Nomadic Nacim 'Treks' to Winterbottom - ANZ Bloodstock News

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Nomadic Nacim 'Treks' to Winterbottom - ANZ Bloodstock News
Saturday, November 28, 2020 | Dedicated to the Australasian bloodstock industry - subscribe for free: Click here

                           INTERNATIONAL SALES NEWS - PAGE 9                                         FIRST SEASON SIRE RUNNERS | PAGE 21

Nomadic Nacim                                                                                              What's on

‘Treks’ to Winterbottom                                                                                  Stakes races: Ascot (WA) - Winterbottom
                                                                                                         Stakes (Gr 1, 1200m), Tattersall’s Cup
                                                                                                         (Listed, 2100m). Rosehill (NSW) - Festival
Godolphin’s travelling foreman has spent plenty of 2020 in                                               Stakes (Gr 3, 1500m), Starlight Stakes
quarantine but holds high hopes for today’s Perth Group 1                                                (Listed, 1100m), ATC Cup (Listed, 2000m).
                                                                                                         Moonee Valley (VIC) - McKenzie Stakes
                                                                                                         (Listed, 1200m), Carlyon Stakes (Listed,
                                                                                                         1000m). Doomben (QLD) - Recognition
                                                                                                         Stakes (Listed, 1350m), Spirit Of Boom
                                                                                                         Classic (Listed, 1200m). Morphettville (SA)
                                                                                                         - City Of Marion Stakes (Listed, 1200m).
                                                                                                         Ellerslie (NZ) - Eagle Technology Stakes (Gr
                                                                                                         3, 1600m), Trevor Eagle Memorial (Listed,
                                                                                                         1500m). Wanganui (NZ) - Wanganui Cup
                                                                                                         (Listed, 2040m)
                                                                                                         Metropolitan meetings: Rosehill (NSW),
                                                                                                         Moonee Valley (VIC), Doomben (QLD),
                                                                                                         Morphettville (SA), Ascot (WA)
                                                                                                         Race meetings: Kembla Grange (NSW),
                                                                                                         Coonamble (NSW), Wagga Riverside (NSW),
                                                                                                         Yarra Valley (VIC), Gold Coast (QLD),
                                                                                                         Toowoomba (QLD), Townsville (QLD),
                                                                                                         Ellerslie (NZ), Wanganui (NZ)
                                                                                                         Barrier trials / Jump-outs: Wagga Riverside
                                                                                                         (NSW), King Island (TAS)
                                                                                                         International meetings: Taipa
Trekking                                                                                  SPORTPIX
                                                                                                         (MAC), Tokyo (JPN), Hanshin (JPN),

                                                   Dilmi has spent much of his year in                   Wolverhampton (UK), Turffontein (SAF),
BY ANDREW HAWKINS | @ANZ_NEWS                                                                            Kenilworth (SAF), Churchill Downs (USA),
                                                   quarantine, hopping between cities to look

                                                                                                         Aqueduct (USA), Del Mar (USA)
      n a year in which normal life has come to    after Godolphin’s interstate raiders away from
      a standstill, few people have travelled as   Sydney and Melbourne.
      frequently as Godolphin’s Nacim Dilmi,          “The first time we had to quarantine, we
      so perhaps it is fitting that the French     went to South Australia for the winter carnival
expat will saddle up the aptly-named Trekking      so we were in a hotel room in Adelaide for
(Street Cry) in today’s Winterbottom Stakes (Gr    two weeks,” Dilmi told ANZ Bloodstock News
1, 1200m) at Ascot.                                yesterday. “And then from South Australia,
   With widespread state border closures           after Trekking won the Goodwood, we went
across Australia for the first time since          to Queensland and we had to quarantine for
federation, Godolphin’s travelling foreman         another two weeks.    Continued on page 2>>

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Nomadic Nacim ‘Treks’ to Winterbottom                                                                                                                        Saturday, November 28, 2020

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Nomadic Nacim ‘Treks’ to Winterbottom                                           |3|                                               Saturday, November 28, 2020
Nomadic Nacim 'Treks' to Winterbottom - ANZ Bloodstock News
Morning Briefing - Sponsored by Woodside Park Stud                                                                                  Saturday, November 28, 2020

       G3                        G1                        G1                                G1                         G2                             G3
  WRITTEN                     PIPPIE                                                                                                             FINANCE
  BEAUTY                                              ODEUM                         OLE KIRK DIRTY WORK                                          TYCOON
                                                     WRITTEN     TYCOON
                                                                                                                                                    RICH HIPS

                                                     he's had plenty going into this race and the extra         Brave is yet to break his maiden in four starts and
                                                     trip will suit. We'll play it by ear but if he runs well   Corstens will be hoping he can prove good enough
Miss Siska chasing                                   we might head to the Wellington Boot and if he             in this competitive contest. "Not quite sure he is up
Festival glory                                       wins that there's a chance the horse might be sold         to that grade, but I just thought it was worth a throw
Matthew Smith believes dual Group winner             to Hong Kong.” Super Hot, raced by Kempsey                 at the stumps," Corstens said. "There's a million
Miss Siska (So You Think) will be competitive        breeder David Parker, is by Widden-based sire              1600-metre maidens we can run in anywhere and
in the Festival Stakes (Gr 3, 1500m) as Rosehill     Outreach (Exceed And Excel), who is a brother to           originally this race tomorrow popped up with only
today, as she returns from a two-month break.        Golden Slipper (Gr 1, 1200m) winner Overreach.             five nominations, which is why I was attracted to it in
The seven-year-old mare, who took out the                                                                       the first place. He ran really well at Echuca (two starts
Peter Young Stakes (Gr 2, 1800m) and Carlyon         Bowman’s eyes                                              ago) and Mick Price's horse that beat him (Valanetti)
Cup (Gr 3, 1600m) earlier this year, has been        Beyond today                                               came out and ran third in the Sandown Guineas,
unplaced in her two races this preparation but       Ocean Beyond (Ocean Park), purchased                       which prompted me to take him to Tatura thinking
Smith believes her fitness is now where it needs     by Daniel Bowman for NZD$60,000 at New                     he was a good thing. We just got too far back. We
to be. "She is a big mare. She's 570 kilograms       Zealand     Bloodstock’s       Ready-To-Run        Sale    were meant to lead, we didn't. The thing that led got
and they take a power of getting fit," Smith         last November, looks an exciting prospect                  its own way and won. The dry track is really going to
said. "So we just gave her those couple of runs      after winning on debut at Geelong earlier this             suit him…he gets his chance to show us where he is
and got her fitness where we wanted it and           month and aims to confirm that promise in the              in the pecking order and what he can do."
then gave her a freshen up to come back and          McKenzie Stakes (Listed, 1200m) at Moonee
have a crack at these races." While Miss Siska       Valley today. Despite being brought from a                 Hughes bides time for
is at an age when many mares swap racing             ready-to-run sale, Bowman has been patient                 summer success
for breeding, her owners have an appetite            with the three-year-old gelding and admits he              Tom Hughes' patience has paid off with two
to continue her racetrack career while she is        was always a long term prospect. "The breeze-              city winners in recent weeks after not having a
enjoying it. "They love racing so they're keen to    up wasn't actually that impressive. It was more            runner for three months. The Flemington trainer
keep her going if she can perform at the right       about the animal and the athlete," Bowman                  bided his time and kept his powder dry, rather
level," Smith added. "If she runs up to her best     told "He showed us a fair bit at               than race his horses over the winter, and was
form she will be competitive for sure."              home, so we were pretty confident going to his             rewarded when Leiter (Wanted) won first-up at
                                                     debut, but it is always nice to see them do it. It's       Flemington on the final day of the Cup carnival
Farrell’s Boot ambitions                             (McKenzie Stakes) a step-up but he's certainly             and The Commoner (Reward For Effort) won
for Super Hot                                        one in the race with some scope. The others are            at The Valley. Both horses will be in action at
Pat Farrell believes he has an ‘above average’       exposed to a certain degree. If our bloke is ready         Moonee Valley today. Hughes, who has two
youngster on his hands in the form of Super Hot      for it or not, we'll find out. He'll definitely be up      wins, two thirds and a fifth from five runners this
(Outreach), who lines up in the De Bortoli Wines     to this sort of level in time, but it would just be        season, said: "It's been good. I've only got seven
Handicap (1100m) at Rosehill today. Super Hot        nice to win tomorrow and get his rating up and             horses in work and I set Leiter for the Flemington
looked raw on debut in the Max Lees Classic          then we can set out a plan for the autumn."                race three months ago. That's when it was first
(900m) at Newcastle earlier this month but Farrell                                                              talked about and three months of planning went
was pleased with his fifth-placed showing and        No easy option for Brave                                   into it. At the end of last preparation he had
expects him to appreciate the step up in trip. "It   Land Of The Brave (Starspangledbanner), who                been racing well and we could have pushed on
was a good run but he would have been right in       was beaten in a Tatura maiden at odds of $1.60 on          through winter and might have won a race, but I
the finish had he got away better," Farrell said.    his last start, returns in a 1600 metre-Benchmark          thought it was a chance to give him a good break
"While I don't like to overwork two-year-olds,       70 contest at Moonee Valley today. Land Of The             and let him develop.”

