New records of millipedes (Diplopoda) from European Russia and Abkhazia, Caucasus

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Invertebrate Zoology, 2021, 18(2): 80–84                 © INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY, 2021

   New records of millipedes (Diplopoda) from European
             Russia and Abkhazia, Caucasus
                                   Sergei I. Golovatch

   Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr. 33,
   Moscow 119071 Russia. E-mail:

   ABSTRACT. New faunistic records are provided for 18 millipede species from the
   European part of Russia or Abkhazia, Caucasus. Among them, a recent, likely anthropo-
   chore expansion of the European Craspedosoma rowlinsii Leach, 1815 as far east as the city
   of Nizhny Novgorod is especially noteworthy.
   How to site this article: Golovatch S.I. 2021. New records of millipedes (Diplopoda) from
   European Russia and Abkhazia, Caucasus // Invert. Zool. Vol.18. No.2. P.80–84. doi:

   KEY WORDS: Myriapoda, fauna, distribution.

 Новые находки диплопод (Diplopoda) из европейской
             России и Абхазии (Кавказ)
                                       С.И. Головач

   Институт проблем экологии и эволюции РАН, Москва 119071 Россия. E-mail:

   РЕЗЮМЕ. Представлены новые фаунистические находки 18 видов двупарноногих
   многоножек в европейской части России и Абхазии (Кавказ). Среди них особенно
   примечательна недавняя, очевидно, антропохорная экспансия европейского вида
   Craspedosoma rowlinsii Leach, 1815 на восток до города Нижний Новгород.
   Как цитировать эту статью: Golovatch S.I. 2021. New records of millipedes (Diplopoda)
   from European Russia and Abkhazia, Caucasus // Invert. Zool. Vol.18. No.2. P.80–84. doi:

   КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Myriapoda, фауна, распространение.

   Introduction                                    Cisuralia in the east. Altogether, 30 species of
                                                   Diplopoda were revealed, treated, and mapped.
    The millipede fauna of the European part       In addition, Golovatch & Matyukhin (2011)
Russia, in contrast to the faunas of Crimea and    have recently provided random faunistic records
the Caucasus, has lately received very little      of a number of diplopod species, largely those
attention. Thus, Wytwer et al. (2009) provided     found in bird nests across European Russia
ecological and chorological multivariate analy-    south to the northern Caucasus. Finally, Evsyu-
ses of millipede assemblages of oak woodlands      kov & Golovatch (2013), and Zuev (2014) re-
across the Eastern European Plain, ranging from    viewed the millipede faunas of the Rostov-on-
western Ukraine and Moldova in the west to         Don and Stavropol regions, southern Russia,
New records of millipedes from European Russia and Abkhazia                        81

respectively, both papers with numerous faunis-    Anatolia, Crimea and the Caucasus, up to north-
tic records and maps.                              western Iran in the east (Golovatch, 1990, 2008).

