Baseline Pruning-Based Approach to Trojan Detection in Neural Networks -
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Baseline Pruning-Based Approach to Trojan Detection in Neural Networks Peter Bajcsy∗ and Michael Majurski Information Technology Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Bureau Drive. Gaithersburg, MD 20899 ∗ Email: arXiv:2101.12016v2 [cs.CR] 9 Feb 2021 Abstract—This paper addresses the problem of detecting tro- jans in neural networks (NNs) by analyzing systematically pruned NN models. Our pruning-based approach consists of three main steps. First, detect any deviations from the reference look-up tables of model file sizes and model graphs. Next, measure the accuracy of a set of systematically pruned NN models following multiple pruning schemas. Finally, classify a NN model as clean or poisoned by applying a mapping between accuracy measurements and NN model labels. This work outlines a theoretical and experimental framework for finding the optimal mapping over a large search space of pruning parameters. Based on our experiments using Round 1 Figure 1. Illustration of injecting a polygon trojan (trigger) to a traffic sign region that causes the shift in classification from class A to class B. and Round 2 TrojAI Challenge datasets, the approach achieves average classification accuracy of 69.73 % and 82.41 % respec- tively with an average processing time of less than 60 s per about the model, and for a wide range of trojan types. model. For both datasets random guessing would produce 50% Our work is motivated by the need to establish a baseline classification accuracy. Reference model graphs and source approach for new and innovative algorithms tested on the code are available from GitHub. IARPA challenge datasets. In addition, we are motivated to lower the trojan detection computational requirements to the 1. Introduction level of a simple phone app. The goal of this work is to design a baseline approach for detecting (a) possible tampering with the reference model This work addresses classifying neural network (NN) architecture (changing task-specific NN architecture called models into two classes: (1) models trained without trojans a reference model) and (b) the presence of trojans in a spec- (clean) and (2) models trained with trojans (poisoned). Tro- trum of architectures. Our approach is illustrated in Figure 2. jans in NNs are defined as triggers inserted into the inputs The “quality assurance” computations in Figure 2 are based that cause misclassification into a class (or classes) unin- on our prior knowledge about model files and architecture tended by the design of the model [1]. For example, trojans graphs in order to detect deviations from reference models. can be polygons inserted as innocuous objects (triggers) into The “signal measurement” computations in Figure 2 focus traffic sign images (foreground) to change the classification on measuring accuracies of systematically pruned models. result as shown in Figure 1. Such triggers have been used to Finally, the “NN model classification” computations derive generate the datasets for multiple rounds of the Intelligence and apply a mapping between accuracies of pruned models Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA) challenge [2]. and labels denoting the presence of an embedded trojan. The overarching motivation for designing trojan detec- The main challenges lie in estimating the optimal mapping, tion algorithms is the defense against a variety of adversarial in collecting signal measurements within a time limit, and attacks during NN training. NN training might be outsourced in making the mapping robust to many architectures and to to a third party with unknown malicious intent. It might also complex trojan characteristics. leverage NN models pre-trained by an unknown untrusted Our contributions lie in the design of a baseline trojan third party. In many life-critical applications, such as self- detection approach that driving cars or medical diagnoses, deployment of NN mod- els depends on establishing trust in model performance. To • leverages well-established filter pruning approaches build that trust, trojan detection algorithms must operate on a and their existing implementations (provides a base- variety of model architectures, with limited prior knowledge line),
