New North Regional Guide: Resources for Multicultural Residents - For Green Bay and Appleton areas - The New North

Page created by Gail Patton
New North Regional Guide: Resources for Multicultural Residents - For Green Bay and Appleton areas - The New North
New North
Regional Guide:
Resources for
Multicultural Residents
For Green Bay and
Appleton areas
Presented by the New North Attract,
Retain and Develop Talent Committee,
Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
and the City of Appleton
New North Regional Guide: Resources for Multicultural Residents - For Green Bay and Appleton areas - The New North
We’d like to thank the many people who helped gather
the information for these pages: Irene Strohbeen, Nancy
Thompson, Gwen Baumel, Kourtney Feldhausen, Sabina
Zolota, Brian Johnson from the New North Attract & Retain
Diverse Talent Committee; Dr. Bola Delano-Oriaran and
Megan King from St. Norbert College; Dr. Sabrina Robins,
Appleton; Chua Xiong and Xai Yang from NWTC; Pam Lassiter,
UW Oshkosh, Dana Daggs and Sheryl Van Gruensven
from UW Green Bay; Diane Bluel, Ariens Company; Bruce
Deadman, Davis & Kuelthau; Trina McCormick, Kimberly
Clark; and Peter Kellogg, Multicultural Center of Green Bay.
We’d also like to thank Dana Jacobson, Green Bay Chamber
Marketing Department, for her excellent design. Finally we
have a special note of thanks for Andrea Verbeten, who
gathered a great deal of information, and also translated
it into Spanish. We have deeply appreciated her warmth,
persistence and vivaciousness.

Kathy Flores
Diversity Coordinator, City of Appleton

Celestine Jeffreys
Diversity Manager, Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce

Kathi Seifert

 Table of contents
Welcome to the New North Guide:
Resources for Multicultural Residents
Welcome to the New North region, a vibrant region to work,
learn, experience, grow, worship and have fun! These
guides are designed to help residents feel at home here.
Listed are activities, community resources, educational
resources, and culturally-specific businesses. We hope
you’ll find value in the Guides, and will enjoy exploring
the New North!

This PDF file will continue to grow over time to include
other communities.

Please provide your thoughts, or additional resources,
to Celestine Jeffreys, Diversity Manager, Green Bay Area
Chamber of Commerce at or
Kathy Flores, Diversity Coordinator, City of Appleton at

The resources listed in this guide are for informational
purposes only. They are not endorsed by or sponsored
by New North, Inc., the Green Bay Area Chamber of
Commerce, the City of Appleton or their affiliates.

About Us
New North, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization,
represents the New North region, which is comprised
of eighteen counties in Northeast Wisconsin. It fosters
collaboration among private and public sector leaders
throughout the region. Our mission is to harness and
promote the Northeast Wisconsin’s resources, talents
and creativity for the purposes of sustaining and growing
our regional economy.

The Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce seeks to
strengthen member businesses, enhance economic and
workforce development, and improve the quality of life in
our community and region.

The City of Appleton is dedicated to meeting the needs
of our community and enhancing the quality of life. We
are committed to diversity and inclusion throughout the
entire community.

 Table of contents
Table of
chapter one | African-American Culture Guide
Diversity and Organizations     01
Events					                     03
Beauty Salons				               03
Beauty Supply				               04
African-American Books		        04
Shopping					                   04
Places of Worship			            04
Food for the Soul			            06

chapter two | Hmong Culture Guide
Diversity and Organizations		   07
Grocery Stores				              08
Restaurants				                 09
Places of Worship 			           10
Professionals				               11
Education					                  11
Chiropractic				                12
Dental					                     12
Personal Care				               12
Staffing Agency				             13
Lawyers					                    13
Hmong Realtors			               13
Alterations & Clothing		        13
Travel					                     13
Insurance					                  14
Banquet Halls				               15
Associations				                16
Funeral Location			             17
Events					                     17
chapter three | Indian Culture Guide
Diversity and Organizations		   18
Grocery Stores				              19
Restaurants				                 20
Health And Beauty			            21
Family Entertainment			         21
Cultural Activities			          22
Religious Services			           23
Resources & Groups			           23
Professional Services			        23
Banquet Halls				               24

chapter four | Latino Culture Guide
Diversity and Organizations		   26
Programs for Children		         27
Ropa/Clothes				                28
Librerías/Bookstores			         28
Supermercados/			               29
Special Event Services		        30
Música/ Music				               30
Tax Service				                 31
Beauty Salons				               32
Professionals				               32
Tatuajes/ Tattoos			            34
Organizaciones/ 			             35
Places of Worship			            35
Restaurants				                 36
Eventos/Festivales			           37
chapter one |                                              Diversity & Organizations

                                                           Diversity coordinator, City of Appleton
                                                           Community & Economic Development
Resources for African-American                             Description: The diversity coordinator is
                                                           committed to promoting understanding
Residents                                                  and acceptance for all people by creating
                                                           and supporting a culture of inclusion that
Welcome to the New North Guide: Resources for African-     celebrates and values our similarities and
American Residents. These initial posts cover resources    differences.
in the Green Bay and Appleton areas only.         These    Contact: Kathy Flores
resources are for those wishing to experience African-     Phone: 920-832-1564
American culture in this region.                           Email:
Please provide your thoughts, or additional resources,
to Celestine Jeffreys, Diversity Manager, Green Bay Area   Diversity manager, Green Bay Area
Chamber of Commerce at or          Chamber of Commerce
Kathy Flores, Diversity Coordinator, City of Appleton at   Description: The diversity manager                                 seeks to improve the economic well-
                                                           being of minority-owned businesses and
The resources listed in this guide are for informational   minority employees.
purposes only. They are not endorsed by or sponsored by    Contact: Celestine Jeffreys
New North, Inc., Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce,       300 N. Broadway, Suite 3A
the City of Appleton or their affiliates.                  Green Bay, WI 54303
                                                           Phone: 920-593-3417

 Table of contents
African Heritage Inc.                                Northeast Wisconsin African-American
Description: This organization is a support          Association (NEWAAMA)
system for members and all peoples of African        Description: Established in 1991, this group
descent, and strives to promote clear and posi-      supports African-Americans living in the area.
tive African images.                                 Contact: Triella Talbott Williams
P.O Box 2727                                         123 Huth St.
Appleton, WI 54913                                   Green Bay, WI 54302                         Phone: 920-544-9310(h)
CREATE (Culturally Responsive Education
for All: Training and Enhancement)                   Toward Community: Unity in Diversity
Description: This initiative is designed to close    Description: TC builds connections and com-
the achievement gap between diverse stu-             munity among groups and individuals in the
dents, and eliminate race as                         Fox Valley through celebration and education.
a predictor of participation in special education.   Contact: Scott Peeples
Contact: Ron Dulap                                   128 N. Oneida Ave.
2300 State Road 44                                   Appleton, WI 54911
Oshkosh, WI 54903                                    Email:
Phone: 920-236-0539                        
                                                     UMOJA: A Black Heritage Experience
Fox Cities Rotary Multicultural Center               Description: Created as a support for families
Description: The center is a gathering place         who have adopted, or are fostering African-
where every person and group is valued and           American children, or children from the African
included.                                            continent and the diasporas.
128 N. Oneida St.                                    Contact: Julie Ryno
Appleton, WI 54911                                   4326 Bull Rush Dr.
Phone: 920-882-4056                                  Appleton, WI 54913
Email:            Email:                 

