Node differentiation dynamics along the route to synchronization in complex networks
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Node differentiation dynamics along the route to synchronization in complex networks Christophe Letellier,1, a) Irene Sendiña-Nadal,2, 3 Ludovico Minati,4, 5 and I. Leyva2, 3 1) Rouen Normandie University — CORIA, Campus Universitaire du Madrillet, F-76800 Saint-Etienne du Rouvray, France b) 2) Complex Systems Group & GISC, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain c) 3) Center for Biomedical Technology, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain 4) Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento, 38123 Trento, Italy 5) Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, 226-8503, Japand) arXiv:2102.09989v1 [nlin.AO] 18 Feb 2021 (Dated: 22 February 2021) Synchronization has been the subject of intense research during decades mainly focused on determining the structural and dynamical conditions driving a set of interacting units to a coherent state globally stable. However, little attention has been paid to the description of the dynamical development of each individual networked unit in the process towards the synchronization of the whole ensemble. In this paper, we show how in a network of identical dynamical systems, nodes belonging to the same degree class differentiate in the same manner visiting a sequence of states of diverse complexity along the route to synchronization independently on the global network structure. In particular, we observe, just after interaction starts pulling orbits from the initially uncoupled attractor, a general reduction of the complexity of the dynamics of all units being more pronounced in those with higher connectivity. In the weak coupling regime, when synchronization starts to build up, there is an increase in the dynamical complexity whose maximum is achieved, in general, first in the hubs due to their earlier synchronization with the mean field. For very strong coupling, just before complete synchronization, we found a hierarchical dynamical differentiation with lower degree nodes being the ones exhibiting the largest complexity departure. We unveil how this differentiation route holds for several models of nonlinear dynamics including toroidal chaos and how it depends on the coupling function. This study provides new insights to understand better strategies for network identification and control or to devise effective methods for network inference. Keywords: Complex networks — Dynamical complexity — Route to synchronization — Chaos I. INTRODUCTION tackled through the master stability function and fore- sees the emergence of patterns when the stability of the The description of networks can be structural, based network uniform state is lost.15–17 on the characterization and modelling of their topologi- cal properties,1–3 or dynamical, usually referring to the While these approaches help to understand how syn- collective behavior emerging from the interaction be- chronization clusters grow and eventually merge into a tween node dynamics and the network architecture. Syn- macroscopic coherent state or predict its stability for a chronization is the most thoroughly investigated ensem- particular network structure and coupling function, few ble dynamics,2,4,5 including a rich variety of related be- works pay attention to the description of the nodal dy- haviours such as chimera states,6–8 cluster synchroniza- namics along the route to synchronization. Recently, it tion or9 explosive synchronization.10,11 has been shown that the degree of complexity of the The route to the synchronous state has been ap- node dynamics is strongly dependent on the connectivity; proached from different points of view. Microscopically, in particular, the local connectedness appears to confer it has been analyzed the different ways local synchro- considerable node differentiation hallmarks, albeit follow- nization grows as the coupling increases depending on ing mechanisms that are intricate and delineate a non- the connectivity structure.4,12–14 Globally, the synchro- monotonic effect.18–20 These ensemble fingerprints in the nizability of a population of identical networked oscilla- node dynamics can be used to infer the network statisti- tors, that is, the stability of the coherent state, has been cal description, or even the detailed connectivity in cer- tain conditions.21 By node differentiation it is here meant as the dynamical departure of an isolated node due to the interaction with its neighborhood, being more pro- a) nounced in networks with nodes having degree hetero- b) Electronic mail: geneity. In particular, a relatively large range of cou- c) Electronic mail: pling strengths over which nodes with a higher degree d) Electronic mail: have a less complex dynamics has been reported,19 ex-
2 plaining the low complexity observed in hubs of func- the attractor when the dynamics has a toroidal structure, tional brain networks.22 However, the reverse situation, or a first-return map built with one of the coordinates of the existence of an even lower range of coupling strengths the Poincaré section in case it is non-toroidal. Then, each where high degree nodes are more complex than lower oscillator’s map is used to obtain a complexity coefficient degree ones, remains under study.20 The purpose of the CD introduced in Ref.23 and defined as present work is to elucidate the route of the node differ- CD = Sp + ∆, (2) entiation dynamics in a complex network before reaching a synchronous state, and, in particular, how it depends being Sp a permutation entropy and ∆ a structurality on the dynamical system, the coupling function and on marker. We chose this complexity definition because of the topological properties of the network structure. its ability to distinguish organized unpredictable behav- In order to characterize and quantify this route to ior (dissipative chaos) from disorganized unpredictable node differentiation dynamics as the coupling strength phenomena (noise or conservative chaos). While the en- increases, we used the complexity measure recently intro- tropy quantifies the unpredictability of the dynamics, the duced by Letellier et al.23 able to distinguish organized structurality accounts for its undescribability, two very from disorganized chaotic behavior together with maps different aspects contributing to the complexity of a dy- of the dynamical patterns associated to relevant degree namics. classes. Section II is devoted to introducing terminology The permutation entropy Sp is defined as in Ref.25 : and providing a brief description of the dynamical com- N ! s plexity measure. We then investigated in Section III the 1 X dynamical differences among Rössler oscillators in a star Sp = − pπ log pπ ∈ [0, 1] . (3) log(Ns !) π network according to their degree, and how those differ- ences dependent upon the coupling function, the nomi- It is based on the probability distribution pπ of the Ns ! nal dynamics, and the size of the star. In Section IV, possible ordinal patterns constructed from the order rela- we extended the analysis to star networks of dynamical tions of Ns successive data-points in the Poincaré section. systems featuring higher nominal complexity, namely the The structurality is computed by dividing the first-return symmetric Lorenz system, the high-dimensional Mackey- map (or the two-dimensional projection of the Poincaré Glass equation, and the toroidal Saito system, to deter- section) into a Nq × Nq boxes and mine whether a general scenario can be outlined. In Sec- Nq tion V, we considered Rössler systems in larger networks X qij ∆= ∈ [0, 1] , (4) to explore the node differentiation induced by embedding N 2 q i,j=1 the oscillators in a much more complex topological envi- ronment. Finally, Section VI offers general conclusions. where qij = 1 if the box (i, j) is visited at least once, and qij = 0 otherwise. The structurality ∆ is typically low (∆ < 0.2) for organized dynamics, and large (∆ > 0.80) II. DYNAMICAL COMPLEXITY MEASURE for disorganized dynamics. We thus have CD ≈ 0 for a limit cycle (Sp ≈ 0 and ∆ ≈ 0), 0.5 < CD < 1.0 for dis- Let us start by considering the general description of a sipative chaotic behavior (organized but unpredictable), network comprising N diffusively-coupled m-dimensional and CD > 1.5 for weakly dissipative chaos or stochastic identical dynamical systems, whose state vector xi processes (both are unpredictable and disorganized). evolves as In all our computations we used Ns = 6 as the length of the ordinal patterns. The number Nd of data points N X in the Poincaré section to compute Sp and ∆ was Nd = ẋi = f(xi ) − d Lij h(xj ) (1) 10, 000, largely above the requirement Nd > 5Ns ! rec- j=1 ommended by Riedl et al.26 The number of boxes was Nq = 5 log(Nd ) chosen such that Nd Nq , as pre- where f : Rm → Rm and h : Rm → Rm are the nominal scribed in Ref.23 . The box width δp is determined by dynamics — here, nominal refers to the vector field of the the largest range visited in our simulations for a given i-th nodal dynamics when isolated — and the coupling system as δp = (xmax − xmin )/Nq , where xmax and xmin function, respectively, and d is the coupling strength. Lij are the maximal and minimal values recorded along one are the elements of the Laplacian matrix encoding the axis of the first-return map. To avoid excessively pro- network’s connectivity, with Lii = ki the node degree, moting noise contamination or small fluctuations around Lij = −1 if nodes i and j are connected, and Lij = 0 period-1 limit cycle, we introduced a “noise filter” to in- otherwise. terpret the ordered patterns of the Ns data points to To characterize the nodal dynamics in a more reliable allow permutation only if |xi − xj | > δp . way, we computed a Poincaré section to the trajectory Let us consider the paradigmatic Rössler system27 to xi (t) in the state space to rule out the local linear com- exemplify the ability of Eq.(2) to discriminate between ponent and focus on the nonlinear signatures governing different dynamics. The vector flow in Eq. (1) is the dynamics.24 Thus, for each oscillator, in the follow- ing, we computed a two-dimensional Poincaré section of f(x) = [−y − z, x + ay, b + z(x − c)] (5)
3 -5 -10 -15 1 0.5 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 FIG. 2. Colormaps of the complexity values for a star of N = 16 coupled Rössler oscillators in the d-a parameter plane. FIG. 1. Dynamical characterization of a single Rössler system Actual complexity change of the hub Chub − C0 (a)-(b) and upon variation of the a parameter and fixing b = 0.2 and the difference Chub −hCleaves i (c)-(d) when oscillators are cou- c = 5.7. Bifurcation diagram using the Poincaré section Px pled through the y (a,c), and x (b,d) variables, respectively. (a) and dynamical complexity CD (b). The dashed vertical Bottom panels (e)-(f) show the synchronization error E. The lines in (a) and (b) are located at a1 = 0.26, a2 = 0.31, and color scales are provided on the right sides. In (a)-(f) panels, a3 = 0.38. The corresponding first-return maps from yn are white curves are the corresponding null isolines, and horizon- shown in (c)-(e) and their complexity values at the bottom of tal dashed lines in (a)-(b) are plotted at a = 0.26, 0.31 and each panel. a = 0.38. White domains correspond to the ejection of the trajectory to infinity. Other parameter values are set as in Fig. 1. taking b = 0.2 and c = 5.7 as fixed parameters and a ∈ [0.08, 0.38] as the bifurcation parameter. Equa- tion (1) was integrated using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta ated in the population of unstable periodic orbits. This scheme28 with a time step δt = 0.01. Initial conditions is the most developed chaos that can be observed along are randomly selected within a small neighborhood of this line of the parameter space, as indicated by the dy- radius 0.5 centered at the origin of the state space. Fig- namical complexity (CD = 0.89), in agreement with the ure 1(a) shows the bifurcation diagram