National Rugby League Northern Territory - 2018 Operations Manual - ABN: 70 602 142 718 - SportsTG

Page created by Jordan Mckinney
National Rugby League Northern Territory - 2018 Operations Manual - ABN: 70 602 142 718 - SportsTG
National Rugby League
           Northern Territory
                  ARLC NT Limited
                 ABN: 70 602 142 718

            Operations Manual
(By-Laws of NRL NT Statement of Objects and Schedules

                     Version 1.1
National Rugby League Northern Territory - 2018 Operations Manual - ABN: 70 602 142 718 - SportsTG


 A.        GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................... 4
      1.      By-Laws of NRL NT ........................................................................................................................ 4
      2.      Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 4
      3.      Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 4
      4.      Definitions ..................................................................................................................................... 4
      5.      Application of Rules, Complaints & Appeals ................................................................................. 5
 B.        ELIGIBILITY & REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................ 6
      6.      Incorporation and Affiliation of Clubs........................................................................................... 6
      7.      Competition Age Groups............................................................................................................... 7
      8.      Registration ................................................................................................................................. 11
      9.      Transfers and Clearances ............................................................................................................ 11
 C.        COMPETITION ................................................................................................................................. 13
      10.         Game Playing Conditions ........................................................................................................ 13
      11.         Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 14
      12.         Match Conditions .................................................................................................................... 14
      13.         Cancellation of Matches and Postponing Matches ................................................................ 14
      14.         Forfeits .................................................................................................................................... 16
      15.         Competition Points & Table .................................................................................................... 16
      16.         Finals ....................................................................................................................................... 17
      17.         Player Qualification for Finals ................................................................................................. 18
      18.         Disqualified / Suspended Players ............................................................................................ 19
      19.         Judiciary Procedures ............................................................................................................... 21
      20.         Code of Conduct Procedures .................................................................................................. 26
 D.        MATCH DAY AND VENUE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 34
      22.         Duty of Care Officer and Duty of Care Checklist ..................................................................... 34
      23.         The Playing Area...................................................................................................................... 34
      24.         Personnel Permitted Inside Playing Area & Playing Field ....................................................... 36
      25.         Official Table ........................................................................................................................... 37
      26.         Interchange/Reserve Players & Official Club Personnel ......................................................... 37

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National Rugby League Northern Territory - 2018 Operations Manual - ABN: 70 602 142 718 - SportsTG

      27.      Trainers & Water Runners ...................................................................................................... 38
      28.      Ball Person/Kicking Tee Persons ............................................................................................. 39
      29.      Ground Official ........................................................................................................................ 40
      30.      Team Sign On .......................................................................................................................... 40
      31       Player Dismissal and Sin Bin .................................................................................................... 41
      32.      Uniform ................................................................................................................................... 41
      33.      Equipment ............................................................................................................................... 43
      34.      First Aid ................................................................................................................................... 43
      35.      Dressing Rooms ....................................................................................................................... 43
 E.     NRL NT POLICIES ............................................................................................................................. 45
      36.      NRL NT Policies........................................................................................................................ 45
      37.      Rugby League Policies ............................................................................................................. 45

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1.    By-Laws of NRL NT

1.1   All items within the NRL NT Competition Rules and Regulations are By Laws of the National
      Rugby League Northern Territory (NRL NT) under the NRL NT’s Statement of Objects and the
      Schedules (Constitution).

1.2   The NRL NT at all times with regard to the NRL NT Board reserves the right to add or change any
      By Laws (or rules and regulations) to the current rules and regulations contained within this
      document after consultation with Members.

2.    Purpose

2.1   This document outlines the rules and regulations for all competitions of the NRL NT.

3.    Scope

3.1   The Rules apply to all participating clubs in NRL NT competitions, to the officials, players and
      members of those clubs and to all other committees or associations involved in the running of
      NRL NT competitions.

3.2   Any club, official, player or members of clubs that is found to be in breach of, contravened or
      failed to comply with any Rule shall be subject to the disciplinary provisions of the NRL NT
      Statement of Purposes and Rules.

3.3   Clubs and club officials are responsible for the ensuring that the Rules are adhered to,
      disseminate to and understood by their club, their officials, their players and members.

4.    Definitions

      NRL shall mean the National Rugby League
      NRL NT shall mean the National Rugby League Northern Territory
      NTRLRA shall mean the Northern Territory Rugby League Referees’ Association
      The Rules shall mean the NRL NT Competition Rules and Regulations
      Competition Season shall commence and end in line with the NRL NT Financial Year (1
      November to 31 October)

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5.    Application of Rules, Complaints & Appeals

5.1   The application of the Rules shall be made in a fair manner to conduct the NRL NT competitions
      in the best interest of the game and in the spirit of the game.

5.2   The NRL NT General Manager (or their designated authority) shall be the final arbiter to any
      complaint about fair competition and/or fair application of the Rules.

5.3   An appeal may be made to the NRL NT Board about any final arbitration to a complaint in 5.2.
      An appeal will only be granted upon presentation of new evidence and must be lodged in
      writing to the NRL NT General Manager at earliest practical occasion.

