National Primary Health Care Policy: where are we headed to? - Saúde Pública
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DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232020254.01842020 1475 National Primary Health Care Policy: where are we headed to? FREE THEMES Ligia Giovanella ( 1 Cassiano Mendes Franco ( 2 Patty Fidelis de Almeida ( 3 Abstract This paper analyzes recent policies in the field of Primary Health Care (PHC) and their possible implications for the care model in the Unified Health System (SUS). Initially, some of the concepts that influenced the models of care in the Brazilian public system are revived, and we argue that the Family Health Strategy (ESF) bases for reorienting care practices in primary care are consistent with the principles of the SUS. Below, we analyze the central elements of new federal policies for PHC. We show that changes in the PHC care model threaten the teams’ multidisci- plinarity, prioritize acute illness care, focus in in- dividual care, weaken the community territorial approach and establish coverage by registration, which evidence redirection of the health policy, harming the principles of universality, integrality, and equity in the SUS. Key Words Primary health care, Health policy, Healthcare models 1 Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. R. Leopoldo Bulhões 1480, Manguinhos. Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil. 2 Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil. 3 Instituto de Saúde da Comunidade, Universidade Federal Fluminense. Niterói RJ Brasil.
1476 Giovanella L et al. Introduction the dichotomy between care and prevention, and the biomedical and hospital-centric conception As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Al- of care. The 8th National Health Conference ad- ma-Ata Declaration on primary health care vocated the prerogative of universality, integral- (PHC) that has for decades inspired social move- ity and equity, but also PHC and health promo- ments, activists, professionals, and governments tion. However, it is from the 1990s onwards that defending the universal right to health world- a model for reorienting care practice in PHC, the wide, Brazilians are faced with setbacks, threats Family Health Program (PSF) would hold what and testing new challenges. The erosion of social Viana and Dal Poz3 called “programmatic void” rights and shrinking civil and political rights since the establishment of the SUS – although promoted by the Bolsonaro government hurts initially PSF aimed at population groups without democracy, worsens the social determinants of access and with a selective scope of actions2,4. the disease, and, in the health sector, threatens Paim1 subordinates the initiative of the PSF universality, integrality and equity in the Unified and its predecessor, the Community Health Health System (SUS). Workers Program (PACS), in its early days, to This paper analyzes recent policies in the what he called “hygienist” model, characterized field of PHC and discusses its implications for by vertical and hierarchical programs aimed at the care model. Initially, it revives the meanings controlling certain diseases. Nevertheless, the of the care models that inform the implementa- author understands that the PSF has been pro- tion of the SUS. It is stated that the Family Health gressively redefined as a strategy for changing he- Strategy (ESF) provides a basis for reorienting gemonic healthcare models1. The Family Health care practices in primary care consistent with the Strategy (ESF) is characterized as an alternative principles of the Brazilian public system. Below, model that seeks to combine the practice of in- we analyze the central elements of federal poli- dividual care with the population approach from cies for PHC. It is argued that the directionality the perspective of health surveillance, integrating of public policies, especially from 2017 onwards, epidemiological and health surveillance, territo- signals changes and threats to the ESF care model rialization/districtization, clinical care, and in- and the principles of universality, integrality and tersectoral policies, programmatic actions, and equity in SUS. reorganization of service to self-referred demand with user-centered care, consolidating SUS prin- The ESF and the change ciples such as universality, integrality and equi- in the health care model ty2,4. In 2002, the launch and distribution of Bar- Care models are characterized as the “logic or bara Starfield’s book5 “Primary Care: Balancing rationality that guides a given technological com- Health Needs, Services, and Technology” to all bination in health practices” or “ways of organiz- health teams in the country at the Sergio Arouca ing the action and having the scientific and tech- National School of Public Health/Fiocruz spread nical means to intervene on both individual and a specific concept and organization of PHC collective health problems and needs”1(p.463). It based on essential attributes (first contact, com- involves the way how resources (human and ma- prehensiveness/integrality, longitudinality, and terial), technologies (material and non-material), coordination) and derivatives (family and com- the service network, practices, and relationships munity orientation, and cultural competence), between professionals and the population are which were later incorporated into the National provided in the political, managerial, and orga- Primary Care Policy in 20064,6. Besides directing nizational realms1,2. policies and practices, PHC attributes5 incorpo- The creation of the SUS implied changes in rate principles present in the performance and the healthcare model in the various realms, es- training in Family and Community Medicine pecially in politics and management. However, a (FCM). Beginning in the 2000s, central positions new PHC model was not established in its cre- in the conduct of primary care policy at the Min- ation, albeit influenced by proposals with differ- istry of Health, in municipalities and states with ent rationalities and experiences located in the national projection, were held by managers with previous decades1. The health care model of the training in FCM, as well as policies for training social security medicine was rejected, character- and provision were implemented, encouraging ized by restricted and stratified access to health, the specialty training.
