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Neural Self-Training through Spaced Repetition Hadi Amiri Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard 10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115 Abstract learner is re-trained using the new labeled dataset. This process repeats until there is no more unla- Self-training is a semi-supervised learning ap- beled data left or no improvement is observed in proach for utilizing unlabeled data to create model performance on validation data (Zhu, 2006; better learners. The efficacy of self-training al- Zhu and Goldberg, 2009). gorithms depends on their data sampling tech- niques. The majority of current sampling tech- Conventional self-training methods often rely niques are based on predetermined policies on prediction confidence of their learners to sam- which may not effectively explore the data ple unlabeled data. Typically the most confident space or improve model generalizability. In unlabeled instances are selected (HEARST, 1991; this work, we tackle the above challenges by Yarowsky, 1995; Riloff and Jones, 1999; Zhou introducing a new data sampling technique et al., 2012). This strategy often causes only based on spaced repetition that dynamically those unlabeled instances that match well with the samples informative and diverse unlabeled in- stances with respect to individual learner and current model being selected during self-training, instance characteristics. The proposed model therefore, the model may fail to best generalize is specifically effective in the context of neu- to complete sample space (Zhang and Rudnicky, ral models which can suffer from overfitting 2006; Wu et al., 2018). Ideally, a self-training al- and high-variance gradients when trained with gorithm should explore the space thoroughly for small amount of labeled data. Our model better generalization and higher performance. Re- outperforms current semi-supervised learning cently Wu et al. (2018) developed an effective data approaches developed for neural networks on sampling technique for “co-training” (Blum and publicly-available datasets. Mitchell, 1998) methods which require two dis- 1 Introduction tinct views of data. Although effective, this model can’t be readily applied to some text datasets due It is often expensive or time-consuming to ob- to the two distinct view requirement. tain labeled data for Natural Language Processing In the context of neural networks, pretraining tasks. In addition, manually-labeled datasets may is an effective semi-supervised approach in which not contain enough samples for downstream data layers of a network are first pretrained by learning analysis or novelty detection (Wang and Hebert, to reconstruct their inputs, and then network pa- 2016). To tackle these issues, semi-supervised rameters are optimized by supervised fine-tuning learning (Zhu, 2006; Chapelle et al., 2009) has be- on a target task (Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006; come an important topic when one has access to Bengio et al., 2007; Erhan et al., 2010). While small amount of labeled data and large amount of pretraining has been effective in neural language unlabeled data. modeling and document classification (Dai and Self-training is a type of semi-supervised learn- Le, 2015; Miyato et al., 2016), it has an inherent ing in which a downstream learner (e.g. a clas- limitation: the same neural model or parts thereof sifier) is first trained with labeled data, then the must be used in both pretraining and fine-tuning trained model is applied to unlabeled data to gen- steps. This poses a major limitation on the design erate more labeled instances. A select sample of choices as some pretraining tasks may need to ex- these instances together with their pseudo (pre- ploit several data types (e.g., speech and text), or dicted) labels are added to the labeled data and the might require deeper network architectures. 21 Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2019, pages 21–31 Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2 - June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics
Leitner Queue The above challenges and intuitions inspire our work on developing a novel approach for neural Training data Neural Network self-training. The core part of our approach is a data sampling policy which is inspired by find- ings in cognitive psychology about spaced repeti- Sampling Unlabeled tion (Dempster, 1989; Cepeda et al., 2006; Averell data Policy Learner and Heathcote, 2011); the phenomenon in which a learner (often a human) can learn efficiently and effectively by accurately scheduling reviews of learning materials. In contrast to previous Figure 1: Neural Self-training Framework: at every self-training episode, the network uses current labeled self-training approaches, our spaced repetition- data to iteratively optimize its parameters against a based data sampling policy is not predetermined, target