as a function of most developed first-return map. the parameter a for a single Rössler system (d = 0) com- puted from the yn coordinate of the Poincaré section Px ≡ (yn , zn ) ∈ R2 | xn = x− , ẋn > 0 , (6) III. A STAR NETWORK OF RÖSSLER SYSTEMS √ where x− = (c − c2 − 4ab)/2 is the coordinate of the Let us now consider a star network of N Rössler sys- inner singular point.29 The classical period-doubling cas- tems coupled according to Eq. (1), with N − 1 peripheral cade as a route to chaos is quantitatively characterized nodes and one central node acting as the hub, aiming at by the dynamical complexity CD in Fig. 1(b). It per- exploring the influence of the coupling function in the pa- fectly captures the periodic windows (CD < 0.2) inter- rameter space d−a. Top panels (a) and (b) of Fig. 2 show mingled with chaotic behavior. Panels (c)-(e) show the the actual change in complexity Chub − C0 of the hub in first-return maps for the three a values marked in (a)- a N = 16 star with respect to the reference complexity (b) with vertical lines. The first value, a = 0.26 is lo- value C0 (which is a function of the parameter a) of an cated between a period-3 and a period-2 window and its uncoupled node, for coupling schemes through variables first-return map is bimodal [Fig. 1(c)] but with a slightly y and x, respectively. Middle panels (c) and (d) provide developed third branch appearing just after the period- the complexity difference between the hub and the leaves 3 window. For a = 0.31, Fig. 1(d), the bimodal map Chub − hCleaves i. has the three branches. A more developed chaos, char- From the colormaps, the first clear observation is that acterized with three monotone branches, is observed for the coupling function has a role in the node differentia- a = 0.38 in Fig. 1(e). In particular, the right end of the tion dynamics, as reflected by the different distribution third branch approaches the vicinity of the bisecting line, of complexity change on the a-d plane, which strongly indicating that a new period-1 orbit is about to be cre- depends on the network synchronizability. Panels (e,f)
4 in Fig.2 show the time-averaged synchronization error (a) computed as 0.5 hub leaf 2 X 0 1 E= kxi − xj k . (7) hub N (N − 1) -0.5 0.8 leaf i6=j 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 -1 ABC D E F which is in agreement with the prediction given by the (b) 0.5 master stability function (MSF) for Rössler systems cou- pled through the y variable, type I synchronizability class 0 1 -the MSF becomes negative above a critical value, and x -0.5 0.8 variable, type II class -the MSF is negative in a bounded 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 interval.15,30,31 For the particular network structure of a -1 (c) star of size N = 16, complete synchronization is indeed 0.5 reached for a larger number of pairs (a,d) when Rössler 0 systems are y-coupled than when x-coupled. In the latter 1 case, full synchronization cannot be reached for a & 0.25 -0.5 0.8 0.6 before a boundary crisis ejects the trajectory to infin- -1 0 0.2 0.4 ity (white domains in Fig. 2(f)). For this configuration, (d) the location of dλi , being λi the i-th eigenvalue of the 0.5 Laplacian matrix, is outside the range where the MSF is 0 1 negative for any value of d, and the synchronous solution 0.8 is always unstable. -0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 Roughly, in the regions where the synchronization er- -1 ror is not null, for both x and y coupling, there is a 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 large region of the parameter space with yelowish areas delimited by the white null isolines in panels in Figs. (e) 2(a) and 2(b) where the effect of coupling is to render 0.5 hub the dynamics of the hub more complex with respect to leaf 0 its uncoupled regime (Chub > C0 ). Outside this region, 1 hub there are smaller islands (in blue) where the dynamics -0.5 0.8 leaf 0.6 turns out to be less complex. However, when comparing 0 0.2 0.4 -1 this departure from the uncoupled dynamics between the (f) hub and the leaves, Figs. 2(c) and 2(d), there are regions 0.5 where the hub dynamics appears to be more complex 0 1 than that of the leaves — for intermediate values of the 0.8 coupling and of the parameter a — and regions where -0.5 0.6 the opposite is realized. For example, for the y coupling, -1 0 0.2 0.4 Chub < hCleaves i at the left and right side of the yellow (g) 0.5 region. To analyse with further detail the dynamical differen- 0 1 tiation of hub and leaves along the route to synchroniza- -0.5 0.8 tion, we show in Fig. 3 cuts of the complexity difference 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 Cj0 = Cj − C0 , with j = {hub, leaf} (black for the hub -1 (h) and red for one leaf) along the three horizontal dashed 0.5 lines shown in Fig. 2(a). These curves clearly show that 0 hub and leaf experience unalike differentiation routes be- 1 0.8 fore either the star synchronizes at dc to the same dy- -0.5 0.6 namical state as in d = 0 for y-coupling [Fig. 3(a)-(d)] -1 0 0.2 0.4 or it reaches a boundary crisis at db for the x coupling 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 [Fig. 3(e)-(h)]. In all cases, the maximal differentiation occurs always before for the hub than for the leaf, that is, FIG. 3. Evolution of the relative complexity Cj0 as a function the maximum of the Cj0 curves is located at a coupling of the coupling strength d for the hub (in black) and a leaf that is lower for the hub than for the leaf. As it is shown (in red) of a star network of y coupled (a)-(d) and x coupled at the inset of each panel, this shift coincides with the (e)-(h) Rössler oscillators. (a,e) a = 0.26, (b,f) a = 0.31, and earlier synchronization of the hub to the mean field, here (c,g) a = 0.38 and N = 16. (d,h) a = 0.31 and N = 32. measured as Insets in all panels show the phase synchronization Sj of the hub (black) and the leaf (red) with the mean field. Other Sj = hRe(ei(θj −Φ) )it , (8) parameter values: b = 0.2, and c = 5.7. One run per d-value.
