Page created by Kevin Wood
Will There Be an End to China's Cultural Plunders?
                                                     NO.368 JUN 2021

The Alliance Program You Want

                                                                                     CO N TE N TS

            THE SOO

                           JUN 2021                                            | THE SOOKMYUNG TIMES - NO. 368 JUN 2021 |


                       About SMT
 The Sookmyung Times (SMT) is the only official En-
 glish Newspaper at Sookmyung Women's University.
 Founded in 1973, 2021 marks its 49th anniversary.
 SMT publishes a hardcopy magazine each March,
 April, June, September, October, and December and
 publishes a webzine each May and November. The
 Sookmyung Times office is located in the Student
                   Union, room 309.

                                                                                        03   12                                            21

PUBLISHER                            President Chang Yunkeum
                                                                     03                      #StopAsianHate            28
DIRECTOR                             Professor Shim Sookyoung
                                                                     LETTER                                            GLOBAL REPORT
                                                                     Carpe Diem!                                       NOW or NEVER!
COPY EDITOR                              Professor Matilda Krivan
                                                                                                                       Do Not Hesitate or
                                                                                             FOCUS ON
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                    Sang Lim Hyeji                                                      You Will Miss a Great
                                                                                             Summer Vacation is        Experience!
CULTURE SECTION EDITOR                         Kwon Jung Eunseo                              Waiting for You

                                               Choi Song Bojeong

                                                 Na Cho Seongah
                                                                     Recreating Music Her
                                                                     Way                     18                        30
WOMAN SECTION EDITOR                        Lee Hwang Hayoung                                                          FORMAL ARTICLE

                                                   Kim Lee Jiwon

                                                  Park Gil Yeonseo
                                                                     06                      Encouragement and
                                                                                             Enlightenment from        32
                                                                     ON CAMPUS               Photos
CUB REPORTER                                     Park Sung Iyoung                                                      MUSE ON

                                                                     08                      21
CUB REPORTER                                       Yoon Kim Eunji                                                      Following the Footsteps
                                                                                                                       of a Master of Modern
TEL                                                    02)710-9152                                                     Art
                                                                     ADIEU SMT               SMTRACING
                                                                                             The Alliance Program
                                                                     Time to Say Goodbye
                                                                                             You Want                  34

                                                                     09                      24
                                                                                                                       NEW FACES ON
KAKAO TALK                                                  @로움
                                                                                             EXPERIENCE                Songs for the Blooming
                                                                     Will There Be an End                              Season
TEL                                                010-5343-5357
                                                                     to China's Cultural     3,2,1 Click!

                                                                                             26                        35
                                                                                             SMT CULTURE               HEAD TO HEAD
                                                                                             Open Your Time
                                                                                             Capsule at the Beach


                                   Carpe Diem!
         Another semester has ended in the blink of an eye. It was full of regret, but
          I will not regard it as regretful because I have to move on to prepare for
           summer vacation. How are you going to spend your summer vacation?
              Last summer vacation, I spent my days full of The Sookmyung Times
            training. But this summer I'm a bit freer, so I thought about the types of
         activities I could do that would have a lasting effect on my life. But it's not
           easy planning for tomorrow, and it is even harder planning for the future.
         So, I was at a loss brainstorming idea for my summer break. I had no idea
         what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be. Nothing popped to mind. With
          this concern floating in my head, I came to the conclusion that I should do
         things that I can right now and not worry about their future relevance. Life
         without a plan may not be a good idea, but there is a saying 'Carpe Diem.'
          Once I do what I wanted to do, I will consider how I plan my future. It's a
         vacation, so we need rest. Doesn't everyone? I'll travel, watch movies, and
         go to the theatre. Basically, I will do all the things I couldn't do during the
            school semester. I'm going to find a way to enjoy everything COVID-19
         I hope my fellow Sookmyungians, you too, enjoy your summer vacation. You
          don't need to do a productive task or get a job, just do something you like.
                 After revitalizing yourself, let's meet again in September!

                              Sang Lim Hyeji / Editor-in-Chief /

                                                                                           NO 368 / JUN 2021 3

                                                                         Recreating Music
                                                                         Her Way
                                                                         Na Cho Seongah / Society Section Editor /
                                                                         Kim Lee Jiwon / Cub Reporter /

                                                                         Have you ever seen an orchestra perform? It's a
                                                                         magnificent combination of string, woodwind, brass, and
                                                                         percussion instruments. At the center of every orchestra
                                                                         is the conductor who leads the musicians. The conductor
                                                                         is also referred to as a musician who recreates music.
                                                                         SMT interviewed Professor Kim Kyounghee, pioneer of
                                                                         Korean female conductors.

                                                                                                                                             ALL PHOTOS FROM KKH

Before beginning the interview,                 from Sookmyung?                                              Earning the title of first female
would you please introduce yourself             In more recent years, Korean universities                    orchestra conductor must not have
to our readers?                                 have begun offering an environment where                     been easy. What comes to mind as the
My name is Kim Kyounghee, and I am a            students can learn to conduct. However,                      most precious moment?
professor in the Department of Orchestra        when I was a university student, no such                     Winning the title of a front-runner is not the
Music at Sookmyung. I've worked here at         major existed, and there were very few                       only best value. What's more important is
Sookmyung for 30 years. I am also the first     symphony orchestras and conductors. For                      how responsible you are and how well you
female orchestra conductor in Korea. I have     those reasons, I majored in composition and                  have come up with and that's when the title
also worked as a conductor of the Gwacheon      then went overseas to major in conducting.                   has its meaning. In the past, it was unusual to
Philharmonic Orchestra and an artistic          A music critic who attended the same church                  see a woman standing in front of an orchestra
director as well as a conductor of the Jeonju   I went to said, "You are better suited to                    and conducting. I felt the pressure of being
Philharmonic Orchestra. During that same        conducting than composing, so why not                        there, but I endured it with the thought that
period, I conducted the KBS Symphony            become a conductor?" I was unfamiliar with                   why does it matter that I am a female when
Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra,        conducting and not confident, so I decided to                other females were playing the instruments.
Busan Philharmonic, Daegu Philharmonic,         first start conducting a choir. The critic also              It is difficult to make music with others,
Suwon Philharmonic, Incheon Philharmonic        told me that I would be entering new ground,                 so I was very nervous and tired, but I was
and so on. I took the Sookmyung                 a path no one else had travelled. I was able to              grateful. I was rewarded by the end results,
Philharmonic Orchestra to the Sydney            enter the department of orchestra conducting                 creating harmony at a music hall.
Opera House and Vladivostok Philharmonic        at the Berlin University of Art in 1993 with
Hall in Australia and conducted the Indiana     only a background in composition from                        How did you overcome hard times?
University Orchestra at the invitation of       Sookmyung.                                                   The most difficult task for a conductor is
Indiana University. Although I am well                                                                       rehearsal because I must create music in
over 60 years old, I passionately conduct       What attracted you to composition                            front of the orchestra members without any
orchestras on any stage with faith and love     and conducting?                                              instruments. I always felt rehearsal was like
of music.                                       Composing involves creating while                            walking through a minefield. I also have to
                                                conducting is re-creation. In other words,                   engage in psychological warfare in order to
You are a graduate of Sookmyung                 the composer creates what does not exist,                    deal with people and listen to their musical
Women's University with a major                 and the conductor recreates what is already                  instruments. As a conductor, I must have
in composition as well as a graduate            created. Each conductor produces different                   strong hearts because I need to manage the
of Berlin University of Arts with a             music. However, both involve some form of                    music and the musicians together. Although
major in conducting. What made you              creation. I am fascinated by both composing                  I love music, I feel that is the most difficult
major in conducting after graduating            and conducting.                                              task for me.

