Notice: Masks are optional - Village of Montpelier

Page created by Alfred Newman
Notice: Masks are optional - Village of Montpelier
Masks are optional
Notice: Masks are optional - Village of Montpelier

                              MONTPELIER, OHIO                September 13, 2021

Call to Order         Mayor Steve Yagelski called the meeting for the Montpelier Village
                      Council to order at 6:00pm on Monday, September 13, 2021.

Roll Call             Roll call was conducted with the following council members in
                      attendance: Ms. Melissa Ewers, Mr. Chris Kannel, Mr. Kevin Motter,
                      Mr. Dan Willis, and Mr. Nathan Thompson. Mr. Don Schlosser was

Prayer/Pledge         Pastor Paul Gruetter offered a word of prayer followed by those in
                      attendance reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Agenda                Mr. Chris Kannel moved and Mr. Kevin Motter seconded a motion to
09/13/2021            approve the agenda for September 13, 2021. Vote on motion: All ayes.

Minutes               Ms. Melissa Ewers moved and Mr. Nathan Thompson seconded a
08/23/2021            motion to approve the minutes from the August 23, 2021 council
                      meeting. Vote on motion: All ayes.

Financial Reports –   Mr. Kevin Motter moved and Mr. Chris Kannel seconded a motion to
August 2021           approve the August 2021 financial reports. Vote on motion: All ayes

                      Mayor Yagelski welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded the
                      audience of our council rules. Residents not on the agenda are limited
                      to three (3) minutes when speaking.

Audience Comments     Andrew Myers addressed council to follow up about issues he has had
                      at his residence on 315 River Street with sewage backing up in his
                      basement and electrical issues. Mr. Myers wanted to know if anything
                      had changed on how the Village was handling the situation. Mr. Myers
                      was informed it all needs to be directed to his homeowner’s
                      insurance. Both Mayor Yagelski and Mr. Rockey spoke with Mr. Myers
                      on the phone last week about the situation and discussed their
                      conversations. Mr. Myers was advised to call the after-hours number
                      if issues arise in the future.

                      Roy Rozell spoke to council about issues he is experiencing with the
                      pond located behind his residence on Misty Lane. Algae has been
                      taking over the pond and Mr. Rozell would like to find the source of
                      the problem. He had a group come out on August 24 to look at the
                      pond and take samples. It was found that the pond did not contain any
Notice: Masks are optional - Village of Montpelier
Council Meeting
                                                                        September 13, 2021
                    oxygen and also tested positive for e. coli. The group will be able to
                    provide DNA testing on the sample as well to determine if the e. coli
                    came from cattle. The Village approved and would like to take water
                    samples themselves from the tiles around the pond to see where the
                    e. coli is the highest.

                    Robert Babcock of Creek Blvd., expressed his concerns about the
                    shooting range. Mr. Babcock is concerned the range will be opened up
                    to the public and asked if late night shooting will occur. He is also
                    concerned about shooting on Sundays and if there will be a schedule.
                    The range is strictly for the police department and will not be available
                    for public use. Notifications should go out ahead of time to the
                    neighbors if night shooting is going to occur.

Council Comments    Mr. Kevin Motter thanked Mayor Yagelski for attending the 9/11
                    ceremony and dedication at the fair and for reading a proclamation
                    honoring those who have served and those who have lost their lives.
                    Mr. Motter also noted the Personal and Safety Committee will meet
                    on Friday, September 24 at 5:00pm to discuss the repair, replacement
                    or removal of a storm siren.

                    Ms. Melissa Ewers inquired about openings on the police reserve unit.
                    She was advised the unit currently has a full roster.

                    Mr. Chris Kannel left the meeting at 6:40pm.

Fire Dept. Update   Fire Chief, Brian Fritsch, updated council on the department and how
                    things are going so far. The following data was reported:

                       133 incidents to date. 5% increase from 2020.
                       Fire loss approximately $400,000 to date.
                       37 vehicle accidents
                       32 fires – 4 were structure fires all within Village limits
                       Most calls are received between 2:00pm-4:00pm
                       Averaging 7-8 firemen per call
                       28 active members on the department
                    The department is experiencing an increase in calls on the turnpike,
                    specifically in the construction zone. Delays in response time can be
                    expected due to traffic backups. Florence Twp is assisting where they
                    can. Council members asked questions about the former chief’s truck
                    and which equipment will need to be replaced next. The Village
                    mechanic is using the pickup truck and the oldest trucks are Heavy
                    Rescue and the ladder truck which were both purchased in the early

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Notice: Masks are optional - Village of Montpelier
Council Meeting
                                                                     September 13, 2021
                   Mr. Rockey congratulated Assistant Chief Tim Sanders, Beau Zuver,
                   Joe Sanders, and Tanner Sanders for completing their Firefighter II

Income Tax         Mrs. Nikki Uribes reported income tax collections at the end of August
                   2021 as $1,660,342.00 as compared to $1,242,391.19 and
                   $1,434,541.68 in 2020 and 2019 respectively. This is up 33.64% from
                   2020 and 15.74% from 2019.

