No. 119 - March 2005 - European Southern Observatory
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S CIENTIFIC S TRATEGY P LANNING AT ESO INTRODUCTION BY RALF BENDER, CHAIR OF THE SCIENTIFIC STRATEGY WORKING GROUP At its 100th meeting in June 2003, the ESO Bender (Chair), Tim de Zeeuw, Claes Frans- tific goals and objectives. To this end, current Council decided to install a Working Group son, Gerry Gilmore and Franco Pacini; Bruno and future developments and the possible to discuss ESO’s scientific strategy until Marano and members of the STC, the implications of further external collaboration 2020. The time appeared ripe to discuss VLTI Implementation Committee and the and enlarged membership may also be con- the future, as the VLT was now largely com- European ALMA Board: Jean-Loup Puget, sidered.” pleted, ALMA had just been approved, and Thomas Henning, and Simon Lilly. ESO was The Working Group met three times and the ESO community had been significant- represented by Bruno Leibundgut, Guy Mon- prepared a report accompanied by a set of ly strengthened by the recent accession of net and Peter Quinn. The Director General recommendations. After minor revisions, the the United Kingdom. Furthermore, the dis- and the Head of Administration attended all ESO Council adopted the recommendations cussions and concept studies for the next meetings as well. as a formal “Council Resolution on Scientific large facilities (notably the Extremely Large The charge to the Working Group was Strategy” in its last meeting in December Telescopes) were underway world-wide. Evi- defined by Council as follows: “Prepare and 2004. Both documents are printed below. dently, it was important to develop a strategy assess the options for ESO’s long term pro- I take this opportunity to thank all Work- for ESO’s future now. gramme, taking a broad view of ESO’s role ing Group members for very good and open The Scientific Strategy Working Group in world astronomy [...]. In doing so, the discussions, constructive contributions and was composed of members of Council: Ralf Group shall consider ESO’s long term scien- pleasant and efficient meetings. REPORT FROM THE WORKING GROUP ON SCIENTIFIC STRATEGY PLANNING INTRODUCTION and stars throughout 90 % of the age of the until today, (iv) extreme conditions of matter 1. ESO’s mission was stated in the Con- universe. We have found supermassive black and energy (e.g. black holes), (v) the forma- vention as to “establish and operate an holes in most galaxy centres and have probed tion of stars and planetary systems, and (vi) astronomical observatory in the southern their evolution to high redshifts. We have the characterization of extra-solar planets in- hemisphere, equipped with powerful instru- seen the seeds of galaxies and their large- cluding the search for extraterrestrial life. ments, with the aim of furthering and orga- scale distribution in the cosmic microwave 7. Addressing all of these questions re- nising collaboration in astronomy”. In the background. We have determined the cosmic quires a co-ordinated observational and ex- current world and in view of Europe’s and parameters with an order of magnitude better perimental approach, spanning all wave- ESO’s achievements in astronomy in the last accuracy. We have confirmed the existence lengths of the electromagnetic spectrum with decade, ESO’s mission could be stated more of dark matter which is 5 times more abun- facilities on the ground and in space but also ambitiously: ESO should provide European dant than ordinary matter, and we have found exploring new observing windows to the uni- astronomers world-class facilities to pursue that the universe is filled to 70 % with the verse, like underground neutrino detectors, the most fundamental astronomical ques- so-called ‘dark energy’, a new state of ener- or space interferometers for gravitational tions. gy of hitherto unknown nature. And last, not wave detection. Ground-based astronomy 2. ESO cannot do this alone. A close least, we have, for the first time, found plan- with large aperture telescopes plays a pivotal partnership between ESO and the astronomi- ets around other stars. role in the overall concept because (a) most cal institutions in its member countries is cru- 5. It is evident that progress in astronomy sources we want to study emit a large frac- cial to the development and preservation is driven by both unexpected discoveries tion of their radiation between optical and of the scientific and technical excellence (e.g. dark matter, dark energy) as much as radio wavelengths, (b) this wavelength range of European Astronomy. This implies that by particular experiments designed to test provides crucial and detailed information the success of European Astronomy relies specific theories (like ongoing microwave about the physical nature of the sources, and equally on a world-class ESO and on strong background experiments). Astronomical dis- (c) the sources we want to study are general- and active research institutions throughout coveries are often made by pushing the lim- ly very faint. In addition, large telescopes like Europe. its of observation with the most powerful tele- Keck and VLT have not only made important 3. The granting of access to ESO facilities, scopes on the ground and the most advanced discoveries by themselves but also have participation in ESO programmes, and even satellites in space (e.g. high redshift galax- provided crucial complementary information membership of ESO are based primarily on ies, black holes, gamma ray bursts etc), but to discoveries made with satellites (e. g. scientific excellence. ESO will continue to be smaller workhorse telescopes and instru- the Hubble Space Telescope, ISO, Chandra open to new members and collaborations, fol- ments used in a new mode of operation can etc.) which otherwise could often not be inter- lowing the principles of furthering excellence also produce very exciting discoveries (e.g. preted comprehensively and would remain and scientific cooperation. MACHOS, planets etc.). inconclusive. And finally, beyond their 6. Key scientific questions in astronomy large light collecting power, the additional THE ASTRONOMICAL FRAMEWORK and astrophysics over the next 20 years will strengths of ground-based telescopes are 4. Over the past two decades, Astronomy include (i) the nature of dark matter, (ii) the their high versatility and the possibility to has entered its golden age. A few examples nature of dark energy, (iii) the formation of explore new technologies rapidly. of what has been achieved are: We have now the very first stars and galaxies and follow- 8. Astronomy has from its very beginning direct evidence for the evolution of galaxies ing their evolution from the highest redshifts been a technology-enabled science and is 2 The Messenger 119