5 being h. . . it the time average, Re stands for the real part, in Fig. 4(F) and all nodes share the same dynamics as θj = arctan (yj /xj ) the phase of the j = hub/leaf, and they had when uncoupled. Φ the mean-field global phase. By definition, Sj ∈ [0, 1], and approaches 1 as the phase of the j-th oscillator is locked to the phase of the mean field. IV. STAR NETWORKS MADE OF OTHER Another observed systematic behavior is that, for in- DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS creasing values of a, as the uncoupled dynamics is more developed (see Fig. 1), the relative complexity of the hub A. Lorenz systems diminishes while increases for the leaf. Therefore, the rel- ative position between the hub and leaf curves changes Let us now consider the Lorenz 63 system32 whose vec- such that for a = 0.26 the hub’s curve is almost always tor flow in Eq. (1) is above the leaf’s one, Chub,0 > Cleaf,0 , while for a = 0.38, when the isolated dynamics is the most developed, the f(x) = [σ(y − x), Rx − y − xz, −bz + xy] (9) hub’s curve is always below, Chub,0 < Cleaf,0 . Another salient feature is that in the very weak coupling regime which is equivariant under a rotation symmetry around (d < 0.05), just after oscillators start interacting, there the z-axis33 . This global property is the main difference is a marked fall of the complexity with respect to C0 for with respect to the Rössler dynamics since, when the both hub and leaf. Finally, the impact of the size of the symmetry is modded out, the Lorenz attractor is topolog- star is analysed in Fig. 3(d,h) for N = 32 and a = 0.31 ically equivalent to the Rössler one.33–35 Lorenz systems which has to be compared with the panels (b) and (f) coupled through variable y present a type-I synchroniz- of the same figure for N = 16. Precisely, the hub com- ability class and, therefore, complete synchronization is plexity is slightly affected and only in the region of low stable above a critical coupling threshold. coupling. As predicted by the MSF, for the y coupling, To compute the first-return map we proceeded as fol- the threshold for synchronization dc does only depend on lows. The common Lorenz attractor for R = 28, re- the smallest non-zero eigenvalue λ2 , which equals λ2 = 1 sembling the two wings of a butterfly, is bounded by a in both configurations. On the other hand, for the x cou- genus-3 torus and the Poincaré section is the union of the pling, the boundary crisis is anticipated to smaller cou- two components pling values as the largest eigenvalue λN = N increases P± ≡ (yn , zn ) ∈ R2 | xn = ±x± , ẋn ≶ 0 with the size. (10) To picture the different dynamical states the hub and p the leaf are visiting, we monitored their first-return maps where x± = ± b(R − 1).34,36,37 The interval visited by at a specific points along the route to synchronization as each one of these components is normalized to the unit shown in Fig. 3(b) with vertical dashed lines. Having in interval, and the component P− is shifted by −1, leading mind the map characterizing the uncoupled dynamics for to variable ρ. A quite close example of the first-return a = 0.31 and shown in Fig. 1(d), for very low coupling map for R = 28 is shown at the bottom of Fig. 5A featur- [Fig. 4(A)], the leaf dynamics is nearly unaffected while ing four branches paired due to the rotation symmetry.38 the hub is exhibiting the presence of incoherent small The two increasing branches correspond to the reinjec- perturbations and a shorter third branch. A slight in- tion of the trajectory into the wing from which it is is- crease in the coupling strength [Fig. 4(B)] amplifies this sued, while the two decreasing branches are associated effect turning the hub’s attractor into a very thick uni- with the transition from one wing to the other. The two modal map and leaving the leaf’s map almost unaltered. left (right) branches correspond to the nth intersection The next scenario [Fig. 4(C)] corresponds to the largest in the left (right) wing and to the (n + 1)th intersection deviation from the uncoupled dynamics with both types in the left (right) or right (left) wing depending on the of nodes displaying a much less complex dynamics. The sign of the slope. hub is constrained to a small neighborhood of the inner Figure 5 shows the relative complexity Cj0 of the hub singular point as revealed by the feeble cloud of points in and a leaf of a N = 32 star network y-coupled Lorenz the bisecting line. The leaf is locked on a period-2 limit systems for two values of the parameter R. For R = 28, cycle. Beyond this drop of complexity, the hub dynam- full synchronization is reached for dc ≈ 2.22. As with the ics develops into a single huge cloud of points, displaced Rössler systems, the complexity of the hub and leaves along the bisecting line towards the period-1 limit cy- drop below C0 in the weak coupling regime (d . 1) and cle [Fig. 4(D)]. The large complexity value attained by beyond that point the hub becomes more complex than the hub Chub = 1.18 > 1 indicates a very disorganized the nominal dynamics before full synchronization is even- dynamics far from the typical noisy limit cycle. At the tually reached. For this parameter setting, the Lorenz same time, the leaf moves into a first-return map with hub experiences a sudden drop in complexity as illus- three thick branches due to the noisy feedback from the trated in the first-return map [Fig. 5(A)]: while the hub hub. Pursuing along the route to synchronization both dynamics is characterized by small fluctuations around hub and leaf each recover three branched maps slightly the singular point in the centre of one of the wings, the distorted until a synchronous state is recovered for d > dc leaves are nearly unperturbed with their four branches.
