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CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL LXIX No. 3 Carlisle, PA, January 17, 2020 17-23 Legal Notice Edition CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL (USPS 140-000) Published every Friday by CUMBERLAND COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Editor Lisa Marie Coyne, Esq. Cumberland Law Journal Telephone: (717) 249-3166 32 South Bedford St. FAX (717) 249-2663 Carlisle, PA 17013 Copyright © 2020, Cumberland County Bar Association Carlisle, Pennsylvania Containing reports of cases decided by the various Courts of Cumberland County and selected cases from other counties. Designated by the Court of Common Pleas as the official legal publication of Cumberland County and the legal newspaper for the publication of legal notices. Legal advertisements must be received by Friday Noon. All legal advertising must be paid in advance. Subscription $35.00 per year. Please note: All legal notices must be submitted in typewritten form. Neither the Law Journal nor the printer will assume any responsibility to edit, make spell- ing corrections, eliminate errors in grammar or make any changes in content. Periodical postage paid at Carlisle, PA 17013 and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: Cumberland Law Journal, c/o Clare Printing, 206 S. Keystone Avenue, Sayre, PA 18840.
CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL NOTICE The Cumberland County Bar Association does not author ize or permit anyone, including its members, to publish, in any media, material which infers or implies it is published by, or on behalf of, the Cumberland County Bar Association, its sec tions, committees or divisions, without prior authorization of the Cumberland County Bar Association Board of Directors. Cumberland Law Journal The Cumberland Law Journal is the official legal publication of Cumberland County as designated by the Court of Common Pleas of the 9th Judicial District of Pennsylvania. The weekly publication by the Cumberland County Bar As sociation carries court opinions from the 9th Judicial District and certain public notices required by local and/or state statute, as well as news for the county’s legal community. The annual subscription rate is $35. Single issues are $5.00 per issue. Publication fees for public notices are: Estate Notices $90 Published three consecutive weeks Incorporation filings $90 One-time publication up to 35 lines Plus—$2.50 per line over 35 lines Fictitious Name filings $90 One-time publication up to 35 lines Plus—$2.50 per line over 35 lines Change of Name petitions $90 One-time publication up to 35 lines Plus—$2.50 per line over 35 lines Register of Wills Notice $50 Per account listing—Published two consecutive weeks Sheriff ’s Notice $350 Flat fee up to 175 lines Plus—$2.50 per line over 175 lines Tax Sale Notice $2.50 per line All Other Legal Notices $90 One-time publication up to 35 lines Plus—$2.50 per line over 35 lines Prepayment is required for the above public notices. Checks are to be made payable to the Cumberland Law Journal. The legal journal is published every Friday. The deadline for all submissions is noon Friday of the week prior to publication. For more information, call the Cumberland County Bar Association office at (717) 249-3166 or by e-mail at Effective 1/1/2016 2
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Administratrix: Wendy Jo Korte, P.O. Box 310231, New Braunfels, Notice is hereby given that, in the TX 78131. estates of the decedents set forth be- Attorney: None. low, the Register of Wills has granted letters testamentary or of administra- Dum, Elizabeth M., dec’d. tion to the persons named. Notice is Late of the Township of North also hereby given of the existence of Middleton. the trusts of the deceased settlors Executrices: Susan E. Hurley, 50 set forth below for whom no personal Frytown Road, Newville, PA 17241 representatives have been appointed and Lisa A. Hawkins, 323 Pinedale within 90 days of death. All persons Road, Carlisle, PA 17015. having claims or demands against Attorneys: Law Office of Keith O. said estates or trusts are requested Brenneman, P.C., 44 West Main to make known the same, and all Street, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. persons indebted to said estates or trusts are requested to make pay- Gartzke, LaVon J., dec’d. ment, without delay, to the executors Late of Lower Allen Township. or administrators or trustees or to Executrix: Donna R. Cuff c/o Wil- their attorneys named below. liam R. Church, Esquire, Keefer Wood Allen & Rahal, LLP, P.O. Box FIRST PUBLICATION 11963, Harrisburg, PA 17108- Allen, Otis D. a/k/a Otis Dean Al- 1963. len, Jr., dec’d. Attorneys: William R. Church, Late of Hampden Twp. Esquire, Keefer Wood Allen & Executrix: Marlene Allen, 205 N. Rahal, LLP, P.O. Box 11963, Har- risburg, PA 17108-1963. 36th St., Camp Hill, PA 17011. Attorneys: Jennifer M. Merx, Es- quire, Skarlatos Zonarich, 320 Gimpel, Thomas G., dec’d. Market St., Ste. 600W, Harris- Late of Carlisle Borough. burg, PA 17101. Executor: Steve Gimpel, 3070 Galena Way, Boulder, CO 80305, (303) 499-4387. Blosser, Jane A., dec’d. Attorney: None. Late of the Borough of Carlisle. Co-Executrices: Bobbi J. Blosser Goodman, Harvey G. a/k/a Harvey and Elizabeth A. Oyler c/o Mart- Glenn Goodman, dec’d. son Law Offices, 10 East High Late of Lower Allen Township. Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. Executor: John G. Goodman c/o Attorneys: Ivo V. Otto, III, Esquire, James D. Bogar, Esquire, One Martson Law Offices. West Main Street, Shiremans- town, PA 17011. Bucher, Vilma L. a/k/a Vilma G. Attorney: James D. Bogar, Es- Bucher, dec’d. quire, One West Main Street, Late of Cumberland County. Shiremanstown, PA 17011. Executor: Paul G. Bucher, II. Attorneys: David A. Baric, Es- Green, Gregory Allen, dec’d. quire, Baric Scherer LLC, 19 West Late of East Pennsboro Township. South Street, Carlisle, PA 17013, Executrix: Nicole D. Green- (717) 249-6873. Vlachos c/o Neil W. Yahn, Es- quire, JSDC Law Offices, 11 East Drayer, Elizabeth H., dec’d. Chocolate Avenue, Suite 300, Late of Hampden Township. Hershey, PA 17033. 12
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 Attorneys: Neil W. Yahn, Esquire, Keat, James E., Jr., dec’d. JSDC Law Offices, 11 East Choc- Late of Silver Spring, Prince olate Avenue, Suite 300, Hershey, George’s County, MD. PA 17033, (717) 533-3280. Ancillary Letters Testamentary. Executrix: Laura J. Lent. Tuckey, Denver L., Jr., dec’d. Attorneys: Ryan A. Webber, Es- Late of North Newton Township. quire, Walters & Galloway, PLLC, Administrator: Kenneth L. Tuckey 54 East Main Street, Mechanics- c/o Martson Law Offices, 10 East burg, PA 17055. High Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. Attorneys: Hubert X. Gilroy, Es- Lindhome, James H., dec’d. quire, Martson Law Offices. Late of Lower Allen Township. Executrix: Sarah Roth Lindhome Vick, Gladys C., dec’d. c/o J. Stephen Feinour, Esquire, Late of North Middleton Township. Nauman, Smith, Shissler & Hall, Executor: Randy D. Vick c/o LLP, P.O. Box 840, Harrisburg, PA George F. Douglas, III, Esquire, 17108-0840. Salzmann Hughes PC, 354 Alex- Attorneys: J. Stephen Feinour, ander Spring Road, Suite 1, Car- Esquire, Nauman, Smith, Shissler lisle, PA 17015. & Hall, LLP, P.O. Box 840, Har- Attorneys: Salzmann Hughes, P.C. risburg, PA 17108-0840. Whiteaker, Arthur Lee, Jr., dec’d. McCoy, Janet M., dec’d. Late of E. Pennsboro Twp. Late of Shippensburg Township. Administratrix: Linda E. White- Executrix: Susan M. Stamy, P.O. aker c/o Marianna F. Schenk, Box 204, Fayetteville, PA 17222. Esquire, One Bala Plaza, 231 St. Attorneys: Heather D. Royer, Es- Asaph’s Rd., Ste. 623, Bala Cyn- quire, Smigel, Anderson & Sacks, wyd, PA 19004. LLP, 4431 North Front Street, Attorneys: Marianna F. Schenk, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Esquire, Bala Law Group, LLC, One Bala Plaza, 231 St. Asaph’s Nicholson, Louise S., dec’d. Rd., Ste. 623, Bala Cynwyd, PA Late of the Borough of Carlisle. 