Page created by Nathan Oliver
Negotiation Skills Training Program                                                                                       Learn from a specialist negotiator

Your ability to negotiate effectively and achieve defined objectives is critical to your business                                                                 Over 40 years experience                “Michael’s intellect, level of
success. We’ve all seen unresolved conflicts derail even the most important projects, resulting                                                                                                           engagement and direct method
in costly delays.                                                                                                                        Michael Klug AM          Michael has taught ADR and
                                                                                                                                         Negotiation Specialist   negotiation skills for over 40 years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of knowledge transfer is
                                                                                                                                                                  Over the last decade alone, he’s        outstanding.”
                                                                                                                                                                  delivered over 600 workshops and
This cutting-edge training program         Negotiator’s toolkit –                 Not only do Michael’s workshops         Considered one of Australia’s           trained over 11,000 delegates from      “Excellent, charismatic,
is run by Michael Klug AM, one of
                                           the nuts and bolts                     play an integral part of his clients’   pioneering – and best – Alternative     the private and public sectors.         entertaining, highly
Australia’s best-known specialists                                                learning and development                Dispute Resolution (ADR)
in negotiation, conflict management                                               programs, he’s successfully             lawyers, Michael has advised
                                                                                                                                                                                                          persuasive and engaging.”
                                           Each workshop will arm you with a                                                                                      Michael’s clients include some of
and dispute resolution. Michael is                                                prepared some of Australia’s            large corporate and government          Australia’s largest organisations:
committed to helping you and your
                                           highly practical toolkit including:
                                                                                  largest organisations for significant   clients and been involved in very                                               “Michael is a dynamic speaker
                                                                                                                                                                  ► Adelaide Brighton
organisation achieve your business         ► A negotiation worksheet to guide     negotiations. Examples include          significant public disputes and                                                 who clearly communicates
goals through developing your                you through the negotiation          dispute resolution, contract            matters.                                ► AGL Energy                            the intricacies of negotiation
corporate negotiation competency.            planning process                     negotiations, procurement
                                                                                                                                                                  ► Arrow Energy                          and provides great real-life
                                                                                  negotiations, EBA negotiations,         Michael has practised law for
The program will provide you with
                                           ► Checklists for effectively
                                                                                  community negotiations, internal        over 40 years and been partner of       ► Australian Taxation Office
                                                                                                                                                                                                          examples and experiences.”
                                             preparing for negotiation
a powerful, highly effective and                                                  disputes and international              Clayton Utz and its predecessors        ► Boeing Australia
ethical style of negotiation, along        ► A constructive strategy for          negotiations.                           for most of that time; it was this                                              “Thank you for not only
                                                                                                                                                                  ► Department of Defence
with the practical skills and tools to:      breaking through difficult                                                   experience that led him to embrace                                              sharing your vast experience,
► Preserve and enhance personal
                                             negotiations.                        Topics which can be tailored to your    negotiation and to become one of        ► Department of Transport and           but also your personal insights
  and commercial relationships
                                                                                  organisation’s needs include:           the original founders of LEADR            Main Roads                            and anecdotes.”
                                           Customised Training                    ► Intensive Negotiation Skills
                                                                                                                          (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative         ► Fletcher Building
► Increase confidence and reduce                                                                                          Dispute Resolution) and an
  stress when resolving conflicts          If your organisation has a group       ► “Going Live” Targeted Practical       original Director of the Australasian   ► GHD                                   “I enjoyed learning from
► Resolve disputes confidentially
                                           of staff who would benefit from          Session                               Disputes Centre.                        ► John Laing                            someone who clearly believes
                                           training, or a specific issue that
                                                                                  ► Negotiation – Breakthrough                                                    ► Laing O’Rourke                        in and is passionate about his
► Reduce the costs of resolving            needs to be addressed, Michael
                                                                                                                          Michael is committed to helping you
                                                                                                                                                                  ► Lloyds International
  conflict                                 can customise a workshop to                                                    and your organisation achieve your
                                           your needs, partnering with you to     ► Boardroom Negotiation Skills          business goals through developing       ► Mack Trucks Australia
► Increase profitability
                                           develop a tailored solution.                                                   your corporate negotiation
                                                                                                                                                                                                          “Inspirational and
► Create value in your negotiations
                                                                                  ► Value Creating in Negotiation
                                                                                                                          competency, and his depth of
                                                                                                                                                                  ► National Australia Bank               motivating. Best facilitator I
► Achieve optimal commercial
                                           With customised training you’ll get:   ► Negotiation Mapping – How to          experience means he can provide         ► Macquarie Bank                        have ever learnt from.”
                                                                                    Plan and Prepare for Your             insight into realistic problems and     ► NRMA
  outcomes.                                ► Targeted materials to meet your
                                                                                    Negotiations                          situations – invaluable experience                                                         Recent participants
                                             organisation’s specific learning                                                                                     ► Optus
Even though the focus is on                                                       ► Negotiation – Interest-Based          to share with you and your
                                             and business needs.
                                                                                                                          organisation.                           ► Origin Energy
conflict resolution and commercial                                                  Bargaining (IBB)
                                           ► Privacy. You can workshop and                                                                                        ► PwC
negotiation, many participants have
                                             solve real problems in a             ► Developing a Corporate
referred to it as a life skills program.                                                                                                                          ► QIC
                                             confidential environment.              Competency in Negotiation
                                                                                                                                                                  ► Queensland Health
Making it real                             ► Lower cost per delegate. You         ► Negotiation – The End Game
                                             can save as much as 50%                                                                                              ► Queensland Treasury
                                                                                  ► The Golden Rules of Negotiation.
Michael is widely known for                  compared to our open workshop                                                                                          Corporation
his engaging and stimulating                 fees.
workshops. He goes beyond theory
                                                                                  Support when you need                                                           ► Santos