6 A: d = 0.004 B: d = 0.014 C: d = 0.024 D: d = 0.100 E: d = 0.240 F: d = 0.300 Hub CD = 0.65 CD = 0.89 CD = 0.02 CD = 1.18 CD = 1.07 CD = 0.82 Leaf CD = 0.83 CD = 0.72 CD = 0.12 CD = 0.98 CD = 1.27 CD = 0.82 FIG. 4. First-return maps to the Poincaré section P for the hub (top row) and one of the leaves (bottom row) in a star network of N = 16 y-coupled Rössler oscillators for a = 0.31 and for different d values. The corresponding complexities CD are reported. The nominal complexity is C0 = 0.82. 0,5 A B C dc When d is further increased [Fig. 5(B)], the leaf dynam- ics also collapses, with all nodes surprisingly exhibiting a 0 quasi-periodic dynamics, a regime not observed in an iso- R = 28 Cj0 lated Lorenz system. Notice that the size of the two tori -0,5 Hub Leaf are different. When the nodes’ dynamics have topologi- (a) cally equivalent attractors (here, tori) but with a scaling 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 factor, the phenomenon is known as amplitude enveloppe 0,5 dc synchronization.39 Finally, beyond this point of reduced dynamics and just before full synchronization [Fig. 5(C)], the interaction between hub and leaves moves the dy- R = 175 0 Cj0 namics of the leaves again to the four paired branches al- -0,5 though slightly more noisy than the uncoupled one, while (b) the hub is strongly perturbed with a very disorganized 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 dynamics. This scenario resembles the one observed for Coupling strength d the Rössler system depicted in panel D of Fig. 4. Fi- A: d = 0.20 B: d = 1.06 C: d = 1.20 nally, we explored a second regime with an even more CD = 0.03 CD = 0.02 CD = 0.65 developed uncoupled dynamics for R = 175 whose first- return map has six branches (not shown). As in Fig. 3(c) Hub ρn+1 ρn+1 ρn+1 for the Rössler system, the switch between the relative complexities of hub and leaf is no longer observed in Fig. 5 and the leaf curve is always above Cleaf,0 > Chub,0 . ρn ρn ρn CD = 0.50 CD = 0.02 CD = 0.40 B. Mackey-Glass delay differential equation Leaf ρn+1 ρn+1 ρn+1 It is possible to produce a chaotic attractor character- ized by a smooth unimodal map via one-dimensional de- lay differential equations, for instance, the Mackey-Glass ρn ρn ρn (MG) equation40,41 FIG. 5. (a)-(b) Relative complexity for the hub (black) and one of the leaves (red) as a function of the coupling strength xτ ẋ = µ − xt (11) d for a star network with N = 32 y-coupled Lorenz systems 1 + xpτ for two R-values. First-return maps of the hub (top) and of one leaf (bottom) for the cases A, B and C indicated by the where x is the population of blood cells, xt = x(t) and blue dashed lines in the top panel. Other parameter values: xτ = x(t − τ ). This equation was initially proposed for σ = 10, b = 83 . A magnified view of the maps is plotted for the control of hematopoiesis (the production of blood the case B: the range used is not the same between the hub cells). Typically, the delay τ is the time-scale for pro- and leaf. liferation and maturation of these blood cells. The di-
7 0.5 A B dc C (a) 0.85 0 Cj0 0.80 -0.5 Hub 0.75 Leaf (a) 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 -1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Coupling strength d (b) A: d = 0.011 B: d = 0.038 C: d = 0.150 0.85 0.80 Hub xn+1 xn+1 xn+1 0.75 (c) 0.85 CD = 0.47 CD = 0.86 CD = 0.22 0.80 xn xn xn 0.75 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Leaf xn+1 xn+1 xn+1 FIG. 6. (a) Bifurcation diagram for the Mackey-Glass delay differential equation (11) versus the time delay τ . (b-c) Bifur- cation diagrams computed versus the coupling strength d for CD = 0.70 CD = 0.73 CD = 0.23 the hub and one of the leaves of a star network of N = 32 cou- xn xn xn pled Mackey-Glass equations (11) for τ = 4.8 [see red-dashed FIG. 7. (a) Relative complexity as a function of the coupling vertical line in panel (a)]. For avoiding the multi-stability strength d for a star network of N = 16 coupled Mackey-Glass which is observed in such a network, the bifurcation diagram delay differential equations (11) for τ = 4.8. (A)-(C) First- is computed without a reset of the initial condition at each return maps of the hub (top) and of one leaf (bottom) for new value of the coupling strength. Other parameter values three different values of d. Other parameter values: µ = 1.2 are µ = 1.2 and p = 18.5. and p = 18.5. mension of the effective state space associated with a de- minimal value (point C) before finally increasing up to lay differential equation is dependent on the delay.42,43 full synchronization is reached. The noisy curves in that Parameter values for parameters µ and p are such that region is due to the extreme sensitivity to initial condi- a period-doubling cascade as a route to chaos is ob- tions found in this system. The maps for the hub and served [Fig. 6(a)]. We chose a delay τ = 4.8 (red dashed leaf [Figs. 7(A)-7(C)] corresponding to the setting points line in Fig. 6(a) whose attractor is characterized by a A,B, and C marked in Fig. 7(a) sketch the dynamical