Then, what was your most                          are entering the profession in Korea, and I          individuals can finally impress audiences.
memorable and rewarding moment?                   hope they will be recognized for their pure          I feel like I am creating something out of
I was happiest when orchestra members, who        ability and not be compared to males.                nothing.
once ignored me as I was a female conductor,
                                                  Many students see you as a role                      The music performance sector has
came around. They would say they felt the
                                                  model. Do you have anything to                       been hit hard by COVID-19. How is
joy and emotion of the music thanks to
                                                  advise them? And, is there anyone                    the conductor making an orchestra
me. The applause of the audience is also
                                                  who influenced you too?                              impressive with directly meeting the
wonderful, but in the end, being recognized
by fellow musicians is my biggest reward.         Please study the basics of conducting hard           audience?
                                                  and listen to a variety of music. You need           A conductor who has no technique would not
You were active with both Korean                  to reproduce music but at the same time,             be able to do it. First, the conductor must play
and foreign orchestras. What has                  make it your own, so I hope you study the            according to social distancing regulations.
been the most impressive experience               techniques and music interpretations of many         For example, stringed and percussion
conducting orchestra?                             conductors in depth. I also hope you keep a          groups must wear masks on stage while
Among my conducting experiences, I really         proper attitude toward music. The world              wind instrument musicians socially distance
recall my experience of conducting the            has many great conductors, but I especially          themselves by playing in choir seats or other
eight-nation concert orchestra in Japan. It       like the conducting style of Carlos Kleiber          spaces where they can still see the conductor.
was incredible to witness orchestra members       from East Germany. There is freedom in his           There is a need to come up with alternatives
coming to practice an hour early. It was          framework of conducting. While I've been             to the traditional way of broadcasting an
also wonderful to see the musicians smiling       conducting for many years, I still aspire to be      orchestra on the large screen. If any of you
broadly, enjoying themselves as they played       like him someday.                                    have suggestions, I'm sure each orchestra
leisurely on the stage. Moreover, I was quite                                                          would love to hear from you.
                                                  What does it mean as a professor to
surprised by their consideration. They met
                                                  present good music to the public as                  Last, do you have any final words
me at the airport upon my arrival and saw me
                                                  well as conduct an orchestra that                    that you would like to leave for
off when I left so that I could wholly focus
                                                  harmonizes with everyone?                            Sookmyungians?
on music. Compared to that experience,
the atmosphere of a symphony orchestra in         Making sheet music come to life at the hands         You may not be sensing it now, but the time
Korea is a little heavy. I would like to see it   of a conductor is hard work. Unaccompanied           will come when you realize that this time at
take on an air of trust among the musicians       music can be made and delivered by the               Sookmyung Women's University was truly
by encouraging, caring, and practicing each       single person with their sheet music, but            the golden age of your life. 'Challenge new
other with a warm heart. However, it's not        with an ensemble, you also need to consider          paths and keep striving towards the ticker
easy with everyone having different ideas.        melody and Mars. Therefore, the process              tape'. Before you know it, you'll see your
The memories of each stage performance are        of uncovering which kind of music is best            wishes come true.
all precious and impressive to me.                suited to which instrument for a particular
                                                  sound is what makes an ensemble attractive.
As the first female conductor in                  The efforts of the conductor and all of the
Korea, you must have had to endure
social prejudices, especially since                                             Kim Kyounghee
the profession was male-dominated.
                                                                                - G
                                                                                   raduate of Sookmyung Women's University, Department of Music
What difficulties did you experience?                                             Composition
Indeed, but the profession is still difficult                                   - G
                                                                                   raduate of Hochschule der künste Berlin, Department of Orchestra
for female conductors. On one visit to                                            Conduct
Jeonju Philharmonic Orchestra as an invited                                     - C
                                                                                   onducted with KBS Orchestra, Seoul City Orchestra, Daejeon City
                                                                                  Orchestra, Busan City Orchestra, and other multiple orchestras, both
conductor, I saw an article with the headline                                     domestically and internationally
'Conductor who pierced the glass ceiling'.                                      - S
                                                                                   tanding Conductor of Gwacheon City Orchestra, standing Conductor
That would never have been written if I were                                      and Artistic Director of Jeonju City Orchestra, successive
a male. Being a conductor is a rare profession                                  - Chairwoman of Korean Conductors Association, successive
for a woman, so there are few opportunities                                     - S
                                                                                   itting Professor, Department of Orchestra Music, Sookmyung Wom-
for women. Today, more and more women                                             en's University

                                                                                                                           NO 368 / JUN 2021 5

 English Spot for Speaking and Writing Help
 The public education in Korea does not make it easy to have individualized English classes.
 While there is systematic education in English, and the subject is taught both as a mandatory
 and as an elective course, it does not offer much opportunity to discover one's individual
 deficiencies and develop them further. To compensate for that, Sookmyung Women's
 University founded a program that allows students to receive additional in-depth education
 for free. The English Spot Program also known as ESP is managed by SMWU's Department
 of General Education. It offers students the best opportunity to improve their English skills
 through sessions with native English speakers. Students can register to meet one of SMWU's
 foreign instructors on a 1:1 basis or in small groups to practice speaking English. The program
 is offered each semester to all undergraduate students. There are two ways to register for the
 program. First, students may go to the website of the Department of General Education and
 apply on the site. Students should select 'non-subject program' from the list of options at the
 top and click on English Spot Program. Students may also apply through bulletin boards or by                    SCREENSHOT OF ACE-SELF-STUDY
 phoning the ESP center. The second way of registering is only for students who are currently
 taking English language courses. Each of the courses' native English speaking instructors                            Park Gil Yeonseo / Cub Reporter
 will post a link for Ace-Self-Study posted on Snowboard. Students can enter the Speaking
 & Writing Help section under study materials. They can then check the ESP schedule at the
 bottom of the registering page, which means they have control of the date, time, and instructor
 when participating in ESP. After making those decisions, students should call 02-710-9365
 to make a reservation. It is hoped that students are better informed of and participate in the
 programs at SMWU such as this one, which offers great opportunities to improve one's
 English skills.