by injecting his workshops with
                                           ► A corporate capability. Develop      it the most                                                                     ► Siemens
                                             uniformly high performance
real-life “war stories” and interactive                                                                                                                           ► Stockland
                                             negotiation skills across your       As a participant of Michael’s
simulations. This means you’ll gain                                                                                                                               ► Suncorp Bank
                                             organisation.                        program you’ll have comfort in
highly practical skills which you can
immediately apply back at work.                                                   knowing that you can depend on                                                  ► Toyota Motor Corporation
                                                                                  us for ongoing support. Whether
                                                                                                                                                                  ► Worley Parsons
                                                                                  it be two weeks or two years after
                                                                                  the workshop, you can call us                                                   ► Volvo Group Australia.
                                                                                  at any time for a short, no-cost

Intensive Negotiation Skills
                                                                                                  Recommended CPD point allocation: 14 points (excluding WA)*

WHAT’S ON: 2020
                                                                                                                Our trainer              This two-day workshop is our               Responsive to your needs
                                                                                                                                         most popular, because it gives
                                                                                                                Michael Klug AM          you an intricate understanding of          The workshop is highly interactive
                                                                                                                Negotiation Specialist   the negotiation process through to         and focused therefore please email
                                                                                                                                         techniques of closing a deal.              us your training objectives before
NEGOTIATION SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                  the workshop.
                                                                                                  Dates:    Brisbane                     On day one we’ll explore the
Brisbane                                                                                                    4-5 February 2020            core theory and practice of                For group bookings of five or more,
                                                                                                            17-18 March 2020             negotiation, focusing on your              Michael offers a pre-workshop
4-5 February, 17-18 March, 9-10 June, 21-22 July, 1-2 September, 13-14 October, 25-26 November,             9-10 June 2020               individual negotiation style and how       discussion to scope the group’s
16-17 December                                                                                              21-22 July 2020              negotiations work.                         requirements. He also offers groups
                                                                                                            1-2 September 2020                                                      a no-cost confidential coaching
Perth                                                                                                       13-14 October 2020           On day two you’ll learn how to             session which can be held during
                                                                                                            25-26 November 2020          make strategic decisions and               the lunch breaks or immediately
10-11 March                                                                                                 16-17 December 2020          position yourself in negotiations          after the workshop on each day.
                                                                                                                                         using highly practical and usable
Canberra                                                                                                    Perth                        skills. You’ll be offered unique
                                                                                                                                                                                    “Michael is a highly skilled,
                                                                                                            10-11 March 2020             insights into why negotiation can
3-4 November                                                                                                                             be a counterintuitive discipline and       well-credentialed negotiator
                                                                                                            Canberra                     when you should trust your instincts       & presenter who presents a
Sydney                                                                                                      3-4 November 2020            and when you shouldn’t.                    very valuable & interesting
7-8 December                                                                                                Sydney                       Central Locations
                                                                                                            7-8 December 2020
                                                                                                                                         Venues: Please contact us
                                                                                                                                                                                    “Michael was very engaging.
                                                                                                                                                                                    I really enjoyed being able to
                                                                                                  Time:     8.30am – 4.30pm              What you’ll learn                          participate in this workshop
                                                                                                                                                                                    and hear Michael’s insights,
                                                                                                  Cost:     $2,789 per person            You’ll emerge from this workshop           tips & case studies.”
                                                                                                            $2,510 per person if         with a powerful, highly effective and
                                                                                                            booking two weeks            ethical style of negotiation, along
                                                                                                            before the workshop
                                                                                                                                                                                                Recent participants
                                                                                                                                         with the practical skills and tools to:
                                                                                                            $2,371 per person if in a
                                                                                                                                         ► Preserve and enhance personal
                                                                                                            group of three or more.
                                                                                                                                           and commercial relationships
                                                                                                                                         ► Increase confidence and reduce
                                                                                                  Who should attend?                       stress when resolving conflicts
                                                                                                                                         ► Resolve disputes confidentially
                                                                                                  All levels in business and
                                                                                                  government who wish to improve         ► Reduce the costs of resolving
                                                                                                  their negotiating performance. It’s      conflict
                                                                                                  strongly recommended for those in      ► Increase profitability
                                                                                                  management roles.
                                                                                                                                         ► Create value in your negotiations
                                                                                                                                         ► Achieve optimal commercial

                                                                                                                                         Even though the focus is on
                                                                                                                                         conflict resolution and commercial
                                                                                                                                         negotiation, many participants have
                                                                                                                                         referred to it as a life skills program.

