Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest

Page created by Philip Keller
Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
Northern Wake & Eastern
                                                   Wake Senior Centers

The Voice                                                                        January 28,2022
  Experience a month of program, classes, and events
 that highlight Black History Month and American Heart

 Valentines Advocacy Opportunity
 Please help us at the senior center advocate for senior programs in the community and at the senior center. There will be
 cards at the center on the counter in the lobby that you can fill out and a basket to put them in. If you are not coming into
 the center, you can use this link to fill out a virtual Valentines’ Card. We will send
 copies of the cards to local, state, and federal law makers and legislators so they will know how much you appreciate sen-
 ior services.

 Northern Wake Senior Center                                                      Eastern Wake Senior Center
        919-554-4111                                                                     919-365-4248

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
Eastern Wake Senior Center

The Voice                                                                                    January 28, 2022
AARP Tax Appointment: EWSC                                                                    EWSC CLOSING DUE TO
Basic Information                                                                             STAFF SHORTAGES
     Longview Baptist Church is located at 2308 N. New Hope Road, Raleigh, 27604
                                                                                              EWSC will be closed from January
     Site will be open on Mondays & Wednesdays from February 2 - April 13, 2022              24, 2022—February 4, 2022 due to
     Appointments are available between 9:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.                              staff shortages. Classes at HBC,
                                                                                              the Wendell Community Center,
     A close-fitting face mask is required for all tax clients and tax volunteers
                                                                                              and virtual classes will still take
Tax Preparation Process                                                                       place as scheduled.
     An Intake Packet must be picked up and completed before meeting with a tax              Please refer all your AARP tax
                                                                                              calls to 919-578-2442 until the
     1. Wendell Senior Center, Mon-Fri, 9 – 4:30 (After February 4th)                         center re-opens. We thank you
     2. Longview Baptist, Mon-THUR, 8:30 – 4:30 (Ready to pick up now)                        for your patience.
     Two trips to the tax site will be required: 1) for an interview with a counselor and
      scanning of client’s tax documents; 2) to review the completed tax return and
      take home the client copy of the return, usually one week after the first visit         Heart and Soul Event—
     With the client’s permission, tax documents will be scanned and uploaded into           Wendell Community Center
      the secure tax software, and the returns will be prepared and reviewed for accu-
      racy by volunteers working remotely. We cannot prepare a return for anyone              Tickets on Sale NOW
      who does not give permission for scanning.
                                                                                              Feb. 16, 11-2PM
     It may be necessary for the AARP Volunteer to call the tax client while preparing
      the return. A valid telephone number, along with the best time to call, is re-          Jazz music and Soul Food Deserts
                                                                                              Limit to 50 people.
                          Live on Facebook                                                    (EWSC members only)
Visit Northern and Eastern Wake Facebook page                                                 Tickets: $5 Cash
                                                                                                 Stay tuned for Heart and Soul
      Live: 3:30—January 31st                                                                      themed event in February

          Braxton Honeycutt
                                                                                              Please send us your love stories or
      Guest: Lora Felger—First                                                                any love poems for the month of
      Carolina Care Insurance                                                                 February to be featured in the
              Company                                                                         newsletter to
     Medicare Open Enrollment

    Why does Medicare have an Open                                                           Divya Venkataganesan
    Enrollment Period? Do I need to                                                          Program Coordinator
    be doing anything? What kinds of
    options do I have during this time?

                                                                                             Eastern Wake Senior Center

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
January 21, 2022

                                    Rate Your Plate with Shawn Southard

Valentine Heart Pendant Jewelry Class with Rosetta
Mock—Postponed to February 11th, 2-4pm (EWSC)
For this Valentine Heart Pendant, we will be making a heart headpin and slid-
ing a bead onto it and finishing it with a wire wrap. You can bring your own
heart bead if you like, but we have clear non-faceted heart beads and the wire
for the class.
There is no fee, but we will gladly accept any type of jewelry findings and ideas
for the class if you would like to contribute, but not necessary to attend.

Class is currently FULL, but Zoom in options are available.

