One AGL: From Laggard to Leader - White Paper - HSF ...

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One AGL: From Laggard to Leader - White Paper - HSF ...
White Paper

One AGL: From Laggard to
June 2022

Prepared by Tim Buckley, Climate Energy Finance, for Sentient Impact Group

One AGL: From Laggard to Leader - White Paper - HSF ...
AGL’s business context is                          The pace of energy transition globally has
                                                   strong tailwinds and is accelerating.
rapidly shifting and requires                      Historically, the rate of the energy transition
successful stewardship of                          has been consistently underestimated by
                                                   stakeholders, including leading institutions
the inevitable energy                              such as the International Energy Agency
transition                                         (IEA)7. The cost of renewable energy (mainly
                                                   solar panels, wind turbines and batteries) has
Over the past 24 months, momentum                  declined significantly faster than projected,
towards renewable energy has accelerated           and the date for peak oil has moved forward.
significantly. Leading developed countries         Covid and geopolitical supply chain shocks
and heavy emitters such as the U.S., E.U.,         notwithstanding, structural peak coal has
and the U.K. now have commitments to               been reached ahead of expectations.
reduce emissions by at least 50-68% before         Planning for an accelerated energy transition
20301. Australia ranks among the worst in          presents a chance for AGL to be at the
the OECD in terms of the energy transition2.       forefront of this change and take advantage
It is the world’s worst per capita polluter        of the associated opportunities.
from the use of coal, with per capita              Particularly salient for AGL is that
emissions from coal-fired generation four          electrification is a vital driver of the clean
times larger than the global average3.             energy transition. Energy requirements
Australia has made progress in increasing its      historically powered by fossil fuel sources
share of renewable energy sources.                 (e.g., petrol cars, gas heating and cooking)
However, compared to other OECD                    are increasingly electrified. The IEA projects
jurisdictions, we lag in our transition to clean   that the share of electricity for final energy
energy.4                                           consumption will increase from 38% to 47-
The federal election in May 2022 has given         60% by 2040, subject to various scenarios8.
the incoming Labor Government an                   Australia has made progress, increasing the
indisputable mandate to accelerate the             share of renewable electricity generation in
energy transition. Climate change was one of       the NEM to 33% in the past year9, most
the most critical issues among voters in this      notably through the highest rooftop solar
election,5 evidenced in part by the                penetration globally (30% of Australian
unprecedented wave of success of                   buildings).10 However, most of Australia’s
independent candidates that put climate            electricity generation (61% in the past year)
change at the heart of their campaigns, and        still stems from coal.11 Australia’s reluctance
the election of three green members in             to embrace EVs has shifted electricity
Brisbane. Labor’s pre-election climate             demand into the future compared to other
change commitment was a 43% CO2e                   developed economies.
reduction by 2030 vs 2005 (compared to the         An accelerated exit from coal is inevitable to
Coalition’s 26-28% target) and to have             meet the 2030 82% renewables target that
renewables constituting 82% of the National        Labor has set and the Glasgow Financial
Electricity Market. While Labor’s plan is          Alliance for Net Zero target to align with a
consistent with 2C of global warming,             1.5C pathway. The question is not if but
crossbenchers and the Greens are pushing           how we make this transition.
for an even more ambitious reduction of
50% by 2030 (in line with 1.5C).6 Delivering      Central to our nation’s success is the
on any of these targets will be almost             leadership role AGL must rise to in terms of
impossible without a rapidly accelerated exit      leveraging its leading market position and
from coal-fired power generation.                  ability to facilitate capital investment at an
                                                   unprecedented scale. If the transition were
                                                   to happen without the active leadership of
                                                   Australia’s most important energy providers,