5.4   The NRL NT Board will review any appeal at its next scheduled meeting. If at the discretion of
      the NRL NT General Manager it is deemed the appeal requires urgent attention prior to the next
      NRL NT Board meeting the NRL NT General Manager shall process the appeal with the NRL NT
      Board in an appropriate manner.

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6.    Incorporation and Affiliation of Clubs

6.1   Clubs competing in any NRL NT Competition must be incorporated with the correct Government
      authorities for the playing year and must produce a copy or proof of such current incorporation
      to the NRL NT General Manager before commencing playing season.

6.2   Clubs competing in any NRL NT Competition must provide copy to the NRL NT of an audited
      financial statement as required of relevant Government authorities annually prior to the
      commencing playing season.

6.3   At any time during the season, Clubs may be requested to provide the following documents to
      the NRL NT:

      a.      The latest correctly completed monthly financial report.

      b       The latest club bank account.

      c       Any other documentation requested.

6.4   All clubs are requested to close off their books on 31st October each year, if possible.

6.5   The NRL NT does not support two (2) members of the same family signing club cheques together
      or exercising electronic withdrawal authority. It is recommended that clubs arrange cheque
      signing authority or electronic withdrawal authority so as to preclude this from happening.

6.6   Clubs competing in any NRL NT Competition must complete NRL NT Club Affiliation agreements
      on the form prescribed by the NRL NT and submitted in the format and timeframe as specified
      by the NRL NT.

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7.     Competition Age Groups

7.1    Competitions will be classified in accordance with the decision of the NRL NT from time to time
       as Junior grade and Senior grade Competitions

       a.     Unless otherwise determined a junior grade covers under eighteen (18) years
       competitions and below.
       b      A Senior grade covers competitions not restricted by age.

                 AGE GROUP*                                           BORN BETWEEN

                    Under 6                                    01/01/2012 – 31/12/2012

                    Under 7                                    01/01/2011 – 31/12/2011

                    Under 8                                    01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010

                    Under 9                                    01/01/2009 – 31/12/2009

                   Under 10                                    01/01/2008 – 31/12/2008

                   Under 11                                    01/01/2007 – 31/12/2007

                   Under 12                                    01/01/2006 – 31/12/2006

                   Under 13                                    01/01/2005 – 31/12/2005

                   Under 14                                    01/01/2004 – 31/12/2004

                   Under 15                                    01/01/2003 – 31/12/2003

                   Under 16                                    01/01/2002 – 31/12/2002

                   Under 17                                    01/01/2001 – 31/12/2001

                   Under 18                                    01/01/2000 – 31/12/2000

               Senior/Open Age                              Prior to and including 31/12/1999
*There may not be a competition for every age group listed in 2018.

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7.2   Unless otherwise approved by the NRLNT, players will play in their correct age category. E.g. a
      player who celebrates their ninth (9th) birthday in that year of competition shall play in the
      under 9’s.

      a.      A player may participate in a higher age limited competition which is not more than two
              years higher than their correct age category. E.g. a player who celebrates their ninth
              (9th) birthday in that year of competition may participate in an Under 10 or Under 11
              competition, a player who celebrates their ninth (9th) birthday in that year of
              competition shall not be eligible to participate in an Under 12 or higher competition.
      b.      Under age players must fulfil their own age group requirements prior to playing in a
              higher age grade
      c.      For Senior competitions, no player shall be permitted to play Senior grade football
              unless that person is aged at least seventeen (17) years. i.e. On the players 17th birthday
              they may play senior grade football.
      d.      To be eligible to participate in a higher age grade competition, a Junior player must
              obtain written consent from their parent/guardian.

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This form is to be completed by the parents/guardian of children who are participating in NRL NT
competitions that would like to apply for dispensation to participate in immediate competition available
below the players designated age group.


Player’s Name (print) : ………………….……………………..…………………………Date of Birth : …….……….….……………..

Club: ………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address: …………….……………………………………………………………………….………….……………………………………………….


Age:                  …………………………………….

Weight (kg):          …………………………………….

Height (cm):          …………………………………….

Nominal Age Group (without dispensation): ……………………………………………………………………………………….….

Age Group Requested to Play: ...................................................................................................................

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Parental/Guardian would like to apply for dispensation for their child to participate in a competition
below the player’s designated age group.

I, ……………………………………………………………….………….……………….……………….Parent/Guardian (circle one)

Of ……………………………………………………………………………….………….……………….… (Players Name)

Would like to apply for dispensation for my child to participate in the ………….……...………… (Age Group)

During the ……………………………………………. (Year) Season.

I am applying for dispensation for the following reason(s): Please provide details below







NB: Appropriate medical documentation must be provided and attached to this application.

Signature of Parent/Guardian: …………………………………………………………………………………….….….….….….….….

Signature of Club Secretary/President: ………………………………………………………………………….….……….….….….

Signature of NRL NT General Manager: ………………………………………………………………………….….…….….….….

Please return this form to the NRL NT and copies will be forwarded to the Club and Parent/Guardian.

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8.    Registration

8.1   All players engaged in any NRL NT competitions and/or representative teams must be registered
      and fully paid financial members with a registered NRL NT club each season.

8.2   Registrars must complete all registrations online via the National Player Registration System and
      take full responsibility for the correct registration of their players.

