Page created by Erik Terry
ISSUE 11 / 2018

                        INSIGHTS & OPPORTUNITIES

                      Online Grocery

Thoughts from Dennis

                  Welcome to the 11th annual Tetra Pak               This year’s Tetra Pak Index provides insights       Packaging has a key role to play in all of this.
                  Index, which focuses on the rise of online         into this new omnichannel world of grocery          It’s part and parcel of home delivery, impacting
                  grocery and the unique opportunities it            shopping. It’s based on consumer research           significantly on both customer satisfaction
                  presents for the food and drink industry.          conducted in five countries, plus interviews with   and logistics (light weight and space efficiency
                                                                     e-retailers in North America, Europe and China,     are key factors). And while its primary purpose
                  The power of the internet is transforming          and a global market segmentation study.             will always be one of protection and
                  the grocery trade, just as it has revolutionised                                                       preservation, it now offers rich potential for
                  so many other retail sectors. There were some      It highlights four key trends. Convenience,         personalisation and a consumer experience
                  initial challenges. But with most of these now     which is driving online demand in all               that can both surprise and delight. Thanks
                  addressed, online grocery shopping is on an        geographies, as consumers look for ways             to smart technology, every package sold
                  unstoppable march, taking an ever-greater          to make their time-crunched lives easier.           can now carry a unique digital identifier,
                  share of the food retail market.                   Technology, which is transforming both              creating the opportunity for direct one-to-one
                                                                     supply chains and the consumer experience.          conversations with consumers (as well as
                  Physical stores are also being reinvented          Sustainability, as environmental issues become      helping drive efficiencies across the entire
                  through digitalisation, providing consumers        more important for consumers, brands                supply chain).
                  with extra information on products, personal       and retailers, and governments alike.
                  offers and recommendations, automated              And personalisation, as marketers look for          Looking ahead, this omnichannel revolution
                  cash-free checkout and more – as well as           new ways to attract consumers online, build         in grocery is not merely going to continue,
                  supporting hubs for rapid local delivery.          relationships and drive loyalty.                    it’s going to accelerate. We look forward to
                  Indeed, offline and online are now merging                                                             working with our customers to harness the
                  into an “omnichannel” age, where consumers                                                             opportunities it presents.
                  expect to be able to buy whenever, wherever
                  and however they choose, with the ubiquitous
                  smartphone acting as their compass.
                                                                                                                         DENNIS JÖNSSON
                                                                                                                         PRESIDENT & CEO, TETRA PAK GROUP

                             Overview                                           Analysis                                  Trends
                           05 Growth & disruption                      11 Market forecast: resisters, laggards,          16 Convenience
                   06 Redefining the consumer experience                 pioneers, leap-frogging pioneers          19 Technology & performance
                 08 Physical retail: reinventing to stay relevant          12 Retailer & consumer needs:                 23 Sustainability
                                                                          North America, Europe & China                25 Personal & unique
                                                                    13 Understanding online grocery consumers
                                                                                                                           27 Summary
                                                                                                                     28 Research & references

CASE STUDIES 14_Maeil Dairies_Tetra Pak & bigbasket / 17_Di Carlo / 21_Adopt A Cow_Tetra Pak, Ads On Board & Shazam / 22_Puleva / 24_Buzzbox_Koita / 26_JustFoodForDogs

 E-commerce is by far the fastest-growing channel
for groceries today. It also has a much wider impact,
   influencing physical stores – and more. It’s part
     of a transformation that’s redefining the way
 consumers buy, experience and react to products,
    driving innovation and disruption throughout
                   the value chain.

                           Growth & disruption                                                                                                             Not only do retailers and brands now see                                                          We’re now seeing the emergence of online/               To that end, Walmart has acquired
                           Online is by far the fastest growing channel                                                                                    online as a crucial sales channel, they also see                                                  offline alliances everywhere, as “bricks and            e-commerce companies such as
                           for groceries today. Looking at Kantar’s latest                                                                                 it as having an impact far beyond e-commerce:                                                     clicks” emerges as the business model of                and made significant investments in IT to
                           figures for the global fast-moving consumer                                                                                     its disruptive influence is affecting investment                                                  choice in the shift towards an “omnichannel”            raise its capabilities. Coming from the other
                           goods (FMCG) market as a whole, online                                                                                          and future plans for all channels. Online                                                         approach to retail. “Our strategy is to serve           direction, Amazon spent $13.7 billion to buy
                           sales grew 30% in the 12 months to March                                                                                        grocery is being seen less as a battleground                                                      customers through e-commerce and our stores             Whole Foods, not only to establish a physical
                           2017, double the figure for the previous year,                                                                                  between insurgent pure players and                                                                in a seamless way,” says Walmart CEO Doug               consumer-facing presence, but also to turn
                           compared with just 1.3% growth in all FMCG                                                                                      incumbent bricks and mortar vendors, and                                                          McMillon.3 “Customers are time-crunched,                its stores into a network of hubs close to urban
                           channels.1 And while the picture is very different                                                                              more as a catalyst for a wider transformation.                                                    so we want their shopping experience with               consumers. It’s now rolling out free two-hour
                           from market to market, online grocery is                                                                                        “It’s about how online and offline together                                                       us to be fast and easy – truly seamless – in all        delivery from the grocery chain to Prime
                           expected to continue to grow much faster than                                                                                   can create both a better customer experience                                                      the ways they want to shop: in stores, on their         subscribers in various US cities, increasing
                           any other channel, albeit from a fairly modest                                                                                  and better efficiency for the entire supply                                                       mobile device, or through pickup and delivery.”         pressure on traditional retailers to look for
                           base – 4.6% globally. (See also Planet Retail                                                                                   chain,” says Stéphane Roger, Global Director                                                                                                              ways to promptly and profitably deliver their
                           figures, below. For more on individual markets                                                                                  of Shopper and Retail, Kantar.2                                                                                                                           own fresh food and pantry items.
                           and their growth prospects, see page 11.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In China, e-commerce market leaders Alibaba
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and are also investing heavily to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Business models                        • Third party/personal shoppers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Services such as Instacart
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     build an offline presence (see page 08.) “We
                                                                 Drugstores,               Supermarkets               Cash & carries,                Convenience
                                                                                                                                                                                        Discount                      Online            Currently there are a variety of
                             & superstores
                                                                pharmacies &
                                                                                         & neighbourhood
                                                                                                                                                     & forecourt
                                                                                                                                                                                         stores                       grocery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        online grocery models:                    that pick up from retailers        service every piece of the consumer journey,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and deliver to consumers are       says Kurt Li, Head of Business Intelligence at
                           2012 2017 2022                    2012 2017 2022              2012 2017 2022              2012 2017 2022              2012 2017 2022               2012 2017 2022                 2012 2017 2022             • Home delivery. Retailers are           increasingly popular, not only     Alibaba.4 “Now, with our bricks-and-mortar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           increasingly prioritising home         with consumers but also with       retail presence, our touchpoints are no longer


















