November 2019 - t land North of A2300, Burgess Hill, West Sussex

Page created by Ross Blake
positioning statement                                                    November 2019

                        land North of A2300, Burgess Hill, West Sussex





01         executive summary
02         introduction
03         site context
04         site constraints
05         connectivity
06         planning context
07         flood risk and water management strategy
08         sustainable transport and highways
09         masterplanning
10         development potential and vision
11         market demand
12         target occupiers
13         target occupying sectors
14         market testing
15         economic benefits
16         design
17         landscape and setting
18         mix of uses
19         green credentials and sustainability
20         scale of development and phasing
21         innovation and technology
22         available, achievable and deliverable
23         means
           		   by which a science and technology
           park will be achieved
24         potential stakeholders
25         conclusion
26         evidence base
27         appendices & copyright
executive summary

Our site is available, given that there are two landowners acting as part of the project team; it is
suitable in regard to its location off the A2300, and scale and form being 49 hectares in size (120
acres); and it is deliverable given the wealth of commercial success from the landowners across a
number of sites including the adjacent Hub development currently under construction to the South
                                                                                                                                              Twineham Solar Farm
East of the site.
                                                                                                                                           Application ref. DM15/0644
                                                                                                                                       (land in same ownership as red line

In addition to the local market knowledge of the project team, we believe the team’s expertise
will ensure a unique and successful development that meets the objectives of the wider Coast to
Capital region, as well as bespoke opportunities to link with the proposed and existing land uses           Substation
surrounding our site.

Our proposal for up to 130,000 sqm (c. 1,400,000 sqft) landmark Science and Technology Park
(STP), would be accommodated on land owned by two parties who are collaborating on planning
promotion and subsequent deliverability of infrastructure and occupier led buildings, and who have
a proven track record of investment in property and development within Mid Sussex.

The intention would be to develop in phases broadly in line with market and occupier demand. The
site is considered by the professional team to offer the best technical option for a development of
this scale.

                                                                                                       Fig 1.1 - Aerial view and diagram of adjacent land ownership within same parties
A23 - Gatwick

circa 3km...                                              land immediately North in same
                                                           ownership as red line boundary

                                           Bolney Grange
                                           Business Park

                                                                                                      Goddards Green

                                                                          n  /Ga                            A23
                                                                                                               00 t
                                                                   righ                                            oB
                                                               23/B                         The Hub                    urg
                                                      00   to A                                                           ess
                          A23 - Brighton

                                                                                                                                       Burgess Hill

Throughout the formal planning process, Mid Sussex               high-growth, knowledge-based businesses; initiatives called
District Council (MSDC) has identified the need for              by other names such as Research Park, Innovation Centre,
additional employment floorspace in the form of a strategic      Technology Park, Technopole or technology-based Incubator –
employment allocation for Science and Technology use. The        where they aspire to meet the essential criteria set out above are
District Plan allocated a broad location at Burgess Hill and     also included within the definition.”

the recent Regulation 18 Site Allocations DPD identified the
                                                                 To ensure delivery of the Science & Technology Park,
site to the North of the A2300 as its preferred location under
                                                                 there is a project team which consists of two landowners;            Trading Company Ltd
its Site Selection Paper 4.
                                                                 Glenbeigh Developments Ltd and Wortleford Trading
In addition, the formal process was underpinned by a raft of     Company Ltd; Vail Williams who are advising as planning
technical evidence based documents, including Sustainability     and development consultants; HNW as master planners
Appraisal, Habitats Regulation Assessments, Air Quality          and architects; along with other supporting consultants. In
Assessments and Transport Assessments. These also                addition, further technical evidence has been provided by
identified scenario testing with other identified commercial     Connect Consultants on transport; Air Quality advice has
and residential sites.                                           been provided by RPS; Bradbrook Consulting are advising
                                                                 on issues relating to flood risk, drainage strategy, and water
Following the assessment of our proposal known as Project
                                                                 efficiency; and Pegasus on landscaping & ecology.
Newton, the considerations of the supporting documents
and the formal scrutiny and Committee approvals, the site        Together, we believe that we can deliver this concept to
allocations document identified the North as the preferred       provide a viable mixed-use development that will provide
location for the Science & Technology Park.                      a regional commercial hub consistent with the science &
                                                                 technological definition that would attract demand from a
A Science & Technology Park is defined in the Mid Sussex
                                                                 wide range of uses such as technical, medical, pharmaceutical,
District Plan as:
                                                                 research & development, and other ‘B Class’ facilities that

“a business support environment that encourages and supports     would have a ‘science’ or technology bias.

the start-up, incubation and development of innovation-led,
site context

The site comprises 49 hectares of land North of the
A2300 adjacent to Cuckfield Road. It currently comprises                                                                                        Bolney Grange Business Park

a parcel of commercial land and low- grade agricultural
land, and is surrounded by the Bolney Industrial Estate
and the Hickstead Hotel to the West, and the Goddards
Green Wastewater Treatment Works to the East.                                                                                                 THE SITE
                                                             South of A2300
The site is adjacent to Jobs Lane which runs parallel
to the A2300. Within the site, Cuckfield Road, running

North-South, has direct access to the A2300 which

runs East-West. Also, Bishopstone Lane runs parallel
providing access to Westbourne Motors.

There are a mix of other uses within the vicinity of the
site including 3 privately owned residential properties                                                                            THE SITE

and the existing workshop for Westbourne Motors
which is also owned by Wortleford Trading Company
                                                             Fig 3.1 - Drone/Aerial View looking West towards Bolney Grange, The Hickstead Hotel and the A23

                Goddards Green Wastewater
Solar Farm                                                                                               Bolney Grange Business Park                                      Goddards Green Wastewater
                                                                                                                                              Solar Farm                                  Treatment
         THE SITE                            The Hub

                                                                                            THE SITE
                THE SITE
                                                                                                                                                           THE SITE

Fig 3.2 - View looking East towards adjacent Hub                    Fig 3.3 - View looking West towards adjacent Bolney Grange            Fig 3.4 - N.E view towards Solar Farm & Wastewater Treatment
Fig 3.1-3.4 - Drone/Aerial Views Across identified site for new
Science and Technology Park
site constraints

Whilst the site currently comprises a mix of existing             these and initial consultants reports indicate that surface
commercial land and low grade agricultural land, the adjacent     water and mitigation, dovetailed with careful design can
site of Bolney Industrial Estate and the Hickstead Hotel to       address successfully the areas of flood zone 2 & 3 into an
the West, and the Goddards Green Wastewater Treatment             integrated design without prejudicing the development
Works to the East provide opportunities to further link and       proposal. The agricultural fields are defined by mature
potentially enhance the Science & Technology Park proposal        hedgerows and landscaping.
to the North.
                                                                  The location of the site, given the scale of the land available,
There are a mix of other uses within the vicinity of the          allows for sufficient structured landscaping and open space
site, including three residential properties and the existing     to prevent coalescence with the adjacent existing buildings
workshop for Westbourne Motors, and initial discussions           to the East and West whilst responding to the existing
have been undertaken with some of these landowners in             nature and setting of the site. This accords with policy DP12
regard to the potential allocation.                               of the District Plan which seeks to ensure the protection
                                                                  and enhancement of the countryside. Therefore, all site
The site has pylons to the North, however these are not a
                                                                  constraints have been mitigated through the Masterplan and
restriction to development, and further research has been
                                                                  will be addressed during the subsequent design iterations as
undertaken to ensure that development is suitable in line
                                                                  full proposals develop further.
with the National Grid Design Guidance; this will ensure
development adequately dovetails with their position and          The character and topography of the Project Newton site
legal requirements for access.                                    ensures that the existing woodlands and the riverside
                                                                  location can be harnessed for connectivity to ensure that
The site is characterised by small clusters of mature/
                                                                  a large employment opportunity does not dominate the
established trees within the open fields and initial ecological
                                                                  surrounding landscape. This is also supported by our
surveys have been undertaken. As confirmed by the MSDC
                                                                  Landscape Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), by Pegasus.
Sustainability Appraisal there are no protected trees or
Ancient Woodland on site.                                         However further initial highways assessments have been

