Page created by Earl Reyes
20 JANUARY 2022
Message from the Minister...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

The Class of 2021................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Report Card – Class Of 2021.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Top Mathematics Achievers ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Top Physical Sciences Achievers.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Top Technical Mathematics Achievers................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Top Technical Sciences Achievers......................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Top Achievers - Quintile 1 Schools........................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Top Achievers - Quintile 2 Schools........................................................................................................................................................................ 18

Top Achievers - Quintile 3 Schools........................................................................................................................................................................ 20

Top Achievers - Quintile 4 Schools........................................................................................................................................................................ 22

Top Achievers - Quintile 5 Schools........................................................................................................................................................................ 24

Top Special Achievers .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Top South African Sign Language Home Language Achievers............................................................................................................................. 28

Important information............................................................................................................................................................................................. 30

Contact details for examination-related enquiries: ............................................................................................................................................... 32

        1                                                                                                                                     Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Message from the Minister
                         The Class of 2021 will remember their Grade           heartwarming to witness how teachers reported for duty long before
                         12 year as one of challenge and triumph. The          their official working hours, offered additional classes over weekends
                         challenge was coping with the unknowns                and school holidays and left no chalk unfinished to offer their relentless
                         of new Covid-19 variants and managing                 support to the Class of 2021. I salute you!
                         its subsequent effects on learning. The
                         triumph was overcoming learning loss and              The COVID‐19 pandemic further highlighted the urgency for the
                         maintaining high academic discipline. The             sector to migrate from manual and paper‐based systems to the use
                         results of the class of 2021 is a triumph for         of hybrid and blended Information and Communications Technology
                         the learners who participated and the society         (ICT) platforms. The WOZA Matrics 2021 Catch-Up Programme and
                         that supported them. The response of the              the Tswelopele Campaigns were important initiatives established by the
                         Department with the support of parents and            DBE, to support the Class of 2021 and learners in the General Education
                         their communities to insulate this class from         & Further Education and Training Bands. The two campaigns provided
                         potential harm and safeguard their right to           digital and non-digital learning resources in partnership with a range of
                         education’s promise of a better future, has           content providers to enable learners to catch-up on lost face-to-face
borne fruit. In 2021, we celebrate and salute this second cohort who           learning and to enable them to enhance, acquire and develop crucial
wrote the National Senior Certificate Examinations under COVID-19              knowledge, skills, attitudes and values during the academic year.
protocols yet delivered a miraculous achievement of improving
performance, enabling a successful gateway to their further studies            The Quality Assurance Council, Umalusi, approved the 2021 NSC
and the world of work.                                                         results. It must be noted that the approval was preceded by punctilious
                                                                               verification of all examination processes. South Africa offers a credible
In 2021, the Rainbow Nation bade farewell to Archbishop Desmond                public examination system, comparable internationally. The National
Tutu. The Arch once stated, ‘There comes a point where we need to              Senior Certificate has again stood the test of time and after 12 years
stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find     of teaching and learning, this qualification holds intrinsic value for both
out why they’re falling in’. This echoes the mission of the Department         individuals and society as a measure of advocated success.
of Basic Education in pursuit of growing better tomorrows by providing
quality education today.                                                       The Class of 2021 had a number of success stories. There was a
                                                                               significant increase in the number of full-time enrolments in 2021
This cohort has risen to the call by President Cyril Ramaphosa that we         increasing from 610 484 in 2020 to 733 917 in 2021. This difference of
can overcome our challenges as a nation because we are a nation of             123 487 candidates allays the concern that there would have been a
heroes. The education sector faced numerous challenges in 2021 but             significant dropout of learners in 2020 and 2021, given the COVID-19
as true heroes, our teachers, principals, subject advisors and all officials   pandemic. There were improvements in Mathematics and Physical
in the sector displayed an energy, commitment and persistence to rise          Science by more than 3 percentage points over their 2020 counterparts;
above the challenges they faced. At the risk of their own welfare, it was      a testament to government’s priority of equipping South African learners

      2                                                                                              Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
with relevant skills and knowledge for a changing world. These improved        The success of the Class of 2021 also bears testament to the ongoing
learner performance trends are in keeping with notable improvements            and planned initiatives of the Department to build strong foundations
patterns observed at the Grade 5 and Grade 9 levels in the Trends              in learning from the early years of schooling, building back basic skills
in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) over the last           in numeracy and literacy and preparing learners adequately for 21st
10 years. Over the last two years, government has emphasised the               century skills and competencies. We are committed towards ensuring
world of work is changing and the need for entrepreneurial skills is           learning is a successful journey that brings enjoyment and fulfillment
not only desired but necessary for many candidates to become self-             from early learning to exit leaving qualifications.
sufficient and successful. It is therefore encouraging to note that one
of the best performing subjects was Business Studies with more than            We remain grateful to schools providing extra learner support
80% of candidates achieving a pass score. The overall pass rate of the         programmes and to non-governmental organisations, corporates,
class of 2021 improved from 76.2% to 76.4% and more than a third               institutions of higher learning, community groups, and volunteer-based
of candidates who wrote will be able to pursue career interests at a           learning programmes, working in partnership with schools in providing
University.                                                                    highly valuable support to our learners. Stakeholders and partners
                                                                               in education immensely contributed to the readiness and success
The President of the Republic further committed in his 2021 State of the       achieved by the Class of 2021.
Nation Address: ‘in the year ahead, we are also going to forge ahead
with efforts to provide greater opportunities for persons with disabilities    Once again, I wish to thank parents, teachers, principals, teacher
to participate in the economy and in society in general’. In November          unions, communities, district and provincial officials, and social partners
2021, the DBE hosted the National Inclusive Education summit that              for carrying the Class of 2021. I believe that our unity will make us
focused on the repositioning of inclusive education as a mechanism             find new frontiers of cooperation and innovation. I am confident that
towards education for all. Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities   by working together yet again, we can support the Class of 2022 in the
is crucial to fulfilling the core promise of the National Development          manner that we supported their predecessors. The magnanimous act
Plan’s Vision 2030: to leave no one behind. In 2021, South African Sign        of society seeks to fulfill the Freedom Charter’s clarion call that: ‘The
Language Home Language (SASL HL) candidates sat for the fourth                 Doors of Learning and Culture Shall be opened!’
SASL HL examinations in the National Senior Certificate Examinations.
I am also pleased to report that a total of 879 learners with special
needs attained admission to Bachelor studies, 636 achieved admission
to diploma Studies, and 151 achieved admission to higher certificate