1477 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 25(4):1475-1481, 2020 Influence of Family and Community sion, contracting of medical offices, reversion of Medicine on PHC care models the right to health for the right to cost-effective health services, patient registration and remu- Brazilian FCM dates back to the 1970s, when neration by mix of salary, capitation, and perfor- Community Medicine programs were created, mance11, clearly adapting to the liberal practice mostly organized by the Preventive Medicine and the private supplementary health market12. departments, as teaching-care integration initia- In the current scenario, such recommendations tives7. Although it represented a reaction to the have echoed in the direction of primary care pol- specialization of medical practice and demand icies, especially since the review of the PNAB in for broader social reforms, the programs were 201713, with possible implications for the health- also funded by international agencies such as the care model’s components, outlined from the ESF. Kellogg and Ford Foundations with focused con- cepts of health and elements of liberal medical Setbacks of the ESF care model practice, which resulted in criticisms by the Col- in primary care policies lective Health movement7,8. Donangelo9 argued that the Community Medicine proposal did not Multiprofessional team change the way of conceiving the practice. While PNAB 201713 allowed the establishment focused on communities – closed in the class of Family Health teams with only one health structure – it continued to perform in another worker (ACS) and Primary Care teams (eAP) scenario the same medicine, without criticism without health workers. The possible absence of about its social action. ACS affects one of the pillars of the care model The formation of the specialty of FCM in that characterizes the ESF in its community and Brazil, contributed to the discourse on PHC health promotion components, guided by the practices. The first residencies date from 1976, conception of the social determination of the under the name of General and Community health-disease process and the expanded clinic14. Medicine, which was the name of the specialty New teams with a minimum professional work- until 2001, when it switched to FCM, which re- load of ten weekly hours restore medical em- flected the construction of an identity that dis- ployment in primary care as a “filler job” in force tanced it from Community Medicine and Pre- in the pre and early SUS period. It also tends to ventive Medicine7,8. strengthen a professional performance, especially The distancing from Preventive and Com- of the doctor, geared to curative care and control munity Medicine also marked a distinction from of individual risks14. The new financing policy of FCM concerning public health doctors and Col- APS15 regulates eAPs that may receive financial lective Health. In parallel to the opening of a incentives equivalent to those of ESF teams. broad field of practices from the consolidation of The multi-professional component is also the ESF, the specialty sought to assert itself as an weakened by the extinction of accreditation and autonomous field, connected to the ideas, prac- federal funding to the Family Health Support tices, and knowledge of countries with more con- Teams (NASF)15, under the justification for great- solidated experiences of first-level primary care er autonomy of the municipal manager for the such as Canada, England and Spain7,8,10. composition of these teams. Incorporated into Such tensions were expressed within the the PNAB in 201116, the NASFs were conceived FCM, in defense of the specialty in the context of from the perspective of interprofessionality, con- the Health Reform and the SUS versus strength- tinuing education, communication, joint plan- ening the autonomous specialty in the liberal ning, shared decisions, knowledge and responsi- perspective of the profession. The Brazilian So- bility, for higher resolution of care; actions that ciety of General Community Medicine, created are likely to be discontinued due to the real pos- in 1981, a precursor to the Brazilian Society of sibility of dismissing these professionals. Family and Community Medicine (SBMFC), With these initiatives, the ESF’s idea of participated in the movement for the creation multi-professionality and interdisciplinarity is of SUS. Nevertheless, in 2015, SBMFC repre- no longer encouraged and tends to disappear in sentatives proposed to resettle “the foundations the medium term, replaced by teams whose com- for a new public health”, from universal access position includes only one medical professional to health with public funding and private provi- and one nurse.
1478 Giovanella L et al. Priority to individual care required (four years) to qualify for the specialty and self-referred demand title test by half. The Saúde na Hora17 program, the first The PMB provides for the hiring of doctors launched by the Ministry of Health under the registered in the country and, after a two-year Bolsonaro government, explains the priority giv- fellowship along the lines of the PMM, a Consol- en to individual care and meeting self-referred idated Labor Laws (CLT) contract brokered by a demand. In this proposal, Primary Care Health private non-profit entity, euphemistically called Centers (UBS) with at least three teams will pro- PHC Development Agency (ADAPS)19. ADAPS vide care for 60 weekly hours, with flexibility and promotes a shift of public management from reduction of the workload of professionals. The PHC to the private sector18,21 in alignment with incentives for Saúde na Hora point to the trans- the proposals for universal health coverage. PHC formation of UBS, in medium-sized and large in the SUS is recognized, even by the World Bank, cities, into emergency care units18. as the most efficient area of the entire Brazilian The caring for acute illness in PHC must health sector22, because most of the primary care undoubtedly be ensured. However, this initia- services are state-owned, offered by the direct tive tends to transform the ESF into a minor public administration. injury unit care, changing its work process and If implemented, the set of propositions with- organization of actions18. Openness to hiring in the PMB19 may represent a return to the social on-duty personnel may compromise PHC attri- security health care model, a path to the privat- butes such as longitudinality and coordination of ization of PHC, space hitherto less marketed in care. Without designing an articulation with the the SUS23. emergency care network, the isolated proposal directs attention to acute demands and disease The scope of actions/ comprehensiveness management, with the monitoring of severe cas- es waiting for