Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA

Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
Northern Will County
                  Special Recreation Association
                                                          Winter 2021

   •   Bolingbrook Park District
   •   Lockport Township Park District
   •   Plainfield Park District
   •   Village of Romeoville
   •   Brookeridge Park District
   •   Justice Park District

*Crest Hill, Homer Township, and Lemont Residents: See Page 3
Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
General Information

                                                                                   Who We Are
                                                                        Northern Will County Special Recreation
                                                                      Association (NWCSRA) provides year-round
                                                                     recreation programs and services for children,
                                                                   teens and adults with special needs and abilities.

           10 Montrose Dr. | Romeoville, IL 60446                  NWCSRA represents the partnership between
       Phone: (815) 407-1819 | Fax: (815) 407-1829
                                                                    Bolingbrook Park District, Lockport Township
      Office Hours: Monday - Friday | 9:00am-5:00pm                Park District, Plainfield Park District, the Village
     Office CLOSED: December 24, 25, 31; January 1                  of Romeoville, Brookeridge Park District and
                                                                                  Justice Park District.
    Phone messages left beyond business hours and on
      weekends are retrieved the next business day.

                                                                                Mission Statement
                                                                        To provide meaningful recreational
                Table of Contents                                   opportunities for individuals with disabilities
                                                                      that enhance their overall quality of life.
    General Information. . ..................... 2-3

                                                                               Program Key
    Program Information.................... 4-5
    Family Events & Fundraisers............ 6
    Weekly Programs. . .................... 7-10
    Special Events. . ...................... 11-14                           Programs with this symbol are in-
    Sports.. . . . . . . . . . . ...................... 15-16                person and socially-distant. These
    Specialty Programs...................... 17                              programs require participants to be
                                                                             able to follow all safety guidelines
    General Information pt 2.. ............... 18
    Registration Form.................... 19-20
    Registration Information................ 21
                                                                              Programs with this symbol are in-
                                                                              person and socially-distant while
For a calendar view of all our programs,                                      requiring parent/guardian support.
      please visit                                             These programs allow participants
                                                                              who cannot follow safety guidelines
                                                                              independently to bring a support
                                                                              person with them to ensure safety
                                                                              guidelines are followed.

                                                                               These programs will be held
                                                                               virtually, but may require parent/
                                                                               guardian support. Please read
                                                                               blurbs for more details.

Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
General Information
                                                                   Member Agencies & Representatives
               Out of District Policy                              Bolingbrook Park District -
  Out of district residents may participate in all programs;
                                                                   Contact: Ron Oestreich
          however, a fee increase will be charged.
                                                                   (630) 783-6531
                                                                   201 Recreation Dr, Bolingbrook, IL 60440
      In addition to our residents, individuals living in
      Crest Hill and Lemont receive the resident rate.
                                                                   Lockport Township Park District -
                                                                   Contact: Bill Riordan
    Attention Homer Township Residents                             (815) 838-1183
  Did you know that Homer Township will assist residents
                                                                   1811 S. Lawrence Ave, Lockport, IL 60441
   with the out-of-district program fees? Contact Homer
     Township or the NWCSRA office to find out more!
                                                                   Plainfield Park District -
                                                                   Contact: Carlo Capalbo
Board of Directors Meetings                                        (815) 436-8813 x2703
The public is invited to attend Northern Will County Special       24550 W. Renwick Rd, Plainfield, IL 60544
Recreation Association Board of Directors meetings.
Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month,              Romeoville Recreation Department -
unless otherwise posted, at 1:30 pm at the office:
                                                                   Contact: Kelly Rajzer
10 Montrose Drive, Romeoville. You may call the Northern
Will County Special Recreation Association office at               (815) 886-6222
(815) 407-1819 if you would like more information regarding        900 W. Romeo Rd, Romeoville, IL 60446
these meetings.

                                                                                Ashlee O’Hern, CTRS

NWCSRA Staffs                                                                   Adult Services Coordinator
                                                                                Extension: 211

                Brenda Cresap
                Administrative Coordinator                                      Gina Petkus, CPRP
                Extension: 201                                                  Staff Development & Outreach Manager
                Email:                                       Extension: 202

                Cathy Davis
                Finance Coordinator
                                                                                Amber Provancal, CTRS
                                                                                Youth Services & Day Camp Coordinator
                Extension: 207
                                                                                Extension: 203

                Carrie Gascoigne, CTRS                                          Mike Selep, CPRE, MPS
                Recreation Services Manager
                                                                                Executive Director
                Extension: 205
                                                                                Extension: 208

                Jill Mukushina, CTRS                                            Megan Siebert, CTRS
                Director of Recreation &                                        Marketing & Program Services Coordinator
                Facility Operations                                             Extension: 212
                Extension: 200                                                  Email:

                                                            (815) 407-1819                                              3
Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
Program Information
                                                                          Behavior Expectations
    Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, all                                     Northern Will County Special Recreation Association encourages
 programs and fees are subject to change.                                 and promotes the concept of fun for everyone. However, certain
                                                                          rules and guidelines have been established to ensure the safety
                                                                          and enjoyment for everyone. Participants, staff, volunteers and
                                                                          parents/guardians are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior
Code of Conduct                                                           at all times. Additional rules may be developed for particular
                                                                          programs and athletic leagues as deemed necessary by staff. Staff,
                              Virtual                                     participants, volunteers and parents/guardians shall:
NWCSRA requires any participants in virtual programming to                • Show respect to all participants, staff, volunteers and parents.
adhere to the following guidelines:                                       • Abstain from using abusive or foul language.
                                                                          • Refrain from causing bodily harm to other participants, staff,
1. Show respect to all participants and staff. Threats and bullying of       coaches, volunteers and parents/guardians.
   any form will not be tolerated.                                        • Demonstrate respect to equipment, supplies, uniforms and
2. Listen to and comply with staff directions.                               facilities.
                                                                          • Represent NWCSRA in a manner that is consistent with the
3. Refrain from using foul language or offensive behavior including
   rude or inappropriate gestures or sexually- explicit language.            goals, objectives and ethics of the association.
                                                                          A caring, positive approach will be utilized regarding the use of
4. Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs which would		           disciplinary methods. Additional or individual behavior management
   impair the ability to safely participate in the program.
                                                                          plans may be developed on the advice of parents, guardians, staff
5. Remain fully clothed at all times.                                     members or other professionals. Northern Will County Special
6. Audio and video recording by participants of NWCSRA virtual            Recreation Association reserves the right to dismiss or suspend a
   programs is strictly prohibited.                                       participant if the above noted procedures are not adhered to and/or
                                                                          parent/guardian response to a problem situation is not attempted.
7.Parent or guardian should be available to provide supervision or        Each situation will be evaluated individually and on its own merit.
  intervention as needed.
                                                                          Participant Illness Guidelines
                                                                          To prevent the spread of contagious illnesses, it is recommended
                            In Person                                     that participants refrain from attending programs when any of the
Due to limitations of in-person social-distanced programming, staff       following symptoms exist:
will not be able to support disruptive or challenging behavior, and       • Fever of 100° or higher
programming may not be fully inclusive.                                   • Vomiting within the last 24 hours
                                                                          • Persistent diarrhea
All participants, parents/guardians, and family members must:             • Contagious rash or a rash of unknown origin
1. Maintain 6 feet of social distance, be independent at programs         • Persistent cough and/or cold symptoms
   and no contact with others.                                            • “Pink eye” (conjunctivitis) or discharge from the eye
2. Wear a face covering over nose and mouth during the program.           • Symptoms of mumps, measles, chicken pox, strep throat, flu,
3. Remain in designated area for the duration of the program.                 Impetigo, Coxsackie virus, head lice, mites and ringworm
4. Show respect to all participants and staff. Threats and bullying of    • Runny nose with yellow or green discharge, which indicates
   any form will not be tolerated.                                            infection
5. Listen to and comply with staff directions.                            • Fatigue, due to illness, that will hinder participation and
6. Refrain from using foul language or offensive behavior including           enjoyment of the program
   rude or inappropriate gestures or sexually- explicit language.         Please notify the Northern Will County Special Recreation
7. Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs which would             Association office if the participant contracts any contagious illness
   impair the ability to safely participate in the program.               that will affect his/her attendance at the program. Participants
8. Remain fully clothed at all times.                                     should return to programs at the recommendation of their doctor,
9. Currently no food at programs. When it is allowed, not share           or, if not under a doctor’s care, when the symptoms have clearly
   food or drink with anyone outside of your parent/guardian or           passed.
   family member.
10. Bring your own mask and hand sanitizer. Wash hands/use
   hand sanitizer frequently.
                                                                              Safety is our number one concern for
If inappropriate behavior occurs, staff will provide a warning. If
inappropriate behavior continues to occur, participant and parent/
                                                                             participants, families, and staff. Please
guardian or family member will be asked to leave. If a parent/                  monitor your health and if you are
guardian is not present, they may be called to pick up their
participant. Staff will follow up with participant and/or guardian at a
                                                                             feeling sick or experiencing any COVID
later time to discuss future eligibility. Note: NWCSRA reserves the               symptoms, please stay home.
right to resort to immediate dismissal depending on the nature of
the incident.

Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
Program Information
Program Guidelines                                                       Early Arrival Policy
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association provides           We ask that you arrive no earlier than the scheduled time for
  sufficient staff to participant ratio to ensure a safe and             programs. Northern Will County Special Recreation Association
  meaningful recreation experience.                                      is not responsible for participants arriving prior to the scheduled
• When arriving and departing a program, parents/guardians are           program time.
  required to “check in” with the program supervisor.
• Participants will only be released to designated individuals
  approved by parents/guardians. Any changes to a participant’s                          Traveling?
  approved list must be submitted to the office in writing.
• Participants must be picked up at the designated time that is          Please contact the office prior to traveling
  listed in the program guide, flyer or verbally informed by the           to COVID-19 hotspots as identified by
  staff.                                                                  the Chicago Emergency Travel Order so
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association staff will
  not be responsible for participants arriving prior to the scheduled         we can plan for a safe return to
  program time.                                                                    programs after travel.
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association reserves
  the right to cancel a program or event due to insufficient
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association staff will
  not leave any person unattended after any program unless
                                                                                   Program Transportation:
  written permission has been received from said individual’s            Unfortunately, due to safety concerns, we
  parent/guardian.                                                       will not provide transportation to, from, or
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association staff will
  not release any person to walk unattended after any program
                                                                                during programs at this time.
  unless written waiver has been signed from said individual’s

