On the map with Aircraft Leasing

Page created by Anna Lloyd
On the map with Aircraft Leasing

   On the map
   with Aircraft

As we move into 2018, we             1 Why choose Ireland?                             Ireland is one of the few EU countries where
explore four aircraft leasing        Ireland at a glance
                                                                                       the Cape Town Convention, the international
                                                                                       treaty governing moveable property, is
regimes worldwide to                                                                   part of national law. In addition to the
                                     The aircraft leasing industry in Ireland
assist your decision making          traces its roots back to the establishment of     Conventions registry of aircraft equipment
process for new leasing              Guinness Peat Aviation in Ireland in 1975,        being located in Ireland, the Irish High
                                     and with it the birth of the aircraft leasing     Court is also appointed as the international
opportunities.                       industry. Over the following 40 years Ireland     centre for aircraft leasing disputes under the
                                     established itself as the primary global hub      Convention. Aircraft registration with the
While Ireland will continue as       for aircraft leasing. Here, we examine the key    Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) also remains
the global centre of aircraft        factors that make Ireland such an attractive      one of the most desirable registrations
leasing, other centres will offer    location.                                         globally.
opportunities and benefits for       Government policy, reinforced by successive       Irish fiscal policy has focused on maintaining
different classes of investors and   Irish governments, provides key support to        and advancing Ireland’s competitive regime
                                     the industry in Ireland. Irish governments        for aircraft finance and leasing. There are a
different markets.
                                     have continued to encourage investment in         number of key tenets to the Irish tax regime
We envisage that lessors and         the industry locally by introducing measures      which support this including;
investors will continue to adopt     which ensure Ireland remains a favourable         • 12.5% corporate tax rate on lease rental
a multijurisdictional strategy       location for aircraft finance and leasing. This     income, and gains on aircraft, where an
to doing cross border leasing.       speaks to the importance of the industry in         aircraft lessor is regarded as carrying on
At the same time, international      Ireland and the appetite at a government            trading activity;
tax developments place more          level to both retain existing companies within
                                                                                       • Accelerated tax depreciation over eight
emphasis on aligning profits and     Ireland, and attract new entrants in the
                                                                                         years, with the claw back limited to where
substance. Lessors need to think     market to establish operations.
                                                                                         sales proceeds exceed tax basis;
about how they allocate business     From a practical perspective, Ireland’s
                                                                                       • An extensive double tax treaty network
functions and human resources        business environment, and central time
                                                                                         of over 73 treaties, which minimise or
across their platforms to the        zone, provides an ideal setting for a global
                                                                                         eliminate withholding and income taxes on
                                     industry such as aircraft leasing. Ireland has
best effect.                                                                             inbound lease rental payments;
                                     a well-developed, English language, legal
                                     and regulatory regime, based on a common          • No withholding tax on lease rental
                                     law system. This is supported by a nexus            payments, and broad domestic law
                                     of professional advisors available locally,         exemptions from withholding tax on
                                     including tax advisors, lawyers, accountants,       interest and dividends paid from Ireland
                                     service providers, technical and marketing          to countries with whom Ireland has a tax
                                     professionals, etc, with expertise developed        treaty in place;
                                     over 40 years dealing with aircraft leasing       • 0% VAT regime for aircraft leasing with full
                                     and finance.                                        recovery on aircraft leasing activities;and
On the map with Aircraft Leasing

• Exemption from stamp duty on aircraft           Taxable profits normally consist of net               Rates - Universal Social Charge:
  and certain aircraft related transactions.      business profits as disclosed in the financial        The Universal Social Charge (USC) is charged
In addition to the above, there are generally     accounts and adjusted to account for                  at the following rates and income thresholds.
