Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries - Privacy Enhancing ...

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Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries - Privacy Enhancing ...
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2019 (2):228–244

Paul Schmitt*, Anne Edmundson, Allison Mankin, and Nick Feamster

Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS
Abstract: Virtually every Internet communication typi-
cally involves a Domain Name System (DNS) lookup for
                                                                  1 Introduction
the destination server that the client wants to commu-
                                                                  Almost all communication on the Internet today starts
nicate with. Operators of DNS recursive resolvers—the
                                                                  with a Domain Name System (DNS) lookup. Before
machines that receive a client’s query for a domain name
                                                                  communicating with any Internet destination, a user
and resolve it to a corresponding IP address—can learn
                                                                  application typically first issues a Domain Name Sys-
significant information about client activity. Past work,
                                                                  tem (DNS) lookup, which takes a domain name (e.g.,
for example, indicates that DNS queries reveal informa-
                                                                  google.com) and returns an IP address for the server
tion ranging from web browsing activity to the types
                                                                  that the client should contact. Today, the DNS requires
of devices that a user has in their home. Recognizing
                                                                  the user to place tremendous trust in DNS operators,
the privacy vulnerabilities associated with DNS queries,
                                                                  who can see all of the DNS queries that a user issues.
various third parties have created alternate DNS ser-
                                                                  Whether the operator is an Internet service provider
vices that obscure a user’s DNS queries from his or
                                                                  (ISP) or a third party is less concerning than the fact
her Internet service provider. Yet, these systems merely
                                                                  that some single operator can observe and retain this
transfer trust to a different third party. We argue that no
                                                                  sensitive information. This paper presents a system,
single party ought to be able to associate DNS queries
                                                                  called ODNS, which attempts to solve this problem.
with a client IP address that issues those queries. To this
                                                                       As DNS operates today, queries and responses are
end, we present Oblivious DNS (ODNS), which intro-
                                                                  viewable as plaintext at the recursive resolver, even if
duces an additional layer of obfuscation between clients
                                                                  the client is using an encrypted channel between it and
and their queries. To do so, ODNS uses its own au-
                                                                  the recursive resolver. As a result, they can reveal signif-
thoritative namespace; the authoritative servers for the
                                                                  icant information about the Internet destinations that
ODNS namespace act as recursive resolvers for the DNS
                                                                  a user or device is communicating with. For example,
queries that they receive, but they never see the IP ad-
                                                                  the domain names themselves reveal the websites that
dresses for the clients that initiated these queries. We
                                                                  a user visits. Additionally, in the case of smart-home In-
present an initial deployment of ODNS; our experiments
                                                                  ternet of Things (IoT) devices, DNS queries may reveal
show that ODNS introduces minimal performance over-
                                                                  the types of devices in user homes. Previous work has
head, both for individual queries and for web page loads.
                                                                  also demonstrated that DNS lookups can identify the
We design ODNS to be compatible with existing DNS
                                                                  websites that a user is visiting even when they are us-
protocols and infrastructure, and we are actively work-
                                                                  ing an anonymizing service such as Tor [19]. Recursive
ing on an open standard with the IETF.
                                                                  DNS resolver operators can readily associate and track
Keywords: privacy, DNS                                            client identities (i.e., IP addresses) along with informa-
DOI 10.2478/popets-2019-0028
                                                                  tion about their DNS queries, creating a fundamental
Received 2018-08-31; revised 2018-12-15; accepted 2018-12-16.     point of privacy risk.
                                                                       A user’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) often op-
                                                                  erates the user’s default recursive DNS resolver, giving
                                                                  the ISP potentially extraordinary access to DNS query
                                                                  information. To mitigate this risk, several entities, in-
*Corresponding Author: Paul Schmitt: Princeton Uni-               cluding Google, Cloudflare [41], and Quad9 [36] operate
versity, E-mail: pschmitt@cs.princeton.edu                        “open” recursive DNS resolver services that anyone can
Anne Edmundson: Princeton University, E-mail: an-
                                                                  use as an alternative to their ISP’s DNS recursive re-
Allison Mankin: Salesforce, E-mail: alli-                         solver. Yet, when a user switches to such an alternate re-
son.mankin@gmail.com                                              solver, the privacy problem isn’t solved; rather, the user
Nick Feamster: Princeton University, E-mail: feam-                must then trust the operator of the open recursive rather
ster@cs.princeton.edu                                             than their ISP. Essentially, the user must decide whether
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries                229

they trust their ISP or some other organization—some              Client Side                  Server Side
of which are even in the business of collecting data about                                                      Name Servers

     Other approaches have layered encryption on top             Client Browser

of DNS. For example, DNS-over-TLS [24], DNS-over-
DTLS [37], and DNS-over-HTTPS [23] send DNS
                                                                                         Recursive Resolver
queries over an encrypted channel, which prevents an
eavesdropper between the client and the recursive re-             Stub Resolver      Operator can see user
solver from learning the contents of a DNS lookup but                                 identity and queries

does not prevent the recursive resolver itself from linking
queries and IP addresses. DNSCurve uses elliptic curve        Fig. 1. In a typical DNS lookup, a recursive resolver sees DNS
cryptography to encrypt DNS requests and responses;           queries and responses, as well as the client IP addresses that issue
                                                              the queries.
it also authenticates all DNS responses and eliminates
any forged responses [6]. DNSCrypt encrypts and au-                We design ODNS to be immediately deployable
thenticates DNS traffic between a client and a recursive      alongside existing DNS infrastructure. We implement
resolver [15]. Neither of these approaches prevent the        this functionality in a prototype ODNS stub and ODNS
recursive resolver from observing DNS queries and re-         resolver in Go. ODNS’s privacy enhancements come at
sponses.                                                      a performance cost. Our trace-driven evaluation shows
     This work takes a different tack: Instead of merely      that any individual uncached DNS lookup is slower due
shifting the trust anchor from an ISP to some other           to two factors: 1) our cryptographic operations add
third party, we seek to prevent a recursive DNS re-           roughly two milliseconds to the lookup time; and 2) the
solver from associating client identities with the queries    round-trip time between the client and the ODNS re-
they make. To do so, we design, implement, and de-            solver is added for each lookup. We mitigate the impact
ploy Oblivious DNS (ODNS), which (1) obfuscates the           of round-trip time latency by designing ODNS to use
queries that a recursive resolver sees from the clients       anycast. Ultimately, our evaluation shows that the per-
that issue DNS queries; and (2) obfuscates the client’s       formance overhead on web page load times is negligible.
IP address from upper levels of the DNS hierarchy             Additionally, we reduce the traffic burden placed on ex-
that ultimately resolve the query (i.e., the authorita-       isting recursive resolvers by implementing a cache at the
tive servers). ODNS operates in the context of the exist-     stub resolver.
ing DNS protocol, allowing the existing deployed infras-
tructure to remain unchanged. ODNS decouples client
identity from queries by leveraging the behavior of the
global DNS system itself. A client sends an encrypted         2 Background
query to a recursive resolver, which then forwards the
query to a ODNS resolver (an authoritative DNS server         The domain name system is the hierarchical, decentral-
that can resolve ODNS queries). The recursive resolver        ized infrastructure responsible for translating between
never sees the domains that the client queries, and the       domain names and the associated information that is
ODNS resolver never sees the IP address of the client.        necessary for data connectivity [31, 32]. Clients, such
     ODNS provides benefits for both the recursive re-        as Internet browsers, issue DNS queries to find the IP
solver operators as well as users of the system. The rich     address of a server that contains content the user re-
information available at the recursive resolver can make      quests. Typically, for a given DNS request, there are up
operators the targets of data requests. ODNS reduces          to five DNS servers that can be involved in resolving in-
the information that operators are able to know as they       formation for a domain name with each server playing
cannot associate queried domains with client identity,        a different role (Figure 1): 1) stub resolver or "client";
making them less-valuable targets. In essence, the op-        2) recursive resolver; 3) root nameserver; 4) top level
erators are oblivious to their client’s requests. Likewise,   domain (TLD) nameserver; and 5) authoritative name-
users of ODNS benefit in that they are no longer re-          server.
quired to trust that their recursive resolver has their            Stub resolvers are lightweight processes included
best interests at heart. Instead, users can be assured        in operating systems that initiate DNS queries to the
that all DNS infrastructure beyond the stub is unable         larger infrastructure, typically toward a recursive re-
to link their identity with their querying behavior.          solver. The recursive resolver will inspect the query and
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries            230

