Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning $2,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...

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Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
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                                                 Day, Month

               Divine precedent
How a Mohawk-winning $2,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent
stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief —
       all in the name of their late matriarch Shirley Panos.
                                                                                 by Sandra Snyder

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How do you honor the memory of a loved one who has died?
How do you pay tribute to the lessons they taught, the wisdom
they imparted and the love they shared? On a journey that
can be lonely and overwhelming, how do you support family
members with their grief and help each other move forward?                                                                                            2020 Black Book Mixed Sale-Topper Sister Sledge
Every person will respond differently to those questions, but for
                                                                                                                                                      Sold For $265,000 By Preferred Equine, Agent
Jim Panos and his children Charlene, Matt and Jonathan, part of
the answer was pacing filly Settn A Precedent. She came into                                                                                                 ENTER NOW WITH THE NO. 1 SELLER
their life almost two years after the death of family matriarch
Shirley Panos and has caused them grief, cost them money,
made them doubt and ultimately brought them more joy than                                                                                                                         Preferred Equine Marketing
they could have imagined when the idea was first raised two                                                                                                                                       PREFERREDEQUINE.COM
years ago.                                                                                                                                                                                        (914) 773-7777

Charlene suggested it, the idea of buying a yearling and getting
back into the game they had left behind almost two decades ago.                                                                                  Sale. With a budget of $4,000 they did not even bother looking
Jonathan had taken his mother’s death hard and was battling                                                                                      at a catalogue or yearling videos, figuring they would just sit
an alcohol addiction. They felt working with a horse could offer                                                                                 in the sales ring until something that caught their eye sold in
him a new path forward and give the whole family a reason to                                                                                     their price range.
stay connected. They all chipped in some money and Jim, Matt
                                                                                                                                                 “We were sitting at the sale for a day and half and I was getting
and Jonathan set off for the 2019 London Selected Yearling

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 1 | August 13, 2021
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
Now Accepting Entries to the World’s No. 1
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                                                                                   GSI, LLC 2021 | Photo: Michael Lisa/Lisa Photo
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                                      The first major hurdle in the family horse project came in early
  IN TODAY'S HRU                                                                      2020 when a fluoroscope examination revealed chips in two
                                                                                      of Settn A Precedent’s ankles. The cost to remove the chips was
 Local favorite Little Rocket Man shooting for Dan Patch glory         page 05        $3,200, a significant expense on a $2,000 yearling. Jonathan
                                                                                      lobbied his father to do the surgery and although Jim had sig-
 A look back at Hambletonian Day                                       page 08        nificant doubts about the filly’s ability at that point he yielded
 U.S. sojourn leads James MacDonald to the Canadian mountaintop        page 12        to his son’s instincts. However, the surgery and the ongoing
                                                                                      expenses through the filly’s recovery caused Charlene and Matt
 Trond Andersen dead at 59                                             page 14        to reconsider their investment in the family horse.
                                                                                      “There was so many expenses on this horse at the start.
frustrated. We didn’t have enough in our budget. I could start                        Sometime during her 2-year-old year they bailed and I said
them all, and then you get one or two bids and I’m out of money.                      maybe we should sell her, because she showed she had some
It’s tough when you’re sitting beside a guy that’s got a budget                       speed but she wasn’t doing it right,” said Jim. “Johnny was the
of $100,000 and you’ve got $4, 000,” said Jonathan. “So I said,                       persistent one. He said, ‘No, we’re not selling her, we’re not
‘I’m going out for a smoke Dad, buy the first thing that comes                        selling her.’”
in the ring that’s under $4,000.’ And I wasn’t out there half a                       Once Settn A Precedent had recovered from her surgery she
cigarette and he came out, ‘I got a mare, I got a filly.’”                            resumed training and qualified at Woodbine Mohawk Park in
Jim made one bid on the brown daughter of Sunshine Beach and                          September. The second hurdle arrived in the weeks before the
Magic From Brussels and no one raised his $2,000 opener, so                           filly’s first lifetime start. Upheaval in Jonathan’s life saw him
Settn A Precedent belonged to the Panos family. It was the first,                     move the filly three times in the 10 days before she lined up
but certainly not the last, time they felt a higher power — call it                   behind the starting gate at The Raceway at the Western Fair
God, karma, or a mother’s love — might be looking out for them.                       District on Oct. 16. She finished a distant last and looked like
                                                                                      she was going to pull up on driver Natasha Day through much
Matt and Jonathan broke Settn A Precedent, soon nicknamed
                                                                                      of the mile.
‘Wendy’, at Hanover Raceway and after a few months Jonathan
relocated with the filly to the Tomiko Training Centre outside                        Jonathan pressed the brakes on Wendy’s racing career, started
of Campbellville, ON. Training at the Ontario base of TheStable.                      work as a caretaker with trainer Kyle Bossence and asked his
ca gave Settn A Precedent dozens of horses to train alongside                         dad to revive the family horse project. Matt agreed 8/10/2021
                                                                                       HRU-Aug13&20_BloodedHorse-feature_Quarter-vertical.qxd to reinvest
                                                                                                                                                       4:12 PM
and Jonathan almost as many experienced trainers to learn from

                                                                                                 DON’T MISS IT!
and lean on as he worked with the quirky, and often cranky, filly.
“It’s a love hate relationship, I love her and I think she hates
me,” said Jonathan with a chuckle. “She’s definitely a unique
horse; she’s one of a kind. I say, ‘If Wendy wants, Wendy will,
and if Wendy don’t, Wendy won’t.’”

                                                                                        One Day Only! AUGUST 24, 2021
                                                                                             INCLUDING A BLACK TYPE YEARLING SESSION
                                                                                                Plus a nice consignment of racehorses
                                                                                                 from Burke Racing Stable, featuring
                                                                                           Hip 224 PINKNPERFECT p,3,1:52.2f-’21 ($58,165)
                                                                                                          Br.m., 3, Well Said-Pink Camo
                                                                                          Hip 225 WINELLA HANOVER p,2,1:54.4f ($113,943)
                                                                                                        B.m., 3, Racing Hill-Western Duel
                                                                                          Hip 228 THE BIG PICTURE p,3,1:54.4f-’21 ($15,726)
                                                                                                     B.g., 3, Captaintreacherous-Full Picture
                                                                                        Online catalog available at
                                          Lori Martin / Tiffany Chantel Photography
Settn A Precedent and driver Austin Sorrie at Hanover
Raceway on June 26, 2021. The pair would go on to win
their NW2R7500LCD class by 10 lengths in 1:59.2 for the                                                     “There’s No Substitute for Experience”
Panos family of Hanover in memory of their late matriarch                                         JERRY HAWS • P.O. Box 187 • Wilmore, Kentucky 40390
Shirley Panos.                                                                           Phone: (859) 858-4415 • Fax: (859) 858-8498 • jhaws@bloodedhorse.com

