Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient

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Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
Volume 2021, Article ID 8824090, 12 pages

Research Article
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based
on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient

 Fan Liu,1,2 Qingdong Ni ,3 Chunguang Zhang,4 Wensheng Zhou,1,2 Jingqi Lin,3
 and Ruizhong Jiang 3
 State Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil Exploitation, Beijing 100028, China
 CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100028, China
 School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China
 Shanghai Branch of CNOOC Ltd., Shanghai 200335, China

 Correspondence should be addressed to Qingdong Ni; and Ruizhong Jiang;

 Received 27 September 2020; Accepted 17 May 2021; Published 19 June 2021

 Academic Editor: Andrew H. Manning

 Copyright © 2021 Fan Liu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
 permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

 The heavy-oil flow in porous media is characterized by non-Darcy law with variable threshold pressure gradient (TPG) due to the
 large fluid viscosity. However, available analytical and numerical models hardly consider this effect, which can lead to erroneous
 results. This paper is aimed at presenting an innovative approach and establishing a numerical simulator to analyze the heavy-
 oil flow behavior with waterflooding. The apparent viscosity of the oil phase and flow correction coefficient characterized by the
 TPG were applied to describe the viscosity anomaly of heavy oil. Considering the formation heterogeneity, the TPG was
 processed into a variable related to mobility and the directionality. The discretization and linearization of the mathematical
 model were conducted to establish a fully implicit numerical model; the TPG value on each grid node was obtained through oil
 phase mobility interpolation, and then, the Jacobi matrix was reassembled and calculated to solve pressure and saturation
 equations. The corresponding simulator was thus developed. The pre-/postprocessing module of the simulator is connected to
 ECLIPSE; then, an efficient algorithm is introduced to realize a fast solution. Results show that considering the TPG will not
 only reduce the waterflooding area but also reduce the oil displacement efficiency because of aggravating the nonpiston
 phenomenon and interlayer conflict. The numerical simulation study on the TPG of heavy oil provides theoretical and technical
 support for the rational development and adjustment of water-driven heavy oil.

1. Introduction mainly attributed to the abnormal viscosity [11–13]. A large
 number of mechanism studies have shown that the TPG
Due to the tremendous growth of oil demand and the depletion described in heavy-oil simulation could be summarized into
of low-viscosity oil reservoir, heavy oil plays an increasingly the following three methods: pseudo threshold pressure gra-
great role in petroleum supply for the world and more and dient (PTPG) model, piecewise nonlinear model, and vari-
more attention is turned to heavy-oil development [1–3]. Heavy able permeability model. The PTPG model is the most used
oil is a complex fluid that exhibits high viscosity and high den- model which processes the tangent of the arc segment to treat
sity resulting in various difficulties during exploitation [4–6]. As the curved segment of the flow curve equivalently, while the
the viscosity of heavy oil increases, its non-Newtonian charac- model reduces the fluid movable range [14–16]. To improve
teristics become more obvious leading to the threshold pressure the description accuracy of the relationship between the flux
gradient (TPG) in the low-pressure gradient area [7–9]. There- and the pressure gradient, the piecewise nonlinear model was
fore, it is necessary to consider its impact on the flow character- presented, such as the exponential function [17] and the
istics in the numerical simulation [10]. power function [18]. The model expressions of these func-
 Different from the TPG in tight oil reservoirs caused by tions are complicated and involve the judgment of the critical
ultralow permeability, the TPG in heavy-oil reservoirs is point between the linear flow part and the nonlinear flow
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
2 Geofluids


 Critical viscosity value (mPa·s)
 y = 32.606x0.0605



 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

 Permeability (10–3 m2)

 Figure 1: Curve of the relationship between critical viscosity and permeability.

