Robert Hah Benjamin Pan Marco Siu - Accenture

Page created by Andy Little
Robert Hah Benjamin Pan Marco Siu - Accenture
Robert Hah
Benjamin Pan
Marco Siu
Robert Hah Benjamin Pan Marco Siu - Accenture
The last 18 months have been an interesting period for the smartphone
market in China. Sales of mid-range models accelerated, while premium
smartphones faced a slowdown in growth. At the same time, tier-2 and
tier-3 OEM brands stepped up and continued to pose a challenge to
traditional tier-1 brands’ coveted status.
According to the latest industry analyses, 458 million smartphones were
sold in China in 2016 - approximately 1/3 of total sales globally. In the
Chinese market, tier-1 and tier-2 OEM brands claimed a market share of
34% and 31% respectively, compared with 32% and 25% respectively in
2015 - a competitive landscape between the two leagues is coming into

                   Tier-1 OEMs have led the               The emergence of new consumer
                   technological advancement              bases, the penetration of 4G
                   in smartphone development              networks and 4G roaming, as
                   in the past decade. They have          well as the significantly-changing
                   gained a competitive edge with         consumer buying habits are driving
                   innovative features and functions      factors behind the rapid expansion
                   and captured bottom-line growth        in potential markets. This trend is
 Market Share:     through premium smartphone             also evident in small and midsized
 >5% >10% >1%      offerings. However, as growth in       towns and rural areas. These new
                   the premium smartphone segment         developments, coupled with
                   slows and turnkey solutions            the transformation of retail sales
                   become available, tier-1 OEMs face     channels, global smartphone
                   ever-increasing competition from       models and ecosystems, have
                   rising tier-2 and tier-3 OEMs. These   opened new doors for tier-2 and
                   companies are looking to expand        tier-3 OEMs to grow revenue and
                   their footprints in and outside of     gain market share.
                   China, and boost their smartphone
                   market shares. The sudden rise
                   of tier-2 and tier-3 OEMs speaks
                   to the significant changes that
                   are taking place within the entire
                   mobile phone industry.

Robert Hah Benjamin Pan Marco Siu - Accenture
Since inception, the mobile phone market has been characterized by rapid change driven by
innovation and a continual drive to reduce Bill of Materials (BOM) costs. Today, three factors are
driving the continuous evolution of the global mobile phone landscape.

                         ACCELERATION OF 4G NETWORK COVERAGE
                         The growth of 4G network               dramatic expansion in 4G LTE
                         coverage is gaining increased          coverage has made networks
                         momentum. In 2015, global              increasingly complex. This
                         4G LTE connections across 151          complexity will continue to grow to
                         countries grew to more than 1          2020, and beyond, as 5G networks
                         billion, representing a doubling       are introduced and connected
                         up in numbers from the previous        experiences driven by the Internet
                         year. Furthermore, developing          of Things (IoT) dominate the
                         markets even managed to see            mobile ecosystem.
                         triple growth in numbers. Such

                         AND AFFORDABILITY
                         Smartphones are progressively          from the number of units they
                         becoming more available and            are shipping today. Developing
                         affordable. Increasing broadband       markets are expected to account
                         connectivity, expanding network        for 75% of all smartphones sales
                         coverage, and growing customer         by 2018, and will be the engine for
                         data needs have jointly accelerated    overall market segment growth. A
                         smartphone adoption. It is             strong tier-2 and tier-3 OEM base
                         predicted that, in 2020, OEMs          across the midrange smartphone
                         will be shipping 1.7 billion 4G        market is needed to serve this
                         smartphones; a 70% increase            booming demand.

The ways in which consumers buy       require consumers to be tied to a
mobile devices are undergoing         carrier contract. Rising tier-2 OEMs
dramatic change across the            are leading the way with 130%
ecosystem. One significant            year-on-year revenue growth from
aspect of this change is the rising   the open channel. The shift to the
proportion of phones sold directly    open channel has forced OEMs
to consumers. In China, over 60%      to focus more on customers, who
of sales are now expected to come     demand faster data speeds and
through open channels that do not     more portability across carriers.

