Page created by Jonathan Holt

2 | O R BEA   TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L   B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020        O RB EA | 3


                                          GE O M ET RY & ERG ONOMY                         4
                                          T E CHN I CAL SPECIF ICATIONS                    6
                                          HEADT UB E                                       8
                                          REAR AX L E P I VOT                              9
                                          2020 L I N KAGE                                 10
                                          2022 L I N KAGE                                 12
                                          SHO CK HARDWARE                                 14
                                          M AI N P I VOT CARBON                           17
                                          M AI N P I VOT HY DRO                           18
                                          FRAM E HARDWARE                                 19
                                          CHAI N GUI D E                                  21
                                          2020 L I N KAGE AS S EMBLY                      22
                                          2022 L I N KAGE AS S EMBLY                      24
                                          CAB L I N G                                     26
                                          SUSP E N SI O N ADJ U STMENT                    28
                                          SHO CKS VO LUME REDU CERS                       30
                                          M AI N T E N AN CE                              32
                                          WARRAN TY                                       34
                                          AD D I T I O N AL I NF ORMATION                 35
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                                                   SI ZE                            S              M         L           XL     S -LT   M-LT      L-LT        XL-LT
                                                   1 - Seat Tube (C-T)             381            419       457          508     381    419           457      508

                                                   2 - Top Tube (EFF)              565            592       619          649    565     592           619      649

                                                   3 - Head Tube                    95            105       120          140     95     105           120      140

                                                   4 - Chainstay                   440            440       440          440    440     440           440      440

                                                   5 - BB Height                   336            336       336          336    336     336           336      336

                                                   6 - BB Drop                      35            35         35          35      32      32            32       32

                                                   7 - Wheelbase                  1165            1194      1224         1259   1165    1194          1224     1259

                                                   8 - Head Angle                  66º            66º       66º          66º    65.5º   65.5º         65.5º   65.5º

                                                   9 - Seat Angle                  77º            77º       77º          77º    76.5º   76.5º         76.5º   76.5º

                                                   10 - Standover                  710            736       766          776     710    736           766      776

                                                   11 - Reach                      425            450       474          500    425     450           474      500
                                                   12 - Stack                      604            613       627          646    604     613           627      646

                                                   13 - Fork Length                547            547       547          547    547     547           547      547

                                                           HE I GHT (CM)                                 HEIG HT (IN)                           S IZE
                                                                   150-165                                 59.1”-65.0”                           S

                                                                   160-175                                63.0”-68.9”                            M

                                                                   170-185                                 66.9”-72.8”                            L

                                                                   180-198                                 70.9”-78.0”                           XL

                                                  * Estimated measurements.
6 | O R BEA                                                           TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L   B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020                                                                   O RB EA | 7


                          OCCAM CARBON                       OCCAM HYDRO                                                                                  OCCAM CARBON                           OCCAM HYDRO

 FRAME MATERIAL                                                                                    MAX REAR ROTOR SIZE                                                            200mm

                                                          Alloy hydro triple butted                MIN REAR ROTOR SIZE                                                            180mm
   Front triangle          Carbon OMR
                                                                high polished
   Rear triangle           Carbon OMR                     Alloy hydro triple butted
                                                                                                   SHOCK MEASUREMENTS                                        210x55 (LT) Only frames from MY2022 onwards
   Linkage                                     Alloy
                                                                                                                                                                     Compatible with spring shocks**
 INTENDED USE                       Trail, All Mountain, Enduro
                                                                                                   SHOCH HARDWARE
 SIZES                                      S, M, L, XL
                                                                                                     Front triangle                                                              8x21.844
 REAR TRAVEL                                                                                         Shock extender                                                               8x16.46
                                            150mm (LT)
                                                                                                                                                      Yes carbon. Direct mount
                                              140mm                                                CHAIN GUIDE                                                                                         No
 FORK TRAVEL                                                                                                                                                on chainstay
                                            150mm (LT)
                                                                                                   ICGS05                                                                           No
 WHEEL SIZE                                29” (All sizes)
                                                                                                   CABLING                                                                 Internal (full housing)
 TYRE MAX SIZE                                29x2.6
                                                                                                   LEFT-ROAD CABLING READY                                                          Yes
 FORK OFFSET                      44mm (both 140 and 150 travel)
                                                                                                   BOTTLE HOLDER                                                               One (all sizes)
 BOTTOM BRACKET                       BSA 73mm THREADED
                                                                                                   DI2 COMPATIBLE                                                                   No
 HEADSET                                Integrated 1 1/8-1.5
                                                                                                   DRIVETRAIN COMPATIBILITY                                                  11 and 12 speed
 REAR AXLE STANDARD                       BOOST 148x12
                                                                                                   POWER METER COMPATIBILITY                                      Consult manufacturer´s specifications
 REAR AXLE MEASUREMENTS                       12x187
                                                                                                   RECOMMENDED SAG                                                               25%-30%
 REAR AXLE THREAD PITCH                       1.5mm