View of La Silla from THE EXTREMELY LARGE TELESCOPE the 3.6 m telescope. 15. The unique capabilities of an Extreme- ly Large Telescope (30 m and larger) are (i) its 16 to 160 times larger light collecting power than a VLT UT and (ii) its potentially 10 to 40 times higher spatial resolution than the Hubble Space Telescope. The combina- tion of these two features will enable imag- ing and especially spectroscopy of sources up to a factor 50 fainter than currently possi- ble. Considering the enormous progress the Hubble Space telescope brought with its fac- tor 10 improvement in spatial resolution, and the 8 m class telescopes with their factor 5 in light collecting power, the discovery power and impact of an ELT can hardly be overes- now progressing more rapidly than ever to be reconsidered and more specialization timated. With an appropriate choice of the site before, with its technology feedback benefit- may be required. an ELT should also offer unique imaging ing industry. In ground-based astronomy, 12. The VLTI is acknowledged to be the capabilities in the sub-mm range comple- improving the performance of existing tele- most advanced interferometer in the world menting ALMA. scopes and the construction of the next gen- in almost all aspects (except nulling interfer- 16. The case for an ELT alone is compel- eration of telescopes and instruments will ometry with Keck). It will be the best sys- ing; in the context of other facilities it is over- require investment in several critical tech- tem to enable faint science (e. g. structure of whelming. An ELT will be an important com- nologies. Important over the next 10+ years Active Galactic Nuclei) and ground-based plement to ALMA, the James Webb Space will be, e.g., the development of multi-con- astrometry, because it is the only system Telescope (JWST), future space missions like jugate adaptive optics, laser guide stars, that can potentially combine four 8 m tele- DARWIN and XEUS, and to other space and the mastering of increasingly complex tele- scopes interferometrically. The VLTI is still ground observatories. It is important to real- scope /instrument systems and the handling being constructed, with new instruments to ize that, because of their intrinsically differ- and exploration of Petabytes of data. be added and four Auxiliary Telescopes to be ent capabilities, ELTs on the one hand and completed. space missions like DARWIN or JWST on ESO’S FACILITIES 13. ALMA will open a new window to the the other hand, will not compete but rather 9. ESO and its collaborating institutes universe and provide unprecedented access support each other by providing complemen- have a highly skilled and very motivated staff to the gaseous medium and the star formation tary information about planets, stars and gal- specialized in the design, construction and processes both in our Galaxy and in the most axies. In combination, these facilities will operation of large optical / IR telescopes and distant galaxies in the universe. ALMA will produce the next revolution in our under- their instruments. Another major strength of discover vast numbers of faint sources that standing of the universe and its constituents. ESO is the efficient management of large require complementary observations at other 17. The scientific reach of an ELT, and its projects which is one reason why the VLT is wavelengths. potential for making new discoveries, are so the best ground-based astronomical facility 14. These facilities, and many others great that there is a strong case for each of the today. It took decades to build this expertise around the world, produce an enormous world’s regions having access to an ELT. Col- and this asset must be preserved if Europe is amount of archived data which is avail- laborative efforts should be encouraged, but to stay competitive in the future. ESO has also able to the astronomical community. ESO is should not be allowed to compromise Euro- managed its facilities effectively, opening a working with European institutions in a glo- pean access to an ELT or to its associated tech- new site for the VLT because it was scien- bal effort to establish an International Virtu- nological benefits. It is therefore important tifically advantageous to do so, and closing al Observatory. This project addresses criti- that European astronomy builds on its current facilities on La Silla when no longer scien- cal requirements for handling the steadily strength and aims for a leading role in the tifically cost effective. increasing data rates from ESO telescopes development and construction of an ELT. 10. La Silla is still one of the most and for connecting them with data sets This is also vital in attracting the best young successful observatories world-wide. Survey obtained by other facilities and at other wave- scientists and keeping them in Europe. North and monitoring projects with dedicated in- lengths. Data handling and processing is one American institutions (CalTech, UC, AURA, struments (e.g. HARPS for planets) have of the key new challenges in astronomy. Canada) are undertaking a detailed design become increasingly important and produce impressing scientific results. La Silla has also been needed to provide targets for the VLT. However, with the installation of VST/OmegaCAM and VISTA, preparatory observations and target finding for the VLT will not have to rely on La Silla beyond 2006. 11. The VLT is the most powerful and ver- satile 8 m telescope system to date. It is now fully operational. Further upgrades and the development of second generation instru- ments should ensure European leadership in most areas of optical/IR astronomy for at least 10 more years. Once a 30 m + tele- scope and the James-Webb-Space-Telescope The VLT with stations of the VLTI go into operation, the role of the VLT needs (foreground). © ESO – March 2005 3
study of a 30 m telescope, the TMT. Another Scenario Telescope Phase B Phase C/D Start of science Full completion diameter starts starts (partially filled) group of institutions (led by Carnegie Ob- I 100 m 2005 2007 2012 (50 m dia.) 2016 servatories) has started constructing a 21 m II -100 100 m 2006 2010 2017 (60 m dia.) 2021 telescope, the GMT. Their ambition is to have II - 60 60 m 2006 2010 2016 (40 m dia.) 2020 first light before 2016 for both projects. Europe must keep pace with this work. 18. ESO and European Institutions are the highest level to remain attractive for the which consequently must have higher prior- jointly pursuing technology development and best scientists and engineers. This means that ity than the continued operation of La Silla. concept studies towards an ELT (in part Europe, and specifically ESO, must partici- 26. The European components of ALMA through the FP6 framework). ESO has devel- pate in the most important and challenging are being constructed in collaboration with oped what appears to be the most innovative technical and scientific developments of the institutes within the European astronomical concept to date for an Extremely Large Tele- future and should set priorities accordingly. community. This collaboration is also critical scope, namely the OWL1. The OWL concept This is also important for European indus- for the development of adequate data analy- studies have been carried out in close col- tries. sis tools which will help to educate European laboration with industry and indicate that a 22. In the different scenarios for ESO’s astronomers to make best use of ALMA and fundamentally new approach to build large future until 2015, optimal support for the VLT perform cutting-edge science projects. ESO telescopes should allow the construction of and ALMA and the development