NYSE IPO Guide - Latham & Watkins LLP

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NYSE IPO Guide - Latham & Watkins LLP
NYSE IPO Guide - Latham & Watkins LLP
Third Edition

Direct listings

Direct listings

Latham & Watkins                                            IPO book-building process. In a sense,            (c) Direct listing process
                                                            the direct listing pricing mechanism              Throughout a direct listing process, it is
(a) Introduction to direct listings                         skips the negotiation step of the book-           critical to ensure that all parties understand
A direct listing is a relatively novel alternative          build process and goes straight to                their respective roles and responsibilities,
method of becoming a public company in                      the market-based pricing that applies             including the limitations on the types of
the United States. In a direct listing, existing            daily to public company stocks on their           activities in which the parties may engage. To
stockholders can list and sell shares on                    respective exchanges.                             ensure a smooth process overall, all parties
a national stock exchange without an                    •   Ability to provide greater liquidity              should agree on the rules of the road at the
underwritten offering, enabling them to                     for existing stockholders. As part of             outset, since responsibilities and limitations
freely sell their shares on such exchange.                  a traditional IPO process, lock-up                differ in important ways from the traditional
Additionally, due to an NYSE rule change                    agreements typically restrict additional          IPO process.
approved by the SEC in December 2020, a                     sales of shares outside of the IPO                     Similar to an IPO, a direct listing process
company can now offer its own shares in a                   by existing stockholders and the                  may begin with an organizational meeting
primary direct floor listing, as described more             company for a period of 180 days                  to introduce key players, discuss a timeline,
fully later in this discussion. Except where                post-listing to help manage supply and            and formulate a plan for drafting the
indicated, the below discussion relates to                  reduce volatility. In a direct listing, a         registration statement. Once a registration
selling shareholder direct floor listings.1                 company is able to provide liquidity to           statement is prepared, it is submitted to the
                                                            existing stockholders without lock-up             SEC, typically confidentially, for the SEC’s
(b) Advantages of a direct listing                          agreements (though they can be                    review and comment. After a company has
A direct listing offers certain advantages to               used if desired), and, as a result, such          cleared SEC comments, the registration
companies looking to go public compared                     stockholders are free to sell their shares        statement becomes effective and shortly
to a traditional IPO, including:                            immediately.                                      thereafter, trading commences. This
• Market-driven price discovery. In a                   •   Unfettered access to buyers and sellers           process will typically last five to six months.
    traditional IPO process, the underwriters               of shares. A direct listing provides the          • Role of the NYSE. One of the early
    build an order book by collecting                       possibility for existing stockholders                  decisions a company makes in a direct
    indications of interest from potential                  to sell their shares immediately after                 listing is choosing the exchange on
    investors. Based on this order book                     listing at market prices. The traditional              which it will list its stock. The company
    and discussions with investors and the                  IPO process includes a limited set of                  will need to meet the applicable listing
    company (and in some cases its existing                 participants: a company and possibly                   criteria for the particular exchange. The
    equity sponsors), a price is set for the                existing stockholders who are offering                 NYSE has been the home of major first
    sale of shares to investors in the IPO.                 to sell their shares in the IPO, an                    of their kind direct listings, having led the
    By contrast, in a direct listing, the price             underwriting syndicate of investment                   way with direct listings for Spotify and
    per share in the opening trade on the                   banks that builds an order book of                     Slack. The NYSE provides a Designated
    first day of trading is determined based                indications of interest from a limited                 Market Maker (DMM) to assist companies
    on buy and sell orders submitted by a                   group of potential investors and the                   with the opening and the trading of their
    much broader pool of potential investors                subset of investors who receive the initial            stock on the NYSE. The DMM plays two
    and sellers through the facilities of a                 allocations of shares being offered in the             key roles in a direct listing: (1) to open the
    national stock exchange. In theory, due                 IPO at the price to the public appearing               stock at the right (i.e., stable) price, which
    to increased market size and the fact                   on the front page of the prospectus.                   involves a thorough price-discovery
    that bids can be more exactly calibrated                Institutional buyers tend to feature                   process; and (2) to maintain price
    for size and price, the resulting stock                 prominently in the initial allocation.                 continuity and minimize the effects of
    price set by this public market should                  Because a direct listing does not involve              temporary disparity between supply and
    be a truer market-driven price than the                 allocations available at a set public                  demand by supplying its own capital, both
    one set through the more constrained                    offering price, prospective purchasers of              at the open and through the early days
                                                            shares can place orders with their broker              as a public company. The NYSE may list
                                                            of choice at whatever price and size they              private companies that previously have
1While a direct listing is an innovative structure,         believe is appropriate, and that order                 not been registered with the SEC if the
there are examples of certain analogous structures          would be part of the opening trade price-              company can demonstrate a $100 million
in which companies have listed on a US exchange             setting process on the stock exchange.                 aggregate market value of publicly held
without an underwritten offering. These structures          This open access feature and the ability               shares based on a combination of both
include: (1) a spin-off by a public company of a            of virtually all existing holders to sell their        (1) an independent third-party valuation;
subsidiary without registration under the Securities
                                                            shares on the first day of listing, and of             and (2) the most recent trading price for
Act in accordance with Staff Legal Bulletin No.
                                                            a much broader group of investors to                   the company’s shares in a trading system
4; (2) the emergence of a public company from
bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United       buy those shares, create a powerful,                   for unregistered securities operated
States Bankruptcy Code; and (3) a listing on a US           two-sided, market-driven dynamic for                   by a national securities exchange, a
exchange by a foreign private issuer (FPI) that is          the efficient pricing of the shares upon               registered broker-dealer or a so-called
already listed on a non–US exchange.                        opening of trading.                                    private placement market. With respect

