New Zealand's most productive forest - Scion

Page created by Carolyn Manning
New Zealand's most productive forest - Scion

Stephen Pearce takes tree measurements using a Haglöf vertex and enters the data into an Allegro data manager.

New Zealand’s most productive forest
New Zealand has a small number of              sustainable forestry practices that can         Organisation (UNESCO) initiative to address
‘experimental forests’ reserved for            shape and transform future forest               a global decline in freshwater resources.
research. The Scion-managed Puruki             management, leading to new forest designs         An ambitious programme of long-term
Experimental Forest (Puruki) is the jewel in   tailored to products, for example, short        research was established to understand
the crown. Data and models from Puruki         rotation species for biobased plastics or       the effects of land use change on local
underpin almost every management               fuels.                                          hydrology and derived volcanic soils. The
decision modern forestry companies make          Long-term access to experimental              land that is now Puruki forest was
today; something never even imagined at        forests like Puruki is essential to carry out   converted from pasture to forest in 1973,
the time the forest was established.           the science that will help to realise New       then harvested and replanted with second
   Given our changing climate, it is urgent    Zealand’s opportunity for more biobased         rotation pine forest in 1997. The second
we understand the functions of forests in      products and answer key questions for           rotation is now 24 years old and
a wider landscape. Forests are central to      our nation’s future.                            approaching harvest.
New Zealand’s solution for improving
water quality, carbon storage, landscape
multifunctionality, and biodiversity.                        The beginning                        Highlights from 50 years of research
Experimental forests are necessary to
demonstrate possibilities at scale, to         Puruki forest is located in the central         For over 50 years Puruki forest has been
provide data that validates our models, and    volcanic plateau of the North Island. The       continuously studied. In that time, research
to help researchers understand impacts         forest is part of the Purukohukohu              undertaken at Puruki has expanded into
of a warming climate on forest health,         Experimental Basin established in 1968 in       areas well beyond the original objectives
resilience and productivity. They are also     response to a call by the United Nations
a place to demonstrate new and                 Educational, Scientific and Cultural                               (Continued on page 7)

