Observation of radiation torque shot noise on an optically levitated nanodumbbell
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Observation of radiation torque shot noise on an optically levitated nanodumbbell Fons van der Laan,1, ∗ René Reimann,1, 2 Felix Tebbenjohanns,1 Jayadev Vijayan,1 Lukas Novotny,1 and Martin Frimmer1 1 Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zürich, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland 2 Quantum Sensing Laboratory, Quantum Research Centre, Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Dated: January 15, 2021) arXiv:2012.14231v2 [physics.optics] 14 Jan 2021 According to quantum theory, measurement and backaction are inextricably linked. In optical position measurements, this backaction is known as radiation pressure shot noise. In analogy, a measurement of the orientation of a mechanical rotor must disturb its angular momentum by radiation torque shot noise. In this work, we observe the shot-noise torque fluctuations arising in a measurement of the angular orientation of an optically levitated nanodumbbell. We feedback cool the dumbbell’s rotational motion and investigate its reheating behavior when released from feedback. In high vacuum, the heating rate due to radiation torque shot noise dominates over the thermal and technical heating rates in the system. Introduction.— Harnessing light to measure and con- harmonic oscillator. The application of techniques devel- trol mechanical motion is the central theme of optome- oped to control translational motion thus offers promise chanics [1, 2]. At the heart of the paradigmatic optome- to turn librational degrees of freedom into a quantum re- chanical system is a light field interacting with a mechani- source for optomechanics. Prominent examples are quan- cal degree of freedom coupled to a thermal bath. The light tum revivals [16–18], which may offer an alternative route field interrogates the mechanical motion, and, in accor- to explore quantum mechanics at a macroscopic scale, dance with the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, gives rise as well as quantum friction at extreme rotation frequen- to a backaction on the mechanics [3]. A pivotal step in the cies [19–22]. development of any quantum-optomechanical system is to Ideal testbeds for optomechanics with rotational de- boost the coupling between the mechanics and the light grees of freedom are optically levitated nanoparticles [23]. field sufficiently to overcome the interaction with the ther- Control of their translational degrees of freedom has re- mal bath. In this regime, the exquisite control researchers cently entered the quantum regime [24, 25]. In a circularly have gained over the quantum states of light can be ex- polarized light field, such optically trapped particles can ploited, to perform measurements at, and even below, the be spun at GHz rotation frequencies [26–28]. In a lin- standard quantum limit [4, 5]. Furthermore, this regime early polarized field, an anisotropic particle aligns to the allows for measurement-based feedback control of the me- polarization direction, making this system an optically chanics outside the bounds of classical physics [6, 7], a levitated librator [29, 30]. Importantly, the light field prerequisite to embark on the quest to engineer massive measures the angular orientation of the particle, and thus objects into macroscopic quantum states [8, 9]. must give rise to measurement backaction in the form of For translational motion, the hallmark signature of the radiation torque shot noise [31, 32]. This torque shot noise quantum nature of light dominating the dynamics of the is a result of the interaction between the dipole moment mechanics has been the observation of radiation pressure of the particle induced by the linearly polarized field, and shot noise [10, 11]. These pressure fluctuations can be vacuum fluctuations in the orthogonal polarization direc- explained by viewing the light field as a stream of dis- tion, as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Alternatively, in a particle crete, mutually independent photons, each carrying a lin- picture of light, the linearly polarized field scattering off ear momentum proportional to ~ [12]. The statistics of the particle can be thought of as a stream of statistically this momentum transfer leads to shot-noise fluctuations independent left- and right-circularly polarized photons, of the radiation pressure. In quantum theory, these fluc- each carrying angular momentum ~ [33]. Despite its fun- tuations arise due to an interference of the deterministic damental importance, the observation of radiation torque measurement field with the vacuum fluctuations [13]. shot noise has remained elusive. In recent years, rotational motion has attracted increas- In this Letter, we report the observation of radiation ing attention in optomechanics [14, 15]. A torsional rotor torque shot noise driving the libration mode of an op- with a linear restoring force (termed librator) resembles a tically levitated rotor. We trap a dumbbell-shaped di-
