Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan

Page created by Diane Morales
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan

Virtual Q&A

Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
Topics to be covered:
1. Weekly Physician Wellness Boost & Training Opportunity
2. Daily Dashboard & Public Health Orders
3. New Clinical Orders/Updates
4. Service Resumption Planning for the Saskatchewan Health Authority
5. Guidelines for Re-opening Community Clinics (where appropriate)
6. COVID Pathway
7. System Flow Coordination Centre Update
8. SMA Update
9. Pandemic Physician Services Agreement Update
10.CPSS Update
11.Continuing Medical Education Opportunities
12.Physician Information & Communication
13.Questions & Answers
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
Weekly Physician
Wellness Boost
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
Weekly Physician
             Wellness Boost

Minding Your Mood Amidst COVID-19 – Dr. Andriyka Papish

            Minding Your Mood Amidst COVID-19: Preview / Full
            (available on the physician wellness and support page)
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
Physician Wellness Support Contacts:

 Saskatchewan Medical Association Physician Health Program

                     Saskatoon, NE, NW: Brenda Senger

                      Regina, SE/SW: Jessica Richardson
                            306- 359-2750
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
Daily Dashboard and
Public Health Orders
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
Daily Dashboard
(May 5, 2020)

                   As of May 5, there
                       are 20 new
                    confirmed cases,
                  bringing the total to
                  487 reported cases
                     of COVID-19 in
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
COVID Screening Updates
     April 30-May 3, 2020
• A Pandemic Screening Working Group has been formed to develop
  evidence-based processes for patients, health care workers, and
  caregivers/care partners that balance sensitivity and specificity
  according to clinical context.
• New Screening Tools for 1) Acute, 2) Hemodialysis & 3) ER Rapid Triage:
                                               1                                                            2                                                      3

/media/files/coronavirus/info-for-health-care-                                                                  /media/files/coronavirus/info-for-health-care-
providers/testing-screening-and-medical-directives/sha-   directives/screening/sha-0036-covid-19-hemodialyis-   providers/testing-screening-and-medical-directives/sha-
0002-covid-19-in-facility-screening-tool.pdf              screening-tool.pdf                                    0004-covid-19-ed-rapid-triage-screening-tool.pdf
Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
REMINDER! What to do if YOU screen
“UNFIT to work”?
                                                              • Self-isolate
                                                              • Contact your
                                                              • Call OHS:

Practitioner Virtual Q&A - Week: May 5 to May 8, 2020 - Government of Saskatchewan
New Clinical
Maternal and Children Updates
Three NEW Work Standards to reduce and contain the spread of influenza-like
illness (ILI) (such as COVID-19) while supporting the direct and unique needs of
maternal and child populations. These work standards outline how best to protect
patients and health care providers through the responsible evidence-based
utilization of personal protective equipment (PPE) and provides principles to guide
the practice within Saskatchewan, each clinical program/unit will be required to
adopt the principles into established and monitored local plans and practices.
    Postpartum and Newborn Care Standard for COVID-19: CV-19 WS0019
    Postpartum and Newborn Care Standard for COVID-19

2    Antepartum Care Standard for COVID-19:

3    Intrapartum Care Standard for COVID-19:
NEW Protocol for Operative Management of
  Pediatric Surgical Patients during COVID-19
  Pandemic (April 28, 2020)
                                                                                                   PLUS! new order
                                                                                                    sets as follows:
                                                                                                 • SHA OS-010
                                                                                                 NICU/Newborn Care
                                                                                                 Admission (April 24, 2020)
                                                                                                 • SHA OS-011 PEDIATRIC
                                                                                                 Admission Orders (April
                                                                                                 24, 2020)
                                                                                                 • SHA OS-012 Obstetrics
                                                                                                 Antepartum Orders (April
                                                                                                 24, 2020)
                                                                                                 • SHA OS-014 Obstetrics
                                                                                                 Intrapartum Orders (April
                                                                                                 24, 2020)
The latest Rapid PPE Updates

Gloves are NOT for                           Ear protectors &
 continuous use                                  Masking

                                                                                            For the latest
                                                                                            updates visit
                                                                                          as these PPE
                                                                                        updates get added

April 23:     April 23:
/media/files/coronavirus/info-for-health-   /media/files/coronavirus/info-for-health-
care-providers/ppe/ppe-rapid-update-        care-providers/ppe/ppe-rapid-update-ear-
gloves-are-not-continuous-use-final.pdf     protectors-final.pdf
Updated PPE Guidelines for Acute and
 Continuous Care
These two documents provide recommendations for Continuous* face mask use
and Extended** use of face masks and eye protection.
*Continuous face mask use: all healthcare workers who come into contact with
residents during the course of their shift must wear a face mask at all times.
**Extended use of face masks and eye protection: is the practice of wearing the
same face mask and eye protection for repeated interactions with multiple
residents for the maximum of one complete shift.