                                                                                      PROSPERITY FROM TREES – MAI I TE NGAHERE ORANGA | 1
New Zealand's most productive forest - Scion
Seeing what’s possible from wood
                                                 striking and unique structures I’ve seen       the clever work Scion and partners do)
                                                 in a long time, and really shows what’s        that captivates visitors, and on the other
                                                 possible with timber. Traditionally in New     side of the floor is a public café that
                                                 Zealand, we’ve built large commercial          encourages people to linger and enjoy the
                                                 buildings out of steel and concrete. This      experience of being in a building where
                                                 building showcases what can be done            wood is the hero.
                                                 with trees”.                                      I’m a fan of wood, trees and forests
                                                    Our knowledge, and now our experience,      because they offer so much for New
                                                 validates that wooden buildings perform        Zealanders’ well-being in many ways. I’m
                                                 wonderfully. They provide an enjoyable         constantly surprised that the potential of
                                                 working environment, can be designed to        forests to transform our economy is not
                                                 result in low damage from earthquakes          recognised. We, at Scion, are helping to
                                                 and be highly fire resistant, and store        broaden thinking, expand horizons and
                                                 carbon for the life of the building. With      turn aspirations into reality. As my
                                                 New Zealand radiata pine forests growing       colleagues and I embark on our ‘pathways
                                                 the timber needed for this one building in     to impact’ work to implement our Strategy
                                                 just 35 minutes, Te Whare Nui o Tuteata is a   2030 we aim to bring many along with us
                                                 great example of the future of sustainable     on this journey.
                                                 buildings.                                        Creating economic, environmental and
                                                                                                social prosperity from New Zealand’s
                                                                                                forestry, wood products and wood-
                                                                                                derived materials and other biomaterials
                                                  “Te Whare Nui o Tuteata is                    is Scion’s reason for being. We are
                                                                                                committed to enabling our core purpose
  For some time, I have been talking about
  the huge opportunity in front of New           one of the most striking and                   outcomes for New Zealand that will result
                                                                                                in a vibrant mosaic across our regional
  Zealand coming from the world’s shift away      unique structures I’ve seen                   landscapes and find innovative use of
  from petrochemicals and fossil fuels
  towards a sustainable circular bioeconomy.       in a long time, and really                   resources in ways that are both renewable
     I wish there was a clear route towards                                                     and recyclable. As champions of a circular
  grabbing this opportunity and setting in
                                                 shows what’s possible with                     bioeconomy for New Zealand we will
  motion the incentives, pathways,               timber. Traditionally in New                   continue to chase the $30 billion
                                                                                                opportunity and help New Zealand meet
  investment and infrastructure to realise
  it. Scion estimates this opportunity to be      Zealand, we’ve built large                    its climate change targets and “build back
  $30 billion per annum in 10 years. Just        commercial buildings out of
  imagine what that would look like.
     Around the country are many examples           steel and concrete. This
  of innovations driven by passionate people       building showcases what