The materials are very minimal: an 8" piece of 20 gauge wire. A heart bead,
the one in the photo is 20 X 20 mm, (about 3/4 of an inch tall and wide). And
one 6 or 8 mm bead the same color or a contrast—you can mix it up, but a
larger bead may not look balanced.
 We have heart beads at the center that are a little smaller and plenty of round
beads to choose from. We have plenty of wire, silver, copper and gold. You
are welcome to bring your choice of materials. One of our jewelers generously
donated several black cords with silver clasps on them.

                                                                                    Eastern Wake Senior Center

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
January 21, 2022

NEW: WENDELL: EWSC                                                Senior Balance: An exercise class
                                                                  using a chair to sit in while focusing
NEW: Registration in process:                                     on strengthening all lower extremity
Senior Bal-                                                       muscle groups for improving bal-
                10:00AM-10:45 AM      TUE.                 IP     ance. We will also move our arms in
                                                                  warm-ups, cool-downs, and using the
Taught by Rosetta Mock. Class begins February 8, 2022 Registra-   chair for touch balance in standing
tion required. Class size limited. Call EWSC 919-365-4248.        balance moves.

 NEW:         Classes being held at Hepzibah Bap-
                      tist Church
NEW: Registration in process:
                10:00AM-10:45 AM          MON. & WED       IP
Taught by Cindy Hadden. Class begins January 19, 2022 Regis-
tration and Waivers required. Call EWSC 919-365-4248.

NEW: Registration in process:
Line Dance      10:45AM-11:30 AM          MON. & WED       IP

Taught by Cindy Hadden. Class begins January 19, 2022 Regis-
tration and Waivers required. Call EWSC 919-365-4248.

Cont:         Classes being held at Wendell CC

Registration in process:
ZUMBA Gold toning        9AM       FRI.       IP

Taught by Linda Thomas. Class size limited. Registration re-
quired. Call EWSC 919-365-4248.

                                                                  Eastern Wake Senior Center

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
January 21, 2022

Cont. Arts/Crafts Classes:

Registration in process:
Crochet                    1:00-3:00PM                   TUE.                               IP

Taught by Paula Reich. Registration required. Class size limited.
Call EWSC 919-365-4248.

Registration in process:
Ceramics              11:30AM-1:90 PM                    THUR.                              IP

Taught by Rosetta Mock. Registration required. Class size limited.
Call EWSC 919-365-4248.

Registration in process:
Acrylics                  1:00-3:00pm                    THUR.                              IP

Taught by Janet Sever. Registration required. Class size limited.
Call EWSC 919-365-4248.

Please see NWSC Section for Hybrid and Virtual classes—
Register at NWSC
Resources for Seniors partners with several organizations and agencies to provide programs at
no cost to participants in our community. The money that pays for services including our Evidence
Based Classes is a combination of federal, state, county, and local funds, plus consumer contri-
butions. We understand that not all participants are able to contribute. You are under no obligation
to contribute; it is entirely voluntary. Your continued participation in programs and services is not
dependent upon your willingness or ability to contribute.
To make a contribution, or for more information, go to:

Note: Resources for Seniors desires to provide access to all programs for all people. If you
would like to attend a class or program that has a fee that you are not able to pay, you may re-
quest an application for financial assistance; scholarships are available on a limited “needs-
based” basis and may not cover all class offerings. Staff will meet with you to determine eligibility.

                                                                                                         Eastern Wake Senior Center

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
January 21, 2022
 Classes Provided By Wake Tech...Sign Up Now
NEW: EWSC Computer Classes - Please Call EWSC 919-365-4248 to Register

 Class                                                                                                                    Maxi-
           Per       Computer                                       End                 Instruc-     Loca-   Minimum
 Num-                                  Days      Start Date                   Time                                        mum
           Per-        Class                                        Date                  tors        tion   Students
  ber                                                                                                                   Students

                   Understanding                                                        V. Ed-
   1       $22                         T & Th      3/15/22       3/17/22     9-11am                  EWSC       5
                    the Internet                                                        wards
                  Intro to Comput-                                                      V. Ed-
   2       $66                          M-F        3/7/22        3/11/22     9-11am                  EWSC       5
                          ers                                                           wards                                 10
                                                                                9-      V. Ed-
   3       $44     Computers 101       M-Th        3/21/22       3/24/22                             EWSC       5
                                                                             11:30am    wards

                   Microsoft (MS)                                                       V. Ed-
   4       $44                         M-Th        4/4/22           4/7/22   9-11am                  EWSC       5
                       Word                                                             wards

Introduction to Computers is a computer instructional class for the inexperienced or novice user. It is for users who have
a computer or are thinking of getting one. We begin with the basics and expanding to the Internet while capturing the
functions and features of Microsoft Windows 7 along the way. Hands-on instruction is a way of learning and the pace is
geared toward a comfortable learning experience.

