News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022

Page created by Shirley Lawson
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
news                Good Hope Hospital
                     Part of University Hospitals Birmingham
                                        NHS Foundation Trust

Good Hope Hospital                  June 2022

  Souvenir Edition
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
Celebrating 70 happ
Although Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Birmingham shares its name with Her
Majesty, it is actually named after
her mother.
    The old QE hospital building was officially
opened by King George VI and Queen
Elizabeth in 1939 (pictured below).
    The official opening took place on 1 March
1939. It was attended by King George VI and           The Platinum Jubilee weekend is being celebrated                              Catering are kindly supplying the delicious British
Queen Elizabeth, who delighted the local              in style at UHB, with staff and patients joining in                         classic − scones with jam and cream − for patients’ tea,
crowds by giving the name to the hospital             as the nation marks 70 years since Her Majesty                              and UHB Charity is providing special Jubilee cupcakes.
                                                      The Queen ascended the throne.                                                And a Jubilee menu is being produced for the Trust
    During a tour of the hospital, the King and
Queen spoke with many patients, including               Wards at our hospitals will be getting in the                             restaurants on all sites. It features meals from across
little John Mealand, whom the Queen helped            party spirit during the extra-long bank holiday                             the Commonwealth, such as: Coronation chicken,
to arrange his toy soldiers.                          weekend of national festivities.                                            toad-in-the-hole and beef madras, celebrating 70
    In April 1930, an expanding Birmingham
population and the need to combine the
                                                        With the very kind support of UHB Charity,                                years of Her Majesty’s reign. The menu will run
scientific advances taking place at the               special party packs are being provided to help                              between Monday 6 June and Friday 10 June.
university, with access to clinical services,         bring some extra merriment for those in hospital                              Lots of staff are getting in to the spirit of the
prompted the medical centre plans.                    during the Jubilee weekend.                                                 occasion. Among those doing their bit is dementia
    An appeal to raise building costs was
launched, and by 1931, donations had
                                                        Red, white and blue bunting, balloons, union                              nurse Phil Hall, who is planning to visit some of
surpassed £600,000.                                   flags, Jubilee programmes, and selfie-frames are                            the wards at Heartlands Hospital in his Union Jack
    Construction began on site, with the              being provided, along with colour-in crowns and                             waistcoat and bow tie, dishing out flags, hats and
Prince of Wales laying the foundation stone           crayons for our own princes and princesses.                                 treats and leading a sing-song.
on 23 October 1934.
    The building included 740 bed spaces and
wards designed to hold two or four beds.
Some contained up to 16. Some £1,158,458
was ultimately raised for the centre.

                                                                                                                                                               We were there! S
    The new centre was hotly anticipated
and was regarded as a thoroughly modern
centre for healthcare, which would provide
cutting edge services to the people of south
Birmingham and surrounding areas.
    Today, Nuffield House is home to a variety                                                                                                                 Tina Crowley,
of hospital services including diabetes,                                                                                                                       Healthcare Assistant
audiology and corporate nursing.                                                                                                                               “’The day before the visit we had
                                                                                                                                                               a session on what to do and what
                                                                                                                                                               not to do. For example, we were
                                                                                                                                                               told: "Do not offer your hand
                                                                                                                                                               to the Queen on first greeting.
                                                                                                                                                               It's Your Majesty and after this,
                                                                                                                                                               it's mam, as in jam, not mam as
                                                                                                                                                               in farm.
                                                                                                                                                                   ‘’I had practised my curtsy and
                                                                                                                                                               decided not to do this, as I kept
                                                                                                                                                               losing my balance or had head
                                                                                                                                                               dipped too much. My most vivid
                                                                                                                                                               memory is The Queen’s sapphire
                                                                                                                                                               blue sparkling eyes. I was first in
                                                                                                                                                               line after the plaque was revealed and I met
                                                                                                                                                               the Queen.
                                                                                                                                                                   “I was holding my knees together because
                                                                                                                                                               they were shaking so much. Dame Julie
                                                                                                                                                               introduced the Queen to me and she offered
                                                                                                                                                               her hand, I held her hand and spontaneously
                                                                                                                                                               bobbed! I told her I help to look after patients
                                                                                                                                                               with heart surgeries, such as post heart and
                                                                                                                                                               lung transplant, and also military patients. The
                                                                                                                                                               Queen smiled and said:"Really, that must be
                                                                                                                                                               very interesting." She told me to keep up the
                                                                                                                                                               good work and that I obviously enjoyed it.
                                                                                                                                                                   “It was such a special day, one I have
                                                                                         Princess Elizabeth at Selly Oak Hospital in 1949 ©mirrorpix           never forgotten.“

1952                                              on the same site. It will bring a spacious modern   Now:                                                   for a medical documentary series "A New
                                                  facility housing a range of services, including     In 2021, The Richard Salt Unit (RSU) had a face lift   Lease of Life”. It wasn’t the first time TV
Then:                                             outpatients, imaging, endoscopy, and day            with a brand new look, inside and out, following       cameras had been inside the Queen Elizabeth
In the early 1950s, just as the Queen was         surgery, across four floors, and is set to serve    extensive refurbishment works. In 2022, building       Hospital; just months earlier, newspapers
coming to the throne, East Birmingham             nearly half a million patients each year.           work got underway to deliver two new wards             reported that a TV camera had broadcast an
Hospital was about to undergo a                                                                       for the site. Located between the Richard Salt         operation at QE to an audience in a hall at the
transformation that would see services come       Then:                                               Unit and Fothergill Block, the wards will bring        university in colour. The surgery was reflected
together for the first time on one site. The      Good Hope Hospital construction also began in       the hospital 48 new beds in modern clinical            by a mirror over the operating table into the
introduction of maternity and outpatients         1952,but it would be another six years before it    environments and will open in the early autumn.        lens of the TV camera.
services to the hospital caused caused quite a    opened. Mr Richard Salt, the hospital committee                                                            Now:
stir at the time, because less patients would     chairman, said that it was hoped to use four         1958                                                  In more recent times, our hospitals have
be able to have a last bath before discharge.     of the hospital's wards for medical and pre-                                                               welcomed TV cameras for documentaries and
Now:                                              convalescent care. It would be a further two        Then:                                                  TV programmes including: Surgeons: Your Life
Nearly 70 years later, the brand new              years in 1958 before the operating theatre and      A heart operation, filmed at the Queen Elizabeth       in their Hands; Life and Birth; and more
Heartlands Treatment Centre is set to open        the X-ray department were built at Good Hope.       Hospital, Birmingham, was shown on BBC One             recently, We are England. Filmed at
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
June 2022 | University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust                                                                                                                                             3

