On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine

Page created by Tracy Walton
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine
FALL 2020 • FREE
  On the front lines
  Edmonton charities grapple with the
  impact of COVID-19 on their
  organizations and clients
                                     PG. 12


Two peas in               Around                       Eerie
a pie                     the Core                     Edmonton
Die Pie and Pêche Café    A mix of virtual and         Explore some of the
adapt to survive during   physically-distanced         core’s spookiest spots
COVID-19                  events happening this fall
                                                                      PG. 16
                PG. 7                       PG. 8
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine
  Edmonton Downtown                                                                                                                                                             INSIDE
    Farmers Market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FA L L 2 0 2 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Simon Yackulic

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MANAGING E DITOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Alexandria Daum

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ART DIRECTOR

                                                                                     Free           Alberta Grown---
                                                                                                                                                                                             photo: Uryelle Dimailiq             Jeremy Pudlowski

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               EDITORIAL INTERN

                                                                                                         Organic                                                                                                                Benjamin Hollihan
                                                                                                     Alberta Raised    FRONTYARDS                                                                                                 CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                                     Alberta Honey     4 Messages from the Oliver Community League and Downtown Edmonton Community League                 Justin Bell, Sydnee Bryant, Nathan
A bright, spacious heritage building     On the first floor you will find a wide                                       5 News Refashioning Jasper Ave                                                                     Fung, Benjamin Hollihan, Danielle
                                                                                     ALL WEEKEND!    Alberta Cheese                                                                                                              Paradis, Josh Pruden
which was once home to the much-         assortment of locally grown                                 BC Fresh Fruit    6 News Waiting for the LRT
loved Army and Navy Department           vegetables, farm raised beef,                                                 7 Shop the core The owners of Die Pie and Pêche Café adapt to survive a pandemic                     MARKETING & EVENTS
                                         pork, chicken, lamb, eggs, cheese,
                                                                                                     Alberta Made –                                                                                                             Shyra Craig
Store, now is home to another                                                                                          8 Events around the core
treasure-The Edmonton Downtown            ethnic food vendors, organic meat                               Value                                                                                                                   ZESTFUL GENIUS

Farmers Market. With over one            and eggs, Beef Jerky, BC fresh fruit,                        Added Foods                                                                                                               WEB DIRECTOR &
hundred years of serving Farmers’        Kombucha, distilleries, wine and                             Seafood/Fish                                                                                                               SOCIAL MEDIA
Market customers, this Market            brewery products, mouth- watering                            Local Artists                                                                                                              Roberto Villanueva
continues to grow, change with the       bakery products, jewellery artisans,                        Indigenous Art
                                         leather crafts, artists and so much                                                                                                                                                 GOVE RNANCE BOARD
times and provide a memorable                                                                          Local Wine,
shopping experience. Ride the            more. Totally unique to the EDFM is                                                                                                                                                            CHAIR
                                                                                                        Breweries                                                                                                                    Lisa Brown
vintage manned and gated elevator        a Fish Monger Store with a wide
                                         variety of seafood and fish including                         and Spirits                                                                                                                   TREASURER
to the second floor to enjoy food
and beverages (coffee, milkshakes,       fresh fish weekly from Iceland once                           Kombucha                                                                                                                       Josh Idoko

smoothies, speciality teas, etc.) plus   the airways are open again to                                 Handmade                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY LEAGUE

visit the vendors with great food,       bring in this product. ATM machines                           Household                                                                                                                 REPRESENTATIVES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Allison Roland (OCL), Luwam
beautiful crafts, jewellery and          are on site for your added                                       Goods                                                                                                           Kiflemariam (OCL), Jade Arnaout
                                         convenience.                                                                                                                                                                        (OCL), Chris Buyze (DECL),
clothing, nuts, chocolates and                                                                         Handmade                                                                                                           Michelle Ferguson (DECL), Anixa
pretzels to name a few. Sit and          We have so many special vendors                                 Clothing                                                                                                                   Patel (DECL)
enjoy a beverage – an ice cream          waiting to greet you with excellent
                                         service in a safe environment. Come
                                                                                                        & Jewelry                                                                                                                   CONTACT US
sundae, smoothie, meat pie, fresh                                                                                      FEATURES                                                                                                 The Yards Magazine
cinnamon bun - whatever you wish –       and visit us Saturdays from 8:30-                                                                                                                                                     1011, 10301 104 St. NW
                                                                                                                       12 On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19                            Edmonton, AB T5J 1B9
in the upstairs seating area, or head    3:00 and Sundays from 10:30-3:00.
                                         Year round. The IMPARK parking                                                16 Eerie Edmonton Visit some of the core’s spookiest spots
outside to enjoy the sunshine,                                                                                                                                                                                               ADVE RTISING SALES
                                         lot behind the building is another                                                                                                                                                   sales@theyardsyeg.ca
where you’ll find more local food
                                         special bonus the EDFM offers our
and crafts, as well as a couple of                                                                                                                                                                                                 PUBLISHED BY
                                         customers, it’s free of charge all                                                                                                                                               THE CENTRAL EDMONTON
food trucks and more seating area.
                                         weekend long!                                                                                                                                                                         NEWS SOCIETY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I N PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H

                                                    Edmonton Downtown Farmers Market
                                             yegdtmarket.com | 10305 97st Edmonton Alberta
                                             FREE PARKING IN IMPARK LOTS BEHIND BUILDING
                                                                                                                       20 The List Explore the core
                                                                                                                       22 CoreSamples Gingerbread treasure

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       THE YARDS | FALL 2020                   3
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine

                                                                                                                                        Refashioning Jasper Ave
                                                                                                                                        A greener, pedestrian-friendly
                                                                                                                                        main street takes shape
                                                                                                             Chris Buyze
      Robyn Paches                                                                                           President, Downtown        BY: Justin Bell
      President, Oliver                                                                                      Edmonton Community
      Community League (OCL)                                                                                 League (DECL)
                                                                                                                                        The west end of Jasper Avenue is
                                                                                                                                        getting a new look, with a major
                                                                                                                                        overhaul planned over the next three
OCL PRESIDENT COLUMN                        changed, and are changing, rapidly.           was named after someone who did such          years, resulting in what the community
                                                                                                                                                                                           Jasper Avenue