Intensive Negotiation Skills                                                                                         Intensive Negotiation Skills – Optional Day 3
                                                                                                                     Targeted Practical Session – Register your interest
                                                                                                                     Recommended CPD point allocation: 7 points (excluding WA)*

What we’ll cover                                                              Golden Rules of                                       Our trainer               Each simulation will be followed        “The practical examples
                                                                                                                                                              by a comprehensive debrief, so
                                      Day two: Strategic Negotiation
                                                                              Negotiation                                           Michael Klug AM           you can reflect on your strengths
                                                                                                                                                                                                      will help me prepare for
Day one: Core Negotiation Skills
                                      Skills                                                                                        Negotiation Specialist    and weaknesses and identify what        negotiations enabling me
Creating value not distributing
                                                                              Throughout the workshop Michael
                                                                                                                                                              you might do differently in future      to extract the most value
                                                                              will reveal the most important rules
value.                                From desolation to resolution,
                                                                              of negotiation and why no one can
                                                                                                                                                              negotiations.                           possible.”
                                      stalemate to good mate.                                                        Dates are scheduled on a needs
► Defining and understanding                                                  afford to ignore them.
  negotiation                         ► Multi-party, multi-issue                                                     basis. To register your interest         What you’ll learn                       “Some very interesting
                                                                                                                     please contact us.
                                        negotiations – a disciplined          “Michael’s intellect, level of                                                                                          stories and practical exercises
► The two primary approaches                                                                                                                                  You will:
                                                                              engagement and direct method           Time:      8.30am – 4.30pm                                                       that can be applied in the
► Negotiation simulation              ► Negotiation simulation                of knowledge transfer is                                                        ► Learn how to apply negotiation        workspace. I got what I was
► How to manage the principal         ► The six most common mistakes          outstanding.”                          Venue: Please contact us                   theory to real-life situations        looking for in terms of some
  tensions of negotiation               made by negotiators                                                                                                   ► Develop a sophisticated               innovative techniques and
► Biases affecting judgment           ► Checklists before closure             “I feel like a new person at
                                                                                                                     Cost:      $1,395 per person               understanding of negotiation          tips.”
                                                                                                                                $1,256 per person if 		         concepts and good practice
► Slow thinking vs fast thinking –                                            work (and at home). The                           booking two weeks
  Kahneman’s dual process theory
                                      ► How to plan for negotiation
                                                                              course has had an amazing                         before the workshop           ► Practice using your toolkit to        “I have been to a few
                                        through a process of disciplined
                                        and methodical preparation –          impact on me.”                                    $1,186 per person if in a       plan, prepare and manage your         negotiation courses in
► Techniques for exercising sound
  judgment                              negotiation worksheet                                                                   group of three or more          negotiations from start to finish     previous years, but this is by
                                                                              “One of the best courses I’ve                                                   ► Improve your ability to flex your     far the best – direct relevance,
► Ethical styles of negotiation       ► The benefits of MESOs (Multiple
                                                                              attended. It provided tools            Who should attend?                         negotiation style to suit different   practical, commercially
                                        Equivalent Simultaneous Offers)
► Identify your individual style of                                           that will make a significant           If you’ve completed the Intensive
                                                                                                                                                                situations                            focused, rich examples.”
  negotiation (the result is          ► Diagnostic checklist – a crucial
                                        discipline for closing a              impact on my performance.”             Negotiation Skills course, this new,
                                                                                                                                                              ► Learn how to confront common
                                        negotiation                                                                  optional day of training will help you
                                                                                                                                                                negotiation problems                  “The practical negotiation
► How to adjust your negotiating                                              “Michael is a dynamic speaker          develop your skills further.             ► Emerge with increased                 allowed me to assess mistakes
                                      ► An unconditionally constructive
  style to suit the situation
                                        strategy for dealing with difficult   who clearly communicates                                                          confidence and ability to optimise    taken in reaching an
► Characteristics of an effective       people                                the intricacies of negotiation         Take a deeper dive by attending            outcomes in your negotiations.        agreement.”
                                                                                                                     this additional one-day session
                                      ► How to manage team                    and provides great real-life           that explores specific aspects of
► Proficiency – identify your           negotiations                          examples and experiences.”             negotiation through more complex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Recent participants
  strengths and weaknesses (the
                                      ► Negotiating about negotiation
                                                                                                                     interactive simulations and expert       “Role plays and anecdotes are
  result is confidential)
                                      Re-booting – a unique process           “I enjoyed learning from               feedback. Put your learning into         extremely informative and
► Self-managed outcomes               which negates your counterparty’s       someone who clearly believes           practice, reinforce and broaden
                                                                                                                                                              excellent for demonstrating
                                                                                                                     your understanding of negotiation
► Bargaining – the contrast           starting point                          in and is passionate about his         concepts, and discover proven            practicality of theory.”
  between distributive and            ► Slow forward controlled               work.”                                 negotiating techniques.
  integrative methods                   momentum – impasse vs                                                                                                 “The practical exercises
► Strategies and tactics of             uncontrolled escalation               “It is the best few days               What we’ll cover                         reinforced the lessons learnt
  integrative bargaining              ► Electronic connectivity – pluses      education I’ve had...                                                           and I gained a better
                                                                                                                     Apply what you’ve learnt from
► The green credit approach.            and minuses                           anywhere...period. You won’t           Intensive Negotiation Skills to real-    understanding of my own
                                      ► Listening – what to do and how
                                                                              be disappointed.”                      life scenarios.                          personality traits in relation
                                        to do it                                                                     Under the expert guidance of             to negotiation.”
                                                                                           Recent participants       Michael Klug, practise with
                                      ► How to manage streamed input
                                        and the biases that arise                                                    confidence by taking part in two         “This course goes beyond
                                      ► How to close.
                                                                                                                     high-level simulations.                  basic skills development and
                                                                                                                     You will be divided into teams           provides practical, high-
                                                                                                                     and assigned roles. After reading        level skills that translate to
                                                                                                                     the general instructions and             solutions.”
                                                                                                                     confidential information about your
                                                                                                                     role, you will negotiate mostly in

