On Psychoholographic Interference of Subliminal Sensitivity Signals and their Diagnostics

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

    On Psychoholographic Interference of Subliminal Sensitivity
    Signals and their Diagnostics

    Igor B. Lebedev1 *, Alexander Yu. Kuznetsov2
      V.Ya. Kikot' Moscow University;
      Center of Informational and Psychological Security; Psychological Institute of the Russian
    Academy; American Psychological Association (USA)
    *Corresponding author: Igor B. Lebedev, address: 12 AkademikaVolgina str., Moscow,
    Russian Federation, 117997; e-mail: i_leb53@mail.ru
    Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
    Funding: Current study was not funding by any source.
    Authors' contributions:All authors equally contributed to the study and read and approved
    the final manuscript.

            This paper discusses the method of psychoholographic interference of subliminal
    sensitivity signals, which solves the issue of obtaining reliable psychology-related
    information.Using the PsyScanner non-local holographic resonance method, the authors
    reveal the means and manner of possible acquisition of information from the human iconic
    memory. The study includes an analysis of the preparation of the Russian national cross-
    country skiing team for the 2010 and 2014 Olympic Games.
            The methods of non-local holographic resonance PsyScanner were developed to solve
    these problems in practice; their use in practical activities has been successful for more than
    15 years, including application in sports training. The PsyScanner non-local holographic
    resonance methods were highly efficient in elite sports (used in training of three Olympic
    champions and four World champions), recovery of seriously ill people (oncology, cerebral
    palsy, strokes of various origins) and business.

    Keywords:cognitive psychology, holographic principle, human psyche, iconic memory, non-
    local holographic resonance, “PsyScanner”, “Encoder”, cognitive control

    1. Introduction                                               Sperling’s general intention was to
             The problem in question appeared             help the hard of hearing people - to
    as a topic of cognitive psychology in the             improve sound quality by using the
    late 50s and early 60s of the last                    principles of auditory synchronization.The
    century.While studying the processes of               conducted experiments gave facts about
    initial processing of information, the young          the universality of this approach and its
    American psychologist George Sperling                 applicability not only for the auditory
    found that when a signal hits the auditory            sensor, but also for the visual one.
    sensor, it is kept for a very short time and
    then filtered. At that, the brain begins to           2. Materials and Methods
    process information already at the receptor                   A few years later, one of the
    level, separating significant signals from            patriarchs of cognitive psychology Ulric
    minor ones. The theory proposed by                    Neisser described this phenomenon in his
    Sperling was based on quantitative                    book      “Cognition     and     Reality”
    methods used in quantum physics to                    (1981).Neisser gave it a name - iconic
    describe subatomic microprocesses.                    memory. He argued that “it is indeed