Green Bay NAACP                                      Volunteer Center of Brown County
425 Cherry St.                                       (Green Bay)
Green Bay, WI 54301                                  Description: Motivates area youth to volunteer,
Phone: 920-437-9999                                  working with educators to make service a part                                            of learning, connecting area adults to volunteer
                                                     opportunities as mentors, tutors and to
Multicultural Community Center of Green              become active in youth-focused organizations.
Bay                                                  984 9th St.
Description: The Center supports diverse             Green Bay, WI 54304
cultures in our area, and helps diverse groups       Phone: 920-429-9445
become active participants in the full life of the
217 N. Madison St.                                   Volunteer Center of East Central Wisconsin
Green Bay, WI 54301                                  (Appleton)
Phone: 920-438-1660                                  Description: Connects people to volunteer                        opportunities with non-profit agencies and other
                                                     community organizations in a variety of ways.
                                                     2616 S. Oneida St.
                                                     Appleton, WI 54915
                                                     Phone: 920-832-9360

 Table of contents
Events                                             Beauty Salons (Green Bay)
Martin Luther King Day Celebrations                Inspirations Salon
Appleton                                           Sandee Sims
Held on the holiday at 6:30 pm in the Lawrence     1315 W. Mason
Memorial Chapel                                    Green Bay, WI 54303
Contact Kathy Flores:                              920-497-6970
Green Bay                                          JC Penney—Women’s Hair Salon
Divine Temple                                      Ralph or Alicia
Contact Rev. LC Green, 920-436-9740                The Village at Bay Park
NWTC,        800 Willard Dr.
MLKCelebration.aspx                                Ashwaubenon, WI 54304
Black History Month Celebration
Menasha                                            King’s Barber Shop (Green Bay)
Held the second to last Saturday in February, in   509 W. Walnut St.
UW Fox Valley                                      Green Bay, WI 54303
Contact African Heritage africanheritageinc@       920-593-8558
De Pere                                            Universal Designs Salon
Last week of February, St. Norbert College Soul    1173 Velp Ave.
Food Dinner                                        Green Bay, WI 54303
Contact:     920-393-4076

Juneteenth                                         Beauty Salons (Appleton)
Held the Sunday after national Juneteenth Day,     Aces of Fades
in Houdini Plaza                                   131 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Contact:              Appleton, WI 54911
Green Bay                                          920-830-6933
Contact: Multicultural Center of Greater Green
Bay, 920-438-1660                                  King’s Barber Shop (Appleton)
                                                   745 W. College Avenue
African Heritage Family Day                        Appleton, WI 54914
Appleton                                           920-749-1774
Held in Telulah Park
Contact:              La Manz Hair Design and Body Center
                                                   City Center Plaza
Kwanzaa Celebration                                10 College Ave.
Green Bay                                          Appleton, WI 54911
Contact: Shawn Robinson, American Intercul-        920-733-7400
tural Center, UWGB, 920-465-2720
                                                   Indira Salon
                                                   133 East College Ave.
                                                   Appleton, WI 54911

 Table of contents
L-Tease                                   Globally Sound Fair Trade
Linda Turner                              Creating a Sound World through Fair Wages
2838 N. Ballard Rd.                       and Fair Working Conditions. Hand Crafted
Appleton, WI 54911                        Goods by Artisans from Around the World
920-733-1880                              604 W. College Ave.
                                          Appleton, WI 54911
Beauty Supply (Green Bay)                 Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 10 am - 7 pm
                                          Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
Desired Look Beauty Supply
1373 Cedar St.
                                          Smiles 4 Styles
Green Bay, WI 54302
                                          326 N. Baird St.
                                          Green Bay, WI 54302
Beauty Supply (Appleton)
Total Hair and Beauty Supply
                                          Suga Shack
100 S. Memorial Dr.
                                          College Ave.
Appleton, WI 54911
                                          Contact information coming soon

Val-U Beauty Supply                       Places of Worship
609 W. College Ave.                       (Green Bay Area)
Appleton, WI 54911
920-882-7770                              Able Church at Living Hope Church
                                          Description: This church meets on Friday
African American Books                    evenings, and is open for the disabled
                                          community as well as caregivers of disabled
The Reader’s Choice                       people.
1950 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr.   1840 W. Mason St.
Milwaukee, WI 53212                       Green Bay, WI 54303
414-265-2003                              920-497-8022

                                          Catholic Diocese of Green Bay
Shopping                                  1825 Riverside Drive
                                          Green Bay, WI 54301
Beni Boutique                             920-437-7531
314 Pine St.                    
Green Bay, WI 54301
920-432-BENI (2364)                       Celebration Church
                                          3475 Humboldt Rd (East side location)
The Bozz Clothing                         Green Bay, WI 54311
508 W Wisconsin Ave.                      920-468-1122
Appleton, WI 54911              
920-830-4115                       Celebration Church
                                          2710 Lineville Rd (West side location)
                                          Green Bay, WI 54313

 Table of contents
Church of God in Christ                        Jehovah’s Witnesses
Divine Temple                                  3065 W. Mason St. (West side)
425 Cherry Street.                             Green Bay, WI 54313
Green Bay, WI 54301                            920-499-6511
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
Green Bay                                      Kingdom Agenda Center
651 Pinehurst                                  621 Pine Street
Green Bay, WI 54302                            Green Bay, WI 54301
920-321-1485                                   920-248-2260

Congregation Cnesses Israel Temple
                                               Places of Worship
222 S. Baird                                   (Appleton Area)
Green Bay, WI 54301                                Appleton Church of Christ
                                               3601 E. Newberry St.
Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac (covers       Appleton, WI 54915
most of the Fox Cities)                        920-733-7663
1051 N. Lynndale, #1B                
Appleton, WI 54914
920-830-8866                                   Appleton Sanctuary Outreach Ministry                                 1331 W. Wisconsin Ave.
                                               Appleton, WI 54914
Faith Tabernacle Outreach, Inc.                920-733-2721
436 Jefferson St.
Green Bay, WI 54302                            Baha’i Faith
920-884-1363                                   325 E. Timberline Rd.
                                               Appleton, WI 54913
Green Bay Community Church                     920-730-9156
600 Cardinal Lane                    
Green Bay, WI 54313
920-434-9225                                   Celebration Church                      303 N. Oneida Ave
                                               Appleton, WI 54911
Islamic Society of Wisconsin                   715-252-1806
1512 Velp Ave.                       
Green Bay, WI 54303
920-676-2882                                   Christ the Rock       W6254 Highway 10-114
php?id=55321                                   Menasha, WI 54952
Jehovah’s Witnesses                  
2895 E. Mason St. (East side)
Green Bay, WI 54311                            Church of Christ
920-465-0737                                   2600 N. Mason St.       Appleton, WI 54914
meetings/                                      920-734-0785

 Table of contents
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints    Food for the Soul
425 W. Park Ridge
Appleton, WI 54911                             Cozzy Corner
920-830-4153                                   Description: Southern cooking, soul food and                                 more!
                                               111 N. Walnut
First Congregational United Church of Christ   Phone: 920-268-8586
724 E. South River St.
Appleton, WI 54915                             CSI Cookies, Soups, Inc.
920-733-7393                                   Description: Juneteenth vendor offering                     African-American food.
                                               City Center Plaza
Fox Valley Islamic Society                     10 College Ave.
103 Kappell Dr.                                Appleton, WI 54911
Neenah, WI 54956                               Phone: 920-734-0100
920-722-7860                             Fat Mama’s
                                               Description: Soul food and sandwiches.
Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship   242 Wisconsin Ave.
2600 Phillip Lane                              Oshkosh, WI 54901
Appleton, WI 54915                             Phone: 920-651-3000
920-731-0849                                  Green Bay Halal Market
                                               Description: Halal groceries and products.
Islamic Center of Wisconsin                    513-A S. Military Ave.
720 W. Parkway Blvd.                           Green Bay, WI 54303-2209
Appleton, WI 54914                             Phone: 920-405-7006
920-882-3001       Joe’s Texas Barbecue
php?id=42840                                   Description: Delicious and authentic Texas
                                               barbecue. Order for tailgating. Menu includes
Pathways Church                                pulled pork sandwiches, beef brisket and
311 W. Evergreen Dr.                           barbecue spare ribs.
Appleton, WI 54913                             1800 Ashland Ave.
920-735-0422                                   Green Bay, WI                         Phone: 920-430-1404