smooth unimodal map with equivalent topological prop- differentiation route. erties to the Rössler system. Increasing τ further leads to a much more complex behavior and computing a reliable The bifurcation diagrams for the hub and leaf respec- Poincaré section is rather tricky. tively are computed as a function of the coupling d [Figs. Our goal here is to investigate the route to synchroniza- 6(b)-6(c)]. In both cases, an inverse period-doubling cas- tion for unimodal dynamics produced by a potentially cade is observed up to a period-2 limit cycle is settled at high-dimensional system. A network of MG systems can d = 0.18. Curiously, the size of both limit cycles is differ- be fully synchronized using bidirectional coupling.44 ent which, again, is an example of an amplitude envelope The attractor is bounded by a genus-1 torus and the synchronization. The crisis leading to a larger chaotic at- single-component Poincaré section can be defined as tractor is strongly dependent on the initial conditions. In summary, the prevalent lines of the route to synchroniza- PMG ≡ {xn , ∈ R | ẋn = 0.025, ẍn > 0, xn < 0.9} . (12) tion previously sketched are visible observed, albeit with some differences. Further investigations are necessary to The first-return map is one-dimensional and slightly fo- fully understand their origin. liated and quite similar to the one shown for the leaf in Fig.7(A) for N = 16 coupled MG systems. Figure 7(a) shows the relative complexity of the hub and leaf as a function of the coupling strength. As observed in the C. Four-dimensional Saito model Rössler and Lorenz systems, for low d-values, the hub experiences a sudden complexity drop while the leaves In this section, to confirm the generality of the nodal keep almost their nominal dynamics. As the coupling is dynamical differentiation route, we will investigate a increased, the hub starts synchronizing with the mean completely different model of nonlinear dynamics, the field and its relative complexity rises above 0. Beyond Saito model,45 which is able to generate a very rich dy- point B, all nodes reduce their complexity down to a namical behavior including toroidal chaos. The vector
8 0.5 A dc for toroidal chaos, and δ = 82 to produce hyperchaotic toroidal chaos. Close examples of the Poincaré sections δ = 0.58 Cj0 0 of these attractors can be grasped, respectively, in Fig. 8(A) and 8(B) for a leaf of a star of N = 16 y-coupled -0.5 Hub Saito models whose dynamics are almost identical to the (a) -1 Leaf uncoupled scenarios. The main difference between these two dynamics is the “thickness” of the Poincaré section 0.5 B dc being much thiner for δ = 0.58 than for δ = 0.82. The hyperchaotic nature is revealed by the overlapping struc- δ = 0.82 Cj0 0 tures of the Poincaré section as observed in the folded- towel map introduced by Rössler.46 This is partly con- -0.5 firmed with the Lyapunov exponents which for δ = 0.58 (b) -1 are 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Coupling strength d λ1 = 0.047 > λ2 = 0.012 ≈ λ3 = −0.022 > λ4 = −94.79 , Hub Leaf CHub = 0.54 CLeaf = 0.84 with two null exponents as expected for toroidal chaos A: δ = 0.58, d = 0.07 structured around a torus T2 ,47 and for δ = 0.82 are λ1 = 0.164 > λ2 = 0.069 ≈ λ3 = −0.033 > λ4 = −94.70 , zn zn with two positive and one null exponents as needed for toroidal hyperchaos. Note that in the latter case it is still unclear whether the second positive exponent is merged or not with the third null exponent and this is an issue xn xn currently under study. Investigations, which are out of CHub = 0.74 CLeaf = 0.96 the scope of the present work, would allow determining whether the fourth dimension is required for embedding B: δ = 0.82, d = 0.07 the toroidal chaos (δ = 0.58). Being hyperchaotic for δ = 0.82, the dynamics are necessarily four-dimensional. zn zn When these models are coupled through the variable y, they synchronize as shown in Figs. 8(a) and 8(b) with the convergence of their relative complexity to zero, be- ing the critical coupling dc larger for the hyperchaotic xn xn dynamics. Nevertheless, in both cases, what is preserved along the route to synchronization with these toroidal FIG. 8. Relative complexity Ck0 as a function of the coupling chaotic and hyperchaotic dynamics is the node differen- strength d of a star network with N = 16 y-coupled Saito tiation mainly of the hub whose dynamics turns less de- models (13) for (a) δ = 0.58 and (b) δ = 0.82. Poincaré veloped than the uncoupled one while the leaves sustain sections for the hub and a leaf for (A) δ = 0.58 and for (B) it over the whole range of coupling strengths [compare δ = 0.82, both with d = 0.07. Other parameter values: ρ = 14, η = 1, and = 0.01. the first-return maps in Fig. 8(A), and in Fig. 8(B)]. The route to synchronization appears very simple, most likely due to the constrained toroidal structure of the nominal flow in Eq. (1) reads dynamics. f(x) = [ρ(−y + z), x + 2δy, −x − w, (z − Φ(w))/] (13) V. NETWORKS OF RÖSSLER OSCILLATORS where x = (x, y, z, w) and Having