Klinik, biologi, forskning - Om ALS 2014 - Johannes Mörtsell, Stensele, Västerbotten, juni 1887

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Klinik, biologi, forskning - Om ALS 2014 - Johannes Mörtsell, Stensele, Västerbotten, juni 1887
Om ALS 2014

                                   Klinik, biologi, forskning

 Peter Munch Andersen

Professor, overlege, med. dr.
     Umeå Universitet

       SE-901 85 Umeå




                                             Johannes Mörtsell,

                                      Stensele, Västerbotten, juni 1887
Klinik, biologi, forskning - Om ALS 2014 - Johannes Mörtsell, Stensele, Västerbotten, juni 1887
Om ALS: Epidemiologi

•     Global (Mao Tse-tung, Dmitrij Sjostakovitch, David Niven, Lou Gehrig, Maj
      Fant, Ulla-Carin Lindquist, Håkan Sundin, Stephen Hawking)

•     Risiko for ALS under en livstid:

>1:400 for mænd, >1:600 for kvinder

•    Incidens:

2,5-3,1 per 100 000 og år

     (= antal nye pasienter/år)

(>halvdelen af MS).

• Prevalens:

6-8 per 100 000.

(= totale antal pasienter i en befolkning på 100 000)

•     Danmark ≈ 115 nye pasienter per år (pasientregister findes ikke)

•     Finland ≈ 120 nye pasienter per år (pasientregister findes ej)

•     Island ≈ 7-9 pasienter per år (pasientregister findes)

•     Norge ≈ 90-100 nye pasienter og år (pasientregister findes ikke)

•     Sverige > 220 nye pasienter per år (pasientregister findes ikke)

•     USA ≈ 5300 nye pasienter/år

•     I vestverden findes ≈ 38 000 ALS pasienter i livet.
Klinik, biologi, forskning - Om ALS 2014 - Johannes Mörtsell, Stensele, Västerbotten, juni 1887
Motor cortex
                                                                                   Sulcus Centralis

Det Motoriske Nervesystem


   Spastisk forlammelse


Letudløste dybe senereflexer


      Babinski’s tegn

                                              1:a motor neuronets axon                                    Lillhjärnan
        Klonus tegn


                    Skelettmuskel i huvudet                                                              (Truncus encefalicus)
                    halsen eller svalget, t ex:
                                                                                                          Foramen Magnum

     Slap forlammelse

                                    2:a motor neuronets axon


  Svage dybe senereflexer


                               synaps mellan 2:a
                                                                                                          (Medulla spinalis)
                                                      motorneuronets axon och
                    Skelettmuskel i en
                    extremitet, t ex
                    m biceps brachii

                                                          alfa-motor neuron
                                                             i framhornen

                                                                                                         PMA 2000 01 18
Klinik, biologi, forskning - Om ALS 2014 - Johannes Mörtsell, Stensele, Västerbotten, juni 1887
Amyotrofisk Lateral Skleros

     Ved ALS dør de motoriske nerveceller (motornevronen) i:


                       Hjernestammen, og

              Rygmarvens ydre deler (laterala del),

               og erstattes af bindevæv (sklerose)

            Muskler som ikke får impulser/signaler fra

                 nervesystemet svinder (atrofi)

                   og bliver svage (paretiske)

Trophos betyder ”nutrisjon/næring” (= impulser fra nervesystemet)

Myos betyder muskler

A = noget som mangler
Klinik, biologi, forskning - Om ALS 2014 - Johannes Mörtsell, Stensele, Västerbotten, juni 1887
Om ALS: Symptomer

• Kardinalsymptom er:

Muskelsvaghed (pares)

Muskelsvind (atrofi)

Muskelrykninger (fascikulationer)

• Som progredierer uden pause

• Kardinaltegn er:


1:a motornevrontegn

2:a motornevrontegn

Bevarad sensorik*

Bevarad intellekt*
Om ALS: Diagnosen

• Det findes inget specifikt ”ALS-prøve”.

• Diagnosen er en exklusjonsdiagnos:
      Undersøge pasienten for alle sykdommer (46 stk.) med samme symptombillede!