A dynamic education system keeps abreast with the demands of the               MRS AM MOTSHEKGA, MP
fourth industrial revolution. In 2021, Marine Sciences was offered
                                                                               MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION
for the first time as an examinable subject in the Grade 12 NSC
examinations. Various technical vocational specialisations, Technical
Mathematics and Technical Sciences were offered for the fourth year
since their introduction in 2018. A remarkable improvement in the
2021 NSC results was noted in both Technical Sciences and Technical
Mathematics. This bodes well for our recent initiatives on introducing
robotics and coding in earlier grades.

      3                                                                                              Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
The Class of 2021

  4                 Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
The Class of 2021
The Class of 2021 entered the formal schooling system in Grade 1,          Technical Sciences, Civil Technology (Construction /Civil Services/
in January 2010. The Class of 2021 have had the advantage of being         Woodworking), Electrical Technology (Digital Systems/Electronic/
the eighth cohort to be exposed to the Curriculum Assessment Policy        Power Systems) and Mechanical Technology (Automotive/Fitting and
Statement (CAPS).                                                          Machining/Welding and Metal Work). These learners are therefore the
                                                                           beneficiaries of the educational transformation that heralds the move
There is a significant increase in the number of full-time enrolments      towards a technologically enhanced curriculum. The Class of 2021 is
in 2021. The number of full-time enrolments increased from 610             also the first cohort to sit for the newly introduced Marine Sciences
484 in 2020 to 733 917 in 2021. There has also been a significant          and the second cohort to sit for two question papers in Accounting and
increase in the number of part-time learners from 115 851 in 2020 to       Business Studies.
162 793 in 2021 (an increase of 46 942). This could be attributed to
a large number of part-time candidates that would have registered
for the both the November 2020 and June 2021 examinations and
given the COVID-19 lockdown were not fully prepared for those
examinations and hence decided to register for the subsequent
October/November 2021 examinations.

It is important to note that COVID-19 impacted not only on the Grade
12 year of the Class of 2021, but also on the Grade 11 year. In Grade
11, these learners were subjected to the rotational time-table, which
implied that they attended schools for a limited number of days in the
month and hence they had to adapt to “at-home learning” approaches.
In order to ensure that more time was allocated for learning, the June
examination and the end-of the year examination was replaced with
controlled tests and the weighting of SBA increased to 60% (from 25%)
while the weighting of examinations decreased to 40% (from 75%). The
increase in school based assessment implied that the teacher played
a more prominent role in determining the achievement of the learning
outcomes and the promotion of learners to the next grade.

The Class of 2021 is the fourth cohort to offer a series of new subjects
in the Grade 12 NSC examinations. These include South African Sign
Language at Home Language level (SASL HL), Technical Mathematics,

     5                                                                                         Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
The Class of 2021 is also the first cohort to sit for the newly introduced Marine Sciences and the second
   cohort to sit for two question papers in Accounting and Business Studies.

                3. REPORT CARD – CLASS OF 2021
   Table 1: Overall Performance of the Class of 2021
Table 1: Overall Performance of the Class of 2021
                            Province                                                      2021
 Province                                          Total Wrote     Total Achieved      % Achieved
                                                   Total Wrote                      Total Achieved                  % Achieved
                            Eastern Cape             91 500             66 770              73.0
 Eastern Cape                                         91 500                            66 770                          73.0
                            Free State               35 055             30 037              85.7
 Free State                                           35 055                            30 037                          85.7
                            Gauteng                  127 523            105 526             82.8
 Gauteng                                             127 523                           105 526                          82.8
                            Kwazulu-Natal            166 570            127 990             76.8
 Kwazulu-Natal                                       166 570                           127 990                          76.8
                            Limpopo                  105 101            70 124              66.7
 Limpopo                                             105 101                            70 124                          66.7
                            Mpumalanga               66 756             49 133              73.6
 Mpumalanga                                           66 756                            49 133                          73.6
                            North West               41 081             32 143              78.2
 North West                 Northern Cape
                                                      41 081
                                                     12 726              9 089
                                                                                        32 143
 Northern Cape              Western Cape              12709
                                                     57  726            46 875           9 089
                                                                                            81.2                        71.4
 Western Cape               National                 57 021
                                                    704 709             537 687         46 875
                                                                                            76.4                        81.2
 National                                           704 021                            537 687                          76.4

           Graph 1:ofComparison
Graph 1: Comparison               of NSC
                      NSC performance 2008performance
                                           to 2021    2008 to 2021

                                                          78.2                              78.2 81.3 76.2 76.4
                  80                               73.9          75.8                75.1
                                            70.2                        70.7 72.5
                  70   62.6 60.6






                       2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

     6                                                                                       Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Table 2: Performance of the Class of 2021 by type of qualification

                           Bachelor              Diploma             Higher Certificate               NSC
           Total                                                                               Total                                 %
 Prov                            %                 %                 %                 %
           Wrote     Achieved          Achieved          Achieved          Achieved          Achieved                             Achieved
                              Achieved          Achieved          Achieved          Achieved
 EC        91 500      31 384     34.3      22 411         24.5      12 957       14.2          16          0.0       66 768        73.0
 FS        35 055      13 971     39.9      10 836         30.9       5 188       14.8            1         0.0       29 996        85.6
 GP        127 523     55 848     43.8      34 174         26.8      15 459       12.1            0         0.0       105 481       82.7
 KZN       166 570     61 856     37.1      42 128         25.3      23 945       14.4          61          0.0       127 990       76.8
 LP        105 101     28 072     26.7      23 533         22.4      18 516       17.6            3         0.0       70 124        66.7
 MP        66 756      21 044     31.5      16 948         25.4      11 120       16.7          21          0.0       49 133        73.6
 NW        41 081      13 875     33.8      10 794         26.3       7 470       18.2            0         0.0       32 139        78.2
 NC        12 726       3 856     30.3       3 119         24.5       2 114       16.6            0         0.0        9 089        71.4
 WC        57 709      26 125     45.3      13 629         23.6       7 090       12.3            1         0.0       46 845        81.2
 NAT       704 021     256 031    36.4      177 572        25.2      103 859      14.8         103          0.0       537 565       76.4