 Table of contents
chapter two |                                               Diversity & Organizations

                                                            Diversity coordinator, City of Appleton
                                                            Community & Economic Development
Resources for Hmong Residents                               Description: The diversity coordinator is
                                                            committed to promoting understanding
Welcome to the New North Guide: Resources for Hmong         and acceptance for all people by creating
Residents. These initial posts cover resources in the       and supporting a culture of inclusion that
Green Bay and Appleton areas only. These resources          celebrates and values our similarities and
are for those wishing to experience Hmong culture in this   differences.
region.                                                     Contact: Kathy Flores
                                                            Phone: 920-832-1564
Please provide your thoughts, or additional resources,      Email:
to Celestine Jeffreys, Diversity Manager, Green Bay Area
Chamber of Commerce at or
Kathy Flores, Diversity Coordinator, City of Appleton at    Diversity manager, Green Bay Area                                  Chamber of Commerce
                                                            Description: The diversity manager
The resources listed in this guide are for informational    seeks to improve the economic well-
purposes only. They are not endorsed by or sponsored by     being of minority-owned businesses and
New North, Inc., Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce,        minority employees.
the City of Appleton or their affiliates.                   Contact: Celestine Jeffreys
                                                            300 N. Broadway, Suite 3A
                                                            Green Bay, WI 54303
                                                            Phone: 920-593-3417

 Table of contents
Grocery Stores (Appleton)                       Downtown Appleton Farm Market
                                                College Ave.
Oriental Food Market                            Every Saturday, June 16-Oct. 27
343 W. Wisconsin Ave.                           8:00 am-12:30 pm
Appleton, WI 54913                              Experience the area’s largest farm market with
920-997-8250                                    more than 100 vendors selling fresh produce
                                                and flowers, exotic meats and cheeses,
Bangkok Oriental Food                           breads and baked goods, specialty foods
706 E. Wisconsin Ave.                           and handcrafted items along with live music
Appleton, WI 54911                              and free newspapers. PLUS, enjoy the local
920-733-7899                                    restaurants, retail stores, the Building for Kids
                                                Children’s Museum and all that Downtown
Oriental Food Mart                              Appleton has to offer! Special Features on
633 W. Wisconsin Ave.                           the third Saturday of the Month throughout
Appleton, WI 54913                              the Farm Market season: Art Market featuring
920-733-4680                                    handcrafted fine art and craft media and Green
                                                Market featuring products that help reduce,
D & K Asian Food Market                         recycle and reuse the earth’s resources.
122 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Appleton, WI 54913                              Grocery Stores (Green Bay)
                                                Asian Food Market
Super Deal Asian Oriental Food                  719 S. Broadway
219 S. Walter Ave.                              Green Bay, WI
Appleton, WI 54915                              920-435-5022
                                                LPV Oriental Food Store
Asian Food Store                                849 Shawano Ave.
236 W Calumet St. Ste. 4                        1125 Pine St.
Appleton, WI 54915                              Green Bay, WI 54303
920-954-8138                                    920-321-0677

Appleton Downtown Winter Farm Market            Kalia Oriental Market
100 W. College Ave., inside City Center Plaza   610 Bodart St.
Appleton, WI 54911                              Green Bay, WI
Phone: (920) 954-9112                           920-432-1292
November – March                                Asian Taste Supermarket
9am – 1pm                                       722 Bodart St.
                                                Green Bay, WI

                                                Main Oriental Market (KhwHmoob)
                                                Bruce & Kao Shoua Yang, Owners
                                                607 Pine St.
                                                Green Bay, WI 54301

 Table of contents
Local Farmers’ Markets                          Restaurants (Green Bay)
Pine and Monroe Streets
Green Bay, WI 54301                             Sunny’s Chinese Noodle House           2331 Velp Ave.
The City of Green Bay has operated a farmer’s   Green Bay, WI
market since 1917. The market features          920-6691-9088
more than 95 vendors with fresh, homegrown
fruits and vegetables. Other items include      Sunny’s provides luncheon specials every
homemade baked goods, herbs, fresh and          day and chef specialties. Chicken, beef, pork,
dried flowers, honey, syrup, meat, homemade     steak, spare ribs, and much more. Full menu of
crafts, and much more. There are also local     traditional beef entrées.
farmers’ markets in Kaukauna and Appleton.
You can visit the market website for more
information.                                    The Bangkok Garden
                                                240 N. Broadway
                                                Green Bay, WI
Restaurants (Appleton)                          920-433-9901
Meng’s Restaurant and Bar                       The Bangkok Garden has become Green Bay’s
236 W. Calumet St.                              best kept secret, serving fresh-made Thai food
Appleton, WI                                    to their lunch buffet, dinner and carry-out cus-
920-749-4747                                    tomers.
A quaint Asian/American-inspired restaurant
and banquet hall on Appleton’s south side.      Lotus Restaurant
                                                418 S. Military Ave.
Mai’s Deli                                      Green Bay, WI
104 S. Memorial Dr.                             920-498-9898
Appleton, WI 54911                    
920-733-7900                                    Lotus Restaurant offers mouth-watering Chinese                             and Thai cuisine in the Green Bay area. They
Email:                       value their customers, which is why they only
                                                serve premium quality food at reasonable rates.
Asian Taste Restaurant and Night Club           Email:
236 W. Calumet St.
Appleton, WI

N192 Stoney Brook Rd.
Appleton, WI 54915
(920) 955-3780
Shadows Food and Spirits
211 S. Walter St.
Appleton, WI 54915

 Table of contents
Places of Worship                               Living Stone Alliance Church
                                                Pastor: Xf. Vaam Txus Xyooj
(Green Bay Area)                                3131 N. Meade St.
                                                Appleton, WI 54911
Green Bay Hmong Alliance Church                 920-832-1310
Senior Pastor: Kx. Vaam Txus Yaaj
Youth Pastor: Mr. Zaam Lis Thoj                 Saint Paul Hmong Lutheran
1253 Mather St.                                 Pastor: Kx. Paul Thao (Kx. TxawjPovThoj)
Green Bay, WI 54303                             322 N. Morrison St.
920-494-5477                                    Appleton, WI 54911
Hmong Pilgrim Lutheran Church         
1731 St. Agnes Dr.
Green Bay, WI                                   Appleton Hmong Baptist Mission
920-965-2233                                    Pastor: Kx.BouaFue Lee                                 3600 N. Chippewa St.
Lutheran church. Childcare/preschool and        Appleton, WI 54915
daycare is offered. Services offered in Hmong   920-739-1636

New Faith Hmong Ministry
341 Wilson Ave.
Green Bay, WI
Association with the Hmong United Methodist
Churches. Services offered in Hmong language.

