On the Context-Free Ambiguity of Emoji: A Data-Driven Study of 1,289 Emojis
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On the Context-Free Ambiguity of Emoji: A Data-Driven Study of 1,289 Emojis Justyna Cz˛estochowska* 1 , Kristina Gligorić∗1 , Maxime Peyrard1 , Yann Mentha1 , Michał Bień1 , Andrea Grütter2 , Anita Auer3 , Aris Xanthos3 and Robert West1 1 EPFL, 2 University of Zurich, 3 University of Lausanne {justyna.czestochowska, kristina.gligoric, maxime.peyrard, yann.mentha, michal.bien, robert.west}@epfl.ch, andrea.gruetter@es.uzh.ch, {anita.auer, aris.xanthos}@unil.ch arXiv:2201.06302v1 [cs.CL] 17 Jan 2022 Abstract search communities, identifying which emojis are ambigu- ous is helpful to online communities and emoji designers Emojis come with prepacked semantics making them great candidates to create new forms of more accessible commu- to prevent introducing emojis with a high potential for mis- nications. Yet, little is known about how much of this emojis communication. Additionally, studying context-free emoji semantic is agreed upon by humans, outside of textual con- semantics informs us which concepts can vs. cannot be eas- texts. Thus, we collected a crowdsourced dataset of one-word ily communicated with emojis. emoji descriptions for 1,289 emojis presented to participants Despite these questions’ practical importance, it is diffi- with no surrounding text. The emojis and their interpretations cult to approach them with available datasets. Social me- were then examined for ambiguity. We find that with 30 an- dia content carries inherent selection biases and emoji stud- notations per emoji, 16 emojis (1.2%) are completely unam- ies leveraging social media are questioned for their gen- biguous, whereas 55 emojis (4.3%) are so ambiguous that eralizability (Herring and Dainas 2020). Additionally, as their descriptions are indistinguishable from randomly cho- emojis are almost only used in context, it is difficult to sen descriptions. Most of studied emojis are spread out be- tween the two extremes. Furthermore, investigating the am- infer context-free interpretations. To complicate the mat- biguity of different types of emojis, we find that an impor- ter further, the meaning of emojis on social media evolves tant factor is the extent to which an emoji has an embedded (Alexander Robertson et al. 2021), making it difficult to symbolical meaning drawn from an established code-book of study their intrinsic semantics. symbols. We conclude by discussing design implications. We ask the following: Do individuals interpret emojis in the same way? Which emojis have the potential to be used 1 Introduction in future communication scenarios, to what extent? Previous work on the ambiguity of emojis focused on differences be- Emojis have been playing an increasingly important role in tween platforms (Shurick and Daniel 2020) and their usage online communication since they gained popularity in 2011. in context (Miller et al. 2017). Most closely related past stud- As of January 2022, there are 3,521 emojis in the Unicode ies focused on frequently used and anthropomorphic emojis Standard, and the number is only growing, providing users (Shurick and Daniel 2020; Miller et al. 2017, 2016), discard- with more ways to express increasingly complicated con- ing many available emojis. While a lot is known about emoji cepts. Emojis have thus received a lot of attention from re- sentiment and usage in context (Novak et al. 2015), emoji searchers. Various fields, including natural language pro- semantics and standalone understanding remain limited. cessing, human-computer interaction, and Web and social To bridge this gap, we designed and executed a crowd- media research, study emoji usage and functions. sourced study examining an exhaustive set of emojis, many Beyond current usage patterns (mostly, social media and of which are rarely used in online communication. We stud- messaging), emojis have an untapped potential for being ied their interpretation, stripped from any textual context. used for supporting goals and communication of individuals Using a novel dataset of emoji annotations, we address the and communities. While letters, syllables, and words are ar- following research questions: bitrary and highly abstract constructs that require a long time