Offshore wind energy The energy transition - a great piece of work An overview of activities in Germany -
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The energy transition – a great piece of work Offshore wind energy An overview of activities in Germany
Imprint Publisher Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Public Relations Energy was awarded the audit berufundfamilie® 11019 Berlin, Germany for its family-friendly staff policy. The certificate is granted by berufundfamilie gGmbH, an initiative Edited by of the Hertie Foundation BMWi Design media consulta Corporate Publishing GmbH, Berlin Status February 2015 Printed by Druckhaus Rihn, Blomberg Illustrations DOTI/alpha ventus 2009, Photo Matthias Ibeler (title), Bundesregi- erung/Bergmann (p. 3), BMWi/Holger Vonderlind (p. 4), EnBW (p. 5), DOTI/alpha ventus 2010, Photo Matthias Ibeler (p. 6), EnBW (p. 7), Trianel/Lang (p. 8), Stiftung OFFSHORE-WINDENERGIE/ AREVA Wind/Jan Oelker (p. 9), EnBW/EnBW Baltic 1 (p. 10), DOTI/ alpha ventus 2009, Photo Matthias Ibeler (p. 13), TenneT TSO GmbH (p. 15), BLG Logistics Solutions GmbH & Co. KG (p. 18), DONG Energy (p. 22), Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie/Kristin Blasche (p. 24), Christoph Edelhoff (p. 25), IfAÖ, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie/Klaus Lucke (Schweinswal) (p. 26), Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie/Sebastian Fuhr- mann (p. 29), DOTI/alpha ventus 2011, Photo Matthias Ibeler (p. 30), EnBW (p. 31), Christoph Edelhoff (p. 32), AREVA Wind/Jan Oelker (p. 33), London Array Ltd. (p. 36), London Array Ltd. (p. 37), AREVA Wind/ Jan Oelker (p. 39), DOTI/Matthias Ibeler (p.40) This brochure is published as part of the public relations work of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It is distributed free of charge and is not intended for sale. The distribution of this brochure at campaign events or at information stands run by po- litical parties is prohibited, and political party-related information or advertising shall not be inserted in, printed on, or affixed to this publication.
1 Content Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Status and milestones – an introduction ............................................................................................... 4 The energy transition for the future ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Paving the way for offshore wind energy ............................................................................................................................ 5 The first offshore wind farms ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 2. Offshore wind farms in Germany ......................................................................................................... 10 The approval process .....................................................................................................................................................................10 Costs of building and operating a windfarm ...................................................................................................................12 Financing options ...........................................................................................................................................................................13 The EEG provides impetus .........................................................................................................................................................13 Supporting development of the grid ..................................................................................................................................... 14 3. On the road to wind farms ..................................................................................................................... 18 The main components of a wind turbine ...........................................................................................................................18 Foundations for offshore wind turbines .............................................................................................................................18 Turbines ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20 Connecting a wind farm .............................................................................................................................................................21 Ports – hubs of offshore wind energy ...................................................................................................................................21 Ports for large components ........................................................................................................................................................22 Service ports ......................................................................................................................................................................................23 Research, development testing and training ....................................................................................................................23 4. Environmental benefits ......................................................................................................................... 24 RAVE research initiative .............................................................................................................................................................24 FINO 1, 2, 3 .........................................................................................................................................................................................25 The marine environment ...........................................................................................................................................................26 Benthos and fish ..............................................................................................................................................................................29 5. Rotor as motor ......................................................................................................................................... 30 Economic acceleration .................................................................................................................................................................30 Upswing in the labour market .................................................................................................................................................33 Education and further training ...............................................................................................................................................34 6. International cooperation ..................................................................................................................... 36 EU funding .........................................................................................................................................................................................36 NorthSeaGrid ....................................................................................................................................................................................37 North Sea Countries Offshore Grid Initiative ..................................................................................................................38 German-French Renewable Energy Coordination Office .........................................................................................38 Cooperation in the Field of Research on Offshore Wind Energy Deployment ...............................................39 South Baltic Offer ...........................................................................................................................................................................39 International Energy Agency ...................................................................................................................................................40 International associations ..........................................................................................................................................................40
