NEXT CENTURY Ireland Budget 2022 Submission - People Place Impact - American Chamber of Commerce ...

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NEXT CENTURY Ireland Budget 2022 Submission - People Place Impact - American Chamber of Commerce ...

Budget 2022

People · Place · Impact                      TH        A N N I V E R S A RY
NEXT CENTURY Ireland Budget 2022 Submission - People Place Impact - American Chamber of Commerce ...
Executive Summary of


 People                                                          Impact
• A three-year global #WhyIreland campaign aimed at              • Increase Ireland’s R&D investment as a % of GNI to 3%
  individuals                                                      by 2025
• Commitment not to increase any personal tax burdens –          • Focus on a smaller number of key technologies that are
  roadmap for burden reduction                                     critical to the success of Industry 4.0
• Speedy completion of the digitalisation of ISD and the         • Ensure the Centre of Advanced Manufacturing Excellence
  Employment Permits Unit’s service                                has a level of capital and operational funding appropriate
                                                                   to an institution aspiring to have global impact
                                                                 • Implement a public-cloud first policy requiring public
                                                                   sector bodies to first consider public cloud options

 Place                                                          • Continue the upward trend of participation in life-long
                                                                 • Provide the necessary additional funding to IDA Ireland
• A-Z review of the Irish planning system
                                                                   to ensure it can compete internationally for inward
• Accommodation roadmap aimed at existing and potential            investment to Ireland
  multinational investors in Ireland and individuals
                                                                 • Expand the parameters of Global Footprint 2025 to
• Incentivisation strategy to convert derelict properties          include the Department of Further and Higher Education,
• Updated cyber strategy for Ireland with a funding and            Research, Innovation and Science
  expertise model
• Execution of full-scale assessment - to include digital
  capacity; skills and expertise and funding of the key
  regulatory authorities
• Adoption of modern technology with greater capacity and
  large-scale storage, the development of additional grid
  capacity with increased interconnection points for new
  renewable energy projects
• Reforming the R&D Tax Credit
• Clear roadmap for the reopening of global air connectivity
• Review of protocols for air connectivity over the course
  of the pandemic including Mandatory Hotel Quarantine –
  lessons learned
• “Get Ireland Back Together” nationwide campaign
• Establish a Global Future of Work Centre in Ireland                                             Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission
NEXT CENTURY Ireland Budget 2022 Submission - People Place Impact - American Chamber of Commerce ...
Creating the Next
Century Ireland

In January 2022, the first century of Ireland’s independence
will conclude. The official report of the ceremonial hand-over
from the British to the new Irish Government in January 1922
states that the British representative:

“… wished them every success in the task that they had
undertaken and expressed the earnest hope that under their
auspices the ideal of a happy, free and prosperous Ireland
would be attained.”

In spite of a devastating global pandemic and a global
recession in recent years and the twin scourges of forced
emigration and violence in Northern Ireland in earlier
decades it is fair to say the hope expressed for Ireland one
hundred years ago has been realised.

In our 2022 Budget Submission, the American Chamber of
Commerce Ireland (AmCham) sets out our recommendations
for creating the Next Century Ireland. The reinvigorated
multilateral approach to tackling global challenges including
the pandemic, corporate tax reform and the climate crisis
as well as the rapid emergence of new ways of working
and enhanced digitalisation, form the backdrop to our

AmCham believes Ireland has an opportunity – but with
a short window – to deepen its global reputation as a
location of choice for talent and innovation. To maximise this
opportunity, smart policy decisions are required in respect of
People, Place and Impact.

Gareth Lambe

President 2021

American Chamber of Commerce Ireland                                               Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission   1
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The future of inward investment decisions will be more about where people want to live than
where companies want to go. Ireland is well positioned- it is one of the world’s most prosperous
nations1, and it ranked 13th in the World Happiness Report2 and 2nd in the world for quality of life3.
Budget 2022 and broader public policy need to demonstrate an “all-of-Government” ambition to
position Ireland as a great global location where people will want to live.

