Comprehensive Comparison of Modular Multilevel Converter Internal Energy Balancing Methods - Infoscience
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© 2021 IEEE IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, pp. 1–1, 2021 Comprehensive Comparison of Modular Multilevel Converter Internal Energy Balanc- ing Methods S. Milovanovic and D. Dujic This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of EPFL’s products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint / republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to pubs-permissions@ieee. org. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it. POWER ELECTRONICS LABORATORY ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS Comprehensive Comparison of Modular Multilevel Converter Internal Energy Balancing Methods Stefan Milovanović, Student Member, IEEE, Dražen Dujić, Senior Member, IEEE Power Electronics Laboratory, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; TABLE I: A short summary of the analyzed balancing methods Abstract—Stacking of the floating structures, known as sub- modules or cells, provides the modular multilevel converter Method 1 [11] Method 2 [12] Method 3 [13] with theoretically unlimited voltage scalability. However, such a convenience comes at a price of increased control complexity, Horizontal SVD-based Circ. currents ctrl. Circ. currents ctrl. especially in the domain of internal energy control. In other balancing approach in the αβ- domain in the αβ- domain words, energies of the submodule clusters must be controlled Injection of Vertical SVD-based Circ. currents +/− to their setpoint values, otherwise, stable and high-performance reactive components balancing approach sequence control operation of the converter cannot be ensured. So far, several ap- into circ. currents proaches towards balancing of the modular multilevel converter internal energy, in both vertical and horizontal directions, were proposed. Nevertheless, differences among them have never been analytically supported. In this paper, three seemingly different excluding the other options mentioned in [4], [5]. According energy balancing strategies were thoroughly explained, providing to Fig. 1, a cluster of SMs in series connection with an a framework for the theoretical comparison of different dynamic inductor Lbr is referred to as the branch, whereas two branches responses provided by them. All the results were verified on the comprise the leg. It is straightforward to notice that the large scale hardware-in-the-loop platform, serving as a digital twin of a grid connected 3.3kVac/5kVdc, 1.25MW converter being MMC employs distributed and, more importantly, floating DC driven by the industrial ABB PEC800 controller. links. Although the SM represents an independent single-phase conversion stage, analysis of the MMC considers every branch Index Terms—Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC), Chain- link converters, Energy Balancing, Energy Control to be an entity characterized by its energy storage nature [6], [7]. The total energy stored within a branch provides an image of voltage across its SM capacitors, consequently, the need for I. I NTRODUCTION the internal energy control becomes evident. Owing to the outstanding flexibility and scalability, the The total energy stored inside the MMC can be controlled Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) [1], [2], presented in from either DC or AC terminals, depending on the employed Fig. 1, became an attractive solution for vast variety of applica- operating mode (inverter/rectifier). However, equal energy tions spanning both Medium Voltage (MV) and High Voltage distribution needs to be ensured in both horizontal and vertical (HV) domains. The so-called submodule (SM) represents the directions. Energy exchange among the legs, by means on the basic building block of any chainlink converter [3], including suitable circulating current components, which are going to the MMC itself. Depending on the application, SMs are be introduced shortly, implies the energy shift in horizontal mainly realized as Half-Bridge (HB) or Full-Bridge (FB), not direction. Hence the name horizontal balancing. On the other hand, energy exchange between two branches belonging to the same leg is referred to as the vertical balancing. Apart from ensuring equal energy distribution among the branches, the control algorithm must ensure equal distribution of energy among the SMs belonging to the same branch. This, however, strongly depends on the employed modulator structure, as discussed in [8]–[10], and this subject falls out of this paper’s scope. Henceforward, the term energy balancing will be used to denote the branch/leg energy shifts, while assuming uniform energy distribution among the SMs of an observed branch. The subject of energy balancing has been addressed by various authors so far, notwithstanding, all the approaches known to the scientific community revolve around three main ideas summarized in Tab. I, while the term Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) will be explained in the upcoming sections. For example, energy controllers described in [14] or [15], [16] represent an extended variation of the controller Fig. 1. Modular Multilevel Converter with the adopted naming convention described in [13]. In [17] it was shown that different selection 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS of circulating current optimization criteria leads to the refer- ences obtained through the use of controllers from [11], [12]. Similarly, results already available in [11], [12] were presented in [18]. In [19] horizontal balancing principle identical to the one described in [11] was proposed, whereas the challenge of vertical balancing was solved as discussed in [13]. Comparison between the approaches described in [11], [12] can be found in [20], however, different responses provided by the two were never analytically supported nor discussed beyond the level of observations. Moreover, despite achieving the identical end-goals, energy balancing proposals made in [11]–[13] follow completely different lines of thinking and the question on what connects them has never been raised before. This paper, for the first time, provides a thorough analytic Fig. 2. MMC leg with two Kirchhoff voltage loops. Through a suitable connection among balancing methods from [11]–[13] and it manipulation of equations written for both loops, decoupling of the AC and can be considered its first contribution. DC