task, and dynamically explores unlabeled data explores the entire data space, and dynamically space through spaced repetition (specifically Leitner selects unlabeled instances with respect to the queue) to inform a data sampler that selects unlabeled “strength” of a downstream learner on a target data for the next self-training episode. Dashed/Red and task, and “easiness” of unlabeled instances. In ad- solid/green arrows in Leitner queue indicate instance dition, our model relaxes the “same model” con- movements among queues. straint of pretraining-based approaches by natu- rally decoupling pretraining and fine-tuning mod- The core difference between self-training algo- els through spaced repetition. rithms is in the second step: data sampling pol- The contributions of this paper are (a): we pro- icy. In this paper, we develop a new data sampling pose an effective formulation of spaced repetition technique based on “spaced repetition” which dy- for self-training methods; to the best of our knowl- namically explores the data space and takes into edge, this is the first work that investigates spaced account instance and learner characteristics (such repetition for semi-supervised learning, (b): our as easiness of instances or learner strength on tar- approach dynamically samples data, is not lim- get task) to sample unlabeled data for effective ited to predetermined sampling strategies, and nat- self-training. urally decouples pretraining and fine-tuning mod- Figure 1 illustrates our proposed neural self- els, and (c): it outperforms current state-of-the-art training framework. We assume the downstream baselines on large-scale datasets. learner is a neural network that, at every self- Our best model outperforms standard and training episode, (a): takes current labeled and current state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning unlabeled data as input, (b): uses labeled data to methods by 6.5 and 4.1 points improvement in iteratively optimize its parameters with respect to macro-F1 on sentiment classification task, and 3.6 a target task, and (c): dynamically explores unla- and 2.2 points on churn classification task. Further beled data space through spaced repetition to in- analyses show that the performance gain is due to form a data sampler that selects unlabeled data for our model’s ability in sampling diverse and infor- the next self-training episode. mative unlabeled instances (those that are different from training data and can improve model gener- 2.1 Spaced Repetition alizability). Spaced repetition (Dempster, 1989; Cepeda et al., 2 Method 2006; Averell and Heathcote, 2011) was presented in psychology and forms the building block of Conventional self-training methods employ the many educational devices, including flashcards, in following steps to utilize unlabeled data for semi- which small pieces of information are repeatedly supervised learning: (1) train a learner, e.g. a clas- presented to a learner on a schedule determined sifier, using labeled data, (2) iteratively select un- by a spaced repetition algorithm. Such algorithms labeled instances based on a data sampling tech- show that humans and machines can better learn nique, and add the sampled instances (together by scheduling reviews of materials so that more with their predicted pseudo labels) to the labeled time is spent on difficult concepts and less time data, and (3) iteratively update the learner using on easier ones (Dempster, 1989; Novikoff et al., the new labeled dataset. 2012; Amiri et al., 2017). 22
In this paper, we focus on a specific spaced rep- Algorithm 1. Leitner system etition framework called Leitner system (Leitner, Input: 1974). Suppose we have n queues {q0 , . . . , qn−1 }. L, U, V : labeled, unlabeled, and validation data In general, Leitner system initially places all in- y : pseudo labels for U k : number of training epochs stances in the first queue, q0 . During training, if n : number of queues an instance from qi is correctly classified by the Output: Q: Leitner queue populated with U learner, it will be “promoted” to qi+1 (solid/green arrows in Figure 1), otherwise it will be “demoted” 1 Q = [q0 , q1 , . . . , qn−1 ] to the previous queue, qi−1 (dashed/red arrows in 2 q0 = [U], qi = [] for i ∈ [1, n − 1] 3 for epoch = 1 to k: Figure 1). Therefore, as the learner trains through 4 model = epoch train(L, V) time, higher queues will accumulate instances that 5 promos, demos = eval(Q, y, model) are easier for the learner, while lower queues will 6 Q = schedule(Q, promos, demos) 7 end for accumulate harder instances. 