The Reader’s Choice
1950 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr.
Milwaukee, WI 53212

Places of Worship
(Appleton Area)
Fox Cities Lutheran Ministry
2220 E. College Ave.
Appleton, WI 54911

Hmong Alliance Church
303 N. Oneida St.
Appleton, WI 54911

 Table of contents
Professionals (Green Bay,                        Hmong American Partnership
                                                 President Bao Vang
Appleton, and Sheboygan Areas)                   2198 S. Memorial Dr.
                                                 Appleton, WI 54915
Hmong Wisconsin Radio                            920-739-3192
KorXiong                                         This agency provides social services­—call to
Hmong Wisconsin Radio                            get more details.
337 W. Wisconsin Ave. Ste. 6           
Appleton, WI 54911
920-882-2940                             Education
“Welcome to the Hmong Wisconsin Radio            Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
website. This radio station broadcasts news,     Asian American Student Association
talk shows, and entertainment for listeners of   Yia Thao, Occupational Training & S.E. Asian
all ages, 24 hours 7 days a week. Tune in to     Coordinator
listen and learn more about the Hmong culture    2740 W. Mason St.
and what the Hmong people are doing in           P.O. Box 19042
Wisconsin and around the world.”                 Green Bay, WI 54307
HmongTV “Keep you connect with Hmong   
people through television”             
KorXiong, President & CEO
337 W. Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 5                    Fox Valley Technical College
Appleton, WI 54911                               Hmong Student Union
920-257-8300                                     Attn: Koua Thao
920-763-227-3619                                 1825 N. Bluemound Dr.                              PO Box 2277                                   Appleton, WI 54912

Rainbo Graphics, LLC (Creative Design &          University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Print)                                           Hmong Studies Center
Peter Thao, graphic designer                     MAC B-324
1731 W. Washington St., Ste. C                   2400 Nicolet Dr.
Appleton, WI 54914                               Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
Specializes in graphic designs logo design,
brochures, flyers, posters, photos, magazines,
bannes and signs, video, CD, DVD covers, and

Bao Vang, News Reporter
115 S. Jefferson St.
Green Bay, WI 54301
Office: 920-438-3301
Cell: 920-639-3148
Fax: 920-639-3148

 Table of contents
Chiropractic                      Helping Hands Caregivers
                                  443 S. Jackson St.
Family Chiropractic               Green Bay, WI 54301
Salad Vang                        920-217-2961
2110 S. Memorial Dr.
Appleton, WI 54915                Happy In-Home Care
920-997-3889                      1731 W. Washington St., Ste. C
                                  Appleton, WI 54914
Bay Valley Health                 920-915-8563
Dr. Choua Lee, D.C.               1-866-977-3757
989 W. Mason St.        
Green Bay, WI 54303
920-435-7575                      Advance Personal Care
                                  Kurt Kom Kaub Xiong
                                  711 North Lynndale Dr., Ste. 2F
Dental (Local Hmong               Appleton, WI 54914
Practitioners)                    920-560-3158

David Blong Lee, D.D.S.
825 Michigan Ave.
Sheboygan, WI 53081

David Blong Lee, D.D.S.
412 E. Longview Dr., Ste. A
Appleton, WI 54911

Elderly Care/Personal Care
(Local Hmong Practitioners)
Tongxeng Personal Homecare, LLC
206 S. Memorial Dr.
Appleton, WI 54911
Phone: 920-734-1702
Fax: 920-734-1703

Tongxeng Personal Homecare, LLC
Choungyia Thoa
722 Bodart St.
Green Bay, WI 54301

Tongxeng Personal Homecare, LLC
North Webster Ave.
Green Bay, WI 54301

 Table of contents
Staffing Agency                                   ReMax Realtors
                                                  Hmong Agent: Xia M. Moua
AHEAD Wisconsin Area Office                       2325 Verlin Rd.
443 S. Jackson St.                                Green Bay, WI 54311
Green Bay, WI54301                                920-438-3439
Phone: 920-436-9887                               920-438-8000
Fax: 920-436-9886
                                                  Alterations & Clothing
                                                  Classic Media & Tailoring Alterations
Recka and Joannes, S.C.                           1276 Main St
Blia Vang                                         Green Bay, WI 54302
211 S. Monroe Ave.                                920-437-1909
Green Bay, WI 54301
920-435-8159                                      Vue’s Custom Fashion & Alterations
Services: Bankruptcy, personal injury, business   Zong Koua & Xe Vue
law, divorce for women, Lincoln title services,   1270 Main St., Ste. 130
malpractice, motorcycle injury, patent, trade-    Green Bay, WI 54301
mark, and copyright, selling a home and estate    Phone: 920-857-3347
planning.                                         Cell: 920-360-2406
Attorneys Hinkfuss and Thao
125 S. Jefferson St., Ste. 101
Green Bay, WI                                     Travel
                                                  Paradise Travel
920-205-6103 – HaislusHmoob
                                                  Tulue Lor, travel consultant
                                                  215 Deschane Plc.
                                                  Green Bay, WI 54302
Hmong Legal Center
337 W. Wisconsin Ave.                             Phone: 920-406-9309
                                                  Cell: 920-713-6404
Appleton, WI 54911-4361
                                                  Cell: 920-217-7872
(920) 730-0889
Hmong Realtors                                    Specializes in international and domestic
                                                  airfare, passport and re-enter permit, Visa to
Plc. Perfect Realty (kuvpabyuavthiabmuagtsev)     Thailand, Lao, etc.
Ker Vang, Realtor
2445B Lineville Rd.
Green Bay, WI 54303
Phone: 920-434-2400 Ext. 104
Cell: 920-562-4436
Fax: 920-434-1166

Neighborhood Realtors, LLC
Hmong Agent: Yang Kong
119 S. Webster Ave.
Green Bay, WI 54301

 Table of contents
Insurance                                           National Mutual Benefit
                                                    Youa Lee
JV Insurance & Financial Services                   1320 Creekside Ln.
Jeming Vang                                         Green Bay, WI 54311
2245 S. Oneida St., #2                              920-406-6552
Appleton, WI 54915
Phone: 920-202-5530                                 K-Financial Services, LLC
Cell: 920-205-8017                                  820 Ontonagon Ct.                          Green Bay, WI 54301
Specializes in auto insurance, life insurance,      920-362-1181
home insurance, retirement planning, college
funding, disability insurance and other financial
needs                                               National Mutual Benefit
                                                    Youa Lee
UFIS United Family Insurance Solutions, LLC         1320 Creekside Ln.
John C. Lee, Founder & CEO                          Green Bay, WI 54311
1214 N. Division St.                                920-406-6552
Appleton, WI 54911
920-996-4867                                        HBW Insurance & Financial Services, Inc.                             Wawoo Xiong                              1418 Huron Ave.
Specializes in auto, home, life, health and         Sheboygan, WI 53081
business insurance services.                        920-698-0151
Yang Insurance Agency
Lue Yang
906 E. Walnut St.
Green Bay, WI 54301