part, so the practical application of the model has certain dif- 2.1. The Critical Percolation Viscosity. In order to improve
ficulties [19–21]. From another perspective, Liu et al. pro- the accuracy of the presented model in numerical simulation,
posed the variable permeability model to equivalently the critical percolation viscosities are regarded as the most
characterize the TPG effect as the rock permeability changes important parameter in the experiments. Through the
dependent on the variable pore pressure, which is between regression analysis of the experimental results, the critical
the traditional TPG methods and Darcy flow model [22]. In percolation viscosities under different permeability levels
the variable permeability model, the TPG could be dynami- are obtained, as shown in Figure 1. The critical viscosity
cally evaluated with the basis of formation pressures. Addi- increases with the core permeabilities, and the increasing
tionally, for the heavy-oil non-Newtonian property, some degree is gradually slowing down. Therefore, the TPG is
fractal models of the initial pressure gradient in porous related to the flow capability, and its effect on the seepage
media were proposed [23, 24]. behavior needs to be considered when the viscosity of the
 At present, numerous scholars have researched various studied oil block is higher than the corresponding critical
nonlinear flow models to describe the TPG behavior. viscosity.
Although the TPG has been considered in numerical simula-
tion, few studies have been involved in the effect of the heavy- 2.2. Flow Model. Figure 2 illustrates the relationship between
oil fluidity on the TPG, and the ignorance may cause mis- the experimental TPG and the fluidity of the two oil blocks in
leading developmental plans. Moreover, all the existing the studied reservoir, which could be regressed to a better
models could not conveniently obtain the convergent results power relationship based on the fitting curves.
by the implicit pressure and explicit saturation (IMPES) solu- With the above analysis, the TPG must first be processed
tion method. into a fluidity-related variable. Firstly, the relationship model
 In this paper, based on the analysis of the actual experi- of TPG and fluidity should be determined based on the
mental data, a variable TPG flow model considering heavy- experimental data fitting and substituted into the oil phase
oil mobility is presented to modify the oil phase flux. With equation of motion. The expression of the TPG of heavy oil
the presented variable TPG flow model, the full-implicit is listed as follows:
numerical model was established and the corresponding  b
self-developed simulator was compiled. Then, after the vali- K
 G=a o : ð1Þ
dation compared with the commercial simulator ECLIPSE, μo
the analysis for the different cases is discussed such as Darcy
flow, static TPG, and variable TPG. Finally, the simulator is To consider the directionality of the flow correction coef-
applied to the studied heavy-oil blocks to explore the fluid ficient based on introducing the oil phase flow correction
distribution and percolation characteristics. coefficient and close to the actual situation, the oil phase flow
 correction factor is defined as follows:

2. The Variable TPG Flow Model considering 8
 < 0,
 > j∇Φo j < G,
 Heavy-Oil Mobility f= ð2Þ
 :1− , j∇Φo j ≥ G:
The Darcy flow model cannot objectively describe the j∇Φo j
dynamic characteristics of heavy-oil reservoirs in waterflood-
ing development and exaggerate the flow capacity due to the 3. Mathematical Model
ignorance of the TPG. In this paper, a TPG flow model con-
sidering heavy-oil mobility is presented based on the core 3.1. Basic Assumptions. The key of variable TPG numerical
displacement experimental data. simulation is the specific characterization of TPG in the
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
Geofluids 3


 Starting pressure gradient (MPa·m–1)
 y = 0.0132x–0.363



 0.002 y = 0.0111x–0.326

 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

 Fluidity (10–3 m2·mPa–1·s–1)

 Y3 fault blocks
 Y1 fault blocks

 Figure 2: Curve of the relationship between TPG and fluidity.

mathematical model of the flow model. The basic assumptions model is more in line with the flow of the oil phase, while
are as follows before establishing the mathematical model: the water and gas phases still meet the Darcy flow model.
 The equation of motion of the three components can be
 (1) The model considers the dissolution of gas in oil and expressed as
 water, and the water component is only present in the 8
 water phase < 0,
 > j∇Φo j < G,
 vo =  
 (2) The flow in the reservoir is isothermal KK ro G
 :− 1− ∇Φo , j∇Φo j ≥ G,
 (3) The model considers the TPG of the oil phase, but the μo j∇Φo j
 gas phase and water phase still satisfy Darcy’s law * KK rg
 vg = − ∇Φg , ð3Þ
 (4) The reservoir rock is slightly compressible and aniso- μg
 tropic, the reservoir fluid can be compressed, and the * KK rw
 capillary force and gravity are considered vw =− ∇Φw ,
 (5) The oil phase and the gas phase are instantaneously
 ∇Φl = ∇ðPl − ρl gDÞ ðl = o, g, wÞ:
 (6) The apparent viscosity and the flow correction coeffi- 3.3. Flow Differential Equation
 cient of the oil phase are introduced to describe the
 viscosity anomaly 3.3.1. Flow Equation. Substituting the equation of motion
 into the continuity equation to obtain the flow equation,
 transforming it into the volume conservation form under
3.2. Equation of Motion. Theoretical research shows that the the ground standard condition, and adding the solution con-
flow curve of heavy oil has the characteristics that the arc is ditions to form a complete mathematical model, one can
not obvious and the transition is fast, so the PTPG flow have

