NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor

Page created by Mark Ayala
NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
13 - 15 MAY

call for abstracts

                     proud platinum sponsor
NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
PIA Congress - Adelaide 2020 - Call for Abstracts

    calling all planners

    Planning is key to
    shaping great cities
    and communities,
    yet it is quite often
    labelled as the
    blockage or hold up
    of development, or
    not acknowledged at
    At PIA’s 2020 National
    Planning Congress, we will
    shine the spotlight on how
    vital planning is to creating
    great communities. We
    hope to remind you of why
    you became a planner and
    rightfully claim the positive
    contribution our profession
    makes toward a better world.
    To prepare the best program,
    we are calling on all planning
    rock stars (yes, that’s you) to
    submit an abstract showing
    off how fearless you have
    been in your role as a planner
    to inspire your peers and
    showcase the future of

    Call for abstracts:
    Open: 21 October 2019
    Close: 18 November 2019

NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
Adelaide 2020
about our host city

Adelaide is a city                                   Barossa
bursting with                                         Valley
culture, flavours and
entertainment.                                     50mins

The South Australian capital
is consistently ranked as                 Adelaide
one of the world’s most
liveable cities, renowned for                               30mins
its affordability, accessibility,
friendliness, food and wine,                                   Adelaide
cultural events, natural
surrounds, climate,                         45mins
sustainable infrastructure and
overall quality of life.
Set on Colonel William Light’s
nationally heritage listed                          McLaren
1837 plan, Adelaide is one
of the world’s truly planned
garden cities. It boasts a rich
planning history, a high-tech
future and is leading the nation
in planning system reform,
making it the ideal host for
PIA’s 2020 National Planning
In addition to Congress
formalities, Adelaide offers
delegates a unique world of
experiences. Taste your way
through world-famous wine
regions. Relax by picture-
perfect beaches. Join the
party at one of the city’s many
festivals. Explore thriving
restaurants and bars - all
within minutes of the city!

We look forward
to seeing you in
Adelaide for PIA’s
2020 National
                                    Adelaide Oval Redevelopment, Cox Architecture
Planning Congress.                  Image: Hirokazu Ishino

NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
PIA Congress - Adelaide 2020 - Call for Abstracts

    presentation types

    We have a range of                Dazzling visuals
    presentation formats              mixed with an
    to suit all styles:               engaging delivery
    1. 20 minute presentations
                                      attitude are essential.
       allow ample time to inspire    Inspiration must
       your peers and showcase        be presented with
       your amazing project,
       work or concept.               pizazz.
    2. Research sessions will         Some real rock stars with
       be short 5‐7 minute            impressive abstracts may
       presentations of briefs,       be asked to present during
       bids or ideas to showcase      the plenary session, or be
       as many as possible.           invited to participate in
       Be a bold and succinct         panel discussions. Timing
       presenter and leave the        and format for this will be
       audience wanting more.         discussed on a case by case
    3. Training workshops will
       be limited to 80 people,
       run for 1.5 hours and must
       be outcome focused.
       If you can help planners
       learn a valuable skill or
       ideal for fearless and high-
       quality planning, we want
       to hear from you.

NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
congress themes

PIA has developed                          Any abstract that
four specific themes                       showcases fearless
to guide the program                       leadership, exemplar
for the 2020 National                      projects or the future
Planning Congress in                       of the planning
Adelaide.                                  profession will be
Each theme represents an
                                           strongly considered.
opportunity to showcase the
positive contribution planning
makes to creating better
1. fairness, equity and
2. design quality;
3. the future of planning; and
4. planning research.
Each theme is explored
in greater detail over the
following pages.