                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           delivery due to consumer               retail partners: Sam’s Club,       limited to online: we have managed to digitise



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           demand. But it’s costly,               Target and Costco all use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     offline behaviour too.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           making it difficult for retailers      Instacart for fulfilment and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to make a profit, especially           delivery in the US.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           as consumers are resistant to       • Direct to consumer. Many (if not   Meanwhile, brands are becoming e-retailers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           delivery charges.                      most) major CPG companies          too, and many (if not most) major consumer
                                                             Fastest growing channels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Click and collect. Allows              are expected to add direct-to-     packaged goods (CPG) companies are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  consumer services over the next

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           consumers to browse and                                                   expected to experiment with the direct-to-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           buy online then collect from           few years. Some, such as The       consumer model over the next few years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           a physical outlet, such as a           Coca-Cola Company, Unilever,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “This is, without a doubt, the greatest retail
                                  2.2%                            3.2%                        3.8%                        4.4%                        4.8%                         5.8%                        17.4%                       store, petrol station, post            Procter & Gamble, are doing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     revolution we’ve seen over the last 50 years,”
                            CAGR 2017-2022                    CAGR 2017-2022              CAGR 2017-2022              CAGR 2017-2022              CAGR 2017-2022               CAGR 2017-2022                 CAGR 2017-2022               office or other commuter-              so already. For example, for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           friendly locations. It’s               the first time in The Coca-Cola    says John Carroll, Vice President and General
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           appealing to traditional chains        Company’s more than 100-year       Manager E-commerce, The Coca-Cola
                           Hyper/supermarkets are still the largest channels globally,                                                                                                                                                     with a wide footprint and is           bottling history, bottlers are     Company.5 “The bricks-and-mortar world and
                           but growth is slow. Convenience and discount are the fastest                                                                                                                                                    particularly popular in the            now delivering select brands       the online world are merging. And it’s all being
                           growing physical formats, while online is growing far faster still                                                                                                                                              US, where superstores are              directly to consumers’ homes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     driven by how and where people are shopping.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           larger – Walmart now offers a          via a pilot called eFulfillment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           drivethrough service in more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           than 1000 stores, for example.

Redefining the consumer experience
E-commerce redefines the way
consumers receive, experience and
react to products, creating a new circular
model with constant innovation and                                                            Share                               Discovery & search
disruption at almost every stage. With                                                 Third moment of truth                     Zero moment of truth
more ways to buy and more places to
get information than ever before, brand
to consumer engagement throughout
the path-to-purchase, and afterwards,                                                                                                                                                            Buy
becomes essential. In fact, the more
touchpoints a brand makes with its
consumers, the better the impact on
perception and satisfaction.
                                                         First moment of truth

                                                                                                                        Order fulfilment & last mile

Discovery & search                  to 97% and 93% respectively in        Hence Facebook now talks about
As consumers spend more time        China. Such independent reviews       “the three-second audition” and      Best versus brand         probably will be too.       overwhelmingly            a search engine and
online, so it becomes a key         and comments are now rated            “thumb-stopping content”. “If it’s   Google believes that      Google is now seeing a      stronger for generics     build their basket
source of product discovery,        the most influential marketing        too complex for mobile, it’s too     the way consumers         strong rise in searches     than for brands (81%      around that. This is
often via blogs and social media,   influence after a recommendation      complex,” says Matthew Lowe,         shop for online           for the term “best” in      versus 2%).               particularly true for
and research (which typically       from a family member or friend.1      Head of Online Content & UX at       groceries is changing,    relation to products,          “Consumers are         searches for niche
means search, via Google or,        Given the amount of information       UK supermarket Iceland.2             with the starting point   even for traditionally      increasingly starting     specialist products,
increasingly, Amazon). As we        consumers are exposed to online,                                           increasingly being        low consideration           their grocery shopping    such as those with
reported in last year’s Tetra Pak   brands need to work harder than                                            specific products         items such as               journey without a         perceived health
Index, 80% of the most active       ever to capture attention and get                                          rather than a             toothbrushes (up            destination – the         benefits as food
and influential consumer group      their message across. Arresting                                            destination where they    100% in two years),         starting point is the     increasingly evolves
online read reviews/ratings on      and, crucially, simple messaging                                           fill their basket. It     deodorants (up 180%)        product,” says Harry      into “foodcare”.
food and beverages monthly          is vital, particularly as mobile is                                        argues that search is     or olive oils (up 110%).3   Walker, Head of           Hence a simple tip:
and 70% do so weekly – rising       increasingly the device of choice.                                         a strong proxy for        Brands still dominate       Industry – Retail at      experiment with using
                                                                                                               consumer demand: for      search terms over           Google.4 Or, to put       common search
                                                                                                               example, if searches      generic products            it another way, they      terms in the title of
                                                                                                               for a product are         today (70% versus           find the key product      the product itself to
                                                                                                               growing, sales            30%) – but growth is        they’re looking for via   drive sales.

                                                                                                                                                                              Consumer posts of images/comments
                                                                                                                                                                                    on food and beverages
                                                                                                                                                                                          How often?


                                                                                                                                                       Several times a day      18%       15%          16%      16%
                                                                                                                                                               Once a day       21%       10%          22%      18%
                                                                                                                                                     At least once a week       16%       21%          41%      26%
Buy                                  Order fulfilment                   Receive                              Share
                                                                                                                                                    At least once a month       10%       13%          14%      12%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TETRA PAK INDEX 2017
Online shopping drastically          & last mile                        Receiving and unpacking              As we reported in last year’s                       Less often     14%       16%           5%      12%
reduces the visual real estate for   There is considerable ongoing      e-commerce goods is now              Tetra Pak Index, connected                              Never      21%       25%           2%      16%
products, especially on mobile.      innovation (and investment) in     literally part and parcel of the     consumers are increasingly                               Daily     39%       25%          38%      34%
So it’s important to ensure that     order fulfilment and the last      first moment of truth. In a survey   sharing opinions and experiences                      Weekly       55%       46%          79%      60%
                                                                                                                                                                  Monthly       65%       59%          93%      72%
they are instantly recognisable      mile, particularly in technology   of US CPG companies last             of food and beverage brands
and consistent wherever they         development. For more on           year,2 95% agreed that “bad”         online. This is particularly true of
appear. Copy is also crucial,        this, see the Technology &         packaging (defined as a package      the most active and influential
especially in categories such        performance trend, page 19.        that’s hard to open, unattractive,   online consumers: 68% globally
as baby food where nutrition                                            or results in damage including       (and 90% in China) write reviews
                                                                                                                                                    In your opinion, what is the         In your opinion, what is the
and ingredient information is                                           breaks or leaks) can have a          at least monthly, with 57% doing
                                                                                                                                                     impact of BAD packaging            impact of GOOD packaging
paramount. New ways of                                                  negative impact on an online         so weekly. And 72% globally

