Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation

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Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
A fair dinkum smack shortage
                           Putting your kids to the test
                           It’s how we’re advertising
                           The Great New Zealand Drug Driving Survey
                           November 2008

Not what the
doctor ordered
Recent research suggests doctor shoppers are flooding the illicit market
with prescribed pills. Just how serious is New Zealand’s prescription
drug misuse problem, and are we equipped to deal with it?
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation

matters of substance November 2008
Vol 18 No 4
ISSN 1177-200X
                                              02 Cover story                         18 Where angels fear to tread       01 Key Events and Dates
matters of substance is published by the           Not what the                                                               A list of impending
NZ Drug Foundation. All rights reserved.
Neither this publication nor any part
                                                   doctor ordered                                                             conferences and events
of it may be reproduced without prior                                                                                         especially relevant to those
permission of the NZ Drug Foundation.                                                                                         interested in alcohol and
                                                                                                                              other drugs.
matters of substance invites feedback
and contributions. If you’re interested in
contributing a guest editorial or article,
                                                                                                                         21 Guest Editorial
please first contact us:                                                                                                      Alcohol is a drug too                                                                                                  The Alcohol and other
p +64 4 801 6303                                                                          Alison Ritter reviews the
                                                                                          New Zealand Drug Harm               Drugs Council of Australia
                                                   A full understanding of the            Index and finds it useful           has adopted a new theme
Brand development/graphic design
Origin Design +64 4 801 6644                       seriousness of our prescription                                            to help tackle what is now
                                                                                          for all its faults.                                                                                                       a serious national problem.
                                                   drug misuse problem is only
                                                   now beginning to emerge.          22 Not all beer and skittles        24 Opinion
NZ Drug Foundation
                                                   It seems the ‘drug seeker’             This short ‘ride along’ with        It’s just not cricket
3rd Floor, 111 Dixon Street                        is alive and unwell in                 ex Drug Foundation Director
PO Box 3082, Wellington, New Zealand               New Zealand.                                                               Richard Boock says the
p +64 4 801 6303                                                                          Ross Henderson provides an          alcohol industry’s
                                                                                          interesting peek into the           contention that sport
                                              08 Following the paper trail
        When you have finished with
                                                                                          valuable work he does               sponsorship isn’t about
                                                   Thailand’s new drug control            around alcohol and small            increasing consumption
        this magazine, please recycle it.
                                                   strategy has not exactly been          communities.                        defies common sense and
                                                   the brutal “second round of                                                contradicts the facts.
 Become a member                                   drug suppression” many            26 Is that really how
                                                   feared… at least, so far.              we’re drinking?                33 Mythbusters
 The NZ Drug Foundation has been
                                                                                                                              Drinking during hard times
 at the heart of major alcohol and            11 Where the bloody                                                             It’s commonly believed that
 other drug policy debates for over                hell is all the heroin?
 18 years. During that time, we have                                                                                          we drink more when times
 demonstrated a strong commitment                                                                                             get tough economically, but
 to advocating policies and practices                                                                                         the data suggests that ain’t
 based on the best evidence available.                                                                                        necessarily so.

 You can help us. A key strength of the
 NZ Drug Foundation lies in its diverse                                                   ALAC says its ads              News
 membership base. As a member of the                                                      accurately depict how
 NZ Drug Foundation, you will receive
                                                                                          many New Zealanders drink,     29 New Zealand News
 information about major alcohol and
 other drug policy challenges. You can also                                               but not everyone agrees
                                                   Australia has experienced an                                               Free beer, fake IDs, waiting
 get involved in our work to find solutions                                               they’re so balanced.
 to those challenges.
                                                   unprecedented heroin drought,                                              lists and other things – our
                                                   and there’s considerable                                                   usual overview of drug news
                                                                                     28 The Great New Zealand                 here at home.
 Our membership includes health                    debate about why. But is
                                                                                          Drug Driving Survey
 promoters, primary health and                     who should get the credit the
 community organisations, researchers,
                                                   most important question?               The Drug Foundation wants      30 World News
 students, schools and boards of trustees,                                                to know what Kiwis think
 policy makers, and addiction treatment
                                                                                                                              ‘A’ for ecstasy, smoking
 agencies and workers.                        14 Let’s talk about pot                     about how drugs affect              Kurt Cobain, and glad
                                                      No easy answers                     us when we’re behind                tidings for fat smokers –
 Membership and subscription enquiries                Starting with his own               the wheel.                          these are just some of the                                                                                             international news items
 or visit our website.
                                                      dear dad, Dennis O’Reilly
                                                      muses on our confusing                                                  we feature this issue.
                                                      attitudes and behaviours                                                                                               Quotes of Substance
                                                      around alcohol and
                                                      other drugs.                   01 The Director’s Cut                    Our usual collection of
                                                                                          Election debates have been          drug pronouncements
                                              16 A matter of trust                        dominated by the economy,           from around the world
                                                                                          but the significant cost            ranging from the wise to
                                                   Worried parents resorting
                                                                                          benefits of improved drug           the woeful.
                                                   to drug tests may also be
                                                   testing the relationships              policy appear yet again to
                                                   they have with their kids.             have been overlooked.

matters of substance   November 08                                                                                     
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
The Director’s Cut                                                 Key Events and Dates