terminal equations can be established. Henceforth, subscripts ”p” and ”n” will denote the upper and the lower branch quantities, respectively. Without The main goal of [11] was to propose the general concept of the loss of generality, no coupling between the branch inductors is assumed. energy balancing in an arbitrary MMC-based circuit. In other words, the SVD-based energy balancing method can be used in complex structures, such as the Matrix MMC [21] or even procedure for all legs leads to the MMC AC side equivalent the MMC operating with parallel branches [22], [23]. Such, circuit depicted in Fig. 3a. As suggested by (2), the average rather mathematical, approach is not widely recognized in the value of currents flowing through the branches comprising power electronics community and detailed explanation, along an observed leg (4) can be controlled by means of the sum with the physical connotation, of the logic underlying it was of voltages created jointly by them. Once again, establishing not provided in [11]. Obviously, certain theoretical gaps still the expression (2) for all legs, results in the MMC DC side exist and this paper aims at filling them in a comprehensive equivalent circuit presented in Fig. 3b. Without the loss of manner, which is considered its second contribution. generality, in both Figs. 3a and 3b, branch resistance was The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec. II considered negligible. provides a brief recapitulation of the MMC operating prin- ciples along with the definition of quantities used hereafter. is is = ip − in (3) ip = ic + (5) A thorough discussion on the MMC internal energy balancing 2 ip + in is approaches can be found in Sec. III, whereas Sec. IV contains ic = (4) in = ic − (6) 2 2 a comprehensive analysis enabling their straightforward com- parison. Finally, Sec. V includes results obtained on a large Solving the system of equations (3) and (4) enables a scale Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) setup serving as a digital different perception of the branch currents and, according twin of a 3.3kVac/5kVdc, 1.25MW MMC employing 36 SMs to (5) and (6), branch current can be expressed through and operating in the rectifier mode. a suitable combination of the leg common-mode and AC terminal currents. At this point, it is important to state that the leg current component defined in (4) has been named II. MMC BASIC OPERATING PRINCIPLES AND DEFINITION differently within the literature so far. Although known to OF USED QUANTITIES some as the circulating current (e.g. [7], [24]), this component Subtraction and addition of equations formed around the will henceforth be referred to as the leg common-mode current loops defined in Fig. 2, for an arbitrary MMC leg, provides given that circulating currents will be given another connota- (1) and (2), from where one can notice that two independent tion. In a multi-phase MMC, AC terminal currents sum up to control quantities can be established. zero under normal operating conditions. Thus, it is only the leg common-mode currents that enter the MMC DC link. For this Lbr d Rbr vn − vp ip − in + (ip − in ) = −vt (1) 2 dt 2 2 | {z } | {z } i vs s d ip + in ip + in 2Lbr +2Rbr = VDC − (vp + vn ) (2) dt 2 2 | {z } | {z } ic 2vc The difference between the upper and the lower branch current corresponds to the leg AC terminal current (3). Based on (1), it can be concluded that this current can be affected (a) (b) through the adjustment of the difference between the lower and the upper branch voltages labeled with vs . Repeating the Fig. 3. MMC equivalent circuits seen from: (a) AC side; (b) DC side; 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS reason the term ”circulating” was avoided in the process of on several occasions [14], [26]–[28]. Nonetheless, this paper naming this current component (common-mode currents leave considers the circulating current components taking part in the converter without circulating inside of it, as illustrated in balancing of the mean energy values, rendering the addition Fig. 3b). Since the leg-common mode current cannot enter the of higher order harmonics rather irrelevant. AC terminal, the decoupled analysis of the leg relevant current By combining (9) with the fact that Fig. 3b presents a components can be conducted. linear structure, the superposition principle can be applied to To introduce the concept of circulating currents, one should the MMC DC equivalent, as presented in Fig. 4. Therefore, analyze the circuit from Fig. 3b. By means of the joint voltage component vc0 affects the DC link current/voltage, action of three legs, the current entering/leaving the DC while the components vc∆{A/B/C} take part in control of the link can be controlled. For the moment, let one assume that legs’ circulating current components. Lastly, as only two out of vc{A/B/C} = vc0 . On these terms, ideal distribution of the DC three circulating currents defined above are independent, one link current implies that ic{A/B/C} = iDC /3. Unfortunately, can also perceive the circulating currents as the loop currents, such a requirement is unlikely to be met for various reasons. which was the approach adopted in [29]. However, it can be For instance, identical impedance seen from the DC terminals shown that circulating currents defined as such represent a cannot be guaranteed for all the legs. Therefore, expressing linear combination of circulating currents used in [13]. the leg common-mode current as (7) comes in handy. iDC III. MMC INTERNAL ENERGY BALANCING ic,k =+ ic∆,k , where k = {A, B, C} (7) 3 Averaging the MMC leg equations over one AC side Summing the legs’ common-mode currents expressed in the fundamental period [6], [7], [24] leads to a straightforward above manner, yields connection between the leg mean energies and its AC, DC and circulating current components. If Wp and Wn denote the ic∆A + ic∆B + ic∆C = 0. (8) average value of the total energy stored in the upper and the lower branch of an observed leg, respectively, then As current components ic∆ do not enter the DC link (they sum up to zero), nor are they visible from the AC terminals, d(Wp + Wn ) dWΣ = ≈ VDC Ic∆ (11) it can be said that they circulate inside of the MMC. For that dt dt reason, these components will henceforth be referred to as the d(Wp − Wn ) dW∆ = ≈ −v̂s î∼ c∆ . (12) circulating currents. In case the expression dt dt In the above equations, Ic∆ denotes circulating current DC vc = vc0 + vc∆ (9) part, whereas îc∆ denotes peak of the