 SEATPOST DIAMETER                           31.6mm

 SEATCLAMP INT DIAMETER                       35mm

 MAX SEATPOST INSERTION     S (213mm) M (240mm) L (280mm) XL (280mm)

 FRONT DERAILLEUR                           N/A 1X Only

 MAX CHAINRING SIZE                     34T Round/ 32T Oval                                        *  Not all calipers and rotors in the market are compatible with all frames. All componets specificated from Orbea
                                                                                                     have been tested. For aftermarket options, check componentes dimensions and tolerances befores purchasing.
 MIN CHAINRING SIZE                             30T

 REAR BRAKE                           DISCO POST MOUNT *                                          ** Only shocks mounted on Orbea assemblies are tested to fit. For other shock models, consult the dimensions
                                                                                                      with the shock manufacturer.
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HEADTUBE                                                                                             REAR AXLE PIVOT

                                             Ø 48                                                                           3.3

                                             Ø 42

                               UPPER                           3

                                       45º                                                                                                                                1

                                                                                                                                                                              10 Nm

                                                                                                      REA R AX LE 1 2X148                                CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

                                                                                                      01      ART Nº: X 20 5                                   Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                              REAR AXLE 12x148                                        1

                                                                                                      DERA ILLEU R H ANGER                               CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

                                                                                                      02      ART Nº: X 16 0                                   Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                              DERAILLEUR HANGER                                       1

                                                                                                      KIT AX LE P IVOT (HANGER NOT INCLUDED)             CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
                                             Ø 52,1                                                   03      KIT Nº: X20 3                                    Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                      3.1     LEFT AXLE INSERT NUT                                    1
                                             Ø 58                                                     3.2     O-RING LEFT 13X1                                        1
                                                                                                      3.3     CIRCLIP LEFT SB26                                       1
                                                                                                      3.4     FIXING RING RIGHT                                       1

 H EADSET KI T OCCAM 2 0 2 0                          CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

          KIT N º : X 0 2 3                                 QUANT ITY
                                                                                                      REA R AX LE B EARING KIT                           CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

          HEADSET ACROS 11/8-1,5 INT                                 1                                04      KIT Nº: X20 4                                    Q UA N T ITY
          TOPCAP. ACROS 11/8                                         1                                        BEARINGS REAR AXLE 6803                                 2
1 0 | O R BEA                                                              TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L     B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020                              O RB EA | 11


EXPLODED VIEW                                                                                             LEFT LIN KAGE KIT                              CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

                                                                                                          05      KIT Nº: X3 16                                Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                          5.1     LEFT LINKAGE                                      1
                                                       8.1                                                5.2     LINKAGE BOLT                                      1
                                               10 Nm

                                                                                                          RIGHT LIN KAGE KIT                             CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

                                                                                                          06      KIT Nº: X3 17                                Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                          6.1     BIELETA DRCHA                                     1
                                                                                                          6.2     TORNILLO BIELETA                                  1

         8.4                                                                                              LIN KAGE AX L E                                CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
                                                                                                          07      ART Nº: X 3 18                               Q UA N T ITY
                                          10                                                                      LINKAGE AXLE                                      1
                                                                                         9.2      8.2

                                                                                                   8      LIN KAGE HA RDWARE KIT (BOTH SIDES)            CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
         8.1                                        9.3      8.4   5.2        5.1                15 Nm
10 Nm

                                  638                               5
                                                                                                          08      KIT Nº: X3 19                                Q UA N T ITY
                                                                   15 Nm                                  8.1     LINKAGE/SEATSTAY BOLT                             2
                                                                                                          8.2     LINKAGE/SHOCK EXT BOLT                            2
                                                                                                          8.3     LINKAGE/SEATSTAY WASHER                           4
                                                                                                          8.4     LINKAGE/SHOCK EXT WASHER                          2
 8.2    9.2