work with the 22 model architectures presented in the TrojAI challenge. Thus, our work could only partially leverage the GitHub implementation linked from [13]. 3. Methods Classification Problem: The problem can be formulated as follows: Figure 2. Overview of NN model classification workflow Classify a set of NN models M as clean or poisoned such that the classification is robust to • architecture, • evaluates multiple pruning, ranking, and sampling • the number of provided sample images without tro- methods into model pruning (includes optimization), jans, and • collects model accuracy measurements over a wide • trojan type; spectrum of architectures and with varying number of input images (delivers robustness), and while execution time is limited on a variety of computational • includes classification accuracy and execution speed hardware. tradeoffs into the trojan detection design (measures Formally, given the following inputs: scalability). • a set of clean images Di that represent samples from each predicted class Cl ∈ C ; 2. Related Work • a model Mi ∈ M of an architecture Gn ∈ G that predicts |C| classes The design of trojan detection algorithms is a relatively • a corresponding label for each model Mi : new area of research. According to the statistics derived from the publications listed at [3] in 2020, two related – Li = 0 → clean or Trained without Trojan, publications appeared in Arxiv before 2017, eight in 2017, – Li = 1 → poisoned or Trained with Trojan, 15 in 2018, 31 in 2019, and 57 in 2020. The research in- Classify the model Mi as either clean or poisoned while terest increased as IARPA and Defense Advanced Research minimizing the trojan detection error within an allocated Projects Agency (DARPA) announced the TrojAI [2] and execution time Ti ≤ Tmax on a variety of computational Guaranteeing AI Robustness Against Deception (GARD) [4] platforms. Note: |C| refers to the number of classes (cardi- programs in 2019. With more research efforts invested into nality of the set of labels C ). designs of trojan detectors [5], [6], [7], there is a need Pruning-based Approach: To solve the classification to establish a baseline method that is simple, but gener- problem, we introduced quality assurance (QA) based clas- ally applicable, and provides results that are better than a sification criteria and designed a supervised pruning-based chance [8]. classifier. The QA-based classification assumes reference Model pruning approaches have been very popular in measurements about file size and model graphs are known. the past NN research [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]. The The pruning-based classifier assumes that a trojan is encoded past model pruning objectives were focused on reducing in convolutional filters. Thus, one can discriminate NN file size and computations needed for storing, training and models into clean and poisoned categories by systematic inferencing models [11], [12], [13], [15], [16], [17], [18], pruning of convolutional filters across all layers, measur- [19]. The plethora of pruning approaches was documented ~ i , and estimating some ing accuracies of pruned models A in a survey of 81 papers that led the authors in [9] to design ~ i ) → Li . a framework for evaluations of pruning methods. Such a function f (A wide use of the model pruning approach motivated us to The pruning-based approach is characterized by the search for an optimal mapping function f (A ~ i ) and optimal leverage this approach for a design of the baseline trojan detector. In addition, model capacity, efficiency, and model parameters θopt (Gn , D) used for computing the vector of pruning were mentioned as factors and a possible solution pruned model accuracies A ~ i . The set of optimal parameters that can increase robustness and resiliency to attacks [14], θopt (Gn , D) is specific to each NN architecture Gn and de- [20]. pends on available clean images Di ∈ D. The optimization Our survey of available GitHub pruning-based solu- task can be formally defined as follows: tions [21] highlighted the existing challenges in terms of Given the pruning-based approach and the following inputs: the limited number of supported model architectures, long • a NN model Mi (Gn , C) ∈ M , execution times, and dependencies on outdated libraries. For • a set of clean images Di (C), and example, the GitHub implementation from [18] is applicable • a clean or poisoned label for each model Li ; to VGG16 architectures and has been adapted to ConvNet, AlexNet , ResNet18, InceptionV3, and ResNet50 in limited Find an optimal configuration of parameters θopt (Gn , D) settings [21]. There is no pruning implementation that would for each model architecture Gn ∈ G that minimizes the