                                                                     Dangerous Consumptions                    3rd International Conference on
                                                                     Colloquium 2008: Manufacturing            Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
                                                                     Consumptions                              2009
                                                                     4–5 December, Auckland                    11–14 March, Victoria, BC, Canada
                                                                     This two-day international                The conference will be a catalyst
                                                                     colloquium will explore industrial        for change around the globe by
                                                                     relationships across the areas            integrating research and policy into
                                                                     of gambling, alcohol, tobacco,            practice to assist governments,
                                                                     pharmaceuticals, body                     parents, services and caregivers
                                                                     enhancements, fast foods, illegal         who strive to prevent FASD.
Political change has come.        regarding retail sales.            drug use and other areas where  
The US has their first African-       It remains to be seen how      consumption of pleasurable
American President, while         their coalition parties will       commodities creates harm.                 1st Conference of the
Labour’s nine-year tenure has     influence drug policy.               Connections Project
ended in New Zealand. Both            While ACT campaigned           dcVI/index.html                           25–27 March, Krakow, Poland
elections will impact on drug     on law and order, they are
                                                                                                               Joining the Dots: Criminal Justice,
policies.                         known for their criticism of       17th World Conference of                  Treatment and Harm Reduction
    Barack Obama has spoken       the current drug law and for       Therapeutic Communities                   will aim to facilitate the
of removing the Federal           their support for prevention       6–10 February, Lima, Peru                 development of knowledge and an
funding ban on needle             and education.                     At this conference, experts from          evidence base for how different harm
exchanges, and of expanding           United Future has              all over the world will explore and       reduction and drug free interventions
treatment, including offering     previously opposed tobacco         share experiences of the range of         can be incorporated across criminal
treatment as an alternative to    and alcohol control policy and     therapeutic community programmes.         justice processes.
prison. He has criticised the     quashed debate on cannabis         Discussions will cover the therapeutic
War on Drugs saying, “It’s        policy. It would be a shame if     community model and the latest
expensive, it’s                   a similar barrier stymies the      scientific discoveries in the treatment   International Harm Reduction
                                                                     of addictions.
counterproductive, and it         Misuse of Drugs Act review.                                                  Association Conference 2009
doesn’t make sense.” On the           The Mäori Party is                        19–23 April, Bangkok, Thailand
world stage, we may see the       concerned about the health                                                   The conference theme is Harm
US promoting progressive,         inequalities created by alcohol    Drug Policy Symposium –                   Reduction and Human Rights.
balanced and health-focused       and drug harm in Mäori             Healthy Drug Law                          Asia has been consciously chosen
                                                                     18–20 February, Wellington                to host the conference based on
drug policy.                      communities. They have
    What might we expect          pedigree on drug policy: Pita      A high-level forum for senior and         many countries in the region failing
                                                                     international drug policy officials,      to provide vital health and harm
from the new National-led         Sharples is known for his
                                                                     politicians, alcohol and other drug       reduction services to which drug
Government?                       methamphetamine work at
                                                                     sector leaders and academics to           users are entitled.
    National have made the        Hoani Waititi Marae; Tariana       discuss the Misuse of Drugs Act 
very welcome announcement         Turia is a previous associate      review in the context of rethinking
to double the number of beds      health minister; and Hone          international drug control.
in prison Drug Treatment          Harawira pulls no punches in       For more information, contact
Units. The successful             his attack on the hypocrisy
implementation of this policy     between legal and illegal drugs.
will require resourcing for the       There is important work to     3rd International Conference of
treatment workforce and           do. Current financial priorities   the International Society for the
better management within          shouldn’t stop drug policy         Study of Drug Policy
Corrections to ensure that the    progress: the Law                  2–3 March, Vienna, Austria
new beds are fully utilised.      Commission’s alcohol and drug      The third annual conference is being
    In a letter to the Drug       reviews deserve continued          hosted by the United Nations Office
Foundation, the National          political attention, as does the   on Drugs and Crime and should be of       Making it Happen 2009
Party stated their intention      Supply of Liquor and Liquor        interest to a wide array of disciplines   12–13 May, Fremantle,
to work for better access to      Enforcement Bill inherited         including anthropology, economics,        Western Australia
mental health and addiction       from the previous government.      epidemiology, political science,          Making it Happen is a unique,
treatment services. They                                             public health and sociology.              collaborative event between
                                      Interventions to tackle
would also improve primary        poverty and social exclusion                             government and non-government
care, provide early               must include efforts to reduce                                               organisations across the AOD sector.
                                                                     School of Addiction 2009                  The conference will focus on the
intervention and promote          alcohol and drug harm. The
                                                                     4–6 March, Auckland                       discussion of best practice initiatives
Integrated Family Health          significant cost benefit of
                                                                     The biennial school, jointly hosted by    to respond to clients affected by
Centres that bring together a     addressing drug harm as a                                                    drug and alcohol issues.
wider range of health services                                       DAPAANZ and the Pacific Centre for
                                  health issue makes economic
                                                                     Motivation and Change, is offered
and professionals into a one      sense (as well as being
                                                                     to experienced clinicians and
stop shop. On alcohol, they       socially just and humane).         practitioners in the field of             Publicise your own
support ALAC’s Culture                I look forward to working      addiction treatment.                      event online at
Change Programme and want         with the new Government.             
to see retailers obey the law     Happy reading, Ross Bell.                                                                                   matters of substance   November 08           01
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
Cover Story

Not what the
                                          Recent studies show that
                                          misuse of prescription
                                          drugs is as much a

doctor ordered                            problem in New Zealand
                                          as anywhere else in the
                                          world – possibly more
                                          so because opioids
                                          like heroin aren’t
                                          plentiful here. But a
                                          full understanding of
                                          the problem’s seriousness
                                          is still emerging, which
                                          means we may not have
                                          the structures in place
                                          to deal with it.
                                          Rob Zorn

02   matters of substance   November 08    
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
According to an International Narcotics         hallucinogens (4 million), inhalants           In 1990, New Zealand had
Control Board (INCB) report released in         (2.1 million) and heroin (328,000)          600 people on the methadone
2007, prescription drug misuse is now a         combined.
                                                                                            programme. Now we have
worldwide problem that is increasing                Data from the UK are more patchy,
                                                though a 2000 report appearing in the
                                                                                            around 4,000!
rapidly. In fact, in some regions, prescribed
medicines are being abused “in quantities       journal Addiction described the size of     Dr Geoff Robinson.
similar to or greater than the quantities       the market for diverted prescription
of illicitly manufactured heroin, cocaine,      drugs as “substantial”.
                                                    In Australia, an increasing number of
amphetamine and opioids”.
                                                prescription medicines are being abused.
    The Board’s conclusion is borne out
                                                Data from the 2004 National Drug
by research and reports from various
                                                Strategy Household Survey revealed
western countries. In the United States,
                                                that 7.6 percent of Australians had
                                                                                                                    NZPA/Ross Setford