Table 3: Full-time candidates’ performance at 30% and above in key subjects, 2020 to 2021

                                                       2020                                                   2021
            Subjects                           Achieved 30% &                                          Achieved 30% &
                                  Wrote                              % Achieved           Wrote                                % Achieved
                                                   Above                                                   Above
 Accounting                       92 767              70 014             75.5             105 894           79 093                74.7
 Agricultural Science             96 155              69 916             72.7             123 990           93 447                75.4
 Business Studies                 207 045             161 224            77.9             243 843           196 233               80.5
 Economics                        118 484             81 536             68.8             139 191           94 479                67.9
 Geography                        287 629             216 467            75.3             358 655           266 402               74.3
 History                          173 498             159 737            92.1             227 448           203 473               89.5
 Life Orientation                 319 228             226 700            71.0             384 216           274 584               71.5
 Life Sciences                    341 363             275 684            80.8             441 067           328 382               74.5
 Mathematical Literacy            233 315             125 526            53.8             259 143           149 177               57.6
 Mathematics                      174 310             114 758            65.8             196 968           135 915               69.0
 Physical Science                 92 767              70 014             75.5             105 894           79 093                74.7

       7                                                                                     Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Mathematics Achievers

                                      1st                                                                           2nd

Ziyaad Banderker                                                              Anna Christina Kriel
Rondebosch Boys’ High School                                                  Rhenish Girls’ High School
Western Cape                                                                  Western Cape
Ziyaad’s transition from primary to high school posed a major challenge       Anna’s greatest challenge emanated from the transition from an
in his school career as he entered a completely new environment. He,          Afrikaans medium primary school to an English medium high school.
however, adopted a positive mindset and set out to make the most of           By embracing everyone’s cultural differences she set herself on a path
every opportunity presented to him, work consistently hard and strive         of acceptance and valued friendships.
to attain only the best.                                                      This young achiever’s admiration for her teachers, especially during the
Ziyaad’s father, who comes from a disadvantaged background, was his           lockdown period, cannot be disputed. She is immensely grateful for the
greatest inspiration. He instilled in him the idea that with diligence and    sacrifices they made and the resilience in the face of the pandemic, to
dedication anything to which he set his mind, was possible. With this         help the learners achieve the best possible results.
mindset, Ziyaad excelled at high school and always made it among the          Anna’s diligence is reflected in the fact that she always reached the
‘Top Ten’ in terms of academic achievement.                                   ‘Top 5’ for academic achievement during the last three years of her
His flair for business ensured that his team achieved first position in the   high school career. Having received the Investec Out of the Ordinary
Allan Grey Entrepreneurship Challenge (Business Venture). It comes            award, it is clear why she has chosen to study Industrial Engineering
as no surprise that Ziyaad intends studying towards a Bachelor of             at Stellenbosch University in 2022. She is clearly excited at this
Business Science in Actuarial Science degree at the University of Cape        opportunity and the new experience.
Town.                                                                         Her advice to the Grade 12s of 2022 is to persevere in times of difficulty
This young achiever’s advice to the Grade 12 Class of 2022 is to              but also not to miss out on the exciting memories that will be created as
channel all your energy into achieving the best possible result. Having       this forms an integral part of one’s life.
fun and breaking away from your studies is essential in order to refuel       Anna’s grandmother, an ex-teacher and a woman with many other
and attain the success for which you strive.                                  talents, is her role model. Her granny’s zest for life, her industrious and
Lewis Hamilton is this young man’s role model since he, just like             entrepreneurial qualities are what inspire her. Anna’s favourite quotation
Ziyaad’s father, came from an underprivileged background and used             by Anonymous is ‘When enthusiasm fails, read the instructions.’
his talent and dedication to become the greatest Formula 1 driver of all      Working together on building a stronger, more inclusive South Africa, is
time. His favourite quotation is expressed by Einstein: ‘Only those who       her vision for this beautiful country of ours.
attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.’

      8                                                                                             Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Mathematics Achievers

Ruan Hermann Buhr
Paul Roos Gimnasium
Western Cape
Ruan’s greatest challenges was keeping up with 9 subjects during the
lockdown in 2020, when he was in Grade 11. Good time management
assisted him greatly in overcoming this challenge.

His mother is his inspiration because, in spite of the hardships she
endured, she never gave up on him.

This young achiever believes in the words of Albert Einstein, ‘Logic will
get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.’ In 2021 he
was first in the country in the Admaths programme and he will pursue
studies in Data Science at Stellenbosch University in 2022. This will
enable him to live up to his mission to make a difference in society.

Ruan dreams of a South Africa where he will witness an improvement in
infrastructure. His advice to the Class of 2022 is to work hard from the
very beginning if you wish to reap the fruits of your labour.

     9                                                                      Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Physical Sciences Achievers

                                     1st                                                                         2nd

Caleb Bessit                                                                Sifiso Hosana
St Barnabas College                                                         Mafemani Nxumalo Secondary School
Gauteng                                                                     Mpumalanga
The greatest challenge that Caleb faced was when he lost the top            Sifiso’s fear that he would be unable to master his school workload
achiever place to his rival. He admitted that he had become complacent      somehow became his biggest challenge. He feared that his waking
and resolved to reclaim the position by increasing his studying hours       hours would prove to be insufficient. He thus, resolved to use his time
and attending extra classes.                                                in productive learning.