                                                           Harness Racing Update | Page 2 | August 13, 2021
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
Harness Racing Update

and when Jonathan started to feel like his full-time job was
interfering with the filly’s progress, he sent her back to Hanover
and into Matt’s care.
“There were times there when everybody was out on her and I
was just by myself, the last man standing. And you’re really strug-
gling and then coming off an addiction, it’s hard,” said Jonathan.
“I still struggle with addiction, but she’s definitely helped me
with that too, she’s been a godsend all around my life.”
As a tribute to his mother, Jonathan had acquired a full set of
pink equipment for Settn A Precedent and when he sent her back
to Hanover his only instruction to his brother on her rigging
was that it had to be pink. Matt complied, making a few changes
while keeping the pink harness, and when racing resumed in
Ontario in mid-February Settn A Precedent was soon ready to                                                                New Image Media
roll. The filly scored her first win in her third lifetime start, cir-   (left to right) Sarah Frances Durynek, Matt Panos, Bob
cling The Raceway at the Western Fair District on March 19 in            McClure and Jonathan Panos in the winner’s circle after
2:00.3 for driver Austin Sorrie. Unfortunately, racing was shut          Settn A Precedent’s first win at Woodbine Mohawk Park on
down for a second time two weeks later so the filly would not            June 22 in 1:53.2. Jonathan was wearing the tie he bought
get her shot at a second win until mid-June.                             for his mom’s funeral. He retired it, hanging it up by the
Although her initial forays around Woodbine Mohawk Park had              filly’s stall, the next day.
been less than impressive — she qualified three times there at
two, made a break once and could not crack 2:02 — Jonathan               funeral in the winner’s circle and then retired it for good. “It
lobbied his dad and brother to take Settn A Precedent back to            was just a very weird feeling, like I can’t explain what it was,
the Campbellville oval.                                                  but definitely something was there and I think helping Wendy
                                                                         along for me and my brother to get that first win down there.”
“I just wanted to race her in Hanover, and so did Matt actually,
and Johnny said, ‘No, no we want to try her down there,’” Jim            The filly returned to Hanover on June 26 for a 10 length romp in
recalled. “So I said, ‘Okay, away we go.’ I said, ‘We’ve finished        a non-winners of two class, missed a week due to sickness and
last before, wouldn’t be the first time,’ but she ended up third.”       then headed back to Woodbine Mohawk Park on July 20 where
                                                                         she scored her third victory with a 1:53.3 effort.
After the third-place result on June 15, Matt entered Settn A
Precedent back into the fillies and mares maiden class on June           Ten days later however, Wendy delivered an epic clunker, all
22. From Post 6, the filly went gate-to-wire in 1:53.2, finishing        but pulling up on driver Bob McClure at the quarter-pole. They
eight and one-quarter lengths in front of the field.                     had her thoroughly examined after the race, but the brothers
                                                                         suspected the problem was mental rather than physical.
“I went out to have a smoke and it was real quiet out on the
track and there seemed to be nobody around and there was a               “We did get her scoped, but basically it’s just her, the funny way
big full moon, it was just this weird eerie feeling, and then she        about her,” said Matt. “She got put on the list for performance,
ended up winning by 10 lengths, the announcer called,” said              but I kind of knew what was going on so I took her back to
Jonathan, who sported the pink tie he wore to his mother’s               Georgian the next day and got her in to qualify and she won

                                           Harness Racing Update | Page 3 | August 13, 2021
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
Harness Racing Update

her qualifier by 36 lengths and Austin (Sorrie) said, ‘She’s fine,    thought, I like jogging a little bit too, so I said that will be good
there’s nothing wrong with her.’”                                     for me just to goof around with, that’s all I’m doing with her.”
Confident that all systems were go, Matt put the filly back into      Unlike Settn A Precedent, Shes Gold does not look destined to
the same class on Aug. 6 and James MacDonald steered her to           stray far from her hometown oval, so Jim figures she will fill
a two-and-a-half length win in a personal best 1:51.1.                the role he originally imagined for Wendy, giving the family a
The next day, the family had an opportunity to celebrate              regular reason to get together on a Saturday afternoon to watch
together. Long before she knew Settn A Precedent would pace           their horse compete.
faster than any horse they had ever owned, Charlene had organ-        Settn A Precedent is back in to go at Woodbine Mohawk Park
ised the Shirley Panos Memorial Pace for Saturday, Aug. 7. The        tonight (Aug. 13), looking to add to her record of five wins, one
presentation was a tribute not just to a beloved wife and mother,     third and earnings of $33,450 in nine lifetime starts. Conditioned
but also to a gifted horsewoman.                                      classes are where she will remain. Through the roller coaster
“She was a very good horsewoman, kind of the rock in the stable       ride of their first 18 months of ownership the family could not
and the family as well,” said Matt. “Any lameness in any horse, she   see the wisdom of making sustaining payments so she is not
would find it, she knew what it was and what we’d have to work        eligible for any stakes, including the Ontario Sires Stakes pro-
on. She loved all her horses. They seemed to respond to her.”         gram. That decision is also likely to discourage any interested
While Settn A Precedent was purchased to stitch the Panos             suitors, but Jim is not complaining.
family closer together, she has also reconnected them to the          “I know the money thing, everybody looks at that, but it’s more,
harness racing community in their hometown. Jonathan hopes            for me, the family thing,” he said. “All of us work together with
to complete his trainer’s license this year and fill a few more       her and I think mother would be pretty happy to see that.”
stalls in the Hanover Raceway barn and Jim recently acquired
3-year-old Hes Watching filly Shes Gold from fellow Hanover
resident John Kennedy.
“I wanted something for a hobby because the boys, they kind of
don’t let me touch the other one,” said Jim with a chuckle. “And I

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                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 4 | August 13, 2021
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
Thank You!

    Thank you to all the owners, breeders, trainers, drivers, fans and bettors
            for making the 96th Hambletonian a day to remember.

Our heartfelt appreciation to our host track partner The Meadowlands and their dedicated staff
 as well as the large “stable” of free-lancers and Hambletonian staff who make the day happen.

                                                        Photos by Hugh Ducey
                                                           and Chris Tully
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                     Rocket Man. Owners Russ Beeman and Jack “Boomer” Freeman —
                                                                     both long-time Hoosier horsemen —are excited to see how their
                                                                     5-year-old will stack up against the best free-for-all pacers in
                                                                     the country. He may be small, but he’s developed a big following
                                                                     in the Hoosier State.
                                                                     “It’s exciting. Just the fact we bought him at the yearling sale
                                                                     and see how he’s progressed to this point in time and be in
                                                                     something like this,” said Freeman, an Anderson, IN resident.
                                                                     “There are people that have been in this business their whole
                                                                     life that don’t get to this point and we happened to get lucky.”
                                                                     Beeman campaigned Little Rocket Man’s dam, GT Miss Royal,
                                                                     during part of her career and admired her heart and grit. Before
                                                                     retiring to broodmare duties, the Pilgrims Punch mare accumu-
                                                                     lated 31 wins, including an Indiana Sires Stakes division, and
                                                                     banked $230,000. The racing veteran had hopes of buying GT
                                                                     Miss Royal’s first colt, but upon inspection at the 2017 Hoosier
                                                                     Classic sale, the size of the Rockin Image colt concerned him.
                                                                     “I went down there and he was a little bitty guy. I didn’t even
                                                                     know he was a ridgling,” said Beeman, who started out racing
                                                                     Trottingbred ponies in Indiana before moving to standardbreds.
                                                                     “I told Boomer, ‘I think he’s too small. I don’t think he’ll be big
                                                                     enough to race. He might race in the ponies.’”
                                                                     Freeman was unfazed. He inspected the colt, and enlisted others
                                                                     to scrutinize the yearling as well.
                                                     Dean Gillette
Little Rocket Man and trainer Missy Essig — daughter of
                                                                     “I really didn’t pay attention to his size. I went with full inten-
co-owner Russ Beeman — after winning the 2020 Haston
                                                                     tions of buying him. He is the only reason I was there,” said
Memorial at Harrah’s Hoosier Park.
                                                                     Freeman. “I looked at him and I couldn’t find anything wrong. I
                                                                     had two or three other people look at him. I asked, ‘Am I miss-