•        1. Anamnesen: Initial asymmetrisk fokal pares med muskelsvind,

evt. fascikulationer (kan mangle). Symptomen øger med tiden!

2. EMG (spontanaktivitet, store enheder, polyfasi osv.)

3. Neurografi (oftest normal)

4. Blodprøve analyser

5. Evt. Cerebrospinal vædske analyser

6. DNA analyser ved familjær ALS (FALS)

Fejldiagnostik er desverre ikke sjælden:

falsk positiv: 5-8% i studier fra Irland og U.S.A.

falsk negativ: 35-43% i flere studier fra Skotland, Ireland, New Jersey

Middeltid fra 1. symptom til diagnosen: 13-16 måneder.
Table 1.2: Recommended investigations:

                                            Evidence   recommended    recommended
           Clinical Chemistry                                                 Test    class      mandatory    additional tests in
                                                                                                   tests       selected cases
           Blood                erythrocyte sedimentation rate                          IV           x
                                C-reactive protein (CRP)                                IV           x
                                haematological screen                                   IV           x
                                ASAT, ALAT, LDH                                         IV           x
                                TSH, FT4, FT3 hormone assays                            IV           x
                                vitamins B12 and folate                                 IV           x
                                serum protein electrophoresis                           IV           x
                                serum immunoelectrophoresis                             IV           x
                                creatine kinase (CK)                                    IV           x
                                creatinine                                              IV           x
                                electroclytes (Na+,K+,Cl-,Ca2+,HPO4--)                  IV           x
                                glucose                                                 IV           x
                                angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)                     IV                            x
                                lactate                                                 IV                            x
                                hexoaminidase A and B assay                             IV                            x
                                ganglioside GM-1 antibodies                             IV                            x
                                anti-Hu, anti-MAG                                       IV                            x
                                RA, ANA, anti-DNA                                       IV                            x
                                anti-AChR, anti-MuSK antibodies                         IV                            x
                                serology (Borrelia, virus including HIV)                IV                            x
                                DNA analysis (for details see Figure 6.1)               IV                            x

           CSF                  cell count                                              IV                            x
                                cytology                                                IV                            x
                                total protein concentration                             IV                            x
                                glucose, lactate                                        IV                            x
                                protein electrophoresis including IgG index             IV                            x
                                serology (Borrelia, virus)                              IV                            x
                                ganglioside antibodies                                  IV                            x

           Urine                Cadmium                                                 IV                            x
                                Lead (24 hour secretion)                                IV                            x
                                Mercury                                                 IV                            x
                                Manganese                                               IV                            x
                                urine immunoelectrophoresis                             IV                            x

           Neurophysiology      EMG                                                    III           x
                                Nerve conduction velocity                              III           x
                                MEP                                                     IV                            x

           Radiology            MRI/CAT (head/cervical, thoracic, lumbar)               IV           x
                                Chest X-ray                                             IV           x
                                Mammography                                             IV                            x

           Biopsy               Muscle                                                 III                            x
                                Nerve                                                   IV                            x
                                Bone Marrow                                             IV                            x
                                Lymph node                                              IV                            x
kortikal magnetisk stimulering af
      1:a motorneuronsystem i
      (“MEP”, Magnetisk Evoked Potential)

1. Motornevron


                                            Registrerings-nål i
                                             en arm muskel
          2. Motornevron

Primary motor neuron diseases & motor neuronopathies
                                       Heriditary Spastic Paraplegia

46 differential diagnoser

           Hirayama's Disease
                                       SpinoBulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA)
til ALS…….