48     NYSE IPO Guide
Direct listings

    to this second prong, the NYSE looks for           •   Registration statement. Just like in a                    existing stockholders whose shares
    a sustained trading history over several               traditional IPO, the company will be                      are registered on the registration
    months. Companies that are not able                    responsible for preparing a registration                  statement to resell their shares as long
    to satisfy the second prong may rely on                statement on Form S-1 or, if an FPI,3                     as the registration statement remains
    an exception to this rule if the company:              Form F-1. Because a direct listing                        effective and the prospectus contained
    (1) has a recent valuation from an                     does not involve a sale of shares by                      within the registration statement is
    independent third party indicating at least            the company and because there                             current. While most of the information
    $250 million in aggregate market value                 are no coordinated sales by any                           in the registration statement for a direct
    of publicly held shares; and (2) engages               existing stockholders, the registration                   listing tracks the information ordinarily
    a financial advisor to be consulted by                 statement takes the form of a resale                      included in a registration statement for
    the DMM in determining the opening                     registration statement.4 This permits                     an IPO, there are important differences,
    trading price. Looking ahead, the NYSE is                                                                        including:
    working with the SEC to further streamline                                                                       1.     Shares registered on the registration
    the direct listing rules to enable more            a company in a direct listing, a direct listing does                 statement: In an IPO, the registration
    companies to use a direct listing.                 not trigger the filing and approval requirements                     statement registers the shares
•   Role of financial advisors. In the absence         that apply to a traditional IPO under the corporate                  to be sold by the company and
    of an underwriting syndicate, the                  financing rules of the Financial Industry                            any selling stockholders, and
    financial advisers assist the company              Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA). Moreover, since                  substantially all other shares would
                                                       there is no “allocation” of shares in a direct listing,
    in connection with the drafting of the                                                                                  typically be locked up from sale
                                                       FINRA’s new issue allocation rules (Rules 5130
    registration statement and prepare                                                                                      for a period of 180 days after the
                                                       and 5131) are likewise not applicable.
    presentations and other public                                                                                          IPO. In a direct listing, for existing
                                                       3 An FPI is an entity other than a foreign
    communications. Unlike a traditional                                                                                    stockholders to sell, a company
                                                       government incorporated or organized under
    IPO process, in order to avoid traditional         the laws of a jurisdiction outside of the US
                                                                                                                            needs to either register all or a
    underwriter liability and other potential          unless: (1) more than 50% of its outstanding                         portion5 of existing stockholders’
    regulatory issues, the financial advisors          voting securities are directly or indirectly owned                   shares on a registration statement
    in a direct listing should not engage in           of record by US residents; and (2) any of the                        or allow existing stockholders to
    any book-building activities, participate in       following applies: (i) the majority of its executive                 sell their shares at such time and
    investor meetings (but may have certain            officers or directors are US citizens or residents;                  in such amounts as they choose
    interactions with investors in connection          (ii) more than 50% of its assets are located in the                  when an exemption from Securities
