Vice Chair: The Chair of the Board shall appoint from among the mem-           When two or more members shall rise at once, the Chair shall name the
bers of the Board a Vice Chair to serve at his or her pleasure who, in the absence or   member who is to speak first.
inability to act of the Chair, shall possess all powers and perform all the duties of
the Chair of the Board. A vacancy in the Office of Chair of the Board shall be          11. Order, Speaking:
filled in accordance with County Law Section 151.
                                                                                            No member shall speak more than once on any question until every mem-
    Special Meetings: A special meeting shall be held at the call of the Clerk          ber choosing to speak shall have had the opportunity to speak.
of the Board upon direction of the Chair of the Board of Supervisors or upon
written request signed by a simple majority of the members of the Board of              12. Order:
Supervisors and shall require notice stating the time, place, and purpose of the
special meeting to be served electronically, personally, or by mail upon each              A member called to order shall immediately come to order, and, if standing,
member by the Clerk of the Board at least 48 hours before the date fixed for            be seated, except that he or she be permitted to explain. If an appeal be taken
holding such meeting, or a member may waive the service of the notice for               from the decision of the Chair, the Board shall decide the case without debate,
such meeting in writing.                                                                and the question shall be stated by the Chair to be, "Shall the decision of the
                                                                                        Chair be overruled by the Board?"
    Agendas: An Agenda of the Order of Business shall be given to each Su-
pervisor two days prior to the regular meetings. All informational meeting ma-          13. Privilege of the Floor, Chair:
terials shall also be given at such time.
                                                                                           Persons not members of the Board may, with the Chair’s permission, be
   Review of Resolutions: All Supervisors shall review correspondence, pro-             permitted to speak in regard to matters pending before the Board.
posed resolutions, or any other matters presented to them prior to the scheduled
Board meeting.                                                                          14. Voting, Requirement of:

7. Order:                                                                                   Every Supervisor present when a vote is stated by the Chair shall vote thereon,
                                                                                        unless excused by the Chair. When excused by the Chair the reason for abstaining
   The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of         or being excused shall be stated publicly.
order, including but not limited to the interpretation of the Rules and Order of
Business, subject to an appeal by the Board.

                                         11                                                                                    12
15. Motions, Offering and Seconding:                                               20. Resolutions, Names of Members in Minutes:

    All motions shall be first offered, then seconded, then stated by the Chair    The names of the members offering and seconding a resolution shall be entered
before debate, and then debated, except that a member invoking the rule to         in the minutes. Any member attending the meeting via video conferencing shall
divide a question (Rule No. 17) shall require no second, no debate, and no vote.   state their name when offering or seconding a motion. The Chair shall repeat
All motions requiring a vote shall be decided by a total majority of the           the name of the member offering the first and second of each motion.
weighted vote, except the following motions:
 to put the question which shall require two-thirds of the weighted vote          21. Votes, When Recorded:
 a resolution to standardize, which shall require two-thirds of the weighted
                                                                                         The ayes and noes upon a question shall be taken and entered in the
                                                                                   minutes, when required by law or if requested by any member. The Chair of
 a motion to approve any project in the program budget of the capital im-         the Committee and then the members of the Committee offering the resolution
     provement plan, scheduled to be funded through bonding, which shall re-       shall be polled first.
     quire two-thirds of the weighted vote
 except where otherwise required by law.                                          22. Reconsideration, Motion for:

16. Motions, Withdrawal:                                                                 No motion for reconsideration shall be in order unless the motion be
                                                                                   made on the same day or on the next session day following that on which the
   After a motion is stated by the Chair, it shall be before the Board, but may    decision proposed to be reconsidered took place. The motion to reconsider
be withdrawn by the person offering the motion and the person seconding the        must be made by a member who voted with the majority upon the decision to
motion at any time before decision or amendment.                                   be reconsidered. Where any motion or resolution failed to receive a majority
                                                                                   of the weighted voting power of the Board, the motion to reconsider must be
17. Motions, Dividing the Question:                                                made by a member who voted in the negative. A motion to reconsider having
                                                                                   been put and lost shall not be renewed nor shall any subject be a second time
    If any question in debate contains several distinct propositions, any member   reconsidered without unanimous consent of the members present and voting.
may have the same divided for purposes of debate and voting. (See Rule No.
15)                                                                                      Notwithstanding the above; any member necessarily absent may, at the
                                                                                   next regular session after the adoption or consideration of any motion or reso-
18. Motions, When in Order:                                                        lution, move a reconsideration of the same. Any motion to reconsider shall not
                                                                                   be in order at a subsequent regular meeting unless said motion is filed with the
    When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received except:           Clerk of the Board in accordance with Rule 32, or at a special meeting unless
   to amend the question,                                                         said motion is properly noticed in accordance with Rule 6.
   to put the question,
   to adjourn it to a day certain,                                                     No member, whose attendance at any session has been noted in the record
   to table it,                                                                   thereof, but who was absent at the time of the adoption or reconsideration of
                                                                                   any motion or resolution at such session, shall be deemed to have been
   to commit it to a committee,
                                                                                   "necessarily absent" unless prior to such absence he or she shall have been ex-
   or a motion to adjourn the Board.
                                                                                   cused by the Chairman, such excuse to be noted in the minutes.
19. Motions, When in Order:                                                        23. Rules, Waiver of:

     A motion to adjourn shall always be in order.                                    No standing rule or order shall be rescinded, suspended, or changed or any
                                                                                   additional rule or order be adopted thereto except by unanimous vote of the
                                                                                   members present and voting at a regular or adjourned or special session.

                                      13                                                                                 14
24. Layover:                                                                          This rule No. 26 may be rescinded, suspended, or changed in accordance with
                                                                                      Rule No. 23 in order that a claim for any purchase made or an expense incurred
      Every resolution and local law, including any amendments to the same            which violates this Rule may be audited by this Board.
before the Board, shall lay over until the next regular session of the Board if so
demanded by any member. No further action may be taken on the resolution or           27. Officers, Compensation of Elected:
local law or its amendments, but limited debate may continue at the discretion
of the Chair. No member shall be required to tell his or her reason for lay‑over            Any motion or resolution relating to compensation of elected County Of-
of the resolution or local law. Any action on a laid‑over resolution or local law     ficers shall be presented at a regular session of the Board of Supervisors at least
must take place at the next regular session. A special meeting may be called,         eight months prior to the beginning of the term of office of such officers, but if
pursuant to Rule 6, for purposes of considering a laid‑over resolution or local       presented at the last regular session in the month of April, it shall be acted upon
law, prior to the next regular session. If a special meeting is called for that       at such April session; this rule supersedes all provisions to the contrary as set
purpose, any action on the laid over resolution must take place at said special       forth in Rule No. 23. Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to deny or curtail
meeting. Amendments to such a resolution or local law being considered are            the powers given the Board of Supervisors to increase salaries of elected offic-
not subject to lay‑over. No resolution or local law may lay over a second time.       ers during the term of office in accordance with Subdivision h, subparagraph 2
When a motion, resolution or local law is presented at the last session of any        of Section 24 of the Municipal Home Rule Law.
year, then, and in that event, the Board must take a vote upon such motion,
resolution or local law on that day unless such motion, resolution or local law       28. Committee, Chair’s Power to Refer to:
is tabled by a weighted majority of the members present and voting.
                                                                                            All petitions, communications, and reports and motions requiring action
25. Table:                                                                            of a committee shall be referred by the Chair, without motion, to the committee
                                                                                      having charge of matters relating to the same.
      Every resolution and local law, including any amendments to the same
before the Board, may be tabled for one year by a weighted majority of the            29. Attendance and Late Arrivals:
members present and voting. No further action may be taken on a tabled reso-
lution or local law or its amendments, but limited debate may continue at the              Any member knowing, they will not attend a session of this Board must
discretion of the Chair. However, no resolution or Local Law which is tabled          inform the Board Chairman or the Board Clerk’s office prior to the meeting.
shall be called from the table except by consent of a weighted majority of the        Any member attending a session of this Board subsequent to roll call shall ad-
members present and voting. All matters Tabled and not called up after one            dress the Chair and request that his or her attendance be noted in the record.
year shall be considered to have died on the Table.
                                                                                      30. Quorum:
26. Purchasing Practice:
                                                                                            A quorum shall consist of enough members present having at least a
       No Officer of the County, nor any employee thereof, including officers         weighted voting majority. If those present do not have a majority of such vot-
and employees of the Finger Lakes Community College, shall make any pur-              ing power, those present shall adjourn forty‑five minutes after the time set for
chase or incur any expenses chargeable in whole or part to this County without        the session.
first obtaining the authorization of the County Purchasing Agent pursuant to
Resolution No. 759-1982, adopted on December 30, 1982, as well as amend-
ments pertaining thereto. No claim for any purchase made or any expense in-
curred in violation of this rule shall be audited.