                          Lower Motor Neuron Syndromes I-III (LMN) with or without GM1 antibodies
                                       Monomelic motor neuron disease (benign focal amyotrophy)

                                       Metabolic and immunological disorders
                                       Diabetic "amyotrophy"
                                       Hexosaminodase A/B defiency (Adult GM2 Gangliosidosis)
                                       Hyperthyroid myopathy
                                       Monoclonal gammopathy with proximal motor axonopathy


        Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)
                                       Myasthenia gravis
                                       Myopathies, especially polymyositis and inclusion body myositis
                                       Polyglucosan body disease
                                       Sarcoidosis (with myositis)

                                       Malignant neoplasm
                                       Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (paraneoplastic MND)

                                       Infectious (transmissible) causes
                                       AIDS (with vacuolar myelopathy)
                                       Cat-scratch disease
                                       Creutzfeldt-Jakob's Disease (amyotrophic form)
                                       Herpes zoster myelitis (Coxsackie virus infection as well?)
                                       HTLV-1 (Tropical spastic paraplegia)
                                       Neuroborreliosis (Lyme's Disease)
                                       Post-infection Syndromes (especially the post-polio syndrome)

                                       Exogenous intoxications
                                       Aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, manganese, mercury

                                       Vascular disorders
                                       Ischemic injury to spinal cord without sensory signs

                                       System degenerations
                                       Joseph-Machado disease
                                       Multiple System Atrophy
                                       Olivo ponto cerebellar atrophy (OPCA's)
                                       Shy Drager syndrome


   Spinocerebellar degeneration

                                       Compression of the spinal cord
                                       Cervical, foraman magnum or posterior fosa region tumors
                                       Chiari I malformation
                                       Spondylotic myeloradiculopathy
                                       Cervical synovial cysts
                                       Herniation of intervertebral dics

                                       Antecedent physical injury
                                       Post electric shock
                                       Post irradiation therapy

                                       Cramp-fasciculation syndrome
Feildiagnose er desverre ikke sjelden

Hos nevrologspecialist har 5-8 av pasientene en alternativ diagnose
     (falsk positiv) og som kan behandles hos cirka halvdelen.
Op til 44% har (initialt) en falsk-negative diagnose!

Traynor BJ, Codd MB, Corr B, Forde C, Frost E, Hardiman O. Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis
      mimic syndromes. Arch Neurol 2000;57:109-13.

Belsh JM, Schiffman PL. The amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patient perspective on
      misdiagnosis and it repercussions. J Neurol Sci 1996;139(suppl):110-6.

Davenport RJ, Swingler RJ, Chancellor AM, Warlow CP. Avoiding false positive diagnoses
     of motor neuron disease: lessons from the Scottish Motor Neuron Disease Register.
     J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996;60:147-51.

Brooks BR. Earlier is better: the benefits of early diagnosis.
     Neurology 1999;53(suppl 5): S53-4.
ALS’ 6 kliniske faser (oversikt)

           1.                                Krisfas efter                                  Avancerat sykdom
         kontakt                          diagnos (e1-6 mdr)                              mindst >2 af følgende:
                                                                                     PEG, extern ventilator, el-rullestol
             Inlæggelse nevrologen                             Stabiliseringsfasen    kommunikationshjælpemiddell,
                for undersøgelser                                   3-18 mdr           personlig assistent, (1-6 mdr)

                                                                                                                  Orthopnoe og/eller
      00 0            1             2                                                                            svær dyspnoe-fasen
                   utredning       kris                          3                                                   AHS, hospis


                     DIAGNOSE                                                                 avancerat                         (
Tio år efter symptomdebut

                                 er c:a 10% af ALS-


                          pasienter i livet uden behandling





          26 måneder


MALS Projektet 2004-2012

    En EFNS arbejdsgruppe (”task force”) for den
             optimale behandling av ALS
         (” Management of ALS”, MALS):
European Consensus Guidelines for Diagnosing and Clinical Care of
                       patients and relatives.
       An evidence-based review with Good Practice Points.


1. The European Handbook of Neurological Management, 2nd ed., chapter 17, 2010

2. Andersen PM et al. Eur J Neurol 2005;12:921-938

3. Andersen PM et al. Eur J Neurol 2012;19:360-375 (revidered version)

4. www.efns.org.

5. (Andersen PM et al. ALS 2007; 8:195-213) (EALSC’s versjon)
Hvad kan man gøre, hvad skal man gøre?
                        Nogle punkter:

• Empati: ALS-team!

• ”Bremsemedisin”: Riluzol

• Ernæring: PEG mavesonde, ”knap” (button)

• Respirasjon: ventilator (f.eks. IMV, NIV)

• Infektionsbehandling: Aggressiv og ved mindste tegn!