The site is also bounded by the River Adur to the North, with     undertaken to support the Masterplan concept, and the

some areas identified by the Environment Agency as Flood          site has existing access from the A2300. The existing road

Risk Zone 2 and 3. Our proposed masterplan has considered         network is subject to further Highways Improvement (WSCC
                                                                  Highways) with new dual carriageway improvements and
                                                                  shared pedestrian/cycle land proposed to the Northern side
                                                                  of the A2300.
B1c     Business - Light industry appropriate                                                                                                                                                              Fig 4.1 - Initial Site Opportunities & Constraints Diagram
                    in a residential area.

            C1      Hotels, boarding and guest houses
            C3      Dwellinghouses

                    Approx. EA Flood Zones 2/3
                    River Adur
                                                                                                                                                                                               Approx.                   Cuckfield
                    Tree / Vegetation                                                                                                       Bishopstone
                                                                                                                                                                                         EA Flood Zones 2/3
                    Overhead power line /                                                                                                   Lane                                                                         Road
                    Overhead power line indicative
                    Southern Water pumped sewer and
                    illustrative easement

                    WSCC W10 Strategic Waste Allocation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Solar Farm
                    Proposed Green Superhighway
                    Primary Vehicular Access
                    Secondary Vehicular Access
                    Public Right of Way
                                                                                                     River Adur                                                  pub
                                                                                                                                                                    lic r
                    Frontage Opportunity                                                                                                                                 igh                                                               Riv
                                                                                                                                                                             t of                                                             er
                                                                                                                                                                                    wa                                                             Ad
                    Landscape Buffer                                                                                                                                                  y                                                              ur

               d  ur
                         Approx.                                                                   Mature
            rA                                                                                                                                                Overhead Power Lines
         ve             EA Flood                                                                    Trees
       Ri               Zones 2/3                                                                                                           Low Point (topography)
                                                            Mature             Low Point (topography)
                                            s                Trees
           er     hea

                                                                                                                 Ponds                                                                                                           WSCC W10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Strategic Waste
                                                                                                                          Mature                                                                                                 Allocation


                                                                Landscape                                                                             Motors


                        Bolney Grange
                        Business Park                                                                                                                                                   e  row
                                                                                                High point                                                                      H   edg
      Hickstead Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Goddards Green
                                                             SHELAA Submission                                                                   High point                         High point                                                                            Wastewater
                                                             Plan to Mid    Sussex                                                                                                                                                                                         Treatment
                                                                                             PM                                                          r
                  Pond                                       District Council - July
                                                                                                                                                   eBuffe                   Frontage opportunity
                                                             2018 49ha Total Site                                                            s cap
                                                             Area                                                                      eLand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bus Stop
                                                                                        cape   Buffe                                                                                                                               Green
                                                                                  ands                                                                                                                                                     Super
                                                                       Ma  ture L                                                                                                                                                                  highw
                                                                                                         ay                                                                                                      Bus Stop              A2300
                                                                                               ghw                                                                                           Opportunity                                           to Bu
                                                                                       Superhi                                                                   SUN                         for potential                                                rgess
                                                                                 n                                   ck                                          PATH
                                                                            Gree                                atwi                                                                           highways
                                                                                                         ton/G                                                                              improvements
                                                                                            3/B   righ
                                                                                 0t    o A2
                                                                            A230                                                                 View point from South                                                                                                   N
                                                                                                                                                 Downs National Park
                                                                                                                                                                                     Science Park

connectivity                                                                                                                                                                         M11
                                                                                                                                            Oxford                        M1
                                                                                                                                            Science Park

It is important that a Science Park or similar large scale         The character and topography of the Project Newton site                                       M5

strategic employment location compliments other Science            to the North of the A2300 also ensures that the existing                                         LONDON

and Technology Park locations, the nearest of which                woodlands and the riverside location can be harnessed                                           M3
are the Southampton Science Park, Kent Science Park in             for connectivity and visual amenity, helping to ensure that                                             M3

Sittingbourne and the Surrey Research Park in Guildford.           a large employment opportunity does not dominate the                                                                             Kent
Burgess Hill is ideally located to fill a gap in such provision                                                                       Surrey Research                                               Science
                                                                   surrounding landscape.
                                                                                                                                       Park Guildford                                               Park
in the South as it utilises the opportunities within the Coast                                                                                                                     Gatwick
                                                                   There are also opportunities to further develop the existing                                       PROJECT      Diamond
to Capital LEP area, harnessing the links from Brighton to                                                                             Southampton                    NEWTON
                                                                   footways and extend opportunities across the site to the            Science Park
London. This has been recognised as part of the Coast to
                                                                   North, with rights of way to the East with Bolney Industrial                                                Brighton
Capital Local Economic Strategy and is being assessed as
                                                                   Estate and to the West with the Northern Arc and Hub to the
part of their emerging Local Industrial Strategy.
                                                                   South West.
                                                                                                                                                        English Channel
Our location provides a unique opportunity to align with the
                                                                   We are also in initial discussions with key providers and
ethos and aspirations of the Northern Arc to be built to the
                                                                   stakeholders about utilising innovation as a result of the sites
East providing a ‘golden thread’ through our Masterplan.
                                                                   location, adjacent to the A2300, and the Northern Arc and
In particular this assists with key sustainable transport
                                                                   Hub developments. Such technological advancements and
opportunities,   green     infrastructure   and     pedestrian
                                                                   opportunities as a result of scale and topography may be
movement, as well as opportunities to link through to the
water treatment works and Bolney, that can provide further
                                                                   unique to the site and will allow a sustainable development,
                                                                   fit for purpose now, and flexible to changing requirements
opportunities to the allocated Science and Technology Park.
                                                                   as technology and market innovation change.
The illustrative Masterplan shows multiple connections,
                                                                   Green bus stops are also being considered that may generate
including   sustainable    transport   options,     particularly
                                                                   power, providing a space to connect digitally and allow you
pedestrian and cycle opportunities with the Northern Arc
                                                                   to ‘work while you wait’ as part of the developing strategy for
and bus and train connections via Burgess Hill town centre.
                                                                   this site and its allocation as the next generation of Science
                                                                   and Technology Parks.