Program Cancellations Due To Weather
Northern Will County Special Recreation Association attempts to                        Inclusion Services
hold programs whenever possible. However, inclement weather
                                                                               Northern Will County SRA understands that not
occasionally makes it difficult for staff and participants to travel
                                                                               every person with a disability needs to participate in
to program locations. Northern Will County Special Recreation
                                                                               special recreation programs. If you feel that a program
Association cancellation policies are as follows:                              offered by your park district/recreation department
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association staff look               (Bolingbrook, Lockport, Plainfield, Romeoville,
   at all circumstances three hours prior to the starting time of the          Brookeridge or Justice) would better meet the needs
   program or transportation route, to determine if the program                of your child, teen or adult; follow these steps for
   should be cancelled. If the program is cancelled, program staff             inclusion:
   attempt to reach all participants by phone to inform them. You will
   only be called if the program is cancelled.                                 1. Register at your local park district/recreation
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association attempts                    department for the desired program as soon as
   to extend programs to make up missed dates. Northern Will                      possible. Let them know you will be requesting
   County Special Recreation Association will call/send an email                  inclusion assistance.
   announcing program extensions.                                              2. Through meeting(s), observations, etc., it will be
                                                                                  determined if inclusion in the program would be
                                                                                  appropriate and beneficial, and if an inclusion aide is
Severe Weather Guidelines                                                         needed.
In the event of severe weather, cancelling programs may be
in the best interest of our participants. Make up dates may not
                                                                               Please understand that we will do our very best
be arranged.The following guidelines will be used to determine
                                                                               to provide an inclusion aide. However, because of
cancellations:                                                                 staffing restrictions or due to notification dates, we
                                                                               are sometimes unable to guarantee an aide. Please
Severe Cold Weather                                                            register early so that there is plenty of time to secure
• Outdoor programs: Temperature of 0 degrees or less, including                the assistance that is needed.
  wind chill.
• Programs with transportation: Temperature of 0 degrees or less,                         For more information contact
  including wind chill.                                                                       Carrie Gascoigne at
• All programs (including indoor): Snowstorm situations when                                 (815) 407-1819 x205 or
  driving restrictions (winter storm or blizzard warning in which                 
  authorities have advised not going out unless necessary) and
  emergency accident plans (state and local police) are in effect.

                                                              (815) 407-1819                                                                   5
Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
Family Events & Fundraisers
Family Bowling
Age Group: All Ages
Mark your calendar for our Family Bowling Event! Grab your bowling ball and a couple of family
members and enjoy two games of bowling. There is a limited number of bowlers so register
early to save your spot. Participants must be accompanied by an adult 18 yrs. or older. This is
not a staff supervised event.

Program #       Day     Date    Time
12901		         Su      3/7     1:00-3:00pm

Location: Strike N’ Spare II, Lockport
Res/NR Fee: $9
Registration Deadline: 2/26
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert

Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
Weekly Programs
Adults Living Large
Adults Living Large is a recreation-based program developed to meet the needs of young adults
with disabilities that are no longer eligible for school services. The program provides opportunities
for individuals to reach their full potential through recreational activities that promote positive peer
interactions, community integration, and reinforcement of basic life skills. All interested participants need
to complete a packet and meet with the Adult Services Coordinator to determine which of the programs
is most appropriate for each individual.

If you are interested in the program, please contact Ashlee O’Hern at (815) 407-1819 ext. 211 or at for further information.

                                               (815) 407-1819                                              7
Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
Weekly Programs
Spare Me                                                        Something Social
Age Group: 5 & Older                                            Age Group: 18 & Older
Bowling: fun for the young or old, the novice or the seasoned   Let’s get social! We’ll come together once a month for a
veteran. Each week you will bowl three games with your          social activity. Whether it’s playing games, telling stories, or
friends and your scores will be recorded.                       enjoying our favorite treat, we’re sure to have fun!