This rule shall not apply to purchases made or expenses incurred by the County
Commissioner of Social Services or other County Officer or employee when
such is authorized or directed by general or special stature or order of a court of
competent Jurisdiction, or by resolution, or local law passed by the Board.
                                        15                                                                                   16
31. Committees, Weighted Vote:
                                                                                                     LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT OFFICES
     Because committee reports and recommendations are not binding upon                                 NEW YORK STATE GOVERNOR
the Board, Standing and Special Committees shall not use a weighted vote in                                   Kathy Hochul
the work of the committees, but however, any member of the Board may offer,
at any time, a motion or resolution regarding any matter referred to Committee                                    Execu ve Chamber
with or without the benefit of the Committee's report or recommendation.                                           Albany, NY 12224
                                                                                                                 (4-Yr Term thru 2022)
32. Resolutions, Filing Deadline:
                                                                                     United States Senators
      No resolution shall be offered unless it first has been filed with the Clerk   Charles Schumer                             Kirsten Gillibrand
of the Board by noon of the fourth working day prior to and not including the        (6-Yr Term thru 2022)                       (6-Yr term thru 2024)
day of the session at which it is offered. Any resolution which has been filed in    100 State Street, Rm 3040                   100 State Street, Rm 4195
accordance with this rule may be offered by any member of the Board at the           100S. Clinton Street                        Rochester, NY 14614
next scheduled Board meeting. This rule shall not apply to special meetings of       Syracuse, NY 13261                          Voice: 585-263-6250
the Board under Rule 6, nor to the Organization Meeting of the subsequent
                                                                                     Voice: 315-423-5471                         Fax: 585-263-6247
year, under Rule 2. All informational materials for resolutions being considered
shall also be given at such time.                                                    United States Congressmen
                                                                                     Chris Jacobs (27th District)                Represen ng City and Town of
33. Local Laws, Procedure for Adoption:                                              (4-Yr Term thru 2022)                       Canandaigua, West Bloomfield,
                                                                                     District Office                               East Bloomfield, Victor,
      A resolution shall introduce a proposed Local Law and authorize the set-
                                                                                     128 Main St., Suite 3                       Farmington, Richmond, Bristol,
ting of a date for all necessary public hearings and may authorize the Clerk to
give notice thereof. Each local law shall be presented by the delivery of a copy     Geneseo, NY 14454                           Canadice, South Bristol, and
thereof to each supervisor, and by notation thereof as a Communication. Each         585-519-4002                                part of Naples
local law shall be adopted as a local law, with a resolution of adoption, and the    D.C. Office
Clerk is hereby authorized to renumber local laws as necessary to satisfy the        United States House of Representa ves
requirements of the Municipal Home Rule Law.
                                                                                     214 Cannon House Office Building
                                                                                     Washington, DC 20515
34. Videoconferencing:
                                                                                     Voice: 202-225-5265
      The extent authorized by New York State law and by Executive Orders,           Thomas W. Reed, II (23rd District)          Represen ng Manchester,
Board and Committee meetings may be conducted via Videoconferencing us-                                                          Phelps, Seneca, Hopewell,
                                                                                     (2-Yr Term thru 2023)
ing a platform approved by the County. This policy shall apply only during the
                                                                                     District Office                               Gorham, City and Town of
aforementioned authorized periods and shall end upon order of the Chairman
                                                                                     433 Exchange Street                         Geneva, and part of Naples
of the Board or as required by New York State law. This policy shall not be
precedential for any other time periods.                                             Geneva, NY 14456
                                                                                     D.C. Office
                                                                                     2437 Rayburn House Office Building
                                                                                     Washington, DC 20515-3229
                                                                                     Voice: 202-225-3161
                                       17                                                                                 18
State Senators                                                            ONTARIO COUNTY COURT HOUSE
                                                                          27 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424
Pamela A. Helming (54th District) Represen ng Ci es and Towns of
(2-Yr Term thru 2022)             Geneva and Canandaigua,                 County Court                     Family Court            Supreme Court
Albany Office                                                               Commissioner of Jurors           Court Clerks
                                  Farmington, Gorham, Hopewell,
LOB Room 946                                                              District A orney                 Surrogate Court
                                  Manchester, Phelps, and Seneca
Albany, NY 12247
                                                                          COUNTY MUNICIPAL BUILDING
District Office                                                             20 Ontario Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424
425 Exchange Street                                                       Board of Supervisors             County Clerk             Motor Vehicles
Geneva, NY 14456                                                          County Administrator             County Treasurer         Planning Department
315-568-9816                                                              County A orney                   Economic Development Public Defender
                                                                          Purchasing Department            Real Property Tax Agency
Samra G. Brouk (55th District)      Represen ng Bristol, Canadice, East
(2-Yr Term thru 2022)               Bloomfield, Naples, Richmond, South
                                                                          ONTARIO ARC, RECORDS AND ARCHIVES, ONTARIO COUNTY JAIL
Albany Office                         Bristol, Victor, and West Bloomfield   Abbey Industries/ARC ………………….. 3071 County Complex Drive
LOB Room 617                                                              Archives & Historian ………………….. 3051 County Complex Drive
Albany, NY 12247                                                          Ontario County Jail ………………….. 3045 County Complex Drive
District Office                                                             HUMAN SERVICES BUILDING
Suite 230, Packets Landing                                                3010 County Complex Drive, Canandaigua, NY 14424
Fairport, NY 14450                                                        Workforce Development            Social Services         Alterna ves to
585-223-1800                                                              Veterans Service Agency          Proba on                Incarcera on
                                                                          Conflict Defender                 Youth Bureau            DSS Accoun ng
State Assemblyman                                                         HEALTH AND PERSONNEL SERVICES BUILDING
                                                                          3019 County Complex Drive, Canandaigua, NY 14424
Jeffrey Gallahan (131st District)    Represen ng all of Ontario County
(2-Yr Term thru 2022)                                                     Central Finance Department       Public Health           Human Resources
District Office                                                             Mental Health                    Aging, Office for the     STOP-DWI
70 Elizabeth Blackwell St.                                                Solid Waste and Sustainability
Geneva, NY 14456
                                                                          SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY
                                                                          2914 County Road 48, Canandaigua, NY 14424