The global #WhyIreland campaign
IDA Ireland does a great job promoting #WhyIreland to                     RECOMMENDATION:
corporate decision makers. Tourism Ireland do an equally
                                                                          Budget 2022 provides the funding for a three-year global
impressive job marketing Ireland as a holiday destination.
                                                                          #WhyIreland campaign aimed at individuals. It includes
Ireland now needs to deliver a globally impactful campaign
                                                                          smart digital marketing and a multilingual portal that
on #WhyIreland is a great place to live and work.
                                                                          summarises what Ireland, and its regions, have to offer as a
98% of AmCham members responded in a recent survey that                   great place to live. With updated data and analysis, the portal
they are currently challenged in finding the skills they need             serves as a one-stop shop for Government services- from
to maintain growth – with a particular focus on engineering,              visas/permits to obtaining a PPSN for those wishing to
digital and language skills. They identified “making Ireland a            move here.
more attractive location for people from abroad to want to                Ireland’s competitive edge is its people – proportionally
live” as the most important factor in enhancing our reputation            the 4th most international workforce in the EU. The share
in the battle for inward investment.                                      of 25–34-year-olds in Ireland with a third level qualification
                                                                          is 53.5% compared to an EU average of 40%. AmCham
Balanced Regional Development: The American Chamber
                                                                          recommends that Budget 2022 and broader public policy
believes that regional balance is necessary to provide a
                                                                          should demonstrate an all-of-Government focus on
viable counterweight to the pull of Dublin as Ireland’s capital
                                                                          sharpening Ireland’s competitive edge – including the
city. Creating this balance necessitates encouraging talent
                                                                          following measures.
to locate in areas with good regional and international
connectivity and ensuring, good quality of life throughout
the nation including access to recreational amenities, local
services, educational facilities and affordable housing.

3                                                     Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                        2
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Create a talent-friendly                                          Remove system
personal tax regime                                               blockages
Almost 40% of the leadership of multinationals in Ireland         First impressions last. Although Ireland’s visa/permit system
see the current personal tax regime as a barrier to growth.       has improved significantly, rapid digitalisation is necessary
People have an increasing choice of countries in which            to provide the best start for those re-locating here for work
to live and work. The emergence from the pandemic has             and their partners/families. The digital measures introduced
accelerated this level of choice – and it brings into sharper     during the pandemic are an important step, which must be
focus the areas where Ireland compares unfavourably –             capitalised on.
including our personal tax regime.
The combination of income tax, USC and employee PRSI
results in a high marginal tax burden that impacts us by          Budget 2022 provides resources for the speedy completion
international standards- leading to a low level of overall        of the digitalisation of ISD and the Employment Permits
income. The best way to raise tax revenues is to broaden          Unit’s service.
the base..

Budget 2022 should include a commitment not to increase
any personal tax burdens for the remaining lifetime of the
administration and include a roadmap to reduce the burden
to match international standards.                                              Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                     3
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A Next Century Planning Ecosystem
The scale of US presence in Ireland can be partly                 As one global multinational leader put it about Ireland’s
measured by the investment in some of the world’s most            planning ecosystem; “We are not looking for a guaranteed
advanced manufacturing facilities in sectors such as              outcome, but we are looking for a guaranteed process and
biopharmaceuticals, medical technology, semiconductors            timeline”.
and nutrition. This investment has fostered the growth of
world-class talent in Ireland in areas such as engineering,       RECOMMENDATION:
architecture, construction, sustainable energy systems and
facilities management. These world-class facilities, designed     Budget 2022 ensures resourcing for the Attorney General’s
and built by world-class talent and delivering to global          review of the Irish planning system. This review should
markets cutting-edge products by world-class teams is not         include benchmarking of best practice in similar open
matched by a world-class planning ecosystem.                      economies that depend on continued inward investment.

