November 20-21, 2021 - Official program book of the 2021 Keystone Veterinary Conference.
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November 20-21, 2021 Official program book of the 2021 Keystone Veterinary Conference.
Table of Contents Sponsors....................................................................................... 3 Letter from PVMA Executive Director............................................ 4 Continuing Education Credit.......................................................... 5 Accessing On-Demand Courses...................................................... 6 In-Person At-A-Glance Schedule.................................................... 8 In-Person CE Tracker...................................................................... 9 Welcome Created by shashank singh from the Noun Project KVC Attendees The ONLINE track schedule is only available online at in the Whova event app. Use the WIFI code to connect to the event application: Need technical help? Visit during the duration of the conference to get help using our live chat feature. PVMC2021 How to access the KVC event platform! NAVIGATE the event agenda and logistics as well as visit the Community Board. NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meet by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages. PARTICIPATE in event activities through Get the most out of the app and session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more. have a more productive experience! 2
Continuing Education Did you know that the Keystone Veterinary Conference offers 30+ hours of continuing education (CE) credit to choose from, and each attendee can participate in a total of 12 hours of IN PERSON CE credit during the duration of the conference? So you can pick which tracks you want to watch IN PERSON, then get exclusive access to ALL of the 30+ hours of RECORDED sessions in PVMA’s Education Center. Watch these courses on demand to earn what you need for your licensing next year! The Keystone Veterinary Conference CE hours available are as follows: NTINUING ED Saturday: 6 hours IN PERSON* OR ONLINE UCATION Sunday: 6 hours IN PERSON* OR ONLINE CO On-Demand RECORDED sessions available in PVMA’s Education Center = That’s more than 30 hours of CE! * Please note that the live courses will not be available in PVMA’s Education Center. KVC offers veterinarians and veterinary technicians a total of 12 hours (6 hours per day x 2 days) of approved continuing education through the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association. In-person attendees may choose to attend any of the virtual sessions in Whova that are taking place during the conference this weekend. You are welcome to use common areas of the hotel, or we will have seating available in the exhibit hall if you wish to sit and watch a session on your computer or mobile device. All recorded sessions will be available in the PVMA Education Center to earn additional credits. The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association is an accredited provider of continuing education credit through the Pennsylvania State Board of Veterinary Medicine. CE Certificates: At 2:00 pm on Sunday, November 21, 2021, you will receive an email that has a link to our survey. You MUST complete the survey to be given a link to download your CE certificate. This certificate will be good for the 12 hours of CE over November 20-21, 2021. You will get an email to notify you that all the recorded lectures have been added to the PVMA Education Center. Only you will have access to them! Watch the lectures you want to see and earn CE! After each on-demand lecture you complete, you will get access to a CE certificate for that specific lecture. Visit our booth in the KVC Marketplace! The Keystone Veterinary Conference is brought to you by the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association, the only statewide professional Membership Association dedicated to you, your team, and your veterinary practice. Visit to join! 4
Dedicated to ensuring the vitality of the veterinary Welcome to the 2021 profession by promoting excellence in veterinary medicine, advancing animal health and welfare, and Keystone Veterinary Conference! protecting and enhancing human health. I am delighted to have the opportunity to meet some of you, as my daughters would say, IRL (in real life). If you are attending virtually, please feel free to say hello through our event app, Whova! Almost two years into the pandemic, it is hard to believe that we continue to live with concerns about being able to meet safely in person. PVMA is dedicated to providing a safe and inviting educational experience and we appreciate your cooperation in following our safety protocols. This year’s Keystone