  that show we can do this at small scale,
  and as a nation of small businesses such          can be done with trees”.
  innovators may provide the waves we need
  to get a tidal change.
     Here at Scion, there is a new wave of                Jacinda Ardern,                                    Dr Julian Elder
                                                                                                             Chief Executive
  visitors coming to see what is possible from
  wood – a fantastic renewable resource.                   Prime Minister
     When our innovation hub, Te Whare Nui
  o Tuteata, was officially opened on 31 March
  guests could see the versatility and beauty
  of wood as a structural building element,         From my observations, the ‘wow’ factor
  and they could see how wood can be             is felt by all who enter its doors, take in
  transformed into innovative uses that          the unique diagrid frame then look up the
  could become mainstream in a circular          triple height atrium that leads to the
  bioeconomy.                                    custom-designed wooden ceiling. It’s
     The attending government Ministers          quite something - inspired by the structure
  expressed real excitement about what Te        of the radiata pine genome with lighting
  Whare Nui o Tuteata demonstrates, with         reflecting the Matariki night sky. To one      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
  the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern saying       side of the ground floor is a small, but       contact Dr Julian Elder at
  “Te Whare Nui o Tuteata is one of the most     fascinating interactive exhibition (about

                   Te Whare Nui o Tuteata – open daily to the public.

New Zealand's most productive forest - Scion
Naturally aligned for biorefining

                                                                                                Beyond the success of the filter plates
                                                                                                there is potential for Scion and Ligar to
                                                                                                benefit from working together especially
                                                                                                in biorefining. The biorefinery concept is
                                                                                                comparable to today’s petroleum
                                                                                                refineries, which produce multiple fuels and
                                                                                                products from petroleum. A biorefinery
                                                                                                uses renewable biomass feedstock to be
                                                                                                transformed into fuels, power and value-
                                                                                                added chemicals. One of the biggest
                                                                                                challenges of biorefinery processes is
                                                                                                separation and purification of the products.
                                                                                                Usually a suite of technologies are used
                                                                                                to obtain the purified products – and MIPs
                                                                                                could play a key role here.
                                                                                                   Scion has long been involved in
                                                                                                developing biorefinery processes and
                                                                                                there are many applications for Ligar’s
                                                                                                established industrial scale separation
                                                                                                technology. One example is in the potential
                                                                                                for MIPs to pre-concentrate processed
The filters are embedded with MIPs and designed to fit in industry-standard plate and           biomass, a step that could decrease
frame filter systems.                                                                           processing volumes and reduce costs and
                                                                                                increase the economic viability for some