of an ELT should build up sufficient competences in the a 60 m telescope for a cost comparable to are unquestionable priorities. The operation mm and sub-mm fields to coordinate and that of a conventional 30 m telescope. The of La Silla and the enhancement of VLTI can complement the expertise and support from new paradigm is based on the adoption have different priorities. outside institutions. of serialised industrial production and a fully 23. The success and excellence of Euro- 27. ESO must ensure that Europe pre- computer-controlled optical system to reduce pean astronomy requires ESO to maintain serves its current world-leading position cost without compromising performance. the VLT as a world-leading facility for at least into the ELT era, because ESO and European Below about 60 m, the OWL concept prob- 10 more years. The VLT needs constant up- astronomers cannot afford to be left be- ably loses its high cost effectiveness. A grading, including MCAO and an adaptive hind in the most important developments detailed design study is essential to validate secondary, and a vigorous 2nd generation in ground-based optical/IR astronomy. This the OWL approach, including instrumen- instrument program because ESO must: can be achieved through the construction tation, and establish the optimal balance a. keep pace with the steadily improving of a 60 m OWL for a cost comparable to a US between science, technology, and cost. capabilities of other 8 m telescopes (Keck, 30 m telescope. Thanks to its new concept 19. The total cost for a 100 m ELT based Gemini, Subaru, LBT …), based on serialised production, an OWL-type on the OWL concept is currently estimated to b. continue to utilise technological ad- telescope can be realized at much lower cost be about 1200 M Euros. A 60 m ELT would vances, than a ‘conventional’30 m telescope of Keck- cost about half this amount, or roughly the c. match the evolving European science re- design. However, the advantages of serialised cost of VLT or ALMA. quirements, and production only become effective beyond 20. Three illustrative scenarios have been d. maintain developments that are critical for about 60 m and are in fact being validated developed by ESO. They are not yet opti- an ELT. for a 100 m telescope. mised for cash flow or resource usage, but are 24. The unique capabilities of the VLTI 28. One of the advantages of the ESO sufficient to illustrate the main points in the mean that the current generation of VLTI conceptual design is that the telescope is de- planning. While still including some allo- instruments and PRIMA for two telescopes signed so that it can be ‘staged’ in diameter, cation for technological development in should be completed with high priority. The becoming available for observations with crucial areas, Scenario I corresponds to the case for the extension of PRIMA to four beam only a partially completed primary mirror. An fastest schedule technology could plausibly combination using either 4 ATs or 4 UTs needs OWL-type telescope could have first-light as allow. Scenario II-100 allows more extensive to be demonstrated with simulations of real- a 30 m telescope on a competitive timescale design and development periods before start istic observing situations. If the demonstra- and then grow to a 60 m over several addition- of construction, and a relaxed integration tion is convincing, four beam combination al years (the ALMA project already adopts schedule. Scenario II-60 corresponds to a should be implemented. the same philosophy), and similarly a 100 m 60 m instead of a 100 m telescope. 25. The role of La Silla beyond 2006 has telescope could start operations as a 50 m or been cogently presented. La Silla will still be 60 m. Similarly, Europe can stay competi- CONCLUSIONS useful and competitive in many respects, but tive in timescale by adopting this ‘growing a 21. Over the last decade ESO has suc- it will not be as essential for the success of telescope’ concept and so having access to ceeded in becoming fully competitive and ESO as the VLT, VLTI, ALMA and an ELT a world class 30 m telescope at the same time indeed world leading. However, the risk of falling back is real, even in the near future, especially with respect to ELTs. To maintain its position Europe has to adopt plans which keep its scientific and technical ambitions at 1 Inthis document, the term ELT refers to all tele- scopes larger than 30 m, without reference to a specific design. Most technology development that has been carried out up to now (e. g. within EU-funded projects) is at the component level and is indeed design independent. The term OWL is used only when referring to the specific tele- scope concept that has been developed by ESO. All the statements related to OWL in this docu- ment should be revisited after the conceptual de- Artist’s image of the sign review which is expected to take place at the Atacama Large Milli- end of 2005. meter Array (ALMA). 4 The Messenger 119
as the North American colleagues. Strong technologies in collaboration with the Euro- instruments, and data handling. To achieve community involvement for system level pean astronomical community and within the this goal, ESO should continue its very development and provision of instrumenta- framework of the International Virtual Ob- successful partnership with European astro- tion will, as in the case of VLT and ALMA, servatory Alliance. The availability of these nomical institutions and industries as in the be crucial for our success. technologies is an important factor for the past, also within the framework of EU fund- 29. As with ALMA, a collaboration with future success of ESO and European Astro- ed projects. North America and possibly others would nomy. enable an even more ambitious global ELT 31. Because astronomy and astrophysics project to be undertaken. exploit leading edge technology, ESO should 30. ESO should continue to develop new remain at the forefront of future mainstream data archiving, data access, and data mining and key technologies concerning telescopes, Artist’s impression of ESO’s OWL concept. ESO COUNCIL RESOLUTION ON SCIENTIFIC STRATEGY ESO Council, considering the report of its – only the continued investment in cutting – the VLT will continue to receive effec- Working Group for Scientific Strategic Plan- edge technologies, telescopes, instruments tive operational support, regular upgrad- ning, ESO/Cou-990, and its recommenda- and information technology will enable ing (especially to keep it at the forefront tions in ESO/Cou-964 rev. 2, agrees that such scientific leadership and discoveries, in image quality through novel adaptive – ESO will continue to be open to new optics concepts) and efficient 2nd genera- – astronomy is in a golden age with new members and collaborations, following tion instrumentation in order to maintain technologies and telescopes enabling an the principle of furthering scientific excel- its world-leading position for at least ten impressive series of fundamental dis- lence, more years, coveries in physics (e. g. dark matter, dark – the unique capabilities of the VLTI will be energy, supermassive blackholes, extraso- and accordingly adopts the following princi- exploited, lar planets), ples for its