FOREWORD 3 One thing is certain: both the industry and investors will find very clear legal frameworks up to 2020. These frame- works are accompanied by stable economic prospects for the upcoming projects, which constitute both an opportu- nity and an obligation for the industry. The opportunity lies in the option of industrialising offshore wind energy now. Yet, at the same time, we have an obligation to reduce costs significantly in the interest of electricity consumers. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs is also a reliable partner in this respect, particularly as regards overseeing research and development work that leads to reduced costs and increased efficiency, or the removal of bureaucratic hurdles. Dear Readers, If the energy transition is to be a success, it is crucial that By the end of this year, more than 3,000 megawatts of we synchronise all aspects of the energy supply system. offshore capacity will have been installed in the Ger- This is why we continue to develop and dovetail the design man North Sea and Baltic Sea. This marks the arrival of of the electricity market, energy efficiency and the elec- the industrialisation phase for offshore wind energy in tricity grid itself nationally and at a European level. Only Germany, which holds the potential to reduce energy costs in this way can the chosen course for the energy transition further in future. In 2014, we introduced important legal be successful in the long run. parameters which permit the determination of funding levels within calls for tender, as we also seek to reduce en- A change in the funding system for renewable energies ergy costs by attracting increased competition. The learn- is due from 2017 onwards. This year and next, we will be ing curve of recent years has resulted in new technological holding mutual discussions regarding the drafting of calls developments, this particularly evident in wind turbines, for tender for the funding of individual technologies, with which play an important role in the energy transition. the goal of operating offshore wind farms more efficiently and cost-effectively in future. Competition in allocation The experience gained in these depths of water and at procedures and a greater variety of stakeholders will lead these coastal distances is globally unparalleled. As a result, to the success of the energy transition and go hand in investors, manufacturers, contractors, suppliers and hand with technological progress. logistics specialists as well as policy-makers have learned important lessons, facilitating the resolute expansion of All the elements are in place. It is now time to pick up the offshore wind energy. These lessons apply to both techni- pace and meet this ambitious schedule. This brochure cal and economic issues and legal questions. seeks to clarify the complex interrelationships, describe the major technical challenges and accentuate the remark- It is already apparent that we set the right course with last able performance of the German economy in this area. year’s reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act: since I wish you a pleasant read. the act came into effect, further investment decisions for new offshore wind farms from 2015 onwards have been taken. Yours, The industry is also sending out positive signals, both in terms of technical innovation in wind turbines and in regards to the logistical challenges associated with constructing and operating the plants. That is why I am confident that we will soon be able to achieve the indus- Sigmar Gabriel, try’s planned cost reductions. Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy
4 Chapter 1 Status and milestones – an introduction The energy transition is one of the most important ventures of our time. The restructuring of our energy system permits us to phase out nuclear energy, makes Germany less reliant on imported fossil fuels and reduces CO2 emissions. By 2050, renewable energy is expected to provide up to 80 per cent of our power supply. In addition, the energy transition acts as a modernising force within our industrial society and creates sustainable jobs through innovation. For this generational task to become an ecological and economic success story, energy must remain affordable and secure. Only then can Germany remain competitive as an industrial centre. The energy transition for the future Under the special equalisation scheme, energy-intensive industrial companies that face international competition The essential framework for the expansion of renewable are charged a reduced EEG surcharge or none at all. In ad- energies was laid down in the German Renewable Energy dition, the reform is driving the integration of renewable Sources Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG), which sources within the electricity market by committing the came into force in 2000. The EEG acted as a door opener operators of major new plants to direct marketing of the for the technology, then still in its infancy, through a sys- electricity they produce. tem of targeted incentives. It guaranteed the acceptance and priority access of renewable energy and introduced It is vital to reduce the cost of further expansion. On the fixed payments. As a result of this funding, renewable one hand, this is achieved through a strengthening of the energies underwent a transformation from niche products competition. In the future, a tendering system should be to one of the mainstays of our energy supply. The cost of used to determine the level of funding for electricity from electricity production from renewable energy sources fell renewable sources. On the other hand, the EEG is now significantly. However, the rapid expansion also led to an focusing increasingly on the cheaper energy sources pho- increase in the EEG surcharge for electricity consumers. tovoltaic and wind energy. The latter in particular has de- As a result, the German government fundamentally re- veloped into a key part of the energy transition. It already formed the Renewable Energy Sources Act in 2014. provides more than eight per cent of the power supply.
C H A P T E R 1 S TAT U S A N D M I L E S T O N E S – A N I N T R O D U C T I O N 5 Share of renewable energies in gross electricity production in Germany between 1990 and 2014 30 % 25 % Share of gross electricity generation 20 % 15 % 10 % 5% 0% 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Source: AGEB/Statista 2015 In order to fully plan and manage the expansion and to ensure the economic viability of wind farms, an expan- sion pathway has been put in place. The annual expansion amount should lie between 2.4 and 2.6 gigawatts (gross). Paving the way for offshore wind energy It goes without saying that regulations on the use of wind energy at sea also exist (see Chapter 2). Off the coast, i.e. offshore, there are much higher average wind speeds. At the measuring station FINO 1 in the North Sea, the average wind speed is around 10 metres per second and thus significantly higher than average wind farm sites on land. Consequently, offshore plants can produce much more electricity at a more consistent rate. This potential played a decisive role in the German gov- ernment’s decision to adopt a policy paper on the use of offshore wind energy in 2002. Knowledge of the effects of development on the marine environment was limited, and there were numerous technological, economic and legal uncertainties. The policy paper included measures that contributed to an increase in planning security for offshore wind farms. Connection to the grid poses a challenge.
6 C H A P T E R 1 S TAT U S A N D M I L E S T O N E S – A N I N T R O D U C T I O N The industrial importance of energy Moving expansion forward As a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy As the expansion of offshore wind energy has progressed and Energy System Technology (IWES) demonstrates, more slowly than anticipated in the 2002 policy paper, offshore plants are of immense importance to the energy numerous measures have been adopted or adapted to the industry. According to the study, these power plants can real needs of the industry over the years. They include provide electricity almost every hour of the year. In addi- coordinated grid connections through the transmission tion, the approximate electricity yields can be predicted. system operators, the construction of the offshore test area Above all, offshore wind energy offers greater economic alpha ventus as well as the Offshore Wind Energy credit efficiency. The study proposes three possible scenarios for programme initiated by the Kreditanstalt für Wieder- 2050, in which 80 per cent of our energy needs are provid- aufbau development bank (KfW), which allows operators ed for by renewable sources. In the scenario featuring a to eliminate financing shortfalls in borrowed capital at high proportion of offshore plants, both the overall costs market rates. The programme has 5 billion euros at its on the one hand and the flexibility costs on the other disposal and will support the first ten wind farm projects. hand are reduced. The latter are generally accrued by As the offshore wind energy industry involves relatively renewable energies as a result of the backup and storage new technology, the investment risks were difficult to capacities required. When compared with the scenario calculate and banks were cautious in their lending. The featuring a high proportion of onshore or photovoltaic German government also created the KfW programme plants, the costs associated with the extensive use of to collate important technical know-how and to identify large-scale offshore wind energy plants decrease by ways of reducing costs incurred by the construction of a 2.9 billion euros and 5.6 billion euros respectively per year. wind energy plant (WEP). alpha ventus was the first German offshore wind farm. It has been supplying the German grid with electricity since 2009.
