Novel use of trinexapac-ethyl to study weed seed germination

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Huarte, Héctor Roberto ; Ruiz Carmona, Antonio Jesús ;
Zapiola, María Luz

Novel use of trinexapac-ethyl to study weed seed

Artículo publicado en Weed Technology, 2014

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Huarte, H. R., A. J. Ruiz Carmona y M. L. Zapiola. 2014. Novel use of trinexapac-ethyl to study weed seed
germination [en línea]. Weed Technology. 28. DOI: 10.1614/WT-D-13-00178.1 Disponible en: [Fecha de consulta: ….]
Weed Technology 2014 28:000–000

                           Novel Use of Trinexapac-Ethyl to Study Weed Seed Germination

                              Héctor Roberto Huarte, Antonio Jesús Ruiz Carmona, and Marı́a Luz Zapiola*

                        Understanding seed biology and onset of germination requirements is a key point for designing
                        effective weed management programs. Gibberellins (GAs) are known to play a role in onset of
                        germination of several species. Onset of germination often requires an increase in de novo GA
                        content or an increase in sensitivity to GAs. Reduced germination of seeds incubated in solutions
                        containing compounds that inhibit GA synthesis provide evidence that GAs are required to trigger
                        germination. Trinexapac-ethyl (TE), a GA synthesis inhibitor, is frequently used as a plant growth
                        regulator in crop production. However, to the best of our knowledge, TE has not been used to study
                        the requirement of GAs in onset of germination. Germination studies were conducted using seeds of
                        artichoke thistle and common teasel under a range of TE concentrations (0 to 500 lM TE), a
                        combined solution of 125 lM TE þ 100 lM GA3 for artichoke, and 250 lM TE þ 100 lM GA3 for
                        common teasel. Germination tests were conducted at 20/10 C (12-h thermoperiod) in darkness for
                        artichoke and at constant 15 C with 12 h of light for common teasel. Germination of artichoke in
                        125 lM TE was reduced to 47% when compared with the check (95%), but the combined TE þ
                        GA3 solution maintained germination at 84%. Germination of common teasel in 250 lM TE was
                        reduced to 10% when compared with the check (91%), and the combined TE þ GA3 solution
                        increased germination to 63%. These results demonstrate the utility of TE to study the role of GAs in
                        onset of germination. This novel use of TE is a valuable option to study germination requirements of
                        weed species, and therefore contributes to the design of weed management programs.
                        Nomenclature: Gibberellins; trinexapac-ethyl; prohexadione-calcium; artichoke thistle, Cynara
                        cardunculus L. CYCA; common teasel, Dipsacus fullonum L. DIFU2.
                        Key words: Dormancy, germination, plant growth regulators, seed biology, weed biology, weed

                        El entender la biologı́a de las semillas y los requisitos para la germinación son puntos clave para el diseño de programas de
                        manejo de malezas efectivos. Se sabe que gibberellins (GAs) juegan un papel en el inicio de la germinación en varias
                        especies. El inicio de la germinación a menudo requiere de un aumento en el contenido de GA de novo o un aumento en la
                        sensibilidad a GAs. Germinación reducida de semillas incubadas en soluciones que contienen compuestos que inhiben la
                        sı́ntesis de GA brindan evidencia de que GAs son requeridas para promover la germinación. Trinexapac-ethyl (TE) es un
                        inhibidor de la sı́ntesis de GA que es frecuentemente usado como regulador del crecimiento vegetal en la producción de
                        cultivos. Sin embargo, hasta donde conocemos, TE no ha sido usado para el estudio del requisito de GAs en el inicio de la
                        germinación. Se realizaron estudios de germinación usando semillas de Cynara cardunculus y Dipsacus fullonum con una
                        variedad de concentraciones de TE (0 a 500 lM TE), una solución combinada de 125 lM TE þ 100 lM GA3 para C.
                        cardunculus, y 250 lM TE þ 100 lM GA3 para D. fullonum. Las pruebas de germinación se realizaron a 20/10 C (perı́odo
                        termal de 12-h) en oscuridad para C. cardunculus y a 15 C constantes con 12 h de luz para D. fullonum. La germinación de
                        C. cardunculus en 125 lM TE se redujo a 47% al compararse con el testigo (95%), pero la solución combinada de TE þ
                        GA3 mantuvo la germinación a 84%. La germinación de D. fullonum en 250 lM TE se redujo a 10% en comparación con
                        el testigo (91%), y la solución combinada de TE þ GA3 aumento la germinación a 63%. Este uso novedoso de TE es una
                        opción valiosa para el estudio de los requisitos de germinación de especies de malezas, y por lo tanto contribuye al diseño
                        de programas de manejo de malezas.