Program #       Day     Dates		          Time
                                                                Program #      Day     Dates		             Time
11255-A         M       2/1-3/8		        4:30-6:00pm
                                                                11254		        W       2/3, 3/3,           5:30-7:00pm
Location: Strike N’ Spare II, Lockport                          			                    4/7, 5/5
Res/NR Fee: $79/$119                                            Location: NWCSRA
Registration Deadline: 1/11                                     Res/NR Fee: $54/$81
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert                                    Registration Deadline: 1/29
                                                                Staff Contact: Megan Siebert

Swim Lessons (Bolingbrook)
Age Group: 3 & Older                                            Horseback Riding
Be proactive when it comes to water safety! Work your way       Age Group: 5 & Older
from a polliwog to a dolphin through 1:1 lessons that are       Saddle up and get ready to ride with NWCSRA at The
personalized for each swimmer. Learn about water safety,        Legacy Ranch. This therapeutic horseback riding program
basic skills and stroke development through these fun and       is designed and led by Certified Equine-Assisted Therapists
interactive lessons.                                            to “provide a connection between humans and horses
                                                                that facilitates healing and growth in a safe, peaceful
Program #  Day    Dates		                Time                   environment for all participants to thrive.” During your
11103-A		  M      2/1-3/8 		             5:00-5:30pm            45-minute session, you will learn how to ride a horse as well
11103-B    M      2/1-3/8 		             5:40-6:10pm            as some basic feeding and grooming techniques.
11103-C    M      2/1-3/8 		             6:20-6:50pm            For the participant’s and horse’s safety, there is a 225lb
NO PROGRAM ON 2/15                                              weight limit for this program.
Location: Bolingbrook Recreation and Aquatics Complex           Program #     Day     Dates		              Time
         (BRAC)                                                 12107		       W       3/10-3/31            4:00-5:30pm
Res/NR Fee: $93/$140                                            **Your 45-minute time slot will be
Registration Deadline: 1/15                                     assigned between these times**
Staff Contact: Amber Provancal
                                                                Location: The Legacy Ranch, Lockport
                                                                Res/NR Fee: $278/$417
Junior Chefs                                                    Registration Deadline: 2/24
Age Group: 8 & Older                                            Staff Contact: Amber Provancal
Grab your aprons and meet us on zoom for this virtual
version of Junior Chefs! We will be making Pizza Pockets
and something sweet for dessert! The stove/oven may
be used in recipes so if you need assistance with these
appliances please make sure someone is around to help.

Program #       Day     Dates Time
11116		         Tu      3/9   6:00-7:00pm

Location: Virtual
Res/NR Fee: $8/$12
Registration Deadline: 1/11
Staff Contact: Amber Provancal

Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
Weekly Programs
                                                                     Lunch Bunch
                                                                     Age Group: 16 & Older
                                                                     Dine at various local restaurants with the Lunch Bunch!
                                                                     Enjoy the ambiance, the great food, and of course the
                                                                     company. Please bring $20 for lunch in tens, fives, and

                                                                     Program #     Day    Dates		            Time
                                                                     11252         Su     4/11 & 5/2		       12:30-3:00pm

                                                                     Location: Varies
                                                                     Res/NR Fee: $38/$57
                                                                     Registration Deadline: 3/1
                                                                     Staff Contact: Megan Siebert

Virtual Zumba
Age Group: All Ages
This virtual fitness class will get your heart pumping as you
sweat to the music. A fitness instructor, Danielle, will lead the
class through this high energy dance/fitness class and get
everyone moving. You will have so much fun you won’t even
know you are working out!

Program #        Day      Dates		           Time
11712		          Th       2/4-3/4		         4:15-4:45pm

Location: Virtual
Res/NR Fee: $30/45
Registration Deadline: 1/22
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert

Social Club-A
Age Group: 18-30
Friday nights were made for fun with friends! Join Social
Club and enjoy Friday nights hanging out, doing various
activities & being social. Sign up early to reserve your spot.
A list of activities will be sent to those registered a week prior
to the first program. January 29th’s program will be virtual.

Program # Day          Dates                     Time
11253-A       F		      1/29, 2/12, 2/26,         Evening-Varies
			                    3/12, 3/26, 4/9,
			                    & 4/23
Location: Varies
Res/NR Fee: $207/$311
Registration Deadline: 1/18
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert

                                                           (815) 407-1819                                                      9
Northern Will County Winter 2021 Special Recreation Association - NWCSRA
Special Events
Pizza Party                                                     Bingo
Age Group: All Ages                                             Age Group: 13 & Older
Friday is pizza night! Make or order your favorite pizza and    Join your friends as we play Bingo from the comfort of your
be ready to eat by 5:00pm! We will chat and hang out while      own home. An email will be sent the day of the program
we virtually enjoy our pizzas together.                         with a link to the Bingo game. You do not need to print
                                                                Bingo cards unless you choose to. The link that will be
Program #       Day     Date      Time
                                                                sent allows you to click the number called and an “X” will
11705		         F       1/15      5:00-6:00pm
                                                                be placed in the box that you clicked.
12706		         F       3/12      5:00-6:00pm
                                                                Program #     Day     Date        Time
Location: Virtual                                               11701-A       W       2/10        1:00-1:45pm
Res/NR Fee: $5/$8                                               11701-B       M       3/15        4:00-4:45pm
Registration Deadline: 1/8, 3/5
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert                                    Location: Virtual
                                                                Res/NR Fee: $5/$8
                                                                Registration Deadline: 2/1, 3/5
Some Good News
                                                                Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
Age Group: All Ages
Feeling like you need some positivity in your life? Come join
                                                                Ice Cream Social
us for SOME GOOD NEWS! During this virtual program,
                                                                Age Group: All Ages
we will be discussing good things happening in the world.
                                                                Chocolate, vanilla, cookie dough, or mint chocolate chip?
Please prepare one piece of good news to share with the
                                                                Grab your favorite ice cream flavor and join us for an ice
group. This news can be something going on in the world or
                                                                cream social!
something positive going on in your own life!