shareholder value would continue to be
eroded, employees and communities would          “The exponential rise of ESG and impact
be left behind, rehabilitation funding would     investment presents an enormous
be put at real risk and opportunities for        opportunity for bringing divestment
growth from developing and managing              capital back into AGL through a clear
investments in renewable energy assets           1.5°C net zero plan underpinned by
would be missed.                                 technology and innovation. Stewardship
AGL’s challenges arise during a pivotal          is essential.”
moment in energy and capital markets. The
World Economic Forum points to the               Mara Bún
                                                 Sustainable investment and technology scale-up
unprecedented challenge of rolling off
                                                 leader, economist
Russian oil and gas without investing in new
fossil fuel capacity elsewhere and pursuing      Chair of Board of Australian Impact Investments / Non-
within the IEA 2021 Net Zero safe climate        executive Director of Australian Ethical Investments / Advisor
                                                 with The Salmon Project / Former President and Chair of
pathway.12 The World Economic Forum              Australian Conservation Foundation / Former Non-executive
recognises the cost of just the energy system    Director (Treasurer) of Bush Heritage Australia / Former Senior
transition to net zero by 2050 is estimated at   Analyst at Macquarie Bank and Morgan Stanley / Former
                                                 member of Executive Management Council, CSIRO
$37 trillion from 2020-2050.13
Record growth in ESG14 and impact investing
over recent years is in marked contrast with
the exit of institutional investors from the
AGL share register. This can be reversed
with a clear plan that pivots investor
sentiment from divest, towards invest.
A measured, accelerated transition to clean
energy sources this coming decade will
deliver significant economic, social, and
environmental benefits, and provide a
permanent solution to the rampant fossil fuel
inflation currently undermining the global
economy. As AGL moves to lead this shift, it
could take advantage of these benefits and
deliver significant ongoing value for
shareholders and, as one of Australia’s
largest energy providers, also help steward
Australia’s energy industry to clean energy
and address its environmental and social
stewardship challenges.

AGL needs to resolve its                          shareholder value. Demerging the two
                                                  businesses would have created a terminal
governance issues to                              coal-fired power business with cost and
address the threat to its                         reliability issues and sub-scale firmed
                                                  renewable generation, and a strategically
declining core business by                        limited energy retailer without the breadth to
investing in growth                               manage the cost and complexity of risk, and
                                                  reduced capacity to invest for growth.
Rather than taking a leadership position to       Given the fallout of the federal election and
steward Australia’s energy transition, AGL        the significance of climate change in the
has been internally focused on a flawed           result, the pressure on AGL will only
demerger plan, weighed down by poor               increase.
governance, having missed the accelerating
pace of change in the energy market. AGL          The proposed demerger fundamentally
has been a laggard, eroding shareholder           missed the opportunity to re-invest the
value and missing opportunities for growth.       proceeds from AGL’s core business into new
                                                  growth and continued the flawed logic of
Since June 2017, AGL’s shareholders have          capital allocation decisions (e.g., share
lost 68% of their investment (compared to a       buyback). It would have left Accel at risk of
28% gain in the S&P/ASX100 Index).15              insolvency through CAPEX blowouts and
While its peers are proactively managing the      wholesale energy pricing risks and ensured
transition and bringing forward the closure       AGL could not be re-rated for ESG due to
of their coal power plants, AGL has failed to     embedded coal and gas offtake agreements.
address the decline in its core business and      Further, the demerger would have been
re-invest profits from coal into growth. In       unfavourable for shareholders creating
June 2021, AGL’s chair made statements to         significant transaction costs ($260 million),
the effect that, 12 months prior, he and the      an increase in head office operating
Board did not anticipate the level of the         expenses, net tax inefficiencies, higher cost
change that would occur in the electricity        of borrowings, and the risk of a credit rating
market and the acceleration of that change        downgrade.
in the Board’s thinking.16
                                                  Finally, under the proposed plan, AGL would
Poor governance decisions have contributed        have emitted up to 635 million tonnes of
to shareholder value erosion. These include       carbon equivalent over the coming 23 years,
failure to maintain ageing power plants,          of which well over 250 million could be
poorly executed share buybacks, significant       averted.17
losses on onerous renewable energy
contracts, the costly failure of the Crib Point   The recent decision by the company to step
LNG terminal, insufficient legacy gas supply,     away from the demerger plan is
underestimating environmental restoration         encouraging. The proposed strategic review
costs, and overly costly technology               creates a chance for the company to change
investments. Critically, the board has failed     direction. This review will be challenging as
to develop a plan which articulates a viable      AGL has painted itself into a carbon corner
regional economic future for employees and        but to assist early thinking this document
communities.                                      presents a preliminary strategic framework
                                                  and an alternative plan outlining the key
The most recent example of poor                   strategic moves for AGL to shift from being a
governance leading to detrimental                 laggard to a leader in the energy transition.
outcomes is the Board and Executive’s
proposed plan to demerge the company
into two separate entities. This proposal was
strategically flawed, costly to implement, has
wasted time and would have further eroded