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

    possible to “extract information” from the            instantly (considering the speed of
    stimuli presented within a very short time”           propagation of a light wave in air)
    (Neisser, 1981).                                      according to human standards.
            Speaking about the length of the                       The term “holography” appeared in
    time interval during which information can            1947, when the Hungarian engineer Dennis
    be retrieved,Neisser noted that that                  Gabor proposed a new way of recording
    depends on several factors. for example, on           light interference.At that time, this
    brightness and contrast.«…Even a                      discovery was perceived only as another
    microsecond may be sufficient under                   proof of the wave properties of light. But
    optimal conditions»(Neisser, 1981)(Let us             later it turned out that holography is not a
    note that a microsecond is one millionth of           kind of photography, but a new scientific
    a second).                                            discovery. The process of restoring a
            Neisser pointed out that on average,          volumetric image was called holographic
    more or less complete extraction of this              at Gabor’ suggestion.
    information takes about 0.5 - 2 seconds,                       When creating holograms, Gabor
    again depending on the “vision                        recorded the interference of waves coming
    environment”.Assessing this phenomenon                from a monochromatic light source and
    Neisser in general summed up that “in any             light reflected from an object.The
    case, there is no doubt that it is the                interference pattern was recorded onto a
    presence of an icon that allows us to see             photographic plate placed behind the
    short tachistoscopic stimuli” (Neisser,               object. A mercury lamp was used as a light
    1981).Neisser notes another interesting               source.The object wave (reflected from the
    detail about Sperling's experiments. He               recorded object) was aligned with the
    writes that “a signal presented shortly after         reference wave at a certain angle, and the
    the stimulus is turned off may still allow            interference pattern was recorded on the
    the testee to pay attention to one part of the        plate. The plate was then developed and
    “iconic image” (Neisser, 1981).                       bleached, which resulted in a three-
            Boris Velichkovsky, a Russian                 dimensional image of the object.
    psychologist, gave more details about                          A very important point in obtaining
    experiments with iconic memory in his                 holograms was that the object's hologram
    book “Modern cognitive psychology”                    itself was an integral formation, a kind of
    (Velichkovsky, 1982). In particular,                  superposition of many geometric points
    Velichkovsky wrote: “Thus, the approach               that make up the object.In the late 40s-
    to a huge number of visual phenomena was              early 50s, scientists ignored Gabor's
    based on a very simple idea - the initial             discovery. But not all of them did. Two
    stage of information processing is a two-             outstanding researchers of the middle of
    dimensional and static picture (“visual               the last century - the Nobel Prize laureate
    image”) of physical stimulation, which                physicist David Bohm, whose book on
    decays with time, in about a third or a               quantum physics was called the best in
    quarter of a second. There appear questions           quantum physics by A. Einstein, and
    about the localization of the exact time              neurophysiologist Karl Pribram - used the
    characteristics and the content of iconic             idea of the holographic effect and put
    memory” (Velichkovsky, 1982).                         forward an incredible stunning hypothesis.
            The question about the means and              They made a scientific assumption on how
    manner of possible acquisition of                     matter can emerge from “emptiness” and
    information from the human iconic                     also how it is possible to materialize an
    memory became a point for discussion in               object based on the image created by the
    this research.We believe that the physical            brain.
    basis of iconic memory is a holographic
    image of an object that appears almost
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

    3. Results                                            soft- and hardware systems PsyScanner
            The methods we propose for                    and Encoder have been successfully used
    recording information and psychological               for about 15 years in personnel selection,
    impact result from this interesting                   assessment of the employees’ preparedness
    psychological phenomenon and advance it               in personnel services, as well as training of
    in practice.These methods are based on the            elite athletes both in and outside the
    following logic. With the help of special             Russian         Federation         (Lebedev,
    software, we enter into a computer the                &Kuznetsov, 2019b).
    semiotic information corresponding to the                     The main advantage of non-local
    iconic image that is already developed in a           holographic resonance over other methods
    person; then we present this information              and techniques is high productivity. In 20 -
    for a very short time interval and record             25 minutes, the testee is given about 2500
    the reaction of the psyche to such a                  questions, to which he or she answers
    presentation. At that, the psyche reacts by           truthfully at a subconscious level. As a
    building a complete image, which can be               result, the information hidden in the
    fixed (with special programs) as a certain            subconsciousness become evident, which
    motor response of the person and                      helps to reveal the true motivation of
    interpreted.                                          actions, intentions and causes of behavior.
            Using       the      method       of          It usually takes a psychologist more than
    psychoholographic        interference     of          six months to obtain such volume and
    subliminal sensitivity signals, we study the          quality of information. By the end of such
    psyche and make subsequent corrections,               a long period, the received information
    helping to get rid of unnecessary habits,             undoubtedly becomes outdated (Lebedev,
    etc. This method of psychodiagnostics and             &Kuznetsov, 2019c).
    psychocorrection was called “the system of                    Together with the Psychological
    non-local holographic resonance”.                     Institute of the Russian Academy of
            The application of point nano                 Education, we conducted a research in
    effects allowed studying the mental                   which we compared the data obtained
    phenomena of non-local holographic                    using a polygraphic research and the data
    resonance, which recreate a complete                  obtained using the method of non-local
    picture recorded by the appropriate                   holographic resonance (PsyScanner). The
    instrumentation.The studies of the non-               results were completely correlated, while
    locality of the human psyche made it                  the time spent was not comparable: 2.5 - 3
    possible to conclude that the phenomenon              hours for the polygraph and 8 - 10 minutes
    of amplification of signals coming from               for PsyScanner(Lebedev, &Kuznetsov,
    subliminal human sensations is an                     2019a, 219b).
    important condition for the appearance of                     The     examples       of    practical
    holographic resonance (Eysenck, &                     application of non-local holographic
    Sargent, 2001).                                       resonance in elite sports are the following.
            For psychodiagnostics, we use the                     1. The first experience of working
    PsyScanner        toolkit,      and      for          with elite athletes was received in
    psychocorrection - the Encoder toolkit                December 2003 - January 2004, at the
    (Lebedev, &Kuznetsov, 2019). In the tests             Department of Athletics of the Russian
    with PsyScanner, we applied point                     State University of Physical Culture; the
    informational nano-microinfluences on the             work was carried out within 1 month. In
    research object. The PsyScanner toolkit               the information letter on the results of the
    recorded these point effects and                      work, the head of the Department of
    determined the rate of reaction to                    Theory and Methods of Athletics,
    subliminal images in the “researcher -                Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
    measuring procedure – testee” system.The              Arakelyan concluded: “We consider it
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