for example, statistics suggest levels of
                                                used pharmaceuticals for non-medical
prescription drug misuse are second             purposes at least once and that the
only to misuse of cannabis. The National        most used substances in the 12 months
Center on Addiction and Substance               preceding the survey were painkillers
Abuse (CASA) says 6 percent of                  and tranquillisers. In 2006, morphine
Americans (15.1 million people)                 was the most commonly reported
reported abusing controlled drugs in            pharmaceutical used by injecting users
2003 – higher than the number of                according to Australia’s Illicit Drug
those abusing cocaine (5.9 million),            Reporting System (IDRS).                                                                        matters of substance   November 08     03
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
Of particular relevance to us is             easy/very easy to get, and 50 percent of         Stimulants cause increased alertness,
the Tasmanian component of the IDRS,              the injecting drug users taking part in      insomnia and raised heart rate and
given that state’s geographical similarity        the study said opiates were the drugs        blood pressure. Those sought include
to New Zealand. Heroin has not                    most responsible for their drug-related      pseudoephedrine-containing products
generally been widely available in                problems.                                    and methylphenidate (Ritalin®).
Tasmania, and this is one accepted                    In April this year, Auckland                 ‘Drug seekers’, as they are known to
reason why the 2006 IDRS reported it              University’s School of Pharmacy              health professionals, tend to come from
had higher rates of benzodiazepine                released its report Prescription drug        all walks of life so it is hard to generalise
injection than other Australian states.           misuse: issues for primary care.             about their characteristics. While
     New Zealand’s National Drug Policy           Researchers interviewed 51 general           interviewees agreed they were
also acknowledges that our geographical           practitioners, community pharmacists         predominantly New Zealand European,
isolation makes it difficult to import bulk       and other key experts about their
                                                                                               some said they tended most to be aged
quantities of heroin or raw opium into            experiences with prescription drug
                                                                                               in their 20s and 30s while others
the country, and therefore, like Tasmania,        misuse. The GPs and pharmacists
                                                                                               indicated they were most often over 50.
we are more likely to abuse other opioids         indicated that, while it is not generally
                                                                                               Only two interviewees were concerned
such as prescription medicines.                   a major disruption to their practices,
                                                                                               about teenagers abusing their
     Geoff Robinson, Chief Medical                they are highly aware of it as an issue.
                                                                                               prescription medication.
Officer at the Capital and Coast District             This qualitative study, led by
                                                                                                   Males and females seemed to be
Health Board, has no doubt that                   Professor Janie Sheridan, provides an
                                                  excellent overview, from the coalface, as    equally represented, though there were
New Zealand’s problem with prescription                                                        some general differences in approaches.
drug misuse ranks up there with other             it were, of what drugs are typically being
                                                  misused, how they are being obtained,        Respondents reported that males were
western countries and that a local
                                                  and what is being done – individually        more likely to use standover tactics while
scarcity of heroin is one main reason why.
                                                  and collectively – to deal with the          females were more successful at
     “In 1990, New Zealand had 600
                                                  resulting problems.                          fabricating stories as to why they need
people on the methadone programme.
                                                      The sorts of drugs commonly sought       the medicine. Men were more likely to
Now we have around 4,000! That’s a
                                                  fall into three main categories – opioids,   claim they had physical injuries such
level similar to that of New South Wales.
                                                  benzodiazepines and stimulants –             as car accidents or that they had been
The difference is that heroin is not
                                                  though interviewees differed on which        assaulted. Women were more likely to
available here like it has been there,
                                                  were mainly targeted in their practices      claim emotional anguish, migraines or
so these people aren’t on the programme
                                                  or pharmacies.                               ‘women’s problems’ in the hopes male
because of heroin dependence, but as a
                                                                                               doctors wouldn’t ask too many questions.
result of prescription opioid problems.”
                                                                                                   The researchers also pointed out that
     While such a massive increase in the
                                                                                               one emerging theme was a distinction
number of people presenting at clinics               Drug seekers tend to come                 between two types of drug seekers.
makes it clear that prescription drugs
                                                  from all walks of life so it is              ‘Abusers’ are those who seek drugs to
misuse is a serious problem, it’s not easy
to put an accurate finger on the full
                                                  hard to generalise about their               use or sell for recreational purposes or
extent of that seriousness. There are no          characteristics.                             to knowingly feed an addiction. ‘Over
published data that would provide an                                                           users’ are drug seekers who originally
overview, and even what we do know                                                             began using the drug for legitimate
is subject to interpretation.                                                                  purposes such as for chronic pain or
                                                      Opioids are synthetic chemical
     While the amount of opioids prescribed                                                    anxiety. However, misuse has developed
                                                  substances mainly used for pain relief.
in New Zealand has more than doubled in                                                        over time and escalated to the point of
                                                  Those sought include codeine,
the last 15 years, it is very difficult to tell   dihydrocodeine tartrate, morphine            addiction. ‘Over users’ tended to be
just how much of that prescribed medicine         (including morphine sulphate) and            considered less of a problem by
is being used legitimately and how much           methadone.                                   respondents. They were not perceived
is being diverted and used illicitly. After           Benzodiazepines are a class of           to be as ‘underhand’ and didn’t fit the
all, the same patient may be doing both           psychoactive drug with varying               ‘drug addict’ stereotype. They were also
in many cases.                                    hypnotic, sedative, anxiolytic and           thought less likely to sell their
     A recent New Zealand study                   muscle-relaxant qualities. They were         medications on the illicit market.
indicated that 14 percent of people in            reported as widely sought by all                 The two main methods of acquiring
drug and alcohol treatment were                   interviewees and include diazepam            prescription medications, other than
diagnosed with sedative dependence.               (Valium®) clonazepam (Rivotril®) and         ‘raiding grandma’s medicine cabinet’,
The 2006 Illicit Drug Monitoring System           temazapam (Normison®, Somapam®,              are known as ‘doctor shopping’ and
(IDMS) indicated that opiates were                Euhypnos®).                                  ‘pharmacy hopping’.

04   matters of substance   November 08                                                                  
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
‘Doctor shoppers’ will visit a number     to patients on the programme.
of different doctors in their own area or      The methadone is sold or given to
in neighbouring districts seeking              someone else. One respondent said that,
multiple prescriptions that they will          typically, the methadone diverter would
then present at a number of different          return after half an hour claiming their
pharmacies. Sometimes, fraudulent              takeaway dose was lost or spilled
IDs are used, but because it is easy           in the hopes of receiving another.
in New Zealand to see a doctor on a                But diversions are attempted even
one-off basis, these are often not needed.     with supervised doses, with the user
     Using different pharmacies, or            sneaking the dose into a hidden
‘pharmacy hopping’ helps the user hide         container while pretending to drink
the extent of his or her prescription          it. Another method is to hold the
drug use, but ‘pharmacy hopping’ also          methadone in the mouth and spit it
includes the practice of presenting a          into a container upon leaving the clinic.
prescription at another pharmacy when              Most doctors and pharmacists in
it is refused the first time due to a          New Zealand aren’t silly and have
pharmacist’s concerns.                         become reasonably astute at spotting
     The respondents said another              prescription drug abusers. There are
way drug seekers attempt to obtain             behaviours to watch for including
medication is by presenting for repeat         specific requests for a particular drug,
prescriptions before they are due.             a refusal to consider alternatives and
Generally, a reason is provided as to why      agitated behaviour. Drug seekers are most
the medication is needed early. It has         likely to visit surgeries at busy periods
been ‘lost’ or ‘stolen’, or the patient says   such as at the end of the day when
they are going on holiday and needing          doctors are behind schedule and more
additional supplies to take away.              likely to give the benefit of the doubt to
     While there are regulations around        get through their day’s workload. It is
early prescriptions, pharmacists have          also common for drug seekers to target        Prescription drug misuse harms
discretion to fill them early. For             new practices, pharmacies or doctors,
example, a 30-day repeat prescription          including locums.
                                                                                             Harms resulting from prescription medicine
may be collected after 20 days if the              Under their codes of conduct, both        abuse are similar to those associated with
dispensing pharmacist believes there           doctors and pharmacists are bound to act      substance abuse in general.
is sufficient reason.                          within the law and withhold medicines
                                                                                             ■■   Physical harms are mainly from
     Often, fabricated medical conditions      from those who would abuse them.
                                                                                                  injecting such as venous thromboses,
are used to fool GPs and hospital clinics,     The guidelines may well be very clear,             vascular and tissue damage, ulcers
such as invented pain symptoms or fake         but respondents indicated the reality              and gangrene.
psychological states (e.g. grief) – the        is often much less straightforward.
                                                                                             ■■   General harms include having unsafe
‘patient’ relying on the fact that most            Even when they are suspicious, there
                                                                                                  sex, driving while under the influence
doctors would prefer to err on the side of     is an understandable reluctance to act.            of drugs and the risk of blood-borne
caution and not deny medication, even if       Where doctors don’t know a patient,                diseases from sharing injecting
they suspect the symptoms are phoney.          it can be difficult to be certain they are         equipment.
     Prescription forging is also              faking it without direct evidence, and
                                                                                             ■■   There is always the risk of overdose,
reasonably common. This can involve            most would prefer to prescribe a small             which increases when differing
altering an authentic prescription by          amount of medication than make a                   substances are taken together.
adding drug names to it or by changing         mistake and leave someone suffering.
                                                                                             ■■   Social harms include isolation and
the amount of the medication prescribed            Pharmacists say they can find
                                                                                                  a lack of connectedness, loss of
– for example, by inserting an additional      themselves in a similar situation.                 employment, family and relationship
digit to the correct dose. Computer-           They are entitled to refuse a prescription         breakdowns and engagement in
generated fake prescriptions have also         if they are in doubt, and it is common             criminal activity to fund addiction.
been used, sometimes even verified with        for them to call the prescribing doctor
                                                                                             ■■   Financial costs to society can also be
stamps stolen from hospitals or surgeries.     to check that a prescription is legitimate.        substantial in terms of lost productivity,
     The respondents also discussed            Even where the pharmacist disagrees                a drain on medical and pharmacy
specific diversion methods relating to         with the doctor, there is an                       practice resources, and time spent
obtaining methadone. Most diversion            understandable reluctance to question              by treatment professionals.
occurs when takeaway doses are given           that doctor’s professional integrity or                                                                            matters of substance   November 08    05
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
Recognising signs of
 drug seeking and misuse