AGL must address its                            Horizon One: Responsibly accelerate
                                                the exit from coal to maximise value
declining core business - and
                                                Today, the electricity sector comprises ~33%
seize the opportunity to                        of Australia’s emissions and is particularly
steward the energy                              carbon-intensive due to its heavy reliance on
                                                coal. AGL remains Australia’s largest
transition by executing five                    producer of greenhouse gas emissions.
strategic moves concurrently                    AGL’s operational emissions in FY21 were
                                                40.8 million tonnes of CO2e or
                                                approximately 8% of Australia’s total
AGL has a strong but fundamentally flawed       emissions.18
core (Horizon One) business today. Its core
                                                AGL’s generation business, which comprises
profits stem from high emissions, and
                                                around 70-75% of gross profits, is inevitably
inflexible, coal-fired power generation,
                                                in decline due to its reliance on coal.
which will inevitably decline and depress its
                                                Attempting to extend coal-fired power
valuation. It is imperative that AGL
                                                generation would result in significant capital
responsibly accelerates the exit from coal
                                                outlays and operational costs, further
and ahead of the closure schedule re-invests
                                                eroding shareholder value and alienating its
the proceeds generated during the
remaining short period of profitability to
become a modern gentailer, leading in the       An accelerated exit from coal will facilitate a
energy transition (Horizon Two) and             more ambitious CO2e reduction target by
delivering new business through technology      2030-32, in line with 1.5C Paris targets, the
investments, enhanced two-way power flow        new Labor targets, and global investor
tools and disruptive business models            expectations.
(Horizon Three). AGL must pursue all three
horizons concurrently.

Decommissioning of coal-fired power sites        are more and more likely. This will only lead
and associated coal mines, at a NPV cost of a    to greater risk and price volatility for
minimum of ~$1.454 billion19, must be            Australian businesses.
conducted to mitigate community disruption
                                                 AGL is certainly not immune to these risks:
and minimise environmental damage and
                                                 over the past five years, Loy Yang A has
contamination for centuries to come.20
                                                 experienced a unit trip or breakdown 47
Concerns have been expressed that AGL has
                                                 times (and is in the midst of dealing with a
still under-accrued for environmental
                                                 significant outage that’s taken out a quarter
rehabilitation, which could lead to the
                                                 of its capacity28), Liddell has had 25, while
Latrobe Valley community being left with
                                                 Bayswater has had 15.29 Consequently,
legacy contamination.21
                                                 insurance costs continue to grow, resulting
There are two key strategic moves AGL must       in AGL now having to self-insure.
make to maximise value from its Horizon
                                                 Further, extending the life span of coal is
One business and set it up for the future.
                                                 becoming untenable from an ESG
                                                 perspective. AGL needs to embrace the
                                                 investment opportunities and reduce its
1. Exit coal-fired power generation within
                                                 emissions impact to ensure investor and
a decade
                                                 customer sentiment alignment, particularly
There is a limited window of time to replace     given the federal election results means both
the declining core business. The former          federal and state governments are now
chairman of the Energy Security Board, Dr        aligned on accelerated decarbonisation
Kerry Schott, has predicted that coal-fired      pathways. AGL’s investors have already
power will disappear from the NEM by the         demanded Paris-aligned business plans in
mid-2030s, if not earlier, which would cut       the 2021 AGL climate resolution.
some generators’ rated life by more than a
                                                 AGL must responsibly accelerate its exit from
decade.22 AGL’s peers (including Origin and
                                                 coal and address several critical items in
Energy Australia and Western Power) have
                                                 planning out that exit.
already either brought forward the
announced retirements of coal-fired power        Grid stability is a central constraint limiting
stations, or indicated they would do so.23       the speed of increase in variable renewable
                                                 energy penetration in Australia and has been
The ‘stay-in-business’ costs of extending
                                                 cited as the key reason for the slow transition
coal-fired power generation will become
                                                 away from coal. To facilitate an accelerated
unviable. The CAPEX requirements to keep
                                                 and orderly exit from coal, AGL will need to
coal plants running continue to grow as their
                                                 closely collaborate with AEMO to inform and
reliability deteriorates both due to ageing
                                                 align with the Integrated System Plan (ISP) as
infrastructure and a warming climate,
                                                 well as with other regulators and federal and
increasing risk of extreme temperatures and
                                                 state governments to ensure grid stability
high peak demands.24 For AGL, ‘sustaining’
                                                 and to plan a reasonable, expedited exit
CAPEX has grown from just 10% of total
                                                 strategy and decommissioning cost.
CAPEX in FY12 to 76% in FY21, or from
$80m to $534m over that period.25 By             Finally, AGL has an opportunity to outline its
comparison, CAPEX invested in growth             various potential pathways to monetise
(including renewables) declined from $690m       accelerated carbon emission reductions.
to $173m over the same period.26 The cost
of capital will continue to increase for these
end of engineering life coal plants whose
closure dates are not aligned with the Paris
Agreement (i.e., by 2030-32).27
With aging comes falling reliability, ongoing
and unforeseen breakdowns and outages