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#REWRITINGHISTORY                                                                                 WRITTEN TYCOON
Morning Briefing - Sponsored by Woodside Park Stud                              |5|                                               Saturday, November 28, 2020

Socialising the                                           Dynamic duo in Jericho                              plodded along since. It's great for the owners -
one for Gollan                                            Dynamic Syndications have two live chances          they have been great owners in the stable for 25
Tony Gollan believes his progressive mare                 in the Jericho Cup, courtesy of Frenzied            years or so and they're rapt, so it will be another
Socialising (Bel Esprit) holds solid claims               (Americain) and Dambulla (Fastnet Rock).            big weekend."
                             in the Spirit Of             Purchased for $85,000 and $150,000 respectively
                             Boom              Classic    at the 2017 Inglis Premier Yearling Sale, the       Tabcorp, NZ TAB
                             (Listed, 1200m) at           owners envisaged the pair potentially lining up     extend agreement
                             Doomben           today.     in different Cup contests, but are hoping they      Tabcorp and NZ TAB have extended their
                             The     five-year-old,       will both see out the 4600-metre trip. "It's a      broadcasting and wagering rights agreement
                             who has won four             terrific concept this race and we're very excited   for Australian and New Zealand racing. The
                             of    her    last    five    to have two very live chances who are probably      agreements guarantee the broadcast of NZ
                             starts, has climbed          racing at the peak of their powers," Dynamic’s      racing into Australia through the Tabcorp-
                             through the grades           Adam Watt told "Frenzied is bred        owned Sky Racing network and vice versa
                             since       May      and     to stick like chewing gum to a blanket. He's by a   through TAB NZ’s Trackside broadcasting
Tony Gollan
                             makes       her      first   Melbourne Cup winner and he's the grandson          service. Tabcorp’s managing director for
start in stakes company today. "Socialising has           of a Melbourne Cup winner in Lets Elope, so         wagering & media, Adam Rytenskild, said: “We
got a bit of X-factor about her coming through            it's really no surprise to see that he wants to     are strong supporters of New Zealand racing
her grades and if she can get that soft run just          stay. He's a very tough horse, he's a multiple      and we’re pleased to continue to work closely
behind what will be a pretty good speed, she'll           track-record holder and he won a Bong Bong          with TAB NZ. Through this agreement, we will
get every chance to run on,” Gollan said. “Her            Cup on this day last year, so he's used to          continue to showcase New Zealand racing in
rating says she's not well in here at set weights         carrying weight. And I know Dambulla is a           Australia and around the world via Sky Racing
and penalties as a 78-rater but I think she'll            son of Fastnet but his mother won out to 3000       and to facilitate the broadcast of Australian
finish her career at a much higher level. Does            metres in Europe, so he was always a horse          racing in New Zealand. And co-mingling helps
she need to be at this grade now? She probably            that we had bought thinking that he'd want          provide deeper pools for TAB tote punters in
doesn't, but if I get the opportunity to go for           ground. I'm not sure 4600 metres was what           both countries.”
black-type or run in another class six then I'll          we thought - we syndicated him as a Derby or
take the black-type. That's what it's all about           Cups contender and he gets his chance in a          Victorian bookies
with these mares."                                        Jericho Cup on Sunday."                             hoping for return
                                                                                                              Victorian bookmakers are lobbying for their
Jericho Cup heading                                       Newcastle postponed                                 right to return to racetracks with crowds, after
the right way                                             until Tuesday                                       Racing Victoria announced earlier this week that
Symon Wilde believes the Jericho Cup (4600m)              Newcastle’s meeting on Sunday has been              500 spectators will be allowed at race meetings
can become one of the best days on the country            postponed until Tuesday, December 1 due to          from December 2. The Covid-19 pandemic has
racing calendar, as Warrnambool prepares to               forecast temperatures of 43 degrees in New          resulted in the amount of punters using online
host the race for the third time tomorrow. Wilde          South Wales.                                        services increasing, but Victorian Bookmakers
will be represented by Count Zero (Zed) and                                                                   Association co-chairman Lyndon Hsu believes
Britannicus (Roman Emperor) in Australia’s                Vungers adds                                        their on-course presence is vital to the industry.
longest flat race, a contest he has targeted from         Wodonga Gold Cup                                    “We are desperate as an association,’’ Hsu said.
a long way out. "It's not just for the punter. It's       Vungers (Reset) convincingly took out the           “We have 155 members so, to fly the flag, even
a point of difference as it's a real event," Wilde        Wodonga     Gold    Cup     (1590m)   yesterday,    if it is a notional one where we’ve just got a
said. "People can come to the races and see the           adding to his Donald Cup (1620m) victory            couple of members on, but just to say ‘we are
Light Horseman, listen to the Last Post. Kids             a fortnight ago. The seven-year-old gelding         back on course’. From March 15 to now, for the
are intrigued and ask questions about the war.            grew his reputation as a country cup king           first time in the history of racing, as far as we
It's not a pop-up money race. It's got history            when leading from the front to defeat               can determine, there have been no bookmakers
behind it. There's something for everybody.               Coming Around (Gingerbread Man) by four             on course. We’re a stakeholder of the Victorian
Unfortunately last year the weather was terrible          and a quarter lengths, with Quiet Lucky             racing industry. We want to play our part. We
and now we've got Covid, but it will continue             (Rockaroundtheclock) close behind in third.         want to do everything possible to get everyone
to gain momentum. And it's a great race for               "He's no superstar as I keep saying, but he's       back on course. The most important thing is
trainers with stayers. We target the race a long          no slouch either," trainer Brendon Hearps told      that we get ourselves back. If we are not there
way out. The distance is the great leveller. Most "Earlier on he looked like being        when there is 500, we might struggle to be there
horses won't run it out but my pair will.”                really good until he did a tendon and he's just     if there’s 1000.”

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#REWRITINGHISTORY                                                                                 WRITTEN TYCOON
Morning Briefing - Sponsored by Woodside Park Stud                              |6|                                              Saturday, November 28, 2020