8.3   Where the NRL NT receives an application for a registration of a player from more than one club,
      that player will be deemed to be registered with the club that they first registered with
      determined by the date in which the registration form or online registration was entered at the
      NRL NT office. As result of a player registering with more than one club, he/she will be
      automatically suspended from playing the next five (5) matches in the NRL NT premiership
      season from the date of registration with the latter club.

8.4   The General Manager and the NRL NT Board will determine a fee or levy for all registrations.

8.5   The NRL NT has the right to deduct competition points from any team who allows an
      unregistered player, and/or non-financial player and/or a player who is playing under another
      team mates name to take to field of play.

8.6   Any disputes over player’s registrations shall be directed to the NRL NT’s Operations Manager.

8.7   Registration of all players will cease twenty-one days prior to the first semi-final of the NRL NT

8.8    A player registered under these rules shall be recorded on the register of that club for the
      season in which he/she so registers and will remain on such register in subsequent seasons until
      transferred or cleared.

9.    Transfers and Clearances

9.1   Clubs may register a player transferring from a club in another League (interstate or
      international) during the competition season prior to close of business 30 June.

9.2   For all age group competitions up to and including the Under 10 or where competition points
      are not played for, a club may register any new players at any time of the competition season
      including after 30 June. After 30 June this shall only apply to newly registered players and not
      players transferring from another club or league.

9.3   A player from a team that has folded or withdrawn from a NRL NT competition may be granted
      permit to play for another club (subject to no other suitable team from their club still playing)
      after 30 June upon written application to the NRL NT General Manager. The NRL NT shall have
      sole discretion on providing a permit on a player by player basis.

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9.4   A player who transfers from a junior team (age restricted team) to a senior team within the
      same club is not subject to transfer or clearance. If a junior player plays up a grade they need to
      pay the difference in fees.

9.5   A player will not be transferred to another club if they are in arrears to their club and/or are in
      possession of goods that have not been returned to the club. Any such player contracts are to be
      lodged with the NRL NT following the contract being entered into.

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10.    Game Playing Conditions

                                                                                  Players on
                                               Time                 Field Size       field      Interchange           Comp     Appointed
 Age Group     Game Time                        Off   Ball Size     (meters)      Min     Max   Players               points   Referees
 First Grade   2 x 40 min (10 min half time)     Y    5 (int)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 4 (unlimited)     Y      Ref & TJs
 Reserve’s     2 x 30 min (10 min half time)     N    5 (int)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 7 (unlimited)     Y      Ref & TJs
 Women’s       2 x 30 min (10 min half time)     N    5 (int)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 7 (unlimited)     Y      Ref & TJs
 U18           2 x 30 min (10 min half time)     N    5 (int)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 7 (unlimited)     Y      Ref & TJs
 U17 Girls     2 x 25 min (5 min half time)      N    5 (int)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 7 (unlimited)     Y      Ref & TJs
 U16           2 x 25 min (5 min half time)      N    5 (int)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 7 (unlimited)     Y      Ref & TJs
 U15 Girls     2 x 25 min (5 min half time)      N    5 (int)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 7 (unlimited)     Y      Ref & TJs
 U14           2 x 25 min (5 min half time)      N    5 (int)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 7 (unlimited)     Y      Ref & TJs
 U12           2 x 20 min (5 min half time)      N    4 (mod)       100 x 68       9       13   Up to 7 ^               Y      Ref only
 U11           2 x 20 min (5 min half time)      N    4 (mod)        80 x 48       7       11   Up to 9 ^               Y      Ref only
 U10           2 x 20 min (5 min half time)      N    4 (mod)        80 x 48       7       11   Up to 9 ^               N      Ref only
 U9            4 x 8 min (2 x 2 min breaks)      N    3 (mini)       68 x 30       6       8    Up to 12 *              N      Ref only
 U8            4 x 8 min (2 x 2 min breaks)      N    3 (mini)       68 x 30       6       8    Up to 12 *              N      Ref only
 U7            4 x 8 min (2 x 2 min breaks)      N    3 (mini)       40 x 20       4       6    Up to 12 *              N      Ref only
 U6            4 x 8 min (2 x 2 min breaks)      N    5 (mini)       40 x 20       4       6    Up to 12 *              N      Ref only

       Age Groups to be read in conjunction with Age Group Document, Age Dispensation and Parent/Guardian consent form.

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11.    Schedule

11.1   The NRL NT Junior competition matches shall be scheduled to be played on a Saturday or where
       specifically scheduled by the NRL NT.

11.2   The NRL NT Senior competition matches shall be scheduled to be played on a Saturday or where
       specifically scheduled by the NRL NT.

11.3   Matches may be scheduled for other days subject to written request being made to the NRL NT
       General Manager. Approval may be considered subject to approval of both competing
       teams/clubs and availability of referees, otherwise original schedule will remain.

11.4   Should a team withdraw from a competition for any reason the NRL NT shall determine course
       of action for remaining season schedule and competition table. This shall be undertaken with
       collaboration of the remaining competing teams within that competition.

12.    Match Conditions

12.1   Game Playing Conditions are tabled in 10 and are not to be modified except under permission of
       the NRL NT General Manager or his designated authority.

12.2   Teams shall not be permitted to commence play without completion of official team sheets,
       including signatures of players, and inspection of equipment by the referees.