8 return Q To use Leitner system for neural self-training, we assume our learner is a neural network, place Table 1: Leitner system for neural self-training. All unlabeled instances are initially placed in the first all unlabeled instances in the first queue of Leitner queue and then populated to other queues depending system (line 2 in Algorithm 1), and gradually pop- on their easiness and learner (network) performance. ulate them to other queues while training the net- epoch train(.) uses training data to train the net- work. Our Leitner system uses iteration-specific work for a single epoch and returns a trained model, network predictions on unlabeled instances and eval(.) applies the current model on unlabeled in- current pseudo labels of these instances to move stances in all queues and, based on given pseudo labels them between queues (see line 4-5 in Algo- (treated as gold labels), returns lists of correctly and rithm 1); pseudo labels can be obtained through incorrectly classified instances, promos and demos respectively, and schedule(.) moves promos and posterior predictions generated by any trained demos instances to their next and previous queues re- downstream learner (see Section 2.2). Instances spectively, and returns the updated queue. with similar class predictions and pseudo labels will be promoted to their next queues, and those with opposite predictions and labels will be de- work (line 2). Here, we weight the loss func- moted to lower queues. We note that, errors (e.g. tion using class size to deal with imbalanced data, inaccurate pseudo labels or network predictions) and weight pseudo-labeled instances (as a func- can inversely affect instance movements among tion of episodes) to alleviate the effect of poten- queues. However, our sampling technique (see be- tially wrong pseudo labels while training the net- low) alleviates this issue because such misleading work. We then use the trained network to generate instances, if sampled, can’t improve the general- pseudo labels for current unlabeled instances (line izability of downstream learners. Details of our 3). These instances are then populated in Leitner Leitner system is shown in Table 1. queues as described before (line 4). Given the pop- ulated Leitner queues, the sample for current self- 2.2 Self-Training with Leitner Queues training episode is then created using instances We formulate the data sampling process as a of the designated queue, the queue that most im- decision-making problem where, at every self- proves the performance of the current network on training episode, the decision is to select a sub- validation data (lines 5-8). Instances of the desig- set of unlabeled instances for self-training using nated queue will be removed from unlabeled data information from Leitner queues. A simple, yet and added to labeled data with their pseudo labels effective, approach to utilize such information is treated as gold labels (lines 9-10). a greedy one in which instances of the queue We note that finding designated queues (lines that most improves the performance of the current 5-8 in Algorithm 2) imposes computational com- model on validation data will be selected. We refer plexity on our model. However, in practice, we to this queue as designated queue: observe that designated queues are almost always Algorithm 2 shows details of our self-training among middle or higher queues in Leitner system, approach. At every episode, we use current la- i.e. qi , ∀i ∈ [bn/2c, n − 1] where n in the number beled data to train a task-specific neural net- of queues. This can help accelerating the search 23
Train Val. Test Unlabeled Algorithm 2. Neural Self-training IMDb 5 × 1K 5 × 1K 5 × 48K 50K Input: Churn 5 × 1K 5 × 1K 5 × 3K 100K L, U, V : labeled, unlabeled, and validation data K : number of self-training episodes Table 3: Statistics of dataset used in experiments. Output: M : classification model 1 for episode = 1 to K: IMDb: The IMDb dataset was developed 2 ML = train(L, V) by Maas et al. (2011)1 for sentiment classifica- 3 y = label(ML , U) 4 Q = Leitner system(L, U, V, y) \\Alg. 1 tion where systems should classify the polarity of 5 for q in Q: a given movie review as positive or negative. The 6 Mq = train(L + q, y[q] , V) dataset contains 50K labeled movie reviews. For 7 end for 8 M, qdesig = get best(MQ , ML ) the purpose of our experiments, we randomly sam- 9 L = L + qdesig , y[qdesig ] ple 1K, 1K, and 48K instances from this data (with 10 U = U − qdesig balanced distribution over classes) and treat them 11 end for 12 return M as labeled (training), validation, and test data re- spectively. We create five such datasets for robust- Table 2: Proposed neural self-training framework. ness against different seeding or data partitions. train(.) uses current labeled data to train the net- This dataset also provides 50K unlabeled reviews. work and returns a trained model, label(.) generates pseudo labels for unlabeled instances using the trained Churn: This dataset contains more than 5K model, Leitner system(.) populates current un- tweets about three telecommunication brands and labeled instances in Leitner queue, and get best(.) was developed by Amiri and Daumé III (2015)2 compares performance of given models on validation for the task of churn prediction3 where systems data and returns the best model