2. Support the community in the move              avoided CO2e emissions through carbon
from coal to renewables                           credits.
Without mitigation, the impact of exiting coal
on the regional communities it currently
                                                  Horizon Two: Invest decisively to
supports is substantial. Exiting coal-fired
power plants will impact a workforce of           ramp up the modern, clean gentailer
approximately 1,700 employees.30                  business to a material scale
AGL can support and provide opportunities         In its current form, AGL’s renewable energy
for the impacted communities, particularly        business development team is sub-scale and
by evolving its workforce to enable them to       unsustainable. It must be rapidly scaled up
participate in non-coal employment.               over the next decade. AGL must decisively
                                                  invest the proceeds from its coal operations
First, AGL is encouraged to establish a           to build a renewables development
robust dialogue and participation                 platform, including generation and storage
mechanism with both workers and unions            assets, and become a modern gentailer.
and take on board the principles outlined by      Having a position at both ends of the value
the Australian Council of Trade Unions            chain (generation and retail) reduces the
(ACTU) Guidance Document from Feb                 cost and complexity of trading, hedging and
2021.31 On the ground presence and                risk management and allows AGL to reduce
support are vital and powerful in these           wholesale price risks32 by matching time-of-
communities, with government buy-in on            day generation with customer load,
retraining, redeployment, and reskilling.         including leveraging virtual power plant,
Second, AGL is encouraged to utilise the          electric vehicle, and demand response
multiple pathways through which it could          management technologies.
help its affected workforce. There is job         The demand side of this value chain also
creation potential in rehabilitating the closed   presents AGL customers with the
sites given the substantial costs associated      opportunity to participate in distributed
with decommissioning coal-fired power             energy trading models that embed
plants to limit the long-term damage and          ‘Prosumer’ value.33
impacts. The distributed energy sector is
starved of skilled workers; AGL could get a
competitive edge in the employment market         3. Replace coal with renewable energy
by establishing worker transfer schemes and       generation and storage
re- and up-skilling schemes to prioritise
redundant workers for jobs in renewable           With the ongoing fall in levelized cost of
energy. Building large-scale renewable            electricity (LCOE) for renewables, the LCOE
power generation and storage at or near the       to build new renewables is materially
current coal-fired power generation sites         superior to building inflationary new coal or
presents an opportunity for both re- and up-      gas-fired power plants even absent a carbon
skilling of impacted workers. Finally, AGL will   price and may soon become cheaper than
need to allocate capital for worker support       the marginal cost to operate black coal-fired
and work with both federal and state              power stations34. Renewable energy from
governments to secure matching retraining         solar and wind will inevitably become the
support.                                          dominant source in Australia at the expense
                                                  of coal, further driven by a trebling of
Horizon One can yield significant value to        Australia’s world-leading distributed
shareholders, including enhanced cash yield       residential generation. AEMO’s 2022 ISP
and optimised CAPEX and OPEX through an           projects the share of coal generation to
accelerated exit from coal, multiple uplift,      decline from the current 63% to 15-20% in
and lower cost of debt from leading energy        2040 in the Centre Scenario and just 5% in
transition, and the potential monetisation of     the Step-change Scenario which AEMO now