• Influensavaccination (gerne også af patientens nærmeste familje)

• Aspirationsprofylakse: hostemaskine, PEG, acetylcystein

• Fysioterapi (specielt klima-terapibad 32-34oC vand, 1-2/uge)
Hvordan ved vi at Riluzol har effekt?


         Sykdomen begynder


          (> 5 år inden pasienten får motoriske symptomer)


                                                                                Terskel for


                                                                    Med tidig Riluzol








   3 (diagnos tidspunkt)


                                                     Symptomatisk periode

                       periode (>5 år?)
Mange undersøgelser har udførts med Riluzole/Rilutek :

Fase III Dobbelt-blindede randomiserede undersøgelser (Klasse 1 studier)

1. Bensimon et al. A controlled trial of riluzole in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS/Riluzole
Study Group. N Engl J Med 1994;330:585-591.

2. Lacomblez et al. Dose-ranging study of riluzole in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Riluzole Study Group II. Lancet 1996;347:1425-1431.

3. Yanagisawa et al. Efficacy and safety of riluzole in patients with ALS: double blind
placebo-controlled study in Japan. Igakuno Ayumi 1997;182:851-866.

4. Bensimon et al. A study of riluzole in the treatment of advanced stage or elderly patients
with ALS. J Neurol Sci 2002;249:609-615.

    Fase IV Population-baserede retrospektive undersøgelser:

    1. Riviere et al. An analysis of extended survival in patients with ALS treated with riluzole.
1. xxxxxxxx

    Arch Neurol 1998;55:526-528.

    2. Brooks et al. (2001). Survival in Non-Riluzole treated ALS patients is identical before
    and since 1996: a clinic-based epidemiological study. ALS 2001; suppl 2:60-61

    3. Turner et al. Prognostic modelling of therapeutic interventions in amyotrophic lateral
    sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord. 2002;3:15-21.

    4. Traynor et al. An outcome study of riluzole in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - a
    population-based study in Ireland, 1996-2000. J Neurol 2003;250:473-479.
Effekten af Riluzol (Rilutek) ved ALS:

   Retrospektive studier med 100 mg Rilutek daglig

Engelsk studie (King’s College, University of London)

   1. 656 pasienter mellen 1990 og 2000

   2. Median overlevelsestid med Rilutek: 53 måneder (n = 301)

   3. Median overlevelsestid uden Rilutek: 32 måneder (n = 355)

   (p < 0,0001)

          Irlandsk studie (Beumont Hospital, Dublin)

1. 360 pasienter mellen 1995 og 2001

2. Forlænget overlevelsestid med mindst 12 månader

3. Bedst effekt om medisinen bliver indsat tidligt.

                   Amerikansk studie (Madison, Wisconsin)

1. 469 pasienter

2. Median overlevelsestid med Rilutek: 58 måneder

3. Median overlevelsestid uden Rilutek: 48 måneder

4. Størst effekt hos pasienter < 45 år men effekt kan påvisas

 i alla aldersgrupper.

5. Størst effekt hos pasienter med rask sykdom.
Neuroprotective treatment/Disease modifying treatment

1. ALS patients should be offered treatment with riluzole 50 mg twice daily.

(Class I,

recommendation level A).

2. Patients treated with riluzole should be monitored regularly for safety.

(Class I,

recommendation level A).

3. Treatment should be initiated as early as possible after diagnosis, taking into account
        expected therapeutic benefits and potential safety issues

(Class I, recommendation level A).

4. Realistic expectations for treatment effects and potential side effects should be discussed
        with the patient and caregivers.

5. Treatment with riluzole should be considered in PMA and PLS patients who have a first
        degree relative with ALS.

6. Patients with slowly progressive sporadic PMA, sporadic PLS or HSP should as a rule not
        be treated with riluzole but treatment should be considered in “ALS-like” patients with
        clinical PMA or PLS.
Hvem ska ha/ikke ha Riluzol?