Green light for
innovative operation
A surgical team at University Hospitals
Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB)
                                                   said: “Operating theatres are resource intensive
                                                   environments, contributing to 25 per cent of the
                                                                                                                                                                 Surgeon appointed
has completed the first documented ‘net
zero’ operation in the NHS − with the
                                                   Trust’s carbon output.
                                                      “We cannot achieve net zero health systems
                                                                                                                                                                 visiting professor
patient discharged safely and recovering           without making surgery more green, so this is a
well from a keyhole procedure to remove a          vital proof of concept step.                                                                                  Bariatric consultant and Upper GI surgeon,
bowel cancer.                                         “We now hope to work with colleagues                                                                       Rishi Singhal, has been appointed as visiting
   Performed at Solihull Hospital, the operation   across the UK to create a wider impact across the                                                             professor of Bariatric Surgery at Birmingham
introduced several changes to the team’s           whole NHS.”                                                                                                   City University.
normal practice:                                      The net zero operation involved all members of                                                                Holding the post until 2025, Rishi aspires
■ Using reusable gowns, drapes, and scrub caps     the team including the surgeons, anaesthetists,                                                               to use the role to develop the field of
■ Giving medications through the veins for         nurses, cleaners, porters, and managers.                                                                      obesity and diabesity.
    general anaesthesia rather than anaesthetic       Tim Jones, Chief Innovation Officer at UHB,                          Aneel Bhangu, UHB Consultant             He said: “My aim is to facilitate and
    gases, which have a strong greenhouse effect   added: “I would like to thank Aneel and his                          Surgeon and Senior Lecturer at the       develop an academic environment of
■ Implementing a plan for minimising electricity   colleagues for their work on delivering the first                            University of Birmingham         research within the field of obesity where
    use, including heating and lighting            net zero operation in the NHS.                                                                                we can nurture and develop future
■ Recycling of single-use equipment used in           “As a large NHS organisation, we know UHB                                                                  innovative researchers, including dietitians,
    surgery, working with industry partners        has a significant carbon footprint, but we are             important to improving health more broadly.        clinical fellows, and consultants.
■ Recycling of ‘clean’ paper and plastic waste     committed to reducing this as much as possible             We know that climate change and air pollution         “This will enable us to build a sustainable
■ Using individually packed equipment, and only    whilst still providing the care and treatment our          has wide impacts on health, many of which          academic future. I hope to use the
    opening items as they were required            patients need.                                             aren’t measurable until years to come. I would     opportunity through this collaboration
■ One consultant surgeon ran to hospital, and         “I hope this net zero operation is the first of         want my operation in a hospital that cares about   with Birmingham City University to build
    the other cycled                               many, not just at UHB but across the NHS.”                 the environment, showing its commitment to         academic and clinical careers for many
                                                      Patient advocate and research involvement               patients and public health.”                       people in the future.
   UHB Consultant Surgeon and Senior Lecturer      lead Dr Lesley Booth CBE said: “Reducing the                 Further net zero operations are planned at          “I strongly believe that collaborative
at the University of Birmingham, Aneel Bhangu,     environmental impact of surgery is hugely                  UHB in the coming weeks.                           research between diabetologists and
                                                                                                                                                                 bariatric surgeons will not only help establish
                                                                                                                                                                 a world-class research unit at UHB and

  Visiting restrictions now eased
                                                                                                                                                                 Birmingham City University, but will also
                                                                                                                                                                 pave the way for attracting future academics
                                                                                                                                                                 and funding into this field.”

  The visiting restrictions that were in place     support of a carer. Patients in critical care will be
  since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,        able to have two visitors.                                   The visiting rules are:                          PICS roll-out
  have been eased, in recognition of the              There is no change to the current guidance for
  importance of visiting to our patients’          outpatients; patients can bring someone to their             Inpatients
  wellbeing and recovery.                          appointment, if they need them for support.                  Each patient will be allowed one visitor         The Trust’s Prescribing Information and
     The new rules allow the majority of              All visitors will be required to sanitise their hands     of their choice, for a maximum of two            Communication System (PICS) has been
  inpatients to have one visitor a day for up      and wear a new surgical face mask, unless they               hours per day. The visitor can be a              introduced to four more wards at Good
  to two hours, between 11:00-19:00, seven         are exempt, whilst they are on hospital premises.            different person each day. Patients in           Hope Hospital.
  days week.                                       They will not need to provide a negative lateral             critical care can have two visitors.                Wards 3, 8, 14 and 24 went live in May,
     Visiting is being arranged and managed        flow test.
                                                                                                                                                                 joining wards 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 23, the
  by the ward; ward staff have the discretion         The impact of easing visiting restrictions will be        Emergency departments                            Critical Care Unit and the Homeward
  to increase visiting for patients in special     closely monitored and reviewed, to ensure that we            One person may accompany a patient               Centre, which have all adopted the PICS
  circumstances, for example when a patient is     have the right balance between keeping everyone              in the emergency department.                     this year.
  deteriorating or dying, or if they require the   safe, whilst supporting patients’ wellbeing.                 However, this does not apply to minor               PICS is a bespoke electronic health
                                                                                                                injuries, where special circumstances            record, that provides sophisticated
                                                                                                                will apply, due to restricted space.             clinical decision support that directly
                                                                                                                                                                 improves the safety and quality of
                                                                                                                Day surgery                                      patient care across all of our hospitals.
                                                                                                                Visits are permitted under special                  PICS has already been rolled out to
                                                                                                                circumstances only.                              most of Heartlands Hospital and Solihull
                                                                                                                Children, including neonates
                                                                                                                For paediatric wards, each child can
                                                                                                                have two parents/carers visit a day (one
                                                                                                                at a time), with one parent/carer able
                                                                                                                to remain overnight. In the neonatal
                                                                                                                unit, the new rules will see visiting
                                                                                                                open for both parents/named carers.

                                                                                                                Two birth partners are allowed when
                                                                                                                in active labour, with one visitor
                                                                                                                permitted to the post-natal ward.

                                                                                                                              See for the latest news
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
4                     University Hospitals
                      Birmingham Charity                                                   Get in touch!                       
                                                                                                                               0121 371 4852  @UHBCharity

                                                    Thousands benefit from
Dates for your diary
                Sunrise Snowdon
 2022           Do summit rewarding and

                                                    home away from home
                climb Mount Snowdon through
 28 MAY the night, with the hospital
 16 JULY charity! See the sun rise from
                the top of the mountain, whilst
raising money for your local hospital. Places
cost £50 and are only available to over 18s.
Your ticket includes coach travel to and from
central Birmingham, and snacks and water to         Fisher House, the home away from home              however great or small
keep you going on the trek.                         for both serving and ex-military patients          enable us to provide a much-
                                                    and their families, is celebrating its ninth       valued service.”
ƀ To find out more go to:                           anniversary.                                          It costs the charity £25                           Since opening its doors in 2013, the house on   a night for a family to stay                              the Queen Elizabeth Hospital site has given free   at Fisher House, a small
                                                    accommodation to more than 5,000 people.           amount that makes a huge
                                                       Your continued support and donations is         difference. It allows families
                                                    needed to sustain this level of support and        to live in a stress-free
                                                    care. UHB Charity is eternally thankful to         environment and be a short
                                                    the organisations, charities, companies and        distance away from their
                                                    individuals who continue to support Fisher         loved ones.
                                                    House.                                                Fundraising Manager,
                                                       The house, managed by Patrick Hogan and a       Cathryn Worth said: “Fisher
                                                    dedicated team, has 18 spacious bedrooms and       House is entirely charity funded and receives no
                                                    large, welcoming communal areas. The house         Ministry of Defence or Government funding. We
              Skydives                              is designed for people of all abilities with an    are incredibly grateful to all those
              Take your fundraising to new          open plan set up, wide corridors and wheelchair    who support the funding of the house.”
2022          heights, with a tandem skydive        accessible lifts.
              with the hospital charity.               Patrick said: “It’s with great pride we’ve      ¬ If you can, please donate so we can
SUMMER Secure your place now for £50,               reached nine years old, enabling over 5,500          support more military families through
 DATES        with a minimum sponsorship of         people to spend time close to their loved            challenging times.
              £400. Face your fears and raise       ones whilst being treated in QEHB. Donations         fisherhouseuk
money for your local hospital.