circulating current AC holds for an observed leg, it is can be shown that its component being in phase with the leg AC voltage denoted by circulating current can be controlled by means of the voltage vs [24]. According to (11), DC component of the circulating component labeled with vc∆ [23]. However, to keep the current affects the total energy (Σ-energy) stored within an circulating currents control decoupled from the other MMC observed leg. Hence, it is in charge of the energy balancing control layers, the condition in horizontal direction. On the other hand, AC component of the circulating current affects the energy difference (∆-energy) between two branches belonging to the same leg, therefore, it vc∆A + vc∆B + vc∆C = 0 (10) governs the vertical balancing process. must be satisfied at all times. Without entering into the struc- The first assumption regarding the converter energy balanc- ture of the circulating current control methods [25], it must be ing process is that it commences by calculating the circulating stressed that (10) holds only if the sum of circulating current current components Ic∆ and îc∆ for each leg individually. references equals zero. In general, circulating currents can be However, horizontal and vertical unbalances can take any arbi- controlled to zero, however, as will be presented in the next trary values, meaning that simple and independent calculation sections, they can be successfully used to achieve the energy of circulating currents in accordance with (11) and (12) might balancing among the converter branches. Also, injection of violate the condition defined in (10). Consequently, additional higher order harmonics (e.g. 2nd) into the circulating currents reference mapping, which ensures that i∗c∆A +i∗c∆B +i∗c∆C = 0 with the aim of reducing the SM voltage ripple was proposed must be considered, as indicated in Fig. 5. Fig. 4. Decoupling of the MMC DC side equivalent circuit. In case voltage components vc∆ sum up to zero, control of circulating currents (by means of voltage components vc∆ ) remains perfectly decoupled from the control of the DC terminal current (by means of voltage component vc0 ). 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS Fig. 5. The concept of generating circulating current references in the MMC. Mapping of the circulating current references generated in per-leg fashion must be performed given that individual control of the leg energies does not guarantee fulfillment of the constraint defined in (10). H∆ (s) and HΣ (s) denote transfer functions of controllers being in charge of the energy balance in vertical and horizontal direction, respectively, while vs{A/B/C} = v̂s cos(θ{A/B/C} ). The block named Reference mapping converts a set of circulating current references i∗c∆{A/B/C} into a set of new modified references i∗m{A/B/C} ensuring the fulfillment of (10) and its effects on the energy balancing dynamics represent the scope of this work. Different ways of obtaining a suitable set of circulating always satisfied. Basically, the problem of energy balancing currents represent the scope of this paper. Reference [30] con- comes down to the identification of a suitable vector I~M which tains an extensive comparison among different MMC internal represents the projection of the original reference I~∗ onto the control schemes. However, mapping of the circulating currents null-space of Ti , as illustrated in Fig. 6. was not considered. Therefore, a theoretical gap regarding In general, projection of an arbitrary vector ~x onto an the effects the circulating currents mapping has upon the arbitrary plane/space (irrespective of its nature) means that energy balancing dynamics remained unfilled. In the following ~x should actually be projected onto the basis vectors of the paragraphs, mapping approaches used in [11]–[13] will be considered plane/space. A set of vectors B = [b~1 . . . b~k ] is discussed in detail and referred to as the Methods 1, 2 and called a basis of a subspace S if 3, respectively. • Every vector from S can be synthesized through a linear combination of vectors from B, A. Method 1 [11] • All the vectors from B are linearly independent. Even though the control of circulating current DC and Consequently, the heart of balancing strategy discussed here AC components can be considered separately, the direction represents the identification of the basis vectors of ker(Ti ). For of balancing (vertical or horizontal) will be neglected as the this purpose, the SVD, the explanation of which can be found same methodology is adopted in both cases. Therefore, results presented henceforward can be considered general. As circulating currents were defined in the DC equivalent circuit of the MMC, their summation at the DC terminal can be formulated as 2 h ih iT 0 1 1 1 ic∆A ic∆B ic∆C = 0. (13) –2 –1 0 1 2 | {z } | {z } –2 Ti I~ –1 1 One can understand that matrix Ti represents the mapping 0 0 R3 7→ R, whereas all the vectors I~ being mapped to zero do 1 –1 not actually corrupt the MMC DC link current (which indeed makes them circulate inside the converter). It is exactly this set of vectors that defines the null-space (or kernel, hence the label ker(Ti )) of matrix Ti . To put it differently, every 2 possible combination of circulating currents must reside in the 0 null-space of Ti . Nonetheless, energy unbalances among the –2 –1 0 1 2 MMC branches/legs can take any arbitrary values resulting –2 in the control actions violating the constraint of circulating –1 1 current references summing up to zero (please keep in mind 0 0 that generation of circulating current references commences 1 –1 by performing the balancing of every leg individually). To Fig. 6. The concept of generating circulating current references in the MMC overcome this issue, a reference vector I~∗ , such that Ti I~∗ 6= 0, in case balancing method labeled with 1 is considered. As illustrated, any must be projected onto the null-space of Ti , resulting in reference vector I~∗ 6⊂ ker(Ti ) must be projected onto ker(Ti ) in order to a modified reference vector I~M , which ensures that (10) is guarantee the fulfillment of (10). 