    with their stock exchange designated               United States; or (iii) its business is administered                 Act registration, such as pursuant to
                                                       principally in the United States. FPIs enjoy a
    role), or provide any price support or                                                                                  Rule 144 under the Securities Act of
                                                       number of key benefits not available to domestic
    stabilization activities. The financial
                                                       US issuers, including: (1) FPIs may file financial
    advisors in general conduct no price               statements in US GAAP, the English-language
    discovery activities except as permitted           version of International Financial Reporting              a post-effective amendment or prospectus
    under stock exchange rules. For                    Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International           supplement. However, in order to be eligible to
    example, in accordance with NYSE rules,            Accounting Standards Board or local GAAP; (2)             use a Form S-3 or F-3 registration statement,
    certain financial advisors will be selected        FPIs are not required to file quarterly reports on        a company must, among other requirements,
    by the company to consult with the DMM             Form 10-Q or current reports on Form 8-K; (3)             have been subject to the reporting requirements
    in opening its stock for trading when              the financial information of FPIs goes stale more         of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act for at
    there is not a recent sustained history of         slowly in a registered offering; (4) FPIs are exempt      least 12 months. As a result, in a direct listing, a
                                                       from the US proxy rules; (5) FPIs are exempt from         company will file its resale registration statement
    trading in the company’s stock prior to
                                                       Regulation FD; (6) FPIs are exempt from Section           on Form S-1 or F-1 and during the period in which
    listing. In such a capacity, the financial         16 reporting; (7) annual reports of FPIs on Form          the registration statement remains effective, will
    advisors are expected to provide the               20-F are not due until 120 days after fiscal year-        also file prospectus supplements to update the
    DMM with an understanding of the                   end; and (8) FPIs enjoy exemptions from SEC and           resale registration statement for material changes
    ownership of the company’s outstanding             stock exchange corporate governance and other             to the company’s business, including the release
    shares and pre-listing selling and buying          requirements.                                             of earnings for any new quarterly period. Due in
    interest that they are aware of from               4 A resale registration statement is a registration       part to the registration on Form S-1 or Form F-1
    potential investors and stockholders.              statement filed with the SEC that registers under         being a Securities Act form, a company should
    Importantly, the financial advisors                the Securities Act the resale of outstanding              observe a traditional quiet period for public
                                                       securities by the holders of such securities              communications. during the direct listing process
    should not consult with the company
                                                       pursuant to the registration statement as long            and while the registration statement remains
    regarding any of its activities related to
                                                       as the registration statement remains effective.          effective.
    its consultations with the DMM.2
                                                       Typically, a resale registration statement is filed       5Determining how much stock of affiliates should
                                                       on Form S-3 or F-3 because such forms allow               be registered is an art, not a science. On the
                                                       a company to forward-incorporate reports filed            one hand, it is important that enough shares are
2Because financial advisors do not act as              under the Exchange Act and therefore keep the             available for sale to ensure an efficient market. On
underwriters or otherwise participate in investor      registration statement up-to-date with all material       the other hand, registration entails expense and
solicitation or distribution activities on behalf of   information regarding the company without filing          attendant potential Securities Act liability.