no transfer taxes on the sale of aircraft         deductions not allowed or restricted by tax
in Ireland and currently no onerous thin          legislation.                                                     Income                    Rate
capitalisation, CFC or exit tax rules.            Directors’ fees: Directors’ fees paid by
                                                  companies incorporated in Ireland are
Securitisation                                                                                            Exceeding       exceeding
                                                  taxable in Ireland, regardless of the tax
Ireland is internationally recognised as a                                                                   EUR             EUR               %
                                                  residence of the director or the place where
location of choice for securitisation vehicles.                                                                0           12,012            0.5     (a)
                                                  duties are performed. Directors’ fees paid
The holding and leasing of aircraft is
                                                  by non-Irish companies to Irish residents are            12,012          19,372              2
permitted through the Irish securitisation tax
                                                  taxable in Ireland. Non-domiciled individuals
regime. The regime provides a tax neutral                                                                  19,372          70,044          4.75
                                                  do not pay tax on directors’ fees received
solution to facilitate the securitisation of                                                               70,044              -               8     (b)
                                                  from foreign companies if all of the duties
aviation assets for investment by non-
                                                  are performed outside Ireland unless that               100,000              -              11     (b)
Irish resident investors in a capital market
                                                  income is remitted to Ireland.
transaction. Irish securitisation vehicles can                                                          (a) This income is exempt if income does not exceed
also generally access Ireland’s double tax        Taxation of employer-provided stock                       EUR13,000.
treaty network.                                   options: In general, employer-provided share          (b) The 11% rate applies to “relevant income,”
                                                  options are subject to income tax, Universal              excluding employment income that exceeds
                                                                                                            EUR100,000. Consequently, the 8% rate applies to
Islamic finance regime                            Social Charge (USC) and employee PRSI at                  employment income exceeding EUR100,000.
Islamic finance is an increasingly popular        the date of exercise on the market value of
source of funding for many companies and          the shares at the date of exercise, less the          The USC applies to all income, including
specific legislation has been put in place to     sum of the option and exercise prices by              non-cash benefits-in-kind and equity
encourage Islamic investment into Ireland.        reference to the number of work days spent            compensation under an unapproved scheme,
The Irish tax rules aim to treat certain          in Ireland during the vesting period.                 subject to certain exceptions. It applies
Islamic finance transactions on the same          Restricted stock units (RSUs) are generally           to all income before relief for pension
basis as non-Islamic transactions.                taxed at the date of vesting.                         contributions and deductions for capital
Regulated alternative investment funds            Key Employee Engagement Programme                     allowances.
Ireland is also a leading global jurisdiction     (KEEP): A share-based remuneration                    Rates – Social Insurance (PRSI): 4% on
for investment management activities              incentive is being introduced to facilitate           gross income
offering regulated alternative investment         the use of share-based remuneration by                The Special Assignee Relief Programme
structures that are suitable for holding          unquoted SME companies to attract key                 (SARP). SARP is available to employees
investments in leasing assets. Regulated          employees. Gains arising to employees on              who are assigned to Ireland by a relevant
alternative investment funds are targeted at      the exercise of KEEP share options will be            employer. For this purpose, a relevant
sophisticated and institutional investors, who    liable to CGT on disposal of the shares, in           employer is a company incorporated and
meet minimum subscription and financial           place of the current liability to income tax,         resident in a country with which Ireland
resource requirements. They are essentially       USC and PRSI on exercise. This incentive              has entered into a double tax treaty or an
exempt from Irish tax and there are no Irish      will be available for qualifying share options        information exchange agreement, or an
taxes on investment returns to non-resident       granted between 1 January 2018 and 31                 associated company of such a company. It
investors.                                        December 2023.                                        applies to assignments commencing up to
                                                  Rates – Income Tax:                                   the end of 2020.
Personal tax in Ireland
                                                  The following table presents the 2018                 Under SARP, an exemption from income tax
Employment income: Most payments made
                                                  income tax rates. Nonresidents are taxed at           on 30% of employment income in excess of
by an employer, including salary, bonuses,
                                                  the same rates as residents.                          EUR75,000 is granted for up to five years.
benefits in kind, certain equity income and
expense allowances, are subject to income                                                               In addition, the cost of one return trip to
                                                               Taxable income
tax.                                                                             Tax on Rate            certain home locations per year for the
                                                                         Not     lower   on             employee and his or her spouse and children
Employers’ PRSI at a rate of 10.85%                         Exceeding exceeding amount excess           can be provided tax-free. Also, the employer
also applies to any benefits provided to
                                                               EUR       EUR      EUR    %              can pay or reimburse tax-free education
                                                                                                        costs of up to EUR5,000 per year per child.