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS in [31], can be used. According to [31], any matrix can be decomposed as Ti = U × Σ × V ∗ , (14) m×n m×m m×n n×n where V ∗ represents the conjugate transpose of V . If V is real, V ∗ = V T is true, and (14) can be simplified as Fig. 7. Implementation of the balancing method labeled with 1. Ti = U × Σ × V T . (15) m×n m×m m×n n×n conventional reference frame (which actually is the vector I~M ), An important property of the SVD is that U and V are the term VNT I~∗ needs to be multiplied by VN , resulting in unitary (rotation) matrices, while (15) can be expanded as n−r X h " i S 0 VT #" # I~M = VN VNT I~∗ = ~vN,j h~vN,j , I~∗ i. (19) R Ti = UR UN r×r T . (16) j=1 0 0 V N m×m n×n It is worthy to note that, according to [11], previously m×n demonstrated procedure is general and it can be applied to From (16) it can be seen that matrix Σ contains a square any MMC-based converter. The null-space of matrix Ti from r × r submatrix with elements different than zero and n − r (13) can be identified by firstly creating its SVD form as zero vectors. The number of zero vectors in Σ corresponds to the number of orthogonal vectors comprising an orthonormal 1 √1 √1 basis for ker(Ti ). To support such a statement, let one define h i h√ i r 2 √2 2 2 Ti = 1 3 0 0 1 −√12 −√21 . (20) VN = [~vN,1 . . . ~vN,n−r ] and look for Ti × ~vN,j , such that 3 3 1 ≤ j ≤ n − r, as 0 2 − 23 " #" # From here, it is straightforward to recognize that h i S 0 VRT Ti × ~vN,j = UR ~vN,j . (17) UN r×r 1 0√ VNT r 0 0 2 1 3 VN = − 2 √2 . (21) As all the vectors from V are orthogonal according to the 3 − 12 − 23 definition of the SVD, VRT ~vN,j = 0r×n , from where one can see that Ti~vN,j = 0. As a result, every vector from VN is in Following (19), mapping of the circulating current refer- the null-space of Ti . Consequently, VN comprises the basis of ences can be performed as ker(Ti ) since 1 0 0 1 1 1 • All the vectors from VN are in the null-space of Ti , 1 I~M = 0 1 0 I~∗ − 1 1 1 I~∗ . (22) • All the vectors from VN are independent (moreover, they 3 are orthonormal), 0 0 1 1 1 1 • The number of vectors in VN corresponds to the dimen- Fig. 7 provides graphical illustration of the balancing sion of the null-space (rank-nullity theorem [31]). approach described in the previous paragraphs. As can be Once the orthogonal basis of ker(Ti ) is identified, the noticed, circulating current references modification implies vector demanded by the converter balancing controllers I~∗ the reduction of every individual leg reference by an average must be mapped to a suitable vector I~M . If basis vectors value of references generated for all the legs individually. It VN = [~vN,1 . . . ~vN,n−r ] are at disposal, (18) is to be observed is important to notice that the choice of the basis vectors of at first instance. ker(Ti ) is not unique. Any other orthogonal pair being a subset of ker(Ti ) could also be chosen (e.g. [20]), without affecting T ~vN,1 h~vN,1 , I~∗ i the result obtained in (22). However, a formal proof of such a statement is omitted as, to the authors’ opinion, it does not ∗ h~vN,2 , I~∗ i T ~vN,2 VNT I~∗ = I~ = increase the value of results provided above. .. .. (18) . . T ~vN,n−r h~vN,n−r , I~∗ i B. Method 2 [12] | {z } 1) Horizontal balancing: In contrast to Method 1, where scalar products the energy balancing was performed in the ABC frame, The vector on the right hand side of (18) contains scalar reference [12] proposes horizontal balancing in the αβ domain products of orthonormal basis vectors and a balancing refer- by means of relevant power components defined as ence vector I~∗ . Given that |~vN,k | = 1, these scalar products actually represent projections of the vector I~∗ onto the basis " # r " 1 1 # PΣA PΣα 2 1 −√2 −2 vectors from VN . However, these are the coordinates of the = √ . (23) 3 PΣB 3 0 3 vector I~∗ in a new coordinate system consisting of vectors PΣβ 2 − 2 } PΣC ~vN,k . To obtain the coordinates of the new vector in the | {z Kαβ 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS Expression (11) establishes the link between power compo- C. Method 3 [13] nents labeled with PΣ{A/B/C} and their associated circulating 1) Horizontal Balancing: Given that Methods 2 and 3 rely currents Ic∆{A/B/C} , from where it is easy to see that on the identical principles of horizontal balancing, no further " # " # discussion is conducted on this matter. PΣα Ic∆α 2) Vertical Balancing: As can be seen in (21), rows of the = VDC . (24) matrix used to perform the αβ transformation represent the PΣβ Ic∆β bases of ker(Ti ). To a certain extent, this indicates that vertical Since the vector of circulating currents must remain free balancing, similarly to horizontal, can be performed directly of any zero-component, otherwise the DC link current gets in the αβ0 domain by means of relevant power components corrupted, references in the ABC domain can be obtained as being defined as −√12 −√21 P∆α 1 P∆A ∗ ImA " ∗ # r 2 ∗ T Ic∆α P = 0 3 − 23 P∆B . (26) ImB = Kαβ ∗ . (25) ∆β 3 1 2 ∗ Ic∆β P∆0 √ √1 √1 P∆C ImC 2 2 2 | {z } Kαβ0 2) Vertical balancing: To commence the desired analysis, one can take the case presented in Fig. 8 into consideration. As As already discussed, a proper control of converter’s internal illustrated, the sum of circulating current references generated energies requires identification of circulating current compo- in ”per-leg” fashion differs from zero. Now, let one observe nents fulfilling this task. Given that ic∆0 = 0, the set of power phasor ic∆A while neglecting the other two legs’ balancing components P∆ = {P∆α , P∆β , P∆0 } needs to be linked with references. To perform the cancellation of current defined by the circulating currents expressed in the αβ domain. For that this phasor in the DC link, two currents can be added into purpose, two dq systems, rotating in the opposite directions, the legs B and C. What is of crucial importance is that were introduced in [13], giving current components iA A c∆B and ic∆C do not contribute to any " # " #" # active power transfer in the phases they are injected to. For ic∆α cos(θ) − sin(θ) i+ c∆d instance, iA = + c∆B denotes the current component injected in the ic∆β sin(θ) cos(θ) i+ c∆q leg labeled with B with the aim of partially canceling the | {z } circulating current generated in the leg A. As can be seen, this R+ " #" # component is orthogonal to the AC voltage vsB . Consequently cos(θ) sin(θ) i− c∆d only reactive power is generated. This is an important detail , (27) − sin(θ) cos(θ) i− c∆q since the reactive power cannot contribute to the change of | {z } the average energy in any of the converter’s branches. Finally, R− repeating the same procedure in the other two phases leads where θ = ωs t − γ, which unveils the alignment between to the final set of circulating current references ensuring the the dq system rotating in the counterclockwise direction