                                            We are not the society we were when           terrible things.”                             hopes is a vibrant design that is                  photo: Mack Male
NAMES—A UNIFYING TOOL                       the majority of these people were                Names are an important tool that have      friendly and functional for all users.
Names hold weight. Everyone has one—        chosen to be honoured. We stand in            not been used well for decades. Instead          The Imagine Jasper Avenue project
they’re simple and something we can         stark opposition to racism, the use of        of letting them stagnate and allowing         is focusing on revitalizing the Oliver        League has been working closely            want it to extend over a decade. If that
all understand. They define both how        propaganda to vilify an entire people,        their stories to fade away, why don’t we      segment of Jasper Avenue, from 109            with the city to ensure the west           happens, phase one infrastructure
the world sees us, and how we want the      and giving preference to people               use them to unify and teach?                  Street to 114 Street, with remaining          side of Jasper Avenue is more than         could be years older than the new
world to see us.                            because of their physical or mental              This is the core of our proposal.          phases up to 124 Street to follow.            just a transportation corridor into        stuff being put in. The whole point is to
   We identify our place in this world by   ability. Frank Oliver was guilty of each of   Names have proven a terrible teacher             The goal will be on commuter- and          downtown.                                  create a consistent look and feel,” he
name. Canadian, Albertan, Edmontonian,      these things.                                 of history. We want to use them to            pedestrian-friendly design. Upgrades             The project has the support             said. The east end of Jasper Avenue,
or a resident of Oliver—it’s usually one       After hearing from residents,              bring people together by allowing             to the street will include seating, bus       of councillors including Ward 6            in Downtown, is also being revitalized,
of the first topics to come up when you     the Oliver Community League is in             communities to re-evaluate and                shelters and soil cells for new trees.        Councillor Scott McKeen, whose             from 92 Street to 109 Street, as part of
meet someone.                               opposition to honouring Frank Oliver          celebrate their names each generation.        Jasper Avenue will also be made               ward encompasses both the                  the Jasper Avenue New Vision project,
   Now, imagine that every time you         with our community name. We want                 Learning from Indigenous governance        narrower, lowering crossing distances         Downtown and Oliver communities.           with an anticipated completion in 2022.
used one of these names you were            to create a new identity—one that is          principles of renewal, let’s transform the    across the street, as well as across side        “Jasper Avenue is Edmonton’s
naming someone responsible for              unifying instead of divisive. We want an      way we think about names, and unify           streets.                                      main street—it is not just a commuter
the systematic demonization and             all-encompassing co-creation process to       our community around something we                                                           route into the downtown,” said
displacement of your ancestors, such as     find a new name that we all love.             can all relate to—our name.                                                                 McKeen. “To my mind, it needs to
Frank Oliver.                                  The most frequent comment we’ve                                                          “There has been a lot of                      reflect main-street grandeur. The
   We—as humans, as a society—have          received has been, “I had no idea Oliver                             BY: Robyn Paches        work to make sure the                        project will narrow the street, widen
                                                                                                                                                                                      the sidewalks, upgrade the street
                                                                                                                                        design is the main street                     lights and furniture and bring a
DECL PRESIDENT COLUMN                                                                                                                      for a community.”                          healthy tree canopy to support it as
                                                                                                                                                                                      a strolling boulevard.
SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY                    are doing their part to plant flowers, pull   producers, and artists to boot!               - Derek Macdonald, co-chair of                   “Oliver is Edmonton’s most
As Downtown weathers the challenges         weeds, and clean sidewalks regularly.            We do not know what fall and winter                                                      population-dense and least car-
                                                                                                                                         the Oliver Community League
of the COVID-19 pandemic and its               In July, we helped initiate a new          will bring, but we will continue to look at                                                 oriented neighbourhood. It deserves
effects on our lives, local businesses,     programming effort on 104 Street with         ways to support local businesses while
                                                                                                                                               Civics Committee                       a great walking, dining, shopping
and the city’s economy, our community       the help of local stakeholders, the DBA,      keeping everyone safe and healthy. A                                                        street running through its midst.”
league has committed to being involved      Wild Heart Collective, and our partners       proper winter city strategy for this year        “There has been a lot of work to make         Phase One of the Imagine Jasper
in supporting local businesses and          at the City of Edmonton. With a lot of        could be more important than ever.            sure the design is the main street for        Avenue project is expected to
gestures to brighten the lives of our       hard work, Al Fresco on 4th (alfresco4th.        Downtown is full of creative people        a community,” said Derek Macdonald,           wrap up in 2022, with an approved
residents through strategic volunteer       ca) was launched on Saturday, July 18.        and organizations that can work               co-chair of the Oliver Community              project budget of $26 million. The
and programming efforts.                    This outdoor market runs every Saturday       together to help us through what              League Civics Committee. “[Imagine            rest of Imagine Jasper Avenue,
   This spring, in the later stages of      this summer until September 19, from 11       might be a lonely, cold time for many         Jasper Avenue] does a really good job         out to 124 Street, will entail two
lockdown, our community league              to 4 p.m.                                     exacerbated by the pandemic. We               of the prioritization of pedestrian safety,   more phases, with budgets to be
in conjunction with the Downtown               It is a small but mighty outdoor           look forward to doing our part as a           making sure crosswalks don’t feel as          examined by City Council in the
                                                                                                                                        scary as they do now.”                        future.
Business Association (DBA) organized        market—one block (104 Street, north of        league to support programming efforts
                                                                                                                                           The intersection at 110 Street will also      Macdonald said the Oliver
well-attended annual clean-up days with     Jasper Avenue) is closed each week for        year-round. If you have fall and winter
                                                                                                                                        get an upgrade, with a high-visibility        Community League will be
the help of many area businesses and        extended sidewalk patios from many of         survival or programming ideas, email us
                                                                                                                                        bike lane to improve safety and a             advocating to include those next
residents. These efforts were needed in     the street’s restaurants and bars, as well    at info@decl.org.
                                                                                                                                        traffic signal with a dedicated phase for     phases relatively quickly.
part due to city budget constraints, but    as live music in Michael Phair Park. What        
                                                                                                                                        cyclists.                                        “I think it’s important to accelerate
also stemmed from a general desire to       a great treat it is to spend some time                                  BY: Chris Buyze
                                                                                                                                           The project has been in development        this process to do all of these
show pride in our neighbourhood. Many       outdoors and support local businesses,
                                                                                                                                        since 2015, and the Oliver Community          phases in a timely manner. We don’t

  4               THE YARDS | FALL 2020                                                                                                                                                                                          THE YARDS | FALL 2020                5
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine
FRONTYARDS | DECL NEWS                                                                                              FRONTYARDS | SHOP THE CORE

Waiting for the LRT
Downtown LRT construction
                                               a consequence of what it looks like and                               Two peas in a pie
                                               the amount of street area and stuff that
continues to cause frustration                 is closed off.”                                                       The owners of Die Pie and Pêche
for area businesses and residents                 “Overall, everyone supports the LRT.”                              Café adapt to survive a pandemic
BY: Nathan Fung                                he added. “It’s just can we do it a little
                                               bit better moving forward.”                                           BY: Sydnee Bryant