NN classification error Lerror i subject to allocated execution time Lexec i per NN model as shown in Equation 1. |M (Gn )| X 1 min ∗ Lerror i (θ(Gn , D)) θ(Gn ,D) |M (Gn )| (1) i=1 subject to Lexec i (θ(Gn , D)) ≤1 where |M (Gn )| is the number of NN models of the Gn architecture type and θ(Gn , D) is a set of algorithmic con- figurations evaluated for each NN architecture type Gn . The term for classification error Lerror i is defined as Lerrori = AC 1.0 − Li defined in Equation 2 or as a cross entropy (CE) Figure 3. Differences between Remove (top), Reset (middle), and Trim loss LCE i according to Equation 3 (see also [22]). In these (bottom) pruning methods. equations, A ~i = A ~ i (Mi , θ(Gn , D)) is a vector of accuracy measurements over pruned models, f (A ~ i ) is the probability of predicting a poisoned model, b e denotes rounding to the nearest integer, and is the Iverson bracket. The term for execution time Lexec i is defined as a percentage of maximum allocated execution time Tmax according to Equation 4. h i LAC = Li = bf (A ~ i )e (2) i LCE i ~ i )) + (1 − Li ) ∗ ln(1 − f (A = −(Li ∗ ln(f (A ~ i )) (3) Figure 4. Illustration of targeted sampling method and l1 ranking method. Ti Lexec i = (4) Tmax Pruning configurations: The space of pruning configura- method selects |S| = 5 sample sets of filters that are pruned tions can be characterized by six parameters: θ(Gn , D) = (bottom left). For each of the |S| = 5 pruned models, {P M, SM, RM, p, |S|, |D|}. Pruning methods P M consist the model accuracy is evaluated using |D| = 10 clean of {Remove, Reset, Trim}, sampling methods SM can example images. Figure 4 (bottom right) shows an example be {Random, Uniform, Targeted}, ranking methods of accuracies measured over S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 pruned RM include {l1 , l2 , l∞ , stdev (standard deviation)}, and models for clean and poisoned models. While Targeted a sampling probability p can be in general any real value sampling selects contiguous filters from a sorted list, the p ∈ (0, 1) ∈ R per NN layer. The number of evaluated Uniform sampling method chooses uniformly distributed pruned models per configuration |S| ∈ Z >0 and the number filters after ranking them. The Random sampling method of used evaluation images |D| ∈ Z >0 can be any integer selects filters randomly and the sampling is repeated |S| value smaller than the number of all available clean images times. in Di . Note that we excluded the pruned module type as a Reduction of Search Space: The challenge of the pruning parameter as we focus on trojan feature formation pruning-based approach applied to convolutional filters on in convolutional layers represented by Conv2D and Batch- NN models lies in the cost of searching the space of all Norm modules. We also excluded the run-time parameters possible pruned models and pruning methods per archi- (software and hardware) as they could be optimized based tecture GnQ . Theoretically, the number of possible pruned |L(G )| on the requirements for Ti . models is j=1 n (2|Fj | −1) for a NN architecture Gn that The differences between pruning methods in P M are consists of |L| convolutional layers with a varying number of illustrated in Figure 3. The Remove method completely convolutional filters |Fj | within each layer. We assume that removes the convolutional filter and re-connects inputs and the significance of a convolutional filter to class predictions outputs. The Reset method sets all filter coefficients to is related to the norm of the filter coefficients [12], [13], zero and the Trim method clamps the coefficients to the [19]. Q|L(GThus, the number of pruned models can be reduced to n )| mean ±k ∗ stdev , where the mean and stdev are computed j=1 |F j | by ranking filters; therefore ranking methods from the convolutional filter coefficients, and k ∈ (0, 1]. are included in the pruning configurations. Unfortunately, The sampling methods differ in choosing the set of filters there is no theory nor guidelines about how to rank NN for pruning. Figure 4 shows Targeted sampling method convolutional layers based on their influence on the output applied after l1 norm was used to rank all filters in one [19]. Thus, in order to reduce the search space, we assumed layer (Inception v3 architecture, Layer 175). In Figure 4, l1 that all layers are equally significant to class predictions and norm is applied to all convolutional filters (top right) and the applied the same sampling probability p of removed filters filters are sorted accordingly (top left). Targeted sampling to all layers.