Program #       Day     Date      Time                          Program #       Day     Date      Time
11707		         M       2/1       10:00-10:45am                 11709		         Th      2/11      5:00-6:00pm
12708		         M       3/1       10:00-10:45am                 12710		         T       3/2       5:00-6:00pm

                                                                Location: Virtual
Location: Virtual
                                                                Res/NR Fee: $5/$8
Res/NR Fee: $5/$8
Registration Deadline: 1/25, 2/22                               Registration Deadline: 2/4, 2/23
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert                                    Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
Special Events
Hangman                                                            Disney Day
Age Group: 8 & Older                                               Age Group: 5-22
Join us while we play virtual Hangman! Take turns guessing         Come celebrate with us as we bring the happiest place on
letters with your friends to see who can solve the puzzle first.   earth right to the NWCSRA office! Disney Day will be filled
                                                                   with a Disney movie, Disney themed activities, Disney music
Program #        Day     Date     Time
                                                                   and a Disney themed treat bag to take home.
11703-A          Th      2/18     1:00-1:30pm
                                                                   Program #      Day      Date    Time
Location: Virtual                                                  11111		        Sa       2/27    1:00-4:00pm
Res/NR Fee: $5/$8
Registration Deadline: 2/12                                        Location: NWCSRA
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert                                       Res/NR Fee: $33/$49
                                                                   Registration Deadlines: 2/19
Trivia Tuesdays                                                    Staff Contact: Amber Provancal
Age Group: 13 & Older
Test your knowledge on all things entertainment as staff           Basketball Bash
quiz you with themed Trivia questions. You may even learn          Age Group: 18 & Older
something new!                                                     Let’s watch the pros shoot some hoops. Join your friends
                                                                   while we stream the game on the TV and participate in some
Program #        Day     Date     Time
                                                                   game day activities.
11704-A          T       2/23     4:00-4:30pm
                                                                   Program #       Day     Date     Time
Location: Virtual
                                                                   11206		         Sa      2/27     6:00-7:30pm
Res/NR Fee: $5/$8
Registration Deadline: 2/15                                        Location: NWCSRA
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert                                       Res/NR Fee: $20/$30
                                                                   Registration Deadline: 2/19
                                                                   Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern
Mardi Gras Party
Age Group: 13 & Older
Mardi Gras is all about parties, parades, and celebrations!
                                                                   Group Music Therapy
A sea of purples, greens, and golds will fill the room while
                                                                   Age Group: All Ages
music is enjoyed. No food will be served; each person will
                                                                   Join your NWCSRA friends and the Music Therapists from
receive a party favor.
                                                                   Dynamic Lynks in an hour of singing, dancing, and social
Program #        Day     Date     Time                             fun! Learn songs for regulation, make original songs with fun
11205		          F       2/19     6:00-8:00pm                      interactive computer apps, and get up on your feet to groove
                                                                   with these awesome beats.
Location: NWCSRA
Res/NR Fee: $22/$33                                                Program #       Day     Date     Time
Registration Deadline: 2/8                                         11118		         T       3/2      5:00-6:00pm
Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern
                                                                   Location: Virtual
                                                                   Res/NR Fee: $15/$23
                                                                   Registration Deadline: 2/24
                                                                   Staff Contact: Amber Provancal

                                                         (815) 407-1819                                                      11
Special Events
Shamrock Shuffle Party
Age Group: 13 & Older
Put on your lucky dancing shoes and join your friends        Spring Break Camp
where everyone is a wee bit Irish for the day. The evening   Age Group: 5-22
will include music & dancing. No food will be served; each   Hangout with your friends at NWCSRA during
person will receive a party favor.                           spring break this year! The schedule will be filled
                                                             with games, crafts, sports, movies, field trips and
Program #       Day     Date    Time                         more. Don’t miss out on all the fun! Schedules will
12200		         F       3/5     6:00-8:00pm                  be sent out prior to the first day of each week.
Location: NWCSRA                                             Program #    Day    Dates		       Time
Res/NR Fee: $22/$33                                          12117-1      M-F    3/29-4/2      9:00am-3:00pm
Registration Deadline: 2/22                                  12117-2      M-F    4/5-4/9       9:00am-3:00pm
Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern
                                                             Location: NWCSRA
                                                             Res/NR Fee: $201/$315
                                                             Registration Deadlines: 3/15
                                                             Staff Contact: Amber Provancal

Lunch Crew
Age Group: All Ages
Come catch up with your NWCSRA friends during our
virtual Lunch Crew program! We will socialize and enjoy
our lunches together. Please have your lunch prepared and
ready to eat at noon.