12.3   The match clock shall be started at scheduled start time regardless of completion of items in
       12.2, which shall be enforced by the referee.

13.    Cancellation of Matches and Postponing Matches

13.1   Matches may only be cancelled due to the following reasons:

       a.      Ground conditions are determined to be unsafe (see 13.6)

       b.      Adverse weather (see 13.9)

13.2   Any game cancelled by the reasons stated in 13.1 shall be declared a draw and teams allocated
       competition points awarded for a draw and a match score of 0-0.

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13.3   Any game cancelled by the reasons stated in 13.1 may be postponed to be played at a later date
       subject to written request being made to the NRL NT General Manager no later than 5.00pm of
       next business day after the originally scheduled game. Approval may be considered subject to
       approval of both competing teams/clubs and availability of referees, otherwise original schedule
       will remain.

13.4   Any game may be postponed for any other reason deemed appropriate by the NRL NT General
       Manager and played at a later date subject to written request being made to the NRL NT
       General Manager no later than 5.00pm of next business day after the originally scheduled game.
       Approval may be considered subject to approval of both competing teams/clubs and availability
       of referees, otherwise original schedule will remain.

13.5   Any postponed match must be completed with result formally submitted to the NRL NT General
       Manager by 5.00pm of Tuesday immediately prior to the first week of scheduled finals.

13.6   For a match to be cancelled where ground conditions are determined to be unsafe under 13.1
       a., this shall only be on the basis that the ground is declared unsafe and not on the basis the
       ground is considered not suitable or ideal for play. A ground can be declared unsafe at any time
       and can only occur when:

       a.      The Referee’s determine the ground to be unsafe.


       b.      If both teams declare and agree the ground unsafe.

13.7   If only one team declares the ground unsafe and refuses to play this team shall be determined
       as forfeiting the match.

13.8   Referee fees will only be payable for matches cancelled where ground conditions are
       determined to be unsafe under 13.1 a. This will be the responsibility of the NRL NT. Referees
       fees will not be due for matches cancelled for any other reason.

13.9   A match may only be cancelled due to adverse weather under 13.1 b. by the referee. Adverse
       weather is determined as extreme weather that has potential to affect the health and wellbeing
       of participants (examples being extreme heat, lighting strike, etc.) or conditions become
       unplayable where it is not possible to conduct an ordinary game of rugby league (examples
       being extreme gale force wind, excessive puddles or muddying where it is not possible to play-
       the-ball or kick the ball or other basic elements of the game is not possible, etc.).

13.10 A match that has been forfeited due to insufficient numbers or any other reason by either team
      shall not be considered a cancelled match and cannot be postponed to be played at a later date.

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14.    Forfeits

14.1   Should a team forfeit for any reason the following shall apply:

       a.      Competition points awarded as per 15.1
       b.      A match score of 20-0 to the non-offending team, or if a match has already commenced,
               the score of the match at the time the match is forfeited if point differential is greater
               than 20 points.
       c.      If a team commences a match at the scheduled time and completes at least the first half
               of the match and then forfeits, the forfeiting team will not be subject to the loss of two
               competition points. Match score according to rule 14.1.b will be applied.
       d.      A fine of $500 payable to the NRL NT with 50% payable to non-offending club shall apply
               to all Senior Grades (First Grade, Reserve Grade and Women’s Competitions).
       e.      If a match is forfeited after 3.00pm on a Friday prior to the scheduled (or postponed)
               match then referees will be paid by NRL NT.

14.2   If a club is aware that it is forfeiting a match prior to the weekend of play then the forfeiting club
       must advise the NRL NT General Manager AND the opposing club.

14.3   Any team who forfeits on 3 separate occasions shall be immediately suspended from the
       competition and fined $100 for each remaining match it is scheduled to play until it can show
       just cause to the satisfaction of the NRL NT General Manager to be permitted to continue on the
       basis no further forfeits shall occur.

14.4   Any club that forfeits for any reason their First Grade match on any given competition round,
       including Finals, their Reserve Grade match, even if scheduled a bye, will automatically be
       deemed a forfeit regardless of result or bye. In this case only 14.1.a and 14.1.b shall apply to the
       Second Division match.

14.5   The receiving forfeit team i.e. the non-forfeiting team may submit a completed match team
       sheet to the league. This must be received by the league no later than 5.00pm on the first
       working day after the game (ordinarily a Monday).

15.    Competition Points & Table

15.1   Competition points shall be awarded as follows:

               Win              2 points
               Bye              2 points
               Draw             1 point
               Loss             0 points
               Forfeit          -2 points

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15.2   Teams shall be ranked higher on the competition ladder based on most competition points.
       Should two teams share the same number of competition points they shall be separated in the
       following order:

       a.       Greater positive difference between match points scored for and scored against

       b.       Higher match points scored for

       c.       Head to head results during the season

       d.       If teams cannot be separated as per above then NRL NT Board shall determine required
                action to be taken

15.3   Teams entering the competition after the commencement of the competition shall start on zero
       (0) points.

15.4   A Club Championship shall be conducted concurrently with the minor rounds. Points shall be
       awarded as follows:

       First Grade                      Competition points multiplied by 10
       Reserve Grade                    Competition points multiplied by 8
       Women’s                          Competition points multiplied by 6
       Under 18’s                       Competition points multiplied by 6
       Under 17’s Girls                 Competition points multiplied by 4
       Under 16’s                       Competition points multiplied by 4
       Under 15’s Girls                 Competition points multiplied by 4
       Under 12’s – Under 14’s          Competition points multiplied by 2
       Under 6 – Under 10’s             Each participating team multiplied by 1

       The Club having the highest aggregate of these points at the conclusion of the minor rounds
       shall be the Club Champions.