Caleb’s grandmother, who believed in his ability to reach great heights,    The best accolade awarded to Sifiso was that of best candidate at the
was his inspiration. Having lost her in his matric year spurred him on to   South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) Provincial
work even harder in honour of her memory.                                   camp (Mpumalanga). In addition to this he was also elected as
                                                                            president of the RCL in his final school year.
Throughout his high school career Caleb was the top student in his
grade, maintaining an overall average of 80+% each year.                    This young achiever’s advice to the Class of 2022 is to associate with
                                                                            those who impact positively on your life, and whose desire for success
Caleb’s advice to the Class of 2022: Set any goal even if it seems          is deep-rooted. At all times strive to deliver your best.
incredibly difficult to achieve and work towards it with ‘when’ you
achieve it and not ‘if’ you do. His intention is to study Computer          Sifiso plans on studying medicine at the University of Cape Town and
Science and applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town. This        is ecstatic that his dream will finally be realised. On completion of this
conscientious young man would also like to work on some other related       noble dream, he will be able to plough back into his community.
                                                                            The principal of Sifiso’s school is his role model. The characteristics of
Elon Musk is Caleb’s role model as he is one of the most insightful         sound morals and values are what Sifiso would love to emulate. This
and inspiring visionaries of his time. Musk’s relentless nature and         man is driven by the desire to see every child in his school succeed.
the fact that he is South African adds to Caleb’s admiration of him.
The following quotation by Elon Musk sums up pretty well why Caleb          Sifiso’s all-time favourite quote is by Eleanor Roosevelt, among others:
admires him: ‘When something is important enough, you do it even if         ‘It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness’.
the odds are not in your favour.’

     10                                                                                          Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Physical Sciences Achievers


Dichochi Ramotlou
Hoërskool Nooderland
Despite Dichochi Ramotlou’s challenging home life, he remained
focused on his goal of being a top achiever. He achieved bronze status
in the debating team and maintained his position, as one of the top-
ranked matriculants in his district. Stephen Hawking’s resilience and
intelligence are the qualities most respected by Dichochi. This scientist
is identified as his greatest inspiration, as he overcame his disability to
become one of the world’s greatest scientists.

The University of the Witwatersrand will host Dichochi for the next few
years as he pursues his passion for Mechanical Engineering. However,
he is trepidatious about the future as unemployment in the country is
at an all-time high.

Dichochi’s passion for innovation is underpinned by his admiration of
Elon Musk. He believes that South Africa needs to make greater strides
in embracing the competencies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

His advice to the class of 2022 is that they should not allow anything/
anyone to stand in their way of being the best in whatever they do. He
believes that overcoming challenging circumstances is possible with
a positive attitude – thus, one’s circumstances should not define one.

     11                                                                       Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top TECHNICAL Mathematics Achievers

                                      1st                                                                         2nd

Gift Makosha Mabzwi                                                          Abonile Nkonjane
SJ Van Der Merwe Technical School High                                       Vosloorus Comprehensive Secondary School
Limpopo                                                                      Gauteng
Gift Makosha Mabzwi found his languages to be the greatest hurdle            Abonile’s pursuit of academic excellence was challenged by some of
that he had to overcome. However, there were enough people to                his friends who were not as serious about focusing on their school work
assist him and this resulted in occupying the top position in Grade 10,      as he was. It was not easy but he chose to surround himself with like-
Grade 11 and Grade 12 at his school. He has also achieved awards in          minded people who were also serious about their futures.
Mathematics and Mechanical Technology.
                                                                             This young star is looking forward to pursuing his studies as he knows
Gift intends pursuing a career in Engineering and he is driven by the        that ‘education is the key to success’ – which is his favourite quote. He
words of Walter Payton, ‘When you’re good at something, you’ll tell          wishes that learners from rural areas were exposed to as many fields
everyone. When you’re great at something, they’ll tell you.’ He is greatly   of study as possible, so that their options for future careers could be
motivated by his aunt Tebogo, who was the first graduate in the family;      expanded. He is proud of placing in his school’s Top 10 but he also
he is determined to be the second graduate.                                  acknowledges that educational success is not about being clever, it is
                                                                             all about hard work. To work consistently is the advice that he would
Ms Mathonsi, the Mathematics teacher at SJ van der Merwe Technical           give the 2022 Matrics.
School, has inspired Gift through her passion for teaching and being
the greatest. His advice to the 2022 cohort of matriculants is to remain     Abonile’s inspiration and role model is his Science teacher who he says
committed, patient and respectful to their educators. They should also       is the most focused individual he knows.
be goal-driven. Gift’s goal is to improve the country’s economy through
innovative technological solutions.

     12                                                                                           Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top TECHNICAL Mathematics Achievers


Innocent Josia Mathonsi
DD Mabuza Comprehensive School
Innocent’s favourite quote is ‘When you know better, you do better
because knowledge is power.’ He felt that he was not disciplined
enough and neglected his studies until he was motivated to improve
his results.

Innocent’s inspiration came from Peace Phangisa and Mthobisi
Hlatshwayo from DD Mabuza CHS. They were the individuals who
managed to be the top best Technical Mathematics learners from the
class of 2021. These learners motivated him to do better in his matric
year. He believed that succeeding in his studies and his future career
would help him to improve the lives of those close to him. Innocent then
succeeded to obtain outstanding marks and he became one of the top
achievers in his school. He intends to study Mechanical Engineering at
the University of Johannesburg.

His advice to the class of 2022 is to work hard, stay organised, know
who your true friends are and find motivation to excel in their final year.

Innocent’s vision for South Africa is that the education system in rural
areas should be improved to allow all learners to get a better chance to
gain knowledge and fulfil their potential.

     13                                                                       Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top TECHNICAL Sciences Achievers

                                      1st                                                                         2nd

Innocent Josia Mathonsi                                                       Lunga Dube
DD Mabuza Comprehensive School                                                Vryheid Comprehensive Secondary School
Mpumalanga                                                                    KwaZulu-Natal
Innocent’s favourite quote is ‘When you know better, you do better            Lunga Dube is an aspirant engineer who successfully overcame the
because knowledge is power.’ He felt that he was not disciplined              challenges of not being able to study at home. He did this through
enough and neglected his studies until he was motivated to improve            following the advice of a former matriculant, Luyanda Comfort Zungu,
his results.                                                                  who encouraged him to be the best version of himself.

