Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition

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Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition
Nutrition & Immunity
   In the ‘New Normal’
       APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020
Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition
What we will speak to you about today

What is the state of                        How is the market        How can we approach            What product solutions
consumer behavior?                          developing?              the immune health space        to meet the specific needs
                                                                     in the ‘new normal’ ?          of target consumers?

Insights into consumer                      What trends are going    Formulating with ingredients   Some concepts to help inspire
needs, priorities,                          to pave the way for      founded in science to meet     product innovation with the
purchasing behavior                         new opportunities,       consumer needs                 consumer in mind
                                            to differentiate in an   Trusted micronutrients and
                                            already crowded space    emerging ingredients

2   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition
Allergens are a major
                                                           seasonal challenge for our
                                                            immune system with an
                                                          impact on the quality of life

3   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition
Living in dense
                                                          populations exposes
                                                           us to pathogens &
                                                            makes it difficult
                                                             to stay healthy

4   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition
Building a strong
immune system should
   start early in life

5   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition
Elderly people have a
natural decline in immune
   defense & requires
    additional support

6   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition
2020 has been an
extraordinary year
Bringing lasting
changes to our lives

7   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Nutrition & Immunity In the 'New Normal' - APAC Webinar, June 23rd, 2020 - BASF Nutrition
Consumer behavior changes drastically with the pandemic…

              1            Eating healthy, doing exercise & the environment are of higher
                           priority for consumers, in APAC especially

              2            Consumers in most countries expect to spend more on
                           healthcare products & in-home food items

              3            Immunity is a key health concern & sales of dietary supplements surges
                           as consumers seek to proactively care for their immune health

8    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Opportunity 1:
    Science-backed immunity solutions to meet specific consumer needs

         ▪ Micronutrients form base of science-backed immune health solutions

         ▪ Beyond Vitamin C, consider other ingredients which have authorized immunity claims
           globally, for example: Vitamins A, B12, B6, C, D, Zinc, Folate, Copper, Iron, Carotenoids

         ▪ Quality ingredients, clear consumer communications, align with reputable health bodies

9    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Opportunity 2:
     Functional foods & beverages plays a key role, on top of dietary supplements

           ▪ Dramatic increase in global searches for the word ‘food’ and ‘immune system’
             in between Feb & March 2020

           ▪ Consumers are looking more to ‘real food’ to get their nutrients daily

           ▪ An opportunity pocket exists for immune health in functional nutrition

10    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Even as some countries start opening up, we move not
     ‘back-to-normal’ but into a ‘New Normal’

      Increased instances of working and
      studying from home arrangements                       1   New ways of staying fit
                                                                Even as gyms and fitness centres re-open, the need
                                                                for safe-distancing and new virtual fitness & exercise
                                                                solutions could change how we exercise

                                                            2   Increased screen time
                                                                This will be hard to avoid with more virtual meetings,
                                                                home-based learning & more streaming & web-based
                                                                entertainment consumption (movies & TV series)

                                                            3   Healthier snacking for the family
                                                                The importance of choosing healthier snacks takes on
                                                                more importance for consumers, especially gate-keepers
                                                                who opt for snacks with added benefits for their families

11    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
The immune system:

                  What is immunocompetence
                  The role of nutrition

12   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
The immune system functions along three main lines of defense
     2 Innate immunity:                                                        1                                       3 Adaptive immunity:
                                                                                                                         ▪ Builds up during lifetime
       ▪ Available at birth
                                                                                                                         ▪ Reacts quickly with
       ▪ Reacts quickly in an
                                                                                                                           pathogen-specific antibodies
         unspecific manner
                                                                                                                         ▪ Antibodies produced after
       ▪ Key defense during
                                                                                                                           vaccination or first exposure
         first-time exposure to
                                                                                                                           to pathogens; available for
                                                                                                                           lifetime or certain period
       ▪ Often not fast enough
                                                                                                                         ▪ Pathogens are bound by
         to prevent symptoms
                                                                                                                           antibodies and destroyed by
         of disease
                                                                                                                           immune cells before
                                                                                                                           symptoms of disease occur

                                                               Source: Muller L et al, The Immune System and Its
13   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
                                                                 Dysregulation with Aging, Sprinter Link, 2019
What is immunocompetence?
     ▪ To be immunocompetent simply means that the immune system is working properly and that the
       body is capable of mounting an appropriate immune response, when necessary.