    Continuous And Extended PPE Use Guidelines Acute Care: CV-19
    G0006 Continuous And Extended PPE Use Guidelines Acute Care (April 30, 2020)

2    Continuous And Extended PPE Use Guidelines Continuous Care :
     CV-19 G0007 Continuous And Extended PPE Use Guidelines Continuing Care (April 30, 2020)
News release: Medical Care is Safe to
Access (May 4, 2020)

This week the Saskatchewan Health Authority issued a press release
to remind all Saskatchewan residents that if you feel unwell and
think you require any medical care, don’t wait. Accessing medical
care in the midst of COVID-19 is safe whether you visit your local
walk-in clinic, family physician, etc.
Saskatchewan Health
Resumption of

 Released: May 5, 2020
• Our focus is on everyday health services – those that help Saskatchewan
  residents stay healthy and live well, receiving care as close to home as

• New ways of working are an important consideration. Online programs
  and virtual care have become essential to our services and will continue to
  be central to delivering care across the province.

• We need to adapt and expand to:
   • prevent community transmission of COVID-19
   • meet the projected COVID-19 patient demand, while
   • continuing to deliver services to non-COVID-19 patients throughout
     the duration of the event.

Phase 1: Resume some everyday services & expansion of surgeries and
diagnostic imaging (timing = May 19, 2020)

Phase 2: SHA-operated specialty clinics (timing = TBD)

Phase 3: Further expansion of everyday services (timing = TBD)

Phase 4: Full resumption of services (timing = TBD)

Important: Implementation will vary across the province depending on
• Outbreaks
• Capacity
• Ability to adhere to Public Health Orders
• Timing between stages will be considered carefully
Resumption triggers
   •   Staff availability
   •   Physician availability
   •   Supply chain availability
   •   Current capacity
Slowdown triggers
   •   Prioritization to maintain COVID-19 related services
   •   Increase of COVID-19 positive patients in hospital
   •   Re-deployment of staff
   •   Workforce illness impacts
   •   Supply chain availability
   •   Public health orders
   •   Community transmissions
   •   Community outbreak
   •   Possible fire or flood disasters  
Phase 1
Surgical Services    • Phased expansion of surgeries from three week urgent
                       and emergent cases to six week urgent cases
                         • ex. Cataracts, hysterectomy, cochlear, thoracic
                     • 75% day surgery and 25% inpatient surgery
Diagnostic Imaging   • Increase outpatient volumes
                         • ex. MRI, CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound
Endoscopy            • Continue for urgent and symptomatic patients
                     • Colorectal screening and positive FIT tests
Ambulatory Care      • Expand urgent minor surgical procedures
                         • ex. breast biopsies
                     • Pre-operative clinics
                     • Expand outpatient urgent infusions
Physical Medicine,   •   Outpatient clinics
Rehabilitation and   •   Orthotics and prosthetics services
Therapies            •   Outpatient orthopedic and neuro therapy
                     •   Adult day/wellness programming
Phase 1
Primary Care Clinics   • Expand availability of everyday health services within
                           • ex. chronic disease support, baby care, prenatal care
                       • Continue to use virtual appointments, where appropriate
                       • Prioritized in person visits for those living with chronic diseases
Home Care              • Moderate risk client needs will be prioritized
                       • Home care nurses facilitate virtual appointments with
                       • Bathing services
Public Health          • All routine immunizations
Nursing                • Reintroduce face-to-face visits for vulnerable clients
                       • Infant/mother post-birth programming and breastfeeding
Public Health          • Prioritize high risk inspections
Inspections            • Enforcement of adherence to public health measures
                       • Increase inspections of LTC, Personal Care Homes, Group
Phase 1
Maternal/Child     • Expand outpatient and developmental pediatric clinics
Kidney Health      • Home-based dialysis therapies training and in-person
                     satellite hemodialysis visits
                   • Recipient work-up, listing and transplants
Mental Health &    •   Provide the option of in-person appointments as needed.
Addictions         •   Therapeutic and day programing for groups of
Phase 2
SHA-Operated specialty clinics:
• Continue with virtual care where possible
• Electrophysiology, cath lab, cardiac stress testing, outpatient
  heart monitoring
• Respiratory:
   • Level 3 sleep disorders testing
   • Respiratory Outpatient Clinic
   • Tuberculosis Clinic and treatments
• Eye centre testing
• Dermatology clinics
• Cast clinics
• High risk antenatal clinics
   • Increase fetal testing