Local favorite Little Rocket                                         ing something?’ Everyone said, ‘No. He’s perfect, but he’s little.’”
                                                                     Freeman would bid until he ended up with the horse, cataloged
Man shooting for Dan                                                 with the name Just Like Pete. He signed the ticket for $18,000,
                                                                     splitting ownership with Beeman, a business partner for three
Patch glory                                                          decades.
                                                                     “Boomer said, ‘I’ve got good news and bad news.’ I said, ‘What’s
The tiny-yet-mighty pacer would reach                                the good news?’ He said, ‘The good news is we bought that
legendary status for owners Russ Beeman                              colt. The bad news is I need your checkbook to pay for him,’”
                                                                     Beeman said. “I know I wouldn’t have bought him if it wasn’t
and Boomer Freeman if he were to pull off                            for Boomer. That’s how things happen in this business. You try
a victory tonight in Harrah’s Hoosier Park’s                         to outthink yourself.”
$325,000 final.                                                      Little Rocket Man did not compete at Hoosier Park as a 2-year-
                                                                     old. Trained by Beeman’s daughter, Missy Essig, the colt became
by James Platz                                                       aggressive and chased people around his stall. The decision was
                                                                     made to geld him, and at that time was discovered to be a ridg-
Tonight (Aug. 13), Harrah’s Hoosier Park plays host to the           ling, requiring surgery. Beeman opted to turn him out after the
$325,000 Dan Patch Stakes. A stellar field will assemble for         procedure, and that may have worked to the pacer’s advantage.
the track’s signature event, including local fan favorite Little     “It wasn’t because he was lame. He needed time to grow up,”

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 5 | August 13, 2021
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
Harness Racing Update

said Beeman, who lives just north of Hoosier Park in Alexandria.          else is going to have confidence? It’s just a thrill to be in with
“I like racing 2-year-olds if they can handle it. But there are so        a group of horses like this.”
many 2-year-olds that have to go so fast, you tear them up. You           The 69-year-old Beeman has competed at Hoosier Park since
can tear a suspensory or tendon, or they just get sour. And there         it opened in 1994. He has owned sires stakes champions in the
isn’t just one of them, there are 10 of them.”                            past, but counts Little Rocket Man as the best of the bunch. He
Given the time to grow and develop, Little Rocket Man has racked          points to how the racehorse is swift, yet requires little mainte-
up numerous wins over the last three seasons while becoming               nance. He feels with the right trip, Little Rocket Man could be
a local celebrity. Racing for the first time as a sophomore, he           in contention late in the mile this evening.
claimed victory in 11 of 17 starts, taking a 1:49 speed badge and         “There’s not a bad horse in the field. Any horse can win it, and
earning $200,380. Moving up to the open ranks last year, the pacer        you’ve got to have a trip. I don’t believe a horse can cut it,” he
managed to win half of his 12 starts and finished second twice.           noted. “If Rocket gets a trip, he gets a second over trip, he can
Little Rocket Man was nominated to the Dan Patch Stakes in                pace with anything. That’s my opinion. When he’s on his A game,
2020, but lacked the earnings to make the field. Instead, he              he can get home in 25 or 26 seconds. I think he’s competitive.
competed in the Gregg Haston Memorial, an event that honors               You start with a baby and you hope you’ve got one that can
Hoosier Park’s first leading driver who died in an automobile             compete. We’ve been very fortunate that he can compete with
accident in 1996. The gelding was in top form, circling the               the best of them, I think.”
Anderson oval in 1:47.2 and winning by more than two lengths.             TrackMaster PPs available here.
Century Farroh, by comparison, won the Dan Patch that night
with a 1:49 performance. The time established a new lifetime
mark and gave Little Rocket Man a share of the Hoosier Park
all-age track record. It was also special for Beeman, who has
known the family for years, as well as Essig, who worked in
Haston’s stable before his tragic death.
“It’s very special because Gregg was a close friend. Gregg’s mom
and dad raced ponies, and Gregg was just a little kid running
around before he went on to race standardbreds,” Beeman said.
“That’s probably the best thing that happened. Money some-
times ain’t everything. I thought it was real special.”
This season, Little Rocket Man has displayed great consistency. In
14 trips behind the gate in rein to John DeLong, he has collected
nine wins while racing second three times. The 5-year-old has
missed the board only once while raising his career earnings
to just under $300,000. He enters the Dan Patch after finishing
second his last time out. With each start, Little Rocket Man’s
devout following grows, a development Freeman never expected.
“The fans go crazy over him. It’s just remarkable. I don’t know
how you would explain it. Just the thrill of being a part of it is
something that’s out of this world,” Freeman said of the experi-
ence. “You can sit in the grandstand and hear people talk about
him and they don’t know who you are. I tell Russ all the time,
‘People don’t know who I am; people don’t know who you are.
Everybody knows who he is.’”
Essig’s charge has drawn post six in the field of 10. Little Rocket Man
is 20-1 in the morning line. Only Tellmeaboutit, another local entry,
has longer odds. Freeman is confident in the small but speedy pacer.
“I’ve got to think he’s going to win. What am I supposed to say?
I hope we’re not last,” he said. “If we don’t have confidence, who

                                            Harness Racing Update | Page 6 | August 13, 2021
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
a t S w e d e n h a s t o o ff e r !
              The best of w h              S W E DE N I N T E R NAT IONAL

                                       Yearling Sale
                                               TUESDAY AUGUST 17, 2021
                                     SOLVALLA RACETRACK, stockholm
                proudly presents the following yearlings eligible for American stakes’ races:
          1      Esquire Kronos        colt      Muscle Hill          Unison Kronos        Donato Hanover     DVBK International
          2      Katiusja              filly     Southwind Frank      Honey Face           Viking Kronos      Stall Courant
          4      Boldboy Pellini       colt      Father Patrick       Bouncing Bax         Credit Winner      Pellpac
         16      Donna Barosso         filly     Ready Cash           Ula Mil              Muscle Hill        Ecurie Barosso
         17      Kim Wilde             filly     Explosive Matter     Belgravia            Kadabra            Stall Courant
         19      Scorpion Tile         colt      Father Patrick       Love Me Madly        Donato Hanover     Vestmarka
         22      Pure Joy              colt      Cantab Hall          Idole Smart          Ready Cash         Göteborg Smart Repair Center
         41      Elegance Kronos       filly     Muscle Hill          Pampered Winner      Credit Winner      DVBK International
         51      Kreegah Bundolo       colt      Fourth Dimension     Ditty Bopper         Raja Mirchi        Stall Courant
         61      Sensation Tile        filly     Walner               Meadow Brook Grace   Swan for All       Vestmarka
         69      Hippie Island         filly     Trixton              Dimma Goodland       Perhaps Love       Order by Stable
         75      Square Tile           filly     Southwind Frank      Zeema Zamar          Love You           Vestmarka
         78      Kearny                filly     Father Patrick       Zefira Kronos        Muscle Hill        Stall Courant
         81      Pure Tactic           colt      Tactical Landing     Chez Mahmo           Andover Hall       Göteborg Smart Repair Center
         83      Safety Tile           colt      International Moni   High Beam Hanover    Cantab Hall        Vestmarka
         84      Luna Barosso          filly     Father Patrick       Pippa Barosso        Goetmals Wood      Ecurie Barosso
         95      Ko Samui              filly     Father Patrick       Primrose Kronos      Viking Kronos      Stall Courant
         99      Pure Chapter          colt      Chapter Seven        Who Dat Girl         Muscles Yankee     Göteborg Smart Repair Center
         109     Hands Up Pellini      colt      Nuncio               Anna Karin's Girl    Malabar Man        Pellpac
         111     Eyewink Kronos        filly     Muscle Hill          Oyster Kronos        Conway Hall        Winged Lion Breeding
         116     Lachance Diablo       colt      Cantab Hall          Southwind Cookie     Chapter Seven      Dream Lover
         118     Mary Mee              filly     Walner               Mary's Out Cruisin   Here Comes Herbie Andersen Racing Stable
         119     Kenny                 colt      Raja Mirchi          Ecossaise            Love You           Stall Courant
         121     Killerina             filly     Brillantissime       Almondi Am           Chocolatier        Stall Courant
        126      Sensitive Tile        filly     Trixton              Pioneer Face         Raja Mirchi        Vestmarka
         131     Energy Kronos         filly     Muscle Hill          Melodynot            Coktail Jet        Winged Lion Breeding
        133      Selfmade Tile         colt      Walner               Andie Sophia         Like A Prayer      Vestmarka

Equpinpel!ine                      Visit Equineline or our website for more information
  A                                   about the sale and all the 135 yearlings selling.