Course Objections: • Simplify computer components • Introduce Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 • Comprehend
Microsoft Windows functions • Examine basic user features • Explore internal file structure • Review standard applica-
tions • Canvas current and upcoming technologies • Complete the assigned lab exercises

 POSTPONED 2 weeks - Jump Start to Spanish 1: Offered by Wake Tech
 Gain confidence in your conversation skills – even if you’re a beginner! This course is the first in a four-part series
 and is a slower-paced Spanish language course for those who have NO Spanish or other Romance language ex-
 perience. Students will need to get the book Easy Spanish, Step by Step by Bregstein ($10 on Amazon).
 Cost: $55 Minimum of six participants to hold class.
 Call Eastern Wake Senior Center to register.

Registration in process: POSTPONED
                                9AM-                         February 10-March
Spanish 1                                 WED        IP
                                11AM                         17

Taught by Elizabeth Mariani. Class size limited. Registration re-                                        Instructor-
quired. Call EWSC 919-365-4248.                                                                       Elizabeth Mariani

                                                                                       Eastern Wake Senior Center

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest

       Monday                  Tuesday                 Wednesday                Thursday                 Friday
     January 31               February 1                February 2             February 3             February 4

                         9:00 Cross Punch w/                                9:00 Cross Punch w/   9:00 Zumba w/ Linda at
                         Linda (V)                                          Linda (V)             Wendell Community

  10:00 Aerobics (HBC)   10:00 Tone & Sculpt (V)   10:00 Aerobics (HBC)     10:00 Tone & Sculpt
  10:00-12:00 Drawing    10:00-12:00 Watercolor                             (V)
  w/ Gaylord (H)         w/ Gaylord (H)

   10:45 Line Dance      11:00 Beginners Line      10:45 Line Dance (HBC)
  (HBC)                  Dance w/ Cindy (V)

                                                   12:30 Zumba Gold (V)

  1:00-3:00 Pastels w/
  Gaylord (H)            1:00-3:00 Acrylics w/
                         Gaylord (H)

  2:00-4:00 Genealogy
  W/ Mike (V)

    Classes at Eastern Wake Senior Center will be canceled this week and resume on Febru-
    ary 7th. All other classes at HBC, Wendell Community Center, and Virtual will continue.

                 Eastern Wake Senior Center / 323 Lake Drive/ Wendell, NC 27591 / 919-365-4248

V = Virtual Program / IP = In person on-site / EWSC = Eastern Wake Senior Center / WFRC = Renaissance Center

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
Northern Wake Senior Center
                                                                            January 28, 2022
NEW: TAI CHI I      11AM      M&W        IP Class Location: NWSC

Taught by Cathy Perkinson. Beginning Feb 16 and running for 20
sessions. You are expected to attend all sessions.