Collaboration creates                                                                           processes.
                                                                                                   Scion’s General Manger for Forests to
                                                                                                Biobased Products Dr Florian Graichen says,

highly specified filters
                                                                                                “We are excited to work with an innovative
                                                                                                partner like Ligar on a strategically
                                                                                                important part of our 2030 journey –
                                                                                                establishing advanced biorefining in New
                                                                                                Zealand. Partnerships are critical for us
                                                                                                to achieve our big impact aspirations for
Ligar – a leader in molecular extraction         that are not wanted in the final product       New Zealand and biorefineries will form
technology and Scion have combined their         (e.g. removing unwanted flavour producing      an important part of this strategy, moving
expertise to create food grade filters so        compounds in wine).                            towards a circular bioeconomy while
precise they can capture specific                   There are many industries that can and      meeting the Government’s goals for an
molecules.                                       do make use of such high specialised           environmentally and economically
   The collaboration has seen Scion’s pulp       functionality. However, the integration of     sustainable future New Zealand”.
and paper engineering expertise united with      the MIPs into the paper-based filter has          The impact of a successful biorefinery
Ligar’s experience in molecular extraction       enabled new applications because of its        network in New Zealand is enormous.
to produce the paper-based filter                efficient and functional design.               Scion’s work in the MBIE-funded bark
embedded with molecularly imprinted                                                             biorefinery project estimates that the
polymers known as MIPs.                                                                         high-value materials created could earn
                                                           Paper-based solution                 between $400-600 million per annum,
                                                                                                contribute $1.8 billion to New Zealand’s
                    MIPs                         MIPs traditionally come in powder form         GDP and add several thousand new jobs
                                                 and are mixed into the material to complete    by 2050. Bringing Ligar and Scion’s
A MIP is a polymer material with a unique        the desired recovery/extraction and            mutually beneficial technology together
impression in it, like a footprint left in the   must then be filtered out. Incorporating       will be critical in turning these possibilities
sand which only fits a chosen molecule           MIPs into a paper-based filter designed by     into reality.
and can also recognise it from the way the       Scion scientists, combines the removal
molecule behaves, e.g. charge. MIP               and filtration steps into one efficient
technology has been around for some time         process.                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
and is well proven.                                 The fibres in the paper-based filters       on our work with MIP embedded filters,
    The ability to selectively capture and       hold the polymer in place allowing them        contact Dr Florian Graichen at
filter material at molecular scale is very       to work efficiently. Importantly, the fibres
useful in concentrating, refining and            in the plates do not capture anything in
purifying processes. MIPs can be used to         the filtration process, ensuring the filters
recover highly desirable molecules               can continue to be used in highly selective
(valuable metals, for example) for sale or       applications, including food contact
re-processing, and in extracting molecules       applications.

                                                                                       PROSPERITY FROM TREES – MAI I TE NGAHERE ORANGA | 3
New Zealand's most productive forest - Scion
Soil percussion auger – taking an intact soil core down to 1 metre, which tells us the nutrient stocks on site in the soil.

 Sustaining forest productivity: A 30-year study
  A 30-year experimental monitoring of             of harvest residues (slash) and even the       harvest and mid rotation. However,
  forest ecosystem nutrient levels and forest      forest floor, a scenario which is becoming     forests at Burnham and Kinleith were
  productivity over a complete rotation has        increasingly more plausible as biomass         cleared at mid rotation for dairy conversion
  been completed by Scion researchers. The         for bioenergy and biofuels are emerging        and the Golden Downs site was
  results show that soil nutrient levels and       as ways to diminish our reliance on fossil     abandoned due to severe wind damage.
  forest productivity can be maintained with       fuels. Understanding the consequences          Forests at Woodhill, Tarawera and Berwick
  site-specific management – specifically          of these practices from one rotation to the    all reached harvest age and soil samples
  through the retention of forest harvest          next is necessary to ensure our forests        were taken once again.
  residues and the forest floor at low-fertility   stay productive into the future.                  Most of the nutrients at the sites were
  sites.                                              New Zealand is part of a global             held in the soil, but the amount varied
     Around 15 percent of New Zealand’s            network of “Long Term Site Productivity”       considerably from site to site. For example,
  planted radiata pine forests are now in          trials investigating the sustainability of     the sandy soil at Woodhill contained
  their third or fourth rotation. A consistent     intensive forest management harvesting         1,000 N kg/ha while the fertile soils at
  supply of nutrients is essential to ensure       practices and the pressures placed on          Berwick contained 12,000 N kg/ha down
  the long-term productivity, health and           soil resources. The first whole-of-rotation    to 1 m soil depth. At sites like Woodhill,
  sustainability of these forests. This is not     results have now been reported for forests     low soil nitrogen levels meant a much
  a new issue, with concern being raised           around New Zealand.                            greater percentage of the total nitrogen
  more than 40 years ago.                             Six experiments were planted between        was present in the forest floor litter and
                                                   1986 and 1994 throughout New Zealand.          therefore the effect of disrupting forest
                                                   Harvesting treatments included removing        floor was likely to be greater.
   Effects of removing harvesting residues         the stem only, removing all forest residues       As expected, more carbon and nutrients
                                                   (or the whole tree) and removing the           were removed when the forest floor was
  Harvesting a forest includes removing the        whole tree and the forest floor. Soil          disturbed, which can happen during
  main stem but can also include removal           samples were taken at all the sites before     harvesting and preparation for planting.