Younger Rawiller excited for                             had worked hard for had walked out the gate."         later that Wisdom Of Water started to do a bit of
family reunion                                           However, as of Monday, Beer has been able to          damage up north and suddenly she looked like a
Campbell Rawiller is looking forward to the return       move between Albury and his native Victoria,          nice buy." Divine Waters won an 800-metre trial
of his father after it was announced this week that      and the horses that temporarily left have all         at Cranbourne on her second public appearance
Nash Rawiller will ride in Melbourne over the            returned. His staff, some of whom were forced         and Laid added: "It wasn't a time to get excited
festive season, with today’s meeting at Rosehill         to relocate from Wodonga to the Victorian side        about, but I just love her attitude." Divine Waters
being his last NSW fixture of the year. Nash will        of the border to continue work, can now return        has accepted for today’s 1000-metre contest
reunite with his family and will likely stay until the   home while life at the stables is returning to        at Moonee Valley, but Laing might consider
Gold Coast Magic Millions carnival, with a return        normal. "When the borders opened this week            scratching her from barrier 12 and look to a
to Sydney anticipated in January. The reunion            and we don't have to arrange permits, it was like     1000-metre fillies’ heat at Sandown next week.
will be the first time Campbell has seen his dad         an abscess had burst when those walls finally
since the pair rode against each other for the one       came down,” Beer added.
                                                                                                               NEW ZEALAND
and only time in October last year. "He's been up
in Sydney since that and the borders have been           Apprentice Lloyd off the                              Khufu to reign at Ellerslie
closed," the leading apprentice told          mark first-up
on Friday. "It's been a long time since I've been        Apprentice jockey Zac Lloyd, from a family
able to catch up with him again, so things have          steeped in racing as a son of Jeff Lloyd, a
been tough. But times are changing. This (Nash's         nephew of Glyn Schofield and a cousin of Hong
riding holiday in Melbourne) will allow him to           Kong-based Chad Schofield, made his first ride
refresh in terms of seeing the family again and          a winning one yesterday when guiding Satine
spending a bit of time away from Sydney. He'll           (Super One) to victory at Dalby for his retained
be hungry to hit form pretty quickly here and it's       stable of Toby and Trent Edmonds. The filly
good for me to have my father and mentor here            was breaking her maiden at her fifth start and
                                                                                                               Khufu pictured as a yearling                   NZB
again.”                                                  a jubilant Lloyd told Sky Racing post-race: “It’s
                                                         amazing. It’s been such a longtime coming             Cambridge trainer Tony Pike will introduce
Beer back on track                                       and I just can’t thank Mr Edmonds and Trent           punters to a colt at Ellerslie today that could
Mitch Beer is hoping a fruitful summer can               enough for the ride. She was the perfect first        one day become their darling. Pike will produce
follow a difficult period as his Albury-based            ride for an apprentice. One she jumped, put           Khufu (American Pharoah) on debut in the
stable continues to rebuild having been hit              herself there and relaxed around the turn, I          Eagle Charters 1100, hoping the youngster
hard by the impact of Covid-19. Beer’s stock             thought it’s going to need a nice horse to beat       can showcase the ability that has his trainer
had steadily grown since he relocated from               me. I’m really happy.”                                so excited about him. Pike bought the Nearco
Mornington to Albury in 2018, capitalising on                                                                  Stud-bred Khufu for NZ$150,000 at this year's
his newfound proximity to both Melbourne and             Laing’s $750 filly                                    Karaka Premier Yearling Sale out of the draft of
Sydney. However, being based on the NSW side             bound for town                                        Curraghmore and has kept up payments for the
of the border had disastrous effects when the            Bargain buy Divine Waters (Headwater) will make       colt to be eligible for January's Karaka Million
pandemic struck as he was unable to transport            her debut at Moonee Valley today or Sandown on        (RL, 1200m) at Ellerslie. "He's very promising.
horses to Victoria, where he generally prefers           Wednesday, with trainer Jack Laing excited about      He's shown us plenty of the track," Pike said.
to place his runners. As such, Beer was forced           taking the wraps off his daughter of Headwater        "He won his first trial nicely at Ruakaka then got
to send a significant number of his string to            (Exceed And Excel). Laing, whose father Robbie        stuck in the mud a bit at Matamata at his second
other trainers. “It was like we had been charged         prepared $4,000 yearling Polanski (Rakti) to win      trial. But he's a big, strong horse and he'll get
with something or been disqualified because              the 2013 Victoria Derby (Gr 1, 2500m), believes       back to a better track at Ellerslie on Saturday
I was sitting around trying to place the horses          his $750 purchase boasts ability that belies her      and barring bad luck, we think he should be
elsewhere with other trainers," Beer rold Racing.        modest price tag. "My friend actually purchased       right in the finish." Khufu, out of the stakes-
com. "I've taken a Victorian client base and             her," Laing told "He was very newly       winning, twice Group 1-placed mare Strada
moved to Albury, so a majority of my owners              getting into the breeding side of things and I'm      Cavallo (Alamosa), is part of an ownership
want to see their horses run in Melbourne                obviously pretty interested in it, so I was reeling   syndicate involving several influential owners
as opposed to Sydney. At one stage there we              off a few crosses that I liked. A day or two later    and stud farms. "He was a lovely loose walking
had 22 horses that were either in pre-training           he sent me a screenshot of the filly and I thought    yearling with plenty of size and strength about
or with other was a hard thing to          she'd go pretty cheap because Headwater hadn't        him. He's not just a two-year-old either. We
swallow and mentally it had a big impact on me           had a runner then. The hammer went down               think he'll develop into an even better horse as
at the time because it just felt like everything I       at $750 and I think it was only a month or two        he gets older," Pike said.

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#REWRITINGHISTORY                                                                              WRITTEN TYCOON
Morning Briefing - Sponsored by Woodside Park Stud                          |7|                                              Saturday, November 28, 2020

Promising three-year-old                             Hawke’s Bay, RACE, Ruakaka Racing, Otaki-             whom he won the Spring Champion Stakes
getting a Grip                                       Maori and Canterbury, who also donated                (Gr 1, 2000m) and Randwick Guineas (Gr 1,
Ballymore Stables have a big rap on three-           a second prize – a hospitality package for            1600m), Shadow Hero will face two former
year-old colt Grip (Exosphere) and they are          10 at the Winter Cup Meeting. And more                compatriots over 1400 metres when he lines
hoping he can show his class at Ellerslie            clubs are expected to join very shortly. The          up against Tourmillon Diamond (Olympic
today when he lines-up in the Trevor Eagle           New Zealand Trainers’ Association and                 Glory), an Australian Derby (Gr 1, 2400m)
Memorial (Listed, 1500m). The colt recorded          New Zealand Jockeys’ Association are also             placegetter when racing as Eric The Eel, and
his maiden victory at Pukekohe last start and        supporting the Fundraising Raceday by each            former Godolphin representative Chenier
Pam Gerard, who trains in partnership with           donating from every win on the day. The TAB           (Medaglia D’Oro), who now races as Enrich
Michael Moroney, believes he will be very            are looking at setting up a Givealittle page for      Delight. Hayes has thus far trained six winners
competitive in his first stakes assignment.          the week, and other promotions to support             in his first season back in Hong Kong, while
“We are pretty happy with him and he has             the cause.”                                           he landed the Hong Kong Derby with Elegant
shown us he has got some potential,” she said.                                                             Fashion (Danewin) in 2003.
“He pretty much did it last start on natural         NZTR to develop sustainable                           “If he’d stayed in Australia, he’d definitely
ability. He is still quite green, he has a lot to    industry blueprint                                    have been a top class weight-for-age horse
learn, but he did it easy enough. He probably        The board of New Zealand Thoroughbred                 so I’m really excited to see race and progress
got lost out in front when he got there a bit        Racing (NZTR) has announced a number of               towards some pretty big goals,’’ Hayes said of
too soon. It was a good effort.” Grip has drawn      key decisions and initiatives that were recently      Shadow Hero. “All his build up to his return
barrier 13 for Saturday and Gerard said that         agreed at its November 25 board meeting. “I’m         has been very pleasing. He’ll go second-up into
is an ideal gate for him. “It’s not the worst        excited by the options we have in front of us to      international day and next year I reckon we’ll
place for him,” she said. “He likes to get back      create a vibrant future and implement actions         see him in one of the big ones.’’
and run home. Even if he is three-wide with          to energise, excite and set up a sustainable
cover midfield, that’s not a bad place for him.”     future, in line with our own way of thinking          HK: Fast Most Furious eyes
Purchased out of Bradbury Park’s 2019 New            and considerations from the Messara Report,”          Hong Kong Mile start
Zealand Bloodstock Book 1 Yearling Sale draft        NZTR chairman Cameron George said. “Our               Fast Most Furious (Lope De Vega) will put his
for NZ$100,000, Grip is on a path towards the        priority was to ensure we continued with              Hong Kong Mile (Gr 1, 1600m) credentials on
New Zealand Derby (Gr 1, 2400m).                     Bernard Saundry as chief executive until July         show tomorrow at Sha Tin when he contests
                                                     31, 2022. This enables the board to build on          the Chevalier Cup with a start in next month’s
New Plymouth to host Rosie                           existing relationships for the greater benefit of     HK$25 million (approx. AUD$4.37 million)
Myers benefit raceday                                the industry in the short to mid-term, while a        mile, subject to his screen test this weekend.
The New Zealand racing industry will                 number of other actions are being managed             “He’s very difficult to place now - he’s still in
continue to support the recovery of injured          into place for the longer term. To have stability     the big race and the chance of him lining up
jockey Rosie Myers with a benefit raceday at         in the CEO role for a further 12 months beyond        depends on what happens this weekend,”
New Plymouth next Thursday. The popular              this racing season is sensible, and crucial for our   trainer David Hall said. “It’s hard with top-
rider has been in hospital since suffering a         industry in reaching its long-term potential.”        weight and the wide draw - it might be all a
head injury in a fall at the Foxton trials on        In addition to Saundry’s extension, the Board         little bit suspect about whether he makes it to
October 6. “Rosie is a very popular member of        resolved to undertake an organisational review        December, but we’ll see how he goes.” Hall’s
the racing community and all of the industry         of NZTR. This will include, but is not limited        chestnut is one of 13 selected to compete in
is keen to support her as she recovers,”             to, structure, capability, resource, culture, and     the Hong Kong Mile at the HK$95 million
Taranaki Racing chief executive Carey Hobbs          location.                                             (approx. AUD$16.61 million) showcase against
said. “Taranaki Racing have been inundated                                                                 a number of world heavyweights from Japan
with support for the day and are currently                                                                 and Ireland as well as fellow Hong Kong-
organising a sweepstake for racing clubs, the                                                              trained horses Beauty Generation (Road To
idea of Waikato Racing Club chief executive          HK: Shadow Hero steps out                             Rock), Golden Sixty (Medaglia d’Oro), Waikuku
Butch Castles. Each club will donate $1,000          at Sha Tin                                            (Harbour Watch) and Southern Legend (Not A
and get a number. The number with most               Dual Australian Group 1 winner Shadow                 Single Doubt). “I think it’s just a bonus that he’d
points will win a hospitality package for 20         Hero (Pierro) will make his Hong Kong debut           make the field but there is nowhere else for him
with Taranaki Racing. The Egmont Racing              for David Hayes tomorrow, with the four-              to go, so your hands are tied and you probably
Club at Hawera were the first to agree, as Rosie     year-old starting out on the path to next             have to run but racing’s a funny game - funny
is a Hawera-born lass. They were quickly             year’s Hong Kong Derby (Listed, 2000m).               things happen and there’s prize-money all the
followed by Waikato, Counties, Auckland,             Formerly trained by Mark Newnham, for                 way down to sixth place,” Hall said.