C H A P T E R 1 S TAT U S A N D M I L E S T O N E S – A N I N T R O D U C T I O N 7 Full Load Hours A full load hour is the measure to indicate how high the capacity of a power plant is. For example, a wind power plant with a maximum capacity of five megawatts, the equivalent of 5,000 kilowatts, would produce 22.25 million kilowatt hours of energy per year. Dividing the energy generated (22.25 million kilowatt hours) by the maximum power (5,000 kW), one obtains the capacity figure: 4,450 full load hours. Conversion table: 1,000,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) is: = 1,000 megawatt hours (MWh) = 1.0 gigawatt hours (GWh) = 0.1 terawatt hours (TWh) The legislator seeks to accelerate expansion of the grid. The EEG reform of 2014 adjusts the expansion targets in tively, the German Energy Act was amended in late 2012, line with realistic development and, at the same time, which resulted in the introduction of the Offshore Grid creates planning security through the regulation of the Development Plan (O-GDP). This determined the number expansion of offshore wind energy until 2030. By 2020, of offshore connection lines required for the next decade the installed capacity will amount to 6.5 gigawatts, a and established a fixed timetable for their creation. figure set to rise to 15 gigawatts by 2030. These binding targets make it possible to estimate the cost to the con- Against the background of binding expansion targets, sumer and also provide both operators and investors with the Federal Network Agency assigns the available grid planning security. The latter also applies to the extension capacity via a transparent allocation procedure facili- of funding via the so-called acceleration model (see Chap- tated by an amendment to the Energy Act in 2014. This ter 2) until 2019. permits the quantitative monitoring of the expansion process and ensures that the network infrastructure is used efficiently. In August 2014, the Federal Network Challenge: connecting to the grid Agency (BNetzA) published its stipulations for the alloca- tion of offshore connection capacities, assigning prospec- Previously, each wind farm was, under certain conditions, tive operators capacities for connection lines accordingly. entitled to be connected to a grid within a certain time- In terms of the expansion targets for offshore plants, the frame. This resulted in significant delays in grid connec- maximum connection capacity will amount to 6.5 giga- tion. To rectify this, the legislator developed the Spatial watts by 2020. However, the Federal Network Agency Offshore Grid Plan (BFO). Since 2012, the BFO has deter- is entitled to increase this figure to 7.7 gigawatts until mined which regions of the exclusive economic zone in 1 January 2018. In addition, the Agency put in place reg- the North and Baltic Seas are suitable for the construction ulations for an auction of connection capacities – in the of wind farms with joint grid access. In addition to these event that demand exceeds supply. In January 2015, the clusters, the plan also identifies pathways for the connec- Federal Network Agency allocated a total of 1.5 gigawatts tion lines and the locations of the transformer platforms. of additional network connection capacities, meaning It is updated annually. In order to synchronise the con- that a total of 7.5 gigawatts of mains power are assigned struction of wind farms and grid connections more effec- to wind farms.
8 C H A P T E R 1 S TAT U S A N D M I L E S T O N E S – A N I N T R O D U C T I O N Commencement of construction on the Trianel Wind Farm in 2011: before the jack-up-vessel Goliath drives piles into the seabed, another boat puts a bubble curtain around the construction site for purposes of noise reduction. The first offshore wind farms North Sea. Experience gained through the offshore test area has proved advantageous for the further expansion of Numerous wind farms are currently either already in op- offshore wind energy. eration or under construction. By the end of 2015, the off- shore production operations will be supplying the German Research projects implemented at alpha ventus have grid with approximately three gigawatts of electricity. included the development of an extensive database since 2010, which is unique by international comparison. The wind farms that are already in operation, under Among other things, this serves the technical optimisa- construction or have successfully undergone approval tion of system components and the development of con- procedures have a total capacity of around ten gigawatts. trol systems. It also permits an exploration of the impact This could supply approximately ten million German of the development of offshore wind energy on the marine households – a quarter of the nation’s private households. environment from the earliest stages of offshore wind farm operations and allows operators to develop appropri- The first ever German offshore wind farm, alpha ventus, ate measures to mitigate this. began operations in April 2010 and was a pilot project for the energy providers EWE, E.ON and Vattenfall with the 2011, the first full year of operations, saw alpha ventus support of the German Offshore Wind Energy Founda- produce around 268 gigawatt hours of electricity from its tion. Numerous research projects at alpha ventus were 12 wind turbines – there are six 5-megawatt turbines from also provided with funding from the Federal Ministry for AREVA Wind and another six from Senvion (formerly Economic Affairs and Energy. The wind farm is located REpower Systems). In other words, the wind farm sup- around 45 kilometres off the island of Borkum and is situ- plied electricity to almost 70,000 households – measured ated in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the according to the average consumption of 3,500 kilowatt