15 Nm
                                                                                                          LIN KAGE BEARING KIT                           CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
                 6.2    6.1   7         9.3

                                                                                                          09      KIT Nº: X211                                 Q UA N T ITY
                15 Nm                                                                                     9.1     BEARINGS LINKAGE/SEATSTAY 6800                    4
                                                                                                          9.2     BEARING LINKAGE/SHOCK EXT 6802                    2
                                                                                                          9.3     BEARING LINKAGE/FRAME 6804                        2

                                                                                                          S HOCK EXTENDER                                CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
Serie 600                                                                                                 10      ART Nº: X 3 20                               Q UA N T ITY
Serie 200                                                                                                         SHOCK EXTENDER                                    1
1 2 | O R BEA                                                                                                 TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L   B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020                                                  O RB EA | 13

2022 LINKAGE                                                                                                                               2 0 22 OCCA M LINKAGE. BLAC K                                                 CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
                                                                                                                                           Bearings not included

                                                                                                                                           25       ART Nº: XA 11                                                              Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                                                                               25.1   LEFT LINKAGE+AXLE ASSEMBLY. BLACK                             1
Occam Carbon and Occam Hydro models from MY2022                 · OC magnetic multitool housing inside the linkage axle.
and onwards are assembled with the new 2022 linkage                                                                                                            25.2   RIGHT LINKAGE. BLACK                                          1
(2-piece) instead of the previous 2020 linkage (3-piece)        · Same leverage ratio curve as the 2020 linkage.                                              25.3   RIGHT LINKAGE PRELOAD BOLT. WITH MAGNET. M12X1.0              1
shown on the previous section.
                                                                             MY2020 and MY2021 Occam Carbon and                                                25.4   PRELOAD BOLT WASHER                                           1
The characteristics of the new linkage, which make it dif-                   Hydro frames are compatible with the new                                          25.5   RIGHT LINKAGE PINCH BOLT M6x20 DIN912                         1
ferent from the previous one are:                                            linkage. However, size S and M 2020/2021
                                                                             frames are not compatible with 210x55
· 2-piece construction (left linkage+axle assembly and right                shocks. These size shocks will cause interfer-
                                                                             ence with the top tube on S and M frames.
                                                                                                                                           LIN KAGE HA RDWARE KIT 2022 LINKAGE                                           CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
                                                                                                                                           26        KIT Nº: XA 12                                                             Q UA N T ITY
· Allows for 210x55 shocks to be mounted to achieve a
                                                                                                                                                               26.1   RIGHT LINKAGE PRELOAD BOLT. WITH MAGNET. M12x1.0              1
   150mm rear wheel travel.
                                                                                                                                                               26.2   RIGHT LINKAGE PINCH BOLT M6x20 DIN912                         1
                                                                                                                                                               26.3   PRELOAD BOLT WASHER                                           1

EXPLODED VIEW                                                                                                                              OCCA M LIN KAGE BEARING KIT 2020-2022                                         CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

                                                                                                                                           27        KIT Nº: X 211                                                             Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                                                                               27.1   LINKAGE-SEATSTAYS BEARINGS ENDURO MAX 6800                    4
                                                                                                                              27.1                             27.2   LINKAGE-SHOCK YOKE BEARINGS. ENDURO MAX 6802                  2
                                                                                                                                                               27.3   LINKAGE-FRAME BEARINGS ENDURO MAX 6804                        2
                                                                                              28.4                            28.3
                                           29                                                                                              HARDWARE KIT LINKAGE-YOKE-SEATSTAYS OCCAM 2022                                CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
     28.1          27.1
                                                                                       27.3                                                28       KIT Nº: XA 13                                                              Q UA N T ITY
     27.2                                                                                                                                                      28.1   LINKAGE-SEATSTAY BOLT                                         2
                                                                                                                                                               28.2   LINKAKE-SHOCK YOKE BOLT                                       2
                                                                                                                           27.2                                28.3   WASHER 10x14x2                                                4
                                                                                                       25.1                                                    28.4   WASHER 15x19x2                                                2

                                                                                                                                           SHOCK YOKE OCCAM 2020-2022                                                    CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES
            25.3 28.4
            28.4 25.4     25.5
                          28.4                                                                                                             29       ART Nº: X 3 20                                                             Q UA N T ITY
            26.1 26.3     26.2                                                                                                                                        SHOCK YOKE OCCAM 2020-2022                                    1

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TORQUE SPECIFICAT IONS                                                                                                                           OC MULTITOOL INSIDE
AND ASSEMBLY COMPOUNDS                                                                                                                           THE 2022 LINKAGE AXLE

                                                                                                                                                 Occam 2022 sports an OC magnetic multitool housed in-
                                                     Do not apply grease on thread                 Do not apply grease on thread
                                                                                                                                                 side the linkage axle and held in place by magnets on the
                                                            GREASE                                                                               multitool and the linkage preload bolt.

