NWF Grass & Forage Seed Brochure 2021 - 0800 756 2787 www.nwfagriculture.co.uk

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NWF Grass & Forage Seed Brochure 2021 - 0800 756 2787 www.nwfagriculture.co.uk
NWF Grass & Forage
 Seed Brochure 2021

0800 756 2787
NWF Grass & Forage Seed Brochure 2021 - 0800 756 2787 www.nwfagriculture.co.uk
Welcome                                                                                                                                               3 Reasons to Reseed

     Welcome to the                                                                          Re-seeding Guidance
     NWF Grass & Forage Seed Brochure
     NWF Agriculture offer an extensive range of grass mixtures to suit all livestock
                                                                                             1 - Yield
     farming requirements. The grass seed range is bred, grown, blended and packaged         •   Yield from a ley established this summer
     by Barenbrug UK, one of the largest grass seed breeders and producers in the UK         •   Potential yield 11.63 TDM/ha from two cuts 2018
     and Europe.                                                                             •   Based on data from 2018 RGCL list
                                                                                             •   Compared to an old sward 50% weed grasses with potential as low as 9 TDM/ha
     Barenbrug are internationally renowned      partnership with AFBI). Their grasses       •   At DM value £140/t its worth £360/ha in the first year of sowing
     grass breeders dedicated to ensuring        are tried, tested and proven with British   •   Doesn’t take into account further cuts in the summer
     farmers achieve the maximum return          farmers and at their Cropvale Research      •   Doesn’t take into account grazing yield consumed by stock
     from grass growth. Their expertise          Site in Worcestershire. There are over
     and skills have led to the development      2,000 hectares of British farmland
     a superb range of quality grass seed        producing the grass seed. All the           2 - Energy
     mixtures for NWF Agriculture. Supporting    mixtures are designed and formulated
     British Farmers, Barenbrug UK breed         to ensure continuous improvement for        • Yield from the two cuts could have an energy value of 133,320MJ
     their agricultural grasses in Britain (in   British farming.                            • This is capable of producing – over 25,150 litres of milk,
                                                                                               over 2050kg of lamb or over 2400kg of beef
                                                                                             • When cut at the optimum growth stage, would achieve
                                                                                               a 1st cut of 71D (11.3ME) and a 2nd cut of nearly 74D (11.7ME)
                                                                                             • Old swards not only yield less, but also have poorer feed value
                                                                                             • A typical old sward could have a D value of 60-65D,
                                                                                               which would have an ME of between 9.6 and 10.4
                                                                                             • By introducing modern, high quality varieties,
                                                                                               this could be increased significantly
                                                                                             • By cutting at the optimum growth stage, a 72D silage
                                                                                               is achievable and should have an ME of 11.5

                                                                                             3 - N Efficiency
                                                                                             • 1st step in reseeding - make sure soils are in optimum health & condition
                                                                                             • Even the best ryegrasses will not realise their potential when expected to grow in soil
                                                                                               which has poor structure, is deficient in P & K and / or has a below optimum pH
                                                                                             • Start thinking of grass as a crop
                                                                                             • Aim to maintain a soil pH of AT LEAST 6; pH6.5 where clover is being sown
                                                                                             • P (Phosphate) and K (Potash) indices of 2
                                                                                             • In ideal conditions, the major benefit of young Ryegrass swards in terms of efficiency
                                                                                               is with nitrogen
                                                                                             • Ryegrass species are all 100% Nitrogen efficient
                                                                                             • Weed grasses like annual meadow grass are only 17% efficient
                                                                                             • Meaning £83 of N is wasted for every £100 worth of N applied

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Technical Guides
                                                                                                      Good quality grazed grassland is the cheapest feed for livestock and is the base
                                                                                                      upon which profitable farming is built. To help UK farmers get more from their
                                                                                                      grassland, we have created our series of farming guides with advice and tips from
                                                                                                      the UK grass experts on how to make the most of your grassland.

     Barenbrug UK Grass Experts
     A leading grass seed developer, breeder and grower for UK amenity and agriculture.               Designed to help UK farmers make the        Our three livestock guides offer unique
                                                                                                      right choices and pick the right products   and specific grassland management advice
     Established in the UK in 1983, Barenbrug         a diverse range of habitats through the         as they work to achieve their grassland     suited for your farming enterprise. While
     UK is now recognised as the grass seed           season for a wide range of species, cover       goals.                                      the silage guide offers advice to produce
     expert, distributing more than 4,500             crops and enhancing soil health and                                                         the best quality silage from the grass crop
     tonnes of clean, certified, and quality          fertility. With our network of growers,         Each guide contains useful information      you have grown, providing exceptional
     grass seed each year for UK amenity and          research, distribution, regional technical      about grassland growth and practical        quality feed throughout winter.
     agriculture. As part of the wider Barenbrug      experts, production, and manufacturing          advice on perfecting grassland
     Group, grass experts since 1904, their           sites across the UK, we are a business firmly   performance and looking after grass,        Brassicas and forage crops can play an
     research network across the globe and            rooted in the UK. Learn more about the UK       herb and forage leys. There are also        integral role in UK farming and we explore
     UK trial both agriculture and amenity            grass seed expert and discover our range of     details about the different grassland       the benefits of forage crops and how to
     varieties and mixtures. With Barebrug UK’s       grass seed mixtures for UK agriculture.         management techniques, and varieties        plan their use and manage their growth
     network of growers, research, distribution,                                                      and species available to UK farmers.        to maximise yields and profitability.
                                                      The UK has the ideal climate for growing
     regional technical experts, production,
                                                      grass. Ryegrass grows best at between 5°C
     and manufacturing sites across the UK,
                                                      to 25°C, and most of the UK is between
     Barenbrug UK are firmly rooted in the UK.
                                                      these temperatures 95% of the time.
     Increasingly focused on sustainability,          Making up 65% of utilisable agricultural
     Barenbrug UK is determined to minimise           land, grass is our national crop. Like all                                Good Grass Guide
     any negative impact on the environment           other crops, growing grass requires careful
                                                                                                                                The Good Grass Guide is broken down into 4 simple steps,
     and meet the aims of increasing farming          management to maximise yields, enhance
                                                                                                                                walking you through our phased approach to make your
     productivity, environment, biodiversity and      the environment, increase biodiversity, offer
                                                                                                                                grassland a success.
     the enjoyment of green spaces. Grass offers      animal health and utilisation.
     a huge number of benefits to farms, from
     highly productive and healthier livestock,                       Proudly Supporting
     greater management and flexibility, with                         British Farmers
                                                                                                               Explore all our technical advice guides online or register
     increased profitability, as well as remarkable                   Bred, produced and                      to receive these in the post www.barenbrug.co.uk/guides
     environmental benefits such as providing                         distributed in the UK

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Grass Mixture Selector Guide                                                              Grass Mixture Selector Guide

                                                                     Red Clover                      Ultra Hi Pro Red
                                                                      Cutting                              Page 18

                                                        1-2 years      Cutting                         Ultra Turbo
                                                                                                           Page 15

                                                                       Cutting                         After Maize
                                                                     and Grazing                           Page 16
                           Overseeding      Renovate
                                              Page 14
                                                                                                       Ultra Early
                                                        2-3 years      Cutting                         Abundance
                                                                                                           Page 17

                                                                       Cutting                         Ultra Hybrid
                                                                                                           Page 12
          TYPE                               Duration
                           Conventional                 4-5 years
           OF                                   of
                           New Reseed
         RESEED                               Reseed
                                                                       Cutting                     Ultra Cut ‘n’ Graze
                                                                      & Grazing                            Page 13

                                                                       Cutting                          Champion
                                                                      & Grazing                            Page 8

                                                                                                     Ultra Intensive
                                                                    Cattle Grazing                        Dairy
                                                                                                           Page 10
                                                        5 years +
                                                                    Cattle, Sheep
                                                                     Grazing &                        Ultra Longlife
                                                                                                           Page 11
                                                                      Later Cut

                                                                     Low Input                            Barmix
                                                                                                           Page 24
                                                                    High Output

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     Champion with or without Clover™                                                                                                                        #1 BEST SELLER

     The number one selling mixture. A proven long-term top class dual purpose                       Champion™ with Clover
     mixture which produces excellent quality forage production whether cut or grazed
                                                                                                      Kg       Variety                Species

     • Ultimate proven ley for milk and meat        Designed for:                                     2kg         GALGORM             Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
       production                                   • Top quality forage production whether           3kg        FINTONA              Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
     • Very productive and flexible 5+ year ley       cut or grazed                                   2kg        GLENARM              Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
     • 15kg seeding rate for rapid sward density    • Long-term production from a highly              2kg        CALLAN               Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
     • This ley includes the very best season-        persistent ley                                  3kg        DRUMBO               Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
       long production varieties available          • Maximum production by using the top             2kg        BALLINTOY            Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
     • Suitable for both intensive cutting and        yielding varieties                              1kg      PROTA WHITE            White Clover Blend
       grazing, with good persistence                                                                15kg per acre, 2,089 seeds/2m2
     • PROTA WHITE contributes both protein         Benefits:
       and minerals, to ensure maximum              • The use of later heading varieties means
       performance from the grazing animal            that any topping can be kept to a
                                                                                                     Champion™ without Clover
     • The correct proportion of Tetraploids in       minimum                                         Kg       Variety                Species
       the ley give very good animal intakes        • The varieties used have been selected           2kg         GALGORM             Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
     • Includes FINTONA highly digestible             for their persistence as well as their          3kg         FINTONA             Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
       varieties with extremely high yields           palatability and mid-season digestibility to    2kg         GLENARM             Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
     • FINTONA is the highest yielding                produce a long lasting, productive sward        3kg         CALLAN              Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
       perennial ryegrass ever listed in the UK     • Champion combines the benefits of               3kg         DRUMBO              Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
     • GALGORM – New for 2021 holds                   high yields of quality mid-May silage           2kg         BALLINTOY           Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
       top position for total yield in both           production, with excellent sward
       grazing and silage management. No              density and outstanding mid-season             15kg per acre, 2,089 seeds/2m2
       other intermediate diploid variety on          digestibility for highly palatable grazing,
       the list produces more ME yield per            thus creating a highly flexible ley
       hectare under grazing management             • Available without clover as Champion
       (106% of the mean of all intermediate          No Clover
       diploid varieties on the list) and is very
       persistent in grazing swards.                Sward management:
     • CALLAN combines an excellent mean            Cut when the first ears emerge, around
       cutting yield with a high grazing yield      the 20th May and this ley will produce
       and exceptional spring growth. CALLAN        grass of 70D plus and if cutting is delayed
       excels on all three recommended lists.       10 days, it will still produce grass of 67D.
                                                    This ley is capable of being spring grazed,
                                                    giving two highly productive silage crops
                                                    and an autumn grazing, or alternatively
                                                    being grazed for a full season.

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LONG TERM LEYS – 5 YEARS PLUS                                                                                                                            LONG TERM LEYS – 5 YEARS PLUS

     Ultra Intensive Dairy™                                                                          Ultra Longlife™

     A highly productive grazing ryegrass mixture that will give season long quality forage          A permanent pasture mixture, with the option to take later cuts of quality silage

     • Very late heading dense leafy mixture         Benefits:                                       • The permanent pasture mixture                Benefits:
     • Large “window” to cut 70+D silage             • Ultra Intensive Dairy produces a dense        • Exceptionally versatile, suitable for both   • Ultra Longlife produces a dense leafy
     • Exceptionally versatile, suitable for both      leafy sward that is easily managed              cutting and grazing                            sward that is easily managed. The use
       cutting and grazing                           • The use of late heading varieties means       • Produces a dense, productive ley, for          of early, intermediate and late heading
     • Produces a dense, productive ley, for           that production always of the highest           high quality grazing                           varieties means that production is
       high quality grazing                            quality                                       • SEAGOE produces high yields of grass under     season long
     • Including quality white clovers CRUSADER      • The varieties used have been selected           cutting and grazing management, with         • The varieties used have been selected
       and BARBLANCA contributes both                  for their persistence as well as their          equally high Digestibility and ME values.      for their persistence as well as their
       protein and minerals, to ensure maximum         palatability and mid-season digestibility     • Including quality white clovers CRUSADER       palatability and mid-season digestibility to
       performance from the grazing animal.            to produce a long lasting, productive           and BARBLANCA contributes both                 produce a long lasting, productive sward
     • New Variety Gracehill is an excellent all-      sward                                           protein and minerals, to ensure maximum
       round performer right across the growing                                                        performance from the grazing animal          Sward management:
       season, producing superb annual yields        Sward management:                               • The very high yielding Timothy, COMER,       Ultra Longlife is designed to give fantastic
       of high digestibility grass under both        This ley was initially designed as a dairy        gives mid-season production and variety      spring growth as well as season long
       grazing and silage management along           paddock grazing mixture, but has been             to the sward                                 production utilising a combination of early
       with extremely high metabolizable energy      cut and grazed very successfully on             • COMER Timothy increases spring               intermediate and late heading perennial
       (ME) yields per hectare.                      all types of farms. Tight heading date            growth by 34% and persistence under          ryegrass varieties and Timothy. Therefore
                                                     grouping make it easily manageable                extreme conditions                           it is ideal for farms where early spring
     Designed for:                                   and reduces the need for topping. Grass                                                        grazing is important. Giving later fields a
     • Intensive production from grazing a           growth from this mix stays in front of the      Designed for:                                  chance to get going. It can then be shut up
       highly palatable, very digestible ley         cows not ahead. This means cows are             • Intensive production from grazing a          for 1 or 2 cuts of silage (or hay) followed
     • Creating a tight persistent sward that is     always grazing optimum quality grass. Cut         highly palatable, very digestible ley        by grazing for the rest of the season.
       highly resistant to poaching                  at first ear emergence, in late May, this ley   • Creating a tight persistent sward that is
     • Season long grazing from early spring         will produce grass of 70+D.                       highly resistant to poaching
       to late autumn                                                                                • Season long grazing from early spring
                                                                                                       to late autumn
      Kg       Variety                 Species                                                        Kg       Variety                Species
      2kg        DRUMBO                Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)                                  2.5kg      MOYOLA               Early Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
      2kg      YOUPI                   Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)                                  2kg        GLENARIFF            Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
      3kg        GRACEHILL             Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)                                  2kg        SEAGOE               Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
      3kg        GLENARM               Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)                                  2kg        DRUMBO               Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
      3kg        BALLINTOY             Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)                                  3kg        BALLINTOY            Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
      1kg      PROTA WHITE             White Clover Blend                                             0.75kg   COMER                  Timothy
     14kg per acre, 1,705 seeds/m2                                                                    0.75kg   PROTA WHITE            White Clover Blend
                                                                                                     13kg per acre, 2,369 seeds/m2

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MEDIUM TERM LEYS – 3 TO 5 YEARS                                                                                                                   MEDIUM TERM LEYS – 4 TO 5 YEARS

     Ultra Hybrid™                                                                                 Ultra Cut ‘n’ Graze™

     A high yielding cutting ley containing 3 of the best Hybrid ryegrass varieties                An excellent cutting and grazing ley for up to 5 years duration.
     available. Designed as an intensive cutting ley producing high quality silage for             Will produce top quality high yielding silage cuts. Gives the option to graze after
     3-5 years. It fits well into medium term rotations, is suitable for multi cut systems         cutting
     and AD plants.
                                                                                                   • Outstanding early spring growth             Benefits:
     • Designed for a mid May first cut             Benefits:                                      • Produces very high quality silage from      • A flexible, productive ley, ideal for those
     • Available with clover if required            • Will produce 10-15% more yield than            an early cut                                  looking for early grass for sheep or
     • Barclamp has very high yields in its first     Perennial ryegrass leys due to the ability   • Will produce three good cuts per year         cattle grazing, followed by two or three
       season, excellent early spring growth          to use Nutrients efficiently via its long    • Grazing can be combined with cutting          cuts of quality silage
       and high crown rust resistance.                season growth.                                 for a fully flexible ley                    • When cut only it will produce up to three
     • New variety Bannfoot produces                • Ultra Hybrid delivers a superb silage        • Combines the massive yields of hybrid         prolific cuts of leafy, productive forage
       improved yields with high D value along        mixture for farmers. It has a tight            ryegrass with the persistence of            • The varieties in the ley have been
       with excellent persistency. It also has a      heading date range and excellent               perennial ryegrass                            selected for their digestibility and
       good all round disease profile.                disease resistance offering strong silage                                                    palatability, which ensures maximum
                                                      production throughout the season             Designed for:                                   animal output
     Hybrid ryegrasses grow at soil                                                                • Excellent early season growth, ideal for    • Contains FINTONA, the highest yielding
     temperatures as low as 5-6 degrees. This       *Offers multiple entries for slurry /            early lambing or extended grazing of          perennial ryegrass ever listed in the UK
     lower temperature growth means the             digestate application, making the most         • dairy cows
     grasses get away earlier in the spring         of home produced nutrients.                    • Intensive cutting, up to three cuts         Sward management:
     and grow later in the autumn extending                                                          per year, combined with high quality        Hybrids lower temperature growth will
     the growing season and therefore                                                                grazing                                     give excellent early spring grazing. An
     production of the ley. This also allows the                                                   • Yield and persistence, combining the        early spring grazing can be followed by
     sowing window for Ultra Hybrid to be                                                            yield of hybrids with the quality and       two cuts of quality silage or a cut of hay
     lengthened.                                                                                     persistence of perennial ryegrass           plus aftermath grazing. The ley will also
                                                                                                                                                 produce extremely long-season productive
                                                                                                                                                 grazing, capitalising on the early spring
                                                                                                                                                 and late autumn growth of the hybrid

      Kg       Variety                Species                                                       Kg       Variety               Species
      5kg         BARCLAMP            Hybrid Ryegrass (DIP)                                         3kg         BANFOOT            Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
      4.5kg       BANFOOT             Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)                                         3kg      KIRIAL                Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
      4.5kg    KIRIAL                 Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)                                         2kg         GLENARIFF          Intermediate Perennial Rygrass (DIP)
     14kg per acre                                                                                  3kg         FINTONA            Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
                                                                                                    3kg         BALLINTOY          Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
                                                                                                   14kg per acre, 1,361 seeds/m2

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MEDIUM TERM LEYS – 3 TO 5 YEARS                                                                                                                     SHORT TERM LEYS – 1 TO 2 YEARS

     Ultra Renovate™                                                                             Ultra Turbo Mix™

     Ideal to improve the productivity of a low performing tired ley for 3-5 years               A highly productive short term Italian ryegrass blend

     • Renovate is a 100% ryegrass blend for       Benefits:                                     • A highly productive Italian ley             Benefits:
       areas of good fertility                     • Includes varieties which are vigorous       • Grows at temperatures as low as 3ºC         • Fits well into cereal crop rotation
     • Uses varieties which are aggressive           enough to establish in an existing sward      soil temperature, extending the growing     • Ideal for following maize and giving a
       enough to establish in an existing sward    • Easy to manage                                season for store lambs or wintering           two year break
       yet easy to manage                          • Can be used spring or autumn to repair        hoggs                                       • Gives high quality aftermath grazing
     • Specifically designed to work best with       and renovate swards                         • Contains high ranking BARMULTRA II
       specialist overseeding techniques           • Increases the proportion of productive        which has excellent spring grazing and      Sward management:
                                                     grasses in a sward                            silage yields                               Grows at temperatures as low as 3ºC, so
     Designed for:                                                                               • High response to Nitrogen inputs and        the farm must be able to use this early
     • Restoring productivity into                 Sward management:                               high fertility situations. Ultra Turbo      growth. A first cut at the end of May,
       underperforming leys                        Existing sward should be topped or              Mix will produce 20% more yield than        following a spring grazing will produce
     • Re-introducing vigorous highly              grazed short and harrowed to remove any         perennial ryegrass leys                     70+ D value silage, with a second cut
       productive grasses into a sward             dead material and to create some tilth for    • Capable of producing four cuts of high      five weeks later. Will yield up to 17tDM/
     • Improving the quality of a sward for        the new grass seed. Soil fertility (Ph, P,K     quality, high yielding silage               ha in its first year under high input
       better animal performance                   Mg status) and structure should also be                                                     management and will achieve up to six
     • Repairing damage caused by poaching         assessed to identify any underlying field     Designed for:                                 cuts a year.
     • Use with specialist overseeding             issues.                                       • Producing maximum amounts of quality
       techniques                                                                                  forage under a high input/high
                                                                                                   fertility system
                                                                                                 • A first cut at the end of May, producing
                                                                                                   70+D value silage with a second cut
                                                                                                   five weeks later
                                                                               SOIL              • Giving a very long growing season it is
                                                                             ANALYSIS              ideal for early turnout or lamb finishing
                                                                              From £15 for
                                                                              pH, P, K & Mg

      Kg       Variety               Species                                                      Kg       Variety               Species
      7kg        BANFOOT             Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)                                        6kg      ABYS                  Italian Ryegrass (DIP)
      6kg        FINTONA             Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)                        3kg        BARMULTRA II        Italian Ryegrass (TET)
      7kg      YOUPI                 Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)                                3kg      GEMINI                Italian Ryegrass (TET)
     10kg per acre packed 20kg bags, 707.00 seeds/m2 @10kg/acre                                  12kg per acre, 1,216 seeds/m2

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SHORT TERM LEYS – 1 TO 2 YEARS                                                                                                                         SHORT TERM LEYS – 2 TO 3 YEARS

     After Maize – Fast Grass™                                                                    Ultra Early Abundance™

     Delivering a high quality grass crop after maize has been harvested.                         The ultimate high yielding high quality short term cutting

     • Very quick establishment                     Benefits:                                     • Very high yielding two-three year             Benefits:
     • Rapid growth at cool temperatures            • Using the concept of “germination             predominantly cutting mixture                 • A highly productive ley, which will give
     • Flexibility of duration with 12, 18 or 24      energy” a faster establishment rate         • Responds to high inputs by producing            exceptional crops for silage, grazing or
       month production                               of 20% above the average ryegrass is          20% more than long term leys                    hay, from a high input system
     • Can be established after a spring cereal       achieved                                    • A ley that will produce forage very early     • A mixture for the farmer who wants to
       harvests                                     • Over winter grazing                           and late in the season                          maximise their own production from a
                                                    • Stability of soils over winter – reducing   • Includes ABYS and BARMULTRA II                  short term grass crop in a rotation
     Designed for:                                    soil erosion and run off                      some of the very best Italian ryegrasses
     • Ability to germinate at lower                • Gives an early silage cut in spring           available                                     Sward management:
       temperatures than conventional leys            enabling entry back into Maize / cereals    • New variety Bannfoot produces                 A first cut in the middle of May will
     • Safe sowing throughout October                                                               improved yields with high D value along       produce 70+ D value silage, with a
     • Ability to establish faster and better       Sward management:                               with excellent persistency. It also has a     second cut six to eight weeks later. Hybrid
       than other leys even in adverse              Over winter grazing will produce a dense        good all round disease profile.               and Italian ryegrass responds positively to
       conditions of cold wet seed beds             sward with full potential for an early        • Good digestibility is combined with           high levels of fertility, by producing 20%
                                                    silage cut in spring.                           excellent palatability and high sugars        more yield than Perennial Ryegrass.

                                                                                                  Designed for:
                                                                                                  • Intensive production over an 18-36
                                                                                                    month period
                                                                                                  • Up to four silage cuts with over winter
                                                                    Get in
                                                                  touch for
                                                                  a free NWF
                                                                                                  • Long grazing season from early spring
                                                                     sward                          to late autumn
                                                                      stick                       • Ideal as a catch crop, will give excellent
                                                                                                    production from an early spring or late
                                                                                                    summer sowing

      Kg       Variety                Species                                                      Kg       Variety                 Species
      12.5kg   ABYS                   Italian Ryegrass (DIP)                                       3kg      KIRIAL                  Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
      8.75kg     BANFOOT              Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)                                        3kg         BANFOOT              Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
      3.75kg     SEAGOE               Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)                        4kg         BARMULTRA II         Italian Ryegrass (TET)
     25kg per acre, 908 seeds/m2                                                                   3kg      ABYS                    Italian Ryegrass (DIP)
                                                                                                  13kg per acre, 991 seeds/m2

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     Ultra High-Pro Red™

     An outstanding high yielding high protein cutting ley

     • Highly productive two-three year high   Benefits:
       protein ley                             • A highly productive, high protein
     • The red clover both fixes nitrogen and     cutting ley, giving the maximum
       gives a high protein feed                  quantity and quality
     • Suitable for both hay and silage        • Ideal for those looking to produce home
       production                                 grown protein crops, red clover has a
     • High sugar production from grass           protein content of between 16 and 20%
     • The most profitable legume/grass        • Red clover/grass silage is highly
       mixture for silage production              palatable, giving increased intakes
                                               • Prota Red is a new unique mixture of red
     Designed for:                                clovers. The blend of varieties balances
     • High protein forage production             production through the growing season,
     • Two or three cuts can be followed by       while maintaining excellent persistency
       high quality, productive autumn grazing    and disease resistance
     • Long production season, grows early
       spring to late autumn                   Sward management:
                                               Needs to be sown in spring or by early
                                               September to allow the clover to establish
                                               well enough to survive the winter. A first
                                               cut in the middle of May will produce
                                               70D + silage, with a second cut seven to
                                               eight weeks later. The first cut will tend to
                                               be more grass with red clover being the
                                               larger part of the later cuts.

      Kg       Variety                 Species
      2kg         BARMULTRA II         Italian Ryegrass (TET)
      5kg      KIRIAL                  Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
      3kg         BANFOOT              Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
      3kg      PROTA RED               Red Clover Blend
     13kg per acre, 1,060 seeds/m2

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CLOVER BLENDS                                                                                                                                                                  CLOVER BLENDS

     Prota White Clover Blend                                                                       Prota Red Clover Blend

     Why use a blend of clover types?                  increases of between 0.3 and 0.45kg          Prota RED is a new unique mixture of red clovers.
     • Different varieties of white clovers are        per cow per day
       best suited to different management;          • Therefore a sward which has a 30%            The blend of varieties balances production     • Red clover silage has a high crude
       small leaf varieties are most suited            clover content, which is an average for      through the growing season, while                protein content of 16% to 20% and a
       to sheep grazing, whereas large leaf            mid-summer, can be producing up to           maintaining excellent persistency and            ME content of 10 to 12MJ/KG DM
       varieties are most suited to silage             1.35kgs of milk per cow per day more         disease resistance.                            • Because red clover is high in phyto-
       production                                      from the clover                                                                               oestrogen, breeding sheep should be
     • By using a blend of different varieties                                                      Red clover swards, managed correctly and         kept off for six weeks either side of
       there is always at least two that are best    Are there any other benefits of white          used in the right circumstances can meet         tupping
       suited to whatever the management             clover?                                        the forage requirements of many farms          • Store/fat lambs can be fattened very
       being applied to the sward                    • White clover fixes atmospheric nitrogen      and significantly improve the protein            effectively on red clover silage aftermaths
     • The use of a blend of different clovers         making it available as a nutrient to feed    content and overall feeding value of the       • Low levels of structural carbohydrate in
       broadens the genetic diversity, disease         the clover as well as the companion          winter forage. It is better suited to silage     the leaf result in higher intakes, better
       and pest resistance of the clover             • It is estimated that white clover will fix   production than white clover because             feed conversion and therefore improved
       content of the sward                            between 100 and 280 kg N per hectare         of much more erect growth habit, up to           animal performance
                                                       per year. The quantity of Nitrogen fixed     80cm and its significantly higher forage
     How will animals perform on a                     depends on soil type and husbandry           yields.
     clover/grass sward?                             • Grass/clover swards without fertiliser
     • Animals prefer to graze a clover/grass          Nitrogen can produce yields similar to       DISCOVERY Red Clover
       sward; this results in higher voluntary         those of pure grass swards receiving         LEMMON Red Clover
       intakes and better animal performance           around 200kg N per hectare per year
     • In trials cattle grazed on a clover/grass     • The presence of white clover will reduce
       sward had an intake of 9.2kg of dry             the development of crown rust in the
       matter per day and a liveweight gain            grass portion of the sward
       of 1.1kg per day, compared with those
       grazed only on grass of 6.7kg intake          The inclusion of white clover in a sward
       and 0.8kg/day liveweight gain                 will improve the nutritive value of the
     • Trials with dairy cows have shown that        pasture markedly, with increases in
       for each 10% increase of the white            voluntary food intake and nutrient supply,
       clover content of the pasture, milk yield     particularly protein.

      Kg       Variety                Species
      50%      CRUSADER               White Clover
      30%      ALICE                  White Clover
      20%      BARBLANCA              White Clover

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ROOT AND FODDER CROPS                                                                                                                                        ROOT AND FODDER CROPS

     Brassicas                                                                                    Brassicas

     BRASSICA & FORAGE                             Stubble Turnip SAMSON                          Forage Rape BARCOLI                           Kale CALEDONIAN,
                                                                                                                                                KEEPER & PINFOLD
                                                   Stubble turnips have a high leaf to            A multi-purpose forage rape with
                                                   bulb ratio resulting in high levels of         excellent autumn to early winter feed         A well-proven, highly adaptable fodder
                                                   protein, and a tankard bulb shape to           potential.                                    crop which consistently provides very
                                                   enhance utilisation.                                                                         high yields of succulent green fodder.
                                                                                                  BARCOLI is a flexible forage option that
                                                   Samson is a variety which has been             can be spring sown for a late summer          Three varieties are available. High-yielding
                                                   very successful wherever it has been           feed behind turnips or autumn sown for        giant type kale with potential yield of
                                                   used throughout the UK and with some           winter grazing.                               18,000kg DM/ha.
                                                   farmers proclaiming as the best stubble
                                                                                                  Advantages                                    Caledonian
                                                   turnip variety they have encountered!
                                                                                                  • Good regrowth potential with excellent      A high yielding kale with good clubroot
                                                   Advantages                                       winter keeping properties                   tolerance. Its huge yield makes it ideal for
                                                   • High leaf to bulb ratio resulting in high    • Good aphid tolerance                        utilisation by dairy and beef cattle.
                                                     levels of protein                            • Fast growing leafy catch crop
                                                   • Full-leaved late tetraploid bulbing with     • High protein content
                                                                                                                                                A medium height kale with excellent leaf
                                                     very good early vigour                       • Longer lasting than stubble turnips
                                                                                                                                                to stem ratio (greater than 50% leaf).
                                                   • Proven very palatable to grazing animals     • Flexible sowing period
                                                                                                                                                Suitable for sheep and cattle grazing.
                                                     with good disease resistance                 • Sheep, dairy or beef production
                                                   • Early maturing (60-90 days) for                                                            Pinfold
                                                     excellent summer/winter feed                 Expert advice
                                                                                                                                                A medium height, leafy, fast growing kale
                                                                                                  Plant two-thirds of the cropable area in
                                                                                                                                                for autumn or winter use. Suitable for
                                                  Expert advice                                   early maturing SAMSON stubble turnip
     Brassica forage crops are a valuable tool                                                                                                  sheep and cattle.
                                                  Plant two-thirds of the cropable area in        and one-third in this late maturing variety
     for meeting the changing feed and energy
                                                  this early maturing SAMSON stubble turnip       BARCOLI forage rape, at the same time         Advantages
     requirements throughout the year to
                                                  and one-third with a late maturing variety,     (not together). This will provide a high      • Excellent tolerance to frost
     supplement a grass diet.
                                                  such as BARCOLI forage rape, at the same        quality summer feed that can be grazed        • Good aphid tolerance
                                                  time (not together). This will provide a high   from 60-150 days after sowing.                • Very high dry matter yields
     Feed supply and stock performance
                                                  quality summer feed that can be grazed                                                        • Good winter hardiness
     can be manipulated through the use of                                                        Sowing rate: Drilled: 2.5kg/acre (6kg/ha)
                                                  from 60-150 days after sowing.
     different brassica crops. We recognise the                                                   Broadcast: 4kg/acre (10kg/ha) percentage.     Sowing rate: Drilled: 1-2kg/acre (2.5-5kg/
     integral role of brassicas, forage herbs and Sowing rate: Spring - 3kg/acre (7.5kg/ha)       Pack sizes: 10kg or 25kg                      ha) Broadcast: 3kg/acre (7.5kg/ha). Pack
     Lucerne in breeding and research and we      for high leaf percentage | Autumn - 2kg/                                                      sizes: 5kg or 25kg (untreated), 2kg (treated)
     are proud to supply products specifically    acre (5kg/ha) for larger bulb percentage.
     bred for UK systems.                         Pack sizes: 5kg or 25kg                               Sow spring &        90-110 days               Sow spring &         170-220 days
                                                                                                        early summer        to maturity               early summer          to maturity
                                                          Sow spring         60-90 days
                                                          & autumn           to maturity                                    Utilise autumn              Zero &             Utilise autumn
                                                                                                        Graze in situ
                                                                                                                               & winter               graze in situ           & winter
                                                                             Utilise summer
                                                         Graze in situ
                                                                                & winter

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Upland Low Input High Output / Biodiversity                                                                                                                      Biodiversity & Herbal

     Barmix                                                                                         Bar GS4                STEWARDSHIP

     A highly successful, persistent, drought tolerant, protein rich sward for beef and             A true multispecies legume, grass, wildflower and herb rich sward for increased
     sheep production from a clover-based sward.                                                    biodiversity.
                                                                                                    This vigorous sward, with abundant               Advantages
     BARMIX uses the best new cocksfoot              When to cut
                                                                                                    legumes and herbs, will provide habitat          • This diverse mixture has been proven to
     and tall fescues to produce a highly            Produces one or two exceptional silage cuts
                                                                                                    and food for a huge variety of insects             provide a hardy, long grazing season for
     palatable, very productive ley. As a result     of extremely nutritious forage. BARMIX can
                                                                                                    and wildlife need for your farm to                 livestock with the multi legume species
     it produces considerably more grass than        be shut off mid-season after spring grazing
                                                                                                    thrive and improve soil structure and              to fix nutrients and sustain year-long
     conventional ryegrass leys especially under     for a big bale silage, haylage or hay cut.
                                                                                                    water infiltration. It is also suitable for        production.
     low fertility conditions and low fertiliser
                                                     When to graze                                  productive cattle and sheep.                     • Including flowering species, this mixture
                                                     This mixture can be grazed all year. Tall                                                         provided vital beneficial pollinators feed
     When to sow                                     fescue and cocksfoot grow very rapidly,                                                           and shelter.
     Sow when soil temperature is above 8°C.         particularly in early spring, so to maintain                                                    • Deep penetrating roots will improve
     The mixture has been designed to deliver        the sward in its optimum condition, it is                                                         soil structure and have the ability to
     exceptional late winter and early spring        strongly recommended to tightly graze                                                             make the best use of the available soil
     growth. With a lower proportion of              the sward from late winter. This stops                                                            nutrients, moisture and minerals.
     ryegrass, this mixture will thrive on more      the grass becoming too strong, allowing
     marginal land and under a clover only or        it to remain highly palatable to grazing        Kg        Variety                 Species
     under lower fertility conditions and low        animals or giving the best combination of       1.75kg       GLASKER              Early Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
     nitrogen usage.                                 quality and quantity when conserved.            1.75kg       CALLAN               Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
                                                                                                     0.5kg     COMER                   Timothy
      Kg       Variety                 Species
                                                                                                     0.5kg     MOTIM                   Timothy
      2.5kg    TODDINGTON              Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
                                                                                                     2kg          BARELITE             Tall Fescue
      3kg        GRACEHILL             Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
                                                                                                     1kg       COSMONAUT               Meadow Fescue
      2.5kg      BARDOUX               Tall Fescue
                                                                                                     1.5kg     DASCADA                 Cocksfoot
      3kg        BARELITE              Tall Fescue
                                                                                                     0.25kg    ALICE                   White Clover Large Leaved
      1kg        ARCHIBALDI            Cocksfoot
                                                                                                     0.25kg    CRUSADER                White Clover Medium Leaf
      1kg      COMER                   Timothy
                                                                                                     1.5kg     DISCOVERY               Red Clover Late
      1kg        PROTA WHITE           White Clover Blend
                                                                                                     0.1kg     SAINFOIN                Legume
     14kg per acre, 2,752 seeds/m2                                                                   0.1kg     BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL       Legume
                                                                                                     0.8kg     BARVICOS                Legume
     Sowing rate: 14 kg per acre                     Soil temperature: >8°C
                                                                                                     0.15kg    COMMANDER               Chicory
     Sowing rate seeds: 2814 per m2                  Min. cutting/grazing height:
                                                                                                     0.15kg    TONIC                   Plantain
     Sowing depth: up to 10mm                          1500kg DM/ha or ~8 cm
                                                                                                     0.05kg    YARROW                  Herb
     Available without clover                                                                        0.05kg    SHEEPS PARSLEY          Herb
                                                                                                     0.1kg     BURNET SALAD            Herb
                                                                                                    Sowing rate: 12.5kg per acre Pack size: 12.5kg

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Biodiversity & Herbal                                                                                                                                         Biodiversity & Herbal

     Bar Finisher                     GRASS & HERB BLEND                                         Bar Herbal                    GRASS & HERB BLEND

     A blend of herb, clover and plantain designed specifically for grazing all classes of       A specialist grass & herbal mixture designed to extend the shoulders of the
     livestock and can be used as an addition to grazing swards.                                 grazing season whilst enhancing the yield and the quality of the sward.
     Producing a leafy, high quality feed           Advantages                                   A mixture containing grass, clover,                Advantages
     over spring, summer and autumn when            • Highly palatable, providing an excellent   plantain and chicory. The deep rooting             • Highly palatable, providing an excellent
     traditional pastures can decrease in             feed for high live weight gains            characteristics of the herbs and legumes             feed for high live weight gains
     quality, BAR FINISHER can be used as a six     • High quality summer feed that recovers     will enhance the mineral content of their          • Exceptionally long growing season
     month or two-year crop depending on the          quickly after grazing                      companion grasses due to their ability             • Fixes free nitrogen from the
     farm system and grazing management             • High protein option for dairy farmers      to source nutrients from deep within the             atmosphere, up to 150kg N/ha
     approach.                                      • Clover provides fixed nitrogen             soil. This will also help with soil structure      • Chicory and Plantain are rich in minerals
                                                    • High mineral content, particularly zinc,   and therefore increase water infiltration,           and trace elements
     Clover in the mix will provide nitrogen
                                                      potassium and copper                       resulting in extra grazing days when
     to feed the crop, also filling space
                                                                                                 compared to conventional perennial
     not occupied by herbs. The red clover
                                                                                                 ryegrass mixtures.
     component, alongside the herbs, will
     provide high quality feed through a dry                                                     Animals prefer to graze a mixed species
     season, helping to reduce risk in summer                                                    sward, resulting in higher voluntary
     dry areas.                                                                                  intakes and better animal performance.

      Kg     Variety                      Species                                                 Kg        Variety                     Species
      3kg      PROTA RED                  Red Clover Blend                                        1.75kg      GLENARM                   Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
      2kg      PROTA WHITE                White Clover Blend                                      1.75kg      GOSFORD                   Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
      3kg    TONIC                        Plantain                                                2kg         SEAGOE                    Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
      2kg    COMMANDER                    Chicory                                                 2kg         DRUMBO                    Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
     Sowing rate: 5kg per acre Pack size: 10kg                                                    3kg         BALLINTOY                 Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
                                                                                                  0.5kg     COMER                       Timothy
                                                                                                  1kg       PROTA WHITE                 White Clover
                                                                                                  1kg       COMMANDER                   Chicory
                                                                                                  0.75kg    TONIC                       Plantain
                                                                                                 Sowing rate: 13.75kg per acre Pack size: 13.75kg

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Environmental Stewardship                                                                                                                       Environmental Stewardship

     AB9          WINTER BIRD FOOD                                                              AB15            TWO YEAR SOWN LEGUME FALLOW

     A spring sown mixture of small seed producing species to provide cover                     A mix designed to provide food for farmland wildlife, such as pollen and nectar
     for farmland birds along with producing seed which gives a source of food                  for pollinators, and invertebrate chick food for farmland birds. It can also be a
     throughout the autumn and winter.                                                          useful part of a rotation aimed at reducing blackgrass populations.

     AB9 provides important food resources           Advantages                                 The mix needs to be sown and established      Advantages
     for farmland birds, especially in autumn        • Produces an abundant and available       as soon as possible after harvest and         • Reduction in flowering blackgrass and
     and winter.                                       supply of small seeds during the         before the 15th September. To stop              an abundant supply of sown pollen and
                                                       autumn and winter months                 blackgrass heading this needs to be cut at      nectar-rich flowers between early and
      %      Variety                                 • Farmland birds feed on the seeds         least twice during the first 12 months and      late summer
      50%    SPRING TRITICALE                          from October                             the scheme stipulates you can only cut        • Pollinating and beneficial insects such
      30%    SPRING BARLEY                           • When flowering during the summer         between 1 March and 31 October.                 as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies
      3%     WHITE MILLET                              months will attract beneficial insects                                                   and hoverflies
      8%     KALE
                                                       including bumblebees, solitary bees,                                                   • Adult farmland birds and chicks
                                                       butterflies and hoverflies.                                                              foraging in and around the sown fallow
      3%     LINSEED
                                                     • Establish between 15th February                                                          between April and July
      6%     FODDER RADISH
                                                       and 15th June
     This is a general purpose mix. If a specific    • Complies with environmental
     bird has been specified please contact us for     stewardship scheme AB9
     a relevant mix.

                                                                                                 %      Variety                                %      Variety
                                                                                                 67%    INTERMEDIATE OR                        10%    ALSIKE CLOVER
                                                                                                        LATE PERENNIAL RYEGRASS                5%     BIRD’S-FOOT TREFOIL
                                                                                                 15%    RED CLOVER                             5%     BLACK MEDICK
                                                                                                 10%    COMMON VETCH                           50%    COMMON VETCH
                                                                                                 7%     BIRD’S-FOOT TREFOIL                    15%    LUCERNE
                                                                                                 1%     COMMON KNAPWEED                        15%    RED CLOVER
                                                                                                Agreements starting on or before 1 January    Agreements starting on or after 1 January 2021,
                                                                                                2020, sow at an overall seed rate of around   sow in the autumn, at 15-20 kg/ha with the
                                                                                                30 kg/ha. Retain for 2 years before           lower seed rate on light/medium soils and the
                                                                                                re-establishment:                             higher seed rate on heavier soils. Retain for
                                                                                                                                              2 years before re-establishment:

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Other Seeds                                                                                                                                                            Other Seeds

     Artemis Lucerne                                Chicory
     A highly nutritious forage for livestock,      A mineral rich herb with a long
     combining good digestibility with high         taproot, aiding drainage and crop root
     protein, providing excellent milk yields and   development, making an ideal cover crop.
     daily live weight gains. Well managed,         Commander produces excellent yields of
     this perennial crop can persist for up to 5    high protein forage. Works well in grass
     years and is best suited to free draining,     and clover mixtures. The potential yield is
     drier soil types with a minimum pH of          >300 g/hd/d when rotationally grazed.
     6. Artemis Lucerne is one of the best          Has beneficial anthelmintic properties.
     varieties available in the UK today.

                                                    Plantain                                      Wildflowers                                    Wholecrop Mixtures
     Barvicos Vetch                                 Used to boost summer milk production          Establishing flower-rich margins on the      Offer a flexible alternative or
     Highly productive and rich in protein          and to finish lambs. Historically used        edges of fields can be hugely beneficial,    complimentary feed to grass and maize
     with rapid soil coverage. With vigorous        in grassland mixtures, Tonic is suited to     helping farmers maintain a healthy           silage. Producing high dry matter yields
     growth, this vetch is winter-hardy and         many soil types and can increase daily        ecosystem and attracting beneficial          and high levels of protein. These mixtures
     will establish and grow well on most           intakes during the summer. Proven to          insects, which in turn can help to pollinate in particular cereals can be grown almost
     soil types, helping to soak up and hold        reduce ammonia levels in urine. Used to       crops and predate pests.                     anywhere in the UK. With the short
     nutrients in the soil for use by spring        add diversity to grass mixtures along with                                                 growing time (12-14 weeks) they offer an
     cropping or reseeding. BARVICOS fixes          Chicory and clovers.                                                                       early entry for the following grass reseed.
     large amounts of nitrogen and it can                                                         Gamecover Mixtures                           The most popular mix is a 60% Barley 40%
     be used for green manuring and annual                                                                                                     Pea blend. Other mixtures are available
                                                                                                  A range of game cover mixtures are available
     forage production either alone or in                                                                                                      please contact us for more information.
                                                                                                  please contact us for more information.
     mixtures with grasses.

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NWF Associated Products                                                                                                                                 NWF Associated Products

                                                                                              Taking Forage Samples
                                                                                              Step by step guide

                                                                                                                    Clamp Silage (Maize and Wholecrop)

                                                                                                1     Sample approx. 15cm into the clamp face (carry a screwdriver with you).

                                                                                                2     Take 5-10 samples across the face in a “W” shape.

                                                                                                3     Mix the samples together on a clean surface.

                                                                                                      Put 500g into a sample bag, pushing as much air out of the bag as possible
     NWF Silage Additives                                                                             (like a vacuum pack).

                                                                                                      Fill in the yellow card for each sample. Please ensure this is readable and that all
     NWF silage additives help create intelligent silage that best suits the needs of           5     appropriate fields are filled in (name, account number and sample type and ID).
     livestock. The range includes additives for grass, whole crop and maize silage,
     all formulated to produce quality silage with balanced acid profile.                             Send the sample (and card) to NWF Agriculture in the pre-paid bag.
                                                                                                6     If the sample cannot be posted straight away, refrigerate the sample.
                                                                                                      *Do not freeze and do not send the sample of a Friday.
     NWF Sila-Guard 50                          NWF Sila-Guard Maize
                                                                                                      To give an early assessment of the clamp prior to feeding, core samples can be
     A high-quality additive containing quick   A high-quality premixture of technological    Core    taken. Take 3 full depth core samples from the top, along the diagonal of the clamp.
     acting bacteria and enzymes that convert   additives perfectly suited to UK grown
     crop carbohydrates into energy for         maize. The additive has been formulated to     *Do not underestimate the variability within the clamp. Most clamps have multiple cuts from multiple
                                                                                               fields. Take regular samples as you go through the clamp to ensure a ration Is balanced appropriately.
     milk production. The additive has been     produce a high-quality stable silage with a
     formulated with to produce a high-         complementary balanced acid profile.
     energy and high-quality stable silage                                                                                              Fresh Grass
     with a complimentary balanced acid
     profile for livestock.                     NWF Sila-Guard Whole Crop                              Take 10 handful samples in an “X” pattern across the area (two samples
                                                                                                1      at each point on the “X”). Cut these with scissors, at mower height.
                                                A high-quality additive containing quick
     NWF Sila-Guard 45                          acting bacteria and enzymes that convert               Put into a sample bag, sealing as much air out of the bag as possible
     An exceptional additive that offers        crop carbohydrates into energy for              2      (like a vacuum pack). A minimum of 500g is required.
     quality and value. The additive has been   milk production. The additive has been
     formulated to produce a high-quality       formulated to produce a high-quality                   Fill in the yellow card for each sample. Please ensure this is readable and that
     stable silage with a complimentary         stable silage with a complementary              3      all appropriate fields are filled in (name, account number and sample type;
     balanced acid profile for livestock.       balanced acid profile.                                 pre-cut, MYFG, grazed grass, and sample ID).

                                                                                                4      Post as soon as possible to NWF Agriculture in the pre-paid bag (with the yellow card).
      Features                                    Benefits
                                                                                                          *With all samples, please ensure that they have ID- On the bag and the ID card!
      • Designed for UK weather                   • Improved Palatability
        & UK Grass & Crops                        • Improved Yields
      • Rapid pH drop to inhibit growth             (Edinburgh University trials)                                            Key Points to consider
        of spoilage bacteria                      • Stable silage with minimum                                             when analysing your silage
      • Exclusive lactic acid mix                   nutrient loss
      • Microbial stimulants                      • More active bacteria once rehydrated                         1. Energy            2. Protein            3. Dry Matter

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NWF Soil Analysis                                                                                                                                                              NWF Fertiliser

                                                                                From £15 for
                                                                                pH, P, K & Mg

     NWF Soil Analysis                                                                              NWF Fertiliser
     The NWF soil analysis service provides accurate assessment of the key nutrients                Precise crop nutrition is essential if yields are to be maximised, soil fertility is to be
     that should be applied to grassland, arable and forage crops.                                  preserved and environmental requirements are to be met.

     Results enable nutrient levels to be          Fields of up to 10Ha (25 Acres) can be           NWF supply a comprehensive range of
     identified and shortfalls can be corrected    sampled as a single unit, providing the          high-quality fertilisers for grass, arable or
     with the application of fertiliser for        field is uniform (soil type, past crops, lime,   mixed farms looking for optimum yields             NWF supply a range of straights for
     optimum grow and crop protection.             fertiliser usage). Large and non-uniform         and the best return on investment.                 grassland, forage and arable crops
     The follow nutrient levels can be             fields should be subdivided and each                                                                including:
     accurately measured:                          sample labelled as separate.                     The NWF sales team offer a soil analysis           •   Muriate of Potash (MOP)
                                                                                                    service to ensure the right nutrients are          •   Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)
     •   Phosphorus        •   Iron                Taking Soil Samples                              applied to crops in the most cost-effective        •   Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)
     •   Potassium         •   Manganese           Adopting the ‘W’ pattern, take a                 way. The range includes ammonium                   •   Ammonium Sulphate
                                                                                                                                                       •   Granular Urea
     •   Magnesium         •   Copper              representative sample from multiple              nitrate, ammonium sulphate, straights,
                                                                                                                                                       •   Granular Lime
     •   pH                •   Zinc                points across the field, avoiding gateways,      and blends, suitable for British grassland,
     •   Boron             •   Sulphur             hedges, ditches and footpaths. We                arable and forage crops.
     •   Sodium            •   Calcium             recommend 20 samples.
     •   Molybdenum (Cobalt)                                                                         NWF TOP YIELD BLENDS                              AMMONIUM NITRATE & SULPHATE
                                                   1 Remove the top 5cm of soil and discard.
                                                                                                     NWF has a comprehensive range of high-            NWF has a comprehensive range of high-
     Soil samples should be taken on all           2 Take a sample to a depth of 15cm for
                                                                                                     quality standard and bespoke fertilisers          quality standard and bespoke fertilisers
     fields at least once every 2-4 years. The       arable or 8cm for grass.                        supplied in 600kg bags. For balanced crop         supplied in 600kg bags. For balanced crop
     soil where other crops are grown may          3 The samples should be mixed in a                nutrition in grazing applications, choose from:   nutrition in grazing applications, choose from:
     need to be tested annually to ensure the        bucket, before being bagged.
                                                                                                     • 25-5-5                                          • Imported Ammonium Nitrate, 34%N a
     information is accurate and up to date.       4 Seal the bag securely and label before          • 27-6-6                                            highly reliable and consistent straight
                                                     passing to your NWF Sales Specialist.           • 20-10-10                                          nitrogen fertiliser, spreading evenly to
     For arable and grassland, soil samples can                                                                                                          bouts of 24cm
     be taken at any time of the year, provided                                                      For optimum yields for silage crops the
                                                                                                                                                       • 30N 20S03
                                                                                                     standard grades include:
     fertiliser has not been applied in the past                                                                                                       • 27N 12S03 (CAN Blend)
     6 months. Where lime has been applied,                                                          • 24-0-15                                         • 27N 9sS03 (CAN Compound)
     2 years should be allowed before samples                                                        • 24-0-13
     are taken.
                                                                                                      All above available with or without sulphur.

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Technical Services                                                                                                                                                      Locations & Addresses

                                                                                            Production Sites


     NWF Technical Services                                                                                                                                      l
     NWF Agriculture offer a wide range of technical services for livestock farmers
     and located at our head office is Cheshire is a state of the art laboratory
     to analyse forage samples.                                                                                                                        l   Wixland

     NWF Technical Services                    The NWF Agriculture state of the art
     • Dairy Costings                          laboratory at the head office in Cheshire
     • Beef Costings                           analyses:
                                                                                                                  NWF Agriculture Ltd, Wardle, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 6AQ
     • Ration Planning                         • Fresh grass                                                                          Tel: 01829 261155
     • Diet Sieving                            • Silage – grass, maize, whole crop
     • Dung Sieving                            • Haylage                                                                                 Wixland
     • Forage Analysis                                                                                  NWF Agriculture Ltd, Wixland Mill, Wixland, Atherington, Devon, EX37 9HZ
                                                                                                                                   Tel: 01769 560273
     • Rumen Health Check                      FREE analysis for NWF customers with
     • Fertility Check                         results processed within 24hrs* of receipt                                              Longtown
     • Udder Health Check                      of sample (*48hrs during peak season).            Jim Peet Agriculture, Sandysyke Mill, Sandysike Industrial Estate, Sandysike, Longtown,
     • Dry Cow Check                                                                                                  Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 5SS. Tel: 01228 79190
     • Mineral Analysis                        NWF Sales Specialists work alongside                                                          Brayton
     • Interherd Report using NMR              farmers and in-house nutritionists to                                  Jim Peet Agriculture, Brayton Park Mill, Brayton Park,
       and CIS Data                            develop and sustain the correct diets                                Brayton, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 3SX. Tel: 01768 881881
     • Soil Analysis                           to maximise herd health and output.
     • Water Testing
     • Cow & Calf Signals                      NWF Agriculture conforms to the Forage        Any information provided in this grass and forage seed catalogue is given in good faith and to the best of our
                                               Analysis Assurance Scheme.                    existing knowledge. Any advice should therefore be taken as a general guide only and not relied upon for all
                                                                                             conditions and circumstances. We cannot accept any legal liability for information provided within the catalogue.
                                                                                             In any instance where there are shortages in specified varieties we reserve the right to substitute equivalent varieties.
                                                                                             © NWF Agriculture 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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Shop Online 24/7
                                                                                      with NWF Agriculture

                                   Oxygen Barrier Film                                 Our new online ordering website,
                                                                                       Agri Express, has been launched
                                                                                       featuring a wide range of products
              Providing Value To Every Farmer                                          for dairy, beef and sheep farmers.
                                                                                       We guarantee to offer high-quality
                                                                                       products and services, delivered
   Use oxygen barrier to eliminate waste and reduce dry matter                         free of charge, direct to your farm.

                                                     ● Thin underlay with oxygen
SILAGESEAL                                             barrier

Green                                                ● Good strength with cling and
                                                       vacuum effect
                                                     ● Use under regular black

 ● 100 micron thick                                  SILAGESEAL
                                                     Grey on Black
 ● One piece oxygen barrier
 ● Can be used alone or                              BARRIER PLUS CONVENIENCE         Shop online with NWF Agriculture and purchase a wide range of products including Milk
   combined with Silonets                                                             Replacers, Grass Seed, Silage Additives, Supplements & much more. We will be developing
 ● Also suitable for wall film                                                        the ranges over the coming months and we guarantee to only supply high-quality products
                                                                                      and services, delivered free of charge, direct to your farm.

                                                                                          Register your NWF                                   You can pay via your NWF
    SILONETS                                                                           account online to receive
                                                                                                                                             customer account, or direct
                                                                                                                                                  via a credit card.
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                                                                 options                                                                                                                                          SUPPORTING BRITISH FARMERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SINCE 1871
NWF Grass & Forage
                                     Seed Brochure 2021

NWF Agriculture is a national
supplier of high quality dairy,    For further information and prices
beef and sheep feeds to UK         call your NWF Sales Specialist or call
farmers. All compound feeds,
blends, straights and associated
products are supported by
expert advice and solutions
                                   0800 756 2787
                                   or email sales@nwfagriculture.co.uk
from sales and technical teams.

NWF Agriculture Ltd, Wardle, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 6AQ
Tel: 0800 756 2787 Fax: 01829 260061

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