and energy balance in vertical direction. the vector of AC voltages synthesized by the MMC branches. A set of tedious mathematical steps, which are omitted here Sum of balancing For an observed phase, as they can be found in [13], shows that currents different neutralize its balancing than zero component by injecting reactive currents in the 2 adjacent phases P∆α = − √ v̂s i− 6 c∆d 2 P∆β = + √ v̂s i− c∆q (28) 6 2 P∆0 = − √ v̂s i+ , (a) (b) 3 c∆d from where one can see that the component i+ c∆q can be Acquire a set of Repeat the procedure references which sum from (b) in all phases controlled to zero as it does not take part in the control of the up to zero above power components. On the other hand, a proper control − of circulating current components denoted by i+ c∆d , ic∆d and − ic∆q ensures balancing in the vertical direction. Further, as matrix Kαβ0 from (26) is full-rank, circulating currents in the ABC domain can be obtained as (d) (c) i∼∗ " # " # mA ∼∗ T i+ c∆d T i− c∆d Fig. 8. Vertical balancing procedure based on the injection of orthogonal imB = Kαβ R+ + + Kαβ R− − . (29) components into the circulating currents of all the legs. ic∆q ic∆q i∼∗ mC 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS IV. M ETHODS C OMPARISON A. Horizontal balancing ~c∆αβ ∗ = HΣ (s) ~ ∗ ~ ~ V = Wcirc (s) ∗ (W Σαβ − W Σmαβ ) − Ic∆αβ . VDC Fig. 9 presents the control block diagram in case control of (34) all the phases is performed individually (i.e. Method 1). The Expression (34) indicates that horizontal balancing, charac- expression defining the vector of mapped circulating current terized by the block diagram in Fig. 9, can also be performed references as in the αβ domain, which was actually proposed in [12], [13]. Furthermore, expression (34) shows that irrespective of the HΣ (s) ~ ∗ reference frame being used for the generation of circulating I~M = VN VNT ∗ ~ Σm ), (WΣ − W (30) VDC current references, the obtained results are the same if identical = tuning of controllers HΣ (s) and Wcirc (s) is assumed. where W ~ Σ = [WΣA WΣB WΣC ]T , along with the leg total energy controller transfer function being denoted by HΣ (s). To B. Vertical Balancing establish the conditions for comparison of previously presented balancing methods, it is initially assumed that all of them As described in Sec. III, three vertical balancing methods rely on the identical tuning of controller HΣ (s). Nevertheless, rely on the use of different reference frames. Therefore, prior identical tuning of the controllers is not mandatory, which will to commencing any further analysis, a common reference be discussed more in depth in the continuation of this section. frame, from which all the methods can be observed, needs to Given that the ultimate goal of the MMC control, in general be established. Such a step requires the extension of previously sense, is to provide references for the upper and lower branch conducted analyses. voltages, the output of the circulating current controllers is 1) Method 1: By observing Fig. 10, one can notice that, to be investigated further. In case Wcirc= (s) denotes circulat- in contrast to the block diagram describing the horizontal ing current controller transfer function, voltage components balancing, vertical balancing requires the presence of non- ~ ∗ = [V ∗ V ∗ V ∗ ]T can be acquired as ~ where linear trigonometric terms presented in the form cos(θ), V c∆ c∆A c∆B c∆C 2π 2π θA = ωs t − γ (35) θB = θA − (36) θC = θA + (37) ~ ∗ = W = (s) I~M − I~c∆ , V c∆ circ (31) 3 3 while ωs and γ denote angular velocity and phase angle in case filtering and delays in the circulating current of voltage the MMC is synthesizing at its AC terminals, measurements are neglected. This, however, does not affect respectively. Assuming balanced load conditions, translation generality of results. Please notice that capital letters denote into the complex domain can be performed, resulting in that DC components of quantities analyzed in this case, which is in accordance with (11) and (12). 1 0 0 W∆A The matrix VNT represents the well p known αβ transforma- H∆ (s) −jγ ~i∼ = VN VNT e 0 a2 0 W∆B , (38) tion with scaling coefficient equal to 2/3 (cf. (26)), hence M v̂s (30) can be rewritten as 0 0 a W∆C | {z } A HΣ (s) ~ ∗ I~M = VN ∗ (W ~ Σαβ − WΣmαβ ). (32) 2π where a = ej . Without the loss of generality, it was 3 VDC ∗ ∗ ∗ assumed that τm ≈ 0, while W∆A = W∆B = W∆C = 0, Substitution of (32) into (31) yields as vertical unbalances in the legs are normally controlled to zero. Nevertheless, all the conclusions derived in the upcoming HΣ (s) ~ ∗ paragraphs remain the same irrespective of the choice of ~ ∗ = ~ ~ Vc∆ = Wcirc (s) VN ∗ (WΣαβ − WΣmαβ ) − Ic∆ , (33) ∗ vertical unbalance references W∆{A/B/C} . VDC Mapping of the reference vector ~i∼ c∆ onto the null-space of while left multiplication of both sides of the above equation matrix Ti implies that Fortescue transformation (39) applied to with VNT (keep in mind that VNT VN = I), leads to (38), must output only positive and negative circulating current Fig. 9. Control block diagram of circulating current components maintaining the energy balance in horizontal direction (ABC domain/Method 1) 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS Fig. 10. Control block diagram concerning energy balancing in vertical direction (ABC frame/Method 1) sequences. To put it differently, zero sequence vector, which causes the DC link disturbance, must be zero. 1 0 0 W∆A ~i∼ H∆ (s) −jγ M = e × Mm × 0 a2 0 W∆B (42) 2 1 a a v̂s 1 0 0 a W∆C Fpn0 = 1 a2 a (39) 3 1 1 1 Left multiplication of both sides of (42) with Fpn0 , gives Left multiplication of (38) with (39) leads to √1 W∆0 i∼ m+ 3 ∼ H∆ (s) −jγ √2 im− = e × 6 W∆α + jW∆β . (43) v̂s √1 W∆0 i∼ i∼ m+ 3 m0 0 ∼ H∆ (s) −jγ im− = e × √16 W∆α + jW∆β ) , (40) v̂s 3) Method 3: Translating (29) into the complex domain, i∼ m0 0 followed by the left multiplication with Fpn0 from (39), yields where Wαβ0 = Kαβ0 WABC . From (40) it can be verified i+ that zero component of the mapped references indeed corre- i∼ 1 j 0 0 + c∆d m+ r sponds to zero. Nevertheless, positive and negative circulating ∼ 2 −jγ ic∆q im− = e 0 0 1 −j − . (44) current sequences can be related to the quantities acquired by 3 ic∆d means of the αβ transformation introduced in (26). Hence, the i∼ m0 0 0 0 0 i− c∆q block diagram depicted on the left-hand side of Fig. 11 can be created. Combining (26) and (28) with the fact that 2) Method 2: A straightforward way to obtain this vertical P∆{α/β/0} = −H∆ W∆{α/β/0} (which is valid according to balancing method from the block diagram presented in Fig. 10 Figs. 10 and 11, where legs’ delta energy references were set is to replace the mapping matrix VN VNT with another mapping as zero) along with i+ c∆q = 0, leads to matrix ∼ im+ √1 W∆0 2 ∼ H∆ (s) −jγ × W∆α + jW∆β . 