                                                                             5                                              8                    The multitool is equipped with a 2mm, 3mm, 4mm and
                                                                                                                       15 N.m                    5mm Allen keys.
                                                                          10 N.m
    Do not apply grease on thread
                                                                                                                                                 The multitool is equipped as standard in some Occam
          GREASE                                                                                                                                 models and available as an option on others.

                             10 N.m


                                                                                          GREASE                                                        MAGNET



                4              5

            4 N.m        15 N.m

                                               Do not apply
                                                                                                                                                  LINKAGE AXLE OC MULTITOOL
                                               grease on thread
                                                                                                                                                  30       ART Nº: XA 14                                     Q UA N T ITY

                                                   8                                                                                                                         LINKAGE AXLE OC MULTITOOL            1

                                                15 N.m
1 6 | O R BEA                                                  TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L               B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020                                                      O RB EA | 17

SHOCK HARDWARE                                                                                         MAIN PIVOT CARBON

                      10 Nm

                      11.1    11.2

                                                               4                            8
                                                             5 Nm                          20 Nm

                                                               1        2         3         4      5
                                     10 Nm




                                                                                                                                                       20 Nm


                                                                                                                                                                      5 Nm

 SHOC K HAR DWAR E K I T                     CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES                                   KIT HARDWARE M A IN P IVOT CA R B O N                                CARBON: YES | HYDRO: NO

 11        KI T Nº : X 2 87                        QUANT ITY                                            12      KIT Nº: X214                                                        Q UA N T ITY
 11.1      SHOCK-FT BOLT                                1                                               12.1    EXPANDER BOLT                                                                1
 11.2      SHOCK-FT WASHER                              1                                               12.2    EXPANDER WASHER                                                              1
 11.3      SHOCK-SHOCK EXT. BOLT                        1                                               12.3    EXPANDER CONE                                                                1
                                                                                                        12.4    MAIN PIVOT AXLE                                                              1
                                                                                                        12.5    PRELOAD WASHER                                                               1
                                                                                                        12.6    O-RING MAIN PIVOT AXLE                                                       1
                                                                                                        12.7    PRELOAD BUSHING MAIN PIVOT                                                   1

                                                                                                        MAIN PIVOT BEA R IN G KIT CA R B O N                                 CARBON: YES | HYDRO: NO

                                                                                                        13      KIT Nº: X215                                                        Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                        13.1    MAIN PIVOT BEARING LEFT 6803                                                 1
                                                                                                        13.2    MAIN PIVOT BEARING RIGHT 6802                                                1
1 8 | O R BEA                                                                       TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L   B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020                              O RB EA | 19

MAIN PIVOT HYDRO                                                                                                FRAME HARDWARE

                                                                                                                                                                                      16      19


                                                                                                                 DOWN TU BE PROTECTOR CARBON                    CARBON: YES | HYDRO: NO

                                                                                                                 16        ART Nº: X 28 3                             Q UA N T ITY
      15 Nm                                                                                                                DOWNTUBE PROTECTOR CARBON                       1

                                                                                                                 RIGHT CHA INSTAY PROTECT CARBON                CARBON: YES | HYDRO: NO

    14.1           15.1    14.2                                                                                  17        ART Nº: X 217                              Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                                           RIGHT CHAINSTAY PROTECT CARBON                  1
                                              14.2   15.1            14.3
                                                                            15 Nm

                                                                                                                 KIT CHA IN STAY PROTECTOR CARBON               CARBON: YES | HYDRO: NO

                                                                                                                 18        KIT Nº: X3 26                              Q UA N T ITY
 KI T HA RDWA R E M A I N P IVOT HY DR O                    CARBON: YES | HYDRO: NO                              18.1      CHAINSTAY PROTECTOR CARBON                      1
                                                                                                                 18.2      BOLT M3X12                                      1
 14           KI T N º : X 3 2 1                                  QUANT ITY
 14.1         MAIN PIVOT NUT HYDRO                                      1
                                                                                                                 DOWN TU BE PROTECTOR H YDRO                    CARBON: NO | HYDRO: YES
 14.2         MAIN PIVOT WASHER HYDRO                                   2
 14.3         MAIN PIVOT AXLE HYDRO                                     1                                        19        ART Nº: X 3 23                             Q UA N T ITY
                                                                                                                           DOWNTUBE PROTECTOR HYDRO                        1