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Nomadic Nacim 'Treks' to Winterbottom - ANZ Bloodstock News
#REWRITINGHISTORY                                                                         WRITTEN TYCOON
Morning Briefing - Sponsored by Woodside Park Stud                        |8|                                           Saturday, November 28, 2020

                                                                                                       persuaded by a combination of evidence from
                                                                                                       a hair test and Murphy's own testimony that
42 for Le Havre                                                                                        he was contaminated after having sex with a
Leading French stallion Le Havre (Noverre)                                                             person he later discovered to be a user. The case
brought up his 42nd individual stakes winner                                                           recalls that of the French tennis player, Richard
on Thursday when Orglandes (4 f ex Influence                                                           Gasquet, who successfully appealed to the
by Dansili) took out the Red Carpet Handicap                                                           Court of Arbitration for Sport that he had been
(Gr 3, 11f ) at Del Mar. Prepared by America’s                                                         contaminated by a sexual partner. Murphy was
top turf trainer Chad Brown, French import                                                             unwilling to identify the person concerned
Orglandes made her first start in California                                                           and thus the disciplinary committee were left
a winning one, defeating Going To Vegas                                                                with the possibility raised by the hair test that
                                                     Zoustar                                  WIDDEN
(Goldencents) by a half-length with a further                                                          he may have taken the drug once, though he
length back to Quick (Olympic Glory) in              AUD$531,000) filly who was knocked down to        could not be considered a habitual user. France
third. The Red Carpet, formerly the Beverly          Stauffenberg Bloodstock Services having been      Galop will expect the ban to be reciprocated in
Hills Handicap and a Grade 1 at Hollywood            offered by Norris Bloodstock. The February-       other racing jurisdictions including Britain and
Park from 1988 to 2002, has been won by New          born youngster is out an unraced own-sister       Ireland and it is virtually unheard of for such
Zealand mares Happyanunoit (Yachtie) and             to US Grade 1 winner Prince Arch (Arch).          a request from a Tier 1 nation to be denied.
Black Mamba (Black Minnaloushe) in the past.         Meanwhile, Widden Stud resident Zoustar had       Murphy tested positive after riding at The Lir
However, Orglandes is the first foreign-bred         a further seven lots sold on Friday, headlined    Jet (Prince Of Lir) at Chantilly on July 19. In
mare to take the feature since Japanese Group 1      by a 150,000gns (approx. AUD$285,000) colt        response to the ban, Murphy said: “Whilst I am
winner Nuovo Record swept past her American          from dual Group 1 winner La Collina (Strategic    obviously disappointed that I will still have to
rivals in 2016. Le Havre stands for €40,000          Prince). She went the way of Paca Paca Farm       serve a three-month suspension, I am pleased
(approx. AUD$64,600) at Montfort et Preaux,          having been offered by Kenilworth House Stud.     the commissioners accepted the evidence
now under the Sumbe banner, in 2021.                 Read tomorrow’s ANZ Bloodstock for the full       presented and am hugely relieved to have been
                                                     report on Friday’s session at Park Paddocks.      cleared of taking cocaine. I respect the rules of
UK: Warrior and                                                                                        France Galop, respect their decision and will
Zoustar continue                                     UK: Oisin Murphy                                  not be appealing.”
fine run at Tattersalls                              receives three-month
As highlighted in today’s International Sales        ban after French cocaine
News, Saxon Warrior (Deep Impact) and                positive upheld
Zoustar (Northern Meteor) made an instant            Oisin Murphy has been banned for three
impact with their first foals in the Tattersalls     months by France Galop stewards following a
sales ring on Thursday, and the duo built on that    positive urine test for metabolites of cocaine.
success with a number of eye-catching lots on        The dual champion jockey in Britain, who has
Friday. Coolmore shuttler Saxon Warrior was          decided not to appeal against the decision,
responsible for the second highest-priced lot at     would ordinarily have been looking at a six-
                                                                                                       Oisin Murphy                          RACING POST
the time of going to press, a 280,000gns (approx.    month suspension, but the stewards were

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International Sales News                                                    |9|                                               Saturday, November 28, 2020

Warrior and Zoustar to the fore
as Stars shines on day two at Tattersalls

            irst season shuttlers Saxon Warrior
            (Deep     Impact)      and      Zoustar
            (Northern Meteor) proved popular
            with buyers during the second
session of the Tattersalls December Foal Sale
on Thursday, with both stallions returning
impressive results.
    Coolmore resident Saxon Warrior had four
colts sold for an average 100,750gns (approx.
AUD$192,000), which included a 160,000gns
(approx.    AUD$304,000)        Highclere     Stud-
consigned youngster who went the way of Camas
Park Stud. The same buyer returned with a bid of
100,000gns (approx. AUD$190,000) for a colt from
Alltherightmoves (Namid) later in the session.
    Meanwhile, Widden Stud resident Zoustar
had nine youngsters sold for 409,000gns
(approx. AUD$776,500), including two six-
                                                      A busy session at Tattersalls saw 11 foals make six figures                                    LAURA GREEN
figure lots. A colt from Plantation Stud went
the way of Yeomanstown Stud for 110,000gns                Hindsight often bathes an auction                this spring having covered 97 mares at a fee of
(approx. AUD$209,000) shortly after Tweenhills        success in a more favourable light but               $24,750 in 2019.
Farm & Stud, Zoustar’s northern hemisphere            auctioneer Alastair Pim had assessed that                Foals are on offer here in various stages
base, offered a son of the well-related               Lot 603 was a hard horse to find fault with          of physical development and this individual
Bewitchment (Pivotal) for 100,000gns (approx.         during his warm-up routine and good                  seemed well on track to become a perfectly-
AUD$190,000).                                         judges clearly agreed.                               formed racehorse, with a mature temperament
    The exceptional Sea The Stars (Cape Cross),           He provided enough of a persuasive case          to boot.
sire of Stradivarius, Taghrooda and Sea Of Class,     for Timmy Hyde of Camas Park Stud, bidding               "I think there'd been a very good vibe about the
was responsible for the 170,000gns (approx.           from an increasingly chilly position outside the     horse, as indeed I think it has been of all the Saxon
AUD$323,000) session topper as the day two            entrance to the auditorium as the afternoon          Warriors," said Highclere's Lady Carolyn Warren.
median of 25,000gns (approx. AUD$47,500)              sun faded away, to claim the son of Listed           "I think he’s getting great stock and this horse is
and average of 33,888gns (approx. AUD$64,500)         scorer Aktoria (Canford Cliffs) as a pinhooking      testament to that, but there are others as well."
had dropped a little year-on-year.                    prospect for next year.                                  Highclere has only resumed selling foals
    Turnover was also down, 7,014,800gns                  "He was a hell of a racehorse. One of the best   recently and Warren credited Leonidas and
(approx.    AUD$13,320,000)       compared       to   racehorses for many, many years," said Hyde of       Marina Marinopoulos, who bred the colt in
8,532,700gns grossed 12 months ago, although          Saxon Warrior, an intriguing 2,000 Guineas (Gr       France. Aktoria carried their starred silks made
the clearance rate was up five per cent to 84.        1, 1m)-winning mix of Deep Impact (Sunday            famous by the likes of globe-trotting Presvis
                                                      Silence) and Galileo (Sadler’s Wells) blood who      (Sakhee).
Saxon begins the advance                              will stand for €20,000 (approx. AUD$32,500) at           "He came over to us from Marmion, the
    There were glowing commendations from             Coolmore next year.                                  Marinopoulos's stud farm - he was born lovely
senior parties on each side of the transaction            Having also won the Racing Post Trophy           and has been very straightforward to prep. A
which saw a member of the dual Group 1 winner         (Gr 1, 1m) at two, Saxon Warrior is standing at      really gorgeous horse. They are tremendous
Saxon Warrior's first crop reach 160,000gns, top      Coolmore Australia for a fee of $17,600 in 2020.     breeders who have been in the game for a very
lot for the vast majority of the day.                 His first southern hemisphere foals will be born     long time," Warren added.