Albany Office                                                               Emergency Management             Emergency Medical
LOB 725                                                                   County Fireman                   Services
Albany, NY 12248
                                   19                                                                           20
TRANSPORTATION CENTER                                                    COUNTY SHERIFF: PHILIP POVERO (Interim) (4 Yr-Term thru 2022)
2930 County Road 48, Canandaigua, NY 14424                                 COUNTY TREASURER: GARY G. BAXTER (4 Yr-Term thru 2022)
County Highway             Fleet Maintenance                                COUNTY CLERK: MATTHEW J. HOOSE (4 Yr-Term thru 2023)
Vehicle Maintenance                                                         DISTRICT ATTORNEY: JAMES B. RITTS (4 Yr-Term thru 2025)
PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY                                                                 ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEYS
2962 County Road 48, Canandaigua, NY 14424                                                      Melanie Bailey
Buildings & Grounds        Public Works             Weights & Measures
                                                                                         V. Christopher Eaggleston
Sewer Districts                                                                                 Jeffery Friesen
                                                                                              Kaitlin E. Has ngs
                                                                                           Heather Parker Hines
83 Seneca Street, Geneva, NY 14456
                                                                                             Jason A. MacBride
Social Services            Public Defender
                                                                                               Jenna Markwitz
Workforce Development
                                                                                               Meghan Maslyn
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                                                         Zachary Maurer
70 Ontario Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424
                                                                                              Broxton T. Prater
DISPUTE SETTLEMENT CENTER                                                                    Alyxandra Stanczak
1 Franklin Square, Geneva, NY 14456                                                             Collen Sullivan
FINGER LAKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE                                                                Peter Van Dellon
3325 Marvin Sands Drive, Canandaigua, NY 14424                                              CORONERS (4-year terms)
585-785-1000                                                                                 Dr. Jeffrey C. Long (2022)
74 ONTARIO STREET                                                                                 Naples, NY 14512
Sheriff’s Office          Board of Elec ons
585-394-4560           585-396-4005                                                           Sco Avedisian (2022)
                                                                                                Geneva, NY 14456
Grand Jury Room        Board of Supervisors Session Room
                                                                                             James J. Devaney (2023)
                                                                                                Geneva, NY 14456

                                                                                              Michael D. John (2023)
                                                                                               Geneva, NY 14456

                                                                                   DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS
                                                                                                 Dr. Vicma Ramos

                                      21                                                                22
Town of Bristol
                  2020 US CENSUS INFORMATION                                                    6740 County Road 32
                                             Population                                        Canandaigua, NY 14424
                                                                                      Phone: (585) 229-2400 Fax: (585) 229-4319
Town of Bristol                                             2,284
                                                                                               www.towno ristol.org
Town of Canadice                                            1,668
                                                                                     Town Board Mee ng: 2nd Monday at 7:00 p.m.
City of Canandaigua                                        10,576
                                                                    Supervisor                          Town Clerk/Collector
Town of Canandaigua                                        11,109   Robert A. Green, Jr.                Karen Maczynski
Town of East Bloomfield                                     3,640   6557 County Road 32                 Town Hall Address
                                              1,277                 Canandaigua, NY 14424               585-229-2400
            Village of Bloomfield
Town of Farmington                                         14,170   585-229-2400                        townclerk@towno ristol.org
                                                                    supervisor@towno ristol.org
City of Geneva                                             12,812
                                                                    Town Councilpersons                 Sole Assessor
Town of Geneva                                              3,473
                                                                    Chris Hart                          Kelly Ducar
Town of Gorham                                              4,106
                                                                    585-229-2400                        Town Hall Address
           Village of Rushville                 194
(Ontario County part)                                               David Parsons                       assessor@towno ristol.org
Town of Hopewell                                            3,931   585-229-2400
Town of Manchester                                          9,404   Fred Stresing                       Code Enforcement Officer
          Village of Clifton Springs                                585-229-2400                        Chris Jensen
(Town of Manchester part)                     1,727                                                     Town Hall Address
           Village of Manchester              1,640                 Lauren Bolonda                      585-229-2400
                                                                    585-229-2400                        pzsecbristol@towno ristol.org
           Village of Shortsville             1,400
Town of Naples                                              2,403
                                                931                 Town A orney                        Highway Superintendent
           Village of Naples
                                                                    William Kenyon, Esq.                Ronald Wilson
Town of Phelps                                              6,637   11 North Street                     Town Hall Address
           Village of Clifton Springs                               Canandaigua, NY 14424               585-734-0346
(Town of Phelps part)                           482                 585-394-2068                        highway@towno ristol.org
           Village of Phelps                  1,851                 bill@kenyonandkenyonlaw.com
Town of Richmond                                            3,360   Town Jus ce                         Planning Board, Chair
Town of Seneca                                              2,644   Hon. Frank Bere a                   Karen Ellmore
Town of South Bristol                                       1,641   Town Hall Address                   585-229-2400
Town of Victor                                             15,860                                       Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
                                              2,744                 cberry@nycourts.gov
           Village of Victor                                                                            Mar n Snyder
Town of West Bloomfield                                     2,740                                       585-229-2400
                                                                    Historian                           Health Officer
Total Ontario County:                                     112,458   Elizabeth Thomas                    Ontario County, Mary Beer
                                                                    Town Hall Address
                                                                    historian@towno ristol.org
                                        23                                                              24
Town of Canadice
                                                                                                     Town of Canandaigua
                             5949 County Road 37
                                                                                                   5440 Routes 5 & 20 West
                            Springwater, NY 14560
                                                                                                    Canandaigua, NY 14424
                  Phone: (585) 367-2050 Fax: (585) 367-3880                               Phone: (585) 394-1120 Fax: (585) 394-9476
                              www.canadice.org                                                  www.townofcanandaigua.org
                 Town Board Mee ng: 2nd Monday at 7:30 p.m.                              Town Board Mee ng: 3rd Monday at 6:00 p.m.
Supervisor                          Town Clerk/Collector             Supervisor                              Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes
Christopher R. Vastola              Eileen Schaefer                  Jared J. Simpson—Ext. 2224              Jean E. Chrisman
5480 County Road 36                 Town Hall Address                Town Hall Address                       Town Hall Address
Honeoye, NY 14471                   585-367-2050 X2                  jsimpson@townofcanandaigua.org          jchrisman@townofcanandaigua.org
585-367-2050 X1                     townclerk@canadice.org           Town Councilpersons                     Assessor
supervisor@canadice.org                                              Vacant                                  Vacant