New Zealand's most productive forest - Scion
However, by the end of the rotation, the         also has wider application. For example,         at which radiata pine grows in this country.
forest floor had recovered. The one              it can also be used to predict nitrogen          The work supports the pathway to a more
exception was forest floor removal at the        that could then be leached under new             sustainable forest industry as the global
Woodhill site where the soil is sandy and        land use scenarios, and this approach            demand for wood and fibre places greater
low in nutrients. There, removing the            supports a pathway to engage with the            pressure on forest soils.
forest floor had a long-term impact on           OverseerFM land use model (the
soil carbon and nitrogen. However, the           principle agricultural modelling system).
removal of large amounts of nutrients in
harvest residues and forest floor had no
                                                       Applying what we have learnt
                                                                                                  This work also demonstrates
effect on wood quality. These results
suggest the soils and forest floor were                                                           the sustainability of planted
                                                 The results from this work are already being
generally able to supply adequate
amounts of nutrients and, with time, the         used by the forestry industry to develop
                                                                                                    forestry in New Zealand,
nutrient stocks were replenished.                and implement site-specific nutrient              which is essential for public
                                                 management plans. Understanding the
                                                 potential effects of forestry residue             acceptance of commercial
         Effect of adding fertiliser             removal on some sensitive sites allows for         forestry, and to meet the
                                                 site specific harvesting (and preparation)
Fertiliser application was also part of the      plans that ensure residues are retained            requirements of external
trial, with the intention of removing any        and evenly spread.                                 bodies such as the Forest
nutrient limitations caused by the                  NuBalM is also being used to predict the
harvesting treatments. Consequently, very        cumulative effects of repeated harvest               Stewardship Council.
large amounts of nitrogen were applied           removals and to calculate how precision
over many years. This contrasts with the         nutrition could be used to maintain or
typical practice of applying no fertiliser, or   increase productivity. Some companies
up to 200 N kg/ha if trees are considered        have also begun soil sampling and                  The ground-breaking work has added to
short on nitrogen.                               installing fertiliser trials.                    our understanding of how forest ecosystem
                                                    NuBalM can be used to identify sites          nutrient pools change over a rotation
                                                 with greater fertility and that have the         and over many rotations. The forest floor
                                                 capacity to cope with intense harvest            has been confirmed as an important
 Adding fertiliser increased                     residue removal and sites where harvest
                                                 residues should be retained. Knowing
                                                                                                  store and source of nutrients, particularly
                                                                                                  on low nutrient sites, where retaining the
 early rotation productivity,                    where forestry residues are available for        forest floor is essential to maintain long-
                                                 use is vital for planning new forests and
   mitigating the effect of                      new processing plants in New Zealand to
                                                                                                  term nutrient supply. The monitoring
                                                                                                  strategies developed and deployed
removing the whole tree and                      utilise forestry biomass in the move             (NuBalM) give the industry new capability
                                                 towards a carbon-neutral bioeconomy.             to predict critical soil fertility thresholds
 whole tree plus forest floor.                                                                    before they are reached and also to
                                                                                                  develop site specific management
                                                           Microbial communities                  practices to preserve soil fertility and
                                                                                                  maintain forest productivity.
   Adding fertiliser increased early rotation    These trials also provided the framework           This work also demonstrates the
productivity, mitigating the effect of           that supported several novel explorations        sustainability of planted forestry in New
removing the whole tree and whole tree           of the soil microbial community present          Zealand, which is essential for public
plus forest floor. Fertiliser was especially     in New Zealand planted forests, and how          acceptance of commercial forestry, and
effective at sites like Woodhill and             their activity might influence tree health and   to meet the requirements of external
Tarawera where carbon and nitrogen stocks        productivity. Site treatments of removing        bodies such as the Forest Stewardship
were initially low. Although the added           the forest floor, and adding fertilisers at      Council.
nitrogen could be used to counteract the         sites low in nutrients, were seen to reduce        Funders include the Forest Growers
negative effects of forest floor removal,        microbe diversity. These findings have           Levy Trust, the New Zealand Forest
further research is required to ascertain        contributed to expanding the scope of            Owners Association and the New
the amount required to offset forest floor       research exploring the potential to use          Zealand Farm Forestry Association with
removal.                                         the microbiome – microbes intimately             historical input from the New Zealand
                                                 connected with trees – to increase the           Forest Service and numerous forest
                                                 resilience of planted forests to disease,        companies at the time of establishing and
         Predicting nutrient levels              drought and other stresses.                      early management of the experiments.
The nutrient balance model, NuBalM, was
developed as a part of this work. NuBalM                 Sustainable future forests               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
can predict nutrient levels over multiple                                                         on the forest harvesting trials contact
rotations and is being used to support           New Zealand is the first country to              Loretta Garrett at
precision nutrient management and                complete and report on a full rotation of
improve productivity and underpin                the Long Term Site Productivity harvest
sustainable forest management. The model         removal experiments, largely due to the rate