16.    Finals

16.1   The four highest ranking teams on the competition table at the end of preliminary rounds shall
       qualify for Finals.

16.2   Finals format shall be:
       Week 1
       Major Semi Final:         Team ranked 1 v Team ranked 2
       Elimination Semi Final:   Team ranked 3 v Team ranked 4
       Week 2
       Preliminary Final:        Loser of Major Semi Final v Winner Elimination Semi Final
       Week 3
       Grand Final:              Winner of Major Semi Final v Winner Preliminary Final

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          The winner of the Grand Final shall be declared competition winners.

16.3      Finals matches shall be played under the conditions set out in 10.

16.4      Any matches in the Finals where scores are drawn at the completion of normal game time the
          following shall occur:

          First Grade, Reserve Grade & Women’s
          a.       Teams will have 5 minutes break and swap ends to play Extra Time.

          b.      Two periods of five minutes each of Extra Time will be played with teams swapping ends
                  for each period with no break.

          c.      Should scores still be level after Extra Time, teams will swap ends with no break, and the
                  next team to score will be declared the winner. Extra Time will continue with periods of
                  5 minutes each, swapping ends with no break, until a team has scored.

          U18, U17 Girls, U16, U15 Girls, U14, U12
          a.     Teams will have 5 minutes break and swap ends to play Extra Time.

          b.      The first team to score in Extra Time will be declared the winner.

          c.      Extra Time will be played with teams swapping ends for each period of 5 minutes with
                  no break.

16.5      Prize money for NRL NT competitions shall be paid only for the following:

                                                 Winner          Grand Finalist          Total
                 NRL NT First Grade              $3,500             $1,000              $4,500
                 NRL NT Reserve Grade            $1,000              $250               $1,250
                 NRL NT Women’s                   $750               $250               $1,000

17.       Player Qualification for Finals

17.1      A player shall be eligible to participate in Finals subject to the following conditions:

a. To be eligible to participate in the Final Series, each player must have played at least 3 of his/her last
   5 premiership competition matches, in the age group (and above) and team the player wishes to
   qualify in.
      This means the players last 5 rounds he/she has played in, not the last 5 rounds of the competition.
      Example1: Bill Smith played in rounds 1,2 and 3 in Reserve Grade then was injured, he can come back and play
      in the finals in Reserve Grade and also he can play up in A-grade as a B-grade player.

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    Example 2: Bill Smith played in Rounds 1 and was injured until round 11 then was injured again. He does not
    qualify for any finals as he has only played two games.
    Example 3: Bill Smith played in rounds 10, 11 and 12 only in A-grade, he can only then play A-grade not B-
    grade (unless both grades are playing on the same day and he is not selected for A-grade, he can then drop
    back as stated in 17.1.e.

b. In the situation where a team has been removed from the competition the players of that team may
   register with another club and will be deemed to be eligible for finals series provided they have
   played 3 games in the competition.
   This means every player needs to have played a minimum of 3 games in the grade he wishes to
   qualify for.

c. A player shall not gain qualification for more than one grade in any weekly round of premiership
   matches and only the lowest qualification gained in any weekly round of premiership matches shall
   be considered towards eligibility to play in the finals series.
   This means a player only qualifies for B grade if he plays B grade and A-grade in the one round.
   Example1: Bill Smith plays B-Grade then backs up for A-grade on the same day in rounds 11, 12, 13
   and 14, he is qualified as a B-grade player for the finals. The main thing to remember here is that any
   qualified B-grade player can play up in A-grade.
   Example 2: Bill Smith plays B-grade and A-grade in rounds 10 and 11, but only plays A-grade in
   rounds 12,13 and 14, then he qualifies only as A-grade not B-grade

d. Where a player takes part in a representative match for the NRL NT which necessitates, other than
   through injury, that the player shall not compete in a match/s during the premiership round, that
   player shall be considered as having completed a game in that round at his appropriate level.

e. A player that has played in a senior team all year and is not selected in that side for finals will be
   allowed to play in the immediate grade below.
   Example 1: If Bill Smith plays A-grade all year and B-grade and A-grade are playing on the same day
   and Bill is not selected for A-grade he can then play down in B-grade.
   Example 2: If Bill Smith plays A-grade all year but A-grade do not make the finals and B-grade does
   he cannot play in B-grade as he is qualified only for A-grade.