NEW: TAI CHI II      3 PM      T & Th        IP Class Location: NWSC

Taught by Cathy Perkinson. Beginning Feb 17 and running for 20          The Genealogy Group is meeting next
                                                                        week. We meet every other Monday at
sessions. You are expected to attend all sessions.                      2pm on Zoom. The group has a mix of
                                                                        experienced and just starting members
                                                                        and we help each other and give advice
Beginner Tap      3-4pm     MON      IP Class Location: Ren. Center     on next steps. If you are interested in
                                                                        learning more about researching your
Taught by Cindy Hadden. Sign up at NWSC 919-554-4111 class              ancestors or need help or advice, call the
                                                                        senior center and we will email you the
size limited. Masks required. 1/24-3/28. Held at Renaissance Cen-
                                                                        Zoom link.
ter. Starts Jan 24.
                                                                        The AARP Tax Program has started
Easy Inter-
                11-12pm     Tues.    IP Class Location: Ren. Center     taking appointments. The program is
mediate Tap                                                             run by volunteers and has limited
Taught by Leneve Savage . Sign up at NWSC 919-554-4111 class            resources. We have had several peo-
size limited. Masks required. 1/25-3/29 . Held at Renaissance           ple call us and complain that they are
Center. Starts Jan 25                                                   not answering the phone, they are
                                                                        answering ,you are just calling when
                                                                        they are on the phone with someone
Wood Carving       1-4PM     Thurs      IP     Class Location: NWSC     else. Keep trying the phone line and
Workshop taught by Danny Mills. Limited space available. Must           please be patient, they are helping
register. Call NWSC 919-554-4111.                                       as many people as they can.

TAI CHI for                                                             Reminder, we have new mask re-
                   10AM      MON      IP Pre-requisite Tai Chi I & II   quirements at NWSC, they must be
                                                                        worn at all time while in the building
Taught by Cathy Perkinson. Sun Style 42 & 73 and beyond. Class          including during classes.
Size limited. Registration required.

Soap Creating     2-4pm      MON      IP       Class Location: NWSC     Mike Hardee
                                                                        Program Coordinator
Class is Feb 7th. Cost is $15 cash. Taught by Carolyn Zahnow
Class Size limited. Registration required.

                                     Northern Wake Senior Center

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
Northern Wake Senior Center
                                                                    January 28, 2022
                                                                                                February Theme:
Drawing               10AM          Mon.         H
                                                                                                Heart and Soul
Taught by Gaylord Picard. Registration required at NWSC. IP class
size limited                                                                                    Theme events coming up:

Pastels                 1PM         Mon.           H
                                                                                                Heart and Soul Event @ NWSC

Taught by Gaylord Picard. Registration required at NWSC. IP                                     Tickets on Sale NOW
Class size limited.
                                                                                                            Feb. 24th, 2-5PM
                                                                                                Jazz music and Soul Food Deserts
Watercolors          10AM          Tues.       H
                                                                                                Limit to 20 people.
Taught by Gaylord Picard. Registration required at NWSC. IP
Class size limited                                                                              (members only)
                                                                                                Tickets $5 Cash
Acrylics                 1PM         Tues.         H

Taught by Gaylord Picard. Registration required at NWSC. IP
Class size limited.

                                                                                                To go with our Heart & Soul Theme we are
 VIRTUAL CLASSES                                                                                promoting a Red Cross Blood Drive next door
Interval Aerobics                            WED         V
                               10:00                                                            American Legion Post 187
                                                                                                225 E. Holding Ave.
Taught by Cara Losurdo. Registration and waivers required.
                                                                                                Wake Forest, NC 27587
Contact NWSC to sign up. Must fill out a waiver to get link.
                                                                                                02/04/2022 | 02:30 PM - 07:00 PM
Genealogy                     2 - 4pm        Every other Monday                V                For Appointments use the link
Led by Mike Hardee. Contact NWSC to sign up and to get the link.
                                                                                                If you don’t get a chance to donate this time,
The Genealogy group meets every other week to give members a chance to work on their            the next Blood Drive at the American Legion
research. The group is for anyone interested in learning more about genealogy, whether you
are just getting started in you journey to learn about your ancestors, never done any geneal-   will be:
ogy and just want to learn about it, or you have been doing research for a while and just
                                                                                                03/07/2022 | 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
want to share your interest in ancestral research.

                                                Northern Wake Senior Center

Northern Wake & Eastern Wake Senior Centers - Town of Wake Forest
Northern Wake Senior Center
                                                                      January 28, 2022

                        12:30 -
Zumba Gold                        WED        V
Taught by Maria Bolanz. Registration and waivers required. Con-
tact NWSC to sign up. Must fill out a waiver to get link.

Tone &                                   Beginner Student appropri-
                 10AM     T&T        V
Sculpt                                   ate
Taught by Linda Thomas. Registration and waivers required.
Contact NWSC to sign up. Must fill out a waiver to get link.
Thank you
Aetna for sponsoring Linda Thomas’ Tone and Sculpt Class
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10AM.