As Valley Line LRT construction and utility       TransEd spokesman Dallas Lindskoog
                                                                                                                     Last spring, Die Pie, Edmonton’s first
relocation continues to disrupt a large        says while he understands how taking
                                                                                                                     vegan pizzeria, was already facing
stretch of 102 Avenue, some in the area are    up such a large amount of space could
                                                                                                                     challenges. Its once-prime location
frustrated by the impact it has had on their   appear detrimental to the neighborhood,
                                                                                                                     on Jasper Avenue faced an onslaught
bottom line.                                   construction would have taken longer if
                                                                                                                     of construction that severely limited
   Catherine Medak, owner of children’s        they had less space to work with.
                                                                                                                     access for customers. Co-owners
clothing store Alligator Pie, located in
                                                                                                                     Neil Royale, Thomas Goodall, and
Manulife Place, estimates she has seen
a 30 per cent drop in business since
                                               “You try to give [customers]                                          Karuna Goodall were also juggling two
                                                 a heads up before they’re                                           businesses after opening Pêche Café
the road was closed in January 2018.
                                                                                                                     in the Quarters the previous fall. Then,
Medak’s frustration also stems from               coming and sometimes,                                              came the pandemic.
periods where construction seems to sit
idle for several months at a time.
                                               they’re willing to venture out                                           “As soon as we couldn’t operate,
                                                                                                                     we started losing money because
   “You try to give [customers] a              and find their way to you. But                                        no one stopped charging us. Rent
heads up before they’re coming and
                                               in many instances, they hear                                          was still due every month and all the
sometimes, they’re willing to venture
                                                                                                                     utility companies and our insurance
out and find their way to you,” Medak          ‘construction’ and they don’t
                                                                                                                     companies were charging us,” explains
says. “But in many instances, they hear            even want to come.”                                               Royale, who is the head chef of Die Pie.
‘construction’ and they don’t even want
                                                                                                                        The trio consolidated all of their
to come.”                                        - Catherine Medak, owner,
                                                                                                                     businesses—they also operate a ghost
   “I would say many businesses are                     Alligator Pie                                                kitchen called Seitan’s Disciples—into
suffering like we are in Manulife [Place],”
                                                                                                                     the Pêche Café space under the Die Pie
she added.                                        “To an extent, I’m not surprised
                                                                                                                     name. The 97th Street and 102 Avenue
   Downtown Edmonton Community                 people are starting to question, ‘aren’t                                                                                 photo: Uryelle Dimailiq
                                                                                                                     location is twice the size of the Jasper
League president Chris Buyze shares            you done yet,’” he says. “People are
                                                                                                                     Avenue space, making it easier to
some of these concerns. In addition            getting tired and we’re doing our best to
                                                                                                                     follow physical distancing requirements
to being bad for traffic and bad for           make it easy and as less impactful to the                                                                                                                         in-house. Rosso Pizzeria in Edmonton
                                                                                                                     for dining in. They launched a new             from NAIT’s culinary arts program before
businesses, he takes issue with how            public as we can.”                                                                                                                                                serves Die Pie’s vegan mozzarella,
                                                                                                                     menu that was a fusion of the three            working at several illustrious hotels
such a large stretch of 102 Avenue—               City spokesman Quinn Nicholson                                                                                                                                 and Die Pie sells four types of vegan
                                                                                                                     restaurants’ offerings.                        in Vancouver, Royale was raised as a
from 96 to 103 Street—had to be closed         added that the use of chain link fencing                                                                                                                          cheese under their brand Kaju, meaning
                                                                                                                        At first, customers were eager to visit.    vegetarian.
all at once. He feels the impact could         as opposed to wood hoarding helps                                                                                                                                 “cashew” in French and Hindi. The
                                                                                                                     “When we first reopened in June, we               “I always wanted to open a vegetarian
have been reduced if materials were            keep the area visible for pedestrians,                                                                                                                            most popular menu items tend to be
                                                                                                                     were quite busy. But as the weeks went         restaurant. I had an allergy to dairy as
brought over as needed as opposed to           and that it also helps reduce crime on                                                                                                                            playful takes on fast food items and bar
                                                                                                                     on, it slowed down,” says Royale. “I think     well, so I started playing with vegan
using parts of 102 Avenue as a laydown         construction sites.                                                                                                                                               food–mac and cheese, wings, and a
                                                                                                                     people are still pretty weary of eating in     cheese and really liked cooking vegan
area for storage.                                 Lindskoog says that LRT construction                                                                                                                           Big Mack pizza similar to the beloved
                                                                                                                     dining rooms.”                                 food,” says Royale. Pizza was always
   Buyze also questions the lack of            on 102 Avenue is expected to finish                                                                                                                               burger at a certain popular fast food
                                                                                                                        There weren’t any vegan pizza joints        one of his favourite foods, and he
wood hoarding, as he says the chain            sometime this year as scheduled.                                                                                                                                  spot.
                                                                                                                     in Edmonton when Royale opened the             mastered Neapolitan-style pizza while
link fencing being used to fence off           However, he says the area may still                                                                                                                                  There’s one definite upside to having
                                                                                                                     original Die Pie in August 2017 with his       working in Jean George’s Culinary
the area “is just not appropriate for the      need to be closed to traffic beyond                                                                                                                               only one restaurant. Before, Royale
                                                                                                                     sister, Karuna Goodall, and her husband,       concept restaurant, Market.
downtown core.”                                the end of 2020 as they need to                                                                                                                                   didn’t get to work with his sister very
                                                                                                                     Thomas Goodall. Karuna now works                  The new restaurant, nicknamed Die
   “There are a lot of creative things that    do electrical work and testing once                                                                                                                               often. “We hadn’t worked together for
                                                                                                                     alongside her older brother as the             Pie 2.0, has folded in aspects from
could be done around a site like this          construction is complete.                                                                                                                                         probably a year so it’s great to be back
                                                                                                                     sous chef at Die Pie. Three years later,       Pêche Café, such as desserts and lattes
that has the potential to be there for            When completed, the Valley Line LRT                                                                                                                            working together,” says Royale. “That
                                                                                                                     the restaurant remains an anomaly in           featuring their barista oat milk. “It’s a
several years,” Buyze says. “It’s such a       will run from 102 Street and 102 Avenue                                                                                                                           was one thing that was really sad when
                                                                                                                     Edmonton’s meat-heavy dining scene.            special recipe we have. It steams really
large project to the city that it needs to     to Mill Woods, with an interchange at                                                                                                                             we were in self-isolation – we missed
                                                                                            photo: Kurt Bauschardt      But for Royale, the concept was a no-       perfectly for lattes,” boasts Royale. They
look as attractive as possible [...] so that   Churchill to connect to Capital and                                                                                                                               making pizza together.”
                                                                                                                     brainer. A Red Seal chef who graduated         also make all of their vegan cheeses
businesses in the area do not suffer as        Metro lines.