 KK ro ∂ ϕSo
 f ∇ðPo − ρo gDÞ + qov =∇⋅ ,
 Bo μ o ∂t Bo
     " # " !#
 Rsw KK rw Rso KK ro KK rg   ∂ Sg Rso So Rsw Sw
 ∇⋅ ∇ðPw − ρw gDÞ +∇ ⋅ f ∇ðPo − ρo gDÞ +∇ ⋅ ∇ Pg − ρg gD + qgv = ϕ + + , ð4Þ
 Bw μ w Bo μ o Bg μg ∂t Bg Bo Bw
 KK rw ∂ ϕSw
 ∇⋅ ∇ðPw − ρw gDÞ + qwv = :
 Bw μ w ∂t Bw
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
4 Geofluids

 Adjust time steps

 Calculation of reservoir physical
 Enter reservoir physical
 parameters from the previous step

 Nonlinear coefficient calculation
 Enter the fitting parameters of starting
 pressure gradient and fluidity
 Assemble and calculate Jacobi matrix

 Initialize the pressure and saturation
 Efficient algorithm for pressure saturation

 Fully implicit solution
 conditions and N
 material balance
 Output results
 Output parameters for each time step

 Next time step

 Reach the end

 Figure 3: Flowchart of the numerical simulation calculation.

 Table 1: Application example of the keyword.
 (1) Auxiliary equation
 Keyword Value
 HEAVYEXP On 0.0040-0.208
 So + Sw + Sg = 1, BASIC 2
 Pcow = Po − Pw , ð5Þ SOIL On
 Pcog = Pg − Po : PRESSURE On

 (2) Initial conditions Outer boundary conditions (closed):

 Pl ðx, y, z, 0Þjt=0 = P0 ðx, y, z Þ, >
 > ∂Φo  ∂ðPo − ρo gDÞ
 ð6Þ > ∂n Γ =
 > ∂n
 jΓ = 0,
 Sl ðx, y, z, 0Þjt=0 = S0 ðx, y, z Þ: >
 < ∂Φw  = ∂ðPw − ρw gDÞ j = 0,
 ∂n Γ ∂n Γ
 >  ∂ Pg − ρg gD
 (3) Boundary conditions >
 > ∂Φ g
 > = jΓ = 0:
 : ∂n Γ
 > ∂n
 Inner boundary condition (fixed well production):

 Ql ðx, y, z, t Þjx=x = Ql ðt Þ: ð7Þ
 w ,y=y w ,z=z w 4. Simulator Development
 Inner boundary condition (fixed bottom hole pressure): 4.1. Numerical Model Solution. The nonlinear characteristics
 of the solution of variable TPG numerical simulation are very
 obvious. The conductivity in the x direction between grids is
 Pðx, y, z, t Þjx=x = Pwf ðt Þ: ð8Þ
 w ,y=y w ,z=z w used as an example:
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
Geofluids 5

 Table 2: Basic parameters of the model mechanism.

Parameter name Parameter value
Reservoir size (m) 310 × 310 × 15
Grid size (m) Δx = Δy = 10, Δz = 3
Depth (m) 1500
Plane permeability (mD) 1-5 layers: 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000
Longitudinal permeability 1-5 layers: 100, 150, 200, 250, 300
Porosity (%) 0.34
Density (g/cm3) Water: 1.00, oil: 0.93
Viscosity (mPa·s) Water: 0.50, oil:200.0
Volume factor (dimensionless) Water: 1.06, oil: 1.15

 120.00 126.25 132.50 138.75 145.00
 0.28 0.41 0.54 0.67 0.80
 (a) Saturation field in the third year (b) Pressure field in the third year

 0.28 0.41 0.54 0.67 0.80 120.00 126.25 132.50 138.75 145.00
 (c) Saturation field in the sixth year (d) Pressure field in the sixth year

 Figure 4: Distribution map of the saturation field and pressure field of model A.