in conjunction with the should predict if a twitter post indicates user in- queue that leads to the best performance, if any. In- tention about leaving a brand - classifying tweets stances of the designated queue will be removed from as churny or non-churny with respect to brands. unlabeled data and added to labeled data with their We replace all target brand names with the key- pseudo labels treated as gold labels. word BRAND and other non-target brands with BRAND-OTHER for the purpose of our experi- process. In addition, learning a data sampling pol- ments. Similar to IMDb, we create five datasets icy from movement patterns of instances among for experiments. We also crawl an additional queues may help alleviating/eliminating the need 100K tweets about the target brands and treat them for such an iterative search; see Section 4.4. as unlabeled data. Finally, at test time, we apply the resulting self- We evaluate models in terms of macro-F1 score, trained network to test data and use the result for i.e. the mean of F1-scores across classes. model comparison. 3.2 Downstream Learner and Settings 3 Experiments As downstream neural networks (referred to as We compare different self-training approaches in base classifiers), we consider current state-of-the- two settings where learners (neural networks) have art deep averaging networks (DANs) (Shen et al., low or high performance on original labeled data. 2018; Iyyer et al., 2015; Joulin et al., 2017; Arora This consideration helps investigating sensitivity et al., 2017) for IMDb, and a basic CNN model for of different self-training algorithms to the initial Churn dataset with parameters set from the work performance of learners. presented in (Gridach et al., 2017) except for pre- trained embeddings. In terms of DANs, we use 3.1 Datasets and Evaluation Metric FastText (Joulin et al., 2017) for its high per- As datasets, we use movie reviews from IMDb and 1 short microblog posts from Twitter. These datasets˜amaas/data/ sentiment/ and their corresponding tasks are described below 2 and their statistics are provided in Table 3. In chData 3 terms of preprocessing, we change all texts to low- Churn is a term relevant to customer retention in mar- keting discourse; examples of churny tweets are “my days ercase, and remove stop words, user names, and with BRAND are numbered,” “debating if I should stay with URLs from texts in these datasets: BRAND,” and “leaving BRAND in two days.” 24
formance and simplicity. FastText is a feedfor- IMDb Churn Base Classifier 73.02 65.77 ward neural network that consists of an embedding SST (Standard ST) 74.43 65.77 layer that maps vocabulary indices to embeddings, PST (Pretraining ST) 76.36 67.27 an averaging layer that averages word embeddings AST (Adversarial ST) 76.09 67.70 KST (Knowledge Transfer ST) 77.11 67.06 of inputs, and several hidden layers (we use two LST (Leitner ST) 78.27* 69.90* layers of size 256) followed by a prediction layer with sigmoid activation. Table 4: Macro-F1 performance of models across We use 300-dimensional word embeddings pro- datasets; Note that Standard ST (SST) samples only vided by Google’s word2vec toolkit (Mikolov 1.4K and 0 instances from IMDb and Churn datasets respectively; sampling more data decreases SST’s per- et al., 2013). In Algorithm 1, we set the num- formance down to 66.94 and 57.04 perhaps due to in- ber of training epochs to k = 32, and stop train- effective exploring of data space. Our model achieves ing when F1 performance on validation data stops its best performance on IMDb and Churn datasets with improving with patience of three continuous iter- n = 5 and n = 7 Leitner queues respectively. ations, i.e. after three continuous epochs with no improvement, training will be stopped. In addi- unlabeled instances that have similar repre- tion, we set the number of training episodes to sentations, where representations are derived K = 20 and stop training when this number of from standard pretraining as described above. episodes is reached or there is no unlabeled data The model then pretrains a network by learn- left for sampling; the latter case is often the rea- ing to classify unlabeled instances to their son for stopping in our self-training method. In corresponding clusters. The resulting pre- addition, we experiment with different number of trained network is then fine-tuned with re- Leitner queues chosen from n = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11}. spect to the target task using labeled data 3.3 Baselines (with slight modification at prediction layer which makes the network suitable for target We consider the following baselines: task). We set the best number of clusters • Standard self-training: This approach it- from {10, 20, . . . , 100} based on model per- eratively trains a network on current la- formance on validation data. beled data and applies it to current unlabeled data; it uses a prediction confidence threshold 3.4 Model Performance