In fact, Ireland is heading into its second century of            Suggested areas for consideration include:
independence held back in some cases by structures                • Digitisation of the process – integrated data management
designed for the 19th century. Very talented public
                                                                  • Pricing policy/funding model
servants are coping with structures and systems not fit for
                                                                  • Analysis of skills and expertise needs within local
purpose. The judicial process is navigating out-dated legal
                                                                    authorities and Planning Authorities
frameworks and principles.
                                                                  • Whether current geographical planning boundaries are fit
The flaws in the ecosystem come into sharp focus                    for purpose
when critical gaps in physical infrastructure are not only
                                                                  • The appeals and review process
significantly delayed but the pathway to completion is
                                                                  • Alignment with sustainability targets/ambitions
also uncertain – or when planned multinational capital
expansions/investments in Ireland are not moving beyond
the planning stage while parallel announcements in other
territories are fully constructed in the same timeframe.                                              Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                  4
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The roadmap to accommodation certainty
Ireland is not unique in facing a growing housing crisis.                    to help increase the availability of suitable residential stock
However, one of the aspects that does distinguish                            should be strongly considered.
Ireland is the link between the availability of residential
accommodation and our competitiveness as an inward
investment location. AmCham’s Report of August 2017                          RECOMMENDATIONS:
“Growing Great Teams in Ireland - The Role of the Residential                Government publishes an accommodation roadmap aimed
Rental Sector” analyses this linkage.4                                       at existing and potential multinational investors in Ireland and
                                                                             individuals contemplating opportunities to move to or return
AmCham notes the studies currently being done on
                                                                             to Ireland with milestones on the journey to a functioning
dereliction levels across Ireland and in our major urban
                                                                             residential property market for the country.
centres. We believe that a smart strategy for bringing these
properties back to life would have a significant impact on                   Government launch a separate and timebound
the housing crisis, reinvigorate urban centres and towns and                 incentivisation strategy to convert derelict properties,
assist in the promotion of Ireland as a place where people                   which includes resources to increase capacity and the skills
want to live. Further measures including incentives and taxes                necessary to work with historical buildings.

The Next Century Regulatory Framework
Some of the world’s largest companies have substantial                       Building public sector capabilities
regional headquarters in Ireland. The teams based in these
                                                                             • The continued support for the National Cyber Security
headquarters serve global markets, manage global data and
                                                                               Centre (NCSC) with significant funding and resources
facilitate global financial services. Ireland has also become
a global centre of excellence for data storage. Collectively,                • Robust investment in technology for the Garda National
these investments represent incredibly valuable assets on                      Cyber Crime Bureau (GNCCB) and the Defence Forces’
Ireland’s public-private balance-sheet. They need world-                       Communications and Information Services (CIS)
class protection and regulation.
                                                                             • Deepening and strengthening of international relationships
                                                                               and collaborations at governmental, agency and public
RECOMMENDATIONS:                                                               body levels
Publication of an updated cyber strategy for Ireland with                    • The continued prioritisation of and resourcing for cyber
a funding and expertise model that reflects the strategic                      security within relevant public bodies, such as the
importance of protecting the world-class “asset base”                          Central Bank, the Data Protection Commission and the
located here.                                                                  Commission for Communications Regulation

Execution of full-scale assessment – to include digital                      • The publication and dissemination of a stakeholder chart
capacity; skills and expertise and funding of the key                          which outlines the roles and responsibilities of the various
regulatory authorities covering areas including taxation,                      government departments, public agencies and bodies that
data, export controls and financial services to ensure                         have a role in national cyber security
they are future-proofed to fulfil both their national and,
                                                                             • Measuring risks and maturity of capabilities across the
where applicable, EU mandates in respect of multinational
                                                                               various information security systems of government
                                                                               departments by the Office of the Government Chief
In our major Report “The Strongest Link in the Chain: Ireland’s                Information Officer (OGCIO), such as adhering to the NIST
Global Cyber Security Leadership”5 AmCham set out a                            Cybersecurity Framework
comprehensive roadmap to position Ireland as a global
centre of cyber excellence – including:

    Security-Leadership.pdf.aspx?ext=.pdf                                                        Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                                   5
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Creating Next Century Ireland – Sustainably
AmCham fully supports the Government’s commitment to              support the adoption of modern technology with greater
transition to a carbon neutral economy by 2050, as well as        capacity and large-scale storage, the development of
the EU’s increased decarbonisation target of 55% emission         additional grid capacity with increased interconnection points
reductions by 2030. Many of our members are aligned to            for new renewable energy projects.
more ambitious sustainability targets. This transition will
require a whole of society approach, affecting how all of us      The creation of a pro-investment environment including the
live and work. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated             removal of policy barriers that hinder CPPAs and modification
the powerful impact that can result from our entire               of the PSO levy, a more equitable allocation of business rates
community working together can achieve; and has provided          and consideration of transmission costs.
Irish society with an opportunity to reset our priorities.
                                                                  Ireland should expand the use of energy storage, both utility
The speedy delivery of the strategic infrastructure               scale, and behind the meter, to support peak periods of
commitments within the renewed Plan is essential if Ireland       demand.
is to meet our climate commitments and ensure a cohesive
                                                                  Organisations, particularly SMEs, will need support in
transformation of our society. It is essential that Ireland’s
                                                                  adopting new technologies and upskilling their staff. The
planning system is reformed and fully resourced to ensure
                                                                  Plan should include supports for job creation in areas such as
that proposed policies can be implemented in a timely
                                                                  installing renewable technologies and retrofitting.
                                                                  The Climate Action Plan’s electrical vehicles target should be
RECOMMENDATIONS:                                                  aggressively pursued. Significant investment is needed for
                                                                  the promotion of new technology e.g., sufficient EV charging
The successful decarbonisation of the economy depends on
                                                                  points and timeline for the roll out of hydrogen fuelled
the rapid scaling up of electricity from renewable sources.
To increase Ireland’s renewable capacity beyond 70%, we

Taxation & Incentives
AmCham believes tax certainty is central for the economic            long asserted that an internationally competitive, certain
recovery including maintaining an internationally competitive        tax policy is a key component of Ireland’s ability to retain
corporate and personal tax regime.                                   and attract substantive FDI operations in Ireland. As the
                                                                     National Competitiveness Council observed, “Ireland’s
We support a unified approach at the OECD BEPs process,              corporation tax regime should remain an important part
the maintenance of tax incentives for the business                   of Ireland’s long-term wider competitiveness offering to
community, and flexibility in the implementation of new              support enterprises based in Ireland to invest, innovate
schemes.                                                             and compete internationally.’
   The post COVID-19 period will remain very difficult                UNANIMITY AT EU LEVEL ON TAX MATTERS
   for many sectors of the Irish economy. AmCham                     AmCham fully supportive of the Government’s approach
   recommends Government maintains enterprise supports               in seeking a unified global solution to improving
   for the many businesses and employees across the                  international tax rules through the OECD, as well as its
   country that have been negatively affected by COVID-19.           strong commitment to Ireland’s sovereign decision-
                                                                     making authority, reaffirmation of unanimity at EU level
                                                                     in relation to tax matters and support for international
   AmCham is acutely aware of the increased pressure that
                                                                     rules that avoid double taxation, are pro-growth and
   our national finances are under, and the challenge in
                                                                     employment, and are grounded in value creation.
   returning the exchequer to balance. Our members have                                              Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                       6
NEXT CENTURY Ireland Budget 2022 Submission - People Place Impact - American Chamber of Commerce ...
Other Tax Recommendations
The knowledge economy will be vital to our economic                  by organisations. We believe there is potential to improve the
recovery and developing the technology necessary to                  burden on companies through:
transform into a carbon neutral economy. Budget 2022
                                                                     • The proposed review of Ireland’s territorial regime,
should signal a commitment to maintaining and enhancing
                                                                       incorporating a participation exemption regime for
tax incentives to stimulate job creation and investment in
                                                                       dividends including:
research, development and innovation, in particular it should
commit to:                                                             - a simplification of Ireland’s measure of income regime

• Reforming the R&D Tax Credit:                                        - removal of the ‘Irish measure of income’ limitation for
                                                                         foreign withholding taxes on a formula-based approach
  - Expansion of the list of qualifying scientific fields within
    the R&D Tax Credit, to include artificial intelligence, data       - permit the pooling of surplus credits
    analytics, digitalisation, and other emerging technologies
                                                                     • Further reform interest limitation rules
    from the field of Industry 4.0 and carbon neutrality.