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28.    Disqualified / Suspended Players

18.1   No player who has been disqualified / suspended by the NRL NT or any other Rugby League
       body for any reason will be entitled to play in any NRL NT game until such disqualification /
       suspension has expired or been removed by the NRL NT or the Rugby League Body imposing the

18.2   Unless explicitly stated within the sanction, conditions of Disqualification / Suspension are:

       a.      Suspensions shall be considered for games not weeks. For example, a suspension is not
               served during weekends where there is a general bye or the team has a scheduled bye

       b.      A suspension will serve across all competitions and will expire at the completion of the
               scheduled matches of the team that the particular player received the suspension for.
               For example:

               1. If player receives a 1 week suspension in an U14 game
               2. Scenario is that the U14 team has the Bye the next week
               3. Player cannot play for another team (like U16) until he / she serves the scheduled
                  number of U14 games.

       c.      Matches that are forfeited by a suspended player’s team do not count as part of the
               suspension. For clarification, where a suspended player’s team is forfeited against this
               game shall count as part of the suspension.

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19.    Judiciary Procedures
19.1 Purpose and Scope
    a. This document outlines Judicial Procedures and Penalties for any match played under the
       auspices of the National Rugby League Northern Territory.

   b. The procedures outlined in this document do not limit action processed through other NRL NT
      policies, including the NRL NT Code of Conduct and the NRL NT’s Statement of Objects and the
      Schedules (Constitution).

19.2 Lodgement of Charge
    a. The referee and/or touch judge may charge a player with an offence as listed on the Charge
       Description List (see 19.6).

   b. A charge may be laid whether the player was dismissed by the referee from the field or not.
      Should a player be dismissed from the field by the referee a charge must be completed as per
      the procedures outlined.

   c. To complete a charge the referee or touch judge must record the charge (regardless of match
      being video recorded) within the official Match Report book (match sheet) stating the following:

            a)      Offence as listed on the Charge Description List (see 19.6); and
            b)      Grade of the offence as to its severity, as follows:

                 Grade 1 – Least Severe
                 Grade 2 – Severe
                 Grade 3 – Most Severe

   d. The referee of the match must advise the authorized person of the NTRLRA, immediately
      following the match of any charge as per the details completed on the Match Report book.

   e. The NTRLRA must notify the NRL NT General Manager in writing by no later than 12.00 noon on
      the first working day after the game (ordinarily a Monday) of any charges under these

   f.   For matches where there is an official match video, being a pre-sanctioned video recording
        service approved by the NRL NT, the video may be reviewed by the NRL NT Match Review
        Committee, consisting of the NRL NT General Manager and at least one other person nominated
        by the NRL NT. Should the NRL NT Match Review Committee determine a player be charged
        with an offence on the Charge Description List (see 19.6), severity of the offence shall also be
        determined, and the NRL NT General Manager shall confirm the charge as per Notification of
        Charge process (see 19.3).

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   g. On rare occasions due to the seriousness of the incident, the NRL NT General Manager at their
      sole discretion following proper investigation of evidence available may refer any charge
      without grading directly to the NRL NT Judiciary Panel, who shall be free to determine
      appropriate penalty (regardless of demerit points listed in 19.7) if the player is found guilty
      following a hearing.

19.3 Notification of Charge and Response
    a. The NRL NT General Manager will confirm in writing the charged player’s club of the details of
       the offence as well as the total number of demerit points that the player has incurred and the
       corresponding penalty (as calculated under 8 Penalties), no later than 5.00pm on the first
       working day after the game (ordinarily a Monday).

   b. The charged player’s club must enter a plea in writing or by email of either guilty or not guilty to
      the NRL NT General Manager by 5.00pm on the next day that it has been advised of the charge
      (ordinarily a Tuesday).

   c. If the club advises the NRL NT General Manager that the player accepts guilt and the penalty as
      notified, the NRL NT General Manager will take appropriate action to enforce any penalty and
      any carry-over demerit points are documented.

19.4 Judiciary
    a. If the player does not accept guilt and the calculated penalty, or accepts guilt but not the
       grading of severity, the General Manager will convene the NRL NT Judiciary Panel which will
       meet by no later than the fourth working day after the game, normally Wednesday.

   b. Subject to the evidence presented at a hearing, the NRL NT Judiciary Panel has the power to
      downgrade a the grade/severity of charge, or in the case of a High Tackle charge downgrade
      from Intentional to Reckless of Careless, or from Reckless to Careless. The grade/severity of
      charge cannot be upgraded by the NRL NT Judiciary Panel (except for charges made under

   c. A player may not take legal representation into a judiciary hearing.

19.5 Appeal
    a. A club may lodge an appeal against penalties determined by the Judiciary by advising the NRL NT
       General Manager no later than 24 hours after the Judiciary Hearing. An Appeal may only be
       lodged on the basis of new evidence not previously presented (e.g. new video evidence). A
       refundable fee, only if the appeal is upheld, of $500 must accompany any request for appeal.

   b. If an appeal is approved, the NRL NT General Manager shall convene a tribunal consisting of the
      Chairman NRL NT Judiciary and up to two other officials nominated by the league.