Veterinary Conference (KVC) looks different, but we think you will agree that we created an event that allows you to access the best Continuing Education in the way that works best for you. Whether you are joining us in Hershey, participating virtually, or watching sessions on demand, you will learn from top experts in all areas of veterinary medicine. Virtual and in-person attendees can use the Whova app to engage with your colleagues, ask questions of speakers and staff, and win prizes! As a reminder, 2022’s PVMA education calendar still looks a bit different than usual. Due to the AVMA Conference in Philadelphia, KVC comes early next year. Join us in Hershey on May 5-8. PVMA will serve as the host VMA for the AVMA Conference in Philadelphia on July 29 through August 2. Finally, we will hold our Three Rivers Symposium in November, dates to be announced. We will also continue to provide online learning through our Education Center. Finally, if you are looking for a way to give back to your profession, develop your leadership skills, or have more of a say in your state VMA, please consider joining a PVMA committee. New members are always welcome. Scientific Education; Legislative and Regulatory Advisory Committee (LRAC); Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); and our Veterinary Nurse Initiative are working to ensure the vitality of the profession and promote excellence in veterinary medicine. To get involved, visit Thank you for joining us for the 2021 Keystone Veterinary Conference. We hope you gain valuable knowledge that will help you in your daily practice. Thank you for your continued support of PVMA. We are privileged to serve you. Sincerely, Jennifer A. Keeler, CAE Executive Director Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association 8574 Paxton Street 717.220.1437 Visit us at Hummelstown, PA 17036 888.550.7862 Get social with us 5
Advanced Radiation Therapy for Dogs and Cats PetCure Oncology manages a national network of radiation therapy providers that specialize in stereotactic radiation (SRS/SRT). Veterinarians and pet owners alike have come to trust PetCure’s comprehensive, collaborative approach to cancer care. That’s why our clinical team of 11 board-certified radiation and medical oncologists have treated more than 5,000 dogs and cats with radiation therapy since 2015. With eight physical locations around the country and an industry-leading telehealth infrastructure, there is no team better equipped to support your cancer patients. FOR PET PARENTS: Call 833-PET-HERO to speak with our dedicated team of full-time Pet Advocates FOR VETS: Visit the Portal for Collaborative Cancer Care at to chat live with a board-certified oncologist, schedule a Telehealth Visit for your client, or request a therapeutic imaging review - at no charge to you. 833.VET.HERO • 6
Education Center CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES FOR VETERINARY PROFESSIONALS How to access your ON-DEMAND courses in PVMA’s Education Center All session recordings will be available for viewing on or before November 29, 2021. You will have access to these recordings until the end of February 2022. Upon watching a recorded session, you will immediately be awarded the CE certificate for that presentation for your records. PVMA will send instructions on how Topics include to access the ON-DEMAND session Alternative Medicine recordings in the PVMA Education Anesthesia/Analgesia Center, which is our Learning Behavior Dermatology Management System. Emergency & Critical Care Equine We are also excited to share that Exotics there will be more than 30 hours of Large Animal CE available for these recordings! Nutrition Oncology Stay tuned for additional information next Ophthalmology week with instructions to log into the Parasitology system if it is your first time accessing the Pathology PVMA Education Center. Poultry If you have any requested changes to your Radiology registration, or if you have questions, Small Animal please contact the PVMA Event Services Surgery Team at VISIT THE EDUCATION CENTER AT: OR SCAN THE CODE 7