In general, nonresidents are subject                                 0     35,550          0    20
                                                  Single                                                Under a certification procedure for the
to income tax on employment income,                           34,550         -        6,910     40      relief, the employer must certify within 30
regardless of their domicile, if their duties                                                           days of arrival that the employee meets the
are carried on, and if their salary is paid, in                      0   43,550*           0    20      conditions.
Ireland.                                          Married
                                                             43,550*         -        8,710     40
Self-employment and business income:
Individuals resident in Ireland are subject       * This income bracket applies to a married couple
to tax on income from trades and                    with one spouse earning. If both spouses have
                                                    income, the 20% income bracket is increased by €1
professions carried on in Ireland and abroad.
                                                    for every €1 received by the other spouse, up to
Nonresidents are taxed on income from               a maximum income bracket of €69,100 with the
trades and professions carried on in Ireland        balance taxed at 40%.

2 Why choose Singapore?                         through a partnership in Singapore. Foreign-          3 Why choose Hong Kong?
                                                source income received in Singapore by a
Singapore has become a global                   non-resident individual is specifically exempt        In order to attract aircraft leasing
transportation and international                from tax.                                             and aircraft leasing management
maritime centre, assisted by                    Individuals are resident for tax purposes             businesses to Hong Kong, the
an attractive overall business                  if they are physically present or exercising          authorities introduced a new
environment, extensive tax treaties             employment (other than as a director of a             dedicated tax regime offering
                                                company) in Singapore for at least 183 days
with more than 80 jurisdictions, as                                                                   incentives to qualifying aircraft
                                                during the year preceding the assessment
well as targeted tax incentives such                                                                  lessors (QALs) and qualifying aircraft
as the Aircraft Leasing Scheme                                                                        leasing managers (QALMs) in Hong
                                                Non-resident individuals employed for
(ALS).                                                                                                Kong.
                                                not more than 60 days in a calendar year
Aircraft Leasing Scheme (ALS)                   in Singapore are exempt from tax on                   The concessionary tax treatment applies
Under the ALS, approved aircraft lessors and    their employment income derived from                  retroactively to amounts paid, received or
aircraft investment managers can enjoy the      Singapore. This exemption does not apply to           accrued on or after 1 April 2017.
following tax benefits:                         a director of a company, or a professional in
                                                                                                      Concessionary tax regime for QAL and
• Approved aircraft lessors enjoy a                                                                   QALM in Hong Kong
  concessionary tax rate of 8% on income        Frequent business travellers (foreign                 Subject to certain anti-avoidance provisions,
  derived from the leasing of aircraft or       employees based outside Singapore but                 corporations that meet the specified
  aircraft engines and qualifying ancillary     who travel into Singapore for business                conditions may make an irrevocable election
  activities.                                   purposes) may have a tax liability arising            in writing to avail of the concessionary tax
                                                from their presence in Singapore, depending           regime. Under the concessionary regime:
• Approved aircraft managers enjoy a
                                                on their total number of employment days in
  concessionary tax rate of 10% on income                                                             • Qualifying profits of QALs and QALMs will
  derived from managing the approved                                                                    be taxed at the 8.25% concessionary tax
  aircraft lessor and qualifying activities.    Under the Not Ordinarily Resident (NOR)                 rate, i.e., 50% of the current 16.5% profits
                                                scheme, a qualifying individual may enjoy tax           tax rate.
• Automatic withholding tax exemption on
                                                concessions for five consecutive assessment
  interest and qualifying related payments                                                            • In lieu of tax depreciation allowances,
                                                years, including time apportionment of
  on loans obtained for the purchase of                                                                 the deemed taxable income derived
                                                Singapore employment income, if certain
  aircraft or aircraft engines.                                                                         from the leasing of aircraft to an aircraft
                                                conditions are satisfied.