                                                                                                                                         NYSE IPO Guide           49
Direct listings

       1933, as amended (the “Securities                          the reporting requirements of the                    should explain that the opening
       Act”) is not available. To achieve                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as                  public price of the shares will
       this, a company will typically look to                     amended (the “Exchange Act”) for                     be determined by buy and sell
       register all or a portion of the shares                    at least 90 days and has timely filed                orders collected by the NYSE from
       held by affiliates and non-affiliates                      all required reports, an affiliate or                broker-dealers. The NYSE’s DMM,
       who had not held their shares for                          non-affiliate that has held shares for               in consultation with a company’s
       at least one year or otherwise did                         at least six months may sell those                   designated financial advisors and
       not meet the requirements for                              shares, subject to compliance with                   as required by applicable NYSE
       selling under the Rule 144 safe                            the other requirements of Rule                       rules, will use those orders to
       harbor. Additionally, a company                            144. Prior to being subject to those                 determine an opening price for
       may choose to register shares                              reporting requirements, neither                      the shares. Additionally, in order to
       held by employees to address                               affiliates nor non-affiliates who had                provide supplemental information
       any regulatory concerns that                               held shares for less than a year                     to investors, companies should
       resales of shares by employees                             would have been able to sell shares                  consider disclosing recent high
       around the time of the direct listing                      pursuant to Rule 144.                                and low sale prices per share in
       may not have been entitled to an                    2.     Bona fide estimate of the                            recent private transactions on
       exemption from registration under                          price range for the preliminary                      the cover page of the preliminary
       the Securities Act. All non-affiliated                     prospectus: In a traditional IPO,                    prospectus and the final
       stockholders who have held their                           the cover page of the preliminary                    prospectus. A company may
       shares for at least one year are                           prospectus contains a price range                    want to allow pre-listing private
       free to resell their shares without                        of the anticipated sales price of                    placement market trading, which
       registration pursuant to Rule 144.6                        the shares. That range, which                        will help develop this disclosure
     	  In addition, a company will need                          is required by the SEC’s rules                       and inform pricing expectations.
       to decide how long to keep the                             (in particular, Item 501(b)(3) of             3.     Plan of distribution: Since there is
       registration statement effective.                          Regulation S-K), is usually arrived                  no underwritten offering in a direct
       A company may choose a period                              at by the company, any selling                       listing, the registration statement
       of 90 days after the effective                             stockholders and the underwriters                    does not include an underwriting
       date to align the effectiveness of                         based on the anticipated clearing                    section. Instead, the registration
       the registration statement to the                          price for the IPO. Because no                        statement will include a plan of
       availability of the Rule 144 resale                        specific shares are being offered                    distribution section that looks like
       safe harbor. Under Rule 144, once                          and traditional price discovery is                   what is typically seen in a resale
       a company has been subject to                              not conducted in a direct listing,                   registration statement.8 However,
                                                                  and the company plays no role in                     given that there are no underwriters
                                                                  the initial pricing, it is not possible              and no organized sales by
6If an issuer has not been subject to the                         to include meaningful disclosure                     the existing stockholders, the
reporting requirements of Section 13 or 15(d)                     on this topic in the preliminary                     method of distribution is narrower
of the Exchange Act for a period of at least 90                   prospectus. However, under                           than many resale registration
days immediately before a sale, then Rule 144(d)                  applicable gun jumping rules, a                      statements and is limited to
requires that a minimum of one year must elapse                   company may not conduct investor                     brokerage transactions on national
between the latter of the acquisition date of the                 education without an appropriate                     securities exchanges or registered
securities from the issuer or an affiliate and any                preliminary prospectus.7 The                         alternative trading venues. The
resale of such securities in reliance on Rule                     solution in a direct listing is to rely              plan of distribution section also
144 for the account of either the acquirer or any
                                                                  on the instructions to Item 501(b)(3)
subsequent holder of those securities. Rule
144(d) applies both to sales by an affiliate or a
                                                                  of Regulation S-K to explain how
non-affiliate of an issuer. Additionally, any person              the price would be determined.            8 Forms S-1 and F-1 require the inclusion of the
who is an affiliate of a reporting issuer, or any                 For example, for a direct listing         information required by Item 508 of Regulation
person who was an affiliate at any time during                    on the NYSE, the cover page               S-K. While Item 508 of Regulation S-K is entitled
the 90 days immediately before a sale, must                       of the preliminary prospectus             “Plan of Distribution,” it is market practice in a
also satisfy, among others, Rule 144(c)(1), which                                                           registration statement for an underwritten IPO
requires the reporting issuer to have been subject                                                          that the information required to be disclosed
to the reporting requirements of Section 13 or         7In a traditional IPO, the cover page of the         under Item 508 is included in a section entitled
15(d) of the Exchange Act for a period of at least     preliminary prospectus contains a bona fide          “Underwriting,” mainly because of the disclosure
90 days immediately before a sale. As a result, for    estimate of the range of the maximum offering        requirements regarding the underwriters in that
the first 90 days after an issuer is subject to the    price. That range, which is required by the Item     section. In resale registration statements, for
reporting requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the   501(b)(3) of Regulation S-K, is usually arrived at   which no underwriters are typically named, it is
Exchange Act, neither affiliates nor non-affiliates    by the issuer, any selling stockholders, and the     market practice that the information required to
who have had held shares for less than a year          underwriters based on the anticipated clearing       be disclosed under Item 508 of Regulation S-K is
would be able to sell shares pursuant to Rule 144.     price for the IPO.                                   included in a section entitled “Plan of Distribution.”