  6             THE YARDS | FALL 2020                                                                                                                                                                            THE YARDS | FALL 2020               7
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine
FRONTYARDS | AROUND THE CORE                                                                                                              FRONTYARDS | AROUND THE CORE

Around the Core                                                                                 By: Josh Pruden
Though we continue to grapple with the impacts of COVID-19 on our daily lives, many organizations in Edmonton are taking
steps to ensure we still have events this fall. Some are virtual and others are physically-distanced, but all provide ways to safely
connect with your community and engage with your neighbours. Here we share a variety of events planned in the core this fall,
from online festivals to causes that might ignite a passion. While we’re all ready for COVID-19 measures to come to an end, it’s
important to continue to stay connected safely.


                                                                                                                                          photo: paintimpact.com (Paintimpact)                               photo: Mack Male

                                                                                                                                       FUN AND GAMES                                                      FESTIVALS
                                                                                                                                       What do you get when you mix the board game Clue,                  Watch over 150 of the world’s best films created in the last
                                                                                                                                       Pokémon Go, and Harry Potter? Witchcraft and Wizardry              18 months at the Edmonton International Film Festival
                                                                                                                                       Edmonton by CluedUpp games, that’s what. On Saturday,              (edmontonfilmfest.com). This Oscars-qualifying festival has
                                                                                                                                       September 26, grab some friends, dress up in cloaks and            been taking place in our great city for more than 30 years. EIFF
                                                                                                                                       pointy hats, and get ready to solve a mystery. The event is        is the place for high-quality, diverse cinema in genres ranging
  Edmonton River Valley                                                                                                                self-guided, and start times are staggered between 9 a.m.          from comedy to documentary and everything in between.
                                                                                                                                       to 2 p.m., so you won’t have to worry about social distancing      In addition to film showings, the festival includes Q&A
  photo: Mack Male                                                     photo: Kurt Bauschardt
                                                                                                                                       and can just focus on having a good time. The ultimate prize       sessions, filmmaker chats, gala screenings, local filmmaker
                                                                                                                                       is having fun, of course, but there will also be awards for best   spotlights, and more. Everyone’s welcome, whether you’re a
CAUSES + PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT                                                                                                             dressed, quickest time to find out whodunit, most creative         film connoisseur yourself or just interested in expanding your
                                                                                                                                       team name, and more. Go to cluedupp.com to register.               cinematic horizons. The festival takes place from October 1 to
Join the Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition for            in the $20 registration fee, each participant will receive a
                                                                                                                                          Check out downtown’s newest outdoor market, Al Fresco on        10, and you can purchase tickets on their website. Depending
their annual fundraiser: Night on the North Saskatchewan.            commemorative coin dedicated “to those who rise to the
                                                                                                                                       4th. Located on 104 Street between Jasper and 102 Avenue,          on restrictions at the time, the festival will either be virtual or
What’s usual will be passionate speakers on relevant river           challenge of service before self.” Proceeds from this event
                                                                                                                                       this market runs Saturdays from 11 to 4 p.m., with the last        held at its perennial location, Landmark Cinemas Edmonton
valley topics and the opportunity to make donations to fund          will go to Courageous Companions who provide service              market of the season on September 19. With extended patios,        City Centre.
conservation efforts. What’s unusual this year is that the           dogs to military veterans and first responders. If you are        food trucks, and more, this market makes a great weekend               With winter just around the corner, that means no more
Night on the North Saskatchewan will be hosted virtually.            interested in participating, you can either walk, run, bike, or   excursion.                                                         physically-distanced BBQs, fewer walks with friends, and still
If you’re interested in becoming involved in river valley            exercise by yourself, or you can organize a group to do a                                                                            no concerts, sporting events, or indoor mass gatherings. The
conservation, then this might be the perfect introduction for        physically distanced display of physical activity. Just make                                                                         good news? We’ve got LitFest, Alberta’s nonfiction festival
you. Clear your calendar on Saturday, September 19 from              sure to register on canadianwalkforveterans.com before the                                                                           (litfestalberta.org). Get acquainted with a new book, series,
                                                                                                                                       Are you an entrepreneur who is stressed about your business,       author, or even a new-to-you genre. LitFest is going online this
7 to 8:30 p.m. and learn how you can be part of protecting           end of the event on September 27.
                                                                                                                                       not to mention life in general? Or are you interested in           year from October 15 to 25. You can still expect the regular
one of our city’s best features. You can get more info from             The final installment of the five-part How To: webinar
                                                                                                                                       entrepreneurship as a career path? Check out The Hustle            masterclasses, panel discussions, live readings, and author
the Night on the North Saskatchewan Facebook page or by              series, How To: make Edmonton’s winter sidewalks safe
                                                                                                                                       YEG (www.aprilprescott.com/the-hustle-yeg), an entrepreneur        Q&As, but there will be some live elements as well, which will
following Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition on            + accessible to all is organized by Paths for People and
                                                                                                                                       collective led by two local entrepreneurs. Jay Downtown            aim to get people off their screens, promoting an immersive
Facebook.                                                            features students from the University of Alberta School           is President of Oodle Noodle and co-owner of the River             reading experience, and partnering with local businesses as
   Canadian Walk for Vets will be hosting its third “shoulder        of Urban and Regional Planning. This free event will be a         Valley Company, among other things. April Prescott is a            appropriate. Also, for the first time, LitFest includes podcasts.
to shoulder” Canadian Walk for Veterans on September 26              venue to discuss the City of Edmonton’s current strategies        meditation and mindfulness coach, yoga teacher, and co-            In partnership with the Alberta Podcast Network and the
and 27. While the goal was to host a walk in every province          for clearing winter precipitation from sidewalks and              founder of Shady Ape, among other things. Join their free          Edmonton Community Foundation, LitFest will start off with
across Canada, this year will meet and exceed that with              brainstorm alternative approaches. Some solutions might           webinar, Entrepreneurial Well Being Today and Everyday,            a mini podcast festival from October 1 to 3. There will be
a virtual walk, enabling the event to reach anyone with              include community efforts, bylaw enforcement, and even            put on by NAIT’s Mawji Centre for New Venture and Student          masterclasses, workshops, panels, and interaction with the
an internet signal. This year’s focus will be on thanking            more advanced options, including autonomous equipment.            Entrepreneurship. This webinar is on Monday, October 19 from       best podcasters from Alberta and around the world.
                                                                     Sign up on Zoom to join the public talk on Tuesday,               12 to 1 p.m. and will focus on how mindfulness can help you as
active and veteran military personnel as well as front-line
                                                                     September 22 from 7 to 8 p.m. You can register and add the        an entrepreneur and end with a Q&A. You can also subscribe
medical workers, first responders, and all those who have
                                                                                                                                       to their podcast, YEG Hustle, from wherever you get your
provided essential services during the pandemic. Included            event to your calendar on eventbrite.ca.