                                                                                                                                  5+5++C +C 3+3+C
ordering, such as subscriptions,                                        customer experience. Moreover,       post images/comments on                   on an online customer                on an online customer
voice and auto-replenishment                                            71% said it can ruin an otherwise    food and beverages monthly                     experience?                          experience?
via Amazon Dash and smart                                               positive online purchase             – rising to 93% in China, led by
appliances (see page 16), are                                           experience. However, 97%             commenting on or reviewing
making an impact too, changing                                          agreed that a “good” packaging       a product (68%) and showing
the consumer’s relationship with                                        experience can have a positive       something new (60%). Moreover,
products and brands. “It’s all                                          impact, with 70% saying it           49% of CPG users say their
about convenience – making                                              can even create a memorable          e-commerce customers are not

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TRENDS IN E-COMMERCE PACKAGING, DIMENSIONAL RESEARCH
your life easier and getting                                            experience. Crucially, 86%           only sharing their experiences
away from the 90 minutes a week                                         say improved e-commerce              with online purchases online,
you have to spend in the store,”                                        packaging is the responsibility      they are including photos and
says The Coca-Cola Company’s                                            of the brand, not the e-retailer.    commentary about packaging on
John Carroll.1                                                          Secondary packaging is also          social media, making packaging,
                                                                        a key issue today (see page          both good and bad, more visible
                                                                                                                                                        No impact 5%                       No impact 3%
                                                                        23), while personalisation and       than ever before.3
                                                                        custom unboxing experiences
                                                                        are tipped as trends for the                                                    Minor positive impact 24%          Minor positive impact 27%
                                                                        future (see page 26).
                                                                                                                                                        Bad packaging can ruin a           Good packaging can create
                                                                                                                                                        customer experience 71%            a memorable customer
                                                                                                                                                                                           experience 70%

Physical retail: reinventing                        Digital stores                                        in China’s e-commerce growth, Alibaba has
to stay relevant                                    A key player in the reinvention of physical           expanded its remit, and in 2017 alone, it
Physical stores are experiencing slow growth        retail is Amazon, which gained much attention         invested $21 billion in deals as it moved into
rates due to the impact of increased consumer       for its moves into the offline space, both            logistics and bricks and mortar retailing.
spending online. Consequently, retailers are        through its acquisition of Whole Foods and
scaling back new store expansion, closing or        also its Amazon Go checkout-free concept              Its Ling Shou Tong programme is helping
investing in smaller formats. But even though       store. The first of these opened in Seattle in        to upgrade China’s 6m small family-run
there be fewer outlets in the future, they will     January 2018 selling ready-to-eat foods, meal         convenience stores, injecting modern logistics
still account for the bulk of spending: shoppers    kits and grocery essentials, including its own        to revitalise their supply chains and analytics
clearly still want to see and feel goods, receive   brands such as Wickedly Prime. The store              to help them better understand the buying
inspiration and advice – and also pick up           employs the same types of technologies used           behaviour of their customers. But its New
goods ordered online. However, such offline         in self-driving cars: computer vision, sensor         Retail flagship is its Hema supermarkets, which
spending may well be influenced by online,          fusion and deep learning (see box, right).            offer smartphone-enhanced shopping via an
before or during purchase.                                                                                app that offers personalised recommendations
                                                    Similar moves are happening elsewhere,                and offers based on captured data. Consumers
To ensure they continue to stay relevant in         notably in China, which is setting the pace           can scan any product to find additional
the digital age, bricks and mortar stores are       globally for omnichannel retail innovation.           information, and cashless payment through
working hard to reinvent their offering.            Alibaba first announced its “New Retail”              the Alibaba platform is also embedded.
They are starting to use their stores as social     concept – integrating online, offline, logistics
hubs, creating memorable experiences that           and data across a single value chain – back in
can’t be replicated online. They are also           2016. Alibaba became China’s e-commerce
now beginning to digitalise the in-store            leader by building asset-light marketplaces,
experience and better integrate it with online.     notably Tmall, its B2C online retail site, the app
Personalised digital marketing is starting to       for which has been downloaded by some 500m
happen in-store, too (see page 25).                 Chinese consumers. Driven by the slowdown
                                                                                                         “China is moving much faster
                                                                                                          than the West in this retail                      The Amazon Go store in Seattle is
                                                                                                          evolution because the Western                     checkout-free. It uses Just Walk Out
                                                                                                          retail model is built on legacy                   Technology that detects when products
                                                                                                          systems. China’s model is                         are taken from or returned to the shelves
                                                                                                          disruptive. China does not                        and keeps track of them in a virtual cart.
                                                                                                          have the legacy of malls and                      When the consumer is finished shopping,
                                                                                                          big-box stores like the West.                     they just leave the store and their Amazon
                                                                                                          China has no traditional retail                   account is charged later. The store offers
                                                                                                          model to defend.”                                 ready-to-eat items, Amazon Meal Kits
                                                                                                                                                            (see page 17) and grocery essentials, such
                                                                                                          Frank Lavin, CEO, ExportNow1
                                                                                                                                                            as Amazon’s Wickedly Prime private-label
                                                                                                                                                            brand. The range includes soups, which
                                                                                                                                                            are packed in Tetra Recart® cartons with
                                                                                                                                                            the tagline “Time to kick the can”.

Each Hema store has its own warehouse and                                                 The format is already proving to be hugely
logistics centre that fulfils and delivers local                                          popular, especially among Chinese migrant
online orders – as customers stroll below, bags                                           workers who want to return to their rural
of shopping destined for delivery speed by                                                town of origin, with saying it receives  “Over the last decade, we have
over their heads – within 30 minutes. The stores                                          50,000 applicants from potential franchisees     used up benefits provided
are designed to be inviting retail destinations,                                          every day. Such stores are currently opening at by China’s rapid e-commerce
with super-fresh produce, notably seafood,                                                the rate of a thousand per week, expected to     growth. No matter how we
which can be prepared and served on the spot.                                             rise to a thousand per day by the end of 2019.   look for growth opportunities,
                                                                                                                                           we are limited to that 15% of
Alibaba aims to have around 50 Hema stores                                      , Alibaba and others are also busily
                                                                                                                                           China’s retail business. Now we
by the end of 2018.                                                                       opening self-service cashier-less convenience
                                                                                                                                           want to bring our online tools
                                                                                          stores, some more like walk-in vending           to the entire retail sector, and
Meanwhile, in January 2018, online retail                                                 machines than traditional stores.                this is a huge leap for us.”
giant opened its first supermarket                                                                                                  Chang Bin, Vice President of
7fresh as part of its own “Boundless Retail”       Smartphone payment                                                                      Strategy & Investment, JD.com1
omnichannel vision, which is backed                Mobile payments have become
                                                   so common in China that it is fast
by Tencent, the giant Internet services
                                                   becoming a cashless society.
conglomerate that owns WeChat.              The mobile payment market is
is also rivalling Alibaba’s convenience store      dominated by two apps, WeChat
programme, aiming to have a million franchise      Pay and AliPay, which have hundreds
outlets, run by independent investors, in the      of millions of users. Paying by
next five years or so, half in rural areas.        phone became popular partly
                                                   because the infrastructure was in
                                                   place for online, and partly because
                                                   credit cards never caught on here.
                                                   Smartphone-scannable QR codes
                                                   are widely used and mean that
                                                   anyone can become a merchant,
                                                   since there is no need for hardware
                                                   such as card or chip readers.