How does a 21% off break sound? Get Your PVMA Let’s be honest, 2021 has been a rough year so far! Membership COVID-19 threw us all for a loop and we’re all still trying to figure out our new normal in the veterinary profession. Throughout this roller coaster ride, PVMA through 2022 for 21% has remained steadfast and dependable as your go-to source for updates from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well as the federal level. We felt that this pandemic was too important to just keep only our Members informed, so we wanted to reach out to everyone and anyone we had on file. If you attended an event in the past, or signed up with us to stay updated through the pandemic, we included you on those communications. It was our duty and honor to update off our profession on important information involving the pandemic. You have trusted PVMA to keep you informed, and we want to continue to help you thrive in regards to your professional and personal wellbeing. the annual dues rate* Don’t forget 2022 is a license renewal year and Governor Wolf’s Executive Order is allowing all veterinary professionals to receive their required continuing education credits through online sources. PVMA is Learn why you should here and able to help you get those credits through our Education Center! join PVMA Get involved in the profession, complete your continuing education (CE) credits with PVMA, advance your skills, and grow in your career! Member Benefits * Dues are currently 21% off the annual dues rate for all individual memberships. Use promo code KVC21 or visit the Your PVMA Membership will expire on 12/31/2022. PVMA booth and get a free gift! 8
SEE A SUCCESS STORY at The Once-A-Year Elbow OA Pain Treatment Synovetin OA® breaks the vicious cycle of inflammation that drives OA pain and progression, providing up to 12 full months of relief with just 1 dose. This procedure can only be performed at a radioactive materials licensed facility by a veterinarian Visit Us at Booth #46 skilled in the delivery of intra-articular injections. To review the full veterinary prescribing information, visit Introducing © 2021 Exubrion Therapeutics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. November 2021 9
WE’RE ON A MISSION SERVE PETS. SAVE LIVES. At Petco Veterinary Partners, we’re changing the way people think about vet care. We empower our veterinarians to practice and treat pets the way they see fit, working hand in hand with a team of passionate partners to deliver complete care. We believe that by providing our professionals with the resources they need and the authority they deserve, we can better serve the pets in our communities. Discover the ways we operate differently. Improve pet lives Empower you We’re making sure high-quality We’ll trust your expertise and veterinary care is accessible help you be the passionate to every pet. advocate that you are. Make life even better Deliver comprehensive care Enjoy perks like flexible schedules, You’ll be supported by a team industry-leading benefits and of passionate partners obsessed growth opportunities. with improving pet lives. BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY Go to to find your next job. 10
In-Person At-A-Glance Schedule Conference at a Glance Friday, November 19, 2021 Sunday, November 21, 2021 1:30–5:30 pm Exhibitor Set Up 8:00 am Exhibit Hall Opens Blue/White Rooms Continental Breakfast 5:30–7:00 pm Marketplace Happy Hour Blue/White Rooms Blue/White Rooms 9:00–9:50 am Session 1 Cocoa Suites 10:00–10:50 am Session 2 Saturday, November 20, 2021 Cocoa Suites 10:50-11:20 am Refreshment Break + Visit Exhibitors 8:00 am Exhibit Hall Opens Blue/White Rooms Continental Breakfast 11:20–12:10 pm Session 3 Blue/White Rooms Cocoa Suites 8:30–9:15 am Keynote Presentation 12:10-1:10 pm Lunch Blue/White Rooms Blue/White Rooms 9:30–10:20 am Session 1 1:30–2:20 pm Session 4 Cocoa Suites Cocoa Suites 10:25–11:15 am Session 2 2:30–3:20 pm Session 5 Cocoa Suites Cocoa Suites 11:40–12:30 pm Session 3 3:30–4:20 pm Session 6 Cocoa Suites Cocoa Suites 12:30–1:50 pm Lunch Blue/White Rooms Interact with Our Sponsors 1:50–2:40 pm Session 4 Cocoa Suites & Exhibitors! 2:45–3:35 pm Session 5 This conference is brought to you by our Cocoa Suites wonderful sponsors and exhibitors. Please take 3:35–4:10 pm Refreshment Break + Visit Exhibitors time out of the conference to use the messaging Blue/White Rooms system to reach out to them and say hello. You can even schedule a meeting! 4:10–5:00 pm Session 6 Cocoa Suites 6:00–7:30 pm A Night of Comedy with Comedian Earl David Reed – Tickets Required Cocoa Suite 1/Terrace Tickets available at 11
In-Person CE Tracker SATURDAY: Kevin P. Benjamino, DVM, DACVS-SA Understanding Osteoarthritis in Our Patients 9:30 am–10:20 am Choosing Wisely: How to Diagnose Osteoarthritis 10:25 am–11:15 am Can We Break the Inflammatory Cycle? A Look at Intra-Articular Therapies – Synovetin OA 11:40 am–12:20 pm Clayton Blunk Brace Yourself - Custom Orthopedic Bracing for Veterinary Clients 11:40 am–12:30 pm Kate Boatright, VMD Navigating the Muddy Waters of Pharmacy: Improving Communication and Reducing Error 1:50 pm–2:40 pm Substitution Permissible? A Discussion About Generics 2:45 pm–3:35 pm There’s More Than One Way to Treat a Cat: A Practical Approach to the Spectrum of Care 4:10 pm–5:00 pm Holly Brown, DVM, PhD, DACVP Pleural Effusion: A Tale of Three Kitties 1:50 pm–2:40 pm Laboratory Diagnosis of Tickborne Disease 