  8              THE YARDS | FALL 2020                                                                                                                                                                                          THE YARDS | FALL 2020                   9
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine
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On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine

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ON THE FRONT LINES                    The shutdown of office towers, pubs
                                      and restaurants in the core during
                                                                                  Community Services, one of
                                                                                  Edmonton’s largest charities supporting
                                                                                                                               COVID-19, he says. “This used to be a
                                                                                                                               free flow, kind of in-and-out [service].
                                      the COVID-19 pandemic created               people experiencing homelessness             Now we have all our doors locked and
Edmonton charities grapple with the   an eerie feeling for the residents of       and poverty, which operates numerous         security is in charge of control. You
impact of COVID-19 on their           Downtown and Oliver. The streets
                                      resembled a post-rapture dystopia
                                                                                  sites and services including the Boyle
                                                                                  Street Community Centre.
                                                                                                                               get some questions when you come
                                                                                                                               in—how are you feeling, do you have
organizations and clients             during work hours. Small groups of             “I think if you had told me that we       any symptoms, that kind of thing.” The
                                      people lounged in parks or on cement        got to July and we have only one case        maximum occupation for the building
By: Danielle Paradis                  benches by Jasper. Otherwise, things        [in the homeless population] I would         has been reduced to 50 people. They
                                      were silent.                                have been surprised. But then you            still offer lunch but encourage people
                                         The first presumptive positive           think about the risk factors, like travel,   to take it with them outside so that
                                      COVID-19 case in Alberta was reported       and the fact that the contact between        others can enter the building.
                                      by Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the chief             snowbirds and our clients is pretty             “Our goal is to provide as many
                                      medical officer for the province, on        minimal,” says Elliott Tanti, who works      services as we can, but in the safest
                                      March 5. In the early days of lockdown,     in communications at Boyle Street.           way for our community and our staff,”
                                      fears ran high. While many people                                                        says Tanti. “When this first started, we
                                      were staying home and stocking up                                                        as a leadership group tried to remind
                                      on cleaning supplies, toilet paper,                                                      our staff that this is a marathon, not a
                                      flour, and yeast, service providers in                                                   sprint.”
                                      the core were working to ensure they           Months after lockdown, in July,              Tanti stops to joke around with a man
                                      could continue to offer a place to go for   there is a long line up along the side       who has long dark hair by the hand-

                                      those who didn’t have the resources to      of the bright blue and white building        washing station. “I’m going to whoop
                                      stockpile or a home to go to.               that is the Boyle Street Community           you,” the man, named Robert, says
                                         During the initial lockdown,             Centre. People are waiting to cash           jokingly.
                                      conversion of the Edmonton Expo             their cheques. This inner-city bank is          “Not today—we have to enforce
                                      Centre and the Kinsmen Sports               a unique service for people who often        social distancing so we can’t be
                                      Centre into homeless shelters allowed       lack access to financial services.           whooping each other,” replies Tanti.
                                      vulnerable people to safely get a meal,        There’s a blue pup tent and a large          Inside, the bank is a small space
                                      take a shower, or access medical            blue patio umbrella and people are           with pale yellow walls. There are three
                                      or housing support while physically         set up to wait. They sit close together      clients inside, two seated in front
                                      distancing. The city reported that an       and there isn’t much social distancing.      of glass screens talking to the bank
                                      average of 675 people visited the           In that way it is no different than when     tellers. The glass partitions are the sort
                                      Expo Centre on a daily basis, and as of     you are walking down Jasper Avenue           that are now standard on any counter
                                      July there has only been one case of        and watching people sitting on patios.       where the public comes to interact.
PHYSICAL DISTANCING                   COVID-19 in the homeless population.           “So the line up is here and then on       “And you can see because of the way
6FT APART                             But in July, both temporary shelters
                                      closed and organizations and those
                                                                                  cheque-day, which is now the first of
                                                                                  every month, the city shuts down the
                                                                                                                               our buildings are set up it’s a pretty
                                                                                                                               tight space. This has been the biggest
                                      that depend on them are having to           street and we put guard rails down,”         impact on the bank. It is still pretty busy
                                      adapt once again.                           explains Tanti.                              though. People still need to access
                                         That includes Boyle Street                  Services have changed since               their money,” says Tanti.

