2018/19 This is the New SASSA Card - Western Cape Government

2018/19 This is the New SASSA Card - Western Cape Government

                    A S S A Card
          the New S
This is
2018/19 This is the New SASSA Card - Western Cape Government
• Introduction
• Types of grants
• What do you need to apply
• Where do you apply for a grant
• Date of approval
• Unsuccessful application
• Methods of payment
• Suspension of grants
• Restoration of grants
• Main reasons for lapsing grants
• Reviews
• Social Relief of Distress
• Amount of Grants
• Address List
                                                SASSA is a section 3A public entity, the

Introduction                                    focused institution responsible to ensure
                                                that government pays the right grant, to the

Social Assistance is an income transfer in      right person, at a location which is most

the form of grants provided by government.      convenient to that person.

A social grant refers to grants paid by the
South African Social Security Agency that is:   Types of grants
disability grant; grant for older persons and   Social Assistance is provided in the form of:

war veteran’s grant; foster child grant; care   • grant for older persons;

dependency grant; child support grant and       • disability grant;

grant-in-aid.                                   • war veterans grant;
                                                • care dependency grant;

As from 01 April 2006, the responsibility for   • foster child grant;

the management, administration and              • child support grant;

payment of social assistance grants was         • grant-in-aid;

transferred to the South African Social         • Social Relief of Distress.

Security Agency (SASSA).
2018/19 This is the New SASSA Card - Western Cape Government
Qualifying Requirements                       War Veteran’s Grant

NB: “Any applicant who is married must        The applicant:
ensure that supporting documents              • must be a South African citizen; or
required for any grant application are          permanent resident
provided for both him/herself and his/her     • must be resident in South Africa;
spouse”                                       • must be 60 years and over or must be
Social Grants                                 • must have fought in the Second World
Grant for Older Persons                         War or the Korean War;
                                              • and spouse must meet the requirements
The applicant:                                  of the means test;
• must be a South African citizen;            • must not be maintained or cared for in a
  permanent resident or refugee                 State Institution;
• must be resident in South Africa;           • must not be in receipt of another social
• Must be 60 years or older                     grant in respect of himself or herself;
• and spouse must comply with the             • Must submit a 13 digit bar coded identity
  means test;                                   document or the smart ID card.
• must not be maintained or cared for in a
  State Institution;                          Child Grants
• must not be in receipt of another           Foster Child Grant
  social grant for him/ herself;              • the applicant and child must be resident
• must submit a 13 digit bar coded              in South Africa;
  identity document or the smart ID           • must provide a court order indicating
  card.                                         foster care status;
                                              • the foster parent must be a South
Disability Grant
                                                African citizen, permanent resident or
The applicant:                                  refugee.
• must be a South African                     • Child must remain in the care of the
  citizen;permanent resident or refugee;        foster parent (s)
• must be resident in South Africa;           • foster parent must provide a 13 digit bar
• must be 18 to 59 years of age;                coded identity document; the smart ID
• must submit a medical / assessment            card
  report confirming disability;               • must provide a birth certificate for the
• Medical assessment must not be older          foster child
  than 3 months at date of application.
• and spouse meet the requirements of
                                              Care Dependency Grant
                                              • The applicant must be a South
  the means test;
                                                African citizen, permanent resident or
• must not be maintained or cared for in a
  State Institution;
                                              • the applicant and child must be resident
• must not be in receipt of another social
                                                in South Africa;
  grant in respect of him or herself.
                                              • child must be under the age of 18 years;
• Must submit a 13 digit bar coded identity
                                              • must submit a medical / assessment
  document or the smart ID card.
                                                report confirming the child’s permanent,
                                                severe disability;
                                              • applicant and spouse must meet
2018/19 This is the New SASSA Card - Western Cape Government
• applicant must be the primary care
                                                 giver of the child/children concerned;
                                               • the applicant and spouse must meet the
                                                 requirements of the means test;
                                               • cannot apply for more than six non
                                                 biological children
                                               • Child can not be cared for in State
                                               • It should be noted that one of the
                                                 intentions of the child support grant is to
                                                 ensure that children attend and complete
                                                 schooling. It is therefore a requirement
                                                 that a school attendance certificate be
                                                 produced for children aged between 7
                                                 and 18 years. However, failure to
                                                 produce this certificate or failure to
                                                 attend school will not result in the refusal
                                                 to pay their child support grant.