2 electric nanoparticle in a linearly polarized laser beam, (a) feedback-cool its librational motion, and investigate its PBS reheating dynamics when cooling is switched off. In high vacuum, we enter a regime where the reheating rate is in- dependent of gas pressure. Our measurements reveal that in our system the radiation torque shot noise dominates y z over the torque noise of the thermal bath by more than a x factor of four. Experimental system.— Our experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1(b). We trap a dumbbell (composed of two silica spheres, nominal diameter 136 nm) in a strongly (b) x FB COM DAQ focused laser beam [focal power P = 1050(50) mW]. The z beam propagates along the z axis, and is linearly polar- y ized along the x axis. The laser power in the optical 1565 nm PBS BS PBS trap can be controlled with an electro-optical modulator. EOM In the forward direction, the light from the trap is col- (c) lected with a lens and divided at a beamsplitter. Half 100 rad2/Hz) of the signal is sent to a center-of-mass (COM) motion Uncooled detector [34]. The other half is sent through a polarizing FB cooled beamsplitter and onto a balanced photodiode to detect 10 8 the angular orientation of the dumbbell [26, 27, 35]. For (10 small deviation angles of the dumbbell relative to the po- 1 larization axis, our detection scheme is sensitive to the S angle θ of the dumbbell relative to the x axis in the focal 600 800 1000 xy plane [36]. Furthermore, the restoring torque gener- frequency (kHz) ated by the light field on the dumbbell is to first order linear in θ. The dumbbell is thus a harmonic oscillator Figure 1. (a) Pictorial representation of radiation torque with a libration frequency Ωl , following the equation of shot noise. An anisotropic scatterer in a linearly polarized motion light field experiences a fluctuating torque which arises from the vacuum fluctuations entering the unused port of the po- I θ̈ + Iγ θ̇ + IΩ2l θ = τfl , (1) larizing beamsplitter (PBS). (b) Schematic of the experimen- tal setup. Inside a vacuum chamber, we focus a laser beam with I the moment of inertia of the dumbbell, γ the damp- (propagating along z, linearly polarized along x) with an as- ing rate, and each dot indicating a time derivative. The pheric lens (0.7 NA) to form an optical trap. In the forward fluctuating torque τfl drives the librator. In this work, we direction, the light is collected and split into two paths with demonstrate that at low pressures τfl is dominated by the a beamsplitter (BS). One half of the optical power is sent to shot noise fluctuations of the light field. a center-of-mass (COM) motion detector. The other half is The measured power spectral density Sθθ of the ori- used to measure the libration angle θ in a balanced detection scheme. The measurement is recorded with a data acquisition entation angle θ at a pressure pgas = 7.0(7) mbar at device (DAQ). The intensity of the laser beam [wavelength room temperature is shown in Fig. 1(c) in blue. The λ = 1565.0(1) nm] is modulated with an electro-optic modula- spectrum resembles a resonant line-shape, centered at tor (EOM) using feedback signals derived from the COM and 750 kHz, flanked by two broad shoulders on either side. the libration detector, respectively. (c) The blue line shows This spectral shape has been explained as a consequence the measured power spectral density Sθθ of the libration mo- of the intricate rotational dynamics of the dumbbell, tion at a pressure of pgas = 7.0(7) mbar. The broad spectrum where the thermally driven spinning degree of freedom is a result of coupling between the angular degrees of freedom. The black line shows Sθθ at pgas = 1.1(1) × 10−8 mbar and around the long axis of the dumbbell gives rise to an with feedback-cooling engaged for COM and librational mo- interaction between the two other orientational degrees tion, where the signal of the libration detector reduces to a of freedom [30, 36]. We calibrate our detector signal single resonant line. by transforming the spectrum for θ to θ̇ and exploiting the equipartition theorem, according to the procedure de- tailed in Ref. [37].