19004. Executrix: Kami E. Greenawalt c/o Robert G. Frey, Esquire, 5 Williss, Elizabeth A., dec’d. South Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA Late of Mechanicsburg Borough. 17013. Executor: Murrel R. Walters, III. Attorneys: Frey and Tiley. Attorneys: Ryan A. Webber, Es- quire, Walters & Galloway, PLLC, THIRD PUBLICATION 54 East Main Street, Mechanics- Butler, Mark L., dec’d. burg, PA 17055. Late of West Pennsboro Township. Executor: Michael L. Bangs. SECOND PUBLICATION Attorneys: Bangs Law Office, LLC, Gray, Robert J., Jr., dec’d. 429 South 18th Street, Camp Hill, Late of Monroe Township. PA 17011. Administratrix: Lori A. Gossert c/o Martson Law Offices, 10 East Colyott-Lauer, Victoria L., dec’d. High Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. Late of Hampden Township. Attorneys: Christopher E. Rice, Administrator: Dennis J. Lauer, Esquire, Martson Law Offices. Mechanicsburg, PA. 13
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 Attorneys: Jacqueline A. Kelly, Ratkaj, Robert B., dec’d. Esquire, JSDC Law Offices, 555 Late of the Borough of Carlisle. Gettysburg Pike, Suite C400, Me- Co-Executors: Robert B. Ratkaj, chanicsburg, PA 17055, (717) Jr. and David F. Ratkaj c/o Lisa 533-3280. Marie Coyne, Esquire, Coyne & Coyne, P.C., 3901 Market Street, Grenoble, Isabelle M., dec’d. Camp Hill, PA 17011-4227. Late of Carlisle Borough. Attorneys: Lisa Marie Coyne, Es- Executor: George F. Douglas, III, quire, Coyne & Coyne, P.C., 3901 Salzmann Hughes PC, 354 Alex- Market Street, Camp Hill, PA ander Spring Road, Suite 1, Car- 17011-4227. lisle, PA 17015. Attorneys: Salzmann Hughes, P.C. Slough, Janet R., dec’d. Late of Hampden Township. Hone, Michael A., dec’d. Executrix: Lois A. DeHart. Late of North Middleton Township. Attorneys: Edmund G. Myers, Executor: Allan M. Hone c/o George F. Douglas, III, Esquire, Esquire, Johnson, Duffie, Stewart Salzmann Hughes PC, 354 Alex- & Weidner, 301 Market Street, ander Spring Road, Suite 1, Car- P.O. Box 109, Lemoyne, PA 17043. lisle, PA 17015. Attorneys: Salzmann Hughes, P.C. Snyder, Virginia Elizabeth a/k/a Virginia E. Snyder, dec’d. Kerr, William R., dec’d. Late of the Borough of Camp Hill. Late of Carlisle. Co-Executors: Kathleen S. John- Executor: John C. Oszustowicz. son and David T. Snyder c/o Mark Attorney: John C. Oszustowicz, C. Duffie, Esquire, Johnson, Esquire, 104 South Hanover Duffie, Stewart & Weidner, P.C., Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. 301 Market Street, P.O. Box 109, Lemoyne, PA 17043. Mace, Elsie Margaret, dec’d. Attorneys: Mark C. Duffie, Es- Late of the Borough of Camp Hill. quire, Johnson, Duffie, Stewart & Co-Executors: Mary Jane Galit- Weidner, P.C., 301 Market Street, sky, 301 Norman Road, Camp P.O. Box 109, Lemoyne, PA 17043. Hill, PA 17011 and Mark A. Plesce, 1815 Letchworth Drive, Camp Walker, Faye L., dec’d. Hill, PA 17011. Late of Silver Spring Township. Attorney: None. Executor: Carl E. Walker. Attorneys: Mark C. Duffie, Es- Madden, Edward L., dec’d. quire, Johnson, Duffie, Stewart & Late of the Borough of Carlisle. Weidner, 301 Market Street, P.O. Executrix: Ceil V. Madden c/o Box 109, Lemoyne, PA 17043. Martson Law Offices, 10 East High Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. Attorneys: Hubert X. Gilroy, Es- West, William James a/k/a William quire, Martson Law Offices. J. West, dec’d. Late of Carlisle Borough. Newton, Frederick C., dec’d. Executor: William J. West, Jr., Late of Camp Hill Borough. 627 South Shore Road, P.O. Box Executrix: Susan Trace Newton. 1219, Old Forge, NY 13420. Attorneys: Michael L. Bangs, Es- Attorney: None. quire, Bangs Law Office, LLC, 429 South 18th Street, Camp Hill, PA Wiles, Kenneth L., dec’d. 17011. Late of Silver Spring Township. 14
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 Executrix: Janet L. Gutshall, 932 which the Court may decree that W. Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg, an adoption take place whereby PA 17055. your child(ren) shall be adopted by Attorneys: Butler Law Firm, 1007 another and all parental rights with Mumma Road, Suite 101, Le- respect to the child(ren) shall be moyne, PA 17043. placed in another. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE NOTICE REPRESENTED AT THE HEARING BY A LAWYER. YOU SHOULD TAKE In the Court of Common Pleas THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A Orphans’ Court Division LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, ——— GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE No. 2019-2220 SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT ——— WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP. IN RE: BABY BOY McLAUGHLIN, Court Administrator a Minor Court Administrator’s Office ——— Lancaster County Courthouse TERMINATION OF 50 North Duke Street PARENTAL RIGHTS OF Lancaster, PA 17602 MALVINA McLAUGHLIN Telephone No. (717) 299-8041 ——— Jan. 10, 17 TO: MALVINA McLAUGHLIN You are hereby notified that a NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Petition to Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights has been filed against In the Court of Common Pleas of you, asking the Court to terminate Cumberland County, Pennsylvania all rights you have to your child(ren), ——— Baby Boy McLaughlin (born March NO. 2018-13583 16, 2019). The Court has set a hear- ——— ing to consider ending your rights LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC to your child. That hearing will be vs. held in Courtroom No. 11 (Orphans’ MARIA D. MARTINEZ Courtroom), on the Fourth Floor of ——— the Lancaster County Courthouse, NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF situate at 50 North Duke Street, REAL PROPERTY Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said hear- ——— ing to be held on February 5, 2020 NOTICE TO: MARIA D. MARTINEZ at 1:30 o’clock p.m. If you do not ap- Being Premises: 3008 YALE AV- pear at this hearing, the Court may ENUE, CAMP HILL, PA 17011-5250. decide that you are not interested in Being in CAMP HILL BOROUGH, retaining your rights to your child County of CUMBERLAND, Com- and your failure to appear may af- monwealth of Pennsylvania, 01-22- fect the Court’s decision on whether 0533-030. to end your rights to your child(ren). Improvements consist of residen- You are warned that even if you fail tial property. to appear at the scheduled hearing, Sold as the property of MARIA D. the hearing will go on without you, MARTINEZ. and your rights to your child may Your house (real estate) at 3008 be ended by the Court without your YALE AVENUE, CAMP HILL, PA being present. 17011-5250 is scheduled to be sold You are also notified that following at the Sheriff ’s Sale on March 4, 2020 the hearing to consider ending your at 10:00 A.M., at the CUMBERLAND rights to your children, an adoption County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse hearing may be held, as a result of Square, Room 303, Carlisle, PA 15