              9AM        T&T      V
Taught by Linda Thomas. Registration and waivers required.
Contact NWSC to sign up. Must fill out a waiver to get link.
Thank you
Humana for sponsoring Linda Thomas’ Cross Punch Class
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9AM

                                                                           Visit the Resources for Seniors
                                                                         Website to find Wake County Re-
Line Dance for                                                           sources such as Home Repair, In-
                  11PM        TUES       V                              Home Care, Information and Referral,
                                                                         Adult Day Services, just to name a
Taught by Cindy Hadden. Registration and waivers required. Con-                         few.
tact NWSC to sign up. Must fill out a waiver to get link.       

                                      Northern Wake Senior Center


Northern Wake Senior Center
                                                                                      January 28, 2022

AARP Tax Program at NWSC information
AARP will be making appointments for two types of visits: Drop & Wait or
Scan & Return.
Drop & Wait individuals will remain in a designated area while their re-
turn is prepared by Tax Counselors on site. You will be given an appointment
for an hour to come in and complete all of the necessary work needed to com-
plete and file your return before you leave the facility.
Scan & Return will come in to have their tax documents scanned and the
returns will be completed offsite. You will work with a Counselor over the        Appointment Process:
phone to complete the necessary work to enter your return. You will be given
a second appointment to finalize and sign your Tax return. Your first appoint-    Starting on January 24th to sched-
ment will be for 20 minutes to meet with a tax volunteer who will review your     ule an appointment,
intake form and make an electronic copy of all your tax documents. The doc-
ument file will be securely transferred to volunteers working from home to pre-   call 919-554-0820
pare and review your return.                                                      during the hours of 9:00 am to
As in earlier years, we will need to see your government-issued photo ID and      3:00 pm, Mondays, Tuesdays
social security cards for everyone on the return. We are able to prepare 2019,    and Wednesday only. AARP
2020 and 2021 tax returns.                                                        resources are limited so these are
Intake Packets:                                                                   the only hours and days the phone
                                                                                  will be manned and appointments
To make the most of your time at our site you MUST pick up and fill out an
                                                                                  will be made, no voicemails will be
intake form and assemble your tax documents BEFORE you come for either
type of appointment. Also, please remove all tax documents from their enve-
lopes and unfold them.                                                            Be assured we are answering the
Pickup Point for Packets:                                                         phone, there are a lot of calls
                                                                                  coming in. Be patient and keep
Northern Wake Senior Center – Follow the AARP signs to pick up the forms.
                                                                                  trying the phone line.
They are on outside the building near the banners, at south lobby entrance, in
a plastic box.
Days and Times of Operation:
Available appointments will be February 1, 2022 to April 13, 2022, Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
EVERYONE must have an appointment this year. Because of the COVID
restrictions, no one will be admitted without an appointment.

                                         Northern Wake Senior Center

Northern Wake Senior Center
                                                                               January 28, 2022
Classes Provided By Wake Tech...Sign Up Now
MUNITY COLLEGE. You May bring check in on First Day of Class but you must register prior to
that date. Call NWSC for detailed class descriptions and requirements to be emailed.

Computer Classes

Jump Start to Spanish 2: Start date moved two weeks
Gain confidence in your conversation skills – even if you’re a beginner! This course is the first in a four-part series and is
a slower-paced Spanish language course for those that want to work on their Spanish skills. Students will need to get
the book Easy Spanish, Step by Step by Bregstein ($10 on Amazon).
Cost: $65 Minimum of five participants to hold class.
Call Northern Wake Senior Center at 919-554-4111 to                     Elizabeth Mariani
register.                                                          Email

  Class      Cost Per                                        Duration in      Duration in                        Minimum
                               Class            Date                                              Time
 Number       Person                                              Days           Hours                           Students

                           Jump Start to       Feb 9 -
    2           $65                                                6               2             2 - 4pm             5
                             Spanish 2        March 16

                                           Northern Wake Senior Center

January 28, 2022
Renaissance Center Program Offerings
                            3:30 -
Pottery                                    Thurs.        IP     Class Location: NWSC
Registration required. Class size limited. Feb 3 - 24. Go to this
link, Community Programs to register for the class.