to sample unlabeled instances (Zhu, 2006). We set the best confidence threshold from Table 4 reports Macro-F1 performance of different {.80,.85,.90,.95} using validation data. models; we report average performance across five random test sets for each task (see Section 3.1 and • Autoencoder self-training (Dai and Le, Table 3). The performance of base classifiers in 2015): This approach first pretrains a net- supervised settings, where the networks are only work using unlabeled data (through a layer- trained on original labeled datasets, is reasonably wise training approach to optimally recon- high on IMDb (73.02) and low on Churn (65.77). struct the inputs), and then fine-tunes it using Standard ST (SST) improves performance on labeled data with respect to the target task. IMDb but not on Churn dataset. SST achieves its best performance (on validation data) in the first • Adversarial self-training (Miyato et al., few episodes when, on average, 1.4K and 0 in- 2016): This model utilizes pretraining as de- stances are sampled for IMDb and Churn datasets scribed above, but also applies adversarial respectively. Beyond that, the performance con- perturbations to word embeddings for more siderably decreases down to 66.94 (IMDb) and effective learning (perturbation is applied to 57.04 (Churn) respectively. This is perhaps due embeddings instead of word inputs because to imbalanced class size in Churn dataset, failure words or their one-hot vectors do not ad- of SST to explore the data space, or classification mit infinitesimal perturbation; the network is mistakes that reinforce each other. Several pre- trained to be robust to the worst perturbation). vious works also observed no improvement with • Knowledge Transfer self-training (Noroozi SST (Gollapalli et al., 2013; Zhu and Goldberg, et al., 2018): This model uses a clustering ap- 2009; Zhang and Rudnicky, 2006); but some suc- proach (e.g. k-means) to create clusters of cessful applications have been reported (Wu et al., 25
2018; Zhou et al., 2012; Riloff and Jones, 1999; 4.1 Queue-level Performance Yarowsky, 1995; HEARST, 1991). We analyze queue level performance to under- The result also show that pretraining and stand how instances of different queues contribute adversarial-based training, PST and AST in Ta- in creating better models during the self-training ble 4 respectively, improve the performance of process. For this experiment, we train networks base classifiers by 3.34 and 3.37 points in macro- using our Leitner self-training framework as nor- F1 on IMDb, and by 1.5 and 1.93 points on Churn mal (where, at every iteration, only instances of dataset. In addition, since PST and AST show the designated queue are added to training data), comparable performance, we conjecture that when and report the average macro-F1 performance of original labeled data has a small size, adversarial- the network–on validation data–if it is trained with based self-training do not considerably improve instances of each queue. Concretely, we report av- pretraining. But, considerable improvement can erage macro-F1 performance of models learned at be achieved with larger amount of labeled data, line 6 of Algorithm 2 (see Mq s in Table 2). see (Miyato et al., 2016) for detailed comparison Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the results on IMDb on pretraining and adversarial-based training. The and Churn datasets for n = 5 and n = 7 queues results also show that knowledge transfer (KST) respectively. Note that the last queue for Churn outperforms PST and AST on IMDb - indicating dataset, q6 , has never been reached by any in- that good initial labels derived through clustering stance. This is perhaps because of the difficulty information could help semi-supervised learning, of this task4 and low initial performance of the even with small amount of seed labeled data. network on Churn dataset. q2 on IMDb and q4 Table 4 also shows the result of our model, on Churn dataset result in the best average perfor- Leitner ST (LST). The best performance of LST mance across training episodes, both queues are is obtained using n = 5 and n = 7 queues close to the middle. In addition, the result show for IMDb and Churn datasets respectively. Con- that the highest queues (q4 for IMDb and q5 for sidering these queue lengths, our model outper- Churn) are often not the best queues. This result forms base classifiers by 5.25 and 4.13 points in can justify the lower performance of Standard ST Macro-F1 on IMDb and Churn datasets respec- (SST) as instances in these queues are the easiest tively; similar to PST and AST, our model results (and perhaps most confident ones) for the network; in a greater gain when the learner has higher ini- we further analyze these queues in Section 4.2.5 tial performance. It also improves the best self- training baseline, KST for IMDb and AST for 4.2 What’s the Issue with Highest Queues? Churn, by 1.16 and 2.2 points in macro-F1 on As we