    To understand the global trends of today and
     tomorrow, and also the key differences from
market to market, we commissioned consumer research
      in five countries, along with a global market
  segmentation study and interviews with e-retailers
          in North America, Europe and China.

                                           Resisters                                                                                                           Leap-frogging pioneers
            Developing markets with slow growth in online grocery, due to abundance                                                          Developing markets with fast growth in online grocery, driven by
                      of physical stores and associated buying experience                                                                       infrastructure development and demand for convenience

            India                             Brazil                             Russia                                              Shanghai                              Bangkok                                Jakarta
  Traditional trade to remain       Modern trade to benefit from    Preference for “touch and feel”                           A hotspot even in digital         Online expected to grow with           Online to compete against
   dominant due to its deep          demand for low prices and        aspect of physical stores to                          pace-setter China, thanks to         (and complement) modern              growing mini-supermarkets as
  penetration and emotional        convenience. Online limited to      push continued growth in                             high internet penetration and       trade, as it continues to gain        demand for convenience rises
  attachment with consumers             specific segments                   modern trade                                          advanced logistics               trust among consumers              and internet access improves

   Market forecast
   Tetra Pak-commissioned research by Euromonitor International                                          Online grocery      Modern trade                         Traditional trade                                2016
   forecasts the growth of online grocery in key markets by 2030

                                           Laggards                                                                                                                       Pioneers
          Developed markets with slow growth in online grocery as rising emphasis on                                                     Developed markets with fast growth in online grocery, thanks to rising
              quality and innovation expected to keep modern trade competitive                                                                   consumer confidence in online delivery and quality

       United States                        Germany                              Japan                                             South Korea                              France                          United Kingdom
Wide choice in modern trade to          Modern trade to stay           Popularity and widespread                            Innovative services, notably        Convenience, quality, low price          Modern trade retailers are
keep share high. But millennials    competitive as rising income    availability of convenience stores                       on mobile, plus increasing         and free delivery are all likely to   joining online players in a bid to
   seeking convenience will           levels lead consumers to        will pose challenges to online                      credibility to drive online growth    be key in attracting consumers         close price gap and create an
    increasingly go online          emphasise quality over price              grocery growth                                 as competition intensifies                to online grocery                   omnichannel presence

Retailer & consumer needs                    For consumers everywhere, the main purpose           For e-retailers globally the most important       When it comes to design, although European
A Tetra Pak-commissioned study carried       of packaging is to protect and preserve.             performance factors remain speed of delivery      consumers appreciate “eccentric” design
out in February 2018 interviewed leading     Durability of primary packaging is a major           and quality of products shipped to consumers,     for food and beverage packaging and are
e-retailers offering online groceries        basic requirement for e-retailers everywhere,        along with space-efficient packaging to           predicted to see “tasty” (multisensory, even
in North America, Europe and China.          but the need for secondary packaging varies          optimise logistics. Space-efficient packaging     edible) packaging as a performance factor
Its goal was to understand their sales       by region: in North America it is often avoided      appeals to consumers, too, particularly           by 2025, they prefer a unified design across
channels, value chain and packaging          as an unnecessary extra cost for e-retailers who     in urban areas where living space is often        all distribution channels rather than online-
needs, as well as to get their perspective   may need to repack and aggregate products,           tight: it is viewed as a performance factor3      only packaging and products. Chinese
on the needs of consumers in their           whereas in China, branded secondary                  and is in demand for consumers in North           consumers also appreciate design but they,
geographies, both now and in 2025.           packaging is seen as a marketing opportunity.        America and in China, while in Europe it is       and their American counterparts, show a
                                                                                                  seen as a nice-to-have.                           strong preference for online-only products
                                             Environmental concerns are growing too,                                                                and for unique, premium and/or personalised
                                             impacting on the use of secondary packaging          Currently, safe delivery is seen by e-retailers   packaging for e-retail. This trend is expected
                                             (see page 23). Demand for sustainable                as more important than providing a specific       to continue, with e-retailers predicting that
                                             packaging generally is on the rise globally:         benefit for consumers, such as an “unboxing”      the offer of online-only products will be a key
                                             in Europe, recyclability is a basic factor1 and it   experience. This is true across all geographies   decision criterion in consumers’ choice of
                                             is likely to become so for American consumers        but is expected to change once high-tech          vendor by 2025.
                                             by 2025. However, it looks set to remain a           supply chains and logistics make super-fast
                                             value-added factor2 in China due to slow             deliveries the norm.                              Smart packaging, with features that enable
                                             take-up by manufacturers.                                                                              digital purchase and enhanced consumer
                                                                                                                                                    experience, is particularly highly regarded
                                                                                                                                                    by Chinese shoppers (where scanning QR
                                                                                                                                                    codes is already commonplace). It’s also
                                                                                                                                                    welcomed by e-retailers in the region as it
                                                              Looking ahead: 5 hot factors for 2025                                                 allows them to experiment with new business
                                                                 Augmented reality via smart packaging                                              models and payment methods. As technology
                                                                 Unboxing experience of online grocery packages                                     advances it seems likely that smart packaging
                                                              03 Super-fast delivery                                                                will become ever more significant globally
                                                                 Personalised packaging and online-only products                                    in both upstream and downstream logistics
                                                                 Tactile technology that allows consumers to “feel”                                 through unique data codes, as well being used
                                                                 the product at the zero moment of truth                                            increasingly to position online grocery items
                                                                                                                                                    as premium products.