scientific strategy: – the construction of an Extremely Large – over the last decade, the continued invest- Telescope on a competitive time scale will ment of ESO and its community into the – ESO’s highest priority strategic goal must be addressed by radical strategic planning, improvement of ground-based astronom- be the European retention of astronomical especially with respect to the development ical facilities has finally allowed Europe leadership and excellence into the era of of enabling technologies and the explo- to reach international competitiveness and Extremely Large Telescopes by carefully ration of all options, including seeking leadership in ground-based astronomical balancing its investment in its most impor- additional funds, for fast implementation, research, tant programmes and projects, – ESO and its community will continue their – the prime goal of ESO is to secure this sta- – the completion of ALMA is assured and successful partnership and seek effective tus by developing powerful facilities in conditions for an efficient exploitation of intercontinental collaborations in devel- order to enable important scientific dis- its superb scientific capabilities will be oping the most important and challenging coveries in the future, established, technologies and facilities of the future. Scientific Strategy Planning at ESO © ESO – March 2005 5
Telescopes and Instrumentation W IDE F IELD I NFRARED I MAGING ON THE VLT WITH HA WK-I HAWK-I IS A NEW WIDE FIELD INFRARED CAMERA UNDER DEVELOPMENT AT ESO. WITH A 7.5 ARCMINUTE SQUARE FIELD OF VIEW AND 0.1 ARCSECOND PIXELS, IT WILL BE AN OPTIMUM IMAGER FOR THE VLT, AND A MAJOR ENHANCEMENT TO EXISTING AND FUTURE INFRARED CAPABILITIES AT ESO. M ARK C ASALI , J EAN -F RANÇOIS P IRARD , M ARKUS K ISSLER -PATIG , A LAN M OOR WOOD , R OLLI B EDIN , P ETER B IEREICHEL , B ERNARD D ELABRE , R EINHOLD D ORN , G ER T F INGER , D OMINGO G OJAK , N ORBER T H UBIN , G OTTHARD H USTER , Y VES J UNG , F RANZ K OCH , M ISKA L E L OUARN , J EAN -L OUIS L IZON , L EANDER M EHRGAN , E SZTER P OZNA , A RMIN S ILBER , B ARBARA S OKAR , J ÖRG S TEGMEIER EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY T HE DEVELOPMENT OF EVER- Searches in the infrared for extra high red- sources at K-band can be 20% smaller than larger format infrared detec- shift (z > 6) young galaxies are underway at in the visible and consequently sharper. tors with excellent uniformity, the VLT. Nearby galaxies benefit from IR quantum efficiency and noise imaging which reveals the older stellar popu- HAWK-I: AN OPTIMUM VLT IMAGER performance has made infrared lation, less obscured by dust. Infrared detectors are expensive – around imaging a central tool in modern astronomi- Closer to home, the star forming regions 10 times the cost of comparably sized CCDs. cal research. As an example, Figure 1 shows within our own galaxy are often hidden by So achieving both adequate image sampling the steady increase in the amount of VLT- dust. So in order to study important aspects and an ambitious field of view tends to require ISAAC near-infrared imaging time since its of young clusters such as the initial mass a large number of detectors and has histor- commissioning, to its current level of around function, infrared imaging is necessary to ically been difficult. However, thanks to re- 26 runs or 300 hours per observing period. In penetrate the dust, if a complete census of cent developments in IR detector technology addition to ISAAC, NAOS-CONICA on the objects is to be compiled. which reduce the cost per pixel, the situa- VLT and SOFI on the NTT also provide near The infrared part of the spectrum also con- tion has greatly improved. HAWK-I, the High infrared imaging. The reasons for the strong tains major emission lines. Perhaps the most Acuity Wide-field K-band Imager, will be a demand are many and varied. Fundamental- important of these are due to quadrupole tran- near-optimum camera for the VLT. Table 1 ly, the infrared allows the study of astronom- sitions of molecular hydrogen, the most com- shows the key instrumental parameters. The ical phenomena in otherwise inaccessible mon form of hydrogen in dense clouds. This 7.5 arcminute square field results in outer regions of time and space. line, usually shock excited, can reveal spec- corners of the HAWK-I field which will On a cosmological scale, galaxies within tacular large-scale outflows from young stars. encroach slightly into the vignetted area of the redshift range 1.5 < z < 4 have their rest- Another important advantage of the near- the Nasmyth field, resulting in 0.4 % lower frame visible wavelengths shifted to the near infrared is the better image quality that is throughput in the field corners in all bands, IR. This then becomes the natural wave- achieved compared to visible wavelengths. and an approximately 25 % higher back- length in which to study them, allowing a Since the size of the seeing disc has an inverse ground flux there in K-band. So this is practi- direct comparison with local galaxies. Indeed one-fifth power law dependance on wave- cally the largest IR field possible at Nasmyth broadband IR colours allow their distances length (depending somewhat on the atmos- while keeping reasonably uniform sensitivi- (redshifts) to be estimated photometrically. pheric turbulent outer scale), images of point ty in all bands. By then assembling a mosaic Figure 1: Statistics of Figure 2: The galaxy near-infrared ISAAC M104 (Sombrero) with imaging as a function superimposed fields of observing period. of HAWK-I (7.5() and The red line shows the ISAAC (2.5() in red, and allocated number of FORS1 (6.8() in white. runs, and the black line the number of hours, per period. 6 The Messenger 119
Table 1: The key HAWK-I parameters. Figure 3: Drawing showing the HAWK-I Detectors 4 × 2k × 2k focal plane, consist- Pixel scale 0.106) ing of four coplanar Rockwell Hawaii-2RG Field of view 7.5( × 7.5( detectors. Optical image quality < 0.2 arcsec at 80 % (excluding seeing) encircled energy Optics-only 90 % throughput End-to-end system 50 % throughput Number of filter 10 positions Wideband filters Y, J, H, Ks ordered Rest-wavelength 1.58 (CH4 ) narrow-band filters 2.167 (Brγ) (microns) 2.122 (H2) Figure 4: This cutaway Cosmological 1.061 drawing shows the narrow-band filters 1.187 optical components (microns) 2.090 of HAWK-I and parts of the surround- ing cryostat. of four 2k × 2k detectors to fill this field, a pixel scale of 0.1 arcsec/pixel results, which is sufficiently small to adequately sample the best seeing at Paranal, even with future ground layer adaptive optics correction. The end result is an imager with the best possible performance, limited predominantly by the telescope design and atmospheric seeing con- ditions. The enhanced field of view compared to ISAAC is shown in Figure 2. Figure 5: This draw- ing shows HAWK-I attached to the Nas- HAWK-I, VISTA AND KMOS myth adapter (blue). ESO users will also have access to imag- The cable de-rotator ing data from the 4 m VISTA IR camera (brown) is also shown. (Emerson et al., 2004), which should be com- missioned in Chile on a similar timescale (2007) giving ESO astronomers enormous infrared imaging power. With its 16 2k × 2k Raytheon detectors and 