ƀ To book your tickets go to:                         Left to right:                          Rosemary Faulkes,                                Philippa Lewis,
                                                      Robyn Tams,
               Yorkshire Three Peaks                  Thamara Perera
               Take on one of the UK’s most           and Matthew
 2022          popular three-peaks routes in a        Armstrong
               safe, supportive, and feel-good
               way. You’ll walk with a group
   DATES       of friendly fellow challengers,
               and first-aid certified mountain
leaders who will do all the navigation, leaving
you free to immerse yourself in this incredible

ƀ To book your tickets go to:

                Wolf Run
                New for 2022. Join the hospital
2022            charity on the ultimate 10km
                course over obstacles, water
  4 SEPT and of course MUD. Places
                available for adults and children
                between seven and 17 years
old. Adult places are £50 with a minimum of                                                                                                                 Pets in hospitals
£250 sponsorship, child places are £20 with a
minimum of £50 sponsorship.                           Running in patients' memory                                                                         Specially assessed dogs through the Pets in
ƀ To book your tickets go to:                         Philippa Lewis and the team from                 In an effort to not feel helpless at this          Hospitals scheme have made a return.                          the Liver Department at the Queen                incredibly sad situation, I wanted to get             The scheme enables dogs to visit patients at                                Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham share              out there and do some fundraising in their         the hospitals, helping to reduce their anxiety and
                                                      their experience of taking part in the           memory. I am doing this for them, as I sadly       enhance patient communication and interaction.
                                                      Birmingham Half Marathon and 10k races.          didn’t get a chance to say my goodbyes.”           Last month, one of our incredible volunteers Ann
                                                         Philippa said: “I support young people          Altogether they raised nearly £6,000             Claridge, brought her pooch Bonnie to meet

GET INVOLVED!                                         who need liver treatments in their
                                                      transition from Birmingham Children’s
                                                      Hospital to the Queen Elizabeth, which
                                                                                                       to fund cutting edge research into liver
                                                                                                                                                          staff in the Emergency Department to help boost
                                                                                                                                                          morale. Staff told us it was a lovely surprise and
                                                                                                                                                          really made their day.
To find out how you can support the
                                                      can be a very difficult time. I form close       ƀ If your ward or department would like               You can support Pets in Hospital by donating
work of UHB Charity, get in touch with
the team:                                             connections with my patients and their             to take part in fundraising to support           £7 a month which will pay for the training and
                                                      families over the years.                           your patients, sign up to one of our             equipment for one of the specially assessed dogs.
  @uhbcharity                      “Very sadly during the pandemic, four           events or email
 @uhbcharity          @uhbcharity                   patients who I worked closely with died.           for more information.                            ¬ Visit our website to donate https://www.

                               If you would like to support your local hospital, please donate at
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
June 2022 | University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust                                                                                                                   5

Patients benefit from                                                                                                                   Commemorative
                                                                                                                                        artwork plan

new same day service
                                                                                                                                        As part of our plans to recognise and
                                                                                                                                        remember the amazing contributions
                                                                                                                                        of our colleagues in response to the
                                                                                                                                        pandemic, we will be creating and
                                                                                                                                        installing artwork across our hospital
                                                                                                                                        sites and community locations.
                                                                                                                                           Our Trust is made up of thousands
                                                                                                                                        of individuals who make our team
A recent report has shown that UHB is
                                                                                                                                        kind, bold and connected. Each of you
one of the top trusts nationally for the
                                                                                                                                        represent a unique piece of UHB and
proportion of patients benefitting from
                                                                                                                                        we would like the art installations to
Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC).
                                                                                                                                        reflect every part of our team. We would
   SDEC is the provision of same day care, for
                                                                                                                                        therefore like to invite you to be part of
emergency patients who would otherwise be
                                                                                                                                        this project.
admitted to hospital. Patients presenting to
                                                                                                                                           Over the coming months, we will be
emergency departments with relevant conditions
                                                                                                                                        photographing staff across our sites.
can be quickly assessed, diagnosed and treated
                                                                                                                                        Your photograph will form part of
without being admitted to a ward, and if clinically
                                                                                                                                        a large piece of art, that will include
safe to do so, will go home the same day.
                                                                                                                                        headshots of our many staff members.
UHB has SDEC areas at Good Hope Hospital,
                                                                                                                                           If you would like to be part of this
Heartlands Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital
                                                                                                                                        piece of history and feature in this
                                                                                                                                        artwork, you can join one of our drop-
   SDEC is one of the ways the NHS is working to
                                                                                                                                        in sessions over the next few months.
provide the right care, in the right place, at the
                                                                                                                                        Dates, times and locations of these
right time for patients.
                                                                                                                                        sessions are available on the intranet, via
   Ed Landon, Managing Director – Division
                                                                                                                                        the QR code below.
3, said: “It’s great that the hard work of the
                                                                                                                                           We will frequently be updating the
teams who set up and work in our busy SDEC
                                                                                                                                        page with new dates and locations, so
areas has been recognised against the national
                                                                                                                                        please keep an eye out if you would like
benchmarking data. It’s also a reflection of the      Service, who can refer patients direct into our       Scan this QR code to
                                                                                                                                        to take part.
work which has gone into our hospital streaming       SDEC areas. A huge thank you to all involved –        watch a two-minute
projects and our collaborative working with           we know that our patients are benefitting from        film about SDEC:
primary care and West Midlands Ambulance              this service.”                                                                    ƀ We would love to see as many of
                                                                                                                                          you involved as possible, to make
                                                                                                                                          this a really special

  Farewell to free spirit
                                                                                                                                          piece of work. If you
                                                                                                                                          have any queries,
                                                                                                                                          please contact:
  Colleagues on Ward 410 at Queen Elizabeth             “She was definitely a free spirit, good friend                          
  Hospital Birmingham, have paid tribute to Pat       and colleague and supportive to all – the wards
  Foster, a much-loved member of staff, who has       very own agony aunt.
  died at the age of 65.                                “Pat was always the life and soul of the ward;
     Pat had worked as a domestic and a health        cheerful and cracking a joke, which had not only                                  Improved system for
  care assistant at the former Selly Oak Hospital,    the staff, but the patient in hysterics. Losing Pat
  before services moved to QEHB. She has
  worked in trauma on Ward 410 since it opened
                                                      has left a tremendous hole in all of our hearts.”                                 radiology alerts
  in 2010.                                                                                                                              The second phase of the new RAD-Alert
     Last October, she was suddenly given a                                                                                             system went live on 1 May.
  terminal cancer diagnosis after complaining                       I was lucky to work                                                    RAD-Alert is a new, much-improved
                                                                                                                                        system for electronic distribution of
  of a small pain in her kidneys. She died on 16
  April in St. Mary’s Hospice.                                      with Pat only this                                                  radiology reports and critical alerts.
                                                                                                                                           The first phase was launched in April, with
     Her funeral took place on 17 May at Kings
  Norton’s St. Nicolas Church.
                                                                    past year; from the                                                 daily emails being sent out summarising all
     Pat leaves a daughter, Tracy Price, and sons
  Sean Foster and Shane Smith-Foster. Tracy
                                                                    first time I met her, I                                             examinations requested by consultants that
                                                                                                                                        were authorised during the previous day.
  works for UHB and is a sister on Ward 412.                        knew she was a force                                                   Since 1 May, email notifications of urgent
                                                                                                                                        and unexpected findings are also live.
  They worked together for many years and this
  family bond enabled a fantastic rapport with                      to be reckoned with.                                                   Now that RAD-Alert has been
                                                                                                                                        implemented, it will mean the Trust has
  any patient they came in contact with.
     Ward Manager and Senior Sister Tina Draper
                                                                    Pat was the most                                                    one automated system for raising and
  said: “I was lucky to work with Pat only this                     amazing HCA, she                                                    tracking alerts operating across the whole
  past year and from the first time I met her, I
  knew she was a force to be reckoned with.                         was caring and
     “She was the most amazing HCA; she
                                                                    always putting the
                                                                                                                                               Keep up with
  was caring and always putting the needs of
  others first.
     “However, she was also prone to speaking
                                                                    needs of others first
  her mind; a straight talker, Pat would challenge
  anyone, no matter who they were!
     “Pat was famous on our ward for the
                                                                    Tina Draper                                                                 UHB online
  milkshake round, where she would make ice                         Ward manager and Senior Sister
  cream milkshakes, utilising leftover ice creams
  from the dinner round and meritene shakes.                                                                                            
  The patients loved it and this encouraged those                                                                                       
  patients with the poorest of appetites to get
  much needed nutrients.                                                                                                                

                                                                                                                       See for the latest news
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
6                                                                           University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust | June 2022

                                                                our colleagues
                                                                During May, celebrations have taken place to mark:
                                                                International Day of the Midwife; World Hand Hygiene
                                                                Day; International Nurses Day; and National Operating
                                                                Department Practitioner (ODP) Day.