Understanding online                                                              Drivers & barriers                                                         Clearly, grocery shopping has an inherently                      Shopping behaviour
grocery consumers                                                                 Our research shows that convenience is by far                              physical nature with often strong emotional                      Online grocery is not yet as mature as other
Online grocery is a highly distinctive                                            the main driver of online grocery everywhere.                              and cultural overtones too. The inability to                     categories in e-commerce, and consumers
channel, demonstrating consumer                                                   But there are other drivers that vary from                                 inspect goods is one of the biggest barriers                     can be quite traditional in their shopping
behaviour that’s often strikingly different                                       market to market. In China, for example,                                   for online grocery, with quality the leading                     behaviour. While the trend in physical retail is
both to physical retail and to other                                              wider choice is key, particularly the availability                         concern for consumers everywhere. A desire                       a shift away from supermarkets towards more
e-commerce categories. To understand                                              of international brands. Promotions are                                    to see and touch the product is particularly                     frequent top-up shopping in local convenience
this better, Tetra Pak commissioned a                                             important in Saudi Arabia, and Americans are                               apparent in the UK, while consumers in the US                    stores, online grocery shopping is much like
consumer research study conducted in                                              also focused on saving money, with coupons                                 want to pick out products themselves. Delivery                   the traditional weekly trolley shop.
five countries: the US, UK, China, South                                          and vouchers playing a big part in their choice                            is cited as the next biggest barrier, with cost
Korea and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.                                            of retailer. Discounts and the ability to buy                              and issues around delivery slots and reliability                 Consumers often buy to stock up, trading
                                                                                  in bulk without the hassle of having to                                    cited as key concerns by consumers.                              up to bigger package sizes and looking for
                                                                                  carry too much weight particularly appeal                                                                                                   competitive pricing. They also like multipacks,
                                                                                  to consumers in South Korea, the world’s                                   In almost all countries “bricks and clicks”                      with consumers in our research highlighting
                                                                                  most highly developed online market by far,                                are largely preferred to pure online players                     that individually wrapped portions help
                                                                                  accounting for nearly a fifth of all FMCG trade.1                          for grocery shopping. Such retailers have an                     minimise food waste, are highly suited to
                                                                                                                                                             opportunity to create more convenient and                        modern consumption habits (on-the-go and
                                                                                                                                                             efficient omnichannel fulfilment options,                        out of home) and also help with diet control (in
                                                                                                                                                             demonstrating the relevance of the trend for                     particular when it comes to snacking). The key
                                                                                                                                                             merging offline and online discussed earlier.                    life stage that converts consumers to online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              grocery is starting a family, when the scale
                                                                 Key barrier to online grocery is inability to see the product                                                                                                (and bulk) of shopping becomes bigger, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              convenience is arguably even more important.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Food is widely bought for stocking up,
I want to pick the products myself               14%                         I like to see the products         22%                           I can’t check the quality   20%                                               even when not heavy or cumbersome
            I like to see the products           10%              I want to pick the products myself            13%          It’s not as easy as physical shopping        17%
       Products might not be fresh               10%              Prefer physical stores/experience              9%                         I like to see the products    10%
Prefer physical stores/experience                 7%                    Products might not be fresh              8%                  I don’t trust the delivery times     12%

    I want/need the products now                  6%                              Delivery is expensive          8%                 I want/need the products now           8%
        I like to touch the products              1%                     I like to touch the products            4%                     I like to touch the products       4%

                                                                                                                                                                                           Plain bottle water         52%             63%          52%          77%             61%
                                                                                                                                                                                             Juices & nectars         51%             72%          62%          60%             66%
                                                                                                                                                                                         Coffee-based drinks          49%             52%          63%          77%             64%
                                                                                                                                                                                            Tea-based drinks          46%             49%          58%          69%             63%
                                                                                                                                                                                             Flavoured water          41%             44%          32%          26%             45%

                                                     I like to see the products         13%                   Products might not be fresh            29%                                                        Base: 437       Base: 504    Base: 502    Base: 507       Base: 425
                                             I don’t trust the delivery times           13%                      I like to see the products          26%
                                          I can’t check “best before” date              10%         I don’t trust fresh or frozen products            9%
                                         Prefer physical stores/experience               9%               I don’t trust the delivery times            9%
                                             I can’t easily check the quality            7%                I can’t easily check the quality           5%
                                                 I like to touch the products            4%

                                                                                                                                                                              Tetra Pak & bigbasket, India
Consumers tend to be loyal both to their           Looking ahead                                           Generally speaking, the online grocery
                                                                                                                                                                              UHT milk has been selling well on
familiar brands and their choice of retailer as    As speed of delivery and/or collection                  landscape is expected to continue to                               online platforms in India, especially in
they move to online grocery shopping: in the       continue to be improved and the online                  change at a pace even greater than before                          metropolitan areas, driven particularly
UK, for example, a loyal Tesco store shopper       grocery channel matures, consumer behaviour             as the various players continue to invest in         by convenience and food safety factors. As part of
is nearly twice as likely to choose      will increasingly follow the offline trend for          technology and infrastructure as they strive         its strategy to convert consumers in India to UHT
for groceries.1 By and large, they are repeat      smaller basket sizes, increasing the pressure           to appeal to consumers, combat competition           milk from other formats, Tetra Pak partnered with
shoppers, with little browsing involved. Most      on margins for all players.                             and maintain profitability. It’s also important      bigbasket, the country’s #1 online grocery platform
                                                                                                                                                                with around 0.5m consumers ordering every month
online grocery shopping starts from (and stays                                                             to note that while many in the West look to
                                                                                                                                                                across more than 25 cities.
with) the website of their e-retailer of choice,   Amazon already reports that around two-thirds           Amazon as the main disruptor, the view looks           The joint campaign targeted 100,000 non-buyers
where smart players do all they can to make        of deliveries for its Prime Now service, which          quite different in the East, where e-commerce        of UHT milk in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore,
them feel at home, understanding their needs,      can deliver in less than 60 minutes in some             penetration is much higher.                          with banner advertising on the bigbasket
analysing their past shopping behaviour,           areas, is groceries: not just one-off small items,                                                           portal and mobile app offering free samples of
and offering them a contextualised, personal       but baskets. This subscription-based service            For example, China’s online giant             Amul Tazaa and Nandini branded milk in Tetra Pak®
shopping experience to make the process as         removes key barriers to purchase associated             which, like Amazon, has invested heavily in          packages. Tetra Pak sponsored the cost of the
                                                                                                                                                                initiative, while bigbasket managed the logistics,
simple and straightforward as possible.            with delivery – speed, finding and planning             building its own integrated, high-tech logistics
                                                                                                                                                                delivery and data analytics.
                                                   slots, cost, etc – and opens the door to the            network, has its own global ambitions. It aims         Bigbasket tracked six to eight weeks of purchase
Finally, while online grocery is less affected     top-up/convenience and impulse shopping                 to bring its e-commerce platform and delivery        data to check the uptake in UHT purchases and
by mobile than other e-commerce categories,        which increasingly accounts for so much of              services to the US in the second half of 2018        increase in average business. The result? More
mobile is growing rapidly here too. For            grocery sales. For example, two-thirds of               and Europe as early as 2019, aiming to be            than 15,000 new UHT milk buyers after the
example, in the UK, a relatively mature            Britons now shop for groceries more than once           ubiquitous across the continent within “a few        promotion period.
market, 40% of online grocery purchases in         a day, treating stores like “walk-in fridges”,          years”.4 It plans to spend €1 billion over the
2017 were made on mobiles,2 so it’s vital to       and one in 10 people decide what to buy for             next two years in France to set up its own
ensure that content is optimised accordingly       an evening meal just before they eat it.3               logistics network, and is likely to follow suit
and user-friendly apps are available.                                                                      in the UK and Germany.