3 At pressures pgas < 10−4 mbar, the gas damping is suf- ficiently low to apply effective feedback cooling to the data libration and the center-of-mass motion. For both types 100 fit of motion, we use the parametric feedback-cooling scheme sn heating rate (K/s) originally developed for COM cooling [11] and suggested for libration cooling [36]. In this cooling technique, a phase-locked loop tracks the detector signal to generate 10 a feedback signal at twice the oscillation frequency of the measured degree of freedom. This feedback signal is ap- plied to the modulator controlling the power of the trap- 1 ping laser, to generate a periodic modulation of the opti- cal potential. A spectrum Sθθ under feedback cooling at pgas = 1.1(1) × 10−8 mbar is shown in Fig. 1(c) in black. Under feedback-cooling, the spectrum of the libration re- duces to a single line centered at Ωl = 2π × 757 kHz. The 10 10 10 8 10 6 observed linewidth is limited by drifts of Ωl , arising from pressure pgas (mbar) slow drifts of the laser power. The area under the peak is Figure 3. Heating rate (blue circles) as a function of pressure. a measure for the energy of the librator, and we extract a The solid black curve shows a linear fit with constant offset Γres value of E = 0.24(3) K. Note that throughout this work, (dashed line). The dotted line indicates the contribution of we normalize all energies by the Boltzmann constant to the gas to the heating rate. The red line shows the theoretical have the unit Kelvin. This energy is a result of the bal- prediction for the radiation torque shot noise heating rate Γsn . ance of damping γ and heating by the fluctuating torque τfl acting on the librator. Reheating protocol.— To quantify the torque fluctua- back cooling of the libration. Since each experimental run tions driving the levitated librator, we perform reheating records one realization of the stochastic reheating process, experiments [38]. Each measurement cycle starts with the we repeat the cycle 400 times. In Fig. 2(a), we show Sθθ librator under feedback cooling. At time t = 0, we turn averaged over all cycles at pgas = 1.1(1) × 10−8 mbar at off the feedback for the libration (while center-of-mass the beginning (t = 0 ms) of the reheating period, and in cooling remains engaged) and measure the energy in the (b) at the end (t = 950 ms). We extract the energy of libration mode (extracted from the spectrum Sθθ ) as a the librator by integrating the power spectrum (indicated function of time. The cycle repeats as we re-engage feed- by the blue shaded area), after subtracting the noise floor (grey area). The resulting mean libration energy is shown as a function of time in Fig. 2(c). The heating process for 25 (a) (b) (c) data the mean energy E follows the equation 0.6 fit E(t) = E0 + (E∞ − E0 )(1 − e−γt ), libration energy E (K) 20 (2) S (10 9 rad2/Hz) 15 0.4 with E0 = E(t = 0), and E∞ the energy the system is equilibrating to. On a short timescale t γ −1 , and for 10 E∞ E0 , we find E(t) = γE∞ t. Thus, the slope of a 0.2 linear fit to the data in Fig. 2(c) yields the heating rate 5 FB on FB off Γ = γE∞ . t = 0 ms t = 950 ms Results and discussion.— Having established our pro- 755 760 755 760 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 frequency (kHz) time (s) tocol to measure the reheating rate Γ of the levitated li- brator, we now investigate the origin of the fluctuating torque driving the reheating. To quantify the contribu- Figure 2. Reheating experiment at pgas = 1.1(1) × 10−8 mbar. (a) Cooled libration spectrum right after feedback cooling is tion from the interaction with the residual gas in the vac- turned off. (b) Libration spectrum after 950 ms, just before uum chamber, we plot the measured reheating rate Γ as the feedback cooling is turned back on. (c) Libration energy a function of gas pressure in Fig. 3 as blue data points. (blue circles) as a function of time. A linear fit to the data is At pressures above 10−7 mbar, the reheating rate scales shown as the solid line. linearly with pressure, as indicated by the dotted line.