                                                                                         PROSPERITY FROM TREES – MAI I TE NGAHERE ORANGA | 5
New Zealand's most productive forest - Scion
instance, can the existing fragments
                                                                                               support indigenous bird species that
                                                                                               help spread tree seeds? Knowing this
                                                                                               could help land managers to understand
                                                                                               what activities are required to help their
                                                                                               pockets of indigenous forest to expand
                                                                                               and connect.

                                                                                                               The future

                                                                                               With more development, the team hopes
                                                                                               to update the model to identify the
                                                                                               indigenous species mix within a stand,
                                                                                               painting a much richer picture of the
                                                                                               biodiversity and biomass. This capability
                                                                                               would help answer long-term planning
                                                                                               questions, such as, is there a good mix of
                                                                                               tall woody species and shrubs on the land?
                                                                                               Do I need to carry out predator control
  Our model was tested over 16 ha and identified 13,295 planted trees and delineated 1,541     and plant native species to increase the
  blocks of native forest, both with high accuracy.                                            value of the existing forest?

 Managing newly planted                                                                          With more development,
 forests and indigenous                                                                        the team hopes to update the
                                                                                                    model to identify the
 biodiversity with AI                                                                             indigenous species mix
                                                                                                 within a stand, painting a
                                                                                                 much richer picture of the
  Scion is working with remote sensing           over large areas of afforested land. The        biodiversity and biomass.
  specialists Indufor on an artificial           team is now exploring the potential to
  intelligence-powered model that uses           use the 3D point cloud generated
  remotely sensed data to help manage newly      alongside the aerial imagery during the
  planted radiata seedlings and indigenous       data generation process. The point cloud
  biodiversity.                                  data could potentially be used to               Scion project lead Dr Grant Pearse says,
                                                 characterise the biomass, height and          “There’s a lot in favour of this model; it’s
                                                 density of the indigenous forest identified   cost-effective, scalable and accurate. We
                 How it works                    on each site.                                 hope that with a little more development
                                                                                               we could accomplish a lot more”.
  Together, Scion and Indufor have created                                                       Dr Pete Watt, leader of Indufor’s
  a process that can transform remotely                 Understanding biodiversity             resource monitoring team, says, “We are
  sensed data into a model to identify                                                         excited to leverage this promising
  radiata seedlings and pockets of indigenous    Indufor is using this model now to help       technology and further explore how we
  forest. This data can be used to understand    foresters map the exotic and indigenous       can use it to accurately map planted and
  seedling survival rate, while also gaining a   species growing on their land, and they       native forests across landscapes”.
  clear picture of the indigenous biodiversity   have seen a great demand for this type of       Forests, both native and exotic, are vital
  on site.                                       service. In addition to assisting foresters   to New Zealand’s long-term climate
     High-resolution aerial imagery (5 cm)       to monitor the establishment of their         change response, and this technology
  is processed through a trained deep            newly planted radiata seedlings, it aids      could play a role in ensuring those efforts
  learning model, which then identifies, maps    them in identifying indigenous forests on     are successful.
  and draws polygons around the newly            their land and how to integrate them
  planted radiata seedlings and pockets of       within the landscape appropriately, e.g.
  indigenous forest.                             seeing how big and far apart forest           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
     The new model offers many advantages.       fragments are and what steps could be         on our machine learning work, contact
  Unlike earlier models, it needs much less      taken to join them up.                        Dr Grant Pearse at
  data to train it. The approach is also much       Mapping also helps answer key    
  lower cost per unit area than UAV-based        questions about the biodiversity carrying
  imagery and has been successfully used         capacity of the indigenous forest, for

“Hatching” a kiwi to demonstrate 4D printing and controlled plastic degradation.

Controlled degradation with 3D-printed                                                                   Promising results

enzyme-embedded plastics                                                                     The chosen enzyme, in its solid state, was
                                                                                             found to be very heat stable. During
                                                                                             testing, samples heated to 130°C for two
                                                                                             hours retained most of their activity.
Enzymes embedded into plastic objects         denatured at higher temperatures and             Printed films made by the research team
can be triggered to break down the plastic    lose their activity. And the enzymes need      broke down in aqueous conditions with
at the end of the object’s life.              to be embedded into the plastic, which         the rate of degradation dependent on the
   This enzymatic technology offers a new     up to now has been accomplished by             amount of enzyme added to the plastic.
way to ensure that compostable plastics       encasing the enzyme and plastic using          After one week, 400 mm thick plastic films
biodegrade quickly in an environmentally      toxic solvents or the use of additional        containing 1% by weight of the enzyme
friendly way.                                 protective layers around the enzyme.           had lost 70% of their original weight.
                                                The solution developed by the team is          Read the full story at
                                              deceptively simple. They mixed solid 
          Embedding enzymes                   enzyme with finally ground
                                              polycaprolactone (PCL), a biodegradable
Scion materials scientists have been          polyester with a low melting point, and        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
working on the problem of developing          used 3D printing techniques to mimic           on controlled degradation contact
cost-effective ways for mass producing        industrial thermoplastic processing where      Dr Angelique Greene at
enzyme-embedded plastics. The                 plastic is heated to or past its melting
challenges include the use of heat during     point then shaped (extruded, moulded
plastic processing. Many enzymes are          or blown).