 KI T BEA R I NG S M A I N P I VOT HY DR O                  CARBON:NO | HYDRO: YES                               CHA IN STAY PROTECTOR H YDRO                   CARBON: NO | HYDRO: YES

 15           KI T Nº : X 3 22                                    QUANT ITY                                      20        ART Nº: X 3 24                             Q UA N T ITY
 15.1         MAIN PIVOT BEARING HYDRO 6801                             2                                                  CHAINSTAY PROTECTOR HYDRO                       1
2 0 | O R BEA                                                              TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L   B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020                                      O RB EA | 2 1

FRAME HARDWARE                                                                                         CHAINGUIDE




                                                                                                                                                 23.3           23.5

                                                                                                                                 23.2                    23.1




 SEATPOST CLAMP OCCAM 20 HYDRO/CARBON                   CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES                        KIT CHA IN GUIDE OC CAM 20                              CARBON: YES | HYDRO: NO

 21        A RT Nº : X 2 0 2                                   QUANT ITY                                23      KIT Nº: X3 27                                          Q UA N T ITY
           SEATPOST CLAMP OCCAM 20 HYDRO/CARBON 34.9                  1                                 23.1    BOLT M3X15                                                  2
                                                                                                        23.2    CHAINGUIDE OCCAM 20                                         1
                                                                                                        23.3    CHAINGUIDE BRACKET                                          1
 CABLESTOP KI T OCCA M 2 0                             CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES                         23.4    NUT M3                                                      1
                                                                                                        23.5    CHAINGUIDE WASHER                                           4
 22        KI T Nº : X 3 2 5                                 QUANT ITY
 22.1      C.STOP GEAR-BRAKE DOWNTUBE                             2
 22.2      C.STOP BRAKE CHAINSTAY                                 1
 22.3      BOLT M3X12                                             3                                    Serie 200
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   01                                Linkage arm        02                                                                  04                                                                  05
   M6x20 Allen bolt                                      Linkage axle and arm pre-assembly with bearings and bolt.
               15 Nm

                                                                                                                         Install      theopuesta
                                                                                                                         Montar la bieleta right en el eje
                                                                                                                                                                                                Screw the preload into
   on the axle´s                                                                                                         linkage arm onto
                             Occam 2020 linkage axle                                                                                                                                            the axle and turn to it to
   end before                                                                                                            the axle.                                                              preload the assembly.
   it into the
   linkage arm.           The linkage pre-assembly
                          must be done on the            Apply threadlock on the free end of the axle.
                          non-threaded end of the                       638


   03                                                                                                                       06
                                                       With the frame bearings already installed on the frame,
                                                       install the linkage pre-assembly into the frame.
                                                                                                                                                              2. Remove the preload tool.

                                                                                                                                                             1. Tighten the M6x20 Allen bolt.

                                                                                                                                                                15 Nm

 PR ELOAD TOOL KI T O C CA M 2 0                                     CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

          KIT Nº: X902                                                        QUANT ITY
          PRELOAD TOOL OCCAM 20                                                     1                                     Serie 600
          PRELOAD TOOL WASHER OCCAM 20                                              1                                     Serie 200
24 | O R BEA                                                                                       TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L   B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020                                                              O RB EA | 2 5


   01                                                       02                                                                  04
   Using a bearing press, install the linkage pivot point   Apply grease onto the linkage axle bearing races.                   Install the right linkage
   bearings onto the frame. Apply assembly grease in                                                                            (with all the bearings already
   the bearing housing surfaces. Use carbon friendly        Do not apply grease to the axle spline.                             installed).
   grease on carbon frames.


                                              1                                  2                                              Install the linkage preload
                                                                                                                                washer and bolt.



                                                                                                                                06                                                     07

                                                                                                                                Tighten the linkage preload bolt to the                Tighten the right linkage pinch bolt
                                                                                                                                recommended torque setting.                            to the recommended torque setting to fix
                                                                                                                                                                                       the linkage to the axle.