  - Publication of additional Revenue Guidance on                    • Expansion of supports from the Revenue Commissioners
    qualifying expenses, aimed at removing uncertainty from            including:
    the audit process.                                                 - increased guidance on audit preparation
  - Simplification of the annual reporting requirements.               - consideration of including issues relating to TP within the
  - Review of potential to reform the restrictions of third-             CCF audit regime.
    party cost, within permitted state aid rules.
                                                                     The transition to a carbon neutral economy will require a
  Expansion of the guidance on the applicability of 291A             whole of society approach, affecting how all of us live and
  (including how data is defined)                                    work. Building on the commitments in the Climate Action
                                                                     and Low Carbon Development Act, AmCham is calling for a
• Public consultation on how to improve the                          review of Ireland’s corporate tax regime for the transition to a
  competitiveness of Ireland’s inbound royalties’ regime             carbon neutral economy. Issues for consideration within the
                                                                     review include:
• Increasing the capacity of knowledge intensive sectors
  within the Revenue Commission                                      • The potential development of guidance on the tax
                                                                       treatment and accounting principles for investment in
Significant changes have been made to the Irish Corporate
                                                                       tangible and intangible sustainable assets
Tax regime in recent years, which has resulted in an
increased administration burden. As Ireland responds to              • An assessment of the competitiveness of sustainable
ongoing developments in the international tax environment,             investment and green finance in Ireland
we are calling for a focus on the administrative burden faced                                                 Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                        7
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Lessons to be learned
from the pandemic
Air connectivity –the pandemic has devastated Ireland’s
aviation, travel, tourism and hospitality sectors. While
Government supports have been an essential lifeline, the
road to recovery will be challenging. The presence of so
many global organisations in Ireland highlights both the
challenges for an open, island economy in a lockdown and
the opportunities to emerge from it at speed. Importantly,
this is not one-way trade and business traffic – Ireland is
the ninth biggest investor in the United States with Irish
multinationals employing over 110,000 across the US – and           How Ireland will work
80% of the output of US multinationals operations in Ireland
goes to markets outside of North America.                           together
RECOMMENDATIONS:                                                    The presence of the world’s leading employers in Ireland is a
                                                                    source of huge advantage in so many areas – one of them is
In the short-term Ireland should provide a clear roadmap            to position Ireland as a thought-leader in how the world will
for the reopening of global air connectivity – ensuring             work in the post-pandemic era. We need to connect what
we are not misaligned with key territories including other          we are learning about remote working, the place of work as
EU member states and the US. The government should                  one of collaboration instead of rows of workstations and the
consider key PSOs to incentivise the western seaboard for           freedom to work cross border.
carriers, particularly where there are opportunities to connect
Ireland’s regions to international hubs.
In the medium term, Ireland carries out a review of its             Establish a Global Future of Work Centre in Ireland that
protocols for air connectivity over the course of the pandemic      brings together thought leaders from the education and
including Mandatory Hotel Quarantine, self-isolation and the        research centres, policy makers, labour movements, the
testing/screening infrastructure at the Gateways in and out         business sector and community groups and positions Ireland
of Ireland – to include benchmarking comparisons with other         as a thought leader in shaping future working trends.
democratic open economies, identification of best practice
internationally and an implementation plan for Ireland.

Ireland’s urban centres
The pandemic has led to a “hollowing-out” of our major
urban centres with the consequent impact on the retail,
arts and culture, entertainment and sporting sectors.

Rollout a “whole-of-Government” campaign – in partnership
with the retail, entertainment, arts/culture, sporting,
hospitality sectors to “Get Ireland Back Together” with a
communications campaign as powerful and effective as the
“Keep 2m apart” was during the pandemic.                                                Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                     8
“The vision underpinning this strategy is that by 2025 Ireland
will be a competitive, innovation-driven manufacturing hub
at the frontier of the fourth industrial revolution and at the
forefront of Industry 4.0 development and adoption.” 6
                                                 Ireland’s Industry 4.0 Strategy 2020-2025
AmCham supports this vision.

Close the R&D investment gap
A recently published comparative study of the attractiveness               RECOMMENDATION:
of locations around the world for life sciences investment
                                                                           In our 2015 Report “Ireland’s Innovation Pathway:
is another wake-up call for Ireland in this increasingly
                                                                           Attracting Investment; Driving Economic Growth” AmCham
competitive space. The Report includes an analysis of each
                                                                           set out a pathway to Ireland becoming a global centre of
EU member state. While Ireland scores well when it comes
                                                                           excellence for RD&I. Many of our recommendations have
to labour productivity, gender equality and talent availability
                                                                           been implemented. One remains – and we restate it here –
it is on the bottom rung for R&D Life Sciences investment.7
                                                                           increase Ireland’s R&D investment as a % of GNI to 3%
The most recently published data by the EU shows the EU                    by 2025.9
average spend on R&D as a percentage of GDP at 2.08%, with
                                                                           Irish innovation policies should be as aligned as possible
Finland at 2.73%, Denmark at 2.93% and Ireland at 1.2%.8
                                                                           to Horizon Europe strategy, with a particular focus on
While AmCham welcomes recent developments including
                                                                           green technologies and accelerated digitalisation. In order
the Disruptive Technological Innovation Fund and the
                                                                           to achieve the maximum input, we believe the system
ambitions contained in the National Recovery Plan we
                                                                           should prioritise areas linked to our traditional areas of
are concerned that not closing this competitiveness gap
                                                                           strength; including health care, agri-food, and excellence in
urgently will place Ireland at a disadvantage in the race to
                                                                           processing and supply chain management.
attract new, high-value, inward investment.