Program #     Day     Date      Time
12702-A       W       3/10      12:00-1:00pm

Location: Virtual
Res/NR Fee: $5/$8
Registration Deadline: 3/1
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert

Competitive Sports/Athletics
Swim Team
Age Group: 12 & Older
Swimmers will focus on strokes and a variety of drills & conditioning skills to build their
endurance and stamina in the water. During practice coaches will not be in the water.
In order to register, all swimmers must be able to swim the entire length of the pool.

Program #       Day    Dates		           No Program       Time		             Location
11300-A         M      2/1-3/22          2/15		           7:00-8:00pm        Pelican Harbor, Bolingbrook
11300-B         Su     2/7-3/21          -		              9:00-10:00am       Pelican Harbor, Bolingbrook

Res/NR Fee: $100/$149
Registration Deadline: 1/4
Staff Contact: Carrie Gascoigne

Basketball Skills
Age Group: 8 & Older
This program will focus on drills and conditioning that will
enhance performance on the court. Coaches will work on
shooting, rebounding, dribbling, and much more during this

Program #       Day     Dates		          Time
11301-A         Tu      2/2-3/9		        6:30-7:30pm

Location: Romeoville Recreation Center
Res/NR Fee: $69/$92
Registration Deadline: 1/11
Staff Contact: Carrie Gascoigne

                                                       (815) 407-1819                                      13
Special Olympics-                                                  March Maddness                      NEW
                                                                   Age Group: 16 & Older
Individual Floor Hockey Skills
                                                                   Follow your Cinderella team throughout the post-season
Age Group: 13 & Older
                                                                   NCAA basketball tournament and compete against
Don’t miss out on the chance to show off your floor hockey
                                                                   participants from other SRA’s in the March Madness Bracket
skills. This is a virtual individual skills competition where
                                                                   Challenge. Once you are registered, you will receive a link
scores will be taken and turned into Special Olympics. You
                                                                   to complete your brackets. Awards will be given out to most
will need a space in your house that is a large enough space
                                                                   points for an individual and most points for an SRA. Your
to complete all the skills, as well as someone to assist. If you
                                                                   picks may win it all! The championship game is April 5.
need equipment it will be available to borrow from Northern
Will County SRA. The skills that will be assessed are              Program #        Dates
shooting around a goal, passing, stickhandling, and shooting       12317		          3/14-4/5
for accuracy. Once registered a full-time staff will contact you
and provide you with a time slot and a zoom link as well as        Location: Virtual
the scoring information to perform these virtual skills.           Res/NR Fee: Free
                                                                   Registration Deadline: 3/10
Program #        Dates                                             Staff Contact: Carrie Gascoigne
11304		          2/15-2/24

*Once registered, you will be given a specific date and            Bocce
time between 2/15-2/24 to perform the skills via a Zoom            Age Group: 8 & Older
link with Carrie                                                   This season, athletes will perfect skills and prepare for the
                                                                   competition scheduled for April 17 & April 18 in Frankfort, IL.
Location: Virtual                                                  NOTE: anyone wishing to compete in the tournament
Res/NR Fee: Free                                                   must have their Med App submitted to NWCSRA by
Registration Deadline: 2/22                                        February 24, 2021. Practice will take place outside, so
Staff Contact: Carrie Gascoigne                                    dress for the weather.

                                                                   Program #        Day     Dates		          Time
Soccer Clinic                                                      12311		          Th      3/4-4/22         4:30-5:30pm
Age Group: 13 & Older                                              Location: Annerino Community Center
In this clinic, coaches will focus on dribbling, passing,          Res/NR Fee: $120/$180
shooting, and sportsmanship. Each practice athletes should         Registration Deadline: 2/24
bring a water bottle. If there is an opportunity to play games     Staff Contact: Carrie Gascoigne
with other teams, a schedule will be distributed at practice.

Program #        Day     Dates		          Time                     Powerlifting
12312		          W       3/10-5/12        5:30-6:30pm              Age Group: 16 & Older
                                                                   Get pumped as we head into a new season at CrossFit!
Location: Prairie Activity & Recreation Center (PARC)              Athletes will work with coaches to gains strength, build
Res/NR Fee: $130/$195                                              muscle, increase overall endurance and set personal goals.
Registration Deadline: 2/22                                        This program meets twice a week.
Staff Contact: Carrie Gascoigne
                                                                   Program #     Day        Dates		          Time
                                                                   11303		       Sa         2/20-5/15        10:00-11:15am
                                                                   No Program: 4/3

                                                                   Location: CrossFit, Plainfield
                                                                   Res/NR Fee: $228/$342
                                                                   Registration Deadline: 2/8
                                                                   Staff Contact: Carrie Gascoigne

Specialty Programs
Sensory Play                                                      Friday Friends
Age Group: All Ages                                               Age Group: 8-17
NWCSRA’s Sensory Oasis is a specially-designed, safe, and         The focus of this program will be how to develop social skills
supportive environment that allows participants with a variety    and then how to implement them in recreational activities.
of ability levels to engage their senses, explore, and interact   Each program will be focused on age appropriate games,
without risk. Every session is tailored by an NWCSRA team
                                                                  and recreational activities.
member toward a participant’s goals and responsiveness
to sensory stimuli. Some benefits can include: increased          Program #       Day      Dates		         Time
sensory awareness, stress reduction and relaxation,
                                                                  11400		         F        1/29-3/5        6:00-7:00pm
increased attention, and skill development in the cognitive,
motor, language or social domains. In order to participate        Location: Annerino Community Center
in this program, a parent or caregiver must be present and
                                                                  Res/NR Fee: $30/$45
interactive for the entire session and both individuals must
be able to wear a mask and maintain a social distance of          Registration Deadline:1/22
6 feet from the facilitator. Please contact Gina Petkus at        Staff Contact: Jim Cassidy to schedule your individualized half
hour sessions.