2:45 pm–3:35 pm Tying It All Together: Maximizing the Diagnostic Power of the 4:10 pm–5:00 pm Minimum Database and Your In-Clinic Laboratory Vickie Byard, CVT, VTS Gaining Compliance: Getting Those Dentistries to the Table 1:50 pm–2:40 pm Out of Sight! Are Intraoral Radiographs Important for Complete Dental Assessment 2:45 pm–3:35 pm Periodontal Disease: The Most Prevalent Disease in Veterinary Medicine 4:10 pm–5:00 pm Dana L. Clarke, VMD, DACVECC Tracheal Collapse & Tracheal Stents – What We Thought We Knew & What We Are Learning 9:30 am–10:20 am Vascular Access Tips & Tricks 10:25–11:15 am Lauren Dupont and Julissa Good (2 sessions) Vetscan Imagyst – A Multipurpose Diagnostics Technology Platform, 9:00 am–9:50 am Now With Digital Cytology Testing 11:40 am–12:30 pm John C. Godbold, Jr., DVM Thermal Imaging Workshop: See the Unseen - The Science, Clinical Implications, and Evidence 9:30 am–10:20 am Thermal Imaging Workshop: See the Unseen - Hands-On 10:25 am–11:15 am Thermal Imaging Workshop: See the Unseen - Interpretation 11:40 am–12:30 pm Carrie Jurney, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology) Seizure Roundtable 1:50 pm–2:40 pm Neurology Emergencies: Quick Tips and Tricks for Common Presentations 2:45 pm–3:35 pm Simple Spinal Localization: Practical Tips for the Busy Practitioner 4:10 pm–5:00 pm Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT Go With the Flow – Foundational to Advanced Venipuncture 9:30 am–11:30 am & IVC Placement for Small Animals (2 hour CE credits) – LIMITED SEATING 12
SUNDAY: Len Donato, VMD, DABVP (Avian) Rabbit Gastrointestinal Syndrome - Not Just Stasis 1:30 pm–2:20 pm Common Diseases in Pet Birds 2:30 pm–3:20 pm CT for Exotics in Private Practice 3:30 pm–4:20 pm Lauren Dupont and Julissa Good Vetscan Imagyst – A Multipurpose Diagnostics Technology Platform, 9:00 am–9:50 am Now With Digital Cytology Testing Jennifer Fletcher Eckenrode, DVM, CCRT Keeping Paws in Motion: How Rehabilitation Therapy Can Help Your Patients 1:30 pm–2:20 pm The Head Bobbing Dog: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of Forelimb Lameness 2:30 pm–3:20 pm John C. Godbold, Jr., DVM Laser Innovations and Everyday Applications: Laser Tissue Interaction, Surgical Technique, and Safety 9:00 am–9:50 am Laser Innovations and Everyday Applications: Demonstration and Hands-On 10:00 am–10:50 am Laser Innovations and Everyday Applications: CO2 Laser Procedures You Can Do Every Day 11:20 am–12:10 pm Edward Koronowski, DVM Recognizing Anxiety and Low Stress Handling 1:30 pm–2:20 pm The Skin is on the Outside: A New Approach to Atopy and Infection 2:30 pm–3:20 pm Updates in Canine Mitral Valve Disease Treatments 3:30 pm–4:20 pm Bryan Langlois, DVM Nipping the FIP!! Updates on Feline Infectious Peritonitis 9:00 am–9:50 am YOU CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!! Updates on Animal Cruelty Law 10:00 am–10:50 am and Prepping the Vet for the Stand Jennifer Lopez, DVM, MBA Diagnosing and Managing Chronic Enteropathy and Inflammatory Bowel Disease 9:00 am–9:50 am Dermatophytosis…Doesn’t It Have a Nice “Ring” to It? 10:00 am–10:50 am Getting Familiar With the Urinalysis: Interpreting the Test and Understanding 11:20 am–12:10 pm Why It’s an Important Part of the Minimum Database Nicole Scherrer, DVM, DACVO The General Ophthalmology Examination 10:00 am–10:50 am Equine Corneal Disease 11:20 am–12:10 pm Equine Recurrent Uveitis 3:30 pm–4:20 pm Shannon Stanek, DVM Human Animal Bond: Living and Practicing With Chronic Disease - How Indy Saved Me 11:20 am–12:10 pm Shelly Vaden, DVM, PhD, DACVIM Feline Chronic Kidney Disease 1:30 pm–2:20 pm Canine Glomerular Disease 2:30 pm–3:20 pm Micturition Disorders in Male Dogs 3:30 pm–4:20 pm 13
Are You Interested in Helping With Cruelty Cases in PA? PVMA is looking for anyone who thinks they can be of assistance to those who take on the hard task of prosecuting cases to offer their services. You will help in protecting innocent lives. We are in the process of putting together a list of veterinarians who can assist in cruelty cases. This will allow PVMA to direct humane officers to a veterinarian in their area who is willing to assist with these cases. This list will be kept by the PVMA and by the Director of Pennsylvania Academy of Animal Care and Control (who has taken over the role of training new humane officers and providing the CE they need to stay badged as such). No personal contact information will be given to any of the officers who are requesting help, only your business contact information. Specifically, we need veterinarians whose area of interest include Farm Animal, Equine, Exotics, and Small Mammal. You do not need to have a developed background in forensic veterinary pathology to be a great resource in cruelty cases. In fact, just by you being there as the veterinarian to provide honest testimony on what was found and to opine on those findings is often enough to get guilty verdicts or even guilty pleas. If you're interested, please complete the form at 14