                                                                                                                             THE YARDS | ON THE FRONT LINES          13
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine
                                                                                                                                       AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE                                                                             NUMBERS
                                                                                                                                          There are still many unknowns               Sports Centre. A joint letter dated August       • Community and Social Services
                                                                                                                                       for social services in the core during         1 and signed by nine local groups,                 Helpline: 211
                                                                                                                                       COVID-19. Information from health              including the Coalition for Justice and          • Edmonton Police Complaint Line:
                                                                                                                                       officials and requirements, such as            Human Rights and EndPovertyEdmonton,               780-423-4567
                                                                                                                                       mandatory masking, are changing swiftly.       aruges that the closure will lead to issues      • Alberta 24-Hour Mental Health
                                                                                                                                          Both Tanti and Smith have talked about      in vulnerable communities.                         Line: 1-877-303-2642
                                                                                                                                       the struggle to keep up with information,         “While we recognize the temporary             • CMHA Edmonton 24-Hour
                                                                                                                                       and the flexibility to address the gaps that   EXPO Centre was established to respond             Distress Line: 780-482-4357
                                                                                                                                       they see. “People are really struggling        to COVID-19 needs, its closure on Friday,        • Edmonton Sexual Assault Centre
                                                                                                                                       to deal with a changing environment,           July 31 is going to have severe impacts on         24-Hour Crisis Line: 780-423-4121
                                                                                                                                       changing practices, [and] changing             the city,” the letter said.                      • Alberta ONE LINE for Sexual
   It has been a time of enormous            council of its kind in Canada, REACH        Navigation Support Services at CMHA.          expectations,” says Tanti.                        The letter called for immediate action,         Violence: 1-866-403-8000
upheaval, and not just because of the        also attempts to look at the root           “And we have only in [July] started to           As this article goes to press, the          including a joint-proposal from the              • Access 24/7 Addiction & Mental
pandemic. While most people were             causes of why people feel unsafe in         see our numbers go up around issues           Edmonton municipal government is               Government of Alberta and the city for a           Health Services: 780-424-2424
sheltered at home, the murder of             the community and to consider the           related to domestic violence.”                passing a requirement for mandatory            new day-use shelter and for more funding         • Kids Help Line: 1-800-668-6868
George Floyd in the U.S. led thousands       underlying factors of crime. “At very          Katherine O’Neill, chief executive         masking on transit and in all indoor public    to groups that do street outreach, and           • Child Abuse Hot Line:
of people to come out to the Alberta         early times in their lives when the roots   officer for YWCA Edmonton, says that          spaces.                                        for “immediate resource mobilization” to           1-800-387-5437
Legislature on June 5 in support of          of crime and disorder start long before     even identifying the issue of domestic           The uncertainty extends to funding          groups that are having to fill the gaps of       • Teens Helping Teens:
Black Lives Matter. It also reinvigorated    there’s any engagement with the             violence in a pandemic has been tricky.       availability and financial implications as     government programs.                               780-428-8336
a conversation about defunding the           police,” says Smith.                        “Normally, a crisis comes and goes            well. In May, the Alberta government              While over the summer there has               • National Human Trafficking
police, or appropriately funding social         During the initial outbreak of           quite quickly, but we are going to be         announced $30 million in emergency             been a sense that people are eager to              Hotline: 1-833-900-1010
services where the responsibility            COVID-19, the partners did a mixture        in a crisis situation for a year or longer.   funding to charities and non-profits to        return to normal, the climbing number of
of these gaps have fallen to police          of triaging services through 211 and        This is extraordinary for a non-profit to     support them during the pandemic,              positive COVID-19 cases remind us that           EMERGENCY
officers.                                    engaging with people in the streets         keep on top of,” she says. “Since this        but organizations like Boyle Street are        the virus is still around, and our current       SHELTERS
   The calls to better fund social           to build relationships, provide food        crisis has happened we have been              also donor-funded. “I have been taken          environment may be with us for some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Lurana Shelter | Crisis Phone:
services instead of relying on police        and clothing, or rides to the Edmonton      absolutely overwhelmed with requests          aback at how generous Edmontonians             time. The fears of the early days have
services have been underway in               EXPO Centre that was converted to a         for support.”                                 have been. We have seen smaller donor          somewhat ebbed, and the hoarding of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • SAGE Seniors’ Safe House | Crisis
Edmonton since 2015 with the 24/7            day-use shelter and used for COVID             The YWCA offers counselling, and           donations, but a lot more of them,” says       toilet paper has stopped, but the social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Phone: 780-702-1520
crisis diversion program, an integrated      testing.                                    specializes in domestic violence cases,       Tanti.                                         upheaval continues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • WIN House | Crisis Phone:
community response team that                    The first 211 call about COVID-19 was    on a sliding scale depending on income           Still it is hard to predict the long-term
responds to people in distress through       on January 31, and since then, 20 to 30     and what a person is able to pay. The         financial implications of COVID-19. A
211.                                         percent of calls to 211 have been about     current estimated wait list would be a        ballooned city and provincial budget and
   REACH Edmonton, an organization           COVID-19.                                   year long.                                    increased deficits could have an impact
whose core funding is provided by               The first call into the CMHA distress       O’Neill says the increase in domestic      on the delivery of future services. We may
the City of Edmonton, coordinates            line was on February 2. The number          violence “comes down to the fact that         not see the systemic impact of COVID-19
the service on behalf of various social      one reason for calls to the distress line   there is a lot of stress in the home          for some time. There are financial
services organizations, including Boyle      have been for mental health, but there      economically, and having the children         hardships for many families through job
Street, the Canadian Mental Health           is a rising concern at both Boyle Street    in the home more [...] When you put           loss or access to childcare, and family
Association (CMHA), and Hope Mission.        and CMHA about an uptick in domestic        all that together in an unhealthy             poverty could be on the rise as a result.
The goal is to divert calls from police,     violence.                                   relationship, it can lead to violence.”          “As of yet I don’t think we have a
particularly calls that are better handled      Before the pandemic, many calls into        She adds that not all violence is          clear picture of what [funding going
through social services.                     the hotline about domestic violence         physical either—there can be financial        forward] looks like and I don’t think those
   “There was a real understanding           would typically come in during the          abuse and people withholding funds.           government bodies have had those
that people in non-emergency crises          workday or late at night when the              “We really need to make sure that as       conversations yet either. There is a fear
don’t need to engage with emergency          abuser was sleeping, which may not          a community we recognize that this can        in lots of people’s minds in our sector
services. So how can we support              be an option with many working from         happen in any household and abuse             that the financial struggle that COVID
people during those times and leave          home. Tanti says there is a similar         can happen in many forms,” she says.          has landed the country and province in
the space for the police to do what they     issue in identifying child abuse as            Despite the challenges, a move to          will serve as a basis for a decrease of
need to do?” says Madeleine Smith,           reports would often have come through       online counselling has given some             programs, which is the exact opposite of
Co-Director, Community Initiatives at        teachers at school.                         opportunities for the YWCA to expand          what we need right now,” says Tanti.
REACH.                                          “That’s definitely something we          their reach. They have been able to              There is also concern about the
   As a part of the Edmonton Council         have been watching for really closely,”     assist with counselling services as far       closing of the emergency shelters at the
for Safe Communities, the only               says Emma Potter, Director, Crisis and      as Iqaluit.                                   Edmonton Expo Centre and Kinsmen

 14      THE YARDS | ON THE FRONT LINES                                                                                                                                                                                         THE YARDS | ON THE FRONT LINES      15
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine
There’s a chill in the air this time of year and the night is quickly
                        descending. As you walk down a darkened street you feel a tingle
                        up your spine. Is it the wind, or is there an eerier explanation?
                         Downtown Edmonton has its share of old haunts, so if you thought
                        you were safe from the paranormal in Edmonton’s core, think again.
                        With Halloween fast approaching, The Yards explores some of the
                        core’s spookiest spots.

                        Hotel MacDonald and the
                        Horseless Hoofbeats
                        The historic Fairmont Hotel Macdonald (10065 100 Street)          He appears as a man smoking while seated in a beautiful
                        is a longtime fixture of the core, opening its doors to           wingback chair. The sixth floor in particular seems to be a
                        visitors for the first time on July 5, 1915. But one of the       paranormal hotspot; hotel staff have told stories of calls from
                        hotel’s longest-running residents doesn’t voluntarily walk        rooms that are vacant and doors that are mysteriously locked
                        the halls in search of the spa; it gallops. One of the hotel’s    from the inside.
                        most famous spooky stories is the legend of hoofbeats                Whether or not these specters are good-hearted is up for
                        galloping around the eighth floor, the otherworldly racket of     debate, but stories like radios tuning into nonexistent 1950s
                        a workhorse that allegedly died when the foundation was           era music stations certainly make it seem like the ghosts are
                        being laid in 1914.                                               looking for a good time. After all, the Hotel Macdonald was
The Yards explores         For those who aren’t scared by the concept of ghastly          one of the first establishments to acquire a liquor license after
                        animals, the hotel reportedly has its fair share of human         prohibition in Alberta ended in 1924, making it the wingding
some of the core’s      ghosts, too. Like the ‘boatman,’ the ghost of a 1913 sailor who   hotspot in a then-relatively small town of 63,160.
spookiest spots         sailed the North Saskatchewan River as part of the fur trade.