RQ1: To what degree do people agree in their interpretation to master, emojis come already packed with a lot of seman- of emojis? tics. Emojis can thus be leveraged, for instance, in learning RQ2: What types of emojis are most and least ambiguous? and education (Gilles Doiron 2018) or to describe complex ideas to broad audiences (Andy Thomason 2014). However, it is unknown which emojis can be used for such 2 Related Work goals. As the first step towards the ambitious use of emojis, it is necessary to establish how much people agree about Emojis: interpretation and meaning. Previous research their context-free interpretations. Doing so has broad impli- has shown that emojis are often misunderstood (Miller et al. cations within social media and Web research. Beyond re- 2016, 2017). Misunderstanding is sometimes related to how the emoji’s design is interpreted in context or the way it is * These authors contributed equally. shown on the receiving side. In particular, in 2016, Miller
et al. examined interpretations of the 25 most popular an- colors, as we aimed at using only neutral versions of gen- thropomorphic emojis without context, across 5 popular dered and skin-toned emojis. We also removed variations platforms. The study compared differences in sentiment and of the same emoji (e.g., family with three or four mem- semantics to identify the most ambiguous emojis. In 2017, bers). This resulted in the final set of 1289 emojis. Fur- Miller et al. conducted a similar study comparing sentiment thermore, we collected emoji categories from Emojipedia variability with and without context, for 10 anthropomorphic (https://emojipedia.org/) and hand-crafted a categorization emojis. An extensive dataset of emoji senses was created extending 7 existing categories to 20 fine-grained types, out- by Wijeratne et al. linking Unicode emoji representations lined in Table 1. to their meanings extracted from the Web. Recent studies of Annotation process. We collected emojis’ interpretations emoji meaning provide a longitudinal perspective (Barbieri using Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT). Each participant et al. 2018b; Alexander Robertson et al. 2021). Our work was asked to: “Describe emojis with a single, accurate studies the intrinsic ability of emojis to convey information, word”. One task consisted of ten emojis. All participants had independent of the textual context they are used in. In con- to be at least 18 years old, speak English, reside in the USA, trast to (Miller et al. 2016, 2017), focusing on small sub- have a 99% approval rate, and have already had completed at sets of anthropomorphic emojis, we consider many available least 500 tasks on AMT. Our annotator compensation was in emojis (see Table 1). line with ethical guidelines for AMT (Whiting, Hugh, and The aspiration of an emoji-based language. There is Bernstein 2019). Each emoji was annotated by 30 unique a growing interest in the linguistic purposes of emojis participants. This number was chosen via pilot studies (150 (Na’aman, Provenza, and Montoya 2017) and their potential annotations for 12 emojis), showing that as the number of to emerge as a graphical language (Ge and Herring 2018). annotations increases beyond 30, the word distribution re- Informal initiatives exist aiming to create an emoji lan- mains robust. Overall, we collected 38670 annotations. One guage. Kickstarter, a popular crowdfunding platform, hosts participant annotated on average 82.46 emojis. In total, there a project: “Emoji Dick-a never-before-released translation were 445 unique participants. We asked participants to pro- of Herman Melville’s classic Moby Dick in Japanese emoji vide their age, gender, mother tongue. The majority of an- icons”1 . Such efforts demonstrate the potential for viewing notators were native English speakers (97%). Participants’ emojis as the atomic units of graphical and intuitive lan- gender was balanced (55% female, 44% male, 1% other or guages that could remove accessibility barriers inherent to not stated). Average age was 38.79 (SD = 11.95). standard symbolic natural languages. This work serves as an Post-processing. To improve the quality of annotations, we initial step in this direction, by investigating how much hu- performed three post-processing steps: low quality