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 17013, to enforce the Court Judg- PETITION FOR ment of $163,636.76 obtained by, CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC (the mortgagee), against the above NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that premises. PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND on December 31, 2019, a Petition & JONES, LLP of Change of Name was filed in the Attorneys for Plaintiff Court of Common Pleas of Cumber- Jan. 17 land County, requesting a decree to change minor’s name from A.M.H. to NOTICE A.M.H.1 The Court has fixed February 6, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that No. 7, at the above named court at 1 the shareholders and directors of Courthouse Square, Carlisle, PA as The Underground Bike Shop, Inc., the time and place for the hearing a Pennsylvania business corpora- on said Petition, when and where all tion, with a registered office address persons interested may appear and of 125 Holly Drive, Mechanicsburg, show cause if any they have why the Pennsylvania 17055, have approved prayer of the said Petition should not a proposal that the corporation vol- untarily dissolve, and that the Board be granted. of Directors is now engaged in wind- —— ing up and settling the affairs of the 1 The initials are the same, but the corporation under the provisions of names are different. The names are Section 1975 of the Pennsylvania not used because the child is a minor. Business Corporation Law of 1988, JACQUELYN M. ROOF, as amended. ESQUIRE STEVEN P. MINER, ESQUIRE WALTERS & GALLOWAY, PLLC DALEY ZUCKER MEILTON & MINER, LLC 54 East Main Street 635 N. 12th Street Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Suite 101 Jan. 17 Lemoyne, PA 17043 Jan. 17 16
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 SHERIFF’S SALE STEPHEN W. BAILEY, GLORIA I. BAILEY Wednesday, March 4, 2020 Atty.: Christopher Rice ——— PROPERTY ADDRESS: 932 Allen- By virtue of Certain Writs of view Drive, Upper Allen - Township, Execution, issued out of the Court Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. of Common Pleas of Cumberland Parcel No. 42-28-2423-230. County, Pennsylvania, and to me di- DOCKET NO. 2018 - 03014. rected, I will expose at public sale by ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or public venue or outcry, at the Cum- parcel of land situate in Upper Al- berland County Courthouse, in the len Township, Cumberland County, Borough of Carlisle, Pennsylvania at Pennsylvania, known as Townhouse 10:00 o’clock A.M., Prevailing Time, Plot 3, as shown on the Final Sub- on the above date, the hereinafter division Plan of Allenview, Stage II, mentioned real estate. Section B, Sheet 2, dated April 2, All parties in interest and Claim- 1979, and recorded in the Office of ants are hereby notified that a the Recorder of Deeds of Cumber- Schedule of Distribution will be filed land County, Pennsylvania, in Plan by the Sheriff on or before April 3, Book 36, Page 47, more particularly 2020 that distribution will be made in bounded and described as follows: accordance with said schedule unless BEGINNING at the northwest exceptions are filed thereto within ten corner of Townhouse Plot 3 and go- (10) days thereinafter. ing along a line, North 43 degrees 23 minutes East, a distance of 14.46 feet Writ No. 2019-05284 Civil Term to a point common with the southeast corner of Townhouse Plot 1; thence EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP bearing right along a line, North 53 vs. degrees 52 minutes East, a distance of 28.79 feet to a point; thence STEPHEN WILLIS ALANDAR turning right along a line, South 36 Atty.: Kimberly Bonner degrees 08 minutes East, a distance PROPERTY ADDRESS: 149 Henry of 85 feet; thence turning right along Road, East Pennsboro - Township, a line, South 53 degrees 52 minutes Enola, PA 17025. West, a distance of 43.01 feet to a By virtue of a Writ of Execution point on the easterly boundary of No. 2019-05284, East Pennsboro Townhouse Plot 2; thence turning Township v. Stephen Willis Alandar right along a said boundary line, of property situate in East Pennsboro North 36 degrees 08 minutes West, Township, Cumberland County, a distance of 82.37 feet to the point Pennsylvania, being known as 149 of BEGINNING. Henry Road, Enola, PA 17025. BEING known and numbered as Parcel No. # 09-13-1002-079. 932 Allenview Drive, Mechanicsburg, Improvements thereon: Dwelling Pennsylvania. BEING the same property that known as 149 Henry Road, Enola, William E. Taylor and Isabel M. PA 17025. Taylor, husband and wife, conveyed Judgment Amount: $1,990.29. unto Stephen W. Bailey (erroneously referred to as “Stephen W. Bailey”) by Writ No. 2018-03014 Civil Term that certain deed dated February 21, 2003 and recorded on February 27, BELCO COMMUNITY 2003 in the Recorder of Deeds Office CREDIT UNION in and for Cumberland County at vs. Instrument Number 2003-009233. 17
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 TO BE SOLD AS THE PROP- BEING designated as Lot No. 28, ERTY OF STEPHEN W. BAILEY AND and containing 7.740 acres on the GLORIA I. BAILEY ON JUDGMENT Plan of Richland Meadows. ENTERED AT THE ABOVE NUMBER SUBJECT to the restrictions AND TERM. which shall apply to the entire Rich- land Meadows as contained in the Writ No. 2016-01141 Civil Term above recited deed. Title to said Premises vested in Anthony Barbera, single man by THE BANK OF NEW YORK Deed from Joy Varner and Christo- MELLON TRUST COMPANY pher Paddock, her husband dated vs. April 29, 2005 and recorded on May ANTHONY BARBERA 2, 2005 in the Cumberland County Recorder of Deeds in Book 268, Atty.: Roger Fay Page 3256 as Instrument No. 2005- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 236 Rich- 014684. land Road, Dickinson - Township, Being known as: 236 Richland Carlisle, PA 17015. Road, Carlisle, PA 17015. ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of Tax Parcel Number: 08-10-0628- land with the improvements erected 094. thereon, situate in Dickinson Town- Writ No. 2017-05680 Civil Term ship, Cumberland County, Penn- sylvania, bounded and described in accordance with a Plan prepared by U.S. BANK NATIONAL Rodney L. Decker, PLS, dated Sep- ASSOCATION tember 17,1991, and recorded in the vs. Office of the Recorder of Deeds for LUGENE BASTIAN-McGARVEY Cumberland County, in Plan Book a/k/a LUGENE A. BASTIAN, 63, Page 111, as follows: STEWART A. McGARVEY BEGINNING at an iron pin on the Atty.: Michele Bradford dedicated right-of-way of T-465, at PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2252 Do- corner of Lot No. 27; thence along ver Court, Upper Allen - Township, Lot No. 27, South 43 degrees 34 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. minutes 50 seconds West, 1,175.08 By virtue of a Writ of Execution feet to a point; thence along lands No. 2017-05680-CIVIL TERM. now or formerly of Linwood B. Phil- U.S. Bank National Association v. lips, North 54 degrees 05 minutes 15 Lugene A. Bastian-McGarvey a/k/a seconds West, 226.51 feet to a point; Lugene A. Bastian, Stewart A. Mc- thence continuing along lands now or Garvey owner(s) of property situate formerly of Phillips, North 56 degrees in the UPPER ALLEN TOWNSHIP, 14 minutes 35 seconds West, 60.83 CUMBERLAND County, Pennsylva- feet to a point; thence along Lot No. nia, being 2252 Dover Court, Me- 29, North 43 degrees 28 minutes chanicsburg, PA 17055-5700. 55 seconds East, 1,194.49 feet to Parcel No. 42-29-2458-035. an iron pin on the dedicated right- Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- of-way of T-465; thence along said TIAL DWELLING. right-of-way line, South 48 degrees Judgment Amount: $256,453.33. 05 minutes 55 seconds East, 126.95 feet to an iron pin; thence still along Writ No. 2018-12836 Civil Term right-of-way line of T-465, South 52 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds East MELBOURNE PLACE 160.54 feet to an iron pin, the Place CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATES of BEGINNING. vs. 18