 Becoming Possible With Sookmyung's Support
 On April 20th, Sookmyung Women's University was selected as one of the best universities
 in the '2020 Evaluation of Educational Welfare support for Special Needs University
 students'. Celebrating Special Needs Persons' Day in Korea, Sookmyung Women's University
 was awarded the 'Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education's Citation'. The award
 ceremony, held at the Center for Students with Disabilities, was attended by the president,
 vice-president, and the director of student affairs at Sookmyung Women's University. 423
 campuses from 343 universities in Korea were assessed in the evaluation carried out by the
 Ministry of Education and organized by the National Institute of Special Education which is
 done every three years. SMWU was selected for four straight years since 2011. Last year, the
 center offered services such as lecture transcripts, video subtitles, and counseling for students,
 so students could participate in online classes smoothly and manage difficulties caused by
 COVID-19. Also, a special mentor lecture meeting was conducted by one of SMWU graduates
 over Zoom late last year. This year, an online employment lecture, the graduate homecoming           PHOTO FROM SOOKMYUNG WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY

 day, and a leadership workshop were held on Zoom. In June, SMWU will offer support for
 students taking their final examinations and a special support committee for special needs                            Yoon Kim Eunji / Cub Reporter
 students will be held during the first semester. In the second half of the year, SMWU will set
 up specialization programs, exchanges with graduate students, special lectures by mentors,
 and career counseling. Sookmyung Women's University was also selected as a hub university
 for Seoul in the '2021 Career Employment Support Project for Special Needs University
 Students' conducted by the Ministry of Education. More employment education programs for
 students with special needs are expected this year. For more explanation, refer to the website
 of Sookmyung Women's University and click Center for Students with Special Needs.


Make Sense of Human Rights Sprout!
Since March 10, 'Sookmyung Human Rights, Tuium(sprouting),' has been operating by the
Sookmyung Women's University Human Rights Center. To foster a proper sense of human
rights among students, lectures are offered to students by talent donations from various
professors at Sookmyung Women's University. The lecture series consists of 10 videos, and
each video is about 10 minutes long, making it easy and time efficient for students. The
lectures are available for viewing on the SNOWBOARD e-class. And the lectures are all pre-
recorded videos, everyone is eligible to view them. In particular, because various professors
from various majors pre-recorded a lecture, students are able to enjoy human rights stories
from a number of different viewpoints. During the second week of the lecture series, Kim
Youngran, professor from the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, uploaded a
lecture with the theme title 'Recognizing the Pain of Others.' During the lecture, Professor
Kim told a touching story that centered on a picture of an orangutan that was reaching out
to a drowning park ranger. She said, "Whenever we see others suffering, we must extend a                    SCREENSHOT OF SNOWAY
hand to them and hold on." Kim implies that students must view the pain of others as the first
step to taking human rights responsibly. During week five, the lecture entitled 'Prohibition             Park Sung Iyoung / Cub Reporter
of Discrimination and Human Rights' by Hong Sungsoo, a professor from the DIVISION
OF LAW, was uploaded. Hong's lecture discussed the concept of discrimination in detail. He
also presented four areas where discrimination is considered a taboo in Korean society. At the
end of his lecture, Professor Hong urged students to pay attention to discrimination issues in
society, saying, "Discrimination is an important issue for everyone and provides a premise for
society to be safe and peaceful." Through this lecture series, students at Sookmyung Women's
University are able to learn about human rights and start to comprehend the true meaning of
human rights.

A Stepping Stone to a Society Without Hatred
April 20th was 'Special Needs Day'. To mark that day, the Smgonggam Center at Sookmyung
Research Institute of Humanities held special lectures during week three and four of , from April 15th to 22nd. The purpose of the special lecture series from
the Smgonggam Center was to set the stage for discussing the issue of 'hate', a hot topic
nowadays, and how to overcome it. The course was streamed on YouTube. Activities maps
were employed and could be accessed from the Smgonggam Center blog, which enhanced
lecture content understanding and made students think deeply about the topic. On April 15,
Jang Hawon, a humanities researcher at Kyung Hee University, talked about autism. From the
first autism diagnosis to the present, she discussed growing knowledge, theories, and various
techniques and tools made in that medical area. Jang also talked about how society could
better understand autism and better present help those on the autistic spectrum by reflecting on
the history of autism and research. Author Ha Mina's lecture on April 22nd covered depression
among women. She defined and classified depression by explaining the history of psychiatry              SCREENSHOT OF SMGONGGAM

and the process by which knowledge was formed to measure depression. She also examined
whether individuals were overlooking their depression by simply claiming to feel gloomy. By                 Kim Lee Jiwon / Cub Reporter
supplementing her talk with academic resources and showing comments from interviewees
who are suffering from female depression, she answered questions such as 'What do people
who do not fit into the psychiatric classification of depression think of themselves?' and 'How
are they living with depressed images of their bodies?'. Next in the lecture series will be three
photographers who will present on their communications with special needs persons. This
lecture was uploaded from the fifth week of April.

                                                                                                     NO 368 / JUN 2021 7

                     Time to Say Goodbye
                 The Sookmyung Times is ready to say goodbye once again to a valued reporter. A 87th
                 reporter is saying adieu and 88th reporters are taking her place. It may be the end of the
                    journey for the 87th reporter, but it is the start of a journey for the 88th reporters.

                                                  Sang Lim Hyeji / Editor-in-Chief /
                                             Kwon Jung Eunseo / Culture Section Editor /
                                             Choi Song Bojeong / Culture Section Editor /
                                              Na Cho Seongah / Society Section Editor /
                                            Lee Hwang Hayoung / Woman Section Editor /

       LHY – Throughout my two years and six months, I was extremely grateful to all my colleagues who worked
       tirelessly each day and night to get to where we wanted to be. I also appreciate the leadership of 86th reporters, the
       encouragement from the 87th reporters, and the support I took more than I was given from the 88th reporters. I am also
       thankful for each and every Sookmyungian who took the time to read my articles and all the people who helped me
       write the articles. The Sookmyung Times allowed me to develop personally, and I cannot imagine college life without
       this outstanding club. All the glory to God for leading me here for this wonderful journey with talented people which
       will be kept deep in my heart.