     Role                                            NORMAL RESPONSE                   ABNORMAL RESPONSE

                                      ▪ Identification and protection against   Overactive e.g. allergy, asthma, eczema etc.
                                        pathogenic microorganisms and toxins    Deficient: immuno-deficiency

                                                                                ▪ Autoimmune diseases: a case of mistaken
     Auto-                            ▪ Recognition of own tissues and            identity in which the body's immune
     tolerance                          maintaining tolerance                     system, which ordinarily attacks intruders
                                                                                  like viruses and bacteria, attacks itself.

     Immune                           ▪ Identifying and removing the damaged,
                                                                                ▪ Tumor generation or frequent infection etc
     Surveillance                       old or otherwise changed cells

14    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Lifestyle factors leading to immuno-compromise during adulthood

                         ▪ The risk of infection is also influenced by gender, early programming, vaccination history,
                                          pathogen exposure, specific health conditions, and diseases.

15   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC        Source: Maggini et al., 2018
Health ingredients have specific functions & strengthen the
     immune system
 ▪ Specific micronutrients work together to reduce the risk, duration and severity of infections. These include
   vitamin A, B6, folate, B12, C, D, E, as well as minerals like zinc, copper, iron, magnesium and selenium.
                Vitamin A                              Vitamin D                             Carotenoids                  2‘-Fucosyllactose

     •   Skin, eye, lung, and gut barriers                                                                                •   Promotes growth of healthy
         inhibiting pathogen intrusion       •   Skin, eye, lung, and gut barriers   •   Beta-carotene: same effects as       bacteria in the gut
                                                 inhibiting pathogen intrusion           vitamin A
     •   Effectiveness of vaccinations                                                                                    •   Inhibits pathogens in the gut   Lower risk of allergies,
                                             •   Regulation of anti-microbial        •   All carotenoids: antioxidant
     •   Precursor of retinoic acid, key         defense proteins                        function, tissue protection      •   Modulates immune system in      respiratory infections,
         regulator in the immune system;                                                                                      the gut & systemically
                                                                                                                                                              autoimmune diseases,
                                                                                                                                                              chronic inflammation
                Vitamin E                            Vitamin B12                                DHA/EPA                                                       and an overall
                                                                                                                                                              immune system
     •   Skin, eye, lung, and gut barriers
         inhibiting pathogen intrusion       •   Modulation of immune cells

     •   Anti-inflammatory function          •   Steering lymphocytes to             •   Anti-inflammatory function
                                                 infected tissues
     •   Stimulation of immune cells,                                                •   Stimulation of immune cells
         particularly in elderly people      •   Skin, eye, lung, and gut barriers
                                                 inhibiting pathogen intrusion

16        24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Summary of selected systematic review and meta-analysis
     reporting on Vitamin D and respiratory infections

17    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC   Calder et al 2020
Vitamin D intake recommendations by scientists

     ◼ For preventing VD deficiency during lockdown:
          “400 – 2000 IU of vitamin D3 supplementation could assist in
          preventing vitamin D deficiency during lockdown, without significant
          risk for harms” (Alpalhao M et al, 2020)

          „Vitamin D3 supplementation, daily or weekly, at daily equivalent doses
          of 1000–4000 IU, is advisable. (…) Both accommodate the anticipated
          higher needs across the lifespan incurred by lockdown measures,
          immobilization, and hospitalization.“ (Chakhtoura M et al, 2020)

     ◼ For increasing VD levels to recommended optimum:
          “To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended that people at risk of
          influenza and/or COVID-19 consider taking 10,000 IU/d of vitamin D3
          for a few weeks to rapidly raise 25(OH)D concentrations, followed
          by 5000 IU/d. The goal should be to raise 25(OH)D concentrations
          above 40–60 ng/mL (100–150* nmol/L).“(Grant WB et al, 2020; Grant
          WB et al, 2020).