                                                                                 Maeil Dairies, Korea      Council™ (FSC™)-labelled           become increasingly key. The         is ideally suited to online
                                                                                 Maeil Dairies             paperboard, another first for      brand’s online growth has been       and around 66% of all
                                                                                 launched the first        a Tetra Pak® package on the        so rapid that e-commerce has         Tetra Pak ambient white milk
                                                                                 organic flavoured         Korean market, all of which help   now overtaken hypermarkets in        sales in South Korea are now
                                                                    milk on to the Korean market           to position the product at a       channel share, rising from 38% in    sold via this channel.
                                                                    under the Sangha Farm brand            premium price compared with        2015 to 57% of the total by 2017.      Maeil Dairies has built on
                                                                    back in 2013. An innovative            the chilled flavoured milks that   Key online sales drivers include     its success by expanding its
                                                                    product, it’s sold in the innovative   previously dominated the market.   convenience, lower price             Sangha Farm range from the
                                                                    Tetra Prisma® Aseptic 125 Square         Sangha Farm was originally       and tailored offerings targeted      original two to four flavours –
                                                                    package: easy to hold for the          promoted in-store, but with the    at families with young children      white milk, cocoa, banana and
                                                                    target consumers – children aged       rapid growth of e-commerce here    – classic online grocery shoppers    strawberry – in Tetra Prisma®
                                                                    from one to eight – and perfect        – it now accounts for almost 20%     Generally speaking, ambient        Aseptic 125 Square packages.
                                                                    for single-use consumption. It         of the FMCG total,5 and around     milk – especially in lightweight,
                                                                    also uses Forest Stewardship           14%6 of beverage – online has      logistically efficient cartons –

          We see four key trends shaping online
   grocery. Convenience, which is driving demand in
    all geographies. Sustainability, as environmental
  issues become ever more important. Technology &
performance, with both supply chains and the consumer
experience being transformed. And Personal & unique,
 as marketers look for new ways to attract consumers
          online and build lasting relationships.

01                                                                      01. Easy replenishment
                                                                        Ease of replenishment is one of the main
                                                                                                                           Meanwhile, more than 100 hardware
                                                                                                                           providers are working on building the Dash
                                                                                                                                                                                              02. Super-fast delivery/collection
                                                                                                                                                                                              As discussed, super-fast delivery is a game-
Convenience                                                             reasons cited by consumers for shopping            Replenishment Service into internet-of-things-                     changer as it removes a major barrier to
Convenience is the main driver of online                                online. Favourites – a personalised shopping       enabled smart appliances, from fridges and                         online grocery and opens the door to impulse
grocery in all markets. Consumers are                                   list of products based on past purchases – has     dishwashers to electric toothbrushes. “Dash                        and convenience shopping, rather than just
looking for a shopping journey that’s                                   long been a way for consumers to streamline        replenishment solves a big problem for                             stock-ups. Looking ahead, our e-retailer
ever faster and easier and they expect                                  online grocery shopping. And automatic             manufacturers that make smart machines but                         survey suggests that super-fast delivery (within
a seamless, friction-free experience,                                   replenishment, such as via subscription and        don’t want to get into the e-commerce and                          as little as 10 minutes) is expected to be a
not only across devices, but also across                                Amazon Dash buttons (a wi-fi-connected             fulfilment business,” says James McQuivey of                       value-added service in Europe by 2025, with
online and offline. The easier brands and                               device that reorders a particular favourite        Forrester Research. He adds that most people                       fast delivery a performance factor in North
retailers can make this experience, the                                 product with the press of a button), is growing.   who use Dash Buttons rarely diverge from the                       America and China.
more successful they will be. “Assistance                                                                                  one product those buttons apply to, effectively
is the new battleground for growth,” says                               Amazon says that more than 55% of its              “locking in” consumers.                                            An alternative is super-fast click and collect.
Harry Walker, Head of Industry – Retail                                 delivery subscriptions last longer than                                                                               For example, Sainsbury’s in the UK has trialled
at Google.1 “Consumers expect to be                                     12 months and build loyalty for the long           Looking ahead, both auto-replenishment                             a service that enables customers to order their
assisted. Brands that win will provide                                  term. It also says that its Dash buttons, both     models and smart appliances that can sense                         shopping via their Chop Chop app and pick it
assistance in the moments that matter:                                  physical and now virtual too, are one of its       and reorder products that are running low will                     up from a store just 30 minutes later.
during inspiration and discovery, planning                              fastest- growing services and that many            continue to be key trends going forward to
and shopping.” Here are seven ways                                      brands are now seeing more than half of their      2025, according to our e-retailer survey.
brands and retailers are doing just that.                               Amazon orders placed via such devices.

                                      Convenience is driving online grocery shopping                                                            Interest in auto-replenishment is strongest in China and South Korea

                                  Base: 437           Base: 504       Base: 502   Base: 507    Base: 425                                    Not aware             17%             34%             25%             16%              44%
                                                                                                                             Aware and not interested             37%             40%             24%             35%              21%
                         I have my shopping delivered at home                                                              Aware and would like to try it         22%             20%             43%             37%              28%
                                       I can shop whenever I want                                                            Aware and already tried it           24%              6%              9%             12%               7%

                                               It’s more convenient
                                                                                                                                                            Base: 437       Base: 504       Base: 502       Base: 507        Base: 425
                                     No physical effort is required
                 I can buy in bulk without carrying heavy loads
            I can buy everything without visiting several shops
                                  It’s easier to compare products
                               There’s a larger choice of products                                                                                               Amazon says Dash buttons are among its fastest-growing services
    I can save my shopping list and spend less time shopping
                     I can find promotions not available offline
                            I can edit my basket after I check out
                            There are more discounted products

03. Convenient packaging                                04. Buy it now                                     direct-to-consumer models: a major                and 44 are twice as likely to use them as older
The trend for smaller families and urbanisation         As part of their omnichannel strategy, brand       development for CPG companies going               consumers – and to have ordered goods and
is causing homes to become smaller, with less           owners are looking to create consistency and       forward, according to our e-retailer survey.      services online in the previous three months.
storage, making frequent, smaller shopping              enable conversion to sales wherever possible.
trips more common than the traditional stock-           Social commerce – buying direct from a social      05. Meal kit services                             In addition to convenience, some say these
up. It also makes consumers more appreciative           media feed – is increasingly common, notably       A relatively new, fast-growing segment that       services appeal to younger consumers
of space-efficient packaging – in particularly          in China through WeChat, but also in the           offers consumers a convenient way to cook         because they have not been taught how
strong demand in China and North America,               West, with the addition of buy buttons in social   at home without the planning and shopping:        to prepare meals by their parents. These
and treated as a nice-to-have feature by                posts on the rise here too.                        they just choose from online picture menus,       consumers also have a tendency to lean
Europeans, according to our e-retailer survey.                                                             and pre-measured fresh (and typically high        toward natural foods, hence organic, local,
                                                        Software company Adimo is working with             quality) ingredients along with recipes are       farm-to-table and speciality diets are all likely
Carton packaging has an advantage here, as              major brands such as Nestlé and Beyer to           delivered to their home.                          to be fruitful niches going forward.
it is already designed to be space-efficient            make all forms of marketing, from brand
to maximise logistical performance. Looking             websites to social media, shoppable via            Bridging the gap between home-cooked
ahead, space-efficient packaging is expected            partner online retailers. Consumers just click     meals and takeout, while also minimising food
to be a basic requirement by 2025, according            an “Add to basket” button, select their            waste (see page 24) and removing the barrier
to our e-retailer survey. Convenience is also           retailer of choice and choose the products         of picking out produce, meal kit services are
key in secondary packaging. “Frustration-free”          they want, which are then added directly to        already worth about $5 billion in the US alone,
(easy-to-open) packaging is reported as key by          their online basket for later purchase. This is    according to Packaged Facts.1 Meal kit users
e-retailers in our survey.                              part of the trend towards experimenting with       are likely to be younger – adults between 25