Marquette Group
Scott Folsom
425 S. Military Rd.
Green Bay, WI 54303

Sentry Insurance
John C. Lee
1524 N. Edgewood Ave.
Appleton, WI 54914

Farmers Insurance Group
Pao Vang
33 Park Plc., Ste. 300
Appleton, WI 54914

 Table of contents
Banquet Halls                                Tundra Lodge
                                             865 Lombardi Ave.
Capacity fewer than 200 people               Green Bay, WI
Note: All maximum capacity is assumed with   920-405-8700
using round tables. The use of rectangular
tables increases the ability to seat more,
doubling it in some cases.                   Brett Favre’s Steakhouse
                                             1004 Brett Favre Pass
Heritage Hill                                Green Bay, WI
2640 S. Webster Ave.                         920-499-6874
Green Bay, WI                      
920-448-5150                                 index.html
                                             The Stadium View
Capacity fewer than 500 people               19636 Holmgren Way
                                             Green Bay, WI
Humboldt Haus                                920-498-1989
4931 Humboldt Rd.                  
Green Bay, WI
920-863-5458                                 The Grand Meridian
                                             2621 N. Oneida St.
Starlite Club                                Appleton, WI 54911
W2091 Cty. Rd. JJ                            920-968-2621
Appleton, WI 54913                 
920-788-5296                        Capacity fewer than 1000 people
                                             Liberty Hall
High Cliff                                   800 Eisenhower Dr.
W5095 Golf Course Rd.                        Kimberly, WI 54136
Sherwood, WI                                 920-731-0164
                                             Van Abel’s
Cobblestone Creek                            8108 Cty. Rd. D
740 West Ryan St.                            Kaukauna, WI 54130
Brillion, WI 54110                           920-766-2291
                                             Monarch Gardens
The Marq                                     2311 W. Spencer St.
3177 French Rd.                              Grand Chute, WI 54914
De Pere, WI 54115                            920-738-6668
                                             Darboy Club
                                             N9695 Cty. Rd. N
The Meadows                                  Appleton, WI 54915
850 Kepler Dr.                               920-734-7010
Green Bay, WI 54311                

 Table of contents
Riverside Ballroom             Associations
1560 Main St.
Green Bay, WI                  Hmong American Partnership Fox Valley, Inc.
920-432-5518                   2198 S. Memorial Dr.     Appleton, WI 54915
Capacity Unknown
                               United Hmong Asian American Community
Fox Banquets                   Center, Inc.
111 E. Kimball St.             Wa Yia Thao, President
Appleton, WI 54911             Staryoung Thao, Director
920-731-7291                   401 9th St.   Green Bay, WI
The Woods                      This association hosts and organizes social
530 Erie Rd.                   gatherings and events for the Hmong
Green Bay, WI                  Community, an ideal place to network into
920-468-5729                   the Hmong community.
                               Multicultural Center of Greater Green Bay
                               Nia Cha Yang, President
                               217 N. Madison St.
                               Green Bay, WI 54302

                               My Der Vang Hmong Association—
                               Hmong culture, history and diversity
                               200 S. Ashland Ave.
                               Green Bay, WI 54303

                               Appleton Public Library Hmong Resource
                               225 N. Oneida St.
                               Appleton, WI 54911-4980

                               Wisconsin National Guard
                               SSG Lee Vang Thao
                               Recruiting & Retention NCO, Recruiting &
                               Retention Battalion
                               2801 W. Second St.
                               Appleton, WI 54911
                               Phone: 920-889-0141
                               Cell: 920-268-3971

 Table of contents
Funeral Location                         Events
Legacy Chapel Funeral Home & Cremation   Hmong New Year
Services                                 Organized by the United Hmong Community
838 S. Fisk St.                          Center of Green Bay, the Hmong New Year is
Green Bay, WI 54304                      celebrated at the Brown County Arena. One of
920-498-1118                             the most unusual aspects of the Hmong culture
                                         is that the New Year Festival is celebrated with
Malcore Funeral Home                     everyone in the community. The New Year is
1530 W. Mason St.                        the only time of the year that these people
Green Bay, WI 54303                      have off work as they farm all year. So it is
920-499-4100                             no wonder that this time of the year is most
                                         important as it fulfills all of their religious and
Malcore Funeral Home                     social functions.
701 N. Baird St.
Green Bay, WI 54302                      The Hmong do not always celebrate the New
920-432-5579                             Year on the official date as it may not coincide              with the end of the harvesting of the rice. It
                                         is also preferable that the New Year festival
Valley Funeral Home                      coincide with other nearby villages so that
2211 North Richmond St.                  the unmarried men of the village can meet
Appleton, WI 54911                       prospective wives in other communities as well.
920-733-5435                             In Australia they celebrate at Christmas/New
                                         Year when they can have a holiday.

                                         The New Year festival must be at least. three
                                         days as it was considered bad luck for it to
                                         last a day that was an even number. It can
                                         last a month to a month and a half. For more
                                         information, contact WaYiaThao.

 Table of contents
chapter three |                                             Diversity & Organizations

                                                            Diversity coordinator, City of Appleton
                                                            Community & Economic Development
Resources for Indian Residents                              Description: The diversity coordinator is
                                                            committed to promoting understanding
Welcome to the New North Guide: Resources for Indian        and acceptance for all people by creating
Residents. These resources are intended for those           and supporting a culture of inclusion that
wishing to experience the Indian culture in the New North   celebrates and values our similarities and
region.                                                     differences.
                                                            Contact: Kathy Flores
Please provide your thoughts, or additional resources,      Phone: 920-832-1564
to Celestine Jeffreys, Diversity Manager, Green Bay Area    Email:
Chamber of Commerce at or 
Kathy Flores, Diversity Coordinator, City of Appleton at                                  Diversity manager, Green Bay Area
                                                            Chamber of Commerce
The resources listed in this guide are for informational    Description: The diversity manager
purposes only. They are not endorsed by or sponsored by     seeks to improve the economic well-
New North, Inc., Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce,        being of minority-owned businesses and
the City of Appleton or their affiliates.                   minority employees.
                                                            Contact: Celestine Jeffreys
                                                            300 N. Broadway, Suite 3A
                                                            Green Bay, WI 54303
                                                            Phone: 920-593-3417

 Table of contents
Grocery Stores                                     Festival Foods
                                                   Festival Foods carries a variety of food includ-
India Bazaar (Green Bay)                           ing fresh fruits and vegetables. When making a
2979 Allied St. Ste. E                             business decision, they ask themselves, “What
Green Bay, WI 54304                                can we do to bring our customers back?” They
920-217-2677                                       offer different recipes each week. Festival also
This grocery store has been in business since      partners with the local news station WLUK Fox
2007. Here you can find a variety of Indian        11 with a television show “Cooking with Amy.”
foods and specialties. The assortments of food     Coupons can be found on their website, in the
include: frozen dinners, authentic desserts,       newspaper and at the store.
herbs and spices, and imported groceries. The
store also has a selection of Indian movies to     Green Bay East
rent and limited clothing items.                   2534 Steffens Ct.
                                                   Green Bay, WI 54311
India Grocery (Appleton)                           920-465-3800
2333 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Appleton, WI 54914                                 Appleton
920-733-8200                                       1200 W. Northland Ave.
This grocery store is located in Appleton and      Appleton, WI 54914
sells retail as well as wholesale products. Some   920-968-2212
of the items include food, hygiene and video
rentals.                                           Darboy
                                                   W3195 Van Roy Rd.
                                                   Appleton, WI 54915
Alternative Grocery Stores (Not                    920-968-2200
Specific to Indian Foods)
                                                   De Pere
Woodman’s Grocery                                  1001 Main Ave.
Green Bay                                          De Pere, WI 54115
2400 Dousman St.                                   920-336-6520
Green Bay, WI 54303                      
                                                   Downtown Appleton Farm Market
Appleton                                           College Avenue
595 N. Westhill Blvd                               Every Saturday, June 16-October 27
Appleton, WI 54914                                 8:00 am-12:30 pm
920-735-6655                                  Experience the area’s largest farm market with
Woodman’s is an employee-owned grocery             more than 100 vendors selling fresh produce
store. They have many options and a large aisle    and flowers, exotic meats and cheeses,
of ethnic foods. You can find many options         breads and baked goods, specialty foods
here at low costs.                                 and handcrafted items along with live music
                                                   and free newspapers. PLUS, enjoy the local
Appleton Downtown Winter Farm Market               restaurants, retail stores, the Building for Kids
100 W. College Ave., inside City Center Plaza      Children’s Museum and all that Downtown
Appleton, WI 54911                                 Appleton has to offer! Special Features on
Phone: (920) 954-9112                              the third Saturday of the Month throughout
INDOOR / SEASONAL                                  the Farm Market season: Art Market featuring
Saturdays, November – March                        Handcrafted fine art and craft media and Green
9am – 1pm                                          Market featuring products that help reduce,
                                                   recycle and reuse the earth’s resources.