Innocent’s inspiration came from Peace Phangisa and Mthobisi                  This young man believes that the current cohort of Grade 12s would do
Hlatshwayo from DD Mabuza CHS. They were the individuals who                  well if they started working from the outset. They should be inspired by
managed to be the top best Technical Mathematics learners from the            the adage, ‘Time waits for no one. Every second counts.’ They should
class of 2021. These learners motivated him to do better in his matric        be keen to study and to ask for assistance. This would stand them in
year. He believed that succeeding in his studies and his future career        good stead.
would help him to improve the lives of those close to him. Innocent then
succeeded to obtain outstanding marks and he became one of the top            Lunga’s role model is his Mechanical Technology teacher who is also
achievers in his school. He intends to study Mechanical Engineering at        a businessman, Mr Msibi. This educator opened his eyes to the fact
the University of Johannesburg.                                               that one’s background does not determine one’s destiny – everything is
                                                                              possible. The stories shared by Mr Msibi showed Lunga that SA’s youth
His advice to the class of 2022 is to work hard, stay organised, know         must exploit their talents in order to be successful as he believes that
who your true friends are and find motivation to excel in their final year.   South Africa only ascribes success to academic achievements.

Innocent’s vision for South Africa is that the education system in rural
areas should be improved to allow all learners to get a better chance to
gain knowledge and fulfil their potential.


     14                                                                                            Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top TECHNICAL Sciences Achievers


Mlungisi Nduduzo Mgwaba
Siyabonga Secondary School
Mlungisi’s favourite motto is ‘never give up’. During his final
examinations he struggled to study at night without electricity and he
often had to study using his cellphone’s flashlight. He was often forced
to sleep for only two to three hours at night because of this challenge.
However, his motto motivated him and he continued each day with his
study schedule.

This young star’s Technical Science teacher, Mr Ngubane, played a
vital part in his life. Mr Ngubane inspired Mlungisi to believe in himself.
He was taught that failing was not an option. Mlungisi applied this
mentality to his studies and endeavoured to give his best.

In Grade 11 Mlungisi was the top achiever. He achieved distinctions in
Technical Sciences from term one to three. He also attained distinctions
in Electrical Technology, Engineering and Graphic Design and Technical
Mathematics. Mlungisi intends to study Electrical Engineering.

He advises the class of 2022 to study very diligently; everything is
possible if you put your mind to it.

Mlungisi’s vision for South Africa is that more skilled labour opportunities
are created for learners, especially in the field of boilermakers, fitters
and turners and diesel mechanics.

     15                                                                        Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 1 Schools

Rick Wilberforce Nkosi                                                           Sifiso Hosana
Sidlamafa Secondary School                                                       Mafemani Nxumalo Secondary School
Mpumalanga                                                                       Mpumalanga
Rick’s favourite quote is, ‘Try and fail but never fail to try’ by Jared Leto.   Sifiso’s fear that he would be unable to master his school workload
These words made him believe that no matter the challenge he faced,              somehow became his biggest challenge. He feared that his waking
he could prevail.                                                                hours would prove to be insufficient. He thus, resolved to use his time
                                                                                 in productive learning.
Given that he is a logical and practical person he could relate better
to numbers than theoretical subjects. He tried out different learning            The best accolade awarded to Sifiso was that of best candidate at the
strategies and was willing to listen to his peers, which eventually              South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) Provincial
enabled him to master the theoretical subjects as well.                          camp (Mpumalanga). In addition to this he was also elected as
                                                                                 president of the RCL in his final school year.
A major achievement was being selected to be part of the Talent
Development Program (TDP), sponsored by the Department of                        This young achiever’s advice to the Class of 2022 is to associate with
Science and Technology and the Stellenbosch University Centre for                those who impact positively on your life, and whose desire for success
Pedagogy. He was among the top 40 students in Physical Science and               is deep-rooted. At all times strive to deliver your best.
Mathematics in Mpumalanga.
                                                                                 Sifiso plans on studying medicine at the University of Cape Town and
As a single parent Rick’s mother taught him certain values at a young            is ecstatic that his dream will finally be realised. On completion of this
age, such as independence, respect and the value of money.                       noble dream, he will be able to plough back into his community.

Rick intends to study BA Psychology. He is passionate about mental               The principal of Sifiso’s school is his role model. The characteristics of
health and well-being and believes it is the key to success as it offers         sound morals and values are what Sifiso would love to emulate. This
you happiness and contentment.                                                   man is driven by the desire to see every child in his school succeed.

Rick’s vision for South Africa is that rural areas might have more access        Sifiso’s all-time favourite quote is by Eleanor Roosevelt, among others:
to resources and funding to help learners to perform to the best of their        ‘It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness’.
best abilities, both in academics and extra-curricular activities.

     16                                                                                               Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 1 Schools


Phila Lungani Mbuyisa
Nsalamanga High School
Mbuyisa Phila Lungani dealt with his challenges by tapping into the
words of wisdom offered by those who motivated him. His greatest
inspiration came from his role model, Dr Lindiwe Sidali. This doctor
did not allow her background to stand in the way of her achievements.
She was the country’s first black female cardiothoracic surgeon despite
coming from impoverished circumstances. She is also instrumental
in Mbuyisa’s profession of choice, which is to become a medical

This young man ascribed most of his success to being a member of
the school’s debating society. In addition to this, he also excelled at all
his subjects.

Mbuyisa believes that South Africa should change society’s perceptions
of women. The focus should be on their empowerment so that equity
could be reached. This perspective of a young South African man
augurs well for our country’s future and his views are underpinned by
the words of Marianne Williamson, ‘Our greatest fear is not that we are
inadequate, our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is not our light, but our darkness that frightens us most.’