      Do you recognise anyone in this picture?                           Happy Nurses Day Poem
      It is thought to be Group 208, taken in the late 1970s.            – written by Helen H from Harborne Ward
                                                                         There are angels that walk on Earth,
                                                                         Wearing uniforms of blue,
                                                                         I hope they feel appreciated in the job they do.
                                                                         They dedicate all their time,
                                                                         To help those in need,
                                                                         They strive to do their best for us,
                                                                         And most of the time they succeed.
                                                                         Sad times sometimes happen,
                                                                         But the care is always there.
                                                                         The compassion and respect they show
                                                                         makes them truly rare.
                                                                         They never show their stresses,
                                                                         And always wear a smile.
                                                                         These angels are called nurses,
                                                                         And they go that extra mile.
                                                                         So thank you to all nurses,
                                                                         In any shade of blue.
                                                                         Please always remember that we really appreciate you.
    Gemma Rees
    Gemma joined the Trust at Heartlands
    Hospital as a Band 5 Midwife in
    September 2013. Gemma has worked in                                         Down memory lane...
    various roles including delivery suite;                                     by Mary Passant (was Murphy)
    antenatal and postnatal wards; the
    midwifery led unit; and, for a short                                        – Queen Elizabeth School of Nursing 1981
    time, as a bereavement specialist                                          “In May 1981, I moved into the nursing home and started my career
    midwife on Eden Suite at Heartlands                                        as a nurse, the first few days of training were about the rules and the
    Hospital.                                                                  dos and don’ts.
       Gemma is currently a delivery suite                                        “Nursing home rules were no noise, no smoking, no running, no
    coordinator at Good Hope Hospital,                                         parties, no alcohol, and no men were allowed in the nursing home.
    where she has worked since March                                              “On the first day, we were fitted with uniforms and shown how
    2020, moving there right at the start                                      to press and stiffen the hats and aprons. We all had a cape, which I
    of the pandemic. She worked in retail                                      loved! We were also taken to a room where a salesman showed us
    when she left school, because it took                                      the shoes we had to wear. He checked our sizes and we then had to
    five years of applying to university to                                    order two pairs each. The money was deducted from our first salary.
    secure a place on a midwifery course,                                      There was a Lloyds Bank on the QE site, which we had to join to have
    but always knew that being a midwife                                       our salary paid into.
    was what she wanted to do.                                                    “The course was intense, but amazing, and gave me the
       She said: “My favourite parts of                                        foundations which have served me well for the last 41 years. Life has
    my job are the amazing teams I work                                        moved on and nursing has evolved; I have so many stories across the
    alongside and continuously learn from,                                     years, but I will never forget to always have a clean uniform and shoes
    as well as meeting and learning about                                      and to care for every patient in a way you would want your own
    the women and their families. Every day                                    family to be cared for. Give your best and be your best.“
    there is something different.”

Building healthier lives
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
June 2022 | University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust                                                                                                            7
                                                                                                                                Toolkit to support
                                                                                                                                staff wellbeing
                                                                                                                                Nursing, midwifery and allied healthcare
                                                                                                                                professional (AHP) colleagues and students,
                                                                                                                                work within a variety of settings, in complex,
                                                                                                                                pressurised roles, and demanding specialties.
                                                                                                                                   The School of Nursing, AHPs and
                                                                                                                                Midwifery provide learning and career
                                                                                                                                development opportunities for staff at any
                                                                                                                                point in their career. Underpinning this, the
                                                                                                                                School also provides wellbeing support and
                                                                                                                                pastoral care for our students, apprentices,
                                                                                                                                and staff.
                                                                                                                                   We all need looking after, and by
                                                                                                                                supporting these colleagues, the School
                                                                                 World Hand Hygiene Day                         is helping to build healthier and happier
                                                                                 The Infection Prevention and Control           working lives for our employees, which
                                                                                 Team marked World Hand Hygiene                 ultimately has a ripple effect to our patients
                                                                                 Day this year, by visiting wards and           and the wider community.
                                                                                 departments to recognise the good work            As part of this, Zoe Peryer, Senior
                                                                                 to promote and maintain high hand              Educator in the Professional Development
                                                                                 hygiene standards.                             and Education Team has developed a new,
                                                                                    People were given certificates by the       comprehensive and evidence-based pastoral
                                                                                 Infection Prevention and Control team          toolkit to support the Education Team’s
                                                                                 across all hospital sites.                     work.
                                                                                    Dr Khaled Elfandi said: “Hand hygiene          The toolkit includes many ways to offer
                                                                                 is crucial for reducing transmission of        support to staff, and is inclusive, recognising
                                                                                 infection to patients within our care. It is   neurodiversity, gender awareness, mental
                                                                                 important that patients observe us doing       health awareness and unconscious bias.
                                                                                 this, before any interactions. By being           This is the beginning of a journey
                                                                                 good role models, we’re all able to set the    to honour the Trust, and the School’s
                                                                                 standards to keep patients safe.”              commitment to pastoral support and
                                                                                                                                development conversations, in line with our
                                                                                                                                Trust values of Kind, Connected and Bold.
                                                                                                                                   Zoe said: “We know that supporting
                                                                                                                                staff with their wellbeing is not a ‘one size
                                                                                                                                fits all’. We want our staff to feel valued,
                                                                                                                                empowered and supported, and we
                                                                                                                                recognise that support needs to be person-
                                                                                                                                centred and inclusive.
                                                                                                                                   “This new toolkit has three main pathways
                                                                                                                                in line with the School’s values, and includes
                                                                                                                                constructive and supportive tools, resources
                                                                                                                                and approaches.
                                                                                                                                   “We want staff to feel a sense of
                                                                                                                                belonging to their clinical area and to the
                                                                                                                                Trust, and feel part of a valued team; to
                                                                                                                                be able to grow in the organisation, and
                                                                                                                                develop both personally and professionally;
                                                                                                                                and to feel inspired to contribute to excellent
                                                                                                                                and innovative quality patient care and
                                                                                                                                improve staff experience.”
                                                                                                                                   Watch out for more information on the
                                                       Interim Chief Nurse, Margaret Garbett, thanked                           new pastoral model of care offered by the
                                                       midwifery and nursing teams. In a video posted on                        School of Nursing, AHPs and Midwifery.
                                                       staff Facebook groups, she said:
                                                         “I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to                           Keep up-to-date on the
                                                       everybody. You do an amazing job, make an
                                                                                                                                School’s activities
                                                       amazing difference to people and their families.
                                                       I am really proud of you, the Trust is amazingly                         via social media:
                                                       proud of you, please always remember that you                            ƒ @uhb_son
                                                       make a difference.”                                                      „
                                                       International Day of the Midwife is marked every                         ŗ @uhb_son
                                                       year. Teams across the maternity units celebrated
                                                       the day with tea and cake, and took the time to
                                                       reflect on the past two years and their dedication
                                                       to supporting women and their babies in our
                                                       communities throughout the pandemic.

