ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children

Page created by Louis Cole
ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
Does this sound like you?
You care about the well-being of children and families, emotionally,
physically and spiritually, both the born and unborn. You are
generous with your time and resources to help the community
around you. You are passionate about your love for your family and
friends. You enjoy being around other women with similar views
and interests. You see a problem, and you want to find a solution.

        Women of Compassion
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC) is seeking
community-minded women from across Oklahoma to carry out
the mission of OBHC. The mission is to demonstrate God’s love by
providing hope through empowering children and their families to
follow Christ.

Women of Compassion is a group open to women of all ages who
want to make a difference in the lives of children and families.
Members consist of women from all Christian denominations
across Oklahoma.
ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children

                     The Event
Members meet with other women from across the state at the
annual “Cups of Kindness Event” where they will be inspired by
speakers and hear from prospective grant recipients to cast their
one vote. Prospective grants include various projects throughout
the seven ministries of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children.
Your vote and voice help determine how the grants are awarded.

Absentee ballots will be made available for members unable to
attend the event.

                     The Goal
• Participate in gifts that are collectively larger than most women can
  afford to contribute individually. Each member donates $1000 per
  year, due by the day of the annual Cups of Kindness event, and
  casts one vote. The due date for 2022 is Saturday, April 2.

• Make an impact by helping fund projects in $50,000 increments
  throughout the ministries of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for
  Children not generally covered in the yearly operational budget.

• Enjoy meeting new like-minded friends from across the state at the
  annual “Cups of Kindness” Event and network with other members.

• Hear what God is doing through the lives of those served by the
  ministries of OBHC.

• Feel great about making a difference in the lives of children born
  and unborn.

• Join today to be part of the 2022 grant season.
ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
Past Grant Recipients
                                                                2021 grant recipients:
                                                                -OBHC Residential Campuses installed commissary generators, and all are
                                                                equipped to back up freezers in the event of a power outage. Baptist Children’s
      Bus bench advertising for Hope Pregnancy Center           Home, Oklahoma City, received much needed upgrades and maintenance on
                                                                campus generators located in their commissary and gym.
                                                                -Hope Pregnancy Centers were provided with operating supplies at all five
                                                                centers and mobile unit for one year along with gas for the mobile unit.
                                                                Beautiful new signs at the Ardmore and North OKC centers were installed
                                                                along with a security system at three centers.
                                                                -Baptist Children’s Home, Owasso received replacement windows for the
                                                                Administration/Education and Family Enrichment Area and an updated
                                                                campus gate system for an added layer of campus security. Remaining
                                                                funds were used for campus sidewalk and driveway repair along with the
                                                                completion of the Leake Cottage renovation.
                                                                -Baptist Home for Girls, Madill received a new unit to heat and cool the
                                                                campus gymnasium.
White City Cottage upgrade at Baptist Children’s Home, Owasso   -OBHC received a $50,000 grant to support all ministries.

                                                                Previous gifts:
                                                                -Baptist Children’s Home, Oklahoma City -six storm shelters and a security
                                                                system for the campus. New flooring in eight of the transitional duplexes,
                                                                three light poles to better light the campus and five new A/C units.
                                                                -Boys Ranch Town, Edmond – A campus van, mattresses, cottage washers
                                                                and dryers, new computers with cabling, and $50,000 to begin the major
                                                                process of replacing the 50-year-old sewage system on campus.
                                                                -Baptist Children’s Home, Owasso – A 3,256- foot two-railed metal fence,
                                                                a 330-foot sidewalk, repairs to 500-foot road and the campus walking trail,
                                                                increased lighting around the campus walking trail and prayer garden.
                                                                Renovations to White City Cottage and Bradshaw transitional living
           New van for Boys Ranch Town, Edmond
                                                                apartments. Resurfaced the playground and installed a 20x10 fishing dock at
                                                                the pond.
                                                                -Baptist Homes for Girls, Madill – Remodeling and renovating an older
                                                                residential care cottage.
                                                                -Hope Pregnancy Center – Purchased an integrated digital phone system
                                                                to connect all five centers. Online marketing campaign to target abortion-
                                                                minded clients, advertising, website updates. Trophon technology equipment
                                                                used for sanitation, life-like newborn baby models, bibles, and empowered
                                                                parenting resources.

                                                                As a Woman of Compassion Member your gracious gift touched every
                                                                ministry of OBHC, allowing you to make an impact in the lives of children
                                                                and families. Thank you.