discussed before, instances in the highest IMDb and Churn datasets respectively where both queues, although easy to learn for the classifier, differences are significant (average ρ-values based are not informative and do not contribute to train- on t-test are .004 and .015 respectively). ing an improved model; therefore, highest queues are often not selected by our model. To understand 4 Model Introspection the reason, we try to quantify how well instances of these queues match with training data. For this We investigate several questions about our model purpose, we compute cosine similarity between to shed light on its improved performance. One representations of training instances (see below) partial explanation is that by differentiating in- and those in the highest and designated queues stances and augmenting the informative ones, we 4 are creating a more powerful model that better ex- Churn prediction is a target-dependent task, largely af- fected by negation and function words, e.g. compare “switch- plores the space of unlabeled data. In this sec- ing from” and “switching to,” and language complexity, e.g. tion, we elaborate on the behavior of our model by the tweets “hate that I may end up leaving BRAND cause they conducting finer-grained analysis at queue-level have the best service” is a positive yet churny tweet. 5 Note that the performance on lower queues (e.g. q1 for and investigating the following questions in the IMDb and q0 for Churn) are higher than expected. This is context of challenges of semi-supervised learn- because, at the end of each iteration, instances of designated ing. Due to space limit, we mainly report results (best-performing) queues–but not lower queues–are added to training data; instances of designated queues help creating on IMDb and discuss corresponding behaviors on better and more robust models which still perform well even Churn dataset in the text. if instances of lower queues are added. 26
82 0.42 74 73.7 0.4 80 79.8 71.9 0.34 instance similarity 79.1 72 77.7 0.3 0.29 0.27 78 77.3 70 Macro-F1 Macro-F1 68.7 68 67.8 67.7 67.2 76 75.6 0.2 66 74 64 0.1 72 62 70 60 0.0 q_0 q_1 q_2 q_3 q_4 q_0 q_1 q_2 q_3 q_4 q_5 high-train + desig-train + high-train desig-train Queue ID Queue ID Unlabeled-Train+/ (a) Queue level performance (IMDb) (b) Queue level performance (Churn) (c) Highest vs. designated queue (IMDb) Figure 2: (a) and (b): Average macro-F1 performance computed over individual queues using validation dataset across training episodes (average performance of Mq s at line 6 of Algorithm 2). (a): Performance on IMDb with optimal queue length of n = 5, and (b): performance on Churn with optimal queue length of n = 7: note that none of unlabeled instances has made it to the last queue. (c): Comparison of highest and designated queues in terms of instance similarity to training data; high train indicates similarity between (representations of) instances in the highest queue and training instances, and desig train shows the corresponding values for instances in the designated queue. + and − signs indicate positive and negative pseudo/gold labels for unlabeled/training instances. 0.6 0.60 during self-training as follows: 0.57 0.5 0.47 0.44 K 0.4 0.39 0.39 Diversity 1 X cosine(Te , Qe ) 0.3 K 0.2 e=1 0.1 where Te ∈ R me ×d and Qe ∈ R indicate pe ×d 0.0 q_0 q_1 q_2 q_3 q_4 q_desig representations of training instances and those of Queue ID a given target queue respectively (where d indi- Figure 3: The amount of diversity that instances of each cates the dimension of representations, and me queue introduce if added to training data (on IMDb). and pe indicate number of instances in training data and target queue at episode e respectively), and cosine(.,.) computes L2-normalized dot where, at every iteration, only instances of the des- product of its input matrices. To obtain the above ignated queue are added to training data. Specifi- representations for instances, we compute the out- cally, we compute the extent of diversity that each put of the last hidden layer (the layer below predic- given queue introduces as follows: tion layer) of the trained network at each episode. K These outputs can be considered as feature repre- 1 X 1 − cosine(Te , concat(Te , Qe )) sentations for inputs. For finer-grained compari- K e=1 son, we compute similarities with respect to posi- tive and negative classes. where, as before, Te and Qe indicate the represen- As the results in Figure 2(c) show, instances in tations of training and queue instances at episode the highest queue match well with current train- e respectively, and concat(.,.) is a function ing data (and hence the current model), and, there- that creates a new dataset by vertically concatenat- fore, are less informative. On the other hand, in- ing Te and Qe . stances in the designated queues show consider- Figure 3 shows the results. On IMDb, q2 and ably smaller similarity with training instances in designated queues