News from Washington COVID-19 relief and recovery update The 117th Congress convened - NALC

News from Washington COVID-19 relief and recovery update The 117th Congress convened - NALC
News from Washington
COVID-19 relief and recovery update

       he 117th Congress convened
       on Jan. 3, and while it will be
       spending much of January
configuring operations, leadership,
committee assignments and priorities
for this Congress, it will remain re-
sponsible for responding to the needs
of Americans as COVID-19 cases spike
and relief and recovery needs remain
   Prior to adjourning the lame-duck
session of Congress just days before
Christmas, lawmakers passed a
$2.3 trillion combined omnibus/relief
pack-age that included $900 billion for
COVID-19 relief and $1.4 trillion to keep
the government funded until Sept. 30,
2021. The deal, which at press time
had been sent to the president for his       the Emergency Coronavirus Relief Act
signature, came together after months        of 2020—included language converting
of failed negotiations between the           the $10 billion loan previously ap-
leaders of the Senate and the House of       proved in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief,
Representatives.                             and Economic Security (CARES) Act
   House Democratic leaders previous-        (Public Law 116-136) into a grant. That
ly had called for a comprehensive $3.4       is a far cry from the $25 billion public-
trillion deal in additional relief fund-     service appropriation NALC sup-
ing, while Senate Republican leaders         ported to help the Postal Service cover
failed to advance two packages in the        COVID-19 expenses. On the appropria-
$600 billion to $900 billion range.          tions front, the government funding
   In the end, it was the efforts of a bi-   measure preserved six-day language
partisan group of senators, prompted         for mail delivery.
to act by the House Problem Solvers             Unfortunately, the COVID-19 deal
Caucus (a group whose influence has          failed to include hazard pay for letter
risen in Congress with its ability to        carriers and other front-line employ-
identify areas of commonality and el-        ees. The deal also failed to include an
evate legislation on those issues) that      extension of paid Family and Medical
led to the deal. In fact, the Problem        Leave Act (FMLA) leave provisions for
Solvers Caucus was instrumental in           employees whose school or child care
passage of the Postal Service Fairness       is closed due to COVID-19, or the man-
Act (H.R. 2382), which moved to repeal       date for emergency paid sick leave,
USPS’s mandate to pre-fund retiree           which provided up to 80 hours of paid
health benefits. That bill was passed in     leave for COVID-19-related absences.
the House earlier this year but was not      Both provisions went into effect in
taken up in the Senate.                      April under the Families First Corona-
   Regarding the Postal Service, the         virus Response Act (FFCRA) but ex-
deal reached days before Christmas—          pired Dec. 31, 2020. Instead, lawmak-

                                                                                         January 2021   The Postal Record   5
News from Washington COVID-19 relief and recovery update The 117th Congress convened - NALC

  ers included a tax credit for employers      two points of major
  who choose to extend emergency paid          contention between
  sick leave, thus ending the mandate.         the parties. Democrats
     “Members of Congress will need to         ended up dropping
  step up to the plate in the next Con-        demands for nearly $1
  gress for letter carriers and the Postal     billion in additional
  Service,” NALC President Fredric Ro-         state and local fund-
  lando said. “NALC remains steadfast          ing, while Republi-
  in ensuring that letter carriers and the     cans abandoned their
  network are protected, and we expect         demand for liability
  the new administration and Congress          protections for corpo-
  to do the same as we remain on the           rations worried about
  front lines of this pandemic.”               COVID-19-related law-
     General provisions of the deal also       suits from sick workers.
  include $166 billion for another round       Both issues are expect-
  of direct payments—$600 per adult            ed to re-emerge in the
  making under $75,000 adjusted gross          next round of relief and
  income and $600 per child; $120              recovery negotiations in
  billion for a 10-week extension of un-       the new Congress.
  employment insurance in the amount              Relief and recovery
  of $300 per week; $325 billion for small     efforts are far from over.
  businesses, mostly for an extension of       Check the Government
  the Paycheck Protection Program (not         Affairs section of the
  including unions); $12 billion for com-      NALC website to get the                    Postal Service’s financial health and
  munity banks; $45 billion for transpor-      latest news on this and all NALC priori-   maintains high quality service standards
  tation—including $14 billion in airline      ties this Congress.                        and performance. As adopted, these
  payroll support; $69 billion for vaccine                                                rules are necessary to enable the Market
  testing, tracing and distribution; $82       Postal Regulatory Commission               Dominant ratemaking system to achieve
  billion for schools; $25 billion in rental   adopts new rulemaking                      the statutory objectives set forth… .”
  assistance and an eviction morato-                                                         In its review, the PRC determined
  rium through Jan. 31, 2021; $26 billion         On Nov. 30, the Postal Regulatory
                                                                                          that while the PAEA’s rate-setting sys-
  for nutrition assistance and agricul-        Commission (PRC) released its “Statuto-
                                                                                          tem was largely successful in stream-
  tural losses; $10 billion for child care     ry Review of the System for Regulating
                                               Rates and Classes for Market Dominant      lining the process, it did not increase
  assistance and $7 billion to expand
                                               Products” (Docket No. RM2017-3). The       pricing efficiently, had not achieved
                                               rulemaking stems from the requirement      short- and long-term financial stability
     The deal also makes COVID-19 relief
                                               imposed by the Postal Accountability       measures, and did not ensure high-
  funds available for states and localities
                                               and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA),        quality service. The revised rulemak-
  for another year, includes an exten-
  sion of employee retention tax credit,       which directed the PRC to implement        ing provides the Postal Service with
  allows lower-income Americans who            a new rate-setting system and review       additional rate authority to address the
  experienced wage loss in 2020 to use         that system 10 years after enactment to    Postal Service’s largest deficiencies—
  earned income tax from 2019 to receive       evaluate whether it meets the statutory    financial losses from declining mail
  larger refunds, and allows agencies to       objectives of the PAEA.                    volume and the cost of pre-funding
  reimburse contractors who were un-              The PRC noted that the objectives       retiree health care—while maintain-
  able to work due to COVID-19-related         of the PAEA were “to create a flexible,    ing a CPI-based price cap system. The
  facility closures.                           stable, predictable, and streamlined       price cap is liberalized to allow for rate
     Notably absent from the deal were         ratemaking system that ensures the         adjustments to address declining mail