 requirements of the means test (except        Grant-in-aid
   for foster parents);
                                               • the applicant must be in receipt of an
• the care-dependent child/children must
                                                 Older Persons grant, Disability
   not be permanently cared for in a State
   Institution;                                  grant or a War Veterans grant, and
• must provide birth certificate for the         require full time attendance by another
   child;                                        person owing to his/her physical or
                                                 mental disabilities;
• the applicant must supply a 13 digit bar     • must not be cared for in an institution
  coded identity document or smart ID card       that receives subsidy from the State for
  Note: the income of foster parents will        the care/housing of such beneficiary;
  not be taken into consideration
                                               Proof of identity
Child Support Grant
                                               • Applicants who do not have a 13 digit
• the primary care giver must be a South
                                                 bar coded Identity Book, or smat ID card
  African citizen, permanent resident or
                                                 birth certificate for children involved in the
                                                 application can still apply for a grant.
• both the applicant and the child must
                                                 Please obtain information from your
  reside in South Africa;
                                                 nearest SASSA office on the alternative
• the child must be 18 years of age or
                                                 documents which are accepted for grant
                                                 applications. Refugees can provide the
• must provide a birth certificate for the
                                                 Section 24 permit as proof of refugee
                                                 status and identity.
• must provide a 13 digit bar coded
  identity document or smart ID card for the
2018/19 This is the New SASSA Card - Western Cape Government
Where Do You Apply For A                         Grant Is Unsuccessful
Grant?                                           You must be informed in writing of the reasons
• You apply at the SASSA Office nearest          for the refusal of the grant application, as well
  to where you live;                             as your right to request the decision to be
• If you are too old or sick to travel to the    reconsidered within 90 days of notification.
  office to apply for a grant, then a family
  member or friend can apply on your             Methods Of Payment
  behalf; with letter from you as                Once your grant is approved, you will be
  applicant authorizing the application;         issued with a SASSA payment card. This
• Alternatively you may call the SASSA           card is used to access your grant money.
  office to request a home visit;                If you wish to use alternative methods of
• Your application form will be completed        payment such as
  in the presence of an officer from             • Banks including Postbank, or
  SASSA;                                         • Institutions, you must contact your
• When your application is completed you            nearest SASSA office
  will be given a receipt;                          Please note that the SASSA card is the
• Keep this receipt - it is your only proof of      only official social grant payment card
  application;                                      Note: If you are unable to collect
• You do not have to pay any money to               the grant yourself you may nominate a
  apply;                                            procurator to collect it on your behalf.
• If your application is not approved by
  SASSA, you must be informed in                 Suspension Of Grants
  writing as to why your application was         The following may result in the suspension
  unsuccessful;                                  of a grant:
• You have the right to request                  • changes in circumstances (financial and
  SASSA to reconsider its decision, if you          / or medical);
  are unhappy with the decision made.            • outcome of a review;
  If the reconsidered decision is still          • failure to co-operate when a grant is
  unfavourable, you have the right                  reviewed;
  to appeal to the Minister of Social            • committing a fraudulent activity or
  Development. The request for SASSA                misrepresentation
  to reconsider its decision must be made        • Where grant was approved in error
  within 90 days of you being informed of
  the outcome of your application.               Restoration Of Grants
                                                 An application must be made for restoration
Date Of Award Of Grants                          of a grant within 90 days of the suspension.
If your grant is approved, you will be paid
from the date on which you applied, unless       Main Reasons For Lapsing
you have applied for a foster child grant.       Of Grants
Foster child grants are paid from the date of    • death;
court placement.                                 • admission to a State Institution;
                                                 • if the grant is not claimed for 3
If Your Application For A                          consecutive months;
2018/19 This is the New SASSA Card - Western Cape Government
meet their or their families’ most basic
                                                 needs. Social Relief of Distress is paid to
                                                 South African citizens; permanent residents
                                                 or refugees, who have insufficient means
                                                 are resident in South Africa and meet one or
                                                 more of the following criteria:
                                                 • the applicant is awaiting payment of an
                                                    approved social grant;
                                                 • the breadwinner of that household has
                                                    been found medically unfit to undertake
                                                    remunerative work
                                                    for a period of less than 6 months;
                                                 • the bread winner of the household is
                                                    deceased and application is made within
                                                    three months of the date of death;
                                                 • the bread winner of that household
                                                    has been admitted to a private institution
• when the period of temporary disability           for a period of at least one month
  has lapsed;                                    • the applicant has been affected by a
• you are absent from the Republic; for a           disaster as defined in the Disaster
  period of longer than 90 days                     Management Act or the Fund Raising
• If you cease to be a refugee.                     Act, 1978
• If the child for whom the grant is received    • refusal of the application for social relief
   turns 18                                         of distress will cause undue hardship.