     17                                                                       Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 2 Schools

                                      1st                                                                          2nd

Kgothatso Angela Gugu Mphaka                                                  Mampekeng Raymond Mamabolo
Kwamhlanga Secondary School                                                   Chipa-Tabane Secondary School
Mpumalanga                                                                    Gauteng
The challenges encountered by Kgothatso were a lack of libraries              Mampekeng felt that he was underperforming and did not obtain
and laboratories at her schools. Her educators, however, ensured that         the marks he aimed for to reach his academic goals. His Grade 11
these did not impact negatively on their performance. Kgothatso draws         Mathematics teacher advised him to start helping other learners by
her inspiration from American talk show host, Oprah Gail Winfrey, who         doing remedial work. This was a revelation to Mampekeng. He felt
triumphed over poverty and other social ills. She displayed resilience        that not only the other learners but also he himself benefited when he
in the face of adversity.                                                     assisted them with the work; it helped him to identify the concepts he
                                                                              struggled with and how to improve on them.
Kgothatso’s highlight of her school years was when she succeeded
in attending the very competitive South African Institute for Chartered       This young achiever’s Grade 11 Mathematics teacher has been his role
Accountants (SAICA) camp. Her message to the matriculants of 2022             model. She always inspired him to put greater effort into his work and
is that despite it being a challenging grade, attaining that certificate is   encouraged him to be the best in whatever he did. She would make
within your reach.                                                            time to assist him whenever he needed advice.

This young achiever’s role model is South African television presenter,       His greatest achievement in school was when he was the Mathematics
Bonang Matheba, whose passion for African women and woman                     Olympiad Provincial winner. Mampekeng’s advice to the class of 2022
empowerment is admirable.                                                     is that they have to set their goals early during the year, figure out the
                                                                              price they will have to pay to achieve these goals, and get busy paying
Kgothatso intends studying medicine at the University of Cape Town            that price!
and is ecstatic about her future.
                                                                              Mampekeng is very excited about his prospective career; he intends
The quotation which strikes a chord is that of Marianne Williamson            to study Actuarial Science at the University of Cape Town. He knows
and which has been attributed to Nelson Mandela: ‘Our deepest fear            it might be very difficult but he is more than ready to take on the
is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful       challenge. His favourite quote is one from Albert Einstein: ‘Imagination
beyond measure.’                                                              is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.’

     18                                                                                            Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 2 Schools

Mpendulo Ndzoyiya
Gobinamba Senior Secondary School
Eastern Cape
Mpendulo has experienced hardship through his school career as his
father is unemployed and the family have faced enormous financial
challenges. However, his teachers assisted him and he always worked
hard to achieve his very best. This positive attitude has seen him be a
top achiever in his school since Grade 10. He is also very proud of the
fact that he made his school’s Debate team in his Grade 11 year.

This young man’s biggest motivation is his siblings as he wants
to make life better for them. He plans on doing this by pursuing his
studies in medicine this year. He is thrilled to be embarking on this new
journey and would one day like to help in making tertiary studies more
accessible for all.

Mpendulo is inspired by his Maths teacher, Miss Sekinyane as she is
kind and always willing to help. He is also inspired by the words of
Marianne Williamson: ‘Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure’ and his
advice to the Class of 2022 is that they need to make friends with their
books early in the year because nowadays life without education is

     19                                                                     Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 3 Schools

                                     1st                                                                         2nd

Asandamanyanda Nosipho Mdlalose                                             Lyn Tinaye Mpangane
Bethamoy High School                                                        Khutsalani Secondary School
KwaZulu-Natal                                                               Mpumalanga
Asandamanyanda found herself sharing a grade with younger learners          Lyn’s favourite quote is, ‘You become unstoppable when you realise
after having not been able to attend school for a considerable time         the only person that was ever holding you back, was yourself’. – Kylie
due to illness. This was a challenge for her but she quickly overcame       Francis. Lyn made this quote her motto in life. Her greatest challenge
this obstacle and she soon found herself placed in the top spot in the      was to stay disciplined to studying and keeping to her study schedule.
Amajuba district, an achievement of which she is rightfully proud.
                                                                            Her parents were her inspiration. They always had a dream of starting
Her late mother is her inspiration as she endured many obstacles            their own business and they never gave up on this dream. They
and fought many battles; knowing this motivates Asandamanyanda to           realised this dream and that also encouraged Lyn to believe that you
aspire to achieving all her goals. Her role model is her grandmother        can do anything you dream of doing and the only person who could
who has selflessly raised Asandamanyanda and her siblings.                  limit you was you yourself. Lyn’s role model is her mother who never
Asandamanyanda’s goal is to make her grandmother proud.                     loses hope.

Asandamanyanda firmly believes in the quote, ‘If you can dream it, you      This young lady was on the Representative Council of Learners (RCL)
can be it’ and for her pursuing an LLB degree at the University of Cape     and that taught her to lead by example. She excelled in Mathematics
Town is her dream come true. She wishes that learners from rural areas      and Physical Sciences. She would like to become a gynaecologist and
were given more opportunities like the one that she has been given.         intends to study at the University of Cape Town.

If the Grade 12s of 2022 follow her advice of working hard and giving it    Lyn would like to advise the class of 2022 not to procrastinate on their
their all from the beginning of the year, they too can achieve their best   studies and to work as diligently as they possibly could. Her vision for
results by the end of their matric year                                     South Africa is that inequality in education must be addressed. This
                                                                            inequality specifically refers to schools in townships where there are no
                                                                            fully functional science laboratories and where teachers often lack the
                                                                            technical support to optimise teaching in these schools.

     20                                                                                          Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 3 Schools


Sibongile Faith Sithole
Harry Oppenheimer Secondary
Sibongile Sithole regards her father, a hardworking man, as her
inspiration. His dedication to his work is emulated by her, through her
commitment to her schoolwork. She saved money to print past question
papers as she had no access to these valuable resources. Sibongile
thinks that answering past papers, forming study groups and working
hard from the outset, will assist the 2022 group of Grade 12s to achieve

This exceptional learner scored the top marks in all her subjects from
Grade 8 to Grade 12. Her proudest moment is achieving 100% in
Mathematics, in the trial examination.