6 The Postal Record January 2021
News from Washington COVID-19 relief and recovery update The 117th Congress convened - NALC
density, which increases the per-piece       Biden agency review team                  teams, pulling together top experts
cost of delivering mail. The PRC’s order     includes NALC chief of staff              “responsible for understanding the
also allows for rate authority to ad-                                                  operations of each agency, ensuring a
dress the amortization costs of certain         NALC Chief of Staff Jim Sauber has
                                                                                       smooth transfer of power, and prepar-
retiree liabilities. According to the PRC,   been serving on the Biden-Harris tran-
                                                                                       ing for President-elect Biden and Vice
the rulemaking gives the USPS Board          sition’s Agency Review Team for the
                                                                                       President-elect Harris and their cabinet
of Governors the decision-making au-         United States Postal Service.
                                                                                       to hit the ground running on Day One,”
thority to ensure operational efficiency        On Jan. 20, President-elect Joe
                                                                                       Biden said in a statement announcing
and quality service standards.               Biden will be inaugurated and become
                                                                                       the agency review teams. “These teams
   The PRC noted its removal of a pro-       the 46th president. As is customary,
                                             the president-elect has been using        are composed of highly experienced
posed performance-based rate author-                                                   and talented professionals with deep
ity, opting to instead issue a separate      the time between Election Day and
                                             inauguration, known as the presiden-      backgrounds in crucial policy areas
rulemaking to study rate-setting effects                                               across the federal government. The
on service.                                  tial transition, to prepare for the new
                                             administration.                           teams have been crafted to ensure they
   The PRC will review this new system
                                                Part of this preparation involves      not only reflect the values and priorities
after five years of implementation to
                                             creating a formal transition team to      of the incoming administration but re-
determine if it is meeting objectives
                                             work with the outgoing administra-        flect the diversity of perspectives crucial
that include:
                                             tion on the peaceful transfer of power.   for addressing America’s most urgent
  (1) To maximize incentives to reduce       The goal is to ensure the continuity      and complex challenges.”
  costs and increase efficiency. (2) To      of government services and a smooth          In his role on the agency review
  create predictability and stability in     handoff between administrations,          team, Sauber is joined by former
  rates. 8 (3) To maintain high quality      which is especially crucial this year     Deputy Postmaster General Ron Stro-
  service standards established under        with the pandemic and the associated      man, New York University’s Xavier
  section 3691. (4) To allow the Postal                                                Briggs, Care Journey’s Aneesh Chopra
                                             economic crisis.
  Service pricing flexibility. (5) To                                                  and Boston Consulting Group’s Mat
                                                Immediately following the election,
  assure adequate revenues, includ-
                                             Biden also established agency review      Hernandez. PR
  ing retained earnings, to maintain
  financial stability. (6) To reduce the
  administrative burden and increase          Joe Biden
  the transparency of the ratemaking
  process. (7) To enhance mail security
  and deter terrorism. (8) To establish
  and maintain a just and reasonable
  schedule for rates and classifications,
  however the objective under this
  paragraph shall not be construed to
  prohibit the Postal Service from mak-
  ing changes of unequal magnitude
  within, between, or among classes
  of mail. (9) To allocate the total in-
  stitutional costs of the Postal Service
  appropriately between market-domi-
  nant and competitive products.
   The final rulemaking will go into
effect 30 days following publication in
the Federal Register.

                                                                                          January 2021    The Postal Record          7
News from Washington COVID-19 relief and recovery update The 117th Congress convened - NALC
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