show greater diversity to train- both positive and negative classes, and, therefore, ing data compared to other queues. We note do not match well with training data. These in- that q0 carries a greater diversity than q3 and q4 , stances are more informative, and help the net- but, as we observed in Figure 2, instances of q0 work to better explore the space of unlabeled data do not improve performance of the model, per- and optimize for the target task. haps due to their difficulty or wrong pseudo la- bels. We observe similar behavior in case of Churn 4.3 Does Diversity Matter? dataset where q4 introduces the highest diversity. We analyze different queues to measure the extent From this analysis, we conclude that Leitner self- of diversity that each queue introduces to train- training enables sampling diverse sets of instances ing data during our normal self-training process that contributes to training an improved model. 27
Leitner ST 2.0 1.8 IMDB Churn n=3 n=5 n=7 n=9 n = 11 1.6 Standard deviation IMDb 76.83 76.77 78.03 75.34 80.71 1.4 Churn 65.74 64.87 67.06 68.56 65.80 1.2 1.0 Table 5: Macro-F1 performance of diverse queues 0.8 across datasets. Compare these results with those ob- 0.6 0.4 tained by designated queues in Table 4. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Queue# 4.3.1 Diverse Queue Figure 4: Deviation in instance movements for each queue (in terms of average standard deviation over all Given the above results on diversity, we investi- training episodes). At every episode, we keep track of gate whether greater diversity can further improve instance movements among queues and measure move- the performance of our model. For this analysis, ment variation among instances that ultimately home in we create a considerably more “diverse” queue at on the same queue. every self-training episode and treat it as the desig- nated queue. We create the diverse queue by sam- ner queue of size n = 3 and the following move- pling instances with high prediction confidence ment patterns for four individual instances that ul- from all queues. In particular, at every episode, we timately home in on q0 (recall that correct predic- rank instances of each queue based on their pre- tion promotes an instance to a higher queue, while diction confidence and create a diverse queue by wrong prediction demotes it to a lower queue): combining top r% instances of each queue, where r indicates the rate of adding new instances and set q0 → q0 → q0 → q0 → q0 : always in q0 to r = 10%. We note that a smaller rate is better q0 → q1 → q0 → q0 → q0 : mainly in q0 for adding instances because it allows the model to q0 → q1 → q0 → q1 → q0 : partially in q0 gradually consume unlabeled instances with high q0 → q1 → q2 → q1 → q0 : partially in q0 & q1 . prediction confidence. Table 5 shows the effect of diverse queues on Although all these instances ultimately home in the performance of our model on both IMDb and on the same queue, they may have different contri- Churn datasets. The results show that diverse butions to the training of a model because there is a queues improve the performance of our Leitner considerable difference in the ability of the down- self-training model from 78.27 (reported in Ta- stream network in learning their labels. There- ble 4) to 80.71 on IMDb, i.e. 2.44 points improve- fore, if there is a large deviation among move- ment in macro-F1. However, the correspond- ment patterns of instances of the same queue, bet- ing performance on Churn dataset decreases from ter data sampling policies could be developed, per- 69.90 to 68.56, i.e. 1.34 points decrease in macro- haps through finer-grained queue-level sampling. F1. The inverse effect of diverse queues in case For this analyses, we keep track of instance of Churn dataset is because diverse queues suf- movements among queues and measure standard fer from the issue of considerable class imbalance deviation among movement patterns of instances more than designated queues. This is because of the same queue at every self-training episode, highly confident instances which accumulate in and report the average of these deviations. higher queues are often negative instances in case Figure 4 shows the results. On both datasets, of Churn prediction. Although we tackle this is- there is considerably greater deviation in move- sue by weighting the loss function during training, ments for middle queues than lower/higher diverse positive instances which are different from queues. This is meaningful because Leitner sys- their training counterparts are still needed for per- tem (and other spaced repetition schedulers) are formance improvement. expected to keep easy and hard instances at higher and lower queues respectively. Since such in- 4.4 Do We Need Better Sampling Policies? stances mainly stay at lower or higher queues, We investigate the challenges associated with our we observe smaller deviation in their movements. data sampling policy by conducting finer-grained On the other hand, the corresponding values for analysis on instance movement patterns among middle queues indicate that movements in these queues. To illustrate, assume that we have a Leit- queues are spread out over a larger range of 28