                                                            Install the left linkage and axle assembly
                                                                                                                                                                    4                                       5
                                                            (with the linkage bearings already installed)
                                                            into the frame.
                                                                                                                                                                 4 N.m                                   15 N.m

                                                                                                                                                                               6                                                      7
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                                                                                                   Cut to the specified size:

                                                                                                         L           CARBON                 HYDRO
                                                                                                       LEFT      149mm with ferrule    135mm with ferrule
                                                                                                       RIGHT     155mm with ferrule   140mm without ferrule

                                             FU LLS U S P CABLE SLEEVES KIT                                      CARBON: YES | HYDRO: YES

                                             24      KIT Nº: X313                                                          Q UA N T ITY
                                             24.1    FS CABLE SLEEVE (ONE SIZE)                                                  2
                                             24.2    FS SLEEVE FERRULE                                                           2
2 8 | O R BEA                                                                                    TE CH N I CA L M A N UA L   B LUE PA P E R OCCA M · CARBO N & HY DRO 2020                                                  O RB EA | 2 9


MARZOCCHI FORKS ADJUSTMENT                               FOX SHOCKS ADJUSTMENT                                               MEASURING SAG
Marzocchi forks general user´s manual:                   Fox DPS Performance 3-Positions adjustment guide:                   Consult the process of mearing SAG on the different forks
                                                                                                                             and shocks manuals of the previous sections.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1640/5435/files/Mar-   https://www.ridefox.com/fox17/help.php?m=bike&id=1147
                                                         Fox DPS Factory adjustment guide:                                   Use of the preload key in the regulation
Marzocchi Bomber Z2 adjustment guide:
                                                                                                                             of the bicycle SAG
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1640/5435/fi-          https://www.ridefox.com/fox17/help.php?m=bike&id=1147
pdf?1344                                                 Fox Float X Performance adjustment guide:

FOX FORKS ADJUSTMENT                                     https://www.ridefox.com/fox17/help.php?m=bike&id=1147

Fox 34 Performance Grip 3 Positions adjustment guide:    Fox Float X Factory adjustment guide:

https://www.ridefox.com/fox17/help.php?m=bi-             https://www.ridefox.com/fox17/help.php?m=bike&id=1147                             Only the MY2020/2021 Occam models
ke&id=1143                                                                                                                                 include the linkage preload tool with the in-
                                                         Fox DHX adjustment guide:                                                         tegrated SAG measuring notch. For newer
                                                                                                                                           models, use a tape measure or a ruler.
Fox 34 Factory FIT4 3 Positions adjustment guide:

Fox 36 Factory Grip2 adjustment guide:
                                                                                                                             SPRING WEIGHT                                                 Rider weight+ gear    Spring rate
https://www.ridefox.com/fox17/help.php?m=bi-                                                                                                                                                      (Kg)          (spring rate)
ke&id=1144                                                                                                                   RECOMMENDATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  60               350 lb
                                                                                                                             FOR SPRING SHOCKS                                                    65               375 lb

                                                                                                                                                                                                  70               400 lb
                                                                                                                                           The following table contains approximate
                                                                                                                                           values. The ideal spring weight may differ             75               425 lb
                                                                                                                                           depending on riding style.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  80               450 lb

                                                                                                                                                                                                  85               500 lb

                                                                                                                                                                                                  90               525 lb

                                                                                                                                                                                                  95               550 lb

                                                                                                                                                                                                  100              575 lb
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DPX2 VOLUME REDUCERS                                                                                                                 2022 FOX FLOAT X SHOCKS

The Fox DPX2 shock allows you to modify the air chamber       This shock comes from Orbea with a 0.2 volume spacer                   The Fox Float X shocks mounted on Occam 2022 and newer models come with
volume to achieve a different progressivity depending on      installed, but a 0.4 is also included if you desire to swap it.        0.6 worth of volume reducers installed in the shock. It is possible to install
your riding style.                                                                                                                   spacers up to 1.1 volume.