       KES – She taught me a lot about work at The Sookmyung Times. She helped me so much, and the time we spend
       together will remain a good memory. Thanks to her and her leadership, I believe The Sookmyung Times will continue

       SBJ – The times spent with her will remain a precious memory, and I would like to offer my deepest appreciation of
       her time with us. I promise to support her and wish her good tidings as her proceeds with school and life after SMT.

       CSA - I can't believe our time with her is about to end. She was like a gift. Her presence always gave us great strength.
       Thanks to all her hard work, we will manage SMT well, and I wish her the best in all that she endeavors from now.

       LHJ – Time has really flown by. I can't believe she is now writing her final SMT article. First of all, I want to say thank
       you. The six months that I worked with her were the most meaningful of my days with SMT. In other words, she made
       it meaningful for us. I look forward to seeing her at our reunion. Until then, fare well.


                                                                                                                      PHOTO FROM NEWSPIM

              Will There Be an End to
             China's Cultural Plunders?
                                        Choi Song Bojeong / Culture Section Editor /
                                            Park Sung Iyoung / Cub Reporter /

         Noonsong recently saw a famous Chinese YouTuber add the hashtag 'Chinese cuisine' to a video of
         making Kimchi, claiming Kimchi which is a traditional Korean food was Chinese in origin. She also
         noticed that China is laying claim to Korean traditional clothing. That is, China has announced that
         Hanbok was actually Ming Dynasty attire. Moreover, there have been other attempts to call Korean
          people such as Poet Yoon Dongju and Yoon Bonggil, an independent activist, as being of Chinese
           heritage on the Chinese encyclopedia site Baidu. Expressing her anger at the tyranny of China,
                Noonsong has begun to actively participate in campaigns to preserve Korean culture.

                                                                                                               NO 368 / JUN 2021 9
PHOTO FROM KOIPA                                                                 PHOTO FROM CHOSUNILBO

The beginning of the controversy
'Northeast Project' refers to a project founded by the Chinese                                    as the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China officially
government to study the history and culture of the Northeast area of                              announced its 'Transmission Development Project.' The Chinese
the nation in order to incorporate all the history within the Chinese                             Civilization Propagation Project is expected to start by 2025, and
border. The project was carried out in earnest from February 2002                                 China actively promotes it using dramas, cartoons, and TV shows.
with official approval from the Chinese government after discussion                               A research team from Oxford University released a report on China's
and preparation for the study from 2001. Through the project, China                               propaganda activities in an interview with JTBC. The research team
aimed to unite its minority groups and create a single-race nation,                               said the Communist Party of China is conducting a propagation
thereby achieving political stability in the nation. However, there is                            project using official news agencies, diplomatic missions, influential
one big problem with the study. The study includes Korean history                                 SNS users, and commentary units.
in the Chinese project. Goguryeo and Balhae are dynasties that once
occupied parts of the current Chinese territory. In other words, China                            Distortion of Korean culture in the media
attempted to incorporate Goguryeo and Balhae into Chinese history.                                China hopes to stimulate public opinion among its younger generation
China also claimed that Goguryeo and Balhae were Chinese dynasties                                through various media such as SNS and YouTube and make sure
in order to secure the legitimacy of their historical integration. In 2006,                       Korean culture is subjugated into Chinese culture. An example of
the South Korean government responded by launching the 'Northeast                                 this propaganda activity is the controversy raised by famous Chinese
Asian History Foundation' sponsored by the Ministry of Education to                               YouTuber 'Liziqi.' In January, Liziqi posted a kimchi-making video on
correct distorted history. Nonetheless, China is insisting on its claim.                          her YouTube channel with descriptions of kimchi and made comments
In the end, the project expanded beyond historical conflict between                               on that video that kimchi is Chinese food. Like this example, there
South Korea and China up to the level of diplomatic issues. Although                              is systematic cooperation between the Chinese government and
the situation slowed for a while after China ended the study in 2007,                             individuals or organizations to manipulate public opinion around
China has yet to recognize the history of South Korea's two dynasties,                            the world by spreading false information quickly on social media.2)
describing Goguryeo and Balhae as Chinese dynasties in their history                              Because China's 'Culture Research Project' is performed through the
textbooks.                                                                                        media, which can be accessed around the world, distorted information
In addition to distorting history, China is now pushing forward the                               spreads quickly. Most other nations know little about Korean culture,
'Culture Research Project' that claims Korean culture is actually                                 and as such are likely to accept this information as being true.
Chinese culture. The 'Culture Research Project' was started as                                    China's activities have been causing a huge stir in Korean society since
an attempt to subjugate Korean culture into Chinese culture. The                                  late 2020, especially with the 'Culture Research Project' announcing
project began in 2016 when Wang Wei, chair of the archaeology                                     on the Internet the release of Hanbok items on a gaming platform.
board of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said, "I want the                                In October of last year, the Chinese game company 'PaperGames'
'Chinese Civilization Propagation Project' to become a global scale                               officially launched a styling mobile game called 'Shining Nikki' in
initiative."1) Since then, distortion of Korean culture began in earnest                          Korea. To commemorate its launch on the Korean server, Hanbok
                                                                                                  clothing items were added to the game with the explanation that they
                                                                                                  are traditional Korean costumes. However, Chinese users protested
                                                                                                  strongly. They claimed that Chinese traditional clothes were being
                                                                                                  described as Korean clothing. Controversy ensued, so PaperGames
                                                                                                  deleted the Hanbok items from the Korean server and offered an
                                                                                                  apology. A week after launching the game in Korea, the company
                                                                                                  announced it would terminate the service on its official fan café,
                                                                                                  'Shining Nikki.' Along with the announcement the company said,
                                                                                                  "Some Korean users are continuing to racially insult China. Their
                                                                                                  actions pushed us to the limit of patience."3) In response, Korean
                                                                                                  service users expressed more perplexity about the termination of
                                                                                                  the game service and the unreasonable claims made by the game
                                                                                                  company. Even after the controversy, China is claiming that Korean
                                                                 SCREENSHOT OF JTBC NEWS
             Chair of the archaeology board of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Wang Wei
                                                                                                  2) Same as 1