check whether there is a cached answer, if so, the re-                    1.0       Conventional DNS
sponse is returned to the stub. If the answer is not
cached, the recursive will then act on the stub’s be-
half to find the answer. If the uncached query includes                   0.6

a domain for which the recursive server does not already                  0.4
know the address for the domain’s authoritative name-                                             0.8
server it will query the root and/or the TLD servers to                   0.2
                                                                                                       500   1000   2000
find the authoritative server IP address. The root server                 0.0
will respond to a query with the appropriate TLD name-                          0   100     200        300    400     500
server for that domain (e.g., the .com TLD server for
                                                                                     Resolution time (ms)
a foo.com query). The recursive server will query the         Fig. 2. Tor DNS latency compared with conventional DNS.
TLD server, which will in turn respond with the IP ad-
dress of the authoritative nameserver for the domain.
The recursive server will finally query the authoritative     ure 2 provides insight into the additional latency Tor
nameserver, the final authority for translating a domain      introduces for DNS traffic. We resolve the Alexa top
name to an IP address. The portion of the DNS names-          10,000 domains using both conventional DNS and using
pace that an authoritative server is responsible for is       the Tor network from a laptop connected to a univer-
known as a “zone”.                                            sity network via gigabit Ethernet. As shown, Tor signif-
     DNS Privacy Implications. DNS traffic can re-            icantly increases the latency for DNS queries. The me-
veal personal information about users’ browsing behav-        dian resolution time for conventional DNS is 31.31 ms,
ior as well as the types of devices in a network. The         whereas the median time for DNS via Tor is 276.76 ms.
vantage point provided at the recursive DNS resolver               Next, Tor has long been a target for censorship [42].
gives the operator of the resolver visibility into the IP     There are many techniques by which censors can iden-
addresses that query various domain names, which may          tify Tor nodes and traffic and block them from the In-
be ultimately linked to individual devices, sets of de-       ternet. Tor is designed to be all-or-nothing, meaning the
vices, or user identity.                                      client sends all traffic through the circuit. This has both
     Additionally, recursive resolvers can pass informa-      practical impact as censors may block all access to the
tion about the user to the entities at higher levels in the   Internet as well as a performance impact as clients may
DNS hierarchy using the EDNS0 client subnet option.           not require privacy for all of their traffic.
EDNS0 client subnet is a non-standards track RFC [10],             Finally, while the original client IP may be obfus-
which is widely-deployed, whereby recursive resolvers         cated using Tor, the exit node IP address can be as-
include the client IP subnet as part of the DNS query         sociated with all DNS queries that it forwards. Such
when querying authoritative nameservers. The intent           system behavior leads to a chilling effect as the opera-
of EDNS0 client subnet is to allow for DNS and con-           tors of exit nodes—often individual volunteers—may be
tent providers to utilize the client information to create    held liable for the content that ingresses and egresses
more informed responses (i.e., route users to replicas of     onto the Internet from their connection [11]. Addition-
content they are closest to). The EDNS0 client subnet         ally, DNS in Tor is conducted by the exit node of the
extension has privacy implications because it reveals a       circuit and is performed in a manner that depends on
portion of the IP address that issued the initial DNS         how it is configured on that machine. As a result, the
query to the authoritative server.                            operator of that machine (as well as the recursive re-
     Why Not Tor? At first glance, it may appear that         solver used by the exit node) can learn what content
DNS privacy can readily be achieved using the Tor [16]        is being requested. More recently, researchers have ana-
network. Tor uses layered encryption and a three-hop          lyzed how DNS works in Tor and found that fingerprint-
circuit to provide client anonymity. However, using Tor       ing attacks can be performed based on DNS data [19].
for DNS privacy comes with several drawbacks.                 The Tor Project has also designed and implemented
     First, and perhaps most importantly, Tor’s funda-        onion services/domains (previously called hidden ser-
mental design introduces substantial network latency to       vices), which provide server anonymity; onion domain
the end-to-end path. This significantly reduces the per-      lookup does not use DNS, but can only be accessed via
formance for all traffic over the network. DNS underpins      Tor and suffers from usability issues [3]. Recent work
almost all web traffic and increased DNS lookup latency       has highlighted how onion domain name leakages are a
has an outsized impact of web performance [39]. Fig-          source of privacy leakage as well [40].
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries     231