                                                                                                                                                  Fig 5.1 - Site Connectivity to local and wider context
Strategic Site Links and

   New pedestrian links
  to wider countryside/
     walking link to
 footpaths, Northern Arc
development along River

                                                                           New cycle lane /
                                                    Bus Stop           footpath link to burgess    Northern Arc Masterplan

                                                Bus Stop               A2300
                                  ck                                           to Bu
                              twi                                                   rgess
                          n/Ga                                                              Hill
                   ig hto
              23/Br                                        ‘The Hub’
    00   to A

                                                                                                                                      Burgess Hill

Note: blue hatch refers
                                                                                                                                      to SHELAA ref. 24, 906,
                                                                                                                                      907 & 931 (SA5)
planning context                                                                                                                      Note: red outline/hatch
                                                                                                                                      infill = the site

The principle of the Science and Technology Park has been        The emerging policy framework for the wider Gatwick
found sound as part of the 2018 Mid Sussex District Plan         Diamond under the Coast to Capital LEP 360 Local Industrial
under Policy DP10 and the policy aims to provide 1,000,000       Strategy, as well as the emerging District/Local Plan reviews
sqft of floorspace.                                              for Mid Sussex, Crawley and Horsham Councils, also provide
                                                                 a perfect opportunity for Mid Sussex to consider our site as
In addition, other sites to the North of the A2300 have
                                                                 the preferred location for the Science and Technology Park.
been identified as new employment allocations including
                                                                 This opportunity provides a unique scale and development
further localised opportunities surrounding our site that
                                                                 to address regional shortfall in quality and quantity, and
could provide further opportunity to enhance employment
                                                                 aligns with the District Plan objectives.
provision. These include:
                                                                 Given the existing countryside setting and form of the site,
•   Extension to the South Bolney Grange, a 0.59 ha site
                                                                 it is essential that any Science and Technology Park location
    (SHELAA ref 906)
                                                                 adequately addresses its location as a transition to the
•   Undeveloped land at Bolney Grange, which is a 0.19 ha        adjacent countryside and key landscape factors such as
    site (SHELAA ref 907)                                        woodlands, water courses and topography central to any
                                                                 design evolution. We therefore ensure that our indicative
•   Land at Stairbridge Lane (South of Bolney Grange) 5.5 ha,
    Bolney (SHELAA ref 24)                                       layout and green infrastructure plans recognise the setting
                                                                 of the site. Given the slope of the site, as shown in our
•   Extension East of Bolney Grange Business Park,
                                                                 Landscape Visual Impact Assessment and the images of the
    Stairbridge Lane 0.7ha (SHELAA 931)
                                                                 landscape and setting of the site, we can balance design with
                                                                 issues such as scale and quantum of development, access,
These sites have been identified in the site selection paper 4
                                                                 transport and mix of uses.
as employment allocation SA5 totalling 7 hectares.

                                                                 We therefore believe our proposal complements the raft of
These are now included in the Site Allocations Document as
                                                                 documents produced by the consultants for MSDC in regard
having potential as new employment site allocations, further
                                                                 to Transport, Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and
endorsing that development to the North of the A2300 to
                                                                 Air Quality, as well as considering the wider objectives of the
ensure consistent and unique opportunities for consolidated
                                                                 emerging MSDC Design Guide also being proposed by MSDC
development, East to West.
                                                                 to sit alongside the Site Allocation DPD.

                                                                                                                                   Fig 6.1 - Planning and Land Use Context around site
SHELAA Submission Plan to Mid
                                       Sussex District Council - July 2018
                                       49ha Total Site Area

                    Undeveloped land at Bolney
                    Grange, which is a 0.19 ha                                            Flintstones

Bolney Grange       site (SHELAA ref 907).
Business Park
                                        Extension (East) to Bolney
                                        Grange, which is a 0.70 ha           Westbourne
                                        site (SHELAA ref 931).                 Motors

            Extension to the South                                                                               Goddards Green
            Bolney Grange, a 0.59 ha                                                                             Wastewater
            site (SHELAA ref 906),                                                                               Treatment

                                                                             ick                        A230
                                                                          tw                                0 to B
Land at Stairbridge Lane (South of                                 ton/Ga                                         urge
                                                             i g h                                                    ss Hi
Bolney Grange), Bolney
                                                       23/Br                                                                 ll
(SHELAA ref 24),
                                             00   to A

flood risk and water management strategy
Existing flood risk to site                                        Published geological mapping indicates ground conditions          •   Restrict development within areas at risk of flooding, or
                                                                   comprise discontinuous River Terrace Deposits, over bedrock           ensure its compatible with flooding such as permissible
The site forms the Southern side of the River Adur valley as the
                                                                   of Weald Clay. The River Terrace Deposits comprise sand               amenity areas
river flows from East to West along the Northern boundary
                                                                   and gravel and are likely to be water-bearing. The Weald
of the site. The River Adur is shown to cause flooding along                                                                         •   Identify areas such as ponds and watercourses that
                                                                   Clay consists of low-permeability clay. A ribbon of Alluvium
a narrow margin parallel with the watercourse, encroaching                                                                               should be retained and enhanced within an appropriate
                                                                   exists along the route of the River Adur, so is expected to be
a maximum of about 60 m into the Northern edge of the                                                                                    setting
                                                                   present below the far Northern part of the site only.
site. This is indicated on the Environment Agency (EA) Flood
                                                                                                                                     •   Consider the potential runoff from impermeable
Risk map for Planning. The maps indicate this narrow strip         This variability in soil types explains the extent of predicted
                                                                                                                                         development areas and the terrain
to fall within Flood Zone 3 – meaning there is a greater than      areas affected by surface water flooding, as shown on the
1 in 100 probability of river flooding in this location in any     Environment Agency’s Flood Risk from Surface Water Maps.          •   Identify natural flow paths and consider sustainable
year. Small areas are located within Zone 2, which can be                                                                                drainage (SuDS) features which can convey runoff and
                                                                   There are several ponds and a stream situated within the
considered to be at ‘moderate’ risk – meaning between 1 in                                                                               add to the amenity and improve water quality
                                                                   site, and these are anticipated to be retained as features
100 and 1 in 1000 annual probability of flooding from the
                                                                   within the future development.                                    •   SuDS features include swales, ponds, permeable paving,
                                                                                                                                         landscaping, etc
                                                                   Impact of Development
The great majority of the site is therefore outside Flood Zones
2 and 3 and is defined be being located within Flood Zone                                                                            •   Ensure improved maintenance and management of such
                                                                   The proposed development and its occupants will need to be
1. This designation applies to land, at low risk of flooding                                                                             areas and features of the design and masterplan.
                                                                   safe from flooding from all events during the lifetime of the
meaning less than 1 in 1000 annual probability.                    development, and the development must not make flooding           •   Consider the existing greenfield runoff rates and
                                                                   worse off site. Furthermore, the development will be designed         develop a strategy to match the rates using ponds and
EA data indicating modelled flood levels for events of various
                                                                   to enhance biodiversity, create an attractive amenity and             other features to attenuate runoff for the lifetime of the
return periods have been obtained. A comparison of these
                                                                   reduce flood risk on and off site – the development will bring        development with climate change allowance
levels with available site-specific topographical information
                                                                   betterment to the area, in accordance with the guidance in
supports the above indication of the extent of the flood
                                                                   the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).                    •   Integrate these engineering requirements with the
zone. Ground levels rise steadily towards the South away
                                                                                                                                         development proposals to create a holistic development
from the river, such that only the far Northern margin would       General Proposals                                                     which contributes to the amenity and well-being of the
be affected by flood waters in even the most severe event.
                                                                   •   Define the predicted flood levels with climate change
                                                                                                       The general strategy of Project Newton is to incorporate
                                                                                                       sustainable drainage systems into the earliest stages of the
                                                                                                       design, to ensure appropriate management of surface water
                                                                                                       runoff water. In broad terms this is anticipated to comprise
                                                                                                       above-ground attenuation ponds / basins in the Northern
                                                                                                       sector, prior to discharge at greenfield rates into the River
                                                                                                       Adur. It may also be possible to incorporate infiltration
                                                                                                       devises in some part of the site, such as soakaways and/
                                                                                                       or permeable paving, subject to field testing to determine
                                                                                                       soil infiltration characteristics. Our development should
                                                                                                       result in better visibility of the river, and therefore improved
                                                                                                       monitoring and maintenance of the river. This will ensure
                                                                                                       that our proposals enhance and bringing improvements to
      Fig 7.1 - EA Flood Risk Map for Planning, showing areas at risk of fluvial flooding              the river characteristics and reducing the risk of flooding on
                                                                                                       the site and in its surrounds.