0.34 arcsec pixels, VISTA will cover 0.6 sq. degrees in a single exposure, and will be a natural pathfinder for HAWK-I and other VLT instruments. Pecu- liar, interesting or clustered objects discov- ered with VISTA will become targets for deep imaging and small mosaics at higher spa- tial resolution with HAWK-I/VLT. The two instruments will complement each other very pact focal plane with a cross-shaped gap while conductive coupling to the warm edge well. of 2.7 mm or 15 arcsec. The detectors will be is poor. Special care is being taken with baf- HAWK-I is also expected to be a major assembled in a package developed by GL Sci- fle design and an emergency warm-air sup- contributor of targets for infrared multi- entific which allows all 32 channels per de- ply to ensure that condensation does not oc- object integral field spectroscopy with the tector to be read out. A CAD drawing of the cur during operation. second-generation KMOS instrument, which assembly is shown in Figure 3. HAWK-I has two six-position filter wheels has a comparable field but no imaging mode. A unique aspect of HAWK-I will be its for a total of 10 useable filter and two open very high throughput. This is achieved with positions. Darks will be obtained by select- WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT THE a powered window and all-reflective design ing two different narrowband filters in each HAWK-I DESIGN? to achieve an optics-only throughput of 90 %. wheel. The filter selection has been one of the Although HAWK-I is a relatively simple im- The layout is shown in Figure 4. The window tasks of the Instrument Science Team chaired ager, there are ambitious and novel aspects forms a pupil image at M3 which is the sys- by Adriano Fontana (Monte Porzio). The in the design which will enhance its perfor- tem cold stop. The high throughput alone final selection is shown in Table 1. Apart from mance. At the heart of the instrument are its will give HAWK-I a signal-to-noise improve- the usual broad and narrow-band filters, note detectors. HAWK-I will use four Rockwell ment of 10–20 % over other typical imagers the methane-band filter for detection of cool Hawaii 2RG arrays to make its impressive such as ISAAC. The window is very large, brown dwarfs, and three cosmological nar- focal plane. These new-generation detectors at 404 mm of clear aperture, and is made of row-band filters for detection of redshifted operate from 0.8 to 2.5 microns with excel- infrared-grade fused silica. Windows this size Lyman and hydrogen alpha emission lines. lent uniformity and low dark current. They can suffer from potential frosting as the cen- HAWK-I will attach to the Nasmyth adapter are also three-side buttable allowing a com- tre cools by radiating into the cold cryostat, as shown in Figure 5. © ESO – March 2005 7
PROJECT PROGRESS images. But as a minimum requirement, the Although a GLAO capability would come The HAWK-I project completed its Final De- Adaptive Optics must reduce the 50 % encir- well after HAWK-I commissioning, the re- sign Review on November 17th 2004, and is cled energy diameter by 15 % in Y and 30 % quirements for AO have been incorporated now entering the main manufacturing phase, in Ks band, when the natural seeing is 1 arc- into the HAWK-I design already. These in- although procurement of some long-lead time sec. The ultimate goal of the AO system is to clude allowing sufficient weight budget and items, such as optics and detectors, has been correct the atmospheric turbulence such that space between the cryostat window and in- underway for some time. The beginning of the instrument resolution becomes the limit- strument rotator for an AO module. Tip-tilt assembly and integration should be in Sep- ing factor. That is, the Adaptive Optics sys- correction must be done with natural guide tember this year, leading to a Preliminary Ac- tem will provide the equivalent image quali- stars, and options exist to use either the on- ceptance in Europe in mid-2006, and Provi- ty to 0.2 arcsec seeing. This would impact chip guide star mode of the Hawaii-2RG de- sional Acceptance Chile at the end of 2006. virtually all observing programmes with bet- tectors, or to have a separate NGS pickoff ter sensitivity and spatial resolution. ouside the instrument. A Conceptual Design HAWK-I AS A FIRST-LIGHT INSTRUMENT FOR The feasibility of a deformable secondary Review for the HAWK-I AO was held the day A VLT ADAPTIVE SECONDARY MIRROR mirror and laser system for the VLT is cur- after the HAWK-I instrument PDR in Decem- ESO is currently studying the possibility rently being investigated. The results of this ber 2004. of equipping HAWK-I with a Ground Lay- study, as well as the operational impact of er Adaptive Optics (GLAO) system called such a facility, will be reviewed in the third REFERENCES GRAAL (Arsenault et al., 2004). Of course quarter of 2005, with a decision to proceed Arsenault, R., Hubin, N., Le Louarn, M., Monnet, with the development, including laser tomog- G., Sarazin, M. 2004, The Messenger, 115, 11 an AO correction over the 7.5 arcmin field of Emerson, J. P. et al. 2004, The Messenger, 117, 27 view will not deliver diffraction limited raphy, to be taken possibly at the end of 2005. ESO’ S T WO O BSER VATORIES M ERGE On February 1, 2005, ESO merged its two ob- of measuring stellar radial velocities with an tion with an impressive suite of the most servatories, La Silla and Paranal, into one. unsurpassed accuracy better than 1 m/s, mak- advanced astronomical instruments. The in- This move will help ESO to better manage ing it a very powerful tool for the discovery terferometric mode of the VLT (VLTI) is also its many and diverse projects by deploying of extra-solar planets. In addition, astrono- operational and fully integrated in the VLT available resources more efficiently where mers have also access to the 2.2 m ESO/MPG data flow system. In the VLTI mode, one and when they are needed. The merged obser- telescope with its Wide Field Imager camera. state-of-the-art instrument is already avail- vatory will be known as the La Silla Paranal Moreover, the infrastructure of La Silla is able and another will follow soon. In addition Observatory. still used by many of the ESO member states to the state-of-the-art Very Large Telescope Catherine Cesarsky, ESO's Director Gen- for targeted projects such as the Swiss 1.2 m and the four Auxiliary Telescopes of 1.8 m eral, commented on the new development: Euler telescope and the robotic telescope spe- diameter which can move to relocate in up to “The merging, which was planned during the cialized in the follow-up of gamma-ray bursts 30 different locations feeding the interferom- past year with the deep involvement of all the detected by satellites, the Italian REM (Rapid eter, Paranal will also be home to the 2.6 m staff, has created unified maintenance and Eye Mount). La Silla is also in charge of VLT Survey telescope (VST) and the 4.2 m engineering (including software, mechanics, the APEX (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment) VISTA IR survey telescope. electronics and optics) departments across 12 m sub-millimetre telescope which will Both Paranal and La Silla have a proven the two sites, further increasing the already