9                                                      Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                      9
Industry 4.0 – empowering Next Century Ireland
AmCham set out our response to the Governments 4.0                           chains towards a greater desire for insourcing, where goods
Strategy and our ambitions in our Report “Industry 4.0.”10                   are manufactured in the country or region that it serves. By
Industry 4.0 provides both threats and opportunities to all                  adapting rapidly Ireland can capitalise and be a regional
incumbent manufacturers.                                                     leader in next generation manufacturing.

The manufacturing sector makes a substantial contribution
to the Irish economy across all of our regions, with FDI
companies employing 112,240 people. The World Bank                           Ireland, through government policy, industrial engagement
estimates that just over 30% of the GDP of Ireland is                        and academia, should focus on a smaller number of key
created by the manufacturing sector. As a comparison,                        technologies that are critical to the success of Industry
manufacturing within the German economy accounts for 19%                     4.0 – we suggest that priority should be given to: Industrial
of GDP, the UK 9%, the US 11% and the Euro area at 14%.                      Sensor & Industrial Internet of Things IIOT; System Integration
                                                                             & Big Data; Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Robotics
Technological and supply chain developments are rapidly                      & Cobotics.
changing the manufacturing sector. There is evidence of
a reversal of outsourcing for manufacturing and supply

Creating the Next
Century Global Centre of
Advanced Manufacturing
The planned Advanced Manufacturing Centre of Excellence
(AMCE) in Limerick has the potential to make a highly
significant impact in attracting the next wave of advanced
manufacturing to Ireland. To do so, it needs appropriate
funding and robust channels for ideation and collaboration
with the advanced manufacturing sector. Its vision and
ambition must be global.

The AMCE has a level of capital and operational funding
appropriate to an institution aspiring to be a global centre
of advanced manufacturing excellence – and this funding
should be sustained and guaranteed.

10                                                        Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                        10
Digitalise – or be left behind
                                                                            strategy for Ireland. Our recommendations include
                                                                            the following:
     “The digital transformation that is
     required must be placed at the heart of
                                                                            Implement a public-cloud first policy requiring public
     Government strategy. It must permeate
                                                                            sector bodies to first consider public cloud, before any other
     all Government Departments and become                                  options, when upgrading or introducing a new service.

                                                                            • To facilitate this transition to public cloud-driven public
     the norm for all future strategies and how
                                                                              services, a uniform data classification model needs to be
     Government interacts with citizens. It is not                            put in place

     just the responsibility of one Government                              • A clear, competition-friendly cloud procurement
                                                                              framework established within the Office of Government
     Department to drive the digital transition                               Procurement
     but a collective effort”                                               • Ireland should invest in self-sovereign identity
                                                                              management, to develop capabilities in MyGovID and
                                                                              the Government Digital Post-box, to improve access to
                                                                              services to citizens and people who have chosen to live
Ireland is now home to some of the world’s most digitally                     and work in Ireland while extending control to the citizen
advanced multinationals – and they are in every sector –                      themselves
there is no such thing as a “digital sector”, all organisations,            • Publication of an accelerated roadmap for the completion
public and private sector, are digital. The only question is                  of the National Broadband Plan will be accelerated
how advanced are they in their digital journey.
                                                                            • Cybersecurity and data privacy and sharing need to be key
In our major Report “Digitalisation – How Ireland can                         elements for consideration in the development of every
Accelerate” AmCham sets our vision for a digitalisation                       element of digitalised public services