C H A P T E R 1 S TAT U S A N D M I L E S T O N E S – A N I N T R O D U C T I O N 9 hours per year. This was a huge success, given that the estimated figures were much lower. The operators were expecting 3,900 full-load hours, whereas alpha ventus produced approximately 4,500 full-load hours. The first ever commercial offshore wind farms also supply the German grid with electricity. Baltic 1, located 16 kilo- metres off the coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and thus falling within the 12 nautical mile German Baltic Sea zone, comprises 21 wind turbines from Siemens with an individual capacity of 2.3 megawatts. According to the operator EnBW, the offshore wind farm Baltic 1 has the capacity to generate 185 gigawatt hours of electricity annually, allowing it to supply 50,000 households. 35 kilo- metres off the coast of Heligoland, the Nordsee Ost wind farm, operated by RWE Innogy, was completed in late 2014. This offshore wind farm (owf) features 48 wind turbines with a capacity of 295 megawatts. On average, the farm can generate 4,000 full- load hours and supply 320,000 house- holds with electricity. The largest offshore wind farm currently in operation is BARD Offshore 1 with a capacity of 400 megawatts. Meerwind Süd/West and Riffgat have been on the grid since 2014 and supply 288 and 108 megawatts respectively. The smaller offshore wind farms such as ENOVA Offshore Ems-Emden, in the industrial port of Emden, and Hook- siel, north of Wilhelmshafen, provide 4.5 and 5 megawatts of power respectively. Many more offshore wind farms are being planned or are currently under construction, par- ticularly in the North Sea. This means that, by the end of 2015, the installed capacity should provide approximate- ly three gigawatts to the grid. An important milestone was achieved in December 2014 when the 285 offshore wind turbines produced over one gigawatt of electricity – 1,049.2 megawatts to be precise – for the first time. The installation of a nacelle.
10 Chapter 2 Offshore wind farms in Germany The Baltic Sea wind farm Baltic 1 has been in operation since 2011 and serves the electricity needs of around 50,000 households. When the 80 wind turbines of Baltic 2 are fed into the grid over the course of 2015, this figure will increase to just over 390,000 households. The 2014 EEG amendment defined a fixed target for installed capacity at sea by 2030. This reduces the former long-term goal of 25 gigawatts to 15 gigawatts – which is still an ambitious undertaking. However, the already completed farms are joined by many offshore wind farms still under construction, particularly in the North Sea where approximately 80 per cent of the currently installed capacity are located. Not only do they all entail significant financial expenditure, but also a comprehensive approval process. The approval process nature reserve. Project approvals within the EEZ have their legal basis in the United Nations Convention on the Law of The sea off the coast is divided into the 12 nautical mile the Sea and the German Federal Maritime Responsibilities zone, which starts at the coast, and the adjoining Exclusive Act. The Offshore Installations Ordinance, which regulates Economic Zone (EEZ). The Federal State grants approvals the approval process, is based on these two agreements. within the 12-mile zone off the coast. The Federal Mar- itime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), a branch of the The BSH, which acts as a planning authority, provides Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure, planning permission for all wind farm projects within is responsible for the Exclusive Economic Zone. the EEZ. Decisions are based on a comprehensive exami- nation, which also weighs all public and private interests. Most of the projects are planned far from the coast, Planning permission is only granted if: simply because the EEZ has more space. The projects’ location ensures that the sensitive coastal ecosystems ythe wind farm does not impinge on the safety and effi- are effectively protected. For example, no offshore wind ciency of traffic and the security of national and allied farms may be built in the vicinity of the Wadden Sea defence;
C H A P T E R 2 O F F S H O R E W I N D FA R M S I N G E R M A N Y 11 yit jeopardises neither the marine environment nor bird to public inspection. This is followed by the application migration; conference, which provides applicants with an opportu- nity to present their projects. Topics discussed within this yother requirements of the Offshore Installations Ordi- context include studies required as regards the marine nance and public law requirements are met. environment and which interests or types of usage may compete with the proposal. Following the application Several stages are necessary in order to ascertain whether conference, the BSH sets out the framework for investi- the project complies with the requirements. Firstly, fol- gation in order to determine the project’s impact on the lowing submission of the application, checks are carried marine environment and the waterways. out to determine whether it is sufficiently detailed and precise. The opinion of various public interest bodies is In the next phase, the applicant obtains the necessary also sought during this initial phase of planning permis- assessments, such as a risk analysis for ship collisions, sion (e.g. the Federal Waterways and Shipping Adminis- an FFH (Flora Fauna Habitat) impact assessment and – tration, the Federal Environment