queues. From these results, we conjecture that a and Salakhutdinov, 2006), and stacked autoen- data sampling policy that conducts finer-grained coders (Vincent et al., 2010; Bengio et al., 2007). analysis at queue-level (e.g. by taking into account In particular, Dai and Le (2015) developed an au- queue movement patterns) could create better data toencoder for the later supervised learning pro- samples. Verifying this hypothesis will be the sub- cess. Miyato et al. (2016) applied perturbations ject for future work. to word embeddings and used pretraining tech- nique and adversarial training for effective semi- 5 Related Work supervised learning. These models although ef- fective have not been well studied in the context of Semi-supervised learning (Zhu, 2006; Chapelle semi-supervised learning where models may have et al., 2009) is a type of machine learning where low initial performance or limited amount of la- one has access to a small amount of labeled data beled data. In addition, pretraining is limited by and a large amount of unlabeled data. Self-training the same architecture requirement in both pretrain- is a type of semi-supervised learning to boost the ing and fine-tuning steps. performance of downstream learners (e.g. classi- In this work, we extend previous work in fiers) through data sampling from unlabeled data. self-training by developing a new and effective Most data sampling policies rely on prediction data sampling policy based on spaced repeti- confidence of the downstream learner for sampling tion (Dempster, 1989; Cepeda et al., 2006; Averell unlabeled data (Zhu and Goldberg, 2009). Self- and Heathcote, 2011) which addresses some of the training has been successfully applied to various above challenges. In particular, our model’s data tasks and domains including word sense disam- sampling policy is not predetermined, it explores biguation (HEARST, 1991; Yarowsky, 1995), in- the entire data space and dynamically selects un- formation extraction (Riloff and Jones, 1999), and labeled instances with respect to the strength of object recognition (Zhou et al., 2012). a learner on a target task and easiness of unla- In addition, co-training (Blum and Mitchell, beled instances, and it relaxes the same model con- 1998; Zhang and Rudnicky, 2006; Wu et al., 2018) straint of pretraining-based approaches by decou- is another type of semi-supervised learning. It pling pretraining and fine-tuning steps. assumes that each instance can be described us- ing two distinct feature sets that provide differ- 6 Conclusion and Future Work ent and complementary information about the in- stance. Ideally, the two views should be condi- We propose a novel method based on spaced rep- tionally independent, i.e., the two feature sets of etition to self-train neural networks using small each instance are conditionally independent given amount of labeled and large amount of unlabeled the class, and each view should be sufficient, i.e., data. Our model can select high-quality unlabeled the class of an instance can be accurately predicted data samples for self-training and outperforms cur- from each view alone. Co-training first learns rent state-of-the-art semi-supervised baselines on separate downstream learners for each view us- two text classification problems. We analyze our ing a small set of labeled data. The most confi- model from various perspectives to explain its im- dent predictions of each learner on the unlabeled provement gain with respect to challenges of semi- data are then used to iteratively construct addi- supervised learning. There are several venues for tional labeled training data. Recently Wu et al. future work including (a): finer-grained data sam- (2018) developed an effective model based on re- pling at queue level, (b): extending our model to inforcement learning (specifically, a joint formu- other machine learning algorithms that employ it- lation of a Q-learning agent and two co-training erative training, such as boosting approaches, and classifiers) to learn data sampling policies and uti- (c): applying this model to areas where neural net- lize unlabeled data space in the context of co- works have not been investigated, e.g. due to lim- training methods. ited availability of labeled data. Effective semi-supervised learning algorithms Acknowledgments based on pretraining techniques (Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006; Bengio et al., 2007; Er- I sincerely thank Mitra Mohtarami and anony- han et al., 2010) have been developed for mous reviewers for their insightful comments and text classification, deep belief networks (Hinton constructive feedback. 29
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