considers to be the most likely scenario. The                    electricity retailer with 24% market share39.
latter is likely required to achieve Labor’s                     With its large customer book, AGL already
2030 CO2e reduction target and align to                          has a significant offtake for a large
Paris targets.                                                   renewables generation and storage portfolio
                                                                 at sites already connected to the
Building renewable power generation and
                                                                 transmission grid. Its coal-fired power plants
storage is one of the most significant
                                                                 present valuable land assets that could be
infrastructure investment opportunities for
                                                                 converted to renewable energy sites with
the next decade and beyond. To replace
                                                                 transmission assets in place. Its gas
5GW of coal-fired power generation requires
                                                                 customers will increasingly need to move
12GW in renewable generation capacity with
                                                                 away from gas and toward electricity
storage. Overall, in Australia, 50GW of new
                                                                 especially at homes across Australia.
large-scale renewable energy will be built in
the NEM until 2042 according to AEMO.35 To
                                                                 The shift from coal and then gas to
support this substantial investment of $20
                                                                 renewables will require a build or acquisition
billion into transmission infrastructure will be
                                                                 of strong developer capabilities within AGL
required according to Labor’s Rewiring the
                                                                 and the development of long-term
Nation plan.36 Should Australia become a
                                                                 partnerships with other key players. AGL
renewable energy superpower as per
                                                                 currently outsources renewables
AEMO’s Hydrogen Superpower scenario,
                                                                 development through PowAR, in which it
much more than 50GW will be built.37
                                                                 holds a 20% stake. PowAR recently acquired
Europe alone is seeking 80-120 GW of
                                                                 Tilt Australia, which has 2-3GW in projects in
additional solar and wind generation to by
                                                                 the pipeline and can potentially provide low-
2030 to supply green hydrogen.38
                                                                 cost sites for wind power generation in the
                                                                 future. Accessing funding and offtake
                                                                 agreements to finance large-scale
“The required quantum of                                         development projects will be equally crucial.
                                                                 AGL will be able to use its strong balance
renewable development is possible                                sheet to access funding and leverage its
with a clear plan that signals                                   scale to negotiate favourable terms.
confidence to co-investors. We have
                                                                 As a next step, there are some details AGL
learned that renewable energy                                    will need to address in developing an
technology evolves faster than                                   execution plan. It will need to determine the
anticipated, supporting this                                     right mix between generation (wind, solar)
transition.”                                                     and storage (batteries, pumped hydro) and
                                                                 the right regional mix. AGL will need to
Miles George                                                     collaborate closely with regulatory bodies
Renewable energy leader and director,                            like AEMO, AER, and AEMC, and federal and
engineer                                                         state governments to ensure grid stability
                                                                 and stakeholder support as AGL exits coal.
Non-Executive Director, Collgar Wind Farm, Australian
Conservation Foundation / Former CEO, Infigen / Former           Finally, AGL will need to conduct a capability
Non-executive Director, Spark Infrastructure / Former Advisory   assessment for building and operating a
Board Member CGN Capital Partners Infrastructure Fund III /
Former Chairman, Clean Energy Council / Founding CEO QLD
                                                                 large-scale renewables business and
Gov CleanCo / Former Panel Member, AEMC & AEMO                   develop its plans accordingly.
                                                                 NextEra Energy, a North American energy
AGL is in a prime position to take advantage                     company, has successfully demonstrated a
of this investment opportunity. It will be                       similar strategy by accelerating the
investing at the right time and benefit from                     retirement of legacy coal assets and
the market transition. On the East Coast,                        transitioning to renewables. It has delivered
AGL is Australia’s largest gas retailer with                     15 years of net profits growth of 7.5% CAGR,
32% market share and the second-largest                          driving EPS and DPS growth of 5.5%