                                                                                                     Renaissance Center
Registration starts Feb 1                                                                            February Events
Glass Fusion:               4:00 -                                                                   Bright Star Theatre will present
                                           Mon.          IP     Class Location: NWSC                 "Jackie Robinson" at the Alston Mas-
Jewelry                    5:30pm
                                                                                                     senburg Center, 416 N. Taylor St., on
Registration required. Class size limited. April 18 & 25. Go to this                                 Saturday, Feb. 12, at 11am. FREE
link, Community Programs to register for the class.                                                  admission

Registration starts Feb 1                                                                            aa085b53/7TAfUZSKnkG5OQ6pd8P38w?
Glass Fusion:               4:00 -                                                                   event/jackie-robinson
                                           Mon.          IP     Class Location: NWSC
Sun Catchers               5:30pm

Registration required. Class size limited. May 9 & 16. Go to this
link, Community Programs to register for the class.

 More information on the two glass Fusion classes                                                    Shades of Gospel featuring Pastor
 The registration for these classes will be posted on February 1.                                    John P. Kee Saturday, February 5,
 Those are:                                                                                          2022 - 7:30pm to 8:30pm . Join us for
                                                                                                     a celebration of Gospel music that
 Glass Fusion: Jewelry—Mondays, April 18 & April 25 4:00pm-5:30pm—Instructor:
                                                                                                     connects community members of all
 Sara Roberts.
                                                                                                     cultures, ages, and backgrounds!
 Glass Fusion: Jewelry . This will meet for two sessions. The first will be Monday April 18th from
 4 – 5:30pm and the second at the same time on April 25th. Mondays beginning April 18th . You
 will create customized jewelry out of stained glass scraps under guided instruction from Sara
 Roberts. In the first class, you will assemble your jewelry pieces and send them to the kiln. In
 the second class, you will affix findings to your pieces so they will be ready to wear.

 Glass Fusion: Sun Catcher —Mondays, May 9 + May 16, 4:00pm-5:30pm
 Glass Fusion: Sun Catcher . This will meet for two sessions. The first will be on Monday May
 9th from 4-5:30 pm and the second at the same time on May 16th. . You will create a sun catch-      All other events: https://
 er using stained glass scraps! Create a piece of your own design over two class sessions under
 guided instruction. Finished products will be sent to the kiln and available for pick up shortly    THKhxNytV06fhLZdlvFIsw?u=https://
 after the final class.

                                                    Northern Wake Senior Center


        Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                    Thursday                       Friday
       January31                 February 1                   February 2                 February 3                   February 4
  9:00 Aerobics (IP, pre-   9:00 Yoga (IP)              9:00 Aerobics (V)            9:00 Yoga (IP)              9:00 Aerobics (IP, pre-
  register)                                                                                                      register)
                             9 – 12 Open Studio Time    9:00 Crafting Group with     9 – 12 Open Studio
  9 – 12 Open Studio Time (St. A, clay) (call before    Dorothy (call before at-     Time (St. A, clay) (call
  (St. A, clay) (call before attending) (NWSC)(IP)      tending) (NWSC)(IP)          before attending)
  attending) (NWSC)(IP)                                                              (NWSC)(IP)
                             9 – 12 Knitters Group      9 – 12 Open Studio Time
  9:00 Crafting Group with (call before attending)      (St. A, clay & St. C, Art)   9 – 12 Knitters Group
  Dorothy (call before at-   (NWSC)(IP)                 (call before attending)      (call before attending)
  tending) (NWSC)(IP)                                   (NWSC)(IP)                   (NWSC)(IP)
                             9:00 Cross Punch(V)
  9 – 11 Jump Start to                                                               9:00 Cross Punch(V)
  Spanish I (IP, Preregis-
  10-12 Drawing (H)         10-12 Watercolor (H)                                      10:00 Tone & Sculpt        10:00-11:30 Supreme
  10:00 Tai Chi for Life (IP, 10:00 Tone & Sculpt (V)                                (V)                         Court-Rewriting the Bill
  preregister)                                                                                                   of Rights (H, Preregis-
                            11:00 Barre (IP, prereg-                                 11:00 Returning Stu-        11 – 2 Pottery Group
                            ister)                                                   dent Line Dance (IP,        (call before attending)
                            11:00 Beginners Friendly                                 preregister)                (NWSC)(IP)
                            Line Dance (V)
                            11:00 Int. Tap (IP, FULL,
  12:30 Zumba Gold (IP,                                 12:00 Chair Yoga (IP, pre-                               12:30 Zumba Gold (IP,
  preregister)                                          register)                                                preregister)
                                                        12:30 Zumba Gold (V)