    expedient to conduct a full-scale study,              which on an information medium has a
    which is especially important on the eve of           "miraculous" property: no matter how
    the Olympic Games.”                                   small the volume of the medium is, it will
            2. In May - August 2008, on the               still contain information about the whole
    instructions of the leadership of the                 (Loktyushin,       2013).In     the      book
    Russian Sports Committee, research work               “Holography for the curious” (Akilov,
    was carried out in terms of preparation of            &Shevtsov, 2018), researchers of the
    fencers E. Lamonova and A. Frosin for the             holographic phenomenon A. Akilov and
    Olympic Games; as a result, E. Lamonova               M. Shevtsov give an interesting example
    became an Olympic champion.                           with similar holographic properties in
            3. The Russian national sprint team           living objects. “Let us take a starfish as an
    in cross-country skiing was trained in                example. It has a certain holographic effect
    August 2009 - February 2010. The results              - if you cut off some part of it, this part
    are: N. Kryukov got a gold medal, A.                  will grow back. Moreover, a new starfish
    Panzhinsky – a silver medal, A. Petukhov              can even grow from a cut off part. The
    and N. Morilov - bronze medals, M.                    genetic code of a starfish is embedded in
    Devyatyarov - 8th place, N. Korostyleva               each of its parts” (Akilov, &Shevtsov,
    and I.Khazova - bronze medals.                        2018).
            4. The sprint team of the Russian                     Today, many scientists suggest that
    Federation continued training from May                our brain may also work on the principles
    2010 to February 2017. Their results were:            of holography. After all, if you try to find
    N. Kryukov became a three-time World                  an external analogue of a psychic image,
    champion, a silver medalist of the 2014               the first thing that comes to mind is
    Olympics, a multiple champion of the                  comparison with a hologram. David Bohm
    World Cup stages; A. Petukhov became a                and Karl Pribram went even further - they
    World Champion, a silver medalist of the              suggested that the entire material world is a
    World Championship, a multiple winner of              hologram (Cox, & Forshaw, 2016).
    the World Cup stages; N. Morilov – a                           In an interview with the journal
    multiple winner of the World Cup stages;              Psychology Today, Pribram clarifies: “We
    N. Matveeva – a silver medalist of the                cannot say that the world is a complete
    World Championship, a multiple winner of              illusion and there are no objects in it, the
    the World Cup stages.                                 point is different: if you manage to
            5. At the request of the leadership           penetrate the depths of the universe and
    of the Kazakhstan Cross-Country Skiing                look at it as a holographic system, you will
    Federation, from 2017 to 2020, PsyScanner             come to a completely a different reality -
    was used in training of the Kazakhstan                one that will help to understand what has
    national cross-country skiing team. The               not yet been explained in science, namely:
    response of the Federation was a letter of            paranormal phenomena and synchronicities
    gratitude that mentioned successful and               - amazing coincidences that have an
    effective work with the sportsmen.                    internal connection” (Talbot, 2004).
            6. The methods of non-local                           In this work, we are interested not
    holographic resonance are now actively                in the whole universe, even if it is arranged
    used in the preparation of the Russian                on the principles of holography, but in a
    national teams in short track, figure                 very narrow and specific question: is it
    skating, cross-country skiing, rowing and             possible to find fundamentally different
    biathlon.                                             psychological methods of diagnostics and
                                                          correction, apart from those already
    4. Discussion                                         existing today?
           A hologram is a complex and                            In physics, there is the concept of
    “strange” phenomenon, the recording of                “quantum entanglement”. In simple words,
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