Adelaide Convention Centre East Expansion, Woods Bagot
Image: Simon Casson Photography

NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
PIA Congress - Adelaide 2020 - Call for Abstracts

    theme 1
    fairness, equity & access

    Planners, regardless                            Topics aligned to this theme could include:
    of their role, work                             •    Accessibility and Universal   •   Planning for diverse
                                                         Design                            populations
    with people to plan
                                                    •    Planning with respect         •   Planning for inclusive
    communities. Our                                     for Australian Aboriginal         communities
    communities need                                     and Torres Strait Islander    •   Mobility planning
    to be planned for                                    culture – contemporary
                                                         and historical                •   Active travel
    everyone without                                                                   •   Planning for economically
                                                    •    Aging in place
    exclusion.                                                                             resilient communities
                                                    •    Homelessness and
    We encourage proposals                               poverty
    that discuss the important                      •    Inclusive public
    role of planning in creating                         participation and public
    communities that are                                 involvement
    designed to function and be
    accessible and welcoming for
    Abstracts should discuss real
    life projects and examples,
    consider the use of new
    technologies to achieve
    desirable outcomes, or
    present ideas, inspiration or
    innovation toward creating
    inclusive and connected

    North Terrace Cultural Boulevard, Taylor Cullity Lethlean
    Image: Sam Noonan

NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
theme 2
design quality

Design quality not               Topics aligned to this theme could include:
only relates to the              •    Form‐based planning                      •     Place making (incl. identity
                                      (incl. coding and transect                     of place, public art and
‘look and feel’ of                    zoning)                                        engagement)
buildings and places,            •    Processes and levers in                  •     Urban design
but how well they                     planning systems that                    •     New urbanism in a
meet the needs of the                 support good design                            contemporary context
                                      outcomes (such as
people who use and                    Design Review)                           •     Water sensitive urban
experience them.                                                                     design and living
                                 •    Preservation of heritage                       infrastructure
                                      and local character
Good design improves the
overall quality of our towns     •    Design skills for planners
and cities by making them
safer, more sustainable,
accessible, healthier and
responsive to local context.
Set against the push for
national population growth,
good design should respect
existing and desired future
character, while supporting
growth and development,
improving liveability and
achieving public benefit.
PIA stands firm in the belief
                                 Plant 4 Bowden, Ashley Halliday Architects and Arco Architecture & Interior Design
that high-quality design         Image: Sam Noonan
matters – and that it can be
facilitated and encouraged
by example and through
balancing private, government
and community interests.
We invite proposals that seek
to further the understanding
of design quality in planning
and discuss real life projects
and examples, inspiration or
innovation behind how the
profession can improve.

                                 SAHMRI, Woods Bagot
                                 Image: Peter Barnes

NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
PIA Congress - Adelaide 2020 - Call for Abstracts

    theme 3
    the future of planning

    Global megatrends                Topics aligned to this theme could include:
    are predicted to                 •    Changes in form and                      •     Technology and how can
                                          function of communities                        it can help planners create
    have relevance for                                                                   positive outcomes
                                     •    Planning for resilience and
    decades to come,                      climate change                           •     Planning system reform
    fundamentally                    •    Planning for rapid                       •     Future roles of planners
    shaping the role                      urbanisation
                                                                                   •     Sustainable transport
    of government,                   •    Planning as a driver of                  •     Sustainable cities
    policy-formulation,                   change

    decision-making, and             •    Smart cities
    spatial outcomes.
    Built environment
    professionals will have to
    rethink the way we plan
    and design our towns and
    cities, as well as protect and
    better manage our natural
    Planners have the unique
    role and capacity to work at
    all necessary scales, with
    the required long‐term vision
    to add expertise to what
    will be key future-shaping
    discussions and decisions.
                                     Future Street, Place Design Group, AILA, Smart Cities Council Australia/NZ
    We invite proposals that         Image: Future Street

    consider how the planning
    profession leads change
    as the form, function and
    character of communities
    are challenged by rapid
    urbanisation, climate change
    and technological advances
    (to name a few), while
    maintaining focus on people
    and communities.

                                     3D Adelaide: Adelaide’s Living Digital Model
                                     Image: Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (SA)

NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
theme 4
planning research

If we want to really
change the world, we
need to understand
the complexities,
as well as the
possible innovations,
planning theories
and data.
In 2020, we want to showcase
pioneering planning
research and call on planning
academics and researchers
to talk about their current
research topics or put forward
a research idea that needs an
industry partner.
We also call upon practicing
planners to put forward an
issue that research could help
These sessions allow 5‐7
minutes for each presenter to
deliver their brief, bid or idea.