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 MICHAEL BIANCHI PROPERTY ADDRESS: 204 S. Atty.: Kathleen Miller Enola Drive, East Pennsboro - Town- ship, Enola, PA 17025. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 122 Mel- By virtue of a Writ of Execution bourne Lane, Upper Allen - Town- No. 2019-05282, East Pennsboro ship, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. Township v. Pedro Black of property Case Number: 2018-12836. situate in East Pennsboro Township Judgment Amount: $8,919.40. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Attorney: Kathleen Krafft Miller, being known as 204 S. Enola Drive, Esquire. PA 17025. ALL THAT CERTAIN unit located Parcel No. 09-15-1291-218. in the property, known, named and Improvements thereon: Dwelling identified as Melbourne Place, a Townhome Condominium, located known as 204 S. Enola Drive, Enola, in the Township of Upper Allen, PA 17025. County of Cumberland and Com- Judgment Amount: $2,046.53. monwealth of Pennsylvania, which has heretofore been submitted to Writ No. 2019-04965 Civil Term the provisions of the Uniform Con- dominium Act, 69 Pa. C.S. 3101, et EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP seq., by the recording in the Office of vs. the Recorder of Deeds in and for the BRADLEY M. BRYAN, County of Cumberland, Pennsylva- BARBARA ANN BRYAN nia, recorded on March 30, 2006 in Miscellaneous Book 725, Page 4313. Atty.: Kimberly Bonner and any amendments thereto, as PROPERTY ADDRESS: 824 Belle the same may change from time to Vista Drive, East Pennsboro - Town- time, being and designated as UNIT ship, Enola, PA 17025. NO. 122, Building 9, together with a By virtue of a Writ of Execution proportionate undivided interest in No. 2019-04965, East Pennsboro the Common Elements (as defined Township v. Bradley M. Bryan & in such Declaration). Barbara Ann Bryan of property PIN 42-24-0791 -166U122. situate in East Pennsboro Township, BEING THE SAME PREMISES Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, which Leanne M. Holwig, now by being known as 824 Belle Vista Drive, marriage, Leanne M. Sanders, and Enola, Pennsylvania 17025. Michael Sanders, wife and husband, Parcel #09-11-3007-012. by deed dated January 31, 2014 Improvements thereon: Dwell- and recorded February 4, 2014 in ing known as 824 Belle Vista Drive, the Office of the Recorder of Deeds Enola, Pennsylvania. in and for the County of Cumber- Judgment Amount: $1,978.98. land in Instrument No. 201402509, granted and conveyed unto Michael Writ No. 2019-04964 Civil Term R. Bianchi. 012877S0- EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP Writ No. 2019-05282 Civil Term vs. BRADLEY M. BRYAN EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP Atty.: Kimberly Bonner vs. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 144 S. PEDRO BLACK Enola Drive, East Pennsboro - Town- Atty.: Kimberly Bonner ship, Enola, PA 17025. 19
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 By virtue of a Writ of Execution Hundred Fifty-nine and nine-tenths No. 2019-04964, East Pennsboro feet to a point; thence extending Township v. Bradley M. Bryan of South Twenty degrees, thirty-five property situate in East Pennsboro minutes East One Hundred and Township, Cumberland County, one one hundredths feet to a point; Pennsylvania, being known as 144 thence extending North Sixty-eight S. Enola Drive, Enola, Pennsylvania degrees twenty-eight minutes East 17025. One Hundred Sixty-one and fifty- Parcel #09-15-1291-140. seven one-hundredths feet to the Improvements thereon: Dwelling first mentioned point and the place known as 144 S. Enola Drive, Enola, of BEGINNING. Pennsylvania. IT BEING LOT No. 94 on the Judgment Amount: $2,349.09. aforesaid Plan. BEING the same premises which Writ No. 2015-02473 Civil Term Cyril F. Pipan and Maxine D. Chocha, by Deed dated July 2, 2002 and re- JOHN A. DICE II, ESTATE OF corded August 5, 2002 in the Office vs. of the Recorder of Deeds in and for MAXINE CHOCHA-PIPAN Cumberland County, Pennsylva- Atty.: Joseph Schalk nia, in Record Book 253, Page 80 granted and conveyed unto Maxine PROPERTY ADDRESS: 416 Al- D. Chocha. lendale Way, Lower Allen Township, Tax Parcel No. 13-24-0807-142. Camp HIll, PA 17011. SEIZED IN EXECUTION as the ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of property of Maxine D. Chocha on ground with buildings and improve- ments thereon erected, situate in Judgment No. 2015-02473. Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, bounded and Writ No. 2019-08893 Civil Term described in accordance with a plan of lot entitled “Section No. 3-A, Al- WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. lendale” made by Damon and Foster, vs. Civil Engineers, of Sharon Hill, Penn- PATRICIA A. CLAUSEN, sylvania, dated July 10, 1959, and recorded in Plan Book No. 10, page HOWARD CLAUSEN a/k/a 51, Cumberland County Records, HOWARD L.R. CLAUSEN as follows: Atty.: Michele Bradford BEGINNING at a point on the PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2100 Southwesterly side of Allendale Way, Cedar Lane, Hampden - Township, at the distance of Four Hundred elev- Enola, PA 17025. en and ninety-three one-hundredths By virtue of a Writ of Execution feet measured Northwestwardly along the said side of Allendale Way from No. 2019-08893, Wells Fargo Bank, the Northwestern most extremity of N.A. v. Howard L. Clausen a/k/a a radius round corner connecting Howard L.R. Clausen, Patricia A. the Southwesterly side of Allendale Clausen owner(s) of property situate Way with the Northwesterly side in the HAMPDEN TOWNSHIP, CUM- of Lantern Lane; thence extending BERLAND County, Pennsylvania, along the said Southwesterly side being 2100 Cedar Lane. Enola, PA of Allendale Way North Twenty-one 17025-3319. degrees, thirty-two minutes West Parcel No. 10-13-0993-099. One Hundred feet to a point; thence Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- extending South Sixtyeight degrees, TIAL DWELLING. twenty-eight minutes West One Judgment Amount: $270,786.69. 20