               Konsensus hos AAN og EFNS:
    ALS, PBP, Pseudo-bulbær pares, PMA (voksen variant)

                      Ikke konsensus:
PLS, BFA (inkl Hirayama’s variant), ALS-FTD, FTD-ALS, FTD

                                         Den døende pasienten?
Medisiner som i kliniska studier

  forværrer ALS pasienter:



  Minocycline (Minocine)

    Topiramat (Topimax)
Flere nye behandlingsforsøk for ALS 2014:
                (listen er ikke fuldstændig)

Nye mediciner (11)             Celle terapi (2)
IV ceftriaxon
Phenylbutyrat                 Gene Shut-down (4)
Arimoclomol                 RNAi mod muteret SOD1
Aeolus/Incara 10150         DNA oligonukleotider antisense (ASO)
Cytokinetics                PTC124
Thalidomid                  Pyrimethamine
                                          Stamcelle forsøk (3)
Treatment Please Do Not:

Følgende behandlinger kan IKKE anbefales/frarådes:

                    vitaminer (spec. vit. C)


   anti-oxidanter som co-enzyme Q-10 og gingko biloba

   intravenous immunoglobulin behandling, cyclosporin,
            interferon, copaxone, KDI tripeptide

 Neurotrofiske faktorer (inklusiv VEGF, IGF-1, mecasermin
                     rinfabate) ceftriaxon





Symptomatic treatment:

Sialorrhea and drooling:

Severely affects the patients QOL

1. Treat sialorrhea in ALS with amitriptyline, oral or transdermal hyoscine, glycopyrrolate
or sublingual atropine drops.

2. Botulinum toxin (type A or B) injections into the parotid and/or submandibular glands
may be effective and are generally well tolerated.

(Giess et al., 2000; Lipp et al., 2003; Jackson et al., 2009).

3. Irradiation of the salivary glands may be tried when pharmacological treatment fails

(Four Class IV studies: Andersen et al., 2001; Harriman et al., 2001; Stalpers and Moser,
2002; Neppelberg et al., 2007).

4. Provide a portable mechanical home suction device.

5. Surgical interventions are not recommended.
Behandling af hypersalivation

• Medicinsk behandling

   – Antikolinerge medicin

       •   Atropin tablet

      • Kirurgisk

       •   Atropin mixtur

          – Unilateral tympanisk
       •   Scopoderm plaster


       •   Tricykliske                – Bortoperation af en spøtkirtel


          – Laserfotokoagulation af

                                      – Intraoral submandibular og

   • Botulinum toxin A                    Røntgenbestrålning af

     injeksjon i parotiskirtlen.


                                             (gl. Parotis og
Bronchial secretions:

1. Start with a mucolytic like N-acetylcysteine, 200-400mg three times daily.

2. Try a nebulizer with saline and a b-receptor antagonist and/or an anticholinergic
bronchodilator and/or a mucolytic in combination.

3. Mucolytics should only be used if sufficient cough flow is present.

4. Teach the patient and carers the technique of assisting expiratory movements using a
manual assisted cough (can also be performed by a physical therapist).

5. Provide a portable home suction device and a room humidifier.

6. A mechanical insufflator-exsufflator via a face-mask may be helpful, particularly in the
setting of an acute respiratory infection.

7. A tracheostomy or cricopharyngeal myotomy may be helpful in rare cases with frequent
episodes of cricopharyngeal spasm and severe bronchial secretions.
Pseudobulbar emotional lability:
Occurs in >50% of ALS patients irrespective of bulbar motor signs.
Currently, there are no approved treatments for pseudobulbar emotional lability.

1. Inform the patient and relatives that the emotional lability is not a sign of an
additional mood disorder but is due to the effects of ALS on the brain. 

2. Troublesome emotional lability should be treated: Antidepressants such as
amitriptyline (in particular in patients with drooling), fluvoxamine or citalopram
are usually sufficient.

3. A combination of Dextrometorphan and Quinidine has been shown to be
effective in a class I A study but further experience on the long term side effects
and tolerability are needed (Pioro E et al., 2010; 68: 693-702).

Can severely affect the patients QOL.

1. Regular physical therapy can help relieve significant spasticity (Class II B)
(Drory et al., 2001).

2. Hydrotherapy with exercises in warm pools (32-34oC) and cryotherapy may be
3. Antispastic drugs such as baclofen and tizanidine may be tried.