New Zealand’s most                            evidence that planted forests both reduce
                                              flooding and regulate water flow.
                                                                                             opportunities to capture end of rotation
                                                                                             and harvest data, and improve our
productive forest                                The former land-use of the site has also
                                              contributed to interesting findings. The
                                                                                             understanding of forest productivity,
                                                                                             carbon sequestration, hydrological
(Continued from page 1)                       fertile ex-pasture land has helped create      modelling, water quality, and certain
                                              one of the fastest growing forests in New      biodiversity values.
of the experimental forest. Key research      Zealand. Puruki had a 54 percent increase         The demands on New Zealand’s forests
includes land use comparison with pasture     in productivity from one rotation to the       are changing and researchers need a series
and native forests for water yield and        next, making it 63 percent more productive     of long-term forests to provide the data
quality, soil carbon and nutrients and        over the second rotation compared with         that will enable environmental, economic,
targeted forestry research on forest          the national average (all species) for post-   social, and cultural opportunities for all
health, nutrition and disease, biomass        1989 planted forest. The results come from     New Zealanders. Puruki, close to Rotorua,
allocation, solar radiation impacts on        a combination of a fertile site, healthy       can be the centrepiece of this trial series
growth, leaf area and carbon stocks, and      planting stock and high stocking densities.    and can continue to contribute to future
spatial variability of rainfall and water     Research has also shown Puruki to have         forest and catchment level management
yield. This data has gone on to provide       16 times faster carbon sequestration than      strategies.
invaluable information for the development    natural forest regeneration. If all forests
of New Zealand’s key forestry models          grew like Puruki, less land would need to be
including the forest carbon predictor, and    converted to trees to meet New Zealand’s       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
nutrient balance model.                       net emission targets.                          on the research undertaken at Puruki
   Data from Puruki has also been used for                                                   Experimental Forest contact
hydrological modelling and water quality.                                                    Loretta Garrett at
One of the key findings showed that there                     Conclusion           
was less nitrogen and phosphorus exported
from pine forest than pasture or indigenous   As plans are made to harvest the second
forest. This work additionally provided       rotation and plant a third, there are new

                                                                                    PROSPERITY FROM TREES – MAI I TE NGAHERE ORANGA | 7
Get a free subscription to
                                                                                                       Scion Connections delivered every
  Entomologist Dr Carl Wardhaugh with an insect light trap used at the Port of Tauranga.                         three months.

 Trialling insect traps at the
                                                                                                            Our online version has
                                                                                                         bonus stories and extra visual

 Port of Tauranga
  Scion scientists have trialled a selection      complemented by pitfall traps that
  of insect traps to increase detection of        collected ground fauna, especially ants.
  invasive species before they can establish      A small number of light traps operating   
  in New Zealand.                                 for a relatively short amount of time could
     A team led by Dr Carl Wardhaugh trialled     potentially sample the vast majority of                    ISSN 2230 - 6137 (print)
  eight types of surveillance traps at New        species resident in a given area.                         ISSN 2230 - 6145 (online)
  Zealand’s Port of Tauranga to determine
  optimal trap types to sample a broad                                                                 Copyright 2021 New Zealand Forest
  spectrum of the insect fauna. These traps                        Next steps                          Research Institute Limited, trading
  captured flying and crawling insects using                                                                       as Scion.
  chemical lures, attractive lights, and          Given the large volume of invertebrates
  passive methods that trap insects inflight      collected, manually identifying species
  or while crawling. The insect catch data        for potential insect incursions presents a
  and effectiveness of the various traps will     significant challenge. Traps with cameras
  inform the design of surveillance               and image recognising machine learning
  programmes at seaports and other high-          software are currently under testing and
  risk points of insect entry.                    could help to overcome this hurdle.
     Insect sampling was undertaken during           Another promising avenue is the use of
  four one-week-long periods over the             eDNA that will allow for the mass
  course of a year (Feb, May, Sep, Dec) to        sequencing of samples. Both approaches
  assess seasonal differences in the activity     are limited to existing data (imagery and
  and diversity of insect species.                genetic sequences), however, both are
                                                  rapidly evolving fields. With further                Tītokorangi Drive (Long Mile Road),
                                                  development, both approaches have the                 Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046,
                   Findings                       potential to allow for the rapid identification                 New Zealand
                                                  of new exotic species.                                   Telephone: +64 7 343 5899
  In total, the eight trap types caught over         Read the full story at                       
  250,000 invertebrates including over  
  46,000 beetles and happily, no new-to-
  New Zealand species were observed
  among the 211 species identified. UV-light      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
  traps collected the largest proportion of       on this work contact Dr Carl Wardhaugh at
  beetle species (~84 percent) and were 

8 | SCION CONNECTIONS ISSUE 40 JUNE 2021                                                       PROSPERITY FROM TREES – MAI I TE NGAHERE ORANGA
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