                                                                                                  See for the latest news
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
8                                                                                                                             University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust | June 2022

                                                New travel site aids
                                                getting to work
Midday The Golden Hour Hits from 50’s-80’s
       Light Lunch, Big Band Classic
       Standards, and Radio Days Music
10pm The Soul Train by Peter Bayliss
11pm   Late Night Love Songs
BHBN Music Selection throughout the day
                                                We know that however you get to work,                     UHB also has a Cycling to Work Scheme             Ķ Ride in style with extra legroom, free Wi-
between live shows
                                                commuting even short distances can be                  partner, Cycle Solutions, so that staff can          Fi, stop announcements and USB charging
                                                stressful.                                             purchase a bike and all the safety gear and          ports on the most comfortable buses in our
10am   The Morning Show – Joy Bourne                                                                                                                        region, ever!
                                                   But whether it is knowing you are helping to        clothing needed, at big discounts via salary
4pm    Good Vibrations, Jo Connop               improve the air we all breath by not making a          sacrifice – up to £10,000.                           Ķ Don’t queue for a car park ever again
8pm    Evening Show, Dale Hobson                polluting car journey on your own, or eliminating
                                                the hassle of queuing for a limited number of car      Why cycle?                                                         TRAIN TO WORK
                  TUESDAY                       parking spaces, by using one of the many bus or        Ķ Lower cost                                                       Most train stations for our hospitals
       The Morning Show – Anya McCutcheon-
10am                                            train services that service our hospital sites - it    Ķ No traffic or car park queues                                    are within a 5-15 minute walk (sadly
                                                doesn't always need to be stressful.                   Ķ Get fit during your commute - saving time                        except Heartlands Hospital, which
2pm    Music from Stage & Screen
                                                   We want to help make your getting to work           for you (and maybe gym fees!)                        has a station around a 30 minute walk away) –
6pm    Best of the 80’ Rich Pemberton           journey more of a joy, so we’ve put together           Ķ Maintain a healthy weight                          generally, our hospitals are well served by the rail
8pm    Evening Show, Paul Millington            a new staff travel information website to give         Ķ You can join colleagues on routes and              network. All aboard!
                                                you the latest information on all of the newest        make new pals – partner up with someone
               WEDNESDAY                        initiatives and options to choose the most             more experienced if you’re unsure                    Why go by train?
10am   The Morning Show, Rich Pemberton         convenient, healthy and more environmentally           Ķ Use one of the available apps to find a            Ķ Why not? Sit back, read a book, catch
       BHBNcountry Kira Hughes & Dave           friendly option for you.                               route-mate, or choose a lower-impact route           up with a friend, get absorbed by TikTok
       Horton                                                                                          with not as many steep hills                         or Facebook on your smart phone. You
       Words & Music Extra – Brian                            WALKING TO WORK                                                                               can’t tune out like this in the car, so take
       Henderson / Ella Iggulden                              Even if it is for part of the journey,                BUS TO WORK                             advantage of more ‘you’ time
8pm    Evening Show, Doug Jackson                             walking can provide a convenient                       Our region has an excellent            Ķ Compared to the costs of running a car
                 THURSDAY                                     way to reduce your transport costs,                    network of bus routes with a huge      or commuting longer distances, getting the
10am   The Morning Show – Dave Horton
                                                get fitter and de-stress.                                            number of routes servicing each        train will save you money in the long run
                                                                                                       of our hospital sites, they have never been more     Ķ Mile for mile, trains help improve our air
2pm    Playing it Cool, Pete Bayliss            What are the benefits of walking?                      comfortable, clean or convenient for passengers.     quality by reducing harmful emissions with
6pm    Tea Time Show, Chris Friday              Ķ It is free and boosts energy levels while            They also get priority bus lanes to get you places   fewer cars on the road
                                                reducing stress levels                                 quicker, and you get extra leg room on lots of       Ķ Trains are incredibly reliable, and stations
8pm    Evening Show, Leon Lewis
                                                Ķ Improves sleep, reduces blood pressure               services for added comfort.                          run close to our sites, so you can get some
                   FRIDAY                       and promotes a healthy heart                                                                                steps in too and simply feel healthier – all
10am   The Morning Show – Paul Stanley          Ķ Helps to maintain a healthy weight                   Why go by bus?                                       of the stations near our sites are accessible
                                                Ķ Does not require special equipment,                  Ķ Discounted travel for NHS staff with               with parking and step free access too
4pm    The Weekender, Bill Waldron
                                                permits, or venues                                     unlimited travel on bus, train and metro in          Ķ No car park queues = much less stress
6pm    Thank BHBN it’s Friday, David Elliott    Ķ You can do it with a friend or colleague             the West Midlands area, all day, every day –
8pm    Evening Show, Andy Swaby                 and talk the whole way – it’s good to get              available via dedicated NHS staff portal             Visit the new staff travel website
                                                things off your chest                                  Ķ Save money by not paying to park or                containing all updated and
                 SATURDAY                                                                              filling the tank up in the car (or ditch the car     refreshed content to get your
9am    BHBNgold, Colin Monnaf                                 CYCLING TO WORK                          completely)                                          journeys more joyful. You’ll also
11am   Pete Bayliss’s Music Box                               Who has the time to get to a gym,        Ķ Improve the air we all breath with a               find access to commuter discounts:
       BHBNsport (Hospitals with Hospedia                     when you can build it into the day       lower carbon and emissions footprint
2pm    Units Only) Stephanie on Saturday (on                  by cycling to work? Not to mention,      Ķ Download the National Express West
       the BHBNradio App & Online)              it can save you a fortune in memberships, fuel or      Midlands App to find out when your bus
                                                parking fees.                                          will arrive                                             Take part in Bike
7pm    Saturday Disco                                                                                                                                          Week from 6-12
10pm   Reggae Selection                                                                                                                                        June 2022.
                                                                                                                                                                 Your health,
                                                                                                                                                               our climate,
       The Sunday Supplement – David
11am                                                                                                                                                           your pocket
       The American Country Countdown                                                                                                                          and our
       Top 12                                                                                                                                                  communities
2pm    Kids Time with Kira Hughes                                                                                                                              are all better
       Care Home Requests & Duets, Sharon                                                                                                                      when more people
       Hill                                                                                                                                                    get on their bikes.
6pm    Asian Selection                                                                                                                                           These last few years have seen a
                                                                                                                                                               lot of change, many people took up
8pm    The Evening Show, Paul Stanley
                                                                                                                                                               cycling or rediscovered it, dusting off
10pm   The BHBNclassics Collection                                                                                                                             that old bike sitting in the shed to
All other times – the BHBN music selection                                                                                                                     get out there again. Use your bike for
                                                                                                                                                               exercise, for communiting to work, to
              Sponsored by                                                                                                                                     go to the shops, or even just to be able
             Caremark Solihull                                                                                                                                 to see friends and family.
       Western Power Distribution                                                                                                                                The bike can give everyone freedom;
           Blackhams Solicitors                                                                                                                                freedom to choose how to travel
The Severn Trent Trust Fund 'Big Difference'                                                                                                                   and how to live their lives better and
 It's easier than ever to listen to BHBNradio                                                                                                                    So this Bike Week from June 6 to 12
         Join us by downloading the                                                                                                                            let’s really celebrate cycling – check
         FREE BHBNradio app today                                                                                                                              out In the Loop and the staff Facebook
                                                                                                                                                               groups for more info on UHB’s Bike
                                                                                                                                                               Week activities.

 Building healthier lives
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
June 2022 | University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust                                                                                                                                        9

Programme’s global impact
The Solihull Approach, created nearly
30 years ago to support emotional
health and well-being, has grown into a
programme which is making a difference
across the world.
   It was 1996 and the internet was in its early