 Table of contents
Local Farmers’ Markets                           The below listed restaurants are vegetarian,
Pine and Monroe Streets                          but not specifically Indian cuisine
Green Bay, WI 54301            Harmony Café
                                                 (Green Bay)
The City of Green Bay has operated a farmers’    1660 W. Mason St.
market since 1917. The market features over      Green Bay, WI 54303
95 vendors with fresh, homegrown fruits and      920-569-1593
vegetables. Other items include homemade
baked goods, herbs, fresh and dried flowers,     (Appleton)
honey, syrup, meat, homemade crafts, and         233 East College Ave.
much more. There are also local farmers’         Appleton, WI 54911
markets in Kaukauna and Appleton. You can        920-734-2233
visit the Market Website for more information.
                                                 This is a non-profit coffee house whose profits
Restaurants                                      go to local Goodwill stores in North Central
                                                 Wisconsin. They are known for their specialty
Taste of India (Green Bay)                       coffees, and also includes free Wi-Fi.
930 Waube Ln.
Green Bay, WI 54304                              Kavarna
920-338-9200                                     143 N. Broadway St.                        Green Bay, WI 54303
This restaurant caters to both vegetarian and    920-430-3200
meat-eaters. They provide authentic Indian
food as well as imported wines and beers.        This is a vegetarian coffeehouse that offers a
                                                 full menu of meals throughout the day. Kavarna
India Darbar (Appleton)                          has been known for its “socially positive
2333 W. Wisconsin Ave.                           interaction” environment.
Appleton, WI 54914
This restaurant provides authentic Indian
cuisine, and is known for their use of
aromatic spices. India Darbar is connected
to India Grocery. There is also a banquet hall
attached that can cater to weddings and other

Sai Ram Indian Cuisine (Appleton)
253 W. Northland Ave.
Appleton, WI 54911
Sai Ram offers freshly made, authentic Indian
food. It features both vegetarian and non-
vegetarian specials.

 Table of contents
Health And Beauty                                    Family Entertainment
Hetal and Reema Patel                                Bay Beach Amusement Park
2120 Ashland Ave                                     1313 Bay Beach Rd.
Green Bay, WI 54304                                  Green Bay, WI 54302
Hetal: 920-819-8180                                  920-448-3365
Reema: 920-445-1044                        
Many services are offered which include: eye-        This amusement park is fun for all ages. There
brow threading, facials, hair styling, henna, hair   are children-oriented rides which include a train
oil massage, mehandi and much more. Call for         ride, mini-beetle carts, or a swimming area, to
an appointment.                                      more advanced rides such as the Scat, Tilt-A-
                                                     Whirl and bumper cars.
JC Penney
Ashwaubenon                                          Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
800 Willard Dr.                                      1660 East Shore Dr.
Ashwaubenon, WI 54304                                Green Bay, WI 54302
920-497-9364                                         920-391-3671
Appleton                                             This is a great place where people can interact
4301 W. Wisconsin Ave                                with wildlife. It features 700 acres of amazing
Appleton, WI 54913                                   sites—and even better, IT’S FREE!
JC Penney Salons are located in the Bay Park         Barnes & Noble
Square Mall in Green Bay, as well as in the Fox      2498 S. Oneida St.
River Mall in Appleton. They have a variety of       Ashwaubenon, WI 54304
stylists who can tend to your specific wants         920-490-1770
and needs. They are a full-service hair salon
that is capable of cuts, color, highlights, brow     Appleton
waxing, and also sells various branded lines of      4705 W. Grande Market Dr.
hair care products.                                  Grand Chute, WI 54915
Green Bay                                            A chess club is held here where all are welcome
2066 Central Dr.                                     to join. It takes place on Thursday evenings.
Green Bay, WI 54301
920-406-7552                                         Chuck E Cheese
                                                     Green Bay
Appleton                                             1273 Lombardi Access Rd.
133 East College Ave.                                Green Bay, WI 54304
Appleton, WI 54911                                   920-497-0338
920-993-1212                                  Appleton
Indira is a salon that offers many different         4671 W. Michaels Dr.
services for cutting and styling hair, as well as    Appleton, WI 54913
other spa treatments. One of the spa treat-          920-832-8323
ments they offer is an ethnic relaxing treatment.
Indira also has a “Lifestyles Reward Program”        Chuck E Cheese is a family restaurant and
that gives the customer points based on each         arcade. The main cuisine is pizza. Kids can play
visit or referral to Indira Salon and Spa.           arcade games and earn tickets to claim prizes.
                                                     There is also a giant play land with tunnels,
                                                     slides, etc.

 Table of contents
Family Entertainment (Appleton)                        Cultural Activities
Building For Kids                                      Festival of Lights
100 W. College Ave.                          
Appleton, WI 54911                                     To find information on the Festival of Lights
920-734-3226                                           celebration, please check the Green Bay                          Indians website at Green Bay Indians Home.
This children’s museum is made specifically            Information regarding celebrations and events
for hands-on experiences and learning                  are updated periodically.
opportunities. These include: a water works
exhibit, building blocks, arts and crafts, and         Indian Music Lessons
a tree house big enough for you and all your           920-321-0612
friends. You can ride a life-size fire truck           Vsreemayee conducts music lessons. Call for
or airplane. Your child’s imagination will be          more information.
soaring for days after a visit here!
Monkey Joe’s                                           Green Bay Community Church
1800 N. Casaloma Dr.                                   600 Cardinal Ln.
Appleton, WI 54913                                     Green Bay, WI 54313
920-954-5437                                                                          BalGokulam is a forum that enables Hindu
Here is a facility with oversized inflatable slides,   children in the USA to appreciate their cultural
obstacle courses and jumping areas. Monkey             roots and values.
Joe’s also has an arcade were you can earn
tickets to get prizes. Designated areas are            Indian Cricket Team
provided for special parties and events, as well       Pioneer Park
as a canteen for snacks and food.                      Green Bay, WI 54313
Wild Air                                               A group gets together to play cricket at Pioneer
3223 Springfield Dr.                                   Park in Green Bay. For more information, go
Appleton, WI 54915                                     to the Green Bay Indians website, under the
920-830-2200                                           Cricket tab.
Open since 2001, this is a great place to bring        Bay Area Yoga
the kids for an enjoyable time. There are giant,       2020 S. Webster St.
colored inflatables in the facility—including          Green Bay, WI 54304
slides and an obstacle course.                         920-445-7221
The below listed facilities are located                Bay Area Yoga is an experienced yoga facility
throughout Wisconsin                                   that teaches many yoga styles including
                                                       Bikram yoga, an Indian created yoga style from
Wisconsin Campgrounds                                  thousands of years ago.
Wisconsin Campgrounds is a central hub web-
site that includes locations and descriptions of
various campgrounds around Wisconsin.