Negotiation – Breakthrough Techniques - Register your interest                                                          Boardroom Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Skills -
Negotiation Skills Training                                                                                             Register your interest
Recommended CPD point allocation: 14 points (excluding WA)*                                                             Negotiation Skills Training
                                                                                                                        Recommended CPD point allocation: 7 points (excluding WA)*
               Our trainer              ► Asymmetry of information              ► Advanced level skills to                             Our trainer              What we’ll cover                       What you’ll learn
                                                                                  effectively break through difficult
                                           » Why we don’t tell the other          negotiations and achieve optimal                     Michael Klug AM          ► Defining and understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                                       You will leave the workshop with
               Michael Klug AM               side everything                                                                                                                                           a practical toolkit providing for a
               Negotiation Specialist                                             outcomes                                             Negotiation Specialist     negotiation
                                                                                                                                                                                                       structured approach to prepare,
                                           » How to overcome this problem       ► Increased confidence and                                                      ► Characteristics of an effective      plan and manage board negotiation
                                        ► Synchronicity of behaviour              reduced stress.                                                                 negotiator                           challenges.
Dates are scheduled on a needs                                                                                          Dates are scheduled on a needs
basis. To register your interest           » How to start singing from the                                              basis. To register your interest        ► Ideal negotiation skills for board
please contact us.                           same hymn sheet                    “Fantastic – loved the war              please contact us.                        members – what constitutes a         “Course content was very
                                        ► Is it the process?
                                                                                stories! Very relevant, on point                                                  good mix                             practical and drew on a
Time:      8.30am – 4.30pm                                                      and highly entertaining.”               Time:      8.30am – 4.30pm              ► Ethical styles of negotiation        number of very interesting
                                           » If you get the process right the                                                                                                                          examples of live situations.”
Venue:     Please contact us                 result mostly looks after itself                                           Venue:     Please contact us            ► Identify your individual style of
                                                                                “Brilliant. Highly insightful                                                     negotiation (the result is
Cost:      $2,789 per person
                                        ► Finding joint gains                   and extremely engaging.”                Cost:      $1,395 per person              confidential)                        “Michael has a strong
           $2,510 per person if            » The real challenges and how                                                           $1,256 per person if 		      ► How to adjust your negotiating
                                                                                                                                                                                                       understanding of the topics
           booking two weeks                 to go about it in a value          “Michael relates his experience                    booking two weeks 		           style to suit the situation          and was able to articulate
           before the workshop               creating way                       to the topics very well                            before the workshop                                                 a number of practical
                                                                                                                                                                ► Negotiation planning and
           $2,371 per person if in a    ► Power in negotiations                 and makes the learnings                            $1,186 per person if in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                       experiences that will help me
           group of three or more.
                                           » Who has it? Where does it lie?     memorable and enjoyable.”                          group of three or more                                              in the future.”
                                                                                                                                                                ► Conflict management within
Who should attend?                         » How to manage it to achieve a                                                                                        boards and with external
                                             negotiated outcome                 “Excellent anecdotal accounts           Who should attend?                        stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Recent participants
► Those involved in troubling and                                               of negotiation situations and
  complex negotiations                  ► Creativity                                                                    ► Non-executive directors               ► Managing a working negotiation
                                                                                key lessons.”                                                                     framework with your CEO and
► Anyone involved in dealing with          » Understanding the creative                                                 ► Executives who report to boards
                                                                                                                                                                  executive leadership team
  challenging people.                        process                                         Recent participants        ► Shareholder representatives
                                                                                                                                                                ► Use of third parties
“Dovetailing your differences to
                                           » Why we close off creativity                                                ► Those seeking non-executive
                                                                                                                                                                ► Negotiation simulation
create value.” Lax and Sebenius.           » How to engage in productive                                                  director roles.
                                             creative thinking to achieve                                                                                       ► Negotiation toolkit.
This two-day workshop focuses                your negotiation outcome                                                   Negotiation skills are a key
on developing high-level skills to                                                                                      platform for the efficient and
                                        ► Managing conflict
break through difficult and sensitive                                                                                   proper management of board
negotiations.                           ► The top 30 breakthrough                                                       agendas, interactions with the
                                          techniques                                                                    CEO, executive leadership team
While this workshop is stand-alone,                                                                                     and shareholders and conflict
                                        ► The building blocks for durable
it combines well with the other                                                                                         resolution.
negotiation skills programs we offer.
                                                                                                                        If boardroom negotiations aren’t
                                        What you’ll learn
What we’ll cover                                                                                                        properly managed, they can
                                                                                                                        escalate into matters than can have
► The negotiation dilemma – why         You’ll emerge with:                                                             unnecessary consequences for the
  is it so hard?                        ► A structured breakthrough                                                     company and its stakeholders.
   » Creating and claiming value          strategy for when negotiations
                                          reach an impasse                                                              This one-day workshop will
   » Empathy vs assertiveness                                                                                           provide you with a sophisticated
                                        ► Mechanisms to deal with difficult
   » Principal and agent tensions         and even deceptive people
                                                                                                                        understanding of the negotiation
                                                                                                                        skills and processes that are
   » Obstacles to negotiation                                                                                           essential in the boardroom.