                                                                                                                                                             No place
days, when clinical psychologist Hazel Douglas
MBE working with health visitors recognised that
families needed more support and information.
They put together the first of many resources
and, since then, the programme has grown with
ongoing demand for its evidence-based model in
                                                                                                                                                             like home
training, online courses and resources.
   At its heart is a long-term mission to increase                                                                                                           'There’s no place like home?' was the theme
an individual’s emotional and mental health                                                                                                                  of this year’s UHB End-of-Life Conference
from conception to old age. The Solihull                                                                                                                     for staff, which focused on different
Approach model is used by a wide range of                                                                                                                    pathways of care at end of life, advanced
people from midwives, health visitors, family                                                                                                                care planning, preferred place of care and
workers, psychologists, nurses, foster carers,                                                                                                               death, and more generally, how to open up
social workers and teachers to firefighters and                                                                                                              conversations around death, dying and grief
prison officers and in homes, hospitals, clinics,                                                                                Left to right: Dr Rebecca   with patients and their loved ones.
companies, schools and prisons.                                                                                               Johnson, Mary Reeston and         A wide range of expert speakers gave
   The programme is popular in the United                                                                                              Hazel Douglas MBE     presentations at the event. Dr Kathryn
Kingdom and across the world with a centre in                                                                                                                Mannix, palliative care consultant and author
Australia. Its recent global appeal ranges from                                                                                                              of ‘With The End In Mind’ and ‘Listen’,
Iceland and Malta to Nigeria and Ghana.                    Hazel said: “Nobody would have thought              Why is emotional health relevant to           talked about her work with Hospice UK
   In the early days, the team was part of the          all those years ago that The Solihull Approach         hospitals? The Kaiser Permanente              on advanced care planning; and end of life
Solihull Community Trust which then became              would have become such a success. We wanted            Hospital Group in the USA carried out         care advocate, Tommy Whitelaw, gave his
part of Heartlands Hospital. The Solihull               to make information available which would be           research in the 1990s, looking at how         personal experience of caring for his mother
Approach has a small team which includes Mary           useful to people at different times in their lives.    many Adverse Childhood Experiences            and the importance of intelligent kindness.
Rheeston, who was one of the health visitors            To tell you the truth, we were shocked when we         the tens of thousands of people coming           Members of staff who have gone
who worked with Hazel on the first resource             started looking into what was available and it has     through their doors had experienced.          above and beyond in demonstrating
pack. Development manager Dr Rebecca                    grown from there.”                                     They found that the risk of physical          compassionate care for patients and their
Johnson, a clinical psychologist, joined the team          Trust staff can access free online resources        ill health increased as the number of         families at end of life, were also celebrated
a few years later.                                      from the programme. These include ones for             incidents in childhood increased. This has    on the day, with individuals awarded
                                                        parents, staff who want to give their relationships    been confirmed in many studies across         certificates of excellence.
                                                        an MoT, parents who want to understand their           the world since then. In other words,            Dawn Chaplin, Deputy Director of End-
                                                        teenager’s brains and others for colleagues            good emotional health in childhood            of-Life and Bereavement and the event’s
                                                        working in high pressure environments.                 helps protect against physical ill health     organiser, said: "After a very tough couple of
                                                        ■ To find out more go to: www.inourplace.              in adulthood.                                 years, it has felt amazing to bring together
                                                   and apply the ‘Access Code’:                                                               teams from across the acute, community
                                                            UHBSTAFF                                                                                         and hospice sectors to engage and share
  HRH Queen                                             ■ To return to the course(s) go to www.               ■ To prove that you are a UHB member of        knowledge, experience and resources that
  Elizabeth II                                     and sign in!                       staff you will need a code word which        can be used in our day-to-day work with
  awards MBE to                                         ■ For technical support, contact solihull.              can be found on the UHB intranet home        patients and families.
  Hazel Douglas                                    or 0121 296 4448,               page – it’s the last word of the footer at      “Working in end of life care can be
                                                            Monday to Friday. 9am to 5pm                        the bottom of the page!                      challenging, but these conversations are vital
                                                                                                                                                             to ensure our patients and families receive
                                                                                                                                                             the best possible care. We can help make

Treatment centre taking shape
                                                                                                                                                             an often unbearable time a little easier by
                                                                                                                                                             putting families at the heart of everything
                                                                                                                                                             we do.”

Work on the inside of the new Heartlands                  • Three day case theatres
Treatment Centre is progressing well.                     • Two Interventional radiology rooms                                                               Our Trust values
   The rooms are really taking shape; lifts have          • Four endoscopy rooms
                                                                                                                                                             The Trust has introduced a new set of
been installed, windows are in place, and                 • Two urology treatment rooms
                                                                                                                                                             values, after asking staff for their views.
flooring is complete up to the third floor of             • A minor operations room
                                                                                                                                                               UHB colleagues were asked what
the four-storey building. Doors are due to be             • A 55 space recovery area
                                                                                                                                                             they value most about the Trust and
installed in the next few months.                       ■ Third floor: a centralised decontamination
                                                                                                                                                             were invited to make suggestions about
   The new facility will have five floors, which will     unit
                                                                                                                                                             what they would like to see in a new set
provide the following clinical services:
                                                                                                                                                             of values.
■ Lower ground floor: ambulatory imaging,               ¬ For further information go to: www.uhb.
                                                                                                                                                               We listened to all your feedback
    with MRI; CT; ultra sound and plain X-ray   
                                                                                                                                                             and, based on what we heard, we have
                                                                                                                                                             launched the new set.
■ Ground floor: an outpatient floor,
    with access to blood test services and
    a centralised pre-operative assessment
    service, for surgical and endoscopy
■ First floor: a specialist outpatients floor
    with facilities for therapies, ear nose and
    throat services and audiology.
■ Second floor: a procedure floor

                                                                                                                             See for the latest news
News - Souvenir Edition - June 2022
Your monthly puzzle challenge
10                                                                                                                         Puzzles, brainteasers and more
                                                                                            Quiz Challenge
  CROSS CODE                                                                                                                                                                                                        CRYPTIC CROSSWORD
         9          16    21      13   14     4       14   13           7                                                                                                                                           1    1     2            3            4           5          6           7

 3       1    8     10            21          17           21      6    14   18                                                                                                                                     8
                                                                                        1. Which flightless bird was                           6. The 2019 Ed Sheeran song
         25         11    25      5    19     14      25   22           20                 hunted to extinction on the                             Take Me Back to London                                           9                                                           10
                                                                                           island of Mauritius in the 17th                         featured which British rapper?
 24      23   21    12            5           23           23      2    23   17            century?                                            7. The sci-fi films Minority                                              10          11
                                                                                        2. Euchre is what type of leisure                          Report, Blade Runner and Total
 1            24          13      10   11     25      22           14        23            activity?                                               Recall were based on the                                         11                                               12
                                                                                        3. From 1991 to 2001, business                             stories of which writer?
 11      25   14    15    11      23          20      17   14      25   26   18                                                                                                                                                                                 13
                                                                                           magnate Alan Sugar was                              8. From 2009 to 2017, who served
 25           10          24                          1            23        23            chairman and part-owner of                              as US vice president under                                       13                      14                  15              16
                                                                                           which football club?                                    Barack Obama?
 13      17   14    18    14      18          7       11   25      22   23   17         4. Which river enters the South                        9. Which world-famous sporting                                                                      15    17     16
                                                                                           Atlantic at Montevideo?                                 venue unveiled a retractable
 23           5           13      7    23     21      16           21        2
                                                                                        5. What A is the term for a                                roof in May 2009?                                                18         19                        20          21

 18      21   19    18            1           17           5       17   11   23            classical two-handled storage                       10. What is the longest bone in the
                                                                                           jar?                                                    human body?
         15         25    1       8    7      23      17   23           16                                                                                                                                          22                      23
                                                                                          NONAGRAM                               WORD PYRAMID
 16      11   12    21            23          12           25      1    1    26