soon start routine observations at Chajnantor, record of their ability to address the current very high efficiency of our telescopes. It is my the site of the future Atacama Large Millime- issues in observational astronomy. In 2004 great pleasure to commend the excellent work ter Array (ALMA). The APEX project is a alone, each observatory provided data for the of Jorge Melnick, former director of the La collaboration between the Max Planck Soci- publication of about 350 peer-reviewed jour- Silla Observatory, and of Roberto Gilmozzi, ety in Germany, the Onsala Space Observa- nal articles, more than any other ground- the director of Paranal.” tory in Sweden and ESO. based observatory. With the present merging La Silla, north of the town of La Serena, Paranal is the home of the Very Large of these top-ranking astronomical observato- has been the bastion of the organization’s Telescope (VLT) and the VLT Interferometer ries, fostering synergies and harmonizing the facilities since 1964. It is the site of two of (VLTI). Antu, the first 8.2 m Unit Telescope many diverse activities, ESO and the entire the most productive 4 m class telescopes in of the VLT, saw First Light in May 1998, community of European astronomers will the world, the New Technology Telescope starting what has become a revolution in Eu- profit even more from these highly efficient (NTT) – the first major telescope equipped ropean astronomy. Since then, the three other research facilities. with active optics – and the 3.6 m, which Unit Telescopes – Kueyen, Melipal and Ye- hosts HARPS, a unique instrument capable pun – have been successfully put into opera- (based on ESO Press Release 03/05) 8 The Messenger 119
N EW OBSER VING MODES OF NACO AFTER MORE THAN TWO YEARS OF REGULAR OPERATION, A NUMBER OF UPGRADES HAVE RECENTLY BEEN INSTALLED FOR NACO AND OFFERED TO THE COMMUNITY. THE ARTICLE DESCRIBES THE NEW OBSERVING MODES AND PROVIDES EXAMPLES OF ASTRONOMICAL APPLICATIONS IN HIGH-CONTRAST IMAGING, SPEC- TROSCOPY AND POLARIMETRY. MARKUS KASPER 1 , NANCY AGEORGES 2 , ANTHONY BOCCALETTI 3 , WOLFGANG BRANDNER 4 , LAIRD M. CLOSE 6 , RIC DAVIES 5 , GER T FINGER 1 , REINHARD GENZEL 5 , MARKUS HAR TUNG 2 , ANDREAS KAUFER 2 , STEPHAN KELLNER 4 , NORBER T HUBIN 1 , RAINER LENZEN 4 , CHRIS LIDMAN 2 , GUY MONNET 1 , ALAN MOOR WOOD 1 , THOMAS OTT 5 , PIERRE RIAUD 3 , HERMANN-JOSEF RÖSER 4 , DANIEL ROUAN 3 , JASON SPYROMILIO 2 1EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY, GARCHING, GERMANY 2 EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY, SANTIAGO, CHILE 3 LESIA, OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS, MEUDON, FRANCE 4 MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT FÜR ASTRONOMIE, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY 5 MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT FÜR EXTRATERRESTRISCHE PHYSIK, GARCHING, GERMANY 6 STEWARD OBSERVATORY, TUCSON, USA N AOS-CONICA (HEREAFTER NAOS include a tip-tilt plane mirror and a NACO) is a near-infrared deformable mirror (DM) with 185 actua- imager and spectrograph fed tors. NAOS is equipped with two Shack- by an Adaptive Optics (AO) Hartmann type wavefront sensors (WFS) for system to correct for optical wavefront sensing at optical (450 to 950 nm) aberrations introduced by atmospheric turbu- and near-infrared (0.8 to 2.5 µm) wave- lence. NACO saw first light on November 25, lengths. 2001, at VLT UT4 (Brandner et al. 2002, The near-infrared imager and spectro- Lagrange et al. 2003, Lenzen et al. 2003) and graph CONICA was built by the Ger- has been offered to the astronomical com- man Max-Planck-Institutes für Astronomie munity since October 2002 (period 70). Since (MPIA) and für Extraterrestrische Physik then, the science output of NACO amounts (MPE) and ESO. In its original configuration, to more than 30 refereed articles with sever- CONICA already provided six cameras Figure 1: An enhanced theless, the new NACO false color infrared SDI camera was able al highlights such as the confirmation of the for imaging and long-slit spectroscopy in image of AB Dor A and to distinguish it as a black hole in the Galactic Centre (Schödel et the near-infrared between 1 µm and 5 µm at C. The faint compan- slightly “redder speck- al. 2002) and discovery of its flares (Genzel various spatial and spectral resolutions on a ion “AB Dor C” – seen le” surrounded by et al. 2003), as well as the dynamical calibra- 1 × 1 kilopixel Aladdin detector, about 40 dif- as the pink dot at the “bluer” speckles 8 o’clock – is 120 times from AB Dor A. It tion of the mass-luminosity relation at very ferent filters for broad- and narrow-band im- fainter than its primary takes 11.75 years for low stellar masses and young ages (Close et aging, Wollaston prisms and wiregrids for star. This is the faintest the 93 Jupiter mass al. 2005, see Figure 1). polarimetry, various grisms and a cryogenic companion ever direct- companion to complete ly imaged within 0.156) this orbit shown as a The AO system NAOS was built by Fabry-Perot interferometer for spectroscopy, of its primary. Never- orange ellipse. a French consortium comprised of Office as well as a Lyot-type coronagraph with dif- National d’Etudes et Recherches Aérospa- ferent mask diameters. this kind of observations and have proven in tiales (ONERA), Observatoire de Paris and The great flexibility of the instrument con- theory to enhance the achievable contrast Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de l’Observa- cept triggered many ideas on how the capa- by orders of magnitude (Marois et al. 2000, toire de Grenoble (LAOG). It compensates bilities of NACO could be extended and opti- Rouan et al. 2000). Additionally, new spec- for the effects of atmospheric turbulence mized for certain specialized astronomical troscopic and polarimetric modes have been (seeing) and provides diffraction-limited applications. For example, NACO was lack- proposed with the main goal of increasing resolution for observing wavelengths from ing a differential imaging mode and an ade- NACO’s efficiency and minimize time over- 1 to 5 µm, resulting in a gain in spatial reso- quate coronagraphic mode for high-contrast heads. Table 1 lists and briefly describes lution by a factor of 5 to 15 (diffraction limit observations close to bright stars with the the recently offered modes and upgrades, of of an 8-m-class telescope in K-band corre- ultimate goal of detecting extrasolar planets. which the major ones will be discussed in the sponds to 60 mas). Active optical elements of Both concepts are new developments for following sections of this article. © ESO – March 2005 9