                Designing a weed management program requires                                  However, knowledge about seed dormancy and
             knowledge of seed biology and onset of germina-                                  germination requirements is limited or nonexistent
             tion requirements of the weed species involved.                                  for many weed species. Every tool that contributes
                                                                                              to the study of weed seed germination is a useful
             DOI: 10.1614/WT-D-13-00178.1                                                     tool for weed management.
               * Professor, Graduate Student, and Professor, Department
             of Crop Sciences, School of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad                     Dormancy can be defined as the lack of capacity
             Cat ólica Argentina (UCA). Corresponding author’s E-                            of a seed to germinate in a specified period of time
                                                     under any combination of normal physical envi-

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ronmental factors that are otherwise favorable for its                           to studies of weed germination requirements when
             germination (Baskin and Baskin 2007). A dynamic                                  PGRs normally used are not commercially avail-
             balance between gibberellins (GAs) and abscisic acid                             able. Having the ability to use the ai formulated as
             is key in seed dormancy regulation and the                                       a commercial product increases the chances of
             completion of germination (Kucera et al. 2005).                                  obtaining the compound and reduces the cost of
             Onset of germination is associated with an increase                              the experiment.
             in GA content and greater sensitivity to GA (Finch-                                 Artichoke thistle and common teasel are two
             Savage and Leubner-Metzger 2006). Reduced                                        weeds that have invaded thousands of hectares of
             germination of seeds incubated in solutions of                                   Argentinean right-of-way and grasslands (Marzoca,
             compounds that reduce GA synthesis provides                                      1976). Since 1963, artichoke thistle was declared a
             evidence of de novo GA requirements for onset of                                 national pest. In contrast, common teasel turned
             germination (Arana et al. 2006; Huarte and                                       into a highly problematic weed species just in
             Benech-Arnold 2010).                                                             recent years, and still no official records certified
                GAs are plant hormones synthesized in higher                                  this fact. Artichoke thistle is a herbaceous perennial
             plants that are essential for many processes of plant                            plant native to the Mediterranean basin that
             growth and development, including breaking seed                                  produces several thousands of wind-dispersed seeds
             dormancy and seed germination (Yamaguchi                                         each year (Potts et al. 2008; White and Holt
             2008). GAs occur in different types of plants with                               2005). On the other hand, common teasel is a
             different levels of activity. In general, GA synthesis                           herbaceous biennial plant native to Europe and
             involves three stages: ent-kaurene synthesis from                                North Africa that disperses more than 3,000seeds
             geranylgeranyl diphosphate, GA 12 and GA 53                                      each year (Werner 1975). Local populations of
             synthesis from ent-kaurene, and finally, the                                     both species are known to have seed dormancy
             conversion of these compounds into GA4 and                                       (Huarte and Benech-Arnold 2005; La Greca
             GA1 (Yamaguchi 2008). GA4 and GA1 are the                                        2010). Artichoke thistle seeds require fluctuating
             main active GAs in higher plants (Sawada et al.                                  temperatures for germination (Huarte 2006). On
             2008).                                                                           the other hand, common teasel seeds require either
                Plant growth regulators (PGRs) like trinexapac-                               fluctuating temperatures or light for germination
             ethyl (TE) and prohexadione-calcium (prohexa-                                    (Huarte and Zapiola 2011). To design a weed
             dione-Ca) are effective in reducing active GA                                    management program, the possibility of reduced
             synthesis (Rademacher 2000). These PGRs inter-                                   germination and emergence processes using non-
             fere with later steps of GA synthesis (Yamaguchi et                              chemical methods is important. To do these,
             al. 2007). Both TE and prohexadione-Ca are                                       knowledge about weed seed germination behavior
             frequently used as growth regulators in grass seed                               is required.
             and cereal crop production, for growth control in                                   The objective was to evaluate the potential use of
             turf grasses, and for reduction of vegetative growth                             TE to confirm the requirement of de novo GA
             in fruit trees (Qian and Engelke 1999; Rademacher                                synthesis in onset of germination of artichoke thistle
             1995; Rajala and Peltonen-Sainio 2001; Zapiola et                                and common teasel, and therefore identify an
             al. 2006). Incubation of seeds in prohexadione-Ca                                option for use in germination and seed dormancy
             and other PGRs with different sites of action like                               studies in countries where traditionally used
             paclobutrazol has been frequently used to study the                              compounds are not available or are too expensive.
             involvement of de novo GAs in onset of                                           We hypothesized that TE would reduce germina-
             germination (Arana et al. 2006; Yang et al. 1995;                                tion in cases where onset of germination depends on
             Zehhar et al. 2002). Nevertheless, to the best of                                de novo GA synthesis.
             our knowledge, TE has not been used to study
             involvement of GAs in onset of germination.
             Various PGRs are commercially available in several                                                 Materials and Methods
             countries. In some countries, TE, but not                                        Seeds. Heads of artichoke thistle were collected at
             prohexadione-Ca, can be found as ai in commer-                                   an infested roadside in Saldungaray (38811 0 S,
             cial growth regulators. Therefore, the potential use                             61846 0 W), province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in
             of TE in this type of study is a valuable alternative                            January 2009 and at an infested research plot at the