                                                  www.yearl ing s ale. s e
Divine precedent How a Mohawk-winning ,000 yearling named Settn A Precedent stitched the Panos family back together and soothed their grief ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                         and he probably likes his job more than anybody in the barn.
                                                                         He loves, loves, loves to race. There’s not much more you can
                                                                         ask of a horse.”
                                                                         This past winter, Catch The Fire began his stud career at Sugar
                                                                         Valley Farm in Ohio. His book was originally limited to 65 mares
                                                          Michael Lisa   because of the plan to continue racing, but later increased to
Catch The Fire (Scott Zeron) winning a division of the Sam               85. He competed in Ohio exclusively to start the season while
McKee Memorial last Saturday at The Meadowlands in 1:47.2.               performing his double duties.
                                                                         “I thought maybe the breeding might get him a little more
‘Fire’ hopes foes feel the                                               excited, and hard to handle, but you wouldn’t even know,” Luther
                                                                         said. “He’s so professional in every way.”
heat in Dan Patch                                                        With last week’s win, Catch The Fire established a new career
                                                                         mark. His time of 1:47.2 was just one-fifth of a second from tying
by Ken Weingartner / USTA media relations manager                        for the season’s fastest mile. The stallion raced with a blind
                                                                         bridle after wearing blinkers in his more recent previous races.
Catch The Fire is red hot as he prepares for tonight’s (Aug. 13)
$325,000 Dan Patch Stakes for older pacers at Harrah’s Hoosier           “He was wearing a blind bridle at the beginning of the season,
Park. The 4-year-old stallion has won four of his past five races,       but he was starting to get a little hot, so I put blinkers on him
                                                                         to try to calm him down a little bit,” Luther said. “I think the
with his only setback coming from post 10 in a division of the
                                                                         last few starts, he got a little too relaxed. So, in the McKee, we
William R. Haughton Memorial at The Meadowlands on July 17.
                                                                         put a blind bridle back on him to wake him back up a little bit.
For the season, the Todd Luther trainee has won six of nine starts,      He was so good, we’ll probably leave the blind bridle on him.
finished off the board only the previously mentioned one time, and
                                                                         “He came out of the McKee really good. He’s definitely feeling
earned $180,863. In his most recent outing this past Saturday, Catch
                                                                         good about himself. He knows he’s been racing really good.”
The Fire won a division of the Sam McKee Memorial by a neck over
Nicholas Beach in 1:47.2 at The Meadowlands.                             Catch The Fire will see a familiar trio of Ron Burke-trained
                                                                         horses in the Dan Patch. This Is The Plan is the 7-2 second
Catch The Fire will start the Dan Patch from post four with driver
                                                                         choice, followed by Backstreet Shadow at 4-1 and Cattlewash at
Scott Zeron and is the 3-1 morning-line favorite.
                                                                         9-2. Backstreet Shadow starts from the second tier in post 10.
“I couldn’t be happier with him,” said Luther, who trains Catch
                                                                         Racing begins at 6:30 p.m. (EDT) at Harrah’s Hoosier Park. The
The Fire for Black Magic Racing and CT Stables. “As long as he
                                                                         Dan Patch is estimated to go to post at 10:59 p.m. as race 13
draws good, I think he can go with any of them in the country
                                                                         on the card. For complete entries, click here.
right now. He’s possibly the sharpest. He’s really sharp right now.”
Catch The Fire was a Kentucky Sire Stakes champion at age 2
and last year won four times on the Grand Circuit. He captured            Dan Patch Stakes field:
his elimination and final of the Delvin Miller Adios, won his
elimination of the Little Brown Jug (finishing third in the final)       PP - HORSE - DRIVER - TRAINER - ML
and won The Pegasus at Hoosier Park.
                                                                         1 - Sintra - Jody Jamieson - David Menary - 10-1
A son of Captaintreacherous out of Dream Outloud, he has won             2 - Workin Ona Mystery - Todd McCarthy - Brian Brown - 12-1
14 of 38 career races and earned $879,064. He was trained at 2           3 - This Is The Plan - Yannick Gingras - Ron Burke - 7-2
and 3 by John Ackley. Luther took over the conditioning after his        4 - Catch The Fire - Scott Zeron - Todd Luther - 3-1
brother Greg (Black Magic Racing) bought an interest in Catch            5 - Cattlewash - David Miller - Ron Burke 9-2
The Fire during the winter.                                              6 - Little Rocket Man - John DeLong - Melissa Essig - 20-1
“John did a great job with him,” Luther said. “I don’t think he missed   7 - Brassy Hanover - Brian Sears - Jeff Cullipher - 8-1
one big dance at 3. He was in every single one of them and showed up.    8 - No Lou Zing - Dexter Dunn - Nancy Takter - 15-1
                                                                         9 - Tellmeaboutit - Michael Oosting - Alvin Miller - 30-1
“He’s a good horse. He’s very well-mannered, easy to get along
                                                                         10 - Backstreet Shadow - Trace Tetrick - Ron Burke - 4-1
with, and does everything right. And he gives a hundred percent
every time he hits the track. He loves his job. I’ve got 50 head         TrackMaster PPs available here.

                                           Harness Racing Update | Page 7 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

A look back at                                                     One of Brower’s responsibilities for Hambletonian Day is book-
                                                                   ing and organizing the guests that are interviewed between
Hambletonian Day                                                   the races, which were varied and included Meadowlands’ pres-
                                                                   ident/chief executive officer Jeff Gural, Hambletonian Society
by Debbie Little                                                   president/CEO John Campbell and senator Paul Sarlo from New
Even before going through the doors at The Meadowlands
                                                                   “In the last three weeks, we had two of the most important
on Saturday (Aug. 7), it was obvious it was Hambletonian Day
                                                                   New Jersey legislators interviewed on our programs and that’s
because there was heavy traffic driving in.
                                                                   extremely important to the state and the industry,” said Brower.
When you finally made it to the building, you were met by an       The other being New Jersey governor Phil Murphy, who was
enthusiastic crowd, and if the Backyard was your entry point, it   interviewed on Meadowlands Pace Night, July 17.
was rocking, thanks to the band Second Contact.
                                                                   One facet largely missing from Hambletonian Day was the pres-
After a year off due to COVID-19, the county fair atmosphere of    ence of international press and owners, both Canadian and
Hambletonian Day returned with carnival rides, games, bounce       European.
houses, an autograph session at the Fan Zone, the Hambletonian     Some that were present were visible since Brower interviewed
hat contest, members of Harness Racing History taking their        Bjorn Bernie Noren from Sweden while Canadians Curtis
winner’s circle photo and All-Star bugler Mark O’Keeffe per-       MacDonald and Cameron Chick operated the Hambletonian
forming First Call.                                                Day cable cam.
“I enjoyed it and am grateful to do it,” said O’Keeffe. “There     MacDonald’s cable cam has been an exciting and dramatic fea-
were several inquiries into the All-Star Buglers and that was      ture of the Gold Cup & Saucer race at Charlottetown Driving
nice to hear.”                                                     Park on Prince Edward Island for several years and has been
                                                                   used at Woodbine Mohawk Park, among other Canadian tracks.
O’Keeffe performed on Hambletonian Day for the first time in
2000 and has done so continuously, with a couple of exceptions,    This was its debut at The Meadowlands, which presented some
                                                                   unexpected challenges. The line ran for 1,005 feet, eight feet
either as a part of his group the All-Star Buglers or as a solo
                                                                   longer than Mohawk, so it was at top speed between 32 and
performer. What many may not know is that the nightly version
                                                                   36 miles an hour for a really long time.
of First Call used by The Meadowlands is performed by O’Keeffe.
                                                                   “If you ask somebody what the Gold Cup & Saucer is they may
From his spot in the winner’s circle, he observed that the crowd   or may not know,” said MacDonald. “If you ask somebody what
seemed a little smaller than in recent years, but was no less      the Hambletonian is, everybody knows. I definitely had a lot of
enthusiastic rooting for the horses.                               nerves about getting equipment here. The trolley for the cable
Pandemic cases are trending up in New Jersey and that certainly    cam I rented because I didn’t want to bring my own, because I
played some part in lessening the attendance to 14,346, which      was worried it would get lost.”
crushed last year’s COVID-restricted turnout of 1,020 nonethe-     MacDonald’s worries were founded since the equipment that
less. It should be noted that even though they weren’t there       he did ship overnight was tracked to Kentucky, but never made
in person, people watched and wagered with a total handle of       it north from the south.
$6,487,839, up 13 per cent from last year.
                                                                   Luckily, he had a plan ‘B’ and was able to rent everything the day
“I thought it was a medium-type crowd in terms of number of        before, so as far as the fans were concerned on Hambletonian
guests,” said Dave Brower, morning-line oddsmaker/handicap-        Day, everything went off without a hitch.
per/TV host at The Meadowlands. “I was very happy to see all
                                                                   The cable cam was flawlessly integrated into the production by
the people that came by and just gave us a smile, thumbs up,
                                                                   Meadowlands’ director of TV Oz Colon and assistant manager of
wave, took some pictures.”
                                                                   TV Marjorie Roman – who directed the in-house show – and was