2 im− = e (45) 1 j √a3 a −j √ 3 v̂s ∼ a2 j √a3 im0 0 −j 3 Mm = 1 . (41) √ a a2 Since the components defining the circulating current pos- j √3 −j √3 1 itive and negative sequence can be expressed in the form ∗ Thereafter, by assuming that τm ≈ 0 and W∆{A/B/C} = 0, presented in Fig. 11, the values of coefficients k+ and k− for one can establish the expression (42). different balancing methods can be summarized as in Tab. II. Fig. 11. An alternative way of generating circulating current √ references √ achieving the energy balance in vertical direction if balancing Method 1 is considered. Multiplication constants denoted by k+ and k− equal 1/ 3 and 1/ 6, respectively. The same diagram can be reused in case the other two methods are analyzed, as will be demonstrated shortly. However, the right-hand side of the figure should be discarded on these terms. 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS TABLE II: Coefficients determining the method used to maintain the energy TABLE III: Values of coefficients determining the balancing dynamics of balance in vertical direction energy components W∆α , W∆β and W∆0 , respectively. Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Coefficient Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 1 1 1 q q k+ √ √ √ k1α 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 2q3 1 2 q3 k− √ √ 1 1 2 2 6 6 k1β 2q3 1 q3 2 2 k10 3 3 1 As can be observed, vertical balancing methods analyzed so far differ only in terms of the multiplication constants, whereas real number, whereas it is controlled to zero in case Method 3 the structure of the control block diagram illustrated on the is considered, which results in left-hand side of Fig. 11 remains legit at all times. Another important remark relates to the tuning of energy r controllers labeled with H∆ (s). For Methods 1 and 2, energy 3 H∆ i+k+ c∆d =W∆0 balancing commences for every leg individually, meaning that 2 v̂s r each leg relies on the use of its own ∆-energy controller. For 3 H∆ every leg, this controller can be tuned differently, however, i− c∆d = k− W∆α (49) 2 v̂s such a choice is not reasonable engineering-wise. Hence, r 3 H∆ H∆{A/B/C} (s) = H∆ (s) is adopted. On the other hand, i− c∆d = − k− W∆β . 2 v̂s Method 3 relies on the indirect control of legs’ ∆-energies through the actions being taken in the αβ0 domain. As Systems of equations (28) and (49) can be further con- α, β and 0 axes are decoupled (orthogonal), three separate nected, giving controllers can be used for each of the associated energy components. Even though identical gains can be used for all P∆α = −k− H∆ W∆α = −k1α H∆ W∆α three controllers, there exists a degree of freedom allowing P∆β = −k− H∆ W∆β = −k1β H∆ W∆β (50) one to select the gains of controllers Hc∆α (s), Hc∆β (s) and √ Hc∆0 (s) differently. However, such a choice would make the P∆0 = − 2k+ H∆ W∆0 = −k10 H∆ W∆0 . upcoming comparison rather difficult to follow. Thus, it is It is straightforward to see from the above system assumed for now that H∆{α/β/0} (s) = H∆ (s). Last but not that the relationship between ∆-energies and relevant least, the same tuning of controller H∆ (s) is assumed for power components can always be found in the form of all of the methods analyzed in the next section. It must be P∆{α/β/0} = −k1{α/β/0} H∆ W∆{α/β/0} . Tab. III summa- emphasized that such a choice is not mandatory. It was rather rizes the values of coefficients k1{α/β/0} depending on the made to provide the conditions for the comparison of three observed balancing method. According to (28), similar con- vertical balancing methods analyzed above. Nonetheless, for nection can be established between the αβ0 power compo- any other tuning of ∆-energy controllers (irrespective of the nents with their associated dq current pairs as P∆{α/β/0} = analyzed method) the analytic expressions derived above still k2{α/β/0} v̂s ic∆{d− /q− /d+ } . Consequently, the control block hold, allowing one to conduct a new independent analysis. diagram concerning energy components W∆{α/β/0} can be provided in a general form, as depicted in Fig. 12. Please recall C. Comparative analysis that derivation of equations, presented throughout this section, ∗ assumed that W∆ = 0. Notwithstanding, a similar analysis According to (40), (43) and (45), symmetrical components ∗ could have been conducted in case W∆ took any arbitrary obtained through the Fortescue transformation of the circulat- value, which is also indicated in Fig. 12. ing current references can be in expressed as It can be assumed that the circulating current controller ensures aperiodic response in tracking of the negative/positive H∆ (s) −jγ sequence references, resulting in i∼ m+ = e × k+ W∆0 (46) v̂s H∆ (s) −jγ ∼ 1 i∼ = e × k− (W∆α + jW∆β ), (47) Hcirc (s) = . (51) m− v̂s 1 + sτc Further, the transfer function of the block denoting filtering while (44) can be further expanded to obtain the system and measurement of the converter energies depends on the employed control infrastructure. Nevertheless, the fact that r r practical values of this parameter do not exceed 1ms in the 3 jγ ∼ 3 jγ ∼ i+ c∆d =< e im+ + ic∆q = = e im+ analyzed case allows the Taylor series expansion, yielding 2 2 r r (48) 1 − s τ2m 3 jγ ∼ 3 jγ ∼ i− c∆d =< e im− − ic∆q = −= e im− . Hmf (s) = e−sτm ≈ . (52) 2 2 1 + s τ2m According to (46) and (48), circulating current component The above assumptions do not hinder generality of the jγ ∼ i+ c∆q equals zero for Methods 1 and 2 since e im+ is always a procedure demonstrated herewith. Conversely, in case Hcirc (s) 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS Fig. 12. A√general control block diagram √ concerning vertical balancing of the MMC energies. Coefficients k1{α/β/0} can be read from Tab. III, while k20 = −2/ 3 and k2{α/β} = ∓2/ 6. The advantage of the presented diagram lies in the fact that dynamic analysis of different balancing methods retains the same analytical form, with the coefficient k1 being the only variable of interest. and Hmf (s) are found in a different form, a set of steps, similar information on the MMC SMs voltage measurements can be to the one presented below, can be taken in order to conduct approximated as τm ≈ 375µs. the comparison of different vertical