 Table of contents
Religious Services                                   IANEW
Hindu Temple of Northeast Wisconsin                  The Indian Association of Northeast Wisconsin
911 Delanglade St.                                   is a non-profit organization that creates
Kaukauna, WI 54130                                   awareness about India’s culture and heritage                                            to the local community. Here you can find
                                                     information on how to get involved in different
Appleton Gurudwara                                   activities.
1304 Midway Rd.
Menasha, WI 54952                                    The website also has many links to other
                                                     websites that include music, news, and
Hindu Temple of Wisconsin                            immigration information.
N4063 W243 Pewaukee Rd.
Pewaukee, WI 53072                                   Islamic Society of Wisconsin (Green Bay
262-695-1200                                         Masjid)
One of the nearest temples to Green Bay is           2615 Packerland Dr., #F
located just outside of Milwaukee in Pewaukee.       Green Bay, WI 54313
Sikh Temple of Fox Valley                            php?id=55321&lang=
1304 Midway Rd
Menasha, WI 54952                                    Orkut
920-209-7786                                                           Orkut is a networking website (much like
                                                     Facebook) used by many people in the Indian
                                                     community to stay in touch with each other.
Resources & Groups                                   You need to register an account to access the
                                                     services, which include instant messaging and
Green Bay Indians                                    video/picture messaging.
This is a website that puts all the information
for Indian families in one place. Here you can       Professional Services
find information on things for sale, local events,
and other useful tools to get involved with the      Ashi Tannan (Realtor)
Indian community in Green Bay.                       775 S. Nicolet Rd.
                                                     Appleton, WI 54914
IndUS                                                920-733-7800                             
The mission of IndUS of the Fox Valley is “dedi-     ashi-tannan-10712432
cated to promoting Indo-American friendship          Ashi is a realtor for Century 21.
and goodwill by serving the community through
social, cultural, educational and charitable

 Table of contents
Banquet Halls
                                             Tundra Lodge
Capacity fewer than 200 people               865 Lombardi Ave.
Note: All maximum capacity is assumed with   Green Bay, WI
using round tables. The use of rectangular   920-405-8700
tables increases the ability to seat more,
doubling it in some cases.
                                             Brett Favre’s Steakhouse
Heritage Hill                                1004 Brett Favre Pass
2640 S. Webster Ave.                         Green Bay, WI
Green Bay, WI                                920-499-6874
920-448-5150                                             index.html

Capacity fewer than 500 people               The Stadium View
                                             19636 Holmgren Way
Humboldt Haus                                Green Bay, WI
4931 Humboldt Rd.                            920-498-1989
Green Bay, WI                      
                                             The Grand Meridian
Starlite Club                                2621 N. Oneida St.
W2091 Cty. Rd. JJ                            Appleton, WI 54911
Appleton, WI 54913                           920-968-2621
                                             Capacity fewer than 1000 people
High Cliff
W5095 Golf Course Rd.                        Liberty Hall
Sherwood, WI                                 800 Eisenhower Dr.
920-989-1050                                 Kimberly, WI 54136                     920-731-0164
Cobblestone Creek
740 West Ryan St.                            Van Abel’s
Brillion, WI 54110                           8108 Cty. Rd. D
920-756-3214                                 Kaukauna, WI 54130                          920-766-2291
The Marq
3177 French Rd.                              Monarch Gardens
De Pere, WI 54115                            2311 W. Spencer St.
920-532-4811                                 Grand Chute, WI 54914                            920-738-6668

The Meadows                                  Darboy Club
850 Kepler Dr.                               N9695 Cty. Rd. N
Green Bay, WI 54311                          Appleton, WI 54915
920-465-6700                                 920-734-7010             

 Table of contents
Riverside Ballroom
1560 Main St.
Green Bay, WI

Capacity Unknown

Fox Banquets
111 E. Kimball St.
Appleton, WI 54911

The Woods
530 Erie Rd.
Green Bay, WI

 Table of contents
chapter four | Latino
Culture Guide
Bienvenido al Nuevo Norte Generales                                     Diversity & Organizations
de la Comunidad y la Cultura Guía de
recursos.                                                               Diversity coordinator, City of Appleton
                                                                        Community & Economic Development
Bienvenido al Nuevo Norte Generales de la Comunidad y la
Cultura Guía de recursos.                                               Description: The diversity coordinator is
                                                                        committed to promoting understanding
Bienvenida al Nuevo Norte, una región vibrante para aprender,           and acceptance for all people by creating
experimentar, volverse, rendir culto y diviértase. El Guía General de   and supporting a culture of inclusion that
la Comunidad y la Cultura Guía de recursos da muchos recursos           celebrates and values our similarities and
que ayudarán a los residentes se sientan como en casa. La lista         differences.
incluye las actividades, los recursos comunitarios, los recursos        Contact: Kathy Flores
educativos, y las empresas culturales específicos. Esperamos que        Phone: 920-832-1564
usted encontraráen las guías de valor, y disfrutar de la exploración    Email:
del Nuevo Norte.
Este archivo PDF seguirá creciendo con el tiempo. Esta lista inicial
abarca solamente de los recursos de las áreas en Green Bay y            Diversity manager, Green Bay Area
Appleton. En los próximos meses, el comité se agregan recursos          Chamber of Commerce
de Oshkosh y Fond du Lac. La responsabilidad principal de este          Description: The diversity manager
comité de es encontrar maneras de atraer y retener el talento           seeks to improve the economic well-
diverso para cada área, y permitir al publico a tomar conciencia        being of minority-owned businesses and
de los recursos locales.                                                minority employees.
                                                                        Contact: Celestine Jeffreys
Por favor, da sus pensamientos o recursos adicionales a Celestine       300 N. Broadway, Suite 3A
Jeffreys, La Directora de la Diversidad, a la Cámara de Comercio
                                                                        Green Bay, WI 54303
de Green Bay a .
                                                                        Phone: 920-593-3417
Los recursos mencionados en esta guía son sólo para utilizados          Email:
informativos. Ellos no están respaldados por o auspiciados por el
Nuevo Norte o sus afiliados.

La Guía de la Comunidad General
Bienvenidos a la Guía de la Comunidad General del Nuevo Norte.
Esta lista, aunque no tiene todo incluido, presenta los recursos
para cualquiera que esta considerando dar un paso a la región, así
como los residentes actuales que están buscando para lugares
nuevos para explorar. Esperamos que usted encontrará el valor en
nuestra Guía de Recursos, y disfrutar de la exploración del Nuevo

 Table of contents
Programas para Niños/                              YMCA
                                                   GREEN BAY LOCATIONS
Programs for Children                              (Downtown)
                                                   234 N. Jefferson St.
ELL                                                Green Bay, WI 54301
Julie Seefeldt- associate director, Green Bay
920-448-35694                               APPLETON LOCATIONS
ELL/Bilingual education coordinator                218 E. Lawrence St.
Bill Curtis                                        Appleton, WI 54911
920-832-1729                                       920-739-6135             
Kroc Center                                        FOX VALLEY LOCATIONS
1315 Lime Kiln Rd.                                 222 W. Kennedy Ave.
Green Bay, WI 54311                                Kimberly, WI 54136
920-884-5007                                       920-830-5722                         
                                                   La YMCA tiene múltiples actividades que
Club de Niños/Boys & Girls Club Green Bay          resulten atractivas para todas las edades,
311 S. Oneida St.                                  incluyendo los eventos culturales de todo el
Green Bay, WI 54303                                ano.
and                                                The YMCA has multiple activities that are
1451 University Ave                                appealing to all ages, including cultural events
Green Bay, WI 54303                                around the year.

160 S. Badger Ave
Appleton, WI 54914
El Boys&Girls Club tiene un Programa de
Alcance Latino que permite a los niños de la
localidad a participar con otros jóvenes latinos
en el área.

The Boys & Girls Club has a Latino Outreach
Program that allows local children to get
involved with other Latino youth in the area.