 *from Best Practice Journal, September 2008        competence, especially when the               that can be turned to for help or
                                                    pharmacist does not have access to the        guidance such as drug treatment
 Many GPs believe they can easily identify
 drug seekers, but they will not all fit the        patient’s history or reasons for diagnosis.   agencies that may have specific
 expected stereotype.                                   Ministry of Health figures suggest        knowledge about individuals or the
                                                    that, while reckless or criminal              general drug scene in the locality.
 Drug seekers may be known patients or                                                            Methadone providers are particularly
                                                    prescribing does occur, it is not
 casual attendees to the practice. They may
                                                    widespread. Medicines Control, the            valuable in this regard.
 be dependent on the drug themselves or
 sourcing it for illicit sale. Anyone, regardless   Ministry’s drug abuse containment arm,           GPs and pharmacists are able to
 of gender, income, ethnicity, health or            actively monitors prescription rates          check a register of known drug seekers
 employment status, can be a drug seeker.           and investigates where a doctor is            published in print form by Medicines
                                                    prescribing unusual amounts of                Control, but this is only useful when the
 And not all drug seekers are faking
                                                    addictive medicines, either in general        drug seeker is using his or her real name.
 symptoms. They may have a legitimate
                                                    or to the same persons. Around three or       Looking up the booklet during a
 complaint and, over time, have become
 dependent or tolerant and require larger           four doctors are approached each month        consultation with a suspected drug
 doses to function in their daily life. Patients    nationwide, but of these, only a few          seeker is also considered impractical
 with chronic pain, anxiety disorders and           would be referred each year to the Police     by many doctors and pharmacists.
 attention-deficit disorder are at increased        or Medical Council.
 risk of addiction co-morbidity.                        Medical Officers of Health in
 Some indicators of drug seeking behaviour are:     conjunction with Medicines Control                If it seems that our
 ■■   presenting near closing time without          make these decisions on a case-by-case        institutional response
      an appointment                                basis, unless there is direct Police          mechanisms to prescription
 ■■   reporting a recent move into the area,                                                      drugs misuse are under-
      making validation with a previous                 According to Geoff Robinson, the
      practitioner difficult                        threshold for what is considered
                                                                                                  developed, that is probably a
 ■■   requesting a specific drug and refusing       aberrant prescribing may be too low.          reflection of the fact that our
      all other suggestions – the patient may           “While there can be legitimate            understanding of the scale and
      claim other medications don’t work,           reasons why some doctors prescribe            complexity of the problem is
      they have an allergy to them or a high        more addictive substances than others,        still emerging.
      tolerance to drugs or report losing           the fact is that an incredible amount is
      prescriptions                                 diverted to illicit use, and we need
 ■■   inconsistent symptoms that do not             tighter controls on what is given out
      match objective evidence or physical                                                            Medicines Control can be contacted
                                                    and to whom.”
      examination                                                                                 directly for advice on what to do about
                                                        He says that, while there are some        a drug seeking patient or if there is
 ■■   manipulating behaviour, which may             doctors willing to supplement their
      include comparing one doctor’s                                                              concern about the prescribing habits
                                                    incomes by selling unnecessary                of a doctor. Suggested additions to the
      treatment opinions against another’s,
                                                    prescriptions, the majority who over          register of known drug seekers can also
      offering bribes or making threats
                                                    prescribe would be motivated by a             be made.
 ■■   use of multiple doctors
                                                    “foolish altruism” where they somehow             If it seems that our institutional
 ■■   assertive personality, often demanding        believe they are helping their patient,
      immediate action                                                                            response mechanisms to prescription
                                                    or that the patient’s situation would be      drugs misuse are underdeveloped,
 ■■   unusual knowledge of medications              worse if their addiction was not fed.         that is probably a reflection of the fact
      and symptoms, or evasive and vague
                                                        As with most professional                 that our understanding of the scale
      answers to history questions
                                                    communities, doctors and pharmacists          and complexity of the problem is
 ■■   reluctance to provide personal
                                                    have their own unofficial support             still emerging.
      information such as address or name
                                                    networks and liaise with their peers on           Respondents to the University of
      of regular doctor.
                                                    issues around prescription drug misuse.       Auckland prescription drug misuse
 Many drug seekers will target doctors who          This can involve consulting nearby            study identified three broad areas in
 are new to a practice or doctors who are           colleagues about suspected drug seekers       which developments could be made to
 sympathetic and dislike confrontation.
                                                    and the sharing of advice between more        better manage prescription drug misuse
 A usual patient/doctor relationship is based
                                                    and less experienced or knowledgeable         in the future.
 on mutual respect; however, a drug seeker
 has a stronger relationship with the               doctors and pharmacists. Some have                The first was training and education
 prescription than with the doctor. Some            even set up fax trees to quickly              so that all GPs and pharmacists had a
 doctors who are pressured for time would           disseminate information about                 minimum level of understanding around
 rather ‘write than fight’.                         drug seeking activity in their area.          prescription drug misuse issues, not just
                                                        There are also professional bodies        those with knowledgeable colleagues in