                                                                                                C R Y
                                                                                                                                Spell out a 15-letter word or
         21         16    11      17   14     18      5    18           25                                                      phrase by moving from one                                                           24
                                                                                                                                chamber to another within                               O
 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ                                                                    O T H                            the pyramid. You may
                                                                                                                                only enter each of the                              N        G                      ACROSS                                    DOWN
                                                                                                                                chambers once and
                                                                                                P         I       G
 1       2    3     4     5       6    7      8       9    10      11   12   13                                                                                                                                      1. Restrain ambition to go for            2. They are gamely associated
                                                                                                                                may only proceed
                                                                                 C                                              through openings          W                             E           I                   a flight (4,3,5)                          with a number of snakes (7)
 14      15   16    17    18      19   20     21      22   23      24   25   26
                                                                                                                                in the walls. The                                                                    9. Naturally lost                         3. Make an appeal that paled
                              S                   A                                      How many words of four                 first letter may        I                           E        W          T               consciousness (6,3)                       out of recognition (5)
                                                                                         letters or more can you                appear in any                                                                       10. Regret the strong-smelling             4. Rugby player or
Each number in our Cross Code grid represents a different letter                         make from this
of the alphabet. You have three letters in the control grid to start                     Nonagram? Each word
                                                                                                                                chamber.             D     N                            H           T           H       plant (3)                                 fisherman? (6)
you off. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid,                                                                                                                                                    11. Time for the bowler – and              5. Went on and on about
                                                                                         must use the central letter,
then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters                                                                                                                                                              not before time (7)                       cakes? (7)
                                                                                         and each letter may be
should go in the missing squares.                                                        used only once. At least               FIVE ALIVE                                                                          12. He’s left a misleading                 6. Girl from the manor (5)
As you get the letters, fill in other squares with the same number                       one word using all nine                                                                                                        lead (5)                               7. What the tourist will do to
                                                                                                                                                                                            Here are two
in the main grid and control grid. Check off the alphabetical list of                    letters can be found.                                                                                                      13. Fishy sign (6)                            look with the spectacles
                                                                                                                                 FN        ER          RO           NV         TE           miniature five-
letters as you identify them.                                                            Guidelines:                                                                                                                                                              (3,3,6)
                                                                                                                                                                                            square                  15. Takes over post
                                                                                         24 Good; 29 Very Good;                                                                             crosswords                  arrangements after                     8. I shot biplane in order to be
 MAGIC SQUARE                                                                            34 Excellent.                            IA                   UI                      AN           using the same              notice (6)                                unfriendly (12)

                                                                                         Any word found in the Concise                                                                      grid – but the          18. A bit I make out of bone (5)          14. Bouncy band (7)
                                                                                         Oxford Dictionary (Tenth Edition) is
                                                                                         eligible with the following              FI       AN          ST           AE         LT           letters have
                                                                                         exceptions: proper nouns; plural                                                                   been mixed up.          20. Soon before being                     16. Violet’s in uncomfortably
Using all 16 letters of the phrase above, form                                           nouns, pronouns and possessives;                                                                   You have to                 protracted (7)                            poor condition (7)
four words each of four letters which will fit in the                                    third person singular verbs;
                                                                                                                                 VT                    KE                      ER           work out which          22. Not a hindrance for                   17. Made fun of about ten in the
                                                                                         hyphenated words; contractions
grid to form a magic square in which the words                                           and abbreviations; vulgar slang                                                                    letters belong              drinkers! (3)                             drink (4,2)
can be read both horizontally and vertically.                                            words; variant spellings of the                                                                    to which                23. One with designs to put on            19. Said to exclude a Scottish
                                                                                         same word (where another variant        EY        SA          RS           DA         YS           crossword.
                                                                                         is also eligible).                                                                                                             another (9)                               island (5)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    24. Being set free to rewrite             21. Fast vessel with a cargo of
  SUDOKU                                                                                                                                                                  EQUALISER                                     caption, I mean (12)                      drugs? (1-4)
Easy               Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box.                                               Hard
                                                                                                                                                                             15   2                                 QUICK CROSSWORD
     1             4                         7                 3                                         8                                                                 9    7   3                               1          2            3                   4    5          6           7

                                                                                                                                                                              3   2                                                                             8
                                                                                        4                                  7 3   2
                                                                                                                                                                          10    2   1                               8                              9            10

     2 9 7   3                                          8 4                       1                      4                   8 6                                              2   2                                                         11

     3     9 1                                            2                                                                                                              Place the four signs (add,
                                                                                                                                                                         subtract, multiply, divide)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12               13                         14        15

                                                                                                                                                                         one in each circle so that
     8 2                                                  9                                   2   4                                                    1                 the total of each across
                                                                                                                                                                         and down line is the same.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               16                               17

             5                                        1 6                               5 9   8                                                                          Perform the first calculation in each
                                                                                                                                                                         line first and ignore the mathematical
                                                                                                                                                                         law which says you should always           18   21    19           20     21    25     22   23         24    26    25

       7   5 4                                        8   3                             9     5 3
                                                                                                                                                                         perform division and multiplication
                                                                                                                                                                         before addition and subtraction.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    26                                          27
                                                                                                                                                                            This puzzle page is supplied by
     6 5     9                                          4                                 2 9   1                                                                           Sirius Media Services Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                            To try our new puzzle,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    29                                          30
           3                                                                              6 7     5                                                                         Zygolex, go to
                                                                                                                                                                            © Sirius Media Services Ltd

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    31                                          32
     SOLUTIONS                                                                                                  divide. Total: 6.
                                           Molest.                                                                                     9   2   5   8   4    7   6   1   3       6   9   5   2   7   3   8   1   4
                                           Ulster; 20 Egress; 21 Real; 22 Abet; 23 Rarefy; 24 Auburn; 25        multiply; add;         4   3   7   1   6    9   2   8   5       7   4   2   1   9   8   3   5   6   ACROSS                      27. African                7. Violent
                                           Tirade; 9 Rust; 10 Barb; 13 Cease; 15 Rates; 18 Gasped; 19           left – subtract;       8   1   6   3   5    2   4   9   7       3   1   8   6   4   5   2   7   9    1. Scream (6)                  language (6)              outburst (6)
                                           Down – 1 Spruce; 2 Report; 3 Exodus; 5 Loiter; 6 Hitmen; 7           Clockwise from top     3   7trophy; tropic; troy; typo; tyro.
                                                                                                                                               2   6   8    1   9   5   4       8   6   1   3   5   2   9   4   7    4. Outmoded (3-3)          28. Competitor (5)         9. Corrode (4)
                                           27 Basuto; 28 Racer; 29 Petrel; 30 Tenure; 31 Duress; 32 Cygnet.                            1   5torch; toric; trig; trio; trip; trog; trophic;
                                                                                                                                               4   9   2    3   8   7   6       9   5   3   4   6   7   1   2   8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     8. Bird of prey (6)        29. Seabird (6)           10. Wounding
                                           Circus; 14 Reread; 16 Test; 17 Bran; 19 User; 22 Area; 26 Allege;    Gone with the wind.    6   8ryot; thorp; thrip; tich; topi; topic; torc;
                                                                                                                                               9   4   7    5   1   3   2       2   7   4   8   1   9   5   6   3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10. Acrid (6)               30. Term of office (6)        remark (4)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13. Discontinue (5)
                                           Across – 1 Shriek; 4 Old-hat; 8 Raptor; 10 Bitter; 11 Ducat; 12      WORD PYRAMID:               port; rhotic; right; righto; riot; roti;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11. Gold coin (5)           31. Pressure (6)
                                                                                                                                       7   6   8   5   9    4   3   2   1       4   8   6   5   3   1   7   9   2
                                           QUICK CROSSWORD:                                                                                 picot; pitch; pitchy; pith; pithy; pity;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15. Fees (5)
                                                                                                                                       2   9   3   7   1    6   5   4   8       1   2   7   9   8   4   6   3   5
                                                 ship; hare; iris; pest. Barra; 21 E-boat.                                                  itch; itchy; optic; otic; phot; photic;                                 12. Travelling              32. Young swan (6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          18. Panted (6)
                                                                                                                                       5   4   1   2   3    8   7   6   9       5   3   9   7   2   6   4   8   1
EASY SUDOKU              HARD SUDOKU             MAGIC SQUARE:           the sights; 8 Inhospitable; 14 Elastic; 16 Proviso; 17 Sent up; 19 girth; goth; gothic; griot; grit; grot;                                     entertainment (6)       DOWN
                                                                                                                                            chit; city; COPYRIGHT; crypt; girt;                                     14. Peruse again (6)         1. Coniferous            19. Irish province (6)
   I Q P R S Y D A G E B N K Down – 2 Ladders; 3 Plead; 4 Hooker; 5 Waffled; 6 Norma; 7 See NONAGRAM:                                                                                                                                                                     20. Departure (6)
                                                                         Tattooist; 24 Emancipation.                                                                                                                16. Examine (4)                 tree (6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          21. Actual (4)
14    15   16   17   18    19     20   21   22 23    24    25      26
  O V J F T X H W Z L U M C Leash; 13 Pisces; 15 Adopts; 18 Tibia; 20 Erelong; 22 Bar; 23                                                        Down – Naive; Risks; Entry.                                        17. Health food,             2. Account (6)
1     2    3    4    5     6      7    8    9  10    11    12      13    Across – 1 Clip the wings; 9 Nodded off; 10 Rue; 11 Overdue; 12 (2) Across – Nerve; Inset; Essay.                                              roughage (4)             3. Mass flight (6)       22. Assist (4)
CROSS CODE                                                               CRYPTIC CROSSWORD:                                                      Down – Fifty; Outer; Tales.                                        19. Consumer (4)             5. Linger (6)            23. Refine (6)
Biden; 9 Wimbledon Centre Court ; 10 Femur.                                                                                                 (1) Across – Front; Fatal; Yards.                                       22. Region (4)               6. Hired killers         24. Hair colour (6)
QUIZ CHALLENGE: 1 The dodo; 2 Card game; 3 Tottenham Hotspur; 4 The River Plate; 5 Amphora ; 6 Stormzy; 7 Philip K. Dick; 8 Joe             FIVE ALIVE:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    26. Assert (6)                  (inf.) (6)            25. Harass (6)