balancing methods. From here, desired root locus can be constructed as in If proportional controller is used, then H∆ (s) = kp∆ lead- Fig. 13. Increasing the value of parameter kp∆ causes the poles ing to a straightforward analysis of the system from Fig. 12 denoted by σ1 and σ2 to approach each other all until a critical through the Root locus method. Following such a reasoning, point σc , after which these poles slowly start to move towards one can define transfer function G(s) as the right half-plane, is reached. It is important to notice that, ∼ before this point is reached, σ1 represents the most dominant Hcirc (s)Hmf (s) N (s) G(s) = = , (53) pole in the system, thus it determines its dynamic. In other s D(s) words, the further the pole σ1 from the imaginary axis, the whereas all the poles of the closed loop transfer function faster the system response (under the assumption of σ1 > σc ). ∗ formed by means of Fig. 12 satisfy the condition To calculate the value kp∆ at which σ1 = σ2 = σc , one can substitute the solution of D(s) + kp∆ k1{α/β/0} N (s) = 0. (54) According to Tab. III, coefficients k1{α/β/0} can take vari- D0 (s)N (s) − N 0 (s)D(s) = 0, (60) ous values depending on the observed energy component along with the adopted balancing method. For simplicity reasons, let which is actually s = σc , into one analyze the energy component W∆0 being controlled by means of Method 3, while identical procedure can be followed ∗ D(σc ) kp∆ =− . (61) to analyze other possible combinations. N (σc ) On the above terms, k10 = 1. Thus, if kp∆ → 0, zeros of the polynomial term D(s), provided in (55) to (57), become Given that (61) represents an expression being quite cum- poles of the transfer function W∆ /W∆ ∗ . bersome, its analytic form is omitted, however, for recently adopted parameters τc and τm , it can be calculated that 2 1 ∗ kp∆ ≈ 642. To investigate whether kp∆ ∗ falls within any σ1 = 0 (55) σ2 = − τ τc (57) (56) σ3 = − m realistic range, one can rely on the parameters of an ex- Similarly, if kp∆ → ∞, poles of the transfer function emplary converter provided in Tab. IV. In this case, nom- ∗ W∆ /W∆ converge towards the zero of the polynomial term inal value of the total branch energy can be calculated as N (s), which is calculated as ∗ ∗2 Wbr ≈ CSM VbrΣ /(2N ). As an example, one can adopt ∆W∆[p.u] = 10% in order to calculate that, on these terms, 2 n1 = . (58) τm At this point, the root locus can be constructed, however, 6 ·103 time constants τm and τc can stand in an arbitrary order (e.g. τm > τc and vice versa). Therefore, to facilitate the root locus 4 construction, parameters of the industrial controller, employed 2 as described in Sec. V, will be relied on. Namely, in case σ3 σ2 σc σ1 n1 Im(s) 0 bandwidth of the circulating current controller is assumed to ∼ match the cut-off frequency of the transfer function Hcirc , then −2 1 −4 τc = . (59) 2πfbw,circ −6 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 In the setup used for verification purposes, fbw,circ ≈ 1kHz Re(s) ·103 was achieved. Without entering into the structure of the employed controller, the time required for it to obtain the Fig. 13. Root locus constructed based on the function G(s) from (53). 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS √ control of energy components in αβ0 frame. Consequently, ∗ 0.1 3Wbr the gains of controllers Hc∆α (s), Hc∆β (s) and Hc∆0 (s) îc∆0 = kp∆ ≈ 210A, (62) 2v̂s can be selected differently. According to (54), the parameter determining the position of poles in the transfer function which is approximately 70% of the converter nominal AC ∗ W∆{α/β/0} /W∆{α/β/0} equals kp∆ k1{α/β/0} . Consequently, current amplitude. From the MMC hardware design stand- the dynamics guaranteed by Methods 1 and 2 can be obtained point, such a high value of the circulating current is unaccept- through the use of Method 3 in case tuning of the controllers able, as it would demand heavy converter oversizing. From according to (63) and (64) is performed. the control aspect, on the other hand, maximal values of the (method 1/2) circulating current can be limited by the saturation blocks. (method 3) (method 1/2) k10 ∗ Hc∆0 = H∆ × (method 3) (63) However, with the proportional gain values as high as kp∆ , k10 the system will always operate in the saturation, making it (method 1/2) k1{α/β} (method 3) (method 1/2) non-linear. Therefore, practical values of the gain kp∆ must Hc∆{α/β} = H∆ × (method 3) (64) be set to a significantly lower value compared to the one k1{α/β} ∗ guaranteeing the fastest aperiodic response (kp∆ kp∆ ). From Tab. III, it can be seen that the ratio between What is more, the same conclusion could be made for all coefficients k1{α/β/0} for Methods 2 and 3 equals p the balancing methods considered in this paper, as well as all p 2/3. This indicates that multiplying the gain kp∆ by 3/2, in of the energy components W∆{α/β/0} . case Method 2 is considered, leads to the same ∆-energy So far, identical tuning of the ∆-energy controller has dynamics as if Method 3 is used. Nonetheless, the same cannot been adopted for all of the analyzed methods. If so, one can be claimed for Method 1. Namely, it can be seen from the first notice that irrespective of the observed energy component and the third column of Tab. III that the ratio of coefficients W∆{α/β/0} , the distance between the dominant pole and k1{α/β/0} changes depending on the observedpaxis (α, β or imaginary axis in the s-plane increases proportionally with 0). For example, multiplying the gain kp∆ by 3/2 leads to the coefficients k1{α/β/0} (please keep in mind that kp∆ is the response guaranteed by Method 3, however, only in the fixed). According to Tab. III, these coefficients stand in the case of W∆0 component. ∆-energy response in the α and β ascending order if moving from methods labeled with 1 to axes would still remain slower compared to Method 3 given 3. This means that, for the identical values of P- controller that the ratio of products kp∆ k1{α/β} for Methods 1 and 3 gain, Method 3 is expected to provide the fastest balancing of remains equal to 1/2 on these terms. Similar analysis can be ∗ energies in vertical direction, at least if kp∆ kp∆ holds. conducted in case identical response in α/β axes is to be Notwithstanding, identical tuning of energy controllers obtained for Methods 1 and 3. However, the same dynamic for all the methods is not mandatory, as already discussed response cannot be ensured for W∆0 component. above. Namely, Method 3 implies independent (decoupled) 1...8 Front Rear (a) Front view (b) Wiring diagram (c) Rear view Fig. 14. HIL system employed to validate the results presented throughout the paper. 