    it is a phenomenon in which a correlation             phenomenon of interference of the
    between two synchronized subatomic                    reference and object waves and gave it the
    particles is maintained when the known                name “the phenomenon of reflecting the
    physical interactions between them are                optical properties of an object in the wave
    excluded (Mensky, 2007).                              field of radiation scattered by it.”
            We would like to emphasize that                        Denisyuk's method was based on a
    the psyche is not just the ability of living          feature of new holographic plates used by
    organisms to reflect the surrounding world            him, covered with a special high-resolution
    in the form of an image; the psyche is a              photographic emulsion. The peculiarity of
    special reality of our world, existing                Denisyuk's plates was their ability to
    together with matter, or, in some cases,              partially reflect and partially transmit the
    independently from it.                                light flux. This allowed Denisyuk to create
            In psychology, there is a theory of           interference from the merging of counter
    subliminal (supraliminal) sensitivity; its            streams of light. Denisyuk received his
    cases are known and not new. The problem              first hologram on December 3, 1959. All
    discussed in this paper is much more                  that happened in the pre-laser era (Feigin,
    complicated. Subliminal sensitivity is a              2010).
    sensation.     Sensation may occur, but                        To make the picture of the
    perception (it arises at the level of                 described phenomenon more complete, we
    consciousness) is absent. Namely, there is            will turn thoughts to the USA and tell
    no conscious response to reflection. These            about one interesting discovery made there
    cases in psychology have long been                    at about the same time as the appearance of
    described (Eysenck, & Sargent, 2001;                  holography.In the USA, in the late 1950s,
    Deryabin, 2009).                                      there were reports about the use of the
            In our measurements, we definitely            phenomenon of subliminal reflection of
    record a subliminal conscious reaction, the           information by the psyche for the purpose
    one that happens very quickly and without             of     manipulating      people's    behavior
    the testee's knowledge of it. How is it               (Schubert, Strobach, &Karbach, 2014).
    possible?                                                      This technology was called
            The     theory    of    holographic           “subliminal impact”.The term “subliminal”
    resonance helps to clarify this situation -           was first used in psychology in William
    the theory of reconstructing an integral              James's The Varieties of Religious
    picture of an object from its fragmentary             Experience back in the late 19th century.
    part.                                                 “Subliminal” translated into Russian
            Let us come back to the history of            means “subconscious”, “extraconscious”.
    holography. Probably, after all, the                  In this sense, James was one of the first
    discoverer     of     the    principle    of          well-known psychologists who supported
    interferometry     for    obtaining    color          Freud at that time.
    photographs was Gabriel Lippmann (1845                         In the autumn of 1957, moviegoers
    - 1921). In 1892, he conducted successful             in the US state of New Jersey, in the city of
    experiments with the registration of color            Fort Lee, watched a film called “Picnic”.In
    images on black and white photographic                many places, the film contained previously
    materials, for which he was awarded the               inserted single frames with advertising
    Nobel Prize. In fact, he was the first to             calls to buy popcorn and Coca-Cola.
    register the phenomenon of “standing                  Advertising calls were inserted every 24
    water” on photosensitive emulsion (Gisin,             frames, hence they were later called “25th
    2016).                                                frame”. All this was allegedly done by one
            In 1958, the Soviet physicist Yuri            little-known advertising specialist; his
    Denisyuk, independently of Gabor's                    name was James Vykeri.
    research, also came up with the                                The audience could not consciously
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