                                                             government could also be colluding with a DNS opera-
3 Threat Model and Goals                                     tor; the DNS operator itself might even be an adversary.
                                                                  This work does not attempt to prevent an adversary
In this section, we describe our threat model, outline
                                                             from compromising the integrity or availability of DNS
the capabilities of the attacker, and introduce the design
                                                             requests. We do not consider an adversary who operates
goals and protections that ODNS provides.
                                                             both a recursive resolver and an authoritative server in
     Threat Model. Our threat model includes any sin-
                                                             an attempt to collude.
gle non-colluding passive adversary who wishes to com-
                                                                  Goals. To defend against the adversary described
promise the confidentiality of a client’s IP and requested
                                                             above, we highlight the design goals for ODNS. Both the
domain name. As an eavesdropper, the adversary has
                                                             recursive DNS resolver and the ODNS resolver have dif-
the capability to monitor and collect traffic between the
                                                             ferent risks, and therefore requires different protections.
following entities: the client resolver and the recursive
                                                             Both must be protected by decoupling the client iden-
resolver, the recursive resolver and the ODNS resolver,
                                                             tity (i.e., the client IP address) from the client’s DNS
or the ODNS resolver and an authoritative server. Note
                                                             traffic. A strength of ODNS is that it protects the oper-
that ODNS addresses an adversary that eavesdrops on
                                                             ator of the recursive resolver itself from the adversary,
one of these connections, but does not address a global
                                                             rather than simply the client. Conversely, existing DNS
passive adversary who can eavesdrop on many or all of
                                                             privacy mechanisms, such as DNS-over-TLS or DNS-
these connections. The rest of this section describes the
                                                             over-HTTPS, allow for linkability between client IP and
potential threats associated with an adversary acting
                                                             query traffic at the recursive resolver.
as different components of the ODNS system, examples
                                                                  Ultimately, we aim to achieve similar goals to
of this adversary in practice, and threats that are not
                                                             privacy-focused DNS systems such as Quad9. However,
considered in this work.
                                                             our goals are stricter as we wish to prevent any entity
     An adversary could impersonate a client of the sys-
                                                             in the global DNS infrastructure from associating client
tem, and attempt to perform chosen ciphertext attacks
                                                             identity and query traffic.
by generating queries and inspecting the ciphertext as
                                                                  The primary goal of ODNS is to disallow the recur-
well as the corresponding plaintext. ODNS prevents this
                                                             sive resolver to have access to both the client IP address
type of adversary from learning and associating client
                                                             and the DNS query information. ODNS must decouple
IP addresses with their DNS queries. Our threat model
                                                             these two pieces of information by hiding the client’s
does not include an adversary acting as a client (or mul-
                                                             DNS query traffic from the recursive resolver. If the re-
tiple colluding clients) who can send enough DNS re-
                                                             cursive resolver is unable to know the DNS queries that
quests to impact the availability of the ODNS system.
                                                             a client has issued, the DNS operator is unable to pro-
     An adversary who acts as a recursive resolver,
                                                             vide an adversary with the requested data and it will be
ODNS resolver, or authoritative server has the ability
                                                             able to remain oblivious to the requests and responses
to capture logs of DNS queries and respond to requests
                                                             it serves.
for data (via subpoena or warrant). Despite these ca-
                                                                  Conversely, the ODNS resolver fundamentally has
pabilities, ODNS prevents the association of client IP
                                                             access to client queries. Therefore, we must prevent it
addresses with their corresponding DNS queries. ODNS
                                                             from having access to the client IP address.
does not attempt to prevent an adversary such as this
from modifying DNS queries or dropping DNS queries.
     The adversary that we consider exists in practice:
First, the motivation for our system was the rising con-     4 Oblivious DNS (ODNS)
cern over Internet Service Providers (ISPs) operating
recursive DNS resolvers and gaining access to user in-       This section describes the design of ODNS. ODNS pre-
formation, as well as recent proposals for DNS-over-         vents an adversary from linking a DNS query with the
HTTPS (DoH), which propose to instead send all DNS           client IP address that issued the query. We assume that
queries from a user’s browser directly to a CDN operator     an adversary can (1) request data (using a subpoena or
(e.g., Cloudflare), which may only exacerbate privacy        warrant) from any number of DNS operators; or (2) ac-
problems by sending a user’s DNS queries to a different      cess data and logs (e.g., query logs) at any DNS server.
party. Second, governments have used the global DNS
system to monitor and block content. Finally, a govern-
ment may also request logs from the DNS operator, the
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries                                           232

                                                                                                                                   ODNS                             Name
                                                                       Client       Stub                  Recursive                Resolver                         Server

                                                                                           (1) Stub generates k,
                                                                                           encrypts domain with
                                                                                           k, encrypts k with
                                                                                           authoritative's public
                                                                                          {www.foo.com}k, kPK
                                                                                                                    {www.foo.com}k, kPK
                                                                                                                                          (2) ODNS Resolver decrypts
                                                                                                                                          k with private key,
                                                                                                                                          decrypts domain with k

                                                                                                                                          (3) ODNS Resolver
Fig. 3. Overview of interacting components in ODNS.                                          {www.foo.com}k             {}k
                                                                                                                                          encrypts domain with k,
                                                                                               {}k                                 encrypts IP with k

                                                                          www.foo.com (4) Stub decrypts
                                                                     domain and IP address
4.1 ODNS Overview
                                                                       Fig. 4. ODNS protocol.
Figure 3 summarizes the ODNS design. ODNS operates
similarly to conventional DNS, but alters two compo-
nents: (1) each client runs a modified stub resolver; and              the ODNS resolver encrypts the response using the ses-
(2) an organization operating ODNS runs an authori-                    sion key and places it in a resource record known as
tative name server (ODNS resolver) that also acts as a                 an OPT [13] in the response. The ODNS resolver re-
recursive DNS resolver for the original DNS query.                     turns the response to the original recursive DNS re-
     Operators of recursive resolvers see both individual              solver, which in turn sends the response to the client.
client IP addresses and domains in queries. Operators of               As explained by the use of session keys, the recursive
ODNS resolvers may also be able to learn information                   resolver cannot learn the domains a client requests, de-
about the client if the recursive uses the EDNS0 client                spite being able to learn who the client is.
subnet extension. As mentioned in Section 2, EDNS0
client subnet can reveal information about the client’s
subnet to authoritative DNS servers higher in the DNS                  4.2 Sending and Receiving ODNS Queries
hierarchy (not only recursive DNS resolvers).
     The recursive DNS resolver has access to the client               Figure 4 shows the steps involved in answering a client’s
IP address, but it never sees the domains that it queries.             DNS request, which proceed as follows:
ODNS requires the client to use a custom local stub re-                1. When a client issues a DNS request, the local stub
solver, which hides the requested domain from the re-                      resolver generates a symmetric session key, encrypts
cursive resolver. The ODNS stub resolver encrypts the                      the domain name with the session key, encrypts the
original DNS query and the key used for encryption be-                     session key with the ODNS resolver’s public key,
fore it appends a plaintext ODNS-specific domain (e.g.,                    and appends the ODNS domain (e.g., .odns) to the
.odns) to the query, which causes the recursive resolver                   encrypted query. ({www.foo.com}k .odns.) The stub
to forward the encrypted domain name on to the appro-                      also appends the session key encrypted under the
priate authoritative server (an ODNS resolver). The re-                    ODNS resolver’s public key ({k}P K )
cursive DNS resolver receives the request from the client              2. The stub sends the query to the recursive resolver,
stub, but cannot identify the genuine domain. It queries                   which then sends it to the authoritative nameserver
the appropriate TLD nameserver and forwards the re-                        for the specified ODNS domain.
quest to the ODNS resolver.                                            3. The ODNS resolver decrypts the session key, which
     When an ODNS resolver receives a DNS query, it                        it then uses to decrypt the genuine domain in the
(1) decrypts the symmetric key used to encrypt the do-                     query.
main; and (2) decrypts the domain with the symmetric                   4. The ODNS resolver forwards a recursive DNS re-
key; and (3) acts as a conventional recursive resolver                     quest to the appropriate name server for the plain-
for the decrypted domain.1 Once an answer is obtained,                     text domain, which then returns the answer to the
                                                                           ODNS resolver.
                                                                       5. The ODNS resolver returns an encrypted answer to
1 For simplicity, we say that this authoritative server is for .odns       the client’s recursive resolver.
domains, but ODNS could run on any DNS domain, and any
organization that currently operates authoritative nameservers
could run their own ODNS resolvers for their domain(s).
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries                   233

                                                                                                     Recursive        Anycasted ODNS
Other (non-ODNS) authoritative DNS servers see in-                   Client & Stub                   Resolver         Resolvers
coming DNS requests, but these only see the IP address
                                                                Stub generates
of the ODNS resolver, which effectively proxies the DNS         request for
                                                                                  special.odns ??
request for the original client. The client’s original recur-
sive resolver can learn the client’s IP address, but can-                                                    special.odns ??