annota- mans agree on the semantic interpretation of emojis. tor detection, validation of honeypots, and spelling correc- Emojis, social media, and natural language processing. tion. We performed detection of annotators with low anno- Social Media researchers have been examining the ways so- tation quality by identifying those who used the same word cial media users use, interpret, and express emotions and for all emojis in a task. We discarded one annotator whose information through emojis. It is known that emojis shape vocabulary size was less than 80% of the number of assigned online language (Feldman et al. 2021; Pavalanathan and emojis. To further ensure the quality, one unquestionably Eisenstein 2016). Emoji usage is a proxy to study human non-ambiguous emoji was placed in every task. Annotations behavior—emojis are a powerful indicator in the context of whose answers did not match any words from the expected crisis events (Santhanam et al. 2018) and can be used to set (e.g., “apple” for , “pizza” for , “carrot” for ) were identify group belonging (Jones, Nurse, and Li 2021). Re- excluded. Finally, to account for spelling mistakes, we cross- searchers have also been analyzing the use of gender and checked word validity using PyEnchant library. skin-tone modifiers (Barbieri and Camacho-Collados 2018; Measuring semantic variation. To measure the extent to Robertson, Magdy, and Goldwater 2020, 2021). As emo- which annotators agree about emoji meaning, we calculate jis became a standard element of online language, a need the dispersion of emoji’s annotations in a similar spirit to to computationally process them emerged. Creating mean- Miller et al. We used GloVe word embeddings (Pennington, ingful, latent emoji representations (Eisner et al. 2016) and Socher, and Manning 2014) of size 200 (Rehurek and Sojka emoji prediction tasks (Felbo et al. 2017; Barbieri et al. 2011). Let V denote the set of distinct words used by respon- 2018a) became important NLP tasks. Our annotations can dents to annotate the considered emoji, which we will call be used to compute or augment emoji representations and the emoji’s vocabulary; fv stands for the frequency of word v thus support Social Media and NLP research communities. 1 in the emoji’s annotations (e.g. 30 for “heart” in the vocabu- lary of , and MoV := arg maxv∈V fv is the mode annotation, 3 Methods and Data i.e. the most frequent word in V (e.g. "love" for ). We then define the emoji’s semantic variation as the weighted aver- Emoji selection. We selected studied emojis in the follow- age of the cosine distance between the embedding ev of each ing way. Starting from all available emojis, we removed let- word v ∈ V and the embedding eMoV of the mode annotation ters, numbers, flags, and anthropomorphic emojis of varying in V : 1 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fred/emoji- X semantic variation = fv · (1 − cos(ev , eMoV )) (1) dick/description v∈V
Category Category description Num. Examples 30 objects household items, celebrations, stationery, 202 and miscellaneous objects 25 nature scenery, animals, plants, weather 189 travel-places buildings, vehicles, landscapes 129 Vocabulary size food-drink fruit, vegetables, meals, beverages and utensils 113 20 faces smileys and faces with their cat versions 111 people anthropomorphic emojis other than professions 103 15 activity sports, music, the arts, hobbies, other activities 78 and objects associated with them 10 clothes & accessories umbrellas, shoes, purses, traditional clothing 47 symbols & signs mathematical symbols, currencies, cards suit, 43 punctuation marks 5 professions anthropomorphic emojis representing 38 professions such as doctor and lawyer 0 geometrical shapes of different sizes and colors such as 34 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 large blue circle and orange diamond Semantic variation hands & gestures gestures or activities done with hands such as 34 astrological folded hands and writing hands religious Japanese symbols emojis originating in Japanese culture 34 Japanese symbols and objects & objects public information symbols arrows 5 buttons & mobile buttons used in mobile phones 29 symbols & signs Symbolicalness rating public information danger warning, priority prohibitive, 26 hands & gestures symbols facilities, or service signs faces 4 buttons & mobile Category letters & numbers letters, numbers and their combinations 21 geometrical hearts hearts of different colours 19 professions 3 arrows arrows pointing in different directions 16 objects people astrological astrological zodiac signs 13 activity 2 religious symbols of major religious groups 10 travel-places letters & numbers 1 food-drink clothes & accessories Table 1: Emoji categorization. Twenty categories, category nature hearts descriptions, number of emojis, and three examples. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Average semantic variation 4 Results Figure 1: Top: the relationship between semantic variation (on the x-axis), and vocabulary size (on the y-axis). Bot- tom: average semantic variation across emoji categories (cf. RQ1: To what degree do people agree in their interpreta- Table 1). Color-bar represents the extent to which emojis tion of emojis? For each emoji, we measure the consistency within a category can be seen as belonging to an established among the words chosen to describe it. Consider the exam- system of symbols. Black dashed lines represent random ple of the fire emoji , for which one annotator used the baselines and gray bands their bootstrapped 95% confidence word “hot” and another the word “fire”. Since the terms are intervals. different, the annotators—strictly speaking—do not agree. Yet, the words “hot” and “fire” are semantically close, and emojis are likely to be useful—they are unlikely to introduce we would like to capture such similarities via the semantic misunderstanding. variation (Eq. 1). Third, semantic variation of 55 out of 1289 (4.3%) emojis To detect semantic variations significantly different from falls into the random baseline confidence interval. Given the random, we compute the semantic variation of the random intuition that emojis come with built-in semantics, it is strik- baseline. We sample random words (n = 30) from the union ing that some of them exhibit such low agreement. For future vocabulary of all annotations and calculate its semantic vari- communication applications, these emojis are unlikely to be ation. We repeat the process 1000 times to compute 95% useful as they introduce high levels of ambiguity. confidence intervals and obtain an estimated semantic varia- tion of 0.69 ([0.57, 0.88]). When emoji’s semantic variation In summary, human agreement about the context-free lies within these bounds, its vocabulary could have equally meaning of emojis ranges from completely unambiguous well been a random set of words. We then consider that hu- (16 emojis) to indistinguishable from random (55 emojis), mans do not agree on the interpretation of such an emoji. with emojis covering the whole spectrum of ambiguity. Our We repeat the same procedure for the vocabulary size ran- dataset can guide communication applications in choosing dom baseline and obtain an expected value of 30 (i.e., all appropriate emojis to facilitate understanding. words are different), with 95% confidence interval [27, 30]. RQ2: What types of emojis are most and least ambigu- All emojis, with their semantic variation and vocabulary ous? We further investigate discrepancies in ambiguity, ex- size, are presented in Fig. 1. pecting different categories of emojis to exhibit different av- First, we find a strong positive correlation between vo- erage variations. We report average semantic variation per cabulary size and semantic variation (Spearman’s ρ = 0.84, category in Fig. 1. p < 10−10 ). We note that emojis with a small vocabulary Our results bring nuances to findings of Miller et al., who size can range from very ambiguous to not ambiguous at all, claim that anthropomorphic emojis can be more likely to be while the ones with a rich vocabulary have higher ambiguity. ambiguous compared to emojis characterizing “things”. The Second, we find that 16 out of 1289 (1.2%) emojis reach a “faces” category occupies one of the middle places in the av- variation of 0, i.e. they were described with a single, unique erage variation ranking. Still, it is more ambiguous than ob- word by all annotators. Those include: jects. Categories with the lowest average variation are food- . For communication applications, these drink, clothes & accessories, nature, and hearts.