TABLE 1. S UMMARY OF I NPUT DATASETS Inputs |M | |G| |C| |D| Round 1 1000 3 5 |C| ∗ 100 Round 2 1104 22 10 ± 5 or 20 ± 5 |C| ∗ 10 or |C| ∗ 20 The code, installation instructions, and the reference model architecture graphs are available from GitHub [23]. Next, we summarize the input datasets, quality control and per- formance results. Figure 5. Pruning configurations generating measurements. 4.1. Input Datasets The challenge of optimizing the pruning-approach pa- rameters l ies in the additional cost of evaluating all pos- TrojAI challenge datasets are described at [22]. Given sible parameter configurations. Theoretically, the space of the notation in Section 3, the Round 1 dataset can be char- parameters is infinite as it consists of all pruning con- acterized by the number of models |M | = 1000, the number figuration parameters θn per architecture and all mod- of architectures |G| = 3 with G ={ResNet50, InceptionV3, els for the functional mapping f . The pruning configura- DenseNet121}, the number of predicted classes |C| = 5, the tion space is illustrated in Figure 5 with six parameters number of clean images per class |D| = 100, and 50 : 50 θ(Gn , D) = {P M, SM, RM, p, |S|, |D|} and one unknown split of labels Li between clean and poisoned. ~ i ). To reduce the search space, we classifier function f (A Similarly, the Round 2 dataset is described by the num- first restricted the function f (A ~ i (Mi , θn )) to a multiple ber of models |M | = 1104, the number of architectures linear regression. The mathematical expression is shown in |G| = 22, the number of predicted classes randomly varying Equation 5. The coefficients are derived by using the pairs |C| = 10 ± 5 or |C| = 20 ± 5, the number of clean images of accuracy vectors A ~ i and labels Li . per class randomly varying |D| = |C|∗10 or |D| = |C|∗20, and 50 : 50 split between clean and poisoned labels Li . The |S| X datasets are summarized in Table 1. ~ i (Mi , θn )) = b0 + f (A bk ∗ Ai,k (Mi , θn ) (5) k=1 4.2. Quality Assurance where |S| is the size of vector A ~ i and bk are the coefficients derived from a linear regression fit. The input datasets were processed to compute the av- Next, we decomposed the configuration parameters θn erage and standard deviation of model file size per archi- into two disjoint subsets θnerror = {P M, SM, RM, p} and tecture. The variations in model file sizes are due to the θnexec = {|S|, |D|}. The split of the parameters is based on use of PyTorch (version 3.4 and up) and its dependency on our observations that the number of pruned models |S| and the Python Pickle library [24] for data format optimizations the number of images to evaluate each pruned model with and for saving models as serialized objects to disk. As a |D| are the key contributors to increasing classification time sanity check, by analyzing the model file sizes and model per model. This parameter decomposition allows us to lower clean/poisoned labels, we confirmed that model file sizes the search cost by first optimizing the four parameters in and their variations do not predict clean or poisoned labels. θnerror for fixed low values in θnexec , and then by completing For trojan detection, we extracted diagrams of abstract the optimization of the two parameters in θnexec with fixed model graphs from the Round 1 and Round 2 datasets using optimal values in θnerror . the Graphviz library [25]. The reference graphs can be found Finally, we reduce the search space by introducing rela- in the reference data folder of the GitHub repository [23] tionships between p ∈ (0, 1) ∈ R and |S| ∈ Z >0 parameters and are used for detecting graph deviations. under two assumptions: (1) At least one convolutional filter per layer must be removed in each pruned model and there- 4.3. Performance Results fore the layer with the smallest number of filters defines the sampling probability as p = 1/ minj∈[1,|L|] |Fj |. (2) Each All performance benchmarks were collected on a desk- filter must be removed at least once in the set of |S| pruned top running Ubuntu 18.04, with 8 CPU cores (Intel(R) models and therefore p = k/|S|, where k is a multiplier Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU @ 2.20 GHz), and 192 GB RAM. defining how many times the same filter could be removed The implementation only utilizes CPU resources. in a set of |S| pruned models yielding A ~i . The evaluations over the set of parameters θn were skewed towards SM = Targeted and RM = l1 . The 4. Experimental Results Targeted sampling method is expected to outperform Uniform and Random sampling methods by design be- The quality assurance and measurements were imple- cause we anticipate two distinct trends of accuracy values mented in Python using the PyTorch and sklearn libraries. ~ i for clean and poisoned models (see Figure in the vectors A