not learn the domain names in the client’s DNS queries.
                                                                                                                               Closest auth
An additional threat is similar to the issue of the Tor                                                                        server
                                                                                                                               responds with
edge-nodes: upstream DNS servers from the ODNS re-                                                                             its name
solver can associate and aggregate the plaintext DNS                                                          PKodns PKauth

requests with the IP address of the ODNS resolver and                              Self-certifying
                                                                                    PKodns PKauth
glean information from that. Mitigation is discussed in
                                                                Stub stores
Section 4.4.                                                    PKauth
                                                                and uses it to
                                                                encrypt session
                                                                keys on
4.3 Replication and Privacy-Preserving
Key Distribution                                                Fig. 5. ODNS protocol for key distribution and selecting the opti-
                                                                mal ODNS resolver.
The ODNS resolver performs the role of both a typical
authoritative server and a recursive resolver. Thus, the
ODNS resolver may face higher traffic volume than a             cated ODNS resolvers. Likewise, to preserve user pri-
traditional authoritative nameserver. Additionally, the         vacy the key distribution must be done in a way such
ODNS resolver is responsible for, and must expect,              that the ODNS resolver never learns the identity (i.e.,
queries for pseudorandom hostnames within its zone.             IP address) of a client. This disqualifies out-of-band
Thus, the ODNS resolver may be susceptible to DDoS              key exchange as proposed in [20]. Instead, we leverage
attacks as it must attempt to decrypt all queries that          the DNS infrastructure itself to distribute keys while
it receives. We must thus design ODNS to handle the             maintaining privacy. We define a “special” query (e.g.,
possibly high query volumes.                                    special.odns) that we use to select a specific ODNS
     Scalability and performance using anycast                  resolver as well as distribute the appropriate public key.
replicas. In order to achieve scalability for the ODNS               Figure 5 shows this process. The client’s stub re-
resolver servers, we expect to replicate them across sev-       solver sends a special ODNS query to the recursive re-
eral instances, both in geographically different locations      solver, which will in turn use the anycast address to
as well as within datacenters. All replicas are assigned        locate the nearest ODNS resolver. The ODNS resolver
to both an anycast IP address as well as a unique uni-          that receives the query responds with an OPT record
cast IP address. Using anycast, all servers that share          that includes a self-certifying name [2, 30], such that the
the IP address are able to answer a query. The anycast          name of the server is derived from the public key itself
address is advertised to the TLD server as the name-            and is associated with an instance of the ODNS resolver
server (NS) records for the ODNS domain. When a re-             listening on the unique unicast IP address, and the
cursive resolver sends a DNS query to the ODNS re-              ODNS resolver’s public key. Subsequent ODNS queries
solver, the query will be routed by BGP to an server            at the stub append the unique name of the ODNS re-
that is nearby (according to wide-area routing). Ad-            solver that responded to queries, which means that the
ditionally, because the recursive resolver (an open re-         requests will all reach the same server and the client en-
solver) often also uses anycast, both the recursive and         crypts queries using the appropriate public key. Anycast
the ODNS resolver should be the best choices based on           servers are impacted by BGP routing updates. How-
the client’s network connectivity without revealing the         ever, prior work [8] showed that BGP updates caused
client’s location.                                              relatively low churn for clients connecting to globally-
     Key distribution. Use of anycast and multiple              replicated anycast hosts. Based on this, clients should
authoritative replicas introduce a key distribution chal-       perform the key distribution process at regular inter-
lenge. Recall that the ODNS stub server uses the pub-           vals (e.g., weekly) to update the ODNS resolver that is
lic key of the ODNS resolver to encrypt session keys            responsible for resolving its queries.
in ODNS queries. Based on best practices, we cannot
share public / private keypairs across all of the repli-
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries   234

                                 1.0                                                        RSA-based asymmetric encryption the likelihood of gen-
Cumulative Fraction of Queries

                                                                                            erating an invalid QNAME is increased. For this rea-
                                 0.8                                                        son, ODNS uses 16-byte AES session keys and encrypts
                                                           ECC, 16-byte AES, binary         the session keys using the Elliptic Curve Integrated En-
                                 0.6                       ECC, 32-byte AES, binary
                                                           ECC, 16-byte AES, base64         cryption Scheme (ECIES) [25]. We anticipate that there
                                                           ECC, 32-byte AES, base64         may be cryptographic primitives that will result in lower
                                 0.4                       RSA 1024, 16-byte AES, binary
                                                           RSA 1024, 32-byte AES, binary)   overhead; however, AES and ECIES libraries are readily
                                 0.2                       RSA 1024, 16-byte AES, base64    available for our development platform. In our prototype
                                                           RSA 1024, 32-byte AES, base64)   deployment, which uses base64 encoding, we discovered
                                 0.0                       DNS QNAME Limit
                                                                                            that 0.6% of the queries in the list had lengths that
                                       100   200     300          400        500
                                             ODNS QNAME Length (bytes)                      exceeded the QNAME length limit.
                                                                                                 To allow the ODNS prototype to operate in con-
  Fig. 6. Encrypted QNAME lengths using different cryptographic                             junction with the deployed DNS infrastructure, we con-
  primitives.                                                                               figured the prototype ODNS stub resolver to fall back to
                                                                                            conventional DNS lookups whenever plaintext QNAME
  4.4 Practical Challenges                                                                  fields that result in ciphertext QNAMEs that are larger
                                                                                            than the maximimum field size. To preserve privacy,
  To reduce barriers to deployment, ODNS must be fully-                                     queries that result in invalid QNAME lengths will re-
  compatible with the existing global DNS infrastructure,                                   ceive FORMERR errors in the deployed version of
  as changes to the DNS system occur over long time                                         ODNS.
  scales. Thus, we design ODNS to avoid any changes at                                           EDNS0 client subnet. As discussed in Section 2,
  existing recursive resolvers, root nameservers, or TLD                                    the EDNS0 client subnet option allows upstream au-
  nameservers. In this section, we illuminate several prac-                                 thoritative nameservers to learn the IP subnet of clients
  tical challenges the system must overcome.                                                issuing queries. To achieve the intended privacy bene-
       QNAME length. We initially attempted to trans-                                       fits of ODNS, the client subnet option should not be
  mit our encrypted domain queries in additional resource                                   used. We intend to require in the ODNS specification
  records (RR) section of a DNS message (known as an                                        in development aimed at the IETF that ODNS stub
  OPT). However, in practice we discovered that recur-                                      resolvers use EDNS0 Client Subnet with the value of
  sive resolvers strip additional records. Therefore, we use                                0, which requires the recursive to not attach ECS for
  the QNAME field to transmit both the encrypted do-                                        them. Assuming this were to fail (as even specification
  main query as well as the asymmetrically encrypted ses-                                   requirements are not always adhered to), the risk is that
  sion key as the QNAME field is preserved while passing                                    an adversary can spy the IP addresses in plaintext ECS
  through recursive resolvers. A DNS QNAME field con-                                       sent from the recursive to the ODNS resolver. This risk
  sists of 4 sets of 63 bytes, which limits both the key size                               could be mitigated if only recursives that will encrypt
  and encryption scheme used.                                                               the traffic to authoritatives, using DNS-over-TLS or one
       We investigate combinations of the required crypto-                                  of the other methods, were selected by the stub. Like-
  graphic primitives (symmetric AES encryption for do-                                      wise, ODNS resolvers can readily observe whether ECS
  mains, asymmetric encrypytion for symmetric keys) and                                     has been attached to a query or if encrypted transport
  the resulting QNAME lengths to assess the suitability                                     between the recursive and the authoritative is in-use and
  of the QNAME field with regard to ODNS’s encryp-                                          embed a client notification in the subsequent response.
  tion scheme. We calculate total QNAME lengths for all                                     We leave this functionality for future work.
  query records in an example query list used for test-                                          To better understand real-world usage of the
  ing DNS server performance2 . The list contains 6.8M                                      EDNS0 client subnet option, we performed a short
  queries and we calculate the lengths using both binary                                    experiment to discover publicly available recur-
  and base64 encoding. Figure 6 shows the results. We                                       sive resolvers that have the option enabled. We
  see that both 1024-bit RSA and ECC using Curve25519                                       operate authoritative nameservers for the domain
  tend to result in query lengths that are well below the                                   obliviousdns.com and collect pcaps of queries that
  252-byte limit. However with the use of base64 and                                        reach the servers. Queries are initiated by using dig
                                                                                            against a list of 16 popular publicly available recursive
                                                                                            resolvers. Overall, we find that only four of the sixteen
  2 http://wwwns.akamai.com/queryfile-example-current.gz                                    resolvers implement EDNS0 client subnet, as shown in
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries   235