Town Councilpersons                 Sole Assessor                    Terry Fennelly                          Code Enforcement Officer
Kate Crowley                        Lisa M. Benne                     ennelly@townofcanandaigua.org          Dale Zukai s—585-690-3084
585-733-1365                        Town Hall Address                                                        dzukai s@townofcanandaigua.org
                                                                     Adeline Rudolph
                                    585-367-2050 X4
Teryl Gronwall                                                       larudolph@townofcanandaigua.org         Chris Jensen—585-315-3088
585-367-8400                                                                                                 cjensen@townofcanandaigua.org
                                                                     Gary Davis
John O’Connor                       Code Enforcement Officer           gdavis@townofcanandaigua.org

585-367-2405                        Stephen Smith
                                    Town Hall Address                Town Manager                            Planning Board, Chair
Mark Sta                            585-367-2050 X3                  Doug Finch—Ext. 2234                    Charles Oyler
585-367-2886                        ceo@canadice.org                 dfinch@townofcanandaigua.org             5078 Foster Road
Town A orney                        Highway Superintendent
Contract                            Jeremy Fraim                     Planner                                 Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
As Needed                           Town Hall Address                Shawna Bonshak—Ext. 2241                Carl Sahler
                                                                     sbonshak@townofcanandaigua.org          4214 County Road 16
                                    585-367-2557 Fax: 585-367-3880

Town Jus ce                         Planning Board, Chair            Highway/Water Superintendent            Town/Planning Board/ZBA A orney
Hon. Russel Coon                    Theodore Mayhood                 James Fletcher—585-394-3300             Chris Nadler, Esq.
Hon. Dale Schaefer                  585-367-2050 X6                  jfletcher@townofcanandaigua.org          585-315-4767
                                                                     Town Jus ce                             Health Officer
Historian                           Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair   Hon. Walter Jones & David Prull         Ontario County, Mary Beer
Margaret “Jo” Bo                    Linda Moorehouse                 Court Clerk—Kris n Bartolo a
                                                                     kbartolo a@townofcanandaigua.org
Town Hall Address                   585-367-2050 X3
285-367-2050 X7

                                    25                                                                     26
Town of Farmington
                          Town of East Bloomfield                                                             1000 County Road 8
                          99 Main St., P.O. Box 85                                                          Farmington, NY 14425
                         East Bloomfield, NY 14443                                                 Phone: (315) 986-8100 Fax: (315) 986-4377
                 Phone: (585) 657-7700 Fax: (585) 657-7276                                                 www.farmingtonny.org
                      www.townofeastbloomfield.org                                             Town Board Mee ng: 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
             Town Board Mee ng: 2nd & 4th Monday at 7:00 p.m.                  Supervisor                            Town Clerk
Supervisor                              Town Clerk                             Peter V. Ingalsbe                     Michelle Finley
Frederick Wille                         Margaret Gochenaur                     Town Hall Address                     Town Hall Address
                                                                               315-986-8100 Opt. #2                  315-986-8100 Opt. #1
99 Main Street, P.O. Box 85             99 Main Street, P.O. Box 85
                                                                               pingalsbe@farmingtonny.org            townclerk@farmingtonny.org
585-657-7700 opt. 2                     585-657-7700 opt. 1
supervisorfwille@                       mgochenaur@townofeastbloomfield.org     Town Councilpersons                   Assessor
townofeastbloomfield.org                                                        Mike Casale                           Vacant
                                                                                                                     Code Enforcement Officer
Town Councilpersons                     Assessor                                                                     Daniel Delpriore
Michell MacMillan                       Donald Collins                         Steve Holtz
                                                                                                                     315-986-8100 Opt. #3
585-657-6519                            585-657-7700 opt. 5                    585-223-4693
mtmacmillan@                            assessor@townofeastbloomfield.org
townofeastbloomfield.org                                                        Ron Herendeen                         Fire Marshall
                                                                               315-730-1022                          August Gordner
Jay Mitchell                            Code Enforcement Officer
                                        James A. Kier                                                                315-986-8100 Opt. #3
                                        99 Main Street, P.O. Box 85            Nate Bowerman
wjmjr56@fron er.com
                                        585-657-7700 opt. 4                    585-278-4738
Kathy Conradt                           ebtcodeofficer@townofeastbloomfield.org   Town A orney                          Director of Development
                                                                               Jeffrey Graff, Esq.                     Ronald Brand
                                        Planning Board, Chair
Frank Fessner                                                                  26 East Main St.                      Town Hall Address
ffessner@townofeastbloomfield.org         Fred Fink
                                                                               Cli on Springs, NY 14432              315-986-8100 Opt. #5
                                                                               315-462-3010                          rbplans@gmail.com
Town A orney                            Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair         jgaff@rileygraff.com
Lacy, Katzen, LLP                       Arthur Babcok
                                        585-657-5455                           Town Jus ce                           Planning Board, Chair
                                                                               Hon. John Gligora                     Edward Hemminger
Town Jus ce                             Highway Superintendent                 315-986-3113                          585-261-4502
Hon. Edward Kenyon                      Sco Kimball                                                                  edhemminger@gmail.com
                                        7229 Routes 5 & 20, P.O. Box 85        Hon. Morris Lew
Hon. Robert C. Montgomery               East Bloomfield, NY 14443               315-986-8195                          Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
                                        585-657-7700 opt. 3
                                                                               Water & Sewer Superintendent          Timothy DeLucia
Historian                               highwaysuperkimball@
                                                                               Vacant                                585-924-3777
Judith Stewart                          townofeastbloomfield.org
                                                                               585-924-3158                          tmdelucai@aol.com
99 Main St., P.O. Box 85                Court Clerk
                                                                               Historian                             Highway Superintendent
585-657-7700 opt. 1                     Margaret Gochenaur
                                                                               Donna Herendeen                       Don Giroux
historian@ebhs1838.org                  585-657-7700 opt. 7
                                                                               315-986-8100 opt. #6                  985 Hook Road
                                                                                                                     Farmington, NY 14425
Health Officer                                                                   Health Officer
Mary L. Beer                                                                   Mary Beer
                                                                               Ontario County
Ontario County Public Health Director
                                        27                                                                           28
Town of Geneva
                             3750 County Road 6                                                         Town of Gorham
                              Geneva, NY 14456                                                         4736 South Street
                  Phone: (315) 789-3922 Fax: (315) 789-7753                                            Gorham, NY 14461
                          www.townofgeneva.com                                             Phone: (585) 526-6317 Fax: (585) 526-4799
                Town Board Mee ng: 2nd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.                                          www.gorham-ny.com
Supervisor                          Town Clerk/Tax Collector                            Town Board Mee ng: 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Mark Venu                           Lorrie Naegele                      Supervisor                           Town Clerk
Town Hall Address                   Town Hall Address                   Frederick Ligh oote                  Darby Perro e
supervisor@townofgeneva.com         townclerk@townofgeneva.com          Town Hall Address                    Town Hall Address
Town Councilpersons                 Sole Assessor                       585-526-6317 ext. 2                  585-526-6317 ext. 1
Jeffrey Dunham                       Lorie Peck                          fligh oote@gorham-ny.org              Darby.perro e@gorham-ny.org
315-521-7870                        315-789-7341                        Town Councilpersons                  Assessor
                                    assessor@townofgeneva.com           Brian Case                           Enza Mineo
Robert McCarthy
                                                                        585-393-9203                         585-526-6317 ext. 5
315-781-0470                        Code Enforcement Officer                                                   Enza.mineo@gorham-ny.org
                                    Flyd Kofahl                         Jake Chard
Kimberly A. Aliper
                                    315-789-3922                        585-216-7412                         Code Enforcement Officer
                                    codeenforcement1@townofgeneva.com                                        Jim Morse
                                                                        Phil Cur s                           585-526-6317 ext. 4
Mitchell Wilber
                                                                        585-526-5197                         jmorse@gorham-ny.org
Town A orney                        Highway Superintendent              Brian Lazarus
                                                                        585-330-6948                         Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
Jeffrey Graff, Esq                    Bernie Peck
                                                                                                             Michael Bentley
26 East Main St.                    315-789-8870
Cli on Springs, NY 14432            highwaysuper@townofgeneva.com       Town A orney                         Highway Superintendent
315-462-3010                                                            Jeffrey Graff, Esq                     Zachary Eddinger
jgraff@rileyfraff.com                                                     26 East Main St.                     585-526-5150
                                                                        Cli on Springs, NY 14432
Town Jus ce                         Planning Board, Chair                                                    Water & Sewer Superintendent
Hon. Ronald J. Passalacqua          Mary Ann Bell                                                            Greg Coston
Hon. Peter Liberatore               315-789-3922                                                             585-394-1580
                                    Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair      Town Jus ce                          Planning Board, Chair
                                    John Wilson                         Hon. Kathleen S. Schwartz            Thomas Harvey
                                    315-789-3922                        585-526-6298                         585-526-6317
Historian                           Water & Sewer Superintendent
Barbara Lamb                        Charlie Bracko                      Town Tax Collector                   Historian
543 South Main St.                  315-789-6727                        Adrienne Smith—585-526-6317 ext. 6   Dennis Hogan—585-526-2149
Geneva, NY 14456                    watersewersuper@townofgeneva.com    asmith@gorham-ny.org                 Wednesdays 10am - 11:45 am
315-789-3922                                                                                                 Appointments Suggested
blamb@capital.net                                                                                            historian@gorham-ny.org