Phase 3 - Everyday Health
• Chronic Disease Management/Wellness Programs/Stroke Prevention
   • LiveWell with Chronic Conditions
   • Heart health programs
• Opioid Agonist Therapy
   • High priority/risk clients seen face to face and screening for all clients
   • Increase the amount of carries that vulnerable clients have access to
• Mental Health and Addictions
   • Continued expansion of services
   • Opening of social detox and addictions inpatient treatment
• Learner placements
   • Plan for fall/winter semester for all health science learners
• Specialized services for clients with developmental disabilities, Autism and
  brain injuries

Surgeries and Procedures

All remaining services and procedures to resume ‘normal’
operations, including

• Surgical Services
   • Addition of long-waiting electives and previously
     postponed surgeries

• Orthopedics
   • Re-open hip/knee outpatient clinic

Guidelines for
Community Clinics
New memo: Guidelines for Re-Opening
Community Clinics (May 4, 2020)

                                                          In response to the Government of
                                                          Saskatchewan’s Re-Open Saskatchewan
                                                          Plan, SHA has created guidelines for
                                                          Community and Family Physicians during
                                                          the first phase of re-opening including:

  • General Information: professional guidelines, PPE, Masking &
    Screening guidelines, Virtual Care options, self-screening, etc.
  • Patient Considerations: Patient Bookings, Clinic Considerations,
    Cleaning and Disinfection, Worker Health/Preventative
    Measures, Resources, etc.
COVID Pathway
COVID-19 Pathway

• In preparation for the anticipated demand on healthcare
  services for COVID-19, physicians and administrative
  leaders within the SHA have created a COVID-19 Pathway
  that outlines a framework for how patients (COVID-19 and
  non-COVID-19) best access and flow through the
  healthcare system at a local and provincial level.

• The COVID-19 Pathway framework includes the flow of
  patients through acute care, community services and focus
  points for vulnerable populations.
COVID-19 Pathway

• The COVID-19 Pathway is a provincial roadmap that
  outlines the care journey for patients (COVID-19 and non-
  COVID-19) from the time they seek medical advice (e.g.,
  811, 911, family physician, emergency department)
  through the community or acute care and back home.

• The pathway:
   • Outlines the optimal flow for patients
   • Identifies provider and system roles
   • Builds supports required at each step of the patient’s journey.
COVID-19 Pathway

The goal of the pathway is to:

   • Ensure patient and provider safety during the pandemic.

   • Improve teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration.

   • Improve practitioner awareness and understanding of their role
     and the interdependency of their role, as well as system supports
     available and how these supports contribute to the patient

   • Improve the alignment, coordination and efficiency in our
     response to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Pathway
Key Supporting Initiatives

                     Links to strategies and processes for population health, primary
                     care and palliative care to ensure coordinated entry and exit
Coordination         from acute care.
                     Standardization of clinical documents such as order sets, work
Clinical Standards
                     standards, algorithms and other tools to support consistent
Support              practice throughout the SHA.
                     Resources for clinical training and practice for advanced airway
Clinical Training    management will be available shortly. Skill lists to identify
and Practice         individual competency gaps and teams with the necessary
Resources            capabilities are available on the COVID-19 website. An inventory
                     of learning resources to support training is in development.
                     Link academic and clinical expertise to establish a repository
Evidence Support
                     and to synthesize new and emerging evidence based on the
Think Tank           COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Pathway
How it Relates to Connected Care

Connected Care for the People of Saskatchewan is the SHA’s
service delivery model.

Throughout COVID-19 pandemic planning, the SHA continues
to mobilize in a way to ensure we meet the objectives of our
pandemic planning strategy: detect, contain and mitigate
while maintaining the foundation of our healthcare system:
Connected Care.
COVID Pathway
Acute Care
COVID-19 Acute Care Pathway

• To streamline the entry and exit points of all patients flowing
  through acute care.

• To serve patients suspected of or diagnosed with COVID-19
  requiring in-patient medical care due to trauma and/or medical
  conditions unrelated to COVID-19, non-threatening COVID-
  related symptoms or COVID-related acute respiratory distress.

• To identify designated COVID intubation sites that will provide
  airway management for patients diagnosed or suspected of
  COVID-19. The highest level of safety for medical staff and
  patients is achieved by ensuring that an airway team is present,
  skilled and trained for these events.
COVID-19 Acute Care Pathway

• Mobilize specialized expertise to support providers throughout
  the province.