   Open Recursive Resolver (IP)         EDNS0 Client Subnet   0x20   for the clients in this system. Each DNS query is en-
   Google (                             3
   Dyn (                          3
                                                                     crypted with a new session key k, thus two DNS queries
   Fourth Estate (                3                    for the same domain do not appear the same to these
   GreenTeamDNS (                 3                    resolvers ({www.foo.com}k1 6= {www.foo.com}k2 ); there-
   Cloudflare (                                        3
   Verisign (                                        3     fore, if the recursive resolver cached the response for
   Quad9 (                                                   {www.foo.com}k1 , it would never see a cache hit for that
   Level3 (
   OpenDNS Home (
                                                                     entry because subsequent lookups for www.foo.com ap-
   Norton ConnectSafe (                                pear as a different URL.
   Comodo Secure DNS (
                                                                         We use two techniques to avoid causing the recur-
   SafeDNS (                                            sive resolver to cache ODNS responses (thus potentially
   FreeDNS (                                            ejecting conventional cached entries). First, our ODNS
   Hurricane Electric (
   Ultra (                                              resolver sets the TTL value of the response to zero. The
Table 1. Open recursive resolvers with EDNS0 client subnet and       TTL value is meant to indicate the number of seconds a
0x20-bit encoding enabled.                                           DNS response should be considered valid. By setting the
                                                                     TTL to zero, we essentially indicate that all ODNS re-
                                                                     sponses should not be cached. Additionally, we send the
Table 1. Several popular recursive resolvers do not cur-             response in an OPT record, which should not be cached
rently implement EDNS0 client subnet (such as Cloud-                 by recursive resolvers. We further explore the implica-
flare’s or Quad9’s                                 tions on caching and traffic at the recursive resolver in
     0x20-bit encoding. 0x20-bit encoding is a scheme                Section 5.3.
intended to thwart DNS poisoning attacks by altering                     ODNS ingress / egress timing vulnerability.
the QNAME field in queries to a mix of uppercase and                 An adversary with sufficient visibility might be able to
lowercase (e.g., www.foo.com to wWW.FoO.CoM) [12]. This              view both the encrypted ODNS queries and the subse-
technique increases the difficulty of cache poisoning as             quent plaintext queries originating from the ODNS re-
the attacker must guess the mixed-case QNAME. The                    solver. Such a case could also arise if both the stub and
ODNS prototype encodes the encrypted domain and                      the ODNS resolver use the same recursive resolver for
session keys using base64, which results in a character              lookups. ODNS can avoid these issues in three straight-
set including both upper and lowercase letters. There-               forward ways: (1) the ODNS resolver can inspect the
fore, for our purposes, the recursive resolver between               source of incoming queries and maintains rules to avoid
the ODNS stub and the ODNS resolver must not use                     using the same service for the plaintext query; (2) ODNS
0x20-bit encoding, as it would render decryption impos-              resolvers can simply repeat the same actions as the stub
sible. Table 1 shows the public recursive resolvers that             by encrypting the encrypted query again (i.e., behavior
currently implement 0x20. Note that 0x20-bit encoding                akin to Tor); and (3) send the queries from the ODNS
does not pose a challenge for binary-encoded queries,                server using query name minimization [7] so that root
which are commonly supported in real-world infrastruc-               and popular TLD operators do not aggregate the his-
ture [20].                                                           tory of the queries from each ODNS server, because this
     Caching. ODNS caches queries at the ODNS re-                    is an additional correlation risk.
solver. As the ODNS resolver is essentially an extra re-                 .odns top-level domain. In our examples we dis-
cursive resolver in the system, the ODNS resolver sim-               cuss the use of a top-level domain specifically for the
ply acts as the shared cache, in lieu of the shared cache            use of ODNS. In reality, TLDs are challenging and
that would ordinarily exist at the ISP recursive resolver.           costly to procure, requiring extensive time and effort.
This pushes caching further into the DNS hierarchy, de-              Due to these barriers, we have implemented and evalu-
creasing the time to conduct a look up for the domain                ated our prototype while using the registered domain
from the perspective of the authoritative server. In ad-             obliviousdns.com. This long DNS domain currently
dition to caching at the ODNS resolver, ODNS can also                consumes more of the already-limited QNAME field
cache DNS responses at the stub resolver; while this                 with our appended domain name. Widespread adoption
may provide some caching benefits on a per-client ba-                of ODNS could lead us to acquire a new TLD in the fu-
sis, it does not provide cross-client caching benefits. It           ture or select a shorter ODNS-specific domain. As pre-
is important to note that caching at the recursive re-               viously stated, organizations that own existing domains
solver would not provide any performance enhancement                 can deploy ODNS using their own authoritative names-
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries                                                                                      236

4.5 Implementation                                                                                   1000

                                                                                                                              Stub                                      ODNS Resolver
For experimentation and prototyping, we implement a
prototype of the ODNS stub and the ODNS resolver in

                                                                                   Time ( s)
Go. We built this functionality as extensions to an exist-
ing Go DNS library [18]. This implementation choice al-
lowed us to rapidly prototype our design and to quickly                                               200
test various features. We anticipate a future implemen-
tation would be built open popular DNS resolvers such
as Knot or Unbound.















     We use a hybrid encryption scheme and leverage













well-known cryptographic primitives in ODNS to bal-











ance privacy with storage requirements. For each ODNS


request, the stub generates a 16-byte AES symmet-

ric key. This key encrypts the plaintext request from
the user. The AES session key is then asymmetrically         Fig. 7. Overhead of different cryptographic operations performed
encrypted using the ODNS resolver’s public key with          in the ODNS protocol.
ECIES [25] using Curve25519 [5]. Elliptic-curve cryp-
tography allows ODNS to reap the performance bene-                                                  1.0
                                                                  Cumulative Fraction of Requests
fits of elliptic curves and take advantage of the smaller                                                                  Conventional DNS
                                                                                                    0.8                    ODNS
key sizes needed to provide equivalent security as other
public-key implementations.
                                                                                                    0.6                                                1.0
5 Evaluation                                                                                        0.2                                                0.5
                                                                                                                                                                       100        500 2000
In this section, we study the performance of ODNS in                                                0.0
terms of both (1) the overhead on individual lookups;                                                      0           5       10          15         20          25         30         35      40
                                                                                                                                    Resolution time (ms)
(2) the impact of using ODNS when loading many pop-
ular websites; and (3) the implications of using ODNS        Fig. 8. Additional latency running ODNS compared with conven-
on existing infrastructure in terms of caching.              tional DNS.