06    matters of substance   November 08                                                                   
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
their support networks. The training        the drug addict mould most AOD                      “The National Drug Policy
would include which medications were        services are geared towards.                    contains exactly nine lines on diverted
most targeted and innovations in drug           Interestingly, the Medical Council          pharmaceuticals and contains no
seeking behaviour (such as forgery          of New Zealand’s report Strategies for          discernable plan for reducing what
techniques), how to identify and manage     Action on the Misuse of Addictive               has become an epidemic.”
drug seekers and who to contact when        Prescription Drugs made many of the                 Robinson would like to see the
issues arise.                               same recommendations back in 1991.              Ministry of Health conduct a formal
    The second area was access to           As Sheridan et al. point out, this indicates    review of the issue in conjunction with
electronic information such as an up-to-    that “whilst action may have occurred in        relevant parties such as The Royal
date national database of known drug        the intervening period, the problems            New Zealand College of General
seekers/restricted persons, and community   remain broadly similar and unresolved”.         Practitioners, the treatment sector
databases across pharmacies and practices       So what action has occurred in the          and the Police.
that would identify a person sourcing       intervening period, particularly on the             He concedes, however, that getting
potential medicines of abuse from more      part of the Ministry of Health?                 the balance right between optimal pain
than one location. Such a system would          One thing that has been done is the         control and over prescribing is always
have immense ethical, privacy and misuse    introduction of electronic monitoring of        going to be difficult and suggests doctors
of data implications, however.              controlled drug prescribing, which has          need more training and better guidelines
    The third concern was for improved      made surveillance much easier. Plans            to increase their awareness and help
support systems such as national or         are afoot to bring in e-prescribing based       them get it right more often.
regional standard protocols to guide the    on a Swedish model, which will mean                 “You can put all the prescribing
management of prescription drug             prescriptions are no longer given out to        controls in place that you like, but it’s
misuse. A targeted specialist support       patients. Instead, they will reside in an       pretty hard to regulate what happens to
body was also suggested, made up of key     online database where they can be               the drugs once they’re in the hands of
prescription drug misuse stakeholders       accessed by pharmacists according to the        the user.
such as the Police, AOD treatment           patient’s unique identifier. It is uncertain        “It’s essential, therefore, that
representatives and knowledgeable GPs       when this will be a reality.                    prescribing doctors make good decisions
and pharmacists. Lastly, improved               Regulations have also been altered so       based on a sound understanding of the
support for prescription drug misusers      that drugs with a high level of addictive       nature and extent of the problem, and
was seen as necessary. Once a               potential, such as morphine and Ritalin®,       we’re only going to get that across all
prescription has been denied, what          can only be given out in 10-day amounts.        sectors if all parties work together.”
then? This is especially relevant to            “But actually, there’s not been a lot
‘over users’ with legitimate prescribing    of change or progress at all,” says             Rob Zorn is a Wellington-based writer.
indications who do not necessarily fit      Geoff Robinson.

                                              The price on the street
                                              These were Police         Prescription drug         Quantity       Street value
                                              estimates of tablet
                                                                        Morphine sulphate         (30mg)         $40–$60 per tablet
                                              prices in 2007.
                                                                        Morphine sulphate         (60mg)         $80–$100 per tablet
                                                                        Morphine sulphate         (100mg)        $120 per tablet
                                                                        Halcion                   (0.25mg)       $5–$6 each
                                                                        Ritalin                                  $10–$15 each
                                                                        Diazepam                  (10mg)         $5 each
                                                                        Valium                    (10mg)         $6 each
                                                                        Rivitrol                  (2mg)          $5 each
                                                                        Temgesics                 (0.2mg)        $20–$40 each
                                                                        Duromine                  (30mg)         $5–$20 each
                                                                        Doloxene                  (100mg)        $5–$10 each
                                                                        Codeine phosphate         (15mg)         $10 each
                                                                        Codeine phosphate         (30mg)         $15 each
                                                                        Codeine phosphate         (60mg)         $30 each                                                                           matters of substance   November 08   07
Not what the doctor ordered - NZ Drug Foundation
Following the paper
                                                                               trail – drug control
                                                                               in Thailand
                                                                               In the May 2008 Matters of Substance, Martina Melis
                                                                               provided readers with an overview of the situation of
                                                                               Thailand’s drug users during the 2003 war on drugs.
                                                                               “Same same, but different” highlighted worrying signs
                                                                               that the Thai government’s launch of a new drug
                                                                               control strategy in 2008 was, in fact, a second round of
                                                                               drug suppression in the Land of Smiles. In this article,
                                                                               Pascal Tanguay presents an overview of recent
                                                                               developments and opportunities in harm reduction
                                                                               in Thailand.

                                                                               On 2 April 2008, the Royal Thai                drug dependence as a health issue, it is
                                                                               Government announced a new six-month           heavily influenced by the Rehabilitation
                                                                               drug control strategy effective until 30       Act of 2003 and focuses on short-term
                                                                               September 2008. The strategy focused on        rehabilitation through compulsory
                                                                               reducing the number of traffickers, drug       treatment and incarceration. It
                                                                               users and vulnerable people, as well as on     encourages blacklisting through
                                                                               increasing and intensifying drug control       ‘community support’, and definitions of
                                                                               efforts. It also sought to increase the role   target groups are fluid and ill-defined.
                                                                               of civil society in response to drugs.         Further approaches presented point to
                                                                               The strategy was to be supported by an         increased law enforcement responses
                                                                               action plan that was never produced.           and the intensification of their efforts
                                                                                   In the six months during which the         through capacity building and increasing
                                                                               strategy was implemented, local
                                                                                                                                  It is important to note that the
                                                                               organisations in Thailand working
                                                                                                                              strategy includes provisions that could
                                                                               with drug users reported human rights
                                                                                                                              open the door to harm reduction
                                                   Kirk Hargreaves/The Press

                                                                               violations on a much smaller scale than
                                                                                                                              implementation and policy support.
                                                                               during the 2003 war on drugs. In that
                                                                                                                              In addition, collaboration with civil
                                                                               sense, the second chapter of the much
                                                                                                                              society is highlighted in several areas
                                                                               feared war on drugs has yet to start.
                                                                                                                              outside blacklisting – although the
                                                                                   Piyabutr Nakapiew, manager of the          proposed role of civil society seems to be
Piyabutr Nakapiew is the manager of O-zone, a                                  O-zone drop-in centre in Bangkok says,
Bangkok drop-in centre for injecting drug users.
                                                                               “There was [a war on drugs] but perhaps
                                                                               less aggressively implemented than the            I think lessons were learned
                                                                               previous one. I think lessons were             from 2003 when 2,500 people
                                                                               learned from 2003 when 2,500 people
                                                                                                                              who used drugs were killed.
                                                                               who used drugs were killed.”
                                                                                   Significantly, the strategy is silent on   Piyabutr Nakapiew.
                                                                               HIV/AIDS. Although it acknowledges

08   matters of substance   November 08                                                                                                
Recommendations from Thai civil
                                                                                         society groups at the UNAIDS
                                                                                         Programme Coordinating Board