Sibongile cites Oprah Winfrey as her role model for the work that she
has done to empower women. The talk-show’s host is also admired for
her generosity and her role in improving the educational outcomes of
girls from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The University of the Witwatersrand will be the home of Sibongile
for the next few years as she prepares to take her place among the
medical practitioners of the country. The experiences of the elderly, who
attend hospitals and clinics is particularly unsettling for this passionate
young woman. She would like to see hospitals dedicated solely to the
provision of services to the elderly. South Africa should also prioritise
home-based care. With this vision of improving the lot of the elderly, it
is safe to say that Sibongile embodies the quotation of Rob Dial, ‘Be an
“encourager”. The world has plenty of critics already.’

     21                                                                       Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 4 Schools

                                      1st                                                                         2nd

Iman Khan                                                                     Mhlengi Shange
Port Shepstone Secondary School                                               Menzi High School
KwaZulu-Natal                                                                 KwaZulu-Natal
Both the Covid-19 pandemic and the looting in KwaZulu-Natal                   Mhlengi’s greatest challenge throughout his school career was to
contributed the Iman Khan’s anxiety about completing the year                 secure resources coupled with an environment which is conducive to
successfully. However, she placed her faith in her Creator and depended       studying. This, however, did not deter this young man, who comes from
on the support of her parents and educators at her school. This enabled       a disadvantaged background, from becoming an academic achiever.
her to complete her Grade 12 year with aplomb. Her parents were the
driving force behind her accomplishments which included being the             This Maths and Science learner, drew his inspiration from his
first learner in the history of Port Shepstone Secondary School, to walk      Mathematics and Science teachers respectively. Their dedication and
away with all the school’s special awards.                                    commitment were evident in the hours they sacrificed after school and
                                                                              during school holidays.
Iman’s grandparents are her role models and the inspiration behind
her desire to study Medicine at either the University of Cape Town or         Mhlengi’s greatest achievements at school were participating in an
                                                                              international Maths competition in India, another in Durban and being
the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The current pandemic has fuelled her
                                                                              in the Top 3 for academic excellence. His passion for Maths and
desire to save lives through her chosen profession. It has also shone
                                                                              Physical Science in particular is what has driven him to study Chemical
the spotlight on the inadequacies of the South African healthcare             Engineering in 2022.
system – especially the availability of high quality basic and specialised
care available to the marginalised people of this country.                    If Mhlengi were to give sound advice to the Class of 2022 he would
                                                                              encourage them not to procrastinate, channel their energies from the
Iman advocates that the Grade 12s of 2022 should believe in themselves        onset into their studies and create a balance in their lives.
and that the effort that they invest will reap rewards in the long run. She
believes that ‘The size of the obstacle in front of you is only as big as     Mhlengi’s role model is South African scientist and Harvard engineering
you make it.’                                                                 graduate, Siyabulela Xuza who hails from Mthatha in the Eastern Cape.
                                                                              Xuza’s disadvantaged background did not deter him from attaining his

                                                                              Napoleon Hill’s quote ‘The ladder of success is never crowded at the
                                                                              top’ is Mhlengi’s favourite quote.

     22                                                                                            Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 4 Schools


Delicia Davhana
Thohoyandou Secondary
Despite facing the huge challenge of not having sufficient resources,
Delicia Davhana has managed to be the district’s top learner during the
second term in 2021. Achieving success is nothing new to this young
lady as she has been the school’s top achiever since Grade 8. With the
provision of additional textbooks from the Sumbandila Scholarship and
a past schoolmate, Delicia also featured as one of the top learners in
Limpopo’s AMESA Mathematics Olympiad in 2019.

This prospective University of Cape Town Electrical and Computer
Engineering student ascribes her success to her mother’s staunch
support. Delicia’s mother keeps her grounded while, Elon Musk, her
role model, spurs her on to ‘see problems as opportunities.’ She lives
by the maxim, ‘It’s not how you start, but it’s about how you finish.’

Her advice to the Grade 12s of 2022 is that they should stay consistent
and commit to their studies. This will ensure that they do not become
part of South Africa’s social ills which stymie the country’s economic

     23                                                                   Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 5 Schools

                                      1st                                                                           2nd

Ulrich Le Roux                                                                Simone Wessels
Hoer Jongenskool Paarl                                                        Stellenberg High School
Western Cape                                                                  Western Cape
Ulrich le Roux embraced the challenges presented by the Covid-19              Simonė’s favourite quote is that ‘Strength does not come from what you
pandemic by being organised and diligently adhering to a structured           can do. It comes from overcoming the things you thought you could
weekly schedule. This dedication resulted in his maintaining an above-        not do’.
average 96% for the past two years. Although he was committed to
being academically excellent, he found time to balance his life by            Throughout her school career she tried to balance sport, academics,
captaining the school’s U/19 hockey team and being a prefect in 2021.         and social life as well as she could. Simonė’s balanced lifestyle
                                                                              contributed much to her being awarded the Summa Cum Laude Award
His greatest inspiration stemmed from his relationship with his brother,      in her school which entailed 4 years academic colours as well as
who encouraged him to work hard consistently. Ulrich also holds               representing a provincial team in sports (hockey) and also achieving an
Richard Branson in high regard for rising to the top despite encountering     equivalent of provincial colours in a cultural activity (Music: piano). She
adversity. Benjamin Franklin’s words resonate with him, ‘You can do           was also awarded the senior dux award.
anything that you set your mind to.’
                                                                              Simonė’s father inspired her most and her mother is her role model.
This young man will pursue a degree in Actuarial Sciences at the
University of Stellenbosch. The Class of 2022 will benefit from Ulrich’s      Simonė has a passion for Accounting and she intends to study a
advice, that they ‘should enjoy every moment of their final year of school,   Bachelor’s degree in Accounting at the University of Stellenbosch.
whilst still being disciplined enough to work hard at their academics
so that they can look back fondly at the year, with no regrets.’ This         She advises the class of 2022 to believe in themselves, and to have
will ultimately also allow them to see the beauty and diversity of South      self-discipline to work hard throughout the year. They must strive to do
Africa and to approach the future optimistically.                             their best at every challenge they face and never lose faith in their own

                                                                              Her vision for South Africa is that all learners should realise at an early
                                                                              age the power of education which would enable them to make the best
                                                                              of their school careers.