5.1 Microbenchmarks                                          crypting the AES key using ECIES, takes less than 1 ms
                                                             due to the relatively high performance of elliptic-curve
In this section we explore the overhead introduced by        cryptography. Overall, the sum of all cryptographic op-
ODNS on individual lookups.                                  erations, including at both the stub and the ODNS re-
    Cryptographic overhead. We first investigate             solver, looks to take roughly 1 ms. Additionally, we an-
the overhead introduced by each of the cryptographic         ticipate further improvements are attainable using op-
operations that occur in an ODNS lookup. We bench-           timized cryptographic libraries, whereas our prototype
mark the individual operations performed in the ODNS         uses standard libraries.
protocol to attribute overhead to different parts of the          ODNS protocol overhead. We compare the to-
protocol. We run a DNS query list composed of the            tal latency introduced by ODNS for each query to that
Alexa Top 10,000 domains and record the duration of          of conventional DNS by using the dig command to is-
each operation. The results of these microbenchmarks         sue DNS queries. To single out ODNS protocol overhead
are shown in Figure 7. We see that the symmetric oper-       that isn’t impacted by network latency between servers,
ations using AES result in relatively little overhead at     we install both the ODNS stub and resolver onto a sin-
both the stub and the ODNS resolver. The asymmetric          gle machine. We query the Alexa Top 10,000 domains
operations using ECIES are more costly and contribute        with ODNS’s functionality both enabled and disabled to
to the majority of the total overhead of ODNS. How-          compare lookup latency distributions. The results of this
ever, even the most costly operation, asymmetrically en-     are shown in Figure 8; we can see that the use of ODNS
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries                                          237

                                                   NYC                                                                 Conventional DNS (
                                                                                                                       Conventional DNS (
                                                                                                                       Conventional DNS (
                                                                                                                       ODNS Georgia
                        4.5ms                     ODNS                                                                 ODNS New York
   Client Browser                                 Resolver
                                                                                               1.0       RTT to New York (4.5 ms)
                                                                                                                 RTT to Georgia (19 ms)

                                                             Cumulative Fraction of Requests
                             Recursive Resolver

                            19ms                                                               0.6
     ODNS Stub                                    ODNS
      Resolver                                    Resolver
                                                                                               0.4                                         1.0
Fig. 9. Deployment Setup.
                                                                                                                                                 150        500   2000
results in longer query resolution times, but generally                                        0.0
follows the same trend as conventional DNS. Overall,                                                 0       20         40            60               80            100
                                                                                                                      Resolution time (ms)
the median resolution time for conventional DNS is 6.03
ms, while the median time for ODNS resolutions is 7.53       Fig. 10. ODNS performance with servers located in Georgia and
ms. The overhead difference corroborates the crypto-         New York.
graphic overhead witnessed above. The additional la-
tency can be attributed to the stub and ODNS resolver
                                                                 Given these results, ODNS does not appear to intro-
process functions.
                                                             duce significant overhead when resolving domains pro-
     Latency in the wide-area. To test ODNS per-
                                                             vided that the RTT between the client and the ODNS
formance in the wide-area, we deploy our prototype on
                                                             resolver remains reasonable. As described in Section 4.3,
real-world infrastructure. Figure 9 shows our deployed
                                                             ODNS resolvers are replicated and use anycast IP ad-
evaluation setup. We test ODNS using a client in the
                                                             dresses in order to provide scalability and achieve desir-
New York City metropolitan area, running the ODNS
                                                             able latencies. To get a sense for the size of an anycast
stub resolver running on the same local machine, com-
                                                             deployment that would provide adequate performance,
municating with its default recursive resolver.
                                                             Schmidt et al. [14] investigated the performance of real-
     We evaluate ODNS’s query overhead to that of con-
                                                             world anycast systems and determined that a system
ventional DNS by issuing DNS queries for the Alexa
                                                             deployed in only 12 locations around the world can re-
Top 10,000 domains using both conventional recursive
                                                             sult in relatively low latency for a global client base.
resolvers (,, and and ODNS
                                                             Though the target RTTs for DNS would likely call for a
with two ODNS resolvers—functionally equivalent—in
                                                             larger anycast deployment, we anticipate that a widely-
two different locations: Georgia and New York City. Re-
                                                             deployed ODNS anycast network could achieve accept-
call that the client and stub resolver are also located in
                                                             able lookup latencies for any user. We leave investiga-
the New York City area. To evaluate the effect of the
                                                             tion into the necessary anycast deployment for future
ODNS resolver’s geographic proximity to the client, we
measure the overhead using each of the ODNS resolvers.
     In this experiment, we warm a cache at the ODNS
resolver using a sample domain query trace provided
                                                             5.2 Macrobenchmarks
for use with resperf, a popular DNS performance test-
ing tool. Figure 10 shows the results; we can see that
                                                             In this section, we explore aggregate ODNS overhead
ODNS queries compare favorably to the popular open
                                                             while using web applications, which can often trigger
resolvers, and in the case of and, ODNS
                                                             tens of DNS queries for a single website.
tends to result in lower latencies when using the geo-
                                                                  Web page load time. We measure how ODNS
graphically close ODNS resolver in New York. It is also
                                                             would affect a typical Internet user’s browsing experi-
evident from this experiment that the network round
                                                             ence by evaluating the overhead of a full page load; a full
trip time, roughly 4.5 ms for New York and 19 ms for
                                                             page load consists of not only conducting a DNS lookup
the Georgia server, between the stub and the ODNS
                                                             for the page, but also fetching the page, and conducting
resolver is added for every query.
                                                             any subsequent DNS lookups for embedded objects and
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries          238

                                       50   DNS

                  Page Load Time (s)

                                800         Conventional DNS
               TTFB (ms)

                                            tw ing.c co
                                            go ter.c m

                                        ins igs .com

                                            ne m.c rg

                                            tum ok.c m
                                          wik gle om
                                                  ase rg
                                                  tw .com
                                          cra iply h.tv

                                                  tfli om
                                         fac eba .com

                                          lin blr om
                                          yo edin com
                                          am be m
                                                az .com
                                                   gu m
                                                    d m

                                             ya dit.c m
                                                  ho om
                                          ny live om
                                                    es m

                                                  cn .com
                                                 it o

                                             eb y.co
                                               ipe .co

                                             utu .co

                                             im on.co
                                               im r.co

                                             red n.co

                                              tim .co
                                             ch dia.o

                                                 ra .o
                                                b t.


                                                d itc
                                           tag list

                                              k .

Fig. 11. Page load times and time-to-first-byte for various web pages using ODNS and conventional DNS. The left bars in the figure
represent conventional DNS and the right bars represent the time it takes using ODNS.