                                                                                         Thai civil society groups consider the use of
                                                                                         punitive measures, especially violence, in
                                                                                         drug control efforts to be ineffective and
                                                                                         counterproductive to HIV/AIDS prevention,
                                                                                         treatment, care and support.
                                                                                         They encourage the Thai government to
                                                                                         consider implementation of a national
                                                                                         harm reduction policy and to review
                                                                                         carefully the drug control strategy issued
                                                                                         on 2 April, including revising laws and
                                                                                         policies that create barriers to treatment.
                                                                                         Thai civil society groups also recommend
                                                                                         that a comprehensive health scheme
                                                                                         delivered in a friendly environment,
                                                                                         focusing on prevention, treatment, care
                                                                                         and support, be accessible to vulnerable
                                                                                         communities (including intravenous drug
                                                                                         users, migrants, sexual minorities, prisoners,
                                                                                         sex workers and so on) in order to achieve
                                                                                         Universal Access before 2010.
                                                                                         Civil society groups, particularly people
                                                                                         who are using or recovering from drug
                                                                                         dependence, recommend they be involved in
                                                                                         development and implementation of policies
to endorse law enforcement responses.       reduction, the 12D, with representatives     and interventions that affect their lives and
When promoting rehabilitation, the          from a number of civil society groups        livelihoods, especially in the areas of drug,
strategy stresses reduction of stigma and   including the Foundation for AIDS            health, social care and sustainable financing
                                                                                         to ensure support for building their capacity.
discrimination, and social reintegration,   Rights, the Thai Drug Users’ Network
especially for recovered drug users.        and the Asian Harm Reduction Network.        Civil society group representatives consider
    Over the course of the past six             In mid-October, the Global Fund          that their rights – sexual and reproductive
                                                                                         health rights and rights to treatment,
months, efforts have been made by many      announced that Thailand’s Round 8
                                                                                         shelter and work – should be respected
stakeholders to work alongside the Office   proposal had been accepted, with a strong
                                                                                         regardless of gender, citizenship, lifestyle
of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB)       harm reduction component. In addition,       and so on.
and other government agencies to lobby      an independent proposal was approved
                                                                                         Civil society group representatives
for a balanced action plan to support the   in August supporting local NGOs to
                                                                                         recommend that relevant government
drug control strategy. The UNAIDS           deliver harm reduction services.             agencies work to change popular attitudes
Programme Coordinating Board (PCB)              Meanwhile, AHRN has been lending         in order to reduce stigma and discrimination.
meeting set the stage with a                support to the ONCB by building
demonstration organised by the Thai         technical capacity and generating greater        THAILAND

Network of People Living with HIV/          awareness about harm reduction among          MYANMAR
AIDS (TNP+) and the Thai Treatment          drug control officials and by providing
Action Group (TTAG). Demonstrators          exposure to effective models and key
from several civil society groups had       stakeholders in the region. In parallel,                      THAILAND

banners highlighting key advocacy           the Asian Consortium on Drug Use, HIV/
issues discussed in previous consultation   AIDS and Poverty has invited the ONCB                       BANGKOK

meetings supported by AHRN.                 and other Thai parliamentarians to play        INDIAN

    Recently, the Thai government           important roles in regional platforms
                                                                                                              GULF OF
included methadone in the universal         around drug use and HIV/AIDS.                                    THAILAND

healthcare scheme, a decision influenced        While the latest drug control strategy
by months of advocacy work by several       has significant shortcomings, it does                                              0      200 miles

leading local NGOs. This also led to the    provide an interesting backdrop for                             MALAYSIA
                                                                                                                               0   200 km

formation of a working group on harm        considering the future of harm reduction                                                                           matters of substance   November 08            09
in Thailand and analysing salient
                                                                                        developments. Indeed, some recent
                                                                                        events and the level of engagement of
                                                                                        all key stakeholders – including the
                                                                                        Thai government – are pointing to
                                                                                        growing interest in harm reduction
                                                                                        and in addressing drug use through
                                                                                        evidence-based approaches. Yet, to
                                                                                        reduce trafficking and drug use, the
                                                                                        latest policy document proposes
                                                                                        approaches and mechanisms that are
                                                                                        not supported by evidence.
                                                                                            “The Thai government still believes
                                                                                        that forcing people who use drugs into
                                                                                        rehabilitation programmes will lead to
                                                                                        abstinence,” says Mr Nakapiew. “This
                                                                                        approach systematically ignores the fact
                                                                                        that, to achieve sustainable abstinence,
                                                                                        drug users must want to quit drugs and
                                                                                        that forcing treatment upon people will
                                                                                        not achieve expected outcomes.”
                                                                                            Although a greater number of
        This approach                                                                   decision and policy makers are
     systematically ignores                                                             increasingly exposed to harm reduction
     the fact that, to achieve                                                          approaches, without strong commitment
     sustainable abstinence, drug                                                       from the highest levels of political
                                                                                        leadership, the integration of HIV/AIDS
     users must want to quit drugs
                                                                                        alongside drug demand and supply
     and that forcing treatment                                                         reduction in Thailand’s drug control
     upon people will not achieve                                                       efforts will remain elusive, and outreach
     expected outcomes.                                                                 workers will remain without legal
     Piyabutr Nakapiew.                                                                 protection for delivering HIV/AIDS
                                          UNAIDS officials meet Thai health advocates
                                                                                        prevention services to people who use
                                                                                        drugs. Meanwhile, Thai civil society
                                                                                        groups are preparing for the April 2009
                                                                                        International Harm Reduction
                                                                                        Conference in Bangkok to ensure further
                                                                                        discussion on harm reduction and drug
                                                                                        control strategies in Thailand.
                                                                                            In the context of the current political
                                                                                        changes and tensions in Thailand, it is
                                                                                        difficult to assess when the next drug
                                                                                        control strategy will be released or to
                                                                                        predict what approaches will be
                                                                                        proposed by the Thai government.
                                                                                        The recommendations formulated by
                                                                                        Thai civil society groups at the outset
                                                                                        of the 2003 war on drugs and those
                                                                                        formulated at the PCB are indeed more
                                                                                        important than ever in guiding policy
                                                                                        changes in drug control in Thailand.

                                                                                        Pascal Tanguay is Communications Manager
                                                                                        at the Asian Harm Reduction Network (AHRN)
 Thai Police                                                                            in Thailand,

10   matters of substance   November 08                                                           
Expecting grains – the Australian
     heroin drought debate

     Australians have lamented low rainfall for most of this century. But the
     Lucky Country’s population of heroin users has experienced a different kind
     of drought; that of their drug of choice. The Big H has been thin on the
     ground since 2001, and many commentators say this is Australia’s most
     severe and long-lasting heroin drought, but also the best documented ever in
     the world. The causes behind this phenomenon have sparked a lot of interest,
     research and opinion pieces. Media reports and policy makers generally
     accepted that the heroin drought resulted mostly from law enforcement
     efforts, but as Martina Melis describes, there were multiple factors involved.