                                                                                                       Where parts of the site are currently situated within the
                                                                                                       modelled flood plain, development levels will be set to ensure
                                                                                                       no loss of flood storage capacity. At present the development
                                                                                                       masterplan envisage such areas to be used for car parking,
                                                                                                       i.e. lower sensitivity land use. We also note that level-for-level
                                                                                                       flood compensation will be provided if necessary - in this
                                                                                                       way there will be no change in the fluvial flood risk profile at
                                                                                                       either the site or at neighbouring properties.

                                                                                                       Foul water drainage is proposed to be directed into the
                                                                                                       Southern Water public sewer network and into the treatment
                                                                                                       works situated immediately beyond the site’s Eastern

      Fig 7.2 - EA Surface water flooding map, showing areas of ponding/streaming to be incorporated
      into the development
sustainable transport
& highways
Sustainable Access Strategy                                        the approximate walk catchments of the Project Newton site         As part of the A2300 Corridor Improvement Scheme, a footway
                                                                   are shown at Figure 8.1.                                           / cycleway will be provided along the route’s Northern side
As with the Northern Arc, enhancing and providing strategic
                                                                                                                                      between the A2300 / A23 interchange to Burgess Hill, with
pedestrian and cycle links will be provided through the            The walk catchments indicate that there are a number of
                                                                                                                                      connections to the National Cycle Network. This route passes
creation of the new Green Super Highway and improvements           residences within the 800m walk catchment area, including
                                                                                                                                      along the site’s Southern boundary, thereby providing the
to the existing Green Circle as well as the provision of           Goddards Green South of the proposal site.            The 2km
                                                                                                                                      site with a good quality, attractive local and longer distance
additional opportunities to further extend sustainable             walk catchments cover a section of West Burgess Hill and
                                                                                                                                      cycle route.
transport, including pedestrian and cycle routes, ensuring         surrounding villages.
sustainable travel and connectivity is maximised.                                                                                     Using 5km as an indicator of the national average cycling
                                                                   The Western parts of the Northern Arc development site
                                                                                                                                      distance, the approximate cycle catchment is shown at
In addition to enhancing and maximising the opportunities          are within walking distance, which means that a significant
                                                                                                                                      Figure 8.2.
for sustainable modes of transport, and to the vehicular           area of residential land will be within walking distance of this
access strategy, the initial Masterplans are also looking at       proposed employment site.                                          The 5km cycle catchment includes most of Burgess Hill and
incorporating the infrastructure and future-ready plans                                                                               settlements to the West of the town, including Hurstpierpoint,
                                                                   As part of the A2300 Corridor Improvement Scheme,
for green technology, artificial intelligence and transport                                                                           Sayers Common, Ansty, and Goddards Green. It also includes
                                                                   a footway / cycleway will be provided along the route’s
automation.                                                                                                                           the entire Northern Arc site.
                                                                   Northern side between the A2300 / A23 interchange and
Pedestrian Access                                                  Burgess Hill. The route passes the site’s Southern boundary.       There is a significant local population located within cycle
                                                                                                                                      distance of the site.
The Department for Transport’s (DfT) document titled               The Project Newton site is located within walking distance of
‘Manual for Streets’ dated 2007 provides guidance in relation      the nearby Hub employment development and its associated           As with the pedestrian access strategy, cyclists will also
to walk distances. Section 4.4 gives the following advice:-        sustainable transport links, including a pedestrian and cycle      have the opportunity to use the sustainable transport links
                                                                   route to Burgess Hill via Gatehouse Lane. These links will         associated with The Hub development South-East of the
“Walkable neighbourhoods are typically characterised by having
                                                                   provide a safe, low-trafficked connection between the              proposal site, with links to Burgess Hill. This includes the
a range of facilities within 10 minutes’ (up to about 800 m)
                                                                   proposed Science & Technology Park and Burgess Hill.               provision of a signal-controlled pedestrian and cycle crossing
walking distance of residential areas which residents may access
                                                                                                                                      over Jane Murray Way, where it intersects with Gate House
comfortably on foot”.                                              Cycle Access

Table 3.2 of The Institute of Highways and Transportation          The 2017 National Travel Survey identified average journey
                                                                                                                                      This will provide a quiet and low-trafficked route via
                                                                   lengths by cycle in England of c.5.5km.         This suggests
   (IHT) guidance document titled ‘Providing for Journeys                                                                             Gatehouse Lane to the proposed Science & Technology Park
                                                                   that cycling can offer a realistic alternative to car travel,
   on Foot’ identifies a maximum walk distance of 2.0km for                                                                           for pedestrians and cyclists travelling to and from Burgess
                                                                   particularly for trips of less than 5km.
   commuter, school and sightseeing walk trips, 800m for                                                                              Hill.
   town centre walk trips and 1.2km for trips elsewhere.
                                                                   Cycling has the potential to play an important part in
                                                                   sustainable travel to and from the proposed Science &
   Based on the maximum walk distances of 800m and 2km,
                                                                   Technology Park, for visitors and staff.
Fig 8.1 - 800m and 2km Walk Catchment   Fig 8.2 - Cycle Catchment Area
Metrobus has suggested that it would be possible to
                                                                                                                                introduce a new Fastway service to build on the success of
                                                                                                                                the 10, 20 and 100 services, to provide a new service between
                                                                                                                                Gatwick, Crawley, Burgess Hill and Brighton.