resources in the page. We fetch a selection of popular             results, we believe that the end-user web experience will
web pages from the Alexa top sites list in the United              not be greatly impacted using ODNS, presuming that
States3 using an ODNS resolver in New York as well as              there exists a nearby ODNS resolver.
conventional DNS for comparison. We browse to each                      Web page time-to-first-byte. CDNs distribute
site 30 times using the chrome webdriver and record                content to many locations to achieve low latency for
HAR files for each browsing session. We then calculate             users as they connect to nearby copies of requested con-
the mean values for page load time and DNS time for                tent. A concern when using ODNS is that, for a given
each site. The top graph of Figure 11 shows the results.           lookup, the location of the ODNS resolver will appear
The left bars (unhatched) in the figure represent total            to be the location of a user, thus localization tech-
page load time using conventional DNS, and the right               niques may result in users connecting to CDN servers
bars (hatched) represent the time it takes using ODNS.             that are suboptimal. We investigate the time-to-first-
The portion of each bar that is shaded in black illus-             byte (TTFB) values for every object on each site from
trates the portion of page load time that is attributable          our traces. This value illustrates the difference in terms
to DNS lookups. We see that there is generally not a sig-          of distance to content when using ODNS versus con-
nificant difference in page load time between ODNS and             ventional DNS. The bottom graph in Figure 11 shows
conventional DNS because DNS lookups contribute rela-              the TTFB distributions for each site, with conventional
tively little time to the entire page load process. In some        DNS on the left and ODNS on the right. These results
cases, ODNS load times are actually shorter than load-             help explain the page load times we witness for several
ing a page with conventional DNS4 . Given these overall            sites. For example, reddit.com and nytimes.com both
                                                                   achieve lower TTFBs using ODNS, indicating that they
                                                                   were directed to content servers that are closer than
3 https://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/US                      those resolved with conventional DNS. Accordingly, the
4 We investigated the performance for live.com to understand       ODNS page load times for those sites were faster when
how ODNS could drastically outperform conventional DNS. It
                                                                   using ODNS. Likewise, when ODNS results in higher
appears that pages themsolves were rather different when using
ODNS versus conventional DNS. We found that ODNS usage
                                                                   TTFBs such as with instagram.com, we see longer page
resulted in loading 7 fewer javascript objects from a different    load times. This insight motivates widespread deploy-
optimizely.com CDN. It appears that the ODNS runs were di-         ment of ODNS resolvers and the use of anycast. Such
rected to a cached bundle of javascript, whereas conventional      techniques should allow for both low latencies to the re-
DNS runs were directed to individual javascript objects from a
different optimizely CDN location.
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries          239

                                                                                The results of the simulation are shown in Figure 12.
                                                                           Note that we do not show ODNS cache misses as they
                         7                                                 result in recursive hits or misses. We see that ODNS
                         6                                                 usage causes a relatively modest increase of cache misses
    Queries (millions)

                         5                                                 at the recursive. However, we see that, as the percent
                         4                                                 of ODNS users increases, the overall DNS traffic load
                                                                           on the recursive resolver decreases. For instance, with
                                                                           a network consisting of 20% ODNS clients, the overall
                         2                        ODNS Cache Hits          number of queries that reach the recursive resolver is
                         1                        Recursive Cache Hits
                                                  Recursive Cache Misses   reduced by 16.3%. This is due to the presence of a cache
                         0                                                 at the stub resolvers. These results are consistent with
                             0   10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100            Jung et al.’s observation [27] that caching can provide
                                      Percent ODNS Users
                                                                           significant benefits for even a single user. Overall, our
Fig. 12. Cache hit rates at the ODNS resolver as a function of             simulation shows that ODNS reduces the traffic burden
the fraction of Internet users who use ODNS.                               on the recursive infrastructure5
                                                                                Unwanted ODNS cache entries. We next ex-
                                                                           plore the potential burden on recursive resolver caches
solvers as well as maintaining content localization ben-
                                                                           caused by ODNS entries. As each ODNS query is
efits that CDNs can provide.
                                                                           unique, a cache entry based on the encrypted query
                                                                           should never be hit. To combat caching of our responses,
                                                                           we set their TTL value to zero at the ODNS resolver.
5.3 Impact on Existing Recursive
                                                                           However, recursive resolvers commonly ignore TTL val-
DNS Infrastructure                                                         ues and cache responses for a longer amount of time [35].
                                                                           The result of this behavior is that ODNS responses
A critical performance aspect of conventional DNS is                       could potentially cause valid entries to be ejected from
caching—specifically caching DNS responses at the re-                      a limited-size cache.
cursive resolver. As discussed, ODNS usage results in                           In this simulation we use the same traces as the
the inability to cache usable responses at the recursive                   previous section and again vary the percent of ODNS
resolver as each query using a different symmetric key                     users. We also track “bad” ejections, which are charac-
will be unique. Caching plays a critical role in the overall               terized by when an ODNS entry causes a non-ODNS
performance of DNS; therefore, we simulate the poten-                      entry to be ejected from a size-limited, least-recently
tial DNS traffic implications at a recursive resolver with                 used (LRU) cache. Figure 13 plots the percent of bad
varying levels of ODNS usage.                                              ejections for various cache sizes using the simulation.
     Cache misses. For the first experiment, we seek                       Overall, we observe that the percent of bad ejections
to understand the potential increase in cache misses at                    tends to remain rather low; for instance, caches with
the recursive resolver, which will result in increased traf-               100,000 entries or more never experience more than
fic to nameservers located above the recursive resolver                    roughly 2.6% unwanted ejections. The percent of bad
in the DNS hierarchy. Intuitively, if ODNS results in                      ejections decreases as usage of ODNS increases because,
a significant DNS traffic increase at the recursive re-                    at higher usage levels, ODNS entries are causing other
solver, widespread usage may be discouraged by recur-                      ODNS entries to be ejected. We also note that, assum-
sive resolver operators. We simulate a caching recursive                   ing the chosen cache replacement policy is either LRU
resolver as well as a user population using real-world                     or least-frequently used, the bad ejections likely repre-
traces collected in October 2017 from a fiber-to-the-                      sent ejections of entries in the tail of the valid distri-
home network in Cleveland, Ohio [1]. The trace con-                        bution and not of the most popular or common entries.
sists of roughly 8 million type A DNS queries from
anonymized clients over the course of one month. All
clients are assigned to a single simulated recursive re-
solver. For each test run we randomly assign a fixed                       5 Note that some stub clients (e.g., Microsoft Windows) im-
percent of the user population to be ODNS users. The                       plement caching today, while many do not. We anticipate that
                                                                           ODNS stub caches would not impact recursive traffic positively
ISP, as well as all ODNS stubs, include caches that have
                                                                           or negatively for such clients, while it would reduce traffic for
no size limits. Non-ODNS stubs do not have a cache.                        clients that currently do not implement a cache.
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries                                                      240

                               20.0                                                                                                               ODNS New York Client (
                                                                               Cache Size                                                         ODNS New York Client (
   Bad Cache Ejections (pct)
                               17.5                                                1000                                                           ODNS New York Client (
                               15.0                                                10,000                                                         ODNS New York Recursive
                               12.5                                                1M                                              1.0

                                                                                                 Cumulative Fraction of Requests
                                5.0                                                                                                0.6
                                                                                                                                   0.4                                  1.0
                                      0   10   20    30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100
                                                    Percent ODNS Users                                                             0.2
                                                                                                                                                                              150        500   2000
Fig. 13. Percent of non-ODNS records ejected from DNS server                                                                       0.0
cache by ODNS records as a function of the fraction of Internet                                                                          0   20      40            60               80            100
                                                                                                                                                  Resolution time (ms)
users who use ODNS.

                                                                                              Fig. 14. Effects of caching at the ODNS resolver vs. forwarding
                                                                                              all queries to a third-party open resolver.
These results lead to the conclusion that ODNS should
not greatly impact the performance of recursive resolver
caches.                                                                                       third-party service is not used by both the ODNS stub
                                                                                              and the ODNS resolver, as such behavior could allow
                                                                                              the third-party service to correlate timing between en-
5.4 Operating the ODNS Resolver as a                                                          crypted queries and subsequent plaintext queries from
    Recursive or a Forwarder                                                                  the ODNS resolver.