annually. This has underpinned the best          management and trading. The focus on the
share market performance of all US gentailer     demerger looks to have distracted AGL from
firms through a strategy of consistent           rapidly deploying this necessary and
improvement in customer service and              differentiated capability to compete with
affordability, whilst optimising the firm’s      Origin’s Kraken platform.
financial structure and sustained utility
                                                 Additionally, the nature of trading is rapidly
cashflow returns to drive a steady,
                                                 changing. An integrated AGL has data and
accelerated, planned decarbonisation.
                                                 insights from the broadest range of
NextEra has been the largest global investor
                                                 generation and storage assets in the NEM,
in zero emissions capacity and its enabling
                                                 so should have a differentiated ability to use
infrastructure for the last decade, with 2021-
                                                 digital assets and machine learning to
2024 on track to see another 23-30GW of
                                                 optimise its trading yields. Distributed
firmed renewables capacity added. Investors
                                                 energy systems and batteries present a
have been rewarded by sustained
                                                 significant future opportunity, and AGL must
outperformance by being the leader in
                                                 augment its capabilities to take advantage.
driving the US electricity transition.
                                                 We estimate AGL has invested up to $100
                                                 million in acquiring Southern Phones ($27.5
4. Digitise to drive operational excellence      million42) and building out Broadband and
                                                 Mobile product capabilities. The
Historically, operational excellence was
                                                 telecommunications sector is profit-
considered a key differentiator for AGL.
                                                 challenged and requires significant scale for
However, in recent years it looks to have
                                                 competitive advantage and is not expected
failed to translate significant investments in
                                                 to add material shareholder value. We
technology and digitisation into cost
                                                 recommend AGL considers options to divest
reductions and operational improvements.
                                                 or de-risk the telecommunications asset and
Leveraging existing capabilities and
                                                 seek to build and monetise closer to core
investing in additional digital capabilities
                                                 capabilities that enable customers to
presents a material opportunity for AGL to
                                                 manage their home energy needs.
drive operational efficiencies, reduce costs,
and enhance customer processes.                  Horizon Two can yield significant value to
                                                 shareholders. Firstly, there are significant
AGL has reported investing heavily in digital
                                                 development opportunities for new
assets, specifically technology
                                                 renewables in prime locations with grid
transformation and data platforms (which
                                                 connection and behind-the-meter economic
they called CXT and PT340), but that doesn’t
                                                 hubs, which will deliver flow-on employment
appear to have translated to strong revenue
                                                 and local economy benefits. An AGL that has
or cost reduction benefits. With a more
intensive focus on using these assets to         publicly committed to a 1.5C
                                                 decarbonisation pathway and digitisation
digitise processes and customer
experiences, we expect there are significant     will also likely be able to increase market
                                                 share through better customer experiences
cost savings and customer experience
                                                 and brand perceptions as a leading clean
benefits still to be generated.
                                                 energy company. Finally, AGL can reduce
The future energy system requires real-time      operational costs and improve customer
orchestration and monetisation of                experience through digital transformation.
distributed customer assets, including solar,
home batteries, and electric vehicles. AGL
has exclusive local access to deploy Ovo’s
Kaluza Platform41. This platform looks highly
capable of transforming AGL’s customers to
be ready to be part of the distributed energy
system of the future and monetising these
assets through demand response