Meet Your KVC Speakers Keynote Holly Brown, DVM, PhD, DACVP Speaker Speaking Saturday, November 20 IN PERSON TRACK Carrie Jurney, DVM DACVIM (Neuro) Vickie Byard Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Saturday, November 20 Veterinary medicine can be an incredibly rewarding IN PERSON TRACK career. However, it can also be a very challenging one. Veterinary wellbeing has become a hot topic in recent years, but the problems we face aren’t new. There is Rick Chetney, Jr., DVM, DACVR-RO Speaking Sunday, November 21 a wealth of research on wellbeing in our profession ONLINE TRACK spanning both organizational and personality focused challenges. There is a path forward, though! In this lecture we will discuss the challenges we face as well as Dana L. Clarke, VMD, DACVECC some solutions. Speaking Saturday, November 20 IN PERSON TRACK In alphabetical order Edward S. Cooper, VMD, MS, Kevin P. Benjamino, DVM, DACVS-SA DACVECC Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Saturday, November 20 IN PERSON TRACK IN PERSON TRACK Clayton Blunk Len Donato, VMD, DABVP (Avian) Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Sunday, November 21 IN PERSON TRACK IN PERSON TRACK Jennifer Fletcher Eckenrode, DVM, Kate Boatright, VMD CCRT Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Sunday, November 21 IN PERSON TRACK IN PERSON TRACK Ashley Bourgeois, DVM Andrea Fascetti, VMD, PhD, DACVIM Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Sunday, November 21 ONLINE TRACK ONLINE TRACK 15
Kristin Fisher, DVM, DACVP Douglas Knueven, DVM (Clinical Pathology) Speaking Sunday, November 21 Speaking Saturday, November 20 ONLINE TRACK ONLINE TRACK Alison Gerken, DVM Edward Koronowski, DVM Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Sunday, November 21 ONLINE TRACK IN PERSON TRACK John C. Godbold, Jr., DVM Bryan Langlois, DVM Speaking Saturday, November 20 & Sunday, Speaking Sunday, November 21 November 21 IN PERSON TRACK IN PERSON TRACK Alison Gottlieb Jennifer Lopez, DVM, MBA Speaking Sunday, November 21 Speaking Sunday, November 21 ONLINE TRACK IN PERSON TRACK Gavin Hitchener, DVM, Dipl. A.C.V.P. Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Saturday, November 20 ONLINE TRACK IN PERSON TRACK Kimberly Hsu, DVM, MSc, DACVO Bob Peiffer, DVM Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Saturday, November 20 ONLINE TRACK ONLINE TRACK Jennifer Huck, DVM, ACVS Noelle Potter, CVT, VTS (ECC) Speaking Sunday, November 21 Speaking Saturday, November 20 ONLINE TRACK ONLINE TRACK Todd A. Jackson, DVM, DACLAM Kristine Rigler, CVT, VTS (Surgery) Speaking Saturday, November 20 Speaking Sunday, November 21 ONLINE TRACK ONLINE TRACK Stephanie Johnson, BAS, CVT, VTS Jessica Rodriguez, DVM, PhD, (Anesthesia/Analgesia), (Dentistry) DACVM (Parasitology) Speaking Sunday, November 21 Speaking Saturday, November 20 ONLINE TRACK ONLINE TRACK 16
Robert J. Van Saun, DVM, MS, PhD, Nicole Scherrer, DVM, DACVO DACT, DACVIM (Nutrition) Speaking Sunday, November 21 Speaking Sunday, November 21 IN PERSON TRACK ONLINE TRACK Hayley Springer, DVM, MS Tara Woyton, MS, LVT, CVT Speaking Sunday, November 21 Speaking Sunday, November 21 ONLINE TRACK ONLINE TRACK Shannon Stanek, DVM Speaking Sunday, November 21 IN PERSON TRACK Handouts & Online Note Taking Craig Thompson, DVM, Dipl. A.C.V.P. If a speaker provided handouts for their session, we have conveniently added them Speaking Sunday, November 21 to the Whova app platform. ONLINE TRACK You can also take notes within the platform. Simply type them in the “Personal Notes” section. Shelly Vaden, DVM, PhD, DACVIM Speaking Sunday, November 21 IN PERSON TRACK 17
we need your Help! Animal Care PA, formerly known as the Pennsylvania Veterinary Foundation, was established in 1983, and serves as the charitable arm of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association. Our mission is to help caring people help animals by bridging the gap through our animal welfare initiatives that FEED, CARE, and EDUCATE. With your help, we can help animals get the food and care they need, as well as provide scholarships for future veterinary professionals. FEED CARE EDUCATE Our Henry’s Helping Paws Program The Last Chance Program Our Veterinary Student provides food to the pets of senior provides veterinary care grants Scholarship Program helps citizens with financial need so the to animals in need when limited decrease the financial pets and their owners can or no financial means exist to burden that plagues stay together. pay for care. veterinary students. Ask us how PVMA Members can access these funds to help their clients! See our Ways to Raise on page 17 to see how Want to get involved? YOU can get involved in raising funds for our community-based programs. Visit to make a tax-deductible donation! 18