 K x Ax 1 implicit method is used to solve the model in order to meet
 T lxi±1/2, j,k = βc K rli±1/2, j,k : ð10Þ the calculation needs. The specific steps are as follows:
 Δx i±1/2, j,k μ l Bl i±1/2, j,k

 (1) The mathematical model of waterflooding heavy-oil flow
 In the black oil model, only K rli±1/2, j,k is a strong nonlin- is discretized by difference, and the differential equations
ear term. The variable start pressure gradient flow model are transformed into nonlinear algebraic equations
introduces the calculation of nonlinear flow correction coef-
ficients, which strengthens the nonlinear characteristics of (2) The system of nonlinear algebraic equations is trans-
conductivity calculation. It put forward higher requirements formed into a system of linear coefficient equations
for the speed and stability of numerical calculation. The full with unknown pressure and saturation
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
6 Geofluids




 FOPR (m3/d)



 0 1000 2000 3000 4000

 Time (d)

 FOPR vs. time (ECLIPSE)
 FOPR vs. time (NONLINEAR)

 Figure 5: Comparison chart of FOPR calculated by NONLINEAR and ECLIPSE.

 1 155
 0.9 150
 0.8 145
 0.7 FPR (bar) 140
 0.6 135

 0.5 130
 0.4 125
 0.3 120
 0.2 115
 0.1 110
 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
 Time (d)
 Time (d)
 FPR vs. time (ECLIPSE)
 FWCT vs. time (ECLIPSE) FPR vs. time (NONLINEAR)
 FWCT vs. time (NONLINEAR)
 Figure 7: Comparison chart of FPR calculated by NONLINEAR
Figure 6: Comparison chart of FWCT calculated by NONLINEAR and ECLIPSE.

 describe the flow characteristics of heavy oil objectively, this
 (3) Before the pressure and saturation of the next iteration paper uses the Fortran 90 language which is suitable for
 step are solved, the nonlinear coefficients are calcu- large-scale numerical calculation to develop a variable TPG
 lated from the reservoir physical property parameters simulator. The self-developed simulator can simulate the
 calculated in the previous iteration step nonlinear flow of heavy oil, so it is named NONLINEAR.
 (4) The Jacobi matrix is assembled and calculated on the The simulator consists of three parts: preprocessing is used
 basis of nonlinear coefficient calculation, and then, to build the numerical model, which docks with the
 the Jacobi matrix is solved by an efficient algorithm preprocessing of the ECLIPSE. The keyword of the ECLIPSE
 to obtain the value of pressure and saturation is interpreted, and the keyword of heavy oil (HEAVYOIL,
 HEAVYEXP) is added to the data file. The part of the model
 (5) Check the convergence conditions and material calculation is used to calculate the numerical model of
 balance; if it meets the requirements, enter the next preprocessing. Given the strong nonlinear problem in the
 period of calculation nonlinear flow of heavy oil, the fully implicit method is used
 to solve the pressure and saturation, and the advanced algo-
4.2. Simulator Development. Based on the numerical simula- rithm can be introduced, which makes the software have the
tion method of variable TPG, the corresponding numerical advantages of stable calculation and good convergence. The
simulator can be compiled, so as to make a deep study on postprocessing part is connected with ECLIPSE to realize the
the variation law of the flow field in the heavy-oil field and compilation of data files (EGRID, INIT, and RST) required
make up for the limitations of commercial numerical simula- by the ECLIPSE. The calculation results of this software
tion software. The flowchart of the numerical simulation include the TPG field (DPX, DPY, and DPZ) and effective dis-
method of variable TPG is drawn as shown in Figure 3. As placement pressure gradient field (EDPX, EDPY, and EDPZ)
the current numerical simulation method is difficult to which can be checked by the postprocessing of ECLIPSE.
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
Geofluids 7

 0.28 0.41 0.54 0.67 0.80 115.00 125.00 135.00 145.00 155.00
 (a) Saturation field in the third year (b) Pressure field in the third year

 0.28 0.41 0.54 0.67 0.80 115.00 125.00 135.00 145.00 155.00
 (c) Saturation field in the sixth year (d) Pressure field in the sixth year

 Figure 8: Distribution map of saturation field and pressure field of model B.

4.3. Operation Method of the Simulator. The self-developed 180
simulator is simple in operation and easy to use. It can be
realized only by adding the heavy oil keyword when simulat- 150
ing the nonlinear flow of heavy oil in water drive. The specific
 FOPR (m3/d)

methods used are as follows:

4.3.1. Preprocessing Part. In this part, the key recognition of 60
ECLIPSE can be directly added to the data file generated by 30
ECLIPSE, that is, adding the keyword HEAVY OIL to the
RUNSPEC part of the data file and adding the keyword HEA- 0
VYEXP to the PVT part, to realize the nonlinear flow simu- 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
lation of waterflooding heavy oil. Time (d)
 The first item under the HEAVYEXP keyword represents
on/off status, and the second and third items represent the FOPR vs. time (ECLIPSE)
values of the experimental fitting parameters a and b. The FOPR vs. time (NONLINEAR)
application example is shown in Table 1.
 Figure 9: Comparison chart of FOPR.