50     NYSE IPO Guide
Direct listings

           describes in detail the roles of the                 of trading. Instead, in a direct listing,                 statement and commencement of
           NYSE’s DMM, including the NYSE’s                     a company will engage in investor                         trading on the exchange. There are
           requirement that the DMM consult                     education without the assistance of                       two primary reasons for such a gap.
           with the company’s designated                        underwriters or financial advisors. For                   First, in direct listings, a company
           financial advisors with respect to                   efficiency, in direct listings, a company                 may choose to issue standard public
           the establishment by the DMM                         may choose to host an investor day                        company-style guidance to the market
           of the opening price. The plan of                    presentation that is publicly streamed                    after the effectiveness of the registration
           distribution also clarifies that the                 live to the investor community, which may                 statement. To the extent a company
           activities of the DMM in opening the                 offer the opportunity for investors to ask                chooses to release guidance, it will
           shares for trading and facilitating an               questions of company management. In                       need to allow investors some time with
           orderly market for the company’s                     addition, a company pursuing a direct                     this information before listing and the
           shares will be conducted without                     listing may elect to meet individually with               beginning of trading. Based on guidance
           coordination with the company.                       potential investors (effectively conducting               from the SEC, this period should be
•   Investor education. In a typical IPO, the                   a version of its own roadshow), subject to                at least five trading days. Additionally,
    underwriters take representatives from                      certain limitations.10 Overall, there is no               a company will want to ensure that
    the company on a one or two-week                            “one size fits all” for investor education in             existing stockholders have sufficient
    roadshow, a series of group meetings                        a direct listing. However, each company                   time to establish brokerage accounts (as
    with buy-side institutional investors,                      will need to calibrate the amount and                     necessary) and deposit their shares in
    and one-on-one meetings with large                          type of investor education activities it                  such accounts so that the shares will be
    institutional investors. Retail investors                   undertakes based on various factors,                      ready for trading through the Depository
    are offered a video recording of the                        including the profile of the company, the                 Trust Company (DTC).11 Much of the
    roadshow, which is made freely available                    business model, and any existing interest                 work required to effect such deposits
    on the Internet.9 These meetings are                        from institutional or retail investors, as it is          needs to occur after the effectiveness
    designed to help the underwriters                           critical for the market-based pricing of a                of the registration statement, when the
    build an order book of indications of                       direct listing that the buy-side understand               company would be eligible to transfer
    interest from investors, which helps                        the company’s business.                                   shares through DTC.
    them gauge the level of demand for a                   •    Post-effectiveness of the registration                •   Commencement of trading on the NYSE.
    stock. By contrast, in a direct listing, a                  statement and prior to listing on the                     This is the time to celebrate and join the
    traditional roadshow with underwriters                      NYSE. In an IPO, effectiveness of the                     NYSE in ringing the opening bell. The
    is not conducted prior to the opening                       registration statement would mark the                     inaugural NYSE direct listing, Spotify,
                                                                end of the roadshow process and would                     opened at $165.90 per share and closed
                                                                mean that the offering was ready to                       the first day of trading at $149.01 per
9 Securities Act Rule 433(h)(4) provides the formal
                                                                price and begin trading the following                     share. Slack opened at $38.50 per share
definition of roadshow as an offer (other than a
                                                                morning. In a direct listing, that is not                 and closed the first day of trading at
statutory prospectus) that “contains a presentation
regarding an offering by one or more members of                 the case; rather, there typically will be a               $38.62 per share. With Spotify’s intraday
an issuer’s management … and includes discussion                gap of at least five trading days between                 volatility of 12.3% and Slack’s intraday
of one or more of the issuer, such management and               effectiveness of the registration                         volatility of 8.9%, their shares both
the securities being offered.” Securities Act Rule                                                                        experienced low volatilities compared to
433(h)(5) defines a bona fide electronic roadshow                                                                         other large technology IPOs in the past
as a roadshow that is a written communication              10Despite its unique features, investor education
transmitted by graphic means. Although free                activities by the company in a direct listing are likely
writing prospectuses (FWPs) are generally required         to constitute a roadshow under the SEC’s rules.
to be filed with the SEC and a roadshow for an             As a result, if a company confidentially submits           11 DTC acts as depository for shares held at a

offering that is a written communication is an FWP,        its registration statement for review with the SEC,        brokerage firm, bank, or other financial institution
Rule 433(d)(8) clarifies that such roadshows are not       then it must publicly file its registration statement      and facilitates the clearance and settlement of
required to be filed (unless an issuer at the time of      at least 15 days before commencing any roadshow            securities transactions among its participants. In
the roadshow is not required to file reports pursuant      activities. The publicly filed registration statement      a traditional IPO, the shares sold by the company
to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, which is       needs to include a “red herring” prospectus                would normally be held through Cede & Co.,
the case in a traditional IPO). Even in the context        meeting the requirements of Section 10(b) of the           which acts as the nominee for DTC. In a direct
of an IPO, a roadshow is not required to be filed          Securities Act. One of the key features of a red           listing, for the shares to be eligible for trading on
pursuant to Rule 433(d)(8)(ii) if the issuer makes         herring prospectus is a bona fide estimate of a            the applicable exchange, a stockholder interested
“at least one version of a bona fide electronic road       price range on the cover, which, as noted above,           in selling shares must transfer such shares from
show available without restriction by means of             is satisfied in a direct listing by explaining the         being held directly as a stockholder of record
graphic communication to any person, including             method by which the price would be determined              to being held in street name through DTC. To
any potential investor in the securities … .” In an IPO,   and by providing the high and low sales prices per         complete this transition in time for the listing,
the first roadshow presentation is often recorded          share of recent private transactions. Finally, as is       each individual stockholder will need to work with
and posted on the Internet for viewing by all              typical practice in an IPO, any investor education         their broker and the company’s transfer agent
prospective investors. This version is usually called      materials should be consistent with the information        to ensure that the shares are made available for
the retail roadshow.                                       contained in the registration statement.                   trading on day one.