Figure 6. False positive (FP) and false negative (FN) error rates from the top three parameter configurations for Round 1 dataset sorted by cross entropy loss. 4, bottom right). As the evaluation metric, we used clas- sification accuracy and average cross entropy loss over all models in each dataset. Round 1 dataset: We evaluated 31 pruning configura- Figure 7. Average execution time of model classification for varying tions for 286 DenseNet121 models, 395 ResNet50 models, numbers of pruned models |S| (top) and evaluated images |D| (bottom). and 319 InceptionV3 models in 254 h of compute time. The Averages are computed over nM = 1000 models and for a variety of the six parameters in θn . The line is the least squared linear fit to all average 31 evaluations per NN model have the following distribution execution times for the ResNet50 architecture. of configuration parameters: P M = {Remove(14x), Trim(12x), Reset(5x)} InceptionV3, and 0.61 s for ResNet50. These values indicate that the execution times vary more for the variable |S| than SM = {Targeted(27x), Uniform(2x), Random(2x)} for the variable |D| in our set of explored configurations. RM = {l1 (19x), l∞ (1x), stdev(11x)} To meet the constraint on Lexec in Equation 1 for (6) i p ∈ [0.075, 0.9] Tmax = 60 s, we estimated the values of |S| ≤ 15 and |S| = {5(20x), 10(4x), 15(7x)} |D| ≤ 60 given our hardware specifications. We also observe |D| = {10(27x), 20(1x), 30(1x), 40(1x), 100(1x)} that the total classification error decreases much faster with increasing |S| (≈ 0.49 % per ∆|S| = 1) than with increasing The sampling probability p was selected based on the number of clean evaluation images |D| (≈ 0.05 % per assumptions about pruning filters and explored for a wide ∆|D| = 1). The execution times could also be ranked range of values for the Trim pruning method. The evalua- based on NN architectures to ResNet50, InceptionV3, and tions are staged first for the values of |S| = 5, |D| = 10, and DenseNet121 from the least to the most time consuming then for other values. We concluded that the smallest classi- classification. fication errors were for ResNet50: 27.85%, for InceptionV3: Round 2 dataset: We evaluated 20 unique pruning con- 30.09%, and for DenseNet121: 32.87% (average of the three figurations applied to 22 model architectures in 165 h of is 30.27 %). When sorted by average cross entropy loss, the compute time. The Remove pruning method could not be smallest values were for ResNet50: 0.5169, for InceptionV3: applied to three ShuffleNet architectures because of imple- 0.5969, and for DenseNet121: 0.6251 (average of the three mentation challenges; the ShuffleNet architecture makes it is 0.5796), where the value of 0.6931 corresponds to random difficult to remove a single filter in grouped convolutions guessing. Figure 6 presents the distribution of false positive from the dependency graph of pruned modules as input and false negative error rates in the top three configurations channels and output channels must both be divisible by filter sorted by average CE loss. For these top results, the param- groups [26], [27]. eter distribution is skewed towards P M = Remove (6x), The evaluations were applied with the following distri- SM = Targeted (7x), RM = l1 (9x), and p = 0.02 (3x), bution of parameters: |S| = 15 (6x), and |D| = 10 (9x). Figure 7 illustrates the key dependencies of execution P M = {Remove(8x), Trim(7x), Reset(5x)} time on the number of pruned models |S| and the number SM = {Targeted(20x)} of images used for evaluations |D|. For fixed |D| = 10 RM = {l1 (19x), stdev(1x)} in Figure 7 (top), the average of all standard deviations (7) p ∈ [0.1, 0.4] of execution times is 1.45 s for DenseNet121, 1.09 s for |S| = {5(12x), 15(8x)} InceptionV3, and 1.04 s for ResNet50. For fixed |S| = 5 |D| = {10(15x), 30(3x), 40(1x), All(1x)} in Figure 7 (bottom), the average of all standard deviations of execution times is 0.78 s for DenseNet121, 0.81 s for We mostly evaluated pruning configurations with SM =