Day     Date Time
Varies-by appointment only

Location: NWCSRA
Res/NR Fee: $12/$15 per session
Registration Deadline: N/A
Staff Contact: Gina Petkus

                                                        (815) 407-1819                                                        15
General Information

     thank you!
to our 2020 Golf Outing Sponsors & Donors
                  Event Sponsors
                Village of Romeoville

                Golf Prize Sponsor
                 Dominic Salvino

           Hollywood Dinner Sponsor
            Ken and Jaymee Lindblom

           Movie Program Sponsors
     American Legion Post 52, Romeoville, IL
                 Kenootz Pizza
             Lee and Regina Mayer                            Thank you to our Fall intern, Brooke!
               Lemont Lions Club                             She will be graduating in December
                                                              from Georgia Southern University
                                                             with a Bachelor’s of Science degree
                 Raffle Sponsor
                                                              in Recreation with an emphasis in
               Hayes Service Center
                                                              Recreational Therapy and minor in
                       Donors                               Psychology. We are extremely grateful
                      Al Albrecht                          for all of your hard work and dedication
                      Ken Keeler                                            this Fall!

                                          Program Locations
 Annerino Community Center                                NWCSRA
 201 Recreation Drive, Bolingbrook                        10 Montrose Drive, Romeoville

 BRAC-Bolingbrook Recreation & Aquatics Complex           PARC-Prairie Activity & Recreation Center
 200 Lindsey Lane, Bolingbrook                            24550 West Renwick Road, Plainfield

 Challenge Fitness                                        Pelican Harbor Aquatic Park
 2021 South Lawrence Avenue, Lockport                     200 Lindsey Lane #5221, Bolingbrook

 CrossFit Plainfield                                      Plainfield Township Community Center
 24119 Riverwalk Court #137, Plainfield                   15014 South Des Plaines Street, Plainfield

 The Legacy Ranch                                         Romeoville Recreation Center
 2705 South Farrell Road, Lockport                        900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville

                                                          Strike N’ Spare II
                                                          811 Northern Drive, Lockport

Registration Form
                             Winter 2021 Registration Form
                                                                                                                                  Office Use
                             NWCSRA • 10 Montrose Drive, Romeoville, IL 60446 • P: (815) 407-1819 • F: (815) 407-1829           Date________

Participant’s Name______________________________________________Age______Birthdate____________________Gender________

Address_______________________________________________________City___________________________ Zip_________________

Phone         Home____________________________                Cell____________________________              Work___________________________

E-mail Address_________________________________________________ Disability_________________________________________

Emergency Contact ___________________________________ Emergency Phone ___________________________________________

 NOTE: Registrations will not be processed if a fee remains from a previous season or if a current Annual Information Form is not on file with
  NWCSRA. A new Annual Information Form needs to be completed each year. Annual Information Forms are available at

          Program #                              Program Name                                       Fee         Names of Other Attendees
                                                                                                                    (if applicable)

                                  I would like to make a donation to NWCSRA in the amount of $________

First time participant?:  Yes  No If yes, where did you hear about us?__________________________________________
Transportation permission:  Yes  No                           Photography/Videography Permission  Yes  No

     I have read and fully understand the information on the reverse side of this form - warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver
        and release of all claims. If registering a minor participant, I further attest that I have read the reverse to my minor child/ward.

  CHECK #_____________                 CASH
  MC  VISA               Cardholder Name_____________________________________
 CC #___________________________________ Exp. Date_________ CCVS# (back of card)_______ Total:                                   ______________

_________________________________________                  ________________________________________                  _______________________
Participant’s Name (please print)                           Participant’s Signature                                   Date
                                                           (18 years or older or Parent/Guardian)                                              17
Registration Form

                                          IMPORTANT INFORMATION -
Northern Will County Special Recreation Association is committed to conducting its recreation programs and
activities in a safe manner and holds safety of participants in high regard. Northern Will County Special Recreation
Association continually strives to reduce such risks and insists that all participants follow safety rules and
instructions that are designed to protect the paticipants safety. However, participants and parents/guardians of
minors registering for this program/activity must recognize that there is an inherant risk of injury when choosing
to participate in recreational activities. You are solely responsible for determining if you or your minor child/ward
is physically fit and/or skilled for the activities contemplated by this agreement. It is always advisable, especially if
the participant is pregnant, disabled in any way or has recently suffered an illness, injury or impairment, to consult
a physician before undertaking any physical activity.