4.3.2. Postprocessing Part. In this part, based on the completion
of writing the data files required by ECLIPSE, the postproces- sure gradient for each time step are output. The application
sing of ECLIPSE can be used to view the simulation results. example is shown in Table 1.
By adding keywords that output the TPG (STARTDPX,
STARTDPY, and STARTDPZ) and effectively displacement 4.3.3. Model Computing Section. Similar to the ECLIPSE soft-
pressure gradient (EDPX, EDPY, and EDPZ) below the ware, this part uses a completely implicit method to solve,
RPTRST keyword, the TPG and effective displacement pres- and in order to ensure the speed and convergence of the
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
8 Geofluids

 1.2 1

 1 0.8


 0.2 0.2

 0 0
 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

 Time (d) FOE

 Figure 10: Comparison chart of FWCT. Figure 12: Comparison chart of FOE.

 155 1
 145 0.8
 FPR (bar)

 135 0.6

 125 0.4
 115 0.2
 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0
 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
 Time (d)
 Time (d)
 FPR vs. time (ECLIPSE)
 FWCT vs. time (ECLIPSE)
 FPR vs. time (NONLINEAR)
 FWCT vs. time (NONLINEAR)
 Figure 11: Comparison chart of FPR.
 Figure 13: Comparison chart of FWCT.

nonlinear calculation, a fast solver was developed. The users 5.2. Well Performance Validation. To test the stability and the
can copy the data file with the nonlinear flow keyword to accuracy of the self-developed simulator, the evaluated well
the simulator calculation interface and enter the data file path performance in the commercial simulation software is
and then click the “Enter” button to start the calculation. applied for comparison. As shown in Figures 5–7, by com-
 paring the oil production rate, water cut, and pressure, it
5. Simulator Validation can be found that the errors of the two simulators are
 extremely small, which proves the rationality and accuracy
To verify the rationality and accuracy of the newly developed of the self-developed simulator.
simulator, an anti-five-spot black oil pattern consistent with
the characteristics of the studied heavy-oil field is established
to achieve the symmetry test and the simulation results are 6. Results and Discussion
compared with the commercial simulator ECLIPSE. The
main parameters of the model are shown in Table 2. 6.1. Variable and Static TPG. In order to research the variable
 effect of the TPG, the mathematical relationship between the
5.1. Symmetry Validation. Symmetry validation is a kind of TPG and fluidity of the Y3 block is substituted into the self-
software test method for reservoir numerical simulation, developed simulator, which is called the VARIABLE case.
which is to establish a symmetrical well pattern in the homo- For comparison, the results from the commercial simulator
geneous model, set up the same parameters of each well, and ECLIPSE are used in this work, which is called the STATIC
observe whether the pressure and saturation fields are case. Due to the lack of the variable TPG function in
symmetrical. As shown in Figure 4, the saturation field and ECLIPSE, usually, the THPRES keyword, which represents
pressure field are well symmetrical, which proves that the cal- the minimum additional flow resistance to be overcome
culation result of the simulator is reliable and stable. when the fluid flows between adjacent equilibrium zones, is
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
Geofluids 9




 FOPR (m3· d–1)




 7/8/2002 4/3/2005 12/29/2007 9/24/2010 6/20/2013 3/16/2016 12/11/2018

 FOPR vs. date (ECLIPSE)
 FOPR vs. date (NONLINEAR)
 FOPR vs. date (history)

 Figure 14: Comparison of FOPR fitting curves in block X.






 7/8/2002 4/3/2005 12/29/2007 9/24/2010 6/20/2013 3/16/2016 12/11/2018

 FWCT vs. date (ECLIPSE)
 FWCT vs. date (NONLINEAR)
 FWCT vs. date (history)

 Figure 15: Comparison of FWCT fitting curves in block X.