Horizon Three: Access privileged                  AEMO’s most ambitious energy transition
technology to enhance the value of                scenario. Developing the capability to build
the Horizon Two business                          technology platforms that manage
                                                  distributed energy systems can become a
No single company can consistently out-           strong differentiator and opportunity to
innovate the market as a whole. Therefore,        extend AGL’s core business.
no matter how effective AGL’s internal
innovation is and how well it integrates into     AGL can further accelerate its transition by
the Australian innovation system, the             rolling out future energy system offerings to
innovation around the transition to clean         its customers. AGL’s large customer base
energy is taking place on a global scale.         and brand present an opportunity to extend
                                                  and lead the way in future energy system
AGL must create efficient mechanisms for          offerings, including distributed energy
identifying, validating, and investing in the     systems and consumer financing, enhanced
most promising world-class technology             gas-to-electricity switching and consumer
ventures outside the company to tap into          financing (green financing), and E.V.
that flow.                                        charging.
A vertically integrated AGL, leading in the       Horizon Three will drive value to
energy transition, with a scalable set of         shareholders by enhancing the Horizon Two
renewable energy assets, will be a highly         business through privileged technology and
attractive partner for clean energy start-ups,    extended energy system offerings and value
V.C.s, and other corporates, allowing AGL to      uplifts from the technology investments
access privileged technology and reduce its       themselves.
cost of investing.
Such privileged access will enable AGL to        “Companies driving this industry
enhance the value of its Horizon Two             transformation with governments will
business to accelerate the transformation to     be at the forefront seeing and
a modern gentailer and uplift its value.         capturing new growth businesses.
                                                 Where the electricity and software
5. Source disruptive technologies and            industries converge at the customer
extend future energy system offerings            end will provide great investment
A re-focused AGL with a compelling               opportunities.”
commitment and transition plan to
decarbonisation and energy transition will       Clem Doherty
                                                 Technology investor, electrical engineer (power
have an advantage in sourcing disruptive
                                                 systems), strategy leader
technologies. One AGL will also have the
financial resources and investor support to      Advisory Board of the ANU Battery, Storage & Grid Integration
invest at scale in disruptive technologies       Program / Pre-venture technology investor / Former board
                                                 member and advisor at Cleanspace Technology Pty Ltd and
(e.g., direct investment, competitions such as   ResMed Inc. / Former member of McKinsey & Co APAC Board
X-Prize) that can then be used to boost its      and lead of Telecommunications Sector / Formerly High
own business and potentially extend its          Voltage Grid Network Planning and Software Engineering for
product and services suite.
Australia has world-leading penetration of
solar systems on residential rooftops. With
3.2GW installed alone in 2021,43 the
cumulative installed degraded capacity of
solar panels in the NEM reached nearly
13GW. Under the current trajectory, this
capacity will increase almost four-fold by
2050 and more than eight-fold under