About Our Programs: Ways to Henry’s Helping Paws Program This program was launched in 2016 in a partnership with Meals on Wheels in Chester County to provide food for pets of seniors who demonstrate R a i s e financial need. Our very first food delivery took place on March 17, FEED 2016, where Senator Dinniman, along with members of the Pennsylvania Here are some ways you can Veterinary Foundation, and a Meals on Wheels representative delivered help us raise money for our food to Mr. Harvey Phillips, a Korean War veteran and widower, who owns much needed programs. a cat and a dog. Senator Dinniman and his wife, Margo, were the creators of this program, in honor of their beloved poodle Henry. This program has Sign Up to Host the Dip Jar been expanded to also provide primary veterinary care to pets of seniors Monthly Rotation in need. Click here for more information. • The Dip Jar is a great way to get donations from people at your veterinary practice. Clients simply The Last Chance Program dip their credit card in the Dip Jar The Last Chance (TLC) Program began in 2009 to help ensure a source for a set amount (e.g., $5, $10). of funding for the care of abused or neglected, owned and unowned GivingTuesday CARE companion animals that might otherwise be euthanized or turned over to an animal shelter that is already overburdened. The program is a true November 30, 2021 partnership between veterinary practices, their clients, other pet owners, • GivingTuesday is known as a and the animal-loving public that will result in the emergency care and global day of giving to charities. necessary treatment of animals who might not get the proper care without Each year, millions of people across the globe show up, this program. Click here for more information. donate, and give back. Veterinary Student Scholarship Program Season of Giving Now through January 31, 2022 Every year Animal Care PA and PVMA award substantial student scholarships to veterinary students and veterinary technology students • Make an end of year donation who reside in Pennsylvania. These scholarships help to decrease the to help our programs continue when funds become critically low. financial burden that plagues students each year. The debt that most students accumulate will follow them for 30 years or more and will Bark in the Park 5K Run impact every financial decision they make. Contributions to this fund are & 1-Mile Dog Walk EDUCATE indeed an investment in the future of the veterinary profession and a October 23, 2022 way of supporting someone else with the same passion that you have for • Register as a runner or walker helping animals and people. Scholarships are awarded in the following 3 – 100% of your registration fee categories: goes directly to ACPA. • Veterinary Student Scholarship • Participate in the costume • Veterinary Technology Student Scholarship contest – dress up with your pet and enter to win! • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Scholarship • Participate in the Inter-Hospital • Young Leadership Scholarship Competition and raise funds through teamwork while having Click here for more information. fun! Follow us! For more information on our programs, Social Media or to make a donation visit • Share our posts to help create awareness of our mission, events, and fundraising efforts. • Create a Facebook fundraiser on Questions? Contact or call 717.220.1437. your own or your hospital’s page. The Pennsylvania Veterinary Foundation (PVF), d/b/a Animal Care PA (ACPA), was established in 1983, and serves as the charitable arm of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association but functions as an independent Pennsylvania non- profit corporation and is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. The mission of Animal Care PA is to help caring Follow us! people help animals by bridging the gap through our animal welfare initiatives that FEED, CARE, and EDUCATE. 19
Add your voice to the conversation Animal Care PA by donating to our Political Action proudly presents the 13th Annual Committee today! Contributions can be sent to: Pennsylvania Veterinary Political Action Committee (PVPAC) 5K Run & 1-Mile Dog Walk 8574 Paxton Street | Hummelstown, PA 17036 October 23, 2022 Register at Help us raise money for animals in need! Proceeds Benefit: n tratio Regis en! Op Corporate checks are not permitted by Pennsylvania law. PVPAC may only accept voluntary donations from individuals. Please make your personal check out to PVPAC. RUN | WALK | SPONSOR | DONATE How to access the KVC event platform! NAVIGATE the event agenda and logistics as well as visit the Community Board. NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meet by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages. PARTICIPATE in event activities through Get the most out of the app and session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more. have a more productive experience! 20