   Material                                                        Order Julida
                                                               Family Blaniulidae
    The material underlying the present study      Archiboreoiulus pallidus (Brade-Birks, 1920)
was casually collected recently by A.G. Koval
                                                       MATERIAL. 1 $ (ZMUM), Russia, Yaro-
(St. Petersburg), O.L. Makarova (Moscow), S.A.
                                                   slavl Region, Tutaev, bank of Volga River,
Kapralov (Nizhny Novgorod) and I.S. Turban-
                                                   park, sifted litter, 14.X.2020, O.L. Makarova
ov (Borok, Yaroslavl Region), and handed to
me for treatment.
                                                       REMARKS. This species is widespread
                                                   across Europe, often supporting parthenogenet-
   Taxonomic part                                  ic popilations. In European Russia, only such
                                                   populations seem to exist. It also occurs in
             Order Polyzoniida                     parklands of Moscow City (S. Golovatch, un-
          Family Hirudisomatidae                   published).
     Hirudisoma roseum (Victor, 1839)
                                                          Nopoiulus kochii (Gervais, 1847)
   MATERIAL. 2 $$ (ZMUM), Abkhazia,
Gudauta Distr., above Duripsh, Bzyb Mt. Range,         MATERIAL. 24 $$, juv. (ZMUM), Russia,
1500 m a.s.l., forest litter, N 42º15′16″, E       Yaroslavl Region, Nekouz Distr., near Borok,
40º41′37″, 22.VIII.2017, A.G. Koval leg.           inside a Formica truncorum ant nest, 26.III.
   REMARK. Subendemic to the Caucasus:             2017, I.S. Turbanov, A.S. Sazhnev leg.; 2 $$
Russia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and          (ZMUM), Russia, Yaroslavl Region, Tutaev,
northern Turkey (Golovatch et al., 2015, 2021).    bank of Volga River, park, sifted litter,
                                                   14.X.2020; 1 $ (ZMUM), Russia, Nizhny
            Order Glomerida                        Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod, Shche-
           Family Glomeridae                       lokovsky Khutor, complex Quercus forest, sift-
  Hyleoglomeria awchasica (Brandt, 1840)           ed litter, 16.X.2020, all O.L. Makarova leg.
                                                       REMARK. This is a ubiquitous synanthrop-
   MATERIAL. 2 juv. (ZMUM), Abkhazia,              ic species common both on open terrain and in
Gudauta Distr., above Duripsh, Bzyb Mt. Range,     hothouses across the world, often eutroglophilic
1500 m a.s.l., forest litter, N 42º15′16″, E       (e.g., Golovatch et al., 2021).
40º41′37″, 22.VIII.2017, A.G. Koval leg.
   REMARK. Endemic to the western Cauca-                          Family Julidae
sus: Russia, Abkhazia and Georgia (Golovatch,        Cylindroiulus pterophylacum Read, 1992
1989).                                                 MATERIAL. 1 juv. (ZMUM), Abkhazia,
                                                   Gudauta Distr., above Duripsh, Bzyb Mt. Range,
    Trachysphaera costata (Waga, 1857)             1500 m a.s.l., forest litter, N 42º15′16″, E 40º41′
                                                   37″, 22.VIII.2017, A.G. Koval leg.
    MATERIAL. 4 ex. (ZMUM), Abkhazia,
                                                       REMARK. Endemic to the western and cen-
Gudauta Distr., above Duripsh, Bzyb Mt. Range,
                                                   tral Caucasus: Russia, Abkhazia and Georgia
1500 m a.s.l., forest litter, N 42º15′16″, E
                                                   (Read, 1992).
40º41′37″, 22.VIII.2017, A.G. Koval leg.
    REMARK. Since the synonymization of                 Cylindroiulus ruber (Lignau, 1903)
several nominal species with T. costata, the
latter species appears to be widespread in east-     MATERIAL. 2 ##, 1 $, 4 juv. (ZMUM),
ern and southeastern Europe, in the Near East,     Abkhazia, Gudauta Distr., above Duripsh, Bzyb
82                                         S.I. Golovatch.

Mt. Range, 1500 m a.s.l., forest litter, N 42º15′    1.VIII.2004; 1 $ (ZMUM), same place, Ichalk-
16″, E 40º41′37″, 22.VIII.2017, A.G. Koval leg.      ovsky Bor, Cave Rozhdestvenskaya, entrance
   REMARK. Endemic to the northwestern               part, pitfall trapping, 22.VII.–1.VIII.2004; 1
Caucasus: Russia, Abkhazia and Georgia (Read,        #, 2 $$ (ZMUM), same region, 2.3 km WSW
1992).                                               of Ichalki, Kamennoe natural landmark, quar-
                                                     ries, cavern B, pitfall trapping, 05.VII–
      Leptoiulus proximus Nemec, 1896                26.VIII.2006; 1 $ (ZMUM), same place, Ka-
                                                     mennoe natural landmark, quarries, cavern D,
    MATERIAL. 1 #, 3 $$ (ZMUM), Russia,              pitfall trapping, 15.VI.–5.VII.2006; 1 $
Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod,             (ZMUM), Nizhny Novgorod Region, Buturlino
Shchelokovsky Khutor, complex Quercus for-           Distr., near Bornukovo, Cave Bolshaya Bornuk-
est, sifted litter, 16.X.2020, leg. O.L. Makarova.   ovskaya, 10.VIII.2006; 1 $ (ZMUM), Nizhny
    REMARK. This Northern, Central to East-          Novgorod Region, Arzamas Distr., near Pustyn’,
ern European species is a quite hygrophilous         shore of Lake Velikoe, Pinus and Picea forest,
forest-dweller, being very common across Eu-         litter, 30.VI.2007, all S.A. Kapralov leg.
ropean Russia, the Tula Region in the south,              REMARK. This species is very common
Karelia and the Vologda Region in the north,         and widespread across much of European Rus-
and along the Volga River reaching Tatarstan in      sia and eastern Ukraine, ranging from the delta
the east (Lokshina, 1969; Zalesskaja et al.,         of Severnaya Dvina River (Arkhangelsk) in the
1982). In the southeast, it has been recorded        north, through the forest, forested steppe and
from the Penza, Ulyanovsk and Saratov regions,       northern steppe belts, to foothills to high moun-
as well as the Republic of Mordovia (Volkova,        tains of the northern Caucasus (North Ossetia
2018).                                               and Dagestan) in the south, and from near Min-
                                                     sk, Belarus in the west to about Ufa, Saratov and
  Ommatoiulus sabulosus (Linnaeus, 1758)             Orenburg, Russia in the east (Lokshina, 1969;
                                                     Kime, Enghoff, 2017). The above records from
    MATERIAL. 1 # (ZMUM), Russia, Nizh-              caves and quarries in central Russia are definite-
ny Novgorod Region, Arzamas Distr., near             ly casual, characteristic of a trogloxene.
Pustyn’, shore of Lake Velikoe, in a bark crack
of a Populus tremula tree, 15.VII.2007, S.A.                     Order Polydesmida
Kapralov leg.                                                   Family Polydesmidae
    REMARK. This very common and wide-                  Brachydesmus kalischewskyi (Lignau, 1915)
spread pan-European species (Kime, Enghoff,
2017) ranges in Russia from Karelia, the Lenin-         MATERIAL. 3 ## (ZMUM), Abkhazia,
grad, Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda and Kirov             Gudauta Distr., above Duripsh, Bzyb Mt. Range,
regions in the north to the Tula Region in the       1500 m a.s.l., forest litter, N 42º15′16″, E
south, and from the Kaliningrad Region in the        40º41′37″, 22.VIII.2017, A.G. Koval leg.
west, through Middle Volga regions, to Tatar-           REMARK. This polymorphous species is
stan, Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk Re-          subendemic to the Caucasus: Russia, Abkhazia,
gion (southern Urals) in the east (Lokshina,         Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, northern Tur-
1969).                                               key and Iran (Golovatch et al., 2016).