Interestingly, the top five most ambiguous categories are emojis can, unintuitively, be ambiguous since their interpre- the ones that emerged from further division of the original tation requires specific knowledge. “symbols” category. In particular, astrological signs form the In summary, we find that human agreement about the in- only category as ambiguous as the random baseline. Astro- terpretation of emojis varies across different emoji types. logical signs were described with very different words or, The symbolicalness, or the extent to which an emoji is a often, with names of other astrological signs. One could ar- symbol from an established code-book of symbols, is an im- gue that astrological signs have an unambiguous mapping portant dimension explaining the differences. to their names. However, without the background knowl- edge, they yield ambiguous standalone interpretations. Emo- 5 Discussion jis representing Japanese signs or having origins in Japanese culture ( , ), occupy the third place when it comes to av- Summary of main findings. Investigating whether people erage variation, likely due to annotators’ demographics and interpret emojis in the same way (RQ1), we find that emojis cultural background (USA residing, native English speak- come with very different amounts of prepacked semantics. ers). To describe emojis of Chinese, Japanese and Korean Some emojis are completely unambiguous, with most anno- characters ( ), annotators consistently used words such tators describing them with the same word. On the opposite, as: japanese, chinese, asian, sign. This was not the case for others are as ambiguous as if their descriptions were drawn some emojis ( , ) where annotators might have not been at random. To support the broader goals of using emojis to aware of the Japanese origin. improve communications, unambiguous emojis seem to be Following these insights, we investigate in more detail clear candidates to bring direct benefits. Investigating what symbolic emojis. In our data, emojis designed to repre- types of emojis are ambiguous (RQ2), we find that different sent symbols are the most ambiguous. Indeed, describing an types of emojis have very different levels of agreement. An emoji with an unknown symbol or a symbol that requires important dimension explaining the agreement differences cultural background is not any easier than trying to translate is the degree to which an emoji belongs to an established a piece of text into an unknown foreign language. Thus, it is code-book of symbols. Emojis referring to symbols require important to establish how close an emoji is to simply being background knowledge for interpretation and are less likely a symbol within an established code-book of symbols. We to be unambiguously recognized. can then measure whether more symbolic emojis bring less Concrete objects and things can easily be illustrated by an intuitive and universally shared meaning. emoji, while abstract ideas and concepts are harder to repre- Arguably, every emoji is a symbol, and its interpreta- sent without referring to symbolic ideas from shared cultural tion always refers to some shared background or cultural knowledge. Yet to support complex communication goals, it knowledge (e.g., Japanese emojis would be unambiguous to is necessary to refer to abstract ideas. This has to be done Japanese speakers). However, we aimed to establish “sym- symbolically since there is no descriptive way to represent bolicalness” of an emoji. Two authors independently an- in one emoji abstract societal concepts such as peace ( notated emojis with “symbolic levels”. We rated levels of ) or resistance ( ). However, there exist ubiquitous symbols agreement with the statement: “This emoji is a symbol.” on whose interpretations are widely agreed upon. For instance, a five-level Likert scale where 1 corresponded to “absolutely is an unambiguous symbol for love. These symbols can disagree” and 5 to “absolutely agree”. be leveraged to convey complex ideas universally. We pre-established an annotation framework where we Design implications. We highlight two mechanisms likely assigned levels from 5 to 1 respectively, to emojis repre- fueling measured variation in ambiguity and discuss their senting objects and concepts that: are established symbols implications. First, the fact that concrete objects can more and can be encountered in everyday or specialized activities easily be universally described with emojis highlights the such as: ; that can have a symbolic meaning and be en- importance of considering the intended participants and their countered in everyday or specialized activities such as: shared cultural background to appropriately choose the sym- ; that may or may not have a symbolic meaning such as: bolic emojis to use. Second, emoji design is known to con- ; that typically do not have a symbolic meaning such tribute to misinterpretations (Miller et al. 2017), since emo- as: ; that are not established symbols (faces, gestures, jis are limited in size and need to be comprehensible even people) such as: . if displayed tiny. For example, a “pine decoration” emoji Following this framework, we obtained Kendall’s τ = 0.8, contains a fair amount of details that are difficult to display p = 1.55 × 10−216 between the authors. Then, we computed on a small scale, further jeopardizing the understanding of an average symbolicalness between annotations for each the concept. Our findings of ambiguity can thus help make emoji. Afterward, we averaged the values for emojis within emojis more accessible, user-friendly, and versatile. a category to obtain category’s symbolicalness rating. We Limitations and future work. Our goal is to provide ini- represent the rating with a color scale in Figure 1. There is tial measurements of the ambiguity of emojis. Therefore, our a weak but significant positive correlation (Spearman cor- study is not without its limitations. All annotators provided a relation 0.25, p = 1.61 × 10−19 ) between semantic variation single word to describe an emoji. In the future, it will be in- and the symbolicalness rating. In addition, the most ambigu- teresting to extend to descriptions beyond one word. All an- ous categories of emojis indeed are the ones with the highest notators were English speakers who reside in the USA. Fu- symbolicalness rating. Even though symbols are designed to ture work should generalize to other cultures and languages. facilitate communication, our results indicate that symbolic
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