Reviews                                          Period Of Social Relief Of
You must declare any income at the time of       Distress
application. This will form the basis on which   Social Relief of Distress is issued monthly for
SASSA will decide whether your grant must        a maximum period of 3 months. An extension
be reviewed. You will be notified 3 months in    for a further 3 months may be granted in
advance of the date of the review or the date    exceptional cases.
on which the life certificate is due.
                                                 Note: No person who is in receipt of a social
                                                 grant may receive the grant and social relief
Life Certificates                                of distress simultaneously. Any person who
If you do not collect your own grant with a
                                                 received both social relief and a grant at
biometric validation (fingerprint), you will
                                                 the same time must repay the value of the
be asked to provide life status confirmation     social relief of distress received. This will be
(proof of life) once per year. You will be       recovered from any social grant payment,
informed in advance of the requirements.         including an arrear payment. However, where
                                                 the person who is in receipt of a social grant
                                                 received social relief of distress as a result of
Social Relief Of Distress                        a disaster, that amount will not be recovered.
Social relief of distress is the temporary
provision of assistance intended for persons
in such dire need that they are unable to        Responsibility of the
It is the responsibility of beneficiaries to applying for social assistance in order to
keep SASSA informed of changes in their      determine whether the person’s means are
circumstances and means, and to respond to   below a stipulated amount. This means test
any correspondence received.                 is a way of determining whether a person
                                             qualifies to receive a grant as grants are
Fraud                                        indeed meant for those who have insufficient
SASSA exercises zero tolerance to fraudulent means to support themselves. The means
activities                                   test varies from one grant type to another.
What Is A Means Test                          Note: Grants for older persons, war veterans
In South Africa Social Assistance is subject and disabled are paid on a sliding scale that
to means testing which implies that SASSA is, the more private income you have, the
evaluates the income and assets of the person smaller the government pension you will
                                              qualify for.
   Asset And Income Threshold
                                          Amount as of     Amount as of
Asset threshold:                          01 April 2018     01 October
(Grants for older persons, disabled
and war veterans only)                    R 891 000        R 930 600
Single person                            RR838
                                             1 115
                                                200400    R 1 122 000
Married person                           RR
                                               230 00
                                                   800    RR21244
Income threshold: (Annual amounts)
Single person                      RR5078
                                          120             R 78 600
Married person                     RR156
                                     123 600
                                          240             R 129 200
                                                          R157  360
Child Support Grants:
Single person                             R 48200
                                          R37  000         R 49
                                                             39 200
Married person                            R 96400
                                          R74  000         R 79
                                                           R 98 200
Care Dependency Grants:
Single person                             R
                                          R 162
                                            202 000
                                                800        R 169
                                                             204 200
Married person                            R 324
                                          R 405 000
                                                600        R 338
                                                           R 408 400

 Amounts Of Grants As At 01 APRIL 2018
                                         Amount payable as Amount payable Amount payable
 Grant Type                              of 01 April 2017  01 April 2018  01 October 2018
Older Persons Grant (Old age pension)      R 1 600.00       R 1 690.00    R 1 700.00
Older Persons Grant (Old age pension):     R 1 620.00       R 1 710.00    R 1 720.00
Beneficiary older than 75 years
Disability grant                           R 1 600.00       R 1 690.00    R 1 700.00
War veterans' grant                        R 1 620.00       R 1 710.00    R 1 720.00
Grant-in-aid                               R 380.00         R 400.00      R 410.00
Child support grant                        R 380.00         R 400.00      R 410.00
Foster child grant                        R 890.00         R 960.00       R 960.00
Care-dependency grant                      R 1 600.00                     R 1 700.00
                                                            R 1 690.00

                                    WESTERN CAPE             KWAZULU NATAL
                                    Golden Acre              1 Bank Street
SASSA HOUSE                         Adderley Street          Pietermaritzburg 3201
501 Prodinsa Building               Cape Town 8001           Private Bag 9146
Cnr Steve Biko & Pretorius          Private Bag X9189        Pietermaritzburg 3201
Pretoria                            Cape Town 8000           Tel: 033 846 3300
Private Bag X55662                  Tel: 021 469 0200        Fax: 033 846 9595
Arcardia,                           Fax: 021 469 0260
Pretoria 0083                                                NORTHERN CAPE
Tel: 012 400 2000 (Switchboard)     LIMPOPO
                                                             95-97 Du Toit Span Road
EASTERN CAPE                        43 Landros Mare Street   Kimberly 8300
                                    Polokwane 0699           Private Bag X6011
SASSA Office                        Private Bag X9677        Kimberely 8300
BKB Building                        Polokwane 0700           Tel: 053 802 4900
Cnr Fitzpatrick& Merino             Tel: 015 291 7400        Fax: 053 832 5225
Road Quigney                        Fax: 015 291 7996
East London                                                  GAUTENG
Private Bag X9001                   MPUMALANGA
Chiselhurst                                                  28 Harrison Street
East London 5200                    18 Ferreira Street       Johannesburg 2000
Tel: 043 707 6300                   Nelspruit                Private Bag X120
Fax: 043 707 6481                   Private Bag X11230       Marshalltown 2107
                                    Nelspruit 1200           Tel: 011 241 8300
FREE STATE                          Tel: 013 754 9380        Fax: 011 241 8305
                                    Fax: 013 754 9501
Iustitia Building
Cnr St. Andrews Street &            NORTH WEST
Aliwal Street                       1st Industrial Site
Private Bag X20553                  Mahikeng 2735
Bloemfontein 9300                   Private Bag X44
Tel: 051 410 8339                   Mmabatho,
                                    Tel: 018 397 3386
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