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Nomadic Nacim 'Treks' to Winterbottom - ANZ Bloodstock News
International Sales News                                                | 10 |                                            Saturday, November 28, 2020

Zoustar spearheads
Tweenhills newcomers
    Two more new stallion names to this ring
were representing Tweenhills, through the late
Roaring Lion (Kitten’s Joy) and dual Group
1 winner Zoustar, who has made a striking
impression with his first southern hemisphere
runners. The reigning Australian champion first
and second season sire has produced 16 stakes
winners, including three-time Group 1 heroine
    These are the first crop of northern
hemisphere-bred foals to be offered at auction
by Zoustar, who was introduced to northern
hemisphere breeders at £25,000 (approx.
AUD$45,200) when standing at Tweenhills           Lot 718, a Sea The Stars colt, topped the day at 170,000gns                                   LAURA GREEN
in 2019. He will once again be offered at that
fee in 2021 having stood for £30,000 (approx.     operation had what Gerard Lowry described            winner Good Vibes (Due Diligence) to Paca
AUD$54,200) this year.                            as a "life-changing" pinhook with a Sea The          Paca’s Harry Sweeney for 130,000gns (approx.
    The colt from the Tweenhills draft out of     Stars colt bought for 330,000gns as a foal and       AUD$247,500).
Pivotal (Polar Falcon) mare Bewitchment had       exchanged for 725,000gns as a yearling.                  "I can’t believe someone from Japan wants to
kept the stud's David Redvers particularly            "The technology is there to be used, it was      buy from a stallion I’m standing for £6,000," said
busy before being bought over the phone for       nice to try it out," said Lowry.                     an emotional Ed Harper of Whitsbury Manor.
100,000gns by David Howden.                           "The horse was our pick of the day.                  "There is a slight tinge of sadness that I'm not
    "I don't think we've ever had a foal vetted   Obviously when you've been lucky with a sire         going to see him race here as I've just stared at
so many times," Redvers said. Howden, an          in the past, it's hard not to go back to them and    him ever since he was born but I can't complain."
insurance tycoon who has taken over the           hopefully we can bring this one back next year
Cornbury Park estate in Oxfordshire, also added   now."                                                Eyes on the Tiger
the highest-priced of the three Roaring Lions         Although consigned by Newsells Park,                 Jessica Marcialis created one of the stories of
offered for 82,000gns (approx. AUD$155,500).      the January 30-born colt was the property of         the season when galloping to Marcel Boussac (Gr
    "He saw all the foals on the farm and         Graham Smith-Bernal, an entrepreneur in              1, 1600m) glory aboard Tiger Tanaka (Clodovil),
particularly loved those two," said Redvers. "I   ground-breaking legal technology.                    the first foal of Zoffany (Dansili) mare Miss
didn't know at what level he was interested but       Newsells Park's Julian Dollar said: "Graham      Phillyjinks, who was let go for just €6,500.
he got into racing two years ago and these ones   Smith-Bernal bought the mare from Kiltinan               One Group 1 update later and the bonuses
will run in his colours."                         three years ago with Jill Lamb [for 350,000gns]      are starting to be reciprocated for Kellsgrange
                                                  and the Frankel yearling sold well to Godolphin      Stud,   who     collected    72,000gns     (approx.
Sea The Stars steals                              last year.                                           AUD$136,500) from their next progeny, a colt
the headlines                                         "He's quite new to the game and is someone       by Dragon Pulse (Kyllachy), who will make his
    Sea The Stars has already provided a          good to have around. He boards a few mares           way across the Channel after being knocked
professional highlight for Gerard Lowry of        with us and I hope he has some luck."                down to Ed Sackville of SackvilleDonald.
Oneliner Stables, who caught a few by surprise        Oneliner later swooped for a 140,000gns              He said: "He's been bought by an end user
when slipping in to buy another colt by the       (approx. AUD$265,700) Camelot (Montjeu)              and is more likely to go to France because the
stallion great for 170,000gns late in the day.    colt from Belmont Stud, third top lot and one        family has done well there. It has been a great
    The Newsells Park-consigned Lot 718, out of   of 11 to crack six figures in what was a flurry of   story with Tiger Tanaka, she's a Group 1 winner
Dubawi (Dubai Millennium) mare La Mortola         evening activity.                                    and you don't get better than that."
from the family of Jakkalberry (Storming                                                                   "A great result for a mare that was bought
Home) and Crackerjack King (Shamardal),           Big day for new name Havana                          for €3,500," said Kellsgrange manager Dermot
was announced as being knocked down to an             There had been a good word about for one         Dwan. "The mare's in foal to the right stallion
online bidder, as it indeed was, but Lowry was    of the first progeny of Havana Grey (Havana          in Mehmas."
nonetheless in situ in Park Paddocks.             Gold), whose home at Whitsbury Manor sold                Read tomorrow’s ANZ Bloodstock for the
    At Book 1 last year, the Oneliner family      a half-brother to Cornwallis Stakes (Gr 3, 5f )      full report on Friday’s session at Park Paddocks.

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Your Essential Read                                                                  | 11 |                                                 Saturday, November 28, 2020

TWITTER:                                                    TWITTER:                                                    TWITTER:
GAI WATERHOUSE                                              DYNAMIC SYNDICATIONS                                        COUNTRY RACING
@GAIWATERHOUSE1                                             @DYNAMIC_WONIT                                              @COUNTRY_RACING
And that’s a wrap final parade @CoolmoreAus                 WOW CONSTANZIA (Pierro x Mafia Miss)                        Vungers caps off a remarkable couple of
this AM to top off a big week of @mmsnippets                scores 5️⃣th WIN from 11 starts thanks                      months winning the Wodonga Cup. Trained
yearling inspections in Scone. An impeccable                to Top Ride by our ‘Go-To’ Gun Jockey @                     by Brendon Hearps and ridden by Zac
catalogue & plenty of value to be found.                    reith_christian aboard our Jason Deamer                     Spain. Congratulations to all connections.
Looking forward to January. Pictured Below >>               well trained Newcastle based mare in R8 @                   #CountryRacing. Pictured Below >>
                                                            thebrookracing Becoming Our 680th WIN
                                                            Overall & WIN #26 for season Thanks Team.
                                                            Pictured Below >>

---------------------------------------------------------                                                               TWITTER:
TWITTER:                                                                                                                LIME COUNTRY
EDMONDS RACING                                              ---------------------------------------------------------   @LIMECOUNTRYAU
@EDMONDSRACING                                              TWITTER:                                                    Early morning down at the dam, bit of Friday
@ZacLloydx first ever post race debrief for                 WENDY PEEL                                                  Fight Club about to kick off over to the side.
owners @GCTurfClub @nicolalloyd8 @                          @PEELWENDY                                                  This is how and where the Lime Country stock
AquisFarm @GleesonTbreds @NewgateFarm                       Getting closer to coming back! Thankyou Jeff                that will be offered @mmsnippets & @inglis_
@mmsnippets. Pictured Below >>                              McKay for helping me out! 10 days! @racing_                 sales in 2021 were raised #limecountrylife
                                                            qld. Pictured Below >>                                      #roomtorun. Pictured Below >>

---------------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------

                                  ARDEX ESSENTIALS
                                  OUR CORE FEATURES,
                                  IN    A NEW WEB-BASED PACKAGE.
                                  Streamlined and simple.

                                                                                     | 11 |                                             Brought to you by
2020/21 Global Sales Dates                                                                                      | 12 |                                         Saturday, November 28, 2020

        DATE                                                          AUCTION HOUSE         COUNTRY (STATE) SALE                                  TYPE                         ENTRIES CLOSE
        Wed 25th-Sat 28th Nov 2020                                    Tattersalls           UK                 December Sale (Weanlings)          Weanling                             CLOSED
        Mon 30th Nov - Thu 3rd Dec 2020 Tattersalls                                         UK                 December Sale (Breeding Stock)     Breeding Stock                       CLOSED
        Tue 1st – Mon 7th Dec 2020                                  NZ                 Thoroughbred 7 December auction    Mixed                         CLOSE NOV 30
        Friday 4th December 2020                                      Goffs UK              UK                 December HiT Sale                  HiT
        Friday 4th December 2020                                      Goffs UK              UK                 December HiT Sale                  HiT
        Sat 5th-Tue 8th December 2020                                 Arqana                France             Breeding Stock Sale                Foals & Breeding Stock               CLOSED
        Mon 7th-Tue 8th December 2020 Fasig-Tipton                                          USA                Saratoga Fall & Midlantic Sale     Mixed                                CLOSED
                TUE 8TH -                                             MAGIC MILLIONS AUSTRALIA                 DECEMBER ONLINE SALE               MIXED                           CLOSE DEC 2
                THU 10TH DEC 2020                                     ONLINE
                 JULY 24 -29 ONLINE SALE

                 Featuring broodmares, yearlings and racing stock.                                                                                MIXED                    CLOSE DECEMBER 9
                - WED 16TH DEC 2020
                           Catalogue available at