                                    29                                                                       30
Town of Hopewell                                                       Town of Manchester
                             2716 County Road 47                                                      1272 County Road 7
                            Canandaigua, NY 14424                                                  Cli on Springs, NY 14432
                   Phone: (585) 394-0036 Fax: (585) 394-8714                     Phone: (315) 462-6224 or (585) 289-3010 Fax: (315) 462-6675
                           www.towno opewell.org                                                   www.manchesterny.org
              Town Board Mee ng: 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.                       Town Board Mee ng: 2nd Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
Supervisor                            Town Clerk/Collector             Supervisor                                  Town Clerk/Collector
William “Bill” Namestnik              Denise Hood                      David Phillips                              Jill Havens
Town Hall Address                     Town Hall Address                Town Hall Address                           Town Hall Address
585-394-0036 ext. 3                   585-394-0036 ext. 1              315-462-6224 or                             315-462-6224 or
supervisor@towno opewell.org          dhood@towno opewell.org          525-289-3010 ext. 5                         585-289-3010 ext. 2
Town Councilpersons                   Assessor                         Dave.phillips@manchesterny.org              Jill.havens@manchesterny.org
Adam Sandford                         Kelly Duncar                     Town Councilpersons                         Assessor
                                      585-394-0036 ext. 5              Ma hew Shannon                              Jennifer Fagner
Erin Everson                          assessor@towno opewell.org       Mds.townmanchester@gmail.com                315-462-6224 or 585-289-3010 ext. 3
Jeff Trickey                           Code Enforcement Officer           Kevin Blazey
                                      Jus n Bruen                      K.blazey75@gmail.com                        Code Enforcement Officer
Andrew Faust                          585-394-3850 ext. 4                                                          Steve DeHond
                                                                       Jaylene Folkins
                                      ceo@towno opewell.org            Jaylene.folkins@manchesterny.org            315-462-6224 ext. 4
Town A orney                          Highway Superintendent           Sco DeCook
Jeffrey Graff, Esq                      Ma Curran                        Sdecookontariocountycar7@hotmail.com        Mar n Barne
26 East Main St.                      585-394-0036 ext. 2                                                          315-462-6224 ext. 107
Cli on Springs, NY 14432              mcurran@towno opewell.org        Town A orney                                martybarne @manchesterny.org
315-462-3010                                                           Jeffrey Graff, Esq
jgraff@jeffgrafflaw.com                   Deputy Highway Superintendent
                                                                       26 East Main St.                            Highway Superintendent
                                      Marty Bates
                                                                       Cli on Springs, NY 14432                    Jason Lannon
Town Jus ce
                                      Water Superintendent             315-462-3010                                315-462-6224 or 585-289-3010 ext. 6
Hon. Doreen L. Smithling
                                      Kenneth Po er                    jgraff@rileyfraff.com                         manchwy@manchesterny.org
Hon. April Go ler
                                      4439 lake Shore Drive
                                                                       Town Jus ce                                 Water Superintendent
Court Clerks                          Canandaigua, NY 14424
                                                                       Hon. Michael Liberty                        Jason Lannon
Sally Santee                          Planning Board, Chair            Hon. Eric Schaertl                          315-759-7092
585-394-1963 ext. 6                   James Bator                                                                  manchesterwaterny@gmail.com
courtclerks@towno opewell.org         585-394-0036                     Court Clerk
                                                                       315-462-6224 ext. 1                         Planning Board, Chair
Health Officer                          Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair                                               Stuart Gwilt
Dr. Jonathon V. Lammers
                                                                       Health Officer                                cgwilt@rochester.rr.com
                                      Richard Vienna
                                                                       Mary Beer
                                                                                                                   Zoning Board, Chair
                                                                       Historian                                   Kenneth Blazey
                                      31                               Len Kataskas                           32
Town of Naples                                                        Town of Phelps
                    106 South Main Street, P.O. Box 535                                             79 Main Street
                             Naples, NY 14512                                                      Phelps, NY 14532
                 Phone: (585) 374-2111 Fax: (585) 374-9981                            Phone: (315) 548-5691 Fax: (315) 548-5754
                             www.naplesny.us                                                  www.phelpsny.com/town
                Town Board Mee ng: 1st Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.                          Town Board Mee ng: 2nd Monday at 7:00 p.m.
Supervisor                          Town Clerk                       Supervisor                         Town Clerk/Collector
Tamara Hicks                        Morgan Riesenberger              Norman Teed                        Linda Nieskes
6362 Edson Road                     Town Hall Address                Town Hall Address                  Town Hall Address
Naples, NY 14512                    clerk@naplesny.us                Res.: 315-548-9535                 tclerk@phelpsny.com
585-329-6078                                                         super@phelpsny.com                 315-548-5691
tamara@naplesny.us                                                   Town Councilpersons                Assessor
Town Councilpersons                 Assessor                         John Duchenseau                    Cynthia Loncosky
Kory Bay                            Kathleen Davis                   JDuchenseautown-                   tassessor@phelpsny.com
korybay48@gmail.com                 585-374-2111                     board@phelpsny.com                 315-548-2973
                                    assessor@naplesny.us             Kent Ridley
Mary Mueller                                                         KRidleytownboard@phelpsny.com      Code Enforcement Officer
fmue77330@fron er.com               Code Enforcement Officer                                              Andrew Campbell
                                    Frank Mueller                    Ronald Allen                       315-548-2971
                                    585-704-0414                     RAllentownboard@phelpsny.com       tzoning@phelpsny.com
Ed Northrop
Ed_Northrop@yahoo.com               codeofficer@naplesny.us            William Wellman
Kathleen Riensenberger              John Murphy                      Fire & Building                    Highway Superintendent
kseriesenberger@fron ernet.net      Historian@empireaccess.net       Steve Studley                      Terry Fearherly
Town A orney                        Highway Superintendent           315-548-2971                       63-69 Mill St.
Edward J. Brockman. Esq.            David G. Voss II                 tzoning@phelpsny.com               Phelps, NY 14532
159 South Main Street               Barn: 585-374-2060                                                  Town Barn: 315-548-4043
Naples, NY 14512                    Cell: 585-732-0702                                                  Cell: 315-945-5757
585-374-6343                        voss2d@yahoo.com                                                    thighway@phelpsny.com