In August 2008, the International               The most sensible conclusion a
Journal of Drug Policy devoted a special    critical reader will come to is that
issue to an interesting discussion of the   there is clearly insufficient evidence
possible causes and consequences of         supporting any single factor as the
Australia’s 2001 heroin drought.            critical one behind the drought. As is
    A number of articles analysed four      often the case in drug matters, multiple
possible collections of causes and rated    factors must be considered for a useful
them quite differently in terms of          and sensible explanation to be found
likelihood:                                 and so lessons can be learned.
1. Successful drug seizures, the
    progressive switch from heroin to       Let’s step back to the beginning.          Martina
    ATS production and the increased            In the 1990s, Australia’s heroin       Melis

    consumption of heroin en route          market grew rapidly. Data from the
    to Australia.                           Australian National Household Surveys
2. Law enforcement’s disruption             of that time show heroin use in the
    of large trafficking syndicates.        1990s was doubling every two or three
3. A crackdown on opium producers           years. Figures on heroin purity, price
    in source countries.                    and opioid overdoses – the latter rising
4. Adverse climatic conditions causing      four-fold between 1990 and 1999 –
    a prolonged reduction in opium          supported the idea that Australia was
    availability.                           experiencing a heroin ‘glut’.                                                                        matters of substance   November 08   11
In 2001, the scene changed               government accountability has increased    declined at about the same time.
dramatically. Reports from Sydney first,     pressures on policy makers to justify           Another common argument used
and from other parts of Australia soon       policy investments and provide             in support of law enforcement relates
after, indicated a drastic reduction in      scientific-based evidence in support of    to actions aimed at disrupting drug
heroin availability and purity, and an       policy decisions. In the case of funding   trafficking structures and operations.
increase in price for all major heroin       for supply reduction efforts, this has     It refers particularly to the arrest of key
markets. The number of deaths caused         been difficult to achieve.”                players in the heroin supply chain and
by overdoses dropped from 1,116 in               One wonders whether the bold           the possible impacts this has on the
1999 to 357 in 2003 – a change largely       attempts to attribute the shortage to      amount of heroin imported into
and credibly attributed to the heroin        improved law enforcement were              Australia.
shortage.                                    somehow influenced by the need to               This may well have had some effects.
    Law enforcement and ‘tough on            justify increased law enforcement          However, we’ve learned from Colombia,
drugs’ champions were quick to claim         funding in 1998 as a result of the         Panama and even Myanmar (the
credit for these changes, asserting that     National Illicit Drug Strategy.            retirement of drug lord Khun Sa)
increased intensity of law enforcement           Secondly, the claim ignores the        that, where large cartels are disrupted,
operations was the fundamental cause of      essential climatic changes that were       reduction in supply tends to last only
reduced heroin availability. Comparative     happening in the countries of origin.      as long as it takes for drug trafficking to
statistical data on seizures and estimates   Australia’s almost exclusive heroin        reorganise and new players to enter the
of the heroin market pre- and post-          supplier is Myanmar. In 1999, severe       game. In addition, and to add some more
seizure sizes were used to prove the         droughts in Myanmar’s poppy growing        complexity, it should also be noted that
drought was caused primarily by the          areas caused a significant decline in      the drought happened at a time when
interception of drug supplies at             production and cultivation for the third   the production of amphetamines was
destination (Australia).                     year in a row. Wodak writes, “It seems     sharply increasing in Asia. The
    Two comments can be easily made in       entirely plausible that a reduction in     possibility of heroin traffickers switching
response to such claims. Firstly, the very   heroin production in a source country      to the amphetamines business therefore
nature of this illicit business means data   may result in a reduction with different   cannot be ruled out.
and figures related to how accurately        timing and severity in different                The discussion goes on, and many
seized quantities represent a particular     destination countries.”                    other issues are raised by different
percentage of the overall drug market or         And although some reject the climate   authors. However, it is also time to note
the overall number of drug users are         argument because reduction in heroin       that, while there is an abundance of
only ever ‘best guesses’ and hard to         supply only affected Australia, it         theses and antitheses on the causes of
prove as facts.                              appears that availability in Canada        the heroin drought, comparatively
    De Beck and Wood point out in their      – where there had not been any change      little research and analysis has been
contribution that “the effort to promote     in law enforcement funding – also          undertaken to investigate its effects.

12   matters of substance   November 08                                                          
Quotes of Substance

                                                                                                       Today in France, the sight of
                                                                                                   a bottle of wine has become as
                                                                                                   offensive as a picture of war
                                                                                                   or pornography.
                                                                                                   Daniel Lorson, from an industry body of
                                                                                                   champagne producers, after a French court
                                                                                                   ruled the internet should be included in
                                                                                                   strict laws regarding alcohol advertising.

                                                                                                       We’re not trying to encourage
                                                                                                   drinking, but the cathedral has to
                                                                                                   find ways of meeting people on
                                                                                                   their territory. Cathedral wine
                                                                                                   bars should be seen as a potential
                                                                                                   commercial operation with profits
                                                                                                   going into the upkeep of the
                                                                                                   building and paying for
                                                                                                   evangelistic work.
                                                                                                   Mark Hope-Urwin, Director of Hospitality
Some studies on effects have been done,         to one single factor is of little use.             and Welcome at Birmingham Cathedral on
and they do offer important insights and        Instead, it is clear that far too little space     plans to raise the cathedral’s profile with a
possible lessons for the future. For example,   has been allocated to investigating the            chain of wine bars.
although heroin prices increased                consequences of the heroin drought,
significantly, a large proportion of            how a change in supply affects drug
injectors did not stop injecting drugs.         users’ behaviours and whether supply                   Under the thin veneer of
They simply switched to the injection           reduction is an effective strategy to
                                                                                                   sophistication that 20 years of
of more readily available cocaine and           reduce drug use.
                                                                                                   liberalised licensing laws gave us,
methamphetamines. Correspondingly,
                                                                                                   we’re a state steeped in
                                                    Ultimately, the understanding and
service providers found themselves
                                                learning from the effects of the drought
having to quickly perform treatment             might have been the lesson for policy and          Michael Hardin on a 2am lockout imposed
switching. Used to providing services to        practice that should have been debated.            on Melbourne bars and clubs, which began
heroin users, they were suddenly asked                                                             in October.
to deal with stimulant users, their             Martina Melis is a senior policy analyst at the
increased violent behaviour and an              New Zealand Drug Foundation.
overall steep rise in amphetamine-                                                                     This is another one of those
related psychosis. Very often, they                                                                pretty shonky industry surveys.
were not prepared for this.                         AUSTRALIA AND MYANMAR                          I mean, shock horror that the
    If the heroin drought impacted                                                                 spirits industry asks bottle shop
positively on heroin use and heroin-                                                               owners what they think of an
related deaths, it is reasonable to wonder                                                         alcohol tax, and they say they
if positive impacts did indeed stretch
                                                                 MYANMAR                           don’t like it – well, there are no
across the whole drugs scene. One might             YANGON
                                                                                                   surprises there.
also question the narrow focus of                                                                  Australian Health Minister Nicola Roxon
rejoicing at the suppression of one                                                                dismisses research by the Distilled Spirits
substance when another one – with its                                                              Industry Council of Australia showing,
characteristics, dangers, associated                                                               88 percent of liquor retailers believed
harms and differing response strategies                      INDIAN                                tax increases had not reduced alcohol
– waits just around the corner to take or                                                          consumption.
share the central stage.
    In conclusion, it is clear that the                                                 CANBERRA