Agency or the Federal for projects with more than 20 turbines – an environ- Agency for Nature Conservation). Their response may mental impact assessment. Likewise, the building soil, result in the developer revising its proposal. A second the technical design and the wind farm configuration participatory round is geared towards public interest are all examined. groups such as nature conservation, marine, fishing and wind energy associations. The federal states bordering on After this, first and second round participants are per- the 12-mile zone and the transmission system operators, mitted to submit new statements – the discussion phase who are responsible for connection to the power grid, are is under way. In a public hearing, the findings and obser- also involved. The public is also included in the second vations are discussed by all stakeholders. The BSH then participatory round. The application documents are open decides on planning permission on the basis of all submit- “Standards developed with industry and science” Interview with Dr Nico Nolte, Head of the Division for abandoned structures are allowed to remain at sea. Sea Regulation at the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic However, if the foundations are still viable and stable Agency, who is responsible for the planning approval and the interests of the marine environment and procedure regarding the construction of a wind farm. marine safety do not preclude this, an extension of the operation period or replacement of the wind turbines How long do the approval procedures take? may be authorised. As a rule, the approval procedure for an offshore wind farm takes between two-and-a-half and three years, Can new standards in the approval procedures lead to with the marine environment assessment taking cost reductions? approximately one year alone. The broad public The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency has participation, within the context of which citizens, worked together with industry and science to develop organisations and authorities are invited to contribute three standards to support wind farm developers in the their opinions on the applications documents sub- realisation of their projects: the standards on ecology, mitted, is also part of the procedure. As the potential foundations (geotechnical studies) and construction impact on the shipping industry and the marine (erection of the power plant). We now call on the indus- environment requires close scrutiny, three years is not try to exchange its experience of the construction and very long for an infrastructure project of this size! operation of offshore wind farms, not only nationally but also internationally, in order to reduce the cost of Wind farms are only licensed to operate for 25 years. new projects, via factors such as logistics and compo- Why is this? nent manufacturing. We anticipate the technical life of wind energy plants to be 25 years, to be followed by dismantling, as no
12 C H A P T E R 2 O F F S H O R E W I N D FA R M S I N G E R M A N Y North Sea Baltic Sea Wind farms in operation Wind farms in operation Wind energy Plant’s perfor- Wind energy Plant’s perfor- plant mance in MW plant mance in MW ENOVA Offshore Ems-Emden 1 4.5 Rostock 1 2.5 Hooksiel 1 5 Baltic 1 21 48.3 alpha ventus 12 60 Total 22 50.8 BARD Offshore 1 80 400 Meerwind Süd/Ost 80 288 Riffgat 30 108 Total 204 865.5 Wind farms installed or under construction Wind farms installed or under construction Wind energy Plant’s perfor- Wind energy Plant’s perfor- plant mance in MW plant mance in MW DanTysk 80 288 Baltic 2 80 288 Global Tech 1 80 400 Wikinger 80 400 Nordsee Ost 48 295.2 Total 160 688 Borkum West II – Phase I 40 200 Butendiek 80 288 Amrumbank West 80 288 Sandbank 72 288 Godewind 1 55 332 Nordsee One 54 332 Total 589 2,711.2 Data extracted: February 2015, Source: BSH,,, TenneT, BNetzA, Deutsche Windguard ted documents and statements. The decision’s ancillary term. The distances covered for maintenance and repair are provisions regulate, among other things, the period within also considerable. Nevertheless, the economic efficiency of which construction must commence, requirements such offshore wind energy is apparent. According to the experts as sound limits when pile-driving, safe construction oper- at Prognos AG and Fichtner Group, substantial savings could ations and the use of foundations that are as collision- still be made. In the study entitled “Cost Reduction Poten- friendly as possible. They also stipulate the approval’s tials of Offshore Wind Power in Germany”, commissioned limitation period of 25 years. by the German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation, the Offshore Forum Windenergie (OFW) and other partners, two expansion scenarios for the period from 2013 to 2023 Costs of building and operating a wind farm were investigated. The study identified a significant cost reduction potential in the modest scenario 1, which corre- The wind-giants at sea make high demands of both man sponded fairly closely to the EEG’s pathway to expansion and technology. These stringent requirements are reflected (32 per cent of the site example quoted below). The scenario particularly in the costs of construction and operation of a is based on a changing “plant and wind farm configuration”, wind turbine. The turbines, and the foundations which bear i.e. the plants with a capacity of six to eight megawatts per their weight, must be adapted to the conditions on the high turbine and rotor diameter of more than 150 metres are seas, so that large amounts of energy can be generated long- significantly larger. As a result, fewer plants are built in total.