Value Creating in Negotiation – How to do it (The Ultimate Goal) -                                                    Negotiation Mapping – How to Plan and Prepare for Your Negotiations
Register your interest                                                                                                - Register your interest
Negotiation Skills Training                                                                                           Negotiation Skills Training

               Our trainer              Value creation is often depicted as    ► Value balance sheet – a tool for                      Our trainer              The key to successful negotiations    What you’ll learn
                                        expanding the pie, as opposed to         tracking negotiation credits and                                               is detailed planning and process
               Michael Klug AM          dividing it, or thinking outside the     debits                                                Michael Klug AM          management.                           The workshop will provide you with
               Negotiation Specialist   square.                                                                                        Negotiation Specialist
                                                                                  » The crucial questions                                                       This workshop will introduce you
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the skills and tools to:

                                        By creating rather than distributing      » Reasons for deficit                                                         to a comprehensive negotiation        ► Efficiently plan and manage your
Dates are scheduled on a needs          value, the negotiation can be                                                 Dates are scheduled on a needs            mapping tool to prepare, plan and       day-to-day negotiations with high
                                                                               ► Checklist for creating value                                                                                           degree precision
basis. To register your interest        pushed towards a solution where                                               basis. To register your interest          manage your negotiations from
please contact us.                      a mutual gains approach is the            » Questions that negotiators        please contact us.                        start through to sign-off.            ► Make wise choices and
                                        primary objective.                          should consider                                                                                                     decisions in negotiations
                                                                                                                                                                The tool, which is in the form of a
This workshop can be customised
                                        This stand-alone workshop focuses
                                                                                  » Self-evaluation                   This workshop can be customised
                                                                                                                                                                web-based app, has been designed      ► Optimise outcomes in your
to meet your organisation’s needs.                                                                                    to meet your organisation’s needs.
                                        on maximising your outcomes            ► The elements of relationship                                                   by Michael Klug.                        negotiations
Venue:     Please contact us            in negotiation and significantly         management                           Venue:     Please contact us                                                    ► Obtain a competitive advantage
                                        enhancing your negotiation
                                                                                  » Value creation in relationship                                              What we’ll cover                        when negotiating.
Time:      8.30am – 4.30pm              potential.                                                                    Time:      8.30am – 4.30pm
                                                                                    management                                                                  ► The seven elements of
                                                                                                                                                                  negotiation                         What to bring
Who should attend?                      It will explore the importance of      ► Fractionating the interests of the   Who should attend?
                                        creating value in your negotiations      parties – a negotiator’s value                                                 ► Identifying stakeholders and        ► A laptop or tablet that can
All levels in business and              and walk you step-by-step through        creating toolkit                     Anyone who requires strong                  interests                             connect to Wi-Fi.
government who wish to improve          the value-creating process.                                                   competency in negotiation. It’s
                                                                               ► Does distributive negotiating                                                  ► Stakeholder prioritisation
their ability to create value at the                                             have a place?                        highly suited for those involved in
negotiating table. What do we mean      What we’ll cover                                                              team negotiations, for example:           ► Stakeholder influencing
by creating value, not distributing                                            ► The way ahead to productive
                                        ► Is adding value always possible?       negotiation.                         ► Procurement                             ► Negotiation processes with
value, and why should you do it?                                                                                                                                  stakeholders
                                        ► Distributive vs integrative                                                 ► Enterprise bargaining
                                          negotiating                          What you’ll learn                                                                ► Negotiation worksheet
                                                                                                                      ► Corporate/commercial
                                           » the essential tension of the      The objective is to increase
                                                                                                                        negotiations                            ► Mutual gains approach to
                                             negotiation process               your workplace competency in                                                       negotiation
                                                                               negotiation by changing your           ► Policy development processes
                                        ► The behaviours of successful         orientation to a value-creating                                                  ► Value creation process
                                                                                                                      ► Conflict resolution
                                          value creating negotiators           model.                                                                              » Creating negotiation credits
                                                                                                                      ► Multi-party multi-issue
                                        ► A mutual gains approach
                                                                                                                        negotiations                               » Value balance sheet analysis
                                           » What does this mean?              “Very enjoyable and useful
                                                                               material. Kept my interest             ► One-on-one negotiations.                   » Checklist for creating value
                                           » Techniques for achieving it       all day.”                                                                           » Negotiation health check
                                        ► Negotiation credits
                                                                                                                                                                ► Managing stakeholder objections
                                           » Generating credits                “I appreciate how each person’s                                                  ► What to do when things go
                                           » Credit activities                 contributions were valued.”                                                        wrong.
                                           » How to track the health of the    “Negotiation is central to
                                             negotiation in a measurable
                                             and positive way                  my role and the skills I’ve
                                                                               learnt from this workshop
                                           » Identifying negotiation debits    are invaluable.”
                                             and techniques for avoiding
                                                                                            Recent participants