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School of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad
             Católica Argentina (UCA) (34835 0 S, 58827 0 W),
             city of Buenos Aires, in January 2013. Common
             teasel seeds were collected at an infested research
             plot at the School of Agricultural Sciences, UCA in
             January 2009, 2011, and 2013. Seeds were hand
             threshed and kept in paper bags at 18C until use
             for germination experiments.
             Germination Experiments. The effect of TE on
             seed germination was evaluated. TE treatment
             levels evaluated for artichoke thistle were 0, 10, 25,
             50, 100, 125, 250, and 500 lM TE using
             Moddust 250 EC (Syngenta, Switzerland). An
             additional treatment consisted of 125 lM TE þ
             100 lM GA3 (Sigma Chemical Company, St.
             Louis, MO). Three replicates of 25 seeds each per                                Figure 1. Germination of artichoke thistle seeds at various
             treatment level were placed on blotting paper in 9-                              trinexepac-ethyl (TE) concentrations and a mixed solution of
             cm petri dishes with 6 ml of each corresponding                                  125 lM TE þ 100 lM gibberellin3 (GA3). Vertical bars indicate
             solution. Petri dishes were placed in germination                                the standard error. Final germination count was at 14 d.
                                                                                              Different letters at the top of each bar indicate significant
             chambers at fluctuating temperatures (10/20 C, 12                                differences according Tukey’s test (a ¼ 0.05).
             h) in darkness. Germination was scored daily for
             14 d.                                                                            250, and 500 lM TE treatments reduced germina-
                TE treatment levels evaluated for common teasel                               tion of artichoke to 47, 33, and 25%, respectively,
             were 0, 62.5, 125, 250, and 500 lM TE. An                                        when compared with the control (95%). Incubation
             additional treatment consisted of 250 lM TE þ 500
                                                                                              in a solution of 125 lM TE þ 100 lM GA3
             lM GA3. Three replicates of 30 seeds each per
                                                                                              maintained germination at a level comparable with
             treatment level were placed on blotting paper in 9-
             cm petri dishes with 8 ml of each corresponding                                  that of the control (84%).
             solution. Petri dishes were placed in germination                                   Common teasel germination was also affected by
             chambers at constant temperature (15 C) and 12-h                                 TE (Figure 2) (P , 0.05). The 125, 250, and 500
             light. Germination was scored daily for 24 d.                                    lM TE reduced germination to 44, 10, and 1%,
                For both species, seeds with visible radicle                                  respectively, when compared with the control
             protrusion were considered germinated and were                                   (91%). Incubation in a solution of 250 lM TE þ
             removed. All germination experiments were repeat-                                500 lM GA3 only increased germination to 63%,
             ed. The data presented were averaged across two                                  31% below that of the control.
             and three experimental runs for artichoke and                                       The fact that incubation of seeds in TE reduced
             common teasel, respectively, because there was no                                germination in both species confirms their require-
             significant experiment-by-treatment interaction (P                               ment of de novo GA synthesis for onset of
             ¼ 0.86 and 0.67) for artichoke and common teasel,                                germination. However, greater TE concentrations
             respectively. Germination was expressed as percent-                              were needed to reduce germination in common
             age of total seeds germinated by the end of the                                  teasel than in artichoke thistle, suggesting that the
             experiment per petri dish. Data were analyzed by                                 effective TE concentration to prevent germination is
             ANOVA using Statistix 8.0 Analytical Software                                    species specific. The effect of TE was suppressed by
             (Tallahassee, FL). Tukey’s test at 5% level of                                   coincubation with GA3 in both species, demon-
             probability was used for mean comparisons.                                       strating that the reduction in germination found
                                                                                              with TE was a result of de novo GA synthesis
                                                                                              inhibition and not of other causes. These results
                               Results and Discussion                                         provide evidence of the efficacy of using TE to study
               There was an effect of TE on germination of                                    the requirement of GAs in onset of germination.
             artichoke thistle (Figure 1) (P , 0.05). The 125,                                Consequently, TE is a valuable option to study

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