By: Benjamin Hollihan
                                                                                                              THE YARDS | EERIE EDMONTON              17
On the front lines Edmonton charities grapple with the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations and clients - The Yards Magazine
The Yards spoke to Dr. Rodney Schmaltz, an Associate Professor of Psychology at MacEwan
                                                                                                                                                    University, whose research focus includes pseudoscience and why humans believe in the supernatural,
                                                                                                                                                    to find out why humans are attracted to the supernatural. The following interview has been edited for
McKay Avenue School and                                            Alberta Block and the                                                            concision and clarity.
the Haunting of Rob Hlady                                          Lobotomized Caretaker
The Historic McKay Avenue School Archives & Museum                 It’s a late night walking home on Jasper Avenue. It’s nearing
(10425 99 Avenue), originally built in 1904, is popular with       Halloween, when the nights get longer and the leaves rustle
paranormal investigators and amateur thrillseekers alike. The      in the wind. When passing the Alberta Block Building (10526
old schoolhouse, which was also the site of the inaugural          Jasper Avenue)—the old CKUA building—if the scent of cigar
legislative assembly in 1906, is reportedly home to many           smoke is in the air with no smoker in sight, don’t be afraid. It’s
spirits, and visitors report being spooked by feelings of being    only the smoke of the undead.
watched, strange noises, and water taps found running. A               Rumour has it that the specter of Sam, a 1950s caretaker
well-known recurrence is the blinds moving on their own            who was lobotomized after making threats against Premier
accompanied by eerie laughter of students past.                    Ernest Manning, played a part in CKUA’s choice to leave the
   One famous ghost that haunts the halls is a construction        building. On the CKUA website, an article about the move calls
worker named Peter, who allegedly died in 1912 during              the Alberta Block “probably haunted.”
renovations to the building. There is no archival evidence of          Sam’s cigar smoke has shown up in places like a women’s          Why are humans so fascinated with the haunted?
anyone named Peter dying in 1912, but it has not deterred          bathroom at night, accompanied by running faucets. Several           Rodney Schmaltz: There is curiosity about the unknown.
those who seek out McKay Avenue’s otherworldly population.         employees of decades past have reported feelings of                  People are interested in the afterlife. But you can go broader.
   Be careful when contacting the dead. In the late 1980s,         someone watching them, or even seeing an apparition of               There are people who aren’t spiritual, but are interested
technician Ron Hlady, who was working at McKay at the time,        Sam, who apparently enjoys singing—fitting for the building’s        in things like haunted houses. You can draw an analogy
began to notice strange events. Doors unlocking, furniture         history.                                                             with horror movies. When you watch a horror movie,
moving in other rooms, light switches going on and off, phone          Sam is not alone in his singing: in 2009, a group of             neurotransmitters release endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine,
lines lighting up with no call to answer, and motion detectors     paranormal researchers recorded an unknown girl’s voice              serotonin. You get this natural high.
picking up invisible movement. During a session in which           singing “go back, all the way back.” Seems like the building’s          The interest, especially in regards to exploring haunted
Hlady successfully contacted Peter with a Ouija Board, he          spirits have some amateur singing aspirations. CKUA began            houses, is similar. When going into a haunted house, you’re
accidentally called upon another spirit that followed him home     to broadcast out of the building in 1955 and left in 2012. The       relatively certain you’re safe: you can always run out. It’s a
and terrorized his family.                                         building is now owned by RedBrick real estate, and houses            safe way of activating neurotransmitters that are associated                                           Dr. Rodney Schmaltz
   Hopefully this doesn’t scare off visitors entirely. The         multiple businesses. Interestingly, the paranormal research          with positive emotions. I look at commercial haunted houses                                            Associate Professor of Psychology
beautiful building now serves as the Edmonton Public School        and rumours slowed once CKUA left the building. Maybe Sam            like Deadmonton and how popular they’ve become. Even                                                   at MacEwan University
Archives and is a fascinating museum that contains 1950s and       decided to tag along to their new location at the Alberta Hotel.     though it’s counterintuitive because it’s frightening, if you look
1880s era schoolhouses, and plenty of other resources about                                                                             at the footage of people going through haunted houses, it’s a        What could cause people to think they have a supernatural
the history of education in Edmonton.                                                                                                   scream followed by a laugh. It’s a way to elicit these positive      experience?
                                                                                                                                        emotions.                                                            Rodney Schmaltz: Something that leads people to have these
                                                                                                                                                                                                             feelings of unease is infrasound. Infrasound is a sound below
                                                                                                                                        Can you talk about the phenomena of hauntings?                       20Hz. You can’t hear it, but you can feel it. If you’ve ever been
Edmonton General and the                                                                                                                Rodney Schmaltz: What’s fascinating is why we experience             to a loud concert and you get that vibrating feeling in your
                                                                                                                                        a haunting. Plenty of people report that they’ve been in a
Sinister ‘B’ Wing                                                                                                                       haunted house or had an unusual experience in one. A lot of
                                                                                                                                                                                                             chest, it’s similar.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Infrasound is created by many natural things, like low
The Edmonton General Continuing Care Center (11111 Jasper          who perished while working on the basement, whose                    what drives the experience of a ghost or being in a haunted          rumbling pipes, thunder, or even high amounts of traffic.
Avenue), formerly known as the Edmonton General Hospital           phantom still roams the halls.                                       place is expectation.                                                Haunted houses are usually quite old, and the haunting is
was built in 1895, making it 125 years old. This hospital has         But there are more than a few mysteries surrounding the             Researchers sent people into the Hampton Court Palace in           usually centered in the basement. These are places where
seen two World Wars, two pandemics, a Great Depression,            B wing of the hospital, some of them unrelated to ghosts.            the U.K., supposedly the most haunted place in Britain. People       there’s a good chance that there are some low rumbling pipes
and countless other smaller tragedies. No wonder it’s haunted.     A spokesperson for Covenant Health denies the existence              that expected to see or believed in ghosts reported unusual          in there.
   The most common legend is that of the B Wing, a reportedly      of an empty wing. A report for 2014 by the Alberta Health            experiences. People that didn’t believe or didn’t expect ghosts         About 30 per cent of Canadians believe in ghosts. You walk
closed wing that is rife with hauntings. The distinct smell of     Services lists a B Wing that is still fully functional, which was    didn’t experience anything. Everybody went to the same               into a haunted house, and it’s cold, creepy, and all of sudden
sick humans lingers in the wing, despite it supposedly housing     built in 1959. The largest mystery about the Edmonton General        place, but that expectation was the factor towards what was          the hair on the back of your neck stands up and you feel a bit
no patients. The 8th floor formerly housed the pediatric area      Hospital is where these rumours come from: how can there be          experienced.                                                         strange. Most people don’t know what infrasound is, so it’s not
and in this area, the sounds of children running around and        an haunted abandoned wing if there is no abandoned wing?                                                                                  unreasonable that someone would think it’s a ghost. It’s not
crying can be heard, along with the sobbing distraught spirit of   The confusion and creepiness surrounding the Edmonton                                                                                     that people are irrational; it’s that they don’t know the other
a mother seeking her lost child who disappears when seen.          General Hospital and this supposedly cursed wing remain                                                                                   explanation. We’re bombarded with stories, TV shows, and
   There are also stories of a nameless construction worker        unresolved.                                                                                                                               movies about ghosts. Especially around Halloween, when it’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                             on people’s minds, if you go to a haunted place and have this
                                                                                                                                                                                                             experience, people then understandably attribute it to a ghost.