transfer. We should also alert the The scope of practices in PHC will un- possibility of team concentration in the central doubtedly be affected by threats to the teams’ areas of the municipalities, losing the capillarity multi-professionality, priority to acute illness of the ESF in the communities. care, and weakening of the community territorial approach. The PHC-derived attributes are struc- Medical work management for PHC turing of a comprehensive PHC model and guide how health care should be developed18. In the The Médicos pelo Brasil Program (PMB)19, Bolsonaro government’s policy, these attributes touted as an innovation, continues the Mais have been disregarded in the various initiatives Médicos Program (PMM), in its axis of providing and programs. professionals in remote and less-favored areas. In 2019, the Ministry of Health released a However, it abandons the component of inter- proposal for a “Portfolio of Primary Health Care vention in medical graduation and expanded res- Services”24, which, due to its centrality in individ- idency positions in FCM – the gold standard for ual medical care, suffered intense criticism from acting under the PHC care model – and the axis researchers and professional associations, includ- aimed at improving the infrastructure of UBS. In ing the National Health Council25. After public this sense, it has a more restricted scope than its consultation, the final version corrected some of predecessor20. the initial distortions, citing all the PHC attri- The omission to other ESF training plans, butes and listing surveillance, health promotion, from undergraduate to postgraduate level, shows and prevention actions, combined with a wide that the reorientation towards medical practice range of individual clinical care. Nevertheless, in PHC will not be encouraged18,21. Maintaining the care model expressed in the portfolio is of the the current FCM Medical Residency programs first level with an emphasis on timely individual will be even more difficult given the training care, denoting a restricted conception of PHC, to proposal provided for in the PMB restricted to a the detriment of a comprehensive approach and specialization course whose tutoring can be exer- the integration of PHC into the health service cised by clinicians, and not family and communi- network26. This imbalance can be illustrated by ty physicians18. It equates this specialization with the almost absence of mention in the portfolio of FCM medical residency title, shortening the time ACS actions and the regionalized network. The
1479 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 25(4):1475-1481, 2020 final version mentions the ACS only once, when Another component of the new financing is stating the need for the active search for puer- the performance that will progressively have a perae, and the integration to the network is only higher weight, according to preliminary simu- cited when mentioning referral and counter-re- lations of the Ministry of Health. Even without ferral mechanisms24. representing additional resources, as was the case It should also be noted that, associated with of the National Program for the Improvement of other initiatives, the portfolio also serves to re- Access and Quality of Primary Care, the new per- cruit private services, an instrument that can be formance proposal will also have great emphasis used to price the scope of PHC practices. on redirecting practices. Besides the possible loss of financial resources, Effects on SUS universality and equity the political option seems to be targeting and se- The new PHC financing model, by replacing lectivity. The new financing undermines SUS con- the fixed Primary Care Baseline (PAB), and the stitutional responsibility for health security and variable one to encourage ESF and NASF teams risk prevention, given that care will be restricted with a weighted capitation payment, calculat- to the “registered” public, compromising collective ed by the number of people registered with the health promotion actions. Considering only the teams, can have drastic effects on the ESF care registered population, in practice, means breaking model. with the universality and equity of the SUS. The fixed PAB allows the implementation of actions provided for in the Municipal Health Plans and more suited to local realities, without Final considerations the common restriction of federal transfers. In the model hitherto in force, the teams’ actions Combining good clinical practice, commitment target the entire population of the territory, and to disease prevention and health promotion, in hundreds of municipalities, they represent the broad access to services, interdisciplinary, mul- only health services available to the population. tiprofessional care, linkage to territories, com- Even if the guidelines of the current PHC munity participation and focus on social deter- policies signal the priority for individual care, the minants are challenges that have always been new financing modalities could mean significant present in the implementation of a new care losses for many overburdened municipalities. Es- model in the SUS, from the perspective of health timates of the Councils of Municipal Health Sec- as a universal right. retariats of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Cosems Breaking with the universality of the SUS, SP27 and Cosems RJ28) for calculating transfers as intended and implemented by the current based on weighted capitation signal huge losses. government based on a supposedly pro-equity In the 12 municipalities of the Baixada Flumin- discourse, is a fallacy. It is a process of “neoselec- ense, for example, it would be necessary to regis- tivity” characterized by the provision of public- ter more than 2 million people by May 2020, with ly funded health actions only to impoverished a monthly loss of six million reais, which will un- population strata, by private or public providers, doubtedly result in a lack of care to the popula- without the perspective of health networks and tion28. On the other hand, Cosems SP27 estimates regions, in line with restrictive fiscal adjustment a loss of 47% of federal resources for PHC in São policies and reduced state intervention. The set Paulo municipalities in 2021. Despite ministerial of social policy reforms, including those in the projections of some increase in funding for PHC health sector, undertaken voraciously and hasti- in 2020, what occurs is a reallocation of resourc- ly by the Bolsonaro government accentuates and es, with evident losses for part of the municipali- crystallizes inequities, and strengthens commer- ties, especially those classified as urban. cialization also in the provision of PHC services.
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