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 8 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

used for several races, including The Hambletonian and Oaks.
“Our TV production staff always does an uber amazing job on
this day,” said Brower. “So many working parts. Cameras, wires,
microphones and it’s hard to get them to work all the time.
Everybody is an expert at what they do. We like to think we put
on the best production possible and it almost always succeeds.”
Moira Fanning, the chief operating officer and director of
publicity for The Hambletonian Society, and her staff worked
hand-in-hand with The Meadowlands to put on the best show
possible, which included being broadcast live on several outlets.
The Hambletonian was part of a one-hour live show on the
CBS Sports Network, directed by Peter Lasser and hosted by
Greg Blanchard, with Emily Gaskin co-hosting. It was also live
on Fox Sports 2 as part of “Saratoga Live” with commentary by
Anthony Stabile and Jessica Otten.
Otten also provided some taped content for the CBSSN show.
Caton Bredar was onsite from TVG Network and the entire day’s
action, as always, was shown on Racetrack Television Network
(RTN). In addition, The Big M’s YouTube Channel and Facebook
Live Page also showed the day’s events.
Brower and Dave Little co-hosted the in-house “Racing from The
Meadowlands” show with Gabe Prewitt handling winner’s circle
interviews. The voice of The Meadowlands, Ken Warkentin, cele-
brating his 30th year at the track, called his 22nd Hambletonian.
The two newest additions to The Meadowlands TV family,
Andrew “Shades” Demsky and Edison Hatter, were both experi-
encing their first Hambletonian Day.
Demsky, 33, compiled Twitter-exclusive content for the track’s
Twitter feed, got some quotes in the paddock and gave out his
best bet Bella Bellini in an interview by Brower.
“I thought it was great,” said Demsky. “The food, the live music,
the kid’s rides. I loved seeing it. Rachel [Ryan] and Marianne
[Rotella] and team put on a helluva show.”
Hatter, 22, also spent time on both sides of the track and gave
out an early and late pick-4 on air with Little.
“My first Hambletonian experience was amazing,” said Hatter. “I
know the cliché is that Hambletonian Day is the “Greatest Day
in Harness Racing”, but it really and truly is. I’m so glad that my
work took me all over the track Saturday, from the back paddock
to the winner’s circle to the front apron. I got to see horsemen
fully focused getting horses ready for the big races, I got to
witness jubilant winner’s circle celebrations and I got to see the
carnival, family like atmosphere on the apron and meet lots of
fans throughout the day. I can’t wait for Hambletonian 2022!”
If you missed any of the races or just want to watch them again,
the entire 16-race card and all the interviews are posted on The
Meadowlands YouTube channel.

                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 9 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

                                                                                                                              Brad Conrad
Chase H Hanover (Ronnie Wrenn, Jr.) winning the $54,206 Standardbred in 2020 at the Delaware County Fairgrounds.

Trainer Scott Cox looks
for better luck with Chase
H Hanover in Milstein
                                                                     Meadowlands Pace Final on July 17. His last start was an eighth-
                                                                     place finish in the $375,000 Adios Pace Final on July 31, beaten
Saturday’s $300,000 invitational honors                              by just 3 ¼ lengths.
Northfield Park’s former owner.                                      “Despite not getting a purse check, I thought his last start was
                                                                     one of his better races,” said Cox. “He finished strong [last quarter
by Jay Wolf                                                          in :26.]. He’s done well. I don’t think we have over-raced him.
                                                                     He has been coming out of those races well.”
Trainer Scott Cox has been plying his trade at MGM Northfield        On the year, Chase H Hanover has recorded a 1-1-4 record in
Park “for a long time.” On Saturday night (Aug. 14), Cox will send   10 starts and $157,288 in earnings.
out the tough-luck longshot Chase H Hanover in Northfield
Park’s richest race, the $300,000 Carl Milstein Memorial             Combined with his freshman season performance, he has been
Invitational for 3-year-old colt pacers.                             on the board in 15 of 20 career starts and has amassed over
                                                                     $383,000 in earnings.
Chase H Hanover, who will be driven by Ronnie Wrenn, Jr. from
post #8, continued his streak of poor post position draws.           Chase H Hanover, who trains at Sahbra Farms in Streetsboro, OH,
                                                                     will be making only his second purse start in the Buckeye State.
“I have been waiting for (his luck) to turn around,” said Cox.       Last year, he captured the $54,206 Standardbred at the Delaware
“Someday it will turn around. Bad post positions and bad spots.      County Fair on Jug Day in a world-record-equaling 1:51.1.
Hopefully, it will change soon.”
                                                                     “We didn’t overstake him a year ago. We kind of picked our spots.
The gelded son of Captaintreacherous—Calgary Hanover is              This year we staked him a little bit more,” Cox said.
co-owned by Jason Ash of Delaware, OH and Cox, who has
recorded more than 1,100 career training wins and $7.7 million       The morning line favorites in the Milstein are Charlie May (Brett
in earnings, mostly at Northfield Park.                              Miller; Post #7) and Water Sports Teen (Joe Bongiorno; Post #2).
Chase H Hanover finished third in the $500,000 Messenger             Charlie May (5-2 morning line) comes into the invitational off
Stakes Final on July 2 and was placed fourth in the $700,000         an Ohio Sire Stake and Ohio State Fair wins – in 1:50.4 and

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 10 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

1:51.4, respectively. The homebred McArdle gelding finished
first in the Meadowlands Pace final, but was disqualified and
placed ninth for interference. He is owned by Don Tiger and
trained by Steve Carter.
Water Sports Teen (3-1 morning line) joined the Jennifer
Bongiorno barn in late June after Joshua Jay Graber purchased
the son of Somebeachsomewhere from Greg Luther’s Black
Magic Racing. Water Sports Teen won three straight for the new
connections before a third-place finish in the Adios Pace Final.
“It will be an interesting race,” said Cox. “Charlie May is a phe-
nomenal horse.”
The race honors Carl Milstein, who owned Northfield Park from
1984 until his passing in 1999. The Milstein family operated
the track until July, 2018.
The Milstein undercard features a pair of $100,000 invitational
events restricted to Ohio bred older horses and Ohio Sire Stake
divisions for 3-year-old colt trotters, 2-year-old colt pacers and
freshman colt trotters.
The Tom Aldrich President’s Trot will feature a one of this year’s
top trotters nationally, It’s Academic (Yannick Gingras – Post #8)
and a pair of millionaires – Mission Accepted (Chris Page – Post #7)
and I Know My Chip (Ronnie Wrenn, Jr. – Post #5). The field of nine
has combined for 208 career wins and earnings of $5.1 million.
The Myron Charna Invitational may be another showdown between
Gold Digger King (Ronnie Wrenn, Jr. – Post #8) and Sectionline
Bigry (Tyler Smith – Post #9) despite the poor post positions.
Winning Ticket (Aaron Merriman) looks to stay perfect on the
season in the first $50,000 division of the OHSS for sophomore
colt trotters. The gelded son of Triumphant Caviar has earned
$164,500 this year while winning all eight 2021 starts for
co-owner/trainer Chris Beaver, Steve Zeehandelar, Tim Homan
and Jim Burnett.
The post time for the 16-race card is 6:00 p.m.