                              Di Carlo Extra Virgin     manufactured from FSC™-
                              Olive Oil, Italy          certified and controlled sources
                              Convenience,              paperboard, are also cited in its                                                                       Hello Fresh is the world’s leading meal
                              sustainability, quality   marketing, along with the ability                                                                       kit subscription service, operating in nine
                and innovation are all key selling      of the multiple layers to protect                                                                       countries, notably in Europe and the US,
                points for Di Carlo Extra Virgin        the contents from oxygen and                                                                            where it is the market #2 after Blue Apron.
                Olive Oil – Italy’s first ever extra    light – the main causes of olive oil                                                                    It delivers pre-measured “high-quality
                virgin olive oil to be packed in        oxidation. A premium product                                                                            ingredients sourced straight from the farm”
                Tetra Pak® packages. Available          made with 100% Italian, cold-                                                                           – some of which are packed in Tetra Recart®
                online via Amazon, ease of              pressed olives, it was launched                                                                         (pictured left) – complete with recipes in a
                delivery is key to the product          in Tetra Prisma® Aseptic                                                                                convenient box that fits “perfectly in the
                offering, hence the importance          100 Square packages with a                                                                              fridge”. In 2017, HelloFresh delivered more
                of the logistical and distribution      convenient, easy-to-open and                                                                            than 137m meals (up 51% on 2016) to its
                efficiency of cartons over the          reseal cap in January 2018.                                                                             approximately 1.45m customers.
                alternatives – traditionally heavy,
                breakable glass in the case of
                olive oil. The environmental
                benefits of the packages,

06. Voice                                           recently launched its low-cost Tmall Genie,          Moreover, 62% say they are likely to use it to                            07. Takeout partnerships
A lot has been written about the impact of          reporting 1m sales of its X1 smart speakers          buy something in the next month, while 44%                                According to NPD, 50% of dinners ordered
voice. Some see a threat to the very concept        in just the last four months of 2017, double         say they order products such as groceries                                 from restaurants in the US today are eaten
of brand. They argue that consumers will            analyst estimates.                                   at least once a week – a potentially potent                               at home – and that figure is expected to
ask voice apps to add products (milk, juice,                                                             combination. Many are open to welcoming                                   grow. Meanwhile, digital ordering has posted
washing powder) rather than brands to their         Our consumer survey shows that attitudes to          brands as part of the experience. They are                                rapid growth in the last five years, and now
shopping list, trusting to the e-retailer’s AI to   voice vary from market to market, and there are      particularly open to receiving information                                represents 53% of all delivery orders, up
choose for them, creating a key private label       clear concerns, particularly about the potential     that is helpful and relevant to their lifestyle,                          from 33% in 2013. To exploit this trend,
opportunity – particularly for Amazon, which        for mistakes in ordering. However, those that        such as updates on deals and promotions,                                  The Coca-Cola Company is piloting partnering
is by far the early leader in voice technology      have tried voice seem to like it a great deal,       and personalised tips to make life easier.                                with restaurant delivery services such as
with its Alexa voice service and Echo speakers.     indicating its potential. According to Google,                                                                                 Uber Eats and DoorDash – and with meal-kit
                                                    72% of people who own a voice-activated                                                                                        delivery service Chef’d – to add beverages to
Partnerships are already forming between            speaker say their devices are often used as                                                                                    food orders. It estimates that as little as 10% of
e-retailers and voice technology providers.         part of their daily routine, while 41% say it                                                                                  all delivery service orders include its products,
Ocado recently launched its own voice-              feels like talking to a friend or another person.1                                                                             so the opportunity is “huge.”2
driven shopping app for Amazon’s Alexa,
while Google has partnered with Walmart to
offer voice-enabled shopping via its Google
Assistant. Meanwhile in China, Alibaba

                                                                                                                                          Interest in voice ordering is particularly strong in China

                                                                                                                          Not aware               30%               42%               23%               26%         41%
                                                                                                           Aware and not interested               31%               36%               26%               38%         24%
                                                                                                         Aware and would like to try it           24%               20%               41%               30%         29%
                                                                                                           Aware and already tried it             14%                2%                9%                6%          5%

                                                                                                                                            Base: 437         Base: 504         Base: 502         Base: 507   Base: 425

                                                                                                                                          What voice users would like to receive from brands

                                                                                                                                           Information about deals, sales and promotions
                                                                                                                                           Personalised tips and information to make my life easier

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GOOGLE/PEERLESS INSIGHTS
                                                                                                                                           Information about upcoming events or activities
                                                                                                                                           Options to find business information (eg store location, hours)
                                                                                                                                           Access to customer service or support

02                                               “The key to success in e-commerce is winning
                                                 in logistics and supply chain,” says Marc Lore,
                                                                                                      Not surprisingly, automated pick rates in the
                                                                                                      latest CFCs are many times higher than the
                                                                                                                                                          Data carriers
                                                                                                                                                          Value chains are being transformed by a raft
Technology & performance                         President and CEO of Walmart eCommerce.1             manual equivalent. CFCs also have much              of technologies that interconnect via the
Technology is transforming both supply           Generally speaking, there have been two              better demand management, lower waste,              internet of things2 to allow consistent data to
chains and the consumer’s relationship           models to address this: physical retailers           and better picking accuracy and consistency:        be used throughout, boosting efficiency and
with shopping and products alike.                leverage their store network with products           substitutions (a major issue in our consumer        transparency, and ultimately allowing every
                                                 picked, largely manually, at the store nearest       survey) are also much lower, as the consumer        product (and indeed their component parts)
                                                 to the consumer and sent out for delivery            can see what’s in stock almost in real time – if    to be automatically tracked and interacted
                                                 from there or set aside for collection; while        it’s not available, it can’t be ordered.            with from end to end.
                                                 e-commerce pure players use high-tech, highly
                                                 automated central warehouses, also known as          However, Amazon’s $13.7 billion acquisition         The #1 technology trend identified in our
                                                 customer fulfilment centres (CFCs).                  of Whole Foods has added a new twist to the         e-retailer survey is a key enabler of this
                                                                                                      logistics models, as has Alibaba’s New Retail       transformational data chain: data carrier
                                                 For example, at Ocado’s 18-acre CFC in               drive in China. Such moves are not only about       systems such as RFID (Radio Frequency
                                                 Hampshire (one of three in the UK), hundreds         moving into physical stores, they’re also about     IDentification) and QR (Quick Response)
                                                 of robots process and pick around 65,000             building a network of delivery nodes closer         codes. As its name suggests, RFID uses radio
                                                 customer orders per week, assisted by just two       to consumers for rapid grocery delivery. This       waves to automatically identify and track tags
                                                 or three maintenance engineers on standby.           suggests that the traditional store network         attached to objects and has a huge array of
                                                 Ocado not only uses its own infrastructure to        (for example, 90% of Americans live within ten      both upstream and downstream applications,
                                                 offer fulfilment as a service to domestic rivals,    miles of a Walmart) may be the best approach        from inventory management to anti-counterfeit
                                                 it’s also now turned solution provider, selling      for e-commerce, not to mention omnichannel,         measures to smart store enablement.
                                                 its Ocado Smart Platform (from mobile app            after all. But the challenge remains to make
                                                 to automated warehouse technology to van             the execution sufficiently efficient to remain
                                                 routing software) to give retailers worldwide        competitive and profitable, especially
                                                 a “more cost efficient and lower-risk way            as basket sizes fall and consumers prove
                                                 of launching or improving online grocery             stubbornly resistant to delivery charges.
                                                 businesses with limited capital investment”.
                                                 It has already signed a number of deals,
                                                 notably with Kroger in the US.