4. If spasticity is severe despite oral medications, intrathecal baclofen may be

Enteral Nutrition in ALS

80% of patients with ALS develops dysphagia

Weight loss and body impedance analysis changes are independent
prognostic factors of survival (Desport et al., 2008)

New data suggest that ALS patients have an increased resting energy
expenditure independent of the thyroid gland (Vaisman et al., 2009)

Weight loss in ALS may be due to:

1.Loss of muscle mass dure to wasting of skeletal muscles

2.Increased resting energy expenditure

3.Reduced caloric intake due to dysphagia

4.Reduced caloric intake due to depression/apathy
Enteral Nutrition in ALS (cont.)

1. Bulbar dysfunction and nutritional status, including weight,

should be checked at each visit.

2. Difficulty drinking tap water is frequently the first sign of significant dysphagia.

3. Patients should be referred to a dietician as soon as dysphagia appears:

•Ice-cold fluids or warm fluids

•Carbonated liquids

•Fluids containing citrate

•Thickening liquids

•Smaller, more frequent meals

•High protein and high caloric ”soft” supplements

4. A speech and language therapist can give valuable advice on swallowing
techniques (supraglottic swallowing, postural changes, ”chin tuck maneuvre”).
Enteral Nutrition in ALS (cont.)

5. The timing of PEG: bulbar symptoms, malnutrition (weight loss >10 %),
respiratory function and the patient’s general condition

6. Early feeding tube insertion is highly recommended (FVC should be >50%)

7. When PEG is indicated, patient and carers should be informed:

a) of the benefits and risks of the procedure,

b) that it is possible to continue to take food orally as long as it is possible,

c) that deferring PEG to a late disease stage may increase the risk of the

8. There is at present no convincing evidence that PEG (Heffernan et al., 2004)

1.Prevents aspiration

2.Improves QOL

3.Increases survival

9. Percutaneous Radiologic Gastrostomy (PRG; RIG) is a suitable alternative to
PEG (recommendation level C).
Respiratory management

1. Symptoms or signs of respiratory insufficiency should be checked at each visit.

2. FVC and VC are the most available and practical tests for the regular monitoring of respiratory
function (level C).

3. SNP may be used for monitoring, particularly in bulbar patients with weak lips (level C).

4. PNO is recommended as a screening test and for monitoring respiratory function (level C).

5. Symptoms or signs of respiratory insufficiency should prompt discussions about treatment options
and the terminal phase. Early discussions are needed to allow advance planning and directives.

6. NIV should be considered in preference to IMV in patients with symptoms or signs of respiratory
insufficiency. (level C).

7. Management of secretions and provision of cough assist devices can increase effectiveness of assisted
ventilation. (level C).

8. NIV can prolong survival for many months and can improve patient’s quality of life. (level A, 5

9. NIV and IMV have major impact upon caregivers, and should be initiated only after informed
Respiratory management cont.

10. IMV can prolong survival in ALS but it is not documented that QOL is improved by IMV.

11. Unplanned (emergency) IMV should be avoided through early discussion of end of life
issues, co-ordination with palliative care teams, and appropriate advance directives.

12. Oxygen therapy alone should be avoided as it may exacerbate CO2 retention and mouth
dryness. Use oxygen only if symptomatic hypoxia is present.

13. Medical treatment of intermittent dyspnea: (level C recommendations).

- short dyspneic bouts: relieve anxiety and give lorazepam 0,5-2.5 mg sublingually

- longer phases of dyspnea (>30 minutes): give morphine 2.5 mg orally or s.c.

(no controlled studies in ALS exists)

14. Medical treatment of chronic dyspnea: start with morphine 2.5 mg orally 4-6 times daily.

For severe dyspnea give morphine s.c. or i.v. infusion. Start with 0.5 mg/h and titrate.