                                                                                                           | 10
AGL will have several levers                    Executing the proposed strategy will yield
                                                several potential positive cashflow levers
to fund the execution and                       such as cost reduction from operational
create significant                              enhancements, increased market share,
                                                enhanced trading profits through better
shareholder value                               digital capabilities, and extended core
                                                services such as financing residential
Transitioning from a laggard to a leader        distributed energy systems. In addition,
will require substantial investments over       there is potential to monetise carbon credits
the next decade                                 with demonstrable additionality and
Exiting coal within a decade will require       endurance from early coal closure and the
supporting the community through up-            build of renewable energy generation and
skilling and re-skilling and redundancy         storage.
payments for workers for which no suitable      With a transparent plan for the energy
re-deployment alternatives can be found.        transition and a strong balance sheet, AGL
Further decommissioning of coal-fired           will have the ability to raise significant debt
power stations and land restoration costs       to fund the required investments in >= 50%
must be considered.                             new renewable power generation and
Replacing approximately 5GW in coal             storage. Further opportunities exist through
capacity will require building approximately    capital recycling by progressively selling
12GW in firmed renewable capacity with          down stakes in renewable assets once
storage ready for deployment before coal-       development profits are proven, and
fired power generation is shut down. Such a     construction risks are removed. Finally, there
capacity would come at a capital cost of        are opportunities for portfolio optimisation
approximately $24 billion with AGL’s share      by divesting underperforming non-core
being around $12 billion (debt and equity),     assets (e.g., Southern Phones).
assuming a 50/50 partnership with Global        Leading climate action will make AGL a more
Infrastructure Partners (or equivalent). We     attractive partner for impact and ESG
expect these investments to yield significant   investors. They should be able to convince
returns with an IRR of ~8%44.                   such investors that the revised rapid closure
AGL will further need to invest in leading      strategy deserves ESG and impact capital to
technologies. These investments will            enable an expedited transition.
enhance AGL’s ability to generate profits
from extending the core business. Further,      Re-rating of AGL stock will drive
deploying technology that AGL fully or          significant shareholder value uplift
partially owns to the vast customer base of     AGL’s stock currently trades at a prospective
its core business will result in an immediate   P/E multiple of 10-12x for FY23e. Investing in
value uplift.                                   growth assets and removing the drag of coal
AGL will have several significant sources       on the current stock’s valuation will drive a
of funding at its disposal                      significant adjustment and re-rating. Such an
                                                investor proposition has been successfully
We estimate that AGL will be able to            demonstrated by U.S. energy company
maintain the current core earnings streams      Nextera, which, over a long-term period, has
for much of the next decade. Our                grown EPS and driven shareholder value
assumption on wholesale electricity prices      through an increased P/E ratio from and
over the next decade is that they will remain   orderly thermal capacity closure and
volatile and above the long-term average as     reinvesting in firmed renewables and
closures impact electricity supply. We note     customer service capacity.
the risk that CAPEX blowouts related to coal
fired power station breakages are likely to

                                                                                           | 11
New Leadership will be                          The opportunity presented by the
                                                resignation of the Board and CEO opens the
required to implement the                       door to a significant change in corporate
new strategy we have                            direction. Several of the members of the
                                                current Executive team are highly
outlined in this document                       experienced and skilled energy industry
Implementing this strategy for AGL requires     veterans who will be instrumental in
new leadership. Executing an ambitious          executing this strategy. Others we know are
growth strategy requires a specific skill set   keen to join the Board and competent to
and mindset and, a clear break from             lead this transition.
traditional incumbent thinking. It will also
need a commitment to the energy transition,     This document does not present a final
engaging with diverse stakeholders,             strategy or execution plan for AGL but rather
including communities, workforce, investors,    a blueprint for the new CEO and Board to
customers, federal and state governments,       develop a detailed business case and
and interest groups.                            execution plan by the end of the calendar

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This report has been prepared by Tim Buckley of Climate Energy Finance (CEF) for Sentient
Impact Group (Sentient) and certain investors it represents.

The information contained in this report does not constitute investment or financial product
advice and is not intended to be used as the basis for making an investment decision. In
providing this report, both CEF and Sentient has not considered the objectives, financial position
or needs of any particular recipient. CEF and Sentient suggest that investors consult a financial
advisor prior to making an investment decision. Investors should consider the appropriateness of
any advice, in light of their own objectives, financial situation or needs, before acting on any
advice. No financial product advice is provided in this report and nothing in it should be taken to
construe a recommendation or statement of opinion that is intended to influence a person in
making an investment decision.
No warranty is made as to the accuracy or reliability of the information in this report and all
information contained within this report is based on publicly available information. CEF and
Sentient are under no obligation to update the information in this report.

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1 ;
     technologies/ &
     OECD ‘Going for Growth’ Report 2021
     IEA World Energy Outlook 2020
     Yahoo Finance Australia
     Climate Energy Finance calculations using AGL’s greenhouse gas footprint data
     AGL Energy Demerger Scheme Booklet, Section 8.4.5 p.27
     AEMO, 2019 Electricity Statement of Opportunities, August 2019, and CSIRO GenCost 2021-22
     AGL Energy Ltd, FY21 Half Year Result, February 2021
     AGL Energy Demerger Scheme Booklet, p.130
     RepuTex Energy, The economic impact of the ALP’s Powering Australia Plan
     AGL Energy Demerger Scheme Booklet, Section 8.3.5 p.17
     Climate Energy Finance estimates

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