                                                                                                                                This would provide an attractive service and a genuine
                                                                                                                                opportunity for a significant proportion of employees
                                                                                                                                and visitors to travel by bus. This new service could be
                                                                                                                                supplemented by other existing services as follows;

                                                                                                                                1. The existing 273 service has a two-hour frequency
                                                                                                                                   between Crawley and Brighton, via the A23/A2300
Bus Access                                                      is ongoing regarding opportunities to enhance the provision
                                                                                                                                   junction. This service could be diverted to serve the site
                                                                of bus services to and from the Project Newton site.
                                                                                                                                   and would need to operate on a more frequent basis.
The   publication   ‘Planning   for   Public   Transport   in
Developments’ produced by the Institution of Highways           The outcome of recent meetings with Metrobus is that the
                                                                                                                                2. The site would need frequent bus services to connect to
and Transportation (IHT) specifies that new developments        preferred option is to serve the site via a “superhub” at the
                                                                                                                                   the residential areas of Burgess Hill including its railway
should be located within 400m of the nearest bus stop.          entrance to the site which would act as a bus set-down and
                                                                                                                                   stations. It is envisaged that a new bus service will be
                                                                pick up area, from which passengers would use a network
                                                                                                                                   required, possibly in conjunction with the Northern Arc
As part of the permitted Hub development two bus stops will
                                                                of internal walking routes and possibly some form of shuttle
                                                                                                                                   site, with some consequential adjustments to the existing
be provided on the A2300 adjacent to the Hub site, serving
                                                                service within the site to access the individual units.
                                                                                                                                   33A/C and 35A/C services. The relationship between
Westbound and Eastbound routes. The bus stops will be
                                                                                                                                   the superhub location and the Western Northern Arc
situated approximately 200m and 250m East of the Project        The superhub facility would mean that buses would not
                                                                                                                                   roundabout is noted as being favourable in this regard.
Newton Science & Technology Park site.                          need to circulate within the site which otherwise would add
                                                                journey time and detract from the attractiveness of the bus
                                                                                                                                3. The Burgess Hill to Horsham 100 provides an hourly
The stops will serve the existing 100 Route, which provides
                                                                                                                                   service and passes the Project Newton site. This is
hourly services between Burgess Hill and Horsham, both
                                                                                                                                   capable of being enhanced in terms of frequency and
of which have train stations. The Project Newton Science &      An exemplar superhub could be provided immediately
                                                                                                                                   being diverted to the superhub.
Technology Park will therefore benefit from convenient and      adjacent to the site’s junction with the A2300, which would
regular bus access, with opportunities for longer-distance      include bus facilities along with flexible working space, a
multi-modal public transport journeys.                          café/restaurant, cycle shop/repair facility, taxi pickup/drop
                                                                off point etc. so that it would be a vibrant work and meeting
With the close proximity of the Northern Arc development,
                                                                place as well as the focus for sustainable travel to and from
the future Northern Arc bus services could be easily adapted
                                                                the site.
  to serve the Science & Technology Park, either by small-
  scale route diversion, or by users walking between the        The superhub would be located less than 1km West of
  sites to the nearest bus stops.                               the Western Northern Arc roundabout. On this basis, the
                                                                superhub would be close enough to the Northern Arc
  Connect Consultants is engaged in discussions with
                                                                development for there to be a synergy between the public
  Metrobus, the local bus operator, through which dialogue
                                                                transport strategies for the two developments.
Vehicular Access Strategy

As with the work being undertaken in regard to the Northern Arc, it is important that any development in this location carefully considers traffic attraction and transport movements and the
effect that it will have on the road network. Our plans and indicative layout show at this early stage that any layout established in the Masterplan will ensure that the development integrates
well with the surrounding network. The Project Newton site benefits from close proximity to the existing roundabout junction of the A2300 and Cuckfield Road, as well as the priority-controlled
junction of Jobs Lane with the A2300.

At an early stage, three preliminary design options were considered for the Project Newton site access arrangements. These options were set out in a Technical Note ( May 2019) by Connect
Consultants which informed the pre-application discussions with WSCC Highways. The Technical Note is included as a supporting note.

                     Bishopstone                                                       Bishopstone                                                      Bishopstone
                     Lane                                                              Lane                                                             Lane

                                                   Cuckfield                                                         Cuckfield
                                                   Road                                                              Road                  ’s La
              e                                                             ane                                                        Job
           Lan                                                          ’s L
      ’s                                                            Job

                                                                                               A2300                                                             A2300

Option 1                                                          Option 2                                                         Option 3

The A2300 / Jobs Lane junction is currently an all-movements      The Cuckfield Road roundabout will provide an ‘all-              Similar to Option 2, but the junction on the A2300 takes the
T-Junction, however, following the future dualling of the         movements’ access junction both before and after the A2300       form of a signal-controlled ‘Hamburger Junction’ which offers
A2300, it will become a left-in / left-out junction which could   dualling as part of the A2300 Corridor Improvement Scheme.       significantly higher capacity than a conventional roundabout
serve as an access point for Project Newton.                                                                                       and would accommodate a larger scale of development
                                                                  This option involves locally modifying the alignment of          than that which would be accommodated with either access
This left-in / left-out option has been discounted as it would    Cuckfield Road immediately North of its connection with          options 1 or 2.
not provide sufficient capacity for a development of the          A2300, along with the provision of a secondary roundabout
scale and prestige of the proposed Science & Technology           junction, providing direct access into the site.                 Also, with the provision of the ‘hamburger’ A2300 through-
Park, and it would add unnecessary pressure from U-turning                                                                         lanes, it will minimise disruption and delay to East-West
traffic at adjoining junctions on the A2300.                      The benefit of this option is that all movements are             through-traffic using the A2300.
                                                                  accommodated within the site access, avoiding the need for
                                                                  traffic to U-turn at neighbouring junctions, and consequently    This arrangement utilises existing highway land and
                                                                  improving their capacity and operation.                          additional land entirely within the ownership of the Project
                                                                                                                                   Newton promotors, and it aligns with the wider transport
                                                                  Further, it can accommodate both Eastbound and Westbound         improvements proposed by WSCC for the A2300.
                                                                  bus services locally diverting from the A2300 and efficiently
                                                                  re-joining, with minimal delay, thus providing the opportunity   Connect Consultants has engaged in pre-application
                                                                  to deliver the superhub and bus service enhancements set         consultation with WSCC Highways, and are in dialogue
                                                                  out earlier.                                                     with Highways England about their aspirations for the
                                                                                                                                   A23 / A2300 interchange; further assessment work will be
                                                                                                                                   undertaken to refine the proposed access arrangements as
                                                                                                                                   those discussions progress.
Consideration     of    Wider    Highway      Impacts     and     A2300 / Cuckfield Road Roundabout                              Additional capacity improvements or mitigation measures
Improvements                                                                                                                     will be explored and provided, if they are identified as being
                                                                  The Northern Arc TA includes the proposed A2300 dualling
                                                                                                                                 required through any future planning application or traffic
At this early stage in the planning process, in order to          scheme within the future baseline scenario, which includes
                                                                                                                                 assessment work in support of the Project Newton Science
understand the likely future traffic scenario and the potential   the associated capacity improvement at the Cuckfield Road
                                                                                                                                 & Technology Park.
need for mitigation of the proposed Science & Technology          roundabout. The TA shows that the roundabout will be close
Park, this section makes reference to the Transport               to capacity in the 2037 scenario with the full Northern Arc
Assessment (TA) for the Northern Arc planning application         plus committed developments.
                                                                                                                                 A23 / A2300 Junction Interchange Eastern / Western
(AECOM on behalf of Homes England, December 2018). The
                                                                  The Project Newton promotor controls land on both sides of     Roundabouts
Northern Arc TA incorporates traffic data from the Burgess
                                                                  this roundabout and therefore the ability exists to provide
Hill Traffic Model (BHTM), using the SATURN traffic modelling                                                                    The A2300 corridor scheme includes capacity improvements
                                                                  further capacity improvements if required to accommodate
software.                                                                                                                        to this interchange. This was included in the Northern Arc
                                                                  the proposed Science & Technology Park traffic.
                                                                                                                                 TA, which predicts that the roundabouts will operate at or
As well as informing the traffic assessment of the allocated
                                                                                                                                 close to capacity in the 2037 Base + Development scenario.
Northern Arc site, the BHTM has been used for the business
case for the c.£20m A2300 dualling scheme.                        A273 / A2300 / Triangle Way Roundabout                         Connect    Consultants   is   in   dialogue   with   Highways
                                                                                                                                 England with regard to aspirations for future large-scale
The BHTM includes in its future traffic forecasts all permitted   The Northern Arc TA also shows that the capacity of the A273
                                                                                                                                 improvements to this interchange. As the proposals for
and allocated developments in Mid Sussex District, and            / A2300 / Triangle Way Roundabout would operate at or
                                                                                                                                 the Science & Technology Park progress, dialogue with HE
therefore represents the future traffic scenario as envisaged     close to capacity in the 2037 Base + Development scenario.
                                                                                                                                 and WSCC will continue in order to identify whether any
at that time by MSDC.
                                                                  The TA of the proposed Northern Arc development does not       additional improvements or mitigation will be required in
The Northern Arc TA includes assessments of a number of           include any additional mitigation or capacity improvement      this location.
the junctions local to the proposed Project Newton Science        beyond the improvements forming part of the A2300
& Technology Park site.                                           Corridor Improvement Scheme.