   Storm shelter at Baptist Children’s Home, Oklahoma City
ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
About Oklahoma Baptist
       Homes for Children
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC) is the largest
provider of private, not-for-profit, residential child care in the
state and has the freedom to share the gospel every day because
we receive no government funds. OBHC provides residential care
on four different campuses throughout the state of Oklahoma,
located in South Oklahoma City, Edmond, Madill and Owasso.
Residential care services enable children of all ages to grow up in a
caring, stable, Christian environment. OBHC also has five facilities
throughout Oklahoma to provide support for those facing an
unplanned pregnancy. Hope Pregnancy Centers (Hope) in north
and south OKC, Edmond, Tulsa, and Ardmore, provide pregnancy
tests and ultrasounds which can help young women and men make
life-affirming choices. For those who choose to parent, Hope offers
parenting education for moms and dads where staff and volunteers
can share the love of Christ with them as they prepare to parent their
child. In 2020, OBHC launched a mobile unit, Patty Ann, to serve
those considering abortion in inner OKC.

Northwest Ministries works with community partners and churches
to develop, promote, and implement OBHC ministries in the
Northwestern part of the state. Ministries include Lifewize, a
volunteer driven educational program to empower middle and high
school students with character based learning, and Empowered
Parenting, a program that helps young families prepare to have a baby.

In addition, OBHC has a state-wide ministry called One Such
Child. One Such Child connects prospective foster parents with
like-minded foster care agencies and provides support to the local
church as well as foster families. Each child deserves to be treated
with dignity and respect from the moment of conception. OBHC is
committed to meeting the needs of children through each stage of
their life as they grow and reach young adulthood. Each day, God is
faithful by providing for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs
of the children and families in OBHC’s care. For more information,
please visit
ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
Please join
                                                                                                                 Join Mow
                Women of Compassion
                                         for                                         You may visit to sign up and pay for the 2022 grant season or
                                                                                     complete and return the form below. For questions call (405) 735-8343.

                       Cups of Kindness                                              Name
                                                                                     Mailing Address
                                                                                     City                                              State           Zip
                                      an invitation to tea!                          E-mail Address
                                                                                     Home Phone                              Work Phone
         “And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my         Cell Phone                               Birthday
            followers, you will surely be rewarded.” - Matthew 10:42
                                                                                     I wish to make my contribution to Women of Compassion for the 2022 grant
                                                                                     season. The grant will be awarded on Saturday, April 2, 2022.
       Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club                                           My donation will allow me one vote.
 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma 73116                                   Option 1
             Saturday, April 2, 2022                                                     Enclosed is my check made payable to OBHC for $
                                                                                     Option 2
                                                                                                                                                    ($1,000 minimum)

                                                                                         I wish to contribute $            ($1,000 minimum) using my credit card
                                                                                      (Circle one) VISA        MC       AMEX        DISC
                      LeeAnn Kirkindoll is a leader and communicator whose            Card Number                                     Exp. Date
                      heart’s desire is to enlighten women and girls of all ages     Option 3
                      on the importance of reflecting the light of Christ in their       I wish to make monthly installments.
                                                                                      (Call Rebekah at (405) 942-3800 Ext. 4662 and she will set this up for you.)
                      everyday lives. She is a nationally recognized children’s
                      room muralist featured in Better Homes and Gardens             Member Involvement:
                                                                                     I understand there is one annual meeting to cast my vote with the option of an absentee
                      KIDS ROOM magazine. Currently, LeeAnn is a leader and
                                                                                     ballot. It is possible I may be invited to other events but, participation is optional.
                      hands-on teacher in ministry. She’s been blessed to be a
                      part of training, empowering and shepherding women for         Signed                                                     Date         /      /
over 25 years! Her resume includes a passion for teaching bible studies, event
                                                                                     Give the Gift of Membership
planning, writing and leadership training.                                           Gifting a WOC membership to a family member or friend is a great way to
                                                                                     connect women with others who desire to support the mission of Oklahoma
LeeAnn is also the author of 24k Life—Living Every Day Refined By God’s Word.        Baptist Homes for Children. Women of Compassion provides women with the
You can also read her blog, All Bright and Beautiful at        opportunity to instill a sense of community and the importance of philanthropy
                                                                                     among women across Oklahoma. Sponsorships may also be made in ‘Memory/
                                                                                     Honor’ of a friend or loved one.
                      Marcia Ramirez is a singer/songwriter and accomplished
                      musician from Nashville, TN. She has performed                 Mail to:
                                                                                     Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, Women of Compassion
                      extensively throughout the country in support of her 5 solo
                                                                                     3800 N. May Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73112
                      albums, and has traveled as part of the back-up bands for
                      multiple well known artists. She is currently traveling the    Women of Compassion is a group affiliated with Oklahoma Baptist Homes for
                      country with pop legend, Christopher Cross.                    Children and is a 501 (c) (3) under federal law, and all contributions are tax
                                                                                     deductible to the extent allowed by law.
ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children ONE MEETING - ONE VOTE ONE ACT OF COMPASSION - Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
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