Upgrade Date of installation Offered since Short description Table 1: SDI (simultaneous 08 /2003 P74 Uses a quad filter to take images simultaneously NACO upgrades differential imager) at 3 wavelengths surrounding the H-band methane feature at 1.62 µm. Performing a difference of images in these filters reduces speckle noise and helps to reveal faint methane companions next to bright stars. 4QPM (Four quadrant 01/2004 P74 Subdivides the focal plane in quadrants and delays phase mask) the light in two of them by half a wavelength at 2.15 µm. This coronagraphic technique helps to suppress the light of a star in order to reveal faint structures surrounding it. Low-res prism 04 /2004 P74 Allows for simultaneous spectroscopy from J- to M-band at R = 50 to 400. Order sorting filters SL 04 /2004 P74 Allows for L-band and H+K-band spectroscopy at and SHK various spectral resolutions. Fabry-Perot inter- – P74 Allows for narrow band (2 nm) observations tun- ferometer able between 2 and 2.5 µm (for more information see Hartung et al. 2004). Superachromatic 04 /2004 P75 Facilitates polarimetry by providing the possibility retarder plate to rotate the position angle of polarization. Linear structure can thus be observed over the entire FoV and observation overheads are reduced. New Aladdin III 05 /2004 05/2004 Replaces old Aladdin II detector and has better detector cosmetics, linear range and read-noise. NEW ALADDIN III DETECTOR allowing us to measure Lbol, Teff, Spectral the fact that all extra-solar giant planets The most recent upgrade of NACO per- Type, and other critical physical characteris- cooler than about 1 300 K have strong CH4 formed by the ESO IR department in collab- tics of these poorly understood objects. (methane) absorption past 1.62 µm in the oration with MPIA was the replacement of Young (100 Myr old) and massive (couple H-band NIR atmospheric window, making the the CONICA Aladdin II detector. At larger of Jupiter masses to 12 Jupiter masses) extra- planet virtually disappear at this wavelength. reverse bias voltages (high dynamic range) solar planets are 100 000 times more self-lu- The difference of two images taken simulta- the cosmetic properties of the old Aladdin II minous than old (5 Gyr) extra-solar planets, neously on either side of the CH4 absorption array were degraded substantially by a large whereas their host stars are only slightly therefore efficiently removes star and speck- number of warm pixels. For this reason, it was brighter when this young. The luminosity le noise while the planet remains. A critical operated close to full well applying a low contrast between them can thus be in the point of the design is the differential optical reverse bias voltage (for NACO users defined range 10 –4 to 10 –6 with the precise value de- aberration after the two wavelengths have as high sensitivity mode) resulting in an ac- pending on age and mass of the planet. Cur- been optically separated. It has to be kept very ceptable cosmetic appearance. However, the rently the majority of such young stars that small (< 10 nm rms) in order to match the charge storage capacity of the detector in this are nearby (< 50 pc) are located in the south- speckle pattern at the two wavelengths and mode was small, and – as a property common ern star forming regions and associations efficiently remove it by the image subtraction. to all infrared detectors operating in capaci- (DEC < –20). To detect a faint planet near Figure 2 shows the optical concept of SDI. tive discharge mode – the response was quite a bright star requires the high Strehl ratios A double Wollaston prism, made of two iden- nonlinear close to the full well capacity. The delivered by NACO. However, NACO (like tical Calcite Wollaston prisms rotated against new Aladdin III array promised substantial all AO systems) suffers from a limiting each other by 45 deg, splits the beam into improvements of the cosmetic properties. “speckle-noise” floor which prevents the de- four beams of equal brightness (for unpolar- After installation, the new detector be- tection of planets within 1) of the primary star. ized objects). The f/40 camera images the haved as expected and showed greatly im- Hence NACO required some method to sup- four beams onto the detector with a minimum proved cosmetic properties. In addition, it press this limiting “speckle noise” floor, so separation of 320 pixels or 5.5) at the pix- also showed lower read-noise and flux zero planets could be imaged within 1) of their pri- elscale of 17.2 mas per pixel. Currently, the points which are lower by 0.1– 0.4 mag- mary star. field of view is limited by a field mask and nitudes, suggesting a higher quantum effi- The SDI concept to reduce speckle noise the usable detector area to about 3) × 3.7). ciency of the new array as summarized in by L. M. Close from Steward Observatory Just in front of the detector, each of the beams Table 2. and R. Lenzen from MPIA (Lenzen et al. passes through one of a set of narrow band 2004) is based on a method presented by filters with central wavelengths of 1.575, SIMULTANEOUS DIFFERENTIAL IMAGER (SDI) Marois et al. (2000). This method exploits 1.600 and 1.625 µm and a FWHM of 25 nm. Radial velocity searches provide evidence that giant extrasolar planets are common. By Figure 2: SDI optical concept. A double September 2004, 136 extrasolar planets had Wollaston prism splits been discovered and about 6 % of the ob- the beam into four served stars in the solar neighborhood host which are imaged extrasolar planets (see through different filters located on the either However, the radial velocity method is most side of the H-band sensitive to planets in close orbit up to a few methane feature at AU and cannot measure parameters other 1.62 µm. than the planet’s orbit and mass with an uncer- tainty due to the unknown inclination of the orbit. Direct detection of extrasolar planets is required if we are to learn about the objects themselves. With direct detection we can ana- lyze photons directly from the companions 10 The Messenger 119
Pixels with variable dark current [%] Readout noise [ADU] Zero Points [mag] Table 2: Main properties High sensitivity High dynamics High well depth Uncorr Fowler J H Ks of the old (Aladdin II) Aladdin II 0.72 7.1 56 5.6 2.1 24.01 23.87 22.99 and the new (Aladdin III) Conica arrays. Aladdin III 0.023 0.156 2.43 4.42 1.29 24.47 24.22 23.31 The f/40 imaging optics was built such that it Figure 3: SDI detectivity as a function of angu- could just replace the existing camera L100 lar separation from which had never been offered. the star using different The contrast ratio achievable by SDI is data reduction more than two magnitudes better than that schemes. ‘SDI double filtered’ is a technique achieved by standard imaging and PSF sub- where the instrument is traction using a subsequently observed point ro-tated half way source. Figure 3 shows the achievable con- through the observation to calibrate instrumen- trast for 5 sigma detection as a function of tal speckles with sub- angular separation for a 32 minute exposure. sequent filtering of low The highest contrast (“double filtered”) is spatial frequency struc- achieved by subtracting the images taken at tures. ‘l160’ denotes conventional imag- two different rotator angles in addition to the ing without speckle dual image subtraction in order to reduce the removal. remaining instrumental speckles and by fil- tering out the low spatial frequencies of the images. SDI removes most of the speckle noise such that the contrast is mostly limited by stellar photon noise at intermediate angu- lar separations and by sky background and detector read-out noise at larger angular sepa- rations. In both cases, the achievable con- trast can be further improved by increasing the integration time. Figure 4 shows a re- Figure 4: Final SDI image (double filtered) duced double filtered SDI image. Compan- derived from real data ions 9.5 magnitudes fainter than the star, are which was used to easily detected outwards of 0.5). derive the detection Although mainly conceived for exoplanet limits shown in Fig- ure 3. The three artifi- imaging, SDI is also very useful for obser- cial companions at vations of objects with thick atmospheres 0.5), 1) and 1.5) with in the solar system like Titan. Peering at ∆mag = 9.5 (5σ detec- tion at 0.5)) are clearly the same time through a narrow, unob- visible. scured near-infrared spectral window in the dense methane atmosphere and an adjacent non-transparent waveband, Figure 5 shows Titan’s surface regions with very different reflectivity in unprecedented detail when compared to other ground-based observa- tions. 