Town Jus ce                         Planning Board, Chair            Water Superintendent               Planning Board, Chair
Hon. Ma hew Green                   Linda Almekinder                 Mike Vienna                        Louie Denes
585-374-5343                                                         315-548-5691
                                    Joint Chair—Paul Lambiase        twater@phelpsny.com                Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
Health Officer                                                                                            Steven Wes all
Jeffrey Long, MD                     Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
                                                                     Town Jus ce                        Historian
35 Lyons St., Naples, NY 14512      John Almekinder
                                                                     Hon. Jacqueline Falkey             Sarah Riegel
585-374-2900                        Joint Chair—Phil Faber
                                                                     Hon. Robert Gosper                 28 Main St.
                                                                     1331 Route 88                      Phelps, NY 14532
                                                                     Phelps, NY 14532                   315-748-7688
                                    33                                                                   34
Town of Richmond                                                       Town of Seneca
                      8690 Main Street, P.O. Box 145                                               3675 Flint Road
                           Honeoye, NY 14471                                                      Stanley, NY 14561
                Phone: (585) 229-5757 Fax: (585) 229-5114                             Phone: (585) 526-5251 Fax: (585) 526-6981
                        www.townofrichmond.org                                                 www.townofseneca.com
           Town Board Mee ng: 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.                      Town Board Mee ng: 3rd Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
Supervisor                         Town Clerk/Collector             Supervisor                          Town Clerk/Collector
Daryl Marshall                     Tracy Lortscher                  Andrew R. Wickham                   Haley Eagley
Town Hall Address                  Town Hall Address                3619 Flint Road                     Town Hall Address
Res.: 585-229-2158                 585-229-5757                     Stanley, NY 14561                   585-526-5251 ext. 2022
dmarshall@townofrichmond.org       clerk@townofrichmond.org         585-526-5251                        townclerk@townofseneca.com
Town Councilpersons                Assessor                         supervisor@townofseneca.com
Devan Cornish                      Lisa Benne                       Town Councilpersons                 Assessor
dvcornish@townofrichmond.org       585-229-4663                     Jesse Orbaker                       Shana Jo Hilton
                                   assessor@townofrichmond.org      585-738-2589                        585-526-5251 ext. 2023
Steven Barnhoorn                                                                                        shanajo@townofseneca.com
sbarnhoorn@townofrichmond.org      Code Enforcement Officer           Jason Mosher
                                   Spencer Shumway                  585-526-6873                        Code Enforcement Officer
Dave Baker                         585-229-2176                                                         Jerry Hoover
dbaker@townofrichmond.org                                           Howard Keeney                       ceo@townofseneca.com
                                                                    585-526-5602                        585-526-5251 ext. 2031
Linda Grace
                                                                    James Malyj                         Cell: 585-329-2136
Town A orney                       Highway Superintendent
                                   Thomas Fleig                     Town A orney                        Highway Superintendent
Sheila Chalifoux, Esq.
                                   8935 Dugan St., P.O. Box 145     Michael Roulan, A y.                James Lawson
www.chalifouxlaw.com               Honeoye, NY 14471                407 South Main Street               3649 Flint Road
                                                                    Geneva, NY 14456                    Stanley, NY 14561
                                                                    315-789-8580                        585-526-5251 ext. 2034
Town Jus ce                        Planning Board, Chair            Town Jus ce                         Planning Board, Chair
Hon. John Chrisman Jr.             David Rochardson                 Hon. David Campbell                 Kelly Jensen
jchrisman@nycourts.gov             drichardson@townofrichmond.org   Hon. Paul Hood                      lawnhurst@fron ernet.net
585-229-4006                                                        585-526-4780
                                   Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair                                       Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
Hon. Glenn Schreiber               Wayne Ohl                        Water Superintendent                Norbert Amberg
gschreiber@nycourts.gov            zbachair@townofrichmond.org      Brian Prater                        norbertamberg@msn.com
585-229-4406                                                        585-526-5251 ext. 2035
Health Officer                       Historian                                                            Historian
Ontario County, Mary Beer          Joy Lewis                                                            Katherine Mastellar
                                   joylewis10@fron er.com                                               585-526-5251 ext. 2032