                                                                                                                                     In models with the Float X2 Factory shock, Orbea provides and extra 0.4
                                                                                                                                     volume reducer (not installed) that you can use to further tune your shock.
               NO REDUCER                  MORE LINEAR BEHAVIOR                               LIGHT RIDER

                                                                                   LESS AGRESSIVE RIDING STYLE                       The volume reducers installation method on Float X shocks is similar to the
                                                                                                                                     method for Fox DPX2 shocks explained in the previous section.
        WITH 0.2 REDUCER                     MORE PROGRESSIVITY                           MID-WEIGHT RIDER
                                                                                                                                     Fox Float X volume reducer compatibility guide:
                                                                                        MEDIUM RIDING STYLE
        WITH 0.4 REDUCER                     MORE PROGRESSIVITY                             HEAVIER RIDER                            REV_A%20Instruction%20FLOAT%20X%20Volume%20Spacer%20Installation_
                                                                                      AGRESSIVE RIDING STYLE                         FINAL.pdf

01. To install or remove the air cham-    02. Unscrew the air chamber sleeve from the shock´s head and slide the sleeve
ber volume reducers, de-inflate com-      downwards.
pletely the shock´s air chamber.

03. Remove the 0.2 volume reducer         04. Slide air chamber sleeve towards      05. With a shockpump, inflate the air
from the shock´s shaft and install the    the shock´s head and screw the slee-      chamber to the desired pressure.
0.4 reducer (with the flat face facing    ve into the head.
up) or leave the shock without any
reducers. Do not use metal tools to re-
move the reducer. Any damage to the
shock´s shaft will cause air leakages.
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Orbea products are carefully designed to be long-lasting,       TEST RIDE Take a quick ride up and down the street to
efficient and easy to maintain. The carbon and aluminum         make sure your bike is shifting and braking properly. Lis-          A FTER A CRASH OR IM PACT
frames on the Occam are extremely corrosion-resistant.          ten for unusual noises.
                                                                                                                                    Falling is part of riding and it’s impossible to avoid minor
However, your Orbea bicycle needs regular maintenance                                                                               accidents. If you crash your OCCAM, please make sure
                                                                                                                                    you are okay and seek medical attention if necessary.
of its components in order to work properly and to ensure
their longevity.
                                                                4 ) B EA R IN GS                                                    If you are not injured, you should check your bike before
                                                                Bearings are one element subject to wear and tear. They
1 ) K EEP YOUR OCCAM C LEA N                                    must be in good condition to ensure that the other parts            1) Inspect your frame and components for damage.
                                                                of the bicycle work correctly: on the wheels, the steering          Do not ride your bike if any problems are detected.
Washing your bike with mild soap and water will keep you        column and the bottom bracket, and particularly on the
looking stylish and allow you to check the condition of the     parts of the full suspension bicycle frame.
frame and components. Don’t use high water pressure and                                                                             WHAT TO LOO K FOR
avoid spraying water into bearings or frame tubes. Citrus       Regularly check to make sure that the bearings turn free-
degreasers are biodegradeable and do a great job of re-         ly in their housing and there are no signs of lateral play.         Inspect Frame and fork for evidence of cracking or ben-ding.
moving dirty grease from gears and chain.                       Bearings that do not turn properly or that have any lateral         If cracks are discovered, discontinue use immediately.
                                                                play must be replaced immediately in order to prevent
                                                                wear and tear to the parts of the frame. Very damp weath-           Check the drivetrain and spin the wheels to make sure
2 ) K EEP YOUR OCCAM LU BE D                                    er conditions can cause the bearings to wear out faster.            components are operating correctly. If you discover da-
                                                                Avoid washing your bicycle with pressurized water hoses.            mage to your components, discontinue use immediately.
Once your bike is clean, it’s a good time to put fresh lube     If you have any questions, take your bicycle to an Orbea
on the chain. Use only enough to get inside the links and       dealer for correct diagnosis and maintenance.                       Even if you don’t find any damage, pay careful attention
wipe off any excess because it will attract dirt. Headset                                                                           to the sound of your bike when you continue riding.
and pivot bearings should be inspected every few months                                                                             Unusual noises can be caused by cracks or other prob-
for smoothness and to ensure that the seals are intact and                                                                          lems. A well-maintained bike will be quiet and free of
lube is clean.                                                                                                                      creaks or squeaks. Investigate and locate the source of
                                                                                                                                    any new noises.