As an example, domestic mobile brands, OPPO and vivo, are
penetrating deeply into offline stores across various middle-sized
and small towns and are quickly winning users over. Moreover, OPPO
and vivo put a great deal of trust in their local distribution agents,
offering them incentives such as stock shares and rebates, which
has enabled the two brands to gain quick entry into tier-3, tier-4 or
even tier-5 markets. To cope with competition, premium brands are
also deploying their offline stores at the prefecture and county levels
in China. For example, Apple’s MONO stores are targeting such
markets with smaller storefronts and flexible product displays that
better conform to the habits of local consumers.

Meanwhile, carriers also have         opportunities for OEMs -
recently changed how they sell        particularly for tier-2 and tier-
smartphones. For more than            3 players trying to position
a decade they have offered            themselves as tier-1.5 players. Last
substantial subsidies on phones in    year, some tier-2 OEMs explored
exchange for long-term customer       new markets by addressing the
contracts. However, the efficacy      needs of new consumer groups
of the subsidy model is waning        in East Europe, South America
in mature markets. Hence, in          and Southeast Asia. To maintain
the Chinese market, carriers are      sustainable growth, tier-2 and tier-3
promoting multiple purchase           OEMs must focus on customer
models, such as a leasing or          experience, learn from leading
installment-plan model.               brands, understand the latest
                                      industry trends and devise winning
These market changes create           strategies.
challenges as well as significant

Faced with tough challenges from                  In today’s era of customer-centricity, marketers
competitors, tier-1 OEMs have begun to revise     are at pains to create distinct versions of their
their product strategy. For example, they are     products for each customer segment. However,
working on product portfolios of fewer models     if seen from another angle, smartphone OEMs
that are universally acceptable around the        could greatly ease off from this and even
globe. These global phone devices are able        perform better by reducing the number of
to work in all network modes and frequency        stock keeping units (SKU) across their product
bands, and are adaptable to various changes       portfolio and considering making one device
in complex networks and dynamic markets.          for all the target segments. Ideally, these
Tier-2 OEMs are also looking into integrating     devices must meet customer demands and
models, striving to save cost and expand into     be globally compatible. With the consolidation
new markets. In addition to technological         of SKUs, each phone will incur slightly higher
advances, consumer demands are playing            BOM costs, but the strategic benefits and total
a significant role in increasing overall device   cost of ownership savings will far outweigh the
complexity. Unconvinced of the practical          upfront costs.
benefits brought by enhancements to
devices, consumers tend to replace their
devices less frequently. This resulted in the
global smartphone market reaching its plateau
last year.

Take Huawei as an example. In addition to continuous investment
                        in R&D and innovation, the company is also trying to simplify
                        product portfolios and develop globally compatible mobile phones,
                        to expand its mobile phone sales internationally. According to
                        statistics, Huawei mobile phones are currently sold in over 170
                        countries and regions. In Europe, Huawei has sold over 26 million
                        smartphones. In countries like Poland and Finland, its market share
                        once surpassed that of Samsung and Apple, ranking in the second
                        or even the first place.

                        Accenture research shows that         focus from BOM cost to value
                        when the product portfolio of a       generation. This is made possible
                        tier-2 OEM is made up of global       by new technologies that address
                        devices and fewer SKUs, the           device and network complexity.
                        company typically will experience     In addition to generating top-line
                        a 2.5x return on investment (ROI).    growth, a globally compatible
                        However, to unlock the potential      phone will drive cost-savings
                        of this strategic opportunity, OEMs   through reducing the number of
                        need to view competitiveness          SKUs in an OEM’s portfolio.
                        differently by shifting their

Which are the most critical features of smartphone devices that can enable an OEM to win
the competition of the future? Features such as branding, channels, costs and differentiation
(e.g. cameras and battery endurance) are all important here. However, these are not enough
to completely win customers over. What completes the customer-satisfaction spectrum is the
creation of a customer-centered experience and their engagement through effective R&D and
engaging sales pitches, all the way to worthwhile user services benefits.