                                    Are the master planned communities, Bowden and Lightsview, socially sustainable
                                    from an urban design perspective?
                                    Images: Ruby Rushforth PIA (Assoc.)

NATIONAL PLANNING CONGRESS 2020 ADELAIDE - call for abstracts 13 - 15 MAY - proud platinum sponsor
PIA Congress - Adelaide 2020 - Call for Abstracts

    how to
    submit your abstract

    If this sounds like a            To ensure the                    We are also happy to
    Congress you want                integrity of the                 take nominations and
    to be involved in,               Congress program                 recommendations
    you must submit                  and guarantee                    from our members.
    your abstract by 18              that it will run as              If reading this document
    November 2019.                   advertised, PIA                  brings a planner or allied
                                     requires all accepted            professional to mind that you
    Submitting your abstract is                                       think should be presenting
    easy:                            presenters to register           at Congress in 2020, please
    1. Develop your concept.         to attend Congress by            send us an email and we may
                                                                      just give them a nudge:
    2. Prepare your abstract in      29 February 2020.
       English of no more than                              
       300 words.                    Any accepted presenters not
                                     registered for Congress by 29
    3. Ensure all author             February 2020 will not have
       information (name,            their abstract included in the
       affiliations and biography)   program.
       are included and spelled
    4. Submit your complete
       abstract electronically
       with all submission
       requirements via PIA’s
       Congress Portal, which
       will be accessible from
       PIA’s website from
       21 October 2019.
    5. Successful presenters will
       be notified of acceptance
       in December 2019.

the fine print &
selection criteria

Abstract guidelines:               Submission                        The PIA Congress
•   Abstracts must be written
                                   requirements:                     Program Committee
    in English.                    •   All submissions must
                                                                     will look for the
•   Abstracts must not be              include:                      following when
    more than 300 words.               --   head and shoulders       assessing abstracts:
•   Titles, references and                  photograph(s)
    author information (name,               for each author/         •   The relevance to the
    affiliation and biographies)            presenter; and               nominated Congress
    are not included in the                                              theme.
                                       --   a biography of no
    word count.                             more than 100 words      •   The introduction of new
•   Abstracts must not                      for each author/             and innovative concepts
    contain bullet points,                  presenter.                   not previously canvassed
    pictures, charts, diagrams                                           or fully explored.
                                   •   To continue to provide a
    or tables (save them for           high quality and engaging     •   The inclusion of
    the presentation).                 program, we recommend             intercultural, cross-cultural
•   Acronyms must be spelled           presenters submit a               and/or multicultural
    out in the first instance.         video showcasing their            considerations.
                                       presentation ability.         •   The potential appeal of
•   Please ensure you
    check the spelling and             Ideally this video should         the abstract to a broad
    grammar thoroughly.                be of you presenting              spectrum of delegates.
    Accepted abstracts will be         at a conference, and/or           The abstract should
    advertised and printed as          you talking about your            outline if it is targeted to a
    they are received.                 submission and what you           specific cohort (e.g. Young
                                       plan to present.                  Planners or DA Planners).
•   Abstracts must be
    submitted via PIA’s                Video files cannot            •   The demonstrated
    Congress Portal, along             be submitted via the              capacity of the abstract
    with all submission                Congress Portal due               to cover the topic within
    requirements.                      to size. Instead, please          the time-frame, and, if for
                                       include a link to the video       a panel, to allow sufficient
                                       hosted on a file sharing          input from all presenters.
                                       platform, e.g. YouTube,       •   The title of the abstract,
                                       Dropbox etc.                      which should convey to
                                       Please note that                  delegates what they can
                                       preference will be given to       expect from the session.
                                       those who submit a video
                                       with their written abstract

Adelaide Oval Redevelopment, Cox Architecture
Image: Hirokazu Ishino
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