characterized the relationship between the de- w − (1 + η) w≥η gree centrality and dynamical complexity in star net- w works, we move forward to generalize our results to net- Φ(w) = − if |w| < η (14) η works with a broader degree distribution. This issue was w + (1 + η) w ≤ −η . partially tackled in Refs.19,20 , where a strong correlation between degree k and complexity CD allowed establishing This is a four-dimensional system involving a linear piece- a node hierarchy. However, given the present novel re- wise function as a switch mechanism. The dynamics sults revealing the important role played by the nominal produced by this model can be chaotic, quasi-periodic, nodal dynamics, we extend our present study to larger toroidal chaotic, or even hyperchaotic, also structured networks. around a torus. Parameters ρ, η, and are fixed and δ is We maximize the degree heterogeneity by using used as a bifurcation parameter. Here we chose δ = 0.58 Barabasi-Albert scale-free (SF) networks of N identical
9 a=0.26 a=0.31 Eq. (8). The result is then ensemble averaged over 10 1 k=2 network realizations. Along the route to synchronization, 0.8 k=5 the k-classes synchronize hierarchically to the mean field Sk k=10 k=15 before all of them lock at the critical coupling (dc = 0.37 0.6 k=24 for a = 0.26 and dc = 0.52 for a = 0.31),19,48,49 (a) (b) therefore existing node differentiation also in heteroge- neous networks. While the phase synchronization Sk is 0.4 monotonously increasing for most of the coupling range 0.2 0 and classes, the weakly coupled regime presents anoma- Ck0 -0.2 lous synchronization50,51 over which most of the Sk are -0.4 below the basal, uncoupled level. This anomalous range, -0.6 (c) (d) more prominent for a = 0.31, is associated with the max- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 imal node differentiation [compare Fig. 9(b) and 9(d)]. d d As already observed in Section III, the less developed 0.5 the dynamics, the smaller the critical value dc [Fig. 9(c)- (d)]. In the weakly coupled regime, the relative com- 0 Ck0 plexity Ck0 shows a strong node differentiation: while the hubs present a markedly reduced complexity with -0.5 (e) (f) respect to the nominal value (with a clear negative min- 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 imal), for the smaller degrees the complexity increases. Sk Sk This increment in the less connected nodes (k = 2 and FIG. 9. (a,b) Average k-class Sk phase synchronization pa- k = 5 in the example) is non-monotonous with d and k, rameter for several values of degree k for N = 300, hki = 4 as observed in the stars in Sections III and IV. SF networks of y-coupled Rössler systems when a = 0.26 (left For stronger coupling all the nodes increase their com- panels) and a = 0.31 (right panels), (c,d) averaged relative plexity well above the nominal value, ordered following complexity Ck0 . The vertical dotted lines mark the cou- the reverse degree ranking [Fig. 9(c)-(d)], recovering the plings analyzed in Fig. 10 the lower panels: d = 0.04 (black), scenario observed for the hub in Section III. All these d = 0.08 (blue) and d = 0.22 (magenta). (e,f) Relative com- features are qualitatively shared for the two different a- plexity for different k-classes as a function of the phase syn- chronization Sk . values, but the deviations from the uncoupled value are larger for the more developed chaos, a = 0.31. Plotting the relative complexity Ck0 as a function of y-coupled Rössler oscillators retaining the parameter set- the phase synchronization Sk reveals a dependency which tings provided in Section III. Since we expect that nodes is stronger for nodes with a larger degree [Fig. 9(e)-(f)]. having the same degree k play equivalent roles in the net- Typically, low-degree nodes exhibit a dynamics which is work, we calculate the evolution of Ck within a degree nearly independent of the synchronization while it is the class k by averaging over the Nk nodes having degree k, opposite for large-degree nodes. It also clearly shows that is, that the relative complexity converges to zero for larger 1 X d-values when k increases. This delineates another sig- Ck = Cj , (15) nature of node differentiation. Nk [j|kj =k] Therefore, we conclude that in most of the regimes it where Cj is the dynamical complexity of the jth node. is possible to correlate the node degree with the relative Here, we use the relative complexity Ck0 = Ck −C0 which complexity. Furthermore, the degree centrality is the sin- helps to better assess the effects of both the coupling and gle structural parameter that affects the node behaviour, the topology in the complexity of the k-class nodes. In while the rest of environmental topological features has addition, to evaluate the impact of the nodal environ- no impact. This is shown in Fig. 10, where we plot the ment, we perform our calculations for networks made of value of the relative complexity Ck0 as a function of k N = 300 nodes, wherein hki = 4. All the results are for three representative values of d, both for SF networks averaged