3.4) FOUR-QUADRANT PHASE MASK (4QPM) As for the SDI, the main scientific motivation for the 4QPM coronagraph is to increase the contrast of faint objects around bright stars. Figure 5: Titan imaged with SDI. The picture Besides the search for faint point sources as shows Titan imaged described in the previous section, the 4QPM through the 4 channels can be used to look for hot dust around AGN of the SDI camera. (see e. g. Gratadour et al. 2005), quasar host Obviously, Titan ap- pears very faint galaxies or circumstellar emission produced and featureless when by disks very close (0.1) to 0.5)) to the cen- imaged inside the tral point source. methane band in the barely visible lower The four quadrant phase-mask corona- two images. The cen- graph was proposed by Rouan et al. (2000). tral color image is The focal plane is split into four equal areas, the difference between two of which are phase-shifted by π. As a the out- and in-band images and has consequence, a destructive interference oc- been added to the pic- curs in the relayed pupil, and the on-axis star- ture afterwards. light transferred outside the geometric pupil is blocked by a so-called Lyot stop. The advantage of the 4QPM over the Lyot mask is twofold: (1) no large opaque area at the cen- tre and an inner working radius of about Kasper M. et al., New observing modes of NACO © ESO – March 2005 11
1 Airy disc, and (2) a larger achievable con- Figure 6: Radial detec- tivity of the 4QPM. trast if good optical quality is met. The achievable 3σ de- The actual concept of the 4QPM in tectivity is 10 -4 (10 mag) NACO as proposed by LESIA, Observatoire at 0.5) and 10 -5 de Meudon, consists of a SiO2 substrate with (12.5 mag) at 1). Stellar residuals, i. e., the a 2.5 µm thick SiO2 layer deposited on two quality of the PSF refer- of the quadrants. This device is placed in ence subtraction, domi- the CONICA mask wheel and has a working nate at short angular distance, while sky and wavelength of 2.15 µm where it achieves the detector noise domi- π phase-shift and maximum light rejection. nate at larger angular The theoretically achievable PSF attenua- separations for this star tion deteriorates with the square of the wave- magnitude and expo- sure time (courtesy length deviation from optimum. In practice, Anthony Boccaletti). residual wavefront errors dominate over chromatic effects, and PSF core attenuation of about a factor 10 can be achieved all over the K-band while it drops to a modest factor Ks+4QPM, fov = 11.7) Ks+4QPM, fov = 3.5) of 4 in H-band (Boccaletti et al. 2004). Fig- ure 6 displays the radial point source sen- sitivity achieved with NACO in a 10 minutes exposure observing a bright star. The actual- ly achievable 4QPM performance and the contrast improvement by subtracting a subse- micro spiral quently observed reference PSF star strong- arms (d = 15 pc) ly depend on the quality and stability of the AO correction. Figure 7 (top) shows a beautiful example of an astronomical application of the 4QPM published by Gratadour et al.(2005). The ob- servations show a complex environment Large scale arclects structures (d = 160 pc) south tail closer to the nucleus than previously imaged at this wavelength. The identified structures are similar to what has been observed previ- ously at longer wavelengths (3.8 and 4.8 µm), similar resolution, but without coronograph- ic mask. Up to now they were totally hidden by the dominating emission of the nucleus at Ks. Shape and photometry are in very good agreement with the previous interpretation of elongated knots, shaped by the passage of a jet, and composed of very small dust grains, transiently heated by the central engine of the AGN. On the bottom of the figure, the image of a triple system HIP 1306 demonstrates the enhanced contrast for close companion detec- tion achievable with the 4QPM. LOW-RESOLUTION PRISM There are a number of research projects and experiences increasing gravitational red- Figure 7: Top: Struc- Bottom: Triple system tures around NGC 1068 imaged with the 4QPM. in which simultaneous, moderate resolution shift, also calls for simultaneous information. revealed at both large The two companions spectro-photometry would be useful and, in Other fields where the proposed new mode and close separations. are at separations of some cases, essential. Perhaps the most press- would be extremely useful are determination The image to the right is 0.128) and 1.075) with ing and important case presently is the explo- of stellar types in dense star clusters, dust fea- PSF reference star sub- brightness ratios to tracted. The contrast of the main surpressed ration of the infrared flares from the Galac- tures in AGN environments and spectral char- known structures is primary of ∆m = 1.6 tic Centre black hole discovered with NACO. acterization of brown dwarfs with deep and improved with respect and 3.5 mag (Boccaletti The flares promise to be a key tool for study- characteristic broad atmospheric IR features. to previous non-coro- et al. 2004). nagraphic observations ing the physical processes in the strong grav- The concept of the low spectral resolu- (Gratadour et al. 2005). ity regime just outside the event horizon. For tion mode of NACO has been developed by a better understanding of the emission mech- R. Lenzen from MPIA. SrTiO 3 /CsBr turned The low resolution prism was used by the anisms, it is necessary to obtain simultaneous out to be the best combination of a high dis- Galactic Centre Group of the Max-Planck- spectral energy distributions (SED) across persion and a low dispersion material, pro- Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik in July the H-through L/M-bands. Since the flares viding high transmission and a rather con- 2004 with the aim of measuring the spectral last typically only one hour and have time stant dispersion for the whole wavelength slope of the flaring source at SgrA* in the substructure of 10–20 minutes, it is not pos- region. Figure 8 shows the spectral resolution Galactic Centre. Since no flare was seen dur- sible to obtain the data sequentially. Subtle achievable with different material combina- ing this run, spectra of several stars in the time variability of the SED, as expected if gas tions over the spectral range of the CONICA central cluster were obtained instead, as a fea- falls in through the innermost accretion zone detector. sibility test and to better characterise the per- 12 The Messenger 119
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