Negotiation – Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB) -                                                                    Developing a Corporate Competency in Negotiation
Register your interest                                                                                             - Register your interest

               Our trainer              What we’ll cover                       What you’ll learn                                  Our trainer               What we’ll cover                        What you’ll learn
               Michael Klug AM          ► What is IBB?                         ► Learn how to apply IBB skills                    Michael Klug AM           ► Why we need to develop a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    You’ll learn how to:
               Negotiation Specialist                                                                                             Negotiation Specialist      corporate negotiation capability
                                        ► Why don’t we do it naturally?        ► Learn how to create strategic
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ► Assess your level of corporate
                                                                                 partnerships and achieve                                                   ► Reviewing and refining your
                                        ► How are positional and                                                                                                                                      negotiation competency
                                                                                 mutually beneficial agreements.                                              individual skills
Dates are scheduled on a needs            distributive bargaining different?                                       Dates are scheduled on a needs                                                   ► Improve your individual
basis. To register your interest                                                                                   basis. To register your interest         ► Conflict – why it arises, how to
please contact us.
                                        ► How do I create value, not just
                                                                               “The presenter was                  please contact us.                         prevent it, and how to resolve it
                                                                                                                                                                                                      negotiation skills to a high
                                          distribute value?                                                                                                                                           standard
                                                                               interactive and approachable.                                                ► Developing long-lasting and
This workshop can be customised         ► When is it appropriate to just       I enjoyed the negotiation           This workshop can be customised            durable relationships with your
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ► Develop a thorough
to meet your organisation’s needs.        distribute value?                    exercises.”                         to meet your organisation’s needs.                                                 understanding of the necessary
                                                                                                                                                              staff, clients, suppliers and other
                                                                                                                                                                                                      skills set you and your workforce
                                        ► How much information do I                        A recent participant                                               stakeholders
Venue:     Please contact us              share?                                                                   Venue:     Please contact us
                                                                                                                                                            ► The negotiation behaviour of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ► Become an advocate and mentor
                                        ► The complication of multi-party,                                         Time:      8.30am – 4.30pm                 your workforce – is it effective,
Time:      8.30am – 4.30pm                                                                                                                                                                            for the development of effective
                                          multi-issue negotiations in IBB                                                                                     consistent, highly ethical and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      negotiation techniques in your
Who should attend?                      ► The role of time and how to                                              Who should attend?                         transparent?
                                          manage it                                                                                                         ► Techniques for transforming
                                                                                                                   Those who wish to understand                                                     ► Mentor your staff and keep them
This workshop has been designed                                                                                                                               negotiation into a corporate
                                        ► How to preserve and enhance                                                                                                                                 in your workforce for an
for those in business and                                                                                          and improve their organisations’           capability.
                                          relationships even when you are                                                                                                                             extended period of time
government who would like to                                                                                       corporate competency, including:
                                          in disagreement
develop or refresh their IBB skills.                                                                               ► Directors                                                                      ► Manage conflicts in a low-cost
                                        ► The role of emotions and how to                                                                                                                             way
Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB)           deal with them in IBB                                                    ► Senior executives
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ► Understand best practice in
techniques are becoming more                                                                                       ► Middle management.
                                        ► The role of the independent third                                                                                                                           negotiation.
and more popular, especially in
government.                                                                                                        Does your organisation have
                                        ► How to turn adversaries into                                             uniformly high negotiation skills?
This one-day workshop will explain        allies
IBB concepts and provide you with                                                                                  A strong business is based on the
                                        ► Why most negotiators need to
the skills and strategies to make it                                                                               strong relationships its staff forges
work effectively.                                                                                                  with clients, suppliers – and each
                                        ► When the deal is done, what                                              other. Negotiation is crucial to these
                                          needs to be done?                                                        relationships, but how can you
                                        ► How to achieve a culture shift to                                        ensure your workforce has first-
                                          IBB.                                                                     class, consistent negotiation skills?