C H A P T E R 2 O F F S H O R E W I N D FA R M S I N G E R M A N Y 13 At the same time, site characteristics are changing. Increasingly, wind farms are being constructed further away from ports and are anchored deeper in the water. The study defines a wind farm B type, for example, where the plants are located at depths of 40 metres 80 kilometres away from the nearest port. This type of wind farm looks set to dominate the industry between 2017 and 2020. At site B, the study envisages a 17 per cent reduction in specific investment costs. This is primarily due to increased turbine performance and improved logistical planning. An- ticipated increased competition and learning curve effects as regards the approval process may also play a role. The specific annual operating costs are reduced by 19 per cent according to the level of expertise in the field. It would be particularly helpful if operators could draw on the same “maintenance and logistics concepts”. In addition, the increase in turbine output would “result in substantially lower specific costs”. Financing options Due to the high investment costs, project developers and energy producers can hardly take on the full cost them- selves. For offshore wind farms, mixed financing is com- mon, consisting of equity capital and borrowed capital. Ambitious: offshore wind farms challenge man and technology. The study “Cost Reduction Potentials of Offshore Wind Power in Germany” verified that this mixed financing the largest wind farm in the Baltic Sea, EnBW Baltic 2, method also offers a reduction in costs – not least due to with 500 million euros. Projects are frequently supported an increased understanding of these projects which devel- by a number of investors. The system of multiple investors ops as years pass. This diminishes the risks and boosts the proves advantageous for small shareholders like public confidence of external creditors, such as banks, in con- utility companies, which can participate without having sequence. The resulting reduced equity capital ratio also sole responsibility for the project management. reduces the cost of capital. Risk premiums also decrease. For more information: As financial institutions usually only provide a limited sum for offshore wind farms, several banks are often involved in the financing. For some projects, loans have The EEG provides impetus been provided by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) or the European Investment Bank (EIB), bridging The German Electricity Feeding Act (Stromeinspeisungs- the financial shortfall and supporting the construction gesetz) had required electricity providers to purchase of the first wind farms at sea. Within the framework of some of their power from renewable energy sources from the offshore credit programme, the KfW Bank is contrib- 1991 onwards. The German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) uting with a loan of 265 million euros to the financing followed nine years after this first regulation, and has, of offshore wind farm, Meerwind Süd/Ost, while the KfW since then, resulted in the creation of more incentives for IPEX-Bank is lending 195 million euros. For Global Tech I, the faster expansion of renewable energies. This system- the KfW’s loan amounted to 330 million euros, while atic enhancement may justifiably be deemed a success. Butendiek received 239 million euros. The EIB financed Not only has the share of renewable energies in electricity
14 C H A P T E R 2 O F F S H O R E W I N D FA R M S I N G E R M A N Y consumption increased, from 6.8 per cent (2000) to about Degressions act as an incentive for the rapid construction 25 per cent (2012), but the law itself is also an export hit. To of wind farms. In the acceleration model, the funding date, it has served as a template to advance the provision of support for power plants which still have not delivered renewable energies in the electricity sector in 65 countries. electricity by 1 January 2018 decreases by one cent per kilowatt hour. This remains constant until the end of 2019. The amendment of the EEG in 2014 allows operators to In the basic model, half a cent per kilowatt hour will be de- choose between two funding models. The basic model ducted at the start of 2018. From 1 January 2020 onwards, offers them a greater funding support of 15.4 cents per the remuneration is decreased by one cent per kilowatt kilowatt hour for the first 12 years of operation. An exten- hour, and from 2021, there is a further annual decrease of sion of this period is possible for all wind farms situated 0.5 cents per kilowatt hour. The remuneration is granted outside the 12 nautical mile zone and anchored at a depth for a maximum of 20 years. exceeding 20 metres. After the opening phase, funding support decreases to the basic amount of 3.9 cents per With the planned amendment of the Renewable Energy kilowatt hour. Sources Act (EEG) in 2016, the support scheme will grad- ually transition into invitations for tender. The change The second option, the acceleration model, offers more should be undertaken transparently and involve all the attractive conditions and is aimed primarily at investors. It relevant stakeholders. The switch from support scheme to provides an initial funding support of 19.4 cents – if only invitations for tender is currently being tested with photo- for eight instead of twelve years. An extension of the higher voltaic facilities within the context of a pilot project. funding support period is possible depending on distance from the coast and water depth. After this, the basic model rate of 15.4 cents per kilowatt hour is paid. Initially, the ac- Supporting development of the grid celeration model applied to power plants due to commence operation before 1 January 2018. However, the 2014 EEG Since August 2014, the Federal Network Agency has been amendment extended the model until the end of 2019. responsible for assigning connection capacities to the operators. If the demand is greater than the supply, an auction for the available potential is held. Connection to the grid is one of the most pressing chal- lenges for the offshore sector. The transmission system operators – in other words, the companies that operate EEG in brief the national electricity grids – are legally obliged to install the lines to the substations of offshore wind farms in the Basic model: most technologically and economically viable point on the grid. The costs incurred can be transferred to the network y15.4 cents/kWh for the first twelve years charges. A number of technical challenges have resulted in a reduction in the amount of connection lines to offshore yRemuneration is prolonged depending on water wind farms being established in recent years. In addition, depth (1.7 months for each full metre beyond a the liability issue was still unresolved: who pays the dam- depth of 20 metres) and distance from the coast ages when a wind farm is able to produce energy, but due (by 0.5 months for each full nautical mile from the to lack of connection lines the power cannot be fed into 12-mile zone). the grid? The unresolved issue of liability had an impact on investment in networks on the high seas, which almost Acceleration model: came to a standstill. y19.4 cents/kWh for the first eight years To reverse the trend, the German government introduced a liability regulation which came into force in late 2012. yThe increased initial compensation is extended According to this, operators are liable for the losses as soon according to the distance from the coast and the as a wind farm cannot supply electricity for at least eleven water depth. days as a result of connection problems. Electricity consum- ers may cover these expenses to a maximum of 0.25 cent