                                                                                                                                               NYSE IPO Guide           51
Direct listings

     decade. Further, Spotify’s trading volume          start and end dates for the Regulation M            preferred stock shortly prior to the direct
     on the first day of trading was 17% of             restricted period, to the extent they apply to      listing and issuing convertible notes that
     outstanding shares, and Slack’s trading            a direct listing, are unclear.                      convert into common stock of the company
     volume on the first day of trading was                  To provide some certainty to this              in connection with a direct listing.
     27% of outstanding shares. The relatively          question, but without conceding that its                 Companies considering a capital raise
     low volatility and high volume of Spotify          direct listing constituted a distribution for       after a direct listing may consider, among
     and Slack’s shares in the opening days of          Regulation M purposes, Spotify sought               other options, registered equity offerings,
     trading have reduced concerns regarding            and received a no-action letter from the            issuing debt, and issuing unregistered
     the novel pricing structure and the                SEC staff. The SEC staff agreed (subject            convertible notes. For companies seeking
     potential for high volatility and low volume       to the facts and circumstances presented)           to issue equity or other registered securities,
     in the opening of trading. However, given          that it would not recommend enforcement             during the first 12 months following the
     the very small sample size of direct               action against Spotify, Spotify’s financial         company’s registration under Section 12 of
     listings to date, volume and volatility            advisors, or the registered shareholders if         the Exchange Act under certain conditions,
     should remain considerations for working           the restricted period observed in this context      the company can sell securities in a primary
     groups in light of the particular pre-listing      (in relation to communications or activities        offering using a Registration Statement on
     ownership of the company.                          not otherwise excepted under Regulation             Form S-1 or Form F-1.
                                                        M) both: (1) commenced five business days                Given that the resale Registration
(d) Regulation M                                        (the typical pre-pricing period in a traditional    Statement for the direct listing would
In the Spotify direct listing, the direct listing       IPO) prior to the DMM’s determination of            normally be effective for at least 90 days,
process started a number of conversations               the opening price of the Spotify shares             we expect companies to wait until after
with the SEC staff as to whether the                    on the NYSE; and (2) ended with the                 this initial 90-day period to sell registered
registration of shares for resale from time             commencement of secondary market                    primary shares of the company in an
to time by existing shareholders under a                trading on the NYSE.                                underwritten offering. In addition, after
registration statement constituted an offering,                                                             12 completed months from the date
and, if so, whether such offering, particularly                                                             of registration under Section 12 of the
when viewed together with the company’s                 (e) Direct Listings with a Capital Raise            Exchange Act, the company may be eligible
investor relations and education activities,            In November 2019, the NYSE proposed a               to sell shares using a Shelf Registration
would constitute a distribution for purposes            rule change to the SEC to allow companies           Statement on Form S-3 or Form F-3, which
of Regulation M under the Exchange Act.                 to raise capital through a primary direct           offers greater flexibility and speed in selling
     Regulation M contains a set of rules               floor listing, which is a listing in which either   shares to the public in a registered offering.
intended to protect the integrity of the                (i) only the company itself is selling shares       Unlike at the time of the IPO, the pricing of
securities offering process by preventing               in the opening auction on the first day of          these offerings would be able to take into
persons with a financial interest in a                  trading or (ii) the company is selling shares       account an existing trading market and
securities offering from taking particular              and selling shareholders may also sell              trading history on an exchange to inform the
actions that might manipulate the market for            shares in such opening auction. Under the           pricing in such offering.
the securities being offered.12 In a traditional        NYSE’s rule proposal, a company must                     As always, companies can issue debt to
IPO, the application of Regulation M is                 sell at least $100 million in market value          raise capital to fund operations, or they can
simply assumed and the requirements,                    of shares in the opening auction, or if less,       establish a revolving debt facility to allow
including with respect to the delineation               a company could qualify to conduct a                immediate access to debt to fund operations.
of the applicable pre- and post-pricing                 primary direct floor listing if the aggregate       In addition, companies can issue convertible
restricted period, are well-understood                  of the market value of publicly-held shares         notes that are available for resale pursuant to
and easy to implement. In the case of a                 immediately prior to listing, together with         Rule 144A of the Securities Act, to qualified
direct listing, however, in which there is              the market value of shares the company              institutional buyers.
no underwriter to establish the offering                will sell in the opening auction, totals at
price and no specific number of shares                  least $250 million. The rule proposal was
to be allocated and sold to the public, the             approved by the SEC on August 26, 2020,             (f) Conclusion
                                                        but was subsequently stayed by the SEC.             The NYSE has led the way for direct
                                                        On December 22, 2020, the primary direct            listings, which can be a very attractive
12 Among other restrictions, Regulation M prohibits
                                                        floor listing was approved by the SEC. As of        way for the right company to go public,
issuers, selling securityholders, and other             the time of this writing, no direct listing under   particularly in light of the new rules allowing
distribution participants (and their respective         the primary direct floor listing rules of the       companies to effect a primary capital raise
affiliated purchasers) from bidding for, purchasing     NYSE has been effectuated. In addition              concurrently with a direct listing. Even if a
or attempting to induce any person to bid for or
                                                        to primary direct floor listings, companies         company chooses not to do a direct listing,
purchase the security that is the subject of the
distribution during a specified period of time prior
                                                        with an immediate need for capital also             elements of the direct listing process, such
to pricing and ending at the completion of the          have options for raising capital prior to, or       as innovations around investor education
distribution, unless the activity falls within one of   shortly after, a direct listing. These include a    and lock-up arrangements, may find their
certain enumerated exceptions.                          traditional private placement of convertible        way into the traditional IPO process.