ALS is approved on a case-by-case basis                                                                 operator by a QAL will be equal to 20% of
                                                Taxable employment income includes cash                 the lessor’s tax base consisting of gross
by the Economic Development Board of
                                                remuneration, wages, salary, leave pay,                 rentals less deductible expenses other
Singapore. To qualify for the ALS, companies
                                                directors’ fees, commissions, bonuses,                  than tax depreciation allowances, i.e. an
will be assessed on quantitative and
                                                gratuities, perquisites, gains received from            effective corporate tax rate of 1.65%.
qualitative aspects of the aircraft leasing
                                                employee share plans and allowances
operations such as establishing substantive                                                           • An aircraft owned by a QAL and used for
                                                received as compensation for services.
activities and performing strategic functions                                                           carrying out qualifying aircraft leasing
                                                Benefits-in-kind derived from employment,
in Singapore, headcount, total business                                                                 activities for a continuous period of not
                                                such as home-leave passage, employer-
expenditure, etc.                                                                                       less than 3 years is to be treated as a
                                                provided housing, employer-provided
To continue to encourage the growth of the      automobiles and children’s school fees, are             capital asset. The disposal of a capital
aircraft leasing sector in Singapore, the ALS   also taxable.                                           asset is not subject to Hong Kong profits
was extended for another 5 years until 31                                                               tax.
                                                A person who is a tax resident in Singapore
December 2022.                                                                                        • Finance leases or hire purchase
                                                is taxed on assessable income, less personal
                                                deductions at graduated rates ranging from              arrangements are ineligible for the
Other notable features:
                                                0% to 22% (tax rates applicable with effect             concessionary tax treatment.
The corporate income tax rate in Singapore
is 17%. Singapore has no thin capitalisation    from the year 2016).                                  A QAL or QALM must meet “substantial
rules and no CFC rules. Tax depreciation        The rates of tax applied to the income of             activity requirement” by carrying out the
of an aircraft can be made over 3 to 20         non-resident individuals are as follows:              profit producing activities by themselves
years and there is no stamp duty on aircraft                                                          in Hong Kong or arrange to carry out
                                                • Income from employment (other than                  such activities in Hong Kong as one of the
leasing transactions.                             directors’ fees) – greater of 15% or tax            specified conditions of the concessionary
Singapore has signed double taxation              payable as a resident.                              tax regime. Recent guidance explains that
agreements with more than 80 jurisdictions.       Note: Employment income of non-resident
                                                                                                      the core income generating activities which
                                                  individual employed in Singapore for no more than
Personal Tax                                                                                          produce the qualifying profits of a QAL or
                                                  60 days in a calendar year is exempt from tax.
A person is subject to tax on employment                                                              QALM include: raising funds; agreeing on
income for services performed in Singapore,     • Income from directors’ fees is taxed at             funding terms; identifying and acquiring
regardless of whether the remuneration            22%.                                                aircraft to be leased; soliciting lessees;
is paid in or outside Singapore. Resident                                                             setting the terms and duration of leases;
individuals who derive income from sources                                                            monitoring and revising lease agreements;
outside Singapore are not subject to tax on                                                           managing any risks and maintaining
such income. This exemption does not apply                                                            documentation.
if the foreign-sourced income is received

For lessors that are established as a special    territorial basis of taxation; therefore, the     Rates: Three separate income taxes are
purpose vehicle (SPV) to hold an aircraft,       concept of tax residency has no significance      levied in Hong Kong instead of a single
guidance states that it may be necessary         in determining tax liability, except in limited   unified income tax. The following rates are
to consider whether the SPV has sufficient       circumstances.                                    the applicable rates for the three taxes for
nexus with the active conduct of aircraft        Employment income: Taxable income                 the period from 1 April 2017 through 31
leasing activity in Hong Kong, including the     consists of all cash emoluments, including        March 2018:
engagement of an aircraft leasing manager        bonuses and gratuities. Benefits in kind          • Profits tax: levied on non-corporate
carrying on business in Hong Kong, to be         are largely non-taxable, unless they are            professional, trade or business income at a
treated as a QAL.                                convertible into cash or specifically relate to     flat rate of 15%
Taxpayers are required to submit a realistic     holiday travel or the education of a child. The   • Property tax: levied at a flat rate of 15% on
business plan for carrying out their aircraft    provision of accommodation by an employer           rental income, after a standard deduction
leasing activities in Hong Kong in the year of   creates a taxable benefit equal to an amount        of 20%
commencement for the assessment of the           ranging from 4% to 10% of the employee’s
                                                                                                   • Salaries tax: levied on net chargeable
“substantial activity requirement.” Taxpayers    other taxable income, depending on the type
                                                                                                     income (assessable income less personal
who wish to have certainty regarding their       of accommodation.