C H A P T E R 2 O F F S H O R E W I N D FA R M S I N G E R M A N Y 15 The offshore wind farms are connected to the transmission network on dry land via submarine cables. per kilowatt hour, but only if the transit grid operators are Network Agency and is based on the so-called Federal not responsible for the connectivity problems themselves Requirements Plan (Bundesbedarfsplan). The transmis- and a damage mitigation strategy is being followed. For sion system operators are obliged to adopt the measures in their part, the wind farm operators are entitled to claim accordance with the prescribed schedule. compensation amounting to 90 per cent of the lost EEG re- muneration. However, the regular EEG remuneration that is paid for an offshore wind farm decreases during this period. This is to prevent the consumers’ electricity prices from skyrocketing. Also introduced with the amendment of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) in late 2012 was a new instrument for development of the grid in the offshore sector, the Offshore Grid Development Plan (O-NEP). The transmission system operators submit the plan, which contains a timetable for implementation of concrete grid connection projects for the next ten years. The Offshore Grid Development Plan must be approved by the Federal
16 4°0'E 5°0'E 6°0'E 7°0'E 8°0'E 9°0'E ! ! ! ! Offshore Windfarms ! ! ! in use ! ! ! ! ! 56°0'N 56°0'N under construction ! ! ! approved ! ! ! ! ! application submitted ! ! ! Platforms ! ! ! / " E-Transformer, in use ! ! ! / " ! ! E-Transformer, under construction ! ! ! / " E-Transformer, approved ! ! ! / ! ! ! E-Transformer, application submitted ! ! $ ! 1 E-Converter, under construction ! ! ! $ ! ! North Sea: offshore wind farms 1 E-Converter, approved ! ! ! 1 E-Converter, application submitted ! ! ! ! ! ! / Cables (Offshore Windfarms) / ! ! ! / in use ! ! / ! ! ! under construction / " ! ! / ! approved !! / ! / / " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! application submitted ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 1 ! !! ! !! !! ! / Boundaries ! ! / / " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 55°0'N 55°0'N ! Territorial Sea ! ! ! ! ! ! ContinentalShelf/EEZ ! ! ! / ! / / ! ! ! / International Boundary ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! / / ! ! / / ! ! ! / ! / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / " ! ! ! ! C H A P T E R 2 O F F S H O R E W I N D FA R M S I N G E R M A N Y ! ! ! / " ! ! / ! ! / " / " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! !! / !! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 $ ! / / " / " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! / " ! ! ! ! / " ! 1 $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / " ! ! ! ! ! ! / " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! ! / " / " / " / " / " ! / " / " / " / " ! ! / " ! ! ! ! ! Map Projection: ! ! ! ! ! / " ! !! ! ! ! $ 1 ! 54°0'N / " !! ! 54°0'N !! ! 1 $ ! / " ! ! ! Mercator (54°N), WGS 84 ! ! !! / " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BSH / M5 - 11.11.2014 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! External Data Sources: ! Elsam A/S (Denmark) ! Rijks Waterstaat (NL) ! 4°0'E 5°0'E 6°0'E 7°0'E 8°0'E 9°0'E Source: Federal Office for Shipping and Hydrography
10°0'E 11°0'E 12°0'E 13°0'E 14°0'E ! ! ! ! Offshore Windfarms ! ! in use ! ! ! ! ! ! under construction ! ! ! approved ! ! ! ! ! application submitted ! Sweden denied ! ! ! ! ! Energy-Platforms " / ! E-Transformer, in use ! ! " / ! E-Transformer, under construction ! ! ! " / E-Transformer, approved ! ! Denmark ! / E-Transformer, application submitted ! ! North Sea: offshore wind farms ! ! Cables (Offshore Windfarms) ! ! ! ! ! in use ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! under construction ! ! ! ! ! !! approved ! ! ! ! ! application submitted ! ! Boundaries 55°0'N 55°0'N ! " / Continental Zone/EEZ ! ! ! Territorial Sea/12 nm Zone ! ! ! / / ! ! ! / ! International Boundary ! ! !! ! ! ! " ! / // ! ! ! " / ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! / ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! Flensburg ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! " / ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Schleswig !!! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! !! !!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!!!! ! !! ! !!! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! !! ! Stralsund ! Kiel ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! Rostock Greifswald 54°0'N 54°0'N Geodetic Datum: WGS 84 Map Projection: Mercator (54°N) Wismar Lübeck BSH / M5 - 14.10.2014 HAMBURG Poland External Data Sources: Ministerium für ländliche Räume (S-H) Ministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Landesentwicklung (M-V) Kalmar County (Sweden) C H A P T E R 2 O F F S H O R E W I N D FA R M S I N G E R M A N Y 10°0'E 11°0'E 12°0'E 13°0'E 14°0'E 17 Source: Federal Office for Shipping and Hydrography
18 Chapter 3 On the road to wind farms Offshore wind farms are exposed to extreme conditions on the high seas. A wind power plant must be designed to withstand powerful wind forces, the waves and the strong currents for over 20 years. The extremely salty air and the salt water have a corrosive effect on the power plants. The plants’ foundations must be particularly well-selected and soundly constructed. The main components of a wind turbine er investment costs on the high seas, these systems are installed with a stronger capacity, to generate more energy The main components of a wind turbine are the foundation from the wind. Several manufacturers are working to of the tower, the nacelle and the rotor. Although the con- increase power capacity to further raise energy produc- struction of the turbines is the same on land and at sea, some tion between ten and fifteen megawatts per plant. As the components differ depending on the varying conditions. capacity increases, the diameter of the rotor becomes larg- er as well. Rotors used in German projects currently span The tower is the longest part of a wind turbine. It supports between 107 and 126 metres, while the latest plants boast the nacelle and the rotor. The nacelle houses the compo- rotor diameters of 150 metres. nents required for the operation of a plant, such as the main bearings, gearboxes, generators, the drive shaft and the control and security systems. The hub and three rotor Foundations for offshore wind turbines blades are part of the rotor. The former connects the rotor blades to the rest of the machine and transfers the energy The foundations, in particular, are subject to stringent that is generated. The weight of a wind power plant often requirements. A danger exists, for example, regarding exceeds 1,000 tonnes. sub-surface erosion (‘scouring’). This occurs when the sea- bed at the foot of the foundations is washed out, causing These days, many operators are planning plants with wind turbines to lose their hold. Countermeasures include a capacity of five to seven megawatts. Due to the high- the very deep anchoring of the turbine in the seabed and