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 and Jacolyn J. Moose, his wife on feet to a point at corner of lands now the North; bounded by lands now or formerly of R. L. Lynch; thence by or formerly of H. W. Sibbet, Burns, lands now or formerly of R. L. Lynch, Swartz and an alley and land now or South 07 degrees East, 185.00 feet formerly of George Clever; along the to a point in the center line of Broad alley 7-1/2 rods, along lands now or Street; thence with said center line, formerly of Burns and Swartz, 11- North 83 degrees East, 14.00 feet to 2/3 rods; thence along lands now a point, the place of beginning. or formerly of H. W. Sibbet, 7-1/2 THE ABOVE DESCRIBED REAL rods to a stone;thence along line ESTATE is the same real estate now or formerly of George Clever, 11 which Gilbert P. Moose and Jacolyn -2/3 rods to the place of beginning I. Moose, husband and wife, by their CONTAINING 85 rods, more or less. deed dated January 31, 2002 and TRACT NO. 2: BEGINNING at an recorded February 1, 2002 in the iron pin at corner of land now or Office of the, Recorder of Deeds of formerly of Rodney Lynch, said point Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in being North 07 degrees 44 minutes Deed Book 250, Page 1174, conveyed 43 seconds West, 179.24 feet from to Lynn O. Bock and Rose M. Bock, an existing railroad spike in the husband and wife, Grantors herein. cehter of Broad Street; thence North IMPROVEMENTS: Residential 15 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds dwelling. West, 70.00 feet to a point in line of Tax Parcel # 39-37-2092-016A. lands now or formerly of Charles E. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS Lautsbaugh; thence by lands of now VESTED IN Stephen L. Strohm, by or formerly of Lautsbaugh, North Deed from Lynn O. Bock and Rose 83 degrees 14 minutes 55 seconds M. Bock;, h/w dated 12/15/2006, East, 13.60 feet to a point; thence by recorded 12/21/2006 in Book 278, same, North 07 degrees 04 minutes Page 358. 55 seconds West,119.00 feet to a point in line of lands now or formerly Writ No. 2017-11430 Civil Term of George W. Baker, Jr.; thence by lands now or formerly of George W. Baker, Jr., North 37 degrees 56 LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC minutes 17 seconds East, 12.45 feet vs. to an iron pin at corner of lands now BENJAMIN WILLIAM COONS or formerly of Gilbert Moose; thence Atty.: Michele Bradford by lands now or formerly of Gilbert Moose, South 07 degrees 00 minutes PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1905 Rox- 52 seconds East, 192.50 feet to an bury Court, Upper Allen - Township, iron pin; thence South 62 degrees Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. 57 minutes 17 seconds West, 13.34 By virtue of a Writ of Execution feet to a point, the place of beginning. No. 2017-11430-CIVILTERM, Lake- TRACT NO. 3: BEGINNING at a view Loan Servicing, LLC v. Benjamin point of lands now or formerly of William Coons owner(s) of property Jack E. Johnson and wife along Leg- situate in the UPPER ALLEN TOWN- islative Route 21050; thence North SHIP, CUMBERLAND County, Penn- 07 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds sylvania, being 1905 Roxburv Court. West, 185.00 feet to an iron pin at Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-7023. corner of lands now or formerly of Parcel No. 42-10-0256-107.UT77. Jack Johnson and wife and land Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- now or formerly of Gilbert P. Moose; TIAL DWELLING. thence South 83 degrees West, 14 Judgment Amount: $386,744.35. 22
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 Writ No. 2019-08999 Civil Term of said 33 feet wide Township Road, T-427; thence along the original cen- PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES LLC terline of said 33 feet wide Township Road, T-427, North 65 degrees 43 vs. minutes 26 seconds East, a distance RONALD L. DANLEY, JR., of 150 feet to a point at the place of DAWN M. DANLEY BEGINNING. Atty.: Harry Reese BEING all of Lot No. 14 of Section “C” as shown on said Subdivision PROPERTY ADDRESS: 810 Plan for Robert Boyer recorded as CREEK ROAD, West Pennsboro - aforesaid and containing l .497 acres Township, CARLISLE, PA 17015. exclusive of the northern most 25 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land feet of the above described tract of situate in West Pennsboro Town- land, which northern most 25 feet ship, Cumberland County, Penn- constitutes a portion of the roadbed sylvania, bounded and described of Township Road, T-427. in accordance with Subdivision for HAVINGTHEREON erected a Robert Boyer prepared by Larry Vem dwelling being known and numbered Neidlinger, Professional Engineer, a as 810 Creek Road, Carlisle, Penn- draft of same consisting of 4 pages sylvania. dated July 18, 1975 and recorded BEING THE SAME PREMISES in the hereinafter named Recorder’s which Kyle Rhoads and Susan Office in Plan Book 27, Page 103 as Johnson, now by marriage, Susan follows, to wit: Rhoades, husband and wife, by BEGINNING at a point in the origi- Deed dated July 14,2015 and re- nal centerline of 33 feet wide Town- corded July 20,2015 in the Office ship Road, T-427, at the northward of the Recorder of Deeds in and for extension of the dividing line between Cumberland County in Deed Instru- Lot Nos. 13 and 14 of Section “C” ment No. 201517929, granted and as shown on said Subdivision Plan; conveyed unto RONALD L. DANLEY, thence along the extension of said JR. and DAWN M. DANLEY, husband dividing line and continuing along and wife. the dividing line between said Lots BEING KNOWN AS: 810 CREEK 13 and 14 of Section “C”, South 24 ROAD, CARLISLE, PA 17015. degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds East, PARCEL #46-07-0473-035. a distance of 469.37 feet to a point on the northern line of land now or Writ No. 2018-09098 Civil Term formerly of Neal Bressler and wife; thence along the northern line of AMERICAN ADVISORS GROUP said land now or formerly of Neal vs. Bressler and wife. South 72 degrees LINDA DOLAN KNOWN SURVIVING 59 minutes 50 seconds West, a dis- HEIR OF KENNETH WILLIAM tance of 151.21 feet to a point at the BERGER, SR., KENNETH BERGER dividing line between Lot Nos. 14 and JR KNOWN SURVIVING HEIR OF 15 of Section “C” as shown on said KENNETH WILLIAM BERGER, SR., Subdivision Plan; thence along said UNKNOWN SURVIVING HEIRS OF dividing line between said Lots 14 KENNETH WILLIAM BERGER, SR. and 15 of Section MC” and continu- ing beyond. North 24 degrees 16 min- Atty.: Terrence McCabe utes 34 seconds West, a distance of PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1710 450.22 feet to a point in the original Bridge Street, New Cumberland - centerline of Township Road, T-427; Borough, NEW CUMBERLAND, PA thence along the original centerline 17070. 23
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 All that certain piece or parcel or Writ No. 2019-04160 Civil Term Tract of land situate in the Borough of New Cumberland, Cumberland U.S. BANK NATIONAL County, Pennsylvania, and being ASSOCIATION known as 1710 Bridge Street, New vs. Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070. EARL P. GARMAN TAX MAP AND PARCEL NUMBER: 26-22-0820-074. Atty.: Christopher DeNardo THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON PROPERTY ADDRESS: 57 Leeds ARE: Residential Dwelling. Road, Penn - Township, Newville, REAL DEBT: $177,914.43. PA 17241. SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECU- ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land TION AS THE PROPERTY OF: Linda situate in Penn Township, Cumber- Dolan, Known Surviving Heir of Ken- land County, Pennsylvania, bounded neth William Berger, Sr., Kenneth and described in accordance with Berger, Jr., Known Surviving Heir Plan of Subdivision for Richard E. of Kenneth William Berger, Sr., and Snyder prepared by Thomas Alvin Unknown Surviving Heirs of Kenneth Neff, Registered Surveyor, as last re- vised on January 24th, 1985, a copy William Berger, Sr. of which is recorded in the hereinafter McCABE, WEISBERG & named Recorder’s Office in Plan Book CONWAY, LLC 47, Page 44, and incorporated herein 123 South Broad Street by reference, as follows: Suite 1400 BEGINNING at a spike in the Philadelphia, PA 19109 original centerline of 33-feet wide L.R. 21075, at comer of land now or Writ No. 2019-09032 Civil Term formerly of Paul R. Seiders; thence along the southern line of said land SANTANDER BANK NA now or formerly of Paul R. Seiders, vs. south 89 degrees 30 minutes East, JOHNATHAN LUCAS FICKEL a distance of 545.70 feet to an iron pin in line of land now or formerly of Atty.: Michele Bradford Charles A. Brough; thence along the PROPERTY ADDRESS: 101 Mar- western line of said land now or for- beth Avenue, North Middleton - merly of Charles A. Brough, South 11 Township, Carlisle, PA 17013. degrees 25 minutes East, a distance By virtue of a Writ of Execution of 153.30 feet to an iron pin at the No. 2019-09032, Santander Bank, dividing line between Lots Nos. 1 and N.A. v. Johnathan Lucas Fickel 2 as shown on said Plan of Subdivi- owner(s) of property situate in the sion for Richard E. Snyder; thence NORTH MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP, along said dividing line between said CUMBERLAND County, Pennsyl- Lots Nos. 1 and 2, North 89 degrees vania, being 101 Marbeth Avenue. 