     Rossiulus kessleri (Lohmander, 1927)                          ?Brachydesmus sp.

     MATERIAL. 1 $ (ZMUM), Russia, Nizhny                MATERIAL. 4 juv. (ZMUM), Crimea, Sev-
Novgorod Region, Perevoz Distr., 3.5 km SW           astopol, Kazachya Bay, in soil and sand among
of Ichalki, Ichalkovsky Bor, Cave Butylka, pit-      halophytic vegetation on seashore, 10.VII.2017,
fall trapping, 11.VIII.–21.VIII.2004; 1 $ 22.VII–    I.S. Turbanov leg.
New records of millipedes from European Russia and Abkhazia                        83

    REMARKS. In the absence of adult male           south of the taiga belt, often synanthropic (Lok-
material, the above sample could not be identi-     shina, 1969; Zalesskaja et al., 1982; Kime,
fied closer to species. Even the generic identity   Enghoff, 2011).
is uncertain.
                                                         Polydesmus inconstans Latzel, 1884
     Polydesmus abchasius Attems, 1898
                                                        MATERIAL. ##, $$, juv. (ZMUM), Rus-
    MATERIAL. 1 $, 1 juv. (ZMUM), Abkha-            sia, Yaroslavl Region, Tutaev, bank of Volga
zia, Gudauta Distr., above Duripsh, Bzyb Mt.        River, park, sifted litter, 14.X.2020, O.L.
Range, 1500 m a.s.l., forest litter, N 42º15′16″,   Makarova leg.
E 40º41′37″, 22.VIII.2017, A.G. Koval leg.              REMARK. This species is quite common in
    REMARK. Endemic to the western and cen-         parklands and deteriorated forest habitats of
tral Caucasus: Russia, Abkhazia and Georgia         central European Russia (Lokshina, 1969; Za-
(Golovatch et al., 2016).                           lesskaja et al., 1982; Golovatch, Matyukhin,
                                                    2011; Kime, Enghoff, 2011), introduced to
 Polydesmus complanatus (Linnaeus, 1761)            western Siberia (Nefediev et al., 2016).