C H A P T E R 3 O N T H E R O A D T O W I N D FA R M S 19 Big, bigger, offshore depositing stones and stacking sandbags around the foun- Diameter of rotor: dation. For wind farms at sea, there are various types of ca. 126–164 m foundations that anchor a plant safely to the sea bed. Monopile (single pile) Hub height Weight of nacelle: The monopile is the easiest to construct and involves the ca. 95–100 m 325–390 t lowest material expenditure. The foundation is hollow and consists of a support. Many European wind farms located near the coast use the monopile. It was, until recently, Length of rotor-blades: only suitable for use up to depths of 20 metres. Meanwhile, 61.5–80 m so-called XL monopiles are being manufactured, which are secure up to a depth of 40 metres. This foundation has its advantages, particularly in terms of profitability: the potential savings are 30 per cent to 40 per cent greater than Weight Height of nacelle: Rotor + Rotor hub: 8m the jacket or tripod models. ca. 91.5–107.5 t Tripod Manufacturers developed the tripod foundation specifically for offshore wind turbines. A steel tripod structure supports the main pillars under water. Tripods are suitable for depths of up to 50 metres and cannot be used in stony ground. Tripile Source: German Energy Agency (dena) The industry developed another type of foundation especially for wind turbines at sea. In the tripile, three steel pillars are anchored under water and another tripod Gravity-based foundation structure is mounted on this above the water’s surface. According to the manufacturer, the foundation is suitable This foundation constitutes a large concrete block which for water depths of up to 50 metres. supports the steel structure of a wind turbine. Because the foundation itself is not made of steel, the material price is lower than other types of foundation. The construction Jacket (lattice tower structure) has so far only been tested for depths up to 30 metres, but is due to be adapted to deeper waters. The foundation is similar to the construction of an elec- tricity pylon, thus saving 40 per cent to 50 per cent on ma- terials. A jacket stands on four feet anchored with stakes Floating foundations in the seabed. The design has proven effective for oil rigs and is suitable for a water depth of 70 metres. Because its With this construction, the wind power plant floats on the components are relatively small, a jacket can be produced water and can be connected by a steel cable to the foun- fully automatically. Transport and installation are simple dation. The advantage of a floating foundation is that it is and cost-efficient. However, since the foundation is made easier to install. It can be completely prefabricated on land, of welded joints which require regular maintenance, this and therefore does not require installation via jack-up ves- increases operating costs. sels. Nevertheless, there are major challenges in terms of
20 C H A P T E R 3 O N T H E R O A D T O W I N D FA R M S Cluster connection of offshore wind farms HVDC-Cluster-Connection Three Phase Current-Single Connection Wind farm oper ator Grid operators Three Phase Current Cable (AC) HVDC-Cabel (DC) Source: German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation cable connection and the management of wind and wave 60 metres. Three steel cylinders, open from their under- damage to the foundation and to the wind farms’ pow- side, burrow into the seabed. The suction bucket solution ertrain. The company Gicon has developed a promising promises lower foundation costs and a faster installation, innovation. Four steel cables keep the floating foundation which was demonstrated at the construction of the wind in place, which, according to the manufacturer, can even farm located at Borkum Riffgrund 1. be used at depths of several hundred metres. The state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is funding a prototype in the Baltic Sea, which will be installed at the site Baltic 1. Turbines The study “Cost Reduction Potentials of Offshore Wind Suction bucket foundation Power in Germany” has shown that an increase in turbine output can also lead to a significant decrease in The suction bucket foundation is an inexpensive and rela- investment and operation costs (see page 13). Stronger tively new way to anchor a wind turbine. Here, a vacuum rotors allow for a reduction in the number of turbines at is created between a steel flange, which looks similar to an a wind farm. The cost of building foundations and the inverted bucket, and the seabed. The foundation attaches expensive transport and maintenance would thus all be itself firmly to the ground, ensuring that the wind power reduced. The current average output for turbines is four plant is secure and stands vertically. However, to achieve or five megawatts. However, a significant increase in out- the required suction effect, the substrate must be ho- put is predicted for the coming years. Vestas, for example, mogeneous and not stony. One advantage of the bucket has developed an 8 megawatt rotor with a diameter of foundation is that it does not have to be driven into the 164 metres, while, the new D6 Platform by Siemens, with seabed, making it particularly environmentally friendly. a 154 metre rotor diameter, offers a nominal capacity The method allows sound pressure that is dangerous to of six megawatts. The turbine is gearless and functions sea mammals to be reduced to insignificant levels. This, in instead with a direct drive. This reduces the number of turn, could speed up the approval procedures. The design necessary parts and thus, ultimately, decreases main- is also suitable for deeper waters. For example, the oper- tenance and installation costs. The longer rotor blades ating range for the suction bucket foundations manufac- allow for a relatively high power output even at more tured by Dong Energy lies between depths of 30 and moderate wind speeds.
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