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH When is the last time you reviewed your policies? Let the team at FocusHRO perform an annual review -- be sure you’re taking advantage of the best options for your practice! Visit and find us in the member exclusive section to get started. Visit our NEW storefront Pet Sympathy Cards FOR YOUR CLIENTS Tumbler Tote Bag Pet Travel Bowl Shop to show your support at 21
happy lead the pack in hiring & Teams retaining top talent. Increase Revenue Streams Here’s how... PVMA Practice Memberships allow you to offer your entire team an employee benefit that PLUS... provides industry tools and resources to help Get exclusive them grow in the profession. Decrease turnover, discounts & access increase morale, and build team aptitude to to programs! provide a better client experience! Visit and receive a custom quote today! 22
some things just go together Prescribe HEARTGARD® Plus (ivermectin/pyrantel) and NexGard ® (afoxolaner) for peace of mind and proven protection. ✔ DESIGNED WITH COMPLIANCE IN MIND • HEARTGARD® Plus and NexGard® are formulated with the #1 tastes dogs prefer.1,2 • In an assessment of parasiticide purchases in veterinary clinics in 2019, dog owners that paired NexGard for flea & tick control with HEARTGARD Plus for heartworm disease prevention were the most likely to purchase a full 12 months of protection of both versus other common brand pairings.*3 ✔ LEGACY OF PROTECTION: • Over 2 billion doses of HEARTGARD Plus, and over 270 million doses of NexGard have been prescribed.4,5 Contact your Boehringer Ingelheim Representative to learn more. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: HEARTGARD Plus is well tolerated. All dogs should be tested for heartworm infection before starting a preventive program. Following the use of HEARTGARD Plus, digestive and neurological side effects have rarely been reported. For more information, please see full prescribing information or visit IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: NexGard is for use in dogs only. The most frequently reported adverse reactions include vomiting, pruritus, lethargy, diarrhea, and lack of appetite. The safe use of NexGard in pregnant, breeding, or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. For more information, please see full prescribing information or visit *For this assessment, a common brand pairing is defined as having been purchased for more than 25,000 dogs. 591,200 pet owners paired NexGard for flea and tick control with HEARTGARD Plus for heartworm disease prevention – more than any other possible pairing. 1. Data on file at Boehringer Ingelheim. 2. Data on file at Boehringer Ingelheim. 3. Data on file at IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Westbrook, Maine USA. 4. Data on file at Boehringer Ingelheim. 5. Data on file at Boehringer Ingelheim. HEARTGARD® and the Dog & Hand logo® are registered trademarks of Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. NexGard® is a registered trademark and FRONTLINE VET LABS™ is a trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. ©2020 Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc., Duluth, GA. All rights reserved. US-PET-0941-2020 1763970_HG_NG_KVC Conference_Trade Ad_8.5x11.indd 1 11/10/21 3:51 PM 23
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Office/ Great American Hall ery ® ery ® Be ocoa Tower Level Lobby Be ocoa Su Concierge Tower Level Main Lobby Concierge Main Lobby r Ve T we Th Loun Gr Th Loun an e an with Fireplace with Fireplace C fic C ll Great American Hall Stairs to sti To ite 2 Stairs to Of Cocoa Ballroom e L ge e L ge bu & $ nt esk Tower Level Tower Level Main Level Su le Fro ob ob e Th Sta Fir tD Cocoa Ballroom e F irs by Chocolate Ballroom by or to eb Re on Elevator Key ay Group Group Fr m Chocolate Ballroom Monarch Ballroom Lobby Registration Desk Gift Elevator to Registration Shop Desk Bus. Office/ Gift ery ® Shop Be ocoa Lobby Tower Level Concierge ain The Bears' Main Lobby The Bears' Monarch Ballroom a a Th Loun Tower Suites Stairs to Den an with Fireplace DenSM co SM C a co a Gr Great American Hall ffic e oco 5 Co room coa CSuite oco 5 Co room coa CSuite e L ge O Tower Level e& $ ll ll ob TowerCocoa SuitesBallroom nt o 4 Ba ocoa 3CSuite o 4 Main Level Fro Ba ocoa 3CSuite by Th Sta Exit Fir e F irs C ite C te Stairs or