30 minutes West, a distance of 576.80 feet to a spike in the original Carlisle,PA 17013-1626. centerline of 33-feet wide L.R. 21075; Parcel No. 29-19-1639-120. thence along said original centerline Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- of 33-feet wide L.R. 21075, North 00 TIAL DWELLING. degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, Judgment Amount: $148,973.95. a distance of 150.01 feet to a spike at PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND place of BEGINNING. & JONES, LLP THE ABOVE described tract of Attorneys for Plaintiff land contains an area of 1.876 acres 24
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 exclusive of the dedicated right-of- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 45 West way of said L.R. 21075, and is all of Baltimore Street, Carlisle - Borough, Lot No. 1 as shown on said Plan of Carlisle, PA 17013. Subdivision for Richard E. Snyder All that certain house and lot of recorded in Plan Book 47, Page 44. ground situate in the Third Ward of SO MUCH of the above-described the Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland premises as lies within 25 feet of the County, Pennsylvania bounded and original centerline of 33- feet wide described as follows, the following L.R. 21075 has been dedicated as two tracts of land; a portion of the right-of-way of said Tract No. 1 L.R. 21075 as shown on said Plan of Beginning on Baltimore Street Subdivision for Richard E. Snyder at a point on corner of land now or recorded in Plan Book 47, Page 44. formerly of Mrs. L. R. Brcnneman; THE ABOVE described tract of thence in a Northern direction along land has thereon erected a dwell- line of lands of same 102 feet, more or ing house and other improvements less, to line of lands now or formerly formerly known as R.D. #1 Box 260, of Shapley heirs; thence along line of now known and numbered as 57 lands of same in a western direction, Leeds Road, Newville, Pennsylvania 30 feet more or less, to line of lands 17241. formerly of Harry G. Beetem and now BEING PARCEL ID #31-32-2313- property known as 47 West Balti- 036. more Street, now or formerly of Mrs. BEING THE SAME PREMISES Melanie D. Cooper; thence along line which Joyce M. Bemabe, Administra- of lands of the same in a southern trix of the Estate of Vincent Bemabe, direction, 103 feet more or less, to Jr., Deceased, by Deed dated Janu- Baltimore Street; thence along line of ary 31,2005 and recorded Febmary 8, Baltimore Street in an Eastern direc- 2005 in the Office of the Recorder of tion 29 feet 06 inches, more or less, Deeds in and for the County of Cum- to the place of beginning. berland, Pennsylvania in Book 267, Containing on Baltimore Street Page 2329 as Instrument Number 29 feet 06 inches, more or less, and 2005-004554, granted and conveyed running northwardly at even width of unto Earl P. Garman, a single man, 30 feet, more or less, 102 feet more in fee. or less. 57 Leeds Road, Newville, PA Being known as 45 West Balti- 17241. more Street. Parcel No. 31-32-2313-036. Tract No. 2 lL. Bounded on the north by property now or formerly of the Shapley Heirs, Writ No. 2016-05906 Civil Term on the East by Tract No.1, above on the south and west by property formerly of John H. Highlands, et FEDERAL NATIONAL Al, now or formerly of Carlisle Op- MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION portunity Homes, vs. Having a distance of 16 feet, ROSITA M. HALDEMAN more or less, on the north and south (DECEASED), UNKNOWN HEIRS boundary lines and a distance of 51 AND/OR ADMINISTRATORS feet, more or less, on the east and OF THE ESTATE OF ROSITA M. west boundary lines; said tract lying HALDEMAN, HEIDI MACK AS and being immediately north of the POSSIBLE HEIR TO THE ESTATE property known as 47 West Baltimore OF ROSITA M. HALDEMAN Avenue. 25
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 HAVING thereon erected a dwell- ing line South 04 degrees 13 minutes ing house being known and num- 15 seconds East 124.78 feel to a point bered as 45 West Baltimore Street, on the Northern right-of-way line of Carlisle, PA 17013. Muirfield Place; thence by aforemen- PARCEL No. 04-21-0320-617. tioned right-of-way line by a curve to Being the same property conveyed the left having a radius of 425.00 feet to Rosita M. Haldeman, no marital an arc length of 81.2 feet to a point status shown who acquired title by being the place of beginning. virtue of a deed from Canterbury BEING Lot No. 97 as shown on the Partnership, LLC, dated September Final Subdivision Plan of Turnberry, 27, 2013, recorded October 4, 2013, Phase 2A, recorded in Plan Book 62, at Instrument Number 201332904, Page 111. Office of the Recorder of Deeds, PIN 10-16-1060-131. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN Jay D. Hellman, by deed Writ No. 2017-10068 Civil Term from Jay D. Hellman and Virginia M. Hellman, husband and wife, dated MTGLQ INVESTORS LP 04/14/2004, recorded 04/20/2004. vs. in Book 262, Page 2771. JAY D. HELLMAN Writ No. 2019-04531 Civil Term Atty.: Patrick Wesner PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5014 PINGORA LOAN SERVICING, LLC Muirfield Place, Hampden - Town- ship, MECHANICSBURG, PA 17050. vs. All that certain lot, piece or parcel CRYSTAL HILEMAN of land, with the buildings and im- Atty.: Michele Bradford provements thereon erected, situate, PROPERTY ADDRESS: 906 Val- lying and being in Hampden Town- ship, in the County of Cumberland, ley Street A/K/A 906 Valley Road, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; East Pennsboro - Township, Enola, bounded and described as follows: PA 17025. ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or par- By virtue of a Writ of Execution cel of land situate in Hampden Town- No. 2019-04531, Pingora Loan Ser- ship, Cumberland County, Pennsyl- vicing, LLC v. Crystal L. Hileman vania, more particularly bounded owner(s) of property situate in the and described as follows, to wit: EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP, BEGINNING at a point on the CUMBERLAND County, Pennsylva- Northern right-of-way line of Muir- nia, being 906 Valley Street a/k/a field Place (50’ R.O.W.) on the divid- 906 Valley Road, Enola. PA 17025- ing line of Lot No. 97 and Lot No. 98 1541. as shown on the hereinafter men- Parcel No. 09-13-1000-005. tioned Subdivision Plan. Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- THENCE by aforementioned divid- TIAL DWELLING. ing line North 15 degrees 08 minutes Judgment Amount: $135,732.48. 36 seconds West 138.70 feet to a point on the Southern line of Lot No. Writ No. 2019-04833 Civil Term Ill, Phase I; thence by aforementioned lot line and that of Lot No. 112 North BANKUNITED N.A. 87 degrees 46 minutes 04 seconds vs. West 106.87 feet to a point on the dividing line of Lot No. 96 and Lot No. CARL M. JOHNSON 97; thence by aforementioned divid- Atty.: Christopher DeNardo 26