 Race #10 – MGM Northfield Park
$300,000 Carl Milstein Memorial (estimated post time 9:30 p.m.)

1 - Bettor Sun - Doug McNair - Gregg McNair - 8-1
2 - Water Sports Teen - Joe Bongiorno - Jennifer Bongiorno - 3-1
3 - Rockin On Venus - Tyler Smith - Kelly O’Donnell - 10-1
4 - Alilthundadownunda - Chris Page - Jessica Johnson - 20-1
5 - Bayfield Beach - Yannick Gingras - Ron Burke - 6-1
6 - Mysweetboymax - Aaron Merriman - Sam DiPinto - 12-1
7 - Charlie May - Brett Miller - Steve Carter - 5-2
8 - Chase H Hanover - Ronnie Wrenn, Jr. - Scott Cox - 15-1
9 - Heart Of Chewbacca - Dan Noble - Ron Burke -9-2

TrackMaster PPs available here.

                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 11 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

U.S. sojourn leads
James MacDonald to the
Canadian mountaintop                                                                                                           Dave Landry
                                                                      James MacDonald (at Grand River Raceway on
by Dave Briggs                                                        Aug. 2, the day he won the Battle of Waterloo with
                                                                      Betterhavemymoney) is driving extreme power with
This story initially appeared here.                                   extreme confidence.
For James MacDonald the route to the top of Canada’s driver
mountain first involved a lengthy detour in the United States.        Leaving his young son, girlfriend and Ontario behind wasn’t easy.
MacDonald, who leads Canada in both wins (123) and earnings           “It was really tough. I didn’t want to go and I have my girlfriend
($2,362,881) through Aug. 11, said a five-week stint driving in       here. It was hard on everyone, COVID. Especially in racing, there
the U.S. from May to early June, while racing was locked down         wasn’t a whole lot you could do. It was a tough time on every-
in Ontario due to COVID-19 restrictions, was key in keeping           one. My little guy, I wasn’t able to see him the last two weeks
both his mental and physical game sharp.                              before I went down to the States because he had got COVID.
                                                                      It was six or seven weeks that I had to go without seeing my
“I went to the States when we were locked down, and I just
                                                                      little guy. That was really tough,” MacDonald said. “I’m happy I
got on a bit of a roll down there… When I came back, I was in a
                                                                      did it, obviously. It was good for my racing and staying confident
good mind frame,” said MacDonald who also tops the Woodbine
                                                                      and staying sharp in the bike, so that’s a big part of my success
Mohawk Park driving standings in both wins (108) and earnings
                                                                      this year. It was tough at the time, but I’m happy that I did it.”
($2.055,475) through Aug. 10. “The more you drive, the better
you feel. A lot of other people weren’t driving … I was kind of       The time away also made MacDonald realize just how fortunate
                                                                      he is to race in Ontario.
like a horse, I was tight and they were short. I was getting a lot
of good horses to drive right off the bat (when I returned to         “I know all the guys that went down there, we were happy to
Ontario) and then, the better you do, the better horses you get       come home. We live a great lifestyle here in Canada. It’s a great
                                                                      country and we’re fortunate to have great racing at Mohawk,”
and it just kept snowballing even more. It kept snowballing into
                                                                      MacDonald said. “Even today, I went and trained in the morning
a great group of babies and I’m getting lots of good horses to        and now I’m home and I’m going to go golf today – I’ve got the
drive. The confidence is high and hopefully I can keep riding         day off today. (The U.S.) guys, it’s just run-and-gun all day, every
it for a while.”                                                      day. Most days you’ve got to squeeze in time just to eat. It’s a
In 149 pari-mutuel starts at The Meadowlands, The Downs at            lot different lifestyle and you put a lot of miles and strain on
                                                                      your body just in your car and on your mental state.
Mohegan Sun Pocono, Harrah’s Philadelphia and Yonkers Raceway,
MacDonald posted a solid record of 17-17-19 in 149 starts.            “It gave me a really good appreciation for how good we have
                                                                      it here in Canada.”
“Woodbine Mohawk Park is probably one of the toughest driving
                                                                      MacDonald said he’s particularly pleased to be driving a lot
colonies in the world, but if you go down and race against Hall of
                                                                      of talented 2-year-olds this year, such as Battle of Waterloo
Famers – Brian Sears, Dave Miller, Tim Tetrick — and my brother
                                                                      winner Betterhavemymoney, Aviator, Prohibition Legal, Silver
Mark (MacDonald) day in and day out, and if you’re having some
                                                                      Label and Twin B Archie.
luck, it puts you in a good mind frame,” MacDonald said.
                                                                      “It sets you up well for their 3-year-old years,” he said. “I’ve just
“I guess it could’ve went one way or the other. You could go          got to try and manage them the best I can and try to keep them
down there and get beat up and then you come back with no             as brave and happy and winning. The trainers are obviously
confidence, but I had some luck and I had a great time down           doing a great job and that makes my job easier.”
there with a great bunch of guys. Luckily, it’s been able to trans-
late into a lot of success when I came back up to Canada.”            MacDonald also picked up a win Tuesday (Aug. 10) in the

                                         Harness Racing Update | Page 12 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

$76,500 Whenuwishuponastar final at Woodbine Mohawk Park
for 2-year-old pacing fillies with Balance trained by U.S.-based
leading trainer Nancy Takter.
“You never know which horses are coming (to race at Mohawk)
and who is bringing them, but I got to meet pretty much all
the trainers (in the U.S.) and had a good rapport with them,”
MacDonald said. “Hopefully, if some more people need drivers
on their top stake horses. It would be a real honor to get some
of those and just get a crack at the big ones, those are the ones
that really count.”
After all, MacDonald’s confidence and success are both at all-
time highs at the moment.
“People say I’ve been a lot more aggressive lately, but when
you’re driving those favorites in a lot of races and your confi-
dence is high, then you want to put them in a spot to win and
being aggressive is usually the best spot to race a favorite,”
he said. “I’m really hoping that it’s snowballing into some of
these Grand Circuit races (in September at Woodbine Mohawk
Park) because, at this point, they look like the ones to beat in
Canada. You never know what’s coming up or what’s around,
but I couldn’t be happier with the group I’m driving right now.”