to coa Su Groupcoa 2 Sui Offices eb Co ite 1 Chocolate Ballroom Gift Co ite 1 Co ite 2 y Co iDesk by Cocoa Su ay Elevator Su bb Registrationut e Elevator ob Shop co Su co Elevator to Lo S aL TheTerrace Bears a a a Offices Monarch Ballroom Restaurants Bus. Office/ Concierge Cocoa co Cocoa BC co oaa BC DenSM ery ® Be ocoa Tower Level Terrace Main Lobby Co coa Terrace o C occo m Cocote 5 a CColritoeo6 coa Sui (On Cocoa Lobby Level) (On Cocoa Lobby Level) Co ite 6 Terrace Th Loun an Restaurants Tower Suites with Fireplace C Prefunction Areas Stairs to KEY Su aSlu Co ite 4 Red BRoom Patio Red Room e L ge a u Tower Level Terrace Terrace oco 3 S C ite Prefunction Areas ob KEY Guest Registration KEY Patio Patio coa Su Escalator Escalator BC Business Center Co ite 1 Co ite 2 by y Su bb Elevator Co co Su Lo GuestOffices Registration and Lobby StorageRestrooms Storage Board a BC Business Center BC Business Center Cocoa co a BC Group Connecting Link Gift Connecting Link Cocoa Cocoa Terrace Co coa RestroomsRegistration Desk (On Cocoa Lobby Level) Restrooms Boardroom Shop Boardroom Co ite 6 Boardroom and Lobby Restaurants Wall Dividers Telephone The Bears' Su Patio Red Roo a ATM Den Terrace co Boardroom SM Wall Dividers Telephone Telephone coa $ Boardroom Great Great Prefunction Areas KEY Co lroomPatio Co ite 5 Patio Escalator Patio Great Lobby Great Lobby oa 4 Su Guest Registration $ ATM $ ATM BC Business Center l oc Ba ocoa 3CSuite American Storage Hall Exit American H Exit Stairs to Confection Connecting Link Cocoa Stairs C ite Stairs Su to Confection Hall coa Stairs Boardroom and Lobby Restrooms Co ite 1 Stairs to Confection Hall Co ite 2 y Hallway Su bb Elevator Elevator to Elevator to co Su o Convention Hall Convention Hall White Room White Room Wall Dividers Telephone aL Boardroom a CocoaHallway co Hallway BC Patio Grea Down Ramp Co coa Chocolate Great Lobby $Terrace ATM Co ite 6 (On Cocoa Lobby Level) Exhibit Hall Office Exhibit Hall Office American Ballroom Down Ramp Down Ramp Chocolate Su ChocolateLounge Chocolate Lobby Chocolate Lobby Terrace RedStairs Lounge Room Lounge Lounge Ballroom Ballroom Exhibitto Confection Hall Exhibit KEY Elevator to Patio Coat Coats Trinidad Coat Nigerian Coats Aztec Escalator Convention Hall Room Hallway Room Room Room RoomWhite Ro Trinidad Nigerian Aztec Trinidad Storage Nigerian Aztec BC Business Center Room Room Room Room Room LoungeRoom Blue Lounge Room Exhibit Hall Blue Room Connecting Link Cocoa Lounge Lounge Office Down Ramp Chocolate Service Hallway Chocolate Lobby Restrooms Boardroom Lounge Lounge Registration Registration Registration Registration Exhibit Service Hallway Ballroom Service Hallway Coat Coats Telephone Boardroom Patio Trinidad Nigerian Great Aztec Room Exit Stairs Great Lobby Vestibule Vestibule $ ATM Room Room American Exit Room Hall Lounge Lounge Blue Roo Loading Loading Exhibit Hall Stairs Bay 1 Exhibit Hall Dock Dock er ent Hallway Storage Registration ent er Registration Storage Hershey Con Stairs to Confection Hall Service ® n C n C Bay 2 Elevator to tio e t io Convention Hall ven tranc® White Room ven ance Grill Hershey® ConHershey En Con Entr DriveVestibule in Drive in Hallway Grill Bay Bay Exhibit Hall Grill Loading Exhibit Hall Dock Office ter Down Ramp Storage Chocolate Cen Chocolate Lobby Lounge Lounge tion Ballroom Exhibit nven trance Coats Hershey ® o n Confection Hall Level Coat C E Drive in Bay Room Grill Confection Trinidad Room Room HallConfection Nigerian Level Aztec Room Hall Level Lounge Lounge Blue Main Room Entrance Sairs to Main Level Main Entrance Sairs to Hallway Main Level Hallway Hallway Registration Registration Magnolia Service Hallway Wild Magnolia BC Wild BC Magnolia Confection Hall Level Rose Confection Hall Office Rose Exit Convention ServicesStairs DOffice Confection Hall Main Entrance C Convention BMain Level A Sairs to Prefunction Space Services Prefunction Space Storage Vestibule D C B A B D A C B A Hallway B Office A Office Storage Storage Loading Exhibit Hall Bay 1 Dock BC ter Magnolia Wild Thank you for attending this year’s Storage Crystal Cen Bay 2 Rose Confection AOffice D Convention tionCrystal Hall e Empire Empire Services Prefunction Space ven anc Crystal Con Entr A B AD A CDrive B A B AA Office Hershey® D C D in C to Sairs B Sairs to Service H Storage Bay Grill Main Level Main Level Keystone Veterinary Conference. Service Hallway Service Hallway Empire Crystal A D C B A Sairs to Main Level Service Hallway See you next year! Confection Hall Level Main Entrance Sairs to Main Level Hallway BC Magnolia Wild Confection Rose Hall Office Convention Services Prefunction Space D C B A B A Office Storage Empire Crystal A D C B A Sairs to Main Level Service Hallway
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