52     NYSE IPO Guide
Contributor profiles

Latham & Watkins LLP
1271 Ave. of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Tel: +1 212 906 1200
Web: www.lw.com

                                                 advises on cross-border transactions, debt         public and private equity offerings, debt
                                                 exchange offers, high-yield debt offerings,        exchange offers, tender offers and consent
Marc Jaffe                                       IPOs, public and private equity offerings,         solicitations. In addition, Ben was part of the
New York Office Managing Partner                 tender offers and consent solicitations.           Latham team that represented Spotify in its
marc.jaffe@lw.com                                                                                   groundbreaking direct listing on the NYSE in
                                                 Greg Rodgers                                       2018 and the financial advisers in the direct
Marc Jaffe is the Managing Partner of            Partner                                            listings of Slack and Coinbase.
Latham & Watkins’ New York office. He            greg.rodgers@lw.com
previously served as Global Chair of                                                                Alex Cohen
the firm’s Corporate Department and              Greg Rodgers is a Partner in the New York          Partner & National Office Co-Chair
Global Co-Chair of the Capital Markets           office of Latham & Watkins and member of           alexander.cohen@lw.com
Practice. Marc represents leading issuers,       the firm’s Corporate Department and the
investment banking firms and investors           Capital Markets, Derivatives, and Public           Alex Cohen is a Partner in the Washington,
in both public and private debt and equity       Company Representation Practices. In               D.C. office of Latham & Watkins and
offerings, as well as in lending transactions.   corporate finance matters, Greg represents         Co-Chair of the firm’s National Office, a
He handles high-profile and precedent-           issuers, investors, and investment banks in        central resource for clients and Latham
setting corporate finance matters on             public and private equity, debt and hybrid         lawyers facing complex issues arising under
behalf of prominent US and foreign               capital markets transactions, commercial           the US securities laws. Alex served as the
investment banks, public companies,              lending transactions, restructurings               SEC’s Deputy General Counsel for Legal
non-US corporations, private equity funds        and other financing transactions, with a           Policy and Administrative Practice and later
and mezzanine investment funds. He               particular focus on equity-linked securities       as Deputy Chief of Staff.
also advises on general securities and           and investment grade and high-yield debt
corporate matters. In addition, Marc co-led      securities. In addition, Greg co-led the           Paul Dudek
the Latham teams that represented Spotify        Latham team that represented Spotify in its        Partner & National Office Co-Chair
in its groundbreaking direct listing on the      groundbreaking direct listing on the NYSE          paul.dudek@lw.com
NYSE in 2018 and the financial advisers to       in 2018 and led the teams that represented
Coinbase in its direct listing in 2021.          the financial advisers in the direct listings of   Paul Dudek is a Partner in the Washington,
                                                 Slack, Asana, and Coinbase.                        D.C. office of Latham & Watkins and
                                                                                                    Co-Chair of the firm’s National Office. Paul
Ian Schuman                                                                                         served for 23 years as Chief of the Office
Partner & Global Capital Markets Practice        Benjamin Cohen                                     of International Corporate Finance in the
Chair                                            Partner                                            US SEC Division of Corporation Finance.
ian.schuman@lw.com                               benjamin.cohen@lw.com                              His practice covers all aspects of cross-
                                                                                                    border capital market transactions involving
Ian Schuman is a Partner in the New York         Benjamin Cohen is a Partner in the New             non-US companies and sovereigns, as well
office of Latham & Watkins and Global            York office of Latham & Watkins. Benjamin          as related regulatory matters.
Chair of the firm’s Capital Markets Practice.    is a member of the Corporate Department
Ian represents issuers and underwriters          and focuses on capital markets, general            Joel Trotter
in complex, high-profile equity and debt         securities and corporate matters. He               Partner & National Office Co-Chair
offerings, both in the United States             primarily handles a broad range of capital         joel.trotter@lw.com
and internationally. Ian also represents         markets and other financial transactions,
companies with respect to general                including IPOs, direct listings, high-yield        Joel Trotter is a Partner in the Washington,
corporate and securities matters. He             debt offerings, leveraged buy-outs,                D.C. office of Latham & Watkins and