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 13 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

Trond Andersen dead at 59
by Thomas Hedlund

One of Norway’s best trainers, Trond Andersen, died due to
cancer on Wednesday (Aug. 11) morning.
The Norwegian champion trainer from 2003-2011 produced
many great trotters throughout the years and his best horse ever
was probably Yarrah Boko (1:52.1, $1,282,850) who claimed sev-
eral big trophies in Europe and finished third behind Maharajah
and Up And Quick in the 2014 Prix d’Amérique.
Andersen was known for his gentle treatment and behavior to
other people and it was quite a shock when Andersen earlier
this year announced that he was diagnosed with cancer.
His Hickothepooh claimed a ticket for this year’s edition of                                                                   ALN
Elitloppet by winning the Finlandia-ajo in Helsinki in early May    Norwegian trainer Trond Andersen has died at the age of
and the 9-year-old trotter continued to give Andersen success       59.
by winning the Ulf Thoresen Grand International at Jarlsberg,
Norway, in July.                                                     Åby Stora Pris 2021
Andersen’s wife and two sons, along with the entire European
                                                                    3,140 meters
harness racing, will miss a true gentleman and skillful
professional.                                                       PP - HORSE - SIRE - DRIVER

                                                                    1 - Ble du Gers - Quinoa du Gers - Ulf Ohlsson
 Tough battle at Åby this Saturday                                  2 - Pacific Face - Igor November - Giuseppe Lubrano
                                                                    3 - Mindyourvalue W.F. - Hövding Lavec - Rikard N Skoglund
The $345,000 Åby Stora Pris over 3,140 meters (1.95 miles) is       4 - Zarenne Fas - Varenne - Johan Untersteiner
                                                                    5 - Bengurion Jet - Maharajah - Alessandro Gocciadoro
on the Saturday’s (Aug. 14) race card at Åby, Sweden and 12 top
                                                                    6 - Who’s Who - Maharajah - Örjan Kihlström
trotters are aimed for the task.
                                                                    7 - Carat Williams - Prodigious - Matthieu Abrivard
A very interesting field of horses will gather behind the gate      8 - Short In Cash - Ready Cash - Björn Goop
and among them, 4-year-old Bengurion Jet (Maharajah), trained       9 - Valokaja Hindö - Great Challenger - Magnus Teien Gundersen
and driven by Alessandro Gocciadoro, makes the show even            10 - Milligan’s School - Yankee Glide - Ulf Eriksson
more spectacular. Bengurion Jet charmed the fans by winning         11 - Very Kronos - Ready Cash - Erik Adielsson
in 1:50.3 on the night of Hugo Åbergs Memorial at Jägersro in       12 - Ce Bello Romain - Jam Pridem - Anthony Barrier
late July and Alessandro Gocciadoro immediately accepted the
invitation for Åby Stora Pris he received minutes after the race.
French stars Carat Williams (Prodigious) and Ce Bello Romain
(Jam Pridem) make the race more exotic among opponents Who’s
Who, Zarenne Fas, Very Kronos and Milligan’s School.

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 14 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

                                                                          6. ABUCKABETT HANOVER (1:49.1; $295,771)
                                                                          Owners: Crawford Farms Racing (NY), Alagna Racing (NJ),
                                                                          Jablonsky Held Stable (NY) & Barbera N. Wienick Stable (NY)
                                                                          Trainer: Tony Alagna
                                                                          Driver: Andrew McCarthy
Top Little Brown Jug                                                      7. ONE EIGHT HUNDRED (1:48; $131,239)
contenders — Week #1                                                      Owners: - Brixton Medical (NJ) & Nancy Takter (NJ)
For the next six weeks, Little Brown Jug publicity director Jay Wolf      Trainer: Nancy Takter
will rank the top 10 horses eligible for the 76th edition of the Little   Driver: Tim Tetrick
Brown Jug to be contested on Thursday, Sept. 23 in Delaware, OH.
                                                                          8. WATER SPORTS TEEN (1:48.2; $143,080)
 Top 10 Little Brown Jug eligibles                                        Owner: Joshua Jay Graber (MI)
                                                                          Trainer: Jennifer Bongiorno
Week #1 – Aug. 10, 2021
                                                                          Driver: Joe Bongiorno
1. PERFECT STING (1:48.1; $909,233)
Owners: Brittany Farms (KY) and Val D’Or Farms (NJ)
                                                                          9. TOWN GOSSIP (1:51.1: $247,033)
                                                                          Owner: Robert M Weinstein (NY)
Trainer: Joe Holloway
                                                                          Trainer: Jennifer Bongiorno
Driver: David Miller
                                                                          Driver: Joe Bongiorno
2. ROCKYROAD HANOVER (1:48.1M; $291,864)
Owners: Riverview Racing (FL), Bradley Grant (ON), Kenneth
                                                                          10. LOU’S PEARLMAN (1:47.4; $247,181)
Jacobs (NY) & Plouffe Head and VJ Stable (FL)                             Owners: Burke Racing Stable (PA), Weaver Bruscemi (PA),
                                                                          Elizabeth Novak (FL) & Howard Taylor (PA)
Trainer: Tony Alagna
                                                                          Trainer: Ron Burke
Driver: Dexter Dunn
                                                                          Driver: Yannick Gingras
3. SOUTHWIND GENDRY (1:49.1; $847,641)
Owners: Burke Racing Stable (PA), Phillip Collura (PA), Knox               Upcoming Events
Services (OH) & J&T Silva- Purnel & Libby (FL)
Trainer: Ron Burke                                                        Aug. 13 - Yonkers Raceway - New York Sire Stakes leg
                                                                          Aug. 14 - MGM Northfield Park - Carl Milstein Memorial
Driver: Yannick Gingras
                                                                          Aug. 21 - The Downs At Mohegan Sun Pocono - Max Hempt Memorial
                                                                          Aug. 21- Eldorado Scioto Downs - Ohio Sire Stake leg
4. LAWLESS SHADOW (1:48.3; $728,130)
                                                                          Aug. 21 - Vernon Downs - New York Sire Stakes leg
Owners: Dr. Ian Moore (ON), R G McGroup (NB), Serge Savard                Aug. 21 - Woodbine Mohawk Park - Ontario Sires Stake Gold leg
(QC) & Frank Cannon (FL)                                                  Aug. 22 - The Red Mile - Kentucky Sire Stake leg
Trainer: Dr. Ian Moore                                                    Aug. 22 - Harrah’s Hoosier Park - Indiana Sire Stakes leg
Drivers: Mark MacDonald and Bob McClure

5. AMERICAN COURAGE * (1:49.4; $479,633)
Owner: Fiddler's Creek Stables (MI)
Trainer: Travis Alexander
Driver: Matt Kakaley
* Is eligible to supplement into the Little Brown Jug for $45,000

                                           Harness Racing Update | Page 15 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

 HRU Upcoming Stakes

 Friday, August 13
Purse		    Race                                Track                            Age, Sex, Gait      Race #(s)           1st Race Post
$45,000   Gregg Haston Memorial                Harrah’s Hoosier Park            INVITATIONAL PACE           12             6:30 p.m.
$325,000 Dan Patch                             Harrah’s Hoosier Park            FFA PACE                    13             6:30 p.m.
$78,160   Pennsylvania Sires Stakes            The Meadows                      2YOCT                      8, 10          12:45 p.m.
$20,000   Pennsylvania Stallion Series         The Meadows                      2YOCT                      1, 4           12:45 p.m.
$75,900   New York Sires Stakes                Yonkers                          3YOCP                      2, 3            7:15 p.m.
$15,000   New York Sires Stakes - Excelssior A Yonkers                          3YOCP                        1             7:15 p.m.
$6,500    New York Sires Stakes - Excelssior B Yonkers                          3YOCP                        1             6:20 p.m.
$15,000   New York Sires Stakes - Excelssior A Yonkers                          3YOCP                      2, 3            6:20 p.m.
$40,000   Ohio Sires Stakes - 3rd Leg          Scioto Downs                     2YOFT                    2, 3, 10          6:15 p.m.
$50,000   Ohio Sires Stakes - 3rd Leg          Scioto Downs                     2YOFP                      6, 8            6:15 p.m.
$22,150   Ontario Sires Stakes - Grassroots    Woodbine Mohawk Park             2YOFP                  2, 3, 6, 8, 10       7 p.m.