                                                                                                     deductions and allowances) at progressive
eligibility for the concessionary tax regime     An employee is subject to salaries tax if his       rates ranging from 2% to 17%, or at a flat
may apply for an advance ruling.                 or her employment income is sourced in              rate (maximum rate) of 15% on assessable
There are safe-harbour rules under which         Hong Kong, even if he or she is not ordinarily      income less personal deductions,
a corporation not dedicated solely to            resident in the territory. However, except          whichever calculation produces the lower
carrying out the qualifying aircraft leasing     for directors’ fees, a specific statutory           tax liability
management activities would still qualify as     exemption applies if an employee renders all
                                                                                                   The following are the progressive rates for
a QALM.                                          his or her services outside Hong Kong or if
                                                                                                   salaries tax for the period from 1 April 2017
                                                 an employee renders services in Hong Kong
Onshore aircraft leasing                                                                           through 31 March 2018.
                                                 during visits to Hong Kong not exceeding
QALs that lease their aircraft to a Hong
                                                 a total of 60 days in a year of assessment.       Taxable           Tax      Tax       Cumulative
Kong aircraft operator (i.e., onshore aircraft
                                                 Conversely, if a non-resident engaged in non-     income            rate     due        tax due
leasing) can remain under the normal tax
                                                 Hong Kong employment renders services in          HKD                %       HKD          HKD
regime without making the concessionary
                                                 Hong Kong during visits totalling more than
tax regime election. Under the normal                                                              First 45,000       2        900            900
                                                 60 days in a year of assessment, he or she is
regime, QALs will generally be entitled to tax
                                                 taxed on a pro rata basis.                        Next 45,000        7      3,150          4,050
depreciation allowances for the aircraft and
be taxed at the 16.5% standard tax rate.         Directors’ fees: Directors’ fees derived from     Next 45,000        12     5,400          9,450
                                                 a company that has its central management         Remaining          17            -             -
Features of general tax regime                   and control in Hong Kong are subject to
• Hong Kong does not impose withholding          salaries tax in Hong Kong. Otherwise,
  tax on dividends paid to domestic              directors’ fees are not taxable.                  Hong Kong does not impose any social
  or foreign shareholders. In addition,                                                            security taxes. Employers and employees
                                                 Taxation of employer-provided stock               are each required to contribute the lower of
  dividends received from foreign                options: Employer-provided stock options
  companies are not taxable in Hong Kong.                                                          5% of the employees’ salaries or HKD 1,500
                                                 are generally taxable at the time of exercise.    per month to approved mandatory provident
• Hong Kong does not impose VAT or sales         However, for an individual who has non-           fund schemes unless the employees are
  tax.                                           Hong Kong employment and is taxed on a            covered by other recognized occupation
• Generally, income derived from or arising      pro rata basis by reference to the number         retirement schemes.
  outside Hong Kong is exempt from tax           of days of his or her services in Hong Kong
  under the territorial taxation system.         only, part or all of the option gain may be
                                                 excluded from taxable income. The amount
• Hong Kong has signed comprehensive
                                                 excluded depends on various factors
  avoidance of double taxation agreements
                                                 including whether the option is granted
  with 38 jurisdictions.
                                                 conditionally or unconditionally, and, if
Islamic Finance                                  granted conditionally, the number of days on
A special legislative framework provides         which the individual performed Hong Kong
comparable tax treatment in terms of stamp       services during the vesting period.
duty, profits tax and property tax for some      Taxation of employment-related share
common types of Islamic bonds (sukuk),           awards: Employment related share awards
vis-à-vis conventional bonds. However, no        are generally considered to be perquisites
special tax incentives are conferred on          from employment and taxed as part of the
Islamic bonds.                                   remuneration. In general, they become
Personal Taxation                                taxable when an employee is entitled to the
                                                 full economic benefit of the shares awarded.
Individuals earning income that arises in
                                                 If the employee has a non-Hong Kong
or is derived from a Hong Kong office or
                                                 employment, proration of the income by
Hong Kong employment, or from services
                                                 reference to the number of days of his or her
rendered in Hong Kong during visits of more
                                                 services in Hong Kong that is similar to the
than 60 days in any tax year, are subject
                                                 proration applicable to stock option benefits
to salaries tax. Hong Kong observes a
                                                 may also be allowed.