 18        THE YARDS | EERIE EDMONTON                                                                                                                                                                                           THE YARDS | EERIE EDMONTON               19
                                                        BACKYARDS | THE LIST


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                                        BY: BENJAMIN HOLLIHAN
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                                                                                                                                                                        PG 15                                                                                                                                                                THE YARDS | WINTER 2019     1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2019

                                                                                                                                                             Like what you’re reading? The Yards is supported by advertisements
    Of all the seasons, Edmonton is known for its summers: festivals, the intense heat,
    and sunny days. Autumn in our city is often overlooked. During fall, the river valley                                                                       from some great community-focused businesses who like reaching out to
    explodes with warm colours as the sun provides the final days of warm weather. This                                                                                 potential customers with quality, hyper-local content.
    season can be quite short, smothered by a winter that crashes down overnight. Here are
    some walking trails in the core to help you enjoy autumn while it’s here.
                                                                                                                                                                                Please contact sales@theyardsyeg.ca for more information.
                                                                                                                                                                                Circulation 28,000 copies
ALBERTA LEGISLATURE The Alberta Legislature
is the first pick for this list, despite it not technically being a                                                                                                             26,750 copies mailed to every residential dwelling and business and 1250 distributed to
trail. The government building is surrounded by 23 hectares                                                                                                                     select local businesses and organizations.
of paths, monuments, manicured fields, fountains, and trees.
Come equipped with a big sweater, hot chocolate, and camera.
                                                                             Alberta Legislature
                                                                                                                                                                                Mailed to every residential dwelling and business in the Downtown and Oliver communities.
                                                                             photo: IQRemix via Flickr
                                                                                                                                                                                Published four times a year in March, June, September and December.

VICTORIA PARK No list                        Victoria Park                                                  97TH AVENUE TO
of walking trails in the core                photo: Mack Male                                               IRENE PARLBY PARK
would be complete without                                                                                   So you’ve spent some time
mentioning Victoria Park. This
trail is beautiful, but has some
                                                                                                            at the Alberta Legislature
                                                                                                            grounds, but are hungry for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WORKING HARD TO
elevation change into and out                                                                               more autumn air. Starting at the
of the river valley. The multi-                                                                             Alberta Legislature, head east.
use trail starts at around 100                                                                              You’ll know you’re going the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YOU IN
Avenue and 116 Street. Walk                                                                                 right way if you’re on a paved
west along Victoria Park Road,                                                                              multi-use path, not a road. This
which curves onto the Groat                                                                                 six-block walk runs parallel to
Road Bridge, but be sure to                                                                                 97th Avenue. It’s a short walk
turn left onto River Valley Road
before crossing the river. Take
                                                                                                            that straddles Rossdale and
                                                                                                            downtown, providing sights of
your next left again at the                                                                                 both valley and city. At the end
other end of Victoria Park, and                                                                             of the trail, Irene Parlby Park
you will return to where you                                                    Irene Parlby Park
                                                                                                            is only a couple blocks further
started. This path is about three                                               photo: Kurt Bauschardt      down 97th Avenue.
  Another option is the network of
paths within Victoria Park. For those       EZIO FARAONE LOOP This trail is another short expedition, no longer than two
who are walking to Victoria Park,           kilometres. It starts at Constable Ezio Faraone Park, providing great views of the fall colours             a s s e m b l y. a b . c a
the best way to access this network         of the river valley, North Saskatchewan, and the High Level Bridge. Starting at the top
is to walk down the staircase and           of the staircase, the trail runs northwest. Be prepared for a decline. When you reach the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Welcome back to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Alberta Legislature Building and                                                                                                                                                                  EDMONTON CENTRE                                                                                                                11156 142 St NW, Edmonton
100 Avenue and 120 Street.                  intersection at the edge of Victoria Park, turn left. At the next intersection, turn left again
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Legislative Assembly Visitor Centre                                                                                                                                                                   @jameskcumming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Alberta, T5M 4G5
                                            onto River Valley Road, and complete the loop by following the path parallel to 109 Street.                                                                 Public tours and visits now require reservations.                                                                                                                                                       @jamescummingcpc                                                                                                           780-442-1888
                                                                                                                                                                                                        To book, go to the Assembly website or scan the QR code.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              James.cumming@parl.gc.ca                                                                                                    www.jamescumming.ca

     20             THE YARDS | FALL 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                    YOUR TABLE IS
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Our local independent eateries
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and bars are still open, serving
                                                                                                                                                                                                    you in safe and creative ways.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Offerings range from casual
                                                                                                                                                                                                    bistros, bakeries, cafes, and delis,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to fine dining fit for celebrating
                                                                                                                                                      A Destination for FOOD                        your next special milestone. Your
                                                                                                                                                                                                    continued support of 124 Street is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    greatly appreciated!

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Experience creative at 124STREET.CA

                                                                                                                                   Things change, but
                                                                                                                                   values stay the same.
                                                                                                                                   I’m still here for you.
There is only one like it left in the core—a Queen Anne style
home. “You can describe it as your typical gingerbread
house,” says Dane Ryksen, a heritage building enthusiast
who shares the city’s history on his Instagram                    The only remaining Queen Anne style home in the core is
account @_citizen_dane_.                                        the Stocks Residence (9907 103 Street). The Stocks Residence
  The uncommon style of architecture, named after the           was built in 1906 by John Stocks, Alberta’s first deputy
18th-century queen, was popular during the 1870-1890s,          minister of public works. It is currently an unprotected private
Edmonton’s first development boom, Ryksen says. The style       residence. The other Queen Anne style home constructed in
blended medieval and newer tropes, borrowing heavily from
15th- and 16th-century architecture. Some traits are three-
                                                                the core was Secord House. It was built by Richard Secord, a
                                                                Conservative politician and founder of McDougall & Secord,

                                                                                                                                     STAY               SOCIAL     WASH
story asymmetrical layouts, turrets, red brick, wrap-around     but was demolished in 1968.                                          HOME
                                                                                                                                                      DISTANCING   HANDS

verandahs, and ornate spindlework.                                                                                                   We’re in this together.                                                              780-414-0743
                                                                                                                                                                           MLA Edmonton - City Centre           Edmonton.CityCentre@assembly.ab.ca

 22           THE YARDS | FALL 2020
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