                                               WARNING OF RISK -
Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment, there is still a
risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and
dangers can be foreseen. Participants must understand that certain risks, dangers and injuries due to acts of
God, inclement weather, slipping, falling, equipment failure, failure in supervision, premises defects and all other
circumstances inherent to recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is
impossible for Northern Will County Special Recreation Association to guarantee absolute safety.

Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in Northern Will County Special
Recreation Association activities, you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing
all claims for injuries, damages or loss which you or your minor child/ward might sustain as a result of participating
in any and all activities connected with and associated with this program/activity (including transportation of
services, when provided). I recognize and acknowledge that certain risks of physical injury to participants in this
program/activity, and I voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages, or loss regardless
of severity, that my minor child/ward or I may sustain as a result of said participation. I further agree to waive
and relinquish all claims I or my minor child/ward may have (or accrue to me or my child/ward) as a result in
participating in the program/activity against Northern Will County Special Recreation Association, including its
officials, agents, volunteers and employees. I do hereby fully release and forever discharge Northern Will County
Special Recreation Association from any and all claims for injuries, damages or loss that my minor child/ward or
I may have or which may accrue to me or my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way
associated with this program/activity. I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning
of risk, assumption of risk waiver and release of all claims. If registering a minor participant, I further attest that I
have read the above to my minor child/ward. In the event of an emergency, I understand and authorize Northern
Will County SRA staff and officials to secure from any licensed hospital, physician and/or medical personnel any
treatment deemed necessary for immediate care for myself or minor child/ward and agree that I will be responsible
for payment of any and all medical services rendered. If registering via fax, facsimile signature shall substitute for
and have same legal effect as an original form signature.

                        You must sign and date the bottom of the reverse side of this
                               form before your registration can be processed.
                      Participation will be denied if the signature of an adult participant
                       or parent/guardian and date are not on the front of this waiver.

Registration Information
Registration Dates
Resident Registration Begins Monday, November 30th
Non-Resident Registration Begins Monday, December 7th

Registration Procedures
Choose the Program(s) you want
                                                                         WAYS TO
                                                                                                              Mail your completed
                                                                                                              Registration Form and
                                                                                                              payment to our office.


• Complete the registration form on pages 19 & 20.
• A current Annual Information Form must be on file with                                                      Fax your completed
  NWCSRA for new and returning participants.
                                                                                                              Registration Form to

• Payment must accompany Registration Form.
• Accepted forms of payment include cash, check or credit cards                                               (815) 407-1829.
  (Mastercard or Visa).

• Signed registrations must be received by the NWCSRA office by
  the deadline date of each individual program registered for.
                                                                                                              Drop Off
• Registration is considered complete when full payment is                                                    Drop off your paperwork

  received.                                                                                                   at our office during regular
• Phone-in registrations will not be accepted and will not “hold
                                                                                                              business hours:
  your place” on a roster.

• NWCSRA staff may not receive payment or registrations during                                                Monday-Friday
  programs.                                                                                                   9am-5pm.
• There are no prorated fees for late registration. The only
  exception to this policy is if the participant is new to NWCSRA
                                                                              T                               Email
                                                                                                              Email your completed

• All outstanding registration fees must be paid in full prior to
  registering for the next program season.                                                                    Registration Form to

Annual Information Form
All participants must complete a new annual form in January of                                An updated Annual Information Form
each year. Northern Will County Special Recreation Association                                must be on file to complete registration.
requires all participants to complete a yearly Annual Information
Form. The form provides staff with valuable information which
allows Northern Will County Special Recreation Association to
conduct its activities in the safest possible manner and to meet
the needs of the participants. If at any time the form needs to be
updated (changes in medication, behavior, etc.), please inform
the Northern Will County Special Recreation Association office in
writing. All information is kept strictly confidential and enhances
successful participation.

The commitment of NWCSRA and the member agencies is to
provide all residents the opportunity for participation in NWCSRA
programs. A scholarship fund has been developed to assist               Refund Procedures
individuals who may be experiencing financial difficulty. Individuals   • Requests for refunds or credits must be requested ten business
seeking financial assistance should contact Mike Selep, Executive         days prior to the beginning of the program. NOTE: Programs
Director, at 815-407-1819 x208 or at for                which include daily admissions or tickets to entertainment or
more information regarding the scholarship process. All personal          sports events, etc. will be a prorated refund based on budgetary
information required for scholarship procedures is kept strictly          considerations.
confidential. Scholarships must be requested in writing utilizing a     • A full or prorated refund will be granted if a medical condition
Scholarship Request form each program season.                             prohibits participation. NOTE: A doctor’s note must be included
                                                                          with the refund request.
                                                                        • Refunds or credits are not provided for programs NWCSRA
                                                                          cancels due to weather.
                                                                        • Refunds will be held as a program credit unless prior alternative
Outstanding Balances                                                      requests have been made to the Northern Will County Special
All participants that have a fee balance remaining from a previous
                                                                          Recreation Association office.
season will not be allowed to register for new programs until that
balance is paid in full.

                                                               (815) 407-1819                                                             19
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