    notice the “insert”, because a single frame           effectiveness of this phenomenon and
    was in the field of visual perception for a           behaved in accordance with the results
    very short time.The marketing company,                announced                                by
    which seemed to be engaged in this ad and             Vaykeri(Soutschek,Strobach, & Schubert,
    developed a plan for the entire experiment,           2013).
    later stated that the sales of popcorn and                     There were other opinions - for
    Coke in the cinema during the break                   example, that the Vykeri experiment was
    jumped sharply.                                       never carried out and all this was a
            After newspaper reports on the                grandiose hoax.In 1962, Vykeri himself
    effect, others also tried to use this                 admitted that he did not have enough
    technique.However, soon followed an                   experimental data for the corresponding
    explosion of public outrage. Law                      statements.The      excitement     gradually
    enforcement agencies became interested in             subsided and the problem was forgotten for
    the case and began an investigation.                  a whole decade.
    Hysteria in society, as always, was                            In the early 1970s, it was
    whipped up by journalists and the yellow              remembered again. In 1973, William
    press.                                                Friedkin released “The Exorcist” movie in
            The general meaning of their                  the United States. He made inserts into the
    statements was as follows: if this technique          film with the image of “death masks” to
    can force a person to eat popcorn and drink           scare the viewer more. The appearance of
    Coca-Cola, then what are the guarantees               the term “25th frame effect” belongs to this
    that it will not be possible to manipulate            period.
    public opinion during the parliamentary                        A new excitement began around the
    and presidential elections (Dubrov, &                 old      problem,    although     American
    Pushkin, 1989).                                       psychologists argued that there was no
            In 1958, the American Foundation              evidence of a subliminal effect.Despite the
    for Advertising Research officially                   denial of the problem by science, the first
    demanded that Vykeri repeat the                       commercial products appeared in the
    experiment and provide its results and the            United States in the 1980s, allegedly using
    method itself. Vykeri tried to repeat the             elements of subliminal exposure. They
    experiment several times, but every time              were associated with the impact on people
    something interfered and the experiment               suffering from bad habits: smoking,
    did not work out.Vykeri reported that his             drinking, drug addiction. There were
    first experiment lasted six weeks and                 sound-containing products to relieve stress,
    involved several thousand subjects.                   irritation or depression with the help of
            One inquisitive student, future               soothing messages recorded at the
    psychologist Stuart Rogers from New                   subliminal level and superimposed on
    York, went to the scene to investigate what           music and sounds of the surrounding
    had happened in person. Upon arrival at               nature evoking a certain mood. In the
    Fort Lee, Rogers was surprised to find that           United States in the late 1980s, in order to
    the management of the cinema did not                  combat theft in supermarkets, they began
    know anything about the experiment, and               to include, along with ordinary well-
    the provincial cinema itself was so small             audible music, a barely audible and rapidly
    that the 50 thousand spectators indicated             repeating whisper like: “Don't you dare
    by Vykeri could not fit in it for six months.         steal! We see everything, you are being
    There were reports that subsequent                    watched. You will be caught.” The number
    repetitive attempts to repeat the Vykeri              of thefts is said to have dropped
    experiment were unsuccessful.The general              dramatically.
    conclusion was that people wanted to                           At about the same time, a number
    believe and therefore did believe in the              of American psychologists tried to
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