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Contact the editor: Annie Roberts, news@UHB, Communications Office, University Hospitals Birmingham, Mindelsohn Way,                                                                                                               smartphone. To download a free QR
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py and glorious years
    Staff on Ward 727 at QEHB invited Bellfield Infant
  School in Northfield to draw pictures of the Queen
  for the ward and organised an afternoon tea.
    In this special edition of news@ we are marking the
  Jubilee with a look back at the memorable day that
  the Queen visited QEHB in 2012 as well as the time
  she visited Selly Oak Hospital, just a few years before
  she became Queen.
    In 1949, Princess Elizabeth, the future Queen, and
  Prince Philip visited Selly Oak Hospital and spent time
  in the Women’s Ward as part of their tour. Selly Oak
  Hospital, once part of UHB, closed in 2011 and its
  services transferred to QEHB.
    As attention turns to Her Majesty’s 70 years on the
  throne, we turn back the clock to look back at the last
  70 years of our own history.

Staff recall the day the Queen visited QEHB
                                                       my application stand out by saying since I worked   to build a new life in the UK,
                                                       in Limb Reconstruction, I was the only nurse        being chosen to be in the line-
                                                       specialist who carried spanners in her pocket!      up to meet the Queen
                                                       Meeting Her Majesty the Queen that day and          and Prince Philip. Well I did.
                                                       telling her about my role at QEHB was a great       And I could not have been
                                                       honour and a day I will never forget.”              more proud of my heritage,
                                                                                                           of my then, 14 years of
                                                       Asha Jassal,                                        working in finance at UHB in
                                                       Corporate Finance Manager – Research,               ops and in corporate.
                                                       Development and Innovation                             “I can honestly say it is
                                                       “Imagine being the granddaughter of a proud         still my most treasured and
                                                       Indian military man, who served in the British      memorable day of being at
                                                       Indian Army and came to the UK in the 1960s         UHB; the gorgeous weather,
                                                                                                               the amazing atmosphere, the band playing,
                                                                                                               the sheer excitement, seeing the Queen
                                                                                                               a few feet away and to top it off, shaking
                                                                                                               hands and talking to Prince Philip.”
                                                                                                                                                               Roberta Batchelor, Ward Manager
  Lucy Bartram, Senior Graphic Designer                                                                       Liz Willmott,                                    “When I was little, the Queen had given
  “I couldn't believe that I had been chosen                                                                  Superintendent Pharmacist                        my dad a medal, and I wanted to say
  to meet the Queen and to represent                                                                          “When we were asked to write why we              hello to her then but I couldn't. I was
  UHB. I was also a patient at the time and                                                                   wanted to be part of the group meeting           privileged to met Prince Charles and
  the Queen asked me about the different                                                                      the Queen and Duke, I wrote on behalf of         Prince Edward when they had visited us
  perspective it gave me.”                                                                                    the new pharmacy robot and was incredibly        previously, but meeting the Queen and
                                                                                                              proud to be selected to greet the Duke.          Prince Philip was on another level! I got
  Philippa Bridgeman, Clinical Nurse                                                                         His sense of humour was evident at every          up early that day, to make sure I looked
  Specialist Limb Reconstruction                                                                             interaction in our group; it’s no wonder          prestige in my uniform. The strange
  “I remember the application process to get                                                                 some of the best and happiest images of the       thing was, that I wasn't even nervous
  a chance to meet The Queen, as so many                                                                     Queen over the years have been when she           when my friend and I held the flowers for
  people wanted to be there. I tried to make                                                                 was with him.”                                    the Queen.”

  Heartlands, film crews followed ITU nursing          Now:                                                first student-led clinical learning environment,    Now
  teams on a night shift, showing the often unseen     Since 2020, Solihull Hospital has and               which were opened in 2020 and 2021                  Today, UHB's automated biochemistry labs
  world of ourhospitals at night.                      continues to play a crucial role in supporting      respectively.                                       can process over 80 different types of tests
                                                       UHB to be able to offer local patients their                                                            and process around 5,000 patient samples
   1961                                                elective surgical procedures. There are             1967                                                each day!
                                                       considerable waiting lists for urgent surgical
  Then:                                                procedures, due to the unprecedented                Then:                                               1969
  In early 1961, work began to modernise the main      impact of COVID-19; the capacity that Solihull      A new £20,000 biochemical lab opens at
  building of Solihull Hospital. The work cost about   Hospital provides is absolutely essential to        Heartlands. This new automated lab can              Then:
  £30,000 and was expected to last 18 months,          treat as many patients as possible, in a timely     perform 16 types of tests on blood. It is hoped     1972: 100th kidney transplant takes place at
  but initially had to be postponed due to the         way, to provide them with the best possible         in the future that this will rise to 21 different   QEHB. The first five were carried out in 1968.
  influenza outbreak, which meant the hospital         clinical outcomes.                                  types and there will be capacity to do these        Now:
  had to provide as many beds as possible to              Solihull is now also home to innovative          for all patients admitted to hospital, which        UHB has the second largest renal dialysis
  support the efforts. During the work, 45 of the      services, including the Enhanced Pre-               averaged at the time, 45 a day.                     programme in the UK and has the largest solid
  hospital’s 157 bed places were out of use.           Operative Care (EPOC) unit, and the Trust’s                                                             organ transplantation programme in Europe.
Her Majesty The Queen is about to become the first British
monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of
incredible service to the nation.
  To mark the occasion, we’re looking back at her visit to
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) almost 10
years ago.
  This was during her Diamond Jubilee Tour and the Queen
was accompanied by her husband, the late Duke of Edinburgh.
  Her majesty officially opened the new Queen Elizabeth
Hospital Birmingham on 12 July 2012, to the delight of those
who gathered to greet her.
  The Royal couple were welcomed by cheering, flag-waving
crowds outside the building’s main entrance before moving
inside to talk to patients, staff and volunteers.
  They were welcomed by the then Chief Executive of
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB),
Dame Julie Moore, and the former chairman of the Trust, Sir
Albert Bore.
  Following a speech by Dame Julie, and a video showing
the hospital at work, the Queen unveiled a piece of
commemorative glasswork by a local artist.
  Dame Julie said at the time: “The Trust has a long history
with the Queen Elizabeth name, with the Queen Mother
naming the old hospital in 1939. It’s fitting that the name has
moved to our fantastic new building.
  “The visit today is a tribute to all the hard work our staff
have put in to make sure the new hospital has been such a
tremendous success.”
  During her visit, the Queen walked by a bust of the
Queen Mother, which was transferred to the main entrance
of the QEHB from the old Queen Elizabeth Hospital for the
official opening.
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