1) Kang Shinwho, "China's Kimchi and Hanbok Provocation…There Is a Propagation                    3) Oh Kyeongmuk, ""Hanbok Is Chinese Clothes," Shining Nikki, a Chinese Game,
 Project", JTBC News, February 7, 2020                                                             Closes Korean Version", Chosun Ilbo, November 6, 2020

that Korean culture is part of Chinese culture. Because the Chinese
                                                                                          government agencies have actively pursued these falsehoods and
                                                                                          proceeded with the Culture Research Project, Chinese citizens have
                                                                                          become radicalized, and their belief grew strong. This has driven
                                                                                          many Koreans to seek ways to counter China's false claims. VANK,
                                                                                          a cyber-diplomatic mission, has sent letters of protest to Google,
                                                                                          demanding the error of labelling the origin of Kimchi as being from
                                                                                          China be rectified to show it is Korean. Also, VANK is campaigning
                                                                                          to promote the use of Korean proper nouns such as Taekwondo and
                                                                                          Ondol overseas. In addition, the national fashion brand LAKAI
                                                                                          KOREA shared a post on April 1, highlighting Malatang as a unique
                                                                                          Korean dish in order to show the illogicalness of China's distortion of
                                                                                          history.4) Besides the actions of these groups, other individuals have
                                                                                          voiced the abolishment of a Chinatown construction in Gangwon
                                                                                          Province. Kolon Global Crop., the project contractor, intends to
                                                    PHOTO FROM HANKYUNG DOTCOM            build a Korea-China Culture Town in the province in order to attract
                                                                                          more tourists to the area. On March 29, a petition against the project
                                                                                          was uploaded onto the CheongWaDae board, and it has so far gotten
cultural items such as Kimchi, Taekwondo, and Samgyetang are                              670,000 signatures. Overall, people in Korea are growing more and
all Chinese in origin on various media and through other methods.                         more concerned and voicing anger at the Northeast Project, and many
During the heightened anti-Chinese sentiment among Koreans, the                           people want the project stopped to protect our own culture. Due to
SBS drama  once again came to the forefront of                           unrest in society, the project has been stopped and is under review.
controversy along with the 'Culture Research Project' in March.                           And the case shows how people's actions can influence change.
 was a historical drama set in the Joseon Dynasty,                       While there are some notable moves to protect our culture, critics
but after airing the first episode on March 22, people pointed out that                   pointed out that the Korean government's response is insufficient.
Chinese food was being served at the banquet table where Joseon's                         A national stand is needed to take on China's Northeast Project,
Prince Chungnyeong welcomed an exorcist from the Western China                            but the Korean government has only taken a passive attitude, and
border. Moreover, the Joseon female exorcist was dressed in Chinese                       the attitude is criticized as being even more indifferent than in the
apparel. Other problems with the drama included the stretching of                         past. In 2006 and 2007, the government launched the Northeast Asian
the truth regarding the descriptions of real historical figures. Viewers                  History Foundation in preparation for China's Northeast Project
demanded the drama halt production and kept criticizing the drama.                        and made demands that incorrectness be amended. In 2007, China
In response to viewers' uproar, the production company of  apologized for their fault and removed problematic parts,                       Korean government's actions. However, as the recent cases show, the
but a national petition was posted on the CheongWaDae board on                            Northeast Project is continuing in a more subtle and extensive way.
March 24 calling for its complete cancellation. It said, "We demand                       The Korean government needs to develop a long-term and systematic
the immediate suspension of the drama ." Within                          response strategy. Park Kitae, CEO of VANK, claims the government
just two days after it was uploaded, it gathered roughly 200,000                          is not actively responding to the current situation. He said, "Unlike
people. In the end, SBS stopped airing. However, even after its                           the issue right now with Japan, the government seems complacent
cancellation, controversy continued as many people said that the                          about the current situation with China. Koreans are suffering, so the
drama provided an excuse to spread the Chinese project.                                   government must be alert to the damages and show the will of the
                                                                                          nation." Park's argument underlines the seriousness of the current
Each nation's stance and action                                                           situation and the need for governmental countermeasures. Seo
In the midst of all the controversy, China has remained defiant, and                      Kyoungduk, a professor of Sungshin Women's University, has also
this attitude has angered Koreans even more. For example, The                             criticized the government for not initiating any countermeasures to
Central Political and Legal Affair Commission of the Communist                            China's Northeast Project by saying, "The Korean government should
Party of China said, "The controversy over Kimchi is mere paranoia                        clearly pin down the wrong claims and face them head on."5) These
among Koreans who lack cultural confidence. Kimchi is a piece of                          comments show that the Korean government must directly intervene
China's five-thousand-year history." Xing Haiming, the Chinese                            in the situation and effectively deliver its nation's position on China's
Ambassador to South Korea, has also said, "China is made up of                            Northeast Project.
56 ethnic groups including ethnic Koreans living in China. Rather
than discussing Kimchi, it is better to consider Kimchi an element                        Call to action
of the bond between the two countries." Xing's comment is implying                        Culture is formed over a long period of time in a society and is used
                                                                                          as a means of representing a nation's lifestyle. In other words, culture
                                                                                          represents a society's identity, so it is important to protect that unique
                                                                                          culture. However, China continues to invade Korean culture and
                                                                                          its territory, and that seriousness is growing day by day. In order to
                                                                                          protect Korean culture, society should not merely get upset at China's
                                                                                          behavior, but everyone in society needs to actively work as a single

                                                                                          4) Lee Sunmyung, "LAKAI KOREA Said "Malatang Is Korean Traditional Food"", The
                                                                                           Kyunghyang Shinmun, April 1, 2021

                                                                                          5) Shin Dahyun, ""Is Paocai the Same Thing As Kimchi?"…Our Movement Against
                                                                                           China's Northeast Project", Yonhapnews, February 20, 2021

                                                             PHOTO FROM SEGYE ILBO
                             Lakai Korea is promoting Hanbok in New York's Times Square

                                                                                                                                        NO 368 / JUN 2021 11


  ASIANHATE                    Sang Lim Hyeji / Editor-in-Chief /

Can you recall the George Floyd case? A black man named George died due to the racist behavior
 of a police officer. For more details on the case, refer to the FEATURE of The Sookmyung Times
No. 361. Just after the public was informed about the incident, people took to the streets to protest
   against racism, and it seemed that awareness of racism started to improve around the world.
                           However, now acts of racism are towards Asians.