4 10 at a pressure of 1.1(1) × 10−8 mbar as a function of laser heating rate (K/s) RIN (blue circles). The heating rate remains constant up to a RIN of −125 dBc/Hz and increases only for higher 1 values of RIN. We therefore conclude that the influence of the baseline RIN on the heating rates reported in Fig. 3 is negligible. 0.1 150 140 130 120 Conclusion.— We have observed the effect of radi- laser RIN (dBc/Hz) ation torque shot noise on a mechanical rotor for the first time. In particular, we have demonstrated that Figure 4. Heating rate as a function of RIN at this torque noise dominates the heating rate of the li- 1.1(1) × 10−8 mbar (blue circles). An effect on the heating bration mode of a dumbbell trapped in a linearly polar- rate is observable only for RIN values exceeding −125 dBc/Hz. ized laser beam in high vacuum. Our work is of signif- icance for the development of torque sensors based on This scaling is expected, since the fluctuating torque due levitated nanoparticles [28], with potential applications to the gas scales linearly with pressure. At pressures be- for the characterization of materials at the nanoscale [40– low 10−7 mbar, we observe a significant deviation of the 42], and for the detection of angular momentum states of observed reheating rate from the linear scaling, and Γ light [43]. Our experiments constitute an important step approaches a constant value. We fit our data with the towards operating those sensors at the standard quantum function Γ = a × pgas + Γres , shown as the solid black limit, which requires careful balancing of measurement curve in Fig. 3, with the proportionality constant a and backaction with intrinsic damping [14]. At this limit, lev- the residual heating rate Γres as fit parameters. We obtain itated torque sensors hold promise to provide access to Γres = 0.50(6) K s−1 . currently elusive but deeply fundamental effects of vac- The heating rate Γsn expected due to radiation torque uum friction [19, 20, 22, 44]. Furthermore, entering the shot noise is given by [27, 31, 32] backaction-limited regime is a necessary requirement to achieve quantum control over optomechanical systems [7], 2 with the aim to test quantum mechanical effects in rotat- 1 ∆α P Γsn = ~2 , (3) ing systems at a macroscopic scale [17, 18]. Importantly, 2 αx I~ω we establish parametric feedback-cooling as a powerful with P the power scattered by the dumbbell, αx its po- technique to control rotational motion. Therefore, this larizability along the long axis, and ∆α the difference in work brings ground-state cooling and quantum control of polarizability of long and short axes. For our experimen- optically levitated librators firmly within reach. tal parameters [39], we obtain Γsn = 0.31 K s−1 , shown in Fig. 3 as the solid red line. This theoretical result is in good agreement with our measured Γres . The dif- ference between Γres and Γsn can be explained by the uncertainties of the refractive index, the dimensions of ∗ Correspondence email address: vfons@ethz.ch the dumbbell, the laser intensity in the trap, and the [1] W. Bowen and G. Milburn, Quantum Optomechanics calibration procedure. We conclude that at a pressure (Taylor & Francis, 2015). [2] M. Aspelmeyer, T. Kippenberg, and F. Marquardt, Cav- p = 1.1(1) × 10−8 mbar the radiation torque shot noise ity Optomechanics: Nano- and Micromechanical Res- acting on the dumbbell exceeds the thermal torque noise onators Interacting with Light, Quantum Science and by a factor of four. Technology (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014). Finally, we exclude classical laser noise as a source of [3] V. Braginskiı̌, JETP 26, 831 (1968). the observed heating rate at low pressures. To this end, [4] S. Schreppler, N. Spethmann, N. Brahms, T. Botter, we introduce additional relative intensity noise (RIN) into M. Barrios, and D. M. Stamper-Kurn, Science 344, 1486 the system by adding white noise with a bandwidth of (2014). [5] D. Mason, J. Chen, M. Rossi, Y. Tsaturyan, and 80 MHz and variable variance to the feedback signal enter- A. Schliesser, Nature Physics 15, 745 (2019). ing the electro-optical modulator. Without added noise, [6] V. Sudhir, D. J. Wilson, R. Schilling, H. Schütz, S. A. our laser has a measured RIN of −149 dBc/Hz (at both Fedorov, A. H. Ghadimi, A. Nunnenkamp, and T. J. Ωl and 2Ωl ). In Fig. 4, we plot the heating rate measured Kippenberg, Phys. Rev. X 7, 011001 (2017).
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