Fund Third Level Education
Key to the reputation of Ireland as an international leading                RECOMMENDATION:
location for innovation is the inclusion of an Irish university
                                                                            AmCham believes that Irish universities should be at the
within the Top 100 universities in the world. Although there
                                                                            vanguard of the digitalisation of education leveraging the
are debates surrounding the metrics used within university
                                                                            high quality of talent in Irish universities – in particular world-
rankings; they are a key statistic for corporates assessing the
                                                                            leading experts involved in SFI’s professorship programme
capacity of a country’s innovation ecosystem.
                                                                            and introducing programmes between leading global and
We support a strategic decision on the recommended                          Irish universities.
funding options outlined in the report of Expert Group
                                                                            Ireland should continue the upward trend in participation in
on Future Funding for Higher Education. Ireland must
                                                                            life-long learning – at 12.5% we are ahead of the EU average
make smart policy choices to fund our higher education
                                                                            of 11.5% - however AmCham believes our participation rate
and research sector if Ireland is to continue to develop
                                                                            should be materially higher and that our strategy should
high-quality research outputs and collaborations. AmCham
                                                                            be linked with a national up-skilling/re-skilling strategy.
believes this will reinforce Ireland’s ability to seek funding
                                                                            Future strategies should include the promotion of increased
from outside the Irish education system and to attract
                                                                            apprenticeship options as an alternative pathway for
and retain leading educators to build a world class talent
                                                                            students post-secondary level education.
pipeline. This should also include funding for professorship
programmes, and the expansion of programmes between
leading global universities and Irish universities.

11                                                      Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                             11
Creating the Next Century Global Ireland

      “Although geographically a small island on the periphery of Europe,
     Ireland’s people and our outlook are global, influenced by connecting
                                with people and events around the world”

As part of our 60th Anniversary Programme AmCham held                             RECOMMENDATIONS:
a Global Business Conference on 21 May. The keynote
                                                                                  Provide the necessary additional funding to IDA Ireland to
address, to a global audience of over 800 delegates,
                                                                                  ensure it can compete internationally for inward investment
was given by Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe TD. The
                                                                                  to Ireland in the four key strategic areas of opportunity
Conference also heard from 18 different global multinational
                                                                                  identified in this Report - Industrial Sensor & Industrial
leaders from every sector but with one thing in common.
                                                                                  Internet of Things IIOT; System Integration & Big Data;
They are all based in Ireland – leading global teams –
                                                                                  Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Robotics & Cobotics.
serving global markets.
                                                                                  Expand the parameters of Global Footprint 2025 to
That is why AmCham supports the ambition set out in “Global
                                                                                  include the Department of Further and Higher Education,
Ireland: Ireland’s Global Footprint to 2025” including the
                                                                                  Research, Innovation and Science (FHERIS) to enable this
expansion of the global presence of our diplomatic service
                                                                                  Department to establish global presence – as part of Global
and investment agencies. We also believe this policy needs
                                                                                  Team Ireland – to deepen existing international FHERIS
to go further.
                                                                                  partnerships with Irish institutions and build new ones. The
                                                                                  United States should be the first priority location.

12                                                            Next Century Ireland | Budget 2022 Submission                      12
About the American Chamber
(AmCham Ireland)

AmCham is the collective voice of US companies in Ireland and the leading
international business organisation supporting the Transatlantic business relationship.
Our members are the Irish operations of all the major US companies in every sector
present here, Irish companies with operations in the United States and organisations
with close linkages to US-Ireland trade and investment. In many cases, the Ireland
operations represent global HQ or EMEA hubs for certain aspects of their business.

Connecting with Purpose
Through our virtual/attended events, webinars, and roundtable discussions our
networks support deep collaboration and peer-to-peer learning in a trusted
environment. Through AmCham, our members get to have meaningful, value-
creating interactions with their peers. We use best in class technology to ensure that
our members can get a first-class networking experience.

Advocacy with Purpose
AmCham membership gives companies a powerful voice as part of what is
recognised as one of the most influential business groups in the country. We are
recognised as a trusted, credible and authoritative voice at the most senior level with
Government and decision makers in Ireland, Brussels and Washington DC.

Leadership Development with Purpose
Our leadership development programmes support individual growth within our
member companies. These highly sought-after programmes operate virtually and
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