     24                                                                                             Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Achievers - Quintile 5 Schools


Ah-Young Moon
Rhenish Girls’ High School
Western Cape
The current pandemic posed the greatest threat to Ah-Young Moon’s
mental health. It forced her to take responsibility for her own path but her
peers and educators made it possible for her to tackle the challenges
head-on. She believed in the saying, ‘This too shall pass.’

Ah-Young is an exceptional young person who excelled in a host of
different disciplines, inter alia, academics, sport and music. This high-
achiever represented South Africa in the Eskom International Science
Expo. She also played netball for her region and represented the
Western Cape in swimming. Her musical instrument of choice was the
piano which saw her performing with the Cape Town Philharmonic and
the Hugo Lambrechts Symphony Orchestras. Ah-Young’s most revered
achievement was being awarded the ‘Alsona Bain Fellowship Award’.
It is an award for being the most supportive person who made school
a better place to be.

After all these achievements, Ah-Young has elected to take a gap-year
in 2022. The best advice that she can share with the 2022 cohort of
Grade 12s is that the year will be gruelling but with determination and
resilience, they will succeed. The high drop-out rate in South Africa is of
particular concern to Ah-Young. This young lady regards everyone who
can teach her something, to be her role model.

     25                                                                        Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Special Achievers

                                      1st                                                                         2nd

Lethabo Kgoshiekgolo Maleka                                                  Azraa Ebrahim
Setotolwane Secondary School                                                 Glenwood Open Air School
Limpopo                                                                      KwaZulu-Natal
After turning blind, Lethabo struggled to find a new school to cater         Being under-estimated and stigmatised because of her visual
for his new challenge. Given that he comes from a disadvantaged              impairment is the greatest challenge Azraa had to conquer during her
background, he had to depend on a government grant to cater for his          schooling career. She believes that being at a special needs school
academic needs.                                                              actually fostered her hard working mentality. Her school motto, ‘I can
                                                                             and I will’ are words she lives by.
Advocate Michael Masutha inspired him and taught him that disability
does not mean inability. In Grade 11, this young achiever became the         Azraa is inspired by her parents because they have always supported
top student in the Capricorn District.                                       her. Her mother is her role model as her passion for her job makes
                                                                             Azraa want to do the best at whatever she does too.
Lethabo dreams of a South Africa where people who live with disabilities
are equal to others and have equal opportunities. In 2022, he intends        The work ethic her parents encouraged her to develop saw Azraa
to study law at the University of Pretoria and he believes that this         achieve numerous subject awards and placed her at the top of her grade
opportunity will make a significant difference to his circumstances.         every year since Grade 8. She says her most honourable achievement
                                                                             was being the recipient of the Dux Scholar Award at her school in 2021.
His advice to the Class of 2022 is to take any challenge as an opportunity
and to keep in mind that the hardest rock yields to incessant knocking.      A degree in Psychology or Law is on the cards for Azraa who is very
                                                                             excited that she is able to pursue her passions and hopefully change
                                                                             the lives of many. She would also like to see people with disabilities
                                                                             being given equal opportunities for well-paying jobs.

                                                                             Azraa wants the Class of 2022 to realise that what is needed to do well
                                                                             is to work smart, not hard. She says that doing a little every day will go
                                                                             a long way to ensuring that they reach their goals.

     26                                                                                           Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top Special Achievers


Khensani Maringa
Filadelfia Secondary School
Khensani’s greatest challenge was the shortage of textbooks as
this resulted in learners having to share which was not conducive to
effective learning and studying. She does, however, praise her teachers
for being better than the textbooks. Khensani’s Accounting teacher was
her inspiration. His drive and passion for the subject inspired her.

The greatest achievement for Khensani was obtaining distinctions
in Accounting from the onset. This also enabled her to assist other
learners who were not as ‘gifted’ as she was.

Khensani’s message to the matriculants of 2022 is never to skip
classes. Even the most seemingly insignificant information is important.

Accounting is undoubtedly Khensani’s passion and therefore she would
like to further her studies in this field at a university.

Khansani’s role model is her dad. His love and guidance are what kept
her going. He instilled in her the importance of taking responsibility for
her actions, to work beyond her natural capacity.

Mahatma Ghandi’s ‘You must be the change you want to see in the
world’, is Khensani’s favourite quotation

     27                                                                      Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
Top South African Sign Language Home Language Achievers

                                    1st                                                                       2nd

Zanokuhle Sisanda Dlephu                                                  Reabetswe Mpho Leakoaoke
St Vincent School                                                         St Vincent Schooll
Gauteng                                                                   Gauteng
As a hearing-impaired learner, Zanukuhle Dlepu faced many challenges,     Reabetswe Leokaoke had to learn how to manage his time effectively
which affected his self-esteem. However, he managed to overcome           in order to be successful. He did this with his firm belief in God and
this by researching the limitations of his disability and discovered      the unwavering support of his Mathematics teacher, Ms Deanna Price.
that he was capable of more than what he had initially believed. His      This inspirational educator has motivated Reabetswe to become a top
Mathematics teacher, Deanna Price, motivated him to be the best that      achiever in Mathematics. His passion for numbers has also driven him
he can be.                                                                to follow his dream of being an accountant. He intends pursing this
                                                                          career at Boston College.
He advises the Grade 12 class of 2022 to be the best that they can
be. This will ensure that they will be able to accomplish whatever they   Albert Einstein’s quote, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.
set their minds to. Zanukuhle’s academic journey has not ended; he        Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world,’ resonates with
intends continuing his studies in 2022.                                   Reabetswe. He imagines a South Africa where everyone is treated
                                                                          equally and the education system is improved.

                                                                          This young man’s advice to the Grade 12s of 2022 is to remain focused
                                                                          and to maintain excellent results. Reabetswe recommends that they
                                                                          support one another. He saw the value of teamwork through being an
                                                                          active member of the school’s athletic team and debating society. His
                                                                          participation in these activities resulted in both team and individual

    28                                                                                         Ministerial Release of the 2021 NSC Results
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