        Tue 15th – Mon 21st Dec 2020                                NZ                 Thoroughbred 21 December auction   Mixed                           CLOSE DEC 14
        Wed 16th December 2020                                        Tattersalls Ireland   Ireland            Flat Foal & Breeding Stock Sale    Weanlings & Breeding Stock
        Fri 18th-Sun 20th December 2020 Goffs                                               Ireland            November Foal Sale                 Weanling                             CLOSED
        Monday 21st December 2020                                     Goffs                 Ireland            Breeding Stock Sale                Breeding Stock
        Tue 29th Dec – Mon 4th Jan 2021                                      NZ                 Thoroughbred 4 January auction     Mixed                           CLOSE DEC 28
        Tue 12th-Wed 13th Jan 2021                                    Goffs                 Ireland            Autumn Yearling Sale               Yearling                             CLOSED
        Mon 11th-Thu 14th January 2021                                Keeneland             USA                January horses of all ages sale    Mixed
        Tue 12th-Wed 13th January 2021                                Goffs                 Ireland            Autumn Yearling Sale               Yearling                             CLOSED
        Tues 12th – Mon 18th Jan 2021                               NZ                 Thoroughbred 18 January auction    Mixed                            CLOSE JAN 11
                TUE 12TH -         MAGIC MILLIONS                                           AUSTRALIA (QLD)    GOLD COAST YEARLING SALE           YEARLING                            CLOSED
                MON 18TH JAN 2021

                SUNDAY 24TH          NEW ZEALAND NZ                                                            KARAKA 2021: NATIONAL YEARLING     YEARLING                            CLOSED
                - TUES 26TH JAN 2020 BLOODSTOCK		                                                              SALES SERIES, BOOK 1

                WED 27TH -          NEW ZEALAND NZ                                                             KARAKA 2021: NATIONAL YEARLING     YEARLING                            CLOSED
                THURS 28TH JAN 2020 BLOODSTOCK		                                                               SALES SERIES, BOOK 2

        Tues 26th Jan – Mon 1st Feb 2021                                     NZ                 Thoroughbred 1 February auction    Mixed                           CLOSE JAN 25
        Thu 4th - Fri 5th Feburary 2021                               Tattersalls           UK                 February Sale                      Mixed
                SUN 7TH -        INGLIS AUSTRALIA, (NSW) CLASSIC YEARLING SALE                                                                    YEARLING                            CLOSED
                TUES 9TH FEB 2021

        Mon 8th-Tue 9th February 2021                                 Fasig-Tipton          USA                Kentucky Winter Mixed              Mixed
                WED 15TH             MAGIC MILLIONS                                         AUSTRALIA, (WA)    PERTH YEARLING SALE                YEARLING                            CLOSED
                - TUE 16TH FEB 2021

                MON 22ND       MAGIC MILLIONS                                               AUSTRALIA, (TAS)   TASMANIA YEARLING SALE             YEARLING                            CLOSED
                FEBRUARY 2021

                SUN 28TH FEB -   INGLIS AUSTRALIA, (VIC) MELBOURNE PREMIER SALE                                                                   YEARLING                            CLOSED
                TUES 2ND MAR 2021

                TUE 9TH -          MAGIC MILLIONS                                           AUSTRALIA, (SA)    ADELAIDE YEARLING SALE             YEARLING                     CLOSING NOV 6
                WED 10TH MAR 2021

                MON 15TH -       MAGIC MILLIONS AUSTRALIA, (QLD) GOLD COAST MARCH                                                                 YEARLING                     CLOSING NOV 6
                TUE 16TH MAR 2021			                             YEARLING SALE

        Monday 29th March 2021                                        Fasig-Tipton          USA                The Gulfstream Sale                2YO
                TUES 6TH -        INGLIS AUSTRALIA, NSW                                                        AUSTRALIAN EASTER YEARLING                                             CLOSED
                WED 7TH APRIL 2021			                                                                          YEARLING SALE

        Mon 12th-Tue 13th April 2021                                  Tattersalls           UK                 Craven Breeze Up Sale              2YO
        Thu 29th-Fri 30th April 2021                                  Tattersalls           UK                 Guineas Breeze Up & HiT Sale       2YO, HiT
                SUN 2ND -                                             INGLIS                AUSTRALIA (NSW) HTBA MAY YEARLING SALE                YEARLING                            CLOSED
                MON 3RD MAY 2021

                SUN 16TH -                                            INGLIS                AUSTRALIA (VIC)    MELBOURNE GOLD SALE                YEARLING                            CLOSED
                MAY 2021

        Mon 17th-Tue 18th May 2021                                    Fasig-Tipton          USA                Midlantic 2YOs In Training         2YO

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2020/21 Global Sales Dates                                              | 13 |                                                  Saturday, November 28, 2020

   DATE                             AUCTION HOUSE   COUNTRY (STATE) SALE                                       TYPE                         ENTRIES CLOSE
           WED 2ND -        MAGIC MILLIONS AUSTRALIA (QLD)          NATIONAL YEARLING SALE                     MIXED                        CLOSE MAR 12
           FRI 4TH JUN 2021

   Wednesday 14th June 2021         Goffs           UK             The London Sale                             Mixed
   Wednesday 21st June 2021         Fasig-Tipton    USA            Santa Anita 2YOs In Training                2YO
   Mon 5th-Fri 9th July 2021        Tattersalls     UK             July Sale                                   Breeding Stock, HiT
   Monday 12th July 2021            Fasig-Tipton    USA            July Selected Horses of Racing Age          2YO
   Tue 13th-Wed 14th July 2021      Fasig-Tipton    USA            The July Sale                               Yearling
   Mon 9th-Tue 10th August 2021     Fasig-Tipton    USA            The Saratoga Sale                           Yearling
   Sun 15th-Mon 16th August 2021    Fasig-Tipton    USA            New York Bred Yearlings                     Yearling
   Mon 30th Aug-Thu 2nd Sep 2021 Tattersalls        UK             August Sale                                 Breeding Stock, HiT
   Saturday 11th September 2021     Goffs           Ireland        Champions Sale                              Mixed
   Tue 28th-Wed 29th Septe 2021     Goffs           Ireland        Orby Sale                                   Yearling
   Thu 30th Sep-Fri 1st Oct 2021    Goffs           Ireland        Sportsmans Sale                             Yearling
   Mon 4th-Tue 5th October 2021     Fasig-Tipton    USA            Midlantic Fall Yearlings                    Yearling
   Tue 5th-Thu 7th October 2021     Tattersalls     UK             October Yearling Sale Book 1                Yearling
   Mon 11th-Wed 13th October 2021   Tattersalls     UK             October Yearling Sale Book 2                Yearling
   Thu 14th-Sat 16th October 2021   Tattersalls     UK             October Yearling Sale Books 3&4             Yearling
   Monday 18th October 2021         Fasig-Tipton    USA            The Saratoga Fall Sale                      Breeding Stock, Weanlings
   Sun 25th-Wed 28th October 2021 Fasig-Tipton      USA            Kentucky October Yearlings                  Yearling
   Sun 25th-Thu 29th October 2021 Tattersalls       UK             Autumn HiT Sale                             HiT
   Sun 1st-Tue 3rd November 2021    Goffs           Ireland        Horses in Training & Autumn Yearling Sale   Mixed
   Tuesday 9th November 2021        Fasig-Tipton    USA            The November Sale                           Breeding Stock
   Sun 14th-Sun 21st November 2021 Goffs            Ireland        November Sale                               Breeding Stock, Weanlings
   Mon 22nd Nov-Thu 2nd Dec 2021 Tattersalls        UK             December Sale                               Mixed
   Tuesday 7th December 2021        Fasig-Tipton    USA            Midlantic DecMixed and Horses of Racing Age Mixed

                                                              IT’S IN
                                         THE BLOOD

                                            Every Thursday

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Race Results | sponsored by Magic Millions                              | 14 |                                          Saturday, November 28, 2020