    MATERIAL. 1 $ (ZMUM), Russia, Nizhny                    Family Paradoxosomatidae
Novgorod Region, Ardatov Distr., 2.5 km SW          Strongylosoma stigmatosum Eichwald, 1830
of Balakhonikha, Cave Balakhonikhskaya,
13.VII.2006, S.A. Kapralov leg.                         MATERIAL. 1 $ (ZMUM), Russia, Nizhny
    REMARK. This is a very common species           Novgorod Region, Arzamas Distr., near Pustyn’,
widespread across Central, Eastern and South-       shore of Lake Velikoe, wet leaf litter in a karst
ern Europe, known also from Turkey, intro-          funnel, 15.VII.2007; 1 #, 1 $ (ZMUM), same
duced to the Nearctic (Kime, Enghoff, 2011). In     place, Pinus and Picea forest, litter, 30.VI.2007,
European Russia, it ranges from about Petroza-      all S.A. Kapralov leg.
vodsk and Vologda in the north to Tula in the           REMARKS. This species is common and
south, and from the Kaliningrad, Bryansk and        widespread across Eastern Europe, the northern
Smolensk regions east to Tatarstan and Bashko-      range limit running from about Riga, Latvia
rtostan (Lokshina, 1969).                           eastwards through Velikiye Luki, Tver and Ry-
                                                    binsk to its eastern limit in the Kirov Region.
  Polydesmus denticulatus C.L. Koch, 1847           The southern limit runs through Kazan in the
                                                    east to Kursk in the west and then south through
    MATERIAL. ##, $$, juv. (ZMUM), Rus-             Ukraine (Lokshina, 1969; Kime, Enghoff, 2011).
sia, Yaroslavl Region, Uglich, bank of Volga
River, park, sifted litter, 13.X.2020; ##, $$,                 Order Chordeumatida
juv. (ZMUM), Russia, Yaroslavl Region, Tut-                 Family Craspedosomatidae
aev, bank of Volga River, park, sifted litter,          Craspedosoma rowlinsii Leach, 1815
14.X.2020; ##, $$, juv. (ZMUM), Russia,
Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod,                MATERIAL. ##, $$, juv. (ZMUM), Rus-
Shchelokovsky Khutor, complex Quercus for-          sia, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgor-
est, sifted litter, 16.X.2020; 1 $ (ZMUM), Mos-     od, Shchelokovsky Khutor, complex Quercus
cow Region, Mytishchi, bank of Yauza River,         forest, sifted litter, 16.X.2020; 1 juv. (ZMUM),
reed thicket, 19.IV.2021, all O.L. Makarova leg.    Moscow Region, Mytishchi, bank of Yauza
    REMARK. This species is common through-         River, reed thicket, 19.IV.2021, all O.L. Makaro-
out Europe, introduced to western Siberia and       va leg.
North America. In European Russia, it is very           REMARKS. This Western to Central Euro-
common in broadleaved forests and parklands         pean species seems to have only recently be-
84                                                S.I. Golovatch.

come established in Moscow City (Golovatch,                  Golovatch S., Evsyukov A., Reip H.S. 2016. The millipede
                                                                 family Polydesmidae in the Caucasus (Diplopoda:
Matyukhin, 2011). Its expansion over most of
                                                                 Polydesmida) // Zootaxa. Vol.4085. No.1. P.1–51.
city parks in Moscow has since been document-                Golovatch S.I., Turbanov I.S., Kapralov S.A., Somchenko
ed (I. Belyaeva, in litt.), whence it could have                 P.V., Turbanova A.A. 2021. New records of milli-
colonized the Moscow Region and the city of                      pedes (Diplopoda) from caves in Crimea and the
                                                                 Caucasus // Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.18. No.2. P.85–
Nizhny Novgorod, presently the easternmost                       94.
record.                                                      Kime R.D., Enghoff H. 2011. Atlas of European milli-
                                                                 pedes (Class Diplopoda). Volume 1. Orders Polyxeni-
    Acknowledgements. We are most grateful                       da, Glomerida, Platydesmida, Siphonocryptida, Po-
                                                                 lyzoniida, Callipodida, Polydesmida // Fauna Euro-
to all collectors who rendered me their material                 paea Evertebrata. No.3. Sofia–Moscow: Pensoft and
for treatment: Aleksandr G. Koval (St. Peters-                   Leiden: European Invertebrate Survey. 282 pp.
burg), Olga L. Makarova (Moscow), Sergei A.                  Kime R.D., Enghoff H. 2017. Atlas of European milli-
Kapralov (Nizhny Novgorod) and Ilya S. Tur-                      pedes 2: Order Julida (Class Diplopoda) // European
                                                                 Journal of Taxonomy. Vol.346. P.1–299.
banov (Borok, Yaroslavl Region). The author                  Lokshina I.E. 1969. [Identification book of millipedes
was partly supported by the Presidium of the                     Diplopoda of the plain territories of the USSR Euro-
Russian Academy of Sciences, Programme No.                       pean part]. Moscow: Nauka. 78 pp. [In Russian]
41 “Biodiversity of natural systems and biolog-              Nefediev P.S., Kacourek P., Nefedieva J.S. 2016. The first
                                                                 record of Polydesmus inconstans Latzel, 1884
ical resources of Russia”.                                       (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Polydesmidae) in the Asian
                                                                 part of Russia // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.25. No.1.
     References                                                  P.19–21.
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Evsyukov A.P., Golovatch S.I. 2013. Millipedes from the          iapoda: Diplopoda: Julidae) // Senckenbergiana bio-
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