                                                 2. Value Added Tax (VAT)                         • Rates: Income is not accumulated for
4 Why choose the China                           • Leasing of tangible assets (including            purposes of calculating monthly tax
                                                   operating lease and finance lease) within        liabilities. Income tax for individuals is
Free Trade Zone?                                   China should be subject to VAT at 17%.           computed on a monthly basis by applying
                                                                                                    the following progressive tax rates to
Aircraft leasing companies generally             • Sale and lease back arrangements are
                                                   regarded as loan arrangements from a             employment income.
consider certain Free Trade Zones
(FTZs) as the choice of location                   VAT perspective and subject to 6% VAT.
                                                                                                  Taxable           Tax     Tax       Cumulative
for setting up SPVs for their cross-             3. Local Surcharges                              income            rate    due        tax due
border leasing transactions in China.            The enterprises shall be liable for local        CNY                %      CNY          CNY
                                                 surcharges, which are calculated based on        First 1,500        3         45            45
Currently, Tianjin Dongjiang Free Trade Port
                                                 the total amounts of VAT and Consumption
Zone is the most attractive and mature FTZ                                                        Next 3,000        10        300           345
                                                 Tax paid by the taxpayer.
for major aircraft leasing companies and has
                                                                                                  Next 4,500        20        900         1,245
the largest number of established aircraft       4. Stamp Duty
leasing companies.                                                                                Next 26,000       25      6,500         7,745
                                                 • Operating lease agreements are subject to
The FTZs provide a series of incentives            stamp duty at 0.1% of the rental income.       Next 20,000       30      6,000        13,745
by way of fiscal subsidies to the aircraft       • The applicable stamp duty rate for finance     Next 25,000       35      8,750        22,495
leasing companies invested in the FTZs.            lease agreements is 0.005% since they are      Above 80,000      45            -               -
The fiscal subsidies are sourced from the          categorized as loan agreements.
locally retained fiscal revenues. The specific                                                    6. FTZs’ incentives
fiscal subsidies to be granted to each leasing   5. Individual Income Tax (IIT)
                                                                                                  The specific fiscal subsidies to be granted to
company will be subject to case-by-case          • Employment income: The types of taxable
                                                                                                  each leasing company will be subject to case-
negotiation.                                       compensation under the China IIT law
                                                                                                  by-case negotiation. The fiscal subsidies
                                                   include, but are not limited to, wages
We list below the key tax implications                                                            are sourced from the locally retained fiscal
                                                   and salaries, foreign service or hardship
which are applicable for the aircraft leasing                                                     revenues:
                                                   allowances, cost of living and automobile
companies and the possible forms of                                                               • CIT / WHT, 40% retained locally
                                                   allowances, tax reimbursements, bonuses
incentives offered by the FTZs to the aircraft
                                                   and equity compensation. The form of the       • VAT / withholding VAT, 50% retained
leasing companies invested in the FTZs.
                                                   individual income may be cash, physical          locally
1. Corporate Income Tax (CIT) /                    objects, securities and economic interests     • Stamp Duty, 100% retained locally
Withholding Tax (WHT)                              in any other form.
                                                                                                  • Local Surcharges, 100% retained locally
• For both operating leases and finance          • Directors’ fees: Directors’ fees are
  leases, the enterprises are in general                                                          • Individual Income Tax, 40% retained locally
                                                   considered income from independent
  subject to a standard CIT rate of 25%. Tax       personal services and are taxed as income      • Cost reimbursement, e.g. cash
  losses can be carried forward for up to five     derived from labor services. However,            reimbursement based on registered
  years.                                           directors’ fees paid to a company director       capital, cash reimbursement on the certain
• A foreign enterprise without an                  are taxed as “wages and salaries” if he or       percentage of office rental expenses in the
  establishment in China is subject to WHT         she is an employee of that company or a          stipulated period, cash reimbursement on
  generally at 10%. The WHT rate can be            related company. If the director is not also     pre-operating expenses, etc. ■
  reduced by the relevant articles in the          an employee of the company, his or her
  double tax treaties. China has signed            directors’ fees may be taxed under the
  double tax treaties with 106 jurisdictions.      “labor service” category.
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