METROPOLITAN MEETINGS                                                        R3: Tab Mdn Plate, $50000, 1250m.
                                                                             1. TYCOONIST (AUS) (3 b g Written Tycoon (AUS) - Doubtfilly
CANTERBURY (NSW)                                             Good(4)             (AUS)).
R1: Hyland Race Colours Mdn Plate, $50000, 1550m.                                O: Millsy (Mgr: Mrs C D Flower), Jadeskye (Mgr: D W Flower), Nick
1. SO UNITED (AUS) (3 b g So You Think (NZ) - Maglissa (AUS)).                   Vass Bloodstock (Mgr: N Vass), P R Gould, R E Collins, T A Collins,
   O: Blueblood Thoroughbreds, B B T Maglissa No.2, Mrs D A Loreto,              B P Mullins, Ms D R Keegan, T C Hope & Mrs R J Hope
   Mrs L Lewis, S H Ly, S H Farrell, Kingstoqueens Racing, V G Harink, D         B: B 2 B Bloodstock T: C J Waller J: N Rawiller
   J Price, P P Crossley, J Zammit, T C Delahunty, D Kavanagh, J Hicks           $750,000, Magic Millions Gold Coast Yearling Sale 2019
   & A Singh B: Fitzwood Pty Ltd T: G Waterhouse & A Bott J: B Avdulla           V: Newhaven Park P: Jadeskye Racing / Brad Widdup Racing
   $190,000, Magic Millions Gold Coast Yearling Sale 2019 V: Valiant         2. Jesse James (NZ) (4 b g Reliable Man (GB) - Etah (NZ)).
   Stud P: Blueblood T/breds/Andy Williams B/stock                               T: Annabel Neasham J: Tommy Berry
2. Kouklara (AUS) (3 b f Prince Cheri (FR) - If We Must (AUS)).              3. Ayemgee (AUS) (3 ch f Deep Field (AUS) - Anjea (AUS)).
   T: C Karakatsanis J: Rachel King                                              T: M, W & J Hawkes J: J B Mc Donald
3. Moremi (AUS) (3 b f Dundeel (NZ) - Mokoro (AUS)).                         Margins: 1.8 lens, 0.1 lens. Time: 1:12.28 (last 600m 35.01).
   T: Richard Litt J: K Mc Evoy                                              Betting: $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
Margins: 3.5 lens, 0.2 lens. Time: 1:31.94 (last 600m 35.90).
Betting: $7.00, $17.00, $3.00.                                               Then followed: Invincible Jet (AUS), Volterra (AUS), Geist (AUS) & Ruru
                                                                                 (AUS), last.
Then followed: Segal (AUS), Karlstad (NZ), Harapan (AUS) & Kellers
   Shelter (AUS), last.                                                      R4: Anz Bloodstock News (Bm72), $50000, 1900m.
                                                                             1. KUTAYHA (NZ) (4 br g Savabeel (AUS) - Mohegan Sky (USA)).
R2: Schweppes Mdn Hcp, $50000, 1100m.                                            O: N Morgan
1. LA FORET (AUS) (3 b f Deep Field (AUS) - Najaah (AUS)).                       T: C J Waller J: J B Mc Donald
   O: Ms P A Bourke, T Georgis & Mrs R P Kelly                               2. Harpo Marx (IRE) (4 b g Galileo (IRE) - Nechita (AUS)).
   B: Dartbrook Downs Thoroughbred T: G Waterhouse & A Bott J:                   B: Orpendale, Wynatt & Chelston
   Tim Clark $90,000, Inglis Melbourne Premier Yearling Sale 2019                T: Bjorn Baker J: Rachel King
   V: Maluka Thoroughbreds P: Gai Waterhouse Racing & Adrian Bott                60,000 gns, Tattersalls Autumn Horses-in-Training Sale 2019
   Racing $42,000, Inglis Great Southern Weanling & Bloodstock                   V: Ballydoyle Stables, Ireland (A. O’Brien) P: De Burgh Equine /
   Sale 2018 V: Glastonbury Farms P: Tony Vasil Training Services                Darby Racing
2. Virgo (AUS) (3 ch f Zoustar (AUS) - Imanana (AUS)).                       3. Bobby Dee (NZ) (5 b g Zed (NZ) - Adriatico (NZ)).
   B: Mr B Lindsay T: James Cummings J: K Mc Evoy NZ$600,000,                    B: Jomara Bloodstock Ltd, Auckland, T: Bjorn Baker J: Tom Sherry
   New Zealand Bloodstock National Yearling Sale 2019 V: Cambridge           Margins: 0.4 lens, 0.5 lens. Time: 1:56.34 (last 600m 35.47).
   Stud P: Godolphin                                                         Betting: $2.30, $5.50, $4.50.
3. Wild Wind (AUS) (3 b g I Am Invincible (AUS) - Your Life Style (AUS)).
   B: Blake Sandblom Pty Ltd T: M, W & J Hawkes J: Tommy Berry               Then followed: He’s A Given (AUS), Glamour Fox (AUS), Time Raid
   $600,000, Inglis Easter Yearling Sale 2019 V: Newgate Farm P:                 (AUS), Defy (AUS) & Love Shack Baby (AUS), last.
   Hawkes Racing
Margins: 2.3 lens, 0.1 lens. Time: 1:03.77 (last 600m 34.23).
Betting: $2.50, $4.50, $5.50.

Then followed: Supremo (AUS) & Tight Ropes (AUS), last.

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Race Results | sponsored by Magic Millions                                    | 15 |                                          Saturday, November 28, 2020

R5: Ranvet (Bm72), $50000, 1250m.                                                  R7: Kia Evening Star (Bm78), $80000, 1250m.
1. SELBUROSE (AUS) (3 b f I Am Invincible (AUS) - Rose Pattern                     1. CHARRETERA (AUS) (5 b g Epaulette (AUS) - Chula Vista (AUS)).
   (AUS)). O: G Harvey B: Mr G Harvey T: C J Waller J: N Rawiller                      O: Triple Crown Syndications. (Mgr: C H Ward), Darcy Rudd Racing
2. Maggie Miss (AUS) (5 b/br m Medaglia D’oro (USA) - Rekindled                        Groveleets Racing, S M & B J Williams Racing, Rashini, Mrs S
   Glory (AUS)).                                                                       J Hughes, C S Hughes, S Roache, C Dawes, W Haddrick, B C
   B: G S A Bloodstock Pty Ltd T: G Waterhouse & A Bott J: B Avdulla                   Newman, A J Prince, B Pitt, S W Brown, M R Wassnig, M D Candy,
   $180,000, Inglis Sydney Easter Yearling Sale 2017                                   J Flood, E J
   V: Bhima Thoroughbreds P: Gai Waterhouse / Adrian Bott                              B: Mr IK Smith T: P & P Snowden J: Tommy Berry
3. Leave Me Some (AUS) (5 br m Time Thief (AUS) - Little Miss Clang (AUS)).            $6,500, Inglis Digital August Sale 2020
   T: Grant Marshall J: Ms L Day                                                       V: Owners P: Adrian Grantham
Margins: 3.3 lens, 1.5 lens. Time: 1:12.38 (last 600m 34.20).                          $55,000, Inglis Classic Yearling Sale 2017
Betting: $1.70, $5.00, $9.00.                                                          V: Edinburgh Park P: Triple Crown Syndications
                                                                                   2. Liberty Sun (AUS) (5 br/bl g Statue Of Liberty (USA) - Sunkita
Then followed: Oksal (AUS), Speed And Style (AUS), Miss Twilight                       (AUS)).
   (AUS) & Micks New Chick (AUS), last.                                                B: Mr JC McNair T: G Mcfarlane J: Brock Ryan
                                                                                   3. Catapult (AUS) (5 br g Medaglia D’oro (USA) - Tactless (AUS)).
                                                                                       B: Darley T: Richard Litt J: N Rawiller
                                                                                       $17,500, Magic Millions National Racehorse Sale 2019
                                                                                       V: Godolphin P: Glenn & Viive Williams
                                                                                   Margins: 0.1 lens, 0.3 lens. Time: 1:12.51 (last 600m 35.41).
R6: Bowermans Furniture (Bm72), $50000, 1200m.                                     Betting: $6.00, $4.30, $8.00.
1. LANCASTER BOMBER (AUS) (5 br/bl g Denman (AUS) -
   Christmas Lily (AUS)).                                                          Then followed: Zouologist (AUS), Ruthless Agent (NZ), Coolotta (AUS),
   O: Mrs L C Litt, R J Litt, B R Mcewan, T M Harrison, P D Hubbard,                   Isorich (AUS) & Phoenix Global (AUS), last.
   T Mccall, D J Patterson, C Feld, Mrs D E Patterson, A J Jones,
   I Hamilton, D Van Reyk, W A Wicks, R J Bowdler, J Reilly, Ms D                  R8: Iron Jack (Bm72), $50000, 1550m.
   Rassack, M K Barlow, J Foxe, 10 Senoritas 5 (Mgr: Mrs L M Gilbert)              1. BOB’S YOUR UNCLE (AUS) (4 b g Uncle Mo (USA) - Hot Flash
   B: Mr G Harvey T: Richard Litt J: N Rawiller                                        (AUS)).
   $30,000, Magic Millions National Yearling Sale 2017                                 O: Ms Ke Harding, Ms I Miller, Mrs M S Thornett, Mrs M Scott, A
   V: Baramul Stud P: Litt Racing                                                      A Macdonald, Ms D A Arnold, Ms L M Holmes, T Rimmeld, Mrs
2. Crafty Tycoon (AUS) (8 b/br g Written Tycoon (AUS) - Goldcraft (AUS)).              C J Mclean, Mrs C M Johnstone, J W Kean, Dr M J Nelligan, C J
   B: Northern Lodge Stud T: David Pfieffer J: Tim Clark                               Dawson, C G B Miller, H Cowan & C Carmody
   $77,500, Magic Millions Gold Coast Yearling Sale 2014                               B: Ms K Harding T: Craig Carmody J: Ms K O’hara
   V: Gainsborough Lodge P: Karakatsanis Racing                                    2. Merlinite (AUS) (5 br m Pierro (AUS) - Street Groove (AUS)).
   $8,500, Inglis Great Southern Bloodstock & Weanling Sale 2013                       B: G S A Bloodstock Pty Ltd T: J A O’shea J: Tom Sherry
   V: Northern Lodge P: Brisbane BStk                                                  $55,000, Magic Millions Gold Coast Yearling Sale 2017
3. Ranges (AUS) (4 ch g Shooting To Win (AUS) - I Believe (AUS)).                      V: Bhima Thoroughbreds P: Domeland
   B: Est DW Storey T: P & P Snowden J: Tommy Berry                                3. Criminal Code (AUS) (4 gr/br g Maschino (AUS) - Pale (AUS)).
   $140,000, Magic Millions Gold Coast Yearling Sale 2018                              B: Mr AJ Anderson T: C J Waller J: Tommy Berry
   V: Baramul Stud P: Triple Crown Syndications                                    Margins: 0.5 lens, 0.1 lens. Time: 1:31.45 (last 600m 36.49).
   $100,000, Magic Millions National Weanling Sale 2017                            Betting: $15.00, $21.00, $5.50.
   V: Rothwell Park P: PAT Equine
Margins: 1.8 lens, 1 len. Time: 1:09.46 (last 600m 35.33).                         Then followed: Donandkim (AUS), Sophomore (AUS), Miss Jenny
Betting: $4.50, $31.00, $5.00.                                                         (AUS), Sea Echo (AUS), Private Cheetah (AUS) & Star Karen (AUS),
Then followed: Super Contender (GB), Newtown Is Coming (AUS),
                                                                                                      LINK US TO YOUR
   Ambleve (AUS), Deploys Alone (AUS) & Bulala (AUS), last.
                                                                                                        INSTAGRAM POSTS FOR
Denman’sthe speed sire with a                                                                          A CHANCE TO FEATURE ON