3 ) I NSP E CT YOUR OC CA M BE F O R E                                                                                              2) Bring your bike to your Orbea dealer for profes-
                                                                                                                                    sional inspection. Some damage can only be detected by
YOU R I D E                                                                                                                         disassembling the bike to check for cracks or other signs
                                                                                                                                    of stress.
Do a quick check before every ride to make sure your bike
is in excellent condition. It is very common to discover                                                                            A crash or impact can put extraordinary stress on
small issues at home that can become big problems on the                                                                            your bike and components, causing them to fail or
trail. CHAIN Is the chain dirty, noisy or dry? Clean and lube                                                                       to fa-tigue prematurely. Failure can happen suddenly
your chain before riding. BRAKES Check your brakes to                                                                               with no warning, causing loss of control, serious in-
make sure they are working correctly. Check for missing/                                                                            jury or death.
loose caliper and rotor bolts. TIRES Look for damage to
the sidewalls of your tires. Check and adjust tire pressu-re.
WHEELS Spin the wheels and look for wobbles, check
for loose or broken spokes. Check quick release levers
to make sure they are functioning properly. FRONT END
Stand over the saddle, pull on the brakes and rock the bike
back and forth. Feel for any play or knocking that might
indicate a loose headset, loose brake rotors or calipers, or
worn fork bushings.
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ORBEA WARRANTY                                                                                                                                                                                    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

The constant effort we make every day to produce the            See the full description of the coverage and the Lifetime                                                                         ORBEA participates actively on facebook and Twitter with
highest quality bicycles enables us to offer the following      Warranty conditions at:
                                                                                                                                       WA RRA N TY CLAIM PROC ESS                                 our fantastic global community of riders. Looking to find
warranty and coverage conditions:                                                                                                                                                                 spots to ride or plan a vacation? Someone will have the
                                                                                                                                       All warranty claim processes must be processed through
                                                                https://www.orbea.com/int-en/warranty-benefits/                                                                                   answers:
                                                                                                                                       an Orbea dealer, who will provide the company with the
LEGAL WAR R ANTY                                                                                                                       necessary documentation for the diagnosis of said claim.
                                                                R E GI ST E R YOU R BICYCLE                                            The dealer will inform the customer of the decision made
                                                                                                                                                                                                  FAC EBOOK
Orbea guarantees its products by law for a period of                                                                                   by Orbea.
2 years or whatever has been stipulated as the legal            In order to benefit from the extension of the Orbea Lifeti-
warranty period in the country where the purchase was           me Warranty, register your bike within the first 30 days of
made, to the original owner of the bicycle/component.           having purchased it at www.orbea.com                                                                                              TW ITTER
This warranty covers Orbea products against manufacturing       01. REGISTER YOUR ACCOUNT
defects and/or lack of conformity and guarantees the repair
or replacement of the defective product at no cost to the af-                                                                                                                                     YOUTUBE
fected customer. Likewise, this warranty also co-vers paint,                                                                                                                                      Visit our Orbea Channel on You Tube for a variety of helpful
varnish and corrosion defects on all frames and rigid forks                                                                                                                                       setup and tech videos:
assembled on our bicycles during the period specified in the                                                                                                                                      www.youtube.com/user/OrbeaBicycles
                                                                02. REGISTRATION NUMBER
first paragraph of this warranty.

This warranty does not cover in any case damage derived
from misuse or the lack of maintenance, or from the nor-
mal wear and tear of perishable parts, such as, but not
limited to: seals, bearings, handlebar tape, spokes, hub,
threads, tires, seat, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ORBEA C ONTENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                  View and download photos, videos and documents.
See the full description of the coverage and the legal war-
ranty conditions at:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  BLOG ORBEA
https://www.orbea.com/int-en/warranty-benefits/                                                                                                                                                   www.orbea.com/es-es/blog/
                                                                 03. WHERE TO FIND YOUR NUMBER

OR BEA LI FET I ME WARR A N TY                                                                                                                                                                    YOUR ORBEA DEALER
                                                                                                       2                                                                                          Our dealers are experts and should be able to assist you
As a complement to the legal warranty, Orbea offers the                                                                                                                                           with setting up and maintaining your Orbea bicycle. A
original buyer of the bicycle, under the condition of ha-                                                                                                                                         com-plete listing of Orbea dealers and distributors can be
ving registered their bicycle on the Orbea website within                                                                                                                                         located on our website:
a period of 30 days following its purchase, the Orbea Life-                                                                                                                                       www.orbea.com/us-en/dealers/?country=INT
time Warranty, which covers the frames and rigid forks                               1      3
we assemble on our bicycles, with no time limit, against
manufacturing defects.                                                                                                                                                                            SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                  For technical questions about Orbea products, write to:
This warranty extends the original period of coverage                                                                                                                                             support@orbea.com
against pain, varnish or corrosion defects on our frames                      1                    2                            3
and rigid forks for one additional year after the end of the                                                                                                                                      For any other question:
legal warranty period.                                                                                                                                                                            orbea@orbea.com
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