The specific junctions that have been reviewed for the            A signal-controlled pedestrian and cycle crossing over Jane
purposes of this report are as follows:                           Murray Way, where it intersects with Gate House Lane, was
                                                                  agreed to be delivered as part of The Hub development. This
   •   A2300 / Cuckfield Road Roundabout
                                                                  will improve the accessibility of the Project Newton Science
   •   A273 / A2300 / Triangle Way Roundabout                     & Technology Park for pedestrians and cyclists travelling to
                                                                  and from Burgess Hill, and may therefore help to reduce the
   •   A23 / A2300 Junction Interchange Eastern / Western
                                                                  traffic effect at the Triangle Way Roundabout.
Mid Sussex Transport Study                                       population which would achieve a wider-reaching regional
                                                                 mode-shift than just the Science and Technology Park users.
To support the Site Allocations DPD, Mid Sussex District
Council commissioned SYSTRA to run a strategic highway           By virtue of the site’s proximity to the Northern Arc
model to inform and update the Mid Sussex Transport Study        development, there will be a synergy between the public
(MSTS).                                                          transport strategies for the two developments.

The modelling has identified the Project Newton site as the      As such, it is entirely feasible that the 10% reduction of
preferred location for the S&TP, and it shows that without       predicted future traffic using the A23 / A2300 Southbound
mitigation the proposed future MSDC development scenario         on-slip, as cited by SYSTRA, will be realised in the advent of
generates significant additional traffic, notably on the A2300   the Project Newton Science and Technology Park.
and the surrounding roads, and the A23/A2300 junction.
                                                                 Whilst significant improvements are currently planned to
When tested with mitigation measures in place, the               alleviate the future impact at key junctions, these improvement
modelling shows that ‘severe’ impacts are predicted at just      schemes rely upon external funding. Therefore, the Project
two junctions, as opposed to eight junctions in the scenario     Newton Phasing Strategy will incorporate flexibility in terms
without mitigation:                                              of scale and timing of each phase, in conjunction with traffic
                                                                 modelling and transport assessment, and through ongoing
•   A272 / B2036, Ansty
                                                                 engagement with WSCC, Highways England, and local bus

•   A23 / A2300 Southbound on-slip, Burgess Hill                 operators, to ensure that each phase can be acceptably
                                                                 accommodated and is appropriately mitigated.
SYSTRA notes that a 10% reduction in the predicted future
traffic (i.e. 65 fewer) on the A23/A2300 Southbound on-
slip could remove the ‘severe’ impact, which is predicted
predominantly in the PM peak hour.

The SYSTRA ‘with mitigation’ modelling assumes that there
will be three sustainable mitigation measures associated
with the S&TP, which will reduce predicted Science and
Technology Park traffic by 3%.

The proposed Project Newton Sustainable Access Strategy
is far broader than the three measures assumed in the
modelling, and will provide additional benefits to the wider

Our plan shows our initial concept for the development, with the retention of the
main areas of woodland to the East, and the sensitive design having regard to the
existing overhead cables, pylons and watercourse to the North and the mature
rural soft landscape and falling site topography.

The concept drawing considers the retention of much of the existing boundary
landscaping and creates a gateway entrance to this unique site ensuring that the
strong landscape strategy can be used to both protect and screen yet also frame
and promote carefully selected views and vistas to, from and within the site.

It is anticipated that the development will require a new roundabout for access
from the A2300 and options have been progressed to review direct access into
the site without adverse impact upon the existing (and ‘to be’ improved) A2300

Aspirational images of successfully established Science Parks, and other high
quality buildings and their settings are shown throughout this document. This
is coupled with a further plan outlining a suitable mix of uses consistent with a
high quality Business Park / Science & Technology Park environment, including
supporting uses that may accompany this strategic employment location.

The focus of the masterplanning on this particular parcel of land also lends itself to
the future potential opportunities for further sustainable energy and solar power,
perhaps to the North of the watercourse, where the same freeholders own further
land directly adjacent to this site.

                                                                                         Fig 9.1 - Aspirational “placemaking” precedent images
Fig 9.2 - Conceptual place making and opportunities diagram

                                                                                                                           Bishopstone                                                                        Cuckfield
                                                                                                                           Lane                                                          Approx.              Road
                                                                                                                                                                                   EA Flood Zones 2/3
                                                                                       New pedestrian links to
                                                                                     wider countryside/walking
                                                                                     link to footpaths, Northern                                                                                                                                          Solar Farm
                                                                                           Arc development                                                            Rerouted

                          Approx.                                                                                                                   pub
                    EA Flood Zones 2/3                                          River Adur                                                             lic r
                                                                                                                                                            igh                                                                  Riv
                                                                                                                                                               t of                                                                 er
                                                                                                                                                                      wa                                                                 Ad
                                                                                                                                                                        y                                                                  ur


                                                                                                       GREEN ARTE
     e  rA                                                                                                                                          Overhead Power Lines
    v                                                                           Trees

                               er                                                                                              New road layout
                        d   Pow

                 er hea                        GRE
                                                                                                                              linking to existing
               Ov                                     EN                                                                        highways while
                                                           ART                                                                   maintaining
          Potential connectivity to                                                                                            proposed design                                     Flintstones
              Bolney Grange                                                                                                        rational                                                                            WSCC W10

                                                                                                HEART                      GRE
                                                                                                                                  EN A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Strategic Waste

                                   Bolney     Landscape

                                                                                                                         Key buildings to
                                   Grange       Buffer

                                                                                                                        be located around
                                  Business                                                                             ‘heart’ - Aspirational

                                                                                                        GREEN ARTERY
                                                                                                                       business progression