  1-1:45 Beg. Line danc-    1 – 3 Acrylics (H)          1 – 4 Ceramics Studio        1 - 4 Open Studio Time
  ing (IP, FULL, WFRC)      1 – 4 Pottery Group (call   Time (St A, call before      (St. C, Art) (call before
                            before attending)           attending) (NWSC)(IP)        attending) (NWSC)(IP)
  1 – 3 Pastels (H)
                            (NWSC)(IP)                  1 – 4 Quilt, Stitch & Gab    1 – 4 Woodcarving (call
  1 – 4 Ceramics Studio
                                                        (St B, call before attend-   before attending)
  Time (St A, call before
                                                        ing) (NWSC)(IP)              (NWSC)(IP)
  attending) (NWSC)(IP)
  2-2:45 Ret. Stu. Line
  dancing (IP, FULL,
  3 – 4 Beg. Tap (IP,

  3:30 Chair Yoga (IP,                                  3:30 Live update on
  FULL)                                                 Facebook (NWSC)
  3:30 Live update on
  Facebook (EWSC)

              Northern Wake Senior Center / 235 E. Holding Ave/ Wake Forest, NC. 27587/ 919-554-4111

V = Virtual Program / IP = In person on-site / NWSC = Northern Wake Senior Center / WFRC = Renaissance Center
January 21, 2022
NEW: Heartland Hospice Virtual Grief Support
Heartland Hospice is offering a Virtual Grief Support group on the 1st and 3rd
Thursday of each month . They have a In-Person grief support group on the
3rd Tuesday at 3PM. Please call the NWSC to register 919-554-4111.
They also offer a virtual Caregiver Support group on the 2 nd & 4th Thursday of
each month.

If you or someone you know would benefit from these virtual events, simply fol-
low the directions below:

   Call in from any phone (this program is audio only)

   Dial 877-953-3918—When prompted for code enter 22830560#

You can join us for as many sessions as you want. If you would like to have one-on-one
grief counseling, please call Keith Vaughn directly 919-877-9959. This can be done either
in-person or by phone. Heartland Hospice provides grief support for those who need care
and support in their journey through grief. They offer opportunities to discuss the grief
process, build a community of support, and receive practices and approaches to deal with
grief. The support groups are facilitated by Keith Vaughn, Bereavement Coordinator with

Transitions Virtual Grief Care

       Northern Wake Senior Center                                                    Eastern Wake Senior Center
                  919-554-4111                                                               919-365-4248

January 21, 2022
At Home COVID-19 Testing Kits:

1. Go to the website where you can order 4 per ad-
   dress for FREE, they are shipping out later in January directly to
   you if you sign up.
2.    Order through your insurance carrier since they are approved for cover-
     age under “over the counter” products

The AARP Smart Driver course teaches valuable defensive driving
strategies and provides a refresher of the rules of the road. Since 1979,
the course has helped more than 15 million drivers learn research-
based tips to adapt their driving to compensate for physical and cogni-
tive changes that may occur with aging. Plus, you may qualify for a
multi-year automobile insurance discount by completing the course
(check with your auto insurance agent for details).
The AARP Smart Driver course will take place at and on:
EWSC: Tuesday April 5th1-5pm and Monday September 12th 1-
NWSC: Thursday March 24th 1-5pm, Thursday September 22nd 1-
5pm, March 28th 5:30-9:30pm, and Monday September 26th 5:30-
Space is limited, so register now by calling EWSC and NWSC.