                                             Page 22 of 45

19.6    Charge Description List

   Short Description                                   Description of Misconduct
       Tripping                        A player is guilty of misconduct if he trips another player
        Kicking                       A player is guilty of misconduct if he kicks another player
        Striking                     A player is guilty of misconduct if he strikes another player
                             A player is guilty of misconduct if, when effecting or attempting to effect a
Intentional High Tackle
                           tackle, he makes contact with the head or neck of an opponent intentionally
                             A player is guilty of misconduct if, when effecting or attempting to effect a
 Reckless High Tackle
                             tackle, he makes contact with the head or neck of an opponent recklessly
                             A player is guilty of misconduct if, when effecting or attempting to effect a
 Careless High Tackle
                             tackle, he makes contact with the head or neck of an opponent carelessly
                           A player is guilty of misconduct if he drops his knees into an opponent who is
   Dropping Knees
                                                               on the ground
                                A player is guilty of misconduct if he uses any dangerous throw when
   Dangerous Throw
                                                             effecting a tackle
     Law Breaking          A player is guilty of misconduct if he deliberately breaks the laws of the game
  Offensive Language          A player is guilty of misconduct if he uses offensive or obscene language
                              A player is guilty of misconduct if he disputes a decision of the referee or
  Disputing Decision
                                                                touch judge
                            A player is guilty of misconduct if he re-enters the Field of Play without the
   Re-entering Play            permission of the referee or touch judge having previously temporarily
                                                          retired from the game
                             A player is guilty of misconduct if he behaves in a way contrary to the true
   Contrary Conduct
                                                             spirit of the game
                           A player is guilty of misconduct if he deliberately obstructs an opponent who
                                                           is not in possession
                                 A player is guilty of misconduct if he behaves in a manner which is
 Detrimental Conduct        detrimental to the interests, welfare or image of the league or rugby league
 Dangerous Contact –           A player guilty of misconduct if he carelessly, recklessly or intentionally
     Head/Neck                 makes dangerous contact with the head or neck of an opposing player.
                               A player guilty of misconduct if he carelessly, recklessly or intentionally
 Dangerous Contact –
                               makes dangerous contact with an opposing player (but which does not
                                      involve contact with the opposing player’s head or neck).
                             A player is guilty of misconduct if he carelessly, recklessly or intentionally
                           makes forceful contact between any part of his body and the head or neck of
                            an opposing player and/or causes or contributes to any forceful movement
   Shoulder Charge          of, or impact to, the head or neck of an opposing player when effecting, or
                             attempting to effect, a shoulder charge, that is, using the shoulder and/or
                             upper arm tucked into the side without, at the same time, using the arms
                                and/or hands to tackle or otherwise take hold of the opposing player.

                                              Page 23 of 45

19.7   Offences Table and Demerit Points

                                                           DEMERIT POINTS
                                              GRADE 1:        GRADE 2:       GRADE 3:
                                            LEAST SEVERE       SEVERE       MOST SEVERE
       Tripping                                   75            175             275

       Kicking                                   200            300             400

       Striking                                  200            300             400

       Intentional High Tackle                   550            650             750

       Reckless High Tackle                      300            350             400

       Careless High Tackle                       75            125             175

       Dropping Knees                            200            300             400

       Dangerous Throw                           125            325             525

       Law Breaking                               75            100             125

       Offensive Language                         75            100             125

       Disputing Decision                         75            125             175

       Re-entering Player                         75            125             175

       Contrary Conduct                          125            225             325

       Obstructing                                75            125             175

       Detrimental Conduct                       125            225             325

       Dangerous Contact – Head/Neck             125            325             525

       Dangerous Contact – Other                 100            250             400

       Shoulder Charge                           200            300             400

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19.8 Penalties
    a.  A one-match suspension will result for each 100 demerit points received by a player.

   b.       Following any suspension, any points remaining will stay on the player’s record for the
            following 12 calendar months, carrying-over and applying to any future penalties for
            offences under this procedure. For example, a penalty of 275 points will result in the player
            receiving a two-match suspension, with the remaining 75 points staying on the player’s
            record for 12 calendar months as carry-over points.

   c.       If a player has played rugby league and in the past two or more years has not been
            convicted of an offence, the player is entitled to a 25% reduction of the base demerit point

   d.       A guilty plea by a player will result in a 25% reduction of the base demerit point penalty.


        Example 1
        Offence Demerit Points (base penalty):                            350
        No prior offence in past 2 years (less 25% of base):              -88
        Guilty plea (less 25% of base):                                   -88
        Total Demerit Points:                                             174

        Example 2
        Offence Demerit Points (base penalty):                            350
        Prior offence in past 2 years (no deduction):                     -0
        Guilty plea (less 25% of base):                                   -88
        Total Demerit Points:                                             262

        Example 3
        Offence Demerit Points (base penalty):                            350
        No prior offence in past 2 years (less 25% of base):              -88
        Not Guilty plea & found Guilty at Judiciary:                      -0
        Total Demerit Points:                                             262

        Example 4
        Offence Demerit Points (base penalty):                            350
        Prior offence in past 2 years (no deduction):                     -0
        Not Guilty plea & found Guilty at Judiciary:                      -0
        Total Demerit Points:                                             350

   f.       NOTE: Penalties determined under these procedures do not override or limit penalties
            that may be determined under other NRL NT policies, including the NRL NT Code of
            Conduct and the NRL NT’s Statement of Purposes and Rules (Constitution).

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20.        Code of Conduct Procedures


The National Rugby League Northern Territory adopts the Rugby League Code of Conduct nationally
implemented by the National Rugby League (NRL). The following outlines the procedures of the Code as
issued by the NRL.

20.1.      Purpose

The purpose of the Rugby League Code of Conduct Procedures is to provide administrators with details
of the processes that are to be followed in the case of a breach of the Code as well as information
regarding penalties, appeals and notices.