Hickstead Hotel
                                                                                                                                                          Key buildings to be located                                                                          Goddards Green
                                                                                                                                                           with visibility from A2300                                                                           Wastewater
                                                                                                                                                             - Highlight prestigious                                                                             Treatment
                      Pond                                                                                                                 er
                                                                                                                                  pe   Buff                elements of Science Park
                                                                                                                           d  sca

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bus Stop
                                                                 er                                                                                                                                                              Super
                                                        e   Buff                                                                                                                                                                         highw
                                                   scap                                                                                                                                                                                          ay
                                                                                   ay                                                                                                              Bus Stop                  A2300
                                                                            ghw                                                                                              Opportunity                                                 to Bu
                                                                    Superhi                                                                                                  for potential        Opportunity                                   rgess
                                                                n                              ck
                                                           Gree                           atwi                                                                                 highways           for potential
                                                                                 t on/G                                                                                     improvements            highways
                                                                         3/Brigh                                                                                                                 improvements
                                                                 0t o A2
development potential and vision

In regard to quality of environment, this document also            We believe that the Science and Technology Park in this
highlights aspirational images of successfully established         location can assist in future innovation ensuring growing
Science Parks and their settings and these are indicative of       space for the current 1000 businesses identified in the local
the quality and public realm that we would seek to provide         plan that are under 2 years old.
on this site.
                                                                   This will also assist in reducing the need for ’in and out
By developing our Masterplan this document it is intended          district’ commuting reducing impact on traffic levels and
to lead to successful collaborative relationships between          environmental quality.
existing and proposed buildings, both on site and in the
                                                                   Our proposition enhances the vision of the District Plan to
surrounding area, resulting in the creation of a high-quality
                                                                   “improve the social, economic and environmental well- being of
mixed- use scheme, connected to the existing, and emerging
                                                                   the District and the quality of life for all, now and for the future.”
Burgess Hill plans at the Hub and the Northern Arc.
                                                                                                                                            Mature Landscape setting at Southampton Science Park, Chilworth
                                                                   Policy DP1: Sustainable Economic Development states on
The vision is to ensure a creative approach to the mix, quality
                                                                   p.24 that the broad location for the Science & Technology
and scale of buildings helping to unlock needed business
                                                                   Park is defined by the LEP Strategic Economic Plan 2014
accommodation and the inclusion of other ancillary uses
                                                                   which supports 100,000m2 employment floorspace with the
creating a ‘destination’ and landmark site, as encouraged by
                                                                   potential to create 2500 new jobs (50% for new graduates).
the Mid Sussex adopted District Plan.

                                                                   Our vision is to ensure that our Science and Technology
We believe the proposals are consistent with the visions and
                                                                   Park can create a significant economic and innovative
objectives of the adopted District Plan creating an attractive
                                                                   destination, marrying high-quality planning and landscaping,
place to live, work and visit; ensuring that we are sensitive to
                                                                   architectural and commercial buildings that create a sense of
the countryside setting of the site, whilst offering a perfect
                                                                   place aligning with the Coast to Capital LEP SEP aspirations
opportunity to further ensure the resilience of the District;
                                                                   and those of Mid Sussex as defined in policy DP1.
and secure its sound economic function, building on its
current foundations of success in the professional, scientific,
technical and communication sectors.

                                                                                                                                            Water and Soft Landscaping defining the site layout at The Oxford Science Park
A sense of ‘place’ at the Kent Science Park

Active, green public spaces
market demand

Vail Williams has considerable experience of letting and          Sussex, and North to include Crawley/ Gatwick and Southern        In addition, we have a reputation for our occupier advisory
selling commercial property within Mid Sussex District.           M25 locations.                                                    services and we have been instrumental in a number of
More recently they are letting agents on the HUB, Burgess                                                                           significant acquisitions over 100,000 sq ft in the South East
                                                                  The limited supply of bespoke Science Park development
Hill where up to 46,450 sqm (500,000 sqft) is currently                                                                             including Elekta, Sub-sea 7, Jacobs, L3, AJ Walters, CAE, Roche,
                                                                  opportunities throughout the Gatwick Diamond region and
being developed, and they were selling agent on the former                                                                          Goldman Sachs, Verizon, Becton Dickinson, Daylo Rowney
                                                                  across the South East will focus occupier’s attention on this
Wyevale garden centre site at Handcross, now Tungsten                                                                               and Rockwell Collins. The majority of these occupiers satisfy
                                                                  opportunity. The 1,000,000+ sqft potential will provide the
Park, where they were retained to sell up to 83,000 sqft, now                                                                       the science and technology criteria.
                                                                  critical mass to both attract and retain occupiers across all
complete following the recent pre-sale of a HQ facility to Pets
                                                                  size ranges.
Corner on phase 1, and to investor Martins Properties on
phase 2.                                                          We have undertaken initial research and identified
                                                                  numerous occupiers located in the catchment area falling
Historically, Vail Williams were development and letting
                                                                  within the Science Park definition. This research has not yet
advisors on Phases 2 and 3 Birches Industrial Estate, East
                                                                  targeted those which may be ‘footloose’ through lease event
Grinstead (400,000 sqft) and handled the sale of the former
                                                                  activity. However, there is without doubt a growing trend          Vail Williams highlight various examples of demand,
Ericson complex, Burgess Hill where they undertook pre-
                                                                  for occupiers to improve the quality and standards of their        below a number of which they were directly involved with
lettings to Roche for their HQ, and sales to Whitbread
                                                                  property to provide the best working environments which            including;
Premier Inn, R F Solutions and others. They also acted on
                                                                  will attract and retain the most talented employees.
the sale of the Honeywell building to B E Aerospace, and on                                                                          •   Elekta – 111,000 sqft relocation to new UK head office
numerous other building sales/lettings in the vicinity.           Vail Williams are active in the local, regional and UK property
                                                                                                                                         and R&D facility in Crawley
                                                                  market. We have 7 offices in the South East with 23 business
Given our local experience, we anticipate strong occupier
                                                                  space letting agents in the firm handling letting and sales        •   CSL Behring – relocation to 20,000 sqft grade A facility
demand with a significant proportion of all market
                                                                  on office parks, industrial estates and high technology
transactions in the region falling within the MSDC Science                                                                               in Haywards Heath
Park definition.
                                                                                                                                     •   AJ Walter Aviation – 120,000 sqft new facility in Slinfold
                                                                  We have also advised on both the Southampton Science
Strategically, the site will attract occupiers from the South                                                                            to serve the aviation sector
                                                                  Park and the Surrey Research Park (Guildford) in differing
coast (Brighton & surrounding) conurbation, all of Mid-
                                                                                                                                     •   Siemens – relocation to new 10,000 sqft Manor Royal


                                                                                                                                     •   Gatwick Airport HQ – 100,000 sq (A pre-let at J10 M23

                                                                                                                                         to serve the airport)
HNW Architects: New build office, under-croft car parking and Cat-A      HNW Architects: Formaplex - high tech manufacturing                HNW Architects: 90,000 sqft B1c/B2 scheme with
fit out allowing a high-tech company to relocate a high as part of the   (autoclaves/injection moulding/paint spraying) 125,000 sqft B1c/   flexibility for future growth - forms part of HNW’s
wider Adur Civic Centre regeneration programme (Shoreham)                B2 & Head Office facility (Portsmouth)                             wider 350,000 sqft masterplan for the site (Bracknell)