Figure 8. Histogram of models architectures in the Round 2 dataset. Targeted and RM = l1 based on the results from the Round 1 dataset analyses. The values of sampling probabil- ity p were set according to our assumptions in Section 3. Figure 9. Classification accuracy and average cross entropy loss metrics applied to Round 2 dataset for the found optimal parameters θn per Figure 8 shows a histogram of model counts in the Round architecture. The line at 0.6931 corresponds to random guessing for CE 2 dataset. Due to the approximately 10× fewer models per loss values. architecture than in the Round 1 dataset, the estimate of the mapping f (A ~ i (Mi , θn )) → Li has likely a larger margin of error. Disclaimer Figure 9 shows the classification accuracy (LAC i ) and Commercial products are identified in this document average CE loss for all found optimal parameters θn per in order to specify the experimental procedure adequately. architecture. The average classification error over all 22 Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation architectures for the found optimal configurations is 17.59% or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and (False Positive = 8.88 % and False Negative = 8.71 %) and Technology, nor is it intended to imply that the products the average CE loss is 0.3888 (compared to random guessing identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose. value 0.6931). The trojan detection algorithm meets the accuracy requirements [22] set to CE loss = 0.3465 for 8 out References of 22 architectures (i.e., InceptionV3, ResNet18, ResNet101, SqueezeNet1.0, SqueezeNet1.1, VGG 13, Wide ResNet50, [1] P. Bajcsy, N. Schaub, M. Majurski, Scientific Calculator for Designing and Wide ResNet101). The average execution time per Trojan Detectors in Neural Networks, Association for the Advance- model is 41 s. The execution limit of 60 s is met by 19 out ment of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Fall Symposium Series (FSS), 22 model architectures (i.e., it is not met by DenseNet169, AI in Government and Public Sector Applications (2020) 8. DenseNet201, and Wide ResNet101). [2] IARPA, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency: Trojans in Artificial Intelligence (TrojAI), (1 2020). The parameter values over the optimal settings found confirm that larger |S| values improve detection accuracy. [3] T. Kulp-McDowall, A. Dima, M. Majurski, TrojAI Literature Review., (12 2020). The choice of a pruning method appears to be specific to [4] H. Siegelmann, Guaranteeing AI Robustness against the architecture, i.e., |S| = {5(1x), 15(21x)} and P M = Deception (GARD), {Remove(12x), Trim(6x), Reset(4x)} in the 22 optimal guaranteeing-ai-robustness-against-deception (2019). configurations θn . [5] X. Xu, Q. Wang, H. Li, N. Borisov, C. A. Gunter, B. Li, Detecting AI Trojans Using Meta Neural Analysis (2019). 5. Conclusion [6] S. Jha, S. Raj, S. L. Fernandes, S. K. Jha, S. Jha, B. Jalaian, G. Verma, A. Swami, Attribution-based confidence metric for deep We presented a baseline pruning-based approach to tro- neural networks, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS) (2019). jan detection that was evaluated on 2104 NN models from [7] N. B. Erichson, D. Taylor, Q. Wu, M. W. Mahoney, Noise-response TrojAI Challenge (Round 1 and Round 2 datasets). The ap- analysis for rapid detection of backdoors in deep neural networks, proach achieved average classification accuracy of 69.73 % arXiv (2020). arXiv:2008.00123. over Round 1 dataset and 82.41 % over Round 2 dataset [8] E. Ameisen, Always start with a stupid model, with an average processing time of less than 60 s per model no exceptions., on a CPU hardware. The code for such experimentations is always-start-with-a-stupid-model-no-exceptions-3a22314b9aaa available in GitHub [23]. (3 2018). [9] D. Blalock, J. J. G. Ortiz, J. Frankle, J. Guttag, What is the state of neural network pruning?, arXiv (2020). arXiv:2003.03033. Acknowledgments [10] B. Hassibi, D. G. Stork, Second Order Derivatives for Network Pruning: Optimal Brain Surgeon, in: Advances in Neural Information The funding for all authors was provided by IARPA: Processing Systems 5 (NIPS 1992), Neural Information Processing IARPA-20001-D2020-2007180011 Systems Foundation, Inc., 1992, pp. 164–172.
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