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Race Results | sponsored by Magic Millions                                  | 16 |                                             Saturday, November 28, 2020

TAB MEETINGS                                                                     R7: Tab Federal, $34000, 1400m.
                                                                                 1. UPPER HOUSE (AUS) (br g 6 Zariz (AUS) - Bureaucratese (AUS)).
CANBERRA (ACT)                                                  Good(4)              T: N F Gardner J: Ms J Taylor
R1: Huon Hcp, $20000, 1000m.                                                     2. Balonne (AUS) (b g 7 Casino Prince (AUS) - Muppets (AUS)).
1. VOLCANIC ROCK (AUS) (b/br c 2 Hinchinbrook (AUS) - Heat Of                    3. Scarleo (AUS) (b g 4 Helmet (AUS) - Pillow Talk (AUS)).
   The Fire (AUS)).                                                              Margins: 0.8 lens, 0.3 lens. Time: 1:22.92 (last 600m 34.63).
   T: G Waterhouse & A Bott J: L Magorrian
2. Belle O’ballee (AUS) (b f 2 Star Witness (AUS) - Sagrada (NZ)).               R8: Allinsure (C1), $22000, 1600m.
3. Wilsons Prom (AUS) (ch c 2 Xtravagant (NZ) - Emphatically (AUS)).             1. POST FREE (AUS) (b m 4 Olympic Glory (IRE) - Jarilee (NZ)).
Margins: 0.2 lens, 0.5 lens. Time: 58.90 (last 600m 34.00).                          T: D A Williams J: B Mc Dougall
                                                                                 2. Nu Jiang (AUS) (b g 3 Headwater (AUS) - Prison Rules (AUS)).
R2: Marcus Quinlivan Oam Mem. Mdn, $22000, 1000m.                                3. Upscale (NZ) (b m 5 Tavistock (NZ) - Precious (NZ)).
1. EMMA’S GIFT (AUS) (b f 3 Delago Deluxe (AUS) - De Prima                       Margins: 0.2 lens, 0.2 lens. Time: 1:36.85 (last 600m 34.12).
   Ballerina (NZ)).
   T: K R Dryden J: B Mc Dougall                                                 CRANBOURNE (VIC)                                                Good(4)
2. Northernero (AUS) (b g 4 Kaphero (AUS) - Bazaruto (AUS)).                     R1: Browns Sawdust & Shavings Mdn, $35000, 1500m.
3. Princess Of Meydan (AUS) (b f 3 Pride Of Dubai (AUS) - Mrs Kipling (IRE)).    1. SHY PIPPA (AUS) (b f 3 Fiorente (IRE) - Jasmine Rose (AUS)).
Margins: 0.1 lens, 1 len. Time: 58.59 (last 600m 33.79).                             T: J P Salanitri J: Michael Poy
                                                                                 2. Lonhgoal (AUS) (br f 3 Lonhro (AUS) - Becerra (AUS)).
R3: Riverview Projects Hcp (C1), $20000, 1000m.                                  3. Midnight Rambler (AUS) (b g 3 Love Conquers All (AUS) - Enemy
1. CUBMAN (AUS) (b g 4 Mahisara (AUS) - Iona Lion (AUS)).                            Dragline (AUS)).
   T: Ms A Turner J: Ms J Taylor                                                 Margins: 0.4 lens, 1.3 lens. Time: 1:33.05.
2. Fountain Of Youth (AUS) (b m 4 Turffontein (AUS) - Lassetoile
   (AUS)).                                                                       R2: Dirt Rock Civil Mdn Plate, $35000, 1300m.
3. Nuremburg Castle (AUS) (br g 4 Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) -                     1. AYAHUASCA (AUS) (b f 3 Tavistock (NZ) - Sussex Dancer (IRE)).
   Opulence Start (AUS)).                                                            T: M Price & M Kent Jnr J: M J Dee
Margins: 0.5 lens, 0.2 lens. Time: 57.96 (last 600m 33.96).                      2. Mighty Feat (NZ) (ch g 4 Per Incanto (USA) - On Yer Feet (NZ)).
                                                                                 3. Eddie’s Choice (AUS) (b g 3 Hinchinbrook (AUS) - Lady Cat (CHI)).
R4: Trevor Brogan Memorial (Bm60), $20000, 1200m.                                Margins: 0.8 lens, 1.5 lens. Time: 1:18.28.
1. FUSCA (AUS) (br m 5 Delago Deluxe (AUS) - Lady Ice (AUS)).
   T: Joseph Ible J: A B Collett                                                 R3: Designer Coolrooms Mdn Plate, $35000, 1000m.
2. Supreme Lad (AUS) (b g 9 Supreme Class (AUS) - Sneak A Nip                    1. WINSUM (AUS) (b c 3 Wandjina (AUS) - Vernier (AUS)).
   (AUS)).                                                                           T: K & K Keys J: Craig Williams
3. Eurosay (AUS) (ch g 5 Eurozone (AUS) - Magsaya (AUS)).                        2. Cop A Clip (AUS) (b f 3 I Am Invincible (AUS) - Dylan’s Promise (AUS)).
Margins: 1.3 lens, 0.2 lens. Time: 1:10.45 (last 600m 34.43).                    3. Yulong Progress (AUS) (br g 3 Written Tycoon (AUS) - Demasheen (AUS)).
                                                                                 Margins: 2 lens, 4.3 lens. Time: 58.20.
R5: James Munro Ao Memorial (Bm65), $20000, 2000m.
1. ALPINE KING (AUS) (b g 6 Monashee Mountain (USA) - Lady                       R4: Afc-Peter & Lavella Darose Mdn, $35000, 2600m.
   Beaufort (NZ)).                                                               1. WELLSFORD (AUS) (b g 4 Monaco Consul (NZ) - Deep Forest (NZ)).
   T: P J Facoory J: A B Collett                                                     T: Jarrod Robinson J: Jack Martin
2. Dip Me Lid (AUS) (ch g 5 Helmet (AUS) - Dancing Doll (AUS)).                  2. Solodka (AUS) (b m 8 Helene Mascot (IRE) - Sweetkyivsurprise (AUS)).
3. Dannevirke Lad (NZ) (b g 4 Savabeel (AUS) - Daisy Chain (NZ)).                3. Spirit Of The Cape (NZ) (b g 4 Charm Spirit (IRE) - O’gio (AUS)).
Margins: 0.2 lens, 1.8 lens. Time: 2:01.92 (last 600m 36.27).                    Margins: 6.5 lens, 1.5 lens. Time: 2:46.37.

R6: Bid Williams Memorial Mdn Hcp, $22000, 1300m.                                R5: Tab Long May We Play Hcp (C1), $35000, 1400m.
1. ALWAYS SURE (AUS) (b g 3 Not A Single Doubt (AUS) - Infinito                  1. MAAZLE (AUS) (b g 6 Elzaam (AUS) - Sarchi Lodge (AUS)).
   (AUS)).                                                                           T: Andrew Homann J: A Lynch
   T: Clare Cunningham J: Brodie Loy                                             2. Narvaez (AUS) (b c 3 Vancouver (AUS) - Headway (AUS)).
2. Dom Tycoon (AUS) (b g 3 Written Tycoon (AUS) - Hautvillers (AUS)).            3. Tycoon Thunder (AUS) (ch g 4 Written Tycoon (AUS) - True
3. Chateaux Park (NZ) (b/br g 4 Ocean Park (NZ) - Val De Loire (NZ)).                Emotions (AUS)).
Margins: 0.8 lens, 0.5 lens. Time: 1:17.12 (last 600m 34.62).                    Margins: 0.1 lens, 0.5 lens. Time: 1:24.60.

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