20.2.      Definition

For the purposes of this Code, participants include:

      Registered players;
      Accredited persons (coaches, first aid officers, league safe officers, referees and touch judges);
      Officials (club, league or association staff and volunteers, Ground Officials and duty officials);
      Parents/carers of players, sponsor representatives and club supporters;
      Members of the general public attending as spectators.

20.3.      Procedures

Section (A)        Breaches of the Code - Ground Official on Match Day

(i)        Any person/s committing an offence, as listed under the Rugby League Code of Conduct
           Summary of Offences, may be reported by the Ground Official, or an official of the home
           club/league, to the Team Manager or other representative of the team which that person/s is
           supporting. Where a team does not have a Team Manager present, a request or direction from
           the Ground Official, or official of the home club/league, to any representative/official of the
           team or the team’s club, shall be regarded as a direction to the Team Manager for the purposes
           of this Code.

(ii)       The Ground Official and/or the Team Manager/official must advise the offending person/s of the
           relevant breach of the Code. The Ground Official and/or the Team Manager/official should
           complete a Code of Conduct Incident Report form and endeavour to obtain the name/s and
           contact details of the offending person/s.

                                                  Page 26 of 45

(iii)   In the event that the inappropriate conduct continues, the Ground Official and/or the Team
        Manager/official may request the offending person/s to immediately leave the venue or facility.
        This should also be noted on the Code of Conduct Incident Report form.

(iv)    In the event that the offending person/s refuses to obey the direction of the Ground Official
        and/or Team Manager/official, the Ground Official may seek the assistance of the venue/facility
        security staff to request the offending person/s to immediately leave the venue or facility.

(v)     If the offending person/s continues to refuse the direction of the Ground Official and/or Team
        Manager/official and/or venue/facility security staff, the Ground Official may ask the referee to
        stop the match. If the offending person/s either ceases the inappropriate behaviour or leaves
        the venue or facility, the match may be resumed. If not, the match may be terminated. In the
        event that the match is so terminated, the home league may, at its absolute discretion, award
        the competition points to the non-offending team, or declare that neither side shall be awarded
        competition points for that match.

Section (B)     Breaches of the Code - Referee, Touch Judge, Club and/or League Official on Match Day

(i)     Any person/s committing an offence, as listed under the Rugby League Code of Conduct
        Summary of Offences, may be reported to the Ground Official, or an official of the home
        club/league, by a referee, touch judge, club and/or league official. The Ground Official or the
        referee, touch judge, club and/or league official should complete a Code of Conduct Incident
        Report form and endeavour to obtain the name/s and contact details of the offending person/s.

(ii)    Breaches under this clause 20.3, B, (i) may be dealt with under the match day provisions listed
        above in clause 20.3, A, (i) to (v) or be the subject of a separate report. In either case, a Code of
        Conduct Incident form must be completed.

Section (C)     Breaches of the Code - Club and/or League Official at Function or Event

(i)     Any person/s committing an offence, as listed under the Rugby League Code of Conduct
        Summary of Offences, may be reported by a club and/or league official. The club and/or league
        official should complete a Code of Conduct Incident Report form and endeavour to obtain the
        name/s and contact details of the offending person/s.

(ii)    Breaches under this clause 20.3, C, (i) should be the subject of a separate report.

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Section (D)     Lodgement of the Code of Conduct Incident Report

All Code of Conduct Incident Reports must be lodged with the home league’s General Manager no later
than 12 noon on the first working day after the breach occurred.

The league should maintain a register of Incident Reports.

After reviewing the Incident Report, the General Manager shall decide whether any further action under
the Code is warranted.

If no action is to be taken, the General Manager shall write to the offending person/s and/or the
person/s club, if known, and advise them that a breach has occurred, but no action is being taken at this

Section (E)     Code of Conduct Breach Notice

If the General Manager decides that a breach has occurred, and a penalty is warranted, he shall issue a
Code of Conduct Breach Notice to the person/s and/or the person/s club by no later than 5:00pm on the
second working day after the breach occurred. The Breach Notice shall clearly state the details of the
breach (as per the Code of Conduct Summary of Offences); the proposed penalty; and a date and time
by which a written response is due, normally by no later than 12 noon on the fourth working day after
the breach occurred.

Once the offending person/s and/or the person/s club have responded to the Breach Notice, the
General Manager shall determine if the charge is sustained and if so, whether a penalty applies.

The General Manager shall write to the offending person/s and/or the person/s club and advise them of
the result of the charge and the penalty imposed, normally by no later than 5:00pm on the fourth
working day after the breach occurred.

If the person/s and/or the person/s club accept the penalty, no further action is necessary and the
penalty will take effect immediately.

Section (F)     Code of Conduct Appeal

The offending person/s and/or the person/s club may request an appeal against the penalty. An appeal
may only be lodged on the basis of new evidence not previously presented (E.g. new video evidence,
new witness statements, etc.). A refundable fee, only if appeal is upheld, of $500 must accompany any
request for appeal and the appeal must be lodged by 12 noon the day after receiving the Result of the
Charge and the penalty imposed.

The General Manager will refer the request for appeal to the home league who will review the new
material and determine if an appeal may go ahead.

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