                                                                                            NO 368 / JUN 2021 13
that Asians feel an increased sense of being
                                                              targeted by criminals.
                                                              According to the Asia Pacific Policy
                                                              Planning Committee, an Asian human
                                                              rights group, 280 cases of hate crimes were
                                                              received from 47 States from March 2020
                                                              to January this year. Of those cases, 420
                                                              were filed by Korean victims, which is the
                                                              second highest after filings by Chinese
                                                              victims. The civic group STOP AAPI HATE
                            PHOTO FROM HANKOOKILBO            also released related statistics on Asian hate                       PHOTO FROM THE SOUTHERMER ONLINES
                   Mourning victims of Atlanta spa shooting
                                                              crimes. It announced a total of 503 similar
                                                              cases between January and February 2021.
I'm of Asian descent,                                                                                              Asians.2) Davis explains the reality facing
                                                              Together, these numbers indicate that
but I live here                                                                                                    Asians in U.S. society. According to the U.S.
                                                              discrimination towards Asians happens at
                                                                                                                   LA police, in 2017, race hate crimes increased
Eight people were killed in shootings at three                least 10 times every day. 342 of the 503 cases
                                                                                                                   by 18.5% compared to 2016, the highest in 15
different spa shops in Atlanta's Cherokee                     said they had experienced verbal bullying
                                                                                                                   years. In 2019, a Burger King advertisement
County in the U.S. on March 16. Four of the                   (68%), and 103 said they had been avoided
                                                                                                                   depicted an Asian model ridiculously eating
eight dead were Koreans and the two were                      (20.5%). The number of physically attacked
                                                                                                                   hamburgers with chopsticks, and a Dolce
of other Asian ethnicities. The shooter was                   persons reached 11%. Statistics clearly show
                                                                                                                   & Gabbana advert had a Chinese model
a white male that many experts identified as                  the reality of life facing Asians in the U.S. In
                                                                                                                   eating spaghetti in an odd manner. These two
a racist. However, the police in charge gave                  particular, the U.S. political media The Hill
                                                                                                                   companies' ads sparked the racist debate,
a public statement that the motivation for                    reported that last year, aversion to Asians
                                                                                                                   long before the cases occurring since the
the crime was not hate but sexual addiction,                  increased by 149% in 16 major cities across
                                                                                                                   start of the COVID-19 outbreak.
which causes huge controversy in the U.S.                     the U.S. That same year, the seriousness
                                                                                                                   However, China is also partially responsible
The police represented the killing as merely                  of Asian hate crimes became even more
                                                                                                                   for the recent crimes against Asians. China
"having a bad day." Citizens then raised                      pronounced, given that the total number of
                                                                                                                   has unintentionally spurred on the hate for
suspicions that the police were protecting                    hate crimes in the U.S. fell by about 7%.
                                                                                                                   Asians, once it revealed to the world that
the criminal. The New York Times also                         Therefore, there is an urgent need to take
                                                                                                                   COVID-19 originated from China. People
reported on the incident, writing, "Despite                   measures to protect Asians in the West.
                                                                                                                   started avoiding Chinese people and anyone
the growing fear of Asian Americans of hate
                                                              What made them victims?                              Oriental because non-Asians have difficulty
crimes triggered by the Atlanta shooting
                                                                                                                   distinguishing between people from the
incident, this crime is experiencing difficulty               Discrimination and hatred of Asians existed
                                                                                                                   various Asian nations. During the start of
in being classified as a hate crime." Despite                 before the COVID-19 pandemic. The
                                                                                                                   the outbreak, some Asians could be seen
the surge in crimes targeting Asians in the                   1992 Los Angeles riot led by Black and
                                                                                                                   wearing T-shirts that said, "I'm not Chinese."
U.S. due to COVID-19, it has been almost                      Hispanics is one example. At that time,
                                                                                                                   Nonetheless, discrimination against them
impossible to prosecute perpetrators for hate                 Korean shops were looted intensively in
                                                                                                                   did not always stop. Yun Injin, professor of
crimes. Jun, a Korean who has been living in                  the southern part of Los Angeles and Korea
                                                                                                                   Sociology at Korea University, said "The
the eastern part of the U.S. for 10 years, said,              Town, where many Blacks lived. American
                                                                                                                   idea that Asians may spread such a virus is
"Since the onset of COVID-19 whenever I                       social critic Mike Davis explained that
                                                                                                                   a direct cause of oriental aversion."3) That is,
go to Manhattan, I feel uneasy because of                     anger toward white people, dissatisfaction
                                                                                                                   Asians are branded as virus carriers. What is
the insecurity."1) Jun's comment indicates                    with large corporations, and attitudes that
                                                                                                                   worse, a local newspaper in France printed
                                                              white people were responsible for making
                                                                                                                   an article related to COVID-19 on its front
1) Kim Seojung, "COVID-19 Please Stop Hating                  them poor among Blacks were expressed to
 Asian", KBS NEWS, February 26, 2021                                                                               page with the title "Yellow Warning Order."
                                                                                                                   Asians are being attacked even in the media.
                                                                                                                   Foreign media have fueled discrimination
                                                                                                                   and aversion toward Asians.
                                                                                                                   Moreover, remarks by former U.S. president
                                                                                                                   Trump also contributed to the increase
                                                                                                                   in discrimination against Asians. In a
                                                                                                                   speech at the 75th UN General Assembly
                                                                                                                   on September 23, 2020, he publicly held
                                                                                                                   China responsible, saying, "China blocked
                                                                                                                   movement domestically in the early days
                                                                                                                   of the virus while allowing planes to go
                                                                                                                   out and infect the world." He attacked
                                                                                                                   China and Asians because he was unable
                                                                                                                   to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the
                                                                                                                   U.S. Trump also implemented immigration

                                                                                                                   2) Lee Taegyu, "3,800 Cases of Asian Hatred in the
                                                                                                                    Year of COVID-19. The United States Has Remained
                                                                                                                    Silent", Hankookilbo, April 5, 2021.