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4 Moun- dated August 17, 2018 and recorded tainview Drive, North Middleton - September 10, 2018 in the Office of Township, Carlisle, PA 17013. the Recorder of Deeds in and for the ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land County of Cumberland, Pennsylvania situate in North Middleton Township, as Instrument Number 201822100, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, granted and conveyed unto Carl M. bounded and described as follows: Johnson, individual, in fee. BEING Lot No. 75 on the Plan of 4 Mountainview Drive, Carlisle, Creek View Heights, Section “E”, as PA 17013. recorded in the Office of the Recorder Parcel No. 29-16-1096-176. of Deeds for Cumberland County in Plan Book 39, Page 52; containing Writ No. 2019-03720 Civil Term 103.70 feet along the West along Mountain View Drive containing FAIRWAY INDEPENDENT 61.78 feet along the curve leading to MORTGAGE CORPORATION Susan Lane; containing 86.07 feet along the South along Susan Lane vs. as shown on said Plan; containing SARA C. KEISTER, 142.67 feet along the East along Lots STEVEN M. KEISTER, of Noll Manor as shown on said Plan; PATRICIA L. KEAMMERER and containing 125.04 feet along the Atty.: Terrence McCabe North along land now or formerly of Hooke, Lobo and Hooke, as shown PROPERTY ADDRESS: 617 Her- on said Plan. man Ave, Lemoyne - Borough, Le- CONTAINING 17,540 feet. moyne, PA 17043. SUBJECT, NEVERTHELESS, to All that certain piece or parcel or the building and use restrictions as Tract of land situate in the Borough recorded in the Office aforesaid in of Lemoyne, Cumberland County, Miscellaneous Book 197, Page 1050. Pennsylvania, and being known UNDER AND SUBJECT to cov- as 617 Herman Avenue, Lemoyne, enants, conditions, reservations, Pennsylvania 17043. restrictions, easements and right of TAX MAP AND PARCEL NUMBER: ways of record. 12-22-0824-176. 29-16-1096-176. THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON BEING KNOWN AS and for infor- ARE: Residential Dwelling. mational purposes only: 4 Mountain- REAL DEBT: $113,034.62. view Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013. SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECU- TOGETHER with the limited com- TION AS THE PROPERTY OF: Steven mon elements appurtenant as more M. Keister, Patricia L. Keammerer, fully shown on the Declaration Plan and Sara C. Keister. recorded in right of way Plan Book McCABE, WEISBERG & 78, Page 117, the Condominium CONWAY, LLC Declaration Plat/Plan for a portion 123 South Broad Street of Lot 1 Phase 1, Buildings 2 and 23 Suite 1400 and Public Improvements recorded in Philadelphia, PA 19109 right of way Plan Book 12, Page 83 on October 27, 1999 together with Writ No. 2018-06095 Civil Term all amendments and supplements thereto recorded on or before the JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. date hereof. vs. BEING THE SAME PREMISES which Tommy X. Nguyen and Mary H. GREGORY M. KUHN Nguyen, husband and wife, by Deed Atty.: Michele Bradford 27
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6011 Rob- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 10 Cardi- ert Drive, Hampden - Township, Me- nal Drive, South Middleton - Town- chanicsburg, PA 17050. ship, Carlisle, PA 17015. By virtue of a Writ of Execution IMPROVEMENTS consist of a No. 2018-06095, JPMorgan Chase residential dwelling. Bank, N.A. v. Gregory M. Kuhn BEING PREMISES: 10 Cardinal owner(s) of property situate in the Drive, Carlisle, PA 17015. HAMPDEN TOWNSHIP, CUMBER- SOLD as the property of LYNN LAND County, Pennsylvania, being MARMO and EDWARD SCOTT. 6011 Robert Drive. Mechanicsburg, PA 17050-6853. TAX PARCEL #40-24-0760-013. Parcel No. 10-20-1840-035. Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- Writ No. 2018-13583 Civil Term TIAL DWELLING. Judgment Amount: $143,046.88. LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. Writ No. 2019-08548 Civil Term MARIA D. MARTINEZ MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS OF Atty.: Michele Bradford COLORADO, LLC PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3008 Yale vs. Avenue, Carlisle - Borough, Camp ELIZABETH K. LONG, Hill, PA 17011. KEITH A. LONG By virtue of a Writ of Execution No. 2018-13583, Lakeview Loan Atty.: Edward McKee Servicing, LLC v. Maria D. Martinez PROPERTY ADDRESS: 118 owner(s) of property situate in the Mountain View Drive, East Penns- CAMP HILL BOROUGH, CUMBER- boro - Township, Enola, PA 17025. LAND County, Pennsylvania, being Situate in the Township of East 3008 Yale Avenue, Camp Hill, PA Pennsboro, County of Cumberland and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 17011-5250. being known as 118 Mountain View Parcel No. 01-22-0533-030. Drive, Enola, PA 17025. Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- Being the same premises which TIAL DWELLING. Gerald L. Friday and Susan L. Fri- Judgment Amount: $163,636.76. day by Deed dated November 22, 2011 and recorded on November 23, Writ No. 2019-04836 Civil Term 2011 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cumberland County as NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Instrument No. 201132772 granted vs. and conveyed unto Keith A. Long and Elizabeth K. Long. KERRY MeKEAL PERETTA Parcel No.: 09-12-2991-132. SOLELY IN HER CAPACITY AS Commonly known as: 118 Moun- HEIR OF MARGARET E. MeKEAL tain View Drive, Enola, PA 17025. DECEASED, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF MARGARET E. MeKEAL Writ No. 2017-07690 Civil Term DECEASED Atty.: Michael McKeever WILIMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1919 Maple Street, New Cumberland - Bor- vs. ough, New Cumberland, PA 17070. LYNN MARMO, EDWARD SCOTT IMPROVEMENTS consist of a Atty.: Michael McKeever residential dwelling. 28
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 BEING PREMISES: 1919 Maple PROPERTY ID NUMBER: 01 -20- Street, New Cumberland, PA 17070. 1852-152. SOLD as the property of The BEING THE SAME PREMISES Unknown Heirs of Margaret E. Me- WHICH MICHAEL C. MELOY AND Keal Deceased and KERRY MeKEAL JODI I. MELOY HUSBAND AND PERETTA Solely in Her Capacity as WIFE BY DEED DATED 7/27/2005 Heir of Margaret E. MeKeal Deceased. AND RECORDED 8/12/2005 IN TAX PARCEL #26-23-0543-078. THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF DEEDS IN DEED BOOK 270 AT Writ No. 2019-08773 Civil Term PAGE 2013, GRANTED AND CON- VEYED UNTO JODI I. MELOY, A U.S. BANK NATIONAL MARRIED WOMAN. ASSOCIATION Writ No. 2019-08611 Civil Term vs. JODI I. MELOY RUSHMORE LOAN Atty.: Michael McKeever MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC PROPERTY ADDRESS: 364 Re- vs. gent Street, Camp Hill - Borough, ALLAN MILLER CAMP HILL, PA 17011. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot of ground Atty.: Richard Squire situate in the Borough of Camp Hill, PROPERTY ADDRESS: 105 Shir- Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, ley Lane, South Middleton - Town- more particularly bounded and de- ship, Boiling Springs, PA 17007. scribed as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN, TRACT OR BEGINNING at a point on the PARCEL OF LAND AND PREMISES, Southern side of Pennsylvania High- SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE way By-Pass No. 11, three hundred TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH MIDDLE- eighty and two tenths (380.2) feet TOWN, COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND, west of the Southwest corner of AND COMMONWEALTH OF PENN- Pennsylvania By-Pass and North SYLVANIA, MORE PARTICULARLY 29th Street, said point being the DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BE- Northwestern corner of Lot No. 4, GINNING AT AN IRON PIN IN THE Block “U”, on the Plan of Lots herein- SOUTHEASTERN RIGHT-OF-WAY after mentioned; thence Southwardly LINE OF SHIRLEY LANE AT THE along the Western Line of said Lot NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT NO. No. 4, Block “U”, one hundred twenty 46 ON THE FINAL SUBDIVISION (120) feet to a point in the Northern PLAN OF INDIAN HILLS—SECTION Line of Fairview Road; thence West- I THENCE NORTH 84 DEGREES wardly along the Northern Line of 48 MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST, Fairview Road sixty (60) feet to a point A DISTANCE OF 101.775 FEET TO in the Eastern Line of Lot No. 2 Block AN IRON PIN AT THE NORTHWEST “U” on said plan; thence Northwardly CORNER OF LOT NO. 44 ON THE along the Eastern line of said Lot No. ABOVE MENTIONED FINAL SUB- 2, Block “U”, one hundred twenty DIVISION PLAN; THENCE SOUTH (120) feet to a point on the Southern 5 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 33 SEC- side of Pennsylvania By-Pus, afore- ONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF said; thence Eastwardly along the 150.01 FEET TO AN IRON PIN AT Southern line of said Pennsylvania THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT By-Pass, sixty-seven and thirty-five NO. 44 ON THE ABOVE MENTIONED one hundredths (67.35) feet to a FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN; THENCE point, the place of BEGINNING. SOUTH 84 DEGREES 48 MINUTES BEING KNOWN AS: 364 REGENT 32 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE STREET, CAMP HILL, PA 17011. OF 101.775 FEET TO AN IRON PIN 29
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF Thence North 69° 54’ West, a LOT NO. 46 ON THE ABOVE MEN- distance of 132.1 feet by same to an TIONED FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN; Ash Tree; THENCE NORTH 5 DEGREES 31 Thence North 12° 46’ East, a MINUTES 33 SECONDS EAST, A distance of 362.1 feet by same to a DISTANCE OF 150.01 FEET TO AN stake; IRON PIN, THE PLACE OF BEGIN- Thence North 84° 19’ West, a dis- NING. tance of 534.1 feet along land now or BEING LOT NO. 45 ON THE FI- formerly of Walter Shambaugh to a NAL SUBDIVISION PLAN OF INDIAN Maple Tree; Thence South 9° 2’ East, HILLS—SECTION I RECORDED IN a distance of 471.2 feet along land THE OFFICE OF THE RECORD OF now or formerly of Ike Giger to a point DEEDS IN AND FOR CUMBERLAND in the center of a public road; Thence COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, IN PLAN South 54° 9’ East, a distance of 281 BOOK 67. PAGE 36. PIN 40-28- feet along the center of said public 2098-077. road to a point in the center of said BEING THE SAME PREMISES public road, the place of beginning; WHICH ROSA M. MUNIZ, BY DEED Excepting and Reserving there DATED 09/22/2017 AND RECORD- form that portion of land conveyed ED 10/04/2017 IN THE OFFICE to Gerald E. Fronko and Kelli Lyn OF THE RECORDER OF DEEDS IN Fronko by Deed dated August 29, AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CUM- 2007 and recorded August 31, 2007 BERLAND UNDER DEED INSTRU- in Index No. 200734240. MENT 201725669, GRANTED AND Town/City/Village: Lower Frank- CONVEYED UNTO ALLAN MILLER. ford. County: Cumberland. Writ No. 2019-06598 Civil Term Parcel No. 14-04-0383-057. This is a residential property. A house is situated on this parcel. BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR- TRUST COMPANY, N.A. POSES ONLY: Being known as 107 AS TRUSTEE FOR Bobcat Road, Carlisle, PA 17015. MORTGAGE ASSETS BEING THE SAME PREMISES MANAGEMENT which Betty A. Nelson, widow, by SERIES I TRUST Deed dated April 9, 2008 and re- vs. corded April 21, 2008 in the Office of BETTY A. NELSON the Recorder of Deeds in and for the County of Cumberland, Pennsylvania Atty.: Christopher DeNardo as Instrument Number 20081263 5, PROPERTY ADDRESS: 107 Bob- granted and conveyed unto Betty A. cat Road, Lower Frankford - Town- Nelson, widow, in fee. ship, Carlisle, PA 17015. 107 Bobcat Road, Carlisle, PA ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF 17015. LAND situate in Township of Lower Parcel No. 14-04-0383-057. Frankford, County of Cumberland, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Writ No. 2019-08981 Civil Term bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center PNC BANK of a public road and corner of land of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION John Kling et ux; vs. Thence North 20° 45’ East, a dis- tance of 292.7 feet along said Kling ROBERT M. OPANEL, JR. land to a stake; Atty.: Michele Bradford 30
LXIX 3 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 1/17/20 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 520 Wal- vicing, LLC v. Linda L. Rasmussen ton Street, Lemoyne - Borough, owner(s) of property situate in the LEMOYNE, PA 17043. SOUTH MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP, By virtue of a Writ of Execution CUMBERLAND County, Pennsyl- No. 2019-08981, PNC Bank, National vania, being 619 Mill Race Court Association vs. Robert M. Opanel, Jr Carlisle. PA 17013-2531. owner(s) of property situate in the Parcel No. 40-22-0485-070-U42. LEMOYNE BOROUGH, CUMBER- Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- LAND County, Pennsylvania, being 520 Walton Street. Lemoyne, PA TIAL DWELLING. 17043-2030. Judgment Amount: $28,201.57. Parcel No. 12-23-0543-032. Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- Writ No. 2019-08155 Civil Term TIAL DWELLING. Judgment Amount: $98,083.52. QUICKEN LOANS INC. PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND vs. & JONES, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff NATHAN A. REYNOLDS Atty.: Michael McKeever Writ No. 2019-05381 Civil Term PROPERTY ADDRESS: 984 Park Place, Monroe - Township, Mechan- PLAZA HOME MORTGAGE INC. icsburg, PA 17055. vs. IMPROVEMENTS consist of a JAMES WILLIAM PERRY, residential dwelling. HOLLY M. PERRY BEING PREMISES: 984 Park Atty.: Robert Crawley Place, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 14 Kings- SOLD as the property of NATHAN wood Drive, Mechanicsburg - Bor- A. REYNOLDS. ough, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. TAX PARCEL #22-31 -2158-004. ALL THOSE CERTAIN LOTS OR PIECES OF GROUND SITUATE IN Writ No. 2019-07924 Civil Term THE MECHANICSBURG, CUMBER- LAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. BEING KNOWN AS: 14 KINGS- vs. WOOD DRIVE, MECHANICSBURG, PA 17055. KEITH A. ROBINSON, SR. BEING PARCEL NUMBER: 18 22 Atty.: Michele Bradford 0519 279. IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ADDRESS: 40 Pine PROPERTY. Ridge Court, East Pennsboro - Town- ship, Enola, PA 17025. Writ No. 2019-03690 Civil Term By virtue of a Writ of Execu- tion No. 2019-07924, Wells Fargo OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC Bank, N.A. v. Keith A. Robinson, Sr. owner(s) of property situate in vs. the EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP, LINDA L. RASMUSSEN CUMBERLAND County, Pennsyl- Atty.: Michele Bradford vania, being 40 Pine Ridge Court, PROPERTY ADDRESS: 619 Mill Enola, PA 17025-3405. Race Court, South Middleton - Town- Parcel No. 09-13-1000-116. ship, Carlisle, PA 17013. Improvements thereon: RESIDEN- By virtue of a Writ of Execution TIAL DWELLING. No. 2019-03690, OCWEN Loan Ser- Judgment Amount: $158,414.53. 31
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