employed to approximately simulate the TPG. In the 6.2. Variable TPG and Darcy Flow. Based on the simulator
STATIC case, based on the actual field experimental data, development, the cases, respectively, considering the variable
the TPG of the three layers are, respectively, 0.00298 MPa/m, TPG and the classical Darcy model are simulated to compare
0.00258 MPa/m, and 0.00236 MPa/m, so the threshold pres- the production indexes. As shown in Figures 12 and 13, the
sures between partition 1 and partition 2, partition 3 and par- variable TPG is equivalent to adding an equivalent resistance
tition 4, and partition 5 and partition 6 are 0.0596 MPa, to the displacement process leading to the deterioration of
0.0516 MPa, and 0.0472 MPa, respectively. the final oil recovery. Additionally, the existence of TPG
 After validating the symmetry tests of the pressure distri- aggravates the fingering phenomenon of the water phase
bution and the saturation distribution (see Figure 8), the com- resulting in the sharp increase in water cut. Therefore, the var-
parison of the well performances between the VARIABLE case iable TPG lowers the waterflooding developmental efficiency.
and the STATIC case demonstrates that the formation pres-
sure in the STATIC case remains better resulting in the higher 6.3. Field Application. The oil field is a complete shallow and
oil production rate and the lower water cut (see Figures 9–11). low-amplitude oil reservoir covered with anticline, bottom
Therefore, the relative equivalent static method for the TPG water, edge water, and sufficient natural energy. The reser-
process causes erroneous evaluation, and the presented flow voir thickness ranges from 9.1 m to 35.2 m, with an average
model considering the variable TPG is more realistic for the of 22.8 m. The target area is a medium- and high-porosity
waterflooding developments. Also, processing the prepared and high-permeability reservoir, with an average porosity of
data for TPG becomes much simpler. 23.9% and an average permeability of 924:9 × 10−3 μm2 .
Numerical Simulation Study on Waterflooding Heavy Oil Based on Variable Threshold Pressure Gradient
10 Geofluids

 0.0000 0.0250 0.0500 0.0750 0.1000 0.0000 0.0250 0.0500 0.0750 0.1000

 (a) NgII3 (b) NgII4

 0.0000 0.0250 0.0500 0.0750 0.1000
 0.0000 0.0250 0.0500 0.0750 0.1000
 (c) NgII6 (d) NgII7

 Figure 16: Effective displacement pressure gradient distribution of the NgII oil group.

 According to the history matching data, it can be seen in the TPG is used to dynamically describe the heavy-oil flow
Figures 14 and 15 that the oil production rate using the com- behavior. The conclusions from this study are listed as
mercial simulator is always higher than the actual field data follows:
and the corresponding water cut is always lower. However,
considering the variable TPG in the self-developed simulator, (1) A variable TPG model considering heavy-oil mobility
the history matching for the well performance improves is proposed on the basis of the experimental data
obviously. Therefore, ignoring the variable TPG will have a analysis
negative impact on the fitting results.
 (2) With the validation of the self-developed simulator,
 To further intuitively distinguish the main waterflooding
 the proposed flow model is employed in the simula-
percolation channels and the heavy-oil retention area, the
 tion to effectively improve the description of the
effective displacing pressure gradient is led into the self-
 heavy-oil flow characteristic and significantly
developed simulator, which is defined as the difference
 enhance the prediction of the well production index
between the displacing pressure gradient and the variable
TPG. The calculated corresponding distribution is shown in (3) Based on the definition of the effective displacement
Figure 16. The gray areas illustrate the ineffective displace- pressure gradient, the inefficient displacement area
ment area, provide an important guidance for the studied caused by the variable TPG could be observed intui-
reservoir to research the heavy-oil flow characteristic, and tively. Also, the accuracy of the field history matching
optimize the adjustment developmental programs. can be greatly improved via the aid of the presented
 flow model

7. Conclusions
For heavy-oil waterflooding development, the TPG caused by
the high viscosity could significantly affect the residual oil υo , υg , υw : Flow velocity of oil, gas, and water (m/s)
distribution and the performances of producers, such as oil K ro , K rg , K rw : Relative permeability of oil, gas, and water
production rate, water cut, and producing pressures. In this (dimensionless)
study, the relationship between the oil flow capability and ρo , ρg , ρw : Density of oil, gas, and water (kg/m3)
Geofluids 11

Po , Pg , Pw : Pressure of oil, gas, and water (MPa) Acknowledgments
Φo , Φg , Φw : Flow potential of oil, gas, and water (MPa)
 This research was funded by the State Key Laboratory of Off-
μo , μg , μw : Viscosity of oil, gas, and water (mPa·s)
 shore Oil Exploitation and CNOOC Research Institute Ltd.
D, g: Depth of the reservoir (km), gravity acceler- (CCL2018RCPS0034RON).
 ation constant (m/s2)
G: Threshold pressure gradient (MPa/m)
f , μoa : Flow correction factor (dimensionless), References
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