15. If needed, add midazolam (2.5-5 mg) or diazepam for nocturnal symtom control and to
relieve anxiety (level C recommendations). 
ALS Diagnosis

                                                            Check for signs and symptoms of respiratory
                                                                     insufficiency at every visit

                                       Orthopnoe or

                         PCEF < 270 L/min

                                      SNP < 40 cm or

                                      MIP < 60 cm or

                                      FVC < 50 % or

                             Suction machine

                                 Abnormal nocturnal oximetry

             Mechanical insufflator-exsufflator

                                                                                Manual assisted cough

                                                                                Treat drooling/phlegm

Prepare                      Discuss with patient

               respiratory treatment options


                                                                        NIV initiation

Severe bulbar palsy


                                                                            NIV failure

                                                                             pO2 < 90%

                     Invasive mechanical ventilation

                   pCO2 > 50 mm Hg

                                     Palliative care (home, hospice)
Palliative and End-of-Life Care
1.   Whenever possible, offer input from a palliative care team early in the course of
     the disease.
2.   Initiate discussions on end-of-life decisions whenever the patient asks – or
     ’opens the door’ – for end-of-life information and/or interventions.
3.   Discuss the options for respiratory support and end-of-life issues if the
     patient has dyspnea, other symptoms of hypoventilation, or a forced vital
Medisiner ved ALS: oversikt

•     T Riluzol 50 mg, 1 X 2

•     T paracetamol 500mg til 1000 mg, 1 X 2-3

•     T Acetylcystein 200 mg, 1 X 3

•     Depotplaster scopoderm (scopolamin)

•     Injeksjon Robinul i m

•     T amitryptilin10 mg, 1 X 3-5

•     T Citalopram/Cipramil 20 – 40 mg (eller anden SSRI)

•     T Sobril/Stesolid 5 mg ved behov

•     Injeksjon morfin-scopolamin 2,5 mg ved behov

•     Pasienter med specielle behov: Lyrica, Gabapentin, Ketogan, Morfin, Metadon
Hvad kan pasienten selv gøre?

1.   Få kontakt med ALS team og pasientforening

2. Planlægge din fremtid: hvordan vil jeg have det?

(alle pasienter er forskellige)

3.   Få Riluzol (om du vil have det, og kroppen tåler det!)

4.   Spis så meget som muligt! (kulhydrat rig kost)

5.   Få PEG – om du vil have det! (jo tidligere kan være bedre)

6.   Få respirator/ventilator (NIV, IMV og andre) – om du vil havde det!
     Skriv et bindende aftale med din lege og pårørende

7.   Vil du slutte livet hjemme/hospice/sygehus/plejehjem, eller?
Helsevæsenets ”problemer” med ALS:

1. Sjelden sykdom (få har mødt pasienter med ALS)

2. Svært at stille diagnosen (>46 sykdommer som kan ligne

3. Svært at snakke om (uhelbredelig, få medisiner, kan være
   arvelig, eller helt ukendt årsag)

4. Det tar lang tid at få diagnosen (≈ 13-19 månader)

5. Feildiagnostik findes hos 5-8% (i Ireland, Skotland, USA)

6. Mye store forskelle i behandling og plejenivå

(kontakt med ALS-team, Riluzol, elektrisk rullestol, PEG,

respirator/ventilator, hospice valg)

7. Udbredt ”Mumbo Jumbo” behandling (www.alsuntangled.org)
MALS Take Home Messages 2014

•   People affected with possible ALS should be examined as soon as possible by an
    experienced neurologists.
•   Early diagnosis should be pursued and a number of investigations should be
    performed with high priority.
•   The patient should be informed of the diagnosis by a consultant with a good knowledge of
    the patient and the disease.
•   Following diagnosis, the patient and relatives should receive regular support from a
    multi-diciplinary care team.
•   Medication with riluzole should be initiated as early as possible.
•   Genetic testing can at present only be performed for mutations in the SOD1 gene and
    should only be performed if the patient has a familial disposition for ALS.
•   PEG is associated with improved nutrition and should be inserted early. The
    operation is hazardous in patients with VC < 50%. RIG may be a better alternative.
•   Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation improves survival and quality of life but is
    unfortunately underused. Maintaining the patients ability to communicate is essential.
•   During the entire course of the disease, every effort should be made to maintain
    patient autonomy.
•   Advance directives for palliative end of life care are important and should be fully
    discussed early with the patient and relatives respecting the patients social, religious and
    cultural background.
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