120   NYSE IPO Guide
Contributor profiles

                                                                                                    11 Wall Street
                                                                                                    New York, NY 10005
                                                                                                    Tel: +1 212 656 4050
                                                                                                    Web: www.nyse.com

Co-Chair of the firm’s National Office.           FINRA subcommittee. In addition, Dana was         John Tuttle
He is the former Global Co-Chair of the           part of the Latham team that represented          Vice Chairman & Chief Commercial Officer,
Public Company Representation Practice            Spotify in its groundbreaking direct listing on   NYSE Group
and previously served for 10 years as             the NYSE in 2018 and the financial advisers       john@nyse.com
Co-Chair of the Corporate Department in           in the direct listings of Slack and Asana.
the Washington, D.C. office. Joel’s practice                                                        John Tuttle is Vice Chairman and
focuses on capital markets transactions,          Brittany Ruiz                                     Chief Commercial Officer for the NYSE
mergers and acquisitions, securities              Associate                                         Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
regulation and corporate governance. He           brittany.ruiz@lw.com                              Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE: ICE).
represents issuers and underwriters in the                                                               As a member of the senior leadership
public offering process and other SEC-            Brittany Ruiz is an Associate in the New          team, John leads the NYSE’s Global
related matters. He counsels boards of            York and Los Angeles offices of Latham            Listings, Capital Markets, and Exchange
directors on governance issues, corporate         & Watkins. Brittany is a member of the            Traded Products businesses and is
crises and business combination proposals.        Corporate Department and her practice             responsible for managing the Exchange’s
As one of two lawyers on the IPO Task             focuses on capital markets, general               relationships with more than 2,300 NYSE-
Force, Joel served as a principal author of       securities and corporate matters. She             listed companies and with the investment
the IPO-related provisions of the Jumpstart       advises issuers and investment banks on           banking, private equity, venture capital and
our Business Startups Act of 2012, enacted        a variety of equity and debt capital markets      legal communities.
by a nearly unanimous Congress to reform          matters, including IPOs, direct listings               In addition, he leads the NYSE’s
the IPO process for emerging growth               and high-yield debt securities. In addition,      business development efforts for IPOs,
companies.                                        Brittany was part of the Latham team that         direct listings, exchange-traded funds,
                                                  represented Spotify in its groundbreaking         structured products, closed-end funds and
Dana Fleischman                                   direct listing on the NYSE in 2018 and            real estate investment trusts (REITs) listing
Partner                                           represented the financial advisers in the         on NYSE or NYSE American.
dana.fleischman@lw.com                            direct listings of Slack and Coinbase.                 Since joining the NYSE in 2007, John
                                                                                                    has served in a succession of roles
Dana Fleischman is a Partner in the                                                                 including COO, Global Head of Listings,
New York office of Latham & Watkins                                                                 Chief of Staff, Head of Corporate Affairs, and
and member of the Capital Markets and                                                               as Managing Director of Global Affairs and
Financial Regulatory Practices, as well as                                                          Government Relations for NYSE Euronext,
the firm’s global Financial Institutions Group.                                                     then-parent company of the NYSE, as
She is well-recognized as one of the world’s                                                        well as five other financial exchanges in
leading securities law and broker-dealer                                                            Europe. Prior to joining the organization,
regulatory lawyers. Dana’s practice focuses                                                         John held various roles in the United States
on matters involving the regulation of broker-                                                      government, including at the United States
dealers and securities markets, advising                                                            Department of State and at the White
clients on a wide range of corporate and                                                            House.
regulatory compliance matters, including in                                                              John holds an MBA from the University
connection with mergers and acquisitions,                                                           of Notre Dame and a BBA from Eastern
public offerings and private placements,                                                            Michigan University.
internal investigations and enforcement
matters, and cross-border transactions.
Dana serves in several prominent and
influential capacities, including as counsel
to The Securities Industry and Financial
Markets Association on various matters and
as Chair of the American Bar Association’s

                                                                                                                           NYSE IPO Guide     121
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New York, NY 10005
Tel: +1 212 656 4050
Web: www.nyse.com
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