Manager’s Report   Mr. Jason Rockey presented the Village Manger’s report. The
                   following points were noted:
                       • Mr. Rockey met with Dennis Miller from Maumee Valley
                          Planning Organization and Denny Bell from the engineer’s
                          office to discuss the status of the Menard’s sewer and grinder
                          pump. A pump should be ordered soon.
                       • We had a pump failure at the lift station on State Route 15 at
                          the railroad tracks. The pump has been replaced.
                       • A new program has been approved by the landbank where the
                          goal is to get residential properties that are delinquent on
                          taxes, abandoned or in disrepair into the hands of builders and
                          repaired. We will be submitting a property on E. Lawrence to
                          the program.
                       • A job opening has been posted in the Street Department. The
                          department has been down an employee since spring.

Adjourn            There being no further business to come before Council, Mr. Kevin
                   Motter moved and Mr. Nathan Thompson seconded a motion to
                   adjourn. Vote on motion: All ayes

                   _______________________           _________________________
                   Clerk of Council                  Steven L. Yagelski, Mayor

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American Municipal Power Grant Services
American Municipal Power (AMP) has partnered with The Ferguson Group (TFG) to provide grant assistance and support to our
membership. TFG will provide tracking and monitoring services for federal and state grant opportunities that have the potential
to benefit AMP members on a variety of issues. In addition to providing weekly grant alerts and educational webinars, members
will also have access to a database of successful grant applications, a comprehensive grant profile library, access to TFG experts
and receive a discount on tailored services.

  Who is The Ferguson Group?
  The Ferguson Group (TFG) offers a full suite of grant support services, providing clients with a competitive
  advantage in securing federal and state grant dollars. TFG specializes in representing public and private entities pursue and
  secure competitive grants and loans for their communities, counties, special districts, and other public agencies, as well as
  institutions of higher learning, hospitals, and non-profit organizations, with the opportunity to substantially enhance local

  TFG Grant Services
  Grants Alerts and Weekly Grants Updates
  A weekly grants update will provide AMP members with a recap of grant solicitations that were published that week to
  ensure you don’t miss any funding opportunities. Grant alerts for priority state and federal grants are also sent as they are
  noticed or published. To address high priority grants or those with a short turnaround, TFG frequently distributes alerts
  regarding opportunities before their official release.

  Database of Successful Grant Applications
  AMP members will have full access to TFG’s database of over 600 successful grant applications from a variety of programs to
  help guide the preparation of successful grant submissions. Reviewing successful applications can help frame how to present
  a project in a future application under the program.

  Grant Funding Guides and Grant Profiles Library
  AMP members will have access to TFG’s library of grant funding guides. Each Funding Guide provides an overview of grant
  programs and relevant information such funding level, match requirements, eligible applicants, and use of funds in a specific
  issue area.

  Dedicated Grants Expert/Team
  AMP members will have access to TFG’s dedicated grant team experts that will be available to explore project ideas, vet
  available programs and funding opportunities, and develop a strategic plan to prepare projects for grant applications
A La Carte and Grant Writing Services
The following services are offered to AMP members at a 15% reduced rate.

Custom Project Specific Grant Research and Funding Strategy
TFG conducts grant research on the federal, state, and foundation levels and will create a customized funding strategy geared
to support a project. TFG will provide relevant grant information, as well as recommendations on funding opportunities to
target, that is specifically tailored to a project and community. TFG grants research will not only look at open, available
programs, but will also focus on grant programs expected to be released in the future to stay “ahead of the game” and be

Needs Assessments and Strategic Grant Outlook
TFG will meet with your team to discuss ongoing projects, primary issue areas, and future needs that may benefit from grant
funding. TFG will identify, forecast, and monitor relevant funding opportunities that meet your specific needs. TFG’s Strategic
Grant Outlook anticipates what is on the horizon in order to be prepared for when a notice of funding availability is

Grant Writing, Editing and Review
TFG grant writers will take your grant project idea from the start of the application to submission. From filing out federal
forms to crafting a compelling grant narrative and corresponding budgets, TFG will work towards a complete, competitive,
and timely application submittal. TFG staff can review applications against the funder’s requirements, suggest content edits,
and provide recommendations on how to improve the narrative.

Grants Advocacy
TFG can provide assistance with securing congressional support, including support letters, and backing from strategic partners
to bolster grant applications. Federal grants are highly competitive and support for a project application may contribute to a
winning application.

Grant Debriefs
TFG staff provide guidance through the grant debrief process and set up consultation with the funding agency in order to put
subsequent applications in the best position to effectively compete in future solicitations.

Grants Training
TFG provides customized training on grant application processes and help improve the quality of grant proposals. Training
can be provided in a one-one-basis or through larger workshops depending on needs. TFG also has established partnerships
with other grant training professionals that specialize in post-award management who can be accessed to support grant
management training needs.

Grant Writing
TFG also offers grant writing services on an as needed basis based on the narrative page limitations imposed in the respective
grant application. If interested in securing these services, TFG will provide a tailored cost proposal that reflects the level of
effort required to draft the narrative and non-narrative elements such as forms, budgets, logic models and Benefit-
Cost Analysis.
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