• Ensure that COVID-19 patients with medical needs receive
  timely, standardized best practice care that is informed by
  current evidence.

• Coordinate and standardize the transportation of patients.

• Utilize hospital capacity in a coordinated way to meet current
  and future demand.
COVID-19 Acute Care Pathway
 Key Supporting Initiatives

Coordinated Patient   Includes role descriptions of COVID-19 ready facilities and EMS
Flow Plans            Bypass Protocols.
System Flow           Provides centralized support to inform decision-making in primary
Coordination Centre   care and small hospitals, as well as administrative support for
(SFCC)                decisions about patient disposition and transport destinations.
                      Critical Care, Medicine and Emergency order sets have been
                      developed. Other COVID-19 related order sets have been created
COVID-19 Order Sets
                      or are in development for Maternal Children’s, Palliative and
                      Long-Term Care.
                      Standards will be supported by training for advanced airway
Clinical Standards
                      management and COVID Physician Access Line personnel.
Designated            Identify and support through training and simulation designated
Intubation Hubs       sites that will serve as intubation hubs throughout the province.
COVID-19 Acute Care Pathway
System Flow Coordination Centre (SFCC)

What is it?

A single, system-wide Physician Access Line and provincial bed
flow coordination service. All patient admissions and transfers
(COVID-19 and non-COVID-19) will be coordinated through
the SFCC. It will enable us to see all patients and bed capacity
and work together as a province to meet and care for patients
in the right place, at the right time, as close to home as
COVID Pathway
Community Care
COVID-19 Community Care Pathway

• To follow the patient experience (both COVID-19 and non-
  COVID-19) through the primary healthcare system.

• To follow patients seen at Assessment and Treatment Sites for
  both COVID and non-COVID-related health concerns.

• To follow patients transitioning from the community into acute
  care and from acute care into the community, including post-
  acute supports and services.

• To serve as a communications tool to help providers understand
  how and where to assess COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.
COVID-19 Community Care Pathway

To connect the following system access points to support the
patient journey:

   • Screening, Public Health, Testing Sites, Assessment and
     Treatment Sites
   • Primary Care Clinics
   • Family Physician Offices
   • Virtual Care
   • Vulnerable Populations
   • Intermediate Care
   • Continuing Care

Vulnerable Populations
Supports and Services

   • Working in partnership with other organizations and
     communities, individuals without financial and social
     means will be supported to safely and effectively self-
     isolate as directed by the provincial public health order.

   • A standard approach to assisted self-isolation sites
     (ASIS) will be developed provincially and implemented
     locally based on local resources and preferences (e.g.,
     hotels, schools, churches). We will also develop an
     integrated system for active case finding, monitoring,
     sentinel surveillance and public health reporting.
COVID Pathway
Virtual Care
Virtual Care
How Virtual Care Will Support the Pathways

• Provider to patient videoconferencing (PexIP)

• Decreasing exposure while providing care
  • Assessment and Treatment Sites, Inpatient Virtual Care, Long-Term Care

• Decreasing visits to emergency rooms and minor emergency clinics
  • 811 – Second level physician triage
  • Online medical control for “Treat and Release”

• Ongoing remote assessments
  • Virtual Care Medicine Clinic
  • Virtual Critical Care Clinic

• In-home and hotel-based community care
  • Home health monitoring

• Improving and ensuring information flow as a foundation for Virtual Care
We will continue to advance this
                                      work by:

COVID-19                               • Identifying intermediate care
                                         requirements and resources to address
Pathway                                  needs.

                                       • Engaging in post-acute care planning
Next Steps                               for continuing care residents who may
                                         require acute care services.

This information (PLUS MORE!)          • Establishing deeper connection points
posted on website:                       for contact tracing and monitoring to       prevent the spread of the virus.
and-provider-resources/treatment-      • Incorporating linkages with pathology
procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-      for management of the deceased if
public-health-issues/2019-novel-         demand exceeds capacity.
care-providers/clinical-practice-      • Linking it to the Connected Care
resources/covid-19-pathway               strategy.
System Flow
         Coordination Centre
Goal Statement
System Flow Coordination Center

• A high quality provincial traffic control service
   • Urgent physician access line
   • Urgent consults related to admissions/ transfer support
What is the response to what we’re
• SFCC sponsor physician co-lead established
• Setting up SFCC steering committee with admin leaders,
  provincial heads, ACOS representation
• Continuous improvement cycles
• Temporary Safety Measure:
   • Creating capacity by asking Saskatoon physicians to use switchboard for
     internal consults not resulting in admission/transfer where safe to do so
   • Physician discretion on when to use Switchboard
• Meet the needs of in-house consults in Saskatoon in alternate
• Written communication (Marjorie Ingjaldson and Dr. Phillip
   • Within next 1-2 days with more details to physicians
Our Commitment:

• Critical Care Calls
  • answered in real time with no delays
• Urgent calls
  • answered with minimal delay
  • goal is live on the calls
• Continuous improvement in Service
• Partnership with physician leaders to
  address concerns together
If you have concerns:

   New email to use to send in detailed concerns:
SMA Update (as of May 4, 2020)

     “It is never too late to be who you might have been.”
 Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Physician Health Program
                 Brenda Senger             Jessica Richardson
                 (Saskatoon/North)         (Regina/South)
                 306-657-4553              306-359-2750

• Physician Training for Peer Support Skills, May 5th & 7th . Interested?

• Helpful site: . Lots of excellent resources.

• SMA’s Physicians Saying Thank You! Campaign
SMA Update (May 4, 2020)

• Pandemic Compensation Policy
   • Self-Isolation Benefit. More information in this week’s Practice Alerts

• Navigating COVID-19: Considerations, Assistance and Resources
        • Virtual Information Session on Provincial/Federal Programs and Financial
          Considerations for Physicians. Hosted by MD Scotia Bank
        • May 12th @7:00 PM. Registration required.
        • More information in this week’s Practice Alerts
        • CMA
   • Option of online ordering PPE Supplies is now available for all private,
     community-based physicians.

• General inquiries?
Pandemic Physician
Services Agreement
Pandemic Physician Services
Agreement Update
Total requested:

Total fully executed/ pending physician signature:

Total to be executed:

Declined or did not qualify:

Phone: 306-933-5000
CPSS Update

• Guidance document on Virtual Care delivery available
  on the CPSS website.
• The College website now has a listing of important
  communications in the physician section.
• The College is available for assistance, questions or
  concerns – Contact Us on our website.
University of Saskatchewan
(Continuing Medical
Continuing Medical Education
        College of Medicine

Supporting you now and beyond the
       COVID-19 Pandemic
CME: Where we were

         In person Conferences                            Other Programs
   SEMAC                                        SIPPA Program
   Pediatrics (inaugural 2020)                  IMG program
   Pain & Therapeutics
                                                 Perinatal Program
   Orthopedics
   Older Adults                                 Indigenous Wellness
   SaskSono                                     CanREACH SK (launch 2020)
   Choosing Wisely                              On-Line Learning & Assessment
   Heart Disease & Stroke                       Supporting Departments and
   Oncology                                      Divisions at the College of Medicine
   Disordered eating (inaugural 2020)
                                                 Wellness Program (launch on hold)

                              Educated Care is Better Care
CME: Where we are-”the pivot”

     Webinar Wednesdays 6-8 PM                            Other engagements
   Past programs                                Internal Medicine Bootcamp
     a)   Infectious Diseases, OB/Gyn, ER,       Supporting the SHA
          Peds/Geriatrics                          a)   Task Force Physician Upskilling
                                                   b)   Provincial Dept Needs Assessment
   Future Sessions                                c)   Gary Groot COVID-19 evidence
     a)   Ethics-Difficult Decisions               d)   Wellness-(Anita Chakravarti)
     b)   Wellness                               COVID-19 Resource Center
     c)   Managing Addictions & COVID-19      
     d)   Family Practice during COVID-19         19/covid-19-information.php
                                                 On line learning/assessments

                              Educated Care is Better Care
CME: Where we’re going (forward together)

    Right now-buy your CPD locally!                            Our Future
   On line learning-enhanced                    Conference Hybrid format
     a)   Webinars-expansion?                      a)   both in person and remote learning
     b)   Fitness to Drive                         b)   Large groups
     c)   Indigenous Wellness                      c)   Small group sessions
     d)   Pain & Therapeutics                      d)   Workshops
     e)   ER Clinical Imaging module (new!)        e)   Regular webinars to support
     f)   Choosing Wisely                               communities of practice
   Linking Learning to Practice,                Cancelled conferences:
    Research, Assessment, Teaching,                a)   Transform previous elements into on
    Administration                                      line opportunities?

                                 Questions? :
Where do I find
Contract questions –
                         or call 306-933-5000
Information              • Physician specific
                           section on website:
                         • Regular Physician
                           Virtual Town Halls –
                           provincial summaries
                           posted on the website
                           each week!
                         • SHA daily rounds emails
 Please enter your question in the Q&A section


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