 Saturday, August 14
Purse		    Race                                Track                            Age, Sex, Gait      Race #(s)           1st Race Post
$40,000   Ohio Sires Stakes - 3rd Leg          Northfield Park                  2YOCT                     1, 3, 5           6 p.m.
$50,000   Ohio Sires Stakes - 3rd Leg          Northfield Park                  3YOCT                      2, 4             6 p.m.
$50,000   Ohio Sires Stakes - 3rd Leg          Northfield Park                  2YOCP                      6, 7             6 p.m.
$100,000 Tom Aldrich President’s Trot          Northfield Park                  OH-SIRED INVIT. TROT         8              6 p.m.
$100,000 Myron Charna                          Northfield Park                  OH-SIRED INVIT. PACE         9              6 p.m.
$300,000 Carl Milstein Memorial                Northfield Park                  3YO INVITATIONAL PACE       10              6 p.m.
$99,800   Ontario Sires Stakes - Gold          Woodbine Mohawk Park             2YOCP                      2, 6             7 p.m.
$20,000   Pennsylvania Stallion Series         The Downs at Mohegan Sun Pocono 3YOFP                     3, 6, 11         12:30 p.m.
$79,767   Pennsylvania Sires Stakes            The Downs at Mohegan Sun Pocono 3YOFP                      10, 12          12:30 p.m.
$55,000   New York Sires Stakes                Vernon Downs                     3YOFP                      6, 10           6:10 p.m.
$15,000   New York Sires Stakes - Excelssior A Vernon Downs                     3YOFP                      8, 9            6:10 p.m.
$6,500    New York Sires Stakes - Excelssior B Vernon Downs                     3YOFP                      2, 11           6:10 p.m.
$3,000    Atlantic Sires Stakes - B Division   Red Shores Charlottetown         3YOFP                     3, 5, 7           1 p.m.
$3,000    Colonel Dan Old Home Week Trot       Red Shores Charlottetown         TROT                         8              1 p.m.
$15,460   Atlantic Sires Stakes - A Division   Red Shores Charlottetown         3YOFP                      9, 11            1 p.m.
$3,500    Birthplace of Confederation          Red Shores Charlottetown         OPEN MARE PACE             8, 10            7 p.m.
$12,500   Guardian Gold Cup and Saucer Trials Red Shores Charlottetown          OPEN PACE                 11, 12            7 p.m.
$22,150   Ontario Sires Stakes - Grassroots    Hanover Raceway                  2YOFT                    3, 5, 7, 9        1:30 p.m.

                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 16 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

 HRU Upcoming Stakes

 Sunday, August 15
Purse		   Race                                         Track                            Age, Sex, Gait   Race #(s)       1st Race Post
$20,000   Pennsylvania Stallion Series                 The Downs at Mohegan Sun Pocono 2YOCP                9, 11, 13        5 p.m.
$79,429   Pennsylvania Sires Stakes                    The Downs at Mohegan Sun Pocono 2YOCP                 10, 12          5 p.m.
$7,500    Shirley McCellan Breeders’ Stakes - elims    Century Downs                    3YOFP                 2, 3          2:15 p.m.
$7,500    Moore’s Mile Breeders’ Stakes - elims        Century Downs                    3YOCP                 6, 7          2:15 p.m.
$50,000   ASHA final                                   Century Downs                    2YOFP                  8            2:15 p.m.
$50,000   Century Casinos Pace final                   Century Downs                    2YOCP                  10           2:15 p.m.
$7,200    Prospect Series                              Clinton Raceway                  2YOCP                 7, 10         1:30 p.m.
$7,200    Prospect Series                              Leamington Raceway               3YOCP                10, 11          1 p.m.

 Monday, August 16
Purse		   Race                                         Track                            Age, Sex, Gait   Race #(s)       1st Race Post
$20,000   Pennsylvania Stallion Series                 The Downs at Mohegan Sun Pocono 2YOFT               4, 6, 7, 11     12:30 p.m.
$80,885   Pennsylvania Sires Stakes                    The Downs at Mohegan Sun Pocono 2YOFT                 10, 12        12:30 p.m.
$7,000    Maryland Sire Stakes preliminary             Ocean Downs                      2YOCT                  1            7:05 p.m.
$7,000    Maryland Sire Stakes preliminary             Ocean Downs                      2YOFP                 3, 5          7:05 p.m.

                                                  Harness Racing Update | Page 17 | August 13, 2021
Harness Racing Update

 Balance crushes in
 Whenuwishuponastar                                                                                                    New Image Media
                                                                     Balance (James MacDonald wearing Diamond Creek’s owner
 final                                                               colors) winning the $76,500 final of the Whenuwishuponastar
                                                                     on Tuesday at Woodbine Mohawk Park.
Balance out sprinted rivals to score a seven-length victory in
Tuesday’s (Aug. 10) Whenuwishuponastar Series final.                 Balance is the ninth foal out of West Of L A, the dam of
                                                                     million-dollar winners Somewhere In L A, L A Delight and
A field of seven 2-year-old pacing fillies squared off in the
                                                                     $600,000-plus winner Sunny Dee. The Whenuwishuponastar
$76,500 final of the three-week Whenuwishuponastar Series.
                                                                     victory gives Balance $43,250 earned for owners Diamond Creek
Making her first appearance since the first leg, Balance delivered   Racing.
a strong maiden-breaking performance as the 1-2 favorite for
                                                                     The Takter trained Balance is eligible to all of Woodbine Mohawk
driver James MacDonald and trainer Nancy Takter. The daughter
                                                                     Park’s upcoming Grand Circuit events.
of Bettors Delight was making just her second career start after
finishing second in the opening-leg of the series.                   A $2 win ticket on Balance returned $3.10.
The opening-quarter of the race saw a three-horse battle with        Mark McKelvie / Woodbine communications
Beyond The Sea and I Love On Gait side by side, while Balance
was right behind and ready to brush around to the lead in the
second-quarter. After a :27 opener, Balance charged to the top
and led through a snappy half-mile clocking of :55.1.
Facing no pressure in the third-quarter, Balance and MacDonald        trots fastest mile ever at
got a :30 breather to set up a final-quarter sprint. The Takter
trainee unleashed a strong burst to leave her rivals behind,
                                                                      Monticello Raceway
pacing home in :28.1 to secure the 1:53.1 victory. Preliminary
                                                                     Usually when track records are broken, they are shaved by
leg winners One Last Bet and I Love Ongait finished second
                                                                     a mere one-fifth-of-a-second or so, but on Wednesday (Aug.
and third, respectively.
                                                                     11), Ahundreddollarbill (PP5) trotted the fastest mile ever in
“That’s a big half (:55.1) for 2-year-olds this time of the year,    the 63-year history of Monticello Raceway, smashing the existing
it’s only her second lifetime start,” said MacDonald of the early    record by one second and a fifth, and taking the lone division
fractions. “(I Love Ongait) was on my back and I knew if I was       of the New York Sires Stakes (NYSS), worth $112,000, in 1:54.1.
going to last I needed to sneak a breather in somewhere, but         Aside from setting the all-age trotting record, he also reset the
last turn I tapped the brakes and she swelled up, so she’s just      record for 3-year-old trotting geldings of 1:55.2, held by Gural
a really nice filly and a real pro.”                                 Hanover.
MacDonald noted the change in demeanour for Balance on               As he left the gate 1-5, betting favorite Ahundreddollarbill was
Tuesday night compared to her career debut.                          in no hurry to get to the front, arriving there past the ¼ in :28,
“It was her first week here and she was looking at everything        followed by Dewey Arnold. Ahundreddollarbill continued to cut
the whole mile, even in post-parade I could really get her on        fractions of :57 to win by a length over the pocket-sitting Dewey
the bit or paying attention to what I wanted her to do, but          Arnold in 1:54.1, trotting his final stanza in :28.3.
that’s why Nancy (Takter) is Nancy, she brought her today and        It was the third consecutive win for Ahundreddollarbill, all of
she was just a pro. She knew exactly what she had to do and          them coming in NYSS competition. In his wake, he has now set
the horse was terrific.”                                             four track records in the state at Saratoga, Yonkers, Vernon and

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 18 | August 13, 2021
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