Our research has found that, if          In the smartphone industry,
an OEM can better address the            Apple’s iOS has established an
core needs of users, e.g. improved       effective ecosystem and brought
battery life, IoT connectivity, and      in sustainable profits for the Apple
cross-carrier compatibility, it will     Store - hence many latecomers
help enhance the attractiveness of       are trying to follow suit. Some
their devices from customers and         Chinese smartphone OEMs have
carriers. This is especially effective   also launched software stores and
in highly fragmented markets             cloud platforms based on Internet
such as China, where both sales          apps. For hardware, they have
volumes and average selling price        tapped into wearable devices and
(ASP) are expected to increase.          interconnectivity with other smart
                                         devices. However, the indication
On the other hand, OEMs could            is that most of these inventions
easily be replaced if they only          are still merely at marketing demo
strengthen certain hardware              levels, and lack real disruptive
functions of mobile phones.              innovation. Nevertheless, one of
Instead, mobile OEMs should learn        the key success factors for smart
from other platform enterprises to       phone OEMs to win in the future
build software application-centric       remains their ability to capture and
ecosystems to better increase            maintain users in the ecosystem.
user loyalty. For example, Amazon
has launched Amazon Echo as an           The breakthrough battle for tier-
access to its smart home platform.       2 and tier-3 mobile brands has
Through voice interaction, users         started. In this constantly changing
can control the connected smart          mobile industry, they are facing
devices through Echo, to adjust          both tremendous opportunities
lights and temperatures, control         as well as formidable challenges.
television, monitor devices, as well     Success hinges on whether they
as to automatically place orders on      can deploy the right strategies
the Amazon website. Meanwhile,           that are centered upon customer
Echo is also an integrated platform      experience and ride on the latest
where developers can familiarize         technological trends of the mobile
themselves with the Echo system          industry.
for developing smart hardware and

The original byline article was published on The Economic Observer on
January 9, 2017.

 Robert Hah                          Accenture is a leading global professional services
                                     company, providing a broad range of services and
 Managing Director
                                     solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and
 Accenture Strategy, Greater China
                                     operations. Combining unmatched experience and
                                     specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all
                                     business functions – underpinned by the world’s largest
 Benjamin Pan
                                     delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection
 Director                            of business and technology to help clients improve
 Accenture Strategy, Greater China   their performance and create sustainable value for             their stakeholders. With approximately 459,000 people
                                     serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture
 Marco Siu                           drives innovation to improve the way the world works
 Manager                             and lives.
 Accenture Strategy, Greater China
                                     The company has been operating in Greater China
                                     for over 30 years. Today, it has around 15,000 people
                                     servicing clients across the region with offices in the
                                     cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Chengdu,
                                     Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taipei. As a
                                     trusted Partner of Choice for digital transformation,
                                     Accenture is bringing more innovation to the business
                                     and technology ecosystems and helping Chinese
                                     enterprises and the government to embrace digitization
                                     and enhance global competitiveness to succeed in the
                                     new era.

                                     For more information about Accenture, please visit
                                     its corporate and its
                                     Greater China homepage

                                     ABOUT ACCENTURE STRATEGY
                                     Accenture Strategy operates at the intersection of
                                     business and technology. We bring together our
                                     capabilities in business, technology, operations and
                                     function strategy to help our clients envision and
                                     execute industry-specific strategies that support
                                     enterprise wide transformation. Our focus on issues
                                     related to digital disruption, competitiveness, global
                                     operating models, talent and leadership help drive both
                                     efficiencies and growth. For more information, follow
                                     @AccentureStrat or visit

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