over 10 different networks realizations. and ER networks with hki = 4. The ER and SF curves First, in Fig. 9(a-b) we plot the time averaged phase overlap and, therefore, the dependence of Ck on a and synchronization Sk of k-class nodes with respect to the d are the same regardless of the topology. This is quite phase of the mean field for N = 300 SF networks as a remarkable since the ER and SF networks have a differ- function of the coupling d. We define Sk as ent critical coupling dc : for a given d-value, their global dynamics are different, but the nodes of degree k have N 1 X equivalent dynamics independently of the environment. Sk = Sj . (16) The same result is obtained for different sizes of both ER Nk [j|kj =k] and SF networks (not shown). where Sj is the time averaged phase synchronization To better illustrate the node differentiation in larger of node j with the mean-field global phase, defined in networks, we plotted the first-return maps for three dif-
10 0.5 d = 0:04 d = 0:08 d = 0:22 (a) (b) C2 =0.94 C2 =1.00 C2 =1.11 0 Ck0 k=2 SF d=0.04 ER d=0.04 SF d=0.08 ER d=0.08 SF d=0.22 -0.5 ER d=0.22 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 k k C8 =0.67 C8 =0.92 C8 =1.00 SF networks FIG. 10. Relative complexity Ck0 as a function of the de- k=8 gree k for (a) a = 0.26, and (b) a = 0.31. In each panel, curves correspond to SF (void symbols) and ER (full sym- bols) with the coupling strengths marked in Fig.10(c,d) with vertical lines: d = 0.04 (circles), d = 0.08 (squares), and d = 0.22 (triangles). Results are averaged over 10 different network realizations of N = 300. Other parameter values as C27 =0.17 C27 =0.48 C27 =0.88 in Fig. 1. k=27 ferent k-classes of nodes along the route to synchroniza- tion (Fig. 11). Low-degree nodes (k = 2) in SF networks produce first-return maps whose thickness increases with the coupling strength, up to d < dc (top row in Fig. C2 =0.98 C2 =1.06 C2 =1.19 11): for these nodes, the relative complexity is always k=2 positive, and the first maps resemble the map of the un- coupled dynamics but thicker (compare with the map for ER networks a = 0.31 in Fig. 1). For large degree nodes (third row in Fig. 11), once the minimum complexity is reached in the weakly coupled regime, the complexity increases with the coupling strength d. Around the minimum, the maps C8 =0.91 C8 =0.94 C8 =1.04 comprise a small cloud of points in the neighborhood of k=8 the inner singular point (bottom left of the first-return map); this is progressively transformed into a “noisy” period-1 limit cycle, which is characterized by a cloud of points elongated perpendicularly to the bisecting line and located around the centre of the map (d = 0.08 with FIG. 11. Different first-return maps to a Poincaré section for C27 = 0.48). Before the onset of synchronization, large three k-classes of nodes along a route to synchronization in degree nodes produce a map which resembles the nomi- a N = 300 (hki = 4) SF network of y-coupled Rössler nodes nal one but is slightly thicker (d = 0.22 with C27 = 0.88). (a = 0.31 and other parameters as in Fig. 1). The complexity The nodes with an intermediary degree (k = 8 in the ex- CD is reported in each case. ample) produce a map which has features intermediate between the two extreme cases previously discussed: the node differentiation is, thus, evidently correlated with the size. Here, we confirmed and extended previous work de- node degree. As previously discussed, in large networks, picting a non-trivial effect of connectedness on node dy- node differentiation is mostly a monotonous function of namics, particularly the existence of a non-monotonic re- the coupling strength and of the degree. When SF net- lationship between the complexity of node dynamics and works are replaced by ER ones, the degree range is nar- coupling strength. There is, indeed, a node differentia- rower, but the maps for k = 2 and k = 8 are very similar tion that evolves with the coupling strength. Typically, to their counterparts in SF networks. We conclude that when the coupling function provides type-i synchroniz- node degree is clearly the most important factor for the ability, low coupling strengths induce a significant reduc- node differentiation along the route to synchronization. tion in the complexity of the large-degree nodes, while those having a small degree are left nearly unaffected. Consequently, increasing the d-value, all the nodes in VI. CONCLUSION small networks or those with a large degree in large net- works present a minimal dynamical complexity. In every Routes to synchronization need to be elucidated to at- network, all nodes have a complexity that increases, of- tain a better understanding and knowledge of the possi- ten reaching a greater level than the nominal one, before ble scenarios that may be encountered depending on the the onset of full synchronization. This sketch for the coupling, nominal node dynamics, topology, and network route to synchronization is clearly observed for the two
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