                                                                                                                   In this workshop you’ll learn about
                                                                                                                   the connection between your own
                                                                                                                   individual negotiation skills and
                                                                                                                   your corporate competency. You’ll
                                                                                                                   also discover how you can act as
                                                                                                                   a catalyst to unify and consolidate
                                                                                                                   your workforce’s abilities.

Negotiation – The End Game - Register your interest                                                                        The Golden Rules of Negotiation - Register your interest
Negotiation Skills Training                                                                                                Negotiation Skills Training

               Our trainer              What we’ll cover                         What you’ll learn                                       Our trainer              What we’ll cover                    “Michael’s passion for this
               Michael Klug AM                                                                                                           Michael Klug AM          ► Preparing for negotiation         topic makes this presentation
               Negotiation Specialist
                                        Day one                                  You’ll develop a deeper
                                                                                                                                         Negotiation Specialist                                       a ‘must see’, informative and
                                                                                 understanding of the negotiation                                                 ► Making effective concessions
                                        ► Brief overview of the key
                                                                                 process and will acquire the skills to
                                          learnings from Negotiation –                                                                                            ► Using deadlines to your
                                                                                 negotiate in a highly sophisticated,
Dates are scheduled on a needs            Breakthrough Techniques                                                         Dates are scheduled on a needs            advantage                         “Best presentation ever.
                                                                                 low-cost and effective way.
basis. To register your interest        ► Negotiation breakdown – causes                                                  basis. To register your interest        ► Escalation                        Captivating.”
please contact us.                                                                                                        please contact us.
                                          and cures                              “Excellent ability to impart                                                     ► Understanding the other side
This workshop can be customised         ► Ten guidelines for effective           knowledge and experience in              This workshop can be customised         ► Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “I intend on applying the
to meet your organisation’s needs.        negotiating                            negotiation and mediation.”              to meet your organisation’s needs.                                          Golden Rules immediately.”
                                                                                                                                                                  ► Starting points
                                        ► Avoiding being coerced
Venue:     Please contact us                                                                  A recent participant        Venue:     Please contact us            ► Managing the tensions in                     Recent participants
                                        ► The power of silence
Time:      8.30am – 4.30pm              ► Trade-offs – why they are                                                       Length:    One hour presentation
                                                                                                                                     (can be extended if          ► The six most common mistakes
                                                                                                                                                                    of negotiators
Who should attend?                      ► Helping the other side to agree
                                                                                                                                                                  ► Negotiation atmosphere
This program caters for                 ► The necessity for deadlines                                                     From his decades of experience,
                                                                                                                          Michael Klug has observed               ► Strengths in negotiation
experienced negotiators who have
                                        ► The role of time                                                                and extracted the key rules of
attended Intensive Negotiation                                                                                                                                    ► Characteristics of an effective
Skills and Negotiation –                ► What if I can’t cut a deal?                                                     negotiation. This interesting and         negotiator.
Breakthrough Techniques.                                                                                                  entertaining presentation will reveal
                                        ► Recognising needs
                                                                                                                          the most important rules and why
“Bring them to their senses, not        ► The art of deciphering everyday                                                 no one can afford to ignore them.
to their knees – the power of             conversation
negotiation!” William Ury.
                                        ► Is strategy necessary?
This course is essential to
                                        Day two
consolidate the lessons learned
in the Intensive Negotiation Skills     ► Five key steps to reduce conflict
and Negotiation – Breakthrough          ► Tension reduction
Techniques workshops. It draws
together the theory and practice of     ► Making options more desirable
negotiation with a more advanced        ► Multi-party multi-issues – how to
level of exercises.                       emerge from the fog
                                        ► Changing competition to
                                        ► What to do when the other side
                                          is being difficult
                                        ► How to manage risk and select
                                          the right options
                                        ► Third party intervention (a crucial
                                          technique) – when, how and
                                        ► A wrap-up for the rest of your life.