Vail Williams: Elekta – 111,000 sqft relocation to new UK head office (Crawley)                      Vail Williams: The L3 London Training           Vail Williams: AJ Walter Aviation – 120,000
                                                                                                     Centre 158,000 sq ft (Crawley)                  sqft new facility (Slinfold)
target occupiers

As explained throughout this document, Vail Williams’ expert    Through our market activity we have identified 7 significant   Nature of     Employees Size of       Planning Timing
opinion indicates demand exists for at least 1,000,000 sq ft    target occupiers based within West Sussex who have current     Company                 requirement   Use
of accommodation from businesses involved in the Science        requirements and fit the Project Newton criteria. We can                               (sq ft)
and Technology sectors within the current District Plan         confirm the organisations identified subject to MSDC           High Tech/    1000      150,000       B1c       Short/
period to 2031.                                                 entering into an NDA. High level information on each search    IT                                              Medium
                                                                is set out to the right:
This will be from businesses located within the District,                                                                      High Tech /   300       70,000        B1c       Short
Gatwick Diamond and wider catchment, for a range of
planning uses, building sizes and tenure. For this reason, on
                                                                                                                               Science/      150       60,000        B1c       Short/
the Masterplan as shown, we have set out a broad mix of                                                                        High Tech                                       Medium
building types covering B1a office, B1b R&D and B1c light                                                                      Oil & Gas
industrial uses. In all instances we envisage high quality
                                                                                                                               Aviation      150       150,000       B1c, B8   Short/
buildings and not basic industrial/warehouse units which
                                                                                                                               R&D                                             Medium
would be more suited to an Industrial Estate environment.                                                                      Pharmacy      350       40,000        B1a       Medium

In addition to the positioning document we have also                                                                           I.T/A.V       150       120,000       B1c, B8   Medium
undertaken further market testing and would like to
                                                                                                                               I.T/A.V       100       30,000        B1c, B8   Medium/
supplement the following in regard to how we consider,                                                                                                                         Long
as cross discipline property consultants that deal with the
market and its requirements on a daily basis, how the offer
and mix of uses can ensure a successful development in
terms of sectors and mix of uses.
target occupying

In our opinion around a quarter of occupier requirements
within the region have a high technology bias that should fit
the MSDC “Science and Technology Park” definition. This is
backed up by an analysis of SIC codes where 180 out of 730
businesses could have a research, technological or science

Vail Williams utilise specialist mailing houses when needed
who determine organisations principle business via a SIC

To inform market demand we set out below some specialist
UK wide occupier target lists and number of organisations

Bio Tech					                                  300

Energy						                                   500

Fastest expanding				                          400

Manufacturers				                              500

Medical					                                   400

Science park					                              700

TMT (technology, media and telecom)            500
market testing

It is premature to be pro-actively marketing a site without
an allocation, however we confirm that we have undertaken
selective market testing and spoken on a confidential basis
to 7 companies about the principle of relocation to a science
and technology park or business park in West Sussex. All
would like further information once planning is more certain
as any relocation would be conditional on the grant of a
satisfactory planning consent.

The local and regional education providers (Sussex
University, Brighton University and Chichester College
Group) have made their requirements known to C2C LEP
resulting in the aspiration to support the delivery of a Science
and Technology Park at Burgess Hill. The interaction with the
education providers works at multiple levels to retain and
attract an evolving skilled workforce.

As part of our day to day involvement in the region we are
constantly active in the market, monitoring general activity,
occupier’s movement and trends together with lease events
up to 2 years in advance. Consequently, we have an excellent
knowledge of opportunities that have a correlation with the
proposed Science and Technology Park.

Vail Williams has a track record of involvement at two Science
and Technology Parks, where we have historically acted
as letting agents and currently manage the Southampton
Science Park for The University of Southampton, and at
   the Surrey Research Park, Guildford where we acted as

   planning consultant.
economic benefits

Our proposal will have direct and indirect economic and          new businesses into Mid Sussex“. We believe that this is             Priority Theme Three of the strategy relates to people and
employment benefits across the District and the wider            achieved through our proposal. In addition, our proposal             whilst detailed skills plans have yet to be developed, the
region. As the concept is still evolving we have had regard      will also secure the necessary Infrastructure; improvements          requirement to provide graduate jobs as a result of the
to the Mid Sussex Economic Development Strategy 2018 –           which meet business needs, along with improvements to                development and 2500 new jobs is recognised and can be
2031, which supports the District Plan and highlights the        the A2300 and other sustainable transport infrastructure             met.
need to make Mid Sussex a vibrant and attractive place for       improvements, through connectivity with the Northern Arc
businesses and people to grow and succeed. Inherent in this                                                                           In line with our positioning document, we anticipate an
                                                                 and potential for links to the existing Bolney Industrial Estate.
document is the need to balance local labour and training                                                                             employment density of between 2325-5280 jobs, and we

opportunities including apprenticeships, with a quality          In regard to Priority Theme Two, on premises, our proposal           seek to ensure that this aligns with the strategy’s aim of

economic environment that support economic growth in the         for a new Science and Technology Park will ensure that there         working with partners across the education sector including

region.                                                          is an excellent supply of quality and appropriate industrial         Sussex University, Brighton University and Chichester
                                                                 and office space to meet the needs and demand across                 College Group. Our proposals also cover a range of units
The   Economic     Development     Strategy   supports    the    the District, whilst providing an employment offer which             ensuring that we can support a range of businesses and
Government’s national ambition for economic growth and           is complementary to that elsewhere in West Sussex. This              their evolution and growth, including start-ups and scale-up
the County Council’s West Sussex Plan for 2017-2022 set          wholly aligns with the economic development strategy which           businesses.
out in the emergin Local Industrial Strategy, as well as the     seeks the delivery of new business units, that complement
regional aspirations articulated in the Coast to Capital Local                                                                        The development of the Science and Technology Park in this
                                                                 the Northern Arc and the Hub development being developed
Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Strategic Economic Plan (SEP),                                                                           location therefore also complies with Priority Four of the
                                                                 by our clients
and the County Council’s West Sussex Plan for 2017-2022.                                                                              strategy “Promotion” that seeks to “promote the District’s
                                                                 Our development can also allow for centres of excellence and         advantages clearly and widely, encouraging business
Our proposition for the Science Park, would ensure that the      clusters of specialist industries to locate on the park. This will   retention and growth and appropriate inward investment”.
priority themes of the strategy in place, premises, people       ensure both new and existing companies, that comply with
and promotion can be met and the Science Park as identified                                                                           We would expect that as our proposals and discussions with
                                                                 the Science Park definition to facilitate additional growth.
in the strategy can be realised.                                                                                                      education providers and potential tenants progress, we
                                                                 This will support the aim of increasing the number of high
                                                                                                                                      will also be able to provide further skills plans and training
                                                                 gross value added jobs in the District.
Given the B1 focus and ancillary support facilities proposed,                                                                         initiatives relating to both the construction process and the
under Priority One, the strategy states that MSDC aim            Our proposal also could facilitate the development of hotel          longer term employment opportunities of the site.
to provide Business Parks which, “provide an attractive          and conference facilities, as stated in the Economic strategy.
environment and secures the retention and relocation of
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