                                                                                                                   3)3 Park Sungeun, "[News Feature] China or Korea?
                                                                                                                    No Asians!" Head-Raising Racism", YONHAPNEWS
                                                                                       PHOTO FROM STOP AAPI HATE    AGENCY, February 13, 2020

during a BBC broadcast, said, "I am aware of
                                                                                                                 the discrimination committed against Asians.
                                                                                                                 Governments have a responsibility to prevent
                                                                                                                 discrimination." However, a year later, the
                                                                                                                 Atlanta shootings occurred, implying that
                                                                                                                 the Korean government has not yet done
                                                                                                                 much to help its citizens overseas.
                                                                                                                 In the end, citizens came forward to stop
                                                                                                                 racism. After the Atlanta shootings, the
                                                                                                                 movement with the slogan "Stop Asian
                                                                             PHOTO FROM VOICE OF AMERICA
                                                                    Senate passed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act
                                                                                                                 Hate" started as a way of opposing anti-
                                                                                                                 Asian sentiment throughout the U.S. On
                                                                                                                 March 27, in Los Angeles Korean Town,
restrictions to prevent the spread of the            Trump's remarks such as "Chinese virus"                     citizens voluntarily held a "National Action
COVID-19. In July of last year, the U.S.             only reinforce Americans' negative attitudes                Day". About 2,000 Asian people participated
Department of Homeland Security and the              toward Asia. He vowed to take a different                   in the rally. They held placards with the
Ministry of Justice announced new policies           course than the Trump administration. On                    slogan "Stop Asian Hate" and handed out
for asylum-seekers to prevent the spread of          April 22, U.S. senators passed a bill that                  T-shirts with the same phrase printed on
COVID-19. The document clearly stated                would prevent anti-Asian crimes during                      them. The protestors marched through the
that immigrants were a serious threat to the         the COVID-19 period. The bill requires                      center of the Korean Town. Similar rallies
U.S. However, Jennifer Minear, president             the Department of Justice to promptly                       were held across the U.S., but on different
of the American Immigration Lawyers                  examine any hate crime during the COVID-19                  days in places like San Francisco and
Association, responded to the regulations            pandemic reported to federal, state, and local              Washington. Also, on Instagram, articles
by saying, "The United States is the country         government judiciary agencies. The bill will                with the hashtag "#StopAsianHate", totaled
with the highest COVID-19 infection rate.            be confirmed as law once it is signed by                    more than 400,000, and on Twitter, the same
That policy just makes the national rights           U.S. President Biden.                                       hashtag was shared about 6.7 million times
rise by sacrificing the vulnerable class."4)         The South Korean government also has                        a day. Many people are voicing agreement
She criticized the policy saying it did not          started to take action. It has expressed its                on anti-discrimination in Asia. K-pop stars
consider the impact on the vulnerable                deepest condolences to victims of families                  BTS, the fashion brand LMC, and Madonna
hierarchy. What was worse, whenever                  in the Atlanta shooting and has made it                     also joined in the movement and denounced
Trump made discriminatory remarks, hate              clear that it is willing to support the U.S.                racist acts towards Asians. In other words,
comments against Asians flooded SNS                  government's efforts to combat hatred and                   for discrimination towards Asians to stop,
media platforms. In the end, it was the action       violence. However, the Korean government                    each government and citizens are making
of former U.S. president Trump that brought          response has been evaluated as inadequate.                  efforts.
about much of the discrimination problems            Professor Park Noja of Korean Studies at
that Asians are currently experiencing.              the University of Oslo in Norway, said on                   What is my COLOR?
                                                     his Facebook page, "Korea's measures for                    If discrimination against Asians continues,
What needs to be done                                the pain suffered by Korean compatriots                     international relations will collapse. In
In response to the March 11 Atlanta                  overseas are not enough. It is necessary to                 particular, hatred of Asians has been
shooting, U.S. President Joe Biden said, "I          strongly promote 'measures for the safety                   directly linked to the deterioration of US-
am well aware that Asian Americans are very          of compatriots'." He criticized the passive                 China relations. Despite ongoing efforts by
worried. This is wrong, not like the United          attitude of the government. In fact, the effort             governments to prevent racism, no concrete
States. It must be stopped." He indicated            of the South Korean government has not                      results have been seen. Therefore, each
that he would address the issue, and in a            produced any visible results. In March of                   nation needs to establish clearer measures,
statement on the 21st of the same month,             last year, Foreign Minister Kang Kyungwha,                  designate racist crimes as hate crimes, and
Biden announced that "Systemic racism                                                                            announce more appropriate punishments and
and white supremacy are ugly poisons that                                                                        preventative measures.
have long plagued the United States. We
will change the law that has made possible
continuous discrimination." His statement
made it appear that he sympathized with the
pain of Asians. Biden also pointed out that

4) Lee Seol, "Trump Administration, "Immigrants,
 Serious Threats to the Spread of COVID-19. Asylum
 Restrictions"", THE DONG-AILBO, July 9, 2020.                              SCREENSHOT OF BBC HOMEPAGE

                                                                                                                                 NO 368/ JUN 2021 15

Summer Vacation is Waiting for You
       What are you planning for your summer vacation?

                                  Lee Hwang Hayoung / Woman Section Editor

                                         NO 368 / JUN 2021 17

                               from Photos

                                                                                                        PHOTO FROM GOFUNDME

                                          Sang Lim Hyeji / Editor-in-Chief /
                                          Park Gil Yeonseo / Cub Reporter /

  Decades have passed since the Korean War, a sad period in Korean history. The nation now approaches its 70th
anniversary since the end of the war. The current status of the nation exists thanks to the soldiers who fought at that
time. One person today is keeping up the memory of that time through his camera. This person visits soldiers from
  all over the world hoping to capture their image so that they are remembered more and longer. The Sookmyung
    Times met this renowned photographer who had captured the images of numerous forgotten heroes from the
                                 Korean War to connect Korea's past to the present.