heroin shortage was caused by a number
of interrelated factors and that
                                                                                                                              continued on page 20
attempting to attribute it solely or largely                                                                                matters of substance   November 08          13
CAYAD worker Denis O’Reilly has spent a lot of time        My dad, Dinny O’Reilly, was a kind
                                                           and hardworking man who raised his
around either alcohol or drugs in one way or another.      six kids to be good and contributing
In this short life story, he muses on the confused         citizens. We had a family business in
                                                           Timaru, a service station that was open
nature of our attitudes towards legal and illicit drugs.   seven days a week. It was not only the
                                                           focus of our family’s life, it also served
                                                           as the fulcrum for an Irish Catholic
                                                           community of neighbours and friends.
                                                               The link of the ‘Faith’ was one thing,
                                                           but there were others too – a love of
                                                           horseracing and a genetic predisposition
                                                           towards alcohol in all its forms, but
                                                           preferably good whisky. The tyre room,
                                                           where dad repaired punctures and
                                                           vulcanised tyres, was a de facto bar.
                                                           The big tank where we tested tubes for
                                                           leaks served as a useful beer chiller, and
                                                           Dad’s friends and relatives would pop in

14   matters of substance   November 08                             
and chat to him whilst he worked,              children and a wife to care for, and my            The drivers to our drug taking are
and generally a beer or two would              earnings were not enough to adequately        essentially psychological, which
be consumed.                                   care for their increasing needs.              suggests we need health-based strategies
    We’d always be well stocked with               Ten o’clock closing had just been         to drive down demand. I don’t think
crates, and in the days of six o’clock         introduced, and Jake the Muss stalked         there is much debate about that. But
closing, it would not be unknown for           the streets. Large-scale drunken brawls       when it comes to controlling drugs – that
one of his mates to come down to the           were standard fare. Marijuana was             is, reducing supply – we lose consensus.
garage and grab a crate or two for             starting to be used socially, and it didn’t        There are powerful lobbies around
replacement the next day. Dad would            take a degree in sociology to observe         the continued sale of legal drugs such as
have bridled at the accusation of being        that some people were a lot nicer to          alcohol and tobacco. That’s because
a ‘sly grogger’, but I’m pretty sure that      deal with when they had been toking as        some people make lots of money out of
a licensing inspector may have come                                                          them. Few people would argue about the
                                               opposed to drinking. In fact, when there
to that conclusion.                                                                          harm done by consumption of alcohol
                                               was no dope around, we knew we were
    Timaru is a port town, and many                                                          and cigarettes but both are currently sold
                                               going to have a very heavy and violent
‘wharfies’ were amongst his customers                                                        at corner dairies.
                                               night on the door.
and friends. Every now and then, there’d                                                          Despite the fact that 4,700
                                                   Fast forward from the 1970s to the
be conspiratorial discussion in the tyre                                                     New Zealanders are said to die annually
                                               new millennium and the widespread use
room with one of the wharfies. The lube                                                      from smoking, a major political party
                                               of methamphetamine. For the past five
bay doors would be opened, a hulking                                                         has recently rejected the move to keep
Chevy would be driven in, and boxes of         years, driven by the death of friends,
                                               I’ve worked really hard to build              cigarettes out of sight on the basis that
whisky would be unloaded.                                                                    this would be an interference by
                                               community resilience against this
                                                                                             ‘Nanny State’.
                                               particular substance. In some quarters,
                                                                                                  Yet, when it comes to those
                                               there are now ‘P free’ zones where
                                                                                             substances we deem illicit, regardless
   It didn’t take a degree in                  groups won’t tolerate the presence of
                                                                                             of any balanced scorecard assessing
sociology to observe that some                 methamphetamine.
                                                                                             their respective harm impacts against
people were a lot nicer to deal                    A couple of weeks ago, there was a
                                                                                             alcohol and tobacco, we simply turn
with when they had been toking                 party amongst such a group. Because
                                                                                             to prohibition, despite its proven
                                               booze is legal, readily available, cheap,
as opposed to drinking.                                                                      ineffectiveness. The accelerating
                                               strong and so easily drinkable in the
                                                                                             prison population reflects that fact.
                                               form of RTDs, it has again become the
                                                                                                  Do illicit drugs cause harm?
                                               primary drug of choice.
    Once, I can remember Dad, having                                                         Absolutely. Do they cause worse harm
                                                   The partygoers over imbibed, and
consumed some of the ‘holy wather’ as                                                        than legal drugs? On balance, I’m not
                                               a nasty fight broke out. People were
he called it, putting bottles of whisky in                                                   too sure. I don’t have any easy answers
                                               injured, and property was damaged.
a wheelbarrow and delivering orders                                                          to the conundrum of legalisation or
                                               Moreover, family turned against family,       decriminalisation of particular
to neighbours up and down the street.
                                               and it has taken a lot of körero to calm      substances. But I am my father’s son,
It was all done with a twinkle in the eye
                                               things down. In reviewing what had            and for some reason, my particular
and the celebration of rebelliousness
                                               gone down, one of the peacemakers –           poison is legal and comes in a bottle.
that is a mark of our race.
                                               a non-drinker – said to me, “Bro, this
    If you had accused him of being a
                                               is getting like the 1970s again. I’m
‘drug smuggler’, he would have roared
                                               committed to our (no P) kaupapa but
with outrage. He hated drugs and all that
they seemed to represent. When I was           don’t you think we should just go back
18, I managed to score a little bit of hash.   to smoking dope and lay off the booze?”
He found out, and the furore that                  The received wisdom is that we take
followed made the current concern              drugs for a variety of reasons: to cope, to
around the collapse of Wall St pale in         self medicate, to forget our troubles and
comparison. I could have said Hail             woes, to find structure, to give some
Marys forever and crawled around the           theme and purpose to our lives, and for
Stones of Knock for the rest of my life        status – to be part of the scene.
and it would not have assuaged my guilt.           At a societal level, we try to control
                                                                                             Denis O’Reilly is a social activist, coach,
If only it had been whisky!                    drugs because of intoxication, addiction,
                                                                                             businessman and a Community Action Youth
    Later in life, and living in Wellington,   impaired decision making, the potential
                                                                                             and Drugs worker with Consultancy Advocacy
I moonlighted as a bouncer for some            to harm others and the need to look after     and Research Trust and Mokai Whänau Ora.
Greek nightclub owners. I had two              ourselves.                                                                           matters of substance   November 08   15
You can also read