    diagnose the effectiveness of subliminal              reaction is semantic. These considerations
    technologies once again. (Hommel,                     lead to the first conclusion that any
    Ridderinkhof, &Theeuwes, 2002). Their                 perceived stimuli are stored in memory not
    conclusions        were       unambiguous:            in the form of an independent semantic
    "Subliminal recordings did not in any way             element, but only in the aggregate of
    affect the change in those processes in the           associative bonds with other elements.
    psyche at which they were aimed at.”The                       Any informational stimulus, any
    attempts to verify these technologies were            change in the internal or external
    repeated. The general conclusions of                  environment entail a change in mental
    psychologists were as follows.Firstly, the            activity. If the stimulus is completely new,
    subliminal impact cannot affect the general           then the reaction to it will be defensive-
    line of human behavior, i.e. change the               orientational: an increase in the level of
    direction of behavior.                                wakefulness, readiness for action, active
            Secondly, the subliminal effect can,          analysis      of    the    stimulus    action
    at least, affect the person's assessment of           consequences.The meaning of a stimulus,
    certain events, still without direct change           which can be, for example, a word or a
    in the human behavior.Thirdly, subliminal             visual     image,      is   its   connection
    influence affects the emotional background            (association) with a specific change in the
    of performed actions and, in general, the             emotional state.
    mood of both an individual and a group of                     Hence, there is the second
    people. There's no denying that it already            important conclusion: having identified a
    matters. Similar studies were carried out in          group of meaningful words that generate
    the USSR and then in the Russian                      emotions for a particular individual, it
    Federation.                                           becomes possible to change his mental
            The pioneer of this direction in              activity and behavior by presenting these
    Russia was Igor Smirnov (Abakumov),                   words to him or her in a certain way.
    Candidate of Medical Sciences. He wrote                       The significance of a word is
    an interesting book “Psychoecology” about             measured by the number of associative
    his research. According to the author, it             bonds with other words. The basic
    presented “a computer psychosemantic                  semantic core of any personality is the so-
    analysis and psychocorrection at the                  called accent locus of latent information
    “unconscious level.” This was perhaps one             (ALLI). A person is never aware of his
    of the very few studies on this topic in              ALLI, under no circumstances.
    Russia. (Smirnov I., Beznosyuk E.,                            According to Smirnov, ALLI
    Zhuravlev, 1995; Smirnov, 2003).                      contains peculiar “reference points” that
            The main principles of Smirnov's              allow understanding the principles of the
    teachings were as follows. The basis of               psyche reaction of a particular person to
    “psychoecology” is the idea of the role of            different stimuli.Let us go back to the 25th
    semantic (informational) factors in the               frame effect phenomenon. It exists due to
    processes of life. As a person's                      subliminal perception. And subliminal
    consciousness develops, the role of                   perception is possible due to holographic
    semantic factors increases. Hence, the                reflection and the ability of holograms to
    basis of the mental activity of the human             restore their integrity based on their part.
    brain is a semantic stimulus (word or                 At that, a “part of the hologram” can be not
    image). The second signaling system is a              only a spatial object, but also a temporal
    system of semantic symbols of a                       one.
    predominantly verbal nature.                                  “A part of the whole” is a spatial-
            According to Smirnov, any                     temporal concept, not merely a spatial
    stimulus that can be perceived by the                 one.For example, to be reflected in
    psyche and is capable of causing any                  sensations, an object must be included in
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

    the coordinate system “near – far” and
    “large – small”.

                                                              Figure 2. Parameters of space-time

    Figure 1. Coordinate system “near –                           Throughout this perceiving system,
    far” and “large – small”                              there is a concept of subliminal
                                                          sensitivity.For example, a normal human
            An object must match the                      does not see the flight of a bullet, this is a
    “capabilities” of human receptors to be               very short-term process. But it can be
    perceived in terms of its spatial                     captured on high-speed video.People,
    characteristics. We cannot see an                     being in unusual states of consciousness
    excessively small object, nor can we see an           (extreme, meditative immersions), often
    excessively large object (the universe). We           talk about the effect of “time stop" or time
    also cannot see an object too far away or             slowdown. In such states, a person is aware
    too close.                                            of fast-paced processes, “sees the flight of
            To see means to realize that the              a bullet”, etc.
    object is in the zone of the person’s                         Subconscious temporal perception
    perception at the moment of seeing. An                “captures” some fragment of a fast-moving
    invisible object can be “seen” using                  process and then restores the entire object
    various technical devices. The matter                 as a whole according to the laws of
    under consideration is not about the play of          holography (Delone, 2008). More than a
    the imagination, but about the possibility            hundred years ago, Max Planck argued that
    of real perception.                                   electromagnetic waves propagate as parts,
            It is quite possible that certain             in portions (quanta). Light is both a wave
    states of our psyche are sometimes capable            and a particle (photon) with energy equal
    of performing the role of such technical              to a certain number (h - Planck's constant)
    devices, allowing us to construct an                  and is calculated by the formula:
    “invisible” image based on its holographic
    fragments (Goldberg, 2015).Alongside the                             E = h ∙ v,
    spatial characteristics of the external                                                       (Eq. 1)
    objects perception, there are also temporal
    ones.                                                         where V is electromagnetic
            The temporal axis of perception               oscillations frequenct.
    "fast-slow" also exists and determines the                    The human brain is complex
    perception features; it also has holographic          enough and is not yet fully understood by
    characteristics.Thus, in order for an object          researchers.It is quite possible that human
    to fall into the perception zone, it must             beings have some feature similar to what in
    correspond to certain parameters of space-            radio engineering is called a “coherent
    time perception.                                      oscillator”    -    device    for    internal
                                                          amplification of an external weak signal.

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 74-83
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

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