What would you say is the most
                                                   important consideration when taking
                                                   photos of veterans? What is it exactly
                                                   you are trying to capture?
                                                   First of all, I take their photos candidly,
                                                   just as they are. For the most part, they are
                                                   already prepared. I'm not looking at any
                                                   one particular image such as the fathers
                                                   they became or the ideals they hold. I'm just
                                                   shooting them as Korean War veterans. They
                 PHOTO FROM FACEBOOK OF RAMIHYUN   lived the period of history, known only to
                                                   the world as the Korean War. It is not easy
Would you please introduce yourself                to visit with them and recall the past, but it is
briefly to our readers before we start             quite simple to meet them and press a shutter
the interview?                                     button. In other words, I capture them as they
My name is Rami Hyun, and I am a                   are.
photographer working on the project 'Project-
Soldier: Searching for Korean War Veterans'        What is the most impressive photo
to thank the soldiers and veterans by taking       session you've ever done, or the one
their pictures and writing up their stories to     that is your favorite?
pass them down to the next generation.             I would like to say all are memorable and
                                                   each person has a unique story. The most
How did you get started in a                       memorable aspect of taking the photos is                            PHOTO FROM NAVER POST OF SAEKI P&C
photography career?                                the talk that follows after taking pictures. I
I studied in the Department of Humanities          can recall this one veteran, who said, "I've        with energy and satisfaction, so I keep taking
originally. It was only after serving in the       often been treated as a veteran, but just as it     pictures.
army did I become interested in photography        sounds, I was treated as just another veteran.
by encountering computer graphics. I started       However, seeing myself in your photos, I feel       You must have a lot of impressive
to study art after being discharged from the       like a true hero." Because a photo only tells       episodes during photo shoots. What
army, and in 2004, I entered the Academy           the outside story, I include the inside through     are some of those episodes and
of Art University in San Francisco to learn        talks with the veterans. Often they call            who are some of those memorable
about computer graphics. Studying abroad,          themselves cowards, for reasons of surviving        persons?
I changed my major again to photography.           the war. They say the real heroes are their         I clearly remember Captain Christopher
After majoring in Documentary/Editorial            fellow soldiers who died on the battlefield.        Coldrey who I photographed in London,
Photography, I found my career path.               They've lived their whole lives feeling guilty,     England in July 2019. He came to the shoot
                                                   feeling sorry for having survived, thinking,        in a wheelchair and was unable to stand at
You are currently taking pictures of               "Why was I spared?" I can see their outlook         all. However, during our session, he wanted
Korean War veterans. Why did you                   change when they see themselves in the              to stand and salute his colleagues, so we
begin to take pictures of them among               photos. In each image, I ensure their eyes          helped him and I captured that moment. He
many people?                                       are showing the emotion of a true soldier           said he did not want to take any photo seated,
When I returned to Korea, I started taking         hero, not a coward. When I show them their          so with the help of his wife and daughter, he
photos of classical music performances to          photos, I see them change. That time fills me       stood up for each photo. I distinctly recalled
be used as advertisements at Seoul National
University Hospital as well as photos of
current fashion. One day I happened to visit
the first Army Division. I did a lot of work
there and learned a great deal about the
soldiers. I came to understand their language
and got to know the reality of their world,
which differed greatly from my thoughts.
That's when I started the project of filming
soldiers. During a 2016 exhibition where I
displayed pictures of the soldiers, Salvatore
Scarlato, a U.S. Marine veteran, came.
Meeting him, I became intrigued by the
expressions in his eyes as well as his pride.
My curiosity began from this. I wondered
'Where does this sense of pride come from?'
That led me to ask him. That's the story of
how it all began, how I became determined
to take photos and learn all I could about
Korean War veterans.

                                                                                                                       PHOTO FROM NAVER POST OF SAEKI P&C

                                                                                                                       NO 368 / JUN 2021 19
The book cover of PROJECT SOLDIER Searching for KOREAN WAR
                                       VETERANS 1st edition

him laughing during the shoot. I returned to
London to present him with his photos but
to my deepest sadness, I learned that he had
passed on just 5 days before my arrival. His
behavior and persona will remain forever in
                                                                                                                                                PHOTO FROM NAVERSTORE
my memory.

You operate an online store for                               something that doesn't earn you a profit?" or        2019 until the 70th anniversary of the
support. What issues have you                                 "Why focus on a time of war when others are          end of the Korean War in 2023. I hope
                                                              enjoying a time of peace?" Those questions           to host a large exhibition that celebrates
encountered running the store?
                                                              are disheartening, so I brush them aside by          the 70th anniversary by bringing the past
Many people have offered support, but                         ignoring them. I do my best with the thought         to the present and letting veterans know
as a private not-for-profit organization, I                   that this might be my last session.                  how their sacrifice affects the present day.
cannot receive any formal support. I try to                                                                        After that, I am looking at visiting the 22
financially support my project by making                      Listening to war veterans' stories                   countries that participated in the Korean
goods and books. The shop is not for 'selling'                must surely be impressive. Does                      War and giving lectures on the Korean War
items, but for earning financial support so                   it make you think about current                      through exhibitions and education. Also,
that I can continue with my project. Honestly,                policies or welfare systems for war                  I will continue to speak of the veterans'
I need to create many more products, but I                    veterans?                                            achievements, what they left behind, and
am burdened by a lack of money and human                                                                           how we must inherit their sacrifice.
                                                              Most of the veterans I have met consider
resources. Nonetheless, I am grateful for the
                                                              themselves "forgotten war veterans" from a
people who surround and support me.                                                                                Would you like to leave a few words
                                                              "forgotten war," so society needs to let them
                                                              know that they are not forgotten. We need            for Korean War veterans?
Recently, 'Project Soldier Book
                                                              to instill the ideas that no one has forgotten       I would like to say, "Thank you. I will never
Searching for Korean War Veterans'
                                                              their sacrifice and service. This is something       forget your sacrifice, the values you held
was published. How do you feel now
                                                              they want and need. They just want other             dear, and what you have left behind." Also,
that it has been published?
                                                              generations to know that they fought in              I would like to say that I promise to protect
One of my supporters, Kang Kiho, an ex-                       that war. A lot of the younger generations           the freedom and democracy we have because
United States Air Force officer, asked me to                  have forgotten, and others choose simply             of you.
publish a book and provided me with enough                    not remembering it because it happened
money to make 500 copies. If I'm honest,                      long ago. Before they leave this world, the          Last, do you have any words
that's the reason I created and published                     veterans need to be thanked and the younger          you would like to share with
the book. I actually gave away 100 of the                     generations need to know about them so               Sookmyungians?
copies to war veterans and my supporters.                     that they are not forgotten and their sacrifice      It's not too late yet. Many Korean War
The remaining 400 copies sold out within                      was not in vain. I visit elementary schools          veterans are still alive, both overseas and
just 10 days, which really eased my worry                     to teach and have students write letters of          domestically. Take a look around. You can
that they would not sell. Also, the project,                  thanks to the war veterans so that knowledge         easily find people wearing hats of national
which started in 2016, was able to see some                   of their sacrifice and important values are          merit in subways, on buses, and at hospitals.
of the materials get published in book form                   passed along.                                        Please say, "Thank you for your service."
and given back to the people that made it                                                                          These are the valuable words with deep
possible, the veterans themselves.                            What are your plans for the future?                  meaning to their lives.
You must encounter a lot of                                   I will continue with this work with Director
                                                              Hedy who took part in this project from
difficulties trying to visit veterans
directly. What is the most difficult
aspect of your project? How did you
overcome it?                                                                             RAMI HYUN
Most people think it is money, but money
                                                                                         - Graduated from AAU (Academy of Art University) in 2010
is actually the second problem. The first
                                                                                         - S
                                                                                            tudent in the Department of Applied Art at Hanyang University
problem is locating the veterans. I personally                                             Graduate School
only want to express my gratitude to the                                                 - CEO of RamiStudio
veterans, so it has little to do with money.
                                                                                         - W
                                                                                            orking on the 'Project-Soldier: The search for Korean War Veterans' for
Some people have asked me, "How much                                                       recording Soldier and Korean War veteran
do you charge per photo shoot?", "Why do

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