 Table of contents
Ropa/Clothes                                        Leti y Dayi Jewelry
                                                    2214 S. Oneida St.
Moda Latina                                         Appleton, WI 54915
2225 University Ave.                                920-205-1721
Green Bay, WI 54302                                 920-371-2146
Esta tienda ofrece ropa formal para hombres         Esta tienda ofrece una gran variedad de ropa,
y mujeres, e incluyendo la ropa (vestidos) de       desde ropa vaquera hasta ropa de la boda. Las
quinceañeras. Tambié nestán disponibles             demás prendas de ocasión especial incluyen
accesorios como joyas y bolsos.                     eventos como la primera comunión, bautizos,
                                                    vestidos de noche, y la joyería.
This store offers formalwear for both men and
women, including apparel for quinceañeras.          This store offers a large array of clothing
Also available are accessories such as jewelry      from jeans to wedding apparel. Other special
and purses.                                         occasion clothes include events such as first
                                                    communion, baptism, evening gowns and
Joyería Julies y Moda                               jewelry.
1737/1739 University Ave.
Green Bay, WI 54302                                 Librerías/Bookstores
Esta tienda tiene ropa para hombres y mujeres.      Barnes & Noble
El estilo de las mujeres va desde ropa casual       Ashwaubenon
(jeans) para ropa formal (vestidos para una         2498 S. Oneida St.
quinceañera). El estilo de los hombres es de        Ashwaubenon, WI 54304
vaquero, e incluye ropa, sombreros de vaque-        920-490-1770
ro, y botas. Otros artículos disponibles incluyen
perfumes, zapatos y joyas.                          Appleton
                                                    4705 W. Grande Market Dr.
This store has clothes for both men and wom-        Grand Chute, WI 54915
en. The style for women range from casual           920-831-7880
clothes (blue jeans) to formalwear (dresses for
aquinceañeras). The style for men is cowboy,
and includes clothes, hats, and boots. Other        Barnes and Noble tieneun gran variedad de
items available here include perfume, shoes,        librosdiferentes en español. Los géneros
and jewelry.                                        incluyen libros infantiles, cómics, ficción,
                                                    superación, adolescentes, novelas, y textos/
Novedades Mi Fiesta                                 libros de idiomas.
2350 E. Mason St. #9
Green Bay, WI                                       Barnes and Noble has a large variety of
920-435-9720                                        different books in Spanish. The genres include
El lugar perfecto para tus: Fiestas, bodas,         children’s books, comics, fiction, self-help,
quinceañeras, bautizos, comuniones, presenta-       teens, novels, and text/language books.
ciones, decoraciones de salones e iglesias.
The perfect place for your: parties, weddings,      Reader’s Loft
quinceañeras, baptisms, communions, presen-         2069 Central Ct., Ste. 44
tations and classroom/church decorations.           Green Bay, WI
El Forastero
2250 University Ave.
Green Bay, WI

 Table of contents
Supermercados/Supermarkets                         Supermercados/Supermarkets
(Appleton)                                         (Green Bay)
Carnicería México                                  Mi Tierra Food Market
137 W. Calumet St.                                 1333 Cedar St.
Appleton, WI 54915                                 Green Bay, WI 54302
920-830-4531                                       920-435-6179
Esta es una tienda de abarrotes tradicionales
mexicana que sirve las carnes frescas y otros      El Tapatio Bakery
alimentos importados de México. Carnicería         1638 University Ave.
México también ofrece ventas de teléfonos y        Green Bay, WI
servicios.                                         920-430-1442

This is a traditional Mexican grocery store that   La Chiquita
serves fresh meat and other imported Mexican       1464 University Ave.
groceries. Carnicería Mexico also offers phone     Green Bay, WI 54302
sales and services.                                920-430-1018

Quinto Sol SuperMarket                             La Rosa (Panadería y Florería)
2311 W. College Ave.                               1742 UniversityAve.
Appleton, WI 54914                                 Green Bay, WI 54302
920-380-9283                                       920-445-0399

Hernandes- Productos Mexicanos y Carnicería        Panadería Genesis
2310 W. College Ave., Ste. F                       1935 Shawano Ave.
Appleton, WI                                       Green Bay, Wi 54303
920-733-2240                                       920-393-4269

Reyes Bakery                                       Supermercado El Local
2305 S. Oneida St.                                 1209 E. Mason St.
Appleton, WI 54914                                 Green Bay, WI
920-830-7970                                       920-435-1833
Esta panadería y pastelería maravillosa es
uno de los pocos en la ciudad que ofrece
panes mexicanos tradicionales y productos
de panadería. Ofrecen pasteles para cada
ocasione (eventos incluyen quinceañeras),
el pan, el pan dulce y mucho mas.

This wonderful bakery is one of the only in the
city offering traditional Mexican breads and
bakery goods. They offer special occasion
cakes (such events include quinceañeras),
sweet bread, pastries, and much more. Call for

 Table of contents
Servicios de Eventos Especiales/                  Professional sound and light show.Music from
                                                  3 in the afternoon until 1 in the morning for only
Special Event Services                            $450. Enjoy your party with a range of music
                                                  from N.ern, cumdias, bachata, sonidero, me-
Juanita Portraits                                 rengue, salsa and rock. Plus enjoy karaoke in
2328 Meadow Heights Cir.                          Spanish and English.
Neenah, WI 54956
920-224-3712                         Música/ Music (Green Bay)
Se habla Español.                                 Rafael Foto Studio y Video
R & S Limusinas                                   Este estudio de fotografía ofrece servicios para
8115 County Rd. MM                                bodas, quinceañeras, bautizos, cumpleaños y
Larsen, WI 54947                                  para cada ocasión.
920-213-5415                                This photography studio provides services for                                weddings, quinceañeras, baptisms, birthdays
Esta empresa limusina ofrece paseos segura        and for every occasion.
y profesional para cada ocasión. Se pueden
hacer reservaciones para eventos especiales       Isabella’s Dulcería y Florería
como bodas, bailes, conciertos, graduaciones,     1719 University Ave.
despedidas de soltero/saltera y mucho más.        Green Bay, WI 54302
Llamar o enviar un correo electrónic o para más   920-465-5750
detalles.                                         920-366-1161
                                                  Esta tienda de fiestas tiene todo lo necesario
This limousine company offers safe,               para un gran interiores o exterior encuentro.
professional rides for every occasion.            Decoraciones están disponibles para todas las
Reservations can be made for special events       fiestas y ocasiones, y tienen suministros tales
like weddings, dances, concerts, graduations,     como globos, piñatas, inflables del partido,
bachelor/bachelorette parties and much more.      y los favores del partido. Otras necesidades
Call or send an email for more details.           se ofrecen son mesas, sillas, y carpas para
                                                  alquiler y también ser puesta en marcha y son
                                                  desmontados por los empleados de Isabella.
Música/ Music (Appleton)
                                                  This party shop has everything necessary for a
DJ Rocky                                          great indoor or outdoor get-together. Decorations
Luz y Sonido (light and sound)                    are available for all holidays and occasions, and
932 W. Lawrence St.                               have supplies such as balloons, piñatas, party
Appleton, WI 54911                                inflatables, and party favors. Other necessities
920-268-9326                                      are offered such as tables, chairs, and tents for
920-205-6420                                      rent and can also be set-up and taken down by
                                                  Isabella employees.
“Sonidoprofesional y show de luces. Música
desde las 3 de la tarde hasta la 1 de la mañana   C & S Fiesta Décor
por solamente $450. Disfrute de su fiesta con     2233 University Ave.
nuestra variedad de música duranguense,           Green Bay, WI
nortenas, cumdias, bachata, sonideras,            920-205-9965
merengue, salsa y rock, además disfrute de
karaoke en español e inglés.”

 Table of contents
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