Accounting Supervisor Front Office Coordinator Now Hiring Roving Teller

Resources for Seniors Jobs: For more information visit our
    RFS WAP Field Technician & WAP Field Coordinator

    RFS Consultation Specialist/Publication Coordinator

       Northern Wake Senior Center                                              Eastern Wake Senior Center
                 919-554-4111                                                         919-365-4248

January 21, 2022

                                                                                                 While we have spent the
                                                                                                   last two years focused
                                                                                                 on COVID, heart disease
                                                                                                 continues to be the lead-
                                                                                                 ing cause of death in the
                                                                                                  US, although it’s largely
                                                                                                 preventable. February is
                                                                                                  Heart Health Month and
                                                                                                  we want to take time to
                                                                                                  educate our community
                                                                                                     about how to protect
                                                                                                  their hearts. Please put
                                                                                                  on your favorite red out-
                                                                                                    fits, and join us as we
                                                                                                    learn tips to keep our
                                                                                                           heart safe.
                                                                                                   February 27, 2022, 3-

“April Love” Senior Talent Show will be held on Friday, April 22nd, at the Renaissance in Wake Forest. Pat Boone is the Honorary
Chairman; event benefits The Senior Network. Thank you to those of you who auditioned on January 25th.

Nominate a student for the 2022-23 class of Youth Leadership!
Started in 2010, Youth Leadership Wake Forest is a year-long program for 10th-12th grade students who have demonstrated leader-
ship abilities and have interest in learning about our community. Our mission is for participants to assume leadership roles in our
schools and to become more involved in our civic, cultural, economic development, and philanthropic organizations.
 There are two schedule options for interested students: the summer Youth Leadership Academy and the year-long Youth Leader-
ship Wake Forest program. Both programs require an application, but only the year-long program requires community references and
interviews conducted by a selection committee. Please note that class sizes are limited. The tuition cost for this program is $500, and
scholarships are available. For more information, watch the short informational video here and visit
c6c939af/BIhEWzf3QkyE4-w2fhPGEw?u= to apply online.

       Northern Wake Senior Center                                                      Eastern Wake Senior Center
                   919-554-4111                                                                    919-365-4248

January 21, 2022
Who are we? Oak Street Health is a primary care doctor for adults on medicare. We
are located at 4600 Capital Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27604 in Mini City.

Our mission is to rebuild healthcare as it should be which is personalized, accessible,
and equitable. We believe that high quality care should be available to everyone and
we pride ourselves in focusing on preventative healthcare.

We want to get to know you and understand your specific needs. Our providers spe-
cialize in providing healthcare for older adults and they spend 40 minutes or more with
their patients during each appointment.

For patients who are eligible, we provide transportation to and from appointments at no
additional cost.

Oftentimes it may be difficult to reach out to the doctor’s office after normal business
hours but we have a 24 hour call line where you can speak to a provider to determine
if you need to be scheduled for a next day appointment.

Many adults on medicare do not understand their benefits and this is why we have a
patient relations manager who is able to explain your individual medicare plan and
provide a better understanding of eligibility. They advocate for our patients by helping
them navigate through insurance options and bills.

Oak Street Health not only focuses on healthcare, but we use a holistic approach
when caring for each patient. This means that personal care is designed just for you
with comprehensive care plans tailored for you by our care team. We provide support
that focuses on the whole person and not just their healthcare needs.

Our centers have a community room where anyone may come and participate in the
activities we have planned or to come and just relax while having a cup of coffee. You
do not have to be a patient at Oak Street Health to enjoy our community room and we
invite everyone to come in. We serve as a warming and cooling location year round.
Community is a very important aspect of building social connections and maintaining
support for one another.

With the current pandemic, Oak Street Health takes all necessary precautions to miti-
gate the spread of COVID and provide employees and patients with the tools neces-
sary to face the pandemic.

AARP selected Oak Street Health as a trusted primary care provider because of its
dedication to high-quality healthcare for all Medicare patients.

We partner with our patients to keep you happy, healthy, and most importantly out of
the hospital through prevention and early intervention. We look forward to having you
come in and experience a welcome visit appointment with Oak Street Health and pro-
vide you with high quality care.

      Northern Wake Senior Center                                                          Eastern Wake Senior Center
                  919-554-4111                                                                   919-365-4248

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