                                                                                                                                                                     Level 15
                                                                                               ABN: 35 740 217 343
                                                                                                                                                                     1 Bligh Street
                                                                                               Tax invoice: This document will be a tax invoice when you
                                                                                               make payment and will be the only tax invoice which is
                                                                                                                                                                     Sydney NSW 2000
                                                                                               provided by Clayton Utz for these workshop costs. Please              +61 2 9353 4000
                                                                                               retain the original for your GST records. Receipts are not
                                                                                               provided.                                                             Melbourne
Registration options                                                                           Cancellations, substitutions and no shows: Notification
                                                                                               of cancellations and substitutions must be made in writing to
                                                                                                                                                                     Level 18
                                                                                      Substitutions can be made at          333 Collins Street
Register online at or complete this                             any time without penalty. The following charges apply to
                                                                                                                                                                     Melbourne VIC 3000
                                                                                               cancellations and no shows:
registration form or email to                                                                                                         +61 3 9286 6000
                                                                                                 Cancellation date range        Cancellation charges
                                                                                                                              There are no penalties – you
Workshop details                                                                                 15 or more days
                                                                                                                              can choose between a full              Level 28
                                                                                                                              refund or a credit position at a       Riparian Plaza
Workshop topic:                                                                                                               future workshop.
                                                                                                                                                                     71 Eagle Street
                                                                                                 8-14 days                    The full cost of the workshop will
                                                                                                                                                                     Brisbane QLD 4000
City:                                                                                                                         be charged and you’ll be offered
                                                                                                                              a credit position at a future          +61 7 3292 7000
                                                                                                                              workshop. Credit positions must
Date/s:                                                                                                                       be used within 12 months of the        Perth
                                                                                                                              original workshop date.
                                                                                                                                                                     Level 27
Participant details
                                                                                                 7 days or less,              The full cost of the workshop will     QV.1 Building
                                                                                                 including no shows           be charged. Credit positions do
                                                                                                                              not apply.                             250 St Georges Terrace
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr:                                                                                                                                                   Perth WA 6000
                                                                                               Disclaimers: Clayton Utz Training Program workshops are               +61 8 9426 8000
                                                                                               intended to provide commentary and general information. They
Position:                                                                                      should not be relied upon as legal advice. Formal legal advice        Canberra
                                                                                               should be sought in particular transactions or on matters of
Organisation:                                                                                  interest arising from the workshops. Clayton Utz reserves the         Level 10
                                                                                               right to postpone, cancel or alter the workshops as required.         NewActon Nishi
                                                                                               If workshop cancellation is necessary we’ll attempt to contact
Telephone number:                                    :                                         registrants at least one week before the workshop date to             2 Phillip Law Street
                                                                                               arrange a refund or credit position. Clayton Utz accepts              Canberra ACT 2601
                                                                                               no responsibility for any travel, accommodation or other
Postal address:                                                                                consequential losses which may be incurred.                           +61 2 6279 4000
Email:                                                                                         Privacy policy: Clayton Utz is committed to ensuring your
                                                                                               privacy. All information collected is dealt with in accordance with   17–19 Lindsay Street
                                                                                               Clayton Utz’s Privacy Policy.                                         Darwin NT 0800
How did you find out about us?
                                                                                               We will use your personal information for the following
                                                                                                                                                                     +61 8 8943 2555
                                                                                               purposes: providing services to you; responding to your inquiry;
                                                                                               marketing our services, administering and operating our online
Training investment – Payment must be provided before the workshop                             subscriptions and providing you with information about legal
                                                                                               developments and other services that you have requested;    
Two day workshops                                                                              maintaining, managing and developing our relationship with
                                                                                               you; contracting out some of our functions to external service
    $2,789 (includes $253.55 GST) per person                                                   providers and suppliers (such as IT, mailing houses and printing
                                                                                               companies, advertising and marketing); the organisation of
    $2,510 (includes $228.18 GST) per person if booking two weeks before the workshop          events; and complying with our legal and regulatory obligations.
                                                                                               We or our third party contractors may also use your personal
    $2,371 (includes $215.55 GST) per person if in a group of three or more                    information for statistical, design and operational purposes.
                                                                                               If your personal information is used in this manner then any
One day workshops                                                                              information that we produce will not personally identify you. We
                                                                                               sometimes engage other companies to provide services on our
    $1,395 (includes $126.82 GST) per person                                                   behalf which may result in them having access to your personal
                                                                                               information. They will only have access to the information for
    $1,256 (includes $114.18 GST) per person if booking two weeks before the workshop          the purpose of providing the services and must not use your
                                                                                               personal information for their own purposes. We may disclose
    $1,186 (includes $107.82 GST) per person if in a group of three or more                    personal information to external service providers located
                                                                                               overseas (including England) so that they can provide us with
                                                                                               services in connection with the operation of our business, such
Half day workshops
                                                                                               as marketing services and data storage. If you do not wish for
    $698 (includes $63.45 GST) per person                                                      us to send you information about legal developments and other
                                                                                               services, please let us know by contacting our Privacy Officer
    $628 (includes $57.09 GST) per person if booking two weeks before the workshop             at the details below. You can also unsubscribe from our email
                                                                                               notifications by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ button at the
    $593 (includes $53.91 GST) per person if in a group of three or more                       bottom of our email notifications and following the prompts or by
                                                                                               emailing us by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button on our website.

Payment options                                                                                If you do not provide all the information we require, we may not
                                                                                               be able to do any of the things set out above. We have a Privacy
                                                                                               Policy which contains information about how you may access
   Cheque (payable to Clayton Utz)                                                             the personal information about you that we hold and seek the
                                                                                               correction of such information. Our Privacy Policy also contains
Credit card:      Visa    Mastercard (Amex is not accepted)                                    information about how you may complain about a breach of the
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Cardholder’s name:
                                                                                               You may contact our Privacy Officer by either:

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                                                                                               Post           Attention “Privacy Officer” Level 15,
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*If this particular educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs in                                                                         The contents do not constitute legal advice
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Professional Body for your state (excluding WA).
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