ODNS allows for caching at both the stub resolver and
at the ODNS resolver. To evaluate the effect of caching
at the ODNS resolver on performance, we measure the
                                                                                              6 Related Work
overhead of ODNS where the resolver caches and acts
                                                                                              In this section, we describe related work on DNS privacy.
as a second recursive resolver, and compare it to the
                                                                                              We discuss various infrastructure for protecting user pri-
overhead of ODNS simply forwarding queries to third
                                                                                              vacy in DNS, ranging from alternate open resolvers to
party upstream recursive resolvers and their associated
                                                                                              virtual private networks. In general, these systems in-
caches. We warm the cache using a DNS query trace
                                                                                              volve simply changing the trusted third party who re-
generated for usage with resperf. Figure 14 shows the
                                                                                              solves DNS on behalf of the client, rather than decou-
results for the ODNS resolver in New York. We see that
                                                                                              pling the DNS query from the IP address that issued
the resolver acting as a stub with Cloudflare’s
                                                                                              the query.
service as its recursive resolver achieves the best re-
                                                                                                  Alternate DNS resolvers. Quad9 provides both
sults as they appear to have cache hits for roughly
                                                                                              security and privacy features for DNS. Quad9 uses IBM
80% of requests and the additional latency to query
                                                                                              X-Force threat intelligence data at the recursive resolver does not impact the overall performance. Inter-
                                                                                              to prevent a client from accessing a malicious site [36].
estingly, we find that ODNS acting as a recursive with
                                                                                              Although this recursive resolver does not store or dis-
a warmed cache outperforms both Quad9 and Google
                                                                                              tribute the DNS data passing through, it still allows
overall. These results lead us to conclude that the ODNS
                                                                                              a DNS operator to observe this data. Once such infor-
resolver can perform well as either a recursive resolver
                                                                                              mation is retained, of course, it may become vulner-
itself, or as a forwarder relying on third-party recursive
                                                                                              able to other threats to user privacy, including data
resolvers, provided open resolvers perform well in the
                                                                                              requests from law enforcement. Cloudflare recently re-
location that the ODNS resolver resides. In cases where
                                                                                              leased, which is a privacy-focused consumer
disk storage is costly, the ODNS resolver can use a high-
                                                                                              DNS recursive resolver; it supports both DNS-over-TLS
performance third-party resolver such as Cloudflare and
                                                                                              and DNS-over-HTTPS, and also offers the feature of
gain the benefits of caching without incurring a large la-
                                                                                              query name minimization [41]. While only logs
tency penalty. If the choice is made to use a third-party
                                                                                              data for 24 hours at the recursive resolver (for debug
service, care must be taken to ensure that the same
Oblivious DNS: Practical Privacy for DNS Queries    241

purposes), it is still susceptible to a malicious DNS op-    BIND DNS software to implement a system that prior-
erator (or other adversary) saving that information be-      itizes the integrity and availability of DNS [26]. Recent
fore it is purged. Furthermore, even though a DNS op-        research has also seen the introduction of new frame-
erator who aims to protect user privacy may purge this       works for monitoring DNS in the hopes of detecting at-
information periodically, a user has no guarantee that       tacks [22, 29].
information that an operator learns might be retained,            Virtual private networks. Systems to protect
for operational or other purposes.                           user privacy include Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
     Privacy-preserving DNS. EncDNS is function-             Unfortunately, many VPN providers send unencrypted
ally similar to ODNS [20]; however, EncDNS is differ-        DNS queries to the client’s ISP, and all VPN providers
ent in several ways. First, EncDNS doesn’t address the       would be able to associte DNS queries and responses
critical problem of key distribution. ODNS incorporates      with an individual client IP address. VPNGate uses dif-
a key distribution mechanism directly in the system          ferent VPNs to contol where a client appears to be lo-
rather than using an out-of-band protocol like DANE          cated [33], but even this approach does not prevent op-
(as suggested in [20]), which isn’t widely deployed. Sec-    erators of DNS recursive resolvers from learning the do-
ond, in this regard and others, ODNS is immediately de-      mains being requested. The VPN operators themselves
ployable and makes no assumptions about the (future)         also still have complete information about the domains
deployment of protocols. Third, our performance eval-        and the IP addresses that are querying them.
uations (1) reflect a deployment on today’s Internet in-
frastructure and (2) include holistic, end-to-end perfor-
mance (e.g., page load times). In contrast to ODNS and
EncDNS, most proposed DNS privacy mechanisms are
                                                             7 Discussion
protecting against an adversary, but not a DNS opera-
                                                             Limitations. ODNS prevents an adversary as de-
tor. Castillo-Perez and Garcia-Alfaro evaluate privacy-
                                                             scribed in Section 3, but is limited in its capability of
preserving DNS mechanisms, but show that they need
                                                             preventing other types of attacks. For example, an ad-
additional measures to enhance their security [9]. Simi-
                                                             versary will be able to associate client IP addresses and
larly, Query Name Minimization is a proposal that lim-
                                                             their DNS queries if the adversary colludes between the
its what name servers see in DNS queries, but a recursive
                                                             recursive resolver and the ODNS resolver (or if the same
resolver’s operator still learns the domain requested and
                                                             adversary requests data from the recursive resolver and
the corresponding client who requested the domain [7].
                                                             the ODNS resolver). Additionally, if the recursive re-
Researchers have also pointed out how aspects of cur-
                                                             solver supplies EDNS0 information to the ODNS re-
rent (operational) DNS, such as prefetching, have pri-
                                                             solver, then the ODNS resolver will be able to asso-
vacy implications [28, 38]. Federrath et al. introduced
                                                             ciate client IP addresses and their corresponding DNS
a DNS anonymity service that employs broadcasting
                                                             queries. Lastly, ODNS assumes a passive adversary, but
popular hostnames and low-latency mixes for request-
                                                             real-world adversaries may also perform active attacks
ing less popular domains; unlike ODNS, this proposed
                                                             to compromise the integrity or availability of the system.
DNS anonymity service is a clean-slate architecture and
                                                             In the future, stronger adversaries will pose threats to
requires fundamental changes to the DNS infrastruc-
                                                             ODNS, including collusion between the resolver and the
ture [17].
                                                             ODNS resolver, as well as active attacks, although it’s
     DNS security. Protocols to secure DNS include
                                                             worth noting that in both of these cases, the attacks
DNS-over-TLS [24], DNSSEC [4], and T-DNS [43].
                                                             can be easily detected and in some cases the user can
DNS-over-TLS protects the privacy of the domain be-
                                                             take steps to avoid them, even within the context of the
ing requested in transit, but does not prevent a recursive
                                                             current design.
resolver’s operator from learning both the client who is-
                                                                 Integration with other security protocols.
sued the request and the content of the request. Some
                                                             Various DNS standards and enhancements have im-
work has analyzed DNSSEC in more detail; Osterweil et
                                                             proved the security and privacy of DNS, includ-
al. develop SecSpider to monitor and detect errors in the
                                                             ing DNSSEC, DNS-over-TLS (DoT), and DNS-over-
DNSSEC deployment [34]. While there have been many
                                                             HTTPS (DoH). ODNS is compatible with all of these
attacks on DNS, the adoption of DNS security protocols
                                                             enhancements, and it provides complementary privacy
is very limited; Herzberg and Shulman highlight some
                                                             guarantees. DNSSEC guarantees the integrity of records
of the issues with retrofitting security into DNS [21].
                                                             but does not provide privacy for DNS queries or clients;
Researchers have also combined DNSSEC features with
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