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3052607, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS TABLE IV: Parameters of the converter used for results verification purpose Rated Output Grid Number of SMs Nominal SM SM Branch Branch PWM carrier Fundamental power voltage voltage per branch voltage capacitance inductance resistance frequency frequency (S ∗ ) (VDC ) (vg ) (N ) (VSM ) (CSM ) (Lbr ) (Rbr ) (fc ) (fo ) 1.25MVA 5kV 3.3kV 6 1kV 3.36mF 2.5mH 60mΩ 1kHz 60Hz It must be emphasized that the aim of the above discussion controllers were tuned identically as kp{Σ/∆} = 50. Finally, is not to determine what balancing method provides the best as vertical and horizontal balancing represent two decoupled performance. On the contrary, the analytic relationships among problems, they are treated separately. the chosen methods are provided, outlining the ability, but also the inability in certain cases, to obtain the identical dynamic A. Vertical balancing responses irrespective of the employed balancing method. Fig. 15 presents waveforms relevant for comparison of three Consequently, the freedom to chose the balancing method of balancing methods in case vertical unbalance scenarios labeled preference is completely left to the control engineer dealing with 1, 2 and 3 are observed. As branch voltages are actually with this subject. Last but not least, throughout the whole the quantity being measurable, while energies represent a analysisp conducted above, αβ transformation with coefficient quantity requiring calculation, the desired comparison includes Cαβ = 2/3 was used. Nevertheless, for Methods 2 and 3, Σ- and ∆- leg voltages. Nevertheless, validity of the upcoming another choice of coefficients (e.g. 2/3 or even 1) can be made. conclusions is not affected by such a metrics. To facilitate the In that case, the same analysis can be conducted, however, with comparison, Σ- and ∆- voltage components were observed the second p and third column from p Tab. II being multiplied by through their α, β and 0 components, while subscripts 1, either 2/3 (Cαβ = 2/3) or 3/2 (Cαβ = 1). 2 and 3 relate a presented waveform with the balancing method it is associated with. In case the MMC processes V. HIL VERIFICATION any power, total branch voltages in all the phases feature As presented in Fig. 14a, the setup used for HIL verification inevitable oscillations. However, for the sake of presenting purpose comprises 7 RT-Boxes [32] provided by Plexim. 48 how the mean branch/leg energies change, depending on the SM cards, out of which 36 are used in this case, hosting the employed balancing strategy, these oscillations were filtered DSP and logical circuitry of the real MMC SM described out from the obtained waveforms. in [33] were interfaced with 6 RT-Boxes, each containing Fig. 15a provides the waveforms obtained from the em- the model of an MMC branch. Seventh RT Box (fourth ployed HIL setup in case identical unbalances are generated from the top in Fig. 14a), contains the model of a grid the in each leg. Consequently, it is evident that the only component converter is connected to, along with the auxiliary signals being affected is v∆0 . According to Tab. III and (50), when which are irrelevant for the scope of this paper. In Fig. 14c, voltage/energy component v∆0 /W∆0 is investigated, Methods two ABB PEC800 controllers can be recognized and they are 1 and 2 are supposed p to provide identical response as, in both connected in the Master/Slave structure. The main reason for cases, k10 = 2/3. The third plot from the top validates such a configuration lies in the fact that several of these HIL such a statement. However, Method 3 provides faster response systems can be connected to operate in various configurations than two latter methods, which is perfectly aligned with the (series/parallel MMCs). Therefore, each Slave controller is analyses conducted in Sec. IV-C. assigned the task of controlling its associated MMC, while An important detail that one should always keep in mind is one Master controller is to handle general (application) state that energy balancing inside the MMC represents an internal machine and references. Other parts of the system visible in matter, meaning that it should never be observed from AC Fig. 14c are in charge of the voltage/current measurements and DC terminals. As can be seen from Figs. 15a to 15c, (PECMI), distribution of optical signals (CHUB) and manip- intentional generation of ∆-energy (voltage) unbalances does ulation of relays, switches and other user defined arbitrary not affect the AC terminal currents, expressed through the signals (COMBIO). It is important to notice that identical Clarke transformation as is{α/β} . control structure is used in the real MMC prototype making all Further, expression (28) establishes the link between the of the presented results realistic. Normal operating conditions power components in the αβ0 frame and circulating current of the MMC imply that the Σ- and ∆-energies are controlled to positive/negative sequences. Accordingly, positive sequence of WΣ = 1 p.u and W∆ = 0 p.u. Testing of the energy controller circulating current, denoted by ic∆,+ , controls the voltage responses requires the MMC to be found in a state with the unbalance component being common for all three legs (v∆0 ), energies deviating from the above setpoints. However, equiv- while negative and zero components get controlled to zero, alent conclusions can be made in case relevant unbalances as can be confirmed from the last three plots in Fig. 15a. A are intentionally created. Therefore, three different unbalance very important remark refers to the absence of the circulating scenarios were defined, as will be seen shortly. The power current current component ic∆0 . Namely, as long as the sum processed by the analyzed MMC was set to the nominal value, of circulating currents equals zero, no disturbance of the DC which is, along with the other converter properties, provided link current occurs, which is the main purpose of balancing in Tab. IV. For all of the inspected balancing methods, energy methods addressed in this work. 0885-8993 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: EPFL LAUSANNE. Downloaded on January 20,2021 at 10:29:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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