  RFID functionality                             Applications/benefits: supply chain management                          Applications/benefits: retail    Applications/benefits: consumer

  • Automated identification                     • Increase inventory accuracy                                           • Store management improvement   • Augmented reality and product engagement
  • Medium-distance geo-tracking                 • Avoid out-of stocks                                                   • Anti-theft security            • Internet of things devices in home, such as smart fridge
  • Real-time product tracking                   • Increase product availability                                         • Data collection on sales      • Waste management
  • Quality monitoring                           • Speed up receipt product process and warehousing                         performance                   • Retrieval/collection of product after online purchase

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FROST & SULLIVAN
  • Readable information no matter              • Reduce shrinkage (expiry, loss, theft)                                • Anti-counterfeit measures
     the position of the package                 • Enable automation for shipment, warehousing                          • Smart store enablement
                                                    and delivery

In our survey, individual e-retailers reported                                          Robotics                                                                  The whole process, from parcel sorting to
that RFID implementation had:                        RFID at Tetra Pak                  Looking ahead, the increased use of robots                                loading on to trucks, is fully automated. The
• reduced the risk of out-of-stocks by 20%;         Tetra Pak is currently             to pick and pack products for shipment                                    first of its kind in the world, the centre has
• reduced inventory costs by 10%;                    piloting using RFID to             emerged as the #1 trend for 2025 in our                                   a capacity of about 9000 parcels per hour –
                                                     transfer packaging material
• reduced labour costs by 10% to 20%;                                                   e-retailer survey. As already mentioned, robots                           around four times the volume of its old human-
                                                     information between
• increased sales by 20% by significantly           its factories and filling          are already widely used by Ocado, and also                                run centres. Its Delta robots can pick 2000
   improving inventory.                              machines at customer sites,        by Amazon, which has deployed more than                                   to 3000 items per hour – 10 times more than
                                                     which promises a number of         100,000 Kiva robots in 25 of its around 150                               human workers, representing a $15,000 saving
Looking ahead, as the shift towards                  benefits:                          CFCs worldwide, helping to cut the “click to                              in labour costs per day. Orders are packed
omnichannel introduces further complexity,                                              ship” cycle from roughly 60-75 minutes to 15                              in the right-size box automatically, reducing
                                                     • Reduction of operator
RFID benefits will increase, while continued                                            minutes.1 Amazon is now running competitions                              corrugated cost by 20%.
                                                        dependence through
falling costs of tags will allow them to be                                             to encourage researchers and engineers to
                                                        automatic reading of tags
applied at an ever more granular level.              • Mitigation of incident risk     build a robot that can identify, sort, and pack                           Automation and robotics adds to e-retailers
Currently the cost is still generally too high          by automatically matching       goods from items they see on warehouse                                    frustration with secondary packaging on
to place on individual items (unless they are           packaging material and          shelves, automating the majority of the work                              inbound goods from suppliers, which
very high value); the usual application today           filled product content          required to fulfil an Amazon order.                                       needs to be removed prior to repacking
is pallets and sometimes boxes. QR codes             • Increased traceability                                                                                     for dispatch to consumers – a significant
                                                     • Optimised logistics and
are a more affordable solution for tagging                                              But the most advanced use of robotics and                                 cost. As Sverker Lindbo, Head of Concept
on an item level, also allowing for innovative       • Waste reduction.
                                                                                        automation today is arguably in China. In                                 Development at Ocado, put it in last year’s
interactions with consumers through smart                                               August 2017,, China’s second-biggest                               Tetra Pak Index: “In time, all products supplied
packaging (see page 22).                                                                e-commerce player after Alibaba, announced                                to us will need to be unpackable and pickable
                                                                                        it had inaugurated its first unmanned sorting                             by robots (they hate shrink wrap!).”
                                                                                        centre in Kunshan, near Shanghai, as a key
                                                                                        part of its strategy to build an intelligent and                          Last mile
                                                                                        highly efficient logistics system.                                        Last-mile delivery – the shipment between
                                                                                                                                                                  the final storage hub and the customers’
                                                                                                                                                                  home – is the most expensive and inefficient
                                                                                                                                                                  part of order fulfilment. Hence the appeal
                                                                                                                                                                  to traditional retailers of click and collect
                                                                                                                                                                  services, which are often now widely available
Concepts                                          01. Ready meals                       the package during the fulfilment   solve packing of ready meals in a
                                                                                                                                                                  both at stores (where collecting consumers
Over the last year, Tetra Pak has been working    Concept: Given the growing            process, rather than in the home.   nice-looking and efficient way,”
                                                  trend for prepared food, a logical                                        said one. “Ready meals is the         can often be tempted to make additional
on a research project with a design consultancy
                                                  next step is for pre-packed meals     Feedback: E-retailers recognised    disruptor of e-commerce,” said        purchases) and other convenient sites.
to explore new ways of creating and capturing
value in an increasingly omnichannel
                                                  that are delivered from e-retailers   that ready meals in various         another. Younger consumers            Alternatively, as mentioned, retailers can utilise
                                                  hot and ready to eat, complete        forms would be a key part of        without families – a group that       delivery service partners such as Instacart.
marketplace, and to identify potential areas
                                                  with drinks, disposal cutlery and     their future business, and that     already orders a lot of takeaways –
for R&D. A number of concepts were
                                                  serviettes. These could include       appropriate packaging would         particularly saw the benefits.
developed and tested with both e-retailers        long-life products that are           be key. “One of our biggest
and consumers. Here, and on the following         designed to be heated through         concerns for e-commerce is to
pages, are four of them.
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