                                   35                                                                   36
Town of South Bristol                                                      Town of Victor
                        6500 Ganne Hill Road West                                                  85 East Main Street
                              Naples, NY 14512                                                       Victor, NY 14564
                 Phone: (585) 374-6341 Fax: (585) 374-8918                              Phone: (585) 742-5000 Fax: (585) 924-0202
                          www.southbristolny.org                                                    www.victorny.org
                Town Board Mee ng: 2nd Monday at 7:00 p.m.                          Town Board Mee ng: 2nd & 4th Monday at 7:00 p.m.
Supervisor                             Town Clerk/Collector             Supervisor                        Town Clerk/Receiver
Dan Marshall                           Judy Voss                        Jack Marren                       Karen Bodine
Town Hall Address                      Town Hall Address                Town Hall Address                 Town Hall Address
585-374-6341                           585-374-6341                     585-742-5020                      585-742-5080
Daniel.marshall@southbristolny.org     townclerk@southbristolny.org     supervisor@town-victor-ny.us      Email kcbodine@town-victor-ny.us
Town Councilpersons                    Assessor                         Town Councilpersons               Assessor
Donna Goodwin                          Valary Muscarella                David Condon                      Marlene Murnan
Donna.goodwin@southbristolny.org       assessor@southbristolny.org      dcondon@town-victor-ny.us         585-742-5010
Jim Strickland                         Code Enforcement Officer           Ed Kahovec
Jim.strickland@southbristolny.org      Sco Mar n                        ekahovec@town-victor-ny.us        Code Enforcement Officer
                                       ceo@southbristolny.org                                             Alan Benedict
Sco Wohlschlegel                                                        Drew Cusimano                     585-742-5035
Sco .wohlschlegel@southbristolny.org                                    dcusimano@town-victor-ny.us       ajbenedict@town-victor-ny.us
                                       Deputy CEO—Alan Pearce
                                       deputyceo@southbristolnu.org     Mike Guinan
Stephen Cowley                                                                                            Historian
                                                                        mguinan@town-victor-ny.us         Babe er Huber
Stephen.cowley@southbristolny.org      Highway Superintendent
                                       James Wight                                                        585-742-5065
                                       Jim.wight@southbristolny.org                                       bmhuber@town-victor-ny.us
                                       585-374-2150                     Town A orney                      Highway Superintendent
                                       585-746-6620 (a er hours)        Frank Pavia—Harris Beach          Mark Years
                                                                        99 Garnsey Rd.                    60 Rawson Road
Town A orney                           Planning Board, Chair
                                                                        Pi sford, NY 14534                Victor, NY 14564
Jeffrey Graff, Esq                       James Ely
                                                                        585-419-8709                      585-924-3323
26 East Main St.                       James.ely@southbristolny.org
                                                                        fpavia@harrisbeach.com            myears@town-victor-ny.us
Cli on Springs, NY 14432
315-462-3010                           Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair   Town Jus ce                       Planning Board, Chair
jgraff@jeffgrafflaw.com                    Tom Burgie                       Hon. Reid A. Holter               Ernest Santoro
                                       honigan@aol.com                  585-924-5262                      esantor1@rochester.rr.com
Town Jus ce                            Historian                        rholter@nycourts.gov
                                                                                                          Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
Hon. William Welch                     Beth Thomas
                                                                        Hon. William F. Kocher            Michael Reinhardt
Hon. Christopher Miller
                                                                        585-924-5775                      Michael.Reinhardt@ontariocountyny.gov
Health Officer
Ontario County, Mary Beer
                                       37                                                                 38
Town of West Bloomfield                                                                       City of Canandaigua
                             9097 Daylight Drive                                                                       2 North Main Street
                         West Bloomfield, NY 14585                                                                    Canandaigua, NY 14424
                 Phone: (585) 624-2914 Fax: (585) 624-4830                                                 Phone: (585) 396-5000 Fax: (585) 396-5016
                     www.townofwestbloomfield.org                                                                 www.canandaiguanewyork.gov
              Town Board Mee ng: 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.                                              City Council Mee ng: 1st Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
Supervisor                              Town Clerk/Collector                          Mayor                                   City Clerk              City Treasurer
Todd D. Campbell                        Brenda Giglia                                 Bob Palumbo                             Erin Van Damme      Nancy Abdallah
P.O. Box 54                             PO Box 87                                     585-394-8768                            585-337-2169        585-337-2168
West Bloomfield, NY 14585                West Bloomfield, NY 14585                      Bob.Palumbo@canandaiguanewyork.gov      EVanDamme@canandaiguanewyork.gov
585-624-2461                            585-624-2914                                  Supervisor                              nancy.abdallah@canandaiguanewyork.gov
tcampbell@townofwestbloomfield.org       townclerk@townofwestbloomfield.org             David Baker—Wards 1&4                   City Manager
                                                                                      197 North Main St.                      John Goodwin
Town Councilpersons                     Assessor
                                                                                      585-394-0465                            585-337-2174
Sco Harman                              Patricia Brede
                                                                                      davidbaker197@rochester.rr.com          John.goodwin@canandaiguanewyork.gov
Kevin Carey                             585-624-9350
William Travis                          assessor@townofwestbloomfield.org              Richard Russell—Wards 2&3               Assessor
Robert DeSanc s                                                                       121 Holiday Harbour                     Stephen Pigeon
                                        Code Enforcement Officer                        585-721-4698                            spigen@canandaiguanewyork.gov
                                        Melissa Lu                                    richardstevenrussell@gmail.com          585-337-2177
Highway Superintendent
Jeff Ball                                585-624-2942
                                                                                      Council Members
Town Hall Address                       Codeenforcemen-
                                                                                      Ward 1—Nicolas Cutri                    Code Enforcement Officer
highwaysuper@                           tofficer@townofwestbloomfiled.org                Ward 2—Dan Unrath                       David LeClair & David Hubble
townofwestbloomfield.org                                                               Ward 3—Karen White                      585-337-2181 or 337-2182
                                                                                      Ward 4—Erich Di mar                     David.LeClair@canandaiguanewyork.gov
                                                                                      At Large—Renee Su on                    David.Hubble@canandaiguanewyork.gov
Town A orney                            Planning Board, Chair                                  Thomas Lyon
David Hou, Boylan Code                  Brad Lins                                              Sim Covington, Jr.             Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
145 Culver Rd., Suite 100               jannbrad@fron ernet.net                                Stephen Uebbing                Joseph Bader
Rochester, NY 14620                                                                   City A orney                            Planning Board, Chair
585-232-5300                            Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
                                                                                      David Hou                               Torsten Rhode
dhou@boylancode.com                     Sue Boardman
                                                                                      Boylan Code, LLP                        rhodetm@gmail.com
Town Jus ce                                                                           City Judge                              Director of Public Works
Hon. Richard Whitesell                  Planning Board & ZBA Board Clerk              Hon. Jacqueline Sisson                  James Sprague
                                        planningzoningclerk@townofwestbloomfield.org   585-412-5170                            205 Saltonstall Street
rwhitesell@nycourts.gov                                                                                                       585-396-5060
                                                                                      Police Chief                            James.Sprague@canandaiguanewyork.gov
Health Officer                            Historian Commi ee                            Mathew Nielson —585-337-2112
Mary L. Beer                            John Champlin                                 21 Ontario Street                       Director of Development
Ontario County Public Health Director   Pat Talley                                                                            Richard Brown
                                                                                      Historian                               585-337-2179
396-4343                                Tom Witzel
                                                                                      Lynn Paulson—585-394-8354               Richard.brown@canandaiguanewyork.gov
                                        Mary Twardokus
                                        39                                                                                    40
City of Geneva                                                    Village of Bloomfield
                                  47 Castle Street                                              12 Main Street, P.O. Box 459
                                Geneva, NY 14456                                                   Bloomfield, NY 14469
                    Phone: (315) 828-6550 Fax: (315) 789-0604                            Phone: (585) 657-7554 Fax: (585) 257-5167
                           h p://cityofgenevany.com/                                               www.bloomfieldny.org
                 City Council Mee ng: 1st Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.                    Village Board Mee ng: 4th Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.
Mayor                                  City Clerk                       Mayor                             Village Clerk
Steve Valen no                         Lori Guinan                      Mark Falsone                      Donna Wollschleger
315-521-4853                           315-789-2603
svalen no@geneva.ny.us                 lguinan@geneva.ny.us
                                                                        12 Main St., PO Box 459           12 Main St., PO Box 459
                                                                        Mayor@bloomfieldny.org             Admin@bloomfieldny.org
Supervisor                             City Manager
Dominick T. Vedora—Wards 1&2           Vacant
                                                                                                          Deputy: Carey Richards
144 South West Street                  315-828-6585                     Village Trustees                  Code Enforcement Officer
                                       Assessor                         Michael Didas                     Jim Kier
                                       Stephen Pigeon                   David Poole                       ebtcodeofficer@
Louis H. Guard—Wards 3&4               315-789-0091                     Marc Falsone                      townofeastbloomfield.org
70 Maxwell Avenue                      spigeon@geneva.ny.us
                                                                        Gail Harrington
                                       Zoning & Building Coordinator    Village A orney                   Planning Board, Chair
James Petropoulos—Wards 5&6            Neal Braman
                                                                        Curt Johnson                      Ken Mar n
506 Exchange Street                    315-789-3101
347-229-4030                           nbraman@geneva.ny.us
                                                                                                          Village Hall Address
                                                                        Public Works Supervisor
Council Members                        Director of Public Works         Brian Rayburn
Ward 1—Tom Burrall                     Joseph Venu                      5R Elm St.
Ward 2—William j. Pealer               315-789-3101                                                       Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
Ward 3—Jan Regan                       jvenu @geneva.ny.us                                                Kim Gebo
Ward 4—Robert K. Camera
                                                                                                          Village Hall Address
Ward 5– Laura Salamendra               Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
Ward 6– Vacant                         Andrew Williams
At Large—Frank I. Gaglianese III       108 North Street                 Water/Sewer collector             Historian
         Anthony Noone
                                                                        Carey Richards                    Ginny Schroeder
City A orney                           Planning Board, Chair            Village Hall Address              8 South Ave.
Midey, Mirras and Ricci                Don Cass
                                                                        585-657-7554                      East Bloomfield, NY 14443
                                       149 William Street
City Court                                                                                                585-657-7244
Margaret Mahoney                       Historian
                                                                        Health Officer                      director@ebbs1838.org
                                       Karen Osburn
                                                                        Debra Woodruff
Police Chief
                                                                        2476 Whalen Rd.
Michael Passalacqua
255 Exchange St.                                                        Bloomfield, NY 14469
315-828-6771                                                            585-657-6431
                                       41                                                                 42
Village of Cli on Springs                                             Village of Manchester
                             1 West Main Street                                             8 Cli on Street, P.O. Box 188
                          Cli on Springs, NY 14432                                             Manchester, NY 14504
                 Phone: (315) 462-5151 Fax: (315) 462-6235                          Phone: (585) 289-4340 Fax: (585) 289-2004
                          www.cli onspringsny.org                                          www.villageofmanchester.org
              Village Board Mee ng: 2nd Monday at 6:00 p.m.                       Village Board Mee ng: 1st Monday at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor                              Village Clerk/Treasurer          Mayor                              Village Clerk/Treasurer
James Keyes                        Lori Reals                       Michael J. Bu accio                Rita Gurewirch
Village Hall Address               Village Hall Address             Village Hall Address               Village Hall Address
mayor@Cli onSpringsNY.org          clerk@Cli onSpringsNY.org        mayor@villageofmanchester.org      rjg@rochester.rr.com

Village Trustees                   Code Enforcement Officer           Village Trustees                   Deputy Village Clerk
Earl Lincoln                       Steve DeHond                     Charles E. Fine                    Debra Gulvin-Chase
Jeff Linsner                        1272 County Road 7               William F. Henry                   Village Hall Address
Bryan Gray                         (585) 289-3010 ext. 101                                             dagc@rochester.rr.com
Brian Rickerson                    sdehond@manchesterny.org
                                                                    Code Enforcement Officer             Planning Board, Chair
Village A orney                    Planning Board, Chair            Steve DeHond                       Judy Robinson
Jeffrey Graff, Esq.                  Sco Janas                        1272 County Road 7                 Village Hall Address
26 East Main St.                                                    Cli on Springs, NY 14432           Judya.robin@yahoo.com
Cli on Springs, NY 14432           Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair   (585) 289-3010 ext. 4
(315) 462-3010                     Sco Landschoot                   sdehond@manchesterny.org           Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
jgraff@jeffgrafflaw.com                                                                                    Allison Libera
Village Jus ce                     Public Works Superintendent
Doreen Smithling                   Jason Lannon                     Village A orney                    Public Works Department
(315) 462-3048                     (315) 462-3542                   John E.Tyo, Esq.                   George C. Hotchkiss
                                   DPWcli on@o cmail.com            P.O. Box 7                         585-202-7093
Water/Sewer Department             Historian                        Shortsville, NY 14548              George_Hotchkiss@hotmail.com
Sewer—Eric Merkley                 James Conners                    585-289-4040
Water—Jason Lannon                 9 East Main Street               Manchester-Shortsville             Historian
Village Hall Address               Cli on Springs, NY 14432         Joint Sewer System                 Nancy W. Johnsen
                                   (315) 462-7394                   Gordon Eddington                   njohnsen57@hotmail.com
                                                                    P.O. Box 188
                                                                    Manchester, NY 14504
                                                                    585-289-6018 or 585-289-4340

                                   43                                                                  44
Village of Naples                                                 Village of Phelps
                     106 South Main Street, P.O. Box 386                                    8 Banta Street, Suite 150
                             Naples, NY 14512                                                   Phelps, NY 14532
                 Phone: (585) 374-2435 Fax: (585) 374-2441                         Phone: (315) 548-3861 Fax: (315) 548-5958
                             www.naplesny.us                                               www.phelpsny.com/village
            Village Board Mee ng: 3rd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.                    Village Board Mee ng: 2nd Monday at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor                             Village Clerk                    Mayor                             Village Clerk/Treasurer
Brian Schenk                      Megan Bay                        Brian Hemminger                   Jill Seifert
Village Hall Address              Village Hall Address             38 William Street                 Village Hall Address
brian@naplesny.us                 megan@naplesny.us                (315) 521-0812—Cell
                                                                   mayor@phelpsny.com                Deputy Village Clerk/Treasurer
Village Trustees                  Deputy Village Clerk                                               Melissa Lahr
Sargent Frappier                  Jennifer Wheeler                                                   vpclerk2@phelpsny.com
Tom Schwartz                      Village Hall Address             Village Trustees                  Planning Board, Chair
Sean Sullivan                     deputyclerk@naplesny.us          Howard Hughson                    Randy Sco
Mona Sage Cardinale                                                (315) 548-3790                    Village Hall Address
                                                                   trustee2@phelpsny.com             Rsco 008@rochester.rr.com
Code Enforcement Officer            Planning Board, Chair
Frank Mueller                     Joint with the Town of Naples
                                                                   Joe DeBrock                       Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair
585-704-0414                      Joint Chair—Linda Almekinder
                                                                   (315) 318-4015                    Pat Hemminger
                                                                   trustee2@phelpsny.com             Village Hall Address
Village A orney                   Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair                                     pathemminger@gmail.com
David Miller, Esq.                Joint with the Town of Naples    B.J. Hicks
11 North main St.                 Joint Chair—John Almekinder      (315) 548-3381                    Code Enforcement Officer
Naples, NY                                                         Bhicks1@rochester.rr.com          Jim Murphy
585-374-2130                                                                                         Village Hall Address
                                                                   Michael Cheney                    (315) 548-8542
Historian                         Public Works Superintendent
John Murphy                                                        (585) 410-2239                    vpcode@phelpsny.com
                                  David G. Voss II
Historian@empireaccess.net                                         Michaeljcheney628@gmail.com
                                  8 Mark Circle
                                  Naples, NY 14512
                                  585-738-0702                     Historian                         Public Works Superintendent
                                                                   Chris Tiffany                      Kenneth McAllister
                                                                   Phelps Comm. Historical Society   (315) 548-8003
                                                                   66 Main Street                    dpw@phelpsny.com
                                                                   Phelps, NY 14532
                                                                   (315) 548-4940

                                  45                                                                 46
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