18    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC   For comparison: 75 nmol/L are considered optimum for bone health (Int. Osteoporosis Foundation)
HMO: Prebiotic 2’-FL benefits immune system in the gut & beyond

                                                           Source: Orczyk-Pawilowicz M & Lis-Kuberka J, 2020
19   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
The ‘New Normal’
              Ideas for addressing
              other consumer
              health needs

20   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
The ‘New Normal’ for working adults:

     Work-from-home, less time exercising outdoors

 (ADULTS) Booster Cold Brew with Tonalin® CLA
 The perfect boost to kickstart your day with the benefits of Tonalin® CLA, Vitamins A, B & D

     What is the market need for this meal
     replacement beverage?
     ▪ More than being just a meal replacement, this beverage provides the proven
       benefits of vitamins A, B, D for immunity as well as an energy boost!
     ▪ Fortified with Tonalin® CLA and protein to help consumers reduce body fat &
       achieve fitness goals
     ▪ This meal replacement beverage with Tonalin® CLA and caffeine is perfectly
       suited to start the day or for pre or post-workout consumption, all under
       180 calories.                                                                                        *Please contact us
                                                                                                             for details on this
     Why Tonalin® & what are the unique benefits?                                                           concept formulation
     ▪ Each serving contains 1.5g of Tonalin® CLA, half the daily efficacious dose
     ▪ Sourced from natural safflower oil, Tonalin® CLA is the most clinically
       researched CLA ingredient in the market
     ▪ Tonalin® CLA: helps to reduce body fat, and helps to build and maintain                                                     INGREDIENTS: LOWFAT MILK, WATER, WHEY PROTEIN, CONTAINS 2% OR
       lean muscle mass                                                                                                            LESS OF THE FOLLOWING: COFFEE EXTRACT, SUGAR, CLA (TONALIN® TG
                                                                                                                                   80), CANOLA OIL, PECTIN, NATURAL FLAVOR, POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE,
                                                                                                                                   SUCRALOSE, ACE K, BETA CAROTENE, SODIUM ASCORBATE.

                                                                                                                                   BASF INGREDIENTS IN BOLD

                                                                   A market launch is subject to local regulatory requirements.
22     24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC            Registered trademark of BASF in several countries.
                                                                              Published by BASF Human Nutrition
What is CLA and where can it be found?

 ▪ Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is blend of Omega-6 and Omega-7 polyunsaturated fatty acid isomers.
 ▪ CLA was discovered in 1979 and identified in 1987.

            Where is it found?                                  What are the key isomers?
            ▪ CLA naturally exists in ruminant                     t10c12 CLA
              meat products (beef) and dairy
                                                                   Product of animals
              (especially grass-fed)                       Tonalin®Body composition effect
            ▪ CLA consumption has declined                 key
              with societal shifts away from beef
                                                           isomers c9t11 CLA
              and high-fat dairy consumption                       Product of animals
            ▪ Industrially produced CLA is                         Anti-inflammatory effect
              naturally-sourced from
              safflower oil
                                                                   c9c12 linoleic acid
                                                                   Eg. corn oil, soybean oil
                                                                   Product of plants and animals

23   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Tonalin® CLA provides sustainable benefits

                      Quick weight loss                    Yo-Yo Effect
                                                                                                   fat loss

               Phase I: < 12 weeks                              Phase II: Long-term
               ▪     Quick measurable weight loss,              ▪   Keeps body fat & weight constant by
                     not always fat loss                            managing body fat vs. lean body mass

               ▪     May be only water loss                     ▪   Prevents yo-yo effect

24   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Meta-analysis demonstrates fat loss benefits of Tonalin®

     What was done?                                                                                                                  Meta-analysis of RCT‘s: Fat loss vs. time
     A meta-analysis compiled all double-blind, randomized,
     placebo controlled clinical trials on CLA featuring a validated                                                      1.0
                                                                                                                                                         Each dot is a treatment group from a

                                                                                               relative to placebo (kg)
     body-composition method (eg. DEXA scan)                                                                              0.5

                                                                                                 Change in fat mass
                                                                                                                                                         randomized, controlled clinical trial
     ▪ Of 20 trials selected, 15 featured Tonalin® CLA                                                                           0         20       40         60         80        100          120
     ▪ Trials on normal, overweight, and obese populations
     ▪ n=1191 total clinical trial subjects                                                                               -1.0
     ▪ Duration 3 – 24 weeks                                                                                              -1.5
     What was found?                                                                                                      -3.0
     Overall conclusion: supplementation with CLA is effective                                                                                  Length of treatment (weeks)
     in reducing body fat and maintaining reductions long-term

     ▪ CLA causes a modest reduction in fat (~90g lost per week or
      ~1kg lost in 3 months) relative to placebo at a dose of 3.0g CLA/d
                                                                                                                             Doses tested:
     ▪ Fat loss is linear for 6 months then losses are maintained up to                    Range from 1.0-6.8g/d active CLA isomers
      2 years. This is especially remarkable given the average person                      ▪             Suggested effective dose 3.0g/d
      gains about a pound of fat per year.                                                 ▪             Minimum effective dose 1.7g/d

     24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC   Whigham, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 85:1203
The ‘New Normal’ for kids:

     Home-based learning & more screen time

     (KIDS & YOUTH) Eye-Shield Chewable Tabs
     An appealing format for children & youths increasingly exposed to the harmful effects of blue light

     What is the market need for this supplement?
     ▪ More than 1/3 of consumers in APAC are concerned about eye health.                                   Supplement Facts
     ▪ Affinity of electronic devices are very high amongst Asian populations, and                          Lutein (Xangold®
       young children are being exposed to electronic earlier, with longer                                  10% CWD)
       exposure time per day.                                                                               (= as free lutein)
     ▪ Gate-keepers (mothers) want to protect their children’s eyes but needs an
       appealing format to ensure compliance.                                                               Vitamin E
                                                                                                            Vitamin B1
                                                                                                            Vitamin B2    contact us
                                                                                                            Vitamin B6
                                                                                                               for details   on this
     Why Xangold® & what are the unique benefits?                                                           Pantothenic acid
     ▪ Each serving of 4 tabs provides 2.5mg of Xangold® Lutein per day.
                                                                                                            Vitamin B12 formulation
                                                                                                                                         Blue Light
     ▪ Sourced from natural marigold flowers from South America, Xangold®                                                              protection formula
                                                                                                            Dosage 4
       Lutein esters reduces the damaging effects of blue light to the retina and
                                                                                                            chewables per day
       improve visual performance
     ▪ Vitamin E helps to reduce oxidative damage in the eye
     ▪ B Vitamins may help maintain normal optic nerve function and may support
       the treatment of eyestrain

                                                                 A market launch is subject to local regulatory requirements.
27     24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC          Registered trademark of BASF in several countries.
                                                                            Published by BASF Human Nutrition
What is lutein and where can it be found?

 ▪ It is a plant pigment that plays an important role in photosynthesis
   and in the plant’s protection against UV light damage

                       Where is it found?
                       ▪ Lutein is mainly found in kale, spinach and other green leafy vegetables,
                         as well as in some yellow / orange fruits. For dietary supplements, lutein
                         is sourced from the yellow petals of Marigold flowers.
                       ▪ Lutein occurs naturally in 2 different chemical forms:

         In the ESTERIFIED form in                                                     In the non-esterified or FREE
           yellow / orange fruits as                                                 form in dark leafy vegetables as
               Lutein Esters                                                                “Free” Lutein

28   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Close up on lutein and blue light

                                                                            ▪ The macula is responsible for central vision.
                                                                            ▪ Dietary Lutein and Zeaxanthin are
       Blue light reaches human macula and                                    deposited in the macula.
       causes oxidative stress and inflammation.

                         Blue Light


      ▪ Lutein is highly concentrated in the back of the eye (macula) where it is highly vulnerable to damaging light
      ▪ Lutein filters blue light and has antioxidative effects protecting the sensitive cells required for vision

29   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
Providing the right nutrients
                                                                    to the right people
                                                                       at the right time

30   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
We are among the largest players in the health field,
     offering a wide portfolio

                           Vitamin A, Bs,                   CLA             Natural Vitamin E   HMOs
                           D, E, K                                          & Antioxidants

                           Omega-3                          Plant Sterols   Carotenoids         Bioactive Peptides

31    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
We are close to our customers & close to their markets


                                                                    Ludwigshafen                  ▪ Combining expert know-how of
                                                                                                    health and performance ingredients
                                        Tarrytown                    Istanbul                       with state of the art equipment
                                                                                                  ▪ Deep understanding of local needs,
                                                                                                    preferences and habits
                                                                                                  ▪ Access to local ingredients from
                                                       Jacarei                                      diverse cultures and tastes

 Solid applications                                     Liquid applications                Food

32    24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC
 Seniors: Immunity Booster Effervescent Tablets

                                                    “I want to be as healthy as I was when I was younger.
                                                         My immune system needs an extra boost.”

     What is the market need?
     ▪   Easy to consume supplements for elderly people, no big capsules
     ▪   Support of immune system as it naturally declines during aging

     What is the consumer benefit?
     ▪   Provides high-dose beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin D3
     ▪   Beta-carotene is a precursor of retinoic acid, a key regulator in the
         immune system; important for barrier functions as first line of                                         Health ingredients
         defense against pathogens, and for effectiveness of vaccinations
     ▪   Vitamin E and vitamin D3 have anti-inflammatory properties and
         stimulate immune cells.                                                                                             *Please contact us for details
                                                                                                                              on this concept formulation
     … Better immune function while aging

                                                              A market launch is subject to local regulatory requirements.
33   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC       ®
                                                                 Registered trademark of BASF in several countries.
                                                                         Published by BASF Human Nutrition
 Adults: Immunity Power Juice
                                                      “I life in a big city and my life is rather stressful.
                                                            I want to have a strong immune system”

     What is the market need?
     ▪    Beverages for immune support
     ▪    Good taste, with herbals, fruits & vegetables (“superfoods”)

     What is the consumer benefit?                                                                                                                Red berries   Kiwi & Spinach
                                                                                                                                Orange & Carrot
     ▪    Provides (pro)vitamin A, E & C in a modern type of “ACE” beverage                                                        Curcuma        Cinnamon          Ginger

     ▪    Beta-carotene is a precursor of retinoic acid, a key regulator in the
          immune system. Vitamin E and Vitamin C have antioxidant, tissue                                          Health ingredients
          protective function and stimulate immune cells
     ▪    Fruits & vegetables are popular “superfoods”
     ▪    Herbals are traditionally used for immune support                                                                    *Please contact us for details
                                                                                                                                on this concept formulation
     … Better immune function when life is busy

                                                                A market launch is subject to local regulatory requirements.
34   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC         ®
                                                                   Registered trademark of BASF in several countries.
                                                                           Published by BASF Human Nutrition
 Adults: Daily Defense Antioxidant Capsules

                                                           “I live in a crowded, polluted city and wonder
                                                                   how I can protect myself better.”
      What is the market need?
      ▪    Easy to swallow capsules for daily immune support

      What is the consumer benefit?
      ▪    Provides 24 mg of antioxidants per capsule including
           beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene and vitamin E
      ▪    Helps to evenly distribute fat-soluble antioxidants in body tissues                                        Health ingredients
      ▪    Antioxidant combination helps replenish the body’s antioxidant
           defence network and supports barrier immune function
      ▪    In addition, beta-carotene is a precursor of retinoids, which are
           key regulators in the immune system.                                                                                  *Please contact us for details
                                                                                                                                  on this concept formulation
      … Better protection against environmental stressors

                                                                  A market launch is subject to local regulatory requirements.
35   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC           ®
                                                                     Registered trademark of BASF in several countries.
                                                                             Published by BASF Human Nutrition
Lab-tested Concept
 Adults: Prebilac® plus Vitamin Immune Sachet

                                                           “I want to take a supplement that helps
                                                               boost my gut immune system.”
     What is the market need?
     ▪   Supplements that can be mixed easily into beverages & foods
     ▪   Neutral taste or, alternatively, fruity taste (lemon, orange)

     What is the consumer benefit?
     ▪   2’-FL fosters a healthy gut by facilitating the growth of
         beneficial bacteria and supporting intestinal immune functions                                             Health ingredients
     ▪   Vitamin D3 and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal function
         of the immune system
     ▪   Vitamin B2 contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative
         stress                                                                                                                *Please contact us for details
                                                                                                                                on this concept formulation
     … Better immune function in the gut

                                                                A market launch is subject to local regulatory requirements.
36   24.06.2020 | BASF Nutrition & Immunity Webinar APAC         ®
